#charlie magne scenario
ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Hi darling! How are you? How have you been? Sorry for bothering, I wanted to request a fluff poly-relationship for Lucifer Magne & Lillith Magne(Hazbin Hotel) x pregnant!female!Reader going through the pregnancy and after the pregnancy. how would the two of them behave while she is pregnant and after the pregnancy when the reader gives birth?
Tysm! Have a lovely day/night!!
Oh lord I will try with this one, mind you I have never been pregnant or really can be so I'm going to be going after what I heard and read, this is too fluffy to pass up in all honesty. Here goes nothing!
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Lucifer and Lilith with a pregnant Female SO
The announcement is of course where it begins, and having two SOs means two different reactions. Lilith is ecstatic, already loving her one kid, and is excited to have another, promising to help with your pregnacy as she's already gone through one.
Lucifer, the grand king of Hell, nearly faints when you two tell him :I See they were under the impression you were infertile, not from anything it was just something you had from birth and come to accept, so even if Luci got a little sloppy with the protection, another child he never planned to have.
But seems you got lucky, as all the ways of magic and tech returned the same result, you were indeed pregnant, so after confiming the two almost reapeated the reactions
If it's not clear by now, these two are polar opposites with this scenario, Lilith is excited and comforting, Lucifer is panicking with preparing for the new addition. The both of you try to calm him down but he;s just very highstrung about the whole thing.
Don't get me wrong, he's happy that your pregnant, it's just it's not something he has great control over, which stresses him out. He hates how he can't help with it much so he get's the best stuff money can buy to try. Not to mention when the child actually comes, and then annuncing it to all of hell, he's pratically paralyzed with all the legal stuff he knows he'll have to do.
Though sometimes he does let up, pushing it all back so he can actually spend time with his two queens, and the baby quickly coming.
No matter if it's with panicking King, or the Queen who couldn't be calmer. It's nine months of being coddled and spoiled by them and every staff member the palace has.
Admittedly everyone would be smothering if it wasn't for Lililth who recites a story where she killed an intruder while eight months pregnant with Charlie whenever anyone tries to stop you from doing something, even when your clearly fine.
Speaking of Charlie, she's even more excited upon finding out then her mother. She asks a ton of questions, like what your going to name them, if you have the nursery planned out (She'll help if you don't). She's just very excited about having a sibling in the future. But she doesn't really help with Lucifer panicking about the workload he has XP
While Lililth has been calm the entire pregnency, even she can't help but panic on delivery day. Of course you have the best doctors Hell has to offer, and even healers if you really need it. Hell or Highwater, you are having this baby and surviving.
Luckily it does go well. And you deliver a healthy baby. Now they really run rampant with their emotions. Crying tears of joy and hugging you and their new child as tight as they can without hurting either of you.
In terms of the aftermath. Your still spoiled a ton by them, as well as the new baby being spoiled to. Regardless of what sex they have, they raise them the same. Of course they do it differently but not on something as insignificant as assigned sex. It's just their own general parenting styles.
Lililth is all loving and supportive, excited to see how the new kid turns out, and letting them find their own way. And Lucifer, while he is loving, you both catch him trying to push his views on them, trying to avoid this one starting a hotel which stands against the entire idea of Hell. But he just get's a slap on the wrist for that, and he stops eventually.
Over all, there very happy to have you, and the new baby. Despite all the differences in styles and reactions. On that they can agree on.
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monmuses · 8 months
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wintercrown asked: " Your Highness what do you hope to accomplish in helping Sinners reach Heaven through redemption? Won't losing these Sinners diminish Hells power just as the angelic extermination does? " to Charlie Magne from Goetia Winter
"I truly think so!" That, she didn't exactly think about. Hands tightened around her written plan of redemption for the Sinners in Hell. It truly would solve the over-population problem and avoid Heaven coming down to eliminate more each year. Would it diminish the power of Hell and its Overlords or rulers of each Sin?
That... she was not sure about.
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"The intention is to even out the population, but not risk any more death. Hell itself is... already very powerful!" She explained. "The worst case scenario is we could lose the amount of sinners in each Ring, but wouldn't that help with problems because of the overpopulation?"
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In terms of Lucifer being written here, there's still a lot I'm looking to write and explore. So, condsider this a make-shift sort of wishlist for now. Until I spend more time organizing my thoughts on it.
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Lilith - Personally, I remain flexible in acceptence of divergent variants of Lilith Magne/Morningstar. I will never insist on villainizing her here in cases where particular interpretation wish for that not to be the case and for those wishing to take that course and direction, I am all for exploring her as a villain or anything in the morally grey area and everything inbetween. There is a place for shipping here. I mostly ship them accordingly with what we know of thier canon past(falling in love/getting married) from source material but I am open to plotting and writing their present and future as well!
Adam - I see them having a strained relationship. One in which they antagonize each other. I am accepting of Adam's potentially unchangeable hatred for Lucifer but I am also flexible and open to exploring the many different directions their paths can take. Lucifer is very condescending and mocking towards Adam with very high walls having been put in place, barriers between their present day that seperate them from thier shared past and former selves. I am open to plotting and writing various scenarios for them, whether bickering, fighting or cooperating towards some shared goal. There is a place for several dynamics here. Enemies, frenemies, and other possibilities for shipping.
Alastor - Lucifer is threatened by ways of this individual having possibly stepped into the father figure role with his daughter the princess of Hell, until this is resolved he will speak down to Alastor, partake in ridiculous displays of one-up-manship and do anything to earn back Charlie's complete and full validation in order to prove she doesnt need Alastor helping out in anyway, because one thing has got to be certain, the Ruler of Hell can handle more than some sinner. There is a place for bickering, mutual antagonizing/provoking arguements, bitterness, resentment and event cooperation here. Open to exploring their dynamic more. Whether frenemies, enemies to the core or other shipping options, consider me here for all of it!
Charlie - His daughter, I am flexible and available for just about any and all plotting for these two. Lucifer is willing to do just about anything to mend thier all but shattered bond.
Eve - I haven't had the chance to write anything past short and fluffy interactions with Eve muses who I believe left the fandom. With that being said I am just as flexible with divergent variants for Eve as I am for Lilith and would love to learn more about any portrayal that has been worked on. I am open to plotting where she hates Lucifer and plotting where maybe they reunite. There is a place here for bitter enemies, runited lovers, as well as any sort of shipping inbetween.
Michael - Complicated. The one who caused what resulted in the Morningstar's greatest torment and trauma. Let's plot!
Roo/The Root of All Evil - Yes pls. I would love to learn more about any interpretations out there willing to interact and plot!
[More to be added]
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dearestones · 3 years
Hellish Snowdays (Charlie Scenario)
Warnings: Slapstick.
@welovemonstergirls Request: Hi. I have a scenario request. The scenario is that hell has a snow day, and Charlie is attempting to enjoy it despite hell's harsh snowfalls. However, in doing so, she ends up suffering borderline Tom and Jerry levels of slapstick. Despite this? She still has fun.
Charlie loved snow.
But today, snow didn’t love Charlie.
It started out as any normal day in Hell. The residents within the hotel were busy preparing for the heavy bouts of snow when Angel Dust had declared that he had enough and had bounded outside, stringing along Husk and Nifty in tow. Vaggie had been adamant in trying to reel them back, but Charlie had simply tossed on both their heavy winter coats and ordered that it would be a free day for everyone.
(Of course, all of the hotel residents were supposed to adhere to their lifestyle restrictions and mandates in order to qualify to go to heaven).
As Charlie finally convinced Vaggie to go outside, the young princess of all of Hell found herself delighted. The snow had been steadily increasing steadily since it began last night, which had drastically changed the scarlet landscape into a soft pink hue. However, despite the rosy hues dominating the landscape, winters in hell were far more terrifying and potent than the average Earthen snowfall.
For instance, there were times when the snow falling from the red tinted sky was as hard as hail or as icy as burning fire.
A conundrum, one would say, but it was, after all, Hell.
As Vaggie tended to Nifty’s attempts at trying to corral the snow into manageable piles along the walkway back to the hotel with a small shovel, Charlie spotted Angel Dust.
The spider demon had begun creating a typical snowman with atypical physical characteristics. That was to say, Angel Dust brought his special care package of “toys” and were using them as the physical characteristics for said snowman. Charlie hesitated upon seeing Angel Dust’s creation, but she thought about it.
And let it go.
It wasn’t exactly sinful to use one’s resources—it was actually kind of…imaginative?
And wasn’t utilizing one’s creativity one of the ways that could get someone to be on the fast track to go to Heaven?
Nodding in resolve, Charlie began running towards Angel Dust, eager to get a closer look.
However, Hellish snow wasn’t as pure or as angelic as other types of snow.
As her feet pounded forward onto the freshly fallen drifts, the princess wasn’t at all aware that her shoes began to slip and slide, the friction of the soles not proving to be a match against the elements. Faster and faster she ran, her movements gradually becoming more erratic and out of control. By the time Charlie realized that she wouldn’t be able to stop in time, it was already far too late.
One second, Charlie was valiantly fighting off the natural law of gravity.
The next, her arms began pinwheeling out of control while her legs slipped on the snow.
Her velocity only accelerated and with a sudden shriek from Angel Dust, who had been casually eyeing his benefactor with unconcealed glee and trepidation, she fell face first into the snowman.
The toys that Angel Dust had precariously stuck within the main body of the snowman had fallen out due to Charlie intervention, leaving behind only a mildly disgruntled princess in its wake.
The spider demon rounded the snowman and patted Charlie’s drooping face kindly.
“Yo! You okay, Charlie? Coulda sworn that royalty were supposed to be… I don’t know—“ He thought for a moment. “—more graceful and light on their feet?”
Charlie laughed a little before gently shaking her head.
“Mom always told me to take my ettiequte lessons seriously.” She shrugged. “I didn’t.” Then, Charlie patted the rotund stomach of the snowman before looking up at Angel Dust with appreciation. “By the way, I really liked the creativity here! We should totally get the rest of the hotel residents to join a snowman competition!”
The spider demon looked a little taken aback at the princess’ suggestion, but later shrugged it off. Charlie had the weirdest idea for rehabilitation, but at this point, he was willing to go with whatever she planned.
“Whatever,” Angel Dust muttered. He stuck out one of his long arms and held it out for the princess to take.
Just as Charlie was about to congratulate Angel Dust for his random act of kindness (bonus points!!!), when something (was that a shovel?) pushed her from behind.
Startled, Charlie pitched forward and began somersaulting into the snow. Because Angel Dust’s snowman just happened to be situated at the apex of a small hill, well…
Angel Dust whistled lowly as he watched his friend become a gigantic snowball that was only a few seconds away from careening straight into oncoming traffic.
“Was I a little too rough?” Nifty asked innocently. Her large eye blinked owlishly as she glanced down at the rolling snowball that housed Charlie. “She looked like she needed to get out!’
Angel Dust happened to glance down at Charlie who had somehow managed to erupt from the snowball unscathed.
Lucky gal.
“She got out all right.” Angel Dust began packing snow into his hands before setting to work on his mauled snowman. “Wanna help out, Nifty?”
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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nonbinary-weirdo · 3 years
Charlie: Its such a fine line between redemption and a...
Darker!Charlie: 🎶Doooo you really think that I would ever let you go? Do you really think I'd ever set you free? If you do I'm sad to say it simply isn't so. You will never get rid of meeeeee!
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
Hazbin Hotel Group Chat (Angel Dust POV) Angel Dust: Who wants to play a game? Husky: No Clean Freak: Depends. Is there cleaning involved? Princess: Ohhh sounds fun Deer Daddy: Maybe.. Freaky Freaky: A game with you has to involve something extremely wrong! Angel Dust: Oh come onnnnn. Two Truths and One Lie. Easy. Husky: No Clean Freak: I have better things to do.
Angel Dust: Pllleeeaassee Deer Daddy: Well I am bored it will be nice to see some entertainment for once. Angel Dust: Your playing too Deer Daddy:
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G Angel Dust: Nooooo you have to Princess: Come on Al Deer Daddy: Finnneeee Husky: I'm not playing Angel Dust: I'll give you $60 and 4 beers. Husky: Who's first? Clean Freak: Meeeeeeeeee Freaky Freaky: Oh dear lord Clean Freak: I once ate a dust bunny, I killed a man, I hate Al. Freaky Freaky: You hate Al? Clean Freak: Wrong Princess: You killed someone?
Clean Freak: Wrong Husky: THEN WHICH IS THE LIE? Clean Freak: They are all truths Deer Daddy: .... Clean Freak: Kidding... Deer Daddy: Mhm Princess: ME NEXT Princess: I once drunk an entire bottle of beer, I pierced my eyebrow once, I once dressed up as a lamb. Deer Daddy You drunk beer? Princess: How'd you guess? Husky: Because the others sounded like you Angel Dust: Anyways let me go. I have STD's, I ate a 3 day old hotdog, I put something in Husk's drink. Husky: Bitch the last one better be a lie Clean Freak: I can confirm it isn't Freaky Freaky: This is stupid. Is it the you have STD's? Angel Dust: Yeah Deer Daddy: With the amount of meat in his mouth I'm surprised, he's even surpassed the T Rex! (Omg pls dont hate me) Princess: AL! Angel Dust: It's ok Charlie. Al's just grumpy. (I thought of putting Daddy but, then I thought to myself wtf is wrong with me) Freaky Freaky: My turn I guess. I hate Angel Dust, I hate Husk, I hate Al. Clean Freak: Hmmm this is tricky Husky: Wtf did I do to you? Princess: Wow Vaggie Clean Freak: I bet the lie is you hate Husk I mean who would he's so cuddleable. (idc if it's not a dang word) Husky: Not a word and don't touch me. But, she's right. Freaky Freaky: I don't myself. Not sure who I hate the most. Princess: Ok then Clean Freak: I feel ya sister Deer Daddy" Ok but, you don't hate me do you Nifty? Clean Freak: Pfftt no... Deer Daddy: I take you in, give you a nice room, let you clean and this is how you repay me? Clean Freak: I am my own woman sirrrr, and Charlie gave me a room not you and I'll clean whether you like it or not so screw you Al! Clean Freak has went offline. Deer Daddy has went offline. Princess: I should check on her Princess has went offline. Freaky Freaky: See what your little "game" did Angel? Ughs.
Freaky Freaky has gone offline. Husky: Angel where is my damn money and beer? Angel Dust has gone offline. Husky: SON OF A BI- -Cut to end credits- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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charlastor-hoe-6 · 5 years
Addiction {Yandere Husk x Charlie}
Husk had never cared about anything. His life felt like a constant blur to himself and he just loved on a day to day basis. There were some things he cared about. But mostly they were all so negative. He loved alchohol. It helped him forget all of the pain inside of his soul for even a little bit. Of course he also loved gambling. He won and he lost. It was addicting and just so hard to resist it.
He did have a job, though it wasn't uncommon for him to constantly have to look for new ones. Currently he had scored a job as a bartender and at least he was making enough money to keep his house. It wasn't in the best condition mostly because he just didn't give a fuck about anything. His appearance already showed off his nonchalant and zero to fucks give attitude as well.
Husk was vulgar and crude. He never held anything back that he had to say and that also obviously lead him to have constant fights. The man could be brutal but obviously he had never killed anyone nor was he planning too. It would be way too fucking useless for him to do so.
Sometimes he also managed to feel alive when he had a chance to fuck somebody. Usually hookers, more rarely did he also have women approach him and come home with him. When he had sex was also one of the only times when he also actually put some effort into something. It just felt so good even if it was momentary bliss but the women always left by morning and at times even earlier. It was a constant circle, one he didn't really care for.
Deep down inside of himself he really did want company. He wanted a beautiful woman to be his wife, maybe even a child. A family that he never had. Maybe then he could actually pull himself together as well and not be such a fucking drunk as well.
But all of that was just wishful and idiotic thinking. His dreams had all been shattered long time ago and he also lost the capacity to love anyone a while ago.
At least that's what he thought.
Life always had new things to throw at your feet, didn't it?
When he met that angel in the body of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, nor would he ever see. Her long, beautiful blonde hair. Those cute brown eyes staring at him. Of course her body was absolutely flawless too. But that really wasn't the first thing he noticed about her. It was her sweet, gentle voice that he had noticed first and foremost.
He had been walking home from his job, surprisingly not drunk yet. It was late and he was tired as all hell, just wanting to go to his bed and sleep all of his problems away. Never in a million years would he have thought that he would find an angel in such a way.
Suddenly someone collided into him, someone smaller then him and they both ended up falling onto the ground with the stranger on top of him. He was about to yell out all types of vulgarities before his eyes met with the woman and her voice rang through his ears.
"Oh goodness, I'm so sorry sir!" She was quick to apologize and for the first time in his life. He was completely speechless and watched the woman get off of himself and pull on his hand with her smaller, much more delicate one. He subtly gulped and pulled himself back up as well. "It's no problem toots. Don't worry about it."
He looked down at her and her adorable eyes looked up at him with that worried look on her face. His heart started to beat faster and he felt so confused over this new emotion. But it was strangely welcoming.
"Are you sure you're okay? I am really sorry. I should have looked better where I was going." Her voice was the most beautiful melody he had ever heard in his entire freaking life. It was like a harp. He just chuckled at her and offered a small smile. "I'm just fine. No need to worry about me. Have a good night." Being like this was completely new to him and it was so unlike him that he felt like a complete new person. But he couldn't resist acting like this.
The gorgeous blonde smiled and let out a small giggle. "You too sir!" She said before going off on her merry way. There was a weird feeling in his heart as he watched her walk away. He should just continue walking to his home but he couldn't. He knew how fucked up it was but really his feelings were good! She was such a cute little thing. Any other disgusting man would wanna eat her up so this was to help her and keep her safe. Which is why he followed her in the dark and made sure that nobody could even harm a single hair on her beautiful head.
Husk made sure no creeps would come near her or do anything to harm her all the way until she made it home and stepped inside her small house. He took a few pictures of her on his phone as well. Nothing perverted. Just to see her beauty later on again.
Oh not even he could have seen how far this would really go.
This girl took over his entire life. It angered him a little. But not as much as he truly thought it would. She gave him a reason to step out of his bed every morning. Hell because of her he even cut down with his drinking. Because of her he couldn't have sex with any other woman because he felt like he was cheating on her.
It sounded so fucking ridiculous since they weren't dating. Maybe she had already forgotten of his existence all together but he didn't want to think of that even if it was possible. Still she gave him so much to strive for and he even started to do better at his job, also he finally started to clean around the house he owned. All because of her.
Every time he had free time then he made sure to follow her around and keep her safe. She seemed to have such an pure and optimistic outlook on life. It was just so adorable and she was so painfully innocent to the world's cruelty. She didn't understand what this awful world could do to someone as sweet as her. Everyone could tear her apart and leave her when there was nothing more to take.
But he would never ever do that! Not in a million years!
This blonde angel, a goddess even, was the reason for him to keep going. Which is why he had to repay her with everything she had done for him!
Husk followed her around everytime he could. He had been inside of her house a few times and had put small cameras around her house. Of course his intentions were pure but he was only a man so when she was naked or he got to see her in her underwear then he made sure to pleasure himself and boy did it feel so good.
He kept imagining what it would feel like to actually feel her warmth around his cock. He knew it would feel amazing. Even better what it would feel like to actually start a family with her and have a child. These thoughts made him feel so satisfied and happy and he wouldn't stop until he had made these turn into a reality. He couldn't stop now.
There a shrine of her in his closet. There were her belongings and two pairs of her panties as well. That were now a little ruined by his cum covering them. But it didn't matter. His desires were way too hard to resist and he just couldn't stop thinking of her day and night. She was his angel and his soulmate.
While he had previously thought that he would never kill anyone in his life then it all changed when it came to her and that annoying girl stuck by her side like glue. Vaggie was her name, as much as he cared to remember. But what was worse about her just being plainly annoying was that this stupid girl made his adorable angel smile.
Oh no, this just wouldn't fucking do.
This bitch would have to go or him and Charlie could never have their happily ever after.
So he did what he never knew he was capable of and he murdered the little cunt. She was fierce and definitely fought back, even seemingly getting the upper hand for a moment but she had no chance from him and his knife. Of course also his gun. When he was finished with her then she was completely covered in bleed and in general was a bloody mess. All of his fury had been let out on this bitch so much that she was barely recognizable by the end of it. Not that he cared. This was all for his adorable doll and only for her.
The news of the brutal murder of the young woman flew like wildfire and his poor little angel was completely devastated, screaming and sobbing in pure despair. It hurt to watch. Oh it really did. He wished he could hug her close and kiss away all of her tears. But that time would come so soon now.
That annoying cunt got what she deserved at all, so he felt no remorse at all. He only felt bad that his beloved cried so hard over that waste of oxygen. Oh well no one ever said that love didn't go without its sacrifices. It was only right what he had done.
At last the final step of his plan took wing, finally stealing her away and keeping her safe from everybody else. Of course he knew it was dangerous but for her it would be worth it and she would thank him by the end of it all. He was sure of it. This was all for his angel and only for her. God he loved her so fucking much.
Husk made sure to steal her away in the least painful way possible. Just an injection to her neck on her walk home from her work, it was a night shift. He knew her schedule like the back of his own hand. She tried to fight him, but in the end she just wasn't strong enough to fight their love and fate of being together.
He gently kissed her forehead and chuckled, whisking her away into the night in his car and he had also made a secret, soundproof room of sorts into his own house. Of course it took time and money but nothing mattered when it came to her. He tied her arms to the bedposts but still tried not to tie them too tight so she wouldn't be in too much discomfort but obviously still strong enough so she couldn't get away from him. At first he knew she would cry, scream, fight him.
God he wasn't so fucking delusional that he wouldn't understand that. But he still knew that eventually she would understand how much she loved him as well. As her future husband and the father of their child. It would all be perfect and he just couldn't wait for it all.
Husk didn't leave her side not even for a second. He already had a glass of water and painkillers by her bedside. She was so beautiful and peaceful like this. But she was beautiful no matter what. Even in her tears of despair she was beautiful. Even if he didn't like seeing her cry as much as he loved seeing that adorable smile. It would be perfect eventually, no matter what he had to do.
Finally his angel woke up and opened her beautiful brown eyes. He smiled at her and in a matter of seconds her eyes widened with fear, when she understood the situation she was in. Of course it hurt him to see her so terrified but a dark part of himself absolutely adored seeing this side of herself.
"Shhhh, my angel. You'll be safe with me now~" He purred and caressed her cheek gently. She whimpered and flinched away from his touch. "What do you want from me?! Please let me go!" Oh her words really pulled at his heartstrings but she would understand eventually that this was all for her own good and no one else's. This wasn't for his own selfish desires. No this was all for her and only her.
"I only want you, toots. I love you so much Dollface and nobody will ever take you away from me again." He said in a husky tone and squeezed her hips gently. "You'll be happy here soon enough but I'm a patient man, don't worry." He said and played with a strand of her golden blonde hair. It was softer then he could have ever imagined. She was his perfect angel and only his.
"Y-You are fucking insane! I will never love you! Never ever! The police will come for me and find me!" She yelled at him with such defiance. The man simply rolled his eyes and chuckled into her ear. "Oh baby girl~ It's funny how you think I didn't think of that as well. All I have to do is fake your suicide. After all you were devastated when that bitch died so you took your own life. Easy as that." His tone was cold and chilling as he stared into her fearful eyes. All of her color drained from her face. "Oh and I killed that cunt, she was just getting in our way. You'll thank me eventually." He said and kissed her cheek.
The blonde woman screamed out as tears streamed down her face. But it was obvious her hopes lessened and she looked so beautiful like that. He kissed her quiet and slipped his tongue into her mouth, moaning into the kiss. She tasted better then he could have ever imagined and he felt so fucking good. She was just in shock as she cried and trembled under him, giving him a chance to pull her even closer to himself.
"Shhh, toots~ No one but me will ever hear you again. We'll be so happy together and even more so when we have our first child." He said with a small, yet dreamy sight as he played with her hair, her cries just being music to his ears.
He had finally found himself a new addiction and he would never let her go.
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klxptomxniac · 5 years
Vaggie, putting one of her ribbons on Angel when the other wants to try a new style and Charlie is just standing to the side ecstatic that they're more or less getting along
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cherri-bomb-bee · 3 years
Hello!! I’m pretty late to this fandom but I’ve been writing without a platform for a while now, and I figured now was a good time to try posting what I write.  So, here is what I will and won’t write, along with characters I will and won’t write for I will write: - Platonic, romantic and sexual head canons/one-shots (including smut but, don’t expect the best from me lol) - Character x reader - Character x character - male, female and gender neutral readers - mpreg (but like, preferable with some form of explanation to male pregnancy) - trans readers  - poc readers I won’t write: - Anything romantic (or God forbid anyone asks but, sexual) for children or any character presumed to be under age; I will not “age up” a character to make them applicable for romantic or sexual scenarios - Any non-con or dub-con; sorry but I have bad experiences with this stuff - Literally anything good concerning Valentino, I hope he catches fire wearing gasoline underwear  - Vaggie x male reader in a romantic or sexual manner - Angel Dust x female reader in a romantic or sexual manner - Polysexual; I have nothing against poly but, I’m not familiar enough with it to write it without coming off as disrespectful  Characters I will write for: Charlie, Lilith and Lucifer Magne  Vaggie Alastor, Rosie, Vox, Velvet Angel Dust Cherri Bomb  Husker  Niffty  --If there’s someone you’re unsure of, please don’t hesitate to ask!--
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hezuart · 3 years
Do you think there would be a way for Charlie to be respected without her becoming violen? What if she learned several important secrets that Overlords don’t want revealed? How would that scenario play out?
Ah which universe are you asking for this scenario?
Chelsa AU, Evanthos AU, or canon?
I guess for any of these, I wouldn't put it past Charlie to use blackmail against an Overlord or Hell inhabitant that personally wronged her. (Seeing as she got into a fist fight with a reporter from 666 news who insulted her)
Though Charlie is capable of that, I don't think that is a favorite tactic of hers. Unless this blackmail or secret is particularly damaging or potentially dangerous to her family and friends, I don't think she would use blackmail as a method towards respect.
Charlie cares more about helping, making a difference, and making her parents proud of her on her terms.
In the Chelsa AU, her dating Helsa (Helsa, being the influence she is...) makes Charlie a little tougher. She's less likely to take shit from other people, especially with Helsa backing her up. Seeing as the Hotel now as the support of the Von Eldritch family makes it better in the public's eyes. Though Helsa has helped the Hotel save face, claiming it is an experimental redemption center that also functions as a regular Hotel but also a sanctuary during yearly purges, which has immensely helped its reputation in the eyes of the public.
(and Lucifer is glad his daughter is at least doing something somewhat useful with a hotel business with a Von Eldritch to clear not only the Magne name but also help reestablish the Magne-Von Eldritch Overlord truce.)
Evanthos AU, Charlie and the Hotel is pretty much the same, but anyone who threatens or badmouths the Hotel in a really bad way deals with her younger brother Evanthos. Needless to say, people have been pretty tight lipped about the Hotel. Most unfortunately seem to have sort of forgotten about it which makes the publicity of it drop, but Charlie manages to reach out to the homeless / poor and take them in for rehabilitation attempts.
In canon, I feel like Charlie is only going to get true respect when she sticks to her beliefs and in the end manages to prove everyone wrong to their faces. Because violence won't induce respect for most, it will only induce fear.
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weapon13whitefang · 5 years
Apple of the Eye [Chapter 1 of 3]
It had been six months since Lucifer had laid eyes on his daughter. One hundred and eighty three days since their fight. Twenty six weeks since her little broadcast on Chanel 666 had made him want to shake the girl as all of Hell was laughing at the Magne family because his daughter had some ridiculous belief that she could help redeem his subjects and get them into heaven? He still had no damn idea where she had come up with this fucking ridiculously impossible idea! Honestly he wondered if maybe some of his old heavenly days had sunk from his sperm...
Sinking into his work chair, Lucifer rubbed at his temples in circular motions, trying to gain some relief to the fucking headache he was getting. Six months of this shit - constantly playing over his fight with Charlie and the many ravings he’d given to Lilith - was really starting to put pressure on him. He hasn’t felt this annoyed since fucking Gabriel and Michael had come waltzing into his kingdom to meet Charlie after she was born, acting like the whole goddamn war between them had never fucking happened!
Waving a hand, a freshly made cup of tea appeared before him. He’d rather be getting drunk right now, but today was supposed to be the big gathering. While many of his citizens had no true respect for him or his family, he still had their fear. And he needed them to still see that - despite Charlie’s actions over the last six months - he was still to be feared and still demands their respect. And he could still absolutely crush them all into nothingness before they’d even have to worry about another purging.
Thinking about the purging made his blood boil. He stared down at the dark brown liquid with a bitter anger licking through him like the flames of his keep. This whole damn thing - this headache, his anger, this fight between him and his daughter - was all because of this damn purge. A purge that had been “agreed” upon by him and God after it was noted that his kingdom was crowded. That His little Exterminators could help “ease the trouble of trying to make more space”.
Lucifer wasn’t a fucking idiot. Heaven was afraid. With so many souls at his disposal - so many sinners he could rile up - Heaven and their precious Lord had gotten scared. With his numbers, Heaven could easily be overthrown. His archangel “brothers” wouldn’t even stand a chance with all his numbers. They’d all fall.
That’s why this blasted purge was even a thing. And yet Charlie wanted to add more of his people to those stuck up bastards that wanted to eliminate his people like cattle to the slaughter?! The girl had even written to God himself - behind his and her mothers back - to ask for fucking permission to try!
Growling under his breath, Lucifer sucked down a gulp of tea, sighing at the delicious burn that hit his throat as he grabbed his remote out of his desk front drawer and turned on his monitor to pick up Channel 666 for some news. He needed something to get his mind off things for awhile. And with his wife on tour, this would have to do.
“Welcome back! Katie Killyjoy here! Time for everyone’s favorite: celebrity news update! And boy do we have some fucking crazy news, right Tom?” Katie Killjoys smirk was as wide and intimidating as ever, a slight twitch to her left eye catching Lucifer’s attention. This should be good.
“That’s right, Katie, it seems our very own Princess of Hell has actually done it folks! Our news camera caught the very moment an actual citizen of Hell was REDEEMED!” Tom exclaimed, throwing his hands up in shock as the camera swerved back to Katie.
Lucifer's expression went blank, his usual smile tightening as his fingers went numb.
On the screen - as Katie Killjoy went on to talk about how this citizens was seen turning and being greeted by angels - Lucifer's eyes weren’t on the citizen or really taking in much that was being said. For his eyes were glued to his daughter... Who was touching Alastor, the Goddamn Radio Demon!
Her hand was on Alastor’s arm casually, her smile wide and eyes sparkling in awe as she was bouncing on her heels, tears streaming down her face as she spoke to the redeemed - was that the porn-Star he’d heard she was trying to redeem? - as he looked frightened and confused, holding some pig.
His daughter hugged the star - Angel something? - before he was being lifted up by the angels sent to gather him. Charlie was calling up to him and waving as the angels disappeared... And then his tea began to pour from his cup.
Lucifer watched as Alastor placed a hand on Charlie’s shoulder and drew her to him, crouching down and wiping away tears from her face, still smiling and seeming to gently tut at her... Before Charlie was smiling at him and leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek and mouth the obvious words of “Alastor” along with “thank you”??!
“It seems Hell’s Princess and the infamous crime lord, the Radio Demon, are a pair! Wonder how the King and Queen will react?” Katie asked the camera, eye still twitching. “More on that after our commercial break!... Okay what the fuck is going on-?!“
The channel went to commercial abruptly and Lucifer stared at the screen for what felt like hours before he slowly set his empty cup on the table and stood abruptly. Expression still blank, he grabbed his cane from its holster and made his way out the door.
His secretary barely missed being run over by him as she called after him. He ignored her and briskly walked to the elevator. He waited as the elevator opened and stepped inside. As the door closed, he let out a screech!
What can I say besides I like this pairing lol. This was inspired by a lot of artwork of people having Lucifer reacting to Charlie and Alastor being a thing! But this image is what fully stroked the idea so yay!
Also yes I made Angel the first to be redeemed. It makes sense to me. He already has shown some small potential. Given time and a few scenarios and boom, heavenly bound!
For my friend @chocolatemicenwhiskey
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petitprincess1 · 5 years
Good Evening Ch9 (The Good Will Hunt)
AO3 Link Summary: Alastor goes to meet Charlie's parents and gets into an interesting conversation with Lucifer. Words: 1,631 Warning: Blood and violence, but mostly imaginary. ~~~ After Vaggie dropped herself off to the hotel to help out with the guests in the evening, Charlie went in Al’s car back to her house. She was sitting in the passenger’s seat and felt fairly odd being so close to him, especially since he was being so quiet. He didn’t even bother playing the radio or anything. Charlie glanced up at Alastor and saw that he still had such a small smile on his face. Not only that, but, despite clearly hearing her directions, he seemed to be deep in thought.
Charlie wondered if he was still thinking about what happened to Angelo and maybe even blamed himself? It was so hard to tell, since the man wasn’t easy to read. So, she looked down at Al’s hand on the gearshift and reached out to touch it, but him speaking caught her attention. Alastor sighed, “Darling, you don’t have to comfort me. I’m okay. I don’t want to say that these things happen, but Angelo has shown himself to be somewhat...difficult. ...Maybe it is fairly normal for him...bu-”
He stopped when Charlie still placed her hand on his, causing him to somewhat flinch. She stared up at the creole and said, “Well, regardless whether you think you’re okay, I’m still here. We all are. Ready and willing to lend an ear if you need to vent or leave a shoulder vacant for support. We’re here for Angelo, for his friends, and you, Al.”
Alastor glanced at her from the corner of his eyes as he slowly turned a corner and gave a soft chuckle. He moved his hand out from under Charlie’s and softly stroked her golden hair, mumbling, “What a beautiful doll you are…”
Al then followed a strand of hair down to her pale skin and was about to rub her naturally rosy cheek with his thumb, but Charlie shrunk away by pointing out, “O-Oh my house is right there!”
Alastor looked at the large manor and he smiled, “Yes, indeedy.”
~~~ When the two walked into the house, they were instantly greeted by two black, white, and brown goats that were trying to climb onto them and were making small bleating sounds. Alastor was taken aback by them and was expecting more of a calm or quiet atmosphere, not instant cuteness. Charlie, however, giggled as she leaned down to them and cooed, “Hi, Razzle and Dazzle. Who are the two cutest geets in the world~? You are!”
Al just blinked at the three and then gave a small grin, placing his hands in his pockets and getting a slight calm. That was until he felt Anthony’s phone in his pocket and the same odd, saddening anger swirled in his chest. He was about to ask if he could be excused, but then got heard a woman announce, “Oh, well, I was wondering why the two rascals ran off.”
The two looked up from the goats and looked at Lilith flipping a strand of her long golden hair over her shoulder, while staring amusedly at the two. Her long black gown glided across the floor as if it was her shadow following behind her. This mysteriously alluring atmosphere would have been a bit more effective if it wasn’t for the five more dwarf goats following after her.
Charlie gave her a strained smile and responded awkwardly, “H-Hey, mom. How’s it, uh, hanging?”
Lilith just answered as she walked closer to the two, “I would say that it is “hanging” pretty well, honestly. Almost like how you were hanging out the window this morning,” she finished with the subtlest bit of anger that made Charlie flinch.
Alastor looked between the two and gave an honest-to-goodness chuckle, gaining the two women’s attention. He looked at Lilith and smiled charmingly at her, complimenting, “My, I see where Charlie gets her charm from. Hello, Mrs. Magne! I am-”
“Alastor. Yes, I think anyone would recognize that voice in a heartbeat, dearie. Oh, and don’t say that. Charlie mostly got her adorable charm from her father. Speaking of Charlie, I am quite curious to know how you met my daughter,” Lilith questioned as she went to go sit on a couch nearby, allowing the little goats to play with one another. Despite the cuteness happening in front of her, it didn’t stop Charlie from feeling nervous. She was trying her best to think of how to explain how she met someone as famous as Alastor, but she was drawing a complete blank.
Luckily, she supposed, Alastor was quickly able to spin up a story and grinned, “Oh, I’ve come to this great town to do a report on the recent killings and to help your daughter run the hotel. That is how we met. Although, no need to worry about any possible threat coming to the hotel, I will not be broadcasting there. I hope you don’t mind me recording within here for a few days, haven’t been able to visit the local station to announce my arrival.”
Lilith seemed to be questionable of what he was saying, but other than that, it was hard to discern what she was thinking. Charlie was shifting quite a bit in nervousness and added in, “Uh, that’s also what I was doing last night, meeting him! I know it’s sudden, but...that seems to be the theme today, like one of my employees getting badly injured. Please, mom, I trust him.”
She really, really didn’t trust him, but a good bit of emotional manipulation never hurt anything...possibly. Her mother gave a hum and then shrugged, “Sure, why not? I can have servants bring your things inside, if you wish.”
Alastor gave a small nod, answering, “That would be quite lovely, madam.” Charlie then started to lightly push him towards the staircase and gave an anxious grin to Lilith, saying, “Well, I better show him around! Let’s go, A-”
“I think I’ve got that covered!” Charlie’s father called out from the top of the stairs, looking down at the three with a teasing smile. The girl’s heart dropped at realizing that her parents basically had planned an ambush in the beginning.
She felt Alastor’s weight leave her as he started walking up the stairs to Lucifer, feeling her heartbreak at her escape leaving her. 
Charlie looked back at Lilith and her mother gave a “kind” stare to her, patting the couch cushion next to her. She gave a small whimper as she went to go sit next to her. ~~~ Alastor followed Charlie’s father down the corridor, not really listening to the man talk, if he even was speaking. All that Al could concentrate on was the phone that he kept clenching and twisting around in his pocket. He was stuck thinking about the various ways that he could bring justice towards Anthony and make those that harmed him regret even misplacing a strand of hair on his head. All sorts of murderous or torturous scenarios ran through his head, causing his smile widen to an almost insane degree.
His smile slightly faltered when he heard Lucifer ask, turning his head to him, “Is that right?”
Alastor blinked at him and gave a soft smile, “I am sorry, Mr. Magne. I don’t believe I quite heard you. Also, may I say that Mrs. Magne is quite the swanky skirt!”
“Uh….sure? I said that you were from Louisiana and that you all were recently being revisited by “The Axeman”, is that right?” Lucifer, apparently, repeated his question, making Alastor just give a small nod. He was a little too invested in imagining his knife slicing a person’s throat slowly and watching them choke on their blood to desperately plea for their life. The man went on, “You did quite the extensive coverage on him, even going into great detail about some of the murders.”
Al then checked back in, sensing an accusation afoot, and chuckled, “What exactly are you getting at? My details are so, well, detailed because I am simply reading what was prompted to me. Plus, who doesn’t love a bit of gore and horror in the story! It’s hilarious!”
Lucifer hummed, “Yes...funny. I’m not saying anything just yet, Alastor. I’m merely curious and with such a crazed man on the loose, it would make sense to question anyone from down there, right? Especially considering that he seemed to be murdering those in power or criminal backgrounds...and then this man comes to my daughter’s hotel?”
Alastor just watched him as they walked up to where he would be staying, noticing that there were servants bringing his luggage. He shrugged easily and replied, “Yes, that makes perfect sense. I’m sorry if I aroused any suspicion, but I am not a killer. Do I look like one?”
“...Looks can be deceiving.”
“Quite a one-liner, Magne,” his smile remained soft as it widened slightly. Lucifer blinked, looked him up and down, and replied, “Yes. Well, I apologize for saying such things, just wish for my family’s safety. I guess I better be leaving. Nice to meet you.”
Alastor watched Lucifer and the servants leave as he opened his door, bringing his bags inside. He didn’t miss Luci learning his name or how decadent the room was, but he didn’t care. Al grabbed a bag and opened it up, showing that it was a bunch of recording equipment. However, he moved all the equipment out the way as he pulled out a long, medium-sized box.
The creole unlatched the dingy, leather box and revealed many different knives, scalpels, pliers, a missing place of where a shovel was, and many other handy tools. Alastor pulled out a classic kitchen knife and lightly stroked the dried blood that remained on there, whispering to himself, “Time to go hunting~”
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