#character: mon el
I checked out of Supergirl after Mon El left the 2nd time, but i remember a scene after he first leaves where Kara says she just wants to be Supergirl bc why would she want to be Kara who’s sad all the time. And I just saw a clip of her telling Lena “and then one day you were so angry with me, with supergirl. But you still loved Kara. And I just kept thinking if I could be Kara, just Kara, then I could keep you as a friend. I was selfish and scared and I didn’t want to lose you” and if that isn’t a coming out scene then idk what is!!
I bring up Mon El because when she lost him she wanted to run away from that by solely being Supergirl, and that is pretty much the same idea here bc she doesn’t want to lose Lena so she wants to just be Kara to keep her in her life. Granted idk anything that happens outside of this scene but yeah they’re in love your honor
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zal-cryptid · 1 year
kon el?
Oops, I drew the wrong El. My bad.
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DC characters - Mon-El
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dabruzzy · 11 months
I just realized the Reboot kept giving other characters’ roles to Lyle. Mon-El and Brainy invented the flight ring? Actually it was Brainy and Lyle who did that. Cham was the leader of the Espionage Squad? Too bad, Lyle’s the leader now.
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secicrexe · 1 year
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Je viens de manger mon premier plat, il n’y a pas que la haine dans l’âme du corps, les armes des morts, les âmes dans les morts, l’ordinaire conscience de l’âme jusqu’à mon corps. 
Je viens de manger mon cinquième plat, il n'y a pas que de la haine dans les assiettes en plastique, mais aussi des petites jambes de bois, mais aussi des petites personnes qui sortent des entrailles et prennent le temps de m'expliquer les conditions. Je dois comprendre toutes leurs conditions et rien ne doit m'échapper, même la lente chute, même dans les lents jours du futur et même sur le dos de la lente chute de l’accident. 
Je viens de prendre mon premier plat mais je ne le mangerai jamais, il n'y a pas que la haine dans les usines de tissage de foie, mais aussi le crépuscule qui n'apporte rien aux métaphores, la traduction est une menace, mais aussi le corpuscule qui porte les clés, je menace l'ouverture comme
Khalid EL Morabethi
TENTACULE ( 2023 ) / atelier de l'agneau
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that-girl-glader · 10 months
My supergirl opinions, note that I've only watched 2 seasons+ and it's been a while (note, I do not remember character names.)
I love Kara Danvers really. Like she's the sweetest, dedicated, most hardworking. But everyone has their flaws. And she.... she has them.
She is a good person, likeable even, BUT. She is a trash friend. I'm sorry to say. But she csn be an absolute awful friend. Example with Lex Luther's sister. She believed that she did something? Idk, and went on questioning her because of her families reputation. Like, bruh. That is your friend who cares for you. Why??
This also applies to all her other friends to be honest. Ofcourse I don't remember much, but I'm pretty sure there was a point she was like not the best with her work friend who user to be in love with her. And this can go with relationships too...
Like for Jimmy Olsen? Did I get that right? Anyway yeah. With Jimmy Olsen. Like relationships obviously aren't her strong league, but yeah. And yeah they broke it off, and became friends? But.. uh. I'm pretty sure there was a point she was just straight up unsupportive and overprotective. COURSE the overprotectiveness is understandable, but it is his life, but it shows she CARES.
Yeah so that's it. I'll have more opinions and adjustments once I rewatch and actually finish this whole thing.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
not me remembering the rhea/lena duology i thought about writing and actually had mostly planned out and then just.  didn’t write.
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fazedlight · 4 months
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Awakening (Kara character study, small part supercorp softness)
“But why can’t I be matched to Tali, mom? She’s my best friend!”
Alura turned to Kara, her jaw tensed with frustration with the stubborn child. “Kara, you know better than this. Stable matching can only be achieved if there is a true bijection between disjoint sets-”
“We don’t even have a true bijection because the population is constantly changing, we don’t sort according to all possible preferences, we don’t even have-” “It is not in our nature, Kara,” Alura said, with a dangerous tone in her voice. “We are not Daxamites.”
“The answer is no.”
Kara is thirteen Earth years the first time she’s called “dyke.” She doesn’t know what it means. She had only been to school for a couple of weeks. Before that, the only substantial English she had spoken was the couple months with Eliza, Jeremiah, Alex, and Kal. 
Clark, not Kal. Saying “Kal” would put her baby cousin- her older cousin- her cousin in danger.
Alex’s face flushes, and her eyes almost burn with anger, as she shoves Jake Howell against a locker. Kara could do it easily herself, but showing her newfound strength to humans would put her in danger too, somehow. Kara doesn’t think asshole is a nice word, given how Alex growled it. But she suspects dyke isn’t a nice word either.
That night after dinner, Eliza sighs, and hugs Kara gently - and Kara resolves to never get called dyke again.
“She’s gorgeous, she’s smart, she smells nice. Hell, I want to date her.” Kara flushed with discomfort, as the words came unbidden from her lips. But Alex didn’t remark on the odd statement, and Kara shoved the thought away.
Just weeks later, awkwardness would turn to tension as Lucy growled. “You and Hank, why do you all lie?”
“When you are an alien,” Kara choked, “You’re willing to sacrifice anything, everything, betray your fundamental instincts - just to fit in.” Something tugged in Kara’s soul at that moment. That she had always tried to fit in, long before she became an alien. But there simply hadn’t been time to linger.
It was only weeks later, when Lucy was saying her goodbyes before leaving National City to rejoin the military, that Kara felt the uncomfortable spike again. “I do know what it’s like to hide,” Lucy confessed.
Kara tilted her head, questions like why? and what do you mean? floating through her mind. But she thought it would be kinder not to ask. “I hope someday, you can be all that you are.”
Lucy gave a small smile. “Me too.”
She hadn’t expected meeting Lena to feel like lightning in her veins. The younger Luthor was quick-witted, and beautiful, and playful. Kara felt herself flush with the gentle teasing during their first coffee, and found herself marveling at never quite having a friendship like this before. 
“So… so she’s gay?” Kara asked, the word heavy in her throat. “And are you saying, you’re gay too?”
Alex sighed and paced in front of Kara, her frustration just as apparent as her confusion. How can you not know if you’re gay?, Kara wondered, at the same time feeling strangely allergic to the conversation. Wouldn’t it be obvious? “What’s changed?” Kara asked.
Yeah, he was… immature. Irresponsible. But they connected - orphans of a lost planet, who spoke the same tongue, who had the same bewilderment in their first moments on an alien planet with newfound powers. And if being in his bed brought her pleasure, it was only proof of their connection, that a good relationship could come of it.
Sometimes there were those flashes - Mon-El had been confused by Alex’s coming out, not understanding the concept. The more the merrier would ring in Kara’s head, and she’d chase away the image of Lena’s face.
“I couldn’t have done it, Kara.”
Kara’s chest heaved as she gazed down at Lena, hearing Kal’s words flash through her mind. Lena clung to Kara’s arm as Kara hovered above the reservoir, and some corner of Kara’s mind knew that she should go land, that the danger was over. That Lena was safe. That the city was safe.
But she could only stare down at Lena, whose heart hammered in her chest, whose panting breaths from her climb had not yet slowed. I almost lost her, Kara thought, forlorn. I couldn’t lose her…
It was that moment that her world came crashing down, that realization made her feel like she was drowning. That romantic love wasn’t merely a combination of friendship and lust. That shared experience didn’t mean a shared connection. There was something that ran deeper.
She was in love with Lena, and she could no longer deny it.
It was a drunken movie night, after Lena’s breakup with James, when Kara heard I love you fall from Lena's lips.
“It was always you,” Lena confessed, her words slightly slurred from the alcohol as Kara finished pulling the covers over her. “I just wanted to be close to you.”
Kara stood back, feeling her heart pound as she watched Lena slip into slumber. I wish I had told you, Kara thought, her mind flashing to a moment long ago in a forest. I wish I had told you, before…
Kara spent a fitful night trying to sleep on her couch, and Lena’s eyes flashed with shame the next morning as she woke. But they left for Noonan’s, leaving the conversation behind.
It felt impossibly brief, that window of time after Kara had revealed her secret, where everything felt almost right with the world. Maybe someday, she and Lena could finish that conversation.
But she found herself in a kryptonite shell.
The universe ended soon after, and even magic couldn’t fix how they had broken. Until the day Kara finally found her hands in Lena’s, vowing together to take down her brother, and Kara felt again that hopeful wonder of what a future with Lena could hold.
And then she found herself in the Phantom Zone again, the words ringing in her head, I wish I had told you.
Sleep had eluded Kara in the weeks back from the Phantom Zone. So she was already wide awake at 2am, when she heard Lena’s heart begin to hammer. 
Kara tensed, rushing to her window and ears tuning in as she prepared to fight off an assassination attempt or catch Lena as she fell.
But as she shot into the sky, she nearly tumbled when she realized that Lena wasn’t in distress. The shaky breaths and small laughs caused Kara’s chest to tighten in anguish. She’s fine, Kara thought, feeling tears prick the edges of her vision. She’s fine. 
“Are you okay?” Lena said, when she finally found Kara in the Tower, sitting on a step. “Alex said she couldn’t find you - you were in the Fortress?”
Kara glanced up from the steps. “I just, um. I was reading in the Fortress, I fell asleep there.” It had the benefit of being true. The Fortress was far enough to drown the sound of Lena’s heart out.
Lena shuffled next to Kara, taking a seat. “I don’t remember seeing any beds there.”
“I float in my sleep,” Kara shrugged, staring at her hands as she let silence fall.
Lena shifted, uncomfortable with the quiet. “Are you okay?”
Yeah, Kara almost said, but something stopped her this time. Perhaps it was the poor sleep. Perhaps it was the litany of I wish I had told you that would replay in her mind.
How many more times am I going to do this?, Kara thought. How many more times am I going to carry that regret? “I love you,” Kara said finally, sensing Lena tense up next to her. “I know… I know that door is closed. But I love you. I should’ve told you so long ago.”
“You… you heard me last night,” Lena wondered softly. “So you went to the Fortress?”
Kara grimaced. “I stopped listening as soon as I realized,” Kara said, fighting a panic. Will she be angry? “I never meant to- to invade your privacy. I’ll be more careful.”
“The door isn’t closed,” Lena said. “If you don’t want it to be.”
Those words made Kara brave enough - or maybe just confused enough - to finally tilt her head up to meet Lena’s gaze. “But- last night-”
“I’ve been trying to get over you. Not very successfully,” Lena added, with a wry grin.
“Really?” Kara smiled.
The matching laws had been long dismantled by the time a smiling Alura officiated their marital rites. Kryptonians didn’t have concepts like best man or matron of honor, but that didn’t stop the two women from inviting Alex and Kelly to stand at each of their sides as they said their vows.
Kara never imagined that it’d be a woman’s wrist she’d place her wedding bracelet on. Though she supposed she never imagined marrying on an asteroid of her father’s creation, or marrying for romantic love, or marrying someone her people would call Hero of Argo for the creation of a black rock.
She never imagined finally telling Lena her secret. She never imagined Lena’s forgiveness. She never imagined the feel of Lena’s lips pressed against her own, hands tugging at her robes, as she whispered zhao against Lena’s lips.
And she never imagined being the one to make Lena’s heart race.
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jazzfordshire · 2 months
Randomly remembered the way Kara brought Mon-el flowers and was beaming like a gentleman after their first(?) hookup and how pissed (😤) I was at the time that he just dropped them on the table (without even getting them a vase!) like they didn't really signify anything. And then I was thinking about the flowers Kara brought Lena after Jack died and how differently Lena would have treated them, given her character. Like, I imagine she left them out in a prominent spot in her office at first. But after a few days she may have dried and pressed them into the pages of a book, to preserve the memory of being comforted even in the midst of her great sorrow. Maybe it was even a book she was reading to help her cope with her grief. A very helpful book (📖). That she later, uh, lent. To someone else who was grieving. An ex-best friend maybe...
Anyway, just imagining Kara flipping through the book Lena gave her at a time when their friendship was arguably at its lowest and finding the distinctive imprint of the flowers she'd once given her. Echoes of the love and care they'd had for one another. And how later, after the tears and back and forth blaming and Lex nonsense are all done, Kara might be prompted to reach out again and offer another bouquet. Because Lena isn't the kind to ever just throw love away.
HEY THIS HURT!!!!! HEY ANON THIS HURT ME, come out here I just wanna talk
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msanonships · 3 months
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[ parallels of the characters Kai Parker on The Vampire Diaries and Tommy Moran on THE FLASH (the alternate reality version of Mon-El) flirting/kissing Bonnie Bennett and Millie Floss (the alternate reality version of Iris West). Both Damon Salvatore and Barry Allen react emotionally.]
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leighlew3 · 6 months
So I watched the animated Legion of Super Heroes and I just can’t. I can’t with straight Supergirl anymore. Mon El as a villain? Phenomenal. Do I hate Brainiac 5? No. But the romance doesn’t work for me. Despite its flaws, once you’ve seen Supercorp, the plot beats and heteronormativity of Kara and Brainiac 5 just can’t compete. You also can’t convince me Sasha Callie’s Supergirl was straight either.
Preach. While it was hilarious to see Mon-El as a villain and have Kara kick his ass (which now makes 3 separate versions where that ship has been buried one way or another by DC, The CW, WB, etc) ... I'm honestly so sick of watching them do the same things with Kara again and again and again, especially on the romantic front, and it's entirely uninteresting for the most part.
I mean it's pretty ironic that the single best love story she's ever had in any medium was the queerbaited one between she and Lena Luthor in TV series, ffs.
Until they realize that the concept of Kara/Lena (aka the real "Supercorp" despite a couple of DC writers recently attempting to st-- I mean conveniently use the exact LGBTQ fan-created phrase, a very similar logo to the LGBTQ fan-made one and even utilize some eerily similar SC elements from the SGCW TV series) is a literal GOLD MINE of creative opportunity and money to be made... they're going to just continue to rinse and repeat the same dull shit and wonder why most people simply just don't care and they can't break out of the box (except with a couple limited runs like WoT which have no love interest).
Kara/Lena as a romantic couple literally subverts a 60+ year lore of Super vs Luthor -- taking it from a story of hate to a literal love story, and also bringing the characters back to some rather interesting and queercoded dynamics they already demonstrated between the two way back in the Silver Age comics.
Interestingly, DC has already toyed with a sapphic Supergirl in various versions already. In Bombshells: United #33 she kissed Lois Lane. In DC's Dark Knights of Steel Miniseries in 2021, they had Supergirl and Wonder Woman in a queer relationship. And with the CW tie-in Batwoman comic run for DC, the author recently subtly confirmed Kara/Lena as dating.
So why continue to go back to the same old outdated, bland, repetitive heteronormative angle that doesn't even sell enough to maintain a long-running Supergirl solo comic series, lead the show to be critically panned half the time and end on a flop note with furious fans, etc? Inexplicable, beyond the usual blind spots and phobias.
At some point, somebody will wake up and smell the creative potential and profits. Until then, we wait. And keep pushing, creating fan art and fanfic, etc and show 'em how it's done.
It'll happen eventually. I have faith. I fully believe it. Whether it's in a year, five, ten or twenty. It'll happen. Greatness cannot be ignored or avoided forever. 😉 Some day...
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spider-jaysart · 2 years
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A drawing of the fanmade Superfamily webcomic series I'm planning to make soon!
(Click image for better quality)
(Traditional version below)
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Title of the series is:
Superman: Super stories of the Kent family
Starring the main characters:
Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Kid!Jonathan Samuel Kent, Conner Kent, Chris Kent, Kara Danvers, and Krypto!
Supporting characters in the cast will be:
Ma Kent, Pa Kent, Mon El, Jimmy Olsen, Steel, Jake Grayson, Damian Wayne, Kathy Branden, Jay Nakaruma, Emily Elizabeth Alyla (a kid civillian DC oc of @quartzgallery 's that goes to Jon and Chris' school and is a friend of Jon's), Tim Drake, Cassie Sandsmark, and Bart Allen (feel free to let me know if there's another well known supporting character that I maybe forgot to add by accident)
I hope it looks good :D
@quartzgallery @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 @theredheaded-stuff @camo-wolf @cats-and-katanas @nobodycallsmerae
Also tagging those who commented on the last post:
@janestvalentine @march-lion-98
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gffa · 1 year
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In honor of the 40th anniversary of the film’s debut on May 25, 1983, 40 storytellers explore the story of Return of the Jedi through the eyes of supporting characters, including heroes, villains, droids, aliens, and creatures.
From a Certain Point of View features contributions by bestselling authors:
Olivie Blake gives us a chilling glimpse into the mind of Emperor Palpatine.
Saladin Ahmed recounts the tragic history of the rancor keeper.
Charlie Jane Anders explores the life and times of the Sarlacc.
Fran Wilde reveals Mon Mothma’s secret mission to save the Rebel Alliance.
Mary Kenney chronicles Wicket the Ewok’s quest for one quiet day on the forest moon of Endor.
And Anakin Skywalker becomes one with the Force in a gripping tale by Mike Chen.
Plus, more hilarious, heartbreaking, and astonishing tales from Tom Angleberger, Kristin Baver, Akemi Dawn Bowman, Emma Mieko Candon, Olivia Chadha, Gloria Chao, Adam Christopher, Paul Crilley, Amal El-Mohtar, M. K. England, Jason Fry, Adam Lance Garcia, Lamar Giles, Max Gladstone, Thea Guanzon, Ali Hazelwood, Patricia A. Jackson, Alex Jennings, Jarrett Krosoczka, Sarah Kuhn, Danny Lore, Sarah Glenn Marsh, Kwame Mbalia, Marieke Nijkamp, Danielle Paige, Laura Pohl, K. Arsenault Rivera, Dana Schwartz, Tara Sim, Phil Szostak, Suzanne Walker, Hannah Whitten, Sean Williams, and Alyssa Wong.
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a couple Multiverse characters: Valor and Matrix of Earth-15, the Son of Zod and the Angel of Kandor
Valor is Calvin Chen, the son of Angela Chen and her husband Andrew aka Dru-Zod (Earth-15's Superman). He's...basically just Invincible, but in line with the other off-brand Image characters like Spore and the Nimrod Squad, he's combined with Nightwing!Christopher Kent on a conceptual level, though he's got pieces of Val-Zod, Calvin Ellis, Mon-El, and Eradicator in just sort of a general remix of Kryptonian character tropes and design quirks. The costume is based on Dick's Nightwing suit, also playing on the name originally being Kryptonian.
Matrix is Matrix, or Trixie. She fills the role of Atom Eve, but I kinda struggled with what character to use in Eve's place. My thought process was OC with a similar name (Molly Molecule, Susie Quark, etc.), a Green Lantern, a version of Firestorm, or just the Thara Ak-Var version of Flamebird with some extra steps, but Matrix struck me as the most interesting option. She's a protoplasmic shapeshifter, with the additional firepower of Flamebird's cosmic energies, manipulating both herself and the world around her. The final (ish) design was meant to evoke Silver Age Krypton, but some classic LoSH and Jean Grey influence slipped in while I was adjusting the colors.
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talas-first-lady · 4 months
Because doing this with Legends was fun and everyone on Supergirl is also a little bit gay.
(These are the characters who were in 25+ episodes and were not out lesbians.)
I legit don't know who to vote for.
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aceofwhump · 2 months
Hello! How is your day going? I have a question for you what are your Favorite whump characters?
Hello nonny! I'm having a lovely day today thank you! I got a lot of work done yesterday in my new house so I got to chill out today. OOH my favorite whump characters!?!! An excellent question. One I love answering. Okay here we go. I've got a lot lol
Danny Williams (Hawaii Five-0)
Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1)
Tony Stark (Iron Man/Marvel)
Merlin (BBC Merlin)
Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Mike Warren (Graceland)
Killian Jones (Once Upon a Time)
Thomas Barrow (Downton Abbey)
Neal Caffrey (White Collar)
The Weeping Monk (Cursed)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)
Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son)
Illya Kuryakin (TMFU)
Roger MacKenzie (Outlander)
Tony DiNozzo (NCIS)
Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Yuki Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Joe Hardy (Hardy Boys)
Mark Watney (The Martian)
Leonard Snart (Legends of Tomorrow)
Alec Hardy (Broadchurch)
Mon-El (Supergirl)
Jamie Tartt (Ted Lasso)
Anthony Bridgerton (Bridgerton)
The Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Evan Buckley (9-1-1)
Jaskier (The Witcher)
Patrick Jane (The Mentalist)
And I'll leave it there lol. There's tons more but these guys are my favs
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jazzfordshire · 6 months
Jazz, do you like hate Mon-el for some reason?
In some of your fics, he is just a jerk.
In some, he is such a bastard.
But in Titanic AU, he is just a plain old, obnoxious, insufferable guy.
Just wondering.
Nah, he isn't interesting enough to hate. I use Mon-El for whatever the plot needs him for because he is a flimsy cardboard character in canon, lmao. Sometimes he's the villain of my fics, sometimes he's just annoying, sometimes he's actually a decent guy! His actual character is supposed to be a well-meaning jerk who learns to be better but he wasn't written well enough to actually achieve that, so I use bits of that however I please and he gets to be something new every time
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