#choco island
The Sweet Sweet Kingdom
There are several locations that make an appearance in the Mario Kart games all themed around sweets. These places include Sweet Sweet Canyon, Cookie Land, Sky-High Sundae, Tart Top, Choco Island, and N64 Choco Mountain. I believe that all these places are all connected in one region similar to places such as the Mushroom, Koopa, and Bean Bean Kingdom.
What would this place be called, well I think the other Mario Kart location gives us it's name. I believe they are all sections of the Sweet Sweet Kingdom, with places like Sweet Sweet Canyon being obviously a part of it following a similar naming convention. Choco Island could be an island off the coast of the Sweet Sweet Kingdom with Choco Canyon being on this island. Edit: I forgot Choco Canyon is part of Dinosaur Land when making this.
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swaggerblonde · 8 months
Swagger Blonde Quick Plays Super Mario kart SNES Classic Mini Star Cup 1...
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ch0cocrave · 6 months
Dang i rlly need to post more stuff about my au
Have this incinerated gelatin drawing
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For the memes 😁👍
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beachyserasims · 29 days
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Darion tries his hardest to help Autumn with her benefit, even if she doesn’t really let him. He will always do what he can to help her relax. (plus a little sneak peak of tonight's outfits)
Beginning / Previous / Next
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chocosvt · 1 year
JUN KISS SCENE?!????????!
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jimmerzz0905 · 2 years
have a thing I made with my OCs
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n1et · 1 year
I made myself hot chocolate from scratch today. It was really nice; reminded me a bit of my trips with my godfather.
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mayorwhisper · 2 years
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Pango has been eating a lot of ice cream lately, even though she looks like she isn’t enjoying it lol
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icy-witch · 2 years
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Sweet chocolate time
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voxyldy · 1 year
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🎉2023 HAPPY #JungKook Day
Come and get #BTSIsland Special Gift!🎁
#정국 생일 기념 #인더섬 이 특별 선물도 준비했어요 !
지금 인더섬에서 받아갈 SEOMER? 💜
#인더섬 #IntheSEOM #BTSIsland
🎉 2023 HAPPY #JungKook Day
Come and get #BTSIsland Special Gift! 🎁
#Jungkook Birthday celebration #indaseom We also prepared this special gift!
SEOMER to receive from In the Island now? 💜
#indaseom #IntheSEOM #BTSIsland
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takenbypeter · 9 months
Hi!!!! I Hope You’re doing okay and having a wonderful day/night. I was wondering if you can do a Wonka x reader fluff where basically the reader works for slugworth and is supposed to you know hate wonka but both wonka and reader have feelings for each other. And maybe it can center around the reader trying to confess their feelings to Willy but slugworth is always getting in the way of it. (So cock blocking 💀). But In the end it’s Willy who confesses to reader.
The Chocolatier and The Receptionist
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Willy Wonka x reader
Words: 3981
Authors notes: I am so sorry this fic is a lot longer than I expected. I usually like my fics short and to the point but with this one I just kept going and going anyways I hope you enjoy reading it cause I had fun writing it 😉
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All you wanted was a simple job. One that was routine and easy, but of course no job was that simple.
Slugworth’s assistant, Miss BobBon, had gained much responsibility in the past few months and due to that, Slugworth decided to hire a receptionist and that’s where you came in.
All you did was respond to a flier but Slugworth seemed to like your quiet demeanor and he gave you the job easily.
At first being Slugworth’s receptionist was easy enough; take calls, write down messages. Slugworth was nice enough being that you got the job done. He didn’t talk to you much, other than a simple approving smile when you’ve done your job correctly.
However, with all this recent news about Wonka, an opposing chocolatier and his rising chocolate popularity, Slugworth’s irritation has begun to be…noticeable.
“Miss BonBon, when is my appointment with the chief of police?” You heard Slugworth ask his assistant as they walked right by your desk. You watched as she rifled through her binder. You, of course having organized that meeting yourself, answered him, “it’s at 3:30 Mr.Slugworth,” you chimed.
Mr. Slugworth turned around, a curt smile on his lips as he retraced his steps back to your small desk. “I’m sorry, are you my miss BonBon?”
Your eyes immediately went down to your desk realizing the sort of mood he was clearly in, “no.”
“Well then why are you answering receptionist?!” He said before turning back around and walking off leaving you to grumble to yourself as soon as he was far enough.
God, how you hated working for that man, if not for the pay then who knows where you would be by now.
After spending the last few hours pouting at work you called it a day and began your journey home.
Your abode was only a mere twenty minute walk and while some would hate the journey you didn’t really mind it at all. Sometimes it gave you just the amount of time you needed to clear your head.
Currently, it was giving you the time to grumble as you walked. As you strolled along you noticed the tiny delicate snowflakes as they began to fall. And with that beautiful sight taking place, your complaints stop as you come to a street bench. Sitting on it you look up and close your eyes letting the flakes decorate your skin.
The flakes melt at the contact against your face, causing you to become more relaxed, calm. You were so occupied by that feeling that you hadn’t realized a boy had come to sit at the other end of the bench.
“Rough day?” Asked the boy and your eyes shot open just now noticing there was someone else there. You glanced at him before deeming him harmless enough and shot him a small smile, “just the usual annoying day at work,” you reply.
“Hmm,” you watch as he looks down, his lips pressing together in a quick thought. “Well I’ve got just the thing to cheer you up!”
You observe as the young stranger quickly pulls out a jar and from the top he takes a small piece of candy and holds it out towards you. “This here is a Choco-Vanilla Spring Wafer, first an outer layer of chocolate, then vanilla, before you get to the wafer which is made with the flour of a special flower on a lone island not too far away. One bite of this and your mood will turn right around,” he exclaimed with a smile appearing on his face.
Your expression turns sour as the gears spin in your head while he sits there hand still out towards you, and after one more glance from his candy to his face it finally clicks. “It’s you!”
That exclamation made him jump a little in his seat before he looked around to see if you were talking about himself or someone else.
“You’re that chocolatier,” you clarified. His smile confirmed your statement. “Wonka. Willy Wonka is the name, chocolate is the game, except chocolate is not a game. It’s serious.”
He fails to make a change of expression on your face but only because you were too busy looking at the man. This was the first time you were seeing him and given how much he was affecting your boss, you expected him to be…older…and more sinister looking.
He gives you an odd look as you’ve just been practically staring at him. And once you don’t move he holds his hand out again motioning for you to take the chocolate but instead you jump up from your seat. “Are you kidding me? I can’t take chocolate from you! You’re the reason my job is so terrible!” You shout accusatory.
“Me? What did I do?”
“You and your chocolates are ruining my life,” you continue, ranting as you throw your hands in the air exasperated.
“How so?” He asks, voice genuinely concerned.
“It’s just…ooh you just…” you raise a hand palm open wide before curling it into an annoyed fist. I mean it wasn’t his fault exactly, all he was trying to do was sell chocolate and make a living, just as you or anybody else would. You sighed a dejected sigh and gave up, “nothing, it’s nothing.”
You stand there while he sits, both quiet, until he asks, “chocolate?” He repeats, his proposal from before still standing, but you hold your hand up rejecting the offer.
“I can’t, my boss would kill me if I had your chocolate.”
“You really care about this boss of yours,” he states and you scrunch your face in annoyance.
“I do not, for all I care he could catch a cold for a week,” you say nodding at your own sentiment while the boy called Willy Wonka grins laughing a little at your words which still seemed kind to him.
“I just need my job, that's all.”
“I really doubt your boss would mind.”
“Oh I know he would mind, in fact I shouldn’t even be talking to you right now.”
You turn around and continue your walk causing Wonka to leap up from his seat in order to catch up, “wait, you can’t talk to me?”
“My boss really, strongly, dislikes you,” you explain, eyes focused forward as the boy followed beside you.
“Fine,” he did as you did, taking steps while facing forward, “then I won’t talk to you, I’ll just talk to the air that's beside you.”
A smile breaks way on your face and he catches it, smiling as well.
“Goodbye Mr.Wonka,” you say, pulling the collar of your jacket up for two reasons; to keep you warm and to hide your grin.
He seems to catch the message as he stops in place while you continue on leaving him standing in the snow.
That night you can't help but ponder on what might’ve happened if you set your loyalties and fears aside and just took piece of the chocolate but oh well maybe in another universe.
The next morning on your way to work, you notice a spectacle taking place nearby. Curiosity taking over, you approach and as you near you recognize the voice.
There he was in front of a small stand with his name and a few jars of chocolates.
“—Today I will be showcasing my new product. These are what I like to call Choco-Vanilla Spring Wafers.” he repeats his pitch, glancing around at the various faces in the crowd and as he does so he spots you. His smile widens while the crinkles around his eyes deepen, but he continues on professionally. “On the outer layer, chocolate, before a simple but delicious vanilla flavor, before you get to the wafer which is made with the flour of a special flower on a small, lone island not too far away from here.” He makes his way through the crowd making sure to make eye contact with each and every person. “One bite of this and your mood will turn right side up. Don’t believe me? Try one,” he comes to a stop right in front of you as he says so, and holds out a piece of the chocolate.
Now, you know what you said the other day and you know you work for another chocolate company, but after spending the night pondering over what that chocolate would’ve tasted like, you couldn’t stop yourself from growing more curious and right now what you wanted more than anything was a piece of that candy, so you took it from his fingers unwrapped it and then gently placed it into your mouth.
Willy watched as you chewed on the chocolate and a smile spread on your face, “it’s delicious.”
He smiles a smile of relief before turning around, “you heard it here folks it’s delicious, now get one of your own to try this new delicious chocolate.”
The crowd rushes forward as they all hold out their sovereigns wanting to try it themselves and with a single wave and a smile you depart leaving Mr.Wonka alone with his booming business.
He was right though, your mood did seem to turn right around.
Once you got to work you went straight to your desk pleased that Mr.Slugworth had yet to arrive which meant peace for at least a few minutes.
Which only felt like seconds today.
“I can’t believe the nerve of that Wonka boy!” Shouted Slugworth as he entered the building followed by his assistant. Your ears perk up as he walks by and you notice he has a familiar jar in hand. “How dare he sell chocolate when the police specifically ordered him not to. Ooh he’s becoming a real pain.” You watch as he opens the jar taking a piece out, “what good is his chocolate really anyway?” He pops a piece in and you can tell he adores it just by the expression on his face before he conceals it, “It’s just wretched,” he says entering his own office.
Oh that stubborn boss of yours, you thought. Thankfully that Wonka’s chocolate seemed to be working as your boss’s words had no effect on you whatsoever.
The day went quickly and soon you were on your way home just as the other afternoon.
Now, you weren’t looking for Willy Wonka but you couldn’t say you were upset when you had crossed paths again.
“You’ve really got to get a new hobby besides following me around,” you joked, starting conversation.
“But why would I do that when our afternoon discussions are my favorite time of day.” You didn’t know what response you were expecting, but that was a little more forward than you anticipated, but you met him at the same level.
“Really? Even more than making or eating chocolate?”
“Almost. Not entirely but it’s getting there.”
You turned to look at him, the smile on your face lessening once you recognized how his expression displayed a true small appearance of contentment, which seemed to throw you off guard.
You blink twice avoiding the sudden weird tension you were beginning to feel. “So what did you want this time? I’ve already tried your chocolate.”
“Ah,” his mouth gaped as if just realizing something, “yes you’ve eaten it but what did you think about it?”
You found the question silly given that you’ve said it earlier, “I told you, it was delicious.”
He shook his head, “not good enough . What about it was delicious? What was your favorite thing about it? Was there anyway it could’ve been better?”
“You’re really asking me for my thoughts?”
“Of course. Every customer's opinions are important to me.” That was true, but more than most of the time the customers' opinions were positive. And if he were being one hundred percent honest, he seemed to already care more about your opinion than any other customers.
“Well like I said it was delicious,” you repeated as you walked on and he nodded for you to continue. “The chocolate layer was the perfect taste of milkiness that stayed in the back of the mouth, and when the vanilla hit it was a swirl of the both and it felt like they were working together until the two tastes became singular. Then, of course the wafer was the most important part adding the crunch to bring your attention back to the taste. So yes it was delicious.”
You had been lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed Willy stopped a few steps behind you, his expression gentle.
“What is it Willy?”
He shakes his head, his brown curls bouncing as he does so, “you have a way with words unlike any other.”
“Ha okay, thanks I guess,” you say laughing more to yourself at the odd compliment you’ve never received before.
“You’re welcome.” He says joining your stride again.
“You have a way with chocolates.”
“Thank you.”
You two continued in comfortable silence. The sound of the snow crunching underneath your feet. And that was the end of that.
Except it wasn’t.
Wonka and you had spent the next couple of days chatting just as you had been. He’d always meet you somewhere along your way home and you two would just talk for a bit, honestly it was actually becoming one of your favorite times of the day. You were beginning to grow curious of the man and his qualities and frankly you found yourself wanting to know more.
Which is why one day on your strolls you plainly said to him, “while I do enjoy our late afternoon chats, I do sometimes wish that we could converse more during the day?”
Willy’s eyebrows raised in what looked like excitement but someone else voice rang out before his own.
Turning around your shoulders cave forward as you notice Slugworth walking in your direction. He came to a stop in front of you and gave you a look before turning to Willy, “may I steal you away from my, oh so loyal employee, to share a word with you?”
Willy, brain seeming to connect the dots glances between you and Slugworth as you give him a knowing smile.
You chime in seeking for an exit from whatever was about to take place, “of course. We were done anyway. Goodbye Mr.Wonka,” you said, turning around giving the two their time.
As you finish your walk home you realize how wrong it all must’ve looked, you spending time alone with Wonka of course it would be inappropriate. But still even with those thoughts, you go to bed unable to keep the young chocolatier out of your head. You both hated and yet felt, for the way he was making you feel.
The next morning when you arrive at work Mr.Slugworth is already there, his buttock planted on your desk and he seemed to be in a weirdly strange mood.
“Oh hello, lovely receptionist…” you give him an odd look before filling in the blank for him by giving him your name, “ah right! Of course. Don’t you look lovely today.”
“Thank you?” You say questionably while setting your coat behind your chair.
“Of course, of course…ahem,” he cleared his throat and you expected what was to come next, “I was just curious about this Wonka fellow,” there it was. “What were you two um…chatting about?”
“Hm, nothing really, just chocolate.”
“Chocolate? Hm, his or ours?”
“Just in general,” you say, trying to be vague.
“Ah, in general of course,” he says, finally removing himself from your space while you take your seat.
He walks around behind you to push your chair in for you and while he does so he leans down to your level.
“Just remember where your loyalties lie in this business,” he says, his voice low, before returning to his office leaving you to your work.
That afternoon Willy waits outside across from your office doors and once spotting you he bounds over. “Willy?” You ask, confused that he’s met you so early in your walk.
“I was going to meet you further on but I had recalled that we hadn’t yet finished our discussion from yesterday.”
Your eyebrows raise, “right, our discussion yesterday,” your eyes peer up and Willy follows your gaze as you make contact with Slugworth who’s shamelessly watching the scene from his glass windows.
“Um yesterday, right,” you took your attention off Slugworth and back to Willy. “…yesterday I actually was going to tell you, it would be inappropriate to continue spending time with you…goodbye Mr.Wonka.”
You give one last look upwards and notice Slugworth smirking beyond that glass, oh how you would love to punch that smirk right off. But instead you walk away quickly.
Willy stands stunned before he too looks up glaring at Slugworth before chasing after you.
“So that's it? We can’t talk anymore because you work for Slugworth? Is that what you want?”
Now being a good enough distance away from your office you turn around to talk to him face to face, “no it’s not.”
“Come work for me,” his chocolate eyes stare deeply into yours as he seems to beg for you to take his sudden offer with just a single look.
“Are you crazy? I mean I wish I could but do you have a factory? Can you promise a stable income? What even is the job?”
With each question you take note of how he looks down, refusing to answer because he essentially can’t.
You intake a deep breath, your chest rising as you do, “I wish I could but I need a steady job. I’m sorry.”
You turn back around as you were but he speaks again, persistent in continuing conversation, “when I make it big and official, you have a guaranteed spot in my factory, whichever position. What do you want to be; a taste tester, chocolate maker, or you could remain receptionist.”
“Willy…” it sounded nice working alongside him but who knows when that would be, “It’s a nice dream Willy, but that’s all it is…a dream.”
You both continue on his step now further behind yours as he seems to recall something, “someone special once told me that every good thing in this world started with a dream. She told me it was important to hold onto mine, so I am.”
“She?” You asked, curiosity increased.
“My mother.”
“Well your mother sounds like a wise woman.”
“She was,” he says he doesn’t say more but he doesn’t need to, you can tell by his expression that she was no longer with the living.
“…I’m sorry.”
He gives a saddened smile, “it’s alright, I’ll see her again.”
You gave an encouraging smile, unsure what he meant by that before moving forward with your conversation, “your mother sounded like a wise woman, and I admire her positivity…But sometimes a dream remains just that. A dream and for now that's all it is…a dream.” You say matter of factly, before uttering a final, “goodbye, Willy Wonka.”
Two days go by and you hear nothing from the young chocolatier. And with no news of Wonka you’ve noticed the change of attitude in Slugworth as he seemed to be oddly chipper than usual, but of course you chose to ignore the strange feeling you got from that man, he always kept secrets from you so why care about it now, you were just the receptionist.
That afternoon as you return from work just about to unlock your front door your attention gets grabbed by a young girl who strolled next to you. Upon taking a glance you realized, “I know you…?” You said recognizing her features to be one of Wonka’s helpers that you’ve seen in the crowds before.
“Noodle,” she said and you repeated it, (a trick you’ve learned to memorize names).
“Willy asked me to escort you to the old fountain only a few roads down. If you’ll agree of course?”
You contemplated your options; entering your place and spending a cozy night in, or accepting the man’s invitation and joining him in a who knows what adventure. At one last gnaw on your lip you agree to follow the girl.
Traveling slightly behind her, she leads the way, “how do you know Wonka?” You asked curiously.
“Willy?” The young girl asks, “he’s a close friend, we’ve sort of become close to being in the same predicament,” she explains.
Your mouth opens into a small ah as you nod showing you understand, but truly you didn’t, “what sort of predicament?” You asked, but before you could get your answer you had arrived. She guided you and motioned for you to go towards the fountain and you did.
It was fairly secluded especially considering the fact being that it wasn’t very much to look at, it was an old run down fountain and there were much simpler ways to get to town.
The girl walks away and you wait, finding this all to be unusual. As you wait you notice the fountain light up from underneath before it goes into a pattern of changing colors. Flowers aligned along the bottom of the fountain begin to bloom, one by one a variety of colors. You don’t know how he did it but it was sight to see, you honestly weren’t even exactly sure what was going on.
You followed the trail flowers with your eyes as they led all the way around and as it came to an end, that's when you noticed he was standing right beside you.
“Willy?!” You asked shocked and concerned as he stood there with his hand palm up as a small white box with a ribbon bow lay in it.
“I want you to try this.”
“All this for me to try chocolate?”
“He opens the box revealing a round chocolate. This is my new product called the Dreamscape. One of these and you’ll feel light and content. It’s a good dream wrapped into a piece of chocolate.”
You don’t know what to say, you admire his uniqueness, his charm, and his creativity in this whole plan and it honestly left you quite speechless.
“You said all of this is a dream. Well if being here with you is a dream, then I don’t want to wake up.” He holds the bite box out further to you and it takes all of your facial muscles not to react to his cheesy yet sweet phrases, “will you dream with me?”
Your brain tried to intercept and remind you of your work and what would become, but your heart was in play too as they both battled for the main position.
Willy stares, on edge, as he tries to gauge your reaction which was taking more time than he expected.
Until finally, eventually, you breathe out,“you really know how to win someone's heart.” With that sentence you pick up the piece of candy and take a bite out of it. “But I’m still working for Slugworth, so don’t make a big deal out of this.”
He raised his hands declaring a truce.
But with that single piece of candy you found yourself becoming happier with each second that was passing as you stood there, and so did Willy.
You didn't know what the future would hold but you were certain that if anyone could make their dreams come true it was him. And sure enough, days soon to follow after, Wonka and his team devised a plan to beat the Chocolate Cartel. (You may have given Willy some assistance in telling him where Slugworth would be located for the day).
Because of the disappearance of the Chocolate Cartel, Willy Wonka was free to finally begin his dream of making chocolate in his very own chocolate factory. Except, this turn out was slightly different from his original dream. This dream was sweeter, because it had you in it.
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Several Super Mario Kart Tracks Are In Dinosaur Land
So in Super Mario Kart Several tracks take place on the islands of Dinosaur Land, so here's which ones they are.
Mario Circuit due to the imagery associated with it seems to take place on Yoshi's Island.
Donut Plains takes place on well, Donut Plains.
Vanilla Lake probably takes place on top of the Vanilla Dome either really high up or during the winter.
Finally, Choco Island takes place on well Chocolate Island.
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swaggerblonde · 9 months
Swagger Blonde Quick Plays Super Mario Kart SNES Classic Mini Part 2 Flo...
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ch0cocrave · 6 months
add in leafy and firey
I kinda don't wanna add on more to the drawing because it would just look overall cramped and messy, in my opinion...
I'm so sorry...
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Here's a lil doodle to make up for it. :]]
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nintendometro · 4 months
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Muddy Stuff Choco Island 2 'Super Mario Kart' Super Nintendo
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cosmicwhoreo · 10 months
Alright. Golden chocos morning routine after snuggin up with bold and beautiful.
Put in simple terms~! Calm before the storm
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He values his valuables. Especially since most of them are capable of leveling entire islands- So his first order of business is check bloody EVERYTHING. Of course he sets up defense mechanisms that act on their own before napping, but that doesn't really ease his mind any.
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