#charles and gina
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"We’ve been providing military advisors, internationally, for over forty years."
Leverage S01E02 The Homecoming Job.
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letsperaltiago · 3 months
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b99 characters as tweets (pt. 5/?) ✨ peraltiago edition ✨
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iliketopgun · 6 months
Y'all are gonna have to pry Brooklyn 99 from my cold dead hands
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lenacosse · 8 months
In a world of boys, he’s a gentle man
pairings: Jake Peralta x female reader
warnings: Men being men. Angst with happy ending.
word count: 2.6k
summary: You’re having a hard time at work, things are stressing you out and you’re at a crossroad in your relationship with Jake but he’ll always fix his mistakes.
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The blaring of your obnoxious alarm fills your ears. Ripping you from your sleep for another day of work, another day of men undermining you, another day of unsolved crimes.
You reluctantly drag yourself out of your bed and get ready. To make matters worse you and your boyfriend Jake were fighting- you wanted him to move in but his fear of commitment made him laugh the topic off and diminish your feelings. You understood his issues, but it wasn’t fair. So you told him you needed space, and surprisingly he hasn’t contacted you yet. Not that you’re necessarily upset about that, you had mixed feelings.
You arrive to work at 9:12am. And there stands holt an eyebrow raised at you. You sigh and begin.
“I’m sorry sir. I got stuck in traffic.”
“So you’re the only one of my detectives late because of traffic, even though you live closest to the precinct.” Holt gives you a stern look and you just nod and walk into his office. He follows you in and shuts the door, you take a seat.
“I’m sorry captain. I don’t know what you expect me to say.”
“I appreciate the apology. But I’m worried about you (Y/L/N), you’re one of the finest detectives in the precinct yet you cannot unsolve simplest of cases?”
“I know. I just have a lot going on right now.”
“Well I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to take your cases and put you onto paperwork tasks. I understand it won’t help but it’s protocol.”
You just nod and exit his room, not looking where you’re going you walk right into Hitchcock who spills his coffee all over you. You take a long breath and look right at him. Violent outbursts weren’t your thing, but the stupidity of the situation is making it hard not to punch him in the face.
“Would you watch where you’re going!” You storm off into the women’s bathroom to dry your shirt off. A worried Amy follows you in.
“(Y/N)? Are you okay?” Amy asks, slowly moving towards you where you stand drying your coffee stained blouse.
You look at Amy and can’t help the tears that are filling your eyes. “I’m sorry i’m fine. It’s not big deal.”
Amy puts a hand on your arm, giving you a reassuring smile. “I know you’ve been stressed recently, and I’m sorry that your cases have been reassigned. But think of it as a break. Now you can have time to think.”
You nod and offer her a smile. Amy was undoubtedly your best friend, she had a way of understanding your feelings and you appreciated that more than you could explain.
“Thank you Ames. you’re amazing.” You and Amy share a hug before she leaves the bathroom. You dry your shirt by which time you’ve collected your thoughts. Allowing you to go back out there with a clear head and better intentions.
Walking back to your desk you get a few reluctant glances, you know it’s bad when people look at your like you’re Rosa. Half way through your first paper work task you get a short tap on your shoulder, you turn around to see Jake. He looks worn down, not as enthusiastic as usual. You would be lying if you said you didn’t feel a little bit bad, your aim was not to upset Jake when you said you wanted space, but to give yourself time to think. Which you haven’t even had a chance to do yet.
“I brought you a coffee.” Jake says, it was strange to see him so… calm? The main reason you agreed to go out with Jake was because he made you laugh. Because being with him was easy, you didn’t have to change yourself to be with him and that was all anyone could ask for. But the last few days he has been indifferent, you couldn’t help but blame yourself.
“Thank you.” You smile and take the coffee from his hands. Jake nods and starts to walk away, he glances back at you. Continues to walk, glances back again then walks back to you.
“Can.. we talk later? I know you want space but I hate this. I feel bad and it’s just..”
You cut him off with a sympathetic look. “Jake..” you begin, your tone flat.
“Yeah. sorry.” He walks away, this time not looking back.
You sigh and look to your left where Charles is sitting shaking his head and wiping his eyes. You furrow your brows at him and he takes that as an invite over. He walks over to your desk, his shoulders slumped.
“Can I help you Charles?”
“God. I’m so worried about you and jake. These last few days have been utter hell. I haven’t felt this helpless since Elenor and I divorced. I’m so upset I can’t even eat my stake tartare.”
“Maybe that’s for the best Charles, sounds absolutely disgusting.” You shake your head in disgust, “as for me and Jake we are grown adults and can sort it ourselves. Don’t stress.”
“That’s impossible! I’ll talk to Jake. I know how to solve the issue, a nurturing shower where he tenderly washes your hair with lavender shampoo.”
“Seriously?! Go back to your desk.” You shoo him away with your hand. Accepting defeat, sometimes you feel bad for dismissing Charles, but not today.
By lunch time you made a reasonable dent in your paperwork. You glance over to Jake, he’s doing paperwork too. But nothing is distracting him, not even the fact that captain Holt cracked a smile, at least someone’s in a good mood.
“Come on get your stuff we’re going to get lunch.” Rosa says standing in front of your desk with her arms crossed. Behind her is Gina.
“This doesn’t mean I care about you by the way girl. I need a break from my endless paperwork.”
You look over to Gina’s desk and roll your eyes, she had two files sitting there. “Wow I couldn’t imagine it. Is Amy coming?”
“It was her idea to bring you to lunch, then she got out her colour coordinated file of conflict resolution to help you lighten up. So I told her the wrong place, being around nerds is not what I need right now. Poor Amy sitting alone with nothing but her folder.” Gina shrugs.
You grab your jacket and go out with Gina and Rosa. You go to a cafe near the precinct, the cafe echoed with small talk and coffee pots brewing. It was peaceful compared to the loud precinct, the constant keyboard clicks and nonsense talk could of easily driven you mad.
“Damn I think you ruined Jake’s life, he’s a serious depresso these days.” Gina starts.
“I did not ruin his life. I needed space.”
“Why? Did his immaturity get the better of you?” Rosa questioned, you were slightly surprised at her input. Usually an outing with Rosa entails complete silence.
You sigh taking a sip of your drink. “I wanted us to move in together. He brushed it off saying there’s no need. So I told him I needed space from him and time to think, I feel bad sure but I don’t know what to do. It feels like he doesn’t love me enough to work through these issues.” You swallow back the lump in your throat.
“Mmkay well not to give you a compliment but Jake does love you.” Gina retorts. Rosa nods in agreement.
“You always try to get me to talk about my feelings, so take your own advice and go talk to him.” Rosa added.
“I don’t know what to say, we’ve been together for almost two years and it feels like we’re capped at the newly established relationship part.”
“I think that’s enough relationship talk. Who do you think we are, Amy Santiago? No.” Gina scoffed, as she did the food arrived. You sit with your friends eating lunch and listening to Gina talk about her upcoming dance competition and her love for Beyoncé.
“Thanks for lunch.” You smile at Gina and Rosa as you sit back at your desk.
“Yeah whatever you’re welcome.” Rosa shrugs. You continue with your work, peacefully getting through your tasks with your mood peaking by the minute.
“(Y/N) can you give these files down to officer Smith?” Your sarge Terry asks, you get the files off his desk and get into the elevator to go downstairs.
It was no secret that the officers downstairs were dicks. They didn’t like you, especially officer Smith as you rejected him years ago. Ever since then he’s been making remarks about you attempting to piss you off, this has been applied to Jake as well because he is your boyfriend. Right after stepping out of the elevator you hear a wolf whistle coming from officer Smith. you roll your eyes and walk to his desk handing him the files.
“A present for me? You shouldn’t have.”
You ignore his words and explain the contents of the files, he doesn’t seem to be even paying attention but you didn’t care. That was until he piped up.
“How come you’re giving me files and not Gina?” You go to speak and he puts his finger to his mouth silencing you. “Don’t tell me the nine nine’s lousiest detective has been placed on desk duty.”
“It’s absolutely none of your business. But even so desk duty is much better than being stuck as a first rate officer for eight wasteful years.”
“Ah typical (Y/L/N) being a bitch when she gets her feelings hurt.”
“You’re pathetic. Don’t you get bored of being a dick?”
“You’re Goddamn insufferable. Just shut the fuck up and clear off.”
“Gladly. When you get off your ass for the first time today make sure to leave these files back.”
With that you walk away, but the cruel words that he shouted after had you clenching your fists and unwillingly crying in the elevator. That man knew how to get under your skin and you hated him with a burning passion. As you walk out of the elevator you wipe your eyes trying to mask the fact you’ve been embarrassingly crying. And once again you collide with someone. Their hands steady you by grabbing your shoulders. You sigh and look up, seeing Jake with a concerned look plastered on his face.
“Are you crying?”
“No.” You scoff as if you’re offended by the accusation.
“What happened?”
“Just Officer Smith being a dick.” You mumble.
His thumb lightly brushes a stray tear from your eye, you unwillingly melt into his touch, it’s warm and makes you feel safe.
“Whatever he said to you is irrelevant. He’s the biggest jerk ever. Don’t stoop down to his level and listen to what he has to say. You’re worth so much more than that.”
“Thank you Jake.” You run your thumb over his knuckles, a soft smile apparent on your face. Jake squeezed your hand three times, and you return the gesture. His face immediately brightens up, your eyes meet and you find yourself getting lost in his.
You hear a clearing of a throat, you look to your side seeing captain Holt stood with him arms crossed. You immediately drop Jake’s hand and he lets go of your shoulder. You both go back to your own desks. Today has made you realise talking to Jake is the best solution, it was only making you both miserable being apart. So you write him a note reading: ‘want to come over later?’ You throw it at him and it hits him in the head.
You watch his reaction to reading it. He scribbles something back on the page and throws it in your direction, but unluckily it hits Holt right in the face as he walks past your desk. You watch Jake’s eyes widen like a deer in headlights as he quickly looks down and pretends to be writing.
“Who on earth threw that?!” Holt rages. Everyone looks up from their desks yet no one takes accountability. Holt picks up the paper and reads it out. “Want to come over later? As long as we can watch die hard. (Ps. that shirt you’re wearing looks hot af)”
Your face turns a deep crimson as you look down at your desk, refusing eye contact. Everyone is quiet, mostly likely mentally scarred by the note. until Charles pipes up.
“WOOHOO!” He yells. “my dream couple are back. Did take my advice Jakey?”
“No Charles. I did not spoon feed her duck soup!”
“Gosh it’s a miracle things worked out.” Charles replied. You look over to Amy who looks just as disgusted as you from Charles’ statement.
“You two my office. Now.” Holt says whilst walking back to his office.
Jake follows behind you into Holt’s office, you both take a seat as does Holt. He does not look happy, or so you assume. He was difficult to read.
“Today started wonderfully. Everyone had work done. I even cracked a smile.” Holt starts. “However you two acting like teenagers is ridiculous! Throwing notes to each other like you’re in middle school?”
“(Y/L/N) started it.” Jake shakes his head in dismay. “She’s such a child.”
“Shut up Peralta.” You smack his arm, making him pull a classic face at you. You roll your eyes and cross you arms looking back at your captain.
“If you two can’t act mature then I’ll have to come up with a plan to keep you apart.”
You both mutter a sorry and he dismisses you. Of course the second you step out of his office you look at Jake and the both of you burst out laughing.
“What did I just say!” Holt shouts out, you both stop laughing and immediately go back to your desks.
Your door knocked and you went to answer it. standing there is Jake with flowers, a tiny teddy bear and a bag full of snacks. You smile and let him in, letting him know the pizza is on its way.
“For you my lady.” Jake says in a God awful posh accent. You take the flowers and other things from him. You find yourself blushing at the thought of him buying you these things.
“Well aren’t you just a gentleman.” You kiss his cheek, he takes your chin in his hand and moves your face to look at him. Your foreheads touch and he leans in to kiss you, the kiss is tender and loving. You run your free hand through his hair and slowly pull back.
“I’m sorry for not taking things seriously.”
“It’s okay.”
“No I was being an idiot. I love what we have, and of course I want to move in with you. But that freaked me out and I was unfair. I want you to know that I would do anything for you. I want this for us, I want to come home with you every night, I want to wake up next to you every morning. I’m serious about you, I should have just told you that from the start. but I messed things up and to think that I almost ruined us-“
You shut him up by kissing him, you feel his smile against your lips. His hands go to your hips pulling you closer. You slowly pull away and he pulls you into a hug. The scent his cologne fades all the worries and doubts, it was simple. Jake was the only possible person you ever wanted to be with, and things would work out because you both were dedicated to making it work.
“Thank you.” You slowly pull back and stroke his cheek with your thumb.
“Okay I’m glad that worked out because I already sold my apartment.”
You roll your eyes. “Of course you did.” You tease.
The pizza arrives and the two of you lay on your couch together, eating pizza and watching die hard for the thousandth time. At this point you swear you could recite the script. But if it makes Jake happy then it makes you happy.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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mannyblacque · 11 months
Somewhere in the Brooklyn Nine Nine universe, there is a Halloween heist going on right now.
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ateotd-izzy · 1 year
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how you get the girl | jake peralta x fem!reader
summary: 6 months after your breakup, on a rainy night, jake turns up on your doorstep.
warnings: some swearing, kissing, nothing that big of a deal
taglist: @brvceyamada
stand there like a ghost shaking from the rain
you were sat on your couch. all the lights were off and you had a movie playing on the tv while you were curled on the couch and listening to the rain.
it was basically a perfect night.
then there was a knock at your door.
it was late. you checked your phone to see the time, 11:38 pm, and got up with a groan.
why was someone at your door this late at night?
she’ll open up the door and say, ‘are you insane?’
you unlocked the front door and once you pulled it open you found your ex-boyfriend, jake peralta, standing on your porch.
he was soaking wet, his hair sticking to his forehead and his clothes drenched, from the rain.
“jake, what are you doing here?” you asked, taking in his appearance. “it’s the middle of the night and it’s pouring! are you insane?”
say it’s been a long six months
“maybe.” he replied before going quiet again and staring at you. “it’s been… a long six months.”
“really, jake?” you sighed.
you had seen him almost every single day since he broke up with you due to the fact that you worked together.
“are you drunk or something?”
“no! no— i…” he sighed. “i just…”
and you were too afraid to tell her what you want
“i was… afraid.” jake paused. “of telling you the truth.”
“what do you mean?”
“i mean the truth about how i felt about our relationship. i was too scared to tell you what i really wanted.”
“i’m so confused right now.” your eyes flitted around his face.
and that’s how it works
“just… come inside, peralta. it’s raining.” you grabbed him by the sleeve of his leather jacket and pulled him into your house.
“it’s been a while since i’ve been here.” jake said, looking around at the house that hasn’t really changed in the six months since he had dumped you.
that’s how you get the girl
“okay, jake, just… can you please explain what you’re doing here?” you asked. “this is totally random, and i’d like to know what you’re doing and why.”
jake’s mouth went dry and he stopped looking up at the ceiling. his eyes stopped on you.
and then, you say
“okay.” jake took a deep breath. “here it goes.”
“here what goes?” you asked.
i want you for worse or for better
“i want you.” jake paused. “for worse or for better.”
you raised your eyebrows in surprise for a moment before staring at him with a blank look.
i would wait forever and ever
“and, look, i would wait forever and ever.” jake said.
“you’re joking, right?” you asked, one hand still on the handle to your front door. “you can’t possibly be serious.”
broke your heart, i’ll put it back together
“y/n, i know i broke your heart.” jake sighed and looked up from his shoes and took one step closer to you. “but i’ll put it back together.”
you narrowed your eyes at him for two reasons. one, in disbelief, and two, because something about the whole situation was familiar.
i would wait forever and ever
“again, i would wait forever. and ever.” jake mumbled and the two of you stood in your entryway, a few feet away from each other.
“jake, you have got to be kidding me.” you sighed and walked past him and back into the living room, where your movie was now paused on the tv.
and that’s how it works
“what do you mean?” he asked, following you into the room.
“i mean you turning up at my house in the middle of the night talking like a crazy person.”
“a person… crazy in love.” jake said with a wide smile, which he dropped after he saw your disappointed stare. “no? okay.”
that’s how you get the girl
“jake, what is up with you?” you questioned him. “why are you here and why are you saying all this stuff?”
he walked past you and sat down on your couch, still wet.
“off the couch.” you ordered and he got up quickly.
“sorry.” he slowly made his way around the room before stopping in front of a shelf.
remind her how it used to be
he picked up a framed photo off of it and turned to look at you. “you’ve still got these up?”
you shrugged, crossing your arms and holding your robe tight. “yeah.”
“do you remember the day we took this?” he asked.
the picture he held was a selfie he had taken when the two of you were on a date after finishing a big case.
he has caught the exact moment you kissed his cheek.
with pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks
“mhm.” you didn’t want to say much. you didn’t like him being in your house, despite being the one who let him in. “right after we solved the mason murder case you took me out on that date.”
jake chuckled to himself and put the frame down. “yeah.”
the two of you had gone out for dinner, but then abandoned all plans for being in the outside world and decided to watch movies in jake’s apartment.
that same night, he told you that he loved you for the very first time.
tell her how you must’ve lost your mind
jake turned to look at you again.
he didn’t care if you were staring at him with a look that was a mix of both disapproval and disappointment, or that you clearly did not want him to be there.
jake’s eyes travelled from your eyes down your body and back to your face. he thought you looked beautiful.
“y/n, i swear, i must’ve lost my mind.” he forced out a very awkward chuckle, which he masked with a cough. “i did something so stupid, even for me.”
when you left her all alone, and never told her why
“which was?”
“dumping you. and not even telling you why.”
he did that.
six months earlier jake had come up to you at work and asked to talk to you privately.
and that’s how it works
“hey, babe, can i talk to you in private for one second?” jake had appeared at your side mid-conversation with rosa.
“oh, yeah, one sec.” you smiled and he nodded. jake started walking away and you told rosa you’d be right back before following jake.
the two of you soon ended up in the evidence room.
“what’s up?” you asked once the two of you were in the room with the door closed.
jake went silent in front of you. he seemed to freeze up.
“jake? you okay?”
“hmm? oh, yeah, totally, all good.” jake chuckled and cleared his throat. “but, um, anyway. so what i wanted to talk to you about was… i want…”
jake trailed off and stared you in the eyes. you waited for him to go on, giving him a weird look and he shook his head.
“i wanna break up!” jake basically spewed the words out as he yelled them loudly at you. “yup. that’s it. i want to break up… with you…”
jake nodded and turned on his heel, speeding out of the room.
that’s how you lost the girl
“i messed up. big time.”
“really?” you pretended to be surprised. “wow, i had no idea!”
jake stared back blankly. “okay. i get it.”
“do you, jake?” you asked. “because you turning up here and thinking i’d be okay with that tells me that maybe you don’t really get it.”
and now, you say
“no, i do.” he sighed. “i came here because i’ve been thinking. like, really thinking.”
you stared at him expectantly.
“i wanted to apologize.”
“after six months?” you almost laughed. “that’s half a year, jake.”
i want you for worse or for better
“i know.” jake buried his face in his hands. “but i swear, i’ve been thinking about this for… yeah, for literally the entire six months.”
“and what is this thing you’ve been thinking about?”
“i knew i had messed up immediately, and i freaked out and that’s why i ran away.”
you raised your eyebrows. “you messed up so you ran away instead of… talking about it like adults?”
i would wait forever and ever
“well, i did talk about it with charles.” jake said.
“i meant talk about it with me.” you stated. “as in the girl you broke up with without any explanation or another word that wasn’t work related for six months until you show up on her doorstep unannounced in the middle of the night when there’s a storm outside.”
as if on cue, thunder cracked outside.
“okay, keep it down, storm. we’re trying to have a conversation in here.” jake seemed to shout at your ceiling before looking at you with an amused smile.
broke your heart, i’ll put it back together
“okay, look,” he sighed. “i’ll be real with you right now. i want you back. i want us to be together again and i would literally wait forever and ever.”
“so you’ve said.” you nodded slightly, taking acknowledgment of the fact that jake’s hair had dried and had started to curl on top of his head.
not that you were looking at his hair. you were only listening to what he had to say.
you were totally over him.
“jake, i’ve finally… moved on. i’m over it.” you lied. “why did you decide to come here tonight?”
i would wait forever and ever
“because i still love you.” he stated. “and i never stopped loving you because i never wanted to break up in the first place.”
“then why did you break up with me?” you questioned him. “at work of all places, too. for all of our friends to find out immediately? for them to practically baby me for the next month until i finally snapped at them to stop? because that’s what happened.”
and that’s how it works
he sighed. “god, why does this have to be so hard?”
“‘god, why does this have to be so hard?’ title of your sex tape.” you said, practically on instinct, before awkwardly coughing at the sight of his smile.
jake didn’t say anything for a moment after that. he just stared at you with that beautifully stupid smile on his stupidly beautiful face.
that’s how you get the girl
“you were saying?”
“right.” jake nodded and cleared his throat. “um… i didn’t want to break up with you. i just freaked out because i couldn’t say what i wanted to say and then started overthinking everything in my head.”
“what were you going to say?” you asked. “you know, before you broke up with me.”
“i was, um… i was gonna suggest that, uh, i…” jake sighed. “i was gonna ask what your thoughts would be on me moving in with you here.”
he gestured around himself to the house the two of you stood in.
and that’s how it works
“i really do love you, y/n. i just… it was just such a big… thing.” jake cursed at himself under his breath. “it was a huge thing and, like, i worried that maybe i was going too fast or that you’d say no and crush my heart so…”
“so you just crushed my heart first to prevent any possible damage to yourself.”
“yup. i’m such an idiot.”
“yeah, you are.”
that’s how you get the girl
“look, i’m sorry for turning up here.” jake apologized and started walking towards the front door again. “i’ll just go and we can pretend none of this happened and go back to not talking to each other.”
“what if i don’t want that.” you spoke and jake turned to look at you.
“i mean… it’s raining outside.” nice save. “you don’t want to get sick or anything.”
and you know
“oh, right.” he moved away from the door a little. “smort. i mean, smart thinking, y/n.”
you nodded.
he then looked over at the tv. “die hard?”
you shrugged. “yeah. i was bored and lonely, so…”
“i get it.” he nodded.
“you can, um, watch it with me if you want.” you offered awkwardly. “i mean, it is your favourite movie of all time.”
jake smiled at you. “yeah, okay.”
“then maybe we can talk more about…” you gestured around at him. “this whole thing.”
that i don’t want you to go
the two of you sat down on the couch, but you didn’t put the movie back on. instead the two of you sat quietly.
“what made you decide to come here tonight? i mean, after six whole months?” you asked, breaking the silence.
“i don’t know. i was just in my apartment and listening to music… then i decided i couldn’t deal with us not being together anymore.”
remind me how it used to be
“for months… i don’t know why i didn’t do anything. i guess, i was scared?” he looked at you before laughing. “what am i saying? this is so dumb. whatever.”
“no, i sound ridiculously stupid. i broke up with you.” he rubbed his face. “i shouldn’t be acting like i was the one who was hurt.”
“at least you’re self-aware.” you mumbled before leaning back in your seat.
“y/n…” he reached out and took one of your hands in his. “i’m so sorry. for everything. for dumping you with no explanation, then acting as if nothing happened at all.”
with pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks
“why didn’t you just… explain to me you didn’t really want to break up right after it happened? or at least in the same day?” you asked.
“because… i kind of just assumed this was what you wanted.” jake gestured between the two of you. “you’re way too good for me. i mean, you’re smart, you’re funny, you’re an amazing detective, plus you’re super hot. i just guessed you didn’t really… i mean, look at me.”
“jacob peralta, you are such an idiot sometimes.” you deadpanned and he winced. “but, you do know that you’re also really smart, right? you’re one of the best detectives i know. you’re funny and you’re also super hot.”
“okay, i know you’re trying to make me feel better and this is the worst time to say this, but you feeding my ego and talking in that sexy voice is really turning me on.”
“oh, shut up.”
and say you want me
the silence between you returned for a moment before jake spoke again.
“y/n, i want you back.”
a part of you didn’t want to take him back. he had made you feel terrible for months and quite literally had broken your heart.
but on the other hand…
“jake…” you started and he met your eyes, looking almost desperate.
and then you say
then it clicked in your head. why the things he had been saying seemed to familiar to you.
“oh, my god. jacob peralta you did not.” you hit his arm and he gave you a confused look.
i want you for worse or for better
“i want you for worse or for better.” you spoke in a song-like tune and a small smile tugged on jake’s lips.
i would wait forever and ever
“i would wait forever and ever.” you chuckled and shook your head.
the way he smiled at you at that moment made your stomach flip.
broke your heart, i’ll put it back together
“broke your heart, i’ll put it back together.” you glared playfully. “i would wait forever and ever.”
i want you forever and ever
“i want you forever and ever.” jake replaced the line you sang with one later in the song, his face inching closer to yours.
“and that’s how it works, that’s how you get the girl.” you shook your head again in disbelief. “you really followed the steps from the song?”
jake shrugged, your lips almost touching. “did it work?”
and that’s how it works, that’s how you get the girl
you leaned forward and connected your lips with his.
jake’s hands held onto your hips while your hands ran up his chest and to his shoulders.
when you pulled apart, you smiled curiously and asked him, “when did you plan this, jake?”
“obviously it took months and months of planning to get it perfect.” he said and you gave him a look. “i didn’t plan it, i got the idea, like, five minutes before i left to come here.”
and that’s how it works, that’s how you get the girl
“you came here with no plan except for the lyrics to a taylor swift song?”
“i had faith. she’s a genius, i trusted her.”
you laughed and so did he before connecting your lips in another kiss.
“charles is gonna lose his shit when he hears about this.”
“how would he know if you don’t tell him?” you questioned.
“oh, he has some kind of sixth sense about this stuff.” jake stated.
“what stuff?”
“us. together.”
and that’s how it works, that’s how you get the girl
you paused. “you want us to be together again?”
jake’s mouth was parted slightly and he nodded in the dead silence of the room. “so badly.”
he connected his hand with yours and leaned closer.
“would you give me another chance? please?”
“are you gonna actually communicate with me and tell me how you feel instead of breaking up with me this time?”
jake’s hands held the sides of your face. “i promise. i’ve felt so horrible for the last 6 months and i swear i will never hurt you like that again.”
and that’s how it works, that’s how you get the girl
there was a quiet moment between the two of you.
“so, y/n l/n…” jake took a deep breath. “will you give me another chance and be my girlfriend again?”
and that’s how it works
“jake peralta, you’re one lucky son of a bitch.” you said before quickly adding, “i don’t mean that, i love your mom. she’s really great.”
he chuckled. “don’t worry about it.”
then he leaned forward and kissed you again.
that’s how you get the girl
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a/n: so this is something and idk how i feel about it but i love jake so here’s this
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simp-and-shift · 2 years
schumacher (and max): instagram au
paring: max verstappen x schumacher!reader
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y/n.schumacher: omg i got to meet mick schumacher!!! dream come true 😢
user8: omg he looks so over it 🤣
maxverstappen1: he looks so done with you
user3: 🤣🤣
ginaschumacher: really taking on the big sister supporter role huh?
y/n.schumacher: all the way 🫡
mickschumacher you are so weird
y/n.schumacher: you love it 😝
hassf1: mick will always stop for fans 😊
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ginaschumacher: y/n is always cheating and max helps her
maxverstappen1: no comment
y/n.schumacher: 😳
mickschumacher: you guys have been doing it since you were 9. WE SEE YOU PASSING CARDS!!
y/n.schumacher: lies
user4: how is y/n so high in the air
y/n.schumacher: redbull... it gives you wings
redbullf1: it true
user2: can you even when monopoly without cheating 🤔
maxverstappen1: gina just give me the railroad and I'll take her down
ginaschumacher: deal 🤝
y/n.schumacher: you do realize this a public comment section 👀
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mickschumacher: first points in f1!
user6: congrats mick
maxverstappen1: absolutely killed it mick! you did amazing! great work 👏
user4: great drive!
y/n.schumacher: 🥳🥳🥳 love you mick
ginaschumacher: so proud!
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maxverstappen1: my tour guid for the day 💓
y/n.schumacher: 💓
mickschumacher: gross, stop being cute
ginaschumacher: gross
y/n.schumacher: I hate you both 😒
user2: adorable 😍
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y/n.schumacher: busy week for the schumacher (and max).
mickschumacher: thanks for coming y/n!
maxverstappen1: great results mick and gina!!
ginaschumacher: love you y/n💕
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
Hello! I noticed that you have Brooklyn nine nine in your masterlist
As a fan of B99, May I request a wholesome headcanon of Rosa Diaz, Amy Santiago, Jake Peralta, Charles Boyle and Terrence Jeffords' reaction of meeting the reader who is captain Raymond Holt and kevin cosner's adoptive child and is working in the 99th precinct
Sorry if this is long
99th precint meeting Kevin & Holt adoptive child would include
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More B99 | AO3
synopsis: The squad already knew that Raymond Holt is a man of few words, but who would have thought that he had a child?
warnings: none. gender neutral. no race implied. no age implied. like jake and amy, everyone deserves to feel like Holt and Kevin's kid. all b99 detectives included. reader have Holt and Kevin's personality.
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Dear 99th Precint, I proudly inform you that today will be my child's first day of work as a rookie cop in our precinct. Don't embarrass me. Sincerely, Raymond Holt.
• No one had ever heard Raymond talking about having a child. They never saw a photo of them on his house. Kevin never mentioned something. Or have them? No. No, they didn't.
• Even Gina was surprised. She was mean about it, of course, but she didn't knew anything.
• When Holt arrived, everyone was waiting for him on his office. Peralta tried to play cool before asking, but soon Terry was screaming about how could he have a child and didn't say anything to them.
Haymond answered without blinking an eye: "Peralta would make it weird." Everyone understood. "Hey!" Everyone except Peralta. "But why you don't have pictures with them on your house?" Amy asked. "Are you implying I would forget my child's face, Santiago?" Holt was clearly offended.
• You arrived apologizing for being three minutes and seven seconds late. Rosa widened her eyes, muttering about you being his copy. Holt smiled at that comment.
• Jake tried to act like a cool big brother but as soon as you opened your mouth he was fangirling over you. You made a mental note about calling him "bro" if you ever needed something from him or wanted to make him happy. Every single little thing you did was a reason for him to smile widely.
• Terry offered to show you the place, and told you everyone's name. He was all sweet and polite, acting like the dad of the squad. Well, he was. Terry made questions about your training and abillities. He was trying to show off, and it was working.
• Amy was affraid of saying something wrong. Amy danced when you said your father talked about her, and immediately regreted that. All her atempts of acting cool were imterrupted by Gina's jokes. She almost cried when you refered to her as your father's apprentice.
• Hitchcock and Scully thought you were already working with them. They didn't get what was happening. Holt was so glad when they went to took a nap.
• You and Rosa sat down and spent thirty minutes in absolute silence. It was the best experience of your entire life.
• Gina was waiting for you in the hallway of the bathroom. She asked if you wanna form a alliance with her. You obviously said yes, despite not knowing what she really meant by that.
• You were surprised for not meeting Boyle. On your lunch break, you realized why: he had rushed to prepare a meal for the two of you. He and Terry got into a fight about food while you were eating. It was exactly like your father told you. It was perfect.
• You have a nice feeling about working there.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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thewinterpoet2 · 7 months
Jake Peralta x Reader
In which the reader is a secret vocalist outside of work as a detective in the 99th precinct, Jake becomes suspicious which leads to feelings rising to the surface.
WARNINGS: Swearing, themes of crime, theft, interrogation.
Word count: 15,654
Y/N~ Your Name
L/N~ Last Name
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The first time Jake started to become suspicious of Y/N was on a random Thursday in December.
It was nearing Christmas which meant crime in Brooklyn had reached a new level of stupid, leading every Detective and Beat Cop to internally curse every black Friday sale to hell for eternity.
The squad of the 99th Precinct tended to be divided around the holidays, Boyle sprung into action, in true Boyle fashion, buying ridiculously expensive gifts for, well, everyone.
Santiago spent countless hours writing Christmas cards, and for the fifth year in a row, apologised incessantly to an exhausted UPS driver as she reluctantly returned all her holiday gifts for Captain Holt.
Gina loved Christmas and celebrated, to some, in what would be a very unusual way. But in her defence, setting up a PO box for her fans, meant she could have a very cheap Christmas. Thrifty and entrepreneurial, that's Gina.
Whereas, some members of the squad weren't as keen on Christmas. We know how Jake feels about Thanksgiving and with no suprise, this translates to his views around Christmas, too.
Rosa Diaz, although she hides it very well, spends Christmas with her family every year. Now her sexuality was out in the open, the healing her family went through have led, thankfully, to a much closer relationship. Rosa would never say this out loud, but knowing that they're fighting in her corner, is the best gift she could have ever asked for.
Oh, but if you asked she'd definitely tell you to "Mind your own fucking business before I get involved in yours" and according to her, "you definitely don't want that, do you?"
Jake Peralta was a great detective but a tricky human being. To put it bluntly, Jake hated Christmas. He hated carols, trees, "little scary elves that show up everywhere", and most of all, romcoms. Jake despised hallmark romance films. Was it because he was single for the 8th Christmas in a row? Who could tell, but he'd certainly deny it if anyone had the courage to ask.
Y/N, was definitely the wildcard out of the squad, especially when it came to the holidays. She'd told every detective the same bullshit tale of how she was going back to England to see her family for the holidays, how her least favourite gift is socks, how more than anything she hates carolling. Because, jesus, no one wants to hear her sing!
Detective L/N was a liar, for many reasons. Yes she was from England but she actually didn't mind socks and the biggest lie of all, maybe she'd convinced the detectives they wouldn't want to hear her sing... But her bandmates and their followers definitely did.
See, Y/N wasn't just a Detective, she was a trained singer, performer and songwriter. After work she tended to dodge Shaw's to head to band practice or straight to a gig, not that anyone had figured that out of course.
Not yet anyway.
Tne first time Jake became suspicious of Y/N was on a random Thursday in December.
Jake and Y/N were in the middle of interrogating a perp, nothing too gruesome or inhumane, a couple counts of petty theft and something that would hopefully have led to a new lead about a future bank heist.
William Dobson was his name.
"Why do all these perps have such boring names, why isn't he called Franco Goldminer"
Peralta turned around, slamming an evidence file onto the nearest desk. Y/N looked unamused at the topic of conversation but not surprised, it was Jake after all.
"Because I'm pretty sure 'Franco Goldminer' is A) too obvious for a criminal B) kind of ironic and C) sounds like an idiot that still lives with his mum in his 30s"
Jake's eyes twinkled at her quick and easy retort, not that she'd have seen that of course.
"Nah I stand by it, he's got a dumb name"
Scoffing Y/N stopped reading the provided statement, sighing in conclusion, rubbing her face with her hands,
"So we've got nothing, Jesus."
Peralta let out a sigh of annoyance,
"L/N why don't you go talk to him, I'll watch and see if he opens up to you"
Giving a cheeky grin he continued,
"I would say you could try annoy him into talking but you basically do that anyway"
Slapping his shoulder Y/N walked straight back into interrogation, ignoring his laughter trailing behind her.
William looks up at Y/N, recognition dawning on his face.
Fuck, this wasn't good.
"So Dobson, recount the night of the 16th for me again, seems some details don't match up from the tapes-"
Mid sentence you're cut off,
"Do I know you from somewhere?"
Y/N made a sound of aggravation at being cut off
"Small world, lots of people. Anyway the footage shows a different time to the one you claim you-"
"Roxanne on 5th right?"
Shit, shit, SHIT. Y/N's blood ran cold at the name of the club she performs at, it's nice to meet fans, just not in the middle of an interrogation.
Fuck she had to play this off cool, nochelant, like nothing happened.
"I don't care about your personal life Dobson, you're here because you're a criminal. Distraction techniques won't work with me, I don't recall being your best friend, Sir"
Awesome she thought, professional and managed to get an insult in at the same time.
"aren't you in that ba-"
Slamming her file onto the table
"Jesus give it a rest you don't know me"
Y/N's voice came out high pitched, aggravated and very, well, unlike her. This was enough to peek Peralta's interest from behind the glass, this wasn't the Y/N he knew, his coworker who hated anything boring but rarely took risks.
Hands up in defeat, Dobson backs down and the interrogation continues as it was before, absolutely useless.
What Y/N didn't know is Peralta was on the other side of the glass, a puzzled expression on his face;
This was the day Jake Peralta made it his mission to investigate further.
"Who are you Y/N?" He mumbled.
A few weeks later, Jake stopped going to Shaws with the squad.
This in itself was confusing for his fellow detectives, Boyle was practically heartbroken thinking that he'd done something to scare his best friend off.
This led to Boyle doing everything he could to try and entice Jake to their bar, regardless of how weird it was.
Boyle is Boyle, he's very extra, but he's got such a big heart and that's all that mattered to Jake.
However, Charles' interference was only causing Jake more stress, his plan needed to be a secret to be able to make this work.
It was a Friday night, the day before New Year's Eve. Y/N had requested annual leave tomorrow, something that was rarely granted on holiday's (thanks again New York) Jake managed to find this much out from a single conversation with Gina, oh, and because the holiday schedule was on a public server but that seemed too easy.
If he wasn't suspicious before, he definitely was now, something was in the water and he simply had to know what was going on.
It's not like Jake was OBSESSED with Y/N, he just wanted to know her on a more personal level and she made that incredibly difficult.
"I like to keep myself to myself, work is work, home is home. Keep them separate"
Her beautiful voice repeated the devastating series of words more times than he'd have liked to have heard them. Never. None. No thanks.
He'd invited her to Shaw's so many times he'd lost count, he'd asked if she wanted to watch Die Hard at his apartment, he'd even asked if he could do more overtime so he could spend more time with her. In the 6 years he'd worked with her he'd made absolutely zero progress, it's hard to fancy someone that doesn't acknowledge your existence.
Jake thinks Y/N is perfect.
Plain and simple.
Starring at her, lost in thought. He thinks about her eyes, how he wishes one day she'd look at him with the same love and happiness he looked at her with. He wonders what their kids would look like, okay Jake that's a bit far you're sounding a bit like Charles, he internally scolds himself.
"JAKE" Y/N snapped her fingers to get his attention, a look that can only be described as concern adorning her features.
"Huh? Oh yes, yes. I agree, yes let's do that. Whatever it was you said" He rambled at the speed of light, pretending to have acknowledged the last 20 mins that don't exist in his mind.
A smirk grew on Y/N's face, something he barely saw but made him feel like the room just got 20 times hotter.
"Oh so you were listening, yeah? Fabulous, so we can go ahead and schedule the hip replacement..."
Jake's eyes grew wide, babbling out some incoherent nonsense he managed to find two words; "HIP REPLACEMENT?"
Y/N couldn't hold back anymore and cried with laughter, barely being able to form any words.
"I was talking to you about someone I booked using their need for a hip replacement as an excuse, I joked she could use yours" wiping away tears, Y/N's laughter dies down seeing his daze and confusion.
"Are you okay, Jake?" Starring him down, he does what he does best, panics.
"I have to go" Jake stands up bolts out the room at top speed, leaving a very concerned Y/N.
Y/N has always liked Jake, he's bubbly, silly, but cares so much about everyone in his life, he'd go above and beyond for anyone and that's something you can't buy. She has wanted to let him into her personal life for a while but mixing personal and professional has never worked in her favour so she stops herself from letting things get weird and complicated again. Life is as complicated as she makes it after all.
Tomorrow Y/N's band were performing at Roxanne again for their NYE party, she was debuting the title song of their new cover album. Y/N has always been such a huge Fleetwood Mac fan, so "Go Your Own Way" definitely made the cut, providing, Jamie and Simon (her bandmates) were okay with that of course. She was excited, finally time to let her hair down and shed any stress from work.
Jake, after running out at top speed, took to his phone, made a few calls and booked a table tomorrow night for nine people.
At Roxanne.
Jake, Charles, Rosa, Amy, Terry, Captain Holt, Gina, Sully and Hitchcock.
And Y/N had no idea.
Well, neither did anyone other than Jake. This was going to be interesting.
The morning of NYE came and Y/N was ecstatic, eating breakfast at lighting speed, grabbing a coffee, brushing her teeth and then heading to the subway, felt like seconds. You know what they say, time flies when you're having fun.
Y/N arrived at Roxanne at just gone 1pm and immediately hugged Jamie who gave a huge grin seeing her arrival.
"Hi baby! Don't you look a treat, you excited for later?"
Blushing and hitting his shoulder Y/N laughed at his brash complimenting.
"Yeah, yeah, save it Jame, where's your boyfriend? He better not be hiding, we're fucked without him"
"Right here gorgeous"
Y/N jumped and let out a sharp gasp seeing him right behind her.
"Don't scare me like that, dick!"
Laughing he pulled her into a hug.
"Ready to blow the world away with your pipes tonight angel?"
Laughing gently she said "As ready as I'll ever be, right let's practice idiots. Then we can grab some food before we have to change"
Y/N had her mind free from work and Jake, but for Jake, well that was another story.
To Jake this was a stakeout, he had no idea whether he'd find a Mafia organisation or nothing at all. He phoned up Roxanne to ask about the event but all they said was to "Check the damn website, it's not 1942 anymore" and the website hadn't been updated in months.
Jake was terrified.
An afternoon turned into the evening and soon Y/N was slipping on a red sequined dress, black knee high boots, two lace black gloves, smokey, dark makeup and her hair was in curls, ready to take to the stage.
Roxanne was bustling already and it had only just gone 8, she was on in 30 mins and this was their moment.
Warmed up and excited, adrenaline coursing through her veins, she jumped up and down to hype herself up, she had got this.
Jake on the other hand, was only just getting ready, nothing too extravagant just a classic shirt, no tie and a jacket, but a clean jacket so it counts, right? The table was booked for 9 and he had no idea what was going to happen or what would be uncovered.
5 minutes to their opening call, Jamie, Simon and Y/N were all hugging and hyping up each other, knowing this was going to be the performance of a lifetime.
The crowd are cheering already, the bar is stacked and there's no space in the room, the floor is filled to the brim full of people and the only remaining space is one singular table on the balcony of the club, a reserved sign sitting neatly in the center.
Running out onto the stage, the heat from the stage lights hit Y/N and then everything changed, her body felt warm and she'd never felt more comfortable. The first notes started of Go Your Own Way and she took a breath then started to sing.
Loving you
Isn't the right thing to do
How can I ever change things
That I feel?
The crowd scream at the sound of her voice, the sweet melody carrying through the entire club, out the doors, into the night.
If I could
Baby, I'd give you my world
How can I
When you won't take it from me?
Y/N can't help but think about Jake as she sings, music really is true to the heart and god what her heart wants more than anything is him.
You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it
Another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way
Jake and the squad pull up to the club, Terry already confused about why they're at such a random location on NYE when they could be at Shaws or "somewhere that doesn't look straight out of the Rocky Horror Picture Show"
Squeezing through the crowd blocking the entrance to the club, Jake heard Amy gasp.
"Oh my god, Jake"
"No fucking way" Rosa chimed in.
"This is unexpected" Gina remarked.
"Terry did not see this coming" Terry exclaimed.
Tell me why
Everything turned around
Packing up
Shacking up is all you want to do
Looking at his shocked colleagues, Jake followed their eyeline to the stage, seeing Y/N he unconsciously held his breath. She looked out of this world, so out of character from the person he shares a desk space with, but at the same time, she'd never looked more, her. His heart beating faster than the beat of the music, he turned to look at the squad once more, seeing Rosa's smirk, Amy's disbelief, Terry's enjoyment, Boyle squealing like a child at Jake's reaction.
"Oh Jakey, I knew you liked her, I knew it, I can't wait to be best man at your wedding" Charles then carried on monologuing but it all drowned out to Jake who only heard Y/N, oh boy, could she sing.
If I could
Baby, I'd give you my world
Open up
Everything's waiting for you
During this moment he imagined Y/N was singing directly to him, his heart fluttered and in that moment he knew he had to tell Y/N, he just had to. Or he'd explode.
You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it
Another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way
All the squad started pushing past the crowd to try and get as near to the stage as possible, ignoring their table completely (well apart from Hitchcock and Scully) cheering, dancing and having a great time. Enjoying every second.
On the last note of Y/N's performance she took a breath and basked in the screaming of the crowd.
But before the first note could be sang Y/N made direct eye contact with Jake, who was fondly shaking his head in disbelief. She smiled widely and blushed a deep red.
She knew they'd talk after, and he did too. But for now she'd show how she loved him by showing him who she really was, Unapologetically and he loved nothing more.
AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this fic, might do a part 2, if you want to be added to a taglist or if you want a part 2 full stop please let me know:) unedited so it's definitely not perfect haha. Enjoy!
#jakeperalta #jakeperaltaxreader #brooklyn99 #brooklyn99fanfic #brooklyn99jake #jake #jakeperalta #jacobperaltaxreader #xreader #charlesboyle #rosadiaz #amysantiago #captainholt #terryjeffords #ginalinetti #scully #hitchcock
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moonysmagicwand · 1 year
*Kevin and Holt talking about Jake*
Kevin *sighing* : Jake is not your son, Raymond.
Kevin *to Jake* : Come down from the chair and eat those cookies before they get cold.
Jake *to Kevin* : okay dad!
Kevin *to Holt* : As I was saying, our son needs some ground rules on calling us father during work.
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noine-noine · 5 months
Charles: Rosa hasn't answered her phone all day, she must be asleep or something. Gina: Rosa never sleeps in, let me try. Charles: Oh please, like she'll answer you over me - Rosa, instantly: Hello?
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letsperaltiago · 3 months
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b99 characters as tweets (pt. 4/?)
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ren-renn-renny · 21 days
I’ve been posting a lot lately
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couldtheycatchkira · 28 days
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Who would win in a fight, no guns or weapons just a bare knuckle brawl between the two casts. The setting is the study room without any furniture.
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astreinomane · 5 months
These two himbos right here...
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These two himbos right here should have been both part of the main cast of B99.
Reblog if you agree.
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