#chie is also so cute i would die for her
the-kipsabian · 2 years
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grabthathorn · 2 years
Hello! It's a-me! The unhinged Langley simp but this time I'm thinking about 99 and her muscles. She's a buff woman that honestly no one could rival with (other than Zoya); which makes me melt when I think of 99 x Hella. I too, want an Absolute Unit™ of a murderous destruction to be so... soft towards me. Thinking of sharp, crazed eyes turning gentle whenever they land on her sun. Big, sharp claws running through her sun's hair before placing kiss on its ends (a worshipful gesture that she sometimes does unconsciously. Any sinner is retching at them lol). Her Mania skyrocketing only to drop down when she hears Hella's voice beacuse, beacuse no matter what she will always recognise her!!! No matter how deep she is ending in her mind!!!!!!! About how she's ready to kill, to die for her. Just to make sure her sun is as free as she can be in a world that wants them to be chained down.
I love how 99 looked at this gremlin, barely at her titties level, and really went "I would kill for her. I would die for her. Ethier way, what bliss."
Just... Ninety-nine going so very soft on Hella who actually quietens down whenever she gets affection from big buff lady.
I'm also thinking about loud, barsh, sharp around the edges Hella who loves to be embraced by 99 and never letting go no matter how sometimes the touch is hurtful (but she will heal and 99 DOESN'T need to know, mind your own business, fucker). About her just hanging on her forever-ride just to feel her close (and is so, so, so afraid to let go). And how she always thinks about her whenever she gets or demands something good (because I like to think that, just like 99, she associates everything good, be it snacks or toys or anything really, with big ball of rage that is soooo beloved). I'm thinking of her bending her back till it snaps just to make sure 99 is safe and sane beacuse there's nothing more loving than act of keeping someone so precious to oneself alive no matter what fate throws their way.
Just pure love between two broken people who makes world feel a little less broken.
I'm thinking! I'm aching! My heart bleeds and goes out for the broken and unloved finding solace in each other!!!
Unlovable hand!!!
I'm also thinking about Langley turning me into a human pretzel but it's not the time for that lmao. I wish she would DESTROY me.
honestly these two get me soft - i just finished playing the recent event (my characters were low-leveled no one come for me) and ninety-nine's brief mention was so cute
(also sorry for the time it took to respond)
A Brief Stay
     The last moments before unconsciousness took her were filled with cacophonous cries, the smattering of blood, and the searing pain that wove into the very fabric of her being. It was not an uncommon feeling, to be overwhelmed with anger and mourning, but it hurt just the same every time. 
     Missions go awry all the time, yet Ninety-Nine never cared unless it was her at risk. The sunlight she couldn’t bear to lose.
     When Ninety-Nine’s eyes drew open, the environment she was in was far different than all of the ones she had seen before.
     It was sterile, there were no masked men and women prodding at her, waiting for her body to turn. It smelled pleasant, with no lingering iron baked into the sheets of her bed or the walls of the room. It lacked the chains For as much as she could see, she was safe. 
     But safety only meant so much when she was alone.
     A dark-haired woman entered the room, hand in pocket. “You’re awake.”
     Ninety-Nine didn’t even bother responding, sitting up and ready to pounce when the doctor’s gaze redirected itself to the former lab rat’s side. 
     Glancing down and following the doctor’s gaze, Ninety-Nine found none other than Hella, curled up against her side and clinging to her gown, sound asleep. Her shoulders immediately dropped, and she returned to laying down, choosing instead to wrap her arms around Hella and hug her close.
     “You’re lucky the Chief was lenient,” the doctor sighed. “...And that she recovers quickly.”
     Marking a couple of things down on Ninety-Nine’s chart and giving her one last glance-over, the doctor left the room, letting Ninety-Nine have her privacy.
     With a yawn, Hella buried her face into the crook of Ninety-Nine’s neck, whispering, “Don’t do that again.”
     “You were hurt,”
     Hella pulled back to grimace, staring up at Ninety-Nine with a face nothing short of pure disappointment. Despite the woman being significantly shorter and wielding a pipe in comparison to a large sword, Hella was often the one to chastise Ninety-Nine, who gave way to her every time.
     “I can heal myself.” Hella deadpanned.
     Ninety-Nine opened her mouth, shut it, then tugged Hella into another hug. “...Okay.”
     Though the exchange had its tense moment, it quickly passed, and the two were back to their usual routine and nigh-inseparable. A comfortable silence took them as they searched for something to occupy their time, settling on a magazine about the latest and greatest to come out of DisCity.
     Not that either of them cared all too much about DisCity - the only thing they could be bothered to care about was each other.
     “You two should get- “ the doctor paused in the threshold of Ninety-Nine’s room when she spotted the two curled up, reading said magazine. “I’ll have Anne bring over your meals.”
     Hella peaked over the magazine with a smug grin, then returned to reading. Ninety-Nine didn’t notice the brief exchange of glares the two shared, too immersed at a nice jacket and dress. The kind that she’d figure Hella would wear if she wasn’t caught up with Sinners and MBCC and the lifeblood of DisCity.
     At the side of her face, Hella spat out, “Who the fuck would wear that?”
     “I think it would look nice on you.” Ninety-Nine commented.
     “I like my beanie, thank you.”
     The former lab rat didn’t even notice there was a beanie in the magazine to begin with.
     Ninety-Nine angled her head to get a better look at it, then the one atop Hella’s head. To say it was well-worn was an understatement, but it carried the same charm that Hella often did. She shrugged, kissing Hella on the temple, and looked back at the magazine.
     Hella rolled her eyes, flipping to another page.
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My before, during, and after impressions of the investigation team
Yu: “I know nothing about you but you are pretty”
Yosuke: “he looks like a 2000s jpop idol”
Teddie: I didn’t even know he existed
Chie: “aw she’s cute!”
Yukiko: “oooh. pretty”
Kanji: “he’s a punk, my favorite heheh”
Rise: “Omg she’s so cute and she shares a voice actor with tohru honda!! My babie and probably fave!!! Pretty girls and idols ftw”
Yu: “he’s kind of boring. not in a bad way but he just doesn’t stick out much and doesn’t have much of a personality, especially compared to joker
Yosuke: “Pfft. He’s a fucking dork I love him. But also shut the fuck up Yosuke I will NOT tolerate you hurting kanji I will drop you for him and kick your ass in a HEARTBEAT!!!!”
Teddie: “I fucking hate you die die die you’re so gross and annoying evil violence death hatred rage”
Chie: “she’s kind of annoying :/“
Yukiko: “she’s kind of annoying >:[. Also I hate her voice acting, she has weird infliction. I don’t care about you or what you’re going through at all”
Kanji: “ohhhh my beautiful boy, my beautiful boy!!! I love you so so much. You’re perfect. I love you. I love you.”
Rise: “I love you but not nearly as much as I thought I would and that disappoints me :/ also youre really weird around Yu and kind of a jerk to kanji and I don’t like it. *minus social points like the sims*”
Naoto: “I like you but not nearly as much as I thought I would and that disappoints me :( also you are definitely 100% absolutely trans and I love you for that / love that for you”
Yu: “Yu narukami I fucking love you. The best boy. Holy shit you’re so great” Not surprising bc I have “always loving the main character” disease lmao
Yosuke: “I love you and though it was a bit rocky you’re a great character and a wonderful person. I will now spend all my time writing / thinking about situations where you grow from your ignorance and become the best person you can be. Also holy shit you are so gay and homophobic”
Teddie: “I still think you’re gross but I don’t really hate you in the same way. Definitely still the least favorite but I know the game wouldn’t have been the same without you and you do have your good moments so fine. You pass.”
Chie: “ohhhh chie I love you so much!! You’re such a good girl. You’re so funny and sweet and you’re also so strong in so many ways!!! I care you a lot. Also I love imagining you as yu’s best friend, you get along so well!”
Yukiko: “girl I am so sorry for the disrespect. I love you. You’re a wonderful girl, a good person, and a good friend. You struggled through so much and it was so heartwarming seeing you grow beyond your faults and stand strong on your own. Also you’re so funny and I really like your voice actor a lot, I can say she sounds awkward because yukiko herself can be pretty awkward”
Kanji: “best fucking boy of all time ever holy shit. About halfway through the game you became my fave and you never left that spot. You are so wonderful and so kind. You went through so much and have such a big heart and I treasure and value you for that so much. You are such a special boy and you have such greatness waiting for you, and I know Yu and your mother will be there to encourage you. Also I love your mom!! Also you’re just so cute!!! You sew and blush so easily and are finally confidant with yourself and it makes me so emotional!! I related to you and your struggles a lot and it was so heartwarming to see you overcome them. Also soukan forever I love you two together so much <3333”
Rise: “I love you. You’re a good girl. Your route was fantastic, I’m just disappointed how they didn’t even attempt to merge your changed personality into the main story. You stay very stagnant despite having so much growth on your own and it makes me sad. Also girl stop being weird to kanji and Yu and kiss naoto yourself.”
Naoto: “oh my lovely lad. My trans child. You didn’t get much time to shine or show off your character so I don’t feel like I know you very well but I treasure you. You’re adorable and I care you a lot, I wish they gave you more focus <///3”
I didn’t find it difficult or excruciating to rank any of their bonds. I only missed naoto by one rank but that was because of time constraints. The routes were all so well done and I enjoyed seeing all of there characters grow and transform. In main story I think they’re all good arcs to varying degrees and it was such a joy when the whole team was finally together. I love the investigation team so much <3
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greengrungeemo · 3 years
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Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.4 Himatsubushi was a quick finish for me. Very short, but sweet. I enjoyed the pinpoint focus on Rika and Akasaka. Small town maiden versus federal government city boy. The ultimate dynamic in a serious altercation: a utilitarian issue. A dam construction. Should the few  thousand and their homes and livelihoods be sacrificed for the greater good of Japan and its energy resource capacity?
Yet, despite her small size and age, Rika may be the best symbol of strength than any character I know.
Why is this? Well, most who have played this chapter may describe how she has immense power and influence in Himanizawa due to the population treating her as a mascot and symbol, a vessel of Oyashiro-sama. Or, others could say that the fact she knows most, if not, can predict all days of her life leading to her end is a great power in of itself.
I personally view both of those as her greatest burden instead. A cross to carry. You can see it in her eyes. All she wants is to live happily with her friends, that’s all. As described by Akasaka and Ooishi, she never had any desire for power or wealth, only a humble lifestyle with the few she loves. Though, like many of us, life doesn’t tend to go our way. She is stuck. Alone with this issue. Trapped with an emotional affliction she struggles to deal with. She knows the exact day she’ll die. Who can she tell without sounding insane? Her friends? Her teacher, Chie? Doctor Irie at the clinic? Law enforcement? Her parents before their untimely demise? No. It’ll all sound crazy, and if she points at the happenings she predicts and says, “LOOK! See? I told you, I was right!” Superstition would be the primary thought process for all. “You did this then? You planned this?” See? It’s not so black and white, and I’m certain she already thought of every possible angle.
So why did she solely tell Akasaka her fate, and the fates of those affected by Oyashiro-sama’s Curse and their exact dates? A cry for help? An attempt to change fate? Trust in him? Perhaps sympathy or conviction to drive her point for him to go back to Tokyo and do exactly as she demands of him? My personal theory is that it could be any of these or a bit of all of them, or... it’s that she’s venting.
Yes, venting. This entire chapter focuses on the adversity that Rika must endure. She is a wearer of many masks. Intelligent (possibly due to these days being a recurring cycle for her? It *is* distinctly clear in her mother’s diary entries... Where could she be learning these skills and talents?), calculated as well. She knows when to act cute and when to drive her point forward. She knows this is all a matter of timing, and to set her pieces up carefully.
Akasaka on the other hand, he’s a good man. Faithful and devoted to his wife and his work. Sincere and strives to uphold the law and protect people. He may have a mission assigned to him, but he most definitely has his set of morals and principles that he strictly abides by. A good man. Yet, that may seem one-dimensional? And so it is proven. For this, he is naïve. Perhaps he’s overworked? Perhaps there’s simply so much information to keep tabs on, or perhaps he’s too focused on keeping his duty as maximum priority? Either way, he fails to absorb imperative information. When him and Rika are alone at the mountain view, she vents to him all of what will happen. She guarantees him the dam project will stop. Why? Because it will. She provides him exact dates and the events that will follow. Why? Because they will happen exactly as stated in verbatim. The stupidity and naivety of man. His perspective and priority was focused on “how Rika’s demeanor and speech changed”, rather than the actual information given. Pathetic, in Rika’s words.
It’s a shame, because he is the kind of man that would go out of his way to individually stop all of those events from happening. He has his morals to abide by, after all, and his emotional breakdown for Rika in the end is clear of that. His regret is clear... He’s a good man and that’s that.
Putting myself in Rika’s shoes, I wonder how this would wear on me psychologically and emotionally? Perhaps there would be moments of apathy or carelessness at the inevitability of it all - a nihilistic approach - or perhaps there may be moments of desperation? Stop it at all costs. No matter what, it feels as though it’s a much more powerful force than a tiny little girl can overcome, and that’s why it must be so hard on her. Despite her pain, the gestures she makes for Akasaka like cutting those phone line wires... brought me to tears. She wanted to provide him even a single night of respite, if it meant his happiness to be preserved a little while longer... That’s angelic to do with her burden. She’s so strong.
Also, her mocking and making fun of Ooishi’s laugh in the post-game extra was the best thing ever.
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All in all, the lesson and theme this chapter emphasizes is on choice. Cause and effect. Every choice, big or small, shapes our fate. All choices have their own set of consequences, good and bad. Life would be boring if all the choices we made ended up with good results, and indeed it would be torture if every one of them resulted in bad consequences. Rika may not know what choices to make, but it seems apparent that she’s making the most out of the ones she does know to make to extend the fullness of her life and reach that one step closer to her dream. That’s great, and I’m proud of her for it. After some heavy lessons of my own, I’m making sure to be as careful as possible, but also to act when necessary for those I love. Striking that balance to preserve true goodness. If you slip, pick yourself up and make future choices that will prevent similar slips. Rinse and repeat, and build, build, build. Experience builds character, after all. What kind of individual will you choose to be?
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kationella · 4 years
Can you do Persona Q3 plot with P1 and P2 characters what Labyrinth theme is to be Art museum or a Library? what you favorite conversation for your idea, What your story plot for PQ3 and Can you make New Character(s) in this story? NOTE: Can you Fanfic PQ
Oh, wow! I'm not sure I have the focus to write a PQ3 fanfic. The Batman one I'm writing is updated every two months 😅
I don't mind sharing my ideas, though.
First, it would be necessary to find a point in the story where every cast is taken from.
The P1 gang would be taken after they realize they had been with the Ideal Maki all this time but before they save the real one.
The Tatsuya Squad (Tatsuya, Michel, Lisa and Jun) would be taken after they recover the crystal skulls but before they confront Nyarly.
The Maya Squad (Maya, Katsuya, Baofu and Ulala) is taken before the Other Tatsuya joins them.
SEES would be taken after Ikutsuki's betrayal (I also want Minako and Shinjiro to make an aapearance, so those two will be from the FeMC timeline).
The Scooby Gang would be from before Nanako is kidnapped.
The PTs (including Sumire and Akechi) would appear before the final fight with Maruki.
Everyone finds themselves in a deserted theme park Disneyland Destinyland style. This place will serve as the labyrinth and provider of games/shenanigans for the social interactions.
Suddenly, shadows/demons start to appear in waves, but a cute girl called Erity takes them to safety in a funhouse. She says she doesn't remember who she is or where she came from (in true Persona Q tradition). Minor conflict and confusion over the whole situation arises but is quickly cleared up. Introductions take place.
The smart ones quickly figure out that talking about the events that take place in the future would wreak havoc in the time-space continuum, so talking about their games becomes a no-no.
Erity shows them that the gates of the theme park are closed and they can't get out.
Erity says that she remembers that in each ride (there are five of them) there is hidden a key. If they find the five keys they will be able to unlock the park's gates and leave back to where they came from.
The only problem is that each ride is infested by shadows/demons with a mini boss guarding each key, so the heroes split up into teams from mixed games to cover more ground quicker (and for interaction purposes).
With a new journey started, the Velvet siblings (sent by Phil) appear to aid our heroes, accompained by the Demon Painter (for game mechanics), Belladonna and Nameless (for social interaction). The Velvet gang takes residence in the funhouse, where the party can rest after a fight.
As they clear the theme park from enemies the heroes will constantly encounter an underwhelming guy in weirdly colored clothing who calls himself their "Ultimate Foe". He has a funny mustache. He doesn't do much apart from minor inconveniences and trash talking each party member he encounters (he calls it constructive criticism) before disappearing via colorful smoke.
The Ultimate Foe turns out to be the god Momus, who claims to have created the theme park for his own amusement and gathered the strongest warriors for a "fun adventure for the whole family". This angers some people in the party. They fight Momus for the final key.
In a predictable twist, Erity turns out to be the true mastermind. Her real identity is Achlys, goddess of the death-mist, misery and sadness. She convinced Momus to create the theme park and let shadows/demons roam free in it. Why? Due to the heroes fighting the evil in the world, she has grown weak. This is bad news for her. To prevent this, Achlys chose to kidnap everyone where they would either die by shadows/demons or remain trapped forever.
Obviously the heroes defeat her (with some help from an offended Momus) and retrieve the final key. Final goodbyes take place and everyone goes back to their timelines with no memores of the events.
This whole thing needs polishing but that's the basic plot. Now, for some of the interactions I would show in the game:
The obligatory talk between the protagonists. Naoya, Tatsuya, Minato, Minako, Yu and Akira talk in a way that makes no sense for everyone else. Maya acts as their translator.
Yuka, Ulala and Yu share cooking tips.
Everyone pets Koromaru.
Some people pet Morgana (aka Katsuya).
Kei, Tatsuya, Mitsuru and Makoto talk about motorcycles (Makoto also shows off Johanna). Yosuke stares from a distance.
Revenge and its merits is discussed by Reiji, Jun, Ken and Akechi. Eveyone agrees that its better things ended the way they did.
Jun and Akira bond over the single fact that they're both Jokers. Clown to clown conversation takes place.
Katsuya, Naoto and Makoto talk about the law system. Dabbles on philosophical grounds.
Gardening time with Jun and Haru.
The Lovers girls (+Eriko) have a talk about the entertainment industry.
Eikichi convinces Rise to join his band (or at least perform together at least once). Naoya offers to sing but he is dismissed.
Kei, Mitsuru and Haru talk business.
Hidehiko, Junpei, Yosuke and Ryuji get into a mess.
Teddie tries to "score" what else is new. He freaks some people when he comes out of the suit.
Maki, Masao and Yusuke have an artistic conversation.
Baofu and Futaba realize they have the same Persona. They become besties from then on and talk hacker nonsense. Everyone fears this duo.
Lisa and Chie bond over kung fu.
The P2 cast freak out after meeting the younger versions of their P1 friends.
Tatsuya and Makoto talk about siblings. Yu gives a speech about family somewhere in there.
Maya freaks out when Tatsuya, Lisa, Eikichi and Jun talk to her like they know her. Remember this is her EP version.
Likewise, Tatsuya gets weirded out when Ulala and Baofu (people he barely knows) approach him in a similar fashion.
Katsuya almost arrests someone.
Fuuka, Rise and Futaba talk about the importance of the navigator in a fight.
I also have other interactions in mind but this post is getting too long.
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snowpeawritings · 4 years
14. Everyday’s Great...
Philemon seems to enjoy seeing his Wild Cards live on with their lives…
Persona 4 Golden X FeMC!Reader
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05/03/TUE-Daytime | Junes Foodcourt
“If the killer was trying to silence her, there might’ve been something at the scene only she would have understood. Which would mean that the culprit may be someone close to Ms. Konishi.”
The words of Adachi still rang fresh in your mind. Yesterday, you and Yosuke offered to treat Chie and Yukiko Junes’s steak meal as compensation for your Personas practically eating all of the instant noodles. When your group had given them the steaks, Adachi had came by and began rambling his mouth over precious information. The evidence that’s been compiled from the police has been keeping you awake at night. Even Izanami had caught on with your overthinking, her trying to shake you out of it last night and before you were meeting with the others plus Nanako.
Speaking of Nanako, she was having the time of her life being at the food court despite it being, well, just a food court. You wish you could share her happiness but with how those words ring in your mind, you just couldn’t share her sentiment.
“So you’re the family cook, huh? Pretty impressive ‘Big Sis’!”
You blinked out from your thoughts, looking at Chie for a moment before shrugging. “You have to do what you have to do.”
You tried to ignore the sharp, side-eye glance from your Persona as you fiddled with the hem of your coat.
“As expected from our Leader! You’re pretty good with your hands when you made me that pork cutlet the other day!” Yosuke said, giving you a thumbs up.
Jiraiya, who was being held by the scarf by Tomoe, piped up. “’Good with your hands’...? Really, man?”
Yosuke choked, cheeks flushing red. “D-Don’t take words out of my mouth!”
You were thankful for the distraction as Izanami shook her head at the Wind-attuned Persona. “I blame the both of you for that.”
Beside her, the shivering pink Persona looked at Jiraiya and Tomoe. The muscled Persona still had Jiraiya in a strong, leash-like grip. “They’re quite close, aren’t they?”
From that comment, Tomoe sneered but held no ill will against Konohana. “As if I would be close to scum like this idiot.”
“Hey, that’s like two insults already!” Jiraiya yelled at her. “Besides, it’s not like I bug you all the time and the rest of the ladies don’t realize I exist!”
“In case you haven’t noticed, we have a new ally on our cause that I’d rather not corrupt so soon.”
Beside Yukiko, Konohana Sakuya was busy trying to catch a butterfly between her hands. It would’ve been adorable if the butterfly phased through her hands like they were nothing before she sadly sighed. She may not have realized that she was able to physically grasp things at her will but you’ll put your faith in Izanami that she’ll teach her... Even though you don’t know how they do it themselves.
Jiraiya clicked his tongue in disdain before moving his head towards Yukiko. “Hey, Amagi, was it?”
The girl in red jumped up in surprise, not expecting to be under fire. “Um, yes?”
He cocked his head (as much as he could) to your direction. “You sure you don’t have any closeted feelings for ____ here? Because I’m pretty sure Sakuya here says otherwise.”
“Anyway!” Chie exclaimed before patting her hand behind Nanako’s chair loudly: A sign that there was a child in the group and, most importantly, she can’t see or hear your Personas. “I can consider myself a pretty good cook too!”
Yosuke scoffed. “You? Cook? Hard pass.”
“What, you wanna cook-off?!”
From her battle cry, Tomoe let go of Jiraiya’s scarf and raised her fist at Yosuke. “Bring it on! Chie will not be defeated by the likes of you!”
Jiraiya flexed his shoulders even though you knew that he was joking about this. “Don’t cry when you lose, woman.”
“Children, behave.” Izanami said, but not making a move to stop them at all.
Now that it sunk in, you looked back at her on why she wasn't stopping them. In fact, she was leaning on her left leg and her arms crossed like she's watching actual children fight. All you could think about was since when was Izanami so laid-back? She wasn't like this before and you didn't even know Izanami could take a joke.
As if wanting to further spiral your mind into disarray, she joined in on the festivities. "If we're speaking about culinary talents, it is my own master who will reign supreme."
Good god, since when can she gloat?
Soon, everyone has the same aghast expression on their face. With everyone looking at Izanami like she told them that your hand would be fine if you dunk it in scalding hot water, it was a wonder how Izanami wasn't buckling down from the attention. Even Yosuke, Chie, and Yukiko are looking at her like she was the goddess that she's supposed to be.
Nanako, who finished her snack with a smile, looked up to see all of you staring at something with a funny expression on your faces. She looked to where you all were staring at only to find nothing but a cat with its paws outstretched towards a fish decoration. It was clearly fake and sloppily done-the white of the paper peeking through the mismatched crayons-but the cat deemed it was tasty enough for it to try and eat it.
But the girl thinks that it was funny enough, so she copied your expressions with glee.
Eventually, Izanami noticed their staring and shrugged. "Jiraiya must be rubbing off on me."
Like a gust of wind, the frog immediately slid next to her like in those cartoons before wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Oh, Izanami! You sly woman, how adorable that you're taking my mannerisms!"
As if to add more to the fire, his voice dipped lower, a tone that you never heard him or even Yosuke since they sound remotely the same, made you shiver. "You trying to turn me on?"
Before Izanami could say anything, a sharp spear was hooked under his scarf and yanked him away. It wasn't long before a smack was heard.
“Um… Anyway…” Yosuke steered back the conversation to them. “So Nanako-chan! With all these contenders in our group, I bet we can make something that could top your mom’s cooking!”
You and Izanami winced.
Nanako answered without flinching. “I don’t have a mom. She died in an accident.”
Everyone besides you and Izanami eyes widened at the statement. Tomoe stood even more rigid than usual, Jiraiya actually paused in his floating for once, and Konohana stopped fiddling with her petals.
It took a while but Chie nudged Yosuke with her hand. “Hey, Yosuke…”
He fumbled with his words, trying to come up with something to try and clear the awkward air, but all he could muster was the usual ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t know’ phrase.
Luckily, Nanako took it in stride. “It’s okay. Even if I don’t have a mom, I have Dad with me.”
And to put the final nail in the coffin for being how cute she was, she turned to you, a happy blush on her cheeks. “And now I have a big sister, too!”
And now to bury the coffin, she turned to everyone. “And I’m having a lot of fun today! I love Junes!”
"... I will die for this child." Jiraiya said seriously. "I will."
"For once, I agree with you frog." Tomoe said.
Even Konohana, the most emotional Persona, started bawling. "Sh-She's the sweetest!"
Izanami tried to comfort Konohana but that even croaked another cry from the pink Persona as her petals fluttered from her shaking.
Looking at your friends, you see that they also share the same sentiment, albeit not as extreme as their Personas. You were pretty sure Yosuke was about to straight up cry though.
Chie smiled at her. "We'll play with you all that you want, Nanako! Just say the word!"
Yukiko piped in. "Yeah, we should hang out more often."
"Nanako-chan!" Yosuke said to her with an easy-going smile. "How about I buy you a drink?"
She nodded gleefully at Yosuke before following him to the drinks stand. It wasn't long before Jiraiya followed them, wanting to watch over Nanako like his life depended on it. The rest of you watched them go away.
"She's a strong girl." Yukiko said after they were out of hearing range.
"Yeah," Chie replied to her, "she makes me feel like I'm the little kid."
"She'll grow up to be a strong woman. I just know it." Tomoe said softly and you couldn't help but linger for a second that Tomoe let her guard down.
Konohana looked at Tomoe then to the direction where Yosuke, Nanako and Jiraiya went. "Do you think Jiraiya may be talking Yosuke's ear off?"
A momentary silence ensued before Tomoe sighed sharply and went to the drinks stand. Konohana soon followed, at least wanting to try and calm down Tomoe. It wasn't long before Yukiko and Chie followed them, not to stop them but to buy something for Nanako.
You have a feeling your friends won't stop spoiling Nanako anytime soon.
"Nanako has them wrapped around her fingers." Izanami said.
You were sure it was a joke. It has to, with how laid-back she is right now.
"You're not going with them?" You asked her.
She paused before she turned to you with her golden eyes. "Not after you tell me what's been bothering you."
You flinched under her gaze, looking away from her piercing stare as you fiddled with your hands. "What do you mean?"
"Do not try and dissuade me. You've been silent ever since you came here with Nanako. Even you aren't immune to her charms."
You struggled to formulate a response. You weren't as eloquent like the books you've read so you can't weasel your way out of her interrogation.
With a sigh, you resigned yourself to your fate as you looked at your Persona. "I'm just… thinking about the case."
She tilted her head. "We think about it all the time."
"No, like-" You said, the temporary flare of frustration creeping up but you held it down. "I just… want to solve this case as soon as possible."
"Hasty decisions lead to dire consequences." She quoted. "We have time to figure out the truth."
"I get that, but like…" You trailed off. You suck in a breath before continuing. "I don't want this team to worry even more. We're supposed to be worrying about midterms, for god's sake. Not finding some serial killer on the loose!"
Izanami sharply said your name, reminding you that you were technically by your lonesome in the eyes of others. "I understand how you feel. You are still a child, wrapped up in responsibilities that shouldn't even be on your shoulders."
She then looked down, looking like she was mulling over on what else to say before staring at you straight in the eyes. "But you have friends that care for you, even a family to care for you. And you still have me."
For what felt like hours, you stared back into those golden eyes. They seemed to shine even brighter than before and you don't know if that was the watery sensation you're getting in your eyes.
"You still have us," She continued, "you're not alone in this."
You blinked away, trying to fight back the tears before nodding at her. "... Thanks."
She let out an amused huff before turning her head to hear footsteps coming towards your table. Nanako came back with a carefree smile on her face.
"Do you want something too?"
Thou art I… And I am thou…
Thou hast established a new bond…
It brings thee closer to the truth…
Thou shalt be blessed when creating Personas of the Justice Arcana… 
Persona Time
After bidding goodbye to your friends, you, Izanami, and Nanako went back home. The little girl now has a little baggie full of snacks provided by all of your friends. You wondered briefly if her teeth would be alright with all of the sweets they bought for her but she comforted your fears by saying she won’t eat them all the time.
That being said, that didn’t stop her from eating a choco cornet. The chocolatey filling made her squeal in happiness as she savored the pastry. You two went around the shopping district, not quite ready to go home yet when the sun is still high. You thought about attempting the Mega Beef Bowl Challenge again but it wouldn’t be worth it when it wasn’t raining.
Right now, you looked at the shops, eyes lingering on an old textile shop. Recalling the news last time, there was a brawl that happened in front of the store because some punks were causing a ruckus. It was at that moment when…
“Hey,” Nanako said softly, “there’s a funny-looking guy at that shop.”
The lady’s son stood in front of the textile shop like he was protecting it from anything harmful. His bleached hair made him stand-out from the passersby as his daunting stature made him look like he was a part of a syndicate. If the news didn’t slip that he was a year under you, you would’ve kept your guard up.
You tugged on Nanako’s hand. “Let’s steer clear from that guy, okay?”
She muttered an ‘okay’ before following you. Izanami stepped ahead of you two, cleaver in her hands in case of anything that could happen. You and Nanako hurried to the nearest bus stop, trying to avoid any eye contact from him as Izanami stood guard.
For a moment, you were about to be away from the first-year before somebody stopped you. An arm darted out in front of you, belonging to an older man that you’ve no doubt want to punch his teeth in if not for a child in the vicinity.
“What’s the rush?” He slurred and you recoiled back from his breath. You quickly placed Nanako behind you as Izanami raised her cleaver.
“Leave us alone.” You spat, not bothering to give him the time of day. You tried to dodge him but that led to him sidestepping back in front of your vision. You felt Nanako shiver from behind you as you glared at the man. Izanami swung her cleaver back, ready to maim.
"No need to be afraid! I'm gonna take real good care of you two--"
Before he could even finish his sentence, a fist came and clocked him clean in the jaw. Nanako gasped, you pulled her closer as you followed the fist to see the bleach-haired first year staring down at the pervert like he was scum.
"How many times do I gotta tell ya?!" The first-year spat, kicking his foot towards the man's chest as he doubled-over in pain. "If I see ya here one more time, it won't be just your face that's gonna get a beat-down!"
The man couldn't even respond, seeing from the odd angle of his jaw. He hurried to his feet and ran away from you, not even looking back.
Beside you, Izanami lowered her cleaver. "That was… an event."
You nodded at her before looking down at Nanako. She was still shaking but not as much as before. She didn't even realize her choco cornet had been squeezed too much, the chocolate filling already staining her clothes.
But it looked like she didn't mind. Instead, she looked at the first-year with a wide-eyed smile. "Thanks mister for beating him up!"
Like a lightswitch, he immediately turned into a blushing mess. He stumbled with his words, looking away from Nanako as he stuffed his hands into his pants pockets.
"Sh-Shut up! I didn't do it for you!"
Ah, so he's that type.
"Thanks still, for chasing him away." You said to him, smiling softly. "We owe you one."
He choked. "You ain't owin' me nothin'!"
Your lips quirked upwards at his real demeanor, wanting to tease him even more but he was still a punk that socked someone without hesitation. You still had Nanako behind you and a pile of books that you need to study for midterms.
“Thanks anyway. Stay safe.” You said to him earnestly before walking to the bus stop. Nanako lagged behind a bit, looking back at the bleached boy with a smile.
“Goodbye, strong man!”
Izanami was the only fortunate soul to witness a boy combust to the ground.
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learning-persian · 4 years
Terms of Endearment
Some time ago, a lovely person asked me on this blog to recommend some popular terms of endearment that Persian speakers use. I decided to post the list here too in case some of you may find it useful.
Note that there are some terms of endearment that people are more comfortable to use in public, and then there are some that they may only use in private. I give you examples of both.
In public, you may hear couples use ‘azizam’ (عزیزم)/ ‘my darling’ a lot. You may even hear it used frequently by women when addressing one another in a friendly way. It’s true even when they have just met! I think it works like a disarming word. When you hear someone tell you ‘azizam’ you feel like they’re a nice person and you can trust them or something, lol.
Couples may use ‘eshgh’ (عشق)/ ‘eshgham’ (عشقم):‘love/my love’ in public too.
Also, ‘jaanam’ (جانم), meaning ‘my life’ is a very beautiful way to address a loved one in others’ company. The informal way of saying jaanam is ‘joonam’ (جونم) and it can come after the loved one’s name.
But most of these terms of endearment are usually used in private, because of their very intimate and romantic nature. I mean, you probably won’t hear couples use these while addressing each other in others’ companies, unless they’re extremely comfortable with their audience or just simply don’t care to be judged as sentimental (many do, I guess).
azize delam (عزیز دلم): my sweetheart
jaane delam (جان دلم): the life of my heart (you can also use it when your loved one calls your name to ask you something. This way, it tells them you’re all ears to listen to what they have to say)
khoshgelam/ghashangam (خوشگلم/ قشنگم): my beautiful/my pretty
arousak (عروسک): doll
nazanin (نازنین)/ nazaninam (نازنینم): precious/ my precious (nazanin is also a girl name)
nafas (نفس)/nafasam (نفسم): breath/my breath (kinda hardcore - nafas is also a girl name)
zendegi (زندگی)/zendegim (زندگیم): life/my life (better not use it to call them over. Use it when you’re gonna tell them sth sappy, lol. Also ‘to hameye zendegimi’ تو همه‌ی زندگیمی is a very intense form of love confession and means ‘you’re my whole life.’)
shirinam (شیرینم): my sweet (shirin is also a girl name)
asal (عسل)/asalam (عسلم): honey/my honey (also asal is a girl name)
fadat sham/ ghorbounet besham (فدات شم/ قربونت بشم): ‘let me die for you’
The last one may sound very dramatic, but it’s so commonly used that it has lost its literal meaning. Romantic couples use it freely to address each other. You may also hear it used a lot by women who are interacting with something very cute and wish to express their love. For example, a woman seeing a cute baby or a kitten would say ‘ghorbounet besham man’ (قربونت بشم من), which literally means ‘let me sacrifice myself for you’ but actually just means ‘you’re so cute I’m gonna die’.
Another example:
Little girl: Auntie, can I have another cupcake pls?
Auntie, who’s totally smitten with her cute, little niece: aare ghorbunet besham (آره قربونت بشم): of course you can, dear.
Oh, and when couples address each other, a simple way of saying ‘what is it, my love?’ is ‘jounam?’ (جونم؟), which literally means ‘(yes) my life?’. It’s very romantic and I recommend all lovers use it instead of saying ‘chie?’ (چیه؟): ‘what?’. It makes you feel really loved and appreciated when someone says ‘jounam?’. Chie? sounds impatient and kinda rude. You can however use it with siblings or colleagues or friends.
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kenkamishiro · 5 years
zakki:re Q&A replies megathread
A translation megathread of the zakki:re Q&A contest letters Ishida sent back to winning contestants!
As far as I know there were 100 winners, though I only have around 40 in this post. There were more on Twitter, but some opted not to release them publicly on Twitter for personal reasons (such as if they asked personal questions). Some didn’t reveal their question, or all of Ishida’s replies, but I’ve tried my best to guess at their meaning if possible.
The ones I’ll post here are from Twitter, specifically if they came with pictures of Ishida’s art or handwritten replies. I’ll also mention some context if I felt that the conversation/topic between the OPs and Ishida was interesting.
If you see one that I missed, please let me know and I’ll update this post.
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From songbirdfaraway (X):
No question or answer revealed. OP mentioned that since they drew Touka and Kaneki on the postcard they sent Ishida, that Ishida must have figured OP liked them and drew them in his reply.
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From mochi_XIII13 (X):
A huge Juuzou fan. OP stated they asked something they’ve always wanted to know from the bottom of their heart for ages, and that they couldn’t stop crying when they got the answer from Ishida. (No question or answer revealed.)
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From __rsks__ (X):
OP must have asked how Naki proposed to Miza, because:
Naki: (Oh yeah!) Dunno what kinda pose a “pro-pose-al” is, but I said we gotta be together ‘til we die!!
Miza: You didn’t need to mention that!
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From choco__morinaga (X):
The answer was hidden because OP wasn’t sure whether Ishida minded if it was shared publicly since the info he gave in the answer wasn’t mentioned before. Ishida said it was okay to share, but I can’t seem to find OP tweeting anything about what the question and answer was.
Uta: It’s a secret. Just kidding.
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From SatoshigeKiya (X):
OP mentioned they sent in a question that didn’t have anything to do with TG, and Ishida’s response:
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From 00ibushigin00 (X):
No question shown.
Ishida: Correct.
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From tsukihoryst (X):
OP asked for Chie’s biography (one of two, actually!).
Hori Chie Birthday: September 30th 136 cm / 33 kg / 21.5 cm Currently on break from university. (Voluntarily on leave.) Hobbies: photography, travelling, going for walks, enjoying drama
Tsukiyama: Little mouse, what are you doing? Chie: I got asked a question.
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From Hosaka_0405 (X):
Seems like it was a personal question, so I won’t translate.
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From take2129 (X):
OP asked if Aunt Satou, Takizawa’s neighbour who was mentioned in his will, was killed by Ayato? But Ishida stated that it wasn’t Ayato who killed her, just some random ghoul.
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From reirei_reina_ (X):
OP was so happy they got a nosebleed LOL. Not exactly sure what they asked.
Ishida: It’s great that I can know about the people who have been reading the series for a long time in this manner.
Touka: Thanks!
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From cmnme17 (X):
OP’s question: Please give us more details about Hairu’s hairstyle!
Side: (fluffy bangs) Hairu: Hm...more details…?
Front: Long straight across.
Back: Looks like this from behind.
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From go_t35 (X):
Seems like OP asked about the name of a fan club for Ishida based on another tweet of theirs (X)?
Ishida’s attempts: Ishida Club, The 9th Laboratory, Us [Oretachi], We [Wareware], umm? Muscle Lover’S [Kinniku Daisuki’S]. Please tell me of a good one you came up with.
(This is Tsukiyama-level naming lol)
OP later replies to Ishida, saying they were thinking of Sui Sui Club (“club” in kanji).
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From 4njo_Usa (X):
OP’s question unknown.
Ishida: No matter how hard things get, don’t forget your goals.
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From mishumi_jugem (X):
This OP also asked for Chie’s biography. Similar to the first one, except that she has blood type O.
Chie: Me? I guess I also like seeing drama.
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From ChirolMaronLevi (X):
The question wasn’t sent by OP, but by his father. Both father and son are fans of TG (OP grew up reading Jump comics since the father reads them a lot), which amused Ishida greatly. OP is jealous, and his father is smug/happy about it lol (there’s a photo of him holding the zakki:re letter with a glove, with the letter itself wrapped in plastic, with a giant smile on his face).
Also a bit sadder to mention, but OP’s maternal uncle passed away from esophageal cancer. Hearing that his son (so OP’s cousin) has all the TG volumes, OP borrowed the letter from his dad to show to his cousin, which made the cousin happy.
Ishida: Isn't something like that decided at the very end? You're admirable. Please do your best to stay till the end.
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From inou_uoni (X):
OP’s question: This is related to Tokyo Ghoul:re. Ihei Hairu has pink hair, but why did you make her hair colour stand out from everyone else’s?
Hairu: Cause I’m cute, of course?
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From 3110_mai (X):
OP asked some question about Urie, and the reply:
Urie: Why indeed.
OP is really amused Urie doesn’t know the answer, and it might even be possible that even Ishida himself doesn’t know.
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From GW3Q1od9vzXccOM (X):
Funny enough, the preview of the postcards Ishida tweeted shows more of this illustration. (I’m planning on also translating those postcards that weren’t posted by their owners at the end). But it seems OP was concerned about Ui’s smoking habits, because:
Ui: It’s fine, I’ve got strong lungs.
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From paralysis_2626 (X):
Seems like OP asked where Furuta’s pseudonym “PG” when he was masquerading as Souta came from. This is what I could salvage based on OP’s multiple photos:
Furuta: Eh, what “PG” stands for? Huuh, is that what you’re asking…? What to do...hmm, alright, this is just between us, but the truth is...PG is [redacted by OP]. What!! Just kidding~ Actually, [mostly redacted, I can make out the parts where OP didn’t blur the text in another image, something about eating bulgogi]. Ahaha!
This is just my personal guess, so take it with a grain of salt. But:
Bulgogi = プルコギ = purukogi = PurukoGi = PG…
OP did mention they were going to get bulgogi after this, so chances of this being right are pretty high lol.
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From ute9pmr1 (X):
I think OP asked about what animal Ishida would want to become to relax (for example, OP wants to become a sea creature became they’re drawn to the ocean).
Ishida: If I’m given time to relax someday...I’d keep working as a human. I don’t really want to become an animal…
Ishida later adds in a tweet it’s more fun being a human.
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From hare__1127 (X):
OP got back a Houji from Ishida when they asked about hojicha (roasted green tea).
Above Houji’s head: It smells nice. Next to Houji: This is Houji-san.
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From re_cord01 (X):
OP was debating whether they should keep it to themselves, but decided it’d be better for them to share so everyone can see (thank you OP, this is personally my favourite reply I’ve seen).
OP’s question: What is Kaneki-kun's life like now? (something small like a simple diary entry...)
Month X Day X
I wake up to the sounds of Touka-chan and Ichika's voices. For some reason, they're excited over some news on TV. I read through the documents related to Countermeasures [most likely something to do with the United Front] , and summarize my opinion on it until noon. Time for lunch. Since Touka-chan went out to the shop, I make lunch for Ichika using the rice I bought. "It tastes better than Mama's," she said, so I replied, "Keep that a secret from Mama." In the afternoon, I think I'll take a short walk with Ichika, and try visiting Anteiku with her.
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From Nia__86 (X):
Question or answer unknown.
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From OKASHI_monster (X):
Question unknown.
I wasn't prepared at all... If I think about this and that it makes me think, "Ah, I don't wanna do this," so there's times where it's easier not to think about it. It may have been better if I had a "there's all kinds of things huh..." kind of resolve.
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From utahira_flour (X):
Question and the full answer unknown. (The postcard on the left is just OP’s message to Ishida about Uta and Hirako).
Uta: Try it out?
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From gongon0514 (X):
OP’s question: What is the name of Hirako Take’s Shiba Inu?
Ishida: Kotarou.
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From S8OkMMRsYsB7H8i (X):
OP’s fiancee got the reply from Ishida!
OP’s fiancee’s question: Why does Takizawa, when he became a ghoul, begin to hold his fingers in his mouth?
Ishida: Like infants, the reasons can include stress, and suppressing his appetite.
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I actually can’t find the OP for some reason, so if anyone finds it, please let me know!
Based on Ishida’s preview of the postcards, it seems like OP asked how Hirako felt when he first got his dog.
Ishida: Something like this. Hirako: …(it’s a dog)
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From tacto_0 (X):
Seems the question was personal, and I can only make out something about how once you’re satisfied it will end there.
The reason the mask is in the picture is because OP asked Ishida advice about making Kaneki’s mask a few years back.
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From secret_fairys (X):
The first reply that Ishida worked on.
Ishida: I like guys that can win with a hard blow. The weapon is a two-handed sword. Dialogue bubble: I will cut you down.
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From kuranosukezemi (X):
I can’t say what Ishida replied to OP since the revealed text doesn’t really say anything substantial, but seems like OP asked something related to the final chapter based on their tweet.
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From @S_R_Snow (X):
OP must have asked what Touka named her keychain lol.
Touka: No...since I’m not the kind to name things… Yoriko: She called it Usakichi!
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From @rio_080910 (X):
I have no clue what OP asked so the reply doesn’t really make sense. Basically if Ishida has tried doing something.
I never thought about it during serialization. But since it ended, I’m thinking it’d be good to try that kind of thing.
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From @Utinni_jawamori (X):
OP seems to have asked a Star Wars-related question since Ishida drew Darth Maul.
Why of course...here. But I also like Count Dooku. Exar Kun symbol.
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From @ume__oni (X):
Ishida’s reply was covered up by OP, but OP mentioned in their tweet how they named the onigiri Ishida drew “SSR onigiri”, and that they were thankful for receiving a reply despite their silly question.
Ishida replied to their tweet, and it seems like the question OP asked was about his favourite kind of rice or onigiri since Ishida mentioned something about koshihikari, a type of rice.
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From bobriorio (X):
OP’s question: Is there a specific character’s expression that makes you go, “Drawing this face is fun, I love it!”?
Ishida: Something like this broken-looking face, for a lot of reasons…
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From nato_noir (X):
OP didn’t mention what question they asked, but probably had something to do with the species of butterfly that appears throughout TG. They also mentioned they started reading TG in 1st grade of junior high, since Ishida addresses that in his reply.
From 1st grade of junior high! I'm happy to hear that. It may look like a "butterfly", but specifically it's a moth called a mock swallowtail butterfly moth. I drew it to symbolize the difference between humans and ghouls even though they look similar.
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From Fyt120 (X):
Question is unknown.
Ishida/Matsuri: Even if it cannot be reached, it will be in your thoughts for eternity.
(Why do I get the feeling he’s talking about Urie lol)
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From pencil_15 (X):
OP asked about Tatara’s biography.
Now published...!
Tatara (Zhū Lú) [朱鑪, 朱 means 'red' and 鑪 is fireplace, the kanji for Tatara] 186 cm / 96 kg Blood type A Hobbies: Go (taught by his older brother), reading (Takatsuki Sen)
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From hachiyone_arai (X):
If you can't stop thinking about the person even though you know it will never happen, that is love. ...according to Matsuri. (I love Urie too.) Urie: No.
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From nanasiFAST (X):
Miza: Hm...me? I don’t really rank the things I love.
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From Ishida’s preview (X):
Top right - Saiko: Kah!
Bottom right - Maid.
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Top left - Nakarai: Recently, Japanese waxwings, I think. (has a rock look to it)
Bottom left - Ichika comic: (you can read here)
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I’ll just summarize what I can figure out here since so much of it is concealed.
Higemaru - I think OP asked about how Higemaru ended up working for the CCG because it talks about his history at the Academy and the Qs. Also that Hige really looks up to Urie and wants to keep working with him.
Akira - I think OP asked for advice on dealing with the difficulties with their transfer family, because Ishida suggests using phrases such as, “I see...” or “That’s why~!”. (The alternative is Akira giving Inoue-san (from the transfer family) a Mado Punch lol)
Uta - A personal question, in which Ishida mentioned something about how if OP realized they messed up, and doing what OP needs to do.
Letter below Ui’s - Hide in :re volume 14, huh~ Kaneki also lost his way in OG volume 7 and :re volume 16. [Something about other guys like Naki, and something about how deciding the most important thing is difficult]
The end! If there’s any other replies from Ishida that you didn’t see here, please let me know!
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Little Witch Academia
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Atsuko Kagari (nicknamed Akko) has always had a fascination with witches. Or should I say one particular witch! When she was a child, she saw a magic performance done by a famous witch named Shiny Chariot. After that, Akko decided then and there that she was going to become a witch just like Shiny Chariot. So when she became a teenager, she got the opportunity to enroll at Luna Nova Magical Academy. While this school has primarily been a place for witch’s only to hone on their skills, due to financial issues they opened the school up to non-magic users. And Akko has no magic in her whatsoever!
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We follow the antics of Akko as she tries to survive in a witch academy. During her time she’s managed to snag a wand that was once owned by Shiny Chariot (which she plans to return to), meet friends like Lotte and Sucy, start a rival with the school star Diana Cavendish, get one-on-one training from Professor Ursula (who has her own kind of past), and learn everything there is to know about becoming a great witch. But Akko is going to have a tough time because like I said, she has no magic in her whatsoever! BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: As I mentioned at the beginning, this series is under the thumb of Netflix (in every country). I haven’t had the opportunity to check out the subtitled version. As for the dub…boy, Erica Mendez is getting the choice roles in Netflix exclusive animes. I can’t complain, the lady does fine work. Plus Netflix gives me a chance to hear other new voice actors and seiyuus. Some were big misses with me, but others (like Sucy’s voice) won me over. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from. JAPANESE CAST: *Akko is played by Megumi Han (known for Yamato on Ore Monogatari, Momiji on Fruits Basket 2019, Kagari on Steins;Gate 0, Rio on YGO Zexal, and Chie on Tokyo Ghoul) *Sucy is played by Michiyo Murase *Lotte is played by Fumiko Orikase (known for Dianthe on Pokemon XY, Kyubei on Gintama, Riza on FMA: Brotherhood, Seras Victoria on Hellsing, Shirley on Code Geass, Rukia on Bleach, and Aki on Inazuma Elven) ENGLISH CAST: *Akko is played by Erica Mendez (known for Ryuko on Kill la Kill, Haruka/Uranus on Sailor Moon redub, Emma on The Promised Neverland, Nico on Love Live, Yuuki on SAO II, Retsuko on Aggretsuko, and Tsubaki on Your Lie in April) *Sucy is played by Rachelle Heger *Lotte is played by Stephanie Sheh (known for Mikuru on Haruhi Suzumiya, Kuro on Blue Exorcist, Nui on Kill la Kill, Hinata on Naruto, Orihime on Bleach, Illiya on Fate/stay night, Yui on K-ON, and Usagi/Sailor Moon on Sailor Moon) FAVORITE CHARACTER: I know in stories like these I always root for the underdog and they end up my favorite character…buuuuuuut…
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I like Sucy! Yeah, I like the little mischevious, mushroom-loving witch. And yes, I love the episode where Akko goes inside Sucy's subconscious and we see all the Sucy's inside Sucy.
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DISLIKED CHARACTER: I knew I couldn’t really hate Diana! I think most of the hatred I shared at her direction for the majority of the season was because of those two cronies that hung around her. Those two were catty bitches and I just hate those kinds of characters. But nothing could compare to Diana’s bitch aunt.
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God, fuck this woman! She literally tries to usurp Diana from taking over as head of the Cavendish family line. Just so she can give it to one of her bitch daughters! She’s seriously giving me Lady Tremaine vibes, it’s not even funny. You know it’s bad that I was rooting for them to die when they got into trouble. But Diana wasn’t going to let her bitch aunt and bitch cousins die so I should stop hoping for severe payback. SHIPPING: Hmm…the shipping category is going to be fun! I think it’s only because of that one episode that involves a bee sting and the person is smitten with the next person they see. And boy did Akko get her fill when not only Andrew falls for her, but Diana as well!
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Actually, I have thoughts of Andrew really taking a shine to Akko. I honestly thought there would only be two interactions at the most between him and Akko during the show. But surprisingly, there were more. I’m not really a fan of this ship, but I still find it cute. Hell, even Lotte found a boy that was interested in her at one point. She turns him down, but he still holds out hope. Also a cute moment! Hmm…at the moment I’m an open multishipper for this series. If Akko ends up with Diana, cool man! If she ends up with Andrew, whatever, I can dig it! If Akko ends up with Amanda, more power to you (and I can totally see that because Amanda is giving me total lesbo-vibes). What do you expect, this is like an all-girls school!
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You know what, I’m now leaning towards Akko x Amanda more than all the others. Don’t fight me on this, I just know I like it! ENDING: Up until the halfway point, a lot of the episodes are about Akko trying to make it as a witch. Did she surpass everyone’s doubts? While Akko was able to improve her magic a bit (I give it 5%), it’s not at the level as many of her classmates. I mean by episode 20, Akko still cannot fly a broom! That should tell you something. But what’s the one thing that seems to be missing from this series?
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An antagonist? Yeah, in comes Professor Croix! And to many of the students, she feels like she’s able to bring witchcraft into today’s era with her technology driven methods. And Akko certainly has taken a shine to her. However, Professor Ursula can smell this woman’s bullshit a mile away. Ursula was once the classmate of Croix. But back then Ursula was known as… Oh come on, it was so bloody obvious the moment Ursula met Akko.
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Ursula is really Shiny Chariot! Meanwhile, Akko ends up trying to speak these seven secret words that’ll unlock the wand she obtained in the first episode. You know, the wand that belonged to Shiny Chariot?! And Akko has managed to obtain six out of the seven secret words. She could be the one to get the seventh word, which was something Chariot was unable to do as a student. But this positivity ends with a looming war (over a soccer match) on the rise. In actuality, there’s a force around the town as well as certain moments at the school that have caused chaos. Yes, it’s Professor Croix exploiting people’s anger for her own research. Not only that, but she used Akko for her own selfish ambitions and as a result ended up injuring Shiny Chariot to a point of altering her magic (possibly permanently). That’s one thing. Then we get quite a big bombshell!
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AKKO’S MAGIC: Ever wonder why Akko has like zero magic ability?! When she saw Shiny Chariot’s performance as a child, her dreams and potential magic were taken by Chariot in order to make her performances more magical (due to audience members becoming disinterested in Chariot’s magic). Akko’s magic was taken away from her before she could even realize a thing. Damn! And you can just imagine Akko’s heartache finding out that her professor was really Chariot and that Chariot did that to not just Akko, but other children! After Chariot found out what her magic shows were doing, she immediately fell off the map.
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BACK TO THE CONCLUSION: One of Croix’s inventions went rogue and is officially threatening the world. And it’s up to Akko, Sucy, Lotte, Diana, Amanda, Constance, and Jasminka to catch up to this rogue missile invention. Now that Akko was able to obtain the seventh word, there’s a good chance they can take out Croix’s out of control missile. Croix thankfully realized the errors of her way and understood the pain she’s caused to her students and her former classmate. Croix and Chariot decide to give their all to help the girls as well. While five of the seven girls were able to give a big boost, it was Akko and Diana who took out the looming threat. That’s right, witches saved the world! Yeah, during the series a lot of people were kinda mean to or looked down upon Luna Nova and the witch race in general. Especially, those dickheads at Andrew’s prep school! With this act, I’m sure Luna Nova and the witches will finally get the respect they deserve. In the aftermath, yes Luna Nova is now receiving more respect from those that have been quite cruel to them throughout the series run. Croix is going away to do some research. One of her biggest plans was to restore Ursula/Chariot’s magic that was lost due to her own recklessness with Akko. The students go back to their lessons and…
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Akko (after 25 episodes) was able to float a few inches off the ground using her broom. She flew…sort of. I’ll let it count as a victory! THE TWO SPECIALS: A few years prior to the television series run, Little Witch Academia had two movies air. Now this is a different telling of the story. In the first special (which is 25 minutes), it has Akko come upon Chariot’s rod during a class assignment (instead of coming upon it in a forest like the first episode).
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And here’s a real kicker, while Akko is still the class screw-up and has the least amount of magic, here she actually has SOME magic. In the second special (which is 55 minutes), Akko ends up in trouble (like normal) and ends up having to do a punishment assignment. She has to help orchestrate a ritual which ends up turning into a parade. So Akko, Sucy, Lotte, Amanda, Constance, and Jasminka all end up working together to do this. But Akko wants to turn this into something for people to remember and always cherish. Like her experiences with the Shiny Chariot performances she saw as a child! But there’s always blow-back because at Luna Nova, Shiny Chariot is seen as a disgrace to traditional witches. And of course there was bound to be some disagreements when working with a big group. And despite a few hiccups, everyone was able to come together to put on a convincing parade for the crowd. Little Witch Academia was quite the enjoyable little story. Yes, it’s a root for the underdog kind of story and even though the television series seems to give Akko the short-end of the stick on the magic matter, it’s full-filling to see her accomplish quite a bit. Even if it took her until the final seconds to learn how to fly! I know it’s been about 2-3 years since the ending of the TV series and am wondering if this is it for the franchise. I know there are novels and games out for this, so maybe one day.
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But I do give a recommendation for those into witches, magic, and all that good stuff! It's full of fun characters, there's no harm in that. Currently, Netflix is the only outlet for this series (in just about every country). But Netflix does carry both the sub and dub (and several other languages). Now then, what’s my next Amazon/Netflix exclusive anime? Nope. You’re watching this.
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Rising of the Shield Hero? But isn’t that Crunchyroll or FUNimation? Don’t care. You’re watching this now. But I have a big list of other animes to wat… Tough shit. You’re watching this. You have no choice but to watch a modern Isekai!
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ffamranxii · 4 years
My ex got me into Persona. Normally I shitposting to him when I read the manga/watch the anime/watch the playthrough because I’m too poor to afford a gaming system and a non CRT TV to play on, but he’s at work so I’m shitposting to a friend. We’re talking about how cute P4 is. She knows nothing about the series so I’ve had to explain it. My explanation:
Persona 2, which CAME OUT IN 1998, had a canon bisexual protagonist with a canon gay boyfriend. (P2 was progressive as fuck. A side character is a lesbian and a one off character (you know, one of those "you're in a room and there are random npcs" type characters) was trans.
But Persona 4, which came out I think in 2010 or around there?, nope. No gays for you
Except... literally everybody in this game is gay
Yu gets hit on by every fucking girl and has NO interest, but he flat out flirts with and freely touches Yosuke. Yosuke is probs bi (he has a crush on a girl in the game and anime but not the manga) and takes Yu to lunch the day they meet
Chie is introduced to us as "I would DIE to protect yukiko, I love her so much!" and Yukiko deadass calls her her Prince Charming completely serious
Kanji is hypermasculine because his dad says boys have to be MANLY and his hobbies of sewing and cute things are NOT MANLY, and he turns into a blushing pile of nerves when he thinks a guy likes him and has THE most obvious crush on naoto
Naoto is... interesting. Idk if I want boy Naoto or girl Naoto. Naoto crossdresses and uses a masculine name (naoTO vs naoKO) and masculine pronouns because she wants to be a cop, a male dominated field (like there are NO lady cops in Japan) and she doesn't want to be judged on her gender vs her brain. Point for girl naoto.
But the whole game she never makes any attempt at telling her friends - her CLOSE FRIENDS - that she's a girl, she wants nothing to do with feminine things, and she's more manly than Yu, the guy literally every woman in the game (minus the lesbians Yukiko and Chie) is in love with. She seems comfortable in being a boy. Point for boy Naoto.
Most of the fandom sees her as trans. I'm... undecided. I understand the Japanese POV and like, no one called Mulan trans for dressing as a man to fight the Huns, right? But also Kanji/(boy)Naoto is my favorite ship
Then there's Teddie, who's actually a supernatural creature who gets a human body. And what human body does he decide on? THE MOST FLAMBOYANT MOTHERFUCKER I HAVE EVER SEEN. Teddie likes girls but he has that Gay Best Friend thing going on like omg
And then there's poor Rise, the only straight girl in the whole game, desperately in love with Yu and oblivious to his love of Yosuke
Like persona 4 is gayer than the game with CANON LGBTQ PEOPLE, but nobody ever outright states "I like the same gender as myself"
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vivypotter · 6 years
Vivy’s Harry Potter Fic Recs
I’ve had a load of people ask me for my favourite tomarry fics, so I thought I’d compile a fic rec! This will probably be updated as I think of things. However, I have a lot of favourite fics which aren’t Tomarry, so I thought I’d add a few other pairings as well. I think I’ll put up a few recs of other fandoms as well when I get ‘round to it, like Hannibal or the Hobbit (I have weird reading habits okay?) It’ll help me find them too xD.
Tom Riddle or Voldemort/Harry Potter
Consuming Shadows by Child_OTKW (WIP)
On the night of the attack, Lily managed to escape with her infant son, but at the cost of her husband’s life. Distraught and distrusting of her friends, she fled to France with Harry, to raise him away from the corruption in Britain and the rising influence of the Dark Lord. She trains him to the best of her abilities, shaping him into a dangerous, intelligent and powerful wizard.
But when Britain re-establishes the Triwizard Tournament, and Harry is forced to return to his once-home, he finds himself questioning whether he really wants to kill the Dark Lord. Voldemort finds an unexpected challenge in the child, and as his intrigue and amusement grows, so too does the desire to possess the spark in those defiant green eyes.
I feel this is genuinely one of the best Tomarry fanfics maybe ever written, and I’m sure you’ve probably read it since it’s so popular - but I thought I’d recommend it anyway! It’s not finished, but there’s enough of it to really sink your teeth into and action is properly going down right now. Harry is such an interesting character and his cat and mouse dynamic with Voldemort is so entertaining. I anxiously wait for every update!
Set the Sails (and don’t look back) by Terrific Lunacy (Complete)
1724. All Harry wanted to do was to cross the Atlantic and start his apprenticeship under one of the most renowned physicians. Tom Riddle is convinced everything floating in the seven seas belongs to him. That includes ship-wrecked, green-eyed youths. Especially if they tell him to fuck off.
This is a fic that’s really stuck with me. It’s complete (a miracle in the tomarry fandom) and there’s a fun back-and-forth between Voldemort and Harry. Our goodhearted Harry is a doctor! And for some reason, I’ve been really into Pirate AUs recently.
A Thousand Paths Among The Stars by haplesshippo (Complete)
Harry Potter, newly appointed Captain of the Marauder and son of the famous Captain James Potter, was falling apart at the seams. His crew didn’t respect him, he was lost in the empty expanse of space, nightmares plagued his sleep, and his Commander deserved the Captain position more than he did. Good thing multiple attempts on his life and a vicious warlord after his head was all it took to turn it all around.
Alternatively, that space fic in which Harry Potter almost dies too many times, Tom Riddle slowly becomes the most smitten fool on the ship, and the rest of the crew are all just a bunch of assholes with popcorn watching the show. And exploding ships, don't forget the exploding ships.
Another pirate AU, kind of! But this one is in space! And it’s actually more of a Star Trek AU. Okay, it’s not really a pirate AU but I wanted to keep the theme going. This is such a freaking good fic- the relationship between Tom and Harry is very unusual (not as combative as the last two fics) and there are some nice twists, as well as combination of HP lore and what I assume is Star Trek (I’ve never seen it okay). And the extended cast is excellent. I fully recommend!
The Dragon's Mate by Strange_Soulmates (Complete fics but WIP series)
Harry Potter has recently escaped from his dragon-guarded tower. So has his fellow prisoner - the dragon who was enchanted to guard him. Harry's friend is missing, however, and so he sets off to assure himself of his well-being before he finds the person responsible for imprisoning them both. Accompanied by a stranger with a familiar name, Harry finds himself with more questions than answers as he slowly learns about the customs of dragons and the history of the dragon he befriended, the fearsome Voldemort.
I really love pretty much all of Strange_Soulmates’ fics, but this is definitely my favourite (and maybe the only complete one? Don’t quote me on that.) The characters are so well done, and although I love the first fic a little more than the second, they are both excellent reads! Dragons and wizards? Yes, please!
Everything's Fine in the Beast Division by Merrinpippy (Complete)
Harry's lifelong ambition is to become an auror, but as his knowledge of Dangerous Beasts is somewhat lacking, Newt Scamander agrees to take him on as an apprentice. Contrary to the Weasley twins' predictions that Harry would die of boredom, Harry finds his time at the Ministry very interesting, and befriending the very attractive Tom Riddle doesn't hurt at all- in fact, quite the opposite.
This is such a fantastic fanfiction, and a crossover with Fantastic Beasts (a franchise I can’t stand but that’s a conversation for another time). It manages to be fluffy without going OOC which is difficult for tomarry fics, and the supporting cast are adorable!
To Be Set Free by Merrinpippy
Harry Potter, raised and abused by the Dursleys ever since his parents died, lives in the cupboard under the stairs. He has no friends or family who love him and his life is dull until one day a letter arrives arrives for him, written in green ink, that promises freedom. Sounds familiar, right?
King Thomas Riddle's illness combined with his political paranoia pushes him to arrange three royal balls, after which his son, Prince Tom Riddle, must choose a guest to marry, thereby securing the kingdom's future and solidifying their strength in the eyes of their allies/enemies. Tom is convinced that he will be able to defy his father and choose no-one, or at least he is until at the first ball he meets an attractive stranger with dark hair and glasses who won't tell anyone his name...
This is also excellent, and I love a good Fairytale AU. Merrinpippy has some really good stuff. I love all of it!
As Clichéd as Clichés Go by thecrimsonmonarch (One-shot)
Harry Potter wasn't known for his social skills, mainly because they were practically non-existent.
This is a bit random but very fun. Harry is a fucking dork. That’s all there is to say. A thoroughly amusing Lawyer AU.
Lily and the Art of Being Sisyphus by The Carnivorous Muffin (WIP)
As the unwitting personification of Death, reality exists to Lily through the veil of a backstage curtain, a transient stage show performed by actors who take their roles only too seriously. But as the Girl-Who-Lived, Lily's role to play is the most important of all, and come hell or high water play it she will, regardless of how awful Wizard Lenin seems to think she is at her job.
This is a still-uploading fanfic and one of my faves. It’s not for everyone- it’s a fem!Harry and she’s so different that she’s really an OC to be honest, and the story is slightly complicated. This is certainly not a fic to go for if you want IC characters. But I really love the writing and the ideas and it’s basically a new, fascinating universe. And even if they’re not IC, I love the characters all dearly. The Carnivorous Muffin is certainly an extremely talented writer- all of her stuff is excellent.
Little Bits by lordmarvoloriddle
Inspired by Cinderella. Only there's no prince and surely no one is singing about their feelings and Harry's life could be a lot worse than having three step-brothers and a father who didn't liked him. He's going to be proven right.
This is such a bloody creepy fic and so so good. The ending is a complete twist and you should definitely read it!
Draw a Line from Your Heart to Mine by CreateImagineWrite (Complete)
Being Harry Potter's best friend isn't always fame and beating off raving fans. It's also the anxiety of hearing your best mate's been cursed by another Dark Lord, or love potioned by some crazy woman. Or having his boyfriend you knew nothing about turn up on the Burrow's doorstep.
This is a bit of a random inclusion, but I was just reading this and it is SO GOOD. Perhaps a bit cliched in places, but Ron Weasley’s inner monologue makes up for it.
Turn by Saras_Girl
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
This is an also an excellent fic that I read bloody ages ago and has apparently stuck with me. There’s this whole Harry going into an alternate dimension where he’s married to Draco Malfoy plot, but the really beautiful thing is Harry exploring his dissatisfaction with his life- through carpentry! I know it sounds like a crack fic, but it’s not- it’s a gorgeously written fic.
Away Childish Things by lettered
Harry gets de-aged. Malfoy has to help him.
This does the ‘Harry was abused’ revelation so well and really interestingly explores both Harry and Draco’s childhood. The overarching plot is also excellently done, which can’t always be said for character-focused fics!
#Jily by Chie (Chierafied) (One-shot)
Twitter seemed awash with the hashtag Jily. Lily blinked at in confusion, until she realised it was one of those silly couple monikers people had bestowed on her and Potter. …Though there was a small dissenting crowd following a tweet from Potter’s bandmate Sirius Black: Jily? Hah! More like LAMES.
This is such a fucking cute one-shot. I love social media AUs (if you find any, send them my way), so I loved this!
The Rise and Fall of the Extraordinary Jilysanschilly: Including Excerpts of their Best Collected Works by elanev91 (One-shot)
James Potter and Lily Evans are both wildly successful YouTubers and Sirius cannot believe that people ship them enough to write erotic fanfiction about them. 
You might be picking up on my love of modern Jily AUs. This is so cute, Sirius is weirdly IC as he gets caught up in a smut addiction and James and Lily don’t hate each other from the beginning so that’s fun. A very sweet YouTuber AU.
Hit the Like Button by elixirsoflife (One-shot)
YouTube star James Potter is living it up at uni: filming videos, getting drunk and professing his love for aspiring singer Lily Evans to anyone who'll listen.
It’s another modern AU, but this time, Lily is a famous singer! This was fucking adorable, enough said.
The White Album by cgner (Complete)
James poses as an advice charm in Lily's diary. He's really got to start thinking through his shenanigans.
This is the strangest mix of angst and fluff that I’ve ever read, but it really, really works. It’s also kind of a crossover, as it’s written by the co-author of:
Haggis from Algernon by Rude Gus (Complete)
The fic about nothing.
Everything written by both Rude Gus and cgner is brilliant (not a surprise as they’re almost the same person), but Haggis really is a classic. And check out their Bachelor AU fic! It’s surprisingly brilliant.
Gen and Misc
Kid by Anonymous (Completed)
A Potion's "accident" turns Harry into an eight year old. Draco Malfoy begins planning his kidnapping/conversion to the Dark Side. But Harry's a passive-aggressive, revenge-obsessed little bastard. Maybe Draco will wait on that whole Dark Lord thing… 
Such a cute fic! A really nice character study of Draco and cute kid Harry is always a bonus. I’m not usually a Draco Malfoy fan, but this is a great fic.
Harveste by kyaru-chan (Complete fics but WIP series - probs abandoned)
He's done it. He's just five years old, but he's finally done it. The Dursleys are gone. And now he's with a new family who seems just as twisted as he is. How strange.
This is a really weird fic series. It’s actually an Addams family AU? Harry kills the Dursleys and gets adopted by the Addams family, and then there’s a separate fic for each HP book up to Half-Blood Prince, where I think they stopped. It definitely still worth a read though. Harry is certainly not IC but it’s a fascinating combination of the two universes with all the quirky Addams family humour. It’s certainly a bit of a crack fic to read when you’re down.
Sarcasm and Slytherin by sunmoonandstars (Complete stories but WIP series)
After ten years of misery with the Dursleys, Harry Potter learns that he has magic. Except, in this story, it's not a surprise-the only surprise is that there are others like him. Including his twin brother, Julian Potter, the savior of the Wizarding world.
This isn't the Harry you think you know.
This is WBWL kind of story (although we don’t know if Harry actually is the BWL yet. Harry is a really interesting character and his relationship with his family- especially Jules - is very well developed and nuanced. Harry’s friendships and the authors interpretation of Slytherin house is also a new twist on old tropes- it feels very fresh! I’m eagerly waiting for updates!
So there it is. Just some of my HP faves. I’m considering doing one for Hannibal, Yuri on Ice, The Hobbit, Labyrinth (my tastes are so weird) etc, so let me know if you’re interested!
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nd43taags · 7 years
a, b, c, d, t for the fave character meme!
This is surprisingly difficult???  Every time I thought of one I would think of others???  So these are first-impulse choices.
a - ANGUS MCDONALD???  What a lovely sweet boy he is???  Normally I hate children-as-written-by-adults, but Griffin plays Angus with such a genuine sweetness that it’s hard not to love him.  Also him in the Boston Live Show is a blessing, I love the way he says “it’s my birthday!” it’s so cute I die every time.
b - Batou from Ghost in the Shell.  Man I had a crush on him in high school and it probably was a sign that I should expect to like grizzled tough-on-the-outside-soft-on-the-inside guys for the rest of my life.  I remember watching GITS for the first time and all my friends wanted to talk about The Major but I was like “the guy??? with the cybernetic eyes???  i love him?????”  He’s good in the sequel too, and in Stand Alone Complex.  Love me some soft big gruff guys.
c - Chie Satonaka from Persona 4, aka “oh jack it turns out you’re not as straight as you thought you were.”  MAN I FELL FOR HER HARD.  I EVEN HAD THE SAME HAIR CUT AS HER FOR AWHILE.  I got really attached to the characters of this game because it was a really shitty time in my life, and Chie was supportive and funny and strong and i wanted her to crush me between her thighs
d - Data from Next Generation.  Man, as a kid who had a real hard time expressing myself and articulating my feelings, Data was a blessing.  Plus he’s really intelligent and funny???  And though his coworkers sometimes find him odd they work really hard to make him feel safe and comfortable?  ALSO HE HAS A CAT NAMED SPOT THAT DOES NOT HAVE ANY SPOTS????  Data is so good.
t -Theo ;) Mmm...  Toriel from Undertale?  I know, like, the overly protective mother figure is “overdone” but I loved Toriel so much.  I identify a lot with her, especially like, threatening to wreck shit up to keep a child she just met safe.  She’s so good, I love her so much.
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kasunex · 7 years
Yesterday me and @heiligelanze were bored so I made this trash complaining about P4. Don’t read if you like P4. Unless you are very chill about people hating on it. 
we talk about why p4 is not good. 
#1 - Boring characters
Yosuke: Wah wah small town is borin (why doesn't he just plan to move when he's older), also homophobic in way that suggests writers thought we were too. neck is too long. Also not closeted >:/
Yu Narukami: Stupid name, stupid design, stupid fuckin face, I hate him, no character arc or character at all, Gary Stu. Boring peice of shit. Also. Not GAY Enough >:/
Yukiko: Boring. Thinks she's trapped into being innkeeper when not at all. Never tells parents she doesn't want to or makes any attempt to change anything. Only other character trait is laughs (annoying)
Chie: Guyz I like kung fu n meat isnt that quirky, (bc apparently women don't like meat?????) also not gay or trans >:/
Kanji: Almost good. But misleads to think he is good representative media pushing artistic gay man strugling against stereotypes that gays rnt tough. Actually about gender roles but not well explored. Hinted to be bi at best. Atlus u fuckin cowards let me be gay for once >>>>>>>>>://////////////////
Rise: 2 kawaii. Gets annoying. Unwarranted, undeserved crush on main character you cant say no to. (But unlike p3 game doesn't make u with her but we will get to THAT LATER FUCKING P4G)
Naoto: Too good for game. Shoulda been trans tho. 
Teddie: Remove or kill. Annoying af. Tries to steal ur girl. Major mysognist (game is like lol) 
Mitsuo: Insulting to ugly people and to gamer fanbase
Moorako: Insulting to ugly people. Hahah who cares hes dead he was uggo lol
Hanako: Fat ppl r gross rite guys lollolollolllollolololollollololl haha she thinks she's atrratcievew lolololo fat pppl thinkin their hot lololololololo
Kashiwagi: She's old but busted except she looks 30 and treated as gross icky old woman when real teens would be like "I wanna bang dat shit on de desk"
Dojima: Ok I guess
Nanako: Emotional manipulation. doesn't die. unrealistically precious and mature. 
Adachi: Presents as awkward relatable BUT NO ACTUALLY EVIL OVER THE TOP EVIL MUHAHAHA because he couldn't just be a cool guy with a darker side, had to be ANIME CRAZY EVIL DID IT FOR THE LULZ
Namatame: Not built up enough, comes fuckiin out of nowhere
Izanami: Comes even more da faq outta nowhere (GUYS THAT GAS STATION ATTENDENT SHAKING YOUR HAND OBVS EQUALS EVIL OR PLOT SIGNIFICANT LOL) also rips off Nyx and does it shitty
Ameno-Sagiri: Comes even MORE da faq outtta nowhere and vanishes da faq outta nowhere, also irrelevant to plot and meaningless distraction
Margret: Boring af, no personality at all, Elizabeth was more fun 
Saki: Underdeveloped bitch, supposed to be so sad when dies despite not being shown for anythin but bitch also supposed to feel bad for yosuke when she dies even tho she hated him and he would have been rejected anyway seriously wtf
#2 - Shit plot
Boring af. Crappy tonal issues all the way thru. WAY TO SLICE OF LIFE WHO FUCKIN CARES. 
HEY IM A TRANSFER STUDENT JUST LIKE LAST GAME LOL. Everyone loves me immediately even tho im a lil bitch. 
Oh noes murder of some random chick we never met so sad ;~;
Meet Chie n Yukiko both boring af, immediately like me 
Yosuke is trash can, Mitsuo is creppy and wierd b/c gamers r uggo and uggo ppl are socially inept and suck
Bitchy girl shows up and then dies
Yosuke does1n't get dick wet (he wouldn't anyways but still) so sad 
See TV world, meet worst character in ORGINAL game (assult of bear puns)
fight dumb fuckin demon frog bc yosuke is bored (wtf is dis shit)
Chie is gay bUT NOT REALLY  
Boss of dungeon is too hard, someone went missing or something idk who cares
Meet gay but nOT REALLY
Chases u bc u judge him but NOT REALLY
Gets kidnapped, gay dungeon bUT NOT REALLY actually about gender and cuz he likes cute stuff means he's gay STUPID but actually he's not because gays r icky lol 
Campin time yaya the girls can't cook pffffft a WOMAN CANT COOK TF WOW WOW SO FUNNY A WOMAN CANT COOK WTF WHAT TEH FUCK and also HANAKO IS FAT AND That's' bad
Sexism next day when Yosuke is like I bought u girls sexy swimsuits and will now shame you to wear them ARENT I AN ENDEARING CHARACTER but no dicks are wet except with water (also vomit) including kanji lol abuse (also that could have seriously injured but never brought up BECAUSE ABUSE IS LOLOLOLOOLLOLLLOLLLLOLLLOLLLLLLLLOLLLL) Also game forced u/Yu to be sexist too fuck off game
Nanako is sad whatever who cares
Yosuke wants idol puss so yay idol but shes sad so we stalk guilible peepin tom who is the killer but NOT REALLY while adachi is quirky
Rise is sad that she doesnt know who she is or something fuckin idk STRIPPING TIME BOWCHICAWOWOW also teddie feels useless so everyone dies or smth
Teddie comes out of TV and is now human and annoying mother fucker, Rise is now not sad but KAWAII and Yosuke no longer wants idol puss idk but but IDOL PUSS WANTS BORING FUCKBOY YU DICK (not pandery at all, just your average sexy teen idol wants boring fuckboy)
Teacher is dead he was dick and uggo so who cares lol
Chase after uggo game lover nerd haha dungeon is nerdy game shit lol video games cause violence right guys? Didnt u know that video gamers are all ugly socially inept muderous pathetic freaks????? THATS U BTW UR UGGO INEPT MUDEROUS CREEPY LOSER FREAK LOL 
Also rise cums when you kill enemies 
Now murders are solved rite so lets have celebration!!!! Girls make omlettes but they CANT COOK LOL wasnt that so funny last time joke so nice they made it twice
Summer festival time Rise wants yu dick and Yosuke wants wet dick but teddie claims all three girls for himself and they go without protest despite not wanting to because they are STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS WHO KNOW THEIR PLACE AND KNOW NOT TO BACKTALK THEIR MAN (isnt this game so progressive) 
PERSONA 3 REFERENCES also underage drinking bUT NOT REALLY JUST SEXUAL HARASSMENT BECAUSE LOL also teddie stalks them lol also teacher books SEX HOTEL???? How wacky
Naoto is strong masculine manly mc man detective but gets kidnapped and is actuallY TRANS BUT NOT REALLY IS ACTUALLY JUST GIRL AND THINKS SHES CHILDISH OR SOMETHING but NOT REALLY ACTUALLY SHE’s JUST LONELY but not really idefk. Remember kiddies being different is okay!!! uwu (so long as you ARENT ACTUALLY DIFFERENT U FREAKOZOID kill urself)
Cultrue festival Rise wants u 2 do her in school halls balls deep but game doesn't let you????? lame 0/10 
But then YOSUKE FORCES GIRLS INTO UNCOMFORTABLE beauty pagent that they cant back out of even if someone else signed them up under penalty of DEATH AND RAPE (I presume) because yosuke remains such an endearing character BUT THEN girls get revenge by forcing him into drag contest and u and kanji too even tho it was only yosuke because the GIRLS ARE SUCH AMAZING FRIENDS lol girls are objectified lol fatty thinks shes hot lolllollollooololooloololoollolololooll0lkooolloollololoololol (game designers had to stop in order to finish laughing at own jokes)
then drag contest ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww grosssssssssssssss icky teddie wins because................a dude? PASSING AS A WOMAN??????? Totes not transphobic vibes none at ALL
then HOT SPRINGS SLEEPOVER at inn because there is just SO MUCH MORE FUNNY TO BE HAD (isnt this all so relevant to plot and character??? rich narrative very necessary part of story, game would be UNSALVAGABLE without it) 
Girls are bitches and think that guys are perving because hot springs doesn't tell them when it's time for girls to go? ?????? Great fuckin service amagi inn also why would the guys perv by just casually walking in??? Why why why why why qwhyw why why anyways they throw buckets at the guys and it's HILARIOUS and not at all uncomfortable, guys run away in terror and the girls are like YEAH GIRL POWER!!! Then they find out about mistake and apologize like good friends, people and normal humans would b/c even for pervin that was extra  no just kidding LOL They actually keep it a secret becausE LOL GIRL POWER STRONG RELATABLE FEMALE CHARACTERS AMIRITE WHO HASNT ABUSED THEIR FRIENDS WITHOUT ANY FEELINGS OF REMORSE OR GUILT LOL (also nanako saw that all bad influence on child)
since the friendships are all so wholesome and not at all toxic or unhealthy the guys totally write this off and try to explain themselves to the girls. NO, actualyl, since Tedide and Yosuke are still such ENDEARING characters they instead decide to molest girls in sleep RELATABLE but uh oh they accidentally molest fatty and uggo old teacher who looks 30 and then fatty and teach are like cool let's fuck and like REAL TEENS they are grossed out at being offered sex because yuck women over 20 and fatty also why are fatty and "old" lady hangin out anyway?? Apparently if ur gross u hang out together, b/c that's how it works rite. such grea t non contrivences
Nanako is dying whatever who cares 
Namatame then kidnapps nanako or somth who cares dojima dies but NOT REALLY
then they go to heaven because nanako is sad but nobody gave a shit narukami never cared to ask or try to keep her company isn't he just so GREAT and considerate to the girl being boderline abused and neglected in his own fuckin house no who cares BUT NOW WE CARE RIGHT GUYS
Namatame is cray cray and his boss design is uggo and bullshit
Nanako dies, Yosuke advocates MURDER because he is still SO ENDEARING and player has to chose EXACT FUCKIN DIOLOGUE WITH NOT ONE MISTAKE OR EVERYTHIGN SUCKS AND ITS ALL UR FAULT also in some endings you murder because fuck you 
but then if u dont murder NANAKO WAS DEAD BUT NOT REALLY but only if u dont murder so congrats u were emotionally manipulated into killing the mentally ill b/c ur so great good job
then it turns out Namatame you know how he was cray cray well turns out he wANST REALLY CRAY he just had plot-convient-tempo-insanity-itius as the doctors call it then u talk to him and u know how he was the killer? Welll...NOT REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY he was actually good guy u almost killed innocent man fck u then u have three chances to guess killer and only u can and if you dont get it in three guesses you get, as the doctors call it, plot-convient-stupid-cant-think-anymore-itius and thus you run out of time and nobody in the world can guess except you and even over the next three months nobody can guess because who cares I guess lol 2 ppl r dead it turns out you know quirky relatable cop man well NOT FUCKIN REALLY he is actually crazy because he's bored and as everyone knows when youre bored you kill also he's sad that he doesn't have talent even tho he is sucessful detective???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? then god bullshit end of world or smth who cares
then everything is over also i forgot teddie disappears so sad but NOT REALLY
Christmas eve sex ( i banged rise on top of christmas cake) 
Girls can now cook character development girls learned how to cook 10/10 v progressive 
Then flash forward to three months later because fuck you and Yu is leavin because idk and the game ends BUT NOT REALLY ashkually you can get TRUE SUPER AWESOME ending if you are able to figure out that you have to go to junes for no reason except fuck you 
turns out the gas station attendent u know him? well he was super bored and he's actually a GOD WOWZERS so amazing did you know jesus was a part timer at a gas station????? NO??? That's why youre playing this sack of shit anyway humanity wants ignorance or so god says (sound familiar, Nyx??) and she almost wins BUT NOT REALLY Because yu has the power of frienship and you know that awesome scene of makoto fighting nyx? Well imagine thaT BUT SHIT b/c no buildup
for all ur xtra efforts u get teddie saying hearts are connected anime KH cliche (wasnt that so worth the extra bullshit dungeon) 
THE END 0/10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
so p4 is gr8 rite m8? well no but apparentlly dumb 14yr old boys were like "omg this game half akcnowleges gays exsist so PROGRESSIVE also i can fuck mai waifu n have friends" and so p4 made a shit ton of money atlus saw dis money printin out and were like $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so dey were lyke "lets release a buncha shit”
Persona 4 The Animation: Imagine the same shitty p4 plot but with EVEN MORE HOMOPHOBIA!!!!! also racism!!!! plus MORE FAT JOKES!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahaahahahahah also the animation is piss poor shit!!! Doesn't this sound wonderful????? 
Persona 4 Arena: So Atlus was lyke yannao wat totes goes with our super serious and super "mature" jrpg seriess? Do u kno? BLAZBLUE!!!!! The over the top weeb fighting game!!! YEah son!!!!! So anyways a fighting game comes out with barely any playable characters??????? Great. Fantastic not the least bit fanficy character writing. Also, there is a plot b/c dis shit be canon. Dats right!!! Now you may be thinking "mmmm how does that work????" well the geneiuses at atlus say "B/C SHITTY P3 RETCON CHARACTER IS SAD ABOUT DESTROYING FRINEDS WHOLE TV WORLD BECOMES ARENA WERE PEOPLE HAVE TO FIGHT FRIENDS" and u may hear that and wonder?? "what deh fuck, wasn't tv world gone also when did this ever happen in p4????" to which fanboys proply accuse u of hating fighting games and behead u. 
So at this point in time, P4 is offically dead. It is dead as doornails. but atlus is lyke "Hey let's rape the corpse" and they release shitty remake on overpriced shit system nobody bought. You may be wondering "2012 didn't p4 only come out less than five years ago????" to which atlus says "shut the fuck up and give us money" hence P4 Golden
Persona 4 Golden: Added marie, inistant failure trashfire BUT WAIT!!!! THERE IS SO MUCH MORE!!!! Added events!!! 
a) Yosuke wants dick wet and will cum if he feels boobs on his back!! So Yu and Yosuke team up to get shitty dumb ugly bikes b/c they're sooooo cooool rite mitsuru? You and ur dumb motorbike p4 is the real mature game. Anyway. Then they go hit on girls and yosuke gets one!!! YAY!! BUT OH NO!!! IT'S ACTUALLY STUPID FATSO STILL THINKIN SHE'S HOT WHEN SHE'S ACTUALLY STUPID BC SHE'S FAT!!! She then sits on yosuke's bike and it breaks because lol shes fat get it get it get it get it????? Doesn't this add so much to the story??? RICH NARATIVE RIGHT GUYS?!
b) BEACH TIME!!! Because that's where the real compelling drama is!!! Anyway they go to the beach and yuckerbears kanji is in a speedo!!! Gross!! I hope yosuke doesn't catch the gay!!! Then teddie tries to molest the girls bc he's such an endearing character lol then kanji's bathing suit falls off!!!! How did this happen u may ask?? ANIME MAGIC!! So then they dress kanji in seaweed like birth of venus and girls scream and run. the end. 
c) Fireworks festival yay time ted-fiya so memorable. Yosuke wants to murder Teddie bc PORN so funny haha more fat jokes also teddie wants 2 bang nanako
d) Nanako is sad again whatever who cares
e) Halloween party!!! BUT NOT REALLY!!
f) SKIING TRIP!!!! YAY!!! P3 REFERENCES!!! YAY!!! Shiptease!!! Yay!!! Teddie steals food so Naoto advocates for his MURDER!!! YAY!! IF YOU DID MARIES SLINK YOU GET XTRA AWESOME DUNGEON!! ALSO IMPLIED RAPEY SEX IN THE SNOW BUT NOT REALLY!!! ANYWAY turns out that marie sucked up the ameno sagiri fog! What u thought it just went away on its own?? BULLSHIT!!!! Next you'll be questioning the ever so important role of NPC John Smith in creating Izanami's gas attendent disguise. Or NPC Billy Bob in giving Ameno Saigiri directions to the boss fight. RIVETING DIOLAUGE LIKE "is this like the part in movies where the bad guys lair collapses??????" WORST GIRL IS DEAD BE SAD EVERYONE ELSE IS U MONSTER!!! BUT NOT REALLY!!! INSTEAD SHIP FUEL!!!! Also marie is polite for half second, AMAZES ENTIRE CAST GREAT WRITING!!!!!!!!! dont u love it when ur friends treat u like shit? then there’s a lovely scene where the dudes perv on the girls who are sexaulized and marie attacks them. Riveting. Then they all died and we were all happy. 
g) New years eve. That is all. also new stupid persona evolutions that look stupid. 
h) Valentine's DAY!!! I bang Rise on the da beach!!! Also if u slink with marie at all she forces you to cheat!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!
i) OH, NO! Yosuke is going to have to move maybe idk wasnt he supposed to want to move??? idk shut up. anyways. to keep yosuke miserable his friends have to become a band in TWO DAYS!!!! How will they ever do that??? well guess what with zero experience the entire group becomes master musicians in TWO DAYS!!!!!!! That's right, it's that easy!!!! U 2 can become as good as Green Day in two Days!!!! not that they ever play again lol or ever bring this up again lol. Then the dudes jump into the crowd and lol the crowd dodges thme aand nothing is accomplished. 
j) New super awesome epilogue you only get if you slink marie even tho she isn’t there for 90% of it whatever the new designs suck
Anyway since the game isn't slice of life enough you can now bang rise in the movies and the hot springs also you can go out at night so exciting.
You can now force Naoto into sexy outfits against her will because isn’t it so cute when girls don’t like being objectified??? Also they molest her at the hot springs??? Also 
So yeah P4G sucks ass. But ATLUS didn't stop there!!!! OH no! Atlus then went on to make Persone Q!!! They decided this time to drag innocent bystander P3 as well!!
Persona Q: some bullshit about a dying girl causes the P3 and P4 cast to meet in a wonderful culture festival crossover!! With lovely gameplay and no regression in character!! Chie always had nothing to her past loving meat right????? Also yu can fuck the dog from p3!! isnt this so believable and not the least bit stupid or contrived? isn't it?? Isn't it???????? Not much to say its just dumb surely Atlus must be done now right?? RIGHT?? WRONG!!!!!!
 Now you see since P4G came out, OBVIOUSLY the anime needs to be partially remade! You may be asking, isn't the anime less than TWO YEARS old at this point? Why remake it? Did golden really have such a different story? No. 
P4 Golden Animation: Marie, marie, marie, marie, ten episodes of marie, never goes anywhere, confusing and boring af but look 16 yr olds in bikinis and nude and not totally shit animation so it's ok right? RIGHT? RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P4 at this point has been raped to death all over again and the corpse is still being fucked and they won't just let it die. BUT NO!!!! Enter p4 arena ultimax!!
P4 Arena Ultimax: B/c the first was so great, they made another!! Game so nice they made it twice!! but now the dark hour from p3 is back because idk we ran out of ideas. Also junpei and koromaru and adachi great. But guess what!!!!!! AWESOME NEW CHARACTER!! His name is sho!! He is the secret son of dude from P3, how is this possible? fuck you. Anyway he is so tragic and sad he hates friendship!! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! :((((( But never fear!!! The p4 team will show sho the glory of frienship isnt this so interesting and original and great????
p4's violated, torn up corspe now has zero dignity left so atlus decided to reanimate the corpse with dead horse dildos and force it to dance 
P4 DAN: Dancing. Shit dancing. Nobody knows how to dance. Remember how P4 used to be about murder and accepting uncomfortable truths???? Well now its about shittily animated dances. Isn't this so great? Guess what we lean about the characters? We learn that they can't fuckin dance and watching them is cringy af. Also now the tv world is a dance stage because the tv world just does whatever the fuck we want it to. what if a characters shadow is a rapist, would they be forced to rape?? is that how atlus would make a porn game?? if we wanted to make a chess game a famous chess player who feels forced to play chess will then make u forced to play chess. .... so obivously, the P4 fandom realized that Atlus was raping their game and refused to buy it right?? RIGHT??? WRONG. They actually will castrate you with a rusty carving knife if you ever so much as imply P4 is a cash cow.
It totally is tho
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silentsnowdrop · 7 years
Wouldn’t It Be Nice
Chapter Six: Bad Bathhouse Blues
Or, In Which Things Get Awkward.
As always, help from whatisthisnonsense
May 2011
Yosuke is really, really beginning to wish he could delete memories of his own accord. There is no reason why he shouldn’t be able to—maybe Souji could help. Because if not, he is going to have to get creative with a wall and a hammer to make this go away.
He did not want to see Kanji Tatsumi mostly naked shaking his thang ever again. If Kirijo would make it go away, he would gladly go back there and do whatever she wanted.
Unfortunately, it isn’t going away, and he has to call Yu. His voice is laden with resignation and no small amount of regret when their leader picks up and he can ask, “Hey, did you see that?”
“I did.”
“So then, you saw—“
“I saw it all. Want a copy?”
“Yeah, no.”
Yosuke had forgotten that Yukiko hadn’t gone into the TV World properly yet. He would like to watch her look around for a bit, but they have a slightly bigger problem with their Navibear.
“What? You’re really saying you have no idea where Kanji Tatsumi is?” Yosuke can’t keep the exasperation out of his voice, and subsequently has to duck a glare from Kaguya that he could feel trying to strip his skin off.
Fortunately, Souji, in his everlasting kindness, is a little better at working with Teddie, and crouches beside him. “Easy, Ted. Can you think of anything that might help?”
“I-I don’t know. I can only imagine this is because I have so much on my mind, like where do I come from? Who am I? These questions are tearing me up inside!”
“Weird, since your insides are filled with nothing but air.” This time, both Souji and Kaguya glare at him, and he ducks again. At least he looks sorry when he looks back up.
Kaguya steps up beside Teddie and takes his paw. “Deep breaths, bear cub.”
Souji nods at that. ”We promise we'll help you sort yourself out, but we really need your help, Ted.”
That’s when Yu gets a lightbulb, and one that Yosuke wishes he had thought of earlier. He’s supposed to be the supercomputer around here, isn’t he?
"Hey, we're tracking him by scent, right? What if we get something of his, or that he's had his mitts all over? Might make it easier for you.”
“That could work!” Teddie’s voice goes from upset and confused to ridiculously enthusiastic so fast it’s a wonder he doesn’t break something.
Yu doesn't smile—not that he ever does—but he looks satisfied and nods. "Well then, there's our plan, team."
Souji smiles for Yu, with some sympathy woven in for Teddie. "We'll be back real soon with something, Teddie, promise."
As they all file out, Kaguya hangs back with Teddie. Yukiko waits for them, and when Yosuke asks later what they were doing, she just shrugs.
“They were talking. They both looked a lot better after that.”
“Yeah…” Yosuke crosses his arms, then shakes his head. “Well, if the Boss and the teddy bear are getting along, who am I to complain? Not like I don’t want her to have friends.”
Still, it was…kind of weird. Cute, but weird. Something to keep an eye on, he supposed—after they had dealt with the nightmare fuel that was going to be Kanji’s dungeon.
Kanji’s mother is kind of a bust. She’s basically able to confirm that she loved her son for who he was, worried about him, and had alerted the police since not coming home after a day like this was, surprisingly, out of character. Oh, and that he had basically beaten up a bunch of bikers because they had been keeping his mom up at night.
That…was actually a pretty good reason, truth be told, but it gets them no closer to getting to Kanji. Fortunately, there’s a tiny kid outside to come to their rescue—and to ruin Kanji’s tough-guy image even more.
“Are you saying Kanji Tatsumi made a cute little bunny charm for you from scratch?” Yosuke found the biker gang odd but understandable, but this was just…insane. A delinquent that crochets?
He looks at the Narukamis for a little support, only to sigh as Souji cries, “Aww, it’s so cute!” Not that he can argue since it was adorable, but that is no more helpful than Yu’s approving nod or Kaguya’s muttering about the color. And Chie and Yukiko’s admiration is the final nail in the coffin for any hope of commiseration on his exasperation, making him sigh loudly and only barely resist throwing his hands up in the air.
“Because of everything the big guy did for me, Sana forgave me! So I wanted to stop by and tell him thank you.” The kid looks so hopeful that Yosuke hates to tell him that Kanji wasn’t here right now. Fortunately, Yukiko has things covered.
“Hey! Listen, can we ask you for a favor? We need to find Kanji too, and we think this will help us—we’ll give it back as soon as we can!”
“Uh…sure.” The kid blinks, then gave her a semi-serious look. “But I better get it back!”
They’re just walking into Junes when they spot the kid in blue that had been talking to Kanji. Yosuke shuts off the weird sensor ping that kept popping up around him (he really needed to have Souji look at that), then follows the triplets over to talk to him.
“So, our paths cross again.” The boy turns to look at them, and Yosuke did his best to look casual.
“Yeah, what a coincidence.” He tucks a hand into his pocket, then tilts his head slightly as the boy spoke.
“Did you hear? It looks as if Kanji is hiding out somewhere.”
“It looks as if he might be.” Yu’s calm voice helps Yosuke keep his relaxed facade up, even as Souji shoves Kaguya toward the nearest display. Why they were pretending to be so fascinated by fish tank supplies, Yosuke would never know, but if it works, it works. That done, Yosuke leans forward slightly, trying for friendly and getting slightly intimidating instead.
“Hey, by the way—what exactly was it that you and Kanji were talking about yesterday?”
Of all the reactions he was expecting, an awkward stutter is not one of them. “Ehm…why do you want to know that?”
“Uh…just curious. That’s all.” No need to make the kid too uncomfortable, after all—he seemed all right, if straight-laced.
“All right. Fair enough. And since your group seems to be in a hurry, I’ll be completely straight with you.” The kid recovers fast, and if Yosuke weren’t such a consummate actor, he’d look nervous. “When we met up, all I did was say hi and ask him what he’d been up to lately.”
“Really. It was just small talk?”
“Yep, pretty much.” The kid looks down thoughtfully. “But thinking back, he was acting strange and not really like himself the whole time.”
Well, that would be because he was having himself a good old-fashioned gay crisis. Yosuke gently bites his tongue to keep himself from spitting that out, then looks back at Yu as he asked, “He was?”
“Yeah, and it kept getting worse, so I decided to call him out on it. I said, ‘Why are you acting so weird?’ and then he got awkward and the color drained from his face.”
“That is weird.” Except it totally wasn’t, and Yosuke can totally understand while also being glad that he didn’t have blood to drain from his face anytime he gets nervous. “He doesn’t seem like the time who cares what people think about him.”
“You can’t judge a book by its cover. Maybe he’s struggling—it’s quite possible that Kanji has some issues that we don’t know about.” The kid seems downright worried about Kanji, so Yosuke does his best to give him a reassuring smile.
“Well, whatever they are, if we can help him, we will.” Even if that meant going into the bathhouse.
It’s another few minutes before they can actually get into the TV World, thanks to Souji and Kaguya actually buying a fish tank, what the hell. But Yosuke can stow it in the back room until they get done, so it’s not long before they’re standing in front of the dungeon.
Truth be told, Yosuke could have waited. And waited. Honestly, he could have waited his whole life for this and been happy, but here he is, fiddling with his knives and edging closer to Souji as if he can hide behind his partner. Said partner is leaning into him now, pale and already sweating from the heat, and Yosuke jumps to the side hastily so they don’t actually touch.
“Ugh, why's it so hot here? This is no place fur someone like me!” Teddie’s words distract Yosuke from his careful maneuvering as well as his fiddling with his knives, and it’s a moment of fumbling before he has them under control.
“Uh—yeah, and it’s not great for me either!” Yosuke’s laugh is high-pitched and nervous as he scratches his head. “What if water condenses on my internal electronics? Maybe we should just go—“
"No. We still need to save Kanji." Yu tilts his head, considering. "Might need to do something about overheating, though.”
"Way ahead of you." Kaguya's jacket and tie go flying, followed by her gloves. Yosuke just groans and shucks his own jacket, doing his level best to ignore the way everyone else was following suit.
“Souji, if I die from shorting out, it’s your job to make them feel bad.”
“W-will do.”
Before they can do much more than pile their extra clothes next to the doors, a loudspeaker comes on, playing what can only be described as sexual saxophone music underneath an announcer of some sort. “Well, hello there, pussycat. You have an amazing set of abs! There’s nothing to be afraid of. Just relax.”
Yosuke turns around, fully intending to leave and never come back. “I’m out! See you guys back at Junes—ghyyk!“
The hand that had grabbed his shirt seemed to be attached to Yu, because it is his flat, “No,” that accompanies hauling Yosuke back to the group.
Kaguya is the one to find amusement in all of this. "Hey maybe if one of you boys strip all the way down to your knickers, you'll distract him.”
And everyone else—including Yosuke—are the ones to screech, “ABSOLUTELY NOT!”
Yosuke can feel his circuitry beginning to fry as they walked the halls of the bathhouse. He’s mostly waterproof, and it’s not like a bad rain would knock him out, but something about the steam here—maybe some interaction with the Fog or something—is making it spark uncomfortably.
“Uh, hives—guys, I think I’m having some tissues—issues.” Yosuke grimaces. “Take—make that definitely.”
“I’ll say. Maybe you should…not talk for a bit?” Yosuke can hear the worry in Chie’s voice, and Yukiko echoes it with a nod. Souji, however, is the most outwardly worried, and it takes a lot of self control for Yosuke to not shove him away. Why had he taken off his shirt, too?
“Do you want me to walk you back and take a look?” Yosuke blinked at Souji, eyes quite firmly on his face, then shook his head.
“Nah, I’m pine—fine, for now. Just…yeah.”
“You sure?” Even Yu is getting in on the worry game—which was kind of unnerving actually—but Yosuke just shakes his head again.
“Just peep—keep an eye on me?” He tries to keep his voice up-beat, but Souji’s gentle, worried squeeze of his shoulders takes some of the steam out of that. “…I’ll be fine, partner. You’ll key—see. Damn it.”
They reach a large, open space fairly soon, and peer around a large red banner to find none other than Shadow Kanji, posing and thrusting and generally making Yosuke want to run far, far away from here.
“My, my, thank you for noticing me! I am Kanji.” Shadow Kanji sounds barely anything like Kanji in actuality, what with the affected lisp and the high-pitched voice, and if it weren’t for his face, Yosuke would think they were dealing with someone else’s Shadow entirely. It seems that Yosuke’s general sentiment of what the hell is shared by everyone else, from Yu’s resignation to the fact that this is happening, to Souji’s oddly accurate impression of a dying cat, to Kaguya covering Teddie’s eyes and the other two girls covering their own.
“I'm blind! What's happening?” Teddie’s squeaky voice makes Yosuke shake his head, but it’s Chie who answers.
“You really, really don’t want to know, Ted. Just let her cover your eyes.”
“Well, well, well. We’re airing live from the tropical paradise Suspicious!” Yosuke is becoming more and more tempted to cover his eyes, or Souji’s eyes, or something, because this is not safe for anyone to see. “All this steam is making my blood start to pump!”
“Yeah, well, it’s making my blood sneeze—freeze.”
"Can I be excused to go die in a corner?” Yosuke wholeheartedly seconds Souji’s notion, and when Yu’s flat voice forbids them, he can’t help an immature expression at Yu’s back. Fortunately for him, all Kaguya does is snort, even as she readjusts her grip to make sure Teddie can’t have his eyes any more sullied.
“All right, sweeties. Since everyone here is all hot and bothered—“ like hell we are, Yosuke can’t help thinking— “let’s go to our next segment!”
Somehow, a title card pops up in front of Shadow Kanji, and Yosuke cannot help the gormless stare he has on his face. Even Yu seems to be getting a bit flustered as he says, “This…could get a little awkward, in more ways than one.”
Chie, for her part, hunches into herself. “Aw, man, when we were trying to save Yukiko, it was just like this too.”
“No it wasn’t!” Yukiko’s freakout is immediate and extremely high pitched. “It wasn’t anything like this!”
“It kinda was.” Yosuke grimaces. “She was on a spud—stud hunt, for heaven’s sake.”
"I think she was on a something else hunt, frankly,” Kaguya intones, glancing at Chie.
Chie squawks. "What's that supposed to mean!"
Yu, apparently over his flustering, grumbles, “Focus, guys.”
“Kinda have to degree—agree with Yu here. And what’s parading—creating these weird-ass images, anyway? The guy who’s throwing them in here?”
Unfortunately, his question would go forever unanswered, because Shadow Kanji chose that moment to speak up again. “I really do love getting my groove on with you, but I must continue my search for the bump and grind!” Yosuke turned away as he threw up a little in his mouth, but not long enough to avoid the sight of Shadow Kanji’s ass as he ran through the door on the other side of the room. “Follow if you dare!”
“I’m not sure I really bear—dare, damn it!”
Yu just closes his eyes solemnly. "Well, guess I'm scarred for life now."
“Same.” Kaguya’s deadpan makes Yosuke groan, and apparently Souji shares his sentiment.
“Can we not be so calm about this?”
“Hey, I’m not calm at all, partner.” Yosuke squeezes Souji’s shoulder, steadfastly ignoring the way the motion drew his eyes to the other teen’s well-muscled arms, then looked up as an alert went off. “Guys, bin—incoming!”
Fortunately, while his vocal systems are slightly scrambled, the rest of his systems are working fine, and with Yukiko, they have plenty of fire to fry the enemies coming at them as they hurried through the bathhouse. Yosuke can occasionally hear Yukiko muttering under her breath as they ran, but decides to not comment—he might be fire resistant, but he isn’t fireproof by any stretch of the imagination.
Soon enough they reach a…rather colorful door, welcoming them to the tropical paradise. Yosuke stares up at it, honestly amazed, then glances over at Chie as she speaks. “…This is where he’s hiding out, isn’t he?”
“…Yeah. Gotta be.” Yosuke grimaces, then looks over at Yu. “Do we have to tow—go in there?”
“Yes.” Yu’s flat tone makes both Yosuke and Souji whimper, but they both straighten up and move closer to the other Narukamis, even as Kaguya reaches down to cover Teddie’s eyes again. Ignoring his squeaks of dismay, Yu reaches out and pushes the door open.
The sight of Kanji pinning his Shadow to the ground greets them, and Yosuke just stands in the door, staring.
Yu is the first to speak. “Well, add narcissism to the list.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Yosuke can see Souji elbow Yu, even as Chie says, “I don’t think that’s narcissism…”
“Don’t think what is narcissism?” Teddie is fighting to get out from behind Kaguya’s hands, but the girl is having none of it. “I can’t see!”
“That isn’t a bad thing, actually.” Yukiko sounds equal parts appalled and fascinated, and Yosuke can’t blame her.
“She’s bright—right, Teddie. Just let Kaguya protect your innocence.” Yosuke can’t tear his eyes away from the startled boy now staring at them as he straddles his Shadow, even as he leans closer to Souji. “Think you can wipe my image memory after this?”
Souji’s, “If only,” makes it clear that he wishes he could wipe it from his own memory, and Yosuke can’t blame him.
Kanji chooses this moment to reboot. “Wh-what are you guys doing here?”
“Well…we came…to pave—save you.”
“Well, you sure as hell don’t sound all that motivated!” Unfortunately for Kanji, his Shadow takes the opportunity to shove Kanji away and spring to its feet.
“Whoopsie daisy! I won’t let you interfere!” Yosuke blinks at the Shadow, then scrambles a few steps back as the baths overflow.
Chie, however, steps forward, and her foot slides out from under her. Yukiko tries to help, but only ends up getting pulled down too.
“Oh, it’s slimy. Ugh…this stuff is gross!” The girls try to get up, only to slip and faceplant again, and while part of Yosuke can’t help but find this…fascinating, the rest is eloquently summed up in his next words.
“Slimy? Why the hell is it limey—slimy?”
Kaguya picks Teddie up and carries him as far away from the ooze as she can, which isn’t all that far. Souji pales leans back, and Yosuke shoots a hand out to support him as Yu says, “Maybe we shouldn’t ask questions.”
“You know? Probably a good idea.”
“You bastard…” Kanji’s actual voice makes Yosuke refocus on the pair further in as Shadow Kanji stood over his normal counterpart.
“Honey, why don’t you just drop the charade.”
“Isn’t it time for you to tell people how you truly feel?” Shadow Kanji’s eyes seem to glow brighter as he stretches his arms over his head, and the husky drop in his voice makes Yosuke shudder unpleasantly. “I’m everything that you wish you could be.”
“You liar!”
“Shit—don’t listen to him!” Yosuke rocks forward, intending to tackle one of the pair if he has to. Then Souji’s hand closes around his wrist, and he jumps.
Into the slime.
And into the girls.
While the four of them are flailing around (and Yosuke is trying very, very hard to look anywhere but at Souji) and Kaguya is snorting while still covering Teddie’s eyes, Yu just stares at them, then looks up at the first year and his Shadow. “...Right. Can we all calm down now? Because this is already embarrassing.”
The Shadow just smirks at him, then turns back to its owner, mock-thoughtful. “I really hate girls. They look at me and say, ‘You like to sew?’ or if I paint a pretty picture they laugh at it and say, ‘Wow, that’s weird for a guy.’”
Yosuke manages to prop himself up on his hands and squints at the pair as Kanji growls at his Shadow. Somehow, that seems to drain the rest of Kanji’s energy, because he slumps forward and grabs his shoulders. “You should be strong. You should be tough! You should be manly! But what’s that even mean? Girls can be so scary.”
Yosuke blinks. “Uh…is this…supposed to be a gay freak out? Because…somehow it doesn’t sound like one. Unless girls being mean can make you gay…”
Souji mumbles, “That’s not how it works,” and Yosuke sighs.
“Kinda thought so.”
“Girls aren’t scary—“
“Guys are much better.” Shadow Kanji speaks over Kanji like he’s not even there. “They never say those awful things! That’s why I like men!”
“That’s not true!”
“But it is. See, you are me, and I am so you.”
“Like hell you are.” Yu yells for Kanji to stop, but the punk ignores him. “There’s no freakin’ way you are a part of me!”
As the Shadow downright giggles, Yosuke finally regains his feet and hauls Souji up. “Great. Just great. Let’s get this over with.”
“He punched his Shadow.”
If Yosuke lives to be a hundred years old, he will not forget the image of Kanji Tatsumi punching his own Shadow in the face. Yu mutters something about that being more useful earlier, but Yosuke waves his words off.
“Dude, he punched his Shadow. How is that not awesome?”
That’s when Kaguya slapped him in the face with her too-sticky hair. He makes a face, then grumbles, “Point taken,” before staring off down the road after the direction Kanji had shuffled off. “So…he’s not gay. I guess.”
“Might be. Might be bi. Does it really matter?” Souji’s mumble kind of catches Yosuke off guard, and he blinks over at him.
“…I guess not, but it’s…kinda weird, I guess, with that boy? The one in the blue?”
“S'not weird.” Now Souji sounds a little hurt. Kaguya slaps Yosuke with her sticky hair again, harder, getting an irritated noise out of the robot.
“Not…I mean, it’s weird because that boy…just seems like a weird match. With him.”
Souji has fallen silent, so Yu gently puts his hand on his shoulder, and a much tighter hand on Yosuke’s. "Yosuke? Hush."
“…Uh…okay, but what did I say that time?”
“Yu.” There’s a lot of irritation in Yosuke’s voice now. “I can’t exactly learn from my mistakes if I don’t have a clue what they are.”
“And I will tell you later but now is not the time."
“…Fine.” Yosuke looks away, trying to keep the grumble out of his voice. “At least my circuits are working ben—hen—again!” Yosuke throws his hands up in the air. “Screw it! I’m going bone—home, and I had better wake up normal, you hear me, world?!”
He does wake up normal, thank God, and manages to get Yu alone to talk about what the hell was going with Souji yesterday.
That’s when he finds out that his best friend is a. gay and b. short on dates. Yosuke blinks at him for a long moment, then sighs.
“Right. Okay. So I won’t bring it up around him again.”
“Good man.”
“…Thanks.” He didn’t exactly feel like it, but if Yu thought he was good, then he’d let him.
Now to stop his perfect-memory brain from bringing up the image of Souji shirtless and covered in that slime, and he’d be fine.
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orgyland · 8 years
GUESS WHAT, it's payback time fucker!!!! chieyuki (10, 12, 17, 22, 24), kannaorise (bc if I had to do it so do you - 7, 11, 16, 19, 23), annnnd souyo (3, 5, 18, 21, 24)
*crack’s knuckles* Hear we goe lads
10) Preferred positions?
Look, Chie has certain Expectations of How Things Should Be, especially going into a relationship -- like, does it work the same way if it was a guy? Missionary/lights off/eyes closed? Turns out it’s not a bad position to default to, since she gets to watch Yukiko in anticipation of inevitably fucking something up, or accidentally doing something really, really right. (I agree w/ your general assessment of Yukiko as the more exploratory one, but she’s a romantic at heart -- anything where they’re facing each other, be it in bed or in the shower or in Chie’s lap, as long as she can look her in the eye.)
12) Turn ons
It’s hard not to conclude from canon that the nadeshiko thing does it for Chie, though obviously she knows better than to reduce Yukiko to that Archetype. I think they both bring sensuous qualities to the table that key the other up -- for Chie, maybe the silk of Yukiko’s yukata, the feeling of her hair settling over Chie’s shoulder, freshly-soaped and flushed skin, soft steam; for Yukiko, the comparative roughness of Chie’s fingers, sweat, imperfections, sinew, hardness and exertion. OH AND FISTING AND OTHER LARGE INSERTIONS. 
17) Dom/Sub dynamics? Who’s dom, who’s sub?
Hoo boy. Chie’s definitely got a possessiveness sort of deal going on throughout the game that could very easily come through in sex, and maybe even in other aspects of their relationship. The “hey Yu you think Yukiko’s super cute right, ISN’T IT WEIRD SHE DOESN’T HAVE A BOYFRIEND??!” scene can be read a few ways, but Chie springs almost too eagerly into the role of Yukiko’s gatekeeper/protector/final boss of the Amagi Challenge to not have some carryover there. She might relish in that privilege to an extent (maybe on the milder side buying Yukiko an outfit/lingerie to wear for her, for example, or experimenting with like. Semi roleplay on the more extreme side, like “You wouldn’t let a boy do this to you,” but Yukiko would have to really press her to get to that point.) 
There’s a flipside to that where the roles could very easily reverse, and I think they would were they to ever go down this road. I imagine it takes form as a kind of deference/willingness and eagerness to please Yukiko on Chie’s part -- more emphasis on the “princess” thing and less emphasis on the “prince” thing. 
Also, not necessarily d/s, but they’ve deffos tried spanking. (Chie’s weirded out receiving whereas Yukiko’s more of a fan.)
22) Does one person tend to come first more often or do they switch it up? Does one person have a harder time climaxing? Are there times when they don’t cum?
My handcanyon is that Yukiko is generally more attuned to her own body’s needs, as someone who’s taken more time to explore it on her own, and also that it doesn’t take much for her to get to that point. Chie might make her cum several times before the focus shifts to herself, and even then she still might not cum, or take a while to get there, and then freak out and enter into this feedback loop of Oh God is Yukiko getting tired, Am I Messing This Up, Am I Basically The Worst Partner Ever? It’s something that resolves with time/experience, though Yukiko is still generally first to get there. 
Also, no one gets to cum if Chie accidentally sets off a laughing fit. 
24) What happens after? Cuddling? Make space? Does someone tend to leave right after?
Definitely depends on what point in the relationship they’re at -- after their first time over at the Amagi’s, after the haze and afterglow’s burned off, Chie’s brain probably kicked into “HOW THE FUCK DO I GET OUT OF HERE WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT AND MURDERED BY THE INN STAFF” stealth mode, like super paranoid that people were somehow gonna read her mind like “you fucked my daughter. Prepare to die.” 
Generally speaking, they both go for a shower together, unless they’re too bone tired to do it -- then it’s falling asleep a sticky, tangled mess while deferring the shower to the morning. 
Mothr fuck!
7) Foreplay? A lot or a little?
Early on, a lot a lot a lot. Kanji and Naoto are fucking petrified of their own boners, so getting them to do anything about it is a delicate operation. There is absolutely no “Netflix and chill” for them -- Rise has to basically nudge them past the final threshold where, yup, sex is happening now. Like, phase A “study session” phase B “make out for like an hour” phase C “MAYBE touch someones butt.” Later into the relationship it really depends on what kind of time their schedules allow, especially considering the careers they’re pursuing. Like they’re inmates on death row and their partners’ asses are their last meals. But they still like to draw things out as long as possible when they can. 
11) Exploratory or traditional?
Like, how traditional can you get with this sort of arrangement. I think they end up passively bucking tradition -- not out of any sense of going against “how things should be”, but just to do what feels right for them. Like, I headcanon that Naoto would take a while to explore stuff like insertion/PIV/breastplay (not so hot on the former two, good with the latter) whereas Kanji would like taking it up the ass too much to not make it a habit. Rise’s definitely the most exploratory of the three of them, either way, and much more likely to vocalize an idea or a need of hers and Make It Happen. (Usually phrased as “haven’t you ever thought about...”)
16) Roleplay?
GOD. Rise probably jokingly brings it up like, once, before Naoto earnestly gets into the role of like, sadistic mad scientist sex Nazi. There’s probably some worthwhile catharsis to be found in roleplaying as their Shadows, even if Kanji’s initially skeptical and also does a pretty lousy job of acting 100% uninhibited. (Though he finds it’s easier when he’s persuaded or “forced” into it.) 
19) Kissing preferences during sex
Kanji’s like, painfully romantic. Eyes closed, passionate, long, forceful, grabbing the person by the jaw/the shoulders/the arms and not letting go, etc. Rise’s a little sloppier and a lot more eager, whereas it takes Naoto some time to get out of methodical eyes-open sex detective mode. Eesh.
23) Lust or love sex?
I mean, there IS dumbass hormone-addled lust sex thrown into there, and I think e.g. Naoto is more libidinous than she’s typically portrayed in fanworks, but I otherwise feel like it’s more of a deliberate, cerebral experience most of the time. It’s three people who at one point or another had to wear a mask to deal with a society did wrong by them -- that distrusts them, or condescends them, or shuns them for failing to meet its expectations -- so I imagine sexual intimacy between them is not entirely unlike the intimacy of, say, facing Shadows and all that entails, where you’re making yourself vulnerable and putting so much trust in these people who expect you to do the same. So especially early on, they’re going into that side of their relationship with the necessary care and sensitivity before it’s just Rise getting double-stuffed. 
There’s no way this is gonna get as long as yours
3) Neck, ears, or both
Yosuke’s long, constantly craning neck is good for something. Though in all seriousness I feel like Yosuke need to first get over the kneejerk “this shit’s for girls” reaction for stuff like neck, nipples, etc. He likes having his ear kissed and sucked, but not licked, cuz DUDE THAT’S WEIRD. 
5) Hands or tongue
I feel like both the boys are very, very handsy, Yosuke perhaps moreso (and less serviceable with his tongue than Yu, who’s probably at least had more practice/experience to bring to the table)
18) Dirty talk, sweet nothings, or no talking (or discussing only technicals)
The Fandom Consensus seems to be that Yu is like a dirty talking sex god and that Yosuke gets a MASSIVE boner for praise, so I’m going to take a bold stance and say that Yosuke takes a while to warm up to talking in general, even when it comes to Technical Discussion, and when he does it’s 50% insinuations. The first time they had sex he probably stopped everything to ask if one of them has to “............ you know.” 
21) One round or multiple?
This is pretty situational, but probably starting out Yosuke’s the type who’s just, Spent by the end of things, after kind of putting his all into it every time. I imagine Yu’s concept of a “round” is a lot more fluid, too.
24) What happens after? Cuddling? Make space? Does someone tend to leave right after?
I personally feel like Yosuke is a little more touchy-feely than a lot of people would expect and Yu maybe less so, but I’m firmly in the “it depends” camp. If they were already hanging out, studying, whatever, maybe they wash up and get back to whatever it is they were doing. Bros being bros am I right??
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nocturnalsleuth · 7 years
characters of persona
though i only did the characters whose names i could remember, and din’t repeat characters from previous games
naoya toudou (boy with earring)
yukino mayuzumi (i know her name not the character tho)
trish (cutest pixie)
philemon (butterfly boi)
p2 is/ep
tatsuya suou (*motorcycle noises*)
maya amano (cute reporter lady)
lisa silverman (America™)
eikichi mishina (best bro)
jun kurosu (LIGHT OF MY LIFE)
baofu (glasses boi)
belladonna (opera!!!)
nameless (blindfolded piano man)
minato arisato/makoto yuki (persona jesus)
minako arisato/hamuko arisato (when will she be canon)
yukari takeba (lovely girl)
mitsuru kirijo (mommy mitsuru, thanks lucina squad)
akihiko sanada (fighty boi)
fuuka yamagishi (i’m proud of ur cooking development)
ken amada (don’t date the 10 year old plz)
aigis (Not A Robot™)
koromaru (precious pupper)
elizabeth (i’ll bring u an encyclopaedia so u can stop assuming weird things about earth)
theodore (handsome man)
ryoji mochizuki (this boy will be the death of me. literally)
metis (aigis’ edgelord twin)
ms. toriumi (thank u for not dating a high schooler but i’m so gay for u)
akinari (HEAVY SOBS)
yu narukami/souji seta (cat boy)
yosuke hanamura (i love u but i hate u)
chie satonaka (fighty girl)
yukiko amagi (v gay for chie)
kanji tatsumi (the sweetest boi to ever live. pan af)
rise kujikawa (respect her privacy. also she’s v sassy. sass her back)
naoto shirogane (love of my life, needs issues resolved)
teddie (i love u but u need some respect women juice)
marie (giant dork who needs more love)
nanako dojima (precious. protect her)
uncle dojima (does his best but look after your daughter better)
tohru adachi (asshole mcgee I TRUSTED U)
king moron (i don’t even remember his real name. an asshole)
akira kurusu (nasty/wonderful crime boi)
ann takamaki (gay for shiho)
makoto nishijima (*MOTORCYCLE NOISES 2.0*)
yusuke kitagawa (art is love art is life)
futaba sakura (gotta be honest i’m not sure if futaba’s her last name or first name)
haru okumura (punch ur dad in the face)
goro akechi (*talks about how much he hates you* YOUR BOND HAS GROWN STRONGER)
morgana (also a bus?)
justine (oxymoron 1)
caroline (oxymoron 2)
tae takumi (i’m gay for doctor lady)
sae nishijima (i’m also gay for police lady)
shiho (ann’s girlfriend, needs ultimate protection)
mishima (runs a website i think?)
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