#child care providers
marcus-ranton · 8 months
Premiere Scholar Early Learning Center proudly stands as a distinguished Child care agency in Atlanta GA, dedicated to providing exceptional child care services. As experienced child care providers, we offer in-home child care solutions delivered by a team of compassionate and skilled child caregivers. Our commitment to working parents is reflected in our tailored child care services, designed to create a supportive environment for children while parents pursue their professional goals. We recognize the significance of fostering a nurturing space where children thrive. Our in-home child care services are more than just a solution; they are an extension of the family, where experienced child caregivers ensure the well-being and development of every child. For working parents seeking reliable and enriching Day care center in Atlanta GA, Premiere Scholar Early Learning Center is the trusted choice.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Not everything is what it seems
When Young Justice found Superboy, the heroes began to think, were there other similar places? Were there more cloned heroes? How had it all started?
So they investigated, there wasn't much to salvage from the destroyed place but they managed to trace the plans of the cloning pods to an abandoned mansion in Wisconsin. It appeared to be normal at first glance, although no one had set foot there in a while, that was until they got to the basement.
The basement was a mess, one side was destroyed as if something had exploded, on the other side were notes, capsules and DNA samples, though these were clearly useless, if the files could be trusted. It appeared to be old research, all of this was addressed at the weekly League meeting.
The worst part of it all was learning that the sample did not belong to any of them; what might have seemed like relief turned into torture when they discovered the existence of a "hero" in the past, a young hero who had acted before them all, and about whom no one knew anything. Another concern was a possible clone of said hero on the loose, though they didn't know how to address either issue.
Bruce couldn't get out of his head the image of a scared kid, out there without any support, fighting an evil version of himself. The League's priority was to find that boy immediately, and see if his clone was still active. They had to do something about it.
Most of them ignored Captain Marvel's advice to leave the matter alone, as it had been a long time and they didn't know the current circumstances.
At Amity Park, Danny felt a chill, he had a bad feeling. He decided to ignore it as he continued to scold Dan and Dani for using their powers irresponsibly, he knew the citizens of Amity wouldn't care, but the rest of the world would. Danny feared the world wasn't ready for them.
It really was hard being a single parent, although it didn't bother him, after the initial awkwardness everyone had adjusted and were quite happy.
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sparklecryptid · 9 months
I had no patience for people policing other peoples ships before i went to library tech school and library tech school has make me a little bit pissy about the entire thing actually.
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can't stop fucking thinking about sun/moon shuggy bc shanks is the sun always and buggy is forever the moon. buggy will never be the sun, he will never shine as brilliantly as shanks or anyone else. and the moon makes no light of it's own!!!! it only shines bc the sun's light reflects off of it!!!! buggy never shines by himself!!! he will never make his own light!!! buggy who is always second best, shining only from the light shanks gives him. even worse, you only ever see half of the moon illuminated at one time!!!! shanks who gives buggy the light he needs to shine but only for certain parts of buggy!!!! never all of him!!!!! buggy never shines fully and he never will bc buggy is the moon, he isn't a star or a comet or a meteor, he's a moon and moons don't shine by themselves. and buggy who devotes himself to shanks bc he wants to shine, by god he wants it so badly he aches somedays, but shanks is the golden child, shining with splendor, and buggy knows when to stop fighting a losing battle. he sticks around for years drawn in by the gravity of shanks' orbit until loguetown, and as his captain's head hits the ground, buggy feels himself splinter into thousands of little meteoroids. he leaves shanks standing in the rain and thinks to himself, i will shine by myself or i will die trying
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thret-rhett · 2 months
Adam, Eve, and Lilith. they’re my ocs now more lore in tags
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#the lore:#they’re in an on off throuple#lilith is ofc adams first wive#from before adam (human) was split into two adam (man) and eve (woman)#so lilith is ‘whole’; in modern understanding she’s intersex &transfeminine#lilith and eve had an affair in the garden of eden#in which lilith tempted eve to eat the fruit; while yes persuaded eve wasn’t deceived to do this she made the choice for herself#then she gets sexy w adam and feeds him the apple.#not fully a free choice on his behalf moreso eve choosing what’s best (free will&the enlightenment from the fruit) for them as a unit#adam in a lapse of judgement blames eve. bad choice buddy your wife is always right#so when they’re kicked out they split for a little bit#adam rebounds with lilith and she provides for him and it’s comfortable but he misses eve#they’re together about half a year#meanwhile eve is praying and atoning and has been cultivating plants along a river#adam tries to see eve a couple times during this but she’s mad at him still#after 7months she’s ready to fotgive him provided he helps and hunts animals for them#while they are separated eve is approached by an ‘angel’ who is lilith in disguise. she cares for her and then they go to adam.#adam is like why do you try harming us what have i ever done to you and lilith is upset that he left her and that she was kicked from eden#they get away from her etc#they set up a permanent shelter and as a reward for reuiniting and pushing back ‘satan’ (lilith) he blesses them with a child —Cain#then they later conceive Abel on their own about 2years later#they have other children etc#after abel is killed by cain adam and eve get in a fight and things are tense and there’s another brief affair with lilith#it’s a three way thing to kind of act as catharsis#later later they have seth and that brings them back together#that’s most of it#my art#adam eve and lilith#adam and eve#artistic nudity
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tangledinink · 1 year
bad news: i think i am sleep deprived enough to have opinions on the internet.
one 'trope' that's always really bugged me from the rottmnt fandom is the "poor mikey has to be the family therapist/most emotionally mature even though he's the youngest!!!"
and i mean? like, yeah, the 'family therapist' thing by itself has its merit, because I don't think anyone should have to be the 'family therapist' (though I don't necessarily think that describes mikey? like I think he WANTS to and does 'therapy' his family sometimes but I also don't think that this is something that everyone seeks or expects from him all the time?) but it's more like
the youngest thing
it grates on me when people act like it's such a tragedy or injustice that he's 'forced' to emotionally caretake for his family members at times when he's the 'baby.' but it's not like he's some child being taken care of/relied upon by adults? in both the show and most fanwork i've seen with this trope, he's doing a majority of this 'emotional caretaking' for his brothers. and like... raph is literally only two years older than him. why is it so messed up if mikey happens to have some more emotional maturity than him in some areas? why is it so horrendous if mikey takes care of raph? just because raph's a couple years older than him? this means it's bad for raph to ask for or want their sibling to take care of them sometimes? mikey shouldn't have to provide any emotional support or care, but raph should?
why is mikey not able to provide emotional support for his family without it being viewed as toxic or tragic just because he's the youngest? this is basically expected of raph as the eldest by the fandom. sure, there's lots of "aw poor raph had to raise his brothers" type stuff (which I also don't really agree with but that's another thing) but it's always in a light of "it's so messed up that raph had to parent his brothers instead of their dad" rather than "it's so tragic that raph is providing emotional support for his younger brother."
i hate this idea that because raph, leo, and donnie are a couple years older than mikey, they are able to protect and caretake for him and that's cute, wholesome "good sibling" content, but if mikey does the same for them, it's somehow tragic angst and reflects poorly on raph/leo/donnie.
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Childe has always been the tough one between the two of you. how could he not be, with his status as the most battle-hungry Fatui Harbinger? despite countless sighs and lectures from you, he continued to sneak into your home at night, covered in bruises and scratches but smiling as bright as the dawn when you emerged with medical supplies. so why, why were you the one now confined to your bed from injuries, having gotten thrown across a field by a particularly irritated mitachurl? you hadn't visited for a few days and Foul Legacy was becoming frantic in Childe's head, urging him to check on you only to find you sitting quietly in your bed, several patches of bandages peeking out under your clothes. Foul Legacy chitters anxiously in Childe's head as he rushes over and takes your hands in his, treating you like glass- which you might as well be, with how delicately and slowly you're moving. you smile and apologize for not coming out to meet him, but Childe simply shakes his head and watches your thumbs gently rub the back of his hands, trying to comfort him even though you're the one in pain. you must've moved wrong, in that next moment, because suddenly you wince. something in Foul Legacy cracks and in a blink he's snatched control over Childe's body, transforming before your eyes to tentatively cup your face in his hands. Foul Legacy's not used to caring for someone- Childe uses him more to slaughter enemies and feel the rush of battle- but he wants to care for you, and does his best to bring you anything you need whether it be food, water, books- and when he's not pampering you he'll snuggle up beside you, purring contently and watching you read. you're taking this rather well for someone who's only seen Foul Legacy a few times, even letting your guard down enough to lay your head on his fluff and fall asleep. or at least, he think you're letting your guard down. for you, there was no guard to begin with. if you ever try to get up before you're healed, Foul Legacy freaks out and gently tugs you back into bed, whimpering frantically. he'll rest his head lightly on your stomach- as long as it doesn't hurt much- and rumble quietly until you fall back asleep, your hand buried in his hair. if you simply insist on going outside for some fresh air, he'll carry you! you fit so perfectly in his arms, after all, and there's no point in straining your already injured body. when you're finally able to walk on your own again, Foul Legacy chirps with such delight you think he might cry. you can't walk very far, but the radiant smile you give him when you stumble into his arms says more than words ever can.
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thefabelmans2022 · 1 year
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well that's just not true at all is it.
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Age swap Mike asking Evan where he got all those bruises from. Evan panics and says they're from some bullies at school, and Mike gives him a bunch of prank ideas on how to get back at the bullies
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followerofmercy · 4 months
My fanon senses are tingling. I can feel Arlecchino being reduced to a sweet loving mommy in real time. Canon Hearthlings save me. Hearthlings. Save me Hearthlings
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eff-plays · 5 months
Not exactly a dadstarion truther either (mostly bc it took me a while to actually warm up to the idea and also hes NEVER having kids with my durge, only my tav (can you imagine this man parenting a Bhaalspawn? A dhampir Bhaalspawn?? Nonono.)) But I do find something a little compelling about the thought of this man who a) has had absolutely nothing of his own for as long as he can remember and b) sees himself as worthless and irreparably fucked up creating this tiny new person? Like, they're part of him, he made this precious little creature (with the person he already loves most)? This soft and innocent thing? (Which he would waffle awfully between wanting to keep innocent for as long as possible but also making sure they know about life's horrors so they can avoid them) Like sure the baby version is annoyingly loud and can't do anything and also gross and smells but he can teach the toddler to bite people. He is the absolute worst enabler, spoils the kid rotten. Teaches them to steal and pick locks and just lets them get away with murder. Parent #2 has to do all the actual parenting part cuz damn he's not doing the discipline thing at all.
Also the vain part of him likes looking at his kid and sort of seeing some of his face in them, since he can't use an actual mirror.
Well he'd be cured by the time he has the kid or soon after in my canon, so that last part wouldn't apply for me.
And yeah, when I say that I'm not a dadstarion truther I don't mean that I don't see it happening ever, but more that to me, that first step in itself is the one that I see as least likely.
Because I can accept that he would learn to love the kid, that he would care about it and spoil it. I can also accept (and would gladly explore) him having a complicated relationship with the kid, either early on in a postpartum depression sort of way, or further down the line in a "I can't find common ground with my teen/young adult" sort of way (or both lbr).
The problem, to me, is that I don't see Astarion going "let's have a kid!" I don't see him genuinely wanting one, and I don't see him finding any reason to lie about wanting one, and I don't see Hira believing any of those lies even if he does try. It's really the initial hurdle. The rest I'm happy to make as dysfunctional and weird as it would realistically be when a guy who shouldn't be a dad becomes a dad. One of the reasons I came up with Critter is because I find it compelling how much Astarion is not a dad guy, and how that would fuck up a person like Critter. That's juicy stuff. And also a way for me to work out my own daddy issues I guess lmao.
But getting that started? Actually inventing a reason for how Astarion would even agree to it? That's where I struggle. And that's why I'm torn. Cuz I do want to stay true to my own interpretation of a character, while also wanting to create a new character and put them both (and also Hira) in situations.
Like I'm happy for all the dadstarion peeps who have cool dhampir girlies running around on adventures and I'd love to join them, but I also think that if I were true to Astarion's characterization, that kid would have issues. Like maybe a lot of them.
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the-herdier · 5 months
Darry is one of those characters whom we all thought was strict when we first read the book at 12-14 years old, but when we look at him now as adults, is completely understandable.
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rowenabean · 6 months
#just saw a post that was like 'if you have religious or moral objections that stop you from providing certain types of medical care maybe#you shouldn't work in healthcare' (paraphrased) and...#what a way to look at the world tbh#like. they're talking about me i think - i am a conscientious objector when it comes to euthanasia#(which granted has come up exactly twice and both cases in a theoretical capacity only this is not a frequent request to me)#and... i am also a good doctor#last week i told someone that her weight doesn't matter to her health with receipts to prove it and she cried#no one had ever told her that before#and that was something that came from me specifically. that was something i would not trust all of the GPs in my practice - a practice of#excellent and compassionate GPs! - to say#i am verifiably doing good in my job that is coming from specifically who i am as a person#i cannot put that down when it comes to issues i care deeply about#fundamentally the fact that i cannot put it down is what makes me a good doctor#i think that's what i'm trying to get at#the reason that i do well by my patients is that i practice out of my values and my ethics#if i did not stand on that core i would not stand at all#so you can't have it both ways. you can't have engaged and active and compassionate healthcare providers without sometimes those engaged an#active providers having things they do not feel comfortable doing#and it is to everyone's service if they are up front about it and do not try to hide (i am suspicious of people who try to hide this)#i am literally figuring this all out as i type hence the v long tag ramble and also being nowhere near the post that started this train#(honestly in med school we talked so much about ethics as like. abortion! euthanasia! trans rights! and the ethics in practice is the littl#things. do you apologise when you mess up. how do you manage a consult with your patient with paranoid dementia and her child in the same#room at one time - or one by one bc that's fraught too. (that one's on top i had one of those today.) how do you act with grace when#you're a bit stressed and your patient is a bit stressed and the nurse wants to add five more things to your book. the day to day ethics is#SUCH a bigger thing when you come to actual practice.)#this is obviously entirely about me and leans on the fact that i largely do think i am doing a good job i am really feeling my own way#to a Thought. but i think to a certain extent it is generalisable
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
listen I am about as pro-abortion as anyone can be, but aborting a baby just because they have Down's Syndrome should be fucking illegal. If you're someone who actively wants and is trying for a child, then you should be mentally, financially, and emotionally willing to provide for that child for the rest of your life if something goes wrong- because that is what being a good parent takes, and many many things can go wrong. Down's Syndrome is not at all close to the worst thing that can happen to a baby, and people with it can grow up to be happy, healthy, content adults- they just need a little bit of extra help and a different approach to raising them. If you just want a 'normal' child so that you can boot them out of your house when they turn 18 and have them around to take care of you when you're older, then you don't actually want children, you want an investment. A doll, not a family member. Not a person.
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falcqns · 2 years
im on early childhood educator tiktok and i love it but some people in the comments know nothing about child development, and the importance of social and emotional learning and it fucking shows.
let me explain something:
children cannot gaslight. this is especially true for those who are not school-aged, so 0-4. them crying or throwing a tantrum is not them trying to get their way through manipulation. they are not overreacting, they do NOT need to stop crying, especially when they are hurt.
children are allowed to be upset. they are allowed to cry, scream and shout. they are allowed to feel their emotions. when you tell a child no, and they flop to the ground and throw a tantrum, they are not trying to manipulate you into giving them what they want. they don't know how the world around them works yet, so yes of course a child is going to get upset you tell them "no, you need to wear your coat." or "no, you need to sit on your bum while you eat." they don't understand that if they don't wear their coat they could get hypothermia because they are little and cannot regulate their body temperature as well as we can, and they don't understand that running around and playing while eating can lead to choking. they don't understand things like that.
it is our jobs, as adults, educators, parents, family, etc. to teach them these things. to help them to understand, to help them to regulate. by telling them things like "stop crying," "you've got no reason to be upset," or "i'll give you something to cry about," you are telling them that them, and their feelings don't matter. that they have to go along with what you say no matter what, and that they should be respecting and trusting you no matter what happens, which is NOT true. they don't need to respect and trust you. exactly like how a child needs to earn your trust, YOU have to earn theirs. if they don't trust you, they don't have to respect you. it's your job to show them that you are someone they can trust, and with that trust comes respect.
going back to if they are hurt, instead of saying things like 'you're fine,' try saying 'you're going to be fine,' or asking 'are you hurt, or are you scared?' or even a simple 'are you okay?' is better.
if they are throwing a tantrum, don't do anything. let the tantrum happen. if someone was having a seizure, would you be standing over them while they seize and tell them to suck it up, that they're fine?? no, you wouldn't. you'd make sure the area around them is safe, put them in the recovery position, and you'd wait it out. the same thing is true for children. they cannot process information when they are upset. yes, it might be frustrating, and yes, it always happens at the most inopportune time, but it's not their fault. so when they are melting down, just sit and wait for them to finish. if you need to, walk away from them to take a breather for yourself. when they calm down, tell them you're there, that you love them, and offer comfort. don't force it, offer it. children deserve autonomy. my body, my choice, remember. try to remember that the reason for the tantrum is because they can't communicate what's wrong. they can't explain 'hey, im sad because i can't wear my crocs in the snow.' they have to show it, and crying is how they express that.
children cannot gaslight. they cannot manipulate. they are tiny humans who didn't ask to be brought into this world, and therefore as the adults in their life, it is our jobs to help them navigate and learn the world around them. there are going to be setbacks and tough moments. there are going to be times when you want to yell at them to stop and behave. there are going to be times when you feel like you can't do this, but it's important to remember that you can. it's even more important to remember that if they are acting out/throwing a tantrum, etc. with you, it means they trust you, and you are a safe place for them. just as you learned to express your feelings without throwing a tantrum, so can they, they just need it to be taught to them, and more importantly, modelled to them. the moment you view them as competent and capable, trust me, your view of them will entirely change.
'It's not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world, it is our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless.' - L.R. Knost
'Tantrums are not bad behaviour. Tantrums are an expression of emotion that became too much for the child to bear. No punishment is required. What your child needs is compassion and safe, loving arms to unload in.' - Rebecca Eanes
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
I feel like we are sleeping on Ronal's eventual blow up at Norm when she learns that he (according to the comics) actually became an adoptive/foster dad to some na'vi kids.
He could do it for them, but not Spider???
she would be so pissed, it would take an army to keep her from killing him. she understand from what spider told her that he helped a bit, but that he was never norms kid.
she just can't understand how he could raise multiple na'vi children, but couldn't see that spider was being neglected and needed someone to intervene and act in his best interest.
she hates when they try and argue that spider wanted to be with the sully's and that norm thought it was best; cause spider was a child, he didn't know what was best for him, norm was an adult, he should have seen that spider needed more then he was being given. he should have stepped in so spider didn't have to live with all this pain and trauma now.
An adult acts against a childs wants if it is in their best interest, there is no argument to that. she will never forgive him for letting spider get hurt, for letting him get neglected for 16 years.
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