#chex quest 3
m39 · 6 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2008): Chex Quest 3
Well, folks... This is it... This is the reason why I reviewed both Chex Quest 1 and 2 before tackling this one.
After over a decade since the last Chex Quest game, people thought there was no Chex Quest 3...
They were proven wrong.
G8: Chex Quest 3
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Main author(s): Charles Jacobi (Chukker)
Release date: 2008
Version(s) played: 1.4
Required port compatibility: ZDoom
Levels: 5 (E3M1-M5)
Out of the ashes of Digital Cafe comes the official Chex Quest 3, and sweeps out one of the Cacowards.
But first things first – how did this game come to fruition? Well, back in 2003, one of the WAD makers, Boingo the Clown, asked one of the Digital Café employees, Charles Jacobi, if the latter could do some artwork for the WAD project called Ultimate Chex Quest. Charles, after playing what was made of that WAD at the time, has resparked the interest in this franchise in himself. In late 2007, he showed a sketch of a new Flemoid that would later become one of the new enemies in Chex Quest 3, and people enjoyed it.
The lead artist of Digital Café eventually wanted to make a new episode instead of a new set of maps. And with the help of a couple more guys who worked in the same company + others, Chex Quest 3 was released in 2008.
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it has been a decade since the invasion of Flemoids. Everything seems to be at peace. Unfortunately, those alien bastards want that damn, A+ quality food Federation has so they launch a complete invasion on the planet Ralston (that’s either the capital planet of the Federation, or probably where Chextropolis is, or maybe even both, I don’t know). Chex Warrior, while stationed at the central command station that’s overrun by Flemoids, jumps into the ship and flies to the planet, trying to save his people from these slime bastards one last time.
If you didn’t read my two previous reviews, I will be playing the GZDoom port of Chex Quest 3, simply for better performance.
Let’s take a look at this episode, and see the conclusion of Chex Quest.
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When compared to the previous Chex Quest games, this one is on a whole other level. It’s a gigantic leap in quality. Sure, it’s mostly due to the fact that over a decade passed since the second game so the standards and/or experience in WAD making has increased, but take a look at the locations in this game. It’s not just one overall area like the base on a mining planet or metropolis with few landmarks; it feels like you are traveling all over the world and then some before even reaching the planet.
You start at a space station, then respectively land on a command base, use the metro system to get into the Italy-inspired town (with an orchard that you find upon reaching half of the map), and even visit a national park with a couple of log cabins; and it all ends with a mothership meteor that you get inside and teleport every last Flemoid out of it.
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The music in CQ3 also peaked as well. Andrew Benon who created music for the previous games came back for the final time, now with help from Sabrina DiDuro, who made four tracks for this game. I feel like almost all of it sounds engaging and epic, with Chancer being the best one out of the last batch of tracks.
It’s not really worth talking much about the levels’ design. It’s basically similar to what was in the previous games, with some annoying backtracking and one section with a maze (this time at least you are looking for a key).
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Here is also something that I didn’t mention in my last two reviews – all of the Chex Quest games don’t show you the amount of ammo to the rest of the guns that you don’t use at the moment. It gets kind of annoying that in order to actually see the ammo amount, you have to switch to another weapon. It might be a nitpick, but it’s frustrating for me.
Chex Quest 3 is harder than Chex Quest 2, there is no doubt. I wouldn’t call it hard per say, you can still finish it without saving or getting hit, but the chance for that is much smaller compared to the previous installments.
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The only actual hard moment in this game is when you reach the motherbase meteor in the fourth map and you fight lost soul replacements. It’s more annoying than legitimately hard since you think you are done and you suddenly get rammed by another one of those buggers (and there are 37 of these on this map).
What this game has compared to the previous one is actual new enemies that are not just reskins of the old ones. And while Super Cycloptis, Flem Mine, and Lord Snotfolus are basically replacements for Cacos, the aforementioned lost souls, and the cyberdemon, Stridicus is a faster Pinky with 1.5 of its health, and Flembomination is a boss monster that constantly shoots a volley of two slime balls until it flinches.
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While I do recommend trying the GZDoom version of this game, it makes the last map unplayable due to the bug that makes it so it doesn’t register the picked-up keys; both the new flemkeys, and the regular ones. Thankfully, the give keys command seems to work and allows you to finish this map. Like I said just a moment ago, it might be the effect of the GZDoom port since from some of the footage I saw, I don’t think it affects the original version.
Ignoring the key bug in the GZDoom port, Chex Quest 3 is a great conclusion to the trilogy, offering the hardest, and prettiest episode from the original developers.
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As for the entire trilogy, Chex Quest as a whole is a lot of fun that starts relatively good, and it gets better as you go further with installments. Like I said in the past, CQ3 has all games in one WAD file, so you don’t have to check what the original versions were (although I won’t stop you from checking them out).
If you are interested in more of the stuff dedicated to Chex Quest, check some YouTube videos (especially the one from AVGN for the fun factor).
And that, folks, marks the end of the journey through the world of Chex Quest. I’ll see you next time.
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wadbot · 1 year
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newmaps.WAD: Newmaps: A Chex Quest Mod E3M4: Flem Dock (9456, 3536, 128) Author: xbolt Date: 2008-08-13 Description: This is the final version of Newmaps. Newmaps is a Chex Quest mod (*cough*) based on The Ultimate Chex Quest. In May 2005 I came across The Ultimate Chex Quest. Then I saw some of the fanmade maps and thought: "Hey! Why don't I try my hand at making Chex Quest levels?" And so Newmaps was started. In June of 2005 I released the first beta which only had the first two maps complete. Back then, I only planned to make five or so levels, but then I started making more and more and it became this big thing. I don't even want to think of how many hours I put into it. I hope you have as much fun playing it as I had making it for you. (Man, how many times has this been said before?) (NOTE: If you just play the first few levels and decide it's too boring and stop playing, don't. Remember, I had just learned to map when I made those. The later ones are much cooler!) (ANOTHER NOTE: This game was designed with OpenGL in mind. While the game will run in software mode, some things will not work properly. So I strongly suggest using OpenGL mode AT ANY COST!!! If you can't use OpenGL mode, oh well.) (YET ANOTHER NOTE: If you shut the game off, load a game, start a new game, etc. during a cutscene, specifically while the screen is black, it will be black when you start the other game! Wait until it's over, (Or just skip it, see THE LUCKY SEVENTH NOTE) then do your other stuff. If, for some reason, you do this, play the cutscene again. (And finish it this time!)) (NOTES - VOLUME IV: The fade to black effects are done by changing the fog settings. Since I have no way of knowing your fog settings, they are reset to the defaults. (Color: 000000, Density: 100) So if you had settings other than the defaults, they will be defaulted. Sorry, but this was the only way I could do it.) (PENTANOTE: The sniper scope. One of the coolest things in the game is the sniper scope. While you have the large zorcher equipped, press 'z' to activate sniper mode, and press 'x' or switch to a different weapon to deactivate it.) (THE SIXTH NOTE: If you do any of the stuff described in 'YET ANOTHER NOTE' while in sniper mode, you will not be able to see your weapons. If you do that, Don't Panic! Just turn sniper mode on and off. They'll be back.) (THE LUCKY SEVENTH NOTE: Starting with beta 10.5, all cutscenes are skippable. Just press the spacebar during one to skip it.) (ONE MORE, FOR GOOD MEASURE: This is Newmaps episodes 1-3. Episode IV is not included in this WAD. You can check for progress on that at my website: http://xbolt.knowledgehouse.info)
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fpsprotag-poll · 1 year
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chazraps · 9 months
My 2023 Christmas charity single with J57 is here! Behold "Yule Intentions" featuring special celebrity guests!
As always, 100% of the money from this single will be split evenly between RAINN & Wigs For Kids
Twas a week before Christmas, or two, maybe three, man I tell you at Christmas that time has no meaning An early Thanksgiving gives us an extention as sugarplum visions all dance for attention the mention of Christmas, retention of wishlists suspension your island of calm is an isthmus forgivenessness flourishes - yeah that's a positive even if holidays aren't your prerogative Some shut their eyes and just wait til it's over but they have the kindness to drive us home sober the warmth in their heart should be truly adored so give them gas money and Charcuterie boards the feeling's absorbed, it pleases the lord I heard he's in David's new Honda Accord Home for the holidays, truly we're blessed it's time for some special celebrity guests!
(Celebrity Christmas Cameo #1) (Celebrity Christmas Cameo #2)
Trying to gleam some serene in the solstice when it seems to cold and it screams halitosis it deems the prognosis is holiday stress the pressure for pleasing all those we love best the quest for perfection is riddled with danger remember the first one took place in a manger and here we are now some 2,000 years later with snowfall and bowls of Chex Mix to cater Decatur to Davenport, Denmark to Dover there's glossy on cards and a lot to gloss over it's tempting to rush and do it all at once but traditions you miss are still good in 12 months Alone at Home or Lost in New York or stoking a fire and popping a cork consort with the spirits that give you a reason and go make the most of your holiday season
(Celebrity Christmas Cameo #3)
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doom-nerdo-666 · 6 months
[RC1.1] Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition
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whatsappnumber14 · 10 months
广告游戏的 3 个示例:我向您保证您一定听说过它们! 广告游戏已经存在了一段时间,其中一些已经相当成功。我们单独举一些例子给你,希望对你有所启发。 1. 切克斯探索 (1996) 也许有史以来最好的广告游戏是这个美丽的《DOOM》模组,名为 Chex Quest,这是一项推广 Chex 早餐麦片的活动。
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answerstonki · 2 years
Heretic game emulator
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single integrated launcher for all supported games that allows setting most configuration options.supports LAN and online multiplayer (no server browser yet).
sound and music, including OP元 and PC Speaker emulation, as well as OGG music support (see this post for setup guide).supports Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, FreeDoom, Chex Quest, Heretic, Hexen and Strife.It supports the original Doom games, as well as Heretic, Hexen and Strife, and adds some extra features while staying as close to the vanilla game(s) as possible. This is a Vita port of Chocolate Doom, which is a Doom source port. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners and used under license.Chocolate Doom v3.0.1 Latest version: Release 3.1 () Github repo: link Description Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms and Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Games Farm, s.r.o. Heretic Kingdoms, Games Farm, Games Farm logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Games Farm, s.r.o. Developed and published by Games Farm, s.r.o. Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms Copyright 2015 Games Farm, s.r.o. Huge number of fantastical creatures with unique fighting styles and challenges. One dark hero, 15 different characters: Devour the souls of your enemies and use a lot of different characters and combat styles.Ĭomplete a variety of diverse quests and face creatures in battle that you could only imagine in your worst nightmares! Two game worlds in one: Wander between the worlds and risk a glimpse into the dark shadow world, where you will also face enemies and solve mystic puzzles.
Gripping storyline in a world full of myths, destinies and legendary creatures. He can stop the demonic Penta Nera and save the world, or he can plunge it into complete disaster.Įxtensive freedom of choice, affecting the course of the game. He can absorb multiple souls, but sometimes becomes more human or schizophrenic, the more souls he absorbs. The fifth member of the order, bent on revenge, makes use of the only way to stop them and summons another Devourer: this one is different from his siblings. Since then, they move around the mortal realm as the puppets of the Devourers, as a demonic Penta Nera, and ravage the land in search of the essence of souls. It's up to him to either thwart a major threat and save the world, or to plunge it into complete disaster.Īfter four of the five members of a secret order known as Penta Nera were murdered, their souls were swallowed by a pack of Devourers. In this isometric action RPG, the player takes on the role of the Devourer, a demon that swallows the souls of the dead and then brings them back into the mortal realm as his puppets. It's an epic adventure with challenging gameplay, a gripping storyline and enchanting graphics. Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms is the next chapter in the Heretic Kingdoms saga and takes place 20 years after the events of Kult: Heretic Kingdoms. Take on the role of the Devourer, a demon that swallows the souls of the dead and then brings them back into the mortal realm as his puppets. Experience an epic adventure with challenging gameplay, a gripping storyline and enchanting graphics. Shadows is the next chapter in the Heretic Kingdoms saga. Graphics: NVidia GeForce 560GTX or higher Processor: x86 processor, 3 GHz +, quad core Steam account required for game activation and installation Learn more about the Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms Model Name
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doomwads · 4 years
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Assault on Chextropolis
Game: Chex Quest 3 Year: 2018 Source Port: ZDoom Specs: E1M1 Gameplay Mods: None Author: "Vordakk” aka “Stormwalker” idgames | onemandoom
Oh no! Another Flemoid spaceship is headed toward Chextropolis!
This is a very large single level that basically plays like a re-envisioning of Chex Quest with a modern eye toward detailing and architecture. The simplicity of the textures is still hard to work with but you get a sort-of “good parts” incorporation of the city parts of Chex Quest 2 as well as wilderness, the internals of the Flemoid meteor ship, and even a peek at the planetary defense organization.
Click here if you’d like to read my full review.
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bmogtoys · 5 years
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New in the Shapeways store, the Chex Warrior from Chex Quest!
These 1.75″ Keshi/MUSCLE-style figures are available individually or a set, in your choice of material, including REAL METAL!
Our other 1.75″ figures are available here!
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sillymeter · 2 years
i cant go to urgent care i have to play splatoon 3 VS i have to stop this neverending cough so i stop missing my shots in splatoon 3
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m39 · 5 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette: Revenant Awards 2008
You look out of the bunker. You see nobody.
Okay, I think they are gone now. I’m back on the surface.
Well, folks... We did it. 15 years of the best Doom WADs (according to Doomworld and not even all of them) reviewed. It is another big milestone, yes, but only one WAD will win one of the awards, and in this ceremony, we will be choosing four winners (not counting the ones by default).
Okay, enough of the pretentious rambling. Let’s start with the first category.
In this case, we have a surprise. The winner is the underdog – Escape from Castle Chezcrea. I do realize that XXXI CyberSky is a better map in almost every department, but unfortunately, that map is also a slaughter-type one, and I’m not really fond of these. At least Chezcrea is more accessible.
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Here, though, Eternal and his WAD, Gravity, easily win. Thunderpeak has its moments, yes, and gameplay-wise is more interesting to play, but, like many other ZDoom before it, it tends to have annoying and unnecessary moments that feel questionable at best. Not to mention Gravity looking much more pleasant and original compared to the other WAD.
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Another category, another slam-dunk by Eternal, this time with Remain 3. It feels like a reverse situation with Sole Survivor, where one of the two WADs (in this case Deus Vult II) is better than the other one in many departments but I still prefer the other WAD because it’s not a slaughter map/WAD. In that category, Eternal’s WAD lost; in this, however, his WAD won. Even when most of the non-slaughter maps from DVII are better than in Remain 3, I would still rather play the latter.
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I thought it would be harder to choose the winner here, but it wasn’t that hard. Of course, I removed Eternal Doom IV and BGPA from the equation because these are just more of the stuff that I hate in their predecessors. Meanwhile, Community is Falling 3 and Cold as Hell: Special Edition might be technical marvels at the time they were originally released, but the former’s almost entirely juvenile humor and the gameplay becoming more and more annoying as you progress, and the latter’s questionable decisions with some new mechanics and changes in gameplay, soured my enthusiasm for these WADs (but at least I managed to finish Cold as Hell compared to Community 3).
And so were are now with two golden eggs – Urban Brawl and Chex Quest 3 (or Chex Quest Trilogy as I like to call the latter). One is the FPP Beat ’em Up that came out of nowhere and became an instant classic that I am appreciating more and more with each passing day; the other is basically Doom for children that even adults can enjoy.
But there is one thing in Chex Quest Trilogythat makes it better by an inch– expectations. Urban Brawl is the prequel to Action Doom, an already fun homage to Contra and similar games, so people thought they would get a fun game too after playing the previous one (and they got); Chex Quest’s concept sounds like a perfect recipe for disaster and people were expecting flop before ending up surprised that it was a high-tier quality product. That’s what makes CQ3 the winner in this category.
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But you know what? There is still a part of me that badly wants to play Urban Brawl again. Even if it’s not a winner of this category, I’ll still play this when the Decade of DOOMstruction returns as an honorable mention. I seriously need to try it again to see if I’m not losing my marbles.
And now for the WADs that won by default. Starting with Golden Spider (best episode replacement) and its winner, Back to Basics...
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This WAD is lucky there wasn’t any other episode replacement, let alone the vanilla one.
But let’s not forget about Diaz: Last Hours of Purity. I didn’t like it that much, but it still deserves an award for being a gameplay mod for Doom. And so, I’ve come up with an award for it (and the future gameplay mods as well) – Tei Tenga’s Arsenal award for the best Doom gameplay mod of the year.
cricket noises
What? I couldn’t think of a better name.
And that’s all for the 2008 roster of Doom WADs. At this point of writing, I have reached the half point in Doomworld’s yearly lists of the best WADs. And that’s in almost four years since I started reviewing these things, with shorter or longer breaks.
Speaking of breaks, I need to finally finish both the original Half-Life and its Source remake Black Mesa. It might take me less than a week; it might take more than that. It will depend on how many WADs from the next year will check out. Either way, after one day of finishing both of these, I’ll start properly looking at the 2009 WADs.
Thank you all for reading my life-coping slop. I’ll see you next time.
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nintendroid · 3 years
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Chex Quest 3 for PC
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the-grateful-undead · 7 years
Who wore it better?
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year
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My attempt at analyzing references, mechanics, designs etc present in the mod MetaDoom, check this tag to catch up.
A mod that takes/combines features accross the Doom series, from main titles to spin-offs to even obscure corners of the series' history.
It has a lot of fun features and can even serve as a way to explore Doom history.
(I also wrote a post about D16/E based mods for old Doom)
This post itself is flawed because i'm not a huge Doom export but it could still give the idea of how complex/fun it is:
Random stuff/Part 1:
Logo shows Doom 1, 64, 3 (BFG lost edition image) and Eternal, integrated in the DOOM leters
Background represents first levels/early areas of 1, 2, 64, 3, DRPG, D2RPG, 4 and Eternal
Main theme is a remix based off D4 and game over theme from ultra nightmare mode is a piano cover of E1M8
Texts in TITLEPIC, Quit messages and even game over texts are lines related to/from Doom games, manuals, characters dialogues, lore related shit, even stuff like Repercussions of Evil and a Chex Quest reference (Martian Buddy and SnapMap are referenced, for example)
Difficulty setting menu uses Doomguy's face in a "Wolfenstein 3D-esque" way
Ultra-Nightmare being the hardest and most unfair setting uses the classic NIGHTMARE font for some text in the GAME OVER and it describes how you died
In the difficulty setting menu, going down a bit more shows a secret setting with Doomguy’s face replaced by a skull and the text “The Slayer’s time is now”, which is based off the UV plus setting in the Unity ports that uses fast monsters and co-op based enemy/gun/item placement
Ultra Nightmare is supported by co-op, which also uses some announcer sounds from Eternal’s Battlemode and if a player dies, they have to wait for their partner to finish a level before they respawn or else it’s game over, if they die
Doomguy has voice sounds related to beta Doom 3
Generally, a lot of thing may have beta Doom 3 sounds, but also assets from games that aren't even id related
HUD has some tiny ammo icons depending on weapons used
If gibbed, his face literally explodes, using an animation from PSX Doom
Doomguy has unique player sprites based off a mixed up Doomguy (Noticeable elements from Doom 64 and 2016)(Also, his visor may be based off Doom 2 RPG Java version)
Female gender option replaces Doomguy with Kira Morgan from D2RPG/Other gender options replaces him with Dr Peters from Doom VFR
Optional content like breakable props, secret enemies, optional bosses and more
There’s some proper Dehacked enemies support, where some enemies from the mod are replaced with the ones from certain mapsets for proper compatibility (eventually, the same kind of happened with props)
Dead marine corpses have randomized variants based off D64, 3, RPG, 4 and even some cut Doom sprites
Some gib sprites come from DRPG
Sound of doors/crushers crushing bodies may come from Duke Nukem 3D
Mod normally has a progress based randomization system, but an option makes everything actually randomized: Either for testing, a single map playthrough or to just drop balance
Options for performance based stuff like preventing some monsters from jumping or vanishing blood effects (Or to make gameplay less chaotic)
Wolfenstein SS have variants staring SNES port soldier, Mac port Officer, Apple stealth Wolfenstein game enemy and Wolfenstein RPG green soldier with RTCW sounds
Commander Keen has Dangeround Dave, Rescue Rover, Shadow Knights ninja, Catabombs 3D skeleton and a Hovertank 3D citizen
Keycards have randomized skins based off D64, 3, D2RPG and 4, along with a D4 sound (That one where you take a chip from the dead red armored marines)
Skullkeys get randomized skins from D64 and D4, along with a D4 sound
With default keybind being N, there's a codex inspired by 2016, in which info gets filled up with picked up items/guns and killed enemies, along with random lore objects with history about the franchise and sometimes outside of it
Codex info references ingame lore, text from game manuals, Doom media like the movies (RRTS) and novels (Robotic lost soul, sphere coating someone with a liquid) and even Impse
Some codex entries may not show up depending on settings affecting enemy spawns
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jomoartblog · 4 years
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Finished this last October and kept forgetting to post it. It’s a drawing of me and reps of my favorite shows/video games/cartoons/anime/etc. over the years.
From top to bottom, left to right:
Mark Lilly (Ugly Americans) Threebrain (Threebrain.com) Mr. Game & Watch (Game & Watch) Makoto Konno (The Girl Who Leapt Through Time) Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Samus Aran (Metroid) Jase (Killing Spree) Me Kazuma Ikezawa (Summer Wars) Clare (Claymore) Chiyo Mihama (Azumanga Daioh) Strong Bad (Homestar Runner) Chris McLean (Total Drama) Spy Fox (Spy Fox) Deimos Rising Ship (Deimos Rising) Link (The Legend of Zelda) Kirby (Kirby) Villager (Animal Crossing) Moon and Hopi Painting (Koyaanisqatsi) Mario (Super Mario Bros.) InuYasha (InuYasha) Mii (Nintendo Wii) Male Singer (Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock) Sgt. Henry Blackburn (Battlefield 3) Pablo Sanchez (Backyard Sports) Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass) Ness (Earthbound) Saya Otonashi (Blood+) Hank J. Wimbleton (Madness Combat) Sim (The Sims) Fred Chexter (Chex Quest) Kyuta (The Boy and the Beast) Master Shake (Aqua Teen Hunger Force) Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach) Otto Matic (Otto Matic) Crazy Jay the Ninja (Stickpage.com) Fox McCloud (Star Fox) Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill) Klayman (Klay World) Little Mac (Punch-Out!!) Hiroshi-kun and Hiroko-chan (Otakon) Xiao Xiao (Xiao Xiao) Popuko and Pipimi (Pop Team Epic) Olimar (Pikmin) Nathan Explosion (Metalocalypse) Revy Two Hands (Black Lagoon) Captain Underpants (Captain Underpants) Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia) Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon) Pajama Sam (Pajama Sam) Tank Dempsey (Call of Duty Zombies) Ace Ambling (Ballmastrz: 9009) Hana, Ame, and Yuki (Wolf Children) Takaki Tohno and Akari Shinohara (5 Centimeters per Second) Inkling (Splatoon) Summer Slaughter Mascot (The Summer Slaughter Tour) Dante Hicks (Clerks: The Animated Series) Panty and Stocking (Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt) Mirai (Mirai of the Future) Mordecai and Rigby (Regular Show) Lewistown Tiger (Lewistown Elementary School) Tintin (The Adventures of Tintin) Ash Ketchum (Pokémon) Taichi “Tai” Kamiya (Digimon) Sabotage Ninja (Liquid Generation) WYB Employee (Whack Your Boss) Pete and Pete (The Adventures of Pete and Pete) Tonka Joe (Tonka) Champion (The Triplets of Belleville) Oldies 100.3 Logo (WBIG 100.3) Weebl and Bob (Weebl and Bob) Putt Putt (Putt Putt) Ben and Becky Brightly (Big Thinkers) Kid Pix (Kid Pix) Mac and Bloo (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends) Thanks for Running Turkey (Thanks for Running) Cobra (Age of Empires 2) Test Drive Driver (Test Drive) Yuki Nagato (The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya)
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