#chat blanc wins
queenofmistresses · 6 months
Reader and cat blanc being psychotic and fluffy, kissing and being extreme and toxic so you’re both crazy and it’s only you two left
A/n this is the unhinged crazy shit that makes my brain go brrrrr (i’ve got problems shush). Not my best work, I’m not used to actually channeling my slight psychopathic tendencies and unhinged shit into my writings so this was a first! And I would love to have more so I can channel it into stuff (since yk can’t really talk about that stuff with people) and to get better at writing it for people like me!! So do keep it coming if you liked this!
And please please give me some feedback, good and bad just please be specific!!
Finally. It’s just us. It took far too long to get here, to destroy everything so that all that’s left is our own private utopia, but it was worth it.
We’ve made our own makeshift home to sleep in and be together out of the ruins of Paris. An old mattress on the floor, and some blankets that chat found for us. What more do we need?
We wake up our first morning alone, I bask in the sweet emptiness of it all. No noise. No one telling me what to do. No one thinking they’re better than me. I’m free. For once even the voices in my mind are quiet, satisfied. Everything is quiet. It’s blissful.
Well quiet except him. He’s purring next to me. Chat. He did this, for us. He destroyed everything for us. For me. Just because I asked him to. I look at his sleeping face and wonder what else he’d have been willing to do. Everything apparently.
This is the kind of control I always dreamed of possessing. And he gave it to me, just like that. Completely willingly. The kind of power I never thought I’d achieve.
He’s given me the whole world, I realise, lying there, staring at him. He saw what I wanted, what I needed, and sacrificed every part of him to give it to me. Now that, is devotion.
I see his eyes begin to flutter open and confusion fill his face before he remembers yesterday’s events. Satisfaction fills his eyes as he looks at me again.
I feel his hands move to my waist, gripping tight as he smiles gently at me. You’d almost think him sane by his face. But I’ve never been fooled by that act, and even if I started to slip, the tight grip he has on me brings me back to reality fast.
He leans down and presses light kisses to my shoulder, it quickly becomes almost obsessive and I can feel him loosing control, I grip his hair to keep him from going far but I don’t stop his assault on my shoulders and face.
“It’s just us now. No one can hurt us. We’re free.” I say to him, though I’m not sure he’s listening. “Only I can hurt you now.” I whisper. I know he can hear me, but even that doesn’t deter him, in fact I think I hear him purr just a little louder.
Chat lost his grip on reality long ago, though I tried to keep him together while the others were still alive. Now that it’s just us I can feel him letting go completely. Honestly, I feel myself embracing it too. I’ve been walking on the line of insanity for years thanks to my family, even being accused of being a psychopath once. Now I can let it go, no more faking it.
I look around me, at the stone statues of Paris’ so-called heroes, surrounding our new home, frozen in a state of fear and panic, and I realise that this is what I’ve been dreaming of. I deserve every moment of this, finally they all got what they deserved.
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stellarlex · 2 years
I literally had somebody on YouTube tell me that Marinette isn’t traumatized by Chat Blanc.
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insanepoll · 1 year
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[ID: Background is a gradient of purple, blue, white, and lilac. On top, there's the pictures of the contestants, separated by a “VS” sign. Above it, reads “ROUND 1” in bold black letters. /End ID.]
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zaaaras · 1 year
“chat noir recolour” “super boring” OKAY LOOK AT THAT EYELINER hes rocking that white hair better than jack frost could imagine AND BEING ABLE TO END THE WORLD WITH A FLICK OF HIS FINGER this little hand gesture is not the coolest thing an akuma has ever done for everyone not to vote him for Most Slay Akuma
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trainsinanime · 8 months
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It’s been months and I still think we’re not talking enough about Cloud Kagami in Perfection. I think Cloud Kagami is one of the most haunting, most beautiful but also sad akumas in the show. Most people will probably point to Chat Blanc as the winner in that category, and fair’s fair, you can’t argue with that body count. But for me, Cloud Kagami wins because she’s less literal, more metaphorical.
Kagami is depressed and lonely in this episode. She feels isolated, like she doesn’t fit in. And so her akuma persona doesn’t do anything offensive - she just physically doesn’t fit in. Her mental image of herself is too large, too weird, but also hollow, without substance. Not even that something was stolen from her; she feels like maybe she was never real at all.
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The whole thing comes with a perspective shift for her. She’s too tall to see the small stuff, and she’s can’t even see the people anymore. Paris for her is just streets and buildings, a view like from a map. She is no longer able to see it as a place made up of people.
Swifties will of course recognise that this is exactly the same feeling and imagery as in the song Antihero:
Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby And I’m a monster on the hill Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city Pierced through the heart, but never killed
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And it comes to a head when Kagami says that she might just fade away, and that it would be better that way. This is the only episode where the danger is not the akuma doing something bad, but the akuma dying. That’s really harsh.
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On the flip side, it’s so important that Kagami doesn’t shrink down or becomes invisible. She is here, and we and the characters see and share in her pain. Our heroes know what’s going on and are worried about her. When Kagami says nobody would miss her, would notice when she’s gone, she’s categorically wrong. She is actually this huge presence, literally, in the city. She just can’t see and comprehend it, because her depression makes it impossible for her to recognise how much the people around her care.
I think this story is really harrowing, but I also love how beautifully they wrote and rendered it. This is really a stealth greatest episode of the show.
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leblanczine · 9 months
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Le Blanc is a charity Miraculous Ladybug zine focusing on our favorite kitty gone bad, Chat Blanc. Preorders are open from September 1st, 2023 through October 31st, 2023.
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asukiess · 1 year
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ok - tying adrien’s later reluctance to disobey his father to chat’s nightmare and SPECIFICALLY anger issues is such a narrative win for this show. 
it is hard for me to describe and probably personally too grounded in anecdotes, but there’s this thing about cycle of abuse where the receiver is then punished for having the same behaviors as the abuser. Gabriel’s anger issues go all the way back to The Collector (being witness to a parent throwing a literal tantrum you hear through the walls is horribly jarring) and then have been exemplified this season (the obvious being Illusion, I mean literally watching your dad freak the fuck out and almost slam down a pan? plus everything else?)
meanwhile, the set ups for adrien’s issues have also been there (”I just told you I have a girlfriend to make you jealous”, destroying the wall in anger in that s4 ep, attacking Scarabella, Derision, general ladynoir fighting, etc)
it’s hard NOT to tell yourself that you’re just like them.
and as the audience, this is heartbreaking because this scene mirrors the ONE MONUMENTAL TIME that we know Chat had no control over. blanc wasn’t something that was caused by unchecked anger! but no one knows this but us, and all adrien is being told is that he’s just like his dad, and will “obviously fly off the handle” if he disobeys because he doesn’t trust himself!! it’s a nightmare and also a promise that this will happen!
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Five Ways SentiAdrien is a Retcon
Adrien’s a sentimonster now, but he wasn’t always. Here’s a list of things that wouldn’t have happened if Adrien was a sentimonster:
Chat Blanc
Epehemeral shows us what happens in a world where Gabriel Agreste learns his sentison’s identity. Chat Blanc shows us what happens in a world where Gabriel Agreste learns his human son’s identity. If Adrien was a sentimonster in season 3, then Chat Blanc would have ended with Gabriel winning just like he did in Ephemeral. But it doesn’t because season 3 Adrien was a real boy.
Nooroo: Master, you don't really think Adrien could be Cat Noir?
Gabriel: I don't know. But he's hiding something for sure. Since his bodyguard has failed to keep an eye on Adrien, there's only one way for us to uncover his secret.
Yeah, put on one of the slave collars and say, “Adrien, tell me what you’re hiding from me?” Problem solved! Except Adrien wasn’t a sentimonster yet, so Gabe had to use an akuma instead.
As of season 4, Felix and Amilie know that the Agrete’s wedding rings are amoks, so why were they so obsessed with getting their hands on them back in season 3? What were they planning to do with Adrien? Why did Amilie think that was a reasonable request? There’s no way that she’d hand over her son’s ring! Easy answer: the twins cousins weren’t sentimonster yet and the rings weren’t that special. That’s why that plot goes nowhere and why Felix’s actions don’t match his actions after they decided that the boys were sentimonsters.
Adrien keeps sneaking out of the house to go to school and Gabe just yells at him, never using the slave collars. Plausible, I guess, but still hard to buy given how controlling he is. Why wouldn’t he use one of the rings? He already doesn’t care what Adrien wants and Gabe does not get meaningfully more controlling as the show goes on (it’s part of why season 5 completely fails to make him feel worse in my book).
Cataclysms drive Sentimonsters insane, but kill humans, so Chat Noir probably should have gone insane here. Along similar lines, the fact that akuma powers work on him like a normal human is super weird because Adrien isn’t a true human. Can he break his bones? Does he even need to transform to fight? Do all sentimonsters have the ability to use miraculous? I have questions that this show will never answer because the answers don’t exist. That would require competent, well-thought-out lore.
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So, basically according to TA... What the fans "want":
A well written story;
Likable characters with a tangible character growth (no resets);
Sympathetic villain (wants to bring Emilie back for Adrien's sake);
Main couple has chemistry in all versions of themselves (Marinette/LB has feelings for CN unlike in the show, Marinette can actually talk to Adrien, and he's in love with "the girl behind the mask" not just LB);
Ladybug and Chat Noir being equals and working together to defeat Hawkmoth;
Adrien standing up to his father and telling him how he feels;
Chat Noir being in the final battle against his father!;
"Ladybug doesn't exist without Marinette", her powers are not what makes her special;
Gabriel's love for his son being more powerful than his hatered for Ladybug and Chat Noir;
Marinette and Adrien know each other's identities before getting together (no lies);
The heroes winning in the end and saving the world.
What the fans "need":
Thin-as-air badly written story full of retcons;
Obnoxious female lead with obsessive stalker tendencies (that are rewarded at the end);
Male protagonist that is not allowed to take charge of his situation and is nothing but a trophy for the female lead (TA described Adrien as being Marinette's "Ken", so... he's canonically just an accessory for her character. That's... nice...);
Badly written villain (inconsistent as the rest of the plot, they wanted him to be sympathetic, but ends up coming across as just selfish, then downright deranged in s5);
Unhealty dynamics (Marinette stalking Adrien, CN not taking "no" for an answer, pictures of their person of interest on walls and pc) and there's only interest for one of their personas, Marinette-> Adrien, Adrien-> Labybug (Marinette is not interested in CN and Adrien doesn't show romantic interest in Marinette up until s5);
"I don't need Chat Noir for every mission. He's just like any other temporary holder". LB is the only leader (everybody is beneath her, even CN);
Chat Noir (one of the titular characters) not being in the final battle against his own father;
Adrien never learns the truth about his family or himself, meanwhile Marinette does (thus having more power over him... once again.... *cough* Chat Blanc) and still dates him;
Marinette has all the power, she's the bestest ever and she can do everything by herself (CN not needed);
Villain wins, destroys the world and recreates it to his desires;
Ladybug fails as a hero.
You know what? I'm pretty sure no one "needs" that. I'll stick with the movie. Sure, it's not perfect, but it's lightyears better than the show.
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xhanisai · 3 months
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"Is this everything? Or are you hiding any more injuries from me?" Chat Blanc muttered into her hair after giving the newly bandaged forehead a soft kiss, his ice blues flickering to the war-torn environment for a second and then back to her. Thankfully luck was on their side and all of Monarque's brutal sentimonstre titans had their hands full with the resistance.
"No. I got away with just simple scratches this time round." Marinette sighed, leaning into her Chaton's warmth as she watched their surroundings with bittersweetness.
"That wound on your head isn't just a simple scratch." He was rightfully firm, his grip on her hand tightening. "You'll become a liability if you don't get some rest. We don't want that wretched man to finally get his hands on your earrings, do we?" She hated how right he was, she hated how she couldn't just get everything done on her own terms,
She hated how much he loved her.
Because his selfless, neverending love and devotion towards her had him take the akuma butterfly that was meant for her and now he was constantly plagued with a never-ending mental war against their enemy and the desire to become one with pure destruction.
He's winning so far.
But he was also so, so exhausted.
And there wasn't anything she could do because Monarque had his akumatised item.
"Hey, you're making that face again." His tone was so warm, so Adrien, and all she could see was the internal agony that wailed within his blues. "I promise you, I'll find your family. I'll make sure they're safe and sound."
"They're strong. I know for sure that they're out there fighting against Monarque's army somewhere in the country." She couldn't help the fond smile that played on her bruised lips for the first time in forever and it had her partner soften his features at the sight. "I'm worried about you too. You haven't been resting either-"
He could only silence her with the soft press of his lips against her own, all sweetness and tenderness with the ghost of blood that never left their skin.
"I don't need rest. I'm strong too." He smiled, only for the sound of explosions to snap them out of their bubble. "Stay hidden. I'll get rid of them all."
"A lot of members of Monarque's army are akumatised people just like yourself- don't kill them." Her grip on his wrist was tight and she hoped, hoped that he would listen.
"Some of those people were willingly akumatised because they wanted to see your downfall, Marinette." Chills ran down her spine from the ominous glow of his eyes. "I won't let them get away with that."
And he was gone.
Kiss Ask Prompts - CLOSED
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This is more of a rant, but something that still baffles me about the show is, The Collector being the ONLY episode besides the last few S5 episodes where the main heroes get ANY significant leads on who the main villain might be (ignoring Chat Blanc and Ephemeral, because those were more Gabriel’s luck strike than anything).
I understand why they lifted suspicion from Gabriel initially, but Master Fu should’ve 100% doubted the “he can’t akumatize himself” claim at some point later on (seriously, Gabriel only had to make an akuma, detransform, and renounce Nooro), but with how incompetent he was as a Guardian, I’m surprised he could even make the “Grimoire owner = Hawk Moth” guess. And the MULTIPLE TIMES he went into the Agreste mansion, no progress. The LEAST he should’ve done is ask Adrien about the whole ordeal with the Grimoire - Adrien stealing it from his own father should at the very least raise some questions.
(A bit tangential, but a headcanon I have is, the suspicion falling on his father back then is what made him want to know what Ladybug is up to at all times - it doesn’t excuse his romantic advances towards Ladybug or his S4 behavior, but I think it did contribute heavily to the whole Syren fallout, even if some of it was just Adrien being grumpy for no good reason. Of course, this wasn’t Ladybug’s fault, and Adrien didn’t have the full context for the accusation when the audience did… so that’s another thing I blame on Master Fu, he seemingly never clarified anything to Adrien about the suspicion of Gabriel being a genocidal maniac)
And after that… the one to make progress is Mr. Plot Device Felix. In SEASON 4!!! And the only thing they could come up with was Felix seeing the miraculous because Gabriel’s tie slipped - a gigantic win button handed to him on a silver plate (though admittedly, his plan of tearing Gabriel’s pants was pretty cool).
Just remember, the main drama of Season 5 was the romance between Marinette and Adrien, and trying to stop the psychopath from recreating the world.
Really shows that our heroes have their priorities straight.
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standreamy · 11 months
A very problematic finale.
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I really didn’t want to talk about this because I was spoiled with the leaks time ago so I was prepared for the worst, but even so... after watching it... it just made me so sick. 
I don’t really blame people who liked the finale, and I’m aware that this is not anymore the last season. 
But there are so many issues that it's even difficult to know where to start.  So, first of all, a premise...
We don’t know when season 6 was confirmed to the writing crew, but it was almost surely when writing was basically over. Or so we can presume. Season 4 and 5 were written kind of together and between the time the writing ended and season 6 was confirmed and then started to be written, passed quite some time. 
Logically, there wasn’t anymore time to change big stuff. Once the episodes were being animated there would be no chance to change the scrips. Thomas said already that they have too much rush and pressure from tv channels, which prevents them to fix mistakes in the writing or animation. Once things are done, they’re done. And from the leaks and the bible we know that most things, comparing what was probably the info for season 5 when it was the last season and when the series was renewed, stayed the same. 
Some minor changes are probably there, but again, they are MINOR. Changing Emilie’s name with Ladybug’s... removing her glance exchange with Adrien... But the basic issues stayed the same and we can presume they were present in every version of the finale, since from Thomas’s tweets about the choice of keeping Chat out of the finale, that seemed a willing choice made from the start. 
This means that most of this was planned even when season 5 was meant to be the last season.
Possibly no reveal, and if there was it was shoved the last moment or in a very rushed way (It’s already way late for that), Gabriel “winning”, Adrien never learning about the truth, Chat Noir non participating in the final fight. The actual ending of the show.
And all this portrayed to be something positive.
With an ending where all abusive parents were excused and paid no consequences.
“But there are more seasons, surely these elements will be picked up again”. Postponing elements for too long makes higher the risk to make the resolutions anticlimatic and out of their ideal context,  The new butterfly opens a new set of plotlines, and Adrien's plotline will be dragged on.  You may can’t rush Adrien’s reaction and trauma, but if this was the intention, it could have been done seasons ago. When there was still more confirmed seasons to go and it wasn’t a possible finale of the series. 
And I also feel like asking... when did Miraculous and its writing give any reason for fans to trust it picking up again these plotlines and handle them correctly? Where does this trust comes from?
The show is famous from dragging things for longer than they should and not resolving them properly. When there were 5 seasons to handle the plot, the relationships, the characters at the best possible. 5 seasons to build the fluff and the angst, to handle misunderstandings, to build friendship between the characters, between the protagonists... to then lead it to romance. 5 seasons to make the characters fall in love with every side of themselves slowly and gradually, to make character live negative events and heal, to have a decent reveal and seeing what comes after. And there was none of this. Since season 5 must have not been changed a lot since the confirmation of season 6... when was Chat supposed to discover about Chat Blanc? When was Ladybug supposed to develop a trauma out of it? 
What did the Ladynoir dynamic lead to? Their whole talk in s4 finale, their newfound equality? What was that angst subplot needed for? Was it brought up again? Because I remember a lot of fans saying that surely Ladybug would apologize, that Chat would turn that experience as a lesson for self-love and acceptance, that the topic of their misunderstanding would be brought up again in season 5, yet it didn’t happen.  Chat questioning Ladybug about the identities of the secondary heroes, about Multimouse, about many things... Nothing.  I hear a lot of “Surely next season...” “Surely this will be-” And I don’t blame people for hoping, nor I’m judging, but I also think that people who don’t believe it anymore and and think this is way too late have their own reasons too. 
Now, going deeper into what I think are some big issues:
First of all, Adrien/Chat obviously not being included in the final fight and not discovering the truth. 
The first issue about this regards the usual discourse about the balance between the two heroes. 
We are told that Chat and Ladybug are equals even with her being the "leader" but it's always shown and proved otherwise. This happened for seasons with Chat being kept in the dark, then with Ladybug becoming guardian and then with the Ladynoir trust issues plotline in season 4, which was left mostly unresolved.
  Kuro Neko seemed the resolution of that plotline, but not only it didn't explain why Chat would be fundamental for the team (while showing instead that a perfect cat holder would be just more functional and then saying just "But Chat is better" without explaining) but it also mostly blamed the whole thing on Chat while Ladybug says she didn't know he felt left out and adds that he not as needed anymore.  S4 finale instead shows Ladybug admitting she pushed him away on purpose, the exact opposite, didn't apologize and the thing being forgotten because the other heroes couldn't be called up anymore. And this with it being said multiple times that Chat was then just a hero like the others and not anymore her equal. Then, in s5, with the opening even and the situation implying they'd be both just as important, ends up with excluding him from the finale. The co-protagonist, the other half of the whole. The one who is son of the villain.
After 5 seasons of him being extremely related to the plotline due to him being Hawkmoth's son and the plot being basically all centered on his birth, it just leaves everything uncomplete and unfullilling. 
Adrien was never able to have the realization, to deal with it even if it’s sad and heavy with the support system he built. He wasn’t able to live such a big personal growth, an important reaction out of his character was avoided, even with it being so important. True, Adrien would feel lost, angry maybe, sad, but these emotions would have been very important for his character. The reactions that characters have to situations is just as important as the events happening. Marinette's reaction over the truth wasn't as fundamental as it would have been Adrien's.
And this leads to the other big problem that makes me even sicker: Adrien not discovering the truth and Chat either. 
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The thing is obviously wrong because of missed character development and for the abuse plotline. The thing that makes me sick about the finale is indeed how the abuse plotline was ended. When it was made such a big point, I find unacceptable to end it with not only Gabriel being fakely redeemed, reminded as a hero by the people but also his abused son. 
Adrien can't come in terms with his own situation as victim, he can't grow and heal from it. Gabriel's death doesn't erase what happened and making Adrien believe he was a hero and even saying he can't even dream to be like him, is... just wrong on so many levels.  It doesn’t matter if Marinette says to be himself and not his father. Adrien still thinks positively about one who abused him for years. Gabriel sacrificing his life for Emilie's may make it seem he wasn't so bad, but it doesn't cancel his actions. He still was a terrorist and an abuser and not only he didn’t pay for his actions (death isn’t a punishment, prison instead yes) but he was rewarded, because he was remembered positively for it.  And while his death could be acceptable eventually, even if him paying for his actions would be better, Adrien not finding out is ridiculous. And Chat not doing it either is just as much a problem, because as I mentioned already in a past message, it implies that Ladybug didn’t tell her "equal partner" about the true final fight. I think it's something pretty important he should know how things really went, instead of just being satisfied with "it's all over, gabriel helped against a random person who died" Of course, it would lead to Adrien discovering, but Chat knowing would only be the right thing. Just as of course Adrien.  Adrien should know. Marinette should have told him, instead of doing as Gabriel wanted. Like, at least not telling around Gabriel was a hero? 
Isn’t she the character who hates lies and injustice? Is not seeing Adrien sad worth making him sadder when he will discover he was lied at?  If we are supposed to believe she is on the right, she is the one showing what true love is and what Adrien deserves, opposite to Gabriel's, it should be portrayed as such. She is just keeping more secrets from him as she always has done with Chat. She isn’t letting him take his own choices. She isn’t letting him be free as he says she makes him feel. 
Of course, she can make mistakes and it could open up an angst plotline, but angst plotlines with Marinette/Ladybug keeping a secret they shouldn’t have kept was already done multiple times and it always ended up with the lesson being forgotten, with the entire resolution being underwhelming or Chat accepting the situation and blaming himself anyway....
We can also say that it’s Nathalie, Plagg, Amelie or Felix telling Adrien. But what counts is that he should have known.
“But Chat Blanc showed that Adrien can’t face his father” Chat Blanc was an alternate reality, one that was supposed to tell that it wasn’t “the right moment, in the right conditions”.  Character weren’t ready yet, they weren’t mature enough or ready to face such a difficulty. And perhaps you may never be ready for such a thing, but you can face it and heal.  Adrien has a better support system, more realization over his situation as victim and is more mature. He isn’t supposed to be the same of back then. 
Whether Season 6 will really pick it up again, Gabriel’s arc was this. The ideal moment for Chat to face his trauma was this.  And even accepting Adrien’s absense and unawereness...  The other issue is that these episodes treat his reaction as a good one. if you want to postpone his reaction, to make clear that it’s only Adrien that tries to convince himself of something that is wrong, you still need to put elements that remind that what he is thinking isn't "right" morally. Especially in a show that tries to teach morals and is always excused to be for kids. There are plenty ways to show with clarity that what Adrien believes is wrong with him still saying those things: soundtrack, Marinette doing a quick grimace of regret or disgust and him not noticing or their kwami saying something at all in the background.
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There are plenty more issues, like Gabriel being once again not a solid villain or character, the wish allowing to choose a “sacrifice”, Gabriel “winning”.
Yes, Gabriel may didn’t revive Emilie, and made the perfect world he wished with Adrien as a perfect symbol, but he reunited with Emilie, was remembered as a hero, admired by his son, avoided being imprisoned and paying for his crimes between terrorism and abuse (I don’t see death as a penalty), dying with a serene smile on his face....
Even if the perfect ending wasn’t perfect, even if it resulted in an illusion, in dire consequences, Gabriel’s tale ended mostly in a positive light.   Once again also, it’s highly unprobable that big changes were made between the finale when it was meant as last season and the finale when season 6 was confirmed. So most of these factors would just be part of the real end.  While we can’t confirm that for sure, it’s still something to keep in mind.  I really want to to say again that I don’t want to shame on people who liked this season finale, but just to explain why I perceived these episodes as problematic and why I understand the view of everyone else expressing criticism. 
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bugaboooooooooo · 1 year
please vote for the person who tortures adrien agreste the MOST and INTENSELY. the person who wins gets a little prize. 🧹🧹🧹
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kawaiichibiart · 7 months
I can't find it (although chances are I never posted it :/), but to this day I think about the post where I share possibility of past akuma victims just, remembering everything. All of them remember.
All. Of. Them.
And, it just sets off this series of support systems.
Individual and group therapy is something that is set up for those who need it.
August's mom starts a forum after her son starts remembering his time as an akuma, and it leads to more parents speaking up about their children, very young children, having nightmares and needing to sleep with their parents or older siblings because their memories as an akuma is hitting them hard.
People who work call off in order to process what's going on.
School gets cancelled for a brief period (like maybe a week or two) of time, some students stay home for longer.
Friends support each other whenever the memories get too intense.
We see so much support and love between everyone who remembers and is remembering...
...but then we have Adrien.
Adrien who can't bring himself to look for support. Adrien who feels like he shouldn't get help.
Everyone who's been akumatized is remembering what they did, what happened, and people can back up what's happened with clear evidence (articles, blogs/vlogs, clips from past livestreams or news reports, etc.) but he doesn't have that.
Chat Blanc's timeline is gone and Ephemeral's was reversed. There is no existing evidence that he's been akumatized. No one remembers he was akumatized, except for Marinette.
Marinette, who's Ladybug.
Ladybug, who's kept things from him. His akumatization, the fact she must of planned on having him reveal his identity just to not tell him hers (and she must of planned on having Viperion in on it, too, which makes it worse).
The girl he no longer knows if he can trust.
He doesn't have anyone who can support him. He doesn't want to say anything in case people thing he's making it all up.
After all, can he prove Chat Noir got akumatized, killed everyone in Paris, maybe even France, split the moon in half and almost killed Ladybug again? Could he prove he was Ephemeral and helped his father win (and God, if that isn't just another peachy thing to find out)? That Ladybug lost her Miraculous because he couldn't break out of his father's control?
He's remembering killing the people he loves and finding his mother (fuck, his mom is under his house) and not being able to resist the akuma and the world ending and being alone surrounded by water and just the continuous thought of "I killed them...it's all my fault..."
He's alone, moreso than he normally is. He shows to school and photoshoots looking dead. He slowly stops talking to his friends, eventually stops showing up to school (Nathalie informing them that he's unwell, since that's what he told her) and eventually leaving Paris to find someone he can talk to because his memories won't leave him alone.
No one knows where he went. No one knows where Chat Noir went. Both of them just, vanished. No one knows why. They can't come up with a reason for him to run.
Nino thinks he's runaway after finally having had enough of how Gabriel treats him, and he took advantage of everyone remembering their akumatizations to leave.
Lila thinks he didn't run away and instead was shipped off to who knows where in case Hawkmoth/Shadowmoth/Monarch sends out an akuma and he he can target past victims who have this new found guilt, she'd just hate it if she got turned back into Volpina or Chameleon and target him :(
Some people think Chat Noir is running away from his responsibilities. Some think he ran away to get real training, maybe an extra weapon in case he needs it.
Meanwhile, Marinette is having a crisis, because if everyone is remembering what happened while they were akumatized....but the time line got erased. Chat Noir couldn't possibly... he'd find a way to leave his Miraculous with her, right? Maybe he wanted to prove he could still be a reliable hero? Maybe she's looking too deep into it (look deeper, honey, you hit the nail on the head, keep hitting it and be a better partner).
I honestly don't know where Adrien would go, part of me wants to say London, because if he could vent to anyone who might possibly believe him, it could be to Felix. Part of me wants him to literally still be in Paris/France, just with a new found ability to wield shadows and be able to hide in them without being noticed. And yet another part of me wants him to run to an entire different continent and leave everything behind.
Just, it's one of the worst ways he can find out what secrets are/were kept from him, and he's not able to say anything because:
He can't know anybody's secret ID, despite it being important he does in case he has to get help on the off chance Ladybug can't (she's captured, she's affected by the akuma's powers, etc.). Look what happened when he found out who Ladybug was. Death on the one hand and his father winning on the other.
Ladybug likely had to go through so much in order to defeat Chat Blanc, why would she want to hear his POV about it? The damage was reversed. He should be happy everyone is still alive alive again after he killed them.
Ladybug is the Guardian, of course she had to know his secret identity. Right? Maybe if she didn't hand out the miraculous, Fu would have and he'd know everyone's secret ID. But she's the Guardian now, so it has to be important for her to know who holds what Miraculous.
He should have known his father was the villain this whole time. Wow, you lived with the villain and didn't suspect him at all? You could have saved time by taking them time to look further into things, but no.
He got akumatized twice and the second time he just handed his miraculous over. It doesn't matter that he wasn't in control, maybe this is a sign he doesn't deserve a miraculous, let alone one of the two most powerful.
#adrien agreste#miraculous#ephemeral#chat blanc#cat blanc#this is something i genuinely think about often#if people who were akumatized remembered what they did#no matter what#he wouldn't feel like he deserved any support#because very few people remember either event#aside from him who remembers?#marinette is ladybug so she likely remembers what happened#and he can probably add bunnyx but does she really count???#....do the kwamis remember?#it's essentially that thing where it doesn't matter if you just broke your arm and the person next to you is in a full body cast#you're both in pain and healing#adrien has every right to getting support and talking about his akumatizations (both as himself and as chat noir)#but he's putting off what he went through as nothing compared to what literally everyone else went through#solely because both times he's been akumatized no longer exist#why should he get help for something that doesn't exist?#why should he get help for something that doesn't matter anymore?#it's a mindset that'll take a toll on him and one that has to faced head on#and lead to him finding support and the reassurance that what he went through did matter. that just because it didn't exist anymore#it doesn't mean he has to shut everyone out and pretend like he didn't go through something traumatic twice#the process will be messy as fuck#but he can get help#let marinette realize the chances he remembers are higher than she thinks#let her realize her errors and work on bettering herself#because if no one would be there for chat noir#at the very least he could talk to her
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gale-gentlepenguin · 11 months
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 episode 25 and 26: Confrontation and Re-creation
Since both episodes are out, I will review them both. Time to find out if the finale can bring it home
Spoilers below
-Gabriel and Tomoe think they are doing this for their own good. Should have called this episode Delusion.
-So they giving everyone nightmares, at least Adrien isn’t alone in suffering
-Ladrien dream was actually Marinette in ladybug armor. It looked cool but I wanted Ladrien
-Gabriel died in the dream, still don’t get how that’s a nightmare. (Marinette really forgot chat blanc existed
- okay Marinette’s parents dreams are adorable. Tom you sweet man, and Sabine care about their children and eachother.
-oh snap, Alya’s nightmare. Actually realistic and terrifying. For her at least.
-Tikki saw the food. Get it girl.
-Adrien technically been dealing with it the longest… but now it’s not special. Everyone be suffering
-they have a tech antidote for nightmares
-Damn, that is disturbing. And Adrien will probably use it… baby no.
-Okay he resisted. Good for him. Well it wasn’t an order, but still. Adrien is trying.
-Plagg mocking Gabriel.
-Plagg gonna be a menace today
-how many rings does that robot have
-Adrien giving up his miraculous out of despair. What a surprise, he’s gonna be out of the final fight. At least for now. Plagg gotta go get ladybug.
-Tikki ate all them bread. Respect
-“it’s not personal, it’s for Adrien.” That’s PRETTY FUCKING PERSONAL
-Nathalie’s nightmare is basically Gabriel winning. Glad she realized the truth on that… even if it was too little too late.
-Nathalie got a crossbow. KILL GABRIEL WITH IT
-oh damn, I knew all meditation apps were evil!
-Plagg flying across the ocean to get to Ladybug. Plagg will always be the light of my life
-Ladybug finding out Nathalie was A Lara croft
-Plagg gonna be smart about this
-Alliance showing why tech companies are all evil
-MYLENE THE GOAT! Mylene has shot up so much in my favorite classmate rankings
-Ivan's nightmare sounds adorable
-Mylene start slapping them please. NINO MUST BE DEEP HYPNOTIZED
-NO MYLENE DONT DO IT! And she dropped down in my rankings again
-Damn it, she was tricked by her friends
-Gabriel's cliche speech to Emilie. Blah blah blah. WHAT MORALITY?! YOU WERE ONCE A BRITISH CHIP MAKER?!
-Gabriel really did the 'Appeal to her humanity' then betray her. Dude said he threw away his morality.
-Imagine the last thing you see is that ugly ass costume
-Ladybug learns Nathalie had all of the stuff
-Ladybug just saw that Monarch was Gabriel. Damn. I think thats a first
-Gabriel really just out here slandering and then leaving her with the poison app.
-Okay this is silly how they are turning everyone against Ladybug and Chat noir
-Im convinced every adult in this show is an idiot.
-Oh good, alya is being logical.
-Oh wow, okay so the charm and Cataclysm that gabriel got actually are useful to his plan. Well played. Now die
-OH That is evil. Miraculize me.
-Damn it, i wanted cat alya.
-They tracking her.
-Well I gotta admit, the Alliance minion making is probably Gabriel's most effective plan. But like all plans, the women involved did the heavy lifting
-Ladybug hid by detransforming
-Gabriel is a little TOO enthusiastic about going to find a vulnerable teenage girl in his house
-Plagg finding out that Monarch was in his house the whole time.
-BUG NOIR!. Okay so I am very mixed on the outfit, but the entrance and that confidence is stunning.
(This is my reaction before watching part 2, so here is my quick thoughts)
For all the stakes and reveals. If I were to rate this by itself I would say... 7/10. I dont like how Adrien is absent for this whole thing. I really hope that this changes and Adrien somehow gets pulled in. Because quite frankly... THIS IS A BIG THING
Okay now for part 2, recreation
-Oh its Lila or Cerise or... WHOMEVER THE F*** SHE IS.
-Seems Alec also had a s*** father.
-What is Lila even doing?
-She's beating his ass!
-Meanwhile back on the boat.
-Rose showing why she has CRAZY ASS STRENGTH
-hold on, so NO FERNANDO!? 0/10. Needs more fernando.
-BUNNYX! Taking Luka to Paris.
-"I cant interfere, but YOU can."
-Please tell me Fang also knows mirakungfu
-Oh right, Majestia too. To a lesser extent.
-Majestia makes a point.
-Yo, they gave Knight owl an upgrade.
-So basically Majestia and Knight owl are if Super man and Batman were lesbians.
-Monarch does have a point. He has 15 miraculous.
-I do enjoy Monarch getting flipped and kicked
-Did he just cough up Dust? Oh he is dying in real time
-Doesnt he look so redeemable (Sarcasm)
-Darkowl was saved
-YO! I just realized that Eagle is the perfect counter for this power.
-Alya's sister split a building in half
-Power of the buffalo. I think the sub meant bull
-Bug noir brings the house down
-FANG!!!!!!!!!!! MVP MVP
-Luka has a cute name for his sister, thats adorable. Okay only 2/10 now
-Also this proves Mirakung fu is easy as hell to learn. so WHY DIDNT SU HAN TEACH LADYBUG AND CHAT NOIR!
-Su han, "How can you resist the nightmare."
-Knight owl: "I am the nightmare." That is so batman its hilarious
-Why even use any other transformation, the Dragon is so OP.
-Okay so The typical back and forth between hero and villain. Yea this was expected.
-Adrien wouldnt want this. Adrien wants that. You know who should have a say here? ADRIEN! That would be nice.
-Marinette is clearly more right, obviously. but I still wish Adrien could speak for himself.
-Okay so the heroes are getting widdled down, lila is hacking into the mansion
-Yo! she got a ton of rings with glue and a boomerang. Nice
-She knocked the butterfly off. (which is my bet on how Lila got it)
-So bugnoir won. Nice!
"Check mate." DAMN That was a hard line drop
-And then its ruined because Ladybug sees this guy only has a few hours left to live.
-What is she doing?
-Marinette what the hell are you doing?
-You mean to tell me that Nathalie could have just tied his ass up earlier and made him watch it and that probably could have prevented the whole events.
-But lets be honest, the only reason Gabriel feels the way he does right now is because his plan failed and he is dying
-Yes, you did ruin everything. Now die sad.
-Gabriel is like "You make the wish"
-AND Marinette gets betrayed. She tried to Steven Universe this bit but ended up Venomed.
-Well at least Gabriel is still a dick.
-Reveal yourselves?
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-I can see a certain group of fans being happy with these designs.
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-Oh damn so thats their fused form.
-Wait, why didnt Ladybug and Chat noir just summon their kwami's god forms to fight?
-Gimmi is a whole ass mood
-Gabriel, you dont deserve to be remembered as a good father. You were s***
-So Gabriel wins. yea this f***ing sucks
-Universe gets wiped
-WTF. Its a utopia?!
-Adrien gets two moms
-Glad everyone is having a grand old time but... wtf
-Oh look a NORMAL BABY!
-There are so many jokes I can make here but I will abstain.
-A world without Gabriel agreste meme here
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-I really want to see this utopia completely uprooted and turned into chaos more than anything
-It sucks because there is some PRIME adrinette moment right in front of me, but it just feels like Adrien is left in the dark and gaslit.
-A cute kiss. But something seems wrong
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-So they fixed the miraculous but the butterfly is missing (called it)
-Wait, Everyone gets a miraculous now?!
-Even Sabrina?!
-Wait, so Argos is allowed?! but how though?!
-Wait, how many endings does this episode have?
-Lila back at it again
-Wait... What the f*** happened?!
Okay so this was a b**** and a half to finally watch
But yea. I do NOT like how this basically gave Gabriel his win.
Yea he's dead but he won.
Adrien has no idea that his father basically did that, and it makes the whole fight seem pointless.
Then there is all that utopia crap. (DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THIS. )
The adrinette is sweet and all that.
But ADRIEN IS BEING GASLIT. Its some bulls***
Also how does Marinette remember the wish? Wasnt it supposed to be some cosmic rewrite?
All I know is... I need some time to think. Do I even want to continue watching ML. Knowing that Gabriel wins and gets treated like a martyr.
Season 6 needs to start with some sort of Upheaval. Consequences need to be had.
As for my rating.
I cant give it an honest rating right now. I need to cool off.
Is it the worst written? No. But the ending has pissed me off
it feels tainted.
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jacquesthepigeon · 7 months
When I heard there was going to be a special where Adrien and Marinette are villians I was like omg fuck yes Lady Misfortune (Miss Fortune, clever name ngl) and Chat Blanc! Wow Miracrew, you actually tried for once! Then all I see is an emo Marinette and an emo Ldybug (love the designs though.) It's been 8 years team, I'm not gonna thrive on fanmade photos and videos of akumatized Marinette... But low-key, crew is scared to process with akumatized Marinette because well like.. she'll win! She's too smart. Love that for her. My friend also made a theory back in s4 that Marinette was entering her villian era and would be the future Hawkmoth, but uhm... Con Artist whatever her name is popped up..
I need “good” maribug to face an evil version of herself that matches her smarts and fighting but is also ruthless and lacks the consideration “good” maribug gives the rest of society. I haven’t watched the special yet but emonette is not enough I need blood and the power of love and friendship
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