#chill out?
lover-of-mine · 11 months
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michameinmicha · 6 months
Do you ever miss a character from a show but not like in the way that you want to rewatch the whole show because theres so much stuff going on and thats not what youre looking for but you miss your boy
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roninkairi · 1 year
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You can only reblog this today.*
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pangur-and-grim · 2 months
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the world is too big for this tiny boy
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lesbianshepard · 9 months
while frustrating, the funniest response to historical erasure of same sex couples is people wildly overcorrecting and assuming any interaction between two men in history was a secret homosexual relationship covered up by Big Historian. i saw someone on r/sapphoandherfriend sincerely ask if Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were lovers.
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july-19th-club · 1 year
seriously have been thinking about this all night long. call me autistic but the fact that 90% of workplaces the point is not to get your work done and then be done doing it but to instead perform an elaborate social dance in which you find something to do even when you're done doing everything you need to do in order to show your fellow workers that you, too, are Working . because you are at Work . disgusting why cant we all agree that if there is no work immediately to be done. we just dont do anything
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honey-doc · 4 months
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Chil becoming a union organizer for half foots makes so much sense because literally any time a half foot was in chil’s vicinity he was looking out for them
Like when marcille & senshi transformed
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And with mickbell
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butchmartyr · 2 months
a lot of older norms for internet and site etiquette are shit but you know what was good that we need to bring back? lurking. you need to lurk moar
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roguescum · 8 months
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i love when the straw hats Break someone
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timelessbian · 3 months
actually that ao3 post about calculating kudos-to-hits ratios to decide if a fic is worth reading has me so pissed off. someone put real time and energy into something they are SHARING WITH YOU FOR FREE on a site where you can quite literally filter and search by anything you want and you're STILL trying to find a foolproof method to find stuff that's "good enough to read"???
you don't have to like or read everything in a given fandom or tag, but you also don't have to be a cunt about it and imply that it's not worth reading. this is the kind of shit that moves people to stop creating altogether, and to see people agreeing in the tags is so disheartening. absolutely unserious behavior.
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Michael learns about FNAF Movie Sparky...
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thebibliosphere · 11 months
I've talked about this before, but emotional dysregulation is such a mother fucker aspect of ADHD.
Like, sure, not being able to regulate my attention sucks, but it's genuinely fucking nothing compared to the absolute rollercoaster of emotions I just went on because someone said something in a shitty tone, and now I'm having to actively walk myself through DBT methods lest my idiot shit for brains 'shiny-can't-sit-still-disorder' drop the match on that particular bridge because the rejection sensitive dysphoria feels like my chest is burning and not being able to act on the hurt feels like I'm suffocating under the weight of emotions pushing down on me and lashing out in anger is quicker than taking the time to self soothe.
And the annoying fucking thing is I know it's me.
I've done enough therapy to know my emotional response to their shittiness is overblown and dysregulated. I know I'm taking it to heart more than they could ever imagine.
And I've got to fucking sit with that and process it because if I don't, I'll be the inconsiderate cunt in this interaction and hhnnggg--wailing, gnashing, biting my thumb at you in the marketplace, etc, etc.
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beatriceportinari · 2 months
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Toad origami, one square sheet of paper
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racingliners · 10 months
In a very important home life update: we got a high vis vest for one of our chickens
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They apparently have a great unintended use of stopping hens from getting bullied, so we got one to try it out since the above hen gets excessively picked on by the others (we don't really know why).
Shout put to the wonderful @gingervivilou who told me about it!!
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heavenbarnes · 3 months
the obedience that came with your older bf!simon hadn’t started out as inherently kinky. it actually stemmed from a rather vulnerable admission, one that happened to come about as you were riding him.
“i need to follow orders”
it’d caught you off guard, but you’d been quick and accepting with it as your pressed your palms against his broad chest. you’d nodded, panting slightly as you tried your best.
“i want you to hold me down and really fuck me, si”
and that was it, he was gripping tight on your hips and jackhammering his own up into you until your head was tipping back and a fucking squeal was being torn out of you.
the rest was history.
simon explained it as he’d built a career off of following orders, he’d kept himself alive by doing what he was told- being in the right place at the right time.
if you wanted to see him at his best you had to tell him exactly what you wanted him to do.
after a particularly soft evening on the couch, one that would never leave the four walls of your home, where simon was cuddled into your front with your arms wrapped around him- he told you he felt safest when he had explicit instructions.
part of it was just easier that way, like when he didn’t really get the hype about sexting but you told him what you wanted and then you’d both be happy.
the other part of it was that security, he had someone who loved him enough to put him in the right place at the right time and eliminate as many variables as possible.
that didn’t mean spontaneity was out of the question, he could surprise you and you could do the same to him- but once you really got into things, he wanted you to tell him in graphic detail what you wanted him to do.
“just like that, don’t move your hand at all”
“cum inside me, please”
“bend me over, want you to use me”
“look me in the eyes, want to see you when you cum for me”
“lick my cunt, simon”
there was also something in there for him about you, sweet little you, looking this big man right in the eye and ordering him around.
made him weak in the fucking knees.
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chubs-deuce · 4 months
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Alastor may dislike new age tech but that doesn't mean he doesn't have his sources lol
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