#character: pizza granny
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gooberthed · 2 years
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hi will i ever not post at 5 am? errrr anyways lookie!!!!
the video is from my last post, I loved the hc that Vigilante has a pet rat mount named Jimmy … shes so beautiful.
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Pizza Granny Jumpscare hehehe
She is swagger,,
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Wow she seems really out of it, maybe we should leave her to rest? Granny looks so peaceful right now. ˆ ᵕ ˆ
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Ngh-- Y-You sure? Didn't you just-a tell me to ask her?
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I-... What?
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Welcome To Confection Castle! (AU)
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What in the World is Confection Castle? :
Confection Castle (formerly known as Candy/Candied Castle) is a role-swap AU of Pizza Tower, akin to the more well-known PT swap AU, Sugary Spire. Unlike Sugary Spire, Confection Castle only swaps the roles of the characters and not their personalities, with a few alterations. With the unchanged personalities of each character, this instead changes the mechanics, environment, and even story of Pizza Tower, with each character handling their swapped roles more differently than Sugary Spire's interpretation.
(This AU's concept was largely inspired by TS!Underswap. A reimagining and fangame of the Undertale AU, Underswap, which uses the same concept)
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The Story:
Teddy is faced with the consequences of his own actions after pulling one too many pranks against a castle that was bought out by a huge confection company, Candyboy Corporations. A company that steals the competition against smaller sweets business owners. Teddy's given a warning by the corporation CEO's assistant, Granny Candydimples, that the CEO will destroy his and many other confectionary's shops, forcing them to all work for his company. Thanks to the warning, Teddy and his confectionary allies team up to take down the Confection Castle and its evil schemes.
The Characters (may or not feature some slightly outdated art):
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Teddy Taffy (Theodore Taffy) - Noise in the Role of Peppino: A smug, witty, mostly down to earth, prankster who formerly premiered on the big screen before leaving it all to continue his family's legacy: making mouthwatering candy and sweets. He owns a quaint candy shop in a vaguely European town near a looming Confection Castle. He's obsessed with sugar and when he consumes a good amount of it, can become hyperactive and manic.
Suzy (Suzette) - Noisette in the Role of Gustavo: A kind-hearted, rule-following, and dorky dessert baker who owns a bakery/patisserie next to Teddy's candy shop. She's close friends with Teddy and secretly has a crush on him, which may or may not be obvious to everyone except Ted. Like Ted, her business was challenged by Candyboy Corporations, forcing her to rally against the castle with Teddy,
The Ingredipets - Role of the Toppins: Little creatures resembling confectionary ingredients that were kidnapped and enslaved by Candyboy Corp. to make the companies candy. Teddy and his allies will save each of them to defeat their competitor. Ingredipets may be different depending on the character being played.
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Captain Crackle (Peppino Ravioli) - Peppino in the Role of The Noise: Captain Crackle is a well-known cereal brand pirate captain mascot for the cereal of the same name. He's played by a worn-out has-been TV and opera celebrity Peppino Ravoli who does the bidding of Candyboy Corporations to make a living. He takes on three jobs: Captain Crackle, a Candyboy Corp. gift shop worker, and the Castle's TV News Anchor. He just wants to quit everything and live a peaceful life making pizza, his real dream.
Mr. Gus (Gustavo) - Gustavo in the Role of Noisette: Mr. Gus is Captain Crackle's pirate sidekick who serves as the comic relief character, always getting the short end of the stick and being kicked/thrown around the place for comedic effect. His actor, Gustavo, has a similar story to Peppino's, working for the castle, trying to sustain a living. He owns a secret soda tavern hidden from where his boss can find it.
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Mr. Lollygagger - Pizzahead in the Role of Mr. Stick: Teddy's accountant who both does and doesn't take his job seriously. He pulls many gags toward his patrons to get them to comply with his offers and tries to pose as a nice, patient, and understanding accountant who needs money in exchange for a good offer. Ted's annoyed by him, A LOT.
Sapphire - Snick in the Role of Brick: An adventurous, rule-breaking, and cocky rock candy Porcupine who loves to skate on his hoverboard at the speed of sound. He becomes friends with Suzy after pestering her rule-following morals and later helps her and Teddy's journey.
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Murray Muffinman - Pepperman in the Role of Gerome: An experimental artistic genius restrained to the role of maintaining the paint job of the castle. When he's on break he goes to his supply room to unleash his creativity through all sorts of mediums. He can be found all over the castle. He will reward his own art if he is helped to find his supply room.
Gumther Gumdrop - Vigilante in the Role of The Priest: Gumther is a farmer who grows sweet-tasting fruits that grant magical healing abilities. He sells his fruits in fruit stands all over the castle but it comes with a price.
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Butler Scotch - Gerome in the Role of Pepperman: Scotch is the butler of the Royal Candy Family, who were the original owners of the castle before signing an agreement with Candyboy Corp. Scotch is the first boss Teddy has to fight due to one of the Royal Candy's prince (originally intended to fight Ted) left Scotch to stand on guard as he goes out for lunch.
The Pope - The Priest in the Role of The Vigilante: The leader of the Caramelist religious group and overseer of the Basilicaramel Church. After Teddy destroys the church during one of the levels, The Pope seeks to cleanse Ted of his sins by fighting against him.
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Granny Candydimples - Granny Pizza in the Role of Pizzaface: The oldest member of the Royal Candy Family who was demoted and forced to the role of the CEO's assistant. She's kind-hearted and honest with no ill intent unlike her boss, going out of her way to disobey him sometimes.
Uncle Candiesworth - Pizzaface in the Role of Granny Pizza: The Uncle of the Royal Candy Family. He's one of the few family members who rebels against Candyboy Corporations and agrees to help Teddy and his friends destroy the castle. He's grumpy, bossy, and insults people constantly, but he has a good heart.
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The Teddy Doll - Role of Fake Peppino: A cursed doll resembling Teddy. It's been presumed to have been cursed with dark magic, cast on by a cult. It is unknown what the purpose of this doll was for. All we know is that you won't see it in the same place it was left at the second you turn your back towards it.
Cookie Blair - Role of Mort the Chicken: Oh boy! It's Cookie Blair from the hit 90's 3D point-and-click PC abandonware game Cookie's Bustle! Watch as she and Teddy travel across Cookie City as Ted tries to hide Cookie from the police trying to remove her entire existence for good. (To whom it may concern (looking at you), I am not profiting off this project, therefore not profiting off Cookie's Bustle. Please don't copyright strike me or this project.)
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Nezukira - Brick in the Role of Snick: Nezukira is the world-famous thunder rat character from the equally famous elemental critter collecting and fighting video game "Sackicritt". Nezukira is heavily merchandised with its adorable appearance; from plushes, socks, gummies, and cigars. Besides Nezukira, there are several other Sackicritts to obtain, with "Net Handlers" who accompany them.
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Jen Beam - Role of John Pillar: Jen is the older sister of Butler Scotch. She is the caretaker/ruler of all the levels in the castle, making sure that everything is in order and won't crumble to the floor. She guards the door to each "dimensional control room" that deactivates the levels in the castle. She will only let people pass if she is given gourmet candy with the finest ingredients.
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Candyboy - Role of Pizzaboy: Candyboy was the prime mascot and face of Candyboy Corporations. He's a happy-go-lucky, fun-loving, eccentric kid with all the childhood innocence packed into one. He loves candy and is very marketable. Despite Candyboy's innocent presence being long gone, he is still the face of the company.
The Candyman - Role of Pizzahead: The Candyman is the man behind the whole corporation, mostly know as the CEO. Not many have had the chance to meet The Candyman in person, but he's been said to be demanding, ruthless, and manipulative to get what he wants. He will do everything to gain the title of being the best confectionary business. If it exists, he wants it in his company.
And that's it for character introductions! I am planning on adding characters that will be entirely original in this AU like new friends that will accompany Ted, new bosses, and other characters that will build the world for this AU. Other stuff such as levels, music, and game mechanic ideas are in the works too. Lots of stuff is planned for this AU project!
If you want to make fan art for Confection Castle, go ahead! I love fan art! Just make sure to tag me if you post it. Other fan stuff like music is cool too!
Thanks for reading y'all.
(Also, I am not planning on making this an actual game as I have no experience with coding or stuff that is needed to actually make a game. But if anyone with experience with game design wants to make it happen...hit me up haha.)
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ominoose · 4 months
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𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐜 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐒𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦 𝐇𝐂'𝐬
Character(s): Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley Summary: Not x reader, just random silly thoughts about the lads. Kinda summer themed. They're still in London. This came out more British than intended. Warnings: None
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𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭
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Now that he's not constantly tired and getting two hours of sleep every fifth night if he's lucky, the Brit goes between quiet moments with a book on the couch to hyperactive spiels with no warning.
The newfound energy also takes his sass and mischief to the next level. If Marc or Jake (usually Marc, Jake's too scared) piss him off he will not drop it. For days Steven will slyly bring it up, make offhand remarks or fully kick up the argument again. It's never serious, he's still the one to step in if the other two are at arms, but Steven is no pacifist. "Y'know I just bought all these ingredients to make a lovely homecooked dinner with enough leftovers for Jake's taxi shifts and Marc's workouts... But-" "Steven please, we're starving, come on." "Since my cooking apparently tastes like a grannies garden!" "Por favor, I didn't even say it, Marc did-" "But you didn't disagree bruv!"
Takes Eurovision seriously. He made a point of not watching the BBC broadcast this year, although he's kept tabs on it through other websites. He's still not over last year. Jake tried to look into it and made a small comment about listening to the winner, commenting on Sweden's contestant being good. Steven went on a rant for a good twenty minutes about how it was rigged before Jake learned this was a lot more than a friendly song contest.
Whines when its hot out and forces Marc or Jake to front outside. Then forces them to buy a Mr Whippy for him to front and eat.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫
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Gets really into British football. It started with hearing chants and noises outside on match days, the comradery and stupid sing-songs from fans in matching team colours bringing him a sense of nostalgia. He's still a diehard cubs fan, but going to the local pub to watch the match, getting a healthy outlet to yell and bang a table amidst others oddly suited him. Steven's just glad he's socializing.
Secretly folds up Stevens more "colourful" shirts and hides them.
Loves British chocolate, hates British crisps. He see's a packet of pickled onion Monster Munch and physically cringes away.
While Steven fronted and browsed through a charity shop, Marc spotted an old ds, just like one he had as a kid. The Brit could physically feel him eye it up from the inside and bought it. Now Marcs post-workout routine includes playing Pokemon.
Marc gets visibly sad and sighs whenever they phone in pizza because its never like the ones back home in Chicago.
Loves a greggs sausage roll.
𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐲
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Half the reason the other two found out about him was when the old lady that Steven scared off in the elevator to the point she avoided them like the plague suddenly smiled and offered them tea. Turns out Jake had been helping her carry the shopping back to the flat when they bumped into each other. Their odd tea and biscuit afternoons helped Jake keep tabs on the boys.
Naps in front of the telly, usually to some reality tv like Eastenders, snoring away. The moment Steven or Marc slowly try to control the arm holding the remote he jerks away, pulling it to his chest and telling them off because he's still "watching" it.
Knows Marc folds and hides Stevens shirts that he hates. He puts them at the top of the pile just before Steven fronts. Marc has no clue and it drives him nuts.
His favourite passengers to pick up are drunk women. They're always either very funny or tell the most downright devious gossip, never afraid to openly include him in it too.
Made a solemn vow to himself that if he ever drove past Rishi Sunak he'd egg him.
Since he prefers night-shifts, the cat distribution system seemed to give him an 90% chance of meeting kittens on the street. If he has a passenger when he spots the little critter he'll make a mental note to return after drop off, Jake Lockley will not pass a chance at checking up on and cradling a gatita. Marcs learnt to be somewhat present during these shifts to stop Jake sneaking home with several kittens in his coat.
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busybeeblogs · 2 months
Go With Your Gut
Description: Written purely to fulfill my fantasy of Arthur getting the rare opportunity to sit down to a proper meal. Also I KNOW in my heart Marie wouldn’t have let him leave without pulling out the special granny move “tasty homemade food.”
Fandom: Malevolent (Podcast)
Characters: Arthur Lester, John Doe, Marie Pilon
CW: Hunger, wounds and scars mentioned, non-nsfw nudity, descriptions of a malnourished body, descriptions of neglecting one’s needs.
Canon compliant: Takes place a few hours after Chapter 39 and before Arthur leaves for Red Hook with Noel.
Word Count: 3.1k
“She’s staring you down, Arthur. She knows you’re outnumbered. It’s your rook and bishop versus her queen, rook and knight. If we can back her into a corner we’ll have a way to get her in checkmate, but to do that…”
“…I’d have to stop defending my King.” Arthur murmured aloud as John outlined the stakes.
“…You’re going to have to make a move at some point, Parker.”
Arthur sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I’ll go with my gut on this one then.” Arthur moved his bishop to take Marie’s knight, and after a moment’s grief, she simply moved her rook across the board.
“What?” Arthur scanned the board, as if he had any way of seeing what she did.
John verified the move for him: “Oh. Her rook and queen have you Arthur, I think she was waiting for you to take her knight so she could move her rook.”
“Goddamn it.”
“Language, Parker.” Marie scolded, glancing over at the grandfather clock as it began to chime. Arthur counted: one, two, three, four.
“Four o’ clock already? Gracious, I best get to making dinner.” Marie said with a start, hoisting herself out of her seat as Arthur began to gather up the chess pieces. “You said your evening plans aren’t until later on, yes?”
“Not until a quarter to nine.”
“Well, in that case I’ll make enough for the both of us.” She insisted.
Arthur blinked, closing the embellished box the chess pieces went in and setting it back on the shelf. “Marie, there’s really no need for that, I couldn’t possibly impose on a meal-“ Marie’s face suddenly turned quite serious, and she cut him off by jabbing a finger into his chest. She hit bone.
“Something about you has irked me since the moment you set foot in my home, Parker…” Arthur held his breath. “You look as if you’ve gone far too long without a proper meal. Now I called off my dinner plans, but dinner still must be had. And as my houseguest and companion for the evening, I expect you to eat with me. Am I clear?” Arthur nodded, and Marie took her hand back after repeatedly jabbing it into his sternum. Arthur let out his breath and rubbed the sore spot she left.
“You ought to listen to your gut when it comes to food, not chess dear. I could hear your tummy rumbling during our game.” She noted before shuffling off towards the kitchen. Arthur flushed.
“Oh. My apologies, I-“
“Parker.” Arthur’s head swiveled towards the sound of her voice. “Do wash up before coming to the table.”
“Yes, Marie.” Arthur sighed, and as soon as she disappeared into the kitchen, he sunk back into his chair.
“She’s right, you know.” John chimed in suddenly, causing Arthur to chuckle.
“About which part? Needing a meal or needing a wash?”
“Both, I’m sure.” Arthur rolled his eyes. “But I know you haven’t eaten in quite some time. Your stomach was making a lot of noise.”
As if responding to John’s mention of it, Arthur’s stomach grumbled, and he winced as he slid his hand from his chest to rest idly on his belly.
“I was hoping you two were ignoring it…” He murmured sourly, as if his being hungry had been a secret he didn’t want to get out. “But I suppose I’ve been ignoring it enough my own. God, when did I last eat?”
John thought for a moment. “I think it must have been in Poughkeepsie. You stopped at that pizzeria.”
“Yes! Oh, that pizza was divine.” His stomach rumbled again under his palm, the talk of food stirring his appetite. “And I was planning to eat dinner on the train to the city, but then, the Butcher…”
“…Yes.” John ended the thought, not allowing it to go further than that. “That was two days ago, Arthur.”
“Was it really?” Arthur suddenly sat upright from his slouch. “With everything that happened, it feels like it’s been a week.”
“A very long week.” John agreed. “You really should try to eat more often, Arthur. I know you’ve moved on to Larson and The Order but, you’re still weak from The Pits.”
Arthur shuddered and stood up suddenly, starting towards the stairs.
“I’ve been trying to-”
Arthur turned, finding the railing and using it to support himself as he climbed up the steps.
“Thank you. As I was saying,” Arthur was already winded. “I’ve been trying to eat more often, but it feels like whenever we’re in the thick of something like this, it’s always the last thing on my mind.” Arthur paused for a moment at the top landing, but didn’t dare let himself linger for more than a moment before he shoved off into the bathroom. “Perhaps that’s why I enjoyed our time traveling so much, albeit brief.”
“What do you mean?” John questioned as Arthur shut the bathroom door and ran the shower, undoing his tie as he waited for the water to heat up.
“Well… I suppose it was just the first time since all this began where I had the chance to, pay attention to my needs.” Arthur’s voice echoed pleasantly off the bathroom tiles. He began unbuttoning his shirt, and John’s hand sprung to help him. “I’ve been fighting and running for months, and as soon as I wasn’t entirely consumed with fear or rage or grief, so after we left Addison, really… I had the chance to feel everything else. How hungry I was, how tired I was, how badly I wanted a shower.” He chuckled, testing a hand in the water before slipping his undergarments off and stepping under the stream.
“It just felt nice to be able to take care of myself.” Arthur began scrubbing vigorously at his skin with a bar of soap. “And I hope after all this business with the order is over I can… Return to some sort of normal routine.”
Arthur sighed with relief as he stepped under the warm water to wash the soap off, positively relishing the feeling. “And call me spoiled all you want, but I truly miss having my own bath.”
As Arthur lowered his head to wet his hair under the water, John took the opportunity to survey his body. John was responsible for every one of the wounds he could see; every single scar, the fresh bullet wound in his shoulder, the pinky he was missing. He was well aware of just how much Arthur had been hurt in their time together: He’d been there with him for all of it. It almost seemed like he couldn’t go a day without a brush with death, and all of those encounters had left a mark, be it physical or mental. But John was often guilty of overlooking just how much everything else had been hurting Arthur this entire time. His lack of sleep, proper hygiene, and perhaps most glaringly upon looking at his body: His lack of a proper diet.
Arthur was thin. That in and of itself wan’t new, Arthur had been thin since John first laid eyes on him, hence why he was so hesitant to believe the man actually had the capability to physically intimidate someone like he had earlier today. And as much as Arthur didn’t like thinking about it, the effect of three months of starvation was just as evident on his body as his scars. He was pale, and his paper-thin skin was stretched taut over bones and a frankly pathetic layer of muscle. His knees were knobby, his arms were twiggy, his stomach was nearly caved in. Sometimes John wondered how Arthur even had the energy to get through the hurdles they’d overcome, because he was consistently running on so little.
And that was John’s fault too.
“I’m… Sorry, Arthur.” Arthur tilted his head as he rinsed the shampoo out of his hair.
“Sorry for what?” Arthur asked, closing his eyes as he stuck his face in the water.
“For…” John sighed. This was going to be harder than he thought. “Not properly taking your needs into account.”
Arthur raised an eyebrow as he reached out to shut the water off. “John, if you’re trying to apologize for how long it’s been since I’ve had a proper shower-“
“No, it’s not that, though you do complain about it a lot…” John rumbled. “I just… It’s hard for me to grasp, the constant attention you pay to things like hygiene and eating and sleeping-“
“Well it’s because I need to do all those things to survive, John.” Arthur said matter-of-factly, throwing a towel over his head and scrubbing his hair dry. “And it’s not exactly fun for me to, be without.”
“I know, I know.” John held his tongue. He wasn’t going to snap at Arthur right now. “I know it hurts you, but I don’t, know what you’re feeling exactly. I’ve never been hungry, or tired-“
“No need to brag about it.” Arthur grumbled as he wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the shower to tame his hair.
“That’s not what I’m trying to say.” John huffed. “I know you bear the brunt of, the adversity we face. This is your body after all, and after millennia of never having to stop to sleep or eat or even consider the concept of bathing myself, I have trouble adjusting to, living life at a human pace. I know you have to stop to regain your energy but in that time, I have to stop too. And it can be… frustrating, because I still fail to conceptualize what being hungry or sleep-deprived is like, and therefore it is hard for me to grasp your need to stop for food or rest.” John was rambling. He had to get to his point before he inevitably dug himself some sort of hole. “What I’m trying to say is, I can see the toll it all takes on you. The starvation, the sleepless nights. You shouldn’t be as, deprived as you are, and it’s partly my fault. I know we’re in the middle of something far bigger than both of us right now, and we’re both focused on it. But I should still be making sure you’re, taking care of yourself. We shouldn’t both be neglecting what your body needs.”
Arthur blinked, and set his comb down on the edge of the sink. And, leaning forward, he looked into his own eyes in the mirror: Even though he was blind, it was as if he was looking directly at John, and John was staring right back at his face.
“When I was in college, I had a massive paper due in two days.” Not the response John had expected. “I hadn’t started it at all. It was a research paper, I needed sources, it had to be thirty pages: It was an absolute monster of an assignment and I had a weekend to do it. So, I buckled down. I locked myself in my room and only came out to make myself coffee. Getting up and making the coffee as opposed to the coffee itself is probably what kept me awake that entire time. Though I was still quite jittery…” Arthur chuckled. “Anyways, I stayed up the entire weekend to write that paper. I refused to eat, sleep or speak to anyone. My head stayed completely in the books. But I remember being so tired I kept falling asleep at my desk and smacking my head on the table, I could barely keep my eyes open for some of it and when I could, I just felt like I was in a haze… Every part of me just felt so, heavy. Everything was telling me to crawl into bed but I just didn’t let myself. I did find that being that hungry does have a way of keeping you awake, but only because it’s incredibly difficult to sleep on an empty stomach. When you’re that hungry, and doing work that requires all of your brainpower, it felt like whenever I stopped thinking about the task at hand I was thinking about food. And that’s to say nothing of how much my stomach was aching, or how dizzy I was whenever I stood up. Compared to what we’ve been through since it seems quite tame really… But, I do have a habit of pushing my needs to the wayside when something needs to get done. I get a sort of, tunnel vision, as you know.”
“I’m well aware.” John confirmed. “But, why did you tell me that story?”
“To help you better conceptualize what it’s like. All the human things you’re not used to.” Arthur paused. “And because you’re right. If I’m to get us both around we can’t both ignore my body. If it gives out, I think we’re just about screwed.”
John chuckled, relief flooding through him as he did so. Arthur wasn’t mad. “I’m glad you agree. I can’t say I envy your position… Did you finish your paper?”
“Yes, but as soon as I was done I ate the biggest breakfast I’d ever had and passed out for fourteen hours, completely missing the deadline to turn it in.”
John laughed, fully this time. It was loud and long and filled Arthur’s entire head. “Well, I think you’re long overdue for something to eat by now. Finish washing up for dinner.”
“Right, right.” Arthur said excitedly, scrambling to get his clothes back on. “I do promise it’s not all bad though. I understand your point of being frustrated with having to stop, hence my story.” Arthur slipped his belt on. John had helped him poke extra holes in it. “But, some of the best sleep is had after an especially tiring day; and they say hunger is the best seasoning. Taking care of oneself doesn’t just mean it needs to get done, it should also be enjoyed. Warm baths, proper meals, one cannot live on bread alone.”
“I understand. You really are spoiled.” John said pointedly. “Your tie is crooked.”
“Oh, shut up.” Arthur rolled his eyes and adjusted his tie. “You’re just jealous I’m about to enjoy a delicious meal and talk to someone other than you for awhile.”
“Perhaps.” John said flatly as Arthur exited the bathroom and made his way back down the steps. The smell of cooking had filled the entire downstairs, and in an instant, Arthur’s appetite roared to life like a rekindled fire. He was sure didn’t need to explain to John how hungry he was at the moment: He certainly heard his stomach grumbling.
“I hope you’re hungry, Parker.” Marie called from the dining room, where she was laying out table settings for the both of them. Arthur followed her voice into the room and nodded.
“You have no idea.” She didn’t really.
“Well then. I’ve made my roasted chicken, potatoes and greens. One of Albert’s favorites. Take a seat, it’ll be out of the oven in a moment.”
“You don’t need any help?” Arthur asked, polite as always.
“No no dear, I have it covered.” Marie waved him off as she disappeared back into the kitchen to retrieve the food.
“Sit down.” John demanded. “Take it easy while you can, Arthur.”
“Well now, you adapt quickly.” Arthur sat.
“We have a big night ahead. You deserve all the rest you can get.”
“If you insist. Y’know, I think I can get used to this kind of treatment…” Arthur snickered as he folded his napkin in his lap.
“Don’t push it.”
“Here we are.” Marie proclaimed as she set the serving dish in the center of the table. Arthur wished he could see it, because it certainly smelled good. John got the hint.
“Arthur, she’s brought out a heap of well-seasoned red potatoes mixed with roasted chicken and greens.” John then blanked, unsure of how to describe the food further than what it was. He didn’t know what it tasted like, or what the texture was like.
But his brief description seemed to be enough to stir Arthur into immediately reaching for the serving spoon as soon as Marie was sat down. She got to it before he did, and picked it up to whack his hand away.
“We say grace in this household, Parker.”
“Oh… My apologies.” John’s hand rubbed Arthur’s, but quickly folded together and came to rest on the table as Marie bowed her head.
“Bless us oh Lord, for health and food, for love and friends, for everything thy goodness sends. Amen.”
“Amen.” Arthur muttered after a short pause, loosely making the sign of the cross and letting Marie take her serving first. He let John scoop a heaping serving onto his plate, and he dug in as soon as his fork was in his hand.
Arthur moaned around his first bite, going in for a second before he was even through chewing the first. Once he was a couple bites in and had the good sense to breathe, John spoke up.
“Describe it to me.”
“What?” Arthur whispered, taking another bite.
“Describe how it tastes. How it smells. I’m curious, you have two senses that I have no experience with, and I’d like to know how one goes about describing food.”
“But, I- Marie…”
“Yes?” Marie questioned from across the table, hearing her name. Arthur sighed.
“Marie.” He addressed her clearly, setting his fork down. “This food is… Outstanding. The chicken is tender and chewy, the potatoes are crispy and tasty on the outside, and soft on the inside… The greens are seasoned perfectly. All of it is, the garlic and herbs bring everything together wonderfully. I knew I was in for a treat as soon as I came downstairs and smelled this, savory medley…” Both John and Marie were listening to Arthur closely. His voice was quiet, sounding almost on the verge of breaking. Arthur managed to keep it steady. “This is truly one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time. Thank you so much, for having me.”
There was silence for a moment. Arthur heard Marie set her own fork down.
“She’s smiling, Arthur.”
“It’s a pleasure to be able to cook for someone who enjoys it so much.” Arthur smiled back. “I’ve found that good food can heal most woes, especially when paired with good company. So thank you Parker.”
“No really, thank you Marie, you have no idea how much I-“
“Clear your plate, Parker.” She interrupted before he could get carried away.
“Right.” He responded, looking back down and diving back into his food.
And for the first time, both Arthur and John enjoyed a good meal.
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obsessedwrhys · 3 months
Fusdifuufdtyffdykfucuppivsauwerjttjrjth your lorsan angst headcanons were so good I’m going insane. May I request some comfort headcanons for him now (platonic preferably but do whatever inspires you most) a crumb of affection for the bunny boy please!!!!! Thank you in advance!
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ fluff/comfort, only an ounce of angst, reader is gn!! (I'm happy to hear you liked the angst post 😚💕)
Friends with this man? Prepare yourself because this friendship is anything but normal.
He would definitely steal snacks from people just for you two to enjoy it later. It's literally proven canon in the game.
To no surprise, ya'll are always bickering with each other. The results being it hard for you guys to ever finish an important task.
There was this one time you guys argued about whether or not if pineapple belonged on pizza.
It's a timeless topic and it gets brought up every now and then.
This also leads to late night conversations, sometimes you guys dont even talk but just enjoy the presence of the other person. Most of the time you fall asleep together because of the calmness in the air.
You know this friendship ain't complete if ya'll aren't talking about your favourite movies, shows or music and sharing it.
"Lorsan look at this character I like, aren't they hot?!"
"Ew 😐"
Expect a lot of surprise visits, like you could be on an adventure to do something important and he would pop out of nowhere with a huge smile on his face. But you don't complain much about it because the sight of him makes you relax.
Just being around him makes you feel like you could be your true self.
Plus, half of the time he arrives just in time to save you from a fight.
Ya'll would definitely hold hands, you know those things where people hold hands and they're just swinging it front and back so happily? Yeah that's the type of thing you two do.
He just loves it, he doesn't care if it's childish, there's nothing wrong with taking care of your inner child.
Of course talking about your feelings is important. If he needs someone to comfort him, you're the first he goes to. The same applies to you.
You always prepare his favourite strawberry candy when he comes over to rant about something, sometimes you don't even need to say anything but just take it out of your pocket and hand it to him.
He appreciates you very much.
The two of you went through some really dark times but with each other's support, you both survived. Whether it be saying dumb jokes or crying late at night together. One wouldn't have made it far without the other.
Respecting the other person's boundaries? Check ✅
He knows all your fears and you know all his. This just leads to an endless circle of pranks.
Lorsan once used Bryon to shield you from approaching him with a frog and you can imagine the level of chaos of the situation.
"Bryon save me!!"
"Uh... did I intrude at a wrong time?"
You guys would have the most weirdest inside jokes that everybody else gets concern at the most random things ya'll crack up at.
There was this one time you both just started laughing when Lyca expressed her frustration about losing the package of peanuts she needed to send to Granny Dahnie.
Trust that she was not pleased.
Brushing each other's hair? Also check ✅
Wearing each other's clothes? Triple check ✅
He doesn't care if it's a hat or a whole t-shirt, he's wearing it and you can't stop him 😈
He loves you dearly but bro can't remember your birthday even if his life was on the line.
Your friendship with him is literally "bae" but platonically.
I'm talking joking flirting with each other but the moment someone says how cute you two would look together, one's gagging out of disgust and the other is glaring the shit out of the person who said it.
So never break his heart because who else is he gonna be his ride or die when it comes to getting into trouble? ☹.
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powderblueblood · 8 months
— the 411 on the loser playboy of the midwestern world
Tagged by @jo-harrington & @deathbecomesthem who got this stunning prompt on the road, love this love youse
let’s talk MUNSON!
What story is he from? What kind of story is it (Fix-it fic, Older!Eddie, Rockstar!Eddie etc)? The Eddie darling that takes up prime real estate in my brain is of course Hellfire & Ice Eddie, which is a teen romantic-dramadey with sprinkles of crime capers on top. We meet him at 18 years of age, drug dealin’, Dungeon wheelin’, at the absolute top of his bottom of the food chain game. He’s all raw nerve and engine sputter, our consummate not ready for prime time player. He is brassy, ballsy, funny, terrified.
What inspired you to write this Eddie? Flight of Icarus, actually! It reignited my initial love for him by basically confirming what I had already known to be true—he’s a little bitch that’ll take any opportunity to be struck down lovesick and he’s doomed by his bloodline.
What are your favorite headcanons about him/share something you never shared in your story? Eddie runs on a full tank of defiance, just burning rubber against what’s expected of kids his age—but to zoom in? Eddie sometimes wonders what it would be like if he was different. Tried harder. Cut his hair, joined the basketball team, really pulled himself up by his bootstraps and divorced himself from his stain of a last name. Folded in and blended, made all the right moves. Why couldn’t I do that? he thinks, Just pretend. I’m good at making shit up. But that’s selling out. And Eddie Munson is no sell out—rap sheet or no, his life is his own.
What does he wear on a casual day? On a dressier day? What does he wear to bed? Casual day, it’s your cartoon character stock costume of insert band t-shirt here, ripped jeans there, doubled up battle vest and leather cut to top it all off. There might be a variant in jean shade but that’s it. He likes to stick to a look. The dressiest he’ll go (he does not own dressy clothes) is a black cable knit sweater, very old, with the thumb holes worried through the cuffs. To bed, preferably nothing, but boxers of absolutely necessary and a very old, ratty pair of flannel PJ bottoms and an old t-shirt or a faded sweatshirt of Wayne’s if it’s freezing.
Favorite foods? This FUCK loves a pizza with the most fuckass toppings. Anchovy, black olive, pepperoni, sweetcorn (for the vitamins!), pineapple (for the jizz thing!) all on the one pie. But he can cook, to an extent, and we unfortunately have to hand this to ex-line cook Al who taught him how to grill a cheese and make a bitchin’ spaghetti with honeyed tomato gravy and lots of oregano. Eddie also loves a snack he can gesticulate with, see: Twizzler, corn dog, ice pop. Bordering on phallic foods.
Tell Us About His Family/Friends: Immediately in the gene pool—Al, the absent and up-to-no-good father who somehow still has a knife in Eddie’s side and will twist it with the simple words, “C’mon, that’s my boy!” Wayne, uncle and father figure, silent but loving and the only real pillar Eddie could ever lean against, and he feels like such a burden for it sometimes. Elizabeth, mommy dearest and dead, canonised like a saint in Eddie’s mind, and might have been but also might not have been. The root of his love of music and his need to tell stories to survive. The found-by-the-hand-of fate family— Ronnie Ecker, the Stalter to his Waldorf, the Bonham to his Page, the only person he’d ever follow into battle because you wouldn’t think it but Ronnie, who is secretly rage akimbo, would accidentally lead that charge. He loves her like a sister, she loves him like a dog. Just kidding. Maybe. He wants to be Ronnie Ecker when he grows up. Granny Ecker comes as part of this deal, one of the people credited with whooping Eddie into shape. We don’t quite know what shape yet, it’s Picassoan in nature. Then, the extension again that is the great Corroded Coffin/Hellfire crossover event—Jeff, Cyrus, Dougie and Gareth. He’s not quite as close with the boys, but they’re good boys. They love and fear him, except for Cyrus who is a true enigma which pisses Eddie off because he’s supposed to be the fucking enigma here, dammit.
Yeah Yeah, he's a Metalhead. Tell Us MORE About His Taste in Music in your story: We are working off Flight of Icarus rules so he’s got a taste in the mouth for Howlin’ Wolf style blues, real down and dirty Detroit shit. He also loves a sleazeball, so enter Tom Waits and when he’s feeling REALLY sentimental, Leonard Cohen. Eddie loves to bite a thumb so he has some punk spinning too—Richard Hell, MC5, The Cramps, and reluctantly Iggy and the Stooges. They’re Al’s favourite so kind of tainted. Last but not least, I think that Johnny Cash’s Live From Folsom Prison album gets a lot of play. Particularly Cocaine Blues and Dark in the Dungeon, which he’s definitely incorporated into some campaign. He does NOT listen to CHICK MUSIC because he’s a loser boy (Wayne has a Linda Ronstadt record that makes him cry).
What are his views on romance? On sex? Eddie Munson falls in love fourteen times a day because at the be all and end all, he’s an artist and he’s sensitive as shit. Let’s get one thing straight—he can flirt to beat the band, once anyone gives him the time of day. Which they don’t. But in his mind? He’s a silver tongued Casanova. It’s just easier to use on people he hates. Once he has a crush, he has an obsession, even if he’s oftentimes too chickenshit to act on it. Cue pulling pigtails in the playground routine. He wants so badly to worship someone and be worshipped in return, okay, it’s reciprocal worshipping—give him mutual pathological obsession or give him DEATH. He wants to build a shrine, and will, to the right person. He’ll preoccupy his mind with every detail about them to the point where, yeah, it is borderline kind of stalkery but he’s still 18 years old. Speaking of, sex? Yeah, he’s done it. Badly. He’s like to do it again, goodly. He’d like to do it with someone that wasn’t treating it like an experiment, someone who’d let him slobber all over them and rut and keen and whine like the hound in heat he fucking feels like. He has no goddamn control! He experiences pleasure in a total headrush, never been able to stay cool and sexy and commanding a day in his life. He just wants, wants, wants and he burns so hot. Eddie wants so clumsily that it comes out at the most inappropriate times, like the nurse’s office after he gets his fist busted. He’s not some sex god, just some dick with an overeager cock. But he sure is willing to put in the work.
Is he optimistic or pessimistic? Pessimistic on the surface, the life is shit and then you die so might as well do some whippits poster boy but so so secretly, Eddie holds the tiniest flame of hope that someday, somehow, things will get better. At the very least easier. That he’ll grow into his bones somehow, or someone will help soothe him into them. That he’ll feel some kind of belonging. Because he does want that, really. Some soft place to land.
Where or with whom is he most comfortable? Those pockets of alchemy at Hellfire Club when he’s got a rapt audience. With Ronnie, sitting on the sagging couch outside his trailer. Playing chauffeur to a certain princess across-the-way.
What are his views of his future? What are his hopes/dreams? Pie in the sky? Cover of Circus with his cheeks out, duh. A Grammy or two, his own metal club, a published fantasy author, shit. He’s not askin’ for the world, here! But honestly, Eddie’s view of his future is 18 year old misanthropist bleak. He hasn’t even considered college as an option, not that he’d get there with his grades. He figures he might just start selling full time for Rick once (if) he graduates then hopefully have the good enough sense to take his money and split to Chicago or someplace. Might hit it lucky when he’s played in a couple more iterations of Corroded Coffin and con someone into letting him be a session guitarist—which wouldn’t be the cover of Circus, but would still be a huge deal! But as much as an ego game as he likes to talk, he’s got this terrible, looming feeling that he’ll never leave Hawkins alive.
What do you imagine his future looks like? (If your story is incomplete or if this would be a spoiler you're not willing to share, you can skip this question.) I’ll give you a couple details, because I am writing a sequel about this. Picture a brief stint in Indianapolis. Meaner, grizzlier, bartender-ier, going on a decade of heartbreak, performing at his sexual best but nearing burnout and about to turn 30 with some side dealings at home that are edging out of the side and into the forefront. Heavy is the hand that wears the ring. You look so much like your father!
Anything else you'd like us to know about your Eddie/your story? He is so full of love and piss and vinegar. He is going to end up cherished. Like, violently so.
Optional Vulnerable Question: Why do you write fics for Eddie Munson? I love a tragedy touched smartass who folds at the first sign of affection. I want to nourish him and eat him up like the witch from Hansel and Gretel. Or have Lacy do it for me, whatever.
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island-babys-blog · 10 days
🌺Mini Beach Stories Ep 2 🌺
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Characters: Male Starfire (Blazefire) x black reader ( white cat)
Author's Note: The timeline is set around the beginning of Teen Titans, where Starfire meets the Titans, bare with yah gurl 😉
Synopsis: You, the adopted sister of Dick and the daughter of Batman and Cat women go on a mission with the Teen Titans and meet a 6’8” tall Tamaranean man with fire-like hair who speaks unusual English.
"This couldn’t get any worse," you thought behind your white mask, fiddling with your sharp daggers and tuning out your teammates' voices in the car. You were just trying to enjoy the city's scenery before you did your job.
“Speed it up will yuh,” Kidflash says with annoyance as his arms are crossed “You drive like my granny.
“We're moving with the flow of traffic” Dick known as Robin said with a bit to his tone all while Bumblebee and beast boy were listening to the conversation.
“ When do I get to drive,” Red arrows says feeling salty that Robin got to drive AGAIN
“ what a bunch of idiots,” you say to Bumblebee as your short hair blows in the wind, getting a giggle in return and a slap on the shoulder from her
“ My car….so never” Robin retorts shutting down the conversation until Beast Boy pipes up typing on his phone.
“ Ouu oh I’m gonna sign up for this thing tweeter, you put out what you’re thinking…like I love pizza or I’m having pizza now or even Pizza is awesome” he finished while Bumblebee looked at him with a conflicted look until she spoke and you listened
“ All of your thoughts don’t have to be pizza-related,” Bumblebee says with sass both you and her looking at a beast boy as if he grew two heads.
“ says who” Beast Boy says with his own sass as his eyes squinted with rising anger
"Hey, I can order a pizza," Kid Flash said, looking at Beast Boy and the girls, but then looked away. "Well, we're puttering along here," his voice tinged with sarcasm.
“ ooh great idea, gonna have pizza soon’’ beast Boy types on his phone “First tweet spent” A ding appears on his phone as he presses spend
“ what the heck is that,” Red Arrow says capturing the team's attention, and looks up to see a figure fighting off winged creatures.
“ Flash go find out,” you say ordering the speedster before Robin can speak squinting your eyes at the figure ‘ who is that you thought?
“ On it” Hopping out of the car kid flash speeds fast passing the cars in front disappearing and coming back to talk to you
“Report” you demanded to Kidflash “ You need to see for yourself white cat, I’m not sure” he said still running beside the car before speeding ahead as Robin followed him.
As you and the team hopped out of the car, you noticed Kid Flash standing anxiously at the edge of the building. In the distance, a flying figure caught your attention.
The character was a striking male with flowing red hair, sun-kissed orange skin, and intense emerald green eyes. He was dressed in a vibrant purple suit that revealed a glimpse of his chest and abdominal muscles, similar to a crop top.
He was desperately attempting to escape from a group of winged creatures who were relentlessly pursuing him.
Looking up you could see how out-worldly handsome he was.
As you and your teammates were looking up at the action pack scene that was happening in front of you, Red Arrow spoke up grabbing the team's attention.
“ Big week for us, first we stop the fearsome five” looking a Beast Boy “ hey were so pissed you’ll pay for interfering with us blah blah blah” beast boy laughs as if he jokes around.
“ and now we get to stop an alien brawl” Red Arrow spoke as the red-haired male was trying to lose the creatures that were chasing him.
Dodging the creatures with a nimble backflip as they swung their swords through the air, he couldn't evade the next strike that sent him hurtling toward the ground at an alarming rate.
“ Which side do we join?” Red Arrow hissed at the male plummed the ground you look at him with a really look
“ Really,” Bumblebee says with furrowed brows “Looks can be deceiving” he retorts
The injured red-haired male lay on the floor, his body wracked with pain. He was surrounded by winged creatures, each of them brandishing their weapons menacingly. Grunting at the pain he looks up only to be met with a weapon to the face knocking him down once more.
You gasped wanting to help the stranger.
The winged creatures swiftly swooped down, seizing the stranger by his arm and hoisting him up before dragging him along by his knees.
Your face void of any emotion you spoke up “ Titans Go!” your teammates flipping over the edge following your command
Kidflashed swiftly pivoted and extended his hands, generating powerful tornadoes with his incredible speed to fend off the winged creatures.
“ Buzz of lizard lips” As Bumblebee bravely launched herself into action, she unleashed her stingers, aiming for the menacing faces of the creatures. Meanwhile, the ground shook with the powerful, thunderous steps of Beast Boy, who had transformed into a massive rhino. With incredible force, he charged at the creatures, ramming them out of the way with unyielding determination.
“ Coming through”
As Red Arrow zipped through the wire, he landed on top of an apartment building. With precision, he aimed his bow and arrow at the creatures, taking careful aim before releasing the projectile. One of his arrows was filled with a powerful gas, which he expertly shot at the enemy.
You dashed through the billowing smoke, using it as cover to conceal your presence. As you moved, you deftly kicked the winged creatures in the face, warding them off to clear your path. Determined to fend off the attackers, you skillfully swipe your catnail-shaped daggers at them, all the while executing acrobatic cat-like flips to dodge their incoming weapons.
“ watch out this cat bites” you smirked punching one creature in the throat and the other in the face as they released the red-haired male from their hearing.
A gasp as the male looked at you with a thankful look
“Language” he spoke “ Alien language,” he said as you tried to understand him looking at what he was looking at
“ I think Rapunzel is trying to tell us something,” Beast Boy says as Kidflash meets up, as all you look up to see a purple portal in the sky.
You press the intercom in your ear “ Speedy you got something loud that can close that thing”
“ Got you covered Boss” Red Arrow digs into his bag and pulls out a glowing bomb pointing it to the strange purple portal letting the arrow fly towards it hitting it only to make it worse
Causing everything to suck up into the portal, cars, buses, and even the winged creatures that were attacking them.
Struggle to fly down bumblebee tries her hardest to meet the ground feeling the air pulling her upwards until Kidflash catches her bringing her to safety. Beast Boy transforms into a variety of heavy animals a gorilla, a rhino then an elephant that is successfully able to keep himself grounded.
Feeling the pull you grabbed hands on the figure bringing your dagger down to stabb the ground praying that it will keep you and the make grounded. Not noticing one of the wings creatures grabbing onto the male's legs.
Feeling the strain of your arms you look to see the air snatching the male and the winged creatures along pulling them into the vacuum-like portal. Hearing the screams of the male
You pull your dagger that was from the ground to save the red-haired male throwing one of your small knives at the winged creature that was previously pulling on the male's leg.
Grabbing him with your white gloves, the vacuum-like portal finally stopped causing an explosion to happen, feeling the effects of gravity pulling you and the male holding on to you at a threatening speed.
You land harshly on the concrete first grunting as you both slide, feeling the burn on your upper back and lower butt.
“definitely gonna need an ice bath tonight” you grumbled feeling the pain but was more worried about the male ontop of you. Looking down to see a huge cloud of bright red hair in your face. Picking up his head the male looks at you cradling his hand behind your neck.
He spoke his native language with a soft deep tone, holding eye contact with you as he smashed his lips against yours muffling your shocked noise, hair covering your expression from your teammate's eyes.
“ I did not see that coming,” Red Arrow says with a sly smirk while Bumblebee looks with a hint disguised at the display Beast Boy taking a photo at the two of you, and Robin not too pleased to see his little sister's body dwarfed by the tall man that was kissing her.
Releasing the kiss with a wet smack
“ Thank you, I’m Koriand'r from planet Tamaran, our kind can learn language from the act of kissing” he spoke, voice rumbling with a shy smile and a Face feeling hot from the act
You feeling dazed from the act giddy smile not noticing your brother's red face and was that…smoke coming out from his ears
“ Useful” you spoke breathily giving him one of your smiles.
And that is how the alien meets his white cat. Thanks for reading!
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woril · 5 months
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I've been working on a Pizza Tower mod that will replace the major characters because I'm a crazy person. Major being like, playables and bosses, maybe Pizza Granny too.
So here's the idle since it's one of the first things I made alongside a quick sketch of the character I'm putting over Peppino. His name is Reed.
If you're wondering why he's yellow in the gif it's so he can change outfit colours/patterns, it doesn't look like that in-game. It's been really useful for telling which Pep sprites are used vs unused.
But yeah this is why I haven't had much to upload, I'm probably barely even 1% done. But hey it's kinda fun.
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This reminded me of the Scramble AU lmao
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There's something I can't stop thinking about, I need to tell this story and it's about the people with pizza heads in the portraits that appear in the lobby.
It's amazing how no one is talking about these, I just found a post talking about it.
Nobody paid attention to these portraits, perhaps due to lack of information or they were more interested in playing.
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We can see that pizzaface, pizza granny and pizzahead have more relatives or there are people of the same species and there are even pizza-shaped animals.
Unfortunately, only floor 1 shows that and the other floors do not show more about the pizza people/family.
but I'm not only interested in these portraits or in this removed character
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According to the wiki, he is a magician and creator of the tower and not pizzaface or pizzahead as some think. He cast a spell on the spaghetti family because they disrespected the pizza, saying that the family would not be at peace if they had pizza cooked, this caused a war between spaghetti and the pizzas and the winner was the spaghetti family.
He died after the war and leaving pizzaface this position in the tower, but in my opinion it was someone else, since there are photos of other people with pizza heads, so most of the photos must have been family members who were in charge of The tower, mostly male, was like this for generations to generations, it's like the typical story that the manager or boss should always be a relative of the first manager of all of the company.
but they never explained the origin of the tower, but I have a theory: the tower could be a safe place for living foods that were not going to fight far from the war and also a resting place for soldiers and that today they are a living place. (and there are possibilities that before the tower did not accept humans because of what happened in the war)
Speaking of the war, there is a level of war, this can mean something important for the pizza family, creating a portal of that event for future generations so that they "do not forget" the origin of the tower, causing the new generations hate the spaghetti family and that the curse continues to exist. (and no friend, that peppino has gone to war is no longer canon, but even so it is not explained what the peppino clones do there, so let's imagine that pizzahead left the other peppino clones there because he was very stupid and that the soldiers kill him, The only thing that came out of there was fake Peppino, pizzahead discovering it and more likely they will manipulate fake peppino than fight peppino)
"I'm going to go ahead and talk about something that I've been saying to others who know about this place of worship that you did this. Well, we come down from your pizzeria and we come down from this tower. There are customers, and they want to see one of these things. So I got a friend, he went down one of the floors and this guy went up next to me, and the idea was, why when you're at the top of the tower is this character from Pizzaface, then there's a man in your life? before the head? There is a pizza in your tower with all this information."
There is a lot here to create a lot of theories from the phrases they release and we have to have a great imagination to understand. (when he said "There are customers, and they want to see one of these things", my first thought was people paying to see the fight between spaghetti and pizza one more time. lol and when he says "we come down from your pizzeria and down from this tower" can it mean that peppino pizza ended like the tower?)
about "he went down one of the floors and this guy went up next to me, and the idea was, why when you're at the top of the tower is this Pizzaface character, then is there a man from your previous life at the head? There's a pizza in your tower with all this information."
what happens to me is that he talks about pizzaface, granny wonders why he calls himself pizzaface and that he has a real name. but I have another theory, it's about the ancestor of pizzahead's ancestor, who also calls himself pizzaface (maybe there is a tradition that when the son of the previous boss/manager is ready to take over that position, he should abandon his name and call himself pizzaface )
since granny asks peppino if he remembers someone like that in his previous life. (does granny know who the ancestors of pizzahead and peppino were?) about there is a pizza in your tower that knows all this information (oh crap, is he saying that the tower used to be for spaghetti?? granny has already debunked my theory without the need for someone else to do it)
More likely, Pizzahead and/or Pizzaface already know everything about what happened to the ancestors and all the fights in the previous generations, and Granny tries to warn Peppino in an indirect way. (betrayed his grandson and his son. lol)
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I think my theory is here, maybe they will update if I find more material related to the tower or the ancestors.
You can leave your theories here if you want. ^^
Can you imagine that Pizzahead and Peppino's relationship was like Romeo and Juliet's? lol
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presidentbungus · 2 years
Scout has incredible street smarts! While it seems irrelevant in the base dropped in the middle of nowhere, he is invaluable during contract missions located within urban areas.
He can notice an undercover cop in a second, distinguish accents, recognize a scam happening, pinpoint a drug dealer who looks like a sweet old granny and see the signs of some group's terf markings. The team is looking for some local hotshot and they have no leads? Scout runs to the downtown and locates the first bodega/laundromat/bar/gas station/pizza parlor, blends in and befriends some entry-position-apprentice who gives him all the info he needs.
South Boston is the top school in the world for the street-smarts and Scout graduated it with honors.
yep! while scout has resigned himself to the position of “the stupid one” alongside a crowd of extremely talented, socially awkward PhD owners, once somebody finally has the idea that he seems good at talking and drags him along on a mission they figure out pretty quick that holy shit this kid is good at talking.
Engie’s usually the negotiator if they need one at all, mostly because he knows how to say please and thank you when it seems necessary, but he still has sort of a… distrustful aura around him. the accent’s disarming, sure, and does a great job pushing through a crowd of white middle-aged church moms, but it turns out there are a lot of parts where a moderately-wealthy-looking fourty-year-old white man with a little bit of a weird glint in his eyes ain’t really that welcome. so they might send scout in, since he really, really wants to go in and they’re all out of options (unless they want to send sniper, and he’d probably leave the building having bitten at least four people on reflex)—and when he comes back out he’s got everything they need to know, plus some free snacks, plus an invite to some teenage boy’s birthday party.
it turns out that little air of authenticity goes a long way—and the team watches him flip from polite upstanding church-boy cashier to poor sad orphan boy on the streets to egregiously annoying emotional armor-shredding “class clown” in what seems like seconds, and I guess it should occur to someone at some point that he’s spent his entire life figuring out how to blend in places like that and get what he wants.
(everybody would joke he got the ‘good actor’ gene from spy, if it didn’t just make them sad. also, a few people see him effortlessly skating his way person-to-person, molding his conversational targets like putty, and wonder exactly how much of an act he might be putting on back at the base, too.)
addendum: of all the characters he is able to axt in, “suave” or “ladykiller” or anything along those lines is not one of them. please don’t get me wrong. he’s the friendly face you see on the other end of the sidewalk, or the guy you run into at the grocery store that turns towards you and awkwardly tells a whole bunch of jokes in a row and it’s so weirdly pathetic and charming at the same time you can’t help but laugh, but he’s still terrible at romance, and as a matter of fact most things Involving charisma in general. he just takes advantage of that sad wet kitten energy, you know? it works out
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I made a Pizza Tower AU! : Candy Castle
So the jist of it is, it’s a Swap AU, based off of the hit fangame Sugary Spire, but Instead of swapping the personalities and roles of the characters, it just swaps the roles of the characters, keeping the personalities of the characters the same. This AU idea was inspired off of the Undertale AU TS!Underswap that does the same thing. Some swapped roles are based of Sugary Spire and some are just my idea.
In this AU, Peppino never went into war, (yes i know that McPig said it wasn’t canon but shhh), because of that, he never got his pizza business going. He instead became shrouded in debt, needing to work unfulfilling dead-end jobs to make ends meet, as his involvement as a war veteran actually paid the bills and the pizza shop he could have bought. Instead, Theodore/Teddy Gobbstopper (The Noise), a New Yorker stereotype, sugar-obsessed candy confectioner buys out the building that would’ve became Peppino’s Pizza Shop, now named “Teddy’s Candy”.
 A corporate candy company builds a nearby castle/factory across from Teddy’s candy shop. The money hungry boss of the company sends his mascot of the company, Granny Candydimples who warns Teddy that they’ll smash his candy shop with a comically large hammer if he doesn’t do anything about it. Teddy gives in, pops in a few butterscotch candies in his mouth and sugar rushes to the Candy Castle at Mach 4 speed. 
Some Tidbits of the Characters shown so far! : 
Teddy Gobbstopper - The Noise:
He gained his earnings as a TV show actor for half of his life. As a sugar-addicted maniac, he’s always been relying on candy to aid his needs at all times. His love for candy sparked his desires to become a candy maker and is the reason why he’s always on a never-ending sugar rush, annoying the hell out of people when he’s around others.  But because of rival corporations stealing his customers, he’s become in debt.
Suzy Sugarplum - Noisette :
She owns a separate candy shop of her own and is also affected by the rival candy corporation. Teddy and Suzy fell in love after meeting in the Candy Castle, although Teddy tries to hide these feelings. She later tames a hedgehog named Sock. She’s very optimistic and silly, but she means serious business when it comes to candy sales.
Mr. LollyStick - Pizzahead:
He’s Teddy’s landlord and accountant who always bugs him to pay his bills by acting overly annoying in a joyful type of way, popping out of absolutely nowhere and playing endless pranks if you don’t pay your taxes on time. While he doesn’t care about the money as much, he does want to make ends meet.
Captain Crackle - Peppino Spaghetti :
Full name, Peppino Ravioli Crackle, has been in debt for years, trying to work his way into finally fulfilling his lifelong dream of owning a Pizza Parlor. He’s been subjected to signing a painstaking lifelong contract of selling his likeness to be the mascot of a sugary cereal brand, Captain Crackle, a joyful, charming cereal pirate roaming the 7 milky seas. He even had to change his last name as part of the contract. He’s a short-tempered anxious mess, constantly wondering if he’ll make it out of debt and out of a job he hates. He seeks comfort and joy out of the little time he has out of work, making pizza and singing opera tunes in the kitchen.
Mr. Gus - Gustavo :
Like Peppino, Gus, full name Gustavo, also is in debt, hoping to also open a restaurant of his own. He’s Captain Crackle’s sidekick who does most of the work and he’s also a bunny themed mascot for his own cereal Chocklinz, where he always gets bullied by goblins who tell him “Chocklinz are for Goblins”. He secretly works on the side as a bartender at a hidden place called Gus’s Soda Tavern. 
Oh, and here’s the Swap Chart! :
The Noise <--> Peppino
Noisette <--> Gustavo
Pizzahead <--> Mr. Stick
Snick <--> Brick
Gerome the Janitor <--> Pepperman
The Priest <--> The Vigilante
The Fake Peppino counterpart would be a Fake Ted, but maybe instead of being like a mutant science experiment maybe it will be a weird rusty robot version of Teddy,
Granny Pizza (The pizza that guides you through the tutorial and stuff) <--> Pizzaface
Mort The Chicken from the hit game Mort The Chicken <--> Cookie Blair from the Copyright Hit game Cookie’s Bustle 
I’ll be making a Part 2 in the near future! Stay tuned fellas!
(Oh, and if you want to make fan art of my AU, please do! Just be sure to credit me as the creator of the AU and link my blog page!)
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Some minor characters for the Tower Scramble AU! Text transcribed under the cut in case it’s too hard to read.
Snotty in the role of Pizza Granny: Vigert’s adventurous but accident prone cousin. Found and explored the tower before Vigert arrived, and is trying to help by giving hints + tips. Knee brace from past injury that never healed properly.
Pizza Granny in the role of Secret King: Secret eyes are replaced by Pizza Portals (Bonus note: she doesn’t play a very large role in the AU, same as the Secret King doesn’t play a large role in Pizza Tower)
Secret King in the role of King Ghost: Pizzascape and Pizzascare have eye motifs, and anything he possesses gains more eyes (Bonus note: Pizzascape and Pizzascare are renamed to Paintscape and Paintscare respectively)
King Ghost in the role of Snotty (Paint King): An early attempt of Pepperman creating paint beings. King was rejected for his unstable form and faded pigments. Wanders the fourth floor with other abandoned projects of Pepperman’s.
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