#chinese style turkey
adviceformefromme · 4 months
Hi! Thank you for the health advice! I would love to quit or significantly reduce carbs, I also feel like it's heavy on my body, but so many meals revolve around grains (sourdough bread mostly) and I guess there's a craving aspect to it too... Could you give advice on what you're eating instead?? I have lots of eggs, fish, occasional meat, plenty of fruit, just enough veg haha but i find it hard to imagine going without carbs (or grains more specifically cos I have no prob with vege carbs). Especially in winter 😋 Thank you for any help 🙏🙏
I feel like society has normalised feeling heavy and lethargic after meals, but its amazing you have noticed this and want to change!
You may want to cut carbs gradually (no starches - breads, grains, rice, pasta, potatoes).
I would recommend looking into GI index to see what foods are high glucose, following Hormone Balancing recipes, juices etc (usually very low carb and support women's health). Listening to podcasts on microbiome, or even a tiktok search.
Introducing pre/ probiotics: I make sauerkraut (which is basically cabbage / onions in water and salt left to ferment for a few days - lots of variations on this), also just made my first batch of Kefir (I stay away from store bought Kefir as its pasturised and all the good stuff has been killed off during this process). I mention these as a healthy gut is going to support you as you remove carbs and introduce more wholesome foods.
Omlette (spinach / onion / parsley )
Scrambled eggs w/ coconut oil
Buckwheat porridge w/ blueberries (buckwheat is a seed not a grain so low glucose index)
Avocado salad (seeds, olives, rocket, tomatoes, cucumber) +tahini
Nuts, olives, blueberries, blackberries, watermelon
Main meals:
Veg + Protein (Broccli, kale, butternut squash, courgette, carrots, asparagus, cabagge, peppers). I do different variations of veg to mix things up, sometimes i do Chinese style stir fry, I try to add garlic and ginger as much as possible into the veg. Protein is usually grass fed steak, whole fish - seabream, sea bass, mackerel, cod fillet, wild salmon fillet, or turkey breast fillet. I make chimichurri sauce to add some extra flavour to the fish.
Protein + lentil / chicpeas dish. I have a stew a few days a week to break up the veggies because they do get boring after a while.
Bone broth. I boil the bones, and have as a little side dish with veggies but this isn't really filling enough for a main meal.
I make beetroot juice, and also watermelon juice, tumeric + ginger shots throughout the week. I try to throw in flaxseed and chia seeds where possible.
I cut coffee/ decaf all that and now only drinking fresh mint tea, slice of lemon + hot water, fresh juices (within the hour of making), and water ensuring 2l per day.
Number one thing that had to go was oats. So if you are having a morning crash I suggest cutting the carbs first thing. I know there are suggestions (glucose goddess) that fat with carbs or when you eat them (having carbs after veg can help) but personally i think its best to cut them.
I hope this helps! Its a full lifestyle change that has honestly helped so much! It's a commitments, but investing in feeling good and your health will make you feel so good and wholesome! xoxoxo
*I used the free 1 month trial of MyFitnessPal app to track my calories/ meals to ensure I was getting enough food - for some this might be extreme but super helpful to see what’s going on.
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goldtracing · 4 months
APH Russia – Headcanons I
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I would like to point out that I originally wrote this before 24.02.2022 and didn’t publish this until now due to current event. Now I have decided just to go ahead these are low-budget anime characters that I’m talking about and f anybody who links this to ongoing geopolitical events
Is surprisingly proficient in German and French. Both were court languages of his at the one or the other point in history, his German also being spread amongst the wider populace and influencing Russian. Speaks both languages with a bit of an accent, yet if he puts enough effort in it, his accent can be nearly untraceable.
As for other languages – he is also fluent in Tatar and Mongolian, although in the later he is far better with speaking and listening than writing. This is also the case with all the other languages spoken in his territory. This is due to his past under the khans. As for English and Chinese – with both he tends to be on the very formal side, with his speech precise and usually devoid of slang and abbreviations. It is because he learned much of those two languages from literature or also scientific reports.
When it comes to Russian he can be very eloquent, having a preference for puns and other plays of words. Can and will criticise others for their grammar, although if he is public and in a formal setting, he would be more tactful and quiet about remarking it.
Has a penchant for literature and opera and plays. Visits the theatre regularly and knows all the ballets by heart. Personally keeps a small notebook where he critiques and rates books and performances. Sometimes he sends them in to a newspaper or an online site.
Writes poety in his free time and sends some of them to his sisters or humans that are close to him at the time. Can also recite all of Pushkin’s poems in his sleep.
Aside from that, he has a love for fairy tales. Not the sanitised, censored versions that Disney and the Grimm brother’s have made so popular, rather the cautionary tales as they were actually intended, The brutal versions where people suffer and suffer and suffer.
Else has written multiple essays and the human condition, often taking characters for classics to elaborate on his points. These are texts that near nobody has seen. Ivan has split them up and hidden them on his various properties.  
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Has taken formal dance lessons in ballet and the classics. Loves to dance at balls and is surprisingly elegant while doing so for somebody his size. However, he really shies away from dancing tango, salsa and other dances where both partners get really close and even handsy with each other. If at all, he would have to be really close to his dance partner to even contemplate to doing the Latin American dances.
Other than that, he is also good when it comes to folk dances and possess enough stamina to dance dances such as the Barynya for hours. Has the appropriate leg muscles and flexibility.
Surprisingly, (or not) his dancing skills translate into his fighting style. Can go on for hours without taking any enhancements or sleeping, all while remaining smooth and precise in his movements, like they been choreographed and practised time and time again. He can make difficult movement seem easy.
For centuries he favoured combat with a sword. One of his favourite ones was a curved sabre – a kilij – that he stole as a war trophy from Turkey when the latter was the Ottoman empire. Later, he evolved to be a crack shot with the pistole – he got caught up in a lot of duels when they came into fashion. During the WWII, he was part of a tank crew. Due to the tight space of the T-34, he often suffered sore joints and cramps in his muscles. Also developed an especially thick skull during this time, both literally and metaphorically.
Ivan has participated in the making of multiple movies as an advisor. He makes sure that historical films are historically accurate. Seeing that Russia is big on war movies, Ivan has a lot to do.
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Additionally, he is quite a patron for the arts. He has multiple oil paintings in his old mansion. Personally, he paints either an impressionist art style or in the vividly coloured art styles that are native to Russia, such as Gzhel, Khokhloma and Zhostovo.
Adding on to that – there is nothing in his homes that is really plain. He has a sense for the aesthetically pleasing and even opulence. The woodwork is carved and whittled, the ceramic adorn with paintings and the metal work ornate. His living surroundings might have been a bit plainer during Soviet times, however I think he would have pulled a few strings that would have allowed him to keep his old possessions.
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sgiandubh · 10 months
And now, for the backpacking round...
But there is more than two (pardoned?) turkeys facing each other western-style, of course. And I cannot help but notice how the whole phagocytosis process picked up speed, especially in this Season of Compulsive Buying.
It goes to prove McTavish closely followed everything that S is trying to build for himself. Everything means even the MPC. We already knew about the fitness program copycat attempt: it never worked as planned.
But, still - how about this?
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There is zero research and development into this. It is shameless sourcing of a no-name Chinese backpack stock and slapping a label on it. I checked my intuition and was right (and pissed off at coffee time - I hate impostors):
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But it is a more democratic price tag and that means only one thing: ye olde Pain in the Ass means to be around for a good while. Everything he does, he does on purpose & with a roadmap.
Exactly what he meant in a recent interview to Uproxx, a California-based Warner Music Group subsidiary, with a clear focus on Gen Z:
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(Source, heh: https://uproxx.com/life/graham-mctavish-interview-bourbon-whiskey/)
I can almost hear the all-encompassing, all-consuming envy: 'I’m not some actor just putting my face in front of something and going, “Please, please buy my whiskey…” Now that is particularly vile and also a fucking lie, too. Who is 'some actor', Grandma? And why are you so sarcastic, Grandma? Knowing that 'putting your face' is exactly what you did with that bourbon, it takes some rich nerve to say what you just said to those Millennials, both S and you furiously want to poach. Or at the very least, to their wallets.
Every day brings more news of this Wrestling Saga. This is not team-tagging, this is no silent partnership. Will it be a court case in the making?
Only time will tell. S's good heart led to this. But you know what the Frenchmen say: 'trop bon, trop con'/' too nice is also too stupid'. I'd hate to see it happen. And someone simply has to set the record right, nom d'une pipe!
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PS: Gracias por la info, niña. Siempre perfecto. Un abrazo.
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artifacts-archive · 6 months
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Tankard (Hanap) with Tulips, Hyacinths, Roses, and Carnations
Turkey, Ottoman dynasty (1299–1923), Late 16th century
Though the Iznik tradition seems to have been intially inspired by imported Chinese blue-and-white porcelain, by the 1550s, Iznik pottery had been transformed. Working in collaboration with the imperial Ottoman atelier in Istanbul (nakkash-hane), Iznik potters helped to create a style that epitomized an empire and was eventually sought after far from Istanbul. The tulip and carnation motif was particularly popular and appears on book bindings, paper borders, and textiles made for the Ottoman court. The craze for tulips was not limited to ornament, however. The real flowers were cultivated in Istanbul’s gardens, and the bulbs were exported to Europe. The size of this tankard even suggests that it may have once been used as a flower vase, perhaps to hold the very blossoms it depicts.
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ask-missparker · 6 days
—This is your place?
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Arron & Mia - Father Daughter Duo
Continue this fanfic
Summary: Sometimes your father can see right through you while you’re still alive…
Mention of -> May Parker, Skye, and her friends
Warning: Some angst and fluff
After the simple agreement was made by the two parties, they headed out to one of the homes in the small village. And if anyone had to be honest, The Afterlife, was actually kinda beautiful.
Greenery everywhere, people with powers young and old walking around, guardsmen at some point of entrance and other things. It was actually quite common and comforting with its architecture as well. Modern architecture with a classic design inspired by European and Chinese architectural elements.
Arron led his daughter to his quiet home in the mist of the valley.
This is your place? She wondered.
It seem like any other classic rustic style house, with wood floors, gray walls and a combination of modern furniture with a comfortable vintage interior. To be honest, she liked it. It seemed like a house you could see in a whole wooden doll house. Arron could sense she liked it, even if Mia wasn’t going to admit it.
He gestured for her to sit down and get comfortable.
As soon as Mia sat down on the black leather couch and lean back against the cushions she hummed. She then asked, “Alright..what do you want to know?”
“Hold on.” He replied softly chuckling as tossing her a water bottle, guessing she might be thirsty or something. Of course she caught it.
Mia nodded as her lips pouted slightly and looked around. She didn’t see any signs of other life in the house or anything. She thought she would see a woman’s jacket or even a bra laying around, but she saw nothing of the sort. Stupid posters on the wall, weapons laying around and an empty box of junk food? Nope. He was probably hiding them somewhere safer.
No beer bottles either? Maybe in the kitchen he has them? She wondered.
She didn’t know weather to lie here about her thoughts about—she realized it was silent for too long.
Suddenly she politely says, “This place looks nice..”
Arron smiled, “Thanks. Are you hungry? You were asleep for a while.”
“No. I’m fine.”
Lie. Arron clocked that from a mile away.
She was starving.
“I’mma get you something to eat.” He said before walking away.
“But I’m..” She says trying to protest but was caught off by his sudden tone.
He repeated firmly, “I’mma get you something to eat.”
Moments went by before Arron returned with a simple sandwich. Ham and cheese. She glanced at it for a moment in hesitation as she took the plate from him. After a few seconds, she took a bite and murmured in disbelief, realizing that he added two different slices of cheese with turkey ham.
Swiss and cheddar cheese with melted butter, layered with a nice slice of ham, between two slices of wheat bread.
“This is good.” She mumbled before taking a few more bites.
Truth. Arron clocked that too and smiled.
“Didn’t think this would be your definition of ‘get you something to eat’..” She mumbled as she ate, glancing up at him.
He cross his arms and scoffed, “What were you expecting? A bag of chips and a bottle of beer?”
“Well when you put it that way, it sounds pretty much the exact idea one would expect.”
“A beer with a bag of chips, would not do well after you been asleep and injured.”
“How did you..?”
“Don’t ask. I just know.”
She stayed silent and just ate.
Arron obverse her as he took a deep sip of water. His daughter’s face with completely May Parker, except her eyes and hairline, that’s all him. Hell, the way she looked at him in the sunlight, he clocked her skin tone to be similar to him. The way she sat reminded him of his sister.
Her smile and the way she presented herself, was her mother’s but her quiet attitude was him.
An impulsive spirit and a strong desire or sense to fire when ready, if she’s not trusted by anyone.
However. There was this glow to her that he couldn’t quite understand, this sweet little girl, had still been trying to figure out how the world worked. This flickering grin in her eyes that’s clearly been knocked over but rebuilt over time and time again.
There were other features he could not quite grasp yet.
He wondered if she was loved and appreciated by others…
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It’s one this ability allowed him to see, the truth and lies within someone. And because Amelia was in a vulnerable position, it was a matter of whether he can see all of it or just none.
“Wha..?” Amelia said softly as she finished eating and looking at him.
“Nothing..just, you look so much like your mom. It’s scary how much you reflect her…and me.” He replied in a hush tone, his thick voice shining through.
“Oh. I thought people just said that as a compliment to a daughter and mother…”
“For your case, from the last time I saw your mama, yeah, you look pretty much like her.”
That actually got a smile from Mia. An actual smile, not the half-ass ones that he used to see. Her soft smile lit up her cheekbones and her eyes.
Arron couldn’t help but smile back at her. It was infectious.
“Well, I gotta ask. How—what are your abilities? Aside from the skills you already possess.” She asked leaning her elbow against her couches armrest and rest her chin in her hand.
He smiled a little knowing that was probably on her mind but nonetheless he answered her. He scoffed, “I can see if someone is lying or telling me the truth about whatever it is that happened last. It’s how I did—still do my job.”
“Oh, wow. Nothing gets past you, huh?”
“Not always, I have to be focused and present myself to do it. I can sense it coming internally.”
He wasn’t even going to tell her about the shadow part, that was only meant for him to see. But the rest was correct in what he said.
“That’s actually kinda cool.” Mia said in a deep blunt yet soft tone, her normal high pitched voice still shining through.
He gave her a half smile and chuckled, “Yeah? Here I thought it was funny joke to someone like you.”
“Well, I mean, you’re kinda like a human lie detector, if that makes sense…?”
“Yeah, no, that’s right. It just means I’m honest for the sake of being honest.”
There was a moment of silence that washed over them before Arron decided to ask, “So, what do you do?”
“What?” She asked taking a sip of the water bottle.
“Our deal was that I get to know you a bit, right? So, what do you do skill wise?”
“Oh, ummm, I’m a field agent and a bit of a technical expert at SHIELD. Scouting places, going on tours, hunting down people and recruiting the right ones for the job.”
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Arron couldn’t help but grin hearing that. He wasn’t the least bothered concerned about her job, he should be ashamed or worried about her health seeing how she was injured, but he was impressed.
Look at her size. She was tiny and she managed to keep up with the big gun?! And young too! He thought.
However his attitude slipped into his lips as he said, “No way in hell, you do all of that. I don’t even think you can handle that much weight on your shoulders or skill level.”
She blinked not expecting his response to be that and shifted in her seat, “W-what is that supposed to mean? Your insulting me my line of work?”
“No, no, sweetheart, just don’t expect for you to do all of that. You got your ass handed to you on your way here.” He replied smoothly.
“I—well, in my defense, i did not expect to be blasted and I been having a rough day so far…”
“Okay, we’ll see later in the field how well you can fire a gunshot. What about power wise?”
“Power wise?”
Arron gave her a look, as if she was dumb. It’s not like he asked her to take a shit in a hole or something. He just asked for her abilities. Mia was brought in due to her lack of knowledge of her own other skills, not for her relation to other players.
“Look, I’m not gonna you shit if you don’t start talking.” He added leaning against the wall to look down at her frame, then sighed realizing he sounded harsh and spoke again, “Sorry. I’m not gonna push you then if you’re not willing to tell me. And that’s okay, angel.”
If Mia had to be honest, she would’ve never thought she would be in this position ever. She seen countless of time like this, where people would have absolutely no interest or sympathy for telling her story. Or, she was on the other end of it all, listening to people’s opinions and concerns about their lives.
How they were treated by others, traumatized, looking for some kind of purpose and sympathy. The list goes on. Hell, some of her friends were still going through their own struggles with their trauma and transition to be better.
She was always the one to listen, humor the other person or try and convince them to speak out about their own problems. Lending a comfortable hand and words of support for them.
She spent half of her time making sure everyone else was okay and never really cared to talk about her feelings, pushing them away or in particular trying to make herself look good. No one really asked or knew how to comfort her, it was always her doing the job for them. They don’t always notice the signs but she does.
So the fact that Arron was asking her about something like this…that was a first.
Coulson, May and maybe even a friend or two would be truly concerned for her. But this was a big first.
After a moment she spoke, “Power wise..I can sense, manipulation and control someone’s emotions. I can feel their presence and thoughts in a way.”
“How did it happen?” He asked softly, surprised she actually told him.
“After a rumbling trip to Puerto Rico islands…an accident occurred between us trying to get an item before Hydra did…but it didn’t go as planned because Skye went down there, in the caves, with a fellow agent…that’s when the destination came, a huge pile of debris and rock came crashing down..I rushed in to get Skye and um..Tripp…soon enough I was blasted back and surrounded by rock..”
“Oh jeez…oh damn! Are you kidding me right? You actually survived that long trip?”
“Yeah, I survived and everyone was questioned about it..even scanned for any kind of damage…but I kept getting headaches and nausea..a weird sensation in my chest, in my head..like I can barely breathe…”
“You were being consumed by your powers. They were slowly coming in…w-was there anything specific that must’ve triggered it?”
“Did you not just hear the whole incident?”
He chuckled light and scoffed, “No, I heard it. You sensed a lot all at once. But what exactly happened that you remembered?”
“We were grieving an agent, a friend of ours..Trip was down there with Skye, when i rushed in, all I saw was Tripp’s ashes and rock surrounding where he once stood…and back at base, everyone was fighting, sad, and distant with each other..” She explained with a slight scoff, “..umm, at a lot of anger and frustration..I almost snapped..”
“Did you? Did you snap?”
“..eventually I snapped, I accidentally fell into a trap where I screamed at the group and manipulated them to stop their anger for a second…they looked at me confused…everyone didn’t question it and went on with their grief, until I went to the a friends place to try and convince myself I was fine..”
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Amelia kept explaining what she could remember and Arron just listened, no advice or cheesy comments of support. He didn’t even try to downplay how she felt, like one of her friends did. He just listened an awful amount of listen as he went to side beside her. Occasionally he nodded or said something in comfort.
Yes, she was still dealing with a lot and couldn’t control when it happened, or when people got mad. Other times she would downplay her own behavior or chalk it up to her going crazy. But she felt kinda good, being able to talk about it and the cool breeze from the window helped.
After a moment Arron said, “I think you were sent here to try and relax, Amelia. Get away from your worries and struggles, try and control yourself for a bit…maybe meet someone who gets it?”
“What do you mean..?” She asked softly.
“From the stories I heard from being here, the second you start acting different or your character becomes more…oddly enough not the version of you people like, they start to behave differently.”
“They judge you for some simple action that happened to you…all my friends met me, before this incident, and now I am just a bit different.”
He gave her shoulder a small squeeze and then rubbed small circles on her back. He wasn’t sure if he should give her a side hug yet, but Mia lean against his shoulder instantly. That cause him to wrap an arm around her gently. She buried her face into his chest feeling a sense of comfort and felt his compassion, despite it being under that tough exterior and tension.
The two went on to talk about other things. School, friends, life experiences and cracking a few jokes more often than not. There were moments where the topics got serious, like when he asked about her dysfunctional relationship with her friends or her line of work.
The two even joked about favoring certain types of films than others. Hey, they did need some conversation starter!
Arron often tried to give her a simple explanation when she asked him about his past missions, people he met in life, his relationship with his sister Bobbi and how he met her mother. He honestly thought he wouldn’t have to talk much about May, but he knew it was coming.
“Your mother was honestly one of a kind in her own right.” He said with a soft grin, “Creative, strong, sweet as hell and stubborn…when she knew she wanted something, she did it. We honestly fought a lot about stupid things…but I never remember how I met her.”
“How? Mom said it was a trip to a friend’s wedding when you met.” She said smiling.
“Yeah, some friend of mine had a wedding he was doing to and he thought, he could bring me as a plus one. I went to humor him and at the party, h saw your mother standing outside the balcony talking with someone. And I walked over. She smiled.”
“Yeah? Cause I know my mom got a pretty smile but still…”
“Well, she had her smile, her short hair and a hot black dress that—”
That’s when Mia made a face and shook her head, “Nope! Nah, nuh uh, don’t finish that sentence. I get it..I got the picture.”
Arron smirked snickering at her reaction, “Hey, you asked!”
“But that’s not what I meant..”
“Yeah, sure, but that’s what I meant by remembering that day.”
There was still uncertainty and speculation about whether this was a good thing so far. It hung in the air. But so far, it wasn’t so bad. Yeah, sure, they had some stuff they still didn’t address about their relationship, question they needed to ask themselves and things that possibly might be useful for Mia’s stay here.
That was just the surface level stuff. But honestly, it seemed like neither of them wanted to go beyond that level anyway.
Plus, Mia was itching to check on Skye as well, despite knowing she was possibly okay and trying to adjust to the circumstances of her life. The situation in general.
But before Arron or Mia could say anything else, there was a knock on the door. He held up a hand when he saw her reach for her pocket for a gun. He shook his head and stood up to answer it.
The moment it was opened, Mia got a glimpse of who it was.
In front of her stood a young man. Dirty blonde hair, a light complexion and soft yet sharp green eyes. He wore a burgundy shirt, dark brown pants and boots, but you can tell he had a weapon in his pocket. He smiled at Arron but then caught sight of Mia.
He spoke to Arron for a few moments, talking about security measures and a few new developments in the area. How there were a couple of other people who wanted to talk with him about shipping containers and supplies. Arron nodded gently.
He then noticed how Mia was catching the blonde’s gaze and how she responded with a small smile.
Arron put a hand on her shoulder before saying, “Jeremy, this is my daughter Mia.”
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Jeremy smiled holding out a hand, “Jeremy Michaelis.”
Mia shook his hand smiling, “Amelia Parker. Nice to meet you.”
Arron smiled, “I have work to do. How about Jeremy show you around?”
“Great.” Mia replied softly smiling.
“Cool.” Jeremy added right after still smiling as he chuckled.
With that, Arron left leaving the two of them alone to their own devices.
Ahhh! That’s all folks and that’s how she met Jeremy 😉
Please let me know what you think about Mia and her dad so far?
- @gcthvile @meiramel l l @aidanxsophxoxo @blueboirick @wizzzardofoz z z @finlayholmes @ethan-lensherr @elzabeth-stark k @marvelsfavoriteuncle @sci-fi-lexcon @ask-starrk @therealdaydreamstark @luna-d-marsh @rickb-chaos @the-x-ladiesofnyc @trulysummersprivate @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre
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Oh woaw.... a hot lesbian on tumblr??? Tell Me About Your Lesbian Orc Conlang (imperative)
Said she to the most obvious wingman ever, “why I’m glad you asked! The orcbian conlang is inspired in both phonology and word-structure by Chinese, with a very low word:meaning-unit ratio, such that most words are only one syllable long, and grammatical relationships are expressed via word order, as in much of English.
The orcbian tongue also boasts a proud literary tradition, in which whole epics are carved into very thin, cuneiform-style tablets, which respected community members carry on their backs. Other features include several words for type and length of strapon, and a distinction between types of animal meat according entirely to my subjective preferences (Category I meats are beef, mutton, dark meat chicken, and duck, and Category II meats are turkey, white meat chicken, and pork. I’ll leave it up to you to figure out which category is my fav)
Orcbian does not currently exist outside of the creator’s head, due to budgetary (i.e. motivational) constraints, but she is happy to think about it!”
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circusheart · 2 months
i have a beautiful idea for a massive mod pack for De-Westernizing Minecraft. it would, in theory, add:
around 20 crops from the americas, africa, and asia (rice, tomatoes, corn, yams, jackfruit, nopales, sorghum, peppers, etc etc)
around a dozen new passive or farmable/tameable mobs (ducks, koi, crickets, turkeys, guinea pigs, alpacas, water buffalo, yak, ostriches, zebras, silkworms, etc)
corresponding food items made from these crops/animal products
around a dozen new hostile/neutral mobs, both inspired by real animals (termites, hyenas, cougars, etc) and inspired by non-western fantastical creatures (jiangshi, nandi bear, popobawa, etc)
new trees/wood types - baobab, mulberry, jacaranda, eucalyptus, etc
in addition to the new wood types, 50+ new blocks, primarily different materials common in non-western architecture (packed earth, wattle-and-daub, enameled wood, paper walls, coral stone, etc etc etc)
new biomes (muskegs, pampas, cold steppe, riverine jungle, salt flats, a complete overhaul of the "desert" biome splitting it into Cactus Deserts, Rocky Deserts, and Sandy Deserts, roughly corresponding to like, the mojave, the atacama, and the sahara)
a few new metals/gemstones that wouldn't be used for tools, but would have unique and specialized uses instead (jade, brass?)
new decorative blocks/items/objects - baskets (five item storage slots, have some unique interactions with redstone maybe?), chinese animal roof figures, etc
an overhaul of village architecture - every biome's village actually has 3-5 sub-types that change the architectural style, so you can have a Definitely East African village in a savanna or a Definitely West Asian village in the plains or whatever
at least 20 new generated structures (some small and pointless, like the desert wells, some large) that take inspiration from asian and african and american architecture
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The Art of Embroidery: A Global Perspective
As an enthusiast and expert in using embroidery machines for beginners, I have always been fascinated by the intricate art of embroidery and its rich history across different cultures. Embroidery is more than just a craft; it is a form of artistic expression and cultural heritage. Let's dive into the global perspective of embroidery and explore its significance, techniques, and the countries known for their exceptional craftsmanship.
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Understanding the Cultural Significance of Embroidery
Embroidery has played a vital role in many cultures worldwide. It has been used to tell stories, signify status, and convey cultural identity. From royal garments in Europe to traditional attire in Asia, embroidery's cultural significance cannot be understated. Each stitch and pattern often carries meaning, reflecting the beliefs, traditions, and values of the people who created them.
How Embroidery Techniques Differ Around the World
Embroidery techniques vary significantly across the globe. Different regions have developed their unique styles, stitches, and materials, making each type of embroidery distinct and special. While some techniques are elaborate and intricate, others are simple yet elegant. The diversity in embroidery styles highlights the creativity and ingenuity of artisans from different cultures.
Countries Known for Their Exceptional Embroidery
India: A Rich Tradition of Hand Embroidery
India is renowned for its rich tradition of hand embroidery, with each region offering unique styles and techniques.
Techniques like Zardozi and Kantha
Zardozi is a form of metallic thread embroidery that originated in Persia and was brought to India during the Mughal era. It is known for its elaborate and luxurious designs, often used for royal garments and ceremonial attire. On the other hand, Kantha embroidery from Bengal is characterized by its simple running stitch patterns, often depicting stories from everyday life and folklore.
China: The Elegance of Silk Embroidery
Chinese silk embroidery is revered for its elegance and fine craftsmanship.
Suzhou and Hunan Embroidery Styles
Suzhou embroidery, also known as Su Xiu, is famous for its delicate and intricate designs, often featuring nature and wildlife themes. Hunan embroidery, or Xiang Xiu, is known for its bold and vivid colors, depicting scenes from Chinese mythology and history.
Mexico: Vibrant and Colorful Embroidery
Mexican embroidery is celebrated for its vibrant colors and bold designs.
Otomi and Tenango Designs
Otomi embroidery, originating from the Otomi people of central Mexico, features colorful and intricate patterns inspired by local flora and fauna. Tenango designs are similar but often more detailed and complex, showcasing the artisans' exceptional skill and creativity.
Ukraine: Intricate Cross-Stitch Embroidery
Ukrainian embroidery is renowned for its intricate cross-stitch patterns.
Vyshyvanka: The National Embroidery Style
Vyshyvanka is the traditional Ukrainian embroidered shirt, featuring intricate geometric and floral patterns. Each region in Ukraine has its distinct Vyshyvanka style, reflecting the local culture and traditions.
Turkey: Timeless Ottoman Embroidery
Turkey has a long history of exquisite embroidery, dating back to the Ottoman Empire.
Techniques and Patterns Passed Down Through Generations
Ottoman embroidery is characterized by its elaborate floral and geometric patterns, often using metallic threads and silk. These techniques have been passed down through generations, preserving the rich heritage of Turkish embroidery.
Exploring Unique Embroidery Techniques
Hand Embroidery vs. Machine Embroidery
As someone who loves working with embroidery machines, I appreciate both hand embroidery and machine embroidery. Hand embroidery offers a personal touch and allows for greater creativity, while machine embroidery provides precision and speed, making it ideal for detailed and repetitive patterns.
Common Stitches and Patterns Across Cultures
Despite the differences in styles, many embroidery techniques share common stitches and patterns. For instance, the satin stitch, chain stitch, and cross-stitch are widely used across various cultures, each adapting these basic stitches to create unique designs.
The Role of Embroidery in Fashion and Home Decor
Embroidery has a significant role in fashion and home decor. From embroidered dresses and accessories to decorative pillows and wall art, embroidery adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness to any item. It allows designers and artisans to showcase their skills and creativity, making each piece special.
The Modern Revival of Traditional Embroidery
How Contemporary Artists Are Keeping Traditions Alive
Contemporary artists and designers are playing a crucial role in reviving traditional embroidery techniques. By incorporating these techniques into modern designs, they are preserving the heritage while appealing to today's fashion and decor trends.
The Influence of Globalization on Embroidery Techniques
Globalization has facilitated the exchange of ideas and techniques across cultures, leading to the fusion of traditional and modern embroidery styles. This cross-cultural exchange has enriched the art of embroidery, introducing new patterns, materials, and methods.
Sustainable and Ethical Practices in Modern Embroidery
Sustainability and ethics are becoming increasingly important in the embroidery industry. Many artisans and businesses are adopting eco-friendly practices, using organic and recycled materials. Additionally, efforts are being made to ensure fair wages and working conditions for artisans, preserving the craft for future generations.
Embroidery is a beautiful and diverse art form that transcends cultural boundaries. By understanding and appreciating the different techniques and traditions, we can keep this art alive and thriving. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced embroiderer, exploring the world of embroidery offers endless opportunities for creativity and expression.
Read more at: Discover the Easiest Embroidery Technique for Beginners
Which country is known for its embroidery?
Several countries are known for their exceptional embroidery, including India, China, Mexico, Ukraine, and Turkey, each offering unique styles and techniques.
What makes a country's embroidery unique?
A country's embroidery is unique due to its cultural significance, traditional techniques, materials used, and the specific patterns and designs that reflect the local heritage and traditions.
Can I learn traditional embroidery techniques from different countries?
Yes, many resources are available, including online tutorials, workshops, and classes, where you can learn traditional embroidery techniques from different countries.
Where can I buy authentic embroidered items from around the world?
You can buy authentic embroidered items from various online marketplaces, cultural fairs, and specialty stores that source directly from artisans around the world.
Watch more at: https://gab.com/bestbeginnerembroiderymachine
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daretosnoop · 2 years
What you should eat based on game vibes
Don’t know if someone has already done this but here we go:
SCK/SCK Remastered: PBJ sandwich, grilled cheeses sandwich, deli sandwich, soda in a can by day and glass bottle at night, chips, pigs in a blanket, cheeseits, an apple, milk in those paper cartons, crinkle fries with ketchup mustard mixed
STFD: fruit platters, coffee in a white mug ndwith a 90s logo, sautéed asparagus, stuffed mushrooms, NY pizza ordered late, gyro, sparkling water, strawberry shortcake, NY cheesecake
MHM: meat with a sweet glaze with mashed potato and boiled veggies, Chinese takeout ordered late, apple cider, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, ginger beer, stewed tomatoes
TRT: fondue stand, smoked ham, cebu lechon, pumpernickel bread with brier cheese , jam, jam cookies,hot cocoa, apple cinnamon tea, apple pie, toasted nuts, glazed carrots
FIN: popcorn, taffy, chalk candy, boiled peanuts, roasted corn, red liquorice, unbranded soda, peanut brittle
SSH: fruit platters, fruit drinks in watermelon and papaya, salsa, green salsa, avocados, grilled fish, lemon chicken, rotisserie, tortillas, lemonade, bean soup, barley and chicken in bell peppers, green tomatoes (in any form)
DOG: whiskey, stacked sandwiches (scooby doo style), pickles, banana peppers, fried fish, hot dogs, peach cobbler, blueberry juice, unidentifiable meat in a can stewed slowly over a fire, bread and butter with coffee in the morning
CAR: roasted corn, grilled seafood on a stick, boiled peanuts, cotton candy, ice cream, seafood medley, butter lobster, peach cobbler, aspirin, poutine, fish and chips, vinegar onions, korean corn dogs
DDI: clam chowder, seafood pasta, lemon butter pasta with lobster, steamed clams, rice porridge, blueberry muffins, sherbet, mint tea, coffee in a thermos
SHA: kidney beans stew, steak and potatoes, those tarts your get at bakeries, eggs and bacon with bread to sop up the yolk, hamburger steak with egg, hash browns, diner coffee, pancakes, grits with cheese
CUR: English breakfast, tea, vegetables with no seasoning, stewed chicken,mushy peas, cold cheese deli meats on bread, lamb chops, a ceramic jar of cookies kept just out of reach, hot milk before bed with a chocolate, ale
TRN: ratatouille, glazed veggies, pasta with a rue sauce, béchamel, fruit cocktail, gin and tonic, roasted potatoes, garlic bread, cherries, peach cobbler, smoked meats, fried chicken
CLK: peaches and cream, coffee with biscotti, illegal champagne, ribs, fried eggplant with marinara sauce, biscuits in gravy, rye bread, cherry tomatoes, crisp lettuce, grilled zucchini, stewed tomatoes, soft pretzels, apple pie with vanilla ice cream, iced tea
CRE: fish baked over a fire wrapped in banana leaves, pineapple salsa, grilled veggies on sticks, shrimp, any type of rice dish (jallop, pulao, spanish rice, fried rice etc.), citrus soda/lemonade, upside down pineapple cake, poke bowls
DAN: hot croissant with jam on one side and butter on the other, crème brûlée, mint tea, lavender cake, champagne, onion soup, charcuterie board, coq au vin, spinach soufflé, lobster bisque
ICE: honey cake, pancakes with maple syrup, grilled salmon with a maple syrup glaze served with wild rice and green beans, dijon mustard on bread, cranberry sauce, roast turkey, sweet potatoes
CRY: grilled seafood with cajun seasoning, beignets, doberge cake, couche couche with hotsauce, oysters, gin fizz, cognac, sherry, cafe au lait, dulce de leche, trout, seafood pie, crawfish, jambalaya, gumbo, red velvet cake
VEN: cappuccino, pasta with garlic and parmigiana, Neapolitan pizza, olives and capers, anchovies over bread, fried eggplants (no batter) in olive oil, rosemary and thyme infused oil with bread,
HAU: potatoes in every which way but especially roasted and mashed with butter, shepherds pie, mint tea, boiled peas, lamb chops, bread dipped in fresh buttermilk, Irish stew, sweet bread, Irish breakfast tea
RAN: cut fruit and grilled fish in a hallow pineapple, wild rice, ham or poultry with pineapple glaze, crackers, flatbread with grilled shrimp curry, coconut based curries, rotisserie style poultry, chutneys, apricot jam, jelly
WAV: croissants with orange marmalade and butter, mutton curry with jasmine rice, saffron rice with creamy chicken stew, sushi, seafood pasta, fruit bowls, overnight oatmeals, loaded potatoes, late night peanut butter snacking
TOT: Wisconsin cheese, vinegar pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, (all the pies from the Waitress), scrambled eggs with coffee, buttermilk soaked fried chicken, steak and potatoes, cornbread, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate dipped orange flavoured ice cream, steak and kidney pie
SAW: green tea, soba noodles, clear soups, pickled veggies, salmon on wheat crackers, roasted chestnuts, coffee spiced with oranges and cinnamon, sesame crackers (sweet and salty both), and yes, ramen
CAP: deli meats, assorted bread, honey mustard, butter, romadeur, dumplings, hollandaise sauce, fried potatoes (different styles), sausages, drumstick, cheese sticks, blanched vegetables, green apple sauce, custard, black forest cake
ASH: confetti cake, angel cake, BLT sandwiches, Caesar salad, lemon pasta, dill pickles, potato salad, quesadillas, steak, BBQ, deep dish pizza, carrots in ranch, chips, banana split
TMB: shawarma, falafel, cucumber salad, tahini, humus, garlic pita, grilled veggies, rice and spices baked in an earthen pot, kabob, grilled seafood, saffron rice, baklava, pistachio ice cream, date milkshake, beer
DED: vinegar chips, ice cold water, coffee from a dispenser in a styrofoam cup, stale snacks from a vending machine, peanut butter crackers, cheese crackers, baked goods in the morning, pad thai, fast food pizza, salad bar, trail mix
GTH: pecan pie, peach cobler, ground nuts, fried chicken, cheesy garlic bread, pimento cheese, chewy meat, BBQ, lemonade, sherry, gin, crawfish, pulled pork, rolls, soul food
SPY: haggis, mutton chops, Danish pastries, salmon with dill, pheasant, dundee cake, clam chowder, shortbread, coffee, Lincoln logs, smoked meats, clotted cheese, crackers, oatmeal with raisins, ale, whisky
MED: sushi, lemon grass tea, wheat grass shots, roasted sweet potato and yams with spices, pumpkin and squash stews, broiled veggies, rutabaga mash, rhubarb pie, steamed clams and mussels, truffle pasta
LIE: feta on bread with honey drizzle, greek yogurts with fresh cut fruit, fresh mozzarella over chicken salad, gyro, lamb rotisserie, shawarma, collared greens, pan fried seafood, steamed fish with lemon, carrot salad, pickled veggies, kefir, rice pudding
SEA: seafood buffet cooked every which way, skyr, salmon and haddock boiled with potatoes, dried seafood on bread, mutton soup, rice pudding, clear broth, veggie stew, mashed potatoes
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snalsupremacy · 2 years
2023 events
2022 events list
Again, these are not all of the events, just the ones i happen to come across with
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- All of Sherlock Holmes is now officially public domain - Lil Nas X back at it again with... THE WIGGLES?! - Noah Schnapp, who plays Will Byers in Stranger Things, comes out as gay - US gov can't vote for a speaker of the house - McCarthy wins speaker of the house after 15 votes - Bolsonaro supporters storm the Congress and vandalize the whole place, are arrested on location -golden globes n stuff -JOJO LEAK JOJO LEAK ITS A BOY ITS A BOY -Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis Presley, dies at 54 -M3gan is a gay icon pass it on -AO3 down, 40 injured 15 dead -New FOB album - Velma show unsurprisingly sucks - Pink Sause on wallmart -Paramore back & new album coming soon - UK blocks scottish law that helped trans people and this might lead to their independence (pls) -TUMBRL ADDED POLLS! TUMBRL ADDED POLLS!! - #team snail worm deserved to lose the centopéia or however you say in english winning was RIGGED AND I CAN PROVE IT - Pete Wentz leaked Brendon Urie’s oncoming baby which leads him to breaking up Panic! At The Disco. Finally. - Holy fucking bingle! Trans Bi Lesbian It/She pronouns swiss hacker just leacked the US no-fly list, and plot twist, its very racist, what?! :3 - Justin Roiland is fired from Rick and Morty for being a bad person - Cecil from welcome to nightvale defeats Reigen in the Tumbrl Sexyman rematch pools! Idk who he is i just voted him bc i dont want reigen to win. -CECILSWEEP IS EVERYWHERE THE FINALS ARE SANS VS CECIL WHO WILL WIN - CECIL PALMER WITH THE STEEL CHAIR BEATS SANS TO PULP AT THE BACK OF PAPA JOHN'S!!! -The last of Us everywhere, seems to be a good game adaptation! glad to see more of those!
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-Toby Fox scores the very first interview with creator of Yume Nikki, kikiyama with 9 yes or no questions and 1 "free response" question asking what they would get at a Denny's -FNAF movie officially starts filming - Marceline wins tumbrl woman - Just vote for vanilla extract and waive boys, just vote for vanila extract and wave - 7.8 earthquake hits Turkey and Syria, thausands of casualities - Spotted chinese (?) spy baloons (?) in America - Now theres a Tumbrl vanilla extract bottle, awesome - Hogwarts Legacy release discourse follows - Tear of the kingdom trailer out this is the most emotion link has shown in canon in 36 years - Youtube channel schaffrillas productions gets involved in car accident, Christopher Schaffer and Patrick Phyrillas pronounced dead on site while James Phyrillas in critical condition - Italian manwhore summer (Sanremo) - Netflix creating something thats gonna ruin password sharing people and everyone is mad - Brianna Ghey, 16 yo trans teenager, is stabbed to the death at a park -THE JOJOLANDS! AMAZING! MINDBLOWING! LIFE CHANGING! NEVER THE SAME! 10/10! -Succession will end in S4 -NEW MAGNAPINNA SQUID FOOTAGE HUNTING??
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-New gen of TMNT (Mutant Mayhem)!! -Minesota lagislature makes trans health care (wait for it) LEGAL! - New mario movie trialer the babygirlification of Luigi continues -Willow project approved ‘_’ - More anti trans legislation. whats the news - Esc songs dropped the guy w the green top is already tumbrl’s top 1 jenn should have won etc etc -Gerard Way presenting in full office lady style. Tbh im just more impressed he did a show in tights. - Jojolands #2 out! Hot dog guy has a name now and Rohan canonically transcend the multiverse! - Taylor Swift eras tour congrats swifties - ICC issues arrest warrant to Vladmir Putin for war crimes -Trump to be arrested -Arab Cartoon Network hacked (Update: hacking was fake) - Tik Tok banned on government phones after spying accusations -New FOB album - The ladies from RWBY just kissed! mazal tov! - Justin Roiland case dropped - Kid in brazil attacks school teacher with knife - School shooting in US - Resident Evil 4 remake - Dobi dies in a glue trap -Trump got indicated, idk what that means but seems bad for trump which is good
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-10 year anniversary of the Mishapocalypse - Ofc all your fave properties do an April fool’s special,, most notably Toby Fox’s “accidental foam pic” and Sonic The Hedgehog free murder mystery game that looks gorgeous?? they take the trophy this year -Kasane Teto gets her official voicebank for her 15th anniversary -wait... the DSMP is over..? it ended..? for real..?? WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL!!1!!11!!!!!11 - Dalai Lama [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] - Harry Potter HBO series... just what we needed ‘_’ - Misha Collins reveals Warner Brothers wanted him to stay out as bisexual after that one off joke last year - Out of touch thursday on 4/20 we did it boys - We DOUBLE DID IT BOYS! Elon Musk’s rocket explodes because he forgot to build a flame diverter?? Or did he not build one on purpose? Anyway no one was inside THANKFULLY - Movie markplier is working on is revealed to be..IRON LUNG?! - Elon Musk takes out all the unpaid blue check marks expecting the celebrity accounts to pay for them, instead #blocktheblue movements started in which you block all users with blue check mark, Musk then responds to this by awarding random popular users with check marks -Tucker Carlson fired, ill b real, I have no idea who he is -Don Lemon also fired, again, idk who he is - Ray Toro and Gerard Way on fnaf movie soundtrack?!? -Disney sues Florida governor Ron Desantis, woag.. I cant believe im saying this but it’ll be easier to make the governor leave than the rat theme park
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-JASON DERULO JUST FELL OFF THE STARS AT THE MET GALA! 😱😱😱 - WGA on strike! -And may Eurovision posting begin! Im rooting for finland what ab y’all - Tony Hawk and chocolate guy collab?!?!?!?! -ABSOLUTELY BULLSHIT EUROVISION RESULTS KAARIJA IS THE REAL WINNER SWEDEN BE DAMNED -FNAF trailer drop -Barbie Movie trailer drop -IDubz apologises for content cop, better late than never ig -Succession finale - I saw that execution clip from generation loss cuz it cant be thaaat fucked up right? haha.... im traumatized -Seth Everman announces he will leave the internet in 200ish days -Ted lasso ends, and so, pride month begins.... -Hank Green got cancer
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-Happy pride month guys! - Jojo musical adaption of Phantom Blood confirmed - Russian occupiers in Ukraine blew up the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station -Across the spiderverse takes the internet by storm AS IT SHOULD - Fires in canada kinda spreads the smoke like all around and its all a gray haze over there -Kaarija and Bojan concert together doing a shit job at beating ther allegations happy pride month kings -Hank Green is bisexual, likes Brennan Lee Muligan, and found that out because of wreck it ralph cosplays i can’t believe this is real -Redit blackout? 196? im very confused, but the redditors are here and tumbrl are welcoming them WAY better than we did twitter users which i find fitting lol -Adrien and Marinette from miraculous lb finally kissed omg its been like 8 years?? insane -The Idol sucks - Shit submarine w 5 people goes missing and the more we find out the more inevitable it felt       • Oceangate...gate brings awareness to migrant ships who drown and kill hundrents of migrants       • Iron Lung game sell suddenly spikes       •Submarine found, it imploded, all passengers dead - Joes Biden (US president)'s son committed tax fraud -Mark Zuch and Elon Musk are going to fight?? -Military coup in Russia (failed) -Miranda sings revolutionizing the YouTuber apology genre by apologizing for groomer allegations via ukulele - wtf is a grimace shake - Happy pride month! US overruled law prohibiting homophobic discrimination based on religion!
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-Nimona is out! I haven’t watched it yet but the reception is great! (Edit: watched it, its good) -Superman finally got his long deserved sailor moon style transformation. good for him. -AO3 down, 500 dead 756 injured (Update: AO3 is down due to DDOS attack, which is when a group overwhelms the website with requests. This seems to be made by a group who claims to be doing it for homophobic reasons tho they likely have uterior reasons) -SAG-AFRA joins WGA strike - Universal prunes trees outside their building to try and prevent WAG/SAG-AFRA picket line. However, these trees are city property and "tree law" (heavy fine for destroying gov owned nature) might be called into action - Happy Barbenheimer tho all who celebrate - MITSKI ALBUM ANNOUNCEMENT?! - Fnaf DLC smth smth eclipse - Elon Musk tries to change twitter to X ? - Good Omens season 2 finale so tragically good it re animated OFMD SPN and Hanibal into trending page
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- Tik tok parody of every 90's euro disco song goes viral - New James Webb telesc ope picture shows a giant ? in space. poetry. - Forest fires in Hawaii destroying homes -Anti semetic hate crime against USP teacher in Amazonas - Tik tok tried to create their Goncharov (Zepotha) and it turns out to be a plot to promote a musician's new song - Planet of the bass music vide out!! - Trump might actually get arrested, mugshot and all - Who thought it was a good idea to make the actor portraying Bernstein in the new biopic wear a PROSTHETIC NOSE?? - India first country to land on south pole of the moon! - Someone tracked down spanish spn’s rogue translator, who claims he did not add that in, meaning in some version of spn destiel was canon - Riverdale ends with all of them in a polycule. Which honestly is the best possible ending - TRUMP MUGSHOT TRUMP MUGSHOT
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-That mole do be interesting -Castiel 15th birthday WAIT 15?? A DECADE AND A HALF?? - Ladybug and Chatnoir are emo now. Like, literally. - WGA strike succesfully ends -The Pokemonx Miku collab is everything actually - WGA stricke officially ends wed 27/9 12:01 AM, the deal is finalized and the writer’s guild got most of what they wanted! yay uniuns!
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- Israel-Palestine conflict breaks into full on war with many casualities on both sides -NOOOOOO BAKUGO IS ALIVE PUT HIM BACK IN THE GRAVE!! KILL HIM AGAIN!!
- Spock wins the AO3 polls unsuprisingly - youtuber SSSniperwolf doxxes youtuber JacksFilms -Merlin twitter account is active...why? -Mathew Perry, Friends actor and advocate for alcoholism and drug abuse issues dies at age 54
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-Happy 3 anniversary to Nov 5th -THANK G-D ATTACK ON TITAN IS OVER ITS FINALLY OVER FUCKK YES FINALLY -NOOOOO LIVE ACTION ZELDA CONFIMRED WHYYYY - Actor strike is over =D - GTA 5 anounced - SHREK 5???? - Omegle shut downs for ever - Zack and Cody’s restaurant reservation is today - Dream and the voice actor of Gumball beefed and tbh it was hilarious - Russia declares LGBT groups extremists organizations - Henry Kissinger, american politician, dies at 100 - SONIC 3 DATE REVEAL YEAHHH
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-Hbomber guy DESTROYS James Somerton and Internet Historian’s career with his new video on plagiarism - TODD IN THE SHADOWS COMES BACK WITH THE STEEL CHAIR IN JAMES SOMERTON!! - BG3 Game Awards Sweep including GOTY
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roseyturtles · 2 years
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I posted 6,570 times in 2022
98 posts created (1%)
6,472 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 293 of my posts in 2022
#fallout new vegas - 65 posts
#arcade gannon - 53 posts
#fnv - 52 posts
#benny gecko - 22 posts
#soupposting - 19 posts
#fallout - 15 posts
#courier six - 14 posts
#homestuck - 13 posts
#unreality - 12 posts
#goncharov - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#ok i can see the argument that the followers of the apocalypse don’t have nearly the education system pre-war america does
My Top Posts in 2022:
Gonna say something similar to what I said about Encanto: Turning Red is a movie about growing up as a teenage girl, particularly as the daughter of a Chinese immigrant, before queer theory ever enters the picture. Do not forget that.
251 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
The thing I love most about the "Humans are Space Orcs" style of writing is that it makes us look at our world from an outsiders perspective. We're so used to mosquitos and magpies and turkey vultures and geese and tornados and poisonous plants and the weird humanisms we do on a daily basis that approaching it from the perspective of someone who has little to know experience being an earthling adds zest to the whole world for a little while
252 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
Boone, to Ceasar's corpse: Thumbs down, you son of a bitch.
Arcade: ...up.
Boone: What.
Arcade: If you want to match his Roman aesthetic you would want to say thumbs up.
Arcade: When the ceasar gave a gladiator a thumbs down, it meant the losing gladiator could put his sword down because he was more valuable alive.
Arcade: But a thumbs up is believed to have been a signal to thrust upward into the heart.
Boone: Do you seriously think he follows that level of consistency?
384 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
I hate when people interpret Arcade as your average blonde prettyboy with nothing behind the eyes because like.??? This is a 35ish year old man who has spent his entire life running from the government on the principle of who he was born to. He is rough around the edges. He has trauma. He has scars, mental and physical. His history is riddled with tragedy. He conceals his earnest love for humanity with dry wit and literary references because expressing too much love has brought him pain. If you draw Arcade and it doesn't feel like he's a man glued together by idealism and the hope humanity may finally learn from its msitakes then what is the fucking point
726 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
"Cryptocurrency is dying, repost this to make it die faster" No. No, I want cryptocurrency to die slowly, by attrition. I want it to stop being popular among rich people to have NFTs that harm the earth and start being popular to grow your own garden, I want crypto bros to scramble to find a real job or go back to school, I want the glaring blue light of their overloaded computer's screen to bore into their skulls as they watch that number get closer and closer and closer to zero. Cryptocurrency is a rabid animal, and as it grows out of the aggression stage, the seizures will get worse and more painful. I want everyone to refuse shooting this animal. I want cryptocurrency see the Earth staring coldly at its failing body and know that there is no mercy in this world or the next.
2,209 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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atcmicbxtty · 12 days
☠ ― 𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑏𝑜𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠 // 🍔 - What kind of food does your muse usually eat? Do they have a favourite food, or favourite style of food? Do they have allergies? Are they vegan, vegetarian, etc.?
𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑏𝑜𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠. Always accepting !
With Betty's parents working weird hours and (sometimes) not being home, Betty is often left home alone. Whether home or not, they usually leave out something quick for Betty to whip up - which is usually some kinda of frozen food. Pizza, one of those microwaveable dinners, or even those chicken nuggets and fries you would put in the oven. The only time she had a proper meal was when they would go over to the grandmother's for a turkey dinner during the holidays.
Betty does enjoy eating asian cuisine - mainly Japanese and Chinese, but the chances she has in eating those specific foods is rare. She is certainly not a picky eater - she will eat whatever is offered to her.
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dan6085 · 29 days
Palaces are grand structures often associated with royalty, power, and opulence. Their construction typically involves vast resources, including rare materials, skilled labor, and considerable time. Below is a list of 47 of the most magnificent palaces around the world, including details about their history, architecture, and estimated costs to build, where available.
### 1. **Palace of Versailles (France)**
- **Details**: Originally a hunting lodge, Versailles was transformed into a symbol of absolute monarchy by King Louis XIV in the 17th century. The palace is famous for its Hall of Mirrors, extensive gardens, and ornate Baroque architecture.
- **Cost**: Estimated at 2 billion USD in today’s money.
### 2. **Buckingham Palace (United Kingdom)**
- **Details**: The official residence of the British monarch in London, Buckingham Palace was originally a townhouse built in 1703. It became the royal residence in 1837 under Queen Victoria.
- **Cost**: Original construction cost 7,000 GBP in the 1700s, which is roughly equivalent to 2.3 million GBP (3 million USD) today.
### 3. **Winter Palace (Russia)**
- **Details**: Located in Saint Petersburg, the Winter Palace was the official residence of the Russian Tsars from 1732 until the revolution of 1917. It is now part of the Hermitage Museum.
- **Cost**: Estimated at 2.1 billion USD in today’s money.
### 4. **Topkapi Palace (Turkey)**
- **Details**: The primary residence of the Ottoman Sultans for nearly 400 years, Topkapi Palace in Istanbul is known for its intricate tilework, opulent courtyards, and the Harem quarters.
- **Cost**: The cost is difficult to estimate but was considered one of the most lavish constructions of its time.
### 5. **Forbidden City (China)**
- **Details**: Located in Beijing, the Forbidden City served as the Chinese imperial palace for nearly 500 years, from the Ming to the end of the Qing dynasty. It is the largest palace complex in the world.
- **Cost**: Estimated at 9 billion USD in today’s money.
### 6. **Alhambra (Spain)**
- **Details**: A stunning example of Moorish architecture, the Alhambra in Granada was originally built as a fortress in 889 AD and later converted into a royal palace in 1333 by Yusuf I, Sultan of Granada.
- **Cost**: Cost is uncertain but was one of the most expensive projects of its time.
### 7. **Château de Chambord (France)**
- **Details**: Built by King Francis I, Chambord is one of the most recognizable châteaux in the world due to its distinctive French Renaissance architecture. The construction began in 1519.
- **Cost**: Estimated at 2 billion USD in today’s money.
### 8. **Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany)**
- **Details**: Built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria in the 19th century, Neuschwanstein Castle is known for its fairy-tale appearance. It was the inspiration for Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Castle.
- **Cost**: Estimated at 6.2 million marks (62 million USD today).
### 9. **Palácio Nacional da Pena (Portugal)**
- **Details**: Located in Sintra, this Romanticist palace was built in the 19th century and is known for its eclectic style, combining Neo-Gothic, Neo-Manueline, and Islamic elements.
- **Cost**: Approximately 30,000 contos at the time, equivalent to 150 million USD today.
### 10. **Dolmabahçe Palace (Turkey)**
- **Details**: Built in the 19th century, Dolmabahçe Palace in Istanbul was the main administrative center of the Ottoman Empire. It blends various European architectural styles.
- **Cost**: 5 million Ottoman gold pounds (1.5 billion USD today).
### 11. **Hofburg Palace (Austria)**
- **Details**: Located in Vienna, the Hofburg Palace has been the residence of Austrian rulers since the 13th century and was the seat of the Habsburg dynasty.
- **Cost**: Hard to estimate, but the constant expansions over centuries make it one of the most expensive palaces in Europe.
### 12. **Palácio Nacional de Queluz (Portugal)**
- **Details**: This 18th-century palace, located near Lisbon, was the residence of the Portuguese royal family. It is often compared to the Palace of Versailles in France.
- **Cost**: Estimated at 50 million USD in today’s money.
### 13. **Schönbrunn Palace (Austria)**
- **Details**: This Baroque palace was the main summer residence of the Habsburg rulers. Located in Vienna, Schönbrunn is one of the most important cultural monuments in Austria.
- **Cost**: Approximately 8 million florins in the 17th century (roughly 1 billion USD today).
### 14. **Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes (Greece)**
- **Details**: Located on the island of Rhodes, this medieval castle was built in the 14th century by the Knights Hospitaller. It later served as a palace for the Ottoman Empire.
- **Cost**: Original cost unknown, but it was reconstructed in the 1930s by Italian authorities at a significant expense.
### 15. **Royal Palace of Madrid (Spain)**
- **Details**: The largest royal palace in Europe by floor area, this 18th-century structure is the official residence of the Spanish royal family, although they reside elsewhere.
- **Cost**: 220 million reales (equivalent to 1 billion USD today).
### 16. **Mysore Palace (India)**
- **Details**: The official residence of the Wadiyar dynasty, Mysore Palace is one of the most famous tourist attractions in India, known for its Indo-Saracenic architecture.
- **Cost**: 4.2 million rupees in the early 20th century (equivalent to 60 million USD today).
### 17. **Topkapi Palace (Turkey)**
- **Details**: As the primary residence of Ottoman Sultans for 400 years, Topkapi Palace in Istanbul is known for its rich history and stunning architecture.
- **Cost**: Difficult to estimate, but significant for its time.
### 18. **Amber Palace (India)**
- **Details**: Located in Jaipur, Amber Palace is a stunning example of Rajput architecture. The palace complex includes large ramparts, series of gates, and cobbled paths.
- **Cost**: Estimated in today's terms at around 200 million USD.
### 19. **Grand Palace (Thailand)**
- **Details**: Located in Bangkok, the Grand Palace has been the official residence of the Kings of Siam since 1782. It is known for its intricate architecture and historical significance.
- **Cost**: Difficult to estimate but considered one of the most expensive constructions in Thailand at the time.
### 20. **Pena Palace (Portugal)**
- **Details**: Built in the 19th century on the ruins of a monastery, Pena Palace in Sintra is a Romanticist castle with stunning views and eclectic architecture.
- **Cost**: 150 million USD today.
### 21. **Potala Palace (Tibet)**
- **Details**: Located in Lhasa, Potala Palace was the chief residence of the Dalai Lama until the 14th Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959. The palace is an iconic symbol of Tibetan Buddhism.
- **Cost**: Estimated at around 50 million USD today.
### 22. **Catherine Palace (Russia)**
- **Details**: Located in Tsarskoye Selo, near Saint Petersburg, this Rococo-style palace was the summer residence of the Russian Tsars. It is known for its lavish interiors, particularly the Amber Room.
- **Cost**: Equivalent to over 2 billion USD today.
### 23. **Royal Palace of Caserta (Italy)**
- **Details**: Built in the 18th century by the Bourbon kings of Naples, the Royal Palace of Caserta is the largest palace built in Europe during the 18th century, with stunning Baroque architecture.
- **Cost**: 8.7 million ducats, equivalent to around 500 million USD today.
### 24. **Rundāle Palace (Latvia)**
- **Details**: This Baroque and Rococo palace in Latvia was built in the 18th century for the Dukes of Courland. It is one of the most important cultural monuments in the country.
- **Cost**: Estimated at around 50 million USD in today’s terms.
### 25. **Palace of the Parliament (Romania)**
- **Details**: The Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest is the world's largest civilian building with an administrative function. Built during the Ceaușescu era, it symbolizes the excesses of the regime.
- **Cost**: Estimated at 3.3 billion USD, making it one of the most expensive buildings ever constructed.
### 26. **Peterhof Palace (Russia)**
- **Details**: Often referred to as the "Russian Versailles," Peterhof Palace was commissioned by Peter the Great in the early 18th century. The palace is famous for its grand fountains, extensive gardens, and opulent interiors.
- **Cost**: The original cost is difficult to estimate, but the restoration of the palace after World War II alone was worth millions of rubles.
### 27. **Hawa Mahal (India)**
- **Details**: Known as the "Palace of Winds," Hawa Mahal in Jaipur was built in 1799 by Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh. The five-story palace is known for its unique facade with 953 small windows, designed to allow royal women to observe street festivals without being seen.
- **Cost**: Estimated at 1.5 million INR at the time of construction, equivalent to about 20 million USD today.
### 28. **Charlottenburg Palace (Germany)**
- **Details**: Located in Berlin, Charlottenburg Palace was built in the late 17th century as a summer residence for Sophie Charlotte, the wife of King Frederick I of Prussia. The palace is noted for its baroque and rococo interiors.
- **Cost**: The cost of construction and later expansions is estimated at around 100 million USD in today's money.
### 29. **Schonbrunn Palace (Austria)**
- **Details**: This grand palace was the summer residence of the Habsburg rulers. Its 1,441 rooms are a testament to the grandeur of the Austrian Empire. The palace is also home to the world's oldest zoo.
- **Cost**: The construction cost was around 8 million florins in the 17th century, equivalent to approximately 1 billion USD today.
### 30. **Istana Nurul Iman (Brunei)**
- **Details**: This is the official residence of the Sultan of Brunei, and it holds the title of the world’s largest residential palace. Built in 1984, the palace combines Malay and Islamic architecture and boasts 1,788 rooms.
- **Cost**: Estimated at 1.4 billion USD, making it one of the most expensive palaces in the modern era.
### 31. **Meherangarh Fort (India)**
- **Details**: Situated in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, Meherangarh Fort was built by Rao Jodha in 1459. The fort is one of the largest in India, known for its massive walls, intricate carvings, and panoramic views of the city.
- **Cost**: Difficult to estimate, but the cost would be significant considering the size and scale of the fort.
### 32. **Royal Palace of Stockholm (Sweden)**
- **Details**: The official residence of the Swedish monarch, the Royal Palace of Stockholm is one of the largest palaces in Europe. The current Baroque-style building was completed in the 18th century.
- **Cost**: The original construction cost was substantial, equivalent to several hundred million USD today.
### 33. **Palazzo Pitti (Italy)**
- **Details**: Located in Florence, Palazzo Pitti was originally built for a wealthy banker in the 15th century before becoming the residence of the Medici family. The palace now houses several important museums and galleries.
- **Cost**: The cost of construction and later expansions is difficult to estimate, but it is considered one of the most expensive projects of the Renaissance era.
### 34. **Alcázar of Seville (Spain)**
- **Details**: A stunning example of Mudejar architecture, the Alcázar of Seville was originally a Moorish fort and later became a royal palace. It is the oldest royal palace still in use in Europe.
- **Cost**: The original cost is unknown, but restoration and maintenance over the centuries have been extensive.
### 35. **Blenheim Palace (United Kingdom)**
- **Details**: Built between 1705 and 1722, Blenheim Palace is a masterpiece of English Baroque architecture. It is the only non-royal, non-episcopal country house in England to hold the title of palace. It was the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill.
- **Cost**: The construction was funded by the nation as a gift to John Churchill, the 1st Duke of Marlborough, with an estimated cost of 300,000 pounds in the 18th century, equivalent to roughly 100 million GBP (130 million USD) today.
### 36. **Sanssouci Palace (Germany)**
- **Details**: Located in Potsdam, Sanssouci was the summer palace of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia. The Rococo-style palace is known for its terraced vineyards and elegant interiors.
- **Cost**: The cost of construction was significant for its time, but the exact amount is difficult to determine.
### 37. **Monserrate Palace (Portugal)**
- **Details**: This palatial villa, located near Sintra, is a prime example of 19th-century Romanticism in architecture. The palace features an eclectic mix of Gothic, Moorish, and Indian architectural styles.
- **Cost**: Estimated at around 10 million USD in today’s terms.
### 38. **Palace of Holyroodhouse (Scotland)**
- **Details**: The official residence of the British monarch in Scotland, Holyroodhouse is located at the end of the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. The palace has been the residence of kings and queens since the 16th century.
- **Cost**: The original construction and subsequent renovations would amount to hundreds of millions of USD in today’s money.
### 39. **Matsumoto Castle (Japan)**
- **Details**: Also known as the "Crow Castle" due to its black exterior, Matsumoto Castle is one of Japan's most complete and beautiful original castles. It was built during the Sengoku period.
- **Cost**: The cost of construction is not well-documented, but maintaining a structure of this size would have required considerable resources.
### 40. **Umaid Bhawan Palace (India)**
- **Details**: Located in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, Umaid Bhawan Palace is one of the largest private residences in the world. A part of the palace is managed by Taj Hotels, while the rest is still the royal family’s residence.
- **Cost**: Estimated at 11 million INR in the 1930s, which is roughly equivalent to 150 million USD today.
### 41. **City Palace (India)**
- **Details**: Situated in Jaipur, Rajasthan, the City Palace is a blend of Mughal and Rajput architecture. It has been the residence of the Jaipur royal family since the 18th century.
- **Cost**: Difficult to estimate, but significant considering its size and grandeur.
### 42. **Marble Palace (India)**
- **Details**: Built in 1835 by Raja Rajendra Mullick in Kolkata, this neoclassical mansion is known for its marble floors, valuable art collection, and lavish interiors.
- **Cost**: The cost is difficult to estimate, but it was considered one of the most luxurious homes in India during the British colonial era.
### 43. **Falaknuma Palace (India)**
- **Details**: Located in Hyderabad, Falaknuma Palace was built by Nawab Vikar-ul-Umra and later became the residence of the Nizam of Hyderabad. It is now a luxury hotel.
- **Cost**: The construction cost was around 4 million INR in the late 19th century, equivalent to about 60 million USD today.
### 44. **Taj Lake Palace (India)**
- **Details**: Built in 1746 by Maharana Jagat Singh II, the Taj Lake Palace in Udaipur is now a luxury hotel. The palace appears to float on Lake Pichola and is known for its stunning architecture and setting.
- **Cost**: The original cost is not well-documented, but the palace is considered priceless due to its unique location and historical significance.
### 45. **Château de Fontainebleau (France)**
- **Details**: One of the largest French royal châteaux, Fontainebleau has been a home of French kings from Louis VII to Napoleon III. The palace is known for its Renaissance and classical architecture.
- **Cost**: The cost of construction and subsequent expansions is difficult to estimate but would be in the billions of USD today.
### 46. **Linderhof Palace (Germany)**
- **Details**: Built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria, Linderhof is the smallest of his three palaces and the only one he lived to see completed. It is known for its elaborate gardens and rococo-style architecture.
- **Cost**: 8.5 million marks in the 19th century, equivalent to about 100 million USD today.
### 47. **Marlborough House (United Kingdom)**
- **Details**: Located in London, Marlborough House was built in the early 18th century for the Duke of Marlborough. It has been used for various purposes, including as a residence for Queen Mary.
These palaces not only represent the architectural grandeur and cultural heritage of their respective nations but also serve as testaments to the immense resources and efforts expended in their construction. Many of these structures remain important cultural and historical sites,
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bluepaisley · 3 months
Discovering Elegance at Blue Paisley: Toronto’s Premier Rug Store 
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Discovering Elegance at Blue Paisley: Toronto’s Premier Rug Store
Toronto, a city renowned for its vibrant culture and diverse neighborhoods, is home to Blue Paisley, a premier rug store that has captivated the hearts of homeowners, designers, and rug enthusiasts alike. Located in the bustling heart of the city, Blue Paisley offers an exquisite collection of rugs that blend traditional craftsmanship with contemporary designs. Whether you are looking to add a touch of elegance to your home or seeking the perfect piece to complete a room’s aesthetic, Blue Paisley stands as a beacon of quality, variety, and exceptional service. To know more visit Blue Paisley.
A Tradition of Excellence
Blue Paisley’s reputation is built on a tradition of excellence that spans many years. The store is owned and operated by a team of experts who are passionate about rugs and dedicated to providing their customers with the best possible experience. From Persian and Oriental rugs to modern and custom designs, Blue Paisley’s collection is carefully curated to ensure that each piece meets the highest standards of quality and artistry.
An Exquisite Collection
One of the most compelling aspects of Blue Paisley is its extensive and diverse collection of rugs. The store offers a wide range of styles, sizes, and designs to suit any taste and interior décor. Here are some highlights from their impressive inventory:
Persian Rugs: Renowned for their intricate patterns and rich history, Persian rugs are a staple at Blue Paisley. Each rug is a work of art, handcrafted by skilled artisans using time-honored techniques. These rugs not only add beauty to a space but also serve as a testament to the enduring craftsmanship of Persian culture.
Oriental Rugs: Blue Paisley’s collection of Oriental rugs encompasses a variety of styles from different regions, including Turkey, India, and China. These rugs are known for their vibrant colors, complex patterns, and exceptional durability. Whether you prefer the bold designs of Turkish rugs or the delicate motifs of Chinese rugs, Blue Paisley has something to offer.
Modern Rugs: For those with a contemporary taste, Blue Paisley offers a stunning selection of modern rugs that feature sleek designs and innovative patterns. These rugs are perfect for adding a touch of sophistication and modernity to any room.
Custom Rugs: Understanding that every space is unique, Blue Paisley provides custom rug services to meet the specific needs and preferences of their customers. From choosing the materials and colors to designing a pattern that complements your décor, the team at Blue Paisley works closely with clients to create bespoke rugs that are truly one-of-a-kind.
Quality and Craftsmanship
At Blue Paisley, quality and craftsmanship are paramount. The store’s commitment to excellence is evident in every rug they offer. Each piece is carefully inspected to ensure it meets their rigorous standards. The rugs are made from high-quality materials such as wool, silk, and cotton, ensuring they are not only beautiful but also durable and long-lasting.
The artisans who create these rugs employ traditional techniques that have been passed down through generations. This dedication to preserving the art of rug-making results in pieces that are rich in detail and character, with a depth and texture that machine-made rugs simply cannot replicate.
Exceptional Customer Service
Blue Paisley’s commitment to customer satisfaction is another factor that sets it apart from other rug stores in Toronto. The knowledgeable and friendly staff are always on hand to assist customers, whether they are selecting a rug from the showroom or designing a custom piece. They take the time to understand each customer’s needs and preferences, offering personalized advice and guidance to help them find the perfect rug.
In addition to their in-store service, Blue Paisley offers convenient online shopping and home delivery options. Their website features a detailed catalog of their inventory, complete with high-quality images and descriptions, making it easy for customers to browse and shop from the comfort of their own homes.
Community Engagement and Sustainability
Blue Paisley is not just a rug store; it is a business that cares about its community and the environment. The store regularly participates in local events and supports charitable initiatives, demonstrating a commitment to giving back to the Toronto community. Moreover, Blue Paisley is dedicated to sustainability, sourcing their rugs from suppliers who adhere to ethical and environmentally friendly practices.
ConclusionFor those in Toronto seeking the finest rugs, Blue Paisley is the ultimate destination. With its exquisite collection, commitment to quality and craftsmanship, exceptional customer service, and dedication to community and sustainability, Blue Paisley stands out as a premier rug store. Whether you are an interior designer looking for the perfect piece or a homeowner wanting to add a touch of elegance to your space, Blue Paisley has the expertise and selection to meet your needs. Visit Blue Paisley today and discover the elegance and beauty that only a finely crafted rug can bring to your home. To know more contact us today.
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shoparug · 6 months
The Timeless Elegance of Oriental Rugs: A Guide to Adding Luxury to Your Home
Oriental rugs are not simply floor coverings; they may be pieces of art that have adorned homes for centuries. Originating from diverse areas in Asia, which includes Persia, China, India, and Turkey, these rugs are handmade with complicated designs and rich colors. Each rug tells a tale of the way of life, culture, and craftsmanship passed down through generations.
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Choosing the Perfect Oriental rug for Your Space
When deciding on an Oriental rug for your property, recall the dimensions, color scheme, and layout that complement your present decor. Whether you pick a bold statement piece or a diffused accent, there may be an extensive variety of alternatives to suit each taste and style. Take some time to discover specific patterns and materials to discover the perfect rug with the intention of beautifying the ambiance of your area.
Caring for Your Oriental rug: Tips and Tricks
To make certain the sturdiness of your Oriental rug, proper care and maintenance are vital. Regular vacuuming and rotating the rug can help save you wear and tear. Additionally, avoid putting the rug in direct daylight to prevent fading, and take into account the usage of a rug pad to offer extra cushioning and protection. In case of spills, set-off action is essential; blot the area lightly with a smooth cloth and keep away from rubbing to save you from spreading the stain.
Investing in Quality: Why Oriental Rugs Stand the Test of Time
While Oriental rugs may additionally come with a better fee tag, they're worth the investment because of their tremendous quality and durability. Handcrafted by way of skilled artisans with the use of traditional strategies, these rugs are built to the ultimate for generations. Unlike heavily produced rugs, Oriental rugs keep their value over the years and frequently come to be cherished heirlooms exceeded down inside households. By investing in a satisfactory Oriental rug, you aren't simply buying a bit of decor but a timeless treasure that provides warmth and comfort to your house.
In conclusion, Oriental rugs encompass a timeless beauty that transcends trends and fads. With their first-rate craftsmanship and wealthy records, those rugs have the strength to transform any space right into a sanctuary of splendor and class. Whether you're drawn to elaborate Persian designs or vibrant Chinese motifs, incorporating an Oriental rug into your property decor is positive to raise its attraction and attraction for years yet to come.
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