#char: michele
heartstringsduet · 3 months
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Happy Birthday @lightningboltreader 🥳 You are such a treasure for the fandom. Thank you for your help improving my writing and being such a cute cheerleader in my docs and fics
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vxnusmuses · 1 year
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ANGELINA MICHELLE (@angelin_a_michelle) via INSTAGRAM on MAY 03, 2023.
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Hi, I have aus, now y’all gonna listen. Warning for gore, limb losing, cults, demons, lesbians, petty hate fucking gays, cannibalism, and Billy and Billie being horrible people @schmidtsbf because they seemed to wanted to read this :33
High School AU
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✧ Billy and Billie Parks
✧ Darlene and Derek Danforth
✧ Clapton and Cherry Davis
✧ Josie and Josh Futturman/Woman
✧ Marla and Marv
✧ Toby Mitchell
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✧ So it’s obviously pretty much self explanatory. It’s Jhutch characters plus some of the gender swaps in high school. Yet there’s more to it actually.
✧ The main thing is supposed to be it follows mainly Billy and Billie and about their past connections with a cult and some kinda demon. This demon has so far inhabited Billie’s body and they’ve kept it a pretty good secret till they realize that the demon left her body a long time ago and is now on the loose somewhere in the school.
✧ Now the demon is hopping from body to body through the high school with all the others having no clue. The only indication of the demon being in their body is the sudden insatiable craving for meat. So the siblings trigger a lockdown at the school at hold everyone hostage in the cafeteria to figure out whos the demon.
✧ Issue though is that the demon is constantly hopping from body to body so they end up killing multiple of the students because the demon hopped body at the last minute.
✧ Later on it’s more explained why Billy and his sister had a connection with a cult and why the demon was in Billie’s body in the first place. It’s kinda like a Hereditary situation with Paimon. The twos parents were the previous ones with the demons with their dad having the demon in him but the demon prefers female hosts so the dad had a child with some random woman so they would hopefully have a girl and it could just inhabit her body instead of it being his problem. Yet they ended up having twins instead and the demon accidentally ending up in Billy. And it’s hard to transfer it to another body without killing the current host but there is another way where you can cut off a part of the hosts body and attach it to another body and it will transfer there. So he cut off Billy and Billie’s arms and just swapped them. Causing them to have slightly longer/shorter arms.
✧ But the reason the demon left Billie’s body is because of an accident where she lost a hand and so that made an escape route for the demon so it left and went to the first person they could find that had an opening. That person being Marla for having a broken arm and being female.
✧ Yet part of the demon is still in her. It’s small and doesn’t really affect her yet since she lost just a hand and not the whole arm it’s still partially there.
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✞ In this au Billy is one of the teachers, or more of a teachers assistant. He only signed up to annoy the principal (Derek) and also to keep a closer eye on Billie so the demon stays at bay.
✞ Ever since finding out about the demon and the cult (which neither of them were ever supposed to lean) he’s genuinely considered killing Billie. He never went through with it but he has held it over her head multiple times for blackmail. (Yeah Billy isn’t really a good person here, neither is Billie but Billy is worse)
✞ Is actually the reason Billie lost her (or I guess his) hand. He was sick of having to deal with the demon so he purposely sliced off her hand with a meat grinder and framed it as an accident. Yet he just didn’t know he had to either kill her or get rid of the whole arm.
✞ Hates kids, would rather put a bullet through his head then continue being a teachers assistant. But he knows he has to because Billie still goes to the school. But he has begged her multiple times to just drop out like he did.
✞ Is 26 in this au.
✞ Made Billie kill Derek.
⚠︎︎ Genuinely hates her brother, once she found out losing her hand wasn’t an accident she almost murdered him. And her dad too, she absolutely despises her dad for putting this on her.
⚠︎︎ Only finds solace in school. She often just hides in the vice principals office with Darlene and Josie because they’re the only ones she really likes and trusts. Despite neither of them having a clue about her issue.
⚠︎︎ In return for Billy blackmailing her and cutting off her hand, she cut off one of his arms and ate it, also fed part of it to him. He decided to not fuck with her after that. (Though it was mainly the demon who had her do it, yet Billie still does have an obsession with cannibalism)
⚠︎︎ Is 18 in this au.
⚠︎︎ ︎Killed Derek :))
♬ Is 18 in this au.
♬ Has been friends with Billie since second grade. Till he caught her eating the teacher alive with Billy helping. Ever since then he’s been scared shitless of the two. Billy threatened to shot him if he said anything so he’s kept his lips shut for over 10 years now.
♬ Is cousins with Cherry in this au, Cherry does actually know about the demon without Clapton telling her though. (I’ll explain that more later when I get to her character card ;))
♬ Has been used like a martyr for the siblings in order to keep his mouth shut. Since they’ve been trying to rid of the demon for years they finally decide they can get rid of it in fragments like with how their father swapped their arms. Since Billy got her hand sliced off, she lost a fragment of the demon. So to transfer the fragment she attaches it to Clapton. Yet the hand also had a fragment of Billie’s soul as well so Billie can partially control Claptons body. (Like a Chucky/Nica situation.) They were going to continue with this till they found a different vessel.
☮︎︎ Is 20 in this au.
☮︎︎ Currently has been kidnapped and is being used as a vessel. Basically what they’re doing is they’re going to kill Billie and transfer her non-demon contaminated soul into Cherrys body who their also going to kill in order for her to just have Billie’s soul and not both of them.
☮︎︎ And that was going well yet Cherry was able to get out before they could kill her so the exact opposite happened, and now she has her soul contaminated by fragments of Billie’s. So now Billie has worsened and she’s lost so many fragments of her original soul that the demon is mainly taking over so they’ll need to find a new host for her soon.
☮︎︎ Meanwhile Cherry escaped out to Clapton and she quickly learns that he also has fragments of the demon in him. So she chops off his hand to neutralize it and it works despite it still having the tiniest amount of control.
☮︎︎ But it’s eventually spit out of Claptons body soon when Billy finds where Cherry escaped to and they kill Claptons since no demon in him = no use for him anymore. Yet they do keep a hold of his body in case he does need another puppet for Billie. Which he of course does eventually does need so he transfers her soul to Claptons body. Soon after everything goes back to relatively normal with Billie pretending to be Clapton and Cherry escaped.
☘︎︎ Is 32 in this au.
☘︎︎ Lightly referenced to that he was in a past relationship with Billy.
☘︎︎ Is the principal of the school.
☘︎︎ Has been in on the whole thing with the siblings since the beginning. He was also involved in the cult and used to be a previous host. (in this au its also implied he’s trans) The second he learned there was a new host after 28 years of him being dormant and that the host was in his very school he lost his shit. And the second he found out it’s Billy’s fault he lost it completely.
︎ ☘︎︎ He threatened Billy that if he doesn’t remove himself and his sister from the school immediately he’s going to kill both of them. Billy didn’t because he actually wants Billie dead. Derek was surprised at Billy’s heartlessness on how he was just so open to leaving his unwilling sister for dead so instead he was the one who put the idea of cutting her hand off to neutralize the demon. Yet we all already know that didn’t work.
☘︎︎ Derek had to lean that the hard way though when Billy sticked Billie onto him.
🜲 Is the vice principal for the high school, terrible at her job though.
🜲 Billie and Josie are her favorite students, it’s the main reason she lets them in her office.
🜲 Was also involved with the cult because of Derek being the host till he was 28. She was supposed to be the next host but she wasn’t really into the whole cult thing so she left before they could transfer her soul.
🜲 Until Derek told her about Billie and she, like Derek, was not happy about this. Yet she let Derek handle it and we already know how that ended.
🜲 After Billie killed her brother she didn’t do anything about it. She actually helped cover up the murder. Because she knows this demon because of the experience she’s had with it when Derek was being used as the vessel. So because of that she decided to not fuck with it.
🜲 So she leaves them alone up until the Cherry situation because Billie is dead and just lost a female host so they go to Darlene and she (reluctantly) agrees.
🜲 She is 33 in this au.
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- Billy and Billie are born and their arms are swapped so Billie gets possessed by the demon
- Billy blackmails the demon in Billie’s body
- Billie and the demon get pissed and eat Billy’s arm
- Clapton finds out about the cult
- Billie goes to high school
- Derek finds out about the cult and that it came back
- Billy chops of Billie’s hand
- Billie kills Derek
- Darlene helps the siblings dispose the body and cover it up
- Darlene becomes the principal
- They attach Billie’s hand to Clapton and a fragment of her soul and the demon are transferred into his body
- The siblings kidnap Cherry
- Billie dies
- They prepare the transfer but Cherry escapes and flees to Claptons with fragments of Billie’s soul contaminating her soul
- Billy finds Cherry and kills Clapton and Cherry escapes
- Billy uses Claptons body as a vessel for Billie’s soul
- Billie pretends to be Clapton for the next two years
- Eventually Claptons body grows too week for Billie to inhabit anymore so they use Darlene’s instead
- Cherry returns with the reanimated corpse of Clapton
- The demon fully leaves Billie’s/Darlenes body and goes to Marlas
- The siblings find out about this and get the school on lockdown to shut Cherry and Clapton out and so they can detect the demon
- They find the demon in Marla and kill her but the demon quickly hops to the next available body
- The demon goes to Toby
- Toby gets killed
- Cherry and Clapton finally break in as well as the reanimated corpse of Billie
- Billie’s fucking pissed that all this happened and that Billy didn’t just kill her once they found out about the demon
- Billie kills Darlene’s body and reabsorbes her soul which is pure and has no one else’s soul in it or the demons
- The demon completely disappears
- Billie kills Billy
- And Cherry, Clapton, and Billie get out and completely disappear off the map
And that’s all I have for this au. Bye now ✌️
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 11 months
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marjcrie · 1 year
CIÚMES: como é seu muse quando está com ciúmes? ele fica facilmente? + michelle
Por mais que ela nunca admita, Michelle é realmente bastante ciumenta. Quando mais nova sua forma de lidar era realmente mandar várias indiretas e provocações. Atualmente, tende a ficar mais calada, se focando até nos menores indícios de interesse e atenção que outras mulheres tenham com Nathaniel. Ainda assim, tende a ficar mais reativa e querer ficar mais sozinha, segundo ela ainda são resquícios dos hormônios da gravidez.
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cieloclercs · 1 year
what would you say (if i told you i love you)? — charles leclerc
PART: 2/? (read part 1 here)
summary. in which childhood best friends blur the lines between what they’ve always known, and something more
warnings. swearing, reader and charles cuteness but also obliviousness again, mentions of f*rerrai, arthur and joris being sarcastic bc they’re also sick of charles and y/n being oblivious
pairings. charles leclerc x artsy!reader
face claim. tara michelle
author’s note. took a few creative liberties with this one in terms of the auction (especially the price, i have no idea what modern art sells for) but we’re going to overlook that ☺️
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pierregasly 😉 joris_trouche simp behaviour ↳ charles_leclerc tais toi / shut up arthur_leclerc so that’s where you were this morning! 😃 yourusername thank you for taking me 😊 c’était parfait / it was perfect ↳ charles_leclerc any time :)
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liked by leclerc_pascale and 38,163 others
y/nsart study: reflection & refraction. inspired by a morning swim on monaco beach (which charles woke me up at 4am for 🙄)
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charles_leclerc you loved it really 😉
y/nsart 🙃
charles_leclerc your talent never ceases to amaze me, chérie
y/nsart thank you char 🥰
leclerc_pascale Vraiment magnifique! / truly magnificent
y/nsart ❤️
username i’m speechless. imagine being this talented
username telling my kids this is da vinci
arthur_leclerc i swear you only went last week?? how long did it take you to paint these?
y/nsart they’re only small so not that long!
charles_leclerc she’s barely left her apartment all week because she’s been painting 😑
y/nsart don’t expose me 😔
charles_leclerc now that you’ve finally finished… movie night? 🙂
y/nsart omw
username have you ever thought about selling some of your paintings? because i’d pay definitely pay for these 😍
y/nsart i’ve never really considered it, but maybe in the future!
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joris_trouche looks very friendly 😁👍 ↳ arthur_leclerc 😂😂 charles_leclerc arthur… delete this 🙄 yourusername neither are you mate x ↳ arthur_leclerc it’s disney of course i’m not ↳ yourusername not the disney slander 🥲 leclerc_pascale Très mignon! / very cute ↳ arthur_leclerc n’est-ce pas ☺️ / aren’t they just
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liked by leclerc_pascale and 48,968 others
y/nsart i’m so excited to announce that four of my paintings from the ‘flow’ exhibition will be going on sale at monaco fine art auction next week! thank you so much to everyone who’s supported me and my art in the past few months. it means the world to me 🩵
if you’re interested in bidding for any of these paintings, don’t hesitate to stop by monte carlo sales hall between 12 and 2:30pm! hopefully i’ll see you guys there 🌊
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username i wish i had the money to buy these 🥲 but i’m broke lols x
username the one on the third slide looks so real omg
charles_leclerc i’ll be there 🫡
y/nsart you say that like you have a choice 😭 i need you there for moral support
charles_leclerc whatever you want, chérie x
username charles stop simping on main challenge
leclerc_pascale Je suis si fière de toi, ma fille ❤️ / so proud of you, my girl
y/nsart je n'ai encore rien vendu, ne parlez pas trop vite 😭 / i haven’t sold anything yet, don’t speak too soon
leclerc_pascale Vous le ferez 😊 / you will
username so excited!!
username oh my god these are beautiful 😍
username you’re so talented 💗 did you study art at university?
y/nsart yes! i studied at the sorbonne in paris :)
username your art style is incredible! i’ve been painting for 3 years but i still can’t quite capture this kind of realism like you 🥲
y/nsart oh trust me it’s taken a long time to perfect 😅 keep going and discovering your own unique art style! i promise it will all come together sooner than you think 💕
username oh my gosh thank you so much 🥹
username i bet charles is sobbing rn because he knows he can never bag a talented queen like y/n 🙄
username so true bestie
username he’s just a simp for her like the rest of us 😔
username the way she’s drop dead gorgeous, an artistic genius, and like the nicest person in the entire world 🤩🤩 bitches wish they were y/n
username ‘bitches’ aka me
arthur_leclerc alright maybe you’re not so bad at this painting stuff 🙄
y/nsart THANK YOU arthur
username is he only just realising this now? 😭
y/nsart he’s still convinced he’s better than me (the only thing he can draw is a 2 dimensional car)
arthur_leclerc did you really have to expose me like that 😃
username PLEASE 😭
username i remember when charles first got into f1 and people used to say y/n only got so much attention for her art because she was friends with him. this is the biggest fuck you to those so called ‘fans’ who hated on her and i am LIVING FOR IT
*charles_leclerc and y/nsart liked this comment
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➜ part 3
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marsoid · 1 year
About that genderbend thing— I personally only genderbend canonically cis characters, it feels weird with cannon trans characters?
But also. Im trans and kinda indifferent to the whole thing lol
YEAH i think that makes perfect sense. i think they're fun as a concept but there’s always caveats right. If someone gbent a trans character to be cis… yeah that would not be cool LMAO. I also don't like when the character's personality is changed to fit a stereotype
A lot of ppl bring up the fact that you could just make a character trans instead of gbending, which tbh yeah totally?? I think it'd be just as fun to explore what a cis character would be like if they were trans as it would be to do a traditional gbend
But also I am an OC loving bitch so my interest in gbends p much only applies to my own OCs as aus... I used to draw my chars as diff genders (remember Michelle and Joan LOL) but I stopped bc I thought the general consensus was that ppl didn't like gbends and I got scared I'd be upsetting anyone
And then I realized that ...... They were prob referring to canon fandom characters and would not give a shit if some dumbass drew their own OC as a diff gender LMFAO MY DELUSIONAL ANXIETY.....
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greydepa · 9 months
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I had thought the commission of Depa Billaba being rescued by Captain Grey done by artist Michelle De Sousa was completed. Boy was I wrong. I thought the flat colors was the completed commission. But she still had the battle background and Grey charred armor and Depa burnt robes just made this a more outstanding commission.
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eloquentlytired · 30 days
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hi everyone 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 REQUESTS OPEN!
I’m Daphne & I'm a 23 year old writer that's still obsessed with disney and pink ( you'll never catch me NOT liking those ). I'm looking for fellow writers to befriend and receive advice from.
I'm actually new to this app but I hope I will adjust nicely!
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𐙚˙⋆. my fandoms (constantly updating) 𐙚˙⋆.
*whatever is marked with √ means that I write about it! you can go to my ask page and request anything w chars from those marked films/series.
lotr √
the hobbit √
hotd √
the witcher √
call of duty √
slasher chars ( ghostface—michael myers—jason ) √
the maze runner √
marvel √
harry potter √
narnia √
dc ���
winx club
scooby doo
monster high
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𐙚˙⋆. fav actors 𐙚˙⋆.
henry cavill — andrew garfield — lee pace — luke evans — christian coulson — tom hughes — tom hiddleston — ewan mitchell — ben barnes— alan rickman — richard armitage — aaron t. johnson — chris evans — alan ritchson — sebastian stan — matt smith
𐙚˙⋆. fav actresses 𐙚˙⋆.
natalie portman — cate blanchett — keira knightley — mia goth — ana de armas — anne hathaway — michelle pfeiffer — uma thurman — margot robbie — angela bassett
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𐙚˙ rules 𐙚˙
mdni ! my content isn't safe for minors so if you're under the age of 18 please do not add me AND I will not add blogs which have no age indication.
english isn't my first language so I will not be perfect with writing it. regardless I love advice and I welcome it wholeheartedly!
always read my fic warnings in case something triggers you or is to your dislike otherwise I'm not responsible if you ignore this advice. most content here is created for me to cope!
you r forced to chat with me and yap 🤭 I'm only joking but I do love a conversation. Kisses to all of you!
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𐙚˙⋆. masterlist (on hold) 𐙚˙⋆.
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toskarin · 8 months
I think one of the funniest pieces of The Origin canon is definitely that Char (not that one) had parents with extremely normal names. Roger and Michelle Aznable were just out there
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heartstringsduet · 7 months
New Let Me chapter coming later today 😭 do not look at when I posted the last one 😂
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niceinchnails · 3 months
Hello Iso,
I can't seem to fall asleep latley, and I was wondering, you know, if you would tell me a bedtime story.
Good Night.
I know a little something that goes like this
Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and the gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.
[A planet opens up and a huge gorilla starts throwing barrels at the spaceship. It dodges a few but one hits it and it explodes. The gorilla thumps its chest and "Game Over" flashes on the screen. The spaceship and gorilla isn't real and Fry is playing an arcade game called "Monkey Fracas Jr". He wears a red jacket and has orange hair with two distinct forks at the front. A boy stands next to him. The game is against the wall of a pizzeria called Panucci's Pizza.] (00:20)Fry: And that's how you play the game!
(00:22)Boy: You stink, loser!
[Panucci, a middle-aged balding man wearing a vest, leans over the counter with a pizza box.] (00:24)Panucci: Hey, Fry. Pizza goin' out! C'mon!!
[Fry sighs, takes the pizza from him and walks out.] [Scene: New York City Street. Fry cycles past people outside O'Grady's Pub enjoying their New Millennium Eve. A cab pulls up and he sees his girlfriend inside.] (00:38)Fry: Michelle, baby! Where you going?
(00:41)Michelle: It's not working out, Fry. [Next to her is a guy with his arm around her. The cab pulls away.] [shouting; from cab] I put your stuff out on the sidewalk!
[Time Lapse. Fry is still on his bike getting more and more depressed.] (00:46)Fry: I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life.
[Cut to: Outside Applied Cryogenics. He stops outside a building and locks up his bike. A man sneaks up behind him, cuts the chain and steals his bike.] (00:58)Bike Thief: Happy new year!
[Scene: Applied Cryogenics Corridor. Fry steps out of the elevator on the 64th floor. He knocks on a door marked "Applied Cryogenics". A sign underneath indicates "No Power Failures Since 199[7]". There is no response at the door and Fry goes in.] [Cut to: Applied Cryogenics: Freezer Room. The room is empty and there are no lights on. Strange pods about 6ft tall line one of the walls. There are a few other machines around the room and a desk and a chair in the middle of the room. Fry wipes some condensation from a window on one of the pods, revealing the face of an inanimate man inside. He turns around.] (01:17)Fry: Hello? Pizza delivery for, uh … [He reads the delivery note.] … Icy Wiener? Aw, crud! I always thought at this point in my life I'd be the one making the crank calls! [He sits down on the chair, puts his feet on the desk and opens a can of beer.] Here's to another lousy millennium.
[He unenthusiastically raises his hand and toasts.] [Cut to: Times Square. Crowds have gathered for the countdown. "10" appears on a huge screen.] (01:36)Crowd: [chanting] Ten!
[Cut to: Paris. A screen on the Eiffel Tower displays "9".] (01:37)Crowd: [chanting] Neuf!
[Cut to: Vatican City. The Pope holds up a sign with "VIII" on it.] (01:38)Crowd: [chanting] Otto!
[Cut to: Egypt. Egyptians crowd around the pyramids.] (01:39)Crowd: [chanting] Saba!
[Cut to: Athens. People are gathered around the Parthenon.] (01:40)Crowd: [chanting] Eksi!
[Cut to: Great Wall Of China.] (01:41)Crowd: [chanting] Wu!
[Cut to: Taj Mahal.] (01:43)Crowd: [chanting] Char!
[Cut to: African Village.] (01:44)Crowd: [chanting] Thathu!
[Cut to: Tokyo. A screen displays "2".] (01:45)Crowd: [chanting] Nee!
[Scene: From space the whole planet sees in the new millennium.] (01:46)Crowd: [chanting] One!
[Cut to: Applied Cryogenics: Freezer Room. Fry unenthusiastically blows a noise maker and starts losing his balance on the chair. It tips back. Fry waves his arms around trying to regain his balance. As he falls he doesn't see the shadow of a small creature under the desk. The chair tips back and Fry falls off it and rolls backwards into cryogenic freezer number 40. The dial on the machine automatically sets itself for 1000 years.] (01:55)Fry: What the--?
[He looks around and screams. In a flash he is frozen in time.] [Time Lapse. Days and nights and eventually years pass à la The Time Machine as he stays locked in the freezer. Civilisation is destroyed by aliens twice until eventually huge buildings spring up around Applied Cryogenics. The timer stops 1000 years later and the door opens. Fry is unfrozen. Initially disorientated, he stumbles around and notices something to his right. He presses his face against a large window and stares in awe.] (02:46)Fry: My God! It's the future. My parents, my co-workers, my girlfriend; I'll never see any of them again. Yahoo!
[Opening Credits. Caption: In Color.] [Scene: Applied Cryogenics: Freezer Room. Fry continues looking out of the window. The door opens and two shadows walk in.] (03:32)Terry: [melodramatically] Welcome to the world of tomorrow!
[The other shadow turns on the light. They are lab technicians both wearing white lab coats. The dramatic one, Terry, is a blonde Caucasian with large glasses. The other, Lou, is a black-haired Asian.] (03:36)Lou: Why do you always have to say it that way?
(03:38)Terry: Haven't you ever heard of a little thing called showmanship? [He turns to Fry.] [dramatically] Come, your destiny awaits!
[Scene: Applied Cryogenics Corridor. The technicians leave Fry outside the Fate Assignment Officer's office.] (03:47)Lou: Have a nice future.
[The door slides open.] (03:50)Fry: Cool! Just like in Star Trek! [The door closes on his head.] Ow!
[Cut to: Applied Cryogenics: Fate Assignment Officer's Office. A woman wearing a black uniform stands with her back to Fry looking at a clipboard. She has purple hair held up in a ponytail.] (03:53)Leela: Good afternoon, sir. [Fry is impressed with what he sees. Leela turns around. She has one huge eye in the middle of her face. Fry screams.] Name?
(03:59)Fry: Uh, Fry.
(04:01)Leela: I'm Leela. Now, it's New Year's Eve so I'd like to decide your fate quickly and get out of here.
(04:05)Fry: Can I ask you a question?
(04:07)Leela: As long as it's not about my eye.
(04:09)Fry: Uh…
(04:10)Leela: Is it about my eye?
(04:11)Fry: Sort of.
[Leela sighs.] (04:13)Leela: Just ask the question.
(04:15)Fry: What's with the eye?
(04:16)Leela: I'm an alien, alright? Now let's drop the subject.
(04:19)Fry: Cool, an alien! Has your race taken over the Earth?
(04:22)Leela: No, I just work here.
[Fry looks out the window. A passing blimp displays "Happy New Year 3000". Leela follows his gaze.] (04:27)Fry: Wait a minute! Is that blimp accurate?
(04:30)Leela: Yep. It's December 31st, 2999.
(04:33)Fry: My God! A million years!
(04:37)Leela: I'm sure this must be very upsetting for you.
(04:39)Fry: Y'know, I guess it should be but, actually, I'm glad. I had nothing to live for in my old life. I was broke, I had a humiliating job and I was beginning to suspect my girlfriend might be cheating on me.
(04:52)Leela: Well, at least here you'll be treated with dignity. Now strip naked and get on the probulator.
[Scene: Applied Cryogenics: Probulator Room. Fry lies on a metal table surrounded by probing equipment. Leela puts a single-lensed goggle on and presses a button. Fry squeaks.] [Time Lapse. Leela tears off a printout and reads it while Fry starts to get dressed.] (05:06)Leela: Interesting. Your DNA test shows one living relative. He's your great-great-great-great-great-great-great…
[Time Lapse. Fry is now fully dressed.] (05:12)Leela: …great-great-great-great-great nephew.
(05:14)Fry: That's great! What's the little guy's name?
(05:16)Leela: Professor Hubert Farnsworth.
[She turns the page over to show Fry the photo. Farnsworth is an old bald man who wears thick glasses.] (05:19)Fry: Eurgh!
[Scene: Applied Cryogenics: Fate Assignment Officer's Office. Leela types something on a computer.] (05:21)Fry: Y'know, I'm the luckiest guy in the whole future. I've been given a second chance and this time I'm not going to be a total loser. [A buzzer buzzes.] What's that?
(05:30)Leela: Your permanent career assignment.
[She turns the screen around to show him his career. "Career: Delivery Boy" is displayed on the screen.] (05:33)Fry: Delivery boy? No! Not again! Please! Anything else!
[He grabs Leela's hand.] (05:37)Leela: Take your hands off me! You've been assigned the job you're best at just like everyone else.
(05:41)Fry: What if I refuse?
(05:43)Leela: Then you'll be fired--
(05:44)Fry: Fine!
(05:45)Leela: Out of a cannon into the Sun!
(05:47)Fry: But I don't like being a delivery boy.
(05:49)Leela: Well that's tough! Lots of people don't like their jobs but we do them anyway. [She points at a poster of a man wearing a hardhat with the caption "You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do".] You gotta do what you gotta do. Now hold out your hand. I'm gonna implant your career chip. It'll permanently label you as a delivery boy.
[She picks up an implant gun. It has two huge spikes on the end.] (06:03)Fry: Keep that thing away from me!
[He gets up and runs out of the room.] [Cut to: Applied Cryogenics Corridor. He runs from the office.] [Cut to: Applied Cryogenics: Freezer Room. Leela runs in after Fry and he dodges the implant gun.] (06:11)Leela: Hold still, dammit. I don't have good depth perception! [She jumps at Fry, misses, and falls into a cryogenic freezer. It sets itself for 1000 years.] You've got until the count of five to let me out of here. One--
[In a flash she is frozen.] (06:25)Fry: See you in a thousand years! [He starts to walk out but hesitates. He walks back and changes the freeze time to five minutes.] You owe me one.
[Scene: New New York City Street. Fry runs out of the building and looks in awe at the sights around him.] (06:48)Fry: Whoa!
[Spaceships take off, there are traffic jams in the sky and billboards advertising Bachelor Chow. A couple walk past him nearly naked except for some strategically-placed black bars. He looks up and sees people flying through a green tube overhead. He walks around a corner and finds an entrance to the tube. A pedestrian steps in.] [original airing] Man #1: JFK Jr. Airport.
[subsequent airings] (07:07)Man #1: Radio City Mutant Hall.
[The man is sucked up into the tube.] (07:10)Fry: Cool! [He steps into the tube.] Um. Cross Town Express?
[The tube sucks him up and he screams as he flies through it. People look up from the street and stare at him. He is taken across the city, past the Statue of Liberty, underwater and finally out the other end smack into a building. A man looks up from his newspaper.] (07:38)Man #2: Pft! Tourist!
[Time Lapse. A hover-car flies over a line of traffic on the road and a police car chases it. Fry walks around a corner and sees a line of people outside a small grey booth.] (07:45)Fry: Hey! A phone booth! I can call my nephew. [An impatient robot joins the queue behind him. It is more or less human-shaped, grey, with an antenna on top of its head.] Wow! A real live robot! Or is that some kind of cheesy New Year's costume?
(07:57)Bender: Bite my shiny metal ass.
[Fry looks around at the robot's ass.] (07:59)Fry: It doesn't look so shiny to me.
(08:01)Bender: Shinier than yours, meatbag!
[Fry steps into the booth, overlooking the sign on the side that says "Suicide Booth".] [Cut to: Suicide Booth. Fry presses a button and nothing happens. The robot steps in behind him.] (08:21)Bender: Listen, buddy, I'm in a hurry here. Let's try for a two-fer!
[He puts a coin on a string in the slot then pulls it out again and chuckles. A pleasant woman's voice speaks.] (08:28)Booth Voice: Please select mode of death: "Quick and Painless" or "Slow and Horrible".
(08:34)Fry: Yeah, I'd like to place a collect call.
(08:36)Booth Voice: You have selected: "Slow and Horrible".
(08:39)Bender: Great choice! [Knives, tasers and Jacob's Ladders come out from behind a hatch.] Bring it on, baby!
[Fry screams.] [Time Lapse. The robot is getting impatient.] (08:50)Bender: C'mon, c'mon! Kill me already! By the way, my name's Bender!
[He holds out his hand.] (08:55)Fry: Help! What's happening?
[The sharp objects move forward. Fry pushes Bender to the side of the booth. The sharp things stab and twist at the air and finally return to behind the hatch.] (09:02)Booth Voice: You are now dead. Thank you for using Stop-N-Drop, America's favourite suicide booth since 2008.
[Cut to: New New York City Street. Fry runs out, gasping.] (09:10)Bender: Lousy, stinking rip-off! [He kicks the booth.] Well, I didn't have anything else planned for today. Let's go get drunk!
[Scene: Applied Cryogenics: Freezer Room. The timer on Leela's chamber runs out. The door opens and she defrosts.] (09:22)Leela: Two, three-- Hey!
(09:25)Terry: [melodramatically] Welcome to the world of tomorrow!
(09:28)Leela: Shut up, Terry.
[Scene: Applied Cryogenics: Ipgee's Office. Leela's boss sits behind a large desk and she stands in front of it.] (09:30)Ipgee: This is unacceptable, Leela. You must find this Mr. Fry and install his chip.
(09:35)Leela: Look, he's just a nobody who doesn't want to be a delivery boy. I'd really rather not force it on him.
(09:40)Ipgee: Well that's your job, whether you like it or not. And it's my job to make you do your job whether I like it or not, which I do, very much! Now get to work! [Leela leaves. He puts his feet up on the desk.] Life is good!
[Scene: O'Zorgnax's Pub. Fry and Bender sit at the bar. Bender drinks a bottle of Olde Fortran malt liquor.] (10:02)Fry: Why would a robot need to drink?
(10:04)Bender: I don't need to drink, I can quit anytime I want! [He belches fire.] So they made you a delivery boy, huh? Man, that's as bad as my job.
(10:14)Fry: Really? What do you do, Bender?
(10:16)Bender: I'm a bender. I bend girders, that's all I'm programmed to do.
(10:19)Fry: You any good at it?
(10:21)Bender: You kidding? I was a star! I could bend a girder to any angle: 30 degrees, 32 degrees, you name it! [unsure] 31. [normal] But I couldn't go on living once I found out what the girders were for.
(10:35)Fry: What?
(10:36)Bender: Suicide booths! [He finishes his drink and swallows the bottle.] Well, Fry, it was a pleasure meeting you. I'm gonna go kill myself.
[He gets up.] (10:43)Fry: Wait! You're the only friend I have!
(10:46)Bender: You really want a robot for a friend?
(10:49)Fry: Yeah, ever since I was six.
(10:51)Bender: Well, OK. But I don't want people thinking we're robo-sexuals. So, if anyone asks, you're my debugger.
[Fry looks out the window and sees Leela.] (10:59)Fry: Oh, no, it's the Cyclops! [He crouches down behind Bender.] Don't look! Don't look!
(11:03)Bender: I'm not looking!
[His eyes zoom in to Leela.] [Cut to: Outside O'Zorgnax's Pub. Leela shows Fry's photo to a man. The man points to him inside the pub. Fry and Bender run off. Leela talks into her wrist communicator.] (11:11)Leela: This is officer 1B-DI requesting back-up.
[The cops, Smitty the human and URL the robot, are standing right behind Leela. Smitty replies in his wrist communicator.] (11:15)Smitty: We'll be there in five minutes.
[Scene: Outside the Head Museum. Bender stops Fry outside the building.] (11:20)Bender: We can hide in here. It's free on Tuesdays!
[He runs up the steps dragging Fry behind him.] [Cut to: Head Museum. Hundreds of heads in jars are stacked on shelves. Leonard Nimoy's head in a jar is on a platform in the middle of one of the rooms.] (11:29)Nimoy: Welcome to the Head Museum. I'm Leonard Nimoy.
(11:33)Fry: Spock? Hey! Hey… Do the thing!
[He does the Vulcan salute from Star Trek. Nimoy chuckles.] (11:36)Nimoy: I don't do that anymore.
(11:38)Fry: This is unbelievable! What do you heads do all day?
(11:42)Nimoy: We share our wisdom with those who seek it. It's a life of quiet dignity.
[Enter a woman.] (11:47)Woman: Feeding time!
[She shakes a box of what looks like fish food over the jar. Nimoy eats what comes out.] [The door opens and Fry turns around. Enter Leela, Smitty and URL.] (11:58)Leela: Hmm. [She looks around and sees Fry and Bender hiding behind a shelf in amongst other assorted heads.] I'm sorry, Fry, but I have to install your career chip.
(12:10)Fry: Yeah, well, if you're sorry why are you doing it?
(12:12)Leela: It's my job. You gotta do what you gotta do! [Fry backs away and hits a shelf with the heads of US presidents on it.] Watch it!
[Richard Nixon's head falls off. The jar smashes.] (12:22)Nixon: That's it! You just made my list!
[He jumps up and starts biting Fry's arm.] (12:26)Fry: Ow! Stop it! Down, boy! Bad president!
[Bender tries to pull Nixon's head off.] (12:29)Smitty: Alright, buddy, step away from the head!
[Fry and Bender put their hands up.] (12:34)URL: I'm gonna get 24th century on his ass!
[They turn on their lightsabers and start to hit Fry.] (12:41)Leela: Please, officers, there's no need to use force.
(12:45)URL: Let us handle this, weird-y.
[He hits Bender.] (12:49)Leela: Oh, come on, he's just a poor kid from the Stupid Ages.
(12:53)Smitty: Keep your big nose out of this, eyeball!
(12:56)Leela: No-one makes fun of my nose.
[She kicks Smitty and URL. Fry and Bender run off and hide in a room.] (13:09)URL: Damn!
(13:10)Leela: You guys were totally out of control.
(13:12)Smitty: It's our job. We're peace officers.
(13:15)URL: Yeah, you know the law: You gotta do what you gotta do.
[Leela considers this.] [Scene: Head Museum: Hall of Criminals. Bender locks the door.] (13:22)Bender: Oh, we're trapped!
[Fry looks to the end of the room. There is a window with bars across it.] (13:27)Fry: Wait a second. You're a bender, right? We can get out of here if you just bend the bars.
(13:32)Bender: Dream on, skin tube. I'm only programmed to bend for constructive purposes. What do I look like, a de-bender?
(13:38)Fry: Who cares what you're programmed for. If someone programmed you to jump off a bridge would you do it?
(13:43)Bender: I'll have to check my program … yep.
(13:46)Leela: [from outside] Open up!
(13:48)Fry: C'mon, Bender! It's up to you to make your own decisions in life. That's what separates people and robots from animals … and animal robots.
(13:56)Bender: You're full of crap, Fry! [He turns and a dangling wire catches on his antenna and electrocutes him.] You make a persuasive argument, Fry.
[He starts to bend the bars.] (14:09)Fry: Come on, Bender! You can do it.
(14:11)Bender: Can't … I … can't … do … it!
[The bars bend and break off completely.] (14:16)Fry: Yes!
(14:18)Bender: You were right, Fry! From now on I'm going to bend what I want, when I want, who I want! I'm unstoppable!
[His arms fall off but he manages to somehow reattach them without any help.] (14:36)Fry: I don't know how you did that.
[Leela kicks the door open. Fry and Bender dive out through the window.] [Cut to: Outside Head Museum. Fry runs off and Bender bends the bars back so Leela can't climb through. He runs after Fry and Leela reaches out through the bars.] (14:44)Leela: Wait!
(14:45)Bender: [shouting] No, thanks.
[Cut to: Alley. Fry and Bender stop at a dead end. There is a drain below them with a grate over the top.] (14:51)Bender: Looks like one of us will have to bend this grate.
[He flexes his fingers but Fry just lifts it. Bender groans and they climb down the ladder. He reaches back up to the grate and bends it just for the hell of it. He chuckles and follows Fry.] [Scene: Ruins of Old New York. Fry and Bender step off the ladder and look over the vast ruins of the city that looks like the city from Beneath The Planet Of The Apes. Collapsed buildings and rubble litter the streets and holes in the roof let in a few shafts of light.] (15:05)Fry: Good Lord! What is this?
(15:08)Bender: It's the decaying ruins of Old New York. Welcome home, pal!
[Time Lapse. Fry and Bender walk down a ruined street.] (15:15)Fry: It's my old neighbourhood. Man, this brings back a lot of memories.
(15:20)Bender: Keep 'em to yourself, Pops!
[Cut to: Ruins of Rockefeller Center Skating Rink. Fry leans over a wall.] (15:23)Fry: This is where I brought my girlfriend on our very first date.
[Flashback. Fry skates with Michelle on the crowded ice.] [Flashback ends. The ice is gone, replaced with murky green waters inhabited by a green tentacled creature.] (15:35)Fry: My God! She's gone. Everyone I ever knew or cared about is gone.
(15:40)Bender: Wait! There's someone you know!
[He points at Leela, standing with her implant gun.] (15:43)Fry: Oh, can't you leave me alone? I'm miserable enough already.
(15:47)Leela: Look, I know it's not much consolation but I understand how you feel.
(15:52)Fry: No, you don't. I've got no home, no family--
(15:55)Bender: No friends.
(15:56)Fry: My whole world is gone. You can't possibly understand what it feels like to be so alone.
(16:02)Leela: I understand. I'm the only one-eyed alien on this whole planet. My parents abandoned me here as a baby and I don't even know what galaxy they were from. I know how it feels to be alone.
(16:17)Fry: Look, Leela, I don't understand this world but you obviously do, so I give up. If you really think I should be a delivery boy, I'll do it. [He holds out his hand to Leela. She gets the implant gun ready. Fry cringes and looks away. The gun clicks but Fry feels nothing. He opens his eyes and sees Leela drop her own chip on the floor.] Your chip. What are you doing?
(16:37)Leela: Quitting.
(16:38)Fry: Why?
(16:39)Leela: Because I've always wanted to. I just never realised it before I met you.
[She puts her hand on his and smiles. Bender puts his hand on top.] (16:48)Fry: What is the matter with you?
[Bender quickly takes his hand off.] (16:51)Bender: I just wanted to be part of the moment.
(16:53)Leela: Hey! He stole my ring!
(16:55)Bender: Sorry. [He hands Leela's ring back.] Well, that solves the mystery of the missing ring. This calls for a drink.
[He reaches into his chest cabinet and pulls out three bottles of beer … and drinks them all himself.] (17:03)Leela: I don't wanna spoil the party but we're all job deserters now. We're unemployed and we have nowhere to go.
(17:09)Fry: Correction: We're unemployed but we have a doddering old relative to mooch off of.
[He holds up the picture of Farnsworth.] [Scene: Planet Express headquarters, Lounge. Professor Farnsworth is asleep in his chair. The TV is on.] (17:18)Clark: [on TV] Hello, I'm Dick Clark's head. Welcome to a special year 3000 edition of New Year's Rockin' Eve!
[The crowds around him cheer. The doorbell rings and Farnsworth wakes up.] [Cut to: Outside Planet Express. Farnsworth opens the door to Fry, Bender and Leela.] (17:30)Farnsworth: Who are you?
(17:31)Fry: I'm your dear old Uncle Fry.
(17:33)Farnsworth: I don't have an Uncle Fry.
(17:35)Bender: You do now!
[He pushes Farnsworth back inside.] [Scene: Planet Express, Lounge. Farnsworth and Fry are hooked up to a machine. It dings and a red light flashes.] (17:40)Farnsworth: By God, I am your nephew! This is absolutely incredible!
(17:45)Bender: Can we have some money?
(17:47)Farnsworth: Oh, my, no.
[Scene: Planet Express: Farnsworth's Lab. The four walk in.] (17:50)Farnsworth: Let me show you around. That's my lab table and this is my work-stool. And over there is my intergalactic spaceship! [He points in the general direction of a big green spaceship in a huge hangar next to the lab.] And here's where I keep assorted lengths of wire.
[He opens a drawer but Fry is more interested in what's in the hangar.] (18:02)Fry: Whoa! A real live spaceship!
(18:05)Farnsworth: I designed it myself. Let me show you some of the different lengths of wire I used.
(18:12)Smitty: [from outside] Attention, job deserters! Come out with your hands up. We have you partially surrounded.
[Leela gasps.] (18:18)Fry: No!
[Bender literally shits a brick.] [Cut to: Outside Planet Express. Smitty holds Nixon's head in a jar. The glass is cracked and taped in places.] (18:20)Nixon: Get those bums!
[Cut to: Planet Express: Farnsworth's Lab.] (18:22)Bender: Well, we're boned!
(18:24)Leela: Can't we get away in the ship?
(18:26)Farnsworth: I suppose it is technically possible. Though I am already in my pyjamas.
[They run towards the ship with Bender carrying Farnsworth under his arm.] [Scene: Ships Cockpit. Fry runs in and sit in a seat in front of a control panel.] (18:37)Fry: I'll get us out of here.
[He presses a few buttons and pulls a lever. A little hatch opens in the control panel, a paper cup come down and the machine fills it with coffee.] (18:44)Farnsworth: Can anyone drive stick?
(18:46)Leela: I can. As long as I don't have to parallel park.
[She takes off her coat, sits in the pilot's seat and pushes down a lever.] [Cut to: Planet Express: Hangar. Klaxons beep and a huge piece of machinery lifts the ship to a 45-degree angle. The entire hangar roof retracts so it is open for the ship.] [Cut to: Outside Planet Express. Peace officers armed with laser rifles are stationed outside. URL sees the roof open.] (18:57)URL: If they try to take off, give 'em an ass-ful of laser.
[Smitty nods.] [Cut to: Ships Cockpit.] (19:04)Leela: Prepare for lift-off. Ten.
[Cut to: Times Square.] (19:06)Crowd: [chanting] Nine!
[Cut to: Egypt. The future pyramids now rotate in mid-air.] (19:07)Crowd: [chanting] Amania!
[Cut to: Paris.] (19:09)Crowd: [chanting] Seven!
[Cut to: Alien Ship.] (19:10)Aliens: [chanting; in alien] Six.
[Cut to: Applied Cryogenics: Freezer Room. Lou sits in an open pod and Terry raises a glass.] (19:11)Terry: [dramatically] Five!
[Cut to: Head Museum. Leonard Nimoy is wearing a party hat.] (19:13)Nimoy: Four.
[Cut to: Ships Cockpit. Fry, Bender and Farnsworth are sat on a couch at the front of the cockpit.] (19:14)Farnsworth: Three.
(19:15)Bender: Two.
[He is so tense that he rips the arms off the couch.] (19:16)Leela: One!
(19:17)Fry: Blast-off!
[Cut to: Outside Planet Express. The ship takes off.] [Cut to: Times Square. People cheer in the new millennium and fireworks explode all over the city. "3000" is projected onto the moon and the ship flies between the fireworks.] [Cut to: Outside Planet Express.] (19:26)Nixon: Fire! Fire!
[The peace officers fire their laser guns randomly into the air.] (19:30)Smitty: I can't see nothing. Pretty though!
[The altitude of the ship increases and laser bolts narrowly miss it.] [Cut to: Ships Cockpit. The ship clears New New York airspace, flies through the atmosphere and heads through the solar system. Everyone cheers.] (19:44)Fry: So, I guess, without jobs, we'll be fugitives forever.
(19:47)Farnsworth: Not necessarily. Are you three, by any chance, interested in becoming my new spaceship crew?
(19:54)Bender: New crew? W-What happened to the old crew?
(19:57)Farnsworth: Of those poor sons of-- But that's not important. The important thing is I need a new crew. Anyone interested?
(20:03)Fry: Yes! Yes! That's exactly the job I've always wanted!
(20:08)Leela: Thanks for the offer, Professor, but we don't have the proper career chips.
(20:12)Farnsworth: Oh, that won't be a problem. As luck would have it, I saved the chips from my previous crew.
[He empties the career chips out of an envelope marked "Contents Of Space Wasp's Stomach".] (20:20)Fry: This is awesome! Are we gonna fly through space fighting monsters and teaching alien women to lurve?
(20:26)Farnsworth: If by that you mean "transporting cargo" then yes. It's a little home business I started to fund my research.
(20:34)Fry: Cool! What's my job gonna be?
(20:36)Farnsworth: You will be responsible for ensuring that the cargo reaches its destination.
[The smile fades from Fry's face.] (20:41)Fry: So, I'm gonna be a delivery boy?
(20:44)Farnsworth: Exactly!
[Beat.] (20:46)Fry: Alright! I'm a delivery boy!
[He waves his hands in the air and the ship flies on.] [Closing Credits.]
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Ask List, Rules & Updates - PLEASE READ!
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Please do not solicit me to read your work by tagging me or sending it to me unless I have asked you to.
The Schedule - See what's coming up this month!
Works In Progress - A visual up to date list of what I'm working on currently and their status.
Luna Creative Academy
Prompt Lists:
Character Tag List:
I have updated my ask list below so please only pick from the characters below if you want to submit.
The Rules:
Only pick people off the character list below for each fandom.
One prompt per ask - you can send as many asks as you want within reason
Include the whole prompt in the ask, not just the number.
I don’t write things like Voight’s daughter/Hondo’s friend/Adam’s sister
I also don't write specific asks on this blog eg: reader is a firefighter/doctor/cop who has this/does this. They meet and do this/and this and say this... I usually work from prompts.
I don't write other people's stories so if you have a long detailed idea you want writing, this is not the blog for you.
Fandoms & Chars I write for:
The Bear:
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto
Michael "Mikey" Berzatto 
Richie Jerimovich
Blue Bloods:
Jamie Reagan
Joe Hill
Chicago Fire:
Jeff Clarke
Sam Carver
Chicago Med
Connor Rhodes
James Lanik
Crockett Marcel
Sam Abrams
Mitch Ripley
Dean Archer
Sean Archer
Cobra Kai:
Daniel LaRusso
Johnny Lawrence
Terry Silver
Criminal Minds:
Luke Alvez
Will LaMontagne
CSI Vegas:
Trey Cahill
Josh Folsom
Jubal Valentine
O.A Zidan
Stuart Scola
FBI: Most Wanted:
Remy Scott
Clinton Skye
Fire Country:
Bode Leone
Luke Leone
Manny Perez
Vince Leone
Dwight Hendrickson
Duke Crocker
Nathan Wuornos
Hawaii Five-O:
Danny 'Danno' Williams
Adam Noshimuri
Hudson & Rex:
Charlie Hudson
Mic Brumby
Harmon 'Harm' Rabb
AJ Chegwidden
Law & Order:
Nolan Price
Nicholas Baxter
Jalen Shaw
Vince Riley
Cyrus Lupo
Michael Cutter
Ed Green
Law & Order: Criminal Intent - Toronto:
Henry Graff
Law & Order SVU:
Joe Velasco
Mike Duarte
Terry Bruno
Magnum PI:
Rick Wright
Thomas Magnum
Mayans MC:
Bishop Losa
Taza Romero
Micheal 'Riz' Ariza
Nestor Oceteva
EZ Reyes
Neron 'Creeper' Vargas
Mayor of Kingstown:
Mike McLusky
Robert Sawyer
Frank Castle
The Mentalist:
Kimball Cho
Marcus Pike
Alden Parker
Nick Torres
Gage Winchester
Jimmy Palmer
Vostanik Sabatino
Arlo Turk
Harmon 'Harm' Rabb
Marty Deeks
AJ Chegwidden
NCIS: New Orleans
Dwayne Pride
Douglas Hamilton
Chris LaSalle
Sebastian Lund
NCIS Sydney:
JD Dempsey
De Shawn Jackson
Michelle Mackey
Ian Egerton
Don Eppes
Carlton Lassiter
Red Dead Redemption 2:
Arthur Morgan
The Rookie:
John Nolan
Wade Grey
Ejiah Vestri
Ryan Caradine
Aaron Thorsen
The Rookie Feds:
Matt Garza
Brendon Acres
SEAL Team:
Sonny Quinn
Brock Reynolds
Trent Sawyer
Eric Blackburn
Silent Witness:
Jack Hodgson
Juan 'Juice' Ortiz
Filip 'Chibs' Telford
Alexander 'Tig' Trager
David Hale
Dean Winchester
Ted Lasso:
Roy Kent
Top Gun Maverick:
Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson 
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Tulsa King:
Mitch Keller
Dwight Manfredi
Tyler Owens
White Collar:
Matt Keller
Will Trent:
Will Trent
Jamie Dutton
Kayce Dutton
Lee Dutton
Rip Wheeler
Travis Wheatley
Feel free to send me prompts if you see anything you like with one of the characters.
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merlucide · 18 days
girl im not talking about the fictional chars idgaf abt them im talkin about the REAL LIFE PEOPLE THAT UR ADULT ASS IS TALKING TO???? fuckin mirakira kiramichelle like they aint 14 n 15 while ur a whole adult take responsibility stop actin like im some chronically online girl who cant separate fiction from reality
Well then I’m sorry I misunderstood
I understand what your are tryna say now, so let’s set things straight, Mira is 18(turning 19 in April) and Michelle is 15(turning 16 in Nov) // (they both have made their ages public- so I wouldn’t share otherwise)
the whole ‘marriage/shipping’ thing is purely a joke. I love them very very dearly as friends, but I’m not attracted to them in any way. I understand how it could come across differently, I believe I have done the best of my abilities to make sure I’m not crossing any boundaries of theirs. If they ever told me they were uncomfortable, I would stop immediately. So far, neither of them has expressed any discomfort, so I believe we’re all on the same page.
neither of them has said they are uncomfortable with it, so I personally see no issue.
I also had older friends when I was a minor, and we would joke around similarly without crossing any lines. I’m aware of how these jokes could be perceived as inappropriate, and I’m always mindful of people’s boundaries. Michelle has been clear about hers, and I believe that if she felt uncomfortable, she’d tell me or block me.
About GFFC- (which are all of my friends on here) there’s a wide range of ages, and everyone does their best to be respectful and responsible. I agree that younger people should be cautious about who they interact with, but I believe that we’ve maintained healthy and appropriate friendships.
I am not attracted to any minors.
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cieloclercs · 1 year
what would you say (if i told you i love you)? — charles leclerc
PART: 1/?
summary. in which childhood best friends blur the lines between what they’ve always known, and something more
warnings. swearing, reader and charles are oblivious idiots but they’re cute so it’s ok, ending is annoyingly abrupt (sorry)
pairings. charles leclerc x artsy!reader
face claim. tara michelle
author’s note: so this is a multi-part social media fic inspired by this ask that i’ve been working on for a while. as always, all media and pictures used in this belongs to the original creators. hope you guys enjoy! ps, all i really know about art is what i learned in my gcse class (and my teacher was awful) so if i use any incorrect terminology at any point in this series i’m so sorry! i’m trying my best 🫶
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liked by pierregasly and 11,386 others
yourusername monaco summer 🐚🌊🦋☁️
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yourfriend prettiest ever 🥹
yourusername oh hush you 🤭
username girl your figure 😮
username she literally has my dream body 😭
charles_leclerc no photo credits? 😃
yourusername 🙄🙄 photo creds to char ig
arthur_leclerc looking a little windswept there
yourusername do you want me to block you again
arthur_leclerc no thanks u look very pretty !!!!
yourusername aww thank you arth 🥰
username wait who tf is this girl and how does she know charles??
username she’s his childhood best friend! they’ve known each other since they were five 🫶
username i firmly believe y/n y/l/n is a goddess not a human being
*charles_leclerc liked this comment
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liked by carlossainz55 and 2,376,926 others
tagged: yourusername
charles_leclerc opening day for y/n’s latest exhibition, ‘flow’! je suis très fière de toi, mon artiste. ne jamais cesser de rêver 🌊 / beyond proud of you, my artist. never stop dreaming
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username now if this isn’t obsessed boyfriend behaviour then i don’t know what is
yourusername aww charlie 🥹 merci de m'avoir soutenu, je vous en serai toujours reconnaissant / thank you for supporting me, i’m forever grateful
charles_leclerc toujours
username and they say they’re just friends?? THIS IS NOT FRIEND BEHAVIOUR
username omg these paintings are so beautiful! what’s the exhibition about?
charles_leclerc it’s a study of water and the ocean!
username they way he’s answering questions about y/n’s own exhibition for her 😭 babes ur not subtle x
username she’s so talented wtf
*charles_leclerc liked this comment
leclerc_pascale Incroyable 😍
yourusername merci, maman 🥰
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liked by joris_trouche and 17,936 others
yourusername summer break, week one ✅
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username everyone say ‘thank you y/n’ for feeding us the soft charles content 🥹
username thank you y/n 🙏
joris_trouche elvis is the star of this dump
yourusername i’ll let him claw you again
joris_trouche PLEASE DONT
charles_leclerc woah who’s that handsome guy in slide 2? 😏
yourusername you wouldn’t know him he’s kind of annoying x
charles_leclerc ouch
username charles featuring twice?? we’re losing her 😔
username three guesses who took the pictures of y/n
username hmm…joris? 🤔
username try again
username elvis 🤨
username close!! but not quite
username is it maybe…charles?!
*charles_leclerc liked this comment
username bingo!!
username trade lives with me please 😫
charles_leclerc i hope summer never ends
yourusername you and me both
username he doesn’t want to go back to the sf-23 and ferrari fucking up his race every week 😔
*yourusername liked this comment
username LMAO Y/N LIKED
username she’s just as sick of ferrari’s shit as we are
joris_trouche everyone ignoring the fact that i’m also in this dump as well !!!
charles_leclerc mate you’re not even looking at the camera
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➜ part 2
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artxmonline · 3 months
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Two little icons of my scene girls !!
Left one: Tiffany
Right one: Michelle (she’s mainly just emo lol)
I like these two OCs a lot since they’re basically living my dream life of being a scene / emo girl. Unfortunately, I never got to wear the style but I always loved the music and fashion ! ^^
Next post = Char Sheets
I keep forgetting I have a tumblr, oopsie
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