#chefs kiss standing ovation
gemkun · 1 month
ratio and aven splash art showing up together yet another aventio win
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onlyifyoubadd · 1 year
why did mixxiw come for my fucking throat this episode?!
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i hate the phantom of the opera movie but emmy rossum is so beautiful <3
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schmem14 · 6 months
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Hello friends! Recently, I participated in the fourth HP Rare Pair fest, and with 81 unique and beautiful entries it was a veritable FEAST for the eyes and heart and soul. (Check out the whole collection here)
I wanted to take a moment to post highlights of the fics that just really brought me to my knees in hopes that you’ll fangirl/boy/person over them with me!
1. Evergreen by @thecouchsofa (23k)- Harry Potter x George Weasley What would happen if Harry asked George to go to the Yule Ball with him instead of Parvati? This GOF Yule Ball AU is sure to slay you with sheer adorableness. I couldn’t stop smiling and squealing through the whole thing. This rare pair is one of my favorites, and this fic went above and beyond, plus it’s the perfect holiday read! Rating: T
2. Lonely Creatures by @apricitydays-lazynights (5k)- Severus Snape x Giant Squid The prompt to put these two together could easily have been pure hentai crack nonsense (which is a brilliant option) but this story did things to me that I can’t even put into words. It’s tender, melancholy, and cuts to the heart of Severus Snape’s isolation and longing to be seen and loved. The details of this are so richly woven, and I particularly enjoyed the authors’ focus on Mermlish/Merfolk. Standing ovation to this fic! Rating: E
3. Slice of Night by SquibNation10 (9k)- Aurora Sinistra x Severus Snape This was the fic that took me the most by surprise. I love the creativity in taking a character who gets very few canon details and making them real and beautiful and believable. Auror Sinistra is divine in this, and I’ll give some honorable mentions to both Argus Filch and Rolanda Hooch as excellent supporting characters that also don’t typcially get a lot of spotlight. What a gorgeous slice of life fic! Rating: T
3. Quick Quotes and Quibbles by RainstormRadish (3k)- Luna Lovegood x Rita Skeeter Rita and Luna have to work together to cover the wedding of Neville Longbottom and Pansy Parkinson. There’s just something about a story told in unconventional medium that will always ALWAYS pull me in! This unlikely pairing comes together in the sweetest way, their strong personalities balancing each other out until they become a formidable team.  I particularly loved the graphics and paper trail memos/epistolary style storytelling. Rating: T
4. Your seat, it’s the best seat by @the-houseryn (17k)- Ron Weasley x Draco Malfoy MOVE OVER only one bed, there’s a new trope in town and it’s the ONLY ONE SEAT trope!! This was sexy, flirtatous, and hot AF. I’m always down for a Dron fic, but this one is one of the best I’ve read in a while, with some delicious pining and a predictably oblivious Ron. Do yourself a favor and indulge in the lap-sitting fic of the year! Rating: E
5. Vivaldi and Hot Chocolate by @patriceavril (6k)- Percy Weasley x Stan Shunpike What was Percy up to in OTP/HBP? What a lonely life that must have been! This fic was soft and sweet, giving some much-needed love to a character that we all wrote off in canon for being a stuck-up prick. I love how Percy seeks out the warmth and comfort of the Knight Bus, coming back for more because of the kind-hearted and bubbly Stan Shunpike, who always insists on giving Percy free hot chocolate. I never expected to be so enamoured by this pairing, but I am! Rating: T
6. The monster you feed by @ghostfelicis188 (11k)- Regulus Black x Remus Lupin This canon-compliant fic tore me to shreds. TO SHREDS. Like, I am such a simp for tragic Remus romances, and this took the cake. Features: pining artist Remus, and shit-eating cruel Regulus who toys with Remus the whole damn fic. If you like hurt no comfort, this is the fic for you. *Chefs Kiss* Rating: M
7. Gilded Web by @emilyrickman AlihotsyTotsy (8k)- George Weasley x Blaise Zabini I cannot believe that this understated fic packed such a punch in 8,000 words. George agrees to an undercover operation to investigate the mysterious deaths of Mrs. Zabini’s deceased husbands. He is so pure in this, his characterization charming and believable, I just need more of this George! Bonus points for references to “the Sting” Rating: M
8. Sleeping with Ghosts by @ghaniblue (21k)- Harry Potter x Regulus Black x Draco Malfoy My initial thoughts when encountering this relationship tag was something akin to a bewildered head scratch but OMG the best thing about this fest is having expectations completely upended! This fic slayed hard with a slow burn, found family, semi-sentient house renovation angle that had me completely melted by the end. Rating: M
9. The Last Trial of Peter Petegrew by @sleepstxtic (20 k)- Peter Petegrew x James Potter If possible, I’d like to ram this fic down the throats of all my mutuals with a plea to PLEASE READ THIS FIC. I can’t begin to describe in a tiny paragraph what this did to me. Often Peter Petegrew is relegated to the traitor bus in fandom (understandable) but this took every mean and traitorous part of his character and made me almost like him despite his treachery! The format of this was also a delight to read, and I love that Hermione presents the case for Peter Petegrew in this meta purgatory-style courtroom drama. Rating: M
10. Anatomy of a memory by @venom0usbarbie (9k)- Ginny Weasley x Tom Riddle This story was pure poetry wrapped in a sinister diary-shaped package. I love the self-fulfilling prophecy nature of this time loop style storyline, as well as the toxic obsession and manipulation played out between Ginny and Tom. What a mindfuck ending that was, too! Kudos to the “Tom Riddle is his own Warning” tag. Rating: M
11. Sweet Boy by @maraudersaffair (6k)- Narcissa Black Malfoy x Harry Potter A not-quite-fake dating fic with lots of smut, thirst, and mommy/praise kink? Yes, please! I was literally panting by the end of this, Harry and Narcissa are so hot together! Rating: E
12. Growing Suspicion by nocturn (1.8k)- Neville Longbottom x Marcus Flint Someone keeps mutilating Neville’s plants, and he’s going to get to the bottom of it OR that time Marcus expresses feelings but doesn’t understand proper plant care. This fic was A-DOR-ABLE. Love me a good Hogwarts professors/staff fic, and this was just a bite-sized delight to read. Rating: G
13. For Your Burning Gaze by SquibNation10 (22k)- Neville Longbottom x Pansy Parkinson The fic that I most want to see a sequel for award goes to… this Twilight Zone post-war marriage law fic complete with creepy house elves and a very troubled Pansy, who seems to be the only one realizing that something is not quite right! This is one of the best Panville fics I’ve read, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Rating: E
Thanks to @hprarepairfest for putting on another amazing fest!
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pilesofpillows · 1 year
Let Attoye Nation rise and give a standing ovation to @tvreadsandsleep for feeding us the most delicious lil snackies for a month straight!!
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She came through with that Premium Attoye Content on the daily frfr 🙇🏾‍♀️🙇🏾‍♀️
Everybody kiss the chef 😚
If you haven’t already, please go read Periodic Cues
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Hallelujah South Park!
By Maureen Callahan 16 Feb 2023 - 17 Feb 2023
Will their delicious take-down of privacy-hungry Harry & Meghan FINALLY make them see what insufferable hypocrites - and global laughing stocks - they've become?
Well, she said she wanted to be a cartoon princess. Now, thanks to the brilliant minds at 'South Park,' Meghan Markle is one.
In 'Worldwide Privacy Tour,' which aired Wednesday night, Meghan and Prince Harry were savaged as hypocritical publicity hounds who nonetheless demand to be left alone. After promoting his memoir, here called 'Waaagh,' the 'prince and princess of Canada' move to South Park, whose children cannot abide their insufferability. At one point, the outraged prince flashes his frostbitten penis — to a child! — while defending his wife.
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As the animated Harry and Meghan toddle around the globe, holding placards that read 'STOP LOOKING AT US!' and 'WE WANT OUR PRIVACY!,' their entitlement, stupidity and lack of self-awareness was sliced through by a cartoon talk-show host with, in my view, better questions than Tom Bradby or Anderson Cooper.
Appearing on 'Good Morning Canada,' Harry and Meghan — the latter speaking inanities with a Valley Girl accent — sit down to a chorus of boos. The impeccable line of questioning beings.
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'Let me start with you, sir. You've lived a life with the royal family, you've had everything handed to you, but you say your life has been hard. And now you've written all about it in your new book, 'Waaagh.'
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Harry: 'Yes, that's right friend. You see, my wife and I —'
Meghan: 'I was like, totallllllly, you should write a book 'cause your family, like stupid, and then [unintelligible] journalists.'
Host: 'So you hate journalists.'
Harry: 'That's right!'
Host: 'And now you wrote a book that reports on the lives of the royal family.'
Harry: 'Right!'
Host: 'So you're a journalist.'
Yes! Exactly right.
Meghan: 'We just wanna be normal people. This attention is so hard.'
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Waaagh!' indeed. You have to wonder what the mood is in Montecito this morning, the online reaction from us 'normal people' nothing short of a rousing standing ovation. Do Harry and Meghan get it now? Do they understand that they are laughingstocks not just around the world, but in the province Meghan values above all others — Hollywood?
'South Park': Grade A+. Chef's kiss. This was a perfect episode. The only possible criticism: What took Trey Parker and Matt Stone so long?Granted, it seems every week does bring a brand new hypocrisy. One must work hard to keep up. 'Because I'm from the States, you don't grow up with the same understanding of the royal family. And so while I now understand very clearly there's a global interest there, I didn't know much about him.
'That was Meghan Markle in November 2017, seated next to Prince Harry as they gave their first interview to the BBC as a newly engaged couple.A fair number of people — myself included — found it near impossible, laughable really, to believe that Meghan, creature of Hollywood and student of fame, had little idea who Prince Harry or the British royal family was. Or that this self-professed smart, savvy, well-cultured woman had not so much as Googled her fair prince before their first date. No social climber she!It all sounded very Yoko Ono, who, upon meeting John Lennon, claimed to have never heard of him.Now — could it possibly be — that Meghan was insincere? A newly resurfaced post on her late blog The Tig (think Goop, but more basic and obvious) reveals that Meghan was very familiar with the British royal family and with William and Kate's nuptials. She even wrote about the type of princess she, Meghan, dreamt she might someday be.
Hey, Harry: Don't feel too bad. Even Lennon fell for it. As he told Rolling Stone in 1971, Yoko had 'only heard of Ringo, I think.'Ringo! Not the world-famous half of the most celebrated songwriting duo of post-World War II Western civilization. When you're that well known, it seems, nothing is as refreshing as someone who claims not to know who you are or what you do or why people care about you. The implication, of course, being that said ignoramus sees through the veneer of celebrity to you. They like and love you for you, not the attendant wealth or social status or privilege or refracted fame that comes with being your other half. Here's Meghan in her 2014 blog post, fantasizing about becoming a princess while also mocking the entire idea, because she's just that cool and just that above everything, even a storied institution dating back over eleven centuries.
'Little girls dream of being princesses,' Meghan wrote. 'I, for one, was all about She-Ra, Princess of Power. For those of you unfamiliar with the '80s cartoon reference, She-Ra is . . . a sword-wielding royal rebel known for her strength. We're definitely not talking about Cinderella here. Grown women seem to retain this childhood fantasy. Just look at the pomp and circumstance surrounding the royal wedding and endless conversation about Princess Kate.
'Well, well, well. How will Meghan explain that away? Or as recounted by Harry, that upon meeting Prince Andrew she thought he was the Queen's handbag holder? Or, as she told Oprah in 2021, 'I went into [my marriage] naively because I didn't grow up knowing much about the royal family'?
By the way, Meghan's 'grow[ing] up' would have been at the height of the royal family's coverage in global tabloids: Princess Di's supernova fame, the first future king ordered to divorce, Diana's death and the subsequent wall-to-wall 24/7 media coverage of her funeral.
Meghan would have to have spent her formative years in the Yanomami Amazonian tribe, thoroughly cut off from the modern world, to have known so very little about the royals.
How will Meghan explain, as she claimed in last year's insipid Netflix doc, that she had no idea how to curtsy or why it was important to show respect to the Queen? As she sat beside her husband, who looked pained and humiliated, Meghan characterized her first meeting with the late Queen Elizabeth, one of the world's most admired women, thusly:
'I mean, Americans will understand this,' Meghan brayed, because 'we have Medieval Times, dinner and a tournament. It was like that.'
What must Harry, who wrote in his memoir that Meghan knew 'almost nothing' about the royals, be thinking now? Will he think to himself that his now-wife knew well and good who he was? As Andrew Morton wrote in his 2018 biography 'Meghan,' her friend Ninaki Priddy said that the future duchess 'was always fascinated by the royal family. She wants to be Princess Diana 2.0'
This seems to be the root of Meghan's self-obsessed rage, does it not? She married the spare. She'll never be the next Diana. If anything, Catherine, Princess of Wales, is carving out a similar beloved place for herself amongst the British people. Meghan is the also-ran, attempting to run a rival court out of a soulless Montecito manse while decrying the uselessness of all things royal.
But don't you dare not call her the Duchess of Sussex!
Lest we forget, Meghan's overarching message since joining this family has been the smug, insufferable, disingenuous utterance, 'Be kind.' It's what she said in that first interview with Harry, claiming that she made it very clear to their matchmaking friend she had one non-negotiable quality in a potential mate:
'And so the only thing that I had asked [our mutual friend] when she said she wanted to set us up was — I had one question — I said, 'Well is he nice?' 'Cause if he wasn't kind it didn't seem like it would make sense.'
We all know now that Harry isn't very nice. You don't take millions from your father and cling to your titles while disparaging and insulting him, then tell the world — for years — that they're a family of racists before taking it all back and blaming the press for your woes while revealing all manner of your father and brother's private pain and intimate information and get to call yourself a nice guy.
On top of all that, we're meant to feel sorry for Meghan and Harry.
You don't mock the physically disabled female teacher at your boarding school for kicks, as Harry did, and get to call yourself nice. You don't double-down and name this poor woman in your memoir, blame her for not being attractive enough to make you 'horny', then recount the serial humiliations you subjected her to without ever expressing an iota of remorse or guilt or shame and get to call yourself nice — let alone a humanitarian and a thought leader in mental health.
Mental health advocates — these two! It's just amazing. No matter how many discrepancies, these two evince nothing, not so much as a blushing cheek or a head hung in shame. They're like two dead-eyed sharks, moving ever forward through the chum in their wake. They don't seem to understand that credibility and authenticity is paramount when trying to launch themselves as personal brands.
They also don't seem to understand what laughingstocks they've become. After the priceless Jimmy Kimmel bit about Harry and his todger, after Stephen Colbert mocked the royal family to Harry's face during his appearance, 'South Park' — a show that gleefully flays hypocrites of all stripes — has focused their ire on these two professional victims. No one deserves it more.
As the young animated character Kyle exclaimed, 'It is seriously driving me crazy. I'm sick of hearing about them but I can't get away from them! They're everywhere. In my f***ing face.'
A cri de coeur for us all. Alas, Harry and Meghan seem to lack the one quality that might possibly redeem them: A sense of humor.
MAUREEN CALLAHAN: Do Harry & Meghan see they're now South Park jokes?
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asexualmusicalnerd · 10 months
Thoughts of Newsies UK final performance
-The lights going down, coming up to reveal the newsies on the balconies and everyone going ape shit
-Race kicking the paper instead of seeing it. Josh is honestly the best race. *chefs kiss*
-Hey Henry, one final time, get down here.
-More cheers
- Carrying the banner ended with a standing ovation.
-basically every other song ended with a standing ovation
-Oh! Crutchie used the slingshot in Carrying the Banner, missed totally, shook his hand, looked at our side of the audience and mouthed "caught my thumb" pouting slightly XD
-people were sobbing everywhere, the audience AND the newsies themselves!
-Pulitzer doing little squats whenever being particularly evil. It worked don't get me wrong, but it just made me smile. Little evil goblin (affectionate)
-Nuncio always looking appalled at Pulitzer's plan
-Matt Duckett's choice to kiss the cross on Jack's line "Sunday when you lie around all day" and how he looks downhearted when Jack says about leaving but perks up when he says he "got no folks nowhere" I could just spend the entire show watching his expressions. Boy that guy can act.
-That's Rich had Medda in tears and struggling to keep it together
-"who wants Brooklyn" and several news just vanishing behind their bags.
- Michael just loosing it completely in Santa Fae reprise, tears pouring down his cheeks. But he hit that high note perfectly.
-In Seize the Day and everyone paused for the photo everyone was sobbing. The newsies were clinging to each other trying to stay in character despite being in tears. And of course, massive round of applause there.
-And when they all say there name, each name got a round of applause, but after Race, the applause was just continuous
-Letters From the Refuge Crutchie's line of "so far they ain't bring us no food" someone in the audience let out a really loud "HA!" which let to laughs, cheers and a round of applause while Matt had to sit there trying not to laugh himself. Everything quiets down and he just goes. "Ha. Ha." with a knowing smirk.
-In Something to Believe In, both Bronte and Michael were crying, nearly loosing it on some notes but clinging to each other the entire time keeping each other going.
-Those Brooklyn Girlsies were killing it.
-"For the final time will someone shut those Newsies up!!"
-When the strike is settled, Michael is delivering his lines to the ground as tears drip to the floor.
You could just tell all night that these guys loved this show, everyone looked deeply moved yet still kept in character despite their emotions.
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tarak-manspread · 4 months
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PFP SPECIAL! There’s a reason I have chosen this image to be the avatar of this entire blog! It is just positively disgusting in its use of space, its belligerence, its dominant air of sex and CONTEMPT!! Have you ever seen a more obnoxious, offensive, PITCH PERFECT manspread?! I haven’t! That backwards lean is on PEAK, the frown is exquisite, and the sheer breadth of space he occupies really is remarkable!
But let’s not beat around the bush. The star of this scene is obviously the crotch. There’s nothing else to look at!!! It’s so PRESENT! With one foot up on the bench, maximizing the tension on his jeans??! Chef kiss! Standing ovation to Daya, as usual. Absolute manspread king. Zero notes.
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Newsies UK Review (Dec. 3rd)
Brace yourselves because this will be long and rambling and will contain spoilers. I certainly haven’t covered everything or everyone, but I’ve covered a few of the things that particularly stood out to me and the people I felt particularly deserved a mention.
Just the whole set up. Shirtless Newsies getting ready for the day before carrying the banner started was a bonus, not least because it reminded me of carrying the banner starts in the film when they’re all in the lodging house getting ready. They were down on the stage rather than up in the scaffolding like on Broadway so I feel like you got a bit more of a scene setter and build up to it. And then one of them full on ziplines onto the stage, it was fabulous!! My friend who was with me described it as ‘a magic Mike entrance’ and whispered to me, ‘when are they gonna start stripping. Just the staging in generally was amazing. Having scaffolding all around so newsies could scale it at different points in the theatre as well as having the walkways between the seating was brilliant, because it meant all the chase scenes with Snyder could go through the audience and go up and down different levels, so like, Jack could run up a bit and escape then because they’d gone a different route, it was very clever. And during the World will know it meant that we had newsies marching on the spot right in front of us, sometimes turning to face us and I was grinning like a maniac, it was amazing!! There were 3 standing ovations. Three! I was expecting the one at the end, but the other two weren’t even at the end of the first act or something, they were both in sieze the day! One at the end and one at that moment when you think it’s about to end but they still have an extra bit to go. And it was one hundred percent deserved, the choreography was absolutely incredible. One of the guys did like a gazillion box jumps in a row, it was insane. Looking back at the cast list I think that was Ross Dorrington as Splasher but if anyone else who’s seen it could confirm or deny that would be great, as it is obviously hard to tell from a distance in the theatre. At first I thought this was gonna be instead of the ‘Ryan Steele spins’, but then we got those later on as well! There were even some break dancing style moves, it was ridiculously brilliant. I will say that I am a Javey shipper that has never truly understood Jatherine (which, disclaimer, may be partly because I’m a 92sies whore so I was a bit sore about the plot changes that introduced Katherine in the Broadway version, although I learnt to love her as I got used to the idea), but my god I changed my tune when I saw this performance. I don’t know what it was but there was just something different about Michael Ahomka-Lindsay and Bronté Barbé as Jack and Katherine. Part of me thinks it was just the way they kissed in something to believe in, y’know with his hands moving up her back and stuff, it was just *chefs kiss. But there was just something in their interactions as well, she was so snarky it was wonderful and you could just see it drawing him in. And like, when he strikes out at the beginning when he first sees her and she shuts him down I think you could see more of, her joy in doing that I suppose, and her amusement at him pursuing her that I feel was lacking slightly in the Broadway one. Like, you can tell more that her annoyance is kind of as much of an act as Jack’s postering is and I appreciate that because I feel you see the romance growing more rather than just being a sudden thing that happens. As much as I love Jeremy Jordan and Kara Lindsay I just felt it properly for the first time with these two. And he gives her a newsboy cap at the end which was super cute. Each of them individually were just astounding in their roles and really managed to bring a different flavour to both Jack and Katherine which was really lovely to see. Matthew Duckett as Crutchie is a fricking revelation. It was Marty Belafski who had my heart as Crutchie - he was the first iteration I saw and it was him that made me fall in love with the character. With Broadway, I already knew Andrew Keenan-Bolger, and loved him as Crutchie as well. Now it’s probably Matthew Duckett who just is Crutchie for me. I loved that he was taller than Jack for one thing, like in the original film, and that he was just generally like, a little grittier than Broadway Crutchie? He had a bit more of the Crutchie from the film who says, ‘I don’t want anybody carrying me. Never’, and who nicks food of Snyders plate to give to Jack. A little less relentless optimist and a little more world hardened, which I really enjoyed. And it doesn’t hurt that he had lovely shoulders which I had a great view of, as I was sitting in the second row from where they had a break in the seating that the cast used to run through the audience as such. Very annoyed that I just missed out on getting a pape from Crutchie himself. He waved one at us asking if anyone wanted a pape, and all of us just sat there in shocked, happy excitement, without realising that this was actually on offer to interact with the cast and not just like, part of the show. He threw it behind him into the audience members in front of us to our consternation and was then like, ‘yeah, now you want a pape’, and someone in front of me did then get one. It was amazing, and I can now say to everyone going, and if I go again, say yes to the pape! They actually mean to give them to you! I didn’t actually believe they would make Spot Conlon a girl but I stand corrected! Not only Spot but the whole of Brooklyn. In my humble opinion, not quite the same as Spot being a tiny but menacing little guy, but still very cool and great fun. And I loved that the girlsies were like, actually girlsies. Like, some of them had skirts and stuff, they were meant to be girls, not just, women filling in the men’s roles, which I absolutely loved! I think I would probably have preferred it if all the boroughs were just mixed to be honest, partly because it meant a lyric change to ‘we’re the girls from the beaches of Brighton’ rather than ‘we’re the boys from the beaches of Brighton, so we don’t get the alliteration which slightly irritated my brain although obviously it would have been weirder if they’d all sung that when they’re meant to be girls, but also because I just feel like it would have made for a more accurate representation, although if they’d done that I think I would have wanted them to keep Spot as a girl. Ultimately though, I did understand why they did it like they did, as it really packed a punch, and it made sense why Spot wasn’t in the cast list as they obviously wanted to keep this as a surprise twist. It honestly was a great moment. King of New York!! It was phenomenal!! They swung from ceiling lights!!! Honestly it felt like a little homage to 92s when Damien lucero spins on the ceiling fan, as there was a moment when some of them did spins from them, as well as them swinging about like Tarzan on them. Honestly, I did feel like the choreography from this as well as sieze the day was better than Broadway. There were just so many surprises. Although Katherine did tap a bit she didn’t seem to have as much of a ‘moment’ as Kara Lindsay got, when the newsies are encouraging her to dance, so that was a shame, but they did dress her up like the Statue of Liberty which was wild and amazing. The newsies bringing on all the props! It was so good. Hilariously Katherine thanked them when they put together her desk for watch what happens, but my favourite was when they did Pulitzers office because they were all just lounging around for a bit before Pulitzer and everyone came on. I’m pretty sure on of them was was sitting in his chair at one point before scurrying off. It was great. Cameron Blakely was wonderful as Pulitzer. A great voice, and I just loved his portrayal of the character. Some funny moments because it’s Cameron Blakely but still managing to be very sinister when it counted. The line that really stood out to me from him was when he grabs Katherine’s arm in the Bottom Line Reprise singing ‘too bad you’ve no family, but you can’t have mine’. Oof. Davey was glorious. He was just so soft somehow, which was very endearing, although I was slightly disappointed that he didn’t seem to loose any of his clothes on the way as is the Davey tradition in both the film and on Broadway. Having said that, he seemed less buttoned-up, in terms of his costume, to begin with than either of the previous David’s. His exasperation at Les, like when he’s staring at the Bowery beauties or when he announces that he has a girlfriend, was continuously on point. And his beginning of sieze the day was absolutely beautiful. I’m still annoyed that Davey has no solo song though. Medda was fabulous of course! I felt there could have been a bit more of ‘wink wink nudge nudging’ over the nature of her relationship with Teddy Roosevelt, but essentially she truly understood the assignment. And her Bowery Beauties costume she wore for That’s Rich was gorgeous. Being previews there were a few sound issues which was a shame, and they’d run out of programmes by the time I arrived (how a theatre runs out of programmes I’ll never know, but hopefully those issues will be sorted out by opening night. Overall, an insanely brilliant night out - glorious show, stellar dancing and singing, still so thrilled that Newsies came to the UK and that I had a chance to see it, 10 years on from the Broadway production I truly never thought it would happen and I’m so glad that it did.
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itlivesproject · 2 years
whoever is writing the dan romance route... I would just like to talk*
*sob uncontrollably into their arms with how perfect it is... dan showing up to every goddamn ritual despite his job and the fact they were never truly a thing dan giving a separate goodbye not having the words to say ily even on mc's grave dan calling himself an ass for wasting his own time and not asking out mc when alive dan seeing mc for the first time since he's turned back from being a ghost (after!! coming all the way at 3 fucking am!!) echoing what mc had told him so long ago that he's only one call or message away..... I am giving you a standing ovation the symbolism is lovely and the pining is chefs kiss <3 <3 <3
it's mostly our beloved shionch so pls send them flowers 🥰 dan x mc nation is finally getting fed and it is DELICIOUS
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its-chelisey-stuff · 2 years
My favorite scene in the show so far! I’m sure it will change in a week lol
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His expression of confusion while he processed what she’d just said cracks me up every single time (I have watched this scene and INSANE amount of times btw)
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DUH! What a question, my dear! Of course there are many ways but honestly holding hands would’ve been just enough, me thinks yet he chose to breathe in her face lol
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You see that face? You see it?! He enjoyed this way too much hahahaha Life sentence, your honor!! For stealing the hearts of the audience and almost taking the life of our poor YoungWoo in the process! I don’t think she realized what she was setting herself up to when she asked such a simple yet strange question. She was an innocent victim!
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I cannot even name how I felt when I watched this exact shot. He’s illegal. He must be.
BUT one question remains! What the hell happened afterwards??? WHAT? HAPPENED? I honestly don’t think they kissed and I’m beginning to think nothing happened and she just bolted because the tension+the feels+it probably was getting hard to breathe. I would’ve ran out too, tbh. But I still wanna know and see it, if possible hahaha if she ran it’s gonna be fun to watch how Junho looked afterwards. His confussion is hilarious!
Park Eun Bin was stellar as always, but I loved how fearless she made YoungWoo here, in her voice, so steady and clear. To have someone you may have feelings for in front of you and ask them if you can touch them is just... woah, she’s so brave hahaha and that eye contact when she had Junho inches from her?? Such a vulnerable moment, and I think that’s what made it so romantic. And Junho’s words, of course.
Now, onto the guilty party.The criminal! Lee Junho, the charges he’s facing are endless!! I don’t think it’s easy to say such words and make them sound so sweet yet sexy without turning the moment into something creepy. Or very cheesy. It’s a delicate balance. But Kang Tae Oh did it and wow I can say that maybe there are a handful of actors around his age who could’ve played this character but dramaland chose him to be our Junho and I can’t picture anyone else in the role, cause he has really brought him to life. 
He has made the character completely his. Every mannerism, every glance, every good action, every word, all the longing and pining!! Kang Tae Oh didn’t have to go that hard (and I honestly didn’t think he was capable of this, and his micro-expressions and the way we can literally see what he feels and thinks? *chef’s kiss*) but I applaud him with an standing ovation. 
I’m so happy that both actors are finally getting the attention and recognition they deserve after such long careers (especially PEB) and I hope this is only the beginning, for their characters and them.
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artofzeichenwut · 1 year
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The Easter tradition of watching Jesus Christ superstar is finally back. I went yesterday for the second time with @ninallthatjazz and another friend. And it completely destroyed me in the best possible way. Spoilers ahead...
The entire cast was absolutely brilliant. Some special mentions:
Nienke Latten: a wonderful Maria. Definitely a better choice than Sandy Möllig from the last run. A great performance through and through.
James Park: it was so great to see him in a more prominent role than the one he usually plays in Rebecca. He delivered! Especially the trial.
Alex Melcher: a very punky Judas in appearance with a great rock voice. I suffered with him through his frustration and betrayel. And the outfit for Superstar was just *chef's kiss* (fanart coming up)
Drew Sarich (bias ahead): this man gets better with every run. Holy cow! Well deserved standing ovations after Gethsemane. It left me in utter speachlessness and my only thought was "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck". So much emotion throughout the entire evening. And the lashing and cruxifixion was so painful to watch. I'm still processing last night.
Well, I really hope for another run next year.
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angelofverdum · 11 months
Barbie (2023)
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As a kid, Barbie was the only toy I liked I had the house, the car, the ken, the outfits, etc. So I was excited when they announced the movie.
It was so good. I'm still high on Barbieland.
My god, I LOVED the movie. I want to watch it a million times. I want to eat every scene. I want to be consumed by Barbie.
Margot Robbie the actress that you are. Omg, she nailed every joke. She delivered every serious scene. She brought such humanity to Barbie in a way that makes the character resonate with anyone. She is Barbie
Greta Gerwing, please never stop directing. That dance sequence was chef kiss.
America Ferrera and Ryan Gosling are incredible. Every Barbie was perfect. I love you Issa Rae.
I love this world, and I want more. I want to see more Barbies. At the same time, I don't want anything to ruin it. Like any sequel, prequel, or spinoff.
This is the movie of the year.
30 minutes standing ovation in my heart
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xjustakay · 10 months
👀 10 - Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
and 11 - Link your three favorite fics right now
10. Cltr+f "blinks" on your WIP & copy paste the first sentence/paragraph that comes up
If you can believe it, there's not a single blink in what I'm working on yet 🧍‍♀️ but here's some confused staring instead:
“I don’t think I like you two this chummy.” Sirius points between them, squinting. James looks at Regulus sideways, a grin twitching at his lips. Meanwhile, Regulus keeps his focus on Sirius, one dark brow quirked upward. “Should we hate each other? I’m sure I can manage it.” James scoffs at him with a roll of his eyes. Sirius stares, noticing there’s still a dopey smile on his face. Which… Okay?
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
I feel like I have so many I could put here actually but these immediately came to mind so: paint it black by @imdamagecontrol bc *chef's kiss* and standing ovation all around, always on the floor over that one making ghosts by @messerflower i am thinking about all of the characters and their shenanigans almost daily, my beloveds labyrinth by @mayescapade literally has not left my brain since i finished it, suuuch a good one
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st-severus · 1 year
Pan's Labrynth
Beautiful goth fairytale elements, great acting, beautiful cinematography and music. The costumes, makeup, affects, it's all *chef kiss*
Though I will say, it is not in English (that might not be an issue), but there are hard-coded subtitles of varying languages available usually wherever it's streamed (or if you get a dvd/bluray).
I would also recommend looking up does the dog die for any potential triggers or squicks.
That's all that came to mind; or we'll, that wasn't something totally ridiculous and out of left field. XD hahaha
I love Pan's Labyrinth! Even if it did get a 22 minute standing ovation at Cannes (crazy lol).
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allyriadayne · 7 months
y'know what's weird? that larys seemed to have, so far, (from what we've SEEN) little to no interest in aegon? you'd think he'd be all keen on putting the KEY too major machinations on lock pretty early on but I guess not? or maybe s2 will rectify it? or did he just believe by having alicent on lock aegon is in his pocket as well? alongside aegon/alicent/aemond and aegon/alicent/otto, aegon/alicent/larys in season 2 has me most intrigued! in many ways, aegon is a larys/alicent "love"child, and ik larys was having a good ol chuckle at aegon's state post rook's rest then again post dragonstone. I'm pulling my hair out thinking about the last of the og green lineup being aegon/alicent/larys/tyland*! just a sad girl and her fucked up morally opportunistic to morally reprehensible guys with disabilities. if they add alicent leprosy I will actually lose it since it just fits so well, and I doubt we'll get so far to see her actually suffer from the pest. green as both nature but also rott and mould and sickly mucus. my favourite horror polycule! the existential body politic potential of it all
i think it fits. larys is the type of person to prefer quality over quantity. i see him deciding alicent is worth the effort more than her wildcard sons, when she's always been the head of this hydra and the first to fall to his wiles. i always thought "why wouldn't larys worm his way into otto's entourage? otto has more reach" but the answer, same as with aegon is that alicent was more susceptible to manipulation at that exact point in her life in ep 5, the perfect moment to become her anchor those ten years before otto came back (cackling and hollering at larys sniffing a vulnerable moment miles away). it's very telling then that larys is speaking to aegon after he almost gets burned to death. standing ovation, beautiful! chef's kiss!
the difference is that i don't see aegon falling for it. to me aegon has always been a very lucid kind of character in opposition to delusionals like alicent and aemond lol.
you are right! aegon is the larycent love child in a way, born from larys' manipulations and alicent's resentment and anger, though i wish larys' ultimate plans were clearer..... he really must have thought the greens were over by poisoning aegon.
"I'm pulling my hair out thinking about the last of the og green lineup being aegon/alicent/larys/tyland*! just a sad girl and her fucked up morally opportunistic to morally reprehensible guys with disabilities" and like also the last two could never survive in this post aegon world for long, while the other killed him and doomed the rest. sweet!
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