#chiron in the eighth house
Hello dear!
Can you explain me what Chiron 8th house in synastry brings? My ♋️ Venus and Chiron falls there. I’ve read carefully what you wrote about Venus, but generally I didn’t found too many observations about Chiron.
Thank you!
Chiron 8th house overlay
Thank you for your question! Generally, any heavenly body falling into the eighth house will be meeting with the house person in the place where there are the house person’s secrets, their sexuality, their depth and hidden darkness. An 8th house overlay will play out depending on the nature of that heavenly body. Chiron is a wound and a healer at the same time. Of course, falling into someone’s eighth house of darkness and shame/pain and sex and have chiron meet a person in specifically that side of them, is bound to be very much felt. I’d say that house person would happily want to keep chiron’s secrets for them, and will nurture the intensity of that wounded healer side to the chiron as much as they can, wether they do this consciously or subconsciously. Chiron can feel extremely passionate, almost like a responsibility, to drown in the 8th house person’s trouble and ugliness. I feel like this can play out in two ways: either the house person will feel chirons effect on them as a healer and instinctively hide (but cave) from them, while chiron basically gets their medicine from being involved with the house person. Compare that to chiron receiving prescribed drugs from a questionable doctor. Or chiron will be the one who is initially disturbed by the effect the stuff of the house person has on them, like they’re watching a family member get buried, but they cave and can’t look away of course, out of love from that person and as the person who helped the arrangements of the funural.
This aspect has a big influence on the sexuality of the two people. Chiron may feel kind of dirty after doing it with the house person. This can manifest in a good way and of course bad ways as well. The house person can feel like they’re tainting a wound of the chiron person, depending on the house placement of the chiron person, by having sex with them. For instance, if someone has their chiron in the second house overlaying an eighth house in synastry, the house person may feel like the ‘tramp’ in the lady abd the tramp. Like they know the chiron person ‘could’ do better or worse than them, but didn’t. Be careful with abuse !
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therhetoricofmagic · 1 year
Chiron in the 8th House: Delving into Deep Wounds and Creating Transformative Healing
Astrology can be one of the most effective tools for self-discovery and introspection, providing insights into our personalities, life paths, and the challenges we may face along the way. One celestial body that carries profound significance in astrological interpretations is Chiron, often referred to as the “wounded healer.” When Chiron is placed in the 8th House of a natal chart, its presence…
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venusgroove · 11 months
chiron in the solar return houses
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when reading a solar return chart, i always look at chiron’s placement. chiron can tell you where you’ll be struggling the most that year.
chiron never fails to give you a hard lesson, you cannot go against the lessons chiron has prepared for you. although this seems tough, once the pain and grief is experienced, you’ll be gifted with strength.
chiron in the first house
issues with self-identity. chiron in the first house can experience negative comments towards appearance and/or personality leading low self esteem. there can be an overall negative approach to life, a lack of optimism.
chiron in the second house
issues with material possessions. chiron in the second house can lead to tricky financial situations or just possessions stolen, this can cause a lot of physical and mental stress. there can also be issues in the work environment, things may be stressful.
chiron in the third house
issues with communication. chiron in the third house can cause miscommunication in both parties, the person with the placement and with other people. things said may be taken the wrong way. there can also be conflicts with siblings.
chiron in the fourth house
issues with family. chiron in the fourth house can cause conflicts in the family. family members can be fighting often or the person with the placement is fighting with family members. either way, instability will be found in relationships at home. this can also cause direct issues with the mother.
chiron in the fifth house
issues with finding happiness. chiron in the fifth house can cause a depressing year. it can be hard to enjoy things that are deemed as fun. there can also be a lack of creativity, this can cause a burnout, especially to someone with water placements.
chiron in the sixth house
issues in routine. chiron in the sixth house can cause life to feel somewhat dull. things can feel boring, there may be the feeling that the days are just repeating themselves. this can lead to a negative mindset, a decline in mental health. there can also be issues with physical or mental health.
chiron in the seventh house
issues in relationships. chiron in the seventh house can lead to romantic rejection. asking people out will often lead to getting declined. if one is already in a relationship, this can mean toxicity may arise in the relationship.
chiron in the eighth house
issues with maintaining positive energies. chiron in the eighth house creates a negative energy, not only can this harm the person with the placement, but also those surrounding them. this is happens due to the fact that energy is so contagious. there can also be issues with letting go, holding onto old experiences can contribute to the negative energy that was previously discussed.
chiron in the ninth house
issues in finding meaning/purpose in life. chiron in the ninth house can cause turbulence to philosophic beliefs. there may be many stressful thoughts relating to experiences of death and what happens after death. there can also be issues with higher education, such as college.
chiron in the tenth house
issues with reputation. chiron in the tenth house makes others jealous of ones status, therefore they try to sabotage. friends will often be hidden enemies. there can also be issues with a father figure.
chiron in the eleventh house
issues with friends. chiron in the eleventh house can bring negativity to friendships. either friends backstabbing or struggling to create friendships. this can also cause a negative experience with technology, something such as cyberbullying.
chiron in the twelfth house
issues in spiritually healing. chiron in the twelfth house drains spiritual energy, leading to a blockage in healing. this could lead to a negative mental space. there can also be issues with sleeping, a possibility of getting insomnia or having nightmares and experiencing sleep paralysis.
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cleapallea · 23 days
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𝙎𝙊𝙇𝘼𝙍 𝙎𝘼𝙏𝙐𝙍𝙉 𝙍𝙀𝙏𝙐𝙍𝙉 2024 (3rd observation/s)
This is my personal observation if you feel that descriptions doesn't fit you. Take this with a grain of salt.
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Sun in the 8th house indicates quitting your bad habits; it can be based on your charts and transits. The Sun represents ego and self, While the eighth house refers to death.
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6th house with Aquarius sign can indicate adopting small pets. I have my small adopted kitten that looks like a mouse 😂.
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Aquarius and Mars aspects in Solar Return are prone to emotional outbursts this year. Like in hell, every second. I swear.
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Aquarius in eighth house in solar return you might find your relationship doesn't last because you are into your vibes and moons.  For instance, you want someone and you want another person. Hell, this gives me a feeling of playboy and playgirl vibes.
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Venus  in the 1st house means there is a magnetic factor about your appearance this year. Plus, you might find yourself spending a lot of time taking care of your face like you literally buy anything related to face products. Just be it.
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Chiron in 7th house Your close friends or partner might hurt you so badly. So their way of hurting is based on transits, what sign associated with Chiron, and the cause is based upon the houses 
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Plagiarism is A Crime— all rights belong to @cleapallea
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astroa3h · 8 months
chiron through the houses 🥲
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Chiron, often referred to as the "Wounded Healer" in astrology, represents our deepest wounds from childhood and the challenges we face, but also our greatest potential for healing. It's like that one thing that keeps tripping us up, but also teaches us the most valuable lessons. Each house in astrology represents a different area of life, and where Chiron falls can reveal a lot about our childhood and the kind of challenges we might face.
1st House (The House of Self): If Chiron is in your first house, as a kid, you might have felt invisible or misunderstood. Picture this: you're trying to express who you are, but it feels like no one gets it. Maybe you were bullied for being different, or you just felt like an outsider. This can lead to a lifelong journey of self-discovery, where you learn to embrace your uniqueness and stop trying to fit into someone else's box.
2nd House (The House of Value): Chiron in the second house? Money and self-worth issues could have been a big theme in your childhood. Maybe your family struggled financially, or you felt you had to earn love and approval. It's like you're always trying to prove your worth, but deep down, you struggle with feeling good enough. The lesson here is learning that your value isn't tied to your bank account or what others think of you.
3rd House (The House of Communication): Here, Chiron might have made communication a challenge. Perhaps you were super shy, had a speech issue, or just felt like no one listened to you. It's like you had all these thoughts and ideas, but expressing them was a whole other story. The journey is about finding your voice and realizing that what you have to say matters.
4th House (The House of Home and Family): This one's tough. Chiron in the fourth house can mean there were some deep wounds related to home life or family. Maybe there was instability, or you just never felt like you belonged. It's the kind of stuff that can make you feel alone in a crowded room. Healing comes from creating your own sense of home and belonging, often very different from your upbringing.
5th House (The House of Creativity and Pleasure): Childhood might have been lacking in fun and spontaneity if Chiron was here. Maybe you were forced to grow up too fast or your creative talents were dismissed. Youth most likely felt very serious and heavy. It's like you were always yearning for a carefree moment but never got it. The path to healing is about reconnecting with your inner child and allowing yourself to play and create without judgment.
6th House (The House of Health and Service): Chiron here could mean health issues or a sense of duty that weighed on you as a kid. Perhaps you had to care for others or your own health was a constant concern. It's like you never got to just be a kid because there were always responsibilities or worries. Healing involves learning to care for yourself and realizing it's okay to put your needs first sometimes.
7th House (The House of Partnerships): Relationships might have been a source of pain in childhood with Chiron in this house. Maybe you saw unhealthy relationships or experienced early heartbreak. It's like you're always searching for that perfect partner but fear getting hurt. The lesson is learning to find balance in relationships and that it's okay to be vulnerable.
8th House (The House of Transformation): This is a deep one. Chiron in the eighth house can point to experiencing loss or trauma at a young age. It's intense stuff, like dealing with death, or feeling like you've seen too much too soon. The healing journey is about facing these dark experiences and finding strength in the transformation that comes from moving through pain.
9th House (The House of Philosophy and Travel): Here, you might have felt limited or caged in, craving adventure and meaning. Maybe your family had strict beliefs, or you just felt a deep urge to explore but couldn't. Healing comes from broadening your horizons, physically or mentally, and finding your own truth.
10th House (The House of Career and Public Image): Chiron in the 10th house can mean early pressure to succeed or a fear of failure. Perhaps you were pushed into the spotlight or had big shoes to fill. It's like you're always climbing a mountain, trying to prove yourself. The key is to define success on your own terms and realize it's okay not to be perfect.
11th House (The House of Friendships and Hopes): With Chiron here, fitting in might have been the struggle. Maybe you were the odd one out, or your dreams seemed out of reach. It's like you were always on the outside looking in. Healing involves finding your tribe and realizing that your unique perspective is what makes you special.
12th House (The House of the Subconscious and Hidden Things): This is the house of secrets and hidden challenges. Chiron here might mean you had to deal with things no child should have to, often in silence. It's the unseen wounds, the stuff you keep locked away. Healing is about bringing these things into the light, facing them, and finding peace.
xox astro ash
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pallastrology · 1 year
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🌾 oppositions create more of a stalemate, while squares create competition. this effect is clearest when looking at synastry charts, where you can look at where the tension is. they both have interesting dynamics, but the square is more energised and the opposition more cautious
🌾 we often associate certain houses with love; fifth and seventh, for example. but in my experience, such a huge part of life follows us everywhere, and we see it expressed in every house
🌾 taurus moons have a very soothing aura. they are a sign you can sit in silence with, and just take in the feeling of finally coming home
🌾 water houses can represent different aspects of our inner world. the fourth house is all about our sense of safety and the innocent, childlike imagination we keep safe within; the eighth holds our fears and the shadow self, the parts of ourselves we keep packed away; the twelfth relates to dreams and our unconscious memory, what our bodies hold onto for us
🌾 sun sextile sun in synastry feels easy, safe. it’s not a thrilling, tense, engulfing aspect but a lazy, tender one. it makes me think of those couples that have been married longer than you’ve been alive, or a friends-to-lovers situation
🌾 chiron in the first house, or aspecting the ascendant, can indicate struggles with body image and disordered eating. of course, the rest of the chart needs to be taken into consideration, but chiron brings with it a wound, and when it’s focused on the self, it can hint at body image difficulties, and trying to control one’s self with food
🌾 mars in libra is often called manipulative. this is because they are highly attuned to those around them, good at reading between the lines, and are people pleasers. they generally don’t have bad intentions, but can be guilty of using their emotional intelligence to “mind read” and steer people in certain directions
🌾 neptune aspecting the descendant or in the seventh house can go one of two ways; sometimes the native is attracted to - and attracts - neptunian people, who may be deceptive or confusing; or alternatively, the native may be prone to deluding themselves in relationships, justifying bad behaviour and wearing rose-tinted glasses
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fulltacs · 3 months
simon has a scorpio moon, i know he does, i heard people with scorpio moons means their mother had a hard birth/pregnancy and it makes sense to me. also a libra sun maybe???? he’s a big justice guy i feel
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going by his birthday on historicawiki he’s a Scorpio Sun and Cancer Moon (jfc the “emo” jokes were not jokes!!). his chart is ALL water and fire *sweats nervously*
but you’re on to something bc Scorpio and its aspects or House placements can indicate strong ties to death, difficult birth, or rebirth 👀👀👀 Scorpio is INTENSE!!! I just KNOW this man has the most astronomically fucked up Eighth House (death/transformation) 😭 of all time… and Twelfth House (secrets, psychic power) and Fourth House (family, home life) 😭😭😭
other thoughts:
-Sag Venus sextile Scorpio Pluto. you’re never getting out of his bed #rip. combined with his Sun, we can safely assume that sex/intimacy is everything to him. it’s his most natural form of communication. it’s his main drive, he seeks the power from sex that he can easily wield over others
-Sagittarius Venus = when he loves you he wants to crawl inside your brain and live there. combined with all his strong Scorpio placements you are simply Not Allowed to keep anything from this guy lol sorry
-who headcanon-ed the Ghost distribution system?? like he’s a cat? more correct than we could ever know
-plus a Capricorn Mars? square Pluto?
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(tolerates it from ONE person and that respect goes to our Libra stellium king John Price 🙂↕️)
-surprisingly level-headed, I’ll be damned
-the stars also agree that he’s a jokester!
-wouldn’t mind being submissive! is a romantic at heart! unfortunately he has too many trust issues to even consider it :(
-now you might THINK his Saturn is wrecking havoc on his chart— and it is, but we’ll get to that later— but for those who persevere through hardship, Saturn rewards you many many many times over
-Chiron (minor asteroid, healing) has gotta be working overtime
-that secret psychic power, btw: Simon has the power of optimism. I shit you not! push him far enough and he will bend and reshape his reality with the power of hope. I CANNOT make this shit up.
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astronotesstuff · 2 years
astrology observations part one‼️‼️
(disclaimer: i'm no professional and these are just personal observations so it's not the end of the world if they're not accurate 💀)
people with the moon in the eighth house don't express their needs because it makes them feel vulnerable, but throughout their life they learn that the universe can't give them what they want unless they speak up
ik this is kind of a stereotype but virgo mercury is actually so good with their schoolwork/work and everything (as long as they're mentally stable) they're like the go to people if you're doing group projects
those with a scorpio venus probably would legitimately kill to protect the one they love, i've seen some go crazy when you do so much as insult their s/o (even if their moon sign is in the seemingly more aloof signs like capricorn)
leo moons will think you're upset with them if you forget to say hello when you run into them, if you ignore them they'll never speak to you again lmao
cancer stereotypes aren't true at all 💀 they're not big crybabies who try to guilt trip you all the time (unless you've met a cancer mars-) but obv they're gonna be hesitant to open up at first because they've had to have been hurt before to know what it's like to feel that deeply, but then they can be very comforting people to be around. (one of my friends is a cancer moon and i went to her after a breakup and she gave me a hug and was all like "HE CAN GO F OFF AND YOURE GONNA SHOW OFF YOUR NEW PERSON AND HE'S GONNA BE JEALOUS BECAUSE HE FKED UP- DONT YOU DARE CRY" and it was so sweet- also she has a fire sun lol)
ik two people who both have mars in cancer and when they're upset it's actually a big pain to deal with, these people will scream and cry, they'll make you cry, bring a lot of their feelings into it and take your every move personally like deadass you can't breathe the wrong way and they'll be crying for hours (one had mars in a square with pluto and the other had an 8th house mars so this prolly amplified their aggression)
those with venus conjunct/trine saturn or with saturn in the seventh (maybe fifth) house may feel like no one deserves them because they're such dutiful partners and give lifelong commitment, but they've attracted partners who don't take relationships seriously and then had to carry the weight of the relationship and put all the effort in just for someone who doesn't care
same goes for a water venus/venus in 4th, 8th, or 12/venus-moon, venus-pluto, venus-neptune with feeling like no one deserves them because these ppl give that deep emotional love
however negative aspects between venus and saturn (VENUS-CHIRON TOO) can be the opposite and feel like they're unworthy of/not good enough for the partners who come into their life
8th/12th house placements are usually into occultism and stuff (i have a stellium in one of these houses and a lot of other people who are into astrology do too)
mercury-mars aspects can actually think of a solution so fast, and these people WILL cut you with their tongue and be the biggest pain to get into an argument with. maybe they were around people who showed this kind of behavior to them as a kid so they just picked it up from their childhood
don't even try to get a capricorn or aquarius moon to talk about their feelings they never will LMAO
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livelaughghoul · 3 months
ooooh just to add to what the other anons have said about Lewis Hamilton, I would say he'd be into Astro or at least has knowledge of it because he's got the Capricorn sign tattooed on him. Also, he is spiritual or at least into spirituality because another tattoo he has on his hand is the Metatron Cube as well as a Divine Love tattoo. He does have other religious tattoos on him as well. Also, I've been catching up on your blog posts and have really enjoyed them so thank you 🫶
I finally pulled his chart, and took a look at it!
My initial thought is that he definitely is spiritual, or at least holds a lot of spiritual beliefs. His Chiron is in his eighth house, which influences spirituality. So I definitely think that he finds a lot of healing in the more spiritual aspect of things!
We love an open minded, spiritual man!
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theblissfulstars · 6 months
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Total Solar Eclipse: April 8th, 2024,
This Solar eclipse on April 8th 1:27 pm starting in the state of TX and ending in Main for the U.S packs quite a punch. Places and people where the eclipse is visible will be most impacted, and of course please check houses and personal planets on the axis of Aries and Libra to see where you will be most impacted.
This eclipse is all about initiation regarding major reform surrounding ideas of nationalism and homeplace with a Cancer rising. With Cancer ruling the uterine reproductive system, I wouldn't be surprised if a major theme surrounding reproductive rights was brought to head this eclipse, as well as major conflicts surrounding immigration, borders, and national identity. With the ruler of the ascendant being in Aries, we can expect explosions, harm and destruction to play a major role as well within the overarching theme of this eclipse.
This destructive energy is hoisted up in the 10th house for this eclipse showing that there's going to be a broadcasting of the gory details in a shocking and upsetting way. This eclipse is taking place with a hard conjunction to Chiron, illuminating our collective wounds surrounding war, destruction, and patriarchal ways of being. The aforementioned configuration is square Ceres in Capricorn denoting that this is going to be a time of mass end and brutal climax.
With the ruler of the 10th house and eclipse ruler in the 8th house in Pisces, along with the influence from Ceres, we can expect the reaper to come for major political figures in a jarring and showy way. With the sixth house Ceres placement, and even the eighth house influence, this could be a significant “self-reapping” of a prominent political figure or even a secret taking out of a figure.
Mars is conjunct Saturn by one degree in the 8th house in Pisces, showing that there is a karmic exposure of secrets surrounding shared resources. Pay close attention to taxes during this time particularly institutions that deal with our taxes, as their rear ends will be exposed. Similarly, religious institutions as well are also going to be exposed surrounding practices, ideologies and behind the scenes behavior that's going to create schism and redirection of funds. This is going to come as quite a shock to the world, with Jupiter being conjunct Uranus and the 10th house, it is going to cause a major impact on not only the economy,but the environment. With comet 12P swinging past earth during this time until June 2024 which it only does in its eccentric elliptical orbit every 71 years, we can expect seismic activity, vulcanism, unrest and the fall of empires, how so…medieval, no?
There's going to be a major standoff in the global legal system as well with Ceres square Mars and Saturn, especially regarding crimes done in the dark, under the guise of religion and surrounding death. On a less grand stage, the federal legal system is going to be going through reform and reconsideration. Pay very close attention in particular to legal proceedings surrounding Donald Trump during this time.
The energies of this eclipse are somewhat like the ten of swords, where you hit rock bottom and have no choice but to change. This definitely marks a major pivoting point and a point of diplomatic relations with Venus being in the ninth house conjunct Neptune. Divinity and Destiny is at play here and with the North node in the ninth house, I cannot stress this enough, Creator is involved in the world right now. Destiny has a heavy hand move wisely.
The cards I pulled for this eclipse are as follows: 9 of cups reversed, 5 of cups reversed, 10 of pentacles reversed, 9 of wands.
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geographerdose · 1 year
Celestial Screenshots Destined for Fame, Part 4:
Charlize Theron
⚠️TW: death, violence, childhood trauma⚠️
All of the information used in this article was taken from her Wiki page/biography. I am a student of astrology and thus all that I have learned in that course deserves the instructor’s credit, along with all the astrologers before him from Vettius Valens to the translators of ancient texts. I thank you for passing on this knowledge and am grateful to receive it. To protect his privacy and name (because what if I’m completely butchering these concepts, lmao) I will keep it to myself. I believe in the importance of giving credit where it is due and thus that is my intention here. I also believe in the right to privacy and thus that is my secondary intention.
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{Please note this is not a confirmed birth time. Rodden rating: C.}
👹 I was watching The Devil’s Advocate and was curious of Charlize’s age during filming (maybe 20-21 btw since the film was released in 1997). NATURALLY I had to pull up her birth chart because that is what I do…
🏆 Tenth house and MC ruled by Mercury which falls in her twelfth house and is conjunct her LEO Sun and Moon. This, my friends, is a Leo stellium.
🍇 Something about the twelfth house and fame; here is yet another example. I originally learned about this concept from Tan Astrology and her YouTube video on fame.
🎾 Leo Stellium in the 12th house coupled with Venus conjunct the Ascendant —> need I say more in regards to fame?
🌷 Venus is at its fall in Virgo, as is Aries. However, most of the time women with these are literally DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. Like shockingly so. Given its conjunct her Ascendant is obviously helping matters, as the woman is clearly beautiful. (Inside and out, with her humanitarian efforts.)
🌹Angelina Jolie and Hayden Panettiere also have Venus conjunct their Ascendant. The beauty is not just on the outside. These people have beautiful souls as well, if you look at how they give back and use that fame for the greater good.
⚠️⚠️ TW: death, childhood trauma, violence
This is solely for entertainment purposes and I am drawn to darker themes. This information is public knowledge via Wikipedia. I do not intend any disrespect and I hold deep empathy and compassion for what happened. I cannot imagine the utter terror and suffering she and her mother must have gone through on that day. If requested, I will take this down. I am an astrology enthusiast and student at present so finding examples where I get to see the learned concepts in action is rewarding and ultimately a learning experience for me. This blog is basically my “practice space” for using what I learned “in real life”. I do not have close friends or family and so am limited on charts to study. Ultimately I decided to just post it anyway since I am a nobody and thus nobody will likely even read it, lol, less likely Charlize herself but I still wanted to add this intro for the principle of the matter.
⭐️ As I was reading through Charlize’s biography on Wikipedia, I was alarmed to read about her childhood. Her father was an alcoholic and shot at her mother and her, causing her mother to get her own shotgun and shoot him out of necessity. I wanted to see what such a traumatic event might look like via a celestial screenshot.
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📦 The eighth house is considered a not ideal place to have planets and it is also squaring Saturn. Eight house speaks of death so having the ruler of her childhood placed here speaks of what happened.
🛑 Also worth noting that when this traumatic event happened, she was 15. This is a fourth house profection year. The fourth house speaks of our childhood and it is ruled by Jupiter in her chart.
⛔️ Chiron conjunct her fourth house Ruler too. Chiron in any of the angular houses (even by aspect when it is this close by degree) is going to make childhood trauma/difficulty more active since those houses are “goaded” into action via the angular nature.
🍸 See Neptune present in the fourth as well? It can represent alcohol/drugs which was also involved in the event.
🌑 She was born during a New Moon and her Spirit+Fortune are in the first house (just like I learned the other day; seeing it “in the wild” makes my soul extremely happy). When Spirit and Fortune are in the same house, often the Native will tend to mix career and love in some way. In the class example, there was a married couple that had a business together. In her case, she met her partner on the set of the film Trapped. (GREAT movie by the way: Kevin Bacon and Dakota Fanning star alongside her.)
🩼 The Moon and our Ascendant ruler can speak to our body and health. She has had numerous health issues, specifically on set, despite being healthy and I believe this is because both her Moon and AS Ruler fall in the twelfth house, which is not an ideal house to have planets in. There is some mitigation to the negativity due to Sun being in its domicile and of the sect in favor.
🎳 The Sun, Moon and Mercury are all applying to a square with the malefic contrary to sect Mars. Even with four planets involved there is no reception. They are considered in a slightly less severe position given the degrees are 5+ between all three applying to Mars. Nevertheless it is a difficult placement, especially because her AS ruler+Moon (both representing physical vitality) are being maltreated.
🚀 Mars is “dominating” the Leo stellium containing her chart ruler and Moon through a superior square to which all planets are applying. This is a textbook example.
☄️ Also because there is reception with the square from Mars (which is actually difficult given it is the malefic contrary to sect), this is also making things slightly better.
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⏱️The transits on that day:
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🩸The most alarming to me at first glance was the transiting Chiron conjunct her natal Saturn within one degree. If I remember correctly, Saturn can represent the father (so can the Sun).
🌎 Because she has a day chart, Mars is the more challenging malefic.
🌞 Transiting Mars is conjunct her natal Sun (and AS Ruler, and Moon aka her body in danger). Also her father in danger. Transiting Mars is also squaring her natal Mars.
💿 Jupiter is the benefic of the sect in favor and is capable of doing the most good but it is in the twelfth place co-present with the malefic contrary to sect (and conjunct that Leo stellium). I believe this created an “ok” outcome in that neither Charlize or her mother were harmed, according to the article, and also that her mother was not charged (because it was clearly self defense but sometimes justice does not always work the way it should IRL). It is a tragedy regardless and far from “ok”; however she and her mother both survived with their health, freedom and each other.
👾 that is all for now, folks… eventually I will finish this movie (again) but didn’t Keanu Reeves’ character have to kill his father in this movie? 🤫
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planetsstarsandmoons · 11 months
All hail synastry queen 👑 I enjoy your synastry content a lot, reading your chart interpretations religiously is part of my daily rituals at this point. If you have the time, I would appreciate it if you take a look at this chart. Me and this person have been on and off for about 2 years now and although they pretty much are using me as an emotional punch bag I cannot find it in me to just leave for good? I just feel this immense pull and I can't quit it. Do they feel it too? Am I on their mind as much as they are on mine? Smh. I'm blue and they're orange.
Have a blessed day ❤️
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Ahww thank you so much for the compliments !! 💫💕
To: answer your question: Sex. It’s sex. If you never had sex with this person, you wouldn’t feel this way. It’s almost comical how extremely addicting the sex is in this synastry. Mars conjunct mars. You’re exactly each other’s sexual style. Your energies match too well and he sees the aggressive, selfish and sexual side of himself in you. Therefore you becomes inconsiderate and hard on purpose, like a punching bag. He thinks you can ‘handle it’, plus your chiron, the healer, inspires this in him. It’s like he’s having you around this way to heal him. Your chiron sits right there on your mars, squeezed in between this volatility. His actions hurt you because chiron is a wound that is constantly being triggered ! Why do you keep coming back? Probably because the sex is great and your chiron is in too deep already. Because at the same time, his mars is healing you in intimate moments. Being the mars person in this 8th house synastry is what makes you terminally motivated to protect him, sex him, be with him because it energizes you. With him I mean all the dark, hidden and primal parts of his personality. Him doing ‘wrong’ will not turn you off, because it’s the 8th house. It’s the literal definition of ‘warts and all’. These factors are the reason why you think this is a love connection.
Your moon square his neptune is also what creates delusion, there’s an element of ‘passionate romance’ there with venus trine pluto/lilith that is fun and inspiring. He ‘really likes’ you in the sense that’s he’s romantically impressed by your depth and independent sexuality and you, though harmoniously, feel very obsessive towards him. Are you on their mind? To him you are this powerful force of the best martian energy match that he’ll ever have, combined with a healer and a plutonian. He is constantly ‘wowed’ by you but idk if you’re on their mind a lot. It depends on how this person is affected by chiron and mars in the eighth house. Some people get obsessed and touched it, others just use it more. I’ve said before that chiron conjunct mars is the only sexual aspect that will make a man marry a woman. Maybe he feels that towards you? He feels very known by you. The reason I said it’s almost comical how sex is troubling your view of the situation is 1. Because charts often tell the same story twice or three times. Moon square neptune. 2. Because I am not seeing any other potent romantic aspects. I only see aspects for lingering and a relationship that is romantically shortlived. I get that he’s addicting, but you know in your soul that if what you’re looking for is a good safe partnership, you’re not getting 100% of your needs met here.
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jupiicoree · 4 months
Introduction ✧.*
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Hello I am new to astrology and with this account I am going to use it for observations and anything related. ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
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↠Sun - Self, main concerns, vitality
↠Moon - emotions, instincts, habits
↠Mercury - communication, intellect, reasons
↠Venus - love, art, beauty
↠Mars - action, desire, aggression
↠Jupiter - expansions, optimism, abundance
↠Saturn - Restriction, pessimism, structure
↠Uranus - rebellion, eccentricity, upheavel
↠Neptune - Imagination, dreams, delulsions
↠Pluto - transformation, obsession, power
↠North Node - Potential
↠South Node - Karmic Past
↠Chiron - Point of Healing
↡ ↡
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→First House Appearance, outward personality
→Second House Money, possessions, values
→Third House Communication, immediate environment, brothers and sisters
→Fourth House Home, parents, roots, circumstances at the end of life
→Fifth House Romance, children, creativity, fun
→Sixth House Work, health, service
→Seventh House Marriage and other partnerships
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→Eighth House Sex, death, regeneration, other people’s money
→Ninth House Higher education, travel, religion, philosophy, publishing, law
→Tenth House Career, status, reputation
→Eleventh House Friends, groups, goals, aspirations
→Twelfth House Seclusion, secrets, spirituality, self-sabotage, institutions
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Goodbye for now !
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moonsquaremars · 8 months
i’m looking at his natal chart. even though we aren’t together anymore, i can’t help myself. i’m still struggling to make sense of everything that has happened, but i’m slowly accepting distance as the reality. there’s just something about him.
we both have five planets in retrograde. his are the outers. i have venus, no saturn, plus chiron or something. i’ve always liked the fact i have a lot of retrograde planets, and most people don’t have more than one or two. our charts really are like a mirror.
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i found the source for his violence and emotional power games. it’s his mars conjunct saturn, both in twelfth house. i admire him for that. since my sun is there, i’m no judge of the chaos the 12th house brings. i seem to live in it and enjoy it. our relationship was quite twelfth house after all.
but supposedly mars & saturn connections can bring a penchant for harshness and cruelty. quite frankly, that kinda turns me on. i do have a bunch of squares to my moon & pluto after all. i thought the arguments we had were fun. i have a gemini stellium and he has a gemini moon. it wasn’t fun and games for him though unfortunately.
i remember when i saw his qi energy one day in his back yard. qi energy is something i see on people sometimes, like their spirit energy. for him, it was a quick glimpse like the right side of his face was rotting. his eyeball was missing and it was like creepy. it was quite scary come to think of it, but somehow it transferred a light to me. and i don’t recall feeling too scared by it.
but after that, i began seeing a light in other peoples eyes occasionally. it was like a “hey, i’m here for you. i’m not judging you” kind of light. i think me seeing his qi energy gave me that light, to help me move forward when i get so depressed. and as i would come to find out, the 8th house is the house of “rot”. and he was my eighth house sun.
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astrojulia · 1 year
Hello ! How are you ? I would like to participate in your Sirentale game please ^^
1.Birth chart details:
Birthdate : 10/28/1999
Birthplace : Grasse, France
Birth time : 19.04
2.Underwater emoji 🌊:
🐙 for a mysterious and deep narrative:
3. Fun question about yourself : What was the name of your first stuffed toy/plushy ? And how did you play with it ? (did you invent some adventures for him, did you treated like your baby, did you do both...)
Thank you so much for the game, and have a nice day :)
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Hello Siren! This is an ask related to my Sirentale game that is already closed! So there's no point trying to participate now, as there are no more "spaces". If there is a good interaction, I may open a new game in the future. Kisses from the Sea!
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In the mystical realm of Zodiac Enclave, where constellations twirled and celestial secrets whispered in the night, lived Lepoulpe—an enigmatic octopus with eyes like cosmic orbs. Each resident of this ethereal land was born under a unique birth chart, a tapestry woven by the stars, revealing the essence of their existence. Lepoulpe's chart, however, was a masterpiece of enigma, and their story was destined to be one of profound mystery.
In the first house, under the steadfast sign of Taurus, lay Lepoulpe's unshakable determination. Their willpower was as unyielding as the mountains, and it provided the foundation for their epic journey through the Zodiac Enclave. The moon, nestled in Gemini within the second house, granted them an agile and ever-curious mind, constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences.
With the third and fourth houses bathed in the nurturing waters of Cancer, Lepoulpe discovered profound emotional depth and an unbreakable connection to their family. Pallas in Leo and the North Node in Leo illuminated a path of creativity and self-expression, promising a destiny intertwined with artistry.
The radiant light of Leo bathed the fifth house, illuminating Lepoulpe's life with a burning passion for creativity. Ceres in Virgo and Venus in Virgo bestowed upon them an exquisite attention to detail and a deep appreciation for the subtle beauty of existence. In the sixth house, also in Virgo, the Sun in Scorpio and Vesta in Scorpio ignited an unwavering dedication to unveiling hidden truths, making Lepoulpe the consummate cosmic detective.
In the seventh house, the intensity of Scorpio beckoned with Mercury in Scorpio, Chiron in Sagittarius, Juno in Sagittarius, and the indomitable Pluto in Sagittarius. This arrangement granted Lepoulpe the rare gift of seeing beyond the surface, delving deep into the shadows, and transforming the darkest secrets into healing wisdom.
The eighth house continued this voyage into the unknown, residing in Sagittarius with the enigmatic Lilith. Here, Lepoulpe's intuition reached its zenith, drawing them ever deeper into the enigmatic depths of the human psyche.
The ninth house, in Capricorn with Mars in Capricorn, instilled in Lepoulpe a determination to conquer challenges with an unyielding spirit. In the tenth house, also in Capricorn, Neptune in Aquarius and Uranus in Aquarius pushed them to dream beyond the ordinary, inspiring relentless innovation.
As Lepoulpe ventured into the eleventh house in Aquarius, they embraced a sense of community and a penchant for revolution. Finally, in the twelfth house, Pisces' ethereal charm was heightened by Jupiter in Aries and Saturn in Taurus, weaving dreams into reality with an earthy touch.
In the heart of the Zodiac Enclave, Lepoulpe's birth chart was more than just a map of stars; it was a sacred guide to their purpose. Guided by Pluto, they embarked on a journey to unravel the deepest secrets hidden within the hearts of their fellow celestial creatures. They solved enigmatic mysteries and uncovered forgotten truths, leaving no cosmic stone unturned.
However, the tranquility of the Zodiac Enclave was threatened when a celestial disturbance shook the very foundation of their world. The stars themselves were in turmoil, and Lepoulpe's birth chart held the key to unlocking this cosmic enigma. With determination, intuition, and visionary wisdom, they embarked on a quest to restore balance to their mystical realm.
As they journeyed through the Zodiac Enclave, Lepoulpe encountered challenges and mysteries that tested the essence of their being. With each trial, they delved deeper into the enigmatic corners of their own soul, unlocking hidden powers and ancient knowledge.
The fate of the Zodiac Enclave hung in the balance, and Lepoulpe's birth chart was the ultimate guide to solving the celestial puzzle. In a tale of mystery and self-discovery, Lepoulpe's Sirentale unveiled the secrets of the cosmos and the depths of their own character, leaving an indelible mark on the enchanted land they called home.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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evansblues · 1 year
Sebastian and Chris Synastry
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My fave, Sebastian Stan. Astrodienst said that they got the birth time because he did a Romanian radio show and the subtitles said that he thinks he was born at 5 p.m. and they gave this a Rodden rating of A, which seems overconfident to me. I think you'd want to make sure that's what he said and why he thinks it’s 5 but whatever. I guess it's better than nothing at all.
Sebastian has a Sag rising conjunct Neptune and the Galactic Center with a 1 degree orb. That's impressive. Neptune conjunct the AC means he can be anything and can be seen as anything. He likely has very few restrictions socially, someone who is open for anything. Neptune is imagination and boundlessness. Juno is there too which is why he comes off as husband material no matter what he’s doing. This is a great actor placement both because of his versatility but also his comfort being anything. The Galactic center makes him magnetic. People will gravitate to him, he will come off as having a strong presence in person.
He has a Libra midheaven so he comes off as balanced, eloquent, fair, it’s conjunct Pluto so he will seem in control. Pluto is the planet of transformation. Seb has that air of someone who had a dark and rough past that he overcame, that’s from Pluto. Saturn is also conjunct his MC which gives him his sedate and measured attributes. That’s a very interesting mix.
Seb’s got a 5 degree Gemini Moon in the fifth house with Chiron at 27 degrees Taurus in the fifth along with it. That's a wide, out of sign conjunction. A lot of people in Chris's life have Moon and Chiron conjunctions. It also comes up a lot in the charts that I've been looking at. The progressed chart. The transits for the period I was looking at.
Seb’s North Node is seventh house Cancer. Venus is also in Cancer but not conjunct. He's meant to be nurturing in partnerships, and not so much of a workaholic. Which he identifies as. His sexuality is tied into his workaholicness too, in his mind. It's funny because the first house is Sagittarius but it's got that Neptune there so it's both expansive and unbordered. He likely thinks of himself as too much for others. He has a T-square with the Moon, Uranus at 0 degrees Sag and the apex is an 8 degree Mercury in the eighth house Virgo. His communication is a problem for him. It lets out at Pisces in the second house. This is why he's so good at acting. It's because he's got that Moon-Chiron conjunct in the fifth house and it's an out of sign Taurus Gemini conjunction. He's really in touch with his emotions and he can use them to express himself, it’s where his creativity comes from. His emotions are creative. However, Uranus in the eleventh Sagittarius. The opposition of his Moon and Uranus is the conflict in him between his social rebellious tendencies and his need for connection and creativity through other people. A Gemini Moon will have an extroverted quality. He will want to be around other people, to create and when he is creative, but that Uranus in the 11th will want to shake things up. He will be able to communicate this very well with a Mercury in Virgo, it will sound really fair, but in the 8th house it will cause changes, possibly affect other people’s money. He’s vey charming about it, with that Leo Sun there. They won’t blame him, they’ll just be aggravated by the things he says. The Sun connects positively to Pluto and Uranus. He is always in control but doesn’t seem so. People think the best of him, they project their idea of him. He has the ability to be very successful at manipulating people to what he wants and having them not even realize that’s what he’s doing. All the while thinking he’s so charming.
What's the house of his own doing? Jupiter in the tenth, his career. It's oddly at 0 degrees. Jupiter and Mars are conjunct in the tenth Scorpio. Now what does this mean? He has been very lucky with his ambitions but it will be his downfall. What he wants, he goes after, he gets it, then it’s a problem. They are both inconjunct his moon and square Venus. Be careful what you wish for. His fame has made it hard for him to be as creative as he would like to be because fame is a gilded cage. that also makes sense because of the Mars-Jupiter in Scorpio conjunction. It means that he is very fortunate in his ambitions. Mercury Virgo is just the very structured way he communicates, the very kind way he communicates, very giving. It's a very Virgo thing to be of service and he does have that north node in cancer. So he does strive to be sweet in partnerships. And since Venus is also on cancer he finds beauty in partnerships. He's a very loving person.
I see his fame, his creativity in the fifth house with the Moon-Chiron and then the Uranus inthe 11th sag with the apex of Mercury in the eighth Virgo. The more creative and good at what he does he is, the more fame he gets, which limits his ability to communicate the way he'd like to because you have to be very careful. The T-square lets out in the second house Pisces, his values, which is ruled by his ascendant-Neptune conjunction. He comes back to his weirdness, he comes back to his own strange values. He is different and he knows it and he embraces that. That big pink outfit he wore. Fame in the ninth in Libra with this midheaven. Saturn, Athena, Pluto, probably the closest to the midheaven with Athena. His image gets him a lot of power and control. It's also very karmic because of Saturn. The part of fortune there will bring him more luck. He’s a very lucky person. Sagittarius is lucky and it rules his chart. He’s extra lucky.
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Chris’s vesta is right on Seb’s Mercury. Chris admires the way Seb talks and Seb feels confident sharing with Chris, and around Chris. Chris's fame placements are right next to Seb’s fame asteroid in the ninth house. They have fame together. We know that. Chris's Pluto-Juno are right on Seb’s MC. It's like they fit together. Seb soothes Chris’s need for transformation through partnerships. This makes sense why it’s so easy for people to imagine them as a couple. They fit together well as one. This placement sextiles Seb’s Sun and AC. He is calmer and more himself with Chris and his public image is improved. Chris gains anchoring and softening. Seb’s Jupiter-Mars; Mars is a 5 degree Scorpio. Jupiter's 3 degrees Scorpio. Chris's moon is 12 degrees Scorpio. That's still close enough to be a conjunction. Seb doesn't have any placements except for Ceres and Chris's 12th which is conjunct with Lilith. They have a certain similarity to them. Seb's mothering to him. Chris's vertex and Venus are sitting right on Seb’s north node. Seb loves him. Seb’s moon has Chris's Mars on it. Seb’s moon is 5 degrees Gemini. Chris's Mars is 6 degrees Gemini. This is really cute. Seb’s Moon is in Chri’s 7th house on his Mars. Chris loves him and finds him soothing. Chris inspires Seb. This placement gives me giggles. I can see them giggling a lot together.
Seb’s moon Trines Chris’s Jupiter-Saturn placement. Chris's fame placements which trine their Uranus’s which are effectively conjunct in Seb's 11th house. This is really cute. Seb’s softness eases Chri’s reputation and makes his work easier. It also positively encourages both of their rebellious streaks. They get into trouble together. The only problem is Chris's Sun opposing Seb's AC. That makes sense. Chris has trouble extricating himself from Seb and his image with Seb. They both have their moon conjunct the other’s Mars. I think they really like each other. They complement each other and fill in the areas where the other one's lacking. They soothe and inspire eachother. They both have Venus conjunct the other’s North node. They are meant to be more like the other. They strive to be more in line with the aesthetic of eachother and to appreciate the world the way the other does. This is also just reflective of the fact that they got big with Marvel together in a very close way because of their relationship between their characters and all the press that they had to do together. Their fandoms are tightly linked. In some cases people are a fandom of the two of them. The Stucky fandom. It's a big thing. This is just really cute. I'm kind of surprised but it's sweet.
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