#china technology
kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The idea that socialism doesn't innovate is honestly the most ludicrous to me, there was innovation while we were in the caves and you want to tell me there is no innovation in a nation because of a political system? Ludicrous.
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😂 Per la serie "finalmente se ne sono accorti" 😵
🔍 Secondo uno studio, finanziato dal Governo Statunitense, la Repubblica Popolare Cinese supera gli Stati Uniti in 37 Settori-Chiave per il Futuro su 44. In alcuni di questi settori, oltretutto, la Cina possiede quasi un "monopolio", e da qui lo slogan degli imperialisti statunitensi: «tutte le democrazie devono unirsi per competere» 🤡
❔ Ma come, gli imperialisti statunitensi non dicevano che il Socialismo era incapace di portare innovazione? Ricordo, per gli smemorati, questi tre articoli:
🤡 "Perché il Socialismo non funzionerà - il Capitalismo è ancora il modo migliore per gestire il rischio e aumentare l'innovazione e la produttività", di Foreign Policy 😱
🤡 "Perché la Cina non sa innovare", di Harvard Business Review 😱
😂 Poi, però, a furia di crogiolarsi nella propaganda anti-Comunista e nel putridume neo-liberista tipico dei Bocconiani, si arriva - finalmente - alla verità: la Cina è il paese più avanzato a livello tecnologico al mondo, e allora vengono scritti articoli come questo:
😂 "Gli Stati Uniti devono collaborare con l’Europa per rallentare il tasso di innovazione della Cina", di CNBC 😂
🤔 Dunque, la ridicola "Teoria del Collasso della Cina" è ormai stata praticamente abbandonata, anche se ogni tanto torna alla ribalta su YouTube, e - oltretutto - sembra che ci lasceremo alle spalle anche quella del "Sozyaliszmo non innova!1!1!" 😘
🇺🇸 Gli USA - come scritto nell'articolo, sono rimasti impressionati dal livello delle Forze Missilistiche dell'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione, ma le preoccupazioni non risiedono soltanto nel Settore Militare, ma anche in quello Civile 😱
💬 "Il nostro Studio rivela che la Cina ha gettato le basi per posizionarsi come la prima superpotenza scientifica e tecnologica al mondo, ponendosi in testa, in alcuni casi anche in modo clamoroso, per quanto riguarda la ricerca nella maggior parte dei domini tecnologici critici ed emergenti" 📄
🇨🇳 I 10 Istituti di Ricerca più importanti al Mondo - scrivono gli autori del Report - si trovano in Cina, e producono Studi di Ricerca nove volte più importanti del Paese che si posiziona al 2° posto, ovvero - in diversi settori - gli USA 🇺🇸
🏆 La Cina, attualmente, mantiene il primato nella Scienza dei Materiali, nell'Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni, nell'Energia Pulita, nella Sostenibilità Ambientale, nella Biotecnologia, nell'Ingegneria della Difesa, nel Settore Spaziale, nell'Intelligenza Artificiale, nella Robotica 🥰
💕 Chi segue il Collettivo Shaoshan da tempo, sa bene che questi temi trattati fin dalla nascita del Canale: rigore nel metodo, scientificità nella ricerca e "实事求是" sono i Principi Fondanti del Collettivo Shaoshan, e ogni post presentato su questi argomenti ha sempre avuto fonti ben precise 📄
🔍 Per chi volesse approfondire, può rifarsi a questi post del Collettivo Shaoshan e a questi link:
🔺15/08/2022 - "La Cina punta all'innovazione tecnico-scientifica nel Settore della Robotica, definito strategico nel 14° Piano Quinquennale"
🔺07/09/2022 - "La chiave del Progetto della Cina è il raggiungimento dell'auto-sufficienza nei Settori della Scienza e della Tecnica"
🔺09/09/2022 - "La Cina e i «Piccoli Giganti», Aziende che operano in settori strategici della Scienza e della Tecnica"
🔺 La Cina mantiene il Primato nell'Energia Solare, Eolica e Idroelettrica 🌞
🔺05/02/2023 - "La Cina sta sconfiggendo la desertificazione ha aumentato la sua copertura forestale del 40% negli ultimi trent'anni"
🔺13/12/2022 - "Il Governo Cinese investirà 143 Miliardi di Dollari nell'Industria Nazionale dei Semiconduttori"
🔺 Gli Scienziati Cinesi pubblicano più paper scientifici di qualsiasi altro paese al Mondo
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
😂 For the series "they finally noticed" 😵
🔍 According to a study, funded by the US Government, the People's Republic of China surpasses the United States in 37 out of 44 Key Future Sectors. In some of these sectors, moreover, China has almost a "monopoly", and hence the slogan of US imperialists: «all democracies must unite to compete» 🤡
❔ Didn't the US imperialists say that Socialism was incapable of bringing innovation? I remember, for the forgetful, these three articles:
🤡 "Why Socialism Won't Work - Capitalism Is Still the Best Way to Manage Risk and Increase Innovation and Productivity", by Foreign Policy 😱
🤡 "Why China Can't Innovate", by Harvard Business Review 😱
😂 But then, by dint of wallowing in anti-Communist propaganda and in the neo-liberal filth typical of Bocconi students, we finally arrive at the truth: China is the most technologically advanced country in the world, and so articles are written like this:
😂 "US must work with Europe to slow China's rate of innovation," by CNBC 😂
🤔 So, the ridiculous "China Collapse Theory" has now been practically abandoned, even if it occasionally makes a comeback on YouTube, and - moreover - it seems that we will also leave behind that of "Sozyaliszmo does not innovate!1!1! " 😘
🇺🇸 The USA - as written in the article, was impressed by the level of the People's Liberation Army's Missile Forces, but the concerns are not only in the Military Sector, but also in the Civil Sector 😱
💬 "Our study reveals that China has laid the foundations for positioning itself as the first scientific and technological superpower in the world, taking the lead, in some cases even sensationally, in terms of research in most of the critical technological domains and emerging" 📄
🇨🇳 The 10 most important Research Institutes in the World - write the authors of the Report - are located in China, and produce Research Studies nine times more important than the country which ranks 2nd, or - in various sectors - the USA 🇺🇸
🏆 China currently holds the lead in Materials Science, Telecommunications Engineering, Clean Energy, Environmental Sustainability, Biotechnology, Defense Engineering, Space Sector, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics 🥰
💕 Anyone who has been following the Shaoshan Collective for some time knows that these topics have been dealt with since the birth of the Channel: rigor in the method, scientific research and "实事求是" are the Founding Principles of the Shaoshan Collective, and every post presented on these topics has always had very precise sources 📄
🔍 For those who want to learn more, you can refer to these posts from the Shaoshan Collective and to these links:
🔺15/08/2022 - "China aims at technical-scientific innovation in the Robotics Sector, defined as strategic in the 14th Five-Year Plan"
🔺07/09/2022 - "The key to China's Project is the achievement of self-sufficiency in the fields of science and technology"
🔺09/09/2022 - "China and the «Little Giants», Companies operating in strategic sectors of Science and Technology"
🔺 China Maintains Leadership in Solar, Wind and Hydroelectric Energy 🌞
🔺05/02/2023 - "China is defeating desertification has increased its forest cover by 40% in the last thirty years"
🔺13/12/2022 - "The Chinese government will invest 143 billion dollars in the national semiconductor industry"
🔺 Chinese Scientists publish more scientific papers than any other country in the world
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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restonse · 1 year
Far, far away in the Middle Kingdom, there is a place called iPhone City.
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reportwire · 2 years
China’s drive for tech independence gathers pace as US launches new Indo-Pacific strategy
China’s drive for tech independence gathers pace as US launches new Indo-Pacific strategy
Following the launch of Washington’s Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, experts say Beijing should intensify its push for tech self-sufficiency, but be careful not to decouple from foreign firms and institutions altogether. Source link
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unbfacts · 3 months
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yodaprod · 10 months
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Hong Kong Stock Exchange (1986)
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zadokthepriest · 24 days
Vanka Yuncheng Building in Shenzhen via kimlalinx
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First and later impressions of Xavier (Shen Xinghui沈星回), Rafayel (Qi Yu祁煜)and Zayne(Li Shen黎深) from Chinese game Love and Deepspace by Papergames
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tentacion3099 · 8 months
This is only the tip of the spear
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keepingitneutral · 6 months
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Panda Tower, Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding,
The top of the curtain wall system of the Panda Tower has a mechanical system that opens the façade units according to programmed angles and speed on special days, such as the birth of new Giant Panda babies, the return of Giant Panda from oversea facilities, and important holidays and festivals. The opening of the façade resembles the sprouting of a bamboo shoot. The interaction with the visitors is eco-friendly and uses clean energy.
Designed by UDG Atelier Alpha,
Image courtesy of UDG
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kneedeepincynade · 8 months
Turns out that if you try to exclude a company from a market,they will find an alternative. Western economists and politicians alike shocked
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The collective is on telegram
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🤩 Tutti i componenti del Mate 60 PRO di Huawei, oltre ad essere al 100% Cinesi, dimostrando che le sanzioni USA non hanno avuto alcun effetto, hanno dei nomi particolari, che solo una persona Cinese o che conosce molto bene la Cina può comprendere 😍
🤔 La tecnologia "Kunlun Glass" per il vetro protettivo ad alta resistenza prende il nome dalle 昆仑山, le meravigliose Montagne Kunlun della Cina, nella Provincia dello Xizang, di Qinghai e dello Xinjiang 🏔
🤩 Anche il nome del potente processore, il "Kirin" non è casuale. Kirin è una trascrizione di 麒麟, una creatura mitologica famosa in Cina e in altri Paesi Asiatici, come la Corea, che è di buon auspicio e potente 🐲
🤩 Il Modello "Pangu", arrivato alla versione 3.0, è una citazione a 盤古, la Divinità della Creazione nella Mitologia Cinese. La Leggenda è molto interessante, e potete trovarla qui 😍
👨‍💻 Tech News Space: «the HiSilicon Kirin 9000S processor will be based on Huawei’s proprietary TaiShan architecture, which is an evolution of the Armv8-A microarchitecture», ma qual è il significato di "TaiShan"? 🤔
❤️ Innanzitutto, "TaiShan" è formato da due caratteri: 泰山, il cui significato è Monte Tai. 泰 rappresenta altezza e grandezza, mentre 山 è il carattere per "montagna", che potete trovare anche in 韶山, il nome del canale (Sháoshān) 😍
🏔 Il Monte Tai è la prima delle Cinque Montagne Sacre della Cina, e - fin dall'antichità - gli Imperatori dovevano recarsi sul 泰山 per tenere una Cerimonia dopo aver compiuto grandi imprese 🔥
🤩 Il Sistema Operativo di Huawei si chiama HarmonyOS, ma in Cinese si scrive 鸿蒙 (hóngméng), che è diverso da 和谐 (héxié), che spesso è legato a 社会 per indicare una Società Armoniosa. 鸿蒙 è riscontrabile nel 道教, il Taoismo. Qui un approfondimento 😍
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🤩 All the components of Huawei's Mate 60 PRO, in addition to being 100% Chinese, demonstrating that US sanctions have had no effect, have particular names, which only a Chinese person or someone who knows China very well can understand 😍
🤔 The "Kunlun Glass" technology for high-strength protective glass takes its name from 昆仑山, the wonderful Kunlun Mountains of China, in the Province of Xizang, Qinghai and Xinjiang 🏔
🤩 Even the name of the powerful processor, the "Kirin" is not accidental. Kirin is a transcription of 麒麟, a mythological creature famous in China and other Asian countries, such as Korea, which is auspicious and powerful 🐲
🤩 The "Pangu" Model, which has reached version 3.0, is a reference to 盤古, the Deity of Creation in Chinese Mythology. The Legend is very interesting, and you can find it here 😍
👨‍💻 Tech News Space: «the HiSilicon Kirin 9000S processor will be based on Huawei's proprietary TaiShan architecture, which is an evolution of the Armv8-A microarchitecture», but what is the meaning of "TaiShan"? 🤔
❤️ First of all, "TaiShan" is made up of two characters: 泰山, which means Mount Tai. 泰 represents height and size, while 山 is the character for "mountain", which you can also find in 韶山, the name of the canal (Sháoshān) 😍
🏔 Mount Tai is the first of the Five Sacred Mountains of China, and - since ancient times - Emperors had to go to the 泰山 to hold a Ceremony after having accomplished great feats 🔥
🤩 Huawei's Operating System is called HarmonyOS, but in Chinese it is written 鸿蒙 (hóngméng), which is different from 和谐 (héxié), which is often linked to 社会 to indicate a Harmonious Society. 鸿蒙 can be found in 道教, Taoism. Here's an in-depth look 😍
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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reasonsforhope · 7 months
"Major AI companies are racing to build superintelligent AI — for the benefit of you and me, they say. But did they ever pause to ask whether we actually want that?
Americans, by and large, don’t want it.
That’s the upshot of a new poll shared exclusively with Vox. The poll, commissioned by the think tank AI Policy Institute and conducted by YouGov, surveyed 1,118 Americans from across the age, gender, race, and political spectrums in early September. It reveals that 63 percent of voters say regulation should aim to actively prevent AI superintelligence.
Companies like OpenAI have made it clear that superintelligent AI — a system that is smarter than humans — is exactly what they’re trying to build. They call it artificial general intelligence (AGI) and they take it for granted that AGI should exist. “Our mission,” OpenAI’s website says, “is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.”
But there’s a deeply weird and seldom remarked upon fact here: It’s not at all obvious that we should want to create AGI — which, as OpenAI CEO Sam Altman will be the first to tell you, comes with major risks, including the risk that all of humanity gets wiped out. And yet a handful of CEOs have decided, on behalf of everyone else, that AGI should exist.
Now, the only thing that gets discussed in public debate is how to control a hypothetical superhuman intelligence — not whether we actually want it. A premise has been ceded here that arguably never should have been...
Building AGI is a deeply political move. Why aren’t we treating it that way?
...Americans have learned a thing or two from the past decade in tech, and especially from the disastrous consequences of social media. They increasingly distrust tech executives and the idea that tech progress is positive by default. And they’re questioning whether the potential benefits of AGI justify the potential costs of developing it. After all, CEOs like Altman readily proclaim that AGI may well usher in mass unemployment, break the economic system, and change the entire world order. That’s if it doesn’t render us all extinct.
In the new AI Policy Institute/YouGov poll, the "better us [to have and invent it] than China” argument was presented five different ways in five different questions. Strikingly, each time, the majority of respondents rejected the argument. For example, 67 percent of voters said we should restrict how powerful AI models can become, even though that risks making American companies fall behind China. Only 14 percent disagreed.
Naturally, with any poll about a technology that doesn’t yet exist, there’s a bit of a challenge in interpreting the responses. But what a strong majority of the American public seems to be saying here is: just because we’re worried about a foreign power getting ahead, doesn’t mean that it makes sense to unleash upon ourselves a technology we think will severely harm us.
AGI, it turns out, is just not a popular idea in America.
“As we’re asking these poll questions and getting such lopsided results, it’s honestly a little bit surprising to me to see how lopsided it is,” Daniel Colson, the executive director of the AI Policy Institute, told me. “There’s actually quite a large disconnect between a lot of the elite discourse or discourse in the labs and what the American public wants.”
-via Vox, September 19, 2023
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cyberneurotism · 6 months
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wachinyeya · 2 months
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thoughtportal · 1 year
What this means for first amendment rights
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yodaprod · 1 year
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Shanghai (1980)
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zadokthepriest · 6 months
Train passing through the night in Chongqing, China - Shenzhen Channel
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