iroha-records · 11 months
I created a music mix playlist for cruising the city nights!
Edited by iroha-records.
Track List
opening (Tokyo Rouge+東京は夜の七時 / 野宮真貴 & Night Tempo)
最高品質靜悄悄 (feat. Leo王) / 9m88
Moonlight Cruising / Karoo & POPS研究会
Night Dream / iri
沉默的士高 / 王菀之
Hide & Seek (feat. 熊仔Poetek) / 李權哲
I'm Feeling You / CAPSULE
君に夢中 / 宇多田ヒカル
Back in those days / KREVA I
'm Humanity / Yakushimaru Etsuko
Let Go / 壞特 ?te
IN THIS WORLD feat. 坂本龍一 & 満島ひかり / MONDO GROSSO
Tokyo Rouge (feat. 野宮真貴) / Night Tempo
街の中を流す車内での音楽や、明かりの元の散歩時また、勉強中のお供や、cafe timeのBGMや、まったりと過ごす時間にぜひ。
心地よい音楽をミックスして皆様におとどけします。 A mix of pleasant music will be delivered. 愉快的音樂組合將被傳遞。
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444names · 2 months
Names generated from musical styles/genres and instruments.
Acel Acid Acks Acore Afre Afres Afrock Aljano Alrobion Alsal Ambard Amelamic Amelly Anat Anclads Ardcore Ardcounk Audgarte Auter...
Balsamal Banatone Bancemet Bard Bare Barimpop Barkcolk Basblues Bassiva Basslind Bassouse Beatic Bigiolk Bill Billasse Billy Bioneock Bitch Blud Blue Boares Bony Boxier Brapunk Bres Brisepop Britteco Brock Brockst Brohonce Bubaltz Bubster Bubtroco Buge Bulblue Bullodio Bune Buse Busic Busive Calsad Calte Carder Cardiep Cehiphon Cele Celevat Celistic Chal Chap Chapal Charance Chardcon Chare Charial Charock Cher Cherga Chern Chhopop Chhounk Chica Chicarom Chiphon Chiphop Chno Choroid Choustry Chrinic Chto Chtop Chumkind Clad Clads Clambal Clap Clardco Classive Colk Conicpop Corcolk Corep Cores Corlgrum Coul Couljazz Couse Coustep Crass Crock Crolk Cronjazz Crum Dang Dange Danharp Dano Danpop Danues Darga Darial Darnglop Darommet Dead Deaku Deerock Dele Dellwave Delo Demetal Denic Denstrap Derolk Derotop Derp Detalhop Dical Dicanta Diefuse Diemuse Dienbern Dienic Dighet Dirind Dism Dock Dojazz Drogreat Dronics Drumba Drunk Duba Duse Duses Dustick Dustrog Eathrise Elaca Elad Eleass Elech Elecolk Elegga Elegre Elhare Elhop Ellacid Eltino Eltz Emet Emetal Eupe Euphount Eurbal Eurfbal Eurock Eurogre Eurogrum Expetall Find Findism Flue Flues Flutepop Flutiolk Foldwam Folkmet Folkres Froca Frockent Frogrog Fuse Gardhop Garkwave Giolk Glectry Glepung Goretal Gregga Grem Gristica Grobieta Gromba Gron Grungae Guid Guise Gypsoul Gypunk Hace Hack Haco Halrody Hamassic Haming Handusic Hano Hantal Hanuess Hara Harang Hard Hards Hares Harock Harsno Hedic Herock Hillounk Hindmet Hipe Honce Honet Hophoul Houl Housical Imance Imba Imenimal Imetal Improck Ince Incehic Indmuse Indock Indub Inge Ingep Inglic Ingstga Inic Inpop Insco Irldmuse Jitfunk Jitton Jronine Junk Kent Kentry Keyblues Kpopop Kpunce Kpunk Lamba Lambio Lassic Lathme Lick Linduse Lore Louder Manoise Mare Markwal Memo Mencern Meta Metable Metal Metalla Mete Mial Mibal Mibass Mind Ming Mingle Mingspe Minic Minicba Modbeat Monijazz Muffing Music Mustep Neock Neop Nerock Netblues Nethcorp Noidhop None Obble Pacele Pacise Pance Panfol Piangem Piphonic Piphop Piphoul Piphounk Plichop Plife Plincla Popop Popsal Porrage Posoul Postive Postrial Postry Powees Power Powern Powerna Powery Powes Praise Prock Prog Progre Prom Prop Psic Psofolk Psych Psyjazz Punk Punkco Quards Raku Rass Reaku Reedcore Reepowes Rehilly Restent Rhounkme Roca Rocapso Ronica Roval Sady Saefunk Salsar Saly Samet Samush Sare Sarto Satife Saxopop Saxopunk Skabion Skaphone Slife Slud Smootop Smuffine Soud Sounk Souphop Souse Sousica Soustep Sout Southcop Spago Spante Speempet Spees Spern Sperock Spetal Spiem Spiphoul Stent Stial Stiana Stive Stpunk Stre Stritial Strock Sunkrova Surfba Surock Surolk Swamind Swava Swave Swinimet Sych Sycoreep Sycounk Syjazz Symn Symphoul Synt Tetal Texass Therock Thgress Thpop Traggar Trine Trobeba Trock Turfpop Turfre Unkca Urogra Vahordub Vance Vathcore Vaudga Vaudge Violk Viom Vock Voclamin Wobblue Wobead Woolk Woomuse Wootepop Wore Wores Wormuse Worn Worrock Yode Yody
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moonbfs · 3 years
今天的晚霞与昨天的得失 by 饭卡, 黄唯铭
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fuckjoong · 4 years
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urfavehatescops · 4 years
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The Phantom Thieves hates cops!
requested by @chiphop
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I realize now hes already there but he should be there more
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koreantunes · 5 years
张艺兴 (LAY) - Honey (和你)
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heyboyitsyeol · 4 years
Chengdu Corp 2020 Cypher
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krisispiss · 5 years
What is Kris's reaction to whenever she sees another big purple wolf?
“SAME HAT... Except its our entire body!”
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iroha-records · 1 year
日本語ヒップホップ 中国語ヒップホップ 韓国がヒップホップの共演!アジアの心踊るhip-hopを集めミックスしてみました! A collection of songs that will make your dance!
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yourfavwillpay · 5 years
Jeff Bezos WILL pay (for my fursuit)
I don't usually publish request asks but this one made me lose it djdbshsgd
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squeakitties · 5 years
What would happen if tammy met gremlin tammy
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On crack huh? Yall got a link?
here i guess
- Mod Heiden
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covershaven · 4 years
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Sdewdent - Step Into Da Classroom Vol​​.​​2 2018 Chinese Underground Hip-Hop/Rap
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ventus-selphus · 5 years
I wanna hear abt it 👀
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8th-agent · 5 years
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