#chew him and spit him out and eat him again
lkluvsu · 4 months
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he’s so cute i’ll kms
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opportunity-b · 9 months
Nope (2022) is actually a film about how show business eats people alive and spits them back out and I'm surprised no one seems to have noticed this? I'm not even being funny that's the actual plot
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meat-wentz · 2 years
as long as we’re talking about the mouth feel of my chemical romance i have to say that personally i believe frank is a blow pop (i don’t know which flavor yet, maybe even all of them). like listen there’s an extent to which you’re like fine with sucking on a blow pop, but there comes a time where you’ve had enough and you have to crunch it and gnash it up into sharp little spikes in your mouth so you can reach the bubblegum center. and then you chew the gum and what is frank if not soft pink chewing gum wrapped in a borderline hazardous hard candy exterior.
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yameoto · 12 days
any more thoughts on puppy art.. please. only if u want to though haha !! (please?)
ohh u guys love your darling little lapdog huh?
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▸ a drooler. nosing his head between your legs n he's already salivating. he's so cute like that. face smushed between your thighs, panting as spit pools in his mouth, nose twitching like a cute little bunny at the scent of your arousal. taking the trim of your panties between his teeth, dragging it down inch by inch. quivering because he just wants to rip them off but the last time he did that he tore your nice lacy lingerie and u didnt touch him for a week. when he eats you out he laps at your cunt like an eager puppy. comes away absolutely glistening. dripping, even. your juices n his saliva smearing his cheeks, his nose, dribbling down his chin.
▸ bigggg on humping. obviously. when you're too busy to give him attention he'll just shuffle over onto your lap and just start rubbing up against you. he's ridden out the best orgasms that way; creaming in his already-sodden boxers as slick gets all over ur thigh. he likes to do it when you're working or when you're on a call (you always punish him best that way). oftentimes you'll wake up at night to slick sheets—finding him grindin up against you, moaning and whimpering. a sleepy, boneless mess on your knee. he'll already have gotten himself off thrice before he tries to wakes you, just to be safe (you might take it away from him, after all). ▸ teething.... grown ass man teething... gnawing on your shoulder to stop himself from crying out when you let him fuck you.. nibbling your bottom lip red n raw when you kiss.. slobbering all over your mouth. during sex if you tease him he'll start to chew anxiously at the end of ur bra strap, the hem of your shorts, your panties if you keep him waiting too long. sometimes randomly takes your hand by the wrist and takes a fake chomp out of it (affectionate).
▸ not beyond jus being your lil stress relief toy. coming back home and he's been so good for you. he won his match. he's cooked dinner. but you don't have time for any of that. "oh, baby, don't give me that look. cock out, now." and he makes a little mewling noise and immediately his shorts are a crumpled puddle on the floor—raging boner popping out, all swollen n red n leaking bc hes been waiting for you for hours. ▸ sighing, telling him to sit and so he does. legs spreading wide on the couch, blinking up at u in earnest neediness. and when you sink onto his cock he makes this insane, visceral whining noise—back arcing off the seat. ▸ cockwarmer? more like cuntwarmer. you tell him don't move and don't cum. an impossible ask. he's pawing at your back, whimpering when your only response is to lean back heavier, sinking your full weight down on his poor, poor cock. n it feels soso good but he only lasts two minutes on a good day! let alone when you're switching the tv on and settling back into him like he's part of the couch. occasionally your hips jump, walls pulsing tight, choking his sensitive dick. you're grinding down into his lap and he's twitching inside of u and hot tears are prickling his eyes—fingers digging into your thighs, trembling.
▸ time ticking on.. the coil of heat in his gut winding tighter n tighter.. art's cheeks are flushed and hes wetting the back of your shirt with his silent tears. he persists, though, because he's good. he's gonna be a good boy for you. and it works! for a time, when you seem like you've almost forgotten your pussy is strangling his cock and you're only rolling your hips occasionally, sending warm thrums of pleasure through him. lulling him into a false sense of security.
▸ until all of a sudden you decide to be mean and for whatever reason you lift your hips before slamming them back down again, and his sharp gasp and slurred mewls perfectly cue the geyser that erupts from his slit.
▸ not even letting him cum inside you.. sliding off his spurting cock thats blowing cum like a volcano. hot, sticky strings arcing in the air and splattering all over the carpet, the couch cushions. his eyes glazing over, all glassy n sparkly as he crumples back in the couch, blubbering tearful apologies as his cock leaks like a faucet, staining the poor, new pillows.
▸ adores aftercare. or just your comfort in general. please rest your hand against his cheek and let him sigh and melt and nuzzle into the palm of your hand like you're taking the weight of the world off his shoulders. tug gently on his hair. scratch his scalp. let him curl up on your lap and pat him and coo sweet nothings in his ear. simple things, like "sweet baby, did so good today." or "tired puppy. took mommy so well."
▸ "fuck— m'sorry. m'sorry, m'sorry—" "hey, shh, darling. aw, don't cry. mommy's got you. how bout you curl up on momma's lap, kay?" "..mkay."
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pucksandpower · 2 months
Made with Love
Charles Leclerc x amateur baker!Reader
Summary: in which Charles would rather risk the entire paddock getting food poisoning (again) than break your heart by telling you that your baking is horrible
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You hum to yourself as you pull a tray of freshly baked cupcakes out of the oven. The sweet, chocolaty aroma fills Charles’ kitchen, making your mouth water.
This batch is sure to be perfect! You’ve been practicing your baking skills for months now, determined to get it just right.
Charles wanders into the kitchen, drawn by the scent. “Mmm, something smells good in here!”
He peers over your shoulder at the tray of cupcakes. They’re a bit misshapen, with cracked tops that deflated the second they were taken out of the oven. The frosting is glopped on unevenly.
To you, they look absolutely mouthwatering. To Charles, they look … well, he loves you too much to say.
“Try one!” You urge, holding out a cupcake. Charles flashes you a hesitant smile before taking it. He peels back the liner and takes a bite. His eyes widen and he forces himself to chew and swallow.
“Well? How is it?” You ask eagerly.
Charles clears his throat. “It’s, uh, it’s great. Your best batch yet,” he lies. In truth, it’s dry and dense, with a strange bitter aftertaste. But the delight on your face makes the fib worth it.
You throw your arms around him in a hug. “Yay! I can’t wait to share them with the team this weekend.”
Charles’ stomach drops. The thought of the entire paddock pretending to enjoy your baking makes him cringe internally. But he plasters on a smile. “What a nice idea! I’m sure they’ll love them.”
The two of you arrive at the circuit and you can barely contain your excitement as you carry a large container of cupcakes into the paddock. Charles trails behind you, backpack slung over one shoulder, his other arm wrapped around your waist. He presses a quick kiss to your temple before you flit off to distribute your baked goods.
You first approach Max Verstappen, holding out a cupcake with rainbow sprinkles. “Here Max, have one!”
Max eyes the treat dubiously but accepts it with a polite smile. “Thanks Y/N, that’s really nice of you.”
You beam and turn to Charles, missing the look of apprehension on Max’s face. Charles catches Max’s eye and draws a finger across his throat in warning. Max’s eyes widen but he nods in understanding. Charles won’t let anything ruin your mood today.
You make your way through the paddock, handing cupcakes to mechanics, engineers, PR reps, reporters, team principals, and drivers. Charles hovers behind you, keeping a watchful eye on each recipient.
Daniel Ricciardo visibly gags on his first bite when you turn away. Charles glares and shakes his head sharply. Daniel rearranges his face into a smile and gives a thumbs up.
Lando Norris takes an overly large bite and Charles has to pound on his back as he chokes it down.
Esteban Ocon discreetly spits his cupcake into a napkin when you’re not looking. Charles lunges forward and grabs his arm, squeezing tightly until Esteban wheezes out “Delicious!”
You remain blissfully unaware of the chaos that falls over the paddock in your wake, oblivious to Charles’ desperate interventions. All you see are your friends and acquaintances enjoying your baking.
When you finally offer a cupcake to Charles, he takes it and eats the whole thing without hesitation. Because even if it tastes like sugary sawdust, the delight on your face makes it the best treat in the world.
“Wasn’t that fun?” You gush to Charles afterwards. “I can’t wait to try out a new recipe soon!”
Charles just kisses your frosting-smudged nose and says, “I can’t wait either, mon amour.” As long as you’re happy, he’ll choke down all the questionable cupcakes you offer. Because your smile is the only thing that matters.
The paddock is bustling with activity as you and Charles arrive for the next race weekend, yet another batch of fresh baked goods in hand. You’re eager to share your latest creations — classic chocolate chunk cookies. You spent hours carefully following the recipe, determined to get them just right.
As you make your rounds distributing cookies, the reactions are the usual mix of forced smiles and discreet spitting. Charles trails behind you, glaring at anyone who doesn’t immediately rave about how delicious they are. The drivers and mechanics quickly catch on, showering you with praise and shooting Charles grateful looks when he turns you away.
You finally offer a cookie to Graham, a mechanic from the Mercedes team. He takes it hesitantly, eyeing Charles standing behind you. But Graham is new to the paddock and unaware of the baked goods situation.
He takes a bite and immediately grimaces. “Ugh, these taste terrible!” He blurts out.
You gasp, stumbling back as if struck. Tears well up in your eyes. Charles is at your side in an instant, pulling you into a comforting hug. Over your shoulder, he shoots Graham a look of absolute rage.
Graham realizes his mistake too late, shame washing over his face. “I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean ...” he stammers. But you’re already pulling away from Charles and rushing off, sobbing.
Charles turns on Graham, eyes blazing. “How could you? All she ever wants to do is make others happy!” Graham cowers before him, other mechanics backing away nervously.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” Graham says miserably.
“Sorry isn’t good enough,” Charles snarls. “You stay away from her, you hear me?” Graham nods shakily. Satisfied the message is received, Charles races after you.
He finds you behind the garage, face buried in your hands. “Oh mon ange,” Charles murmurs, wrapping you in his arms. “Don’t listen to him, your cookies are perfect.”
You cling to Charles, sniffling. “I just wanted to do something nice for everyone. But I’m so horrible at baking!”
Charles tilts your chin up. “You listen to me. You have the biggest, kindest heart. It doesn’t matter if the cookies are a little, er, overdone. What matters is you put love into making them. Don’t let someone like Graham get you down.”
You smile tremulously. “Have I told you lately that you’re the best boyfriend ever?”
Charles grins. “Hmm, I don’t mind hearing it again.” Laughing through your tears, you tell him again, punctuating it with a kiss.
After ensuring you’re okay, Charles seeks out Graham. “I trust you’ll be more considerate going forward?” Graham nods meekly. “Good. But just so we’re clear, if you upset her again, you’ll be out of this paddock for good.”
The next day, the news breaks that Graham has been dismissed from the Mercedes team for “attitude issues.” You feel a bit guilty, hoping your cookies didn’t cause him to lose his job. But Charles seems strangely satisfied, so you don’t dwell on it.
From then on, Charles redoubles his efforts to protect your feelings whenever you provide baked goods. The paddock falls in line, fawning over your overly salty pretzels and dry banana bread.
The brightness of your smile makes it all worth it to Charles. Because keeping that joy and kindness shining in you is what matters most to him.
You step out of Charles’ Ferrari, the engine purring as he puts it in park. Taking his hand, you smile excitedly — today is another fan meetup organized by the team, and you can’t wait to connect with Charles’ supporters again.
“Are you ready, mon cœur?” Charles asks, squeezing your hand gently. His green eyes crinkle at the corners as he looks at you adoringly.
“Absolutely!” You chirp, patting the large picnic basket hanging off your arm. “I made lots of treats to share today!”
Charles grins and leans in to kiss your forehead. “I’m sure they will love everything you made, as always.”
You beam, bolstered by his encouragement as you both make your way to the event. The meetup is being held in a local park, with tents and tables set up amongst the lush green grass and towering trees. You spot a long line of fans waiting eagerly for Charles’ arrival. Most are dressed in the familiar rosso corsa of Ferrari, holding posters and memorabilia for him to sign.
“Charles! Charles!” They chant excitedly when they see him. You hang back happily, letting him have his moment with his dedicated supporters. Charles takes selfies, signs autographs, and chats animatedly in Italian, French, and English. The fans are thrilled to interact with their racing idol.
After some time, Charles waves you over. “I would like you all to meet someone very special to me,” he announces, wrapping an arm around you. The fans erupt into cheers and applause. “This is Y/N, my love.”
You blush at the attention but manage to give a little wave. “Hi everyone! I’m so happy to be here today.”
Charles addresses the crowd again. “As some of you know, Y/N loves to bake and has brought some special treats to share with you all today.”
This is met with more enthusiastic cheers. Though none of them particularly enjoy your baked goods, the fans appreciate the effort and know Charles likes to reward them for humoring you.
You open up your large picnic basket, beaming with pride. “I made my favorite oatmeal raisin cookies, some lemon squares, and my famous rocky road fudge!”
The fans try not to visibly cringe, lining up politely with plates held out. You happily distribute your overly dry, burnt cookies and gooey, cloying fudge. The lemon squares are mushy and saccharine. But the fans accept it all with smiles and encouragement.
“Mmm, delicious!” One teenage girl forces out through a mouthful of your fudge.
An older man gives you a thumbs up as he chokes down a cookie, eyes watering. “So good!”
You beam, pleased that they enjoy your baking so much. As you chat with each person, you don’t notice Charles discreetly handing out autographed photos, caps, and other prized memorabilia to reward the fans for their efforts.
After you’ve handed out all your baked goods, Charles suggests a stroll through the park gardens. As you walk hand-in-hand admiring the flowers, he says softly, “You have such a big heart, Y/N. The way you care so much about connecting with the fans means the world to me.”
You squeeze his hand gratefully. “It’s the least I can do — they support you in everything, so I want to support them too.”
Charles stops and turns to you, his expression tender. “You are amazing, truly. I’m the luckiest man in the world.” He leans in and kisses you sweetly. Your heart flutters just like the first time your lips met.
When you return from your walk, the event is winding down. You say goodbye to the fans, who thank you profusely for the treats and making their day so special. You tell them you can’t wait to bake for them again soon!
After the last fan leaves, it’s just you and Charles. The late afternoon sun casts golden light on the empty picnic tables.
“Did you have fun, mon amour?” Charles asks, caressing your cheek.
“The best time!” You say enthusiastically. “I just love baking for your wonderful fans and seeing how it makes them smile.”
Charles’ eyes are full of love. He kisses the top of your head. “As long as it makes you happy, that’s all that matters to me.”
You snuggle into his chest happily. “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”
“I don’t think so,” Charles teases. “Why don’t you remind me again?”
You grin up at him. “I’ll tell you over dinner … I have a new donut recipe I want to try out.”
Charles fights down a grimace as he reminds himself that your love is more than worth suffering through another dreadful dessert. “I can’t wait!”
“Mate, you have to stop her before she poisons someone,” Max whispers urgently to Charles as you step out of the room.
Charles furrows his brow. “What are you talking about?”
“Your girlfriend. Her baking. It’s … it’s just terrible. I’m sorry, but it has to be said.”
Charles lets out a dismissive chuckle. “Oh come on, it’s not that bad.”
“Not that bad?” Max raises his eyebrows incredulously. “I chipped a tooth on her brownie last week!”
Charles rubs the back of his neck awkwardly as he avoids making eye contact.
“Look, I get that you don’t want to upset her,” Max continues, his voice lowering conspiratorially. “But we can’t keep lying and pretending it’s good! One of these days, someone is going to end up in the hospital.”
Charles sighs deeply, running a hand through his tousled hair. “What do you want me to do? If I tell her the truth, she’ll be devastated.”
You return to the room then, a bright smile on your face as you carry a plate of freshly baked apple tarts. “Who wants one?”
Max cringes almost imperceptibly while Charles shoots him a warning look. “They look great, ma belle!” He says with forced enthusiasm, taking one and bringing it to his lips.
The apple filling is gelatinous and tastes faintly of soap. Charles forces himself to swallow it with a strained smile. Max quickly declines when you offer him one.
Later that evening, Charles finds Max alone outside his apartment building. “I need your help,” he admits defeatedly.
Max looks at him expectantly.
“With Y/N’s baking … how do I get her to stop without completely crushing her?”
His friend contemplates this for a moment. “Well … you could try convincing her to take up a new hobby instead?”
Charles shakes his head. “I’ve suggested that before, but she’s dead set on baking. It’s her biggest passion.”
“Okay, then you’ll have to take a different approach.” Max strokes his chin thoughtfully. “What if … you told her a bunch of us were going vegan or something, so she couldn’t bake for us anymore?”
Charles raises an eyebrow at the suggestion, but then slowly nods. “You know, that could actually work …”
The next day, you eagerly bring a fresh batch of blueberry muffins to the paddock to share with everyone. Charles takes a deep breath before pulling you aside gently.
“Hey, can I talk to you about something?” He starts, trying to keep his expression neutral.
You blink up at him curiously. “Of course. What’s up?”
“Well …” He clears his throat. “I was talking to the guys and … Lewis has actually convinced a bunch of them to go vegan. Lando, Max …”
He lists off a dozen more names, watching as realization dawns on your face. Your shoulders slump slightly.
“Oh … I see.” You glance down at the muffins in your hands. “I guess that means I can’t really bake for them anymore.”
Charles feels a pang of guilt at the disappointment in your eyes. But then, your expression brightens again.
“I’ll just have to start baking vegan treats instead!” You declare happily. “This is so exciting, I’ve been wanting to experiment with more plant-based ingredients!”
Charles’s shoulders tense as the plan epically backfires. Of course you’d take this as an opportunity to bake even more.
Over the next few weeks, you gleefully embrace the vegan baking lifestyle. Charles has to smother his laughter when Max nearly chokes biting into one of your “chewy” vegan brownies. Lando spits out a mouthful of your gritty vegan chocolate cake when you’re not looking.
You, however, remain blissfully unaware of how dreadful your creations are. No matter how many hints Charles tries to drop, the problem only seems to be getting worse.
One evening, you set a plate of fresh-from-the-oven vegan peanut butter cookies on the coffee table, plopping down on the couch next to Charles with a proud grin.
“Try one!” You insist, picking a cookie up and holding it in front of his lips.
Charles hesitates for just a second too long. Your face falls and he scrambles to take a bite, barely suppressing a wince as he chews on what feels like a solid lump of chalk mixed with peanut shavings. He forces himself to swallow it down with an enthusiastic grin.
“Wow, these are incredible!” He lies through his teeth. “You’ve really outdone yourself this time.”
You perk up immediately, the dejected look vanishing. “You really think so? I tried a new recipe I found online.”
“Definitely a winner,” Charles affirms, trying his best to sound convincing. “We should bring some to the paddock for everyone to try.”
Your eyes light up at the suggestion and guilt twists in Charles’s gut. The last thing he wants is for the other drivers to have to suffer through these … confections. But he could never be the one to shatter your baking dreams.
The next day at the track, you eagerly pass around the plate of peanut butter hockey pucks to the drivers and crew. Charles discreetly pulls Max aside with a pained look.
“Please, I’m begging you …” he murmurs under his breath. “Just smile and nod, no matter how bad they are.”
Max grimaces as he takes an experimental bite of one of the cookies, his expression doing little to mask his revulsion. But he meets Charles’s pleading gaze and forces out a strangled, “Mmm … great!”
One by one, the others follow suit — fake smiles and strained praises as they choke down your baked atrocities. You remain obliviously pleased, unaware of their suffering.
Over the next few weeks, the vegan baking experiments only seem to get worse and worse. The paddock has become a silent circle of culinary martyrs — all sworn to an unspoken code to preserve your feelings at all costs.
You proudly present a tray of charcoal-colored muffins that leave the entire garage coughing from the plume of burnt flour. “Tried a new recipe for dark chocolate avocado muffins!” You explain brightly.
“Can’t wait to dig in,” Lando is close to crying, his eyes already watering.
Charles has to bite back a laugh as Max takes a heroic bite, barely managing to keep it together. He pats the Dutchman on the back firmly as the poor guy fights back a gag reflex.
“Two more words about her baking and you’ll be racing with three wheels next season,” he warns Carlos in a low mutter after witnessing the Spaniard nearly vomit up a slice of your “moist” vegan zucchini bread.
The sheer willpower it takes for the entire crew to maintain the facade is almost impressive. Technique and strategy meetings have now become immense displays of unspoken fortitude — everyone driven by the simple goal of not letting you catch on that your baked goods are, in fact, completely inedible.
Charles has started bringing backup protein bars and shakes to every race just to make sure nobody accidentally lapses into baked good-induced delirium.
He really has no idea how much longer this can possibly be sustained. But he also has no idea how to safely extract the situation without demolishing your passion and self-confidence in the process.
For now, his main objective is to ensure your bright smile and cheerfulness remain unchanged — no matter how many mouths he has to personally silence to make that happen.
At the end of the day, having you by his side, radiating that infectious joy and following your heart’s desire, is worth enduring all the subpar vegan muffins in the world.
He’ll take a bite of your latest abomination with an adoring grin, because that’s what partners who truly love each other do — they support each other through the good, the bad, and the burnt-to-a-crisp.
It’s the start of a new season, and Charles has been racking his brain for a solution to the ongoing baking saga. As much as he loves indulging your passion, the charade is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain. The entire paddock is at their wits’ end trying to choke down your vegan torture devices week after week.
That’s when he has an idea — one he hopes will be a win-win for everyone involved.
“Surprise!” He says with an excited grin, presenting you with the envelopes. “I got us signed up for this baking course. I thought it could be fun for us to take some classes together!”
You’re beaming as you throw your arms around his neck. “That’s such a thoughtful idea! I would love nothing more.”
Of course, Charles being Charles is hardly fully forthright about his motivations. “To be honest, I’m the one who really needs the help,” he fibs sheepishly. “We all know I’m a disaster in the kitchen. But with your talents guiding me, maybe there’s hope!”
Over the next few weeks, you and Charles diligently show up for your baking classes. The instructor walks you through fundamentals like properly measuring ingredients, controlling oven temperatures, and mastering technical skills. Slowly but surely, your creations start emerging looking (and smelling) better and better.
One evening, you return home with a fresh tray of beautifully baked chocolate chip cookies — the first delicacy you’ve felt confident enough to bake since the lessons. You present them to Charles with bated breath.
He takes one tentative bite, his eyes widening in surprise. These are actually ... edible! More than edible — they are legitimately delicious! The dough-to-chip ratio is perfect, the texture is chewy but not dry or crumbly. He quickly stuffs two more into his mouth with an appreciative moan.
“Ma belle … these are incredible!” He gasps out between bites.
You clap your hands over your mouth, eyes shining with glee. “Oh my gosh, you really think so? I was so nervous!”
“Are you kidding? I could eat this entire tray all by myself!”
The two of you dissolve into celebratory laughter and hugs, the sweet taste of success quite literally on your tongues.
“I think it’s time for the real taste test,” you declare one day, rolling up your sleeves as you start prepping an array of fresh baked goods. “We’re taking these bad boys to the paddock!”
The next race weekend, you stride in carrying bakery boxes of your fresh chocolate chip cookies as well as some decadent fudge brownies.
“Fresh out of the oven!” You announce proudly, setting them down with a bright grin. “Who’s hungry?”
For a long beat, nobody moves. The drivers exchange wary glances, their self-preservation instincts kicking in as they recall the many baking debacles of the past. Lando bravely reaches for a brownie first, his face scrunched up preemptively-
Only to blink in surprise as the rich, fudgy flavor hits his taste buds. His eyes widen comically as he takes another bite. “Bloody hell ... this is actually good!”
The words seem to shatter the suspended tension. Soon the entire paddock is swarming the trays, devouring the fresh baked goods with delight. Charles watches on in disbelief, his own taste buds experiencing flavors he didn’t even know were possible from your former creations.
He sees Max take a bite of one of the cookies, freezing in place as his eyes slip closed with an expression of pure bliss. When they open again, Charles is alarmed to see they’re glistening with unshed tears.
The Dutchman wordlessly holds up the cookie, gazing at Charles reverently as a lone tear trails down his cheek. Then, to everyone’s astonishment, he brings the baked good to his lips and takes another sensual bite, savoring it like it’s the first good thing he’s ever tasted.
From then on, it’s like a switch has been flipped. The paddock that once dreaded your baking now seemingly can’t get enough of it. Every race weekend, they await your fresh creations with unrestrained enthusiasm, like kids on a sugar bender.
Charles has lost count of how many times he’s caught drivers and crew sneaking off to wherever you’re prepping the latest batch, nostrils flaring as they try to scout out that heavenly aroma.
It’s gotten to the point where Max’s performance coach has had to implement strict rules about his treat consumption to prevent indulgences from derailing his season.
“Easy there, Max!” Rupert calls in a booming tone, swooping in to physically restrain the Dutchman as he makes a mad dash toward where you’re unpacking that week’s fresh delivery. “You know you have a limit on those.”
Max strains against his performance coach’s grip, eyes zeroing in on the platter of goodies being unloaded with unrestrained longing. “I don’t care, she brought triple chocolate cookie dough brownies this time! Let me go!”
Rupert grunts in exertion, struggling to keep his driver in check. “This is for your own good! Think of your diet!”
“That’s irrelevant!” Max practically snarls, pupils blown wide like an addict suffering from withdrawals. “Do you have any idea how long I waited to have real baked goods again?”
It’s a battle of wills and metabolism that quickly becomes a weekly sight. Charles can’t help but chuckle fondly as he watches Max and Rupert’s familiar tug-of-war happen like clockwork every Sunday.
As much as he’d love to intervene, he knows better than to come between Max and your heavenly baked creations. He’s just thrilled that this baking journey took such a delicious turn — both for your invigorated culinary passion and for the safety of everyone’s tastebuds.
Honestly, he’ll take the sight of a feverish Max drooling over freshly baked goods any day over having to choke down burnt muffins and brittle biscuits. This is the sweet upgrade everyone had been dreaming about.
The true recipe for happiness was sticking by each other’s side through all those halfbaked stumbles.
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slvttyplum · 7 months
can i eat you? wait.| satoru gojo
synopsis: satoru being down bad.
“hey…” satoru whispers in your ear, his breath tickling you. you lightly push his chest back rubbing your ear grinning.
“yes?” you say packing a binder into your bag, as satoru leans against the dresser with a smirk on his face.
“you know… i haven’t had breakfast.” he says clearing his throat shortly after. your eyes dart to him then back at your bag, swinging it over your body.
“yeah? go eat then.” you say with a deadpan expression plastered across your face. you didn’t know what game he was playing at, but it was way too early.
he pouts crossing his arms across his chest, he looks to the ceiling then back at you.
“i was hoping you could feed me.” he’s continuing to throw hints, hoping you’ll catch them, he isn’t going to stop until you do.
you begin walking out the shared bedroom, with him following closely behind, you snake around the corner into the kitchen reaching in the fruit basket.
“well that’s too damn bad.” you say pulling out a plum, you walk over to the sink turning on the faucet.
he pouts again throwing his head back, he hated when you acted like this.
“please.” he says almost giving up, but not completely, he’s almost there.
you turn your head grinning at his cute pout then back back to the sink turning off the water.
taking a bite out of the plum you walk closer to him patting his chest, “i gotta go, meet me on 48th street after work.”
satoru’s mouth hangs open, he’s trying to find words to say but he’s stuck, wait you can’t go yet!
“let me eat your pussy.” he blurts out.
you spit out your plum in surprise as it lands on his face, wow.
he squints his eyes slowly bringing his hand to his face sliding off the bits of chewed up plum.
you laugh sliding your hand off his chest, your eyes scanning down to your watch.
“shit!” you say stuffing the rest of the plum halfway into your mouth, pushing past him, running to the front door.
satoru tries to grab you but your already slipping on your shoes near the entrance.
“please, i promise i’ll be quick, i… i’ll do the house chores and cook all week, please just let me taste you!!” he pleads, practically on the verge of crying, his hands clasping together in a begging motion.
you roll your eyes slipping on your other shoe, taking another bite out of the plum, and sliding the house keys out your pocket.
“no. make sure you lock the door this time. love ya.” and with that you walk out the house.
he never did get to taste you that morning, yearning for that sweet sweet nectar resting on his top lip all day.
what a drag.
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aurorawritestoescape · 5 months
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Pairing: step uncle Joel Miller x f!reader x stepdad Tommy Miller
Summary: your step uncle Joel visits you in your bedroom and then you have a chat with your stepdad Tommy.
Tw: +18, mdni, smut, step-cest, big age gap (reader is 22, Joel and Tommy are in their late and mid-40s), everyone is still horrible, perv!Joel, dark!Joel, dark!reader, darkish!Tommy, slight somno, m/f!masturbation, fingering, cum eating, degradation, tiny bit of praise kink, daddy kink, blackmail, that chin caress but make it filthy, swearing
Word count: 3,5k
A/n: thank you for giving pt 1 such a warm welcome❤️ special thank you for your comments and rbs- your kind words mean the world to me🫶 I hope you’ll like this one!😘
Series masterlist || Part I || MASTERLIST
You wake up feeling a hand on the back of your thigh. You’re lying on your stomach, legs tangled in the blanket. The hand slides down, caresses the back of your knee, then trails up your thigh again, reaching your ass. You feel strong fingers squeeze your ass cheek over your skirt. Still half asleep you imagine a faceless man lying on top of you and piercing you with his cock. You bite your lower lip, while bliss and arousal are spreading all over your body. In your mind the stranger turns into your stepdad and you slightly push your ass out into the hand with a soft moan.
“Naughty girl,” you hear a gruff voice and immediately open your eyes and turn on your back. Your heart is ready to pop out of your chest when you see Joel, your step uncle, sitting on the bed next to you and watching you.
He’s wearing a tight-fitting gray henley and dark blue jeans. His muscles are bulging under the sleeves and a lot of his chest is showing. He looks annoyingly hot.
“The hell are you doing here?" you rasp, covering your thighs with the blanket and straightening your top. You remember you don't have any panties on and squirm under Joel's intent stare.
"Just checkin' on you. Wanted to make sure you got home safely yesterday," he says as his gaze slides over every exposed inch of your body.
"Cut the crap, Joel. I felt you groping me in my sleep," you grumble furrowing your brows at him, "I know you're a scumbag but you still manage to surprise me."
He smiles at you, his eyes dark and icy, "Don't act like a fucking prude all of a sudden, angel. Tommy told me how big of a slut you were."
"Oh, so now you're gonna lecture me on the importance of celibacy or something?" you giggle rubbing your sleepy eyes.
"Not before I fuck you, sweetheart," he replies and the air in the room gets heavy.
You don’t wanna laugh anymore, your pussy tingles and you squeeze your thighs together. Joel notices the movement under the blanket and smirks,
“Need something, angel? Maybe this?” he turns away from you and reaches for something on the bed. When he faces you again you see your vibrator in his hand.
“Give it to me, Joel,” you stretch your arm and open your hand waiting.
“Is it better than a real man?” Joel asks, leaving your words without attention.
“Less annoying for sure.”
“You think of your stepdad when you torture your clit with this?” his gaze pierces you as he’s rubbing the toy with his thumb.
“Fuck off, Joel,” you spit out at him and he smiles, the emotion not reaching his eyes. “Where’s he by the way? Tommy,” you ask, chewing on your lower lip.
“Don’t know. Haven’t seen him since yesterday. You scared him shitless with your ‘yes, daddy’, ‘bye, daddy,’” Joel makes his voice higher, imitating you and you roll your eyes, “he left the bar soon after you. Probably fucked his fist at Walmart’s parking lot, poor guy.”
Joel laughs and you smile dreamily imagining Tommy jacking off to the thought of you. The imagery makes you space out for a moment until you hear Joel’s murmur, “Thinking of daddy’s cock, angel?”
You scoff and bite back, “What about you, old man? You got all riled up too yesterday. Were drooling like a hungry dog all over me.”
“Come on, sweetheart, you can’t blame me, when all your skirts look more like belts,” he returns his gaze to the part of your legs not covered by the blanket and licks his lower lip.
You can’t help but glance at your toy in his big hands. What if he uses it on you? Just this thought makes your core warm and tingly.
“Can I have it?” You sit up reaching for the vibe but he pulls his hand away and you grab air instead. Your chest is pressed to his shoulder now and the mixture of his cologne and sweat makes you gush. Your desire blooms and gets overwhelming.
His gaze slides from your eyes to your lips and chest. You glance down noticing your perked up nipples visible under the top and look back at him not hiding away,
“Like what you see, Joel? How about you show me what a real man can do for me?” you purr while your hand snakes to his thigh and trails up closer to his bulge. He grunts and pushes you back down on the bed with his hand splayed on your chest.
He tosses your toy away. “Open up, angel,” he says with a calm yet stern tone. You hesitate for a second, your heart is pounding, and he raises his brows as a signal to hurry up.
You pull away the blanket and slowly bend the leg that’s further from him. Your skirt slides off your thighs and he takes a deep breath when he sees your wet folds.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he grunts reaching for his belt. He unbuckles it with one hand and unzips his jeans. Your eyes follow his every move, hungry and desperate for anything this perv gives you. He tugs down his boxers and lets the band stay under his big balls.
You see his cock as he takes it out and you grunt through your teeth realizing that you’re fucked. Whatever power he’s had over you by now triples when you see what he’s packing. His cock is thick and long, more gorgeous than anything you’ve seen, both in real life and in porn. Two thick veins on the shaft are calling for your tongue. You desperately want to trace them and take that angry fat head to the deepest part of your throat. You want his cock in every hole you possess.
You lock eyes with him and see him smiling proudly,
“Like what you see, angel?”
Holding his dick in his big veiny hand Joel looks back at your desperate pussy and his warm palm glides up your thigh. He pushes your skirt completely out of the way and grazes your shiny seam with his knuckles. You feel a slight pressure on your clit and take a shaky breath.
“Pretty pussy,” he mumbles, “not the prettiest I’ve seen but she’ll do.”
“Asshole,” you whimper watching his thumb and index finger spread your folds.
Joel whistles. “Have you been this wet the whole time? Dripping on the sheets and talking to me? Naughty girl.”
His cock is fully hard now and he’s slowly stroking it. The sight of it along with his gentle touches send a new surge of arousal to your center and your wetness beads at your entrance and slides down toward your asshole.
Joel catches it with his thumb and brings it to your clit before gently rubbing it.
“Fuck, you’re such a slut, letting your uncle do this to you,” he murmurs pleasuring you and himself.
“Step.. uncle,” you moan, fluttering your eyes shut and arching your back.
The degradation, the depravity of what you two are doing make your pussy clench around nothing over and over and you open your blown eyes desperately looking at his weeping cock.
He notices your hunger and asks motioning to his member, “Want it, angel?”
You nod but it’s not enough for him.
“Say - ‘please, give me your cock, uncle.”
You whine scrunching your nose and his hand leaves your pussy and rests on your belly.
“You’re not my uncle,” you whine, bucking your hips in search of his hand.
“Let’s try again. ‘Please, give me your cock, uncle’.”
Not being able to contain yourself any longer you repeat it through gritted teeth and he tuts, “that’s not how good girls ask. I know you’re far from that title but you can act like one. I saw you do it in front of Tommy. Was cute.” While he’s talking to you his palm is rubbing your mound making you squirm while your pussy’s throbbing for him.
“You’re disgusting.”
He chuckles, torturing you without shame.
You look up at the ceiling feeling anger boiling up in your gut, but your pussy aches more and more and you want him inside you so badly you might cry.
“Give me your cock, uncle, please”, you mewl and his mouth twists into a smirk, your humiliation creates wrinkles around his eyes.
“Good girl,” he praises you sarcastically and leans down to your face. You put your palms on his biceps and he kisses the tip of your nose. His facial hair tickles you, his breath smells of cigarettes and beer.
“I’ll give you my cock when you keep your end of the deal, little slut. And after I’m done with you, ya gonna be so desperate for more, you’ll drag your cute ass to Austin following me like a stray dog.”
You wince ready to snap back at him but suddenly he grabs your pussy and pushes a thick finger into your hole. You gasp and lift your hips into his hand with a whimper.
Joel starts pushing his digit in and out of you, quickly adding the second one and your soaked pussy squelches with every pump of his hand.
“Listen to this sloppy cunt. She wants a nice juicy cock. Or maybe two cocks, angel? Will you take mine and my brother’s dick at the same time?”
You mewl as the image of your stepdad and step uncle ruining your pussy flashes in your mind. The third finger slides in and Joel sits up watching the pleasure twist your face and ripple through your body. Then he starts shaking his hand pushing on the spongy spot inside you with the pads of his fingers as the heel of his palm is hitting your clit at the same time. Your whole body is shaking and a loud moan leaves your lips. He quiets you, covering your mouth with his big hand,
“Shhh, angel…, you’ll scream for me but not today..need you to be quiet…or your daddy will get jealous.”
His words tip you over the edge and you cry into his hot palm, sound muffled and desperate. He’s fucking his fingers into you while you shiver and tremble clumping around his thick digits.
“Yeah, just like that, my little slut,” he whispers, talking you through your high and drinking in your ecstasy.
When your climax subsides, his hands leave your mouth and pussy and not granting you a respite he grabs you by the arm and pulls you up.
You stand up on weak legs and Joel slides his hand through your wet folds. You whine with overstimulation while he gathers your creamy cum. He spreads it over his cock and pushes you to your knees.
You kneel between his thighs, ready to please him and give him the sloppiest head. His throbbing cock is bobbing in front of your face and your hand darts to take it from him but he slaps it away groaning, “Hands off, slut. You don’t deserve it yet. Show me your tits.”
Your anger rises up again and you glare up at him sitting back on your heels. No one has ever said ‘no’ to a dick sucking from you. You still follow his command, yanking your top down and exposing your breasts. “Good girl,” he praises you, starting vigorously pumping his cock and panting heavily, “Gonna come on your pretty face. Want my cum, angel?”
“Yes,” you mumble, mesmerized by his fingers gliding along the thick shaft and over the tip.
“‘course you do, cock hungry slut!” he hisses, grabbing you by the back of your neck and pulling your face closer to his length.
It takes a few more strokes and he curses and begins shooting the ropes of cum over your mouth, nose, chin and cheeks. You lick the bitter liquid off your lips staring up into his half lidded eyes.
When he stops coming he doesn’t let go of your hair. Still holding you close between his legs Joel starts spreading his cum all over your face. You take a sharp breath and close your eyes hastily as his hand covers every inch of your skin with his milky spend.
“Joel,” is the only thing you could utter, and the humiliation makes your pussy tingle again.
You carefully flutter your eyes open as his index finger and thumb slide down your jaw, caressing your chin. “Much better” he comments, looking down at you with a smirk. Then he wipes his hand on your bedsheet and gets up. You’re watching with your mouth agape as he tucks his cock back into his jeans, pats your head and leaves your bedroom.
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Tommy..” Tomorrow morning my ass! You curse yourself inwardly for telling Tommy that you’d see him the next day wearing his favorite pjs. Of course the fucking weasel left the house as soon as he could to avoid meeting you.
You were so excited to inform him that he would get to fuck his hot stepdaughter and now you’re in the house all alone. Joel left as soon as he came all over your face and your mom is out too probably with Tommy.
Jealousy and anger are eating you alive, you hate them and yourself. On top of everything you are horny. You replay the images of Joel’s hand on your pussy, his fingers stretching your little hole over and over again. You watch a couple of stepcest porn videos imagining Tommy and Joel in place of the actors, listen to the bar recording and come a few times on the couch in the living room - on Tommy’s favourite spot. You don’t clean your creamy slick off the couch after yourself, wishing he’ll notice it.
The sun sets and it gets dark but you don’t turn the lights on in your room. You're lying on your bed, waiting for Tommy to return. You nearly fall asleep a few times but you’ve decided to talk to him today so you slap your cheek to wake yourself up and continue waiting.
Just around midnight you hear a car driving up the street. You glance out of the window and see Tommy's car pulling up the driveway. Excitement and anticipation make your stomach flutter but the happy moment blows out like a balloon when you see your mom getting out of the car as well.
Disappointment twists your face shifting into rage and you grind your teeth.
They enter the house and you hear Jess laughing loudly. “Drunk bitch,” you think and jealousy returns in full force.
They go upstairs and head to the master bedroom. You hear nothing for a while and then the sound of a shower starting. You sneak up to the bedroom and peek through the door.
Tommy’s standing at the foot of the bed taking his shirt off, revealing a white tee underneath which is strained by his broad shoulders and muscular back. His arms look massive as he’s been working out a lot recently. His butt also looks perfect in his dark sweatpants. You drive away your horny thoughts and decide to act while your mom is taking a shower.
You walk into the room, your steps muffled by the carpet and glance at the closed bathroom door.
Knowing Jess you have 15-20 min. You come up to Tommy from behind and snake your hands around his big torso.
“Out already?” He asks, apparently mistaking you for his wife and you smile when he lets you hug him. You nuzzle your face against his nape breathing in the piney scent of his soft hair.
Tommy puts his hands over your forearms and only then realizes his mistake. He turns around rapidly, pushing you away.
“Fuck! What’re you doing?” he hisses as his eyes dart nervously between your face and the bathroom door.
“We need to talk, daddy. Been waiting for you all day,” you pout fumbling with the hem of your silky pj shorts. The ones he likes.
“The hell you’re calling me daddy for?” he asks and shakes his head. “I can’t. We shouldn’t,” he mumbles hurriedly, “let’s talk tomorrow, ok?” He grabs your arm and tries to lead you to the door but you plant your feet on the floor and don’t barge.
Instead you pull him closer to you by the hem of his shirt and open your hand showing him an earbud.
“Sit for a second and listen to this,” you motion to the bed with a warm smile, “please, It won’t take long.” He's glaring down at you, his lips pressed in a tight line.
Slow so as not to spook him you raise your hand to his head and put in the earbud. Still clutching his tee with one hand you take your phone out of your hoodie and play a recording. The recording.
The moment it starts playing his expression changes. His eyes get wide, plush lips part. You drink in his fear and gush seeing him listen to the filthy things he said about you. His eyes are looking through you, concentrated on the dialogue in his ear.
Suddenly his hand darts to your phone, and he commands, “Give it to me!” You’ve expected it so you hide the phone behind your back but he’s reaching for it pushing you with his torso and making you stumble backwards. Your back hits the dresser and his hand clasps your wrist, his face inches from yours, “Give me the phone!”
You look up at him with defiance and say, “Even if you delete it off my phone, it’s in the cloud, daddy!”
You know well that these old men know nothing about the cloud and you see with satisfaction the way his face falls.
You’re enjoying yourself too much. He’s crowding you against the dresser practically hugging you into his strong body. His size, his strength, his scent overtake any sense you have and you buck your hips into him with a whimper. You feel a hard shape of his cock against your lower belly and your heart sings at the realization you’ve given it to him. As if burnt Tommy pulls away from you, his fury replaced by fear. You take a deep breath collecting yourself as you don’t have much time.
“Relax. Take a seat,” you coo, stepping up to him and pulling the earbud out. You push him towards the bed and he obediently sits on its edge, eyes downcast.
You use his shock as a distraction and stand between his knees. Then you carefully perch your ass on his thigh and wrap your arm around his neck, placing the other on his chest. He glances up at you, asking quietly, “what do you want to do with it?”
You feel his stiff length with the side of your thigh, and purr smiling, “it’s a great audio, right? I listened to it twice yesterday. First time live in the bar bathroom…and then again later on my big pink bed. I came so hard listening to you talk about my tight pussy…” you nuzzle his cheek and he flinches but doesn’t push you away. His mustache tickles your face and you giggle.
You bring your lips to his ear and whisper, “I want it too, daddy. I need a real man. And those silly boys…they can’t give me what I want.” Your lips graze the shell of his ear and he shudders. He puts his hand on your naked thigh and for a moment you’re scared he’s going to push you off his lap but instead he gives it a light squeeze.
You're soaking your shorts and probably his sweatpants and moan into his ear, “I…I wanna be loved, Tommy. And I feel loved only sitting on a nice fat cock. You have a perfect one, daddy. And you’re so caring and sweet. Fuck me and I’ll delete your confession. Mom will never know how much you want this,” you look down and he drops his head as well watching your fingers move your shorts to the side exposing your wet pussy. Tommy breathes in sharply and curses. You slide your middle finger between your folds and swirl it around your pulsing clit as the other hand clasps his shoulder, “Just a sneak peek, daddy,” you whimper softly. “And a little taste,” you add, leaving your aching pussy and raising your hand. You show him your middle finger, shiny with your slick and bring it closer to his lips.
Tommy looks at it, eyes dark and hungry under the furrowed brows, glances up at you and mumbles, “you’re sick.”
You shrug your shoulders not putting the finger away. You wait. A gasp leaves your parted mouth when he takes the tip of your finger between his lips and you feel his tongue dance around it licking off your juices. His cock twitches and pulses against your naked thigh and you squirm on his lap, desperate for any pressure.
With a sigh you remind yourself that your time is almost up so you pull your finger out, peck the corner of his mouth and whisper, “I’ll text you the details.” With that you get up, walk to the door and leave just in time before the water stops.
Thank you for reading!💖
Comments and reblogs will make me very happy!💕
Part III
General tag list: @nervousmumbling @harriedandharassed @bbyanarchist
Tag list for the series: @milla-frenchy @missannwinchester @koshkaj-blog @survivingandenduring @nana90azevedo @mermaidgirl30 @oldenoughtoknowbettersstuff @obscurexsorrows @tammythr @cherriescream
If you want to be tagged for this mini series or everything else of mine please let me know!❤️
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katsukiizmoon · 9 months
╰┈➤ ꒰🕸🍒 ┊IN THE CAR WASH | Katsuki Bakugou꒱
『♡』 18+, F!reader, handjob, blowjob, mild overstimulation, cum eating, established relationship, you put a finger in his ass 『♡』 aaah this was supposed to be a drabble in tumblr mobile but ended up being a little under 2k. Happy kinktober lmao. -> I was listening to this
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The car vibrates, music playing low in the background. Your hand under his as he rubs his thumb over your knuckles. You hum and chew your bottom lip. Cool air blasts through the AC and onto you, he makes a turn and slows down to stop for a red light.
You hit skip on a song and Katsuki frowns a little, turning his head to the side and sticking his tongue out at you. Studs in his ears glisten and his skin glows with the presence of the sunlight.The cycle has a while to go with another two sides set to turn green before yours. A thick hand squeezes your palm as the large man to your left taps his foot to the beat. His lips move slightly as he mimics the words near silently, merely hushed.  
Taking in the image in front of you, you sigh. The black compression shirt highlights every muscle he has. Perked nipples press against the fabric as if they’re begging to be put on display. Your eyes trail down his body for a moment, tongue flicking out to wet pretty lips. Something thick like honey starts to settle in your veins and slowly it begins to cloud your thoughts. 
You bring his hand up to your lips, kissing the back of it and setting it down near the gear shift. He doesn’t pay any mind to it, too preoccupied with watching traffic and listening to music. Nimble fingers slowly reach toward his thigh to slide over the fabric there. 
Katsuki’s tapping stops. His mind halts momentarily, carmine eyes glancing down, before he taps to the rhythm again. A horn blares in the distance and the AC is no match for the way his body is beginning to heat. The faint smell of caramel seeps into your senses and sets you on fire. It makes you bold, whispers little things to you. 
But Katsuki? His mind races and goes over every possibility on the planet of what you have planned. It settles on something innocent. You’re just wanting to rest your hand there, he thinks. 
He is wrong. 
Your fingers trail little circles over dark fabric in repetition, while moving closer to his inner thigh. The music changes and you feel the need to wet your lips again. Katsuki begins to get cotton mouth but he swallows spit down to soothe it.
Don’t blame me, love made me crazy, if it doesn’t you ain’t doing it right. 
Katsuki thanks his lucky stars that the light turns green with a fuzzy mind. The bottom of his shoe presses on the pedal and the car begins to speed up. He tries not to think too much about your movements. But he his only a man, who’s slowly being put into a trance. 
Lord save me, my drug is my baby. I’ll be using for the rest of my life. 
He swallows again and presses a button on the steering wheel, murmuring lowly to the slowed down song. The blonde beside you seems to be unaffected in your eyes. That just won’t do. He feels your fingers move upwards toward his clothed cock that’s beginning to chub in his pants and lets out a deep sigh. It goes on like that for a while, you brush your palm over him a couple times and feign innocence. And he just keeps driving, seeming unaffected despite your best efforts. 
You glance over at him, his jaw is set and eyes narrow. Tension makes the air thick like the hardening length beneath his belt. You look back at the road, then lean to the side and begin unbuckling his belt. That makes him freeze. His body feels like it’s on fire. 
God knows he’s at your mercy. Forced to drive while you’re toying with him, playing him like a fucking fiddle. He doesn’t even remember where he’s supposed to be going anymore, at some point he just kept driving without thinking. He lets out a slow breath to settle himself when you unzip his pants. 
“Babe.” Katsuki grits, only to hear an innocent hmm? Sound in return. 
He’s going to start leaking soon, cock straining against his boxers. And your start palming lightly at it like the little minx you are. He spots a massive car wash that appears vacant out of the corner of his eye and flicks on the blinker. 
Your hand’s started rubbing and palming at him through his boxers. The head of his cock smears precum on the inside of them, body covered in a thin sheen of sweat. His hand shakes while turning the AC on full blast, desperate for something to cool him off. Glancing at the mirror, he merges over a few lanes and turns into the car wash. 
When the car pulls in, you remove your hand and blink a little. Katsuki wordlessly grabs his wallet from the center console and shoves his card in, picking the most expensive and extensive wash he can. 
“I thought we were going home..” Your brows furrow, looking around a little. 
“Nope.” He pops the “p” and pulls in before putting the car in park and unbuckling his seat belt. His seat slides back a little to give him some leg room. Large sprayers begin to cover the car in foam and soap. The loud scrubbers going to work.
Katsuki tugs at the waistband of his boxers, setting his cock free. It springs up toward his tummy while slick substance dribbles from the tip of it. He gives it a little stroke as his head falls back, teeth digging into his plush bottom lip. His eyes are half lidded when he looks at you and grunts. 
“Get the fuck over here and suck.”  He reaches a hand under the side of his seat and leans the seat back a little more. You nod and unbuckle the seatbelt. 
Your fingers wrap around him and stroke in a wringing motion. His cock twitches in your hand and he pants. Heat spreads all over both of your bodies and the car wash is so loud you can only hear eachother. His breaths come out in short pants like he’s catching it. 
“Fuck, yeah, like that pretty.” His tanned jaw drops a little when your tongue lays flat against the head. 
You lap at the precum like it’s your favorite thing on the earth to taste. His fingers thread through your hair, tugging at the roots and pushing your head down. Katsuki resists every urge to buck up into your mouth the best he can despite the coil tightly winding in his tummy. But you’re doing so good.
Sucking him like a champ, slurping and making a mess. Spit dribbles down toward his balls but soaks into the waistband of  his boxers. And then you’re sinking down and humming, hand reaching down. He grabs at the side of the car door and braces himself. He can’t keep quiet, letting out long strings of groans and moans. The praise makes your pussy soak through your panties and you think about rubbing your clit for relief. 
��God, take it. Suck my cock, yeah, yeah, shit.” 
That’s all it takes to spur you on. You press a finger near his taint and watch his face scrunch. The car smells like his sweat and those stupid air refresher clips in the vents, leather seats becoming slippery from your fun. Your lips pop off him wetly and you look up to him with such pretty, doey eyes, that he almost cums then. His forearm veins peek out to play as the car door gets squeezed in a death grip. Your lips wrap around the head of his cock and you suck. Hard. Simultaneously you press the finger past the ring of muscle and up to a knuckle. Your hand strokes what you can’t fit in your mouth, trying to focus. 
And just like that the band snaps. Euphoria wracks his body and he fucks up into your mouth, head thrown back as he sings expletives and spills. It seeps from your lips, despite you trying to swallow it all down, but you use a tongue to swipe it up. 
“Oh god, god-” He whimpers out while riding out the high.
Katsuki feels like his entire body is strung high for a moment. His chest heaves and his fingers shake when you pull your mouth off him and give him a quick kiss.Your pussy is soaked and your clit throbs like it has a heartbeat of it own. Sweat has built at the back of his neck and his nipples stay perked. You glance at the lights in the carwash and see there’s still four other things left. Something about scent and bug shield— you don’t know, there’s suds of different colors all over the windows.
You swipe a thumb over his nipple while keeping a finger still in his ass. He whimpers at that and presses his lips into a thin line, gripping your arm so hard it might bruise if he squeezes any tighter. But you persist and stroke his cock with fever.
“I can’t, oh, god baby I can’t it’s-” Katsuki whines out and shakes. His voice goes up in pitch for a moment while desperately trying to hang on to his sanity. You tighten your fingers around him and start pressing the finger inside him upwards. 
His body spasms then goes completely still. Katsuki’s entire body is tight on a string, the only thing keeping him on this god forsaken earth being your pretty hands. Heaven wraps him up in a blanket and makes his chest wrack. Carmine eyes roll back, the hand that was once gripping your forearm now dragging nails down it. Your pussy clenches around nothing and the breath is knocked out of you in awe.
Hot white ropes spill all over your hand. You quickly move the finger out of his asshole and instead use it to anchor you on the seat while you suck the cum off of his cock. It twitches in your hand and mouth with sensitivity. You’re addicted to him, is reactions, his cum— like they’re a drug. 
Lust clouds your mind heavier than it possibly ever has when you look into his half lidded eyes. He’s swallowing your pretty little soul whole and making it a home, making it his. Cum dribbles off the corner of your lip and Katsuki leans forward to lick it off for you. 
His breathing slows and he tosses his head back with a breathy laugh. The car begins to be rinsed and you reach into the console for emergency wipes and toss one on his softening member. He cleans up with a wince and wipes some from your neck while you focus on your hands getting clean. 
“We should come here more.” Katsuki suggests wit a cheeky grin, brow raised and pants now buttoned again. 
“Absolutely. For now.. Let’s get home before I make you pay for another round and eat me out.” You buckle your seatbelt and roll your eyes with a snicker.
You look at him with a fire in your eyes and puffy lips. You grab his hand and kiss his knuckles again, this time linking your fingers together before he pulls out of the car wash and heads home.
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idyllicwillowtree · 4 months
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God Eddie, You're So In Love With Me.
Genre: Eddie Munson x Henderson!reader, fem!reader, angst/fluff, hurt/eventual comfort, friends to lovers
Summary: Being in Hellfire, you’ve been exposed to your fair share of bullying. One day, Jason takes it a step too far.
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: bullying, anaphylaxis, poisoning, no physical descriptions of Y/N so you don’t have to look like Dustin, reader wears makeup, reader uses she/her, reader has a peanut allergy, reader is called princess, swearing
Author’s note: I got this idea from an episode of Freaks and Geeks (which is an awesome show I totally recommend). Peanut allergies weren’t so common in the 80s so that’s why Jason is so ignorant and dismissive about it.
Sorry I haven’t written in a while, I was hibernating.
Main Masterlist
Part 1:
Eddie proudly sauntered into first period with his head held high and a smirk on his lips. His mouth was watering in anticipation. He plopped himself down in the seat next to yours, wide eyes and a wicked grin plastered on his face, an eager hand open towards you.
“Wow Eddie. It’s 7:29, you got here with a minute to spare,” you said as you leaned over to grab the bite size Laffy Taffy from your backpack to place in Eddie’s hand. “I think this candy reward system is really working.”
“Of course it worked, it was your idea after all. But today’s a special day, I was definitely not going to not be here,” Eddie said with too much energy for this early in the morning. He stuffed the yellow taffy into his mouth and chewed it like a happy 5 year old, wiggling in his seat with excitement.
“Are you talking about the photo?”
“Yeah! Hellfire finally gets a spot in the yearbook. We shall finally leave our mark on this cesspool we call a school,” Eddie said through the glob of candy in his mouth. He swallowed the treat harshly as he got a good look at you, “you look great by the way.”
“Yeah?” you said shyly, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. You started fiddling with the hem of your Hellfire shirt, “I thought I’d go with a bit more eyeliner today.” 
“Yeah, you did a great job princess.” With the excuse of admiring your eyeliner, Eddie was able to take a moment to study your features. Your gaze stayed on your hands, picking at a loose thread.
“God, Eddie. You’re so in love with me,” you said with a teasing smile. 
Eddie barked out a laugh, dimples on full display as he tried not to let your words affect him too seriously. 
“Great, the flirting freaks are back at it again.” Jason remarked from a few rows behind you. Both of you turned around in time to see Andy dramatically fake gagging.
Before you could hurl an insult back at them, Eddie took notice of what Jason was snacking on.
“Hey asshole, you can’t eat peanuts in class.”
“Yeah? And who’s gonna stop me, Munson? You?” Jason said through a full mouth, spitting out chunks as he laughed obnoxiously with Andy.
You simply rolled your eyes at Jason, annoyed with the jocks and their willingness to tease and fight so early in the morning.
Eddie’s grip tightened on the back of his chair. His white knuckles caught your eye and you reached out to sooth him, hoping he wouldn’t start a fight he couldn’t finish. The second your hand landed on his, the tension in his shoulders deflated and the fire in his eyes was snuffed out as he sent you a reassuring smile. 
Jason waved around his ziplock tauntingly, “Seriously freak, let’s see if you can actually take these from-”
“I’ll take those,” Mrs. O’Donnell said as she walked in behind Jason and snatched the bag. “Mr. Carver, you know you’re not allowed food in my class, let alone peanuts.”
“But coach said we have to protein-load before the game tonight,” Jason wined.
“Too bad. Some allergies can be very serious,” You shrunk in your seat as the other students turned to stare at you, knowing you were the one she was referring to. “You can get these back after class,” Mrs. O’Donnell said as she rounded the corner of her desk to address her students. “Now, everyone, please open your textbooks to chapter six.”
You, being the diligent student you were, immediately followed orders. Eddie on the other hand didn’t even remember to bring his book bag to school, but at least he got his candy. 
“I’m serious guys, I might have a crush on Mrs. O’Donnell now,” Eddie said to his bandmates as they sat in their unofficial assigned seats in the cafeteria.
“Just because an older female authority figure agreed with you and shut down Carver, doesn’t mean you should crush on your teacher dude,” Gareth said, shaking his head at the absurdity of it all.
“Besides, you already have a crush,” Jeff added with a teasing smile, the metal on his teeth catching the fluorescent lights.
“Are you guys talking about my sister?” Dustin said while throwing his lunch tray on the table, taking a seat next to Eddie. The rest of his sheep following close behind.
“Yes,” all three of the older Hellfire members said in unison.
Eddie shot them a look that would’ve shut them up if the metalhead’s pale cheeks weren’t tinted pink. 
“Gross,” Dustin added.
Mike’s brows did their signature furrow under his dark bangs, “I don’t get it, why doesn’t he just ask her out?” he said, purposefully ignoring Eddie’s presence at the table.
“GROSS,” Dustin repeated, hoping the subject would change. 
Eddie was right there with him, picking up a pretzel and hurling it at Mike’s head, “I’d rather not share the complexities of the friendship-to-relationship pipeline with a baby freshman. And I. Don’t. Like. Her.” He growled, punctuating each word with a pretzel.
The metalhead’s angry scowl melted off his face at the sound of your laugh echoing through the high ceilings of the cafeteria. You were standing near the entrance with your Wonder Woman lunchbox in tow, tilting your head back as you chuckled at something Robin Buckley told you. 
That was until Jason and his entourage of goons followed him in.
He had that damn bag of peanuts in his hand, swinging it around mockingly. Eddie watched as you became tense, eyes wide and glossy. You are practically hiding behind a fuming Robin.
Before the blonde could hurl her trumpet case at the jocks, Eddie stepped up behind you both, placing a ring clad hand gently on the small of your back to let you know he was there. 
With his hand grounding you, you finally found your voice, “seriously Jason, if I come into contact with a peanut I could die.”
“Oh come on,” Jason said through a chuckle, “you’re that much of a freak that a little peanut is enough to kill you? I think you might be overreacting just a little.”
“Actually,” Dustin said as he came over to stand next to Eddie, “Anaphylaxis is incredibly dangerous. Allergic reactions to the proteins found in peanuts are cause by immunoglobulin E antibodies and can trigger severe inflammation and-”
“Dude, even her brother is a fucking dork,” Andy spat.
“Hey, don't talk to him like that,” Eddie said, stepping forward. You have always admired his fierce determination when defending your brother and the other freshmen. It’s part of what drew you to him in the first place. But this time there was no snarky comeback to Jason’s bullying. The severity of the situation on top of the jocks’ disregard for your safety was just pissing him off, making him uncharacteristically no-nonsense. 
The group of letterman jackets erupted in a chorus of ‘oooohs’. The leader just licked his lips, eyeing Eddie before smirking at you.
"You know, you might be pretty if you actually tried." 
It doesn’t have the effect on you that Jason had hoped, you could care less if he thought you were pretty. But before your athletically inexperienced friends could take on the basketball team, you plastered on your best fake smile. 
“Thanks Jason, see you guys later,” you said as you pulled your friends away leaving him confused and unsatisfied by your reaction.
“What the hell, you’re just going to let him talk to you like that?” your brother protested.
“He’s never going to change, Dustin. I might as well play into it since he’s just trying to get a rise out of us.”
You wave bye to Robin as she went to sit with her band friends, all of them decked out in their extravagant green and yellow uniforms. Eddie slid Dustin’s tray away from the spot next to him so you could set your lunchbox there and sit at his left hand side. Dustin was muttering something about losing his seat but still scooched down, knowing there was no use in fighting it. Eddie always had you right next to him.
The next few minutes of lunch went by rather smoothly. Groups of students were taken out sporadically to go to the photo room and get their yearbook club photo taken with Nancy. Occasionally, you’d catch Jason sending you angry glares but you just ignored him in favor of listening to your fellow Hellfire members. They were rambunctiously throwing out theories about tonight's campaign while Eddie just sat there with his version of a poker face, not willing to spoil anything with a teasing grin plastered to his mouth.
His eyes connected with yours, feeling you staring at him. The moment he looked at you you bashfully lowered your eyes to the cup of applesauce you were stirring around. Eddie kept his gaze on you until Nancy walked up behind him.
“Alright Hellfire, you’re up,” Nancy said with a smile. 
This was the first year Hellfire club was getting any sort of recognition in the yearbook. Previously, the teachers and students didn’t want to draw any more eyes to the alleged cult and their leader. Now that Nancy worked for the school, she played a big part in securing a photo for her brother’s club in the yearbook. Even though Eddie never liked conforming to frivolous High School expectations, he still felt honored. It was his last year after all (hopefully) and he wanted to make his mark.
You and the rest of the Hellfire members left your things at the lunch table and walked out of the cafeteria for the yearbook room down the hall. Your open applesauce was forgotten about as you followed Eddie out.
Your shoulders were still buzzing after taking the photo. Eddie had thrown his leather clad arm around you, pulling you closer to him, while his other hand did the sign of the horns. The smell of his cologne and the texture of his battle vest overwhelmed you so much you hoped it didn’t show in the photo. Although, the smirk Nancy sent you tells you it might have.
You and the rest of Hellfire sat back down in your original seats, besides your leader. As expected, Eddie had a lot of things to say in honor of your club getting recognized so he opted to stay standing.
“Hear ye, hear ye! Rejoice, for this day shall be etched in the annals of history as a testament to our unwavering spirit and valor!”
Going back to your lunch, you scoop up the velvety applesauce to resume eating. Expecting the familiar taste of sweet and tart, you flinched at the salty crunch and swallowed it on instinct. 
“Let it be known that we have weathered the raging storm of schoolyard bullies, and emerged victorious! Our banners flying high, unfurled in the winds of destiny,” Eddie continued, not noticing your trepidation.
You frowned at the tickle in your throat that only continued to build as you tried coughing discreetly. The rest of the boys grinned, believing this was your way of hinting at Eddie to wrap up his speech.
“Let us raise our voices in jubilation, for today, we have proven that nothing is insurmountable to those who believe in their cause!” Eddie looked to you, hoping to see you looking up at him and smiling that way you do whenever he uses his renaissance voice. Instead he met your panicked eyes.
“Hey Henderson,” Jason called from across the cafeteria. “What happens now? Should we call an ambulance?” Andy shoved at his shoulder playfully and chortled alongside Jason.
Panic gripped you as you connected the dots.
“Yeah,” you wheezed, “call an ambulance.”
Part 2
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rizsu · 1 year
euphoria ? suna rintarō.
sum. labeled, but sfw. arguments, suna cries, angst -> comfort.
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rintarō isn't one to let his anger dominate him; rather, he tries his best to keep his emotions at bay. however, there's only so much someone can take before exploding. high octaves of a once calm voice bounces off the walls, it takes both by shock. rintarō stops, his eyes bulging when he realizes what happened.
fuck, he thinks. he didn't mean to. swallowing the burning sensation of guilt, he steps forward. countless apologies flow from his lips, clammy hands trying to reach you in attempts of a hug. you're still shocked. numb to your feet, your mind replays the scene. it hurts. it really hurts. you didn't mean for it to turn out like this.
from a simple worry to nagging to spitting out meaningless words of anger. it never meant to escalate like that; nothing was supposed to turn the way it did. hurt, anger, jealousy, and sadness. he knew your words came from concern, but he was already irritated—annoyed in a way that he just wanted to be locked in a quiet room. both parties letting their words go before logic; nothing was meant to turn this way.
“i think...i think i'll go upstairs. please don't come.” y/n mumbled, pain evident in her voice. as your figure ascends into the upper floor, rintarō slouches back into the couch. a heavy sigh fills the room; regret and guilt seeps into his pores, eating him alive.
i'm a fucking ass, he thinks again.
rintarō laughs. he drags his palms over his face, stopping at his eyes before he laughs again. it's funny, really. did he really have to lash out like that? rintarō promised he'll never hurt you. he'd never ever hurt you, but can that promise still hold meaning even after this? physically, he didn't. mentally and internally? the tremble of your voice said more than enough.
the more his mind repeats what happened like a broken record, the more tears well up in his eyes. they threaten him. they laugh at him. the salty liquid mocks him—it's almost as if it's saying, “ha! you're an idiot!” 
he swallows hard, trying so hard not to let his voice be heard. he doesn't want to cry but fuck, it hurts so much. when the dam swells until it bursts, floods occur. and so he let it go. the tears race down the sides of his face. he covers his mouth with one hand, biting hard in attempts not to make a sound.
it's been a few hours. each in their own space, trying to soften the pain that invited itself. no one tried speaking to another—the fight lingers fresh in both minds. rintarō's on the edge; he's itching to be in your presence. to hold you. to kiss you. 
five minutes turn into ten, which turned into twenty, and he's still there. still behind the door that separates him from you, hesitating to turn the knob. his hand shakes—he's nervous..? anxious? afraid you'd ask him to leave you alone? hell, he doesn't know.
rintarō didn't know he was in his head until the door opened on your side. he gapes at you, eyes searching for something.
“rin—” you start but he continued, “i'm sorry.”
he notes the confusion riddled on your face but he continues on.
“i'm sorry, love.” he says, hands holding yours as he looks down biting his lips. he's ashamed to face you.
“rintarō,” you tighten your grip on his hand, “let's sit down.” you instruct and he obeys, chewing on his bottom lip as a distraction.
rintarō's eyes linger on you. he observes your face, your behaviour, your tired eyes that show clear evidence of countless hours of crying. his heart hurts. he never thought he'd be the reason you're crying tears of sadness. never did he ever want to make you cry like that.
“you've been crying.”
“yeah, you too huh? i'm sorry, rin.”
at your apology he freezes. you're sorry? why are you apologizing? he's the one who lost control so why the fuck are you apologizing?
rintarō laughs again. he's been acting like a real fool hasn't he? having a wife who apologises for her husband's inconsiderate actions.
“don't. don't do that. don't apologise.”
“please,” he begged. pushing you both down onto the bed, rintarō holds you above him. one arm wrapped tightly around your waist while the other rubs your shoulder, he continues his speech, “i didn't mean to—i didn't mean to yell like that. i don't know what i'd do if you left.”
you play with the hem of his shirt waiting for him to finish.
he let out a ragged breath before continuing, “i don't like it when you're hurt. this is gonna sound corny but i hate it when you cry too.”
you wait again but he doesn't continue like before. confused you look up at him only to furrow your eyebrows while your eyes wash over with concern. is he trying to not cry? you think.
yeah, he's crying again. small droplets trickle down his face once more as he sucks in his cheeks trying to not make a sound.
“rin.” he doesn't answer.
“suna rin.” he hums quietly but it's not the answer you want.
“suna rintarō.” there, he answers.
your heart shreds. hearing his voice like this was as rare as a red moon; you hate it. you hate how he never allows himself to cry. he's human isn't he? so why's he acting as though he's a machine.
you sit up on his lower half, cupping his face forcing him to look at you.
“we both did our wrongs so why are you behaving like you committed a first degree crime?” you ask though you aren't looking for an answer.
he stays quiet. eyes lost deep in yours as he waits for your words again.
“yes it did hurt, but that doesn't mean i'll throw away your love doesn't it? i know better than to divorce you for this argument, rin. we've been together for years.”
your fingers start to caress his cheek—some even tracing his face's outline. rintarō's hands find refuge on your waist, he holds and plays with your skin.
“i love you, rin. i'll tell you over and over until you know it.”
“i know.”
“then act like you know, boy.”
he laughs for the fifth time today, but it's no longer a laugh of disbelief, no. it's a laugh of joy. it's a breathy laugh that makes his eyes crinkle.
he sits up, pulling you into a hug as he lowers his head into the junction of your neck and shoulders. a smile finally dawns both faces.
after long hours anger says goodbye as love enters the house. what a day, you both think.
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dyeher · 5 months
“Gentlemen,” Mikey says.
His voice doesn’t rise above its regular volume but the single word is enough to quiet the room of executives settled around the conference table.
He's standing at one end, a hand in the pocket of his slacks, the other tapping a random rhythm into the mahogany surface of the table as he regards his...what did you say these men were to him?
They're your friends Mikey.
His friends. Right.
He eyes Ran Haitani who balances on the back legs of the chair he's sitting on precariously. His loafer-clad feet crossed at the ankles on the table. Next to him, his brother sighs deeply, his thumb and forefinger massaging circles into the bridge of his nose.
Opposite them, Kokonoi and Kakucho appear deceptively calm. Kokonoi is chewing diligently on a piece of gum. His attempt at quitting cigarettes. Kakucho has one arm slung along the back of Koko's chair, his legs spread as he slouches in his chair. His eyes are closed, his head tipped back against the headrest. If Mikey didn't know better he'd think Kakucho was recovering from a night out drinking.
Of course, the truth is much wilder than Kakucho spending a night on the town.
Takeomi is absent. Naturally. Sanzu is sprawled in his own chair at the other end of the table. His guns are on the table as he shines his katana.
Mikey considers everything he's been through with the men in this room.
If you can let me in, then you can let them in.
He shudders as your words wash through him. You're like his fucking conscience. It's simultaneously the most unnerving and wonderful experience he's ever had. A voice of reason that isn't being paid in his blood money. He glances at Kakucho again quickly.
If you think these men have stuck around because you're paying them then you're dumber than I thought, Mikey.
Sanzu gently places his katana on the table and shakes out the little cloth he was using to shine it. He gives Mikey his full attention. the action seems to stir the others who also turn to him. Kakucho lifts a single brow at him in question.
And the action sets of something akin to...gratitude in Mikey. It's a wildly unfamiliar sensation and he has to quell the urge to rub his chest.
They would die for you, Mikey.
Yes, they would. He catches a glimpse of a cut running along Rindou Haitani's chest as the man shifts in his chair. The skin is shiny and puckered from healing and a pang goes off in his chest that almost knocks him on his ass.
These men would die for him.
A sudden clarity comes over him and he has to blink several times to reorient himself. It feels almost like someone has ripped whatever ill-fitting glasses he was wearing before off and he can see clearly now. Jesus Christ, these men would die for him.
He sinks heavily into his own chair. The weight of his previous oversight anchors him to the cushion.
"I have news," he blurts.
The words suck the air out of the room. Silence ensues for a handful of seconds and then...
"Oh my God, you knocked her up!"
Rindou reaches Ran before Mikey can react to his exclaimed words and slaps his brother in the back of the head.
"I-" Mikey starts, blinking in confusion. What?
"Jesus Christ Ran, so what if he has?" Rindou interrupts, glaring at his brother.
"I di-" Mikey tries again, his brows furrowed.
"That actually...that makes sense," Kokonoi says slowly, nodding. "I saw her eat half a cake by herself the other night."
Kakcuho is gaping at Mikey. But there's a twinkle in his eye that makes Mikey nervous.
"Wait a min-"
"I thought you'd never notice," Sanzu laughs from the other end of the table and Mikey's skin chills.
"What?" He zones out. Something in his voice must get the others attention because the room goes quiet.
"That's not...the news?" Ran squints at him, his chair making a thudding sound as he settles onto all four legs.
Mikey swallows around a ball of spit that seems to be stuck in the back of his throat. Pregnant.
No- she can't be- she- but- but the crying...and the sensitive breasts. the cravings.
"I was going to say I'm getting married," he says, hollowly.
"Oh shit," Sanzu breathes.
"Fuck, Mikey."
"I thought it was obvi-" Kokonoi shrugs.
"She agreed to marry you?" Ran interjects. "Without-" he pauses to glance around the room quickly and then lowers his voice as he finishes his question "-putting up a fight?"
That gets the rooms attention.
"What the fuck kinda question is that?" Kakucho frowns. "She's in love with him."
That seems to throw Ran for a loop. His eyes narrow on Mikey who's still stupified by the realization that he might become a father and husband in the same breath.
"Maybe there is hope for me," Ran says.
Sanzu snaps at him. "Are you implying Mikey doesn't deserve her?"
Ran splutters. "What? No- Why the fuck would I-"
"Just be quiet," Rindou sighs.
"You really think she's pregnant?" Mikey asks, interrupting their squabble.
"Yes," Koko nods.
"Absolutely,” Rindou agrees.
"Half a fucking cake Mikey...in a single sitting."
Mikey blanches. “She’s pregnant.”
Koko chuckles.
“She’s fucking pregnant,” he repeats. There’s a note of distress in his tone. “With a baby. A child!?”
Kakucho gives him a knowing look. “Congratulations, Manjiro.”
Sanzu, who has been uncharacteristically quiet stands. “This means she can’t say no to a protection detail anymore.”
Mikey’s brain stutters. Protection. Because shes pregnant with your child and about to become your wife. She’s singlehandedly the most important person to Bonten. And to him.
“Oh fuck.”
Rindou shakes his head. “We need to start personally vetting Bonten members now.”
“Why did it take a child and a marriage to convince you of that and not the two times we’ve been double crossed?” Kakucho questions.
“Do you want to deal with a Mikey whose wife and child are hurt or murdered?”
The room falls quiet as all eyes fall to Kokonoi. A heavy tension settles on Mikey’s shoulders. He’s having a child. Maybe. And getting married. Definitely.
And he runs one of the most dangerous organizations in the world. With over a hundred thousand employees worldwide. And stakes in every major and even some minor pies, in every industry.
He’s not sure of much except his own success and frankly, inhuman work ethic. But as the realization that his life is changing. Developing into something better, something more. He’s sure that if anything ever happens to you or his unborn child…he would unravel.
“Can we circle back to her wanting to marry him?” Ran asks, breaking the tension. “Without being coerced?”
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xob1tchs · 10 months
can u write something about reader and ethan in bed together trying to sleep? ethan being the big spoon and reader the little.
reader backs into ethan which causes ethans cock to harden, reader being confused on what the random poking is on her ass.
ends in smut ^_^
you’re dying
ethan landry x fem!reader
warnings; smut, handjob, blowjob, cum eating, pet names i.e. baby, unedited
a/n; title inspo here 🤨 idk if oral was what you had in mind but it’s where my mind went!! Hope u like <3
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you blink at the screen of your laptop, intrigued, glancing to where ethans fingers glide along the pad, clicking harshly to start the movie.
noise errupts from the speakers, and you startle slightly, before quickly melting into ethan as he slots himself behind you, tugging the covers of the both of you.
the action movie drones on, ethan occasionally judging the story, or the acting, whispering his thoughts lowly into your ear, making you chuckle.
you shift beneath the covers, hips swiveling, accidentally grinding back into his crotch, a tiny shocked gasp flying past your lips when ethans hard cock slots between your cheeks, firm and so big.
“shit baby, stop moving” he groans, one of his hands gripping your hip, fingers digging into the meaty skin harshly.
you chew your lip, no longer interested in the movie playing on the screen, not when you can feel ethan through the thin material of you sleep shorts - forgoing panties because you forgot to pack some.
Your thighs clench tightly, heat pooling between your legs, fingers toying with the hem of your shorts anxiously under the covers.
You roll your hips into ethans crotch again, whimpering under your breath at the friction, licking your lips at the image of him behind you, brows drawn tight in frustration, trying his best not to give in.
“e, you okay?” you ask quietly, hand reaching behind you, small fingers wrapping around him through the fabric of his shorts, squeezing at the base.
he lets out a shudder, warm breath heavy against your ear, before he’s slamming the laptop shut, and grinding into your touch.
you smile to yourself, spinning around meeting ethan halfway when he sits up, chasing your lips, kissing you with urgency, messy and wet, more teeth clashing than lips meeting.
you smile into his mouth, hand drifting down his body and beneath the band of his shorts, fingers wrapping around the tip of his cock, thumb pressing to his slit, making him gasp – hips bucking and stuttering.
You tug him free of his shorts and boxers, planting a sweet kiss to his nose, before you level yourself with his cock, looking up at him through your lashes “m’gonna suck you off” you murmur, looking at his beastly cock, as if it were a challenge.
you wet your lips, hand wrapping around the base, gliding up, pressing your palm flat to the tip, before you wrap your around around him again, letting a glob of spit fall past your lips, making the glide down easier.
Sticking your toungue out, you lick along the underside, swirling the tip, before you wrap your lips around him, sinking down slowly, humming in satisfaction when he hits the back of your throat.
“Oh, oh fuck baby” he groans from above you, letting out tiny curses and moans, fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of your neck, knuckles tense and keeping a firm hold on the silky strands.
You smile around him, bobbing up and down swiftly, even as you gag and choke around him, saliva running down your chin and his balls, making a mess on his bed sheets. You don’t let up, pace quick, taking him so deep it makes you light headed, forcing you to pause, paying extra attention to his tip while you catch your breath, throat already itchy and sore.
When you do take him back down your throat, he whines from above you, hips bucking up, causing you to gag, tears welling in your eyes at the sudden intrusion.
“Baby, feels so fucking good, mouth is so fucking perfect” he mumbles, head falling back, nails pressing to your scalp, strength forcing you down until your nose presses to his pelvis.
You hum at the praise, blinking up at him through teary lashes, mascara streaks running down your cheeks, lips swollen around his fat cock. If he could reach it, he would definitely snap a polaroid to add to his collection.
You hollow your cheeks, sucking extra hard, hand creeping up his legs to palm his balls, squeezing and kneading them, before you kiss down his length and take one into your mouth, sucking harshly, his cock jumping at the pleasure, pulsating in your palm as you jerk him off.
The noises are nasty, slick and loud, slurping and moaning from your mouth, silent please and raspy groans as ethan feels his orgasm creep up on him, looking down at you with desperate eyes.
“M’cum baby, baby please don’t stop, almost there” he warns, and you smile in anticipation, licking up his cock, teething at the prominent veins, before wrapping your lips aroud his tip, sucking and licking, palm paying attention to the rest of his length.
Your eyeslids flutter closed as he cums, the warm white liquid panting your mouth, throat aching as you swallow eagerly, taking him down your throat one last time, cum gusing out at the corners of your mouth, before you pull of him with a pop.
You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, breaths lazy as you shimmy up the bed, smiling with your eyes “your turn”
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megumifuckmeguro · 4 months
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This is the most down bad thing I've ever written and it's my first real shot at writing something longer than 2 sentences enjoy 😭
Choso kamo felt something warm and wet happening down there, flushed between his thighs lay you, and your mouth enclosed on his cock..or penis? Does penis sound more appropriate when it’s limp and soft?
His heavy muscular thighs are tucked underneath your armpits while you nurse on his flaccid head sleepily on your side, producing soft kitten licks on his frenulum. But it was the noise that stirred Choso the most, loud wet squelching sounds yielded from the ease of deepthroating him softly, sounds almost like you were chewing on his chubbed cock, warm spit covering his entire penis.
He peaked beneath the sheets, and his eyes widened at the sight you made for him, you sobered his sleep-drunken state as he squirmed and jerked against your body so you hugged his legs firmly, not even he could stop you. He groaned in defeat “y/n…” he softly croaked.
You felt his penis harden in your mouth as blood surged to his cock, it grew quickly on your tongue like always. Thriving, but you didn't want that so you took him out of your mouth, looking up for the first time since you woke him up “Can you make it soft again?” you asked almost innocently, it was asking him for the impossible. This behaviour was designed from being so spoilt by his love and affection.
He looked at you with a pained expression, his teeth clenching because at this point the grip on your hair was too hard for his own liking, the top half of his body curled up almost like he was trying to get closer to you, maybe if he really looked into your eyes, you would sympathise and fulfil his basic manly need “please…” he whined.
You continued pouting, tapping the slit of his cock with your finger expectedly, shaking your head in unmerciful stubbornness. He groaned again, realizing you weren't going to budge.
“Can you? With your cursed technique?” you say excited.
It wasn't the 150-plus years that he successfully pushed the limitations of his cursed technique, it was here with you, when you asked him to turn his cock soft again.
“I..I c-can try” he whimpered desperately, he really wished you could just suck his dick. Or better yet, he could finish eating you out from last night, your residue still on his chin like hard wax. He squeezed his eyes shut, concentrating despite your delicate fingers playing with his cock, flopping it around like a toy.
After a few minutes, he calmed down and his cock softened, the way you looked at it with fascination as it shrank, do you appreciate his biology or do you appreciate his sorcery? He shuddered at your expression. You smiled up at him proudly and gave his limp penis a sweet kiss as thank you, kissing it's length, cherishing it as if it was your life supply.
You suckled his cock like milk would come out, but his sweet cum exploded in your mouth instead, it was wet and sticky, he shuddered and wailed above you, he was almost crying as you continued to milk him with your mouth, drinking his cum sweetly, his penis was flimsy and slippery, fleeing your mouth with ease so you used your hands to put him back in your mouth as it marinated, heavy yet wormy on your tongue.
“Ha-h h-aah y-y/n, y/n, please e-enough.” Choso begged, trying to push your head away gently so you let him this time. Choso crunched himself into a fetal position urging you to come back up to him with his hands, he nestled into your neck hugging you tightly, his breathing slowed, and you could feel it on your breasts as his hair tickled your skin.
“You n-next” he whines. Both of your were so spoilt for one another.
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vixstarria · 5 days
Alright, so this is actually going to be included in a future chapter of my longfic as a flashback, but the readership of that is a small fraction of that on my one-shots, and I giggled too much writing it to not show it to the masses.
Astarion x Tav, Act 1
Humour, ponderings on the topic of vampire physiology, my Tav being a gremlin
Rated M, I guess.
Approx. 600 words
Somewhere along the Risen Road
Astarion sat with a book, trying to ignore Asmodea as she perched next to him, loudly crunching on an apple. It was proving to be impossible to concentrate under her inquisitive stare. 
“Yes?” he said, sighing. 
“So does pussy taste like ash to you?” 
Astarion wrinkled his nose in distaste. 
“Must you be so crass?” 
“You’re really going to continue the ‘uptight noble’ act after last night?” she said with a smirk. “And I’m actually being considerate, not crass – it was only after, that I remembered vampire taste buds have certain quirks.” She shifted where she sat. “I wouldn’t shove your face into an ash tray,” she said, sounding almost apologetic, before biting into the apple again.  
“Very well,” Astarion said, shutting his book. “No, pussy tastes like pussy. And yours tastes like-” 
“The finest nectar, divine ambrosia, blah blah,” she interrupted him with a dismissive wave of her hand, talking with her mouth full. “But why?” 
“I... I don’t know,” he said. “I suppose it’s all similar to blood in that it’s still produced by the body. And-” he cut himself off, with a shake of his head. “Do you really want to talk about this?” 
“Just trying to understand you better, that’s all,” she said, swallowing. “Hmm,” she hummed, before leaning towards him with a grin and beckoning him with a finger.  
Astarion glanced in the direction Wyll and Karlach had walked off. The group was taking a short break. Their tryst in the night seemed to have gone unnoticed by anyone, and he didn’t want to make it known, at least not yet. Satisfied that they were alone, he pressed his lips against hers in a kiss. Her tongue cautiously sought his own, and he let it, before pulling away.  
“Did that taste like ash?” she asked. 
“No, that... tasted the way an apple smells,” he answered. 
“So it tasted like apple.” 
“No, it tasted like the smell.” 
“That’s the same thing,” she argued. “And do you like the smell of apples?” 
“No, it’s not the same thing,” he sighed. “And I suppose, but... Hells, how do I explain it? ...You enjoy the smell of roses, yes? But you wouldn’t want to eat one, now would you? And if you did – it would not taste the way it smelled anyway. ...Do you understand?” 
Astarion supposed he should have been annoyed by her questioning, but something in her earnestness placated him.  
Asmodea let out a prolonged “ahh” of comprehension, and he thought that would be the end of it, but then she extended her half-eaten apple towards him. 
“Lick it.” 
“What?” Now he was getting irritated.  
“Don’t chew it, just lick it. Have you tried regular food since getting tadpoled, anyway?” 
He had, and he had immediately regretted it, but he obliged her anyway.  
“Ugh,” he grimaced. “Now it tastes like ash.” 
“Fascinating,” she said, biting back into the apple. “Perhaps it’s the juice being mixed with human saliva that makes it palatable for you. I wonder if there is a minimum ratio of spit to plant liquid that is required...” 
He opened his book again, determined to ignore her.  
“I could feed you like a mama bird feeds her hatchlings,” she continued thoughtfully, looking off into the distance.  
Astarion snapped the book shut again.  
“I do not need to be fed apples!” he exclaimed. “And you are the most ridiculous person I have ever met.” 
“Thank you,” she smiled. 
Series master list
@littleenglishfangirl @something-pithy @darlingxdragon @tragedybunny @spunky-89
@lariatbunny @whiskeyskin @asterordinary @wingsy-keeper-of-songs @spacebarbarianweird
@brabblesblog @littlejuicebox @icybluepenguin @snowfolly @ayselluna
@mj-bites @bardic-inspo
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kissohee · 7 months
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bbf!wonbin x fem!reader ☆ nsfw ; wc : 2k+ ☆ one-shot mdni! synopsis; although your brother had a rule about any of his friends getting with his sister, you just couldn't help but get wrapped up in one of them when he says he can help you with the stress you've been dealing with. warnings; super duper cliche, anton is readers brother, wonbins a sweetie pie, unprotected sex, spitting, grinding, sub wonbin?, whimpering, rushed.
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You knew from the moment they walked through the door that you were not getting any of your work done.
Even putting on your headphones at full blast couldn't drown out the sound of laughter coming from outside your bedroom door. You had a feeling the option of working has been thrown out the window. Despite all your attempts to work through your stress, the noise only made things 100 times worse. There was no use of even trying the second your stomach started to growl. Stress, noise and hunger, three of the worst things to be dealing with while attempting to read a college textbook. So you closed the book and stomped out your room, looking for relief on both problems. "You guys are being insanely loud." Is the first thing you say the second you see the group of boys in the kitchen. They looked up at you in sync, some still talking to each other before you cleared your voice. "Once again, insanely loud." As if on cue, they all start talking over each other trying to apologize but also greet you. You noticed Wonbin being the only one who isn't talking, looking between all the boys with increased volume. This was also the first time you're actually seeing Wonbin in your house, and he's usually the only one that never shows up to the hangouts Anton plans, usually do to his busy schedule according to Sungchan. "Hi Wonbin sweetie," You smile at him, causing all the surrounding boys to shut up. He opens his mouth to respond before getting interrupted, "Why's he the only one you say hi to...?" Sohee pouts, crossing his arms like a little child about to throw a tantrum. "Be quieter and I'll start saying hi to you too." You cross your arms to mirror his actions and he rolls his eyes. "Were you studying?" You nod with a hint of annoyance at Anton's question, "Ah sorry, we'll try to keep it down." "Please do." "Food- Kitchen- If you- Want-" Eunseok points towards the 3 pizza boxes stacked up on one another through chews as he eats whatever was on his plate and you make an immediate beeline there to avoid talking to any more of them. "Hey," Wonbin follows you into the kitchen, resting his back against a counter while watching you take a slice of pizza from the box, "Nice house." "Small talk is not your forte," You let out a small giggle before taking a bite out of the bottom of the pizza, replying with a mouth full, "But thank you." "Yeah no problem..." He starred at the ground, trying to come up with something else to say. But when he couldn't he just laughed out of awkwardness. His eyes scrunched up while he did so and it cause you to laugh along with him. You always tolerated Wonbin the most of Anton's friends. He was always kindest to you, and you probably would've asked him out a long time ago if Anton didn't have his stupid sister is off limits rule. "You have a really pretty smile." You complimented him, watching as his smile disappears before slowly returning.
"Thanks you too," He whispers, causing you to tilt your head. "Why are we whispering." You respond in the same volume he did, letting out a giggle at the end. "Your brother would burn me if he found out I told you that." He gets closer, opening the pizza box before taking another slice, "He's very serious about you." "Ignore him." You raise your brows at Wonbin, "His voice doesn't reach any higher than half of his height, don't be so scared." Wonbin let's out a small chuckle before immedeatly stopping upon realizing this his friend you're talking about. "Does this mean you want me to compliment you more often?" You place the pizza on a small plate before gently grabbing his chin with your hand, "I wouldn't be opposed to it." Leaving him no space to respond, you take your plate of food and head back to your room. Trying to continue what you started earlier but finding no use in it when you feel the intense urge to just go on your phone and scroll. The pizza had absolutely no effect on you either, hoping that it would give you at least a little bit of energy. Which it didn't, so now you were stuck with an empty plate and head so full you couldn't possibly stuff new information in it even if you wanted to. Assuming the best solution would probably just be to sleep it off and try again tomorrow, you grab a comfier shirt to go with the already comfy sweatpants you decided to wear on the slow day. There was absolutely no better feeling than taking off the bra you were wearing all day, only then had your tiredness caught up with you and you reach for your shirt.
The door swings open, causing you to put your shirt on in a speed you had no idea was possible, You turned around to be met face to face with Wonbin. "This is not the bathroom..." He mumbles to himself, the silence so heavy he swears he could hear his heartbeat. You place a hand on your chest to calm down your racing heart, "Jeez Wonbin you scared me." The look on his face told you it was entirely an accident, his eyes traveling over your body, unsure in what to do. "Are you just going to stand there?" He didn't reply, almost frozen in fear, "Hello..?" "I promise-" He slowly backs away when he regains his senses, hand stuck on the door handle, "This was not on purpose." You almost felt bad with how scared he looks. "Wonbin relax I'm not gonna tell anyone that this happened." He let's out a 'phew' and you watch as his body releases tension, his chest slowly raising normally. "I was looking for the bathroom.. Anton told me it was down here but I wasn't sure and-" "It's the door next to this room." You point to the wall that the bathroom was on the other side of. He chews on his bottom lip out of discomfort for barging into your room the way he did and turns the door knob, preparing to leave. "Got it. Thanks." You remember the bored expression on his face when you walked in on them and the way he was the only one who wasn't saying anything. Perhaps he needed a small break from his friends too. "Wait," Wonbin peaks back into your room, "You can hang out here if you want to for a bit, maybe.?" "Oh," He looks around the room and back at you before cautiously stepping into it, closing the door behind him, "Sure." You softly pat a spot next to your bed that he takes and he rubs his hands up and down his legs while waiting for you to say something. "Let me, put this away real quickly." You let him know and he nods while watching you stack up your textbooks, carefully placing them on your bookcase. "If you were still doing your work, I can leave.!" He stands up, "Wouldn't want to intrude." You pat his chest, making him sit down again in an automated respond, "It's alright, I couldn't focus to begin with." "Couldn't focus because of us, right?" Recalling your earlier conversation where you had mentioned they were too loud for you to work peacefully. "To be honest I couldn't before you guys got here either. But you guys did not make it any easier." He tilted his head just like you had done earlier in confusion, "Stress." He hesitates on talking before taking a deep breath, "I can help?" "With?" Getting help with really difficult work you had to do, could be good, and it could help you work more. "Well if it's stress, I can help you.. you know.." Oh. "Help as in.." You pause, "Sex?" He doesn't say anything but just shyly nods and shrinks to the best of his ability in case he went to far.
You think about your odds, on one hand you could really use the reliever, on the other, this could result in someone losing a finger. You told Wonbin not to worry about Anton earlier yes, but you left out the part that Anton can get pretty psycho at times. Silent but deadly. Yet nothing was stopping you now from accepting. "I'm down." Wonbin doesn't mean to, but he can't help but smile. The small smile on his face made you feel the urge to kiss him, which is exactly what you do. He moans into your mouth almost immedeatly, his arms pulling you so you're pressed up against him. His lips soft against yours, and you softly push him down against your bed to give you the ability to taste him better. He plays with the bottom of your shirt, but doesn't make the attempt to pull it off you. "We have to," he continues kissing you, thinking of the words he's trying to say without stopping, "We have to be quick." You bring a pillow under his head for comfort, "Unless you want your brother finding out." You knew you had to be quick, you assumed it was implied the second you started kissing, "Please don't bring him up right now." "Sorr-" You bring your leg over his, your knee pressing against his crotch area, making him let out a soft hiss from the sudden contact. When you start exploring his mouth with your tongue, he grinds his hips up into your knee, allowing you to feel the harden state he was in. He's letting out more 'sorrys' without stopping, almost like his hips had a mind of it's own. "Can't wait?" Your press your knee slightly harder into him, but not enough to hurt him and he whimpers from it. You didn't feel like correcting his whimpers, finding them too cute to stop. His hair starting to stick to his forehead, rushing to undo his pants in a hurry. "Slow down." You place a hand over his own, and he shifted his bulge against your hand. "Oh please please, I can't.." He breathed out. You were starting to feel the wetness form in your panties, knowing you'd probably reach his desperation levels soon if you don't do anything about it. So you help him unbutton his pants, observing as he pulls them off quickly. You copy him and free yourself from your pants too, the cold air hitting you making you shiver. Wonbin takes a good long look at you before smiling, "So pretty.." He looks up at you, holding eye contact, "So so pretty." His praises sending straight to your core and you decide you need him more now than ever. You get on top of him and he watches as his cock disappears inside of you. You both let out moans, trying to be cautious about your level of volume. You start grinding on his cock, head slowly falling back. Your shirt falls, covering where the two of you connect and Wonbin immedeatly holds it back up, "N-need to- to see." His hair leaving his forehead to instead clump together from the sweat, leaving you the perfect view of his face. Puffy eyes, and red lips, you couldn't get enough of him. You grab the sides of his mouth and he opens it instinctively. He looks at you while a line of your spit drags down from you and into his mouth, your movements on his cock never halting before you go back to making out with him. The feeling of his lips on yours and his cock inside of you brings you closer and closer to the feeling you're so desperate of getting. His hips start softly twitching too, especially when he starts grinding up to help you. You reach your orgasm much faster than expected, moaning into his mouth as your eyes flutter. His hands drop your shirt to move to your hips, helping you off of him as his cum shoots out and onto his stomach. "Ah- ah shit." His noises a mixture between soft moans and whimpers, both bringing butterflies to your stomach. Anton can't kill him over something he doesn't know, right?
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I PROMISE this eunseok fic is coming, longer fics just give me really bad writers block! Once again, if you see any mistakes, no you don't! - 🐠😭 (p.s. ive given up on making my text smaller on posts because tumblr does this weird thing where desktop users basically cant do that for whatever reason!! booooo!!! 🍅🍅)
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ericscroptop · 2 months
34 + 35
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✧ pairing: bf! eric x gf! reader
✦ genre: smut
✧ warnings: 18+ (minors DNI), smut, p!rn without plot, mentions of food and eating, cursing, 69 position, oral, female receiving, male receiving, fingering, fondling, spit & drool, lots of tongue, dirty talk, praising, pet names, kissing, a bit of aftercare
✦ word count: 3.8k words
✧ synopsis: you’re hungry for ice cream and offer eric some, but he has a different kind of dessert in mind.
✦ note: hope y’all enjoy this as much as i did, hehe <3
˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚. ˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚. ˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚. ˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.
“Do you want one?”
“Nah, no thanks!”
You close the freezer and find the trash can, stepping on the steel pedal to open the lid and dispose of your ice cream wrapper.
Walking away from the kitchen, you trail towards the living room and plop yourself on the sofa that your boyfriend was already cozy on.
You park your body on the open space to the left of Eric, deciding to sit horizontally with your back leaning against the armrest, and you prop your feet and legs over his thighs.
His eyes are glued to the television in front, watching a k-drama that was you guys’ favorite show to watch at the moment when you had free time before bed.
As soon as you get comfortable, you begin to indulge in your sweet treat.
Your ice cream of choice was a Drumstick vanilla-sundae ice cream cone. You bite at the roasted peanuts and chocolatey coating, enjoying the cone while Eric was going off about some character you two equally despised.
You listen to him and giggle, adding your own commentary in between bites.
Currently, that character you both loathe appears on screen, so you let free a groan in annoyance and a string of not-so-nice words in seeing their face and antics.
Eric laughs at how passionate you are at being a certified hater, and he takes his gaze away from the show to glance at you.
You have reached the vanilla ice cream in your cone, so you start to lick at it to scoop it out and coat your tongue in the creamy goodness.
Personally, you find it satisfying feeling your tongue push the cream around inside the waffle cone. You let your tongue gather enough cream to your liking and licked it out, allowing it to melt in your mouth. Your teeth then bite at the cone and eat it slowly, making it a tad smaller. Then, you’d repeat this process once again.
The corners of Eric’s mouth fall and his lips part slightly, enthralled at the movement of your tongue on your ice cream.
Suddenly the view of you licking your ice cream is much more interesting than the k-drama playing.
He can’t help but eye you curiously. The way your tongue works around the cream has his mind comparing it to the way you’d lick at his own shaft when going down on him.
Even though you’re doing something as mundane as eating, he finds your actions erotic. His mouth is beginning to salivate in watching you, craving for your tongue’s attention to be centered on his cock instead.
He tries not to shift in his spot as your legs are draped over his thighs and he doesn’t want to disturb you. Though, his senses are beginning to heighten, and he can feel blood deploying to his cock and brain.
You’re mindlessly eating your dessert, not noticing your boyfriend’s hungry eyes trained on you.
At least, not until Eric deeply sucks in a breath in seeing your thick, pink tongue attempt at squeezing in the small hole of the little end-bit of the Drumstick. That did it for him.
At the sound, you raise your brows and turn your head right, looking at him in interest while simultaneously stuffing the end-bit of the cone in your mouth.
“What? Don’t tell me you wanted a bite— I asked if you wanted one.” you tell him with a full mouth, hand a couple centimeters away from your lips as you spoke while chewing.
He probably wanted a taste of your ice cream, you thought. Eric always says food tastes better when it’s yours.
Which, probably means he just likes sharing saliva, but whatever— you never minded. You’d happily give him a taste if he asked. He always did the same for you. You just liked to tease him about it.
But this time, Eric isn’t huffing for the reason that you think.
He averts his eyes from you, beginning to busy himself in caressing your ankles while he trained his eyes back to the TV.
Your eyes follow to your legs over his thighs, watching as his fingers moved gently over your skin.
Your pupils then notice the outline of Eric’s cock bulging through his grey sweatpants, letting a quiet gasp free once you process it.
Your boyfriend’s ears perk at that and he looks back at you, then to his lap, and he sheepishly smiles, feeling embarrassed at you having caught his boner.
“I couldn’t help it…. you just looked so pretty licking that ice cream.” he whines, eyes apologetic.
You look at him in awe, fighting back from letting out a chuckle at how dirty-minded Eric was. I mean, you sometimes are, too. And it doesn’t take much for you to become sexually aroused from your boyfriend. But it still catches you by surprise that he has a hard-on from watching you merely eat.
You remove your legs from his thighs and sit upright, then shift closer so that you’re sitting closely next to him.
“Dirty boy.” your breath fans over his face as you spoke, your words and proximity causing the tips of his ears to heat up and go red.
You cheekily grin, then lean into his cheek to press a loving kiss against it.
Eric eyes you with desire as you draw back after. Craving for those supple lips of yours to wrap around his aching cock, and is feeling ravenous for your pussy.
He was a bit flustered in being unable to hide his abrupt horniness at you innocently enjoying your treat, but he’s not gonna back down in satisfying his craving.
“Wanna have more dessert together? We can eat in the bedroom.” he speaks lowly, all suggestive and with a smirk.
It is now you who starts to feel hot in hearing his suggestion, mood changed and k-drama way past forgotten. You press your thighs instinctively together, liking the sound of that.
Eric notices and wets his lips with his tongue, smirk still prevalent on his face as he’s made you needy now, too.
He doesn’t hesitate in grabbing the remote and turning off the screen. Getting off the couch and now standing, he extends an arm down in front of you. You blush as you take his hand, and he pulls you up, interlocking your fingers with his own.
Without any words, you two walk to your shared bedroom, smiles beaming on each of your faces as you walked with hands intertwined to perform some raunchy activity.
When you guys make it to the bedroom, Eric immediately reaches over his head, grabbing the upper back of his shirt, and pulls it over his head effortlessly.
The sight of his naked torso alone is enough to make your pussy pulse. You take in the sight of his abdominal muscles and toned arms— of which, you swear have gotten just a tad bigger lately. Him working out almost every day is really evident.
It’s taking a lot right now to not jump at his bones and feverishly start licking up his chest. You bite back comments that would feed his ego and make it skyrocket, because although he is your boyfriend, you should play it cool for now.
But you know he’ll be bragging and teasing later to you how your body withers for him, and how his actions can make you easily go dumb and come undone.
Eric has taken a seat on the end of the bed as you remove your top and bottoms, leaving you in your panties. You hear him whistle like a cheeky bastard when he sees the soft flesh of your breasts bounce and the bottom of your butt cheeks peeking from the fabric.
“Stopppp,” you playfully draw out, grinning like an idiot and cheeks turning crimson at his reaction.
Your small hands cup your boobs, massaging the skin and rubbing along your tender nipples as you watch your boyfriend smoldering at you while he removes his sweats.
Goosebumps appear on your skin in a flash, aroused to discover that he went commando today. His cock immediately sprung up from his sweats as he removed and tossed them to the side.
His right hand grabs hold of it, running his fingers along his shaft as he leans backwards, letting his back hit the bed sheets and he moans at his own movements.
“Want you on top of me— backwards, please.” he practically begs, legs stretched out in front of him, slightly splayed over the bed.
A whimper escapes your throat at his open neediness, making it feel like there’s a heartbeat in your cunt.
You register that he wants you backwards on top, meaning he wants to 69. A position that you guys didn’t frequent, but Eric enjoyed it so much.
He loved the idea of pleasing each other at the same time, fulfilling both of your hungry oral desires without waiting for one another’s turn.
It was so vulnerable, intimate, and lewd— which is why Eric found it so salacious.
You honestly did like it, too. But sometimes it was a bit overwhelming and easy to be dazed from his pussy-eating skills and attention while you’re trying to focus on his cock. You also were shy in having your entire ass in his face and body on top of him, but he always assured you that it was easier that way, and he loved it. He wanted you like that.
You walked closer to him and approached the side of the bed, leaning close enough to bring a hand to his face and caress his cheek. You soaked in every part of his face for a moment, since you’d be facing away from him in a minute or so. You couldn’t resist in bringing your lips down to kiss his own velvety ones, burning in desire all throughout as they moved delicately with yours.
You swallowed and let out a shaky breath as you pulled back, beginning to play with the hem of your panties out of anticipation.
“Take them off.” he rasps, looking at you with utter desperation.
You follow his order, pulling your underwear down and stepping out of the fabric without anymore delay.
You finally get on the bed, crawling over his body and bring your face close to his genitals. You take time in positioning yourself as comfortably as you can possibly get on either side of his shoulders.
Both of your hands grip onto his thighs, eyeing his throbbing cock in need. Your thighs are shut over Eric, squeezing them together at how horny you were.
He fixes that instantly though, pulling them apart and is greeted by the perfect view of your sex.
“There she is.” he whispers, making every fiber of your body flutter at those three words.
“Be a good girl for me and try not to squirm or jerk away this time, okay?” he says, pressing feathery kisses along the inner part of your thighs.
“Mhmm” is all he can get out of you at that. His mouth or touch hasn’t even reached your cunt yet, and you’re already melting away.
He finally greets your pussy, fingers making contact against your folds and rubbing carefully along them. A gasp releases from you as the pads of his fingers play with the outside of your cunt.
His lips suddenly attach to your sex, kissing your pussy slowly to start off, eventually building up to practically making out with your lips and his kisses become more intense.
Your eyes are practically glued shut, high off the feeling of Eric simply touching you with his fingers and lips on the most intimate part of your body. No matter how many times he touched you, you’d always be weak to it as if it was the first time.
“You like when I kiss you here, don’t you?” he puffs out, then goes back to attaching his mouth to your sex, letting his tongue slip out and he begins licking you.
“Fuck— Eric!”
“Don’t forget to touch me too, pretty. Wanna feel those pretty lips around me.”
Your brows were slightly furrowed, too focused on the pleasurable attention Eric’s giving you right now. Way too focused that you forgot that this position was meant to be a two-way street.
You swallowed, looking at his red tip, whole-hard cock aching to be taken care of.
“Mhm— s’ry. Gonna make it all better, baby.” you breathe out.
You begin to bubble up together a decent amount of saliva in your mouth, then spit onto your dominant hand, using it as lubricant for Eric’s cock.
Your fingers and palm then wrap carefully around his shaft, starting off with slow, soft strokes. Eric groans into your pussy at you finally touching him, making you smile in satisfaction.
You give his tip a tender kiss before licking circles around his cock head, allowing your tongue to dance around and toy with his slit.
“Fuck, baby! You’re such a damn tease.” he growls out.
You continue to lick further down his shaft, swirling painfully slow along the long veins that decorate his cock and on the underside, adding just a tiny bit more pressure from your fat tongue, just the way he likes.
Needy noises from Eric start to become more frequent from your actions, and he takes it upon himself to finally amp it up a bit more as he takes an index finger and sticks it in his mouth. His own saliva coats it and without warning, he inserts it inside of you.
Moans tumble out of you from the feeling, and he doesn’t even give you at least a minute to think more about it before he adds a second finger, causing you to whine at the stretch and girth of them inside you.
“You love my fingers, huh? Always take them s’ well. Atta’ girl.” he coos.
With that stretch from his fingers in you, it provides more access to your cunt for him. His tongue inserts between your pussy lips and he begins to lick you more.
Eric feels the smooth, rounded edges of your opening as he slips it inside. He slips his tongue in and out hungrily, feeling your slippery walls firmly in doing so.
He feels carnal and lascivious as he eats you like a starved man. Hungry for your warm pussy. Hungry to show love and attention to the most vulnerable part of your body. Hungry to please you— his pretty girl.
You can’t help but mewl in feeling those thick fingers of his fucking around inside you. His mouth reaching different avenues of your cunt also is driving you closer and closer to the edge, knowing that you’ll fall apart eventually.
You shake your head and redirect your focus to his cock, not hesitating in rubbing his cock head over your lips, groaning as you smeared his wet tip mixed in your saliva and his precum over them. They part after a few seconds and you take some of Eric’s length in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you bobbed your head rhythmically.
You focused on providing long, deep strokes with maximum suction on each up stroke, humming in pleasure at the fullness of his girthy cock moving in your mouth.
Eric’s panting at your warm mouth fucking him just right and from devouring you up, driving him insane.
Your hand jacks off what you can’t fit, coating itself in the wetness you two have made from the mixture of your body fluids. Eventually, your hand reaches out to his balls, petting and caressing carefully the delicate sack.
“Mmph! Y/n…” Eric whimpers, making you clench around his fingers at his whining. He knows he’s so close, and so he’s even more passionate in eating you out, the tip of his nose pressing into your clit, gently brushing over your sensitive bud.
You remove your mouth from his cock in an instant, chest heaving and eyes rolling back.
The feeling of his nose on your clit is like pure euphoria to you. Eric’s nose was so prominent and sharp. It was arguably one of his best features you’d say, and so his nose combined with your clit was like living on cloud nine.
Unthinkingly, your hips rocked, grinding your cunt into his mouth. Your body was greedy in wanting more of his face on your sex, specifically towards your swollen clit.
Eric chuckles lowly to himself at you wanting to face-fuck him. “My greedy girl wants more?” he takes advantage of this position and spanks your ass cheek, a loud gasp leaving your mouth as a result from the sting mixed with pleasure.
He begins to squeeze your hips, holding you securely. The tip of his nose presses into your clit, gently rubbing it over your sensitive bud and drawing small circles around it. It’s perfectly shaped to apply pressure, as well as on your inner lips.
Although the stimulation is making you weaker and weaker by the minute, you attach your mouth back onto Eric’s cock, going back to blowing him and slurping up his length as best as you can.
Your hand jacks him off sloppily, and your movements start to become messy from how wet and slippery his entire length, your hand, and mouth is. Saliva is beginning to pool out from the corners of your lips, making you feel full from drowning in his cock.
Your pussy vibrates from Eric groaning into it due to the pretty noises releasing from your throat and how beyond wet your hot mouth is.
He starts bucking his hips into your mouth and you gag at his sudden movements while his body is full of tension, a blast of pleasure that travels from his head to his toes.
It’s driving him to the brink of madness from your lecherous noises, actions, and your heated bottom in his face. He can also feel your fleshy breasts and hard nipples resting over his abdomen.
It is a cornucopia of pleasurable sensation for him, and so you feel him throb inside your mouth, signaling that his climax is approaching.
His breathing is becoming more ragged and his moans get higher and higher pitched as he gets closer. He mumbles incoherent things into your cunt, head spinning and lost in lust while his release spurts out.
His cock pulsates while his thick cum squirts into your mouth, making you both fill the room with repeated moans and other noises.
His load hits your tongue, the inside of your cheeks, and the back of your throat, tasting slightly sweet as you swallow all the cream he has to offer.
Eric knows you’re close too, and only gives himself a few seconds to recover from orgasm before he gives maximum attention to your cunt again. His tongue presses down experimentally on your clit before his balmy, wet lips take it and start sucking on it eagerly.
“Eric— baby!” you pulled his sensitive cock away from you mouth and moaned, feeling like sobbing when he sticks his fingers inside you again simultaneously, and slides them easily in and out of you.
He’s so carnal, sucking, eating, and playing with you like there’s no tomorrow. Although you can’t see how fucked out your lover is, you can feel his devotion and desire for you as he eats you out.
His fervor shatters any remaining control you have over your body, and you’re trembling and writhing on top of him, making you whimper at the feeling of losing control and your genital muscles beginning to contract.
“Let it all out, baby. You can cum for me. I want it so bad.” he babbles into your folds, making you do exactly what he says and cum all over his face.
“Fuckkkk,” your voice wavered, involuntarily shaking from reaching your climax, feeling as if you’re cross-faded and gone in the brain.
Eric grunts as he begins to slurp at your bits, lathering his tongue and mouth in all your juices.
Your pussy is now overly-past sensitive now, and you practically cry out, desperately attempting in looking back at Eric, but your ass covers any sign of him, and his face is hidden in drowning in your pussy.
“Eric!” you whine and draw out his name, raising his attention as he removes his face from your sex and breathes in heavily.
You remove yourself off him and turn around immediately, looking at him with a fucked-out gaze. You meet his own heavy lidded eyes, along with a combination of your vagina secretions and his own drool coating his face from the nose down.
Your teeth can’t help but tug on your bottom lip at the sight, finding your boyfriend so fucking hot and feeling like you’re gonna melt into a puddle after finally seeing his face.
He still continues to catch his breath, chest rising and falling as he wipes his chin. “C’mere,” he murmurs breathlessly, arms open, ready to embrace you.
You inch closer towards him and let him welcome you into his arms. Eric holds you tightly while he falls backwards on his back, and then shifts you two sideways on the bed with you still secure within his hold.
You cuddle each other, your face nuzzled into his neck/shoulder, inhaling his scent while he caresses your back, helping your mind and body adjust to the feelings of post-sex.
“You did so well.”
“Always such a good girl for me.”
“I love you— so much, pretty.”
You pull your face away from hiding, looking at him with smiling eyes and fluttering lashes, bringing a hand of yours to brush away some loose strands of slightly-damp hair from his forehead.
“I love you too, Eric.”
He eyes your lips for a moment before he meets them with his own, sticky juices coating your lips while kissing passionately. Eric groans, fucking loving the way you could probably taste yourself on him and thinking about how you had your mouth on his manhood earlier— and swallowed all of his creamy seed.
You guys continue to peck each other’s faces. Eyes, nose, cheeks, and lips, giggling and rolling around in bed.
“My handsome boy.” you suddenly say, lost for a moment as you stare at your lover’s features and soak it all in. Looking at Eric never got old, his beauty always caught you by surprise as if you have never seen his face before. You could stare at him all day.
He chuckles shyly, cheeks growing warm at your comment and fondness for him.
“You’re such a cutie.” you giggle at him, and he just smiles, adoring how soft and cute you get after sex. You were his pretty baby. And always would be.
“Can’t argue with that.” he replies, smirking as he kisses the top of your head.
“Let’s sleep now, hm?” he whispers.
You sigh happily, exhausted and ready to fall asleep in Eric’s arms after some good sex.
You two get ready for bed, and sleep soundly that night knowing that you belong to each other.
And you each wouldn’t want or have it any other way.
˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚. ˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚. ˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚. ˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.
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