roxanncweasley · 7 years
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@hpminorcharnet event: next gen era → james sirius potter
atychiphobia (n.)
fear or failure; fear of not being good enough
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pxnsq · 7 years
Aw yes I’m so happy for you!!💖💖 (Also yensbsb I saw you got a boyfriend wOO I love it!!) oh boy yes I’ve been stressed but 8 more days then all my finals are done so that’s exciting!
8 days wohoo!! It’s so soon you’ll get through unscathed and then it’s Christmas!!! *turns the volume of the Spotify xmas playlists to forget about the finals I haven’t studied for* but for real you’ll crush the exams 🔝
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borqinandburkes · 7 years
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 P A R V A T I   x   L A V E N D E R
I fell in love with the way you touched me without using your hands
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wingardiun · 7 years
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I’m not candle light, but a raging fire, be prepared to get burnt.
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luciusmalfcys · 7 years
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Character poster: Charlie Weasley✨ 
“How’s your brother C h a r l i e ? I liked him a lot - great with animals.“ 
(for @charlieweesley)
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janebennetts · 7 years
uhhh???? not to be that person, but I’m ten away from two hundred followers?! thank you to everyone who follows me already! i can’t believe I’m this close!
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parttimeautistic · 7 years
It is a curious organ, The heart. Rhythmically pumping blood, Around and around. Powering muscles, Allowing organs to function. But is that all it does? The heart is the home of the soul, The fountain of love, The heart is who we are, Who we really are. Yet it is fragile and often damaged, And once damaged it never heals fully, There are always scars, Memories of past pain, A layer of stone. When a fragile heart is damaged too many times, It ceases to be a heart anymore, Only stone is left, Brittle stone that gets broken. I am truly heartbroken, There is nothing left for me now, And so I shall hide until my broken heart grows back.
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madney · 7 years
hi :)
ty, sweetie!! :) 
you’re my cannibal lover,you’d think that people would have had enough of silly love songs,i can show you the world, shining, shimmering, splendid,i found a love for me,a scrub is a guy that thinks he’s fly
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gnargls · 7 years
@silancio @ginniewheezie @gauntmorfin @charlieweesley @fortesques
Do they follow me: Yes | NoDo I follow them: Yes | No | NowWhat I think about their blog:
OK BUT FOR REAL THIS IS SUCH AN AMAZING BLOG! Love the new theme. The desktop links are so great, all HP themed and their about and navigation pages are next level. Love the content, love the mobile theme, love!
Do they follow me: Yes | NoDo I follow them: Yes | No | NowWhat I think about their blog:
Love this blog too, and such a kind blogger! The content is great and their mobile theme is adorable! The desktop theme has a broken link :( but the hover images for the nav create a lovely aesthetic.
Do they follow me: Yes | NoDo I follow them: Yes | No | NowWhat I think about their blog:
Nice neat desktop theme with nicely organised navigation page, and the about page is one of my fav layout styles!! Love the content! Following now :))
Do they follow me: Yes | NoDo I follow them: Yes | No | NowWhat I think about their blog: 
Pretty desktop theme, GREAT EDITS!! Mobile theme is classic and always notice their icon when it pops up on my dash. Love the included playlist and the quote for their about page too!
Do they follow me: Yes | NoDo I follow them: Yes | No | NowWhat I think about their blog:
Love love love the mobile theme!!! Updates tab is so lovely, creations are AMAZE and deserve a trillion notes. Nav MAkes ME JEALOUS bc it should be illegal for a blog to be that organised!!n HOW?
Send me a URL anonymously
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mintmisha · 7 years
Chai, darjeeling, gunpowder tea :)
ahh thank you!! :D
Chai: Where do you want to travel next?
so many places! i’ve never been to disney world or universal studios, so i’d like to go to there. i’d love to visit california, massachusetts, and other countries outside the us as well!
Darjeeling: What languages do you speak?
i speak fluent english, and i can understand and speak some chinese, indonesian, and spanish (though not very well)
Gunpowder tea: If you had the chance: would you go to space?
well…it might depend on the terms, like how long i’d be up there, how far i’d go, when i’d go, etc…
drink tea with me
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roxanncweasley · 7 years
for @hpwritersnet‘s prompt: james potter
he falls in love like this: six years old giggling in the treehouse with sugared lips. they fight dragons and travel through jungles from the safety of the garden. they are young and the way she laughs, with her nose scrunched up and eyes closed makes him laugh too. and just like that, marlene sits in his heart.
he falls in love like this: a train carriage, wind rattling the windows and bertie botts beans littering the floor. he falls in love with carved cheekbones and a love of puns, with grey eyes and that feeling already that the same blood runs in their veins. he falls in love with a brother, with sirius.
he falls in love like this: a silent dormitory with a skeletal remus hunched in the corner. he has hollowed cheeks and purple bruises under his eyes. he falls in love with jokes muttered under breaths and a knowing twitch of the lips. there is a stirring in his bones and he knows, he knows he will protect this one with his last breath if he can.
he falls in love like this: the early hours of the morning, practicing with him again and again and again until peter can get it right. watching the watery eyes light up when the spell finally works or the essay is done. watching as he tries so hard to fit in without knowing he already does.
he falls in love like this: sixth year on the quidditch pitch, mary’s lilting voice through the megaphone, jokes and goddamn awful puns trickling out of her as the game plays on. he’s laughing so hard he nearly falls off his broom and he thinks he can’t live in a world without the warmth she makes in his chest.
he falls in love like this: the months between january and february, the days inbetween monday and tuesday, the seconds between night and day. he falls in love in the time that doesn’t exist, surely, because how could he forget falling in love, how could he not remember the moment? he falls in love with a girl with flowers in her name and in her ribs; with the pure sunlight in her veins, with the kindness overflowing from her pores. he falls in love with her smile and her lips and her soul. he falls in love with lily evans, or maybe he just always was.
he falls in love like this: a tiny baby balanced in his arms, black hair dusting his tiny head. He coughs in his sleep, eyelids fluttering open to reveal forests. there are tears in his eyes and he wants to hold him forever, to wrap him up and lock him away where he will never feel any pain or hurt. he falls in love with the future, with quidditch matches and christmas mornings, with tantrums and hugs and motorbike rides with sirius. he falls in love with his son, with harry.
he falls in love with life, with nature, with his beating heart and expanding lungs. he falls in love with a world that doesn’t love him back, with people who betray him, with people who leave. he falls in love with a life he cannot have, a life he will never live.
he falls too easily, james.
like a marionette whose strings were cut.
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pxnsq · 7 years
what are yout top 5 bloggers
God this is hard I love so many blogs to death but I’ve a few people on notifications and that’s the blogs my tired brain can think of rn. They’re all amazing people with lovely blogs and wonderful creations which you should check out and I love them dearly so here’s my shoutout 💕@charlieweesley@grangr@dawnsapphic@teddylupixn@gnargls
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borqinandburkes · 7 years
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wingardiun · 7 years
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My love, I’d alter none of it. 
Poem by @ohdeerlilypotter
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buttahbeer-archive · 7 years
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GUYSSS your girl just hit 800 followers!!!! Yayayay! Okay so for this milestone and the ones before it as you can see I'm gonna make one of those birthday page thingies cause I think they’re really cool and in a way bring everybody together! 
What you gotta do:
follow meeeee 
reblog this post please as likes don't count!!
send me an ask with 
your name (or initial, or if you don’t wanna provide either of those I’ll use your url) 
your birthday 
one of your favourite things in the whole wide world (I’m sorry I know only one is hard but there’s a character limit)
oh and a book rec for me if you wanna, not mandatory though heh
ps. there is no end date for this, so if you're concerned about being late and that you shouldn't bother joining, don't you worry!
What you're gonna get:
a spot on my birthday page!!
a message from me on the day of your birthday!!
a promo on the day of your birthday, grouped together with your fellow birthday twins if there are any!!
a spot on my updates tab for the entire month of your birthday!!
Thank you all again for sticking around and following me, I appreciate it a lot and I love you all ♡
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derrickperegrine · 7 years
tagged by the wonderful @charlieweesley forever ago, thanks jess!!
tagging: @cavldroncakes, @peachyscorbus, @draxo-malfoy, and @astralsirius! of course, don’t feel obligated to do this if you don’t want to/have done this already
answers below the cut
5 things you will find in my bag/backpack
house keys
fountain pens + drafting pencils
old chocolate (i’m disgusting)
5 things you will find in my bedroom
even older chocolate
turntable + speakers + records
books + magazines. all over the walls and floors
the Chair™ where i put all my clothes
ignored letters
5 things i’ve always wanted to do in life
be a historian (getting my b.a. degree in history next summer!!)
be legolas
get a pet (but my parents hate snakes and cats, my faves)
work on a movie!!
write a book
5 things to on my to-do list
email my boss about my internship gonna do this right now while i remember
ace the gre exam aggrESSIVE SOBBING
finish 200 celebration requests (i’m the worst, don’t forgive me)
answer all of my asks
finish all of my open fic chapters
5 things people may not know about me
i can speak ... six languages?? i can understand more
i’m primarily a history/international politics/russian language student, but i’m also thinking about going to med school to pursue forensic science
in high school my friends and i got really into pottermore and would draw pottermore fanart and write pottermore fics about ourselves
i used to have a pine tree named chris yeah i know we found him as a sapling in our yard but he died last winter
my brother and i are completely opposite types of aquarius (people forget we have the same zodiac sign because we’re so different)
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