#changing goals
cygnetbrown · 5 months
Why Do We Resist Change?
A few days ago, I purchased the book The Twelve Week Year by Brian P Moran and Michael Lennington which demonstrates how anyone can achieve more in twelve weeks than most people do in a year. One of the subjects covered was the reason why we resist change. To understand how we can change our behavior from a twelve-month year to a twelve-week year, we first need to realize why we fight that change…
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phoenixsavant · 6 months
Motivational Monday: Renew your goals
Before writing these posts, I sometimes go back through the titles of previous posts so I don’t repeat myself. I came across this one, from the beginning of the pandemic. Well, it has been a few years and to be perfectly honest, I forgot those goals in the long-covid battle. It’s time to review! At the time I had: Travel to Kentucky and visit my youngest daughter, my son and his family. Maybe…
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possibly-astraeus · 2 months
I should really be more productive
Okay yeah
If this gets, let's sayyyyyy... 2500 notes, I'll post on tumblr not as often, I'll TRY to be more productive, including drawing, cleaning things I need cleaned, take walks more often, sleep earlier, get up earlier on the weekends, etc.
I'll think of more things, and if the goal is reached, I'll list each and every thing that I will try to do.
25 notes per person, please
And I'll realllyyyyyyy try this time I promise
You have until the end of May
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notquiteaghost · 1 year
re: that fucking staff post. obviously death to algorithms, but i also wanna interrogate the wider underlying assumptions of their logic there cuz. is 'success' having lots of followers & lots of popular posts??? why is that the end goal of using this website. i don't open tumblr to get attention from strangers, i open tumblr to read funny jokes and interesting commentary and to see cool art. encouraging clout-chasing will only increase user engagement if you successfully get people literally addicted to the associated dopamine hit. what if we didn't have to do that!!! what if a website could be a place you went to on purpose because you had fun there!!!!
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hugs-and-stabbies · 3 months
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[ parts 4 & 5 ] Over a month later but we're finishing this!! just one more part left :]
[link to part 3]
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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I want it back / I drag its dead weight forward.
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fairycosmos · 20 days
i wish i had a purpose in life and a supportive network of friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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starzzify · 3 months
i saw @secondbutonenothird ‘s thing where she asked what note goal she should and now i want to do one uhhh
100 notes and i’ll start hinting to my mom that im aroace
200 notes and i’ll start trying to learn how to study
300 notes i’ll sing for you guys??
500 notes and i’ll write more
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intotheelliwoods · 10 months
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An experiment~
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sandraharissa · 5 months
Ok, so I know that we still know pretty much nothing about Alastor’s human life, and Rosie’s if she had one, but there’s so many reasons their dynamic is peak. Before I start I’ll once more reiterate that I’m not 100% certain of any of this but-
Alastor and Rosie seem to come from a similar time period. With Alastor living in the early 1900s and probs dying in 1920s or 30s in New Orleans. Rosie and her town seem to be based on ‘Hello, Dolly’ (ep 7 title even alludes to this) which was based in New York in 1890s. So not only would Alastor and Rosie likely never have the chance to meet in life but there’d also be a roughly 20 or more year difference between them. What I’m getting at is that while they’re so perfectly matched they’d never really be able to interact the way they do in hell if they were alive. Like imagine 20 yo Al dancing/gossiping/whatever with a 40-50 yo Rosie, while cute to us they’d probs be considered weird for their friendship, let alone a potential (lavender) marriage.
If Rosie was once a human then I’d imagine just like Alastor her cannibalism in hell would come from her interest in it from when she was alive. So that’d mean in life she’d likely also be a serial killer cannibal, just like Al. This creates a funny situation where they just so happen to be the exact same type of serial killer, meaning they lead very similar lifestyles and only they would actually understand this twisted part about each other.
Then in hell Rosie recreates and manages to maintain the early 1900s look and culture in her turf, but makes it cannibal friendly (lol). In this way kind of creating the perfect corner of hell for herself (and also Alastor).
What I’m getting at is that they’re qp soulmates who can meet and freely interact in an afterlife that’s kinda perfect for them (including the part where they’re allowed to be cruel). Like when ppl say you’ll meet your soulmate in heaven but those two are crazy so for them it’s meeting their perfect soulmate in hell.
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genderfluidlemon · 2 days
note goal thing (again) because im bored asf and I need to look like im doing something
10 notes: I'll eat smth
20 notes: I'll drink smth
50 notes: I'll start posting my art on here !
100 notes: I'll rearrange my entire room for the 5th time this month and post a picture of itbon here
300 notes: I'll stop buying so many guitars- (Im going broke over them lmaooo)
500 notes: I'll come out to my parent!
1000 notes: I'll post a picture of my hair on here (and maybe face :3)
(Idk why I put that here
1500: I'll come out to my entire family (please don't -)
2000 - I'll stop with sh. Like actually stop
And finally
3000 - I'll self (hospitalize? Report? Idk the word in English) to the psych ward
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defectiveferalfreak · 2 years
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i rediscovered @nicktoonsunite and @choraa ‘s art like wowie did they inspire me to dip my toes into NUverse??
also i cant believe Dib and Zim basically waltzed into NU:GoD, like WHATS UP B*TCHS WE  GONNA HELP WHETHER U WANT IT OR NOT like can u believe that lol
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thepersonalquotes · 2 months
Thoughts create emotions, emotions create feelings and feelings create behaviour. So it’s very important that our thoughts are positive, to attract the right people, events and circumstances into our lives.
Avis J. Williams, The Psychic Mind: A Practical Guide to Psychic Development & Spiritual Growth
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haunted-xander · 1 month
One thing I really love about Marcille is that despite her deep fear of outliving her loved ones, she never, never let's it get in the way of her making bonds and getting close to people. She loves deeply and strongly and she doesn't try to supress that! She embraces it wholeheartedly! Her friends are so important to her and she's not ashamed or scared of it!
Actually, out of all the characters, I'd say Marcille is one of the ones who care the most about bonds of friendship. She's angry at Namari for leaving after Falin got eaten and holds that grudge up until Namari helps defeat the Undine (and therefore having 'proven' herself). She's shocked and upset when Chilchuck explains his policy of payment and that he's not really here bc of friendship. She puts a lot of focus on the party being a Group Of Friends rather than a team of hired hands dedicated to the specific role(s) they are paid for. Which of course makes sense since she joined the party to begin with because of her friend! To her, the party has always been 'Falin and her brothers' friend group' rather than a hired party. (A little reminder: Marcille was the most recent member when the story starts. She never met the previous members who left so the team of Laios, Falin, Chilchuck, Namari and 'Shuro' is what she's always known it as.)
When she becomes dungeon lord, the thing that manages to snap her out of the Winged Lions grasp is the earnest care and love her party is showing her. Literally 'power of friendship'ed their way through the Lions hold and gave her her clarity of mind back.
And!!!! At the end of the feast right before they're about to attempt to revive Falin again, she says!!! this!!!!
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She's ready to accept that Falin might not come back, even after everything. The entire story she's been running away from death, from having to outlive her loved ones (in this case: Falin). But here she is, ready to let her stay dead if this last attempt doesn't work.
And it's not giving up. It's realizing that she did all she could, and that it's okay. Because she still got to meet and be friends with Falin. That time with her might be just a speck in the length of life Marcille will have to live still, but it still happened and that's what matters.
It's not about escaping death; it's about cherising the moments before it.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Danse Macabre
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