#cheerful oo generation
blackpinklover101 · 1 year
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nocturnalcharm · 2 months
A Change in Attitude (Wolverine x Fem!Reader)
𐙚 prompt: everyone knows logan as the gruff man with a grumpy demeanor. but that changes when you’re around 𐙚 cw: sexually suggestive themes (no smut), kinda innocent!reader, dirty minded!logan (heheh i couldn’t resist), can’t think of anything else 𐙚 a/n: thanks for the req! <33 only proofread once bc i was so excited to post hehe
18+ blog!! you are responsible for your own media consumption. if any of the above makes you uncomfortable, do not proceed.
“I’m so glad you accepted my invitation. Well, Charles’ invitation.” Hank was beaming, giving you a tight hug.
“Me too! Being a research assistant isn’t as fun as being an X-Men.” You gushed.
You and Hank had been friends for years, meeting when you were just kids. Your powers developed around the same time, making you lean on each other, since no one else could relate. Recently, he and Charles asked you to join the team, and you excitedly accepted. Who would turn down an opportunity like this?
You didn’t know much about the others, just what Hank told you, which was really just their names and powers, not their personality.
You walked into the building, taking a deep breath and accepting that this would be your life from here on out.
“Everyone’s in Charles’ office.” Hank made you aware. You nodded as he led you there.
Walking inside the office, you saw everyone for the first time. Colossus, Storm, Gambit, Cyclops… and Wolverine.
Logan was looking out the window, not paying attention to anything, while everyone else was thrilled to have a new team member.
“Ah, welcome, (Y/N)!” Charles greeted you. He introduced himself, as if you didn’t already know who he was. He went around the room and also introduced all the X-Men. When he said Logan’s name, he finally looked at you, and your stomach made you feel like you were on a rollercoaster just from his eye contact.
“I was thinking, we could all go out back and give a short demonstration of our powers. Does that sound alright to you?” Charles was so polite.
“Yes, that sounds perfect, Professor.” You smiled brightly.
As everyone shuffled their way to the yard, you caught Logan’s eye again. His frown and furrowed brow faded as he watched you walk outside, staring at you. You blushed, hiding your smile by turning away.
Once outside, everyone spread apart and prepared to show you their powers. They each did a speedy presentation, just showing you what they can do, or explaining their abilities. You cheered for everyone, wowed by what they could do! Yet again, Logan went last.
He stepped forward. “I have regenerative abilities. Oh, and these.” In a flash, he unsheathed his metal claws.
It took your breath away for a moment. “Nice! Very impressive.”
He nodded in thanks, returning to his original spot.
“Your turn, (Y/N).” Hank tapped your shoulder.
“Oh, yeah. Um.. My ability is bioluminescence. My hair glows on command, and I can create and throw light. It’s kinda similar to a ball of fire.” You placed your hands together, generating a small ball of light, before throwing it at a target in the yard, hitting a bullseye. The light ripped right through the fabric mark.
You got a few “oo’s” and “ahh’s” from the others, and from some of the students passing by.
“So that’s why your hair is blue! It’s so pretty.” Ororo ran over to you.
“Thanks! I like your hair too.” You smiled at her. You glanced at Logan to see his reaction, and he was already staring at you (again), with a smirk on his face.
“Amazing! So, (Y/N), tomorrow I want you to focus on combat training. While your ability is powerful, you might not always be able to rely on it. So, Logan will train you one-on-one, since he’s our best fighter. I want to see you two together at 8am in the training facility.”
“Yes sir.” You bowed your head in understanding.
The other X-Men dispersed, besides Hank and Logan.
“C’mon, I’ll show you to your room.” Logan walks over to you.
“Uh-” Before you could answer, Hank interjected.
“I’ve got it, Logan.” He replied.
“We’re gonna be training together anyway, might as well show her around. Get to know her.”
“Since when do you ‘get to know’ anyone?”
“Since now. Beat it, bub.”
Hank muttered a quick “I’ll catch up with you later.” And left you to the Wolverine himself.
Logan took you on a tour of the mansion, showing you just about every room. You had already forgotten where everything was by the end of it, besides the more important rooms. Throughout the tour, Logan was joking around with you, which you thought was strange. Not in a bad way! Just from his demeanor, you didn’t expect him to be the joking type, but you suppose you read him wrong when you first met. He was cracking you up throughout the entire tour.
Lastly, he led you down a long hallway. “The bathroom’s right here. It’s shared, so lock the door.” He winked. “And this is your room.” It was the last one on the right.
“Where’s your room?” You asked, and he pointed to the door right across from yours. “Oh! Convenient.” You laughed, thinking since you two were paired together, it was funny your rooms were next to each others; You didn’t even realize how it could come across as suggestive. He hid his smug grin.
You walked inside. The room was perfect for you. A nice bed, a closet, wardrobe, mirror, and a big window. There was also a small TV mounted to the wall. It’s all you could have asked for.
“Thanks for the tour!” You said as you walked over to your bags. Assuming Logan would leave you be, you started to unpack.
You pulled out the first packing cube in your suitcase, which just so happened to be filled with your underwear. You opened the wardrobe drawer and started to put away your panties.
“Y’need help unpacking?” You heard Logan’s gruff voice right behind you, making you jump.
“I-” You put your hands behind your back, hiding your underwear. “No, thank you.” A rose tint made its way to your cheeks.
“It’s nothin’ to be embarrassed of. We all wear underwear. You just happen to wear panties with little pink bows on them.” He winked at you.
“Oh my God.” You whisper, “I-I’m good. Thank you, Logan.” You usher him to the door.
“You sure? No matching bra I can help you put away?” He jested.
“Nope! No thank you! I’ll see you tomorrow!” You ushered him out, shutting the door, putting your back against it, and sighing.
Once you had most of your clothes put away, it was already 10pm. You didn’t eat dinner, since you felt too awkward to face Logan after the event that took place earlier. You just decided to take a quick shower, then head to bed.
You grabbed your essentials and went to the bathroom. The halls were quiet and dark, letting you know everyone else was likely already asleep. You showered quickly, wanting to rest up since you had combat training in the morning. Rushing through your routine, you were done in about fifteen minutes.
As you wrapped your towel around your body, you realized you forgot to bring your pajamas into the bathroom.
You groaned in frustration, but assumed it was fine since everyone was already away in their rooms. You grabbed your things and decided to make a run for it. Your room wasn’t too far from the bathroom. You unlocked the door, swinging it open and running— before knocking into something so hard, it made you fall backwards.
“Huh?” You hear a rough voice grunt out. Logan.
Of course it’s him.
You quickly repositioned your towel to cover yourself, while he turned around, confused. Looking down at you, he laughed.
“Are you okay?”
“I forgot my clothes…” You ignored his question, and completely forgot to ask why he’s standing in the middle of the hallway at night.. He offered his hand and you accepted, pulling you up like you weighed nothing. It was impressive. He leaned down, grabbing your shampoo and such for you, while you scurried off to your room. He followed right behind you.
“Sorry.” You apologize, as he sets your things on your dresser.
“Are you okay?” He asked again.
“Mhm, I’m fine. Thank you.”
You two stood there, for what felt like forever, staring at each other, only illuminated by the moonlight shining through your open window. You could use your powers right now, to glow, and light up the room, but you weren’t sure you wanted him to see you in a towel.
“I’m gonna get dressed now.” You break the silence.
“Oh, yeah. Goodnight, (Y/N).” He looked pleased.
“Goodnight, Logan.”
You’ve been tossing and turning in your bed for hours, with it now being 1am. You didn’t know why you couldn’t sleep; a new place, the thought of spending alone time with Logan in a few short hours, or the fact that your stomach pinged in pain from not eating dinner.
After wrestling with your thoughts, you decided to go downstairs to the kitchen and get a snack. Just a quick one, to settle your stomach.
You slipped out of your room and headed straight for the pantry. There were dried berries, nuts, jerky; lots of healthy options. You grabbed a small package of trail mix and sat at the bar, tearing it open immediately.
Lost in your snack, you didn’t even see Logan enter the kitchen.
“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” His voice startled you, making you yelp in fear. “Wasn’t trying to scare you, doll.” He laughed.
The nickname made your stomach flip. “I didn’t eat dinner, and I couldn’t go to bed.”
“S’alright. Just messing with you. But you should be sleeping. How else are you gonna take me tomorrow?”
“You mean ‘take you on’?” You emphasized.
“Yeah. Sure... Cute PJ’s.”
You looked down at your clothes; an oversized t-shirt and red plaid shorts. “Ha ha. Thanks.” You responded, sarcastically.
“C’mon, you can finish your snack in your room. You need to sleep.” He helped you up from the stool and walked you to your bedroom.
Once he turned around to go to his own bed, you said “Goodnight, Lo.” Giving him a nickname, since he gave you one.
He stopped in his tracks, and turned around. The smile on his face was something you could stare at forever.
“Goodnight, doll.”
The alarm on your phone woke you up, after the few short hours you slept. You dragged yourself out of bed and slipped on a tank top and Nike shorts. Then, you went to the bathroom; brushed your hair, teeth and freshened up before heading to breakfast.
Once you entered the kitchen, there was a lot of people— X-Men, teachers, and students alike. Only the X-Men, who were grouped at a table in the corner, noticed your appearance. Ororo waved you over, so you swiftly grabbed something to eat, and sat down next to her.
“G’morning!” You said, cheerfully, trying to hide your sleepiness.
They all greeted you back.
“How’d you sleep?” Ororo asked, making you glance towards Logan, who was trying to hide his laughter.
“Eh. I couldn’t really.” You shrugged. “Just nerves, I guess.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. That’s terrible, especially since you have to train with Claws over there. He doesn't really take it easy on anyone.” She jokes.
“Don’t worry. I’ll loosen up, just for today.” He had a satirical tone in his voice.
“Aw! Claws has got a heart today, huh!” Ororo laughed.
“Just for (Y/N).” He stood up, taking his now-empty plate over to the sink. You ate quickly, wanting to get a start on your day. Logan noticed your clear bowl, which a few moments ago was inhabited by fruit.
“Let’s go! We’ve got a lot to work on.” His tone was dramatic, teasing.
“Okay, Lo. I’m coming.” You stood from your seat.
Everyone looked at you like you had just sprouted another limb from your forehead.
“Nothing.” Hank replied hastily, “Have fun.”
“C’mon.” Logan wrapped an arm around your shoulders in order to hurry you out the door faster.
Walking down the endless hallways of the mansion, you two finally reached the training facility. It was a huge, open room with a tumbling mat covering the floor. On one of the walls was a huge window, looking into a room with stadium seating— no doubt to have students watch and learn.
He started you out with conditioning; jumping jacks, running laps, planking, and everything else you could think of. You had already broken into a sweat after 10 minutes due to his intense regimen.
He continued his teachings, showing you how to throw a proper punch (which he made you test out on his stomach), evading attacks, and good footwork.
“You’re pretty agile. Do you have any background in fighting? Or acrobatics?”
“Yeah, I did gymnastics for 14 years. I’d hope by now I’d be pretty nimble.” You laughed, and he had a look of awe on his face.
Hours later, you were finally putting his teachings into use.
“We’re gonna spar now. I’m not going hit you, but you’re going to really hit me. Okay?”
You looked worried, and your eyes dropped to the ground. “Uh, I don’t know—”
“Hey.” He brought your attention back up to his face. “Regenerative healing. Metal skeleton. You can’t hurt me with your fists or feet. I promise.”
You just nodded.
“So, again. Come at me with everything you got. If you manage to knock me out of the ring, you win. If I pin you down, I win. We’ll stop training for today after this.”
“Okay.” Your voice wavered.
You two walk over to the mat with a big, white circle on it, and stand on opposite sides.
“Ready?” He cocks his head with the faintest smirk on his face, knowing you had just about no chance of winning. Of course you were unaware of that.
“Set. Go!”
He immediately runs at you, and the first thing you can think of is to kick his side. You raised your leg, and struck his ribs as hard as you could.
Quickly, so quick you didn’t understand what was happening, he grabbed your leg and pulled, sweeping your legs out from under you. You landed on the ground with a thud. It shocked you, unable to think for a moment.
But that moment was all it took for Logan to pin you to the ground, straddling your stomach. You tried to wiggle your way free, pushing his body with all your might, but it was no use. You were immobile.
You tapped his shoulder, signaling your loss. He got up and extended a hand to help you.
“I thought you said you were gonna go easy on me.” You fake-pouted.
“Oh, c’mon doll.” He grinned, “You did good. We’ll keep working on training tomorrow, okay? Same time.”
You nodded, right as you heard the doors behind you open to show Hank.
“Hey, (Y/N). Do you wanna eat dinner with me?”
“Ah, yes!” You jumped with enthusiasm. “We have some catching up to do.”
“Cool. Is she good to go?”
“Yeah, fine. Good work today.”
“Thanks, Lo!” You ran off with Hank, needing to shower and get ready.
“So, how’d today go?” He asked, taking a bite of his food. He ended up taking you to a really nice restaurant to congratulate you on your first day.
“So good! I feel like Lo taught me a lot, honestly.”
“Before I forget, did Logan ask you to call him ‘Lo’?”
“Uh.. no? Why?” You worried.
“It’s just… Logan is really friendly with anyone. He doesn’t do jokes or nicknames. It’s a little shocking you called him ‘Lo’ and his claws didn’t immediately come out.” He laughed.
His words left you even more confused. Hates joking around and nicknames? That’s the opposite of how he acts around you.
“But, he plays around with me? And he called me a nickname first. I thought he was okay with it.” You were nervous that the nickname you’d given him had somehow upset him…
“Yeah, that’s why it’s so.. out of the norm. Maybe he’s got a crush on you.” Hank’s voice dripped in mischief.
“No, that’s definitely not it. Lo’s just—” You corrected yourself. “Logan’s just like that with everyone. He doesn’t have a crush on me.” You couldn’t, didn’t, believe that someone like Logan, The Wolverine, would like you.
Hank chuckled, “(Y/N), I’ve known him for years. He isn’t like that with anyone.”
There was silence as he continued to eat, but you just sat there, butterflies in your stomach, unable to think.
“What did he call you? The nickname?” He asked, casually.
“Doll.” You mumbled, barely audible, embarrassed.
He nearly choked on his food, “And you think he doesn’t like you?”
“No…I think he was just being nice.” You responded, genuinely.
“Yeah... Okay.”
You finished your dinner with Hank, changing the subject and ignoring talking about Logan altogether, and just catching up with each other. You indulged in a few drinks, which was probably a mistake. You were not really a drinker, and definitely a lightweight, leaving you more than tipsy as you left for the mansion. It was late when you finally arrived, and most everyone was asleep.
You two both headed for your rooms. You quickly changed into another oversized tee and crawled into bed. But just like the night before, you couldn’t sleep. This time, for a different reason. It was definitely the alcohol talking but you needed to talk to Logan.
You threw on a pair of shorts and snuck out of your room. His door was closed, so you knocked. With no response, you quietly turned his doorknob. Once open, you saw him, asleep. His messy hair, in combination with his bare torso being exposed, made you feel sick.
In a good way…
In the best way…
You tiptoed over and shook his shoulder. “Logan. Wake up.”
He didn’t budge. “Looogaaann!” You whisper-shouted, and immediately you heard metal unsheathing.
His eyes flew open, “(Y/N)!” His claws retracted. “What are you doing? Did I hurt you? Are you okay?” His panicked state made him stutter out his words.
“Shh! You’re so loud. You’re gonna wake up the whole neighborhood. M’fine.”
“Are- Are you drunk?” He rubbed his eyes in confusion.
“Hehe.. Maybe. I needed to talk to you, though.”
“What’s wrong, doll?” He scooted over and patted the edge of his bed, wanting you to sit. You followed his order.
“Nothin’. Do you not want me to call you ‘Lo’?” Your words slurred.
“What? No, I like it.” He grinned but his brows were still furrowed in perplexity. “Why do you ask?”
“Hank said you don’t like nicknames. Or jokes! But we joke!”
“Don’t listen to him. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“He said you have a crush on me.”
He held his breath, “Okay, maybe he does know what he’s talking about.”
“Y-You like me?” You hiccuped.
“Of course. How could I not?”
“I like you, too.” You whispered, almost scared of him hearing you.
“You do? Not just because you're drunk?” He quipped, pushing your hair over your shoulder and exposing your neck.
“Definitely not just because I’m drunk.”
You made your hair glow, wanting to see his face more clearly; wanting to study his expression, and never forget this moment with him.
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agustd3 · 1 year
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Cheerful OO Generation? ✧
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Hi, could you write headcannons of mcyts with an s/o competing in the Olympics. I love your writing so much.
oo okay I can definitely try!! ; I know practically nothing about the Olympics so I tried my best lol ; also I decided to give each one a different sport because it was very hard trying to work around it lol, hopefully I did alright ; and thank you very much, I appreciate it! ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy 🫶
MCYT ; olympian
includes ; tommyinnit, badlinu, maxggs, nihachu & quackity
warnings ; language
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he's so fascinated to why you were so into swimming, even to the point you trained enough to be good enough for the Olympics
he sends you tiktoks talking about the seine river in paris everytime he sees one
"lol ur gonna be swimming in shit water"
"bruh u could die wdym lol"
"dont die"
he's watching every moment on stream lmao
he loves playing tennis with you
you're very good but you gotta tone it down for him 💀
so when you got into the olympics he wasn't surprised, but was excited for you cause this was your dream
he invited some friends over to watch the tennis games and you were on fire
"that's my partner everyone!!"
"we know, freddie. they're a tennis nerd"
he never realized how actually into boxing you were
like he knew you were a pro and were going places, but the olympics??
shit he's watching every moment with some friends
"wheres the drama?"
"max, it's olympic boxing what are you talking about??"
"isn't boxing like wwe?"
"how do you not know the difference between boxing and wrestling? you're dating a boxer!"
he's spam tweeting like he's a white man at an American football game
she's never understood hockey but she's been with you every step of the way as you worked harder and harder
she's always asking questions to stay informed
and she's always promo-ing the olympics on stream/online in general cause you're gonna be there lmao
she pulled it up on stream to watch and she was cheering you on the whole time
"I don't really know what's happening but I think they're winning"
"theyre winning, okay good"
she's not a big sports person but she will be invested in your hockey lol
golf? out of all sports, golf???
he playfully bullies you and says he's not gonna watch but he's watching every moment
he's tweeting like he's watching the presidential debate
"how tf did bro just miss that bad 💀"
"bring back tiger woods"
"I wanna see y/n and that other guy fist fight"
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spanishskulduggery · 1 year
Just discovered while talking to someone in Spanish that "Adiós" is more of a permanent goodbye, something you might say to someone you expect to never meet again, like a stranger. Instead, he said I should use "nos vemos" when speaking with people I know, which makes sense. I was wondering what other goodbyes I could use that aren't permanent? Obviously there's "hasta luego" and "hasta mañana."
I wouldn't go that far necessarily, but yes adiós can be used for people you don't expect to see for a long time (possibly never again like sayonara means in Japanese)
Literally, adiós is "go with God" which would have been a lot more impactful in the time of needing to journey days/weeks/months to meet some relatives, and possibly having to deal with war, disease, wild animals etc
A lot of Western langauges have something similar, even "goodbye" is "God be with you/ye"
Some people do use it for a permanent goodbye. Others use it for an indefinite but probably long period of goodbye
And some people just say adiós as a standard goodbye with no deeper meaning other than "bye"
Note: You can also say adiosito which I wouldn't necessarily recommend outside of friendly conversation since it can sound sarcastic; it's like "toodle-oo" but it's literally a little goodbye
Note 2: If you vehemently hate someone and you hope to never see them again, you can say hasta nunca which is like "see you never" and I think that's beautiful
Today people do use adiós just as "goodbye" though it can read as "we won't see each other for a while"
The more short-term is nos vemos "we will see each other"
Another variation is a direct object version rather than reflexive. You can say te veo pronto "I'll see you soon" for example, instead of nos vemos pronto "we will see each other soon", that sort of thing
There's also hasta pronto "see you soon", hasta la próxima "see you next time"
And a lot of people have adapted certain words into Spanish like bye/bai or chau/chao for goodbyes
chau/chao in particular comes from ciao and is super common especially in South America
Another common one I say is cuídate "take care of yourself" / cuídese for polite, cuídense for plural
Depending on context you can also say ¡Suerte! "Good luck!" (or ¡Buena suerte! or ¡Que tengas mucha suerte! "Hope you have lots of luck" or te deseo mucha suerte etc)....
Another common one I say is ¡Ánimo! which means something like "Chin up!" but literally it's "energy" or "cheer"; if you're saying ánimo with someone you're essentially saying ¡Aguanta! or ¡Resiste! which is like "Hang in there!" or trying to pep someone up, where animar is "to cheer someone on" so it's all related there
Also I know you said spoken but just in case, if you're signing off on a letter/email there are some basic phrases you can use:
saludos = (a generic kind of goodbye) [lit. "salutations" or "regards"] un cordial saludo = (something like "kind regards")
atentamente = "yours truly" / "sincerely" [lit. "attentively"]
estamos en contacto / estaremos en contacto = "we'll be in touch"
And if you're writing a friendly letter you can say abrazos or besos for "hugs" and "kisses" respectively; it's very common to say something like te mando un abrazo "I'm sending you a hug" or something like that
Also, if you're at a party or something, you can say something like ya me voy or me largo or something like "I'm heading out"
I tend to say something like hora de irme "time for me to go" because in my English-speaking brain saying me largo feels awkward like I'm storming out but I know that's not what that always means
Additionally you can say debo irme "I should go", something along those lines is pretty standard
If you're being funny, I think me piro vampiro is somewhat used in Spain (but maybe not so much now)... it's just there for the rhyme. Literally "I'm out, vampire" or "I'm leaving, vampire" [pirarse is an idiomatic way of saying "to leave"]
For Latin America, more common would be chao/chau pescao which is literally "goodbye seafood/fish" since pescao is an informal spelling of pescado where the D can kind of be aspirated
You may also see/hear chao/chau bacalao "goodbye cod"
Again, all for the rhyme. The equivalent of "see you later alligator" in English. Everyone loves a rhyme
But obviously only do this among friends because it's informal and a bit childish
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thor as your s/o headcanons!!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 560
request: yes / no
original request: heyy! idk if you write abt thor, but if you’re willing would you be able to do just some generic headcanons about being his s/o &lt;3
dynamic: thor odinson x reader
characters: reader, thor odinson
a/n: thank you for this request!! i love thor sm omg <33 hopefully it's good-- i haven't done s/o headcanons in a while lol :D in general news, requests are still open, just send in an ask!
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form if you'd like to be on my taglist!!)
thor is the sweetest ever
and when i say ever i mean EVER
i’d say he would be the type to make you breakfast every morning
like very stereotypical movie rom-com romantic
he’s always really enthusiastic
thor is totally willing to try anything like any time you go on a date you do something different
once you went rock climbing
idk why that’s just what i thought of HAH
he didn’t really like it though because the rocks were all “too small and too slippery”
so he just sat on the side the rest of the time to cheer you on
and well…
thor doesn’t always know his own strength
so he chucks the ball super easily
and sometimes it’ll go in other people’s lanes
but usually they don’t mind because it’s a strike anyway
he also insists on playing with the bumpers up 
i feel like he would bring you home anything that looks interesting
and he always wraps the things up in wrapping paper
and y’all
that man fr can wrap a gift
they always look immaculate
here’s how it goes
so you’ll come home and he’ll already be at the door
and he always has this little smile
this like mischievous yet pure smile
and a sparkle in his eye
when i say sparkle i mean like a sparkle fr he’s adorable
anyways he’ll always have his hands behind his back
and he’ll say 
“ close your eyes and hold out your hands!! “
and you’ll just grin bc you know what’s coming ofc
but once you open it the thing could be anything from a cake to a lampshade
yes you read that right
a lampshade
he just thought it looked pretty !!!!!
and so it reminded him of you :) 
omg thor is a blanket hog
that’s just facts
like you’ll be on the couch watching something & you’ll feel the blanket start to move slightly
and then more
and then more
and you’ll say something 
so you just let him have it
he also calls you a lot
like a lot a lot
he leaves messages
just to tell you little things
“ hey, y/n!! look outside!! there’s a rainbow!! goodbye!!”
“ hello y/n. there’s a big threat to the universe right now so i will be home late for dinner. i am so sorry! goodbye!!”
“ y/n!!! it’s me, thor! i think we should consider getting a young dog. i believe it would be fun!! goodbye!!”
i also think he would discover emojis later than everyone else
and so he thinks they’re really cool
ummmm he also buys you a lot of matching stuff
like keychains & hats & shirts
it’s so cute
i also think he likes to sing to you
guys ik it’s cheesy BUT 
he actually has a really nice voice.
he really likes frank sinatra & ella fitzgerald & that era of music
but also the man can whip out some mean rihanna if he wants to!!
like i said before he’s just the sweetest
ok last thing
yk when it’s dark & you have clothes in the corner of your room and you think it’s a monster
he thinks that a lot
like he’ll just yell in the middle of the night
& he makes you investigate it LMAO
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
... another idea as a continuation of the Megatron as nothing but a toy.
So, it's a party, right. They need to properly celebrate the peace and all. So they brew up some proper high-grade! Except for plot reasons, there's a weird chemical reaction and all the mechs who drank of the concoction end up losing all inhibition.
But it also turned them into very happy (and horny) drunks, so no violence.
So Optimus, always the self-sacrificing type, tells the other mechs present that he shan't be selfish and he'll share Megatron's valve as soon as he is done using it. This is met with a cheer from the audience, including Megatron.
They even line up in an orderly, if you're being generous, queue! Not that it lasts for very long.
Soon, there's a spike in his intake, in his aft, in his servos—
Free use megatron win
Sex pollen (kinda) time? Oo?
Ykw i blame any number of the two-three science types we have on deck
So noble those two are😁🥰😁🥰
The aftermath has to be so amazing (from a horny point of view anyway lmao)
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namesforwriters · 1 year
Music Inspired Names (masc)
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Adagio ~ Italian, meaning "slowly."
Derived from the musical term "adagio" indicating the tempo, or speed, at which a piece should be played. Adagio indicates the tempo should be slow and with great expression. pronunciation: ah-dah-jee-oh
Allegro ~ Italian, meaning "cheerful," "lively," "playful."
Derived from the musical term "allegro" indicating the tempo, or speed, at which a piece should be played. Allegro usually indicates a lively and fast tempo. pronunciation: ah-leg-grah
Alto ~ Italian, meaning "high."
Alto is a term used to describe a pitch range in music. "Alto" is usually the lowest range of a female vocal range, and second-highest in general, but some instruments are tuned in the alto range as well, including the viola and alto trombone. pronunciation: ahl-toe, al-toe
Amadeus ~ Latin, "loved by God," "love of God."
The most recognizable person with this name is the famous composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a musical genius and prolific composer in his life time. Born in Salzburg, Mozart is considered one of the greatest composers in Western classical music. pronunciation: ah-mah-day-oos
Antonio ~ Italian, meaning "flower," "priceless."
Antonio was the given name of famous Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi. Vivaldi's most famous composition is titled "The Four Seasons," a series of violin concertos inspired by the seasons of the year. pronunciation: an-toh-nee-oh
Apollo ~ Greek, meaning "to destroy," "redemption."
Apollo is a major deity in Greek and Roman mythology. On top of being the god of light, prophecy, and archery, he is also the god of music and the leader of the nine Muses. pronunciation: ah-pahl-low
Bardo ~ Irish, meaning "minstrel," "singer-poet."
Related to the term "bard," this is a very musical name. Bards and minstrels were musically talented storytellers and poets in medieval Gaelic and British culture. Shakespeare is known as "The Bard of Avon." pronunciation: bar-doe
Bragi ~ Norse, meaning "poem," "melody," "wise."
In Norse mythology, Bragi is the god of poetry renowned for his wisdom and fluency of speech. Bragi is especially associated with skaldic poetry, which often honored kings, and was more stylistically ornate than Eddic poetry. pronunciation: brah-gee
Brio ~ Italian, meaning "vivacious."
Brio is a term usually shortened from "con brio," which is a musical direction term. It indicates that something should be played with vigor, with spirit, with vivaciousness. pronunciation: bree-oh
Canto ~ Latin, Italian, meaning "song," "singing."
Derived from both the Latin and Italian words for songs and singing, canto was a form of medieval and modern long poetry. The canto form usually meant the poetry was meant to be sung by a minstrel to accompaniment rather than dictated. pronunciation: cahn-toe
Carmine ~ Latin, meaning "song."
Originally a Latin name related to the word for "song," Carmine is also the name of a famous contemporary film composer, Carmine Coppola, who composed the score for the Godfather films. pronunciation: car-mine
Chevalier ~ French, meaning "horseman," "rider."
A title of French noble distinction, Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges was the first composer of African heritage to achieve acclaim and fame in Western classical music. He was also an accomplished dancer and fencer. pronunciation: sheh-val-ee-ay, sheh-val-ee-er
Claude ~ French, meaning "enclosure."
Claude is the given name of the famous composer Claude Debussy. Despite his modest background, Debussy was admitted to the Conservatoire de Paris. He pushed the boundaries of classical music at the time, and his most famous composition is the piano piece "Clair du Lune." pronunciation: claw-d
Dorian ~ Greek, meaning "gift," "of Doris."
Dorian is a term a few things in the world of music. Usually, "dorian" is a term used to describe a type of scale (a series of eight octave notes played one by one in a minor chord) pronunciation: door-ee-en
Herod ~ Greek, meaning "song of the hero."
This name originates from Ancient Greece and literally means "song of the hero." For that reason, it makes "Herod" a very musical name indeed. pronunciation: hair-odd
Linus ~ Greek, meaning "flax," "flax-colored."
In Greek mythology, Linus is the son of Apollo and the first leader of lyric song. In some myths, his musical talent rivaled that of his father, so Apollo killed him. In others, Linus is the music teacher of both Orpheus and Heracles. pronunciation: lie-nus
Locrian ~ Greek, meaning "of Locris."
Locrian, like "dorian," is a term used in music theory for a type of musical scale (a series of eight notes played in an octave one by one. A locrian scale is more complicated than a dorian scale. pronunciation: low-cree-en
Maestro ~ Italian, meaning "master," "teacher."
Similar to the musical direction term "maestroso" meaning to play a piece with majesty, "Maestro" is also an honorific given to a conductor or director. pronunciation: mai-stroh
Mesto ~ Italian, meaning "sad," "pensive."
A music direction term, seeing the term "mesto" indicates that the piece should be played with a sad, mournful quality or tone. pronunciation: mess-toe
Octavian ~ Latin, meaning "the eighth."
Octavia is a name taken from the Latin octave, meaning "eight." In music, an octave is a range of typically eight notes. The first and eighth note are always the same, with one higher than the other in pitch. pronunciation: oct-ehve
Opus ~ Latin, meaning "work," "work of art."
In Western classical music, composers would often number their compositions and works. For example, the first movement of Beethoven's 5th Symphony is titled "Symphony No. 5 In C Minor, Op. 67 "Fate." This means this is Beethoven's 67th composition. pronunciation: oh-pus
Orpheus ~ Greek, meaning "orphan," "best voice."
Orpheus was a Greek hero who helped Jason on his quest for the Golden Fleece. Following the quest, Orpheus journeyed to the Underworld to recover his love wife, Eurydice. Orpheus was an amazing musician. pronunciation: or-phee-us
Reed ~ Old English, meaning "red."
In music, a reed is a mouthpiece with which certain instruments are played, including clarinets, oboes, bassoons, and saxophones. Reeds are usually made of grass cane or wood and come in different strengths. pronunciation: reed
Vesper ~ Latin, meaning "evening."
In Western classical music, a "vesper" or "vespers" is an evening song or composition. A vesper is traditionally an evening prayer. The most famous "vespers" composition is "All-Night Vigil," a choral work by Sergei Rachmaninoff. pronunciation: ves-per
Vox ~ Latin, meaning "voice."
Coming from the Latin word for "voice," this is very much a musical name, one for singers and orators in particular. pronunciation: vox
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These name lists are intended to help writers and artists. There is no expectation of credit, and these lists aren't meant to be the end-all be-all lists of possible names. There are millions out there, and this is just for fun!
If you have a suggestion for a name list, or want to see something specific, feel free to submit a request!
And if you see something that is wrong (a pronunciation, a meaning, an origin), again, feel free to let me know!
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svnflowermoon · 8 months
i would also like called you again and everything to everyone!!! (heheheh ik youre hyped for theseee i might steal them for my next celebration oo)
YAYYYY (im doing this ask first bc im so excited abt these specific requests hehehe) im very invested in this so this is very detailed (also ik you're in a relationship so i hope this is relatively accurate to it)
called you again - i plan you a first date that fits your vibe
ok so you give strong art museum vibes, i can see that being the main part of the date. i think you'd go to the art museum and walk around appreciating the art bc i get the idea that appreciation of art and the meaning behind it is important to you.
so let's say you meet up at about 3-4pm, and you go to the art gallery. you spend 1-2 hours in there and then head out to a nearby park/garden and sit down, talking about the art/or anything else that comes to your mind. you walk around the garden for a bit, appreciating the nature. by now it's about 7pm and you decide that dinner is a good idea. you give pasta vibes and i know you love pasta so you go to the nearest italian restaurant and have pasta! you finish the date with gelato <33
everything to everyone - i give you a romance trope and a list of relationship things that suits your vibe
you are absolutely the friends to lovers trope. either that or rivals to lovers.
i feel like you'd have a lot of deep conversations and there would be a lot of hand holding. dates would consist of anything that could spark a lasting conversation, and you would never be bored together even if you're doing basically nothing. you like giving each other small meaningful gifts–nothing expensive, just things that you find that remind you of them (everything reminds you of them). i can see a lot of stargazing going on and other general appreciation of the sky and nature, mainly from you but i can imagine your partner being invested in it as well due to how excited you are about it all. you're that couple who texts each other saying "saw this and thought of you <3" and it's a sunset or a flower or a painting or just something that is the most beautiful thing in the world bc you're so infatuated with each other. you're also very funny together and can never fail to cheer each other up <3
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mythica0 · 2 years
Right side of the bed
🧁: Donnie
🍫: Mikey , Leo Ft. Raph
Summary: Donnie is in a very good mood and has a minor case of the giggles for some reason . Mikey and Leo decide to figure it out and maybe improve it even more..
A/N: I love the idea of tickling someone because they’re in a good mood almost as much as I love cheer up tickles and that’s saying something.
Right side of the bed
“Good morning, D!” Mikey cheered while making breakfast as Donnie walked in.
“Morning Angelo!” He replies , equally chipper.
‘……wait just a second! Donnie’s never this cheery in the mornings??!’
“Oo! Something smells good! What’s on the menu today?”
Okay, this was really weird. Mikey’s brain stutters for a moment.
“Oh! It’s pancakes! With chocolate chips!” He informs once his mind catches up.
“Fun! I bet they’ll be delicious, like always!” Donnie giggles .
….Donnie giggled. What the hecking heck?
Mikey kinda just stares in shock at Donnie’s smiling face.
Donnie giggles again. “Hello~ is anybody home?” And waves his hand in front of the others eyes.
“Oh, uh, yeah.” Mikey finished making breakfast as Leo and Raph come downstairs.
“I smell chocolate chip pancakes!” Raph calls as he sits down.
“I hope we’re not to choco-late to get some!” Leo cracks a joke with a silly smirk .
Raph groans, Mikey grins, but Donnie giggles.
“Pfft. That was silly.”
Leo gasps(maybe a little dramatic but that’s in character)
“did you just laugh? At one of my jokes? Who are you and what have you done to my brother?”
“Heheh, I’m an eeviilll imposter ~,” Donnie starts with a fake ghost voice , “No but seriously, Nardo, it’s just me.”
“Okay, this is really weird , what is up with you?”
Donnie laughs again. “Guess I woke up on the right side of the bed? I’m just kinda feeling life today Leon, don’t sweat it.”
“Moving on!” Mikey exclaims from the kitchen “Breakfast is ready!”
As the brothers eat, Leo makes more jokes, capitalizing on the fact that his brother was so giggly. He loved making people laugh.
After a joke that landed particularly well, Donnie just full on burst into belly laughter.
“Hahaha! Nardohoho! I’m trying to eat!” He half complains as he clutched his sides and wipes a small tear from his eye.
“Hey! It’s not my fault that I’m so funny.”
“Heh. Dork.”
At that sentiment, Leo does a fake offended gasp, in another form of comedy.
It works. Donnie just laughs harder.
“Oh, you should see your face! Ahahah!”
After breakfast, Leo decides he’s gonna make Donnie laugh in a different way. He tells the others(minus Donnie) and Mirky agrees to help. Raph says he’ll just watch, they don’t want to overwhelm the soft shell.
So, when Donnie comes back(he had been getting a drink) the two of them pounce.
“Whahat are you twoho doihing, huhuh?” Donnie laughs out as he’s tackled by them.
“We’re making you laugh!” Mikey pips up, before lightly poking at Donnie’s sides.
“Pffthehe! Youhou whehere alreheheady Dohinhihng thahat youhou gohoofbahalls!”
Donnie wouldn’t admit it, but it felt kinda nice. It was improving his already happy feelings.
He was glowing with joy, only bright smiles here!
“Yeah, but we wanted to do it better, Mister giggles~.” Leo teases as he joins in the attack.
Donnie didn’t say anything, he was just full of laughter!
“Looks like someone got a one-way ticket to giggle city~” Leo coos.
Donnie didn’t even respond. Normally he wouldve replied with snark or a simple “shut!” But this time, he just basked in the feeling.
“Are you having fun~” Mikey sings
“Mmmahayhahaps!” He quietly says through his laughter.
All three brothers internally ‘awwed’ at that.
Donnie was indeed, having fun. He didn’t even protest because he was already in a good mood before. Now he just felt amazing .
His smile seemed to glow, his eyes were shut tight as giggle after giggle fell out of his mouth.
The others all watched in awe at Donnie’s generally happy juxtaposition.
Leo continued to make jokes while tickling his twin, increasing the amount of laughter pouring from him even more.
It was a great situation! Everyone was having a good time!
When the two attackers stopped, they let Donnie catch his breath and got him a glass of water.
After he recovered, Donnie just smiled and laughed a little at his own thought before reciting it aloud,
“Now I really feel like I woke up on the right side of the bed.”
———THE END————————————————
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
Since the last Muse ask game took off but was a bit old, and since we all seem to like to get nerdy on the details on here, here's a new one:
Muse Down-To-The-Nitty-Gritties Asks
What's your favourite live performance?
What's a Muse song that sounds better live than in the studio?
What's a Muse song that sounds better in the studio than live? (if any!)
Favourite Muse cover?
Favourite Muse acoustic song/version?
Favourite one of Matt's dances?
Favourite Muse outfit? (from whenever, not just gigs)
Favourite 'live' performance? (mime ;) )
Favourite iconic Muse post (*Question originally said 'favourite iconic Muse Tumblr post' but that would disqualify 'wub wub fuckers' which came from Reddit)
Favourite non-studio lyrics (demos, live additions, etc.)
Favourite song that's never been played live
Favourite Muse/members Tweet/Instagram post
Favourite scene from a making-of DVD
Favourite live riff/jam/intro/outro
Favourite Dom live moment?
Favourite Chris pic?
Dan or Morgan?
Favourite Muse merch (including cover artwork)/fave era for Muse merch of any sort?
Favourite photoshoot of the band?
Favourite live moment?
Favourite wtf moment in an interview?
Favourite guitar/bass riff/drum fill?
Favourite Muse lyric?
What's something you wish Muse did that they don't normally do?
Dream Muse setlist (or just a few songs you'd like to see live if not a full setlist)
Favourite Muse pop song
Favourite Muse heavy song
Favourite Muse piano part/song(/organ, for obvious reasons)
Favourite Muse rarity (including hidden tracks)
Favourite Muse fan art?
Have Muse impacted your life?
Have you ever followed Matt's advice to not give a fuck if people think you're a pretentious wanker?
Which Muse member's autograph do you like most?
Have you met any of the band (/if not, any favourite fan interaction/gig stories)?
Favourite Muse moment that's overused in the fandom to literal meme status (e.g. fuck off you cunt, Soldier's Poem was on Absolution, anything at all from Panic Station, Hey You Crazy Kids!, etc.)
Favourite song to sing along to
Songs with lyrics that embarrass you in front of other people (no shame, our Matty has plenty of those too lol)
Favourite Muse instrumental to play (if you play an instrument, otherwise to listen to if you don't)
Do you prefer Muse in a club/small venue or a stadium?
Favourite live era?
Favourite stage/set?
Favourite festival performance?
Who's your favourite out of Muse's influences?
Have/Would you block someone for posting too much about Muse (asking for a friend)
Tell me a little-known fact about Muse
(Biased question but) Best Muse fan community? (Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit, muse.mu messageboards, MuseWiki, any other old fansite, your IRL group of Muser friends)
Petition for takeabow19 to post again
Have you made friends through Muse fan communities?
Have you ever taken part in old Muse easter eggs? (e.g. anagram puzzles, the 2005 bicycle treasure hunt, etc.)
Chris' curls or the legend of Pedro?
Dom - bleach blond era, 90s slacker-band, wraparound shades-era, surfer dude era, Drones black era, 2022 'pornstache' baby blue era, or 2006 aviators era?
Matt offered £50,000 to whichever member of Muse is the first to go shirtless in the 2015 Nick Grimshaw Radio 1 interview. Who's getting paid?
brie or bananas?
Mirror Manson or Glitterati? (or any other Muse gear?)
Favourite catchphrase? ("Cheers!", "I've lost the plot", It's WOTPing time!, etc.)
Favourite silly Muse video (general)
Favourite music video?
Does the singer from Muse have only one tooth
(Okay I promised niche) Favourite Muse accessory? (Matt's OOS era thick necklace, the guitar-pick necklace, any rings, etc.)
(Let's pretend it's 2011 for a minute and the fandom is still losing their mind over Matt swearing in song) Favourite song/lyric that has Matt swearing?
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blackpinklover101 · 1 year
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apompkwrites · 1 year
Siblings Dynamics I think would be interesting.
Nastu!Draconia and Malleus
I imagined it's a case of Nastu!Draconia, who was raised by a dragon, isn't at all princely like with Malleus, who was raised to be princely, is just the fluffier times. Malleus genuinely enjoys being dragged around by sibling to just hang out together. No rules, no needing to be the perfect king, just him and his sibling exploring NRC for Gargoyles and talking about their time apart to see what's different between them.
Lisa!Schoenheit and Napstablook!Schoenheit
I imagined that Lisa!Schoenheit fully accepted their youngest brother being an musician and enjoys listening to his music that he makes. Even though there's an air of sadness surrounding both of them in the library, Napstablook!Schoenheit is often the assistant to Lisa!Schoenheit just to spend time with them since he doesn't know when they'll passed away.
Mikey!Rosehearts and Ruby!Rosehearts
A devoted brother to his sibling despite them going to different schools and living separately. He generally seems like he doesn't care at first, but often gets worried especially whenever Riddle denies hanging out with Ruby!Rosehearts and seeing the aftermath of how it effects them. He often is the shoulder Ruby!Rosehearts cries on after awhile and stays by their side until they feel better.
Ningguang!Ashengrotto and Doffy!Ashengrotto
Yikes, a complex relationship between them. With Doffy!Ashengrotto cutting off contact from both Azul and Ningguang!Ashengrotto for years, it's hard to say if he was protecting them from the darker side of the mafia he's in or his reputation. They had visited each other once, but no one knows why or what they talked about even when asked about it, Ningguang!Ashengrotto would just say it's business.
Sans!Zigvolt, Itto!Zigvolt and Louis!Zigvolt
Sans!Zigvolt loves his two extroverted siblings and Sebek, he guessed, but he really did love his siblings a lot. He does his best to help Louis!Zigvolt's passion for music or whenever Itto!Zigvolt needs help taking care of his horns. He and Itto!Zigvolt often show up to Louis!Zigvolt's concerts whenever he has them and loved to cheer him on. Well, Itto!Zigvolt does the loud cheering while Sans!Zigvolt often watches in amusement.
Zoro!Felmier and Feminine!Felmier
Another sweet relationship between the siblings especially with how Zoro!Felmier is generally accepting of his younger brother's femininity. Feminine!Felmier thought Zoro!Felmier would be disappointed in him for not being interested in swords or sports, but was grateful for his rather blunt words which roughly translated to "It's your body. Do whatever you find comfortable." and getting his hair messed up via a headpat while watching his sibling..... going the wrong direction again. He had to stop himself from laughing before chasing after Zoro!Felmier.
oooh sibling dynamics :OO
i can see natsu!draconia just. scaling up buildings because it's more fun that way than flying. and while malleus is waiting for them at the top, they're having the time of their life, a giant grin on their face as they climb up the building. and malleus, at that moment, realizes he wouldn't want anything else.
i can see napstablook!schoenheit laying on the floor and feeling like trash behind the desk of the library while lisa!schoenheit plays their music in the library for ambience :)
mikey!rosehearts and ruby!rosehearts who make time to visit each other all the time because they care deeply about each other despite being pretty much polar opposites :D
i can see ningguang!ashengrotto finding out about doffy!ashengrotto's life? and that meeting was them offering their support as a sibling. "you're always welcome here." they'd say, despite knowing the risk it poses.
wait ok the zigvolts except itto!zigvolt and louis!zigvolt 100% carry sans!zigvolt around. two absolute units with a little bab who is actually their oldest sibling :O
and then feminine!felmier confiding in zoro!felmier :OO ugh they always look to zoro!felmier when they wanna ask how they look :D
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ctzdaily · 1 year
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Cheerful OO Generation?
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Maybe make tickle headcanons for a ship you’ve been wanting to make hcs for for a little while?
Oo, dealers choice! I’m pretty bad at deciding on just one, so I think I’ll do two ships! The first being Yuzugiri (Hell’s Paradise) and the second being...*drumroll* Renga (Sk8 The Infinity)!
Headcanons below the cut!
YuzuGiri (Yuzuriha x Sagiri) ~Hell’s Paradise~
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Why yes, your honor- they are in love.
- Yuzuriha absolutely LOVES Sagiri’s smile- craves it really. She makes it her daily ritual to get at least one smile out of her girlfriend a day through any means necessary. Tickling is quickly adopted as a regular cheat in this.
- Sagiri’s got a fairly bad spot by her waist she hides well. Yuzuriha, being Yuzuriha- finds it almost immediately. It’s the kind where a few sharp pokes won’t cut it- you gotta really go for it to get those sweet giggly laughs Sagiri locks away.
- Neck kisses. All the neck kisses. Yuzuriha will hug her girlfriend from behind, pressing her face into her neck and kissing it again and again knowing full well how sensitive Sagiri’s neck is. She’ll also go for said spot on her waist because she just really loves Sagiri’s laugh. Big, big teaser- will call Sagiri cute a hundred times just to make the usually stoic warrior blush and whine through her laughter.
- On the flipside, said Asaemon will utterly WRECK Yuzuriha. If she gets tired of her antics, she’ll flip her (literally) and go for the hips, making her girlfriend scream. Sagiri’s not much of a tease- at least not compared to Yuzu, but she’s got a fair amount of skills that work like a charm on the mischievous Kunoichi. Her main thing is percise attacks, putting her work as a Asaemon into practice while Yuzuhira prefers full blown teasing and baby talk.
- Post tickles are the same no matter who’s the target. Cuddles while Yuzuhira plays with Sagiri’s hair, the other running a gentle hand against her back. The two will sit for hours like this, whispering conversation and sharing kisses until they need to move or something comes up. Sometimes they fall asleep like that.
Renga (Langa x Reki)
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Why yes your honor- they are also in love
- Reki initiates all the tickle fights. It’s in his DNA- he’s a tickle monster through and through. Langa might try to fight back but generally speaking he’s mostly on the receiving end.
- When I say Reki’s a tickle monster, I mean he’s a TICKLE MONSTER. Nothing is above his moral compass- biting, raspberries, kisses- he’ll do it all (within Langa’s comfort range of course). Whatever Langa’s in the mood for- be it gentle tracing tickles that make him sleepy or full blown tickle fighting that leave him breathless- Reki’s got him covered.
- Even if he’s usually on the lee side of things, Langa’s capable of getting his boyfriend back. He’s really gentle, tracing Reki’s skin like he’s running a hand over freshly fallen snow, never going too hard and keeping everything featherlight. Reki- being super sensitive to said tickles- always comes out of it giggly and breathless.
- Langa usually ends up with wake up tickles often because he sleeps like Snorlax. Reki usually gets cheer up tickles- especially when he starts doubting himself again. This works out because it takes quite an amount of pressure to rouse a snoozing Langa. No joke- this man can sleep through the world ending.
- Depending on who’s been tickled is what kind of care they get. If it’s Reki, Langa will (attempt) to bring him water and a snack- usually stopped by a very clingy, very demanding Reki craving cuddles. The original plan to get such things is mostly forgotten. For Langa, Reki likes to gently trace his face, brushing fingers through his hair and playing with it until Langa falls asleep. Most days he’ll crawl in beside him for an impromptu nap.
Thanks for reading!
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uwu-momo · 1 year
Cheerful OO Generation? ✧ #TZUYU
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