mag200 · 6 months
I saw your jon sims skirt and I'm so jealous. That thing is wonderful and I want one too
💖💖💖 its a full dress and i havent worn it in a long time but it is fr so cozy
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digital-chance · 10 months
Oc ask game: the personality section for an oc of your choice
the whole thing? [from this ask game]
well, it'll be a good challenge. i'll pick lucian because i need to work on his character a bit more. anything that's a spoiler or too close to plot elements I'll skip.
🏙 Do they prefer rural or urban environments?
Urban. They grew up in a city and moved into cities. They love to visit other places though and feel most comfortable with the ambient noises of people living in cities.
🚪Are they introverted or extroverted?
I would say they're pretty good mix, with introversion being slightly more prominent. When they're around other people they tend to be more extroverted most of the time.
💤 What's their sleep schedule like?
It's pretty shitty, tbh. They've got two jobs, once of which holds very irregular hours and he's on call for most of the time. His other job at a bookstore holds pretty regular hours but he works instead of sleeping or resting. Good sleep schedules and Lucian haven't heard of each other.
🍽 What's their favorite flavor or dish?
Lucian most enjoys their mother's specialty dish. Other people on their home planet make it regularly since it is a dish deeply rooted into their culture, but they prefer their mother's recipe.
🦠 Do they get sick easily or is their immune system stronger?
They have a pretty strong immune system since their home planet's atmosphere holds special chemicals that Earth's doesn't.
🏀 Have they played sports? What are they best at?
They enjoy snowboarding, boxing, hiking, and parkour. They're best at boxing since they've trained their body to withstand and dole out strong hits (along with the benefit of super strength of course) but they're getting pretty good at snowboarding. They have teleportation as a superpower so I'm hesitant to say they're naturally good at parkour. It does make for some wicked parkour videos though...
🪡 How's the homeliness? Can they consistently do things like thread a needle?
He wasn't taught much housekeeping and tends to watch tutorial videos or ask his neighbor for help for tasks like what chemical to use to clean certain materials. His parents taught him to maintain cleanliness but Earth's culture and his lifestyle keep him busy and working so the cleanliness isn't as big as a priority as it normally would be. He knows his parents and people at home would be disappointed in him but he's way too busy and exhausted to change anything.
🍳 Can they cook?
They often either buy pre-made meals or eat at restaurants. Lucian can cook but it's very average and tends to be bland.
🎵 Favorite genre of music?
indie rock mainly, but they can't get enough of indie music in general.
💍 Do they wear jewelry? Watches? Etc?
They wear necklaces, rings, earrings, hair clips and pins, hairbands, and so much more. Accessorizing is totally his thing, along with some jewelry pieces being a very important part of his home's culture.
☔️ Do they like the rain?
Not really. It doesn't rain on their home planet, so it's very strange to them. They're used to it after years of living on Earth but sudden storms startle them.
🍂 Favorite season?
He enjoys fall and winter the best. They're the best for layering up on clothing and the chill feels nice to him. He also enjoys the winter activities and sports much more than summer's.
👥 Are they good at socializing? How much do they talk?
They're quite good at socializing. When they were going through media training at their hero job, their trainers realized that he's quite good at clever and half responses. He tends to be truthful and often has a very honest and open look on his face but that can be deceiving. Otherwise, he's a friendly guy and will chat with everyone around him unless he's having a bad day. Some people say he's very chatty but most people will say he's very friendly and will listen to and include everyone around him in conversations.
thanks for the ask!
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saintdollyparton · 9 months
🥒 - Do you speak multiple languages?
I speak some French and Spanish, and know a little ASL. I need to get back to learning. I have Duolingo and Babbel, even lol.
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fail-eacan · 2 months
@cheadarchesse Irish Language Resources
-Irish Wikibook online textbook
-Philo-Celtic free online Irish classes
-if you have money, learnirishonline.com
-songsinirish.com provides visual lyrics
-Daltaí na Gaeilge
-Tóin Gaeilge
-Try your local library you might be suprised. I found Short Stories in Irish and a translated Alice in Wonderland at mine, and I live in the middle of nowhere upstate NY
-TG4 (I like ros na rún) many shows are available on youtube including ros na rún
Spotify stuff:
-playlists: As Gaeilge by lianblasse, ceol ❤️ as gaeilge by yours truly, Ceol as gaeilge by Sharon Carty
-podcasts: Gaeilge Weekly, Gaeilge Abú, Gaeilge13 Inermediate Irish Podcast, Podchraoladh na Gaelgals, Daly Dose of Gaeilge, Gaeilge don Mheánscoil, and more!
-An Siopa Leabhar (they have a Heartstopper in Irish coming out soon! I preordered :) )
-Foras na Gaeilge
-Cula4 Spraoi
-The Internet Archive (free online books)
Irish gov cites to check out if you’re bored that may or may not be helpful
-Discord servers! Found on disboard: Sciortaí agus Stocaí, Amhráin na dTonna
-Irish language AO3! Super fun, write fic and get feedback!
-Switch your keyboard to the Irish one, it’s much easier to use fadas
-LEARN PRONUNCIATION RULES or you will be screwed
-Ask questions!
-Find something to speak ONLY Irish to. Maybe a person but that’s hard. A pet, a stuffed animal. Try out your new vocab on them.
Ádh mór, mo chara! Lmk if you find anything else!
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shepardsherd · 6 months
Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays everyone
I love you all
@antique-symbolism @athensoddcollections @amandacanwrite @bardicbeetle @blackandwhitecircus @blackrosesandwhump @bardic-tales @cometkov @chickensarentcheap @cheadarchesse @digital-chance @dyrewrites @enchantedlandcoffee @garthcelyn @hauntedluminarybbq @helathorloki @hxad-ovxr-hxart @icaruspendragon @irilenaps @insidedamienshead @joshuaorrizonte @kalu-chan @kaiusvnoir @kashas-stuff @ladywithalamp @lordkingsmith @multi-lefaiye @midnight-blue-moon-princess @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @moremysteriesthantragedies @n1ghtcrwler @olivescales3 @owlsandwich @pheita @pluttskutt @perasperaadastrawriting @rhikasa @ryns-ramblings @sleepyowlwrites @sergeantnarwhalwrites @sparrow-orion-writes @thorlokibrother @theprissythumbelina @uccelletto-di-kokuyo @ussrootcanal @violetcancerian @vacantgodling @wait-a-minute-lassie @waltzshouldbewriting
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queen-tashie · 25 days
Spread the Joy Tag
Tagged by @mrbexwrites, thanks! :D
Rules: Make a list of all of the things that have made you happy recently! Then, tag as many people as you want that you think may need it to keep the positivity going 💕
Passing the tag onto @cheadarchesse, @dead-litebulb, @elizmanderson and leaving an open tag for any one who would like to spread some positivity in their blog :)
Good medical news
Good medical news for loved ones
Got published for the first time this year
Seeing huge progress in my writing skills this year in comparison to last year
All the lovely comments I've gotten about my first published story, and my Legend of Dragoon fanfic I wrote and shared this year
My dogs. For existing. :)
My spouse who I love so so so so much and have lately been sharing the braincell with (we are just always on the same wavelength about so many important things lately haha)
My first wedding anniversary! :D
Allergy medicine so I haven't been sneezing by brains out (pollen has been so bad this year lol)
My mutuals here on tumblr.com <3
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indecentpause · 4 months
Find the Word Tag
tagged by @willtheweaver to find the words dream, ambition, hope, fail(ure). thank!
from The Most Beautiful Puzzle!
cw: murder mention, drug mention, overdose implication
You put away the food and, this time, you’re able to make it all the way to your bed before you collapse. You nuzzle into the pillow. It smells like lavender and lemongrass. You’ll have to ask Josselin what detergent he uses so your clothes can smell that nice. Dammit, you still haven’t taken your meds. It’s the last thought you have before you crash into a deep, dreamless sleep.
ambition work:
“So she was held captive for—“ [Josselin says]. “I’d say three or four hours, max,” you finish. “Before they killed her. What about the heroin though? There was no residue anywhere, and nothing in her system there was residue of.” “What do you mean, killed her!?” Sara exclaims. She covers her mouth as if she can stuff the question back in. She says, much softer this time, “You think it was murder?” “That’s my working theory,” Josselin says. “God, she was like, nineteen. She was just a kid.”
“So, I’m gonna go.” [Josselin says]. “Wait, what?” you ask. “You just got back?” Josselin smiles and tosses his now empty can into the bin, then opens the second one and takes a swig. “To the school, I mean! I want to check things out there.” Curiosity tingles at the back of your neck. You sit up straight and say, hopefully not too pushy, “Do… you need a ride?” Josselin doesn’t seem to understand you’re trying to politely invite yourself. He thumbs back at Frankie and says, “No, Frankie can drive me. It’s okay.” “I’ll bring all of us!” Frankie says, giving you a knowing look over Josselin’s shoulder. Thankfully she doesn’t call you out on your curiosity, because it’s weird, right? To be so invested in something like this?
Josselin moves his hand from Familiar’s scruff to your knee. “I’m sorry,” he says gently. “I had a lot of bad run-ins with cops too, after my mom died. Not trouble with the law or anything, but just normal ‘autistic kid in the foster system’ problems. Dona was the only one who didn’t treat me like a troublemaker. He recognized I was just a fucked up kid trying my best in a system designed to fail.”
tagging @revenantlore @digital-chance @anoelleart @cheadarchesse and YOU to find the words: harsh, gentle, soft, and loud!
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sevenswanson7 · 8 months
who am i
name's swanson. seven swanson. they/them
spouse to a loving cis husband (not on here) and queer-platonic partner to a lovely genderqueer babe (@cheadarchesse)
I wrote a couple poetry books under my birth name, dm me for the titles! they're about taking meds, growing/dying friendships, painful traumatic pasts, and more!!
working on a fiction work that'll be pubbed under my username because it's ~gay af~ and I am ~not out irl~
special interests:
Scott Pilgrim
Sufjan Stevens
Cowboy Bebop
Graphic novels (esp by indie artists)
hipster bullshirt (aka indie folk/alt/rock)
gender? I don't know her :) literally have no clue. it feels very femme, hyper-femme, at all times. but she/her fits like a shoe with a rock in it. I have previously described it as "girl-esque" or "more girl than girl," aka it's very similar to girlhood, but not precisely that. in fact, it's MORE than that. girlhood is limiting, my gender is forever
expression? I like wearing black. kind of a pastel/soft goth feel lmao. husband is in a metalcore band so I wear a lot of gruesome band tee hand-me-downs lmao. either that or Pusheen merch. would wear more sufjan merch IF THERE WAS ANY (pout)
music? I like anything. and I mean *anything*. except for country. but I do like SOME country (looking at u, Tyler Childers)
wips? yes. so many. currently working on a psychological thriller romance novel about facing your past and becoming a better person from it.
can't think of anything else to say :') if you have any q's feel free to ask 'em
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asmollginger · 7 years
Tag Game
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
I was tagged by @rosiematics. Thank you for tagging me. It was fun.
APPEARANCE: I am [5'7"] or taller I wear glasses (reading) I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument (learning) I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head  I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week (trying) I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (so many) I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts 
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity (richard speight, Tom hiddleston the chrises) I have a crush on someone I know  I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling (one sister one brother) I live in the United States (california) There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone (the boyfriend0
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce  I have dyed my hair (purple, pink, green, dark browns, reds) I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week (teasingly) I know someone who has gone to jail
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life  I speak at least 2 languages (if you count sign i do)
I have made a new friend in the past year
I am tagging @platonicallyy @mr-bice @crustty-loves-assbutt @babycrepes @kneedeepinthestars @unsupervised-bullshit @neko-tan23 @thejedielfqueen @cheadarchesse
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digital-chance · 10 months
inspiration weekend!!
thank you @inflarescent for the tag! this is for my wip nova futurum. all imgs are from pinterest
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tagging gently: @tc-doherty @rbbess110 @ruinmegently @anoelleart @cheadarchesse @ntzsche9 @deadhunter-series @afusiek @aether-wasteland-s @elshells
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shepardsherd · 7 months
Hi guys
I just wanted to apologise for the way I've been the past couple of months
Writers block hit really hard and I struggled so badly all year with that and just things happened elsewhere and everything just got too much for me, to the point where I've stopped writing due to the massive block and I instead threw myself into Diamond Painting and turned to Instagram, Discord, TikTok and Facebook to vent/ show my crafts elsewhere.
I really want to start the new year on good terms. I understand I've done things that are inexcusable and I've stopped messaging you all but i plan to come back, be better and get back into the writing community again, even if the writers block takes longer to get rid of.
I'm not proud of the bad things I've said and the stuff I've done but I want to be the bigger better person and start fresh and just do what I love again: Creating. Making friends. Sharing the love.
My following page has actually started to work after months of showing me random people so, I'll be able to see all your stuff more and interact with ya'll.
I love you guys so much and I'll always be here. Thank you,
@abalonetea @antique-symbolism @athensoddcollections @a-had-matter @blackandwhitecircus @bardic-tales @chickensarentcheap @cheadarchesse @coolfroggyfriend @cryscal @dyrewrites @disaster-wip @enchantedlandcoffee @garthcelyn @helathorloki @hxad-ovxr-hxart @irilenaps @insidedamienshead @joshuaorrizonte @ladywithalamp @multi-lefaiye @midnight-blue-moon-princess @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @n1ghtcrwler @owlsandwich @olivescales3 @pheita @perasperaadastrawriting @sergeantnarwhalwrites @toribookworm22 @violetcancerian @vacantgodling @waltzshouldbewriting @wait-a-minute-lassie @werehamburglar @writingmaidenwarrior
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queen-tashie · 10 months
OC Favourites Tag
Yay my first tag game! Thanks for tagging me, @talesofsorrowandofruin! :)
Rules: Share your OC's favourite colour, shoe choice, season, animal, pastime. For Andi from the fic I just released, The Diver:
Colour: She lives loves yellow. Her wife Emily often has yellow flowers in her hair.
Shoe choice: usually a durable work boot for farming, carpentry, and any other work Andi needs to complete around the farm. For lounging, a comfortable sandal in the spring and summer.
Season: Spring. It’s a lot of work but she likes it that way. The early flowers like dandelions start to come up and she loves the smell of spring after a rain.
Animal: She raises chickens on the farm, they provide eggs and sometimes companionship when they’re not doing chicken things. They’re simple, sometimes silly animals and she loves caring for them.
Pastime: Even though she looses nearly every time, playing cards with Emily. Emily’s a card shark, and Andi’s only had a handful of lucky victories against her. Sometimes they have neighbours over for cards, and the pair of them work together to dominate the game.
Tagging @incandescent-creativity, @cwritesfiction, and @cheadarchesse if any of you feel like doing this! (No obligation of course!)
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indecentpause · 8 months
Last Line Tag
tagged by @aziz-reads to share my last line!
from The Most Beautiful Puzzle
He and Josselin stand beside each other awkwardly, looking everywhere but each other.
the official rule is to tag the same number of people as there are numbers in the sentence, so I'm hitting up an old post where people replied if they wanted to do tag games. if you don't anymore, just ignore this!
@winterandwords @kaiusvnoir @writing-is-a-martial-art @magic-is-something-we-create @digital-chance @talesfromtheunknowable @anoelleart @cryscal @afusiek @cheeto-flavoured-pasta @aether-wasteland-s @cheadarchesse
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the-dyad-group · 9 years
For the songs do your age and birthday (eg. The 25 th)
Ooh nice idea, thanks. I'll let you guess which one is my age :P
15. A song that is a cover by another artist- Taylor Swift's cover of 'Riptide' by Vance Joy is my favourite thing ever
10. A song that makes you sad- 'Fix You' by Coldplay literally always makes me cry
Super hard but super fun music asks
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skookumthesamoyed · 9 years
I absolutely lost it (with laughter) when you made the Orphan Black reference to your dog. Since you already called dibs on Cosima-Skookum, can I have Allison-Skookum?
Totally! I think Allison-Skookum would be a nice one too, probably a little more put together and self-controlled… albeit with potential bouts of doggie valium abuse, but still a great dog ;)
I would love to think that original Skook is the Sarah, when he is likely the Helena - very unpredictable moods, sometimes does terrible things but then doesn’t understand why you’re mad, but ultimately a good soul who just wants to belong… not that I’ve thought about this or anything :D
Plus he’s got dem crazy eyes
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askmiddlearth · 10 years
It's me again! Thanks so much for the poem recommendations. I'm currently working on Lament for the Rohirrim and Hymn to Elbereth, however I have a few lines I need some help with The one that I'm having the hardest time with goes " 1\2
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You’re very welcome! Hmmmm… well first off, for the folks at home, here’s the full stanza:
Gilthoniel! O Elbereth!Clear are thy eyes and bright thy breath!Snow-white! Snow-white! We sing to theeIn a far land beyond the sea.
Purity is a big trend with Varda, especially in this song (the first line, “Snow-white! Snow-white! O Lady clear!” really sets that up.) So in general I’d say that these lines are describing Varda in ways that really highlight her “pure” beauty.
The “clear eyes" comment comes up sometimes in non-Tolkien sources. In my experience it’s usually a reference to perceptiveness, or even cleverness. It’s a reference to good eyesight, but it’s almost more of a metaphor for a clear mind? At least that’s my understanding.
The “bright breath" comment is a little weirder. When I read it, my brain translated it into a description for fresh breath? Like, almost like a crisp breeze or something? But when I asked my sister, she said that the image she saw when she read it was actually being able to see the breath, like when it’s really cold outside and your breath fogs up. Whatever it means, it’s very sensory, which I kind of like.
Does anybody else have an interpretation or explanation for Varda’s “bright breath”?
((EDIT: Check the notes as well as this post for some more ideas))
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