#chines media
mezbeleyer · 2 years
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____ Dongfang Qıngcang’s sea of emotions
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horns-hooves-fur-tail · 2 months
Chine Sangfielle and Laios should meet and talk about their humanity and why they want/are willing to leave it behind. The beauty of The Course. How fascinating monsters are.
They should kiss too, if they feel like it, but that's not as important.
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gerardt10 · 8 days
🇷🇺 🇨🇳 🇺🇦 🇪🇺 🇺🇲 🇬🇧 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕘𝕦𝕖𝕚̈ 𝕃𝕒𝕧𝕣𝕠𝕧
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Déclarations récentes de Sergey Lavrov :
La Russie estime que l'Occident ne veut pas négocier « honnêtement » sur le règlement du conflit ukrainien ;
L'ultimatum de Zelensky a « buté », la Russie ne l'a jamais pris au sérieux ;
Aucune initiative de résolution du conflit ukrainien n'aborde les droits de la population russophone, alors qu'il s'agit d'une question
essentielle ;
La Russie salue l'initiative de Xi Jinping sur la nécessité de s'attaquer aux causes profondes de la crise ukrainienne ;
Il est facile de se mettre d'accord sur le lieu et la date des négociations sur l'Ukraine, mais nous devons d'abord comprendre ce qui sera discuté ;
Il n'est pas sérieux de parler de la résolution du conflit ukrainien comme d'une question d' « échange de territoires », nous parlons
des droits des personnes.
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chinemagazine · 26 days
Stand News : la chute d'un média engagé à Hong Kong
Après l'arrestation de deux rédacteurs en chef, le personnel a décidé de fermer le média en ligne,et de supprimer l'ensemble des archives
Après la perquisition de la police de Hong Kong dans les locaux de Stand News, deux rédacteurs en chef ont été arrêté. Par la suite, le personnel a décidé que pour éviter d’autres arrestations, il fallait fermer le média en ligne, bien que les reportages percutants sur les manifestations pro-démocratiques de 2019 avaient fait grimper le nombre de lecteurs. Dans la journée du 29 décembre 2021, un…
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thebusylilbee · 2 months
" Après 2024, 2030 sera-t-elle une nouvelle année olympique en France ? Le Comité international olympique (CIO) a désigné mercredi 24 juillet les Alpes françaises comme site organisateur des Jeux olympiques d’hiver. Après plusieurs semaines d’incertitude liée à l’actuelle vacance du pouvoir, c’est une victoire pour Emmanuel Macron qui a défendu personnellement la candidature de la France devant le comité mercredi 24 juillet au matin. 
Le CIO conditionne néanmoins la validation définitive de ce projet à la présentation des garanties financières et juridiques par lesquelles le pays hôte s’engage à couvrir les éventuels déficits de l’événement et à livrer les équipements en temps voulu. [...]
À quarante-huit heures de la cérémonie d’ouverture de Paris 2024, le sujet des Jeux d’hiver apparaît lointain. C’est pourtant maintenant qu’il faut s’en préoccuper, tant qu’il est encore temps de les arrêter. Coûts financiers, flou budgétaire, impact environnemental et verrou dans un modèle économique mortifère pour l’écosystème alpin : les problèmes posés par d’éventuels JO dans les Alpes sont nombreux et sérieux.
Si les plans climat et les schémas bas-carbone adoptés tant bien que mal par nos institutions ont un sens, si le souci budgétaire affiché par l’exécutif est réel, le projet de JO 2030 devrait être remis en question. Mettre en suspens la candidature et offrir aux citoyennes et citoyens la possibilité de se prononcer sur sa pertinence serait un signe de santé démocratique.
Ce serait aussi un geste de confiance envers la population, trop peu consultée sur les grands projets. Ceux-ci engagent pourtant les habitant·es, riverain·es et contribuables pour des années dans des trajectoires souvent polluantes et coûteuses.
Un demi-milliard de dépenses publiques
Le budget de fonctionnement annoncé pour les JO d’hiver s’établit à 2 milliards d’euros, selon le rapport du mois de juin de la commission de futur hôte – document qui comprend l’analyse du projet par un jury désigné par le CIO.
Cette enveloppe représenterait un coût de 462 millions d’euros pour la puissance publique – à partager entre l’État et les régions organisatrices. C’est autant que l’aide exceptionnelle débloquée par le gouvernement en février pour les hôpitaux. Ou que les financements annoncés en 2023 pour le plan logement devant permettre aux personnes sans domicile d’accéder à des solutions de logement pérennes. Ou encore que le fonds annuel de rénovation du bâti scolaire. C’est donc beaucoup d’argent, surtout dans le contexte du plan d’économie de 10 milliards d’euros décidé par Bruno Le Maire en février 2024.
Est-ce le meilleur usage à faire des subsides publics ? La question est d’autant plus pertinente que le montant à débourser sera en réalité sans doute beaucoup plus élevé : 2,4 milliards d’euros au total, pour une dotation publique comprise entre 800 et 900 millions d’euros, selon un rapport de l’Inspection générale des finances non publié, mais cité par le media La Lettre. Matignon, qui a commandé ce rapport, n’a pas répondu aux questions de Mediapart.
Une forte contribution de l’État
Dans le détail, les quelques informations publiques sur le volet budgétaire de cette candidature interrogent. La part de financement public, autour de 23 %, est beaucoup plus élevée que dans les dossiers d’autres pays, a remarqué Delphine Larat, membre du collectif No JO : 0 % pour la Suède pour les JO de 2026 – et retoqué de ce fait, 4 % pour l’Italie, 6 % pour la Chine (2022), 14 % pour le Kazakhstan (2022). Le montant et la part de provisions pour imprévus sont également « hors norme », autour de 258 millions d’euros pour la France, ajoute-t-elle.
Or les économistes des infrastructures ont bien documenté la sous-estimation systématique du coût des JO, dont les budgets ne prennent pas en compte tout un ensemble de dépenses plus ou moins cachées : les exonérations fiscales (nombreuses), les dépenses de sécurité ou de transports publics, etc.
Les rapporteurs de la commission de futur hôte s’inquiètent d’ailleurs à plusieurs reprises de la soutenabilité financière du projet, citant la construction des villages olympiques et d’une patinoire à Nice (Alpes-Maritimes).
Constructions massives dans les Alpes
Tout en promettant de « s’attaquer aux conséquences du changement climatique », le dossier des JO 2030 prévoit des constructions massives. Pas moins de cinq villages olympiques sont annoncés, avec 700 lits en projet au Grand-Bornand (Haute-Savoie), 700 supplémentaires à Bozel (Savoie), 1 500 à Nice – où la patinoire pourrait coûter 50 millions d’euros. Celle-ci pourrait prendre place sur des terrains destinés initialement à construire des logements sociaux. Et le projet serait particulièrement énergivore compte tenu du climat méditerranéen de la ville – un choix baroque pour des Jeux d’hiver.
Un « réseau routier olympique » devra par ailleurs être mis en place, notamment pour pallier les routes « étroites » dans les zones de montagne. L’empreinte carbone de l’ensemble est estimé entre 700 000 et 800 000 tonnes équivalent CO2 – sans aucun élément pour le vérifier –, soit autant que la consommation annuelle moyenne de 80 000 personnes en France.
Avec le réchauffement des températures, la neige tient de moins en moins en petite et moyenne montagne. Lors de l’édition 2022 de la Coupe du monde de biathlon au Grand-Bornand, en Haute-Savoie, elle a dû être livrée par camion avant la tenue des épreuves. Comment imaginer que la situation sera différente en 2030 ? Les canons à neige et retenues collinaires sont très consommatrices en eau, et, de ce fait, remis en cause par les défenseurs des écosystèmes. En 2022, la justice a suspendu l’autorisation d’une retenue d’altitude à La Clusaz, en Haute-Savoie, que la mairie voulait construire pour produire de la neige artificielle. C’est l’un des lieux choisis pour les JO de 2030.
Opacité antidémocratique
En l’absence de consultation et de référendum sur la tenue de JO d’hiver en France en 2030, il n’y a pas eu d’information correcte du public : le budget n’est pas publié en détail et le dossier de candidature n’est pas consultable en ligne. La clé de répartition entre État et régions n’est pas connue. Il n’y a pas eu d’étude alternative à la construction des nouvelles infrastructures, ni de contre-expertise du budget présenté par la France.
Avoir des JO dans les Alpes en 2030 « serait formidable pour inventer le modèle de Jeux d’hiver de demain qui doit être plus durable, qui doit s’adapter aux changements climatiques », a encore déclaré Emmanuel Macron au JT de France 2. Le chef de l’État semble se tromper de priorité : plutôt que le business olympique, c’est la montagne, son milieu naturel et les personnes qui y vivent qui doivent être défendus pour avoir une chance de perdurer.
La bonne question à poser est simple : cela est-il compatible avec des JO d’hiver ? Car, au vu des investissements nécessaires, ils enfermeraient ces territoires en plein bouleversement climatique dans un modèle touristique inadapté et dépassé.
Jade Lindgaard "
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mybeingthere · 3 months
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IMAMURA Yoshio 今村 由男, master of mixed media, copperplate etching with gold and silver leaf, etching, chine-collé, woodblock, aquatint and mezzotint.
Born 1948 in Nagano, Japan.
Member of the Japan Print Association / Japan Federation of Artists.
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image-junkie · 9 months
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Finally beginning to digest all that I saw at my first Miami Art Week. Kicking off this photo dump with these three lovely mixed media pieces seen at Untitled Art Fair:
Katrina Riesing, represented by Asya Geisberg Gallery:
Hollow Hold, 2023 | Swing, 2023 | Origins, 2023
All three are dye and embroidery on raw silk.
"At first glance Katarina Riesing’s dyed paintings on stretched silk and colored pencil drawings betray an infatuation with laborious detail and rich material - especially in the hand-embroidered gold thread, use of silk, or the exquisitely-rendered swirls of patterned stocking, seemingly inspired by a northern Renaissance luxuriance. Yet Riesing's insistence on close croppings, and awkward, unsightly or uncomfortably erotic aspects of the body, reveal surreptitious squirming. The confrontational intimacy of such compositions is paradoxically reserved, as Riesing’s otherwise recognizable depictions leave plenty unsaid. The paintings are made with dye on either crepe de chine or raw silk, a surface both akin to skin and a symbol of delicacy, sensuality, and opulence. To witness its desecration with alarmingly realistic excavations of the body's imperfections - its moles, rashes, scars, or pimples - is at once unsettling and pleasingly subversive. Riesing's works often have a play-within-a-play quality, where other forms of imagery are wittily in focus - tattoos of bodies, negative spaces that suggest caves or sunsets, patterns that form drawing within drawings, sheer garments that create a screen or veil. Riesing's drawings are quieter than the paintings but no less powerfully precise or oddly bewitching. With influences as disparate as Christina Ramberg, Sarah Lucas, or Ghada Amer, and imagery from medical illustrations of skin disease, to prison tattoos, stock photography, and pantyhose labels, Riesing has reinvigorated our relationship to the body, with equal parts seduction and brutality."
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meraki-yao · 9 months
I have a question since you're from surrounding regions, is taylor actually well known in china? Why do you think GQ went with him there are a lot more famous celebs, taylor doesn't even have a lot screen exposure
So for some reason, I'm taking this question super seriously.
Please note that 1, I can only speak from my observation and my position 2, I'm from Hong Kong, so there are certain things about mainland China that I might not be aware of
Regarding Taylor's notability in China:
Is he well-known? Well, and I say this with all the love I have for Taylor, not really. In fact, during his time in China, there have been several cases in the videos that I reposted that you can hear people ask in Mandarin "Who is he?" A few more recounts I read said that quite several people who ended up near the fan crowd asked "Who is that handsome foreigner?" and followed and took photos/videos of him not because they recognized him, but because they were intrigued. (but side note, even the people who didn't know who he was said that 1, he's really handsome 2, he's really friendly, so that's sweet)
The thing about Taylor's notability in China comes in two regards:
1, RWRB became one of the most popular western queer media to be distributed on streaming platforms in China (especially since most if not all of the local queer media is banned, yes I'm angry about it), so this part kind of goes without explanation
2, Taylor uses Chinese social media platforms, which is really rare for Hollywood actors. This gives him a platform to interact with Chinese fans, since because of firewall/censorship, it's a hassle (and technically illegal but shhhhh) for Chinese fans to check his Instagram/ Tiktok/ Twitter(not that he uses it)/ Threads
Regarding the reason GQ went with him:
1, it was a personal invitation from the Editor-in-chief of GQ China (so more or less the head PIC of the event). They met during the Ferrari show, the Editor, Rocco Liu invited Taylor, Taylor said he'll come if it works out with his schedule and the rest is history.
2, And this is my speculation (because I care about international relationships and thought about this a lot), but I think GQ wanted to try something new by inviting Taylor, a Hollywood actor (and thus promoting the overall image of China but that's getting too political for my taste on my own public platform), and since Taylor is (a) currently popular since RWRB is still relatively new and the Chinese fandom is still really active (b) evidently willing to try out the local ways of things as seen from him using and operating his own Little Red Book and Bilibili account.
I mentioned this before, but I think that since Taylor was so willing to try new things (which is a quality of his that I personally admire greatly), all the people/organizations/companies in China who got in contact with him saw the opportunity to experiment and see what a Hollywood actor could do in a Chinese setting/market and how much traction he can bring. That's my guess for why he was so busy and going from event to event non-stop, and evidently looking tired by the time he was going back to the States (especially for someone who appears to never be tired)
So yeah. I think they took Taylor's enthusiasm for trying new things and his currently persistent popularity in China and ran with it. Not that it's a bad thing though.
But I will say this, for the GQ event, all sorts of people were invited. The most famous ones with a considerable career already (think the equivalent of RDJ, Brad Pitt, Leonardo Dicaprio etc), the currently popular young stars (think the equivalent of K-pop stars or the "white boy of the month" trend) but there were a considerable amount of people that I completely never seen or heard, and neither did a lot of Chines audience. In fact, I don't know who the two ladies who were in the same boat with Taylor during the water carpet are. So there's also that.
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takahikohayashi · 5 months
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D-21.Apr.2024 in Blue 22 x 15cm etching, acrylic, mixed media, chine collé, Gampi and Hahnemühle papers 2024 Takahiko HAYASHI 林孝彦 2024
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like-a-masquerade · 9 months
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Coord Breakdown: July 1st, 2023
Now that I've got a dedicated lolita blog, I'll be posting and discussing some of my coords, starting with a few from the past. This one's one of my personal favorites, and very meaningful to me.
JSK: Handmade
Blouse: Offbrand
Waist cincher: Handmade
Headbow: Handmade
Veil: Fanplusfriend
Choker: Handmade (sort of)
Necklace: Offbrand indie
Bracelets: Offbrand
Socks: Offbrand
Boots: Offbrand
Full breakdown under the cut.
This coord is a big milestone for me. It's my first handmade JSK (not counting a failed attempt from years earlier), and my first time using my own custom fabric!
I designed the fabric in the summer of 2022, and had it printed via Spoonflower. It's themed around Castlevania, a favorite game series of mine (and one that has quite the interesting history with lolita! Did you know Mana composed a ringtone to promote Harmony of Dissonance that is now lost media?). Each of the stained glass windows depicts one of the subweapons used throughout the games (plus wall chicken), which are also repeated as a motif inside the stripes. If you look closely, you can also see the modern and retro Castlevania logo incorporated into the surrounding glass. Beneath the windows are gravestone-like blocks, each with the name of a game's protagonists and the year the game takes place. At the hem is a quote that has been attributed to a number of people, including Winston Churchill, but is notably said by Alucard and Richter at the end of Symphony of the Night. Finally, above the border print is a pair of wall-mounted candles, which can be found throughout Castlevania and destroyed to gain ammo or other upgrades. According to IGA, these candles contain the restless spirits of Dracula's victims, who drop upgrades as thanks for freeing them from the castle.
Here are some closeups, one of which is in the black colorway! I've got four different colorways available on Spoonflower, each inspired by a different character (Richter, Alucard, Juste, and Maria). You can find them here. The fabric I chose for my JSK is poly crepe de chine.
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But enough fabric talk. Have at you!
The cut of the JSK is based on Bodyline's Skull in Wonderland JSK, which I've owned for years now; It's simple and fits me well, so I figured using it as a template would be the most effective way to make a good JSK for myself without too much hassle. Making clothes based on existing garments you own is a tried-and-true method in fashion design and home sewing.
I actually debuted the JSK about a month earlier while on vacation, with a different coord:
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However, I couldn't help feeling that it was a bit lackluster. After much thought and advice from friends, I decided to spruce things up and give it another try at the then-upcoming renfaire.
This time I used one of my summer blouses, an offbrand peasant top I got at Rainbow forever ago- I think the brand is Ambiance? I also bought a set of bracelets (also from Rainbow, and they've now become a staple of my wardrobe), and a pair of black lace-topped OTKs in place of the plain black tights I'd worn before. For the rest of the jewelry, I wore a glittery purple bat necklace I'd bought from a renfaire vendor years ago (I wish I knew the name!! If anyone recognizes it please let me know!), and a scrap of black lace with a small safety pin through the back as a choker.
Finally, the remaining accessories. I made a wired headbow out of leftover fabric from the dress, with a beaded chain in front. I wore this over a veil from Fanplusfriend. As for the waist cincher, I made it out of stretch pleather and lace, along with black fabric to tie in the back. I used gold acrylic paint to add a nice patina to the leather, and hand-painted our pal Simon Belmont in a coordinating color scheme. My parents said it looks like a wrestling belt, lol.
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Regarding the boots, I know damn well that the renfaire grounds are muddy and uneven, so I wore a pair of riding boots I originally bought for a Joseph Joestar cosplay way back in the day. Sometimes you gotta sacrifice a little bit for practicality's sake.
All in all, I'm very proud of how this coord came out. It was really amazing seeing something I designed come to life, and working hard to make it truly beautiful. I hope this inspires other folks to try their hand at designing and making lolita!
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wereshrew-admirer · 1 year
hello! long time no see!
i went on a little trip to maine and ended up staying longer than expected because of some surprise health horrors (i'm fine now), and came right back into two obscenely long work days (huge media fill in the lab)... it's been a long while since i've drawn, and i WANT to but my head is EMPTY - i can of course just doodle like a normal person that doesn't have to finish everything they start but like idk. if anybody has chine and/or duvall requests hit me up? or any fatt requests, really, but y'know. comfort food for trying times, etc etc
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 years
Oh neat, so there are shows that don’t follow the book all too much. Twitter gave me the impression that’s a no-no in china. Glad to see it’s just fans being oddly protective of canon.
Listen... I LOVE JTTW media... hence that's why I am collecting it and listing it.
I mean there are HUNDREDS of interpretations of Journey to the West and while I am not an expert in media I do know that in most cases a lot of projects in Chine are either big-budget movies, passion projects, or even cash-grabs but either way, the range is long and wide. I personally know that when it comes to categorizing so many interpretations there are bound to be…. some more disappointing material than others but that just means highlighting other media even more!! If there is something one media a person doesn’t enjoy the good news!! There are HUNDREDS of other media out there for you! There is a journey to the west story out there for everyone and I think anyone can enjoy it!
However, the thing to keep in mind is that... JTTW is a culturally important piece of literature in China and while interpretations can range from silly to serious, romance to action, modern to historical, there is always a nod to the original source material to show an understanding of people who grew up with this story their whole lives and already are generally aware of the cultural significance the story has had with literature, history, or even modern culture. Just the causal saturation of JTTW in everyday lives for people that grew up with this story. These interpretations are a kind of consistent continuation of the story, that no matter what generation there is always going to be a new movie or a new television that gets another generation of people to know and love the original source material.
Of course, this kinda material, at least personally, can be very meaningful to those that grew up with it because it's not only culturally important but also it's nostalgic in a way that non-natives can find hard to understand. I like to think that sharing JTTW is always great in that others can be introduced to the literature and become interested! However, people who aren't familiar with JTTW and haven't been surrounded by mass amounts of media their whole lives. Non-natives aren't familiar with the religious or historical context within the story and easily glossed over these aspects if they only consume movie or television media of this literature. Usually,
Westerners that are familiar with the material are only subjected to one of the many interpretations that are inspired by JTTW but not the actual material itself. Westerners haven't been saturated in the causal references of seeing these stories and understanding when media is being satirical or sincere when it comes to the OG story. The OG story has been told again and again many times but that's because people who have grown up with the story have a general understanding of what it means to be just another adaptation versus something that is supposed to represent a true retelling of the story for those that are no familiar to the OG story and is meant to be an introduction to the story.
People who have grown up with these stories are never going to take most of these adaptions as anything more but an enjoyable interpretation of the beloved cultural piece they are familiar with and are able to separate the interpretation from the OG. I think the real issue when it comes to people not familiar with this tale, consume media is that is often taken as 'fact' and anything that lay outside this first impression can lead to misunderstandings and arguments, especially when people disregard the original tale if it doesn't fit their first interpretation. While this may be a very great piece of media or very enjoyable there is a general understanding that is it only one of the many that there are, and many there will ever be.
There are a lot of layers to JTTW and it's understandable that people who have not been saturated in this culture are not away of it, so when natives try to correct or even protect their culture from non-natives' interpretations or misinformation there is a mind to please be culturally sensitive to learning new things. JTTW has historical and religious importance represented within it the tale and non-natives can make the mistake of invalidating these beliefs or figures by only consuming surface-level media.
I love JTTW media, good or bad, I want to count all mediums to how this story has been told and re-told over and over again throughout the decades not to show 'hey this can be taken in any context with no repercussions' but rather to show people that 'hey there are a lot of ways that this story has been interpreted so if you do not like one then you can see another, perhaps even be inspired to learn more of the material.' I love spreading information but there needs to be a general acknowledgment as great as JTTW is just a piece of media it all started from being such a culturally important and impactful piece of literature able to masterly combine Buddhism, Daoism, and Chinese folklore.
There has been a history of Western media... being insensitive to Eastern cultures and as such, I understand why there is a protectiveness over something like JTTW when it comes to non-natives perhaps misunderstanding or being unaware of the more important aspects of the media. Most, if not all JTTW media, is not made for people who KNOW about JTTW. JTTW media is created for people that already know the OG and already enjoy it, usually looking to find an easily consumable way to enjoy this literature through a different medium without having to read 100 chapters. Watching a piece of JTTW media doesn't make someone an expert in JTTW nor does it make them more familiar with Chinese culture. An individual has to take it upon themself to find out more about the OG JTTW, and again in my personal opinion, I believe that it makes JTTW media even more enjoyable as you have a deeper understanding of how these interpretations were created.
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therefpoint · 4 months
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• Maison Margiela Artisanal 2024 Collection by John Galliano, Look 7.
• Evening gown made of silk fringe and spiral motif embroidery, 1925, by Madeleine Vionnet.
Madeleine Vionnet, was a French designer who opened her first fashion house in Paris in 1912, surviving both World Wars even after being forced to close during the First and Second war. Vionnet would use materials such as satin, gabardine and crêpe de chine that were uncommon for the 1920s and 1930s. She became the pioneer of the ‘bias cut’, a technique of cutting cloth against the grain of the fabric, allowing it to drape beautifully to the body and move with the wearer.
Madeleine Vionnet has been credited for inspiring numerous modern designers, especially John Galliano. She has been an inspiration of his since his Spring/Summer collection in 1989, where he adopted her ingenious technique of the bias cut, pushing slip dresses with the bias cut to the forefront of 1990s evening wear in fashion.
Galliano references back to the iconic work of Vionnet in this look on the runway, with many similarities to the evening gown she made in 1925. The evening gown consists of a bright red silk dress with fringe, that drapes to the waist and then flows down past the seam of the dress, and spiral motif embroidery on the hips. Galliano followed the same method but designed a skirt instead - a satin-back crêpe skirt in bottle-green with embellished metallic bronze fringe that falls to the floor and crescent moon motif embroidered on the hips.
Follow and keep your notifications on for more posts on this current Margiela collection and other runway, art, film and media references!
Maison Margiela Artisanal 2023 Collection Look 7 image: https://theimpression.com/maison-margiela-spring-2024-couture-fashion-show-review/
Evening gown by Madeleine Vionnet image: https://www.europeana.eu/en/item/2048218/europeana_fashion_UF_86_70_4
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politicalblade · 7 months
The House of Representatives move to ban TikTok
Now that I have your attention… Actually, there is no joke. That's pretty much what's happening.
The primary reason the US is doing this is because of the thousands of TikTok videos that are showing Israel's war crimes against the Palestinians. And that alone is what's leading to the people of Congress to want to ban the app.
They don't want the IDF war crimes exposed, because then they're all complicit. They're also scared of not having a monopoly on the world's social media apps. Twitter is owned by a US billionaire, as is Facebook, YouTube, etc. But TikTok has Chinese investors, and the lack of control that the US has makes them scared.
On top of which, this is something that they can't really profit off of. The aforementioned social media sites spy on our data and basically sell that data to advertisers. TikTok doesn't really do that. At least, not to Western Corporations.
However, a major aspect of this is that this proves that the government could easily do things such as increasing funding for education or infrastructure, implement Universal Healthcare or UBI, or even just LITERALLY ANYTHING THAT ISN'T WAR.
And while things aren't as dire as it seems, as it still needs to pass the Senate and the President still needs to sign off on it, the overwhelming amount of votes that wanted it to get taken off shows just how much these assholes would prefer to keep their AIPAC money than to actually improve things for their constituents.
Congress is already low in peoples who approve of them, and this will make them go even lower.
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aurevoirmonty · 10 months
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Les Etats-Unis ont besoin de la guerre à Gaza pour déstabiliser les BRICS—Pepe Escobar
«Il s'agit d'une tactique de diversion américaine pour aller une fois de plus à l'encontre de la multipolarité des BRICS», a estimé l’expert en géopolitique.
«D'autant plus que l'Arabie saoudite et les Emirats arabes unis ont désormais une occasion très concrète de se lier à la naissance de la nouvelle Eurasie», puisqu'ils vont intégrer les BRICS.
Et Escobar de rappeler que Washington et Tel Aviv ont dévoilé en septembre l'initiative du corridor économique (https://strategika.fr/2023/10/13/corridor-inde-moyen-orient-europe-importance-potentiel-et-defis/) Inde-Moyen-Orient-Europe (IMEC)…
…un projet qui tout en concurrençant à la Nouvelle route de la soie de Pékin ferait d’Israël un pôle énergétique et logistique.
Pièce maîtresse du projet, la construction du canal Ben Gourion (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canal_Ben_Gourion#/media/Fichier:Ben_Gurion_Canal_compared_to_Suez_Canal.webp), qui permettrait à Tel Aviv de récupérer toute la connectivité et tout le commerce qui passe actuellement par le canal de Suez en Egypte.
«La région est absolument essentielle pour l'Empire, étant donné que les Américains sont lentement, mais sûrement et très vigoureusement expulsés de la grande Eurasie par le partenariat stratégique Russie-Chine.»
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sdhamann · 1 year
Multimedia Journal #1, Never Have I Ever
The main topic of my selected media 'Never Have I Ever', is showing the life of an Indian-American teenager, Devi Vishwakumar, following her father's sudden death. As she navigates the highs and lows of high school in America, she encounters may hardships such as struggles with social status, relationships with friends and family, and her own self-awareness. First, her struggle for social status, is a never-ending scuffle throughout the series. She constantly is seeking approval and validation from her fellow students. She goes for the hottest guy in the show right away, but also dates the smartest guy at the same time to keep her high status in that regard. Second, the struggle with her friends and family. She has hesitation about telling her friends things like how she really feels about Paxton (her bf), and throughout the show has a resentment towards arranged marriage, as Pati, her grandmother, attempts find her a "suitable Partner". Back to her friends, she really doesn't value them, and puts her eggs in the wrong places, often ditching her friends to hang out with boys. Third, Devi's struggles with self-identity are clearly evident throughout the show, this is first seen with her constantly questioning how much she really identifies with Indian culture and beliefs. Which leads into her next dilemma, the "challenger" or other Indian girl at the school. She feels insecure about who she is, and thus takes it out on the off-brand version of herself, despite thinking she is better initially, the do end up befriending one another after they realize they have more in common then she may have thought.
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Devi is lacking the confidence in her Indian roots, unlike her mother.
As mentioned above throughout the selection summary, Devi the main character has many struggles in regard to her race and ethnic identity. She feels the need to seek social status, while trying to uphold two cultures that differ drastically. This goes deeper into reflecting Indian culture and furthermore, women's roles in that culture. Similar to the Chinees women, they are expected to wait on their husbands, and arranged marriages are normal, this is one of the things Devi apposes as she is searching for her identity.
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Bollywood dance, symbolizes a coming of age and self-understanding
Bollywood | History, Movies, Actors, Actresses, & Facts | Britannica
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