#choromatsu gore
thebardisabird · 2 years
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You explained it plenty fine, Anonym, don’t worry. I always love me some good ol’ angst, so write it I will. Please be warned there will be mentions of blood, suicidal thoughts and obviously heavy on the death so please do not read if that upsets you (I will tag as tw: death, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: violence and tw: blood/gore; please let me know if there’s anything I need to add, thank you) ! In the end, none of it ends up being real, thankfully. But still - things to look out for. Under the cut.
“...”  “Mr. Matsuno, we’re sorry for your lo-” All that was heard was a loud crash. The sound of Osomatsu letting the receiver slip through his frozen fingers. His entire being felt as though he’d been dowsed in ice. Muscle, tendon, blood vessels - all solidified at the words just spoken to him.  You were gone.  He had just been with you not an hour ago...he left you at Shibuya to take the train back home. Apparently all it took was a quick road cross and an incredibly drunk driver - and you were taken from the world. Taken from him.  Osomatsu blanked from the world, his immediate surroundings fading out of existence as he desperately tried to cling to a thought or an emotion. Something. Anything. But all he could find himself doing was simply...existing.  But what was that without you? You who meant everything to him. No...he simply couldn’t. Wouldn’t. So Osomatsu closed his eyes, knowing his next move as headed for the kitchen--  “Osomatsu!”  He gasped as air filled his lungs at rapid speed, his whole chest shaking at the sudden expansion. His vision was blurred at first, but was quickly remedied by swift blinks and the gentle caress of finger pads under his eyes. Your face came to view, twisted in concern, as you held him gently.  “You were whimpering in your sleep baby...and then suddenly you stopped breathing. I knew something was up...are you okay?”  Osomatsu took his time drinking in your expression, eyes scanning over your features with a look that read sheer disbelief. Suddenly, you found your head pulled into his chest, his arms around you in a tight, but comfortable grip. “Osomatsu...?” you questioned softly, your concern starting to blossom further.  “...Nothing. It was nothing. Just a bad dream. I’m okay, promise.”  You wanted to believe him, but the low, serious tone he fed you had you thinking otherwise. Nevertheless, you didn’t push the matter - he would tell you when he wanted to. For now, you would help him fall back asleep with your body nestled closely against his. 
---------- This couldn’t be happening. He’d been so careful!  Patent leather heels clicked down the hallway, desperate to get to your apartment. With strength he didn’t know he had, Karamatsu kicked the door of your home wide open, heart racing at the eerie silence that awaited him. He tore through each room, finding no sight of you.  That was...until he reached the bathroom.  “NO!” Karamatsu screeched, tears immediately flowing down his cheeks. There, on the white tiled floor was your lifeless form, a pool of red beneath you - with two bullet holes in your chest. Immediately he dropped to his knees, his arms cradling you as his cheek slumped somberly against your head.  He knew being the son of a major mafia family was dangerous and risky...but there were rules to that life. Opposing families knew loved ones “outside” were off limits. Even so, Karamatsu had tried his best to keep you safe, out of the prying eyes of the underground.  But this...someone wanted to hurt him. And the only way to do that...was to get to you.  Karamatsu grit his teeth, anger and sorrow mixing in a pernicious storm inside him. His ragged breath fell over your matted hair, and all he could do was sob. Deep, throaty cries muffled by your tresses, his mind gutted at the loss of the love of his life. He took a deep breath, expecting another sob to come forth - but instead he simply exhaled. Eyes fluttering open, Karamatsu found himself laying on his side, your back to him. Your form gently rose and fell with your resting breaths, and it was like Karamatsu felt relief fall over him. He scooched himself closer, one arm carefully pulling you toward his chest. Your stirring was minimal, with your arms coming to rest over his ultimately in comfort.  A sigh was let out into your hair. It was only a nightmare. And you...you were his favorite dream. You were here, alive and well, and that was all the confirmation he needed to find a peaceful sleep once more. 
He remembered hearing the news anchor mention the fire. A large, electrical fire broke out in an apartment complex not ten minutes away from his home.  He remembered the smell of smoke as soon as he opened the bedroom window. Black and turbid, disturbing what was supposed to be a clear night sky. 
He remembered the sirens; the blaring noise that rang in his ears as they sped down his block on their way to the terrifying blaze.  But then remembered - that was around where you lived.  Choromatsu’s feet had never been lighter, and he was silently thankful for whatever god allowed him to bolt to your home. His heart dropped to his feet when his suspicions were confirmed, your entire complex was up in flames. Roaring, angry hues of oranges and yellows, quickly degrading the structure into nothingness. You were searched tirelessly for, through the desolate swarms of residents, desperate to see your face.  “Choromatsu...?” came a small voice.  The third eldest swung his head, seeing your elderly neighborhood, covered in soot and clutching her coat.  “M-Ms. Nakagawa” he stuttered, and it was then his eyes started to roam, “Thank goodness you’re okay, where’s--” and caught her tearful gaze.  No.  Her tiny arms came around the stunned man, “I’m so sorry, Choromatsu...the fire spread so quickly and--” but he was no longer listening. The world lulled to low white noise, the realization that you didn’t make it out hitting him like a freight train. Everything in him wanted break loose of the comforting hold that held him - impulse pulling him throw himself to the flames just for the opportunity to try and save you.  It should’ve been him. What he’d give to have it had been him.  Before Choromatsu could respond, his limbs gave way, and his vision straight to black. Yet somehow, some way, in the distance he heard -  Choromatsu...
“AHHH!” came his scream, his body jolting upright in a cold sweat. His fingers twisted the fabric of his sweater, chest heaving in his immediate consciousness. Your hands gently cradled his face, turning his attention to your troubled expression.  “Choro, hunny, what happened?” you spoke calmly, your thumbs stroking his cheeks. His startled eyes softened into a mix of relief and sadness. Choromatsu leaned into one of your hands, “It...was just a nightmare. Thank god, it was just a nightmare...”  The tremble that followed the tears that slid onto your hands allowed you to wrap your arms around your boyfriend, whispering quiet words of solace. 
---------- A colony of cats scampered the streets, small patterings of padded footsteps masking the large crunching just behind them.  You should’ve been home two hours ago.  At first Ichimatsu thought nothing of it. Perhaps you simply had to work a little extra late - after all, cleaning up behind kitties was tough business at a cat café. Then the hour turned; but once again, maybe you were working a little late AND grabbing dinner on the way back.  Then the hour turned once more. And Ichimatsu knew something was wrong. He swallowed any nerves, choosing instead to calmly slip his sandals on and make it a point to go check on you. Not but three steps out of his home did he see a group of cats awaiting him, meowing in what sounded like distress. But these weren’t just his local strays, no. 
These were the cats you took care of at work.  The meows grew louder, some sprinting in the direction of the café, expecting the purple man to give chase. Without thought, Ichimatsu followed the wave of cats, his heart in his throat, eyes wide and crazed at the reason for all of these animals to be outside of the comfort of their homes. Corner after corner, anxiety pounded in the fourth matsu’s ears.  When he finally came to the designated block, he caught quick sight of a silver gleam, followed by hasty steps running the opposite way. Words failed Ichimatsu, as he couldn’t focus on anything except your safety. His feet picked up his pace, closing in on the small building to find drippings of red splatters that trailed in the direction of the whoever had left the café just now. The windows were smashed to pieces, glass and debris littering the floor. Several cat trees were knocked to the ground, food and litter covering the floor in a grotesque mix. Ichimatsu called for you, frantic and terrified, but no answer came. His eyes scanned the mess, and finally he saw it.  Your hand, adorned with the violet cat bracelet he made you for Christmas...splayed open and out from behind the counter...a pool of blood just underneath it.  Ichimatsu swore he would die there and then. His body dropped into a fetal position, not even daring to approach your form, he knew the sight would drive him insane. He rocked back and forth, knees clutched tight as he screwed his eyes shut. He needed either himself or the world to disappear right now - this was all too much, and he couldn’t take it.  “This isn’t real this isn’t real this isn’t real” came his monotone chant. He clapped his hands over his ears as the faint sounds of sirens began to blare closer and closer, melding with the somber cries of cats surrounding him. And then they stopped. 
Ichimatsu lifted his head, confused as everything came to a halt.  Blinking back bleary tears, he realized the entire scenery had changed. He was in your room, staring at the ceiling, and your soft snoring sounding right beside him. A few moments of watching your sleeping form allowed him to absorb that he was actually just dreaming before, and this, the calm and quiet of your shared bedroom was reality. A knot formed in Ichimatsu’s throat, but he swallowed it back down and instead silently sent thanks for that literal nightmare for being over.  He caught a few locks of your hair between two fingers, reveling in how beautiful you looked with your hair cascading down your face as you slept.  So much so that it lulled him back into a secure sleep, finding safety in your own. 
A raucous clap of thunder bellowed at the cliffside.  Your puppy had escaped, and in your distress you ran out after it without thinking. Jyushimatsu tailed you, worried for your safety with such a storm hitting and with you all staying near the sea for your vacation. You called for your little pet, hot on its trail as it climbed slippery rock.  “Ah! Be careful!” Jyushimatsu’s wide eyed cry rang out.  This scene haunted him. The strong tide and the rocky shore above it reminded him of a hurt he still had trouble letting go of.  You arms reached out for your dog, who, thinking you were playing catch, easily avoided your grasp and dashed past you. The turning of your gait was swift, but the lack of memory of your footing was swifter. Under your heels was nothing, and with that, came your literal downfall. Gravity took you as its prize, your shrill shrieking and desperate attempt to grab hold onto something as you fell being the last of you in Jyushimatsu’s sights. He sped to the edge, hoping to catch you before he lost his chance, but at his arrival, you were already under the waves. Violent tides hid you from his panicked gaze, and in his despair all Jyushimatsu could think was, “Not again. Please...” 
“Hnnkk! Jyushi, wake up!”  “Hah?!” the yellow matsu awoke with a start. Cat like eyes rounded back out at the sound of your voice. His noodle like arms were encased around your middle, squeezing for dear life. At once he realized you two were napping on the couch together, and in the midst of his nightmare he pressed so hard into your stomach that it woke you up. Thankfully, you’d realized he was dreaming. Jyushimatsu let out a solemn laugh, grateful for such a traumatic dream to have ended.  “You’re here! You’re okay!” he cheered, rocking you back and forth in his arms. He buried his face into your abdomen, hiding his onset tears in the fabric of your shirt. “Of course I am, silly,” you chuckled, stroking his hair, “Are you...?” He nodded briskly, choosing to muffle his words into your stomach, “Just no more nightmares, okay?”
Why hadn’t you called him back yet? You said you were catching an Uber back home from your cousins house...but that was over three hours ago. 
Todomatsu tapped the edge of his phone on the table, impatience and worry starting to seep into his core. Something was amiss. It wasn’t like you to leave him on read like this. So what was the deal.  “Totty, you good?” Osomatsu called from the next room.  He sighed, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just waiting...” ping!
His phone lit up, and relief swept over him-- “Hey Todo” came your cousins text. Followed her asking questions about whether or not he’d heard from you yet. You hadn’t texted her that you’d gotten home and she was worried.  Immediately horror sunk within him. And he called your phone without missing a beat.  No answer.  Another dial.  No answer.  Another louding ringing. “Please leave a message for--” “SHIT!” Todomatsu shouted, dashing to the front of the house. Throwing his shoes on, the youngest brother made his way to the nearest police station. He swung through the doors, distraughtly trying to explain who he was and that he thinks something may have happened to you in you Uber ride home. Upon finishing, the two police officers listening exchanged uneasy looks. “Sir...we...may know what might have happened.”  But before they could explain, breaking news sounded on the nearby tv behind him.  “Mass murder committed via Uber! Local authorities are saying a serial killer posing as an Uber driver has claimed the lives of several victims. Some being residents right here in Shinjuku.”
The sound of metal clanging to the ground rang in the deafening silence.  You couldn’t have been...But you were so close to home... And then there it was - your name, splayed across the screen of claimed victims in the act of this killer’s grotesque scheme. Todomatsu felt the air leave his lungs in a gut punch. You were gone. Someone took you away.  He picked up his phone with haste, punching your number in once more,  “Pick up! PICK UP!” he cried, a sob leaving him mid-ringing.  “Please leave a message for--”  “NO!” he screeched, clutching his beanie-clad head, “NO! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING! THEY WERE JUST COMING HOME! NO!”  Words devolved into heartbroken screaming, and Todomatsu found himself forehead to floor as it all sunk in.  In the midst of his screams, he heard his phone ring, and suddenly he was back in his room, staring at your name as an incoming call. A quick swipe,  “Hey handsome! I made it home okay! You weren’t waiting long were you?”  A shuddered breath. Todomatsu wiped under his eyes and felt the wetness that had gathered there. His heart was still racing from what he had felt was just his reality. “Totty...?” you questioned.  “N-No! Not long at all, promise!” And he felt himself settle into something more soft and serious, “Hey...I’m glad you’re home safe...I don’t know what I’d do with myself if you weren’t.”  Except he knew exactly what he’d do. And he hoped he’d never have to relive it. 
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hobomatsu · 2 months
About me:
The name's Ava, any pronoun works.
I'm over 20 y/o.
I don't care if you like BLmatsu or not (I'm cool like that), but I won't post that kind of content here.
Oso-san fan since 2017 (the brainrot never left!!)
Choromatsu and Osomatsu are my all-time faves.
English isn't my first language, so... Be patient with me. I am trying.
⚠️ I will block minors. ⚠️ I will post gnarly things from time to time. Will also try to tag accordingly so that you can block the tags if necessary.
Rules for requests/submissions:
Wholesome/fluff is allowed.
Silly/crackfic stuff is allowed.
Dark/gross topics are allowed.
Gore/eroguro is allowed.
Pretty much everything is allowed, unless I decide it's not.
Go nuts.
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deezlymatsu · 6 years
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here’s a drawing :P
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debonair-pompadork · 4 years
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Some doodles for a dream that I had and for an AU I’m making //click for better quality//
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scepterno · 4 years
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Lamb Chops ^^
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karamatsus-boots · 6 years
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Oh god I have a lot of unposted Matsu art. The last four were done for suiriku day and nenchuu day.
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jyushimoon · 6 years
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💫 Dizzy/Lightheaded Choro, 🍭Sweetsu Boy Jyushi✨, and Kara the Bleeding Heart 💔
(( 💫dizzy choro, 🍭candy gore + ✨sparkle blood jyushi, and ✨sparkle blood kara!! ))
oof this took me like a week to finish bc of lots of irl interruptions ghlksgj bUT IM RLLY HAPPY W THE RESULT \(QUQ)/ I RLLY TRIED TO PUSH MYSELF!! theres a few things im not 100% about but ill keep trying on the next draw!! ÒUÓ)9
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i still VERY MUCH plan on doing the other requests i got so i hope you all look forward to them!! >u<)/
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zombiepatch · 6 years
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i love choro w/ all my heart but i also rly love drawin edgy stuff and that combo creates some mixed messages
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krotiation · 7 years
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Goretober Day 2 - Multiple Eyes
Eyyy let’s get some Choro in here
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prince-amaryllis · 7 years
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Request from @ichickennoli-quesadilla for me to draw her Choro the Amazing AU It was really fun to draw too
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claranormalactivity · 7 years
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you’re gonna need more than magic to fix that
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jyushimatsu-daily · 7 years
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((And that’s all of em!!!! thanks so much for the asks!!))
((prompts in the picture captions))
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vrisrezis · 3 years
Ooo au imaginee huh? How about mafiamatsus with an s/o who got kidnapped by a rival gang? I bet thered be hell to pay, especially if s/o was injured
You gotta be stupid to fuck with any of the matsus s/o, but fucking with Osomatsus is next level kinda stupid. Osomatsu is tough and when you fuck with him he is absolutely ruthless, somehow even moreso with you. Regardless, does not hesitate to murder everyone in that room even if they’re of use to him somehow. If you were injured, he’d probably torture them before slowly killing them, He seems uncaring to the situation, as he gets you out of there, but behind closed doors he’s kissing you passionately, and of course this pervert wants to have his way with you after you just got kidnapped 🙄 but hey, it distracts you from what happened doesn’t it?
Karamatsu is not as ruthless as Osomatsu, but he’s certainly no pushover. He originally planned on having somebody deal with this and getting you out of there himself, but if you were injured he will kill the person responsible. When he finally finds you, he actually shows some vulnerability by hugging you, and checking to make sure you’re okay. However, he’s back to that cold killer look until you two are finally alone together. He gently hugs you, actually you don’t think he’s ever been this gentle and sweet with you before (and that’s saying a lot because this man is so sweet to you oh my god?) he cups your checks, giving you a passionate but sweet kiss, “I’m glad you’re okay my love..” he whispers quietly, lovingly.
Choromatsu would find out a lot quicker than the other two, but he’s still a busy man. When he finally does find out though, he’s quick to find who did it. He will deal with this pathetic gang by any means necessary, I imagine that if you’re not used to violence though he tries to keep violence to a minimum (Kara is the same way but if somebody injured you he cannot help himself). Choromatsu is able to keep a level head and get you out of there, but when you’re alone he’s uncharacteristically affectionate as he starts to make out with you (something he like never initiates). You two do this for awhile, but if you want things to go farther you have to initiate. However, that session is his way of letting you know he’s glad you’re okay.
Ichimatsu is as ruthless as the eldest can be, but he’s a lot quicker about this rather than taking his sweet time and enjoying it. It’s almost like he’s worried something else is gonna happen to you, he gets overly paranoid. Nobody can tell he’s being paranoid except you, but to you it’s obvious since he makes you walk in front of him (if you can walk) and he’s always looking over his shoulder. Even the people that helped him kill this gang he’s squinting his eyes at to see if they’ll do something. When you do are alone hes clingier than he usually is, and like Osomatsu wants you to fuck him, by the end of it telling you “love you. Glad you’re still with me.” He’s not always good with telling you these things, so you take what you can get.
Jyushimatsu is a bit ruthless too, he might back off and let his men deal with the rest so he can get to you. He gives you a big hug as he gets to you, making sure you don’t see any of the blood and gore if you’re not used to that kinda violence. He gives you a big smooch, that’s the most you get outta him (and also him carrying you the whole way, regardless of if you can walk or not), before kissing you all over your face when the two of you are finally alone. He needs you to know how much he loves you, otherwise it might be too late. However, he does intend on keeping you around with him for a very long time. He’ll definitely make some sort of statement, some warning, to let other gangs know not to fuck with you. If they’re fucking with you, they’re fucking with him and the rest of his brothers.
Todomatsu immediately notices your gone, as busy as he is he is a clingy boyfriend and loves having you around like all the time. Everyone should know your his, so this gang must be asking for a death sentence. He’s more for simply torturing them, and then just leaving them there to slowly die or just hope they’ll be saved. He’s evil. When he finally gets to you, he tries to act uncaring, though it’s quite clear he was very happy to see that you were mostly okay. Gives you lotsa kissing when the two of you are finally alone together. He’s more emotional, “I would be so fucked without you.. promise you won’t leave?” He says in between kisses, you’re not used to this kinda vulnerability from him, but you agree.
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Osomatsu: ...And the guy got crushed between like, four trucks at once.
Ichimatsu: That's the way I wanna go.
Choromatsu: You say that any time someone tells a story about death.
Ichimatsu: Because literally any method is acceptable to me.
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darksugardevil · 4 years
Welcome to the blog of a person mentally unstable and fan of osomatsu san and others things!
!TW! - sometimes I reblog vent, gore or depressive posts, also a little bit of ED (eating disorders).
Spanish and English
Favs: Karamatsu and Choromatsu 💚💙 (but I love the six)
Feel free to reblog anything or ask questions!
Friendly remember: this blog is NOT ONLY for osomatsu san, I post variable thigs but more osomatsu, because is my favorite anime.
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My twitter: (is in Spanish) here
Other blogs in tumblr:
Main blog: (goth, games, vent??) Here.
Vocaloid blog: Here.
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artsyhamster · 8 years
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...Happy... Anti-Valentine’s Day?
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