#chris briney fanfic
stylesxreads · 2 years
Just Friends
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Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: Conrad Fisher x Reader
Summary: Y/N has been in love with Conrad since she could remember. They grew up together, spent every summer of their lives together. Conrad is her sun and she would do anything to bask in him all day. Conrad is confusing to say the least. Y/N decides this is the summer that things change. This is the summer they won’t be just friends.
Warnings: alcohol, drugs, cursing, underage drinking
“Hurry up and get settled in, the Conklins and Fishers are coming over for dinner soon!” Your mom leaned against the doorway to your room.
They had arrived earlier in the day yet you haven’t unpacked your things yet. Your heart fluttered at the thought of seeing Conrad in just a few minutes. You stood from your spot on the bed, pushing your mom out of the room and shutting the door, a goofy smile fixed on your face.
You’ve always had the biggest crush on Conrad, it was pretty obvious to everyone. Well everyone except Conrad. 
You couldn’t help it, Conrad has always had a soft spot for you. When the guys never wanted to include you or Belly in their plans, Conrad was always quick to invite you both, even if the others got annoyed about it.
Conrad always saved the best muffins for you. Always brought an extra jacket to the beach because you were always too stubborn to bring your own. Even if Conrad wouldn’t admit it, he cared deeply for you.
You rushed to make yourself presentable, pulling your hair out of the birds nest of a bun you had and brushing it out. 
This is it, you’ve been waiting all year to see her Conrad again. To be in cousins with your best friends, having the time of your lives.
A knock on your door pulled you from your thoughts, You tore your eyes away from the mirror and turned to see your bother, John peeking his head into the door. 
“Hey, Fisher’s are here. Just thought you should know.” He smirked at you, his words seemed innocent but you knew he was teasing you. 
“Oh stop it. I’ll be right down.” You rolled your eyes closing the door behind him.
You glanced at the mirror one more time, tucking your hair behind your ear. After one final deep breathe you opened your door and made your way downstairs. 
You walked into the kitchen to see Susannah talking to your mom at the island. You grinned widely at the sight of the woman that was practically your second mother. Susannah and Laurel always treated you like their own daughter, it was amazing honestly. We were like one giant family. 
“Hi!!” She grinned, standing from the stool and wrapping her arms tightly around you.
“You are so big oh my goodness!” She pulled back, holding your shoulders in her hands. She turned her head to your mom and whispered. “She’s beautiful!” 
Your mom rolled her eyes and nodded. 
“Don’t tell her that too often, she’ll get a big head.” She teased.
“The boys are in the living room, choosing what movie you guys are going to watch tonight.” Susannah pushed you towards the living room before continuing her conversation with your mom. 
You crept towards the living room. John and Jeremiah were sitting on the couch with their back towards you. Your eyes landed on Conrad who was one one of the side chairs. Nobody noticed you walk into the living room, all their eyes still glued to the screen.
“Hey!” You announced your presence in the room. All their heads turned to face you. 
Jeremiah was off of the couch in seconds, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
“Look at you! So grown now, huh?” He laughed.
“Jere I’m older than you, fuck off.” You laughed pushing him off of you. Your eyes landed on Conrad who was now standing up, staring right back at you. Jere sat back down on the couch talking to John, but you couldn’t focus on anything but Conrad. 
You were frozen in your spot, standing with your mouth slightly open, unsure of what to say. Conrad walked towards, stopping mere inches away from you.
“Hi.” You whispered loud enough for him to hear. 
“I liked you better with bangs.” He smiled softly, causing you to roll your eyes. 
Last year you had went through a forehead bangs phase. You loved it at the time, but looking back at photos now it only made you cringe. Everyone teased you about it, but especially Conrad.
“I hate you.” You glared at him, scrunching your nose at the fact that the first thing he says to you is a jab of your cringey hair. 
Conrad shook his head and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in for a hug. Now this made you smile. No. It was enough to make you smile for the rest of the week. 
Cousins was the best place to be. But your favorite place to be was in Conrad’s arms. 
But just as you were getting comfortable in his embrace, he pulled away all too quickly. The front door had opened, signaling the Conklin’s arrival. Everyone bolted to the door, you ran straight into Belly’s arms giving her a tight squeeze. 
Belly has always been a little sister to you, considering all you had was a snarky younger brother. 
“Belly!!” You squealed into her ear. 
“What? Do I not get an exciting hug?” Steven pouted by the door. You rolled your eyes and hugged him next before the guys crowded around him. 
“Guys! Time for dinner!” Laurel called from the kitchen. 
You all stood there staring at each other, smirks forming on the guy’s faces.
“Actually...” John smirked. “I think it’s time for.. a belly flop!” He shouted. 
Belly’s eyes go wide and she shouts no as she tries to make a run for it. But let’s be honest, she’s not out running three teenage boys. John grabbed her, sticking his arms under her armpits while Conrad and Jere picked up her legs. 
They ran through the house with her in their arms and you shook your head, following after them and grabbing a towel from the linen closet on the way out to the backyard. By the time you were outside Belly was already in the water, but much to your surprise, John was right next to her splashing water in her face.
You stood next to Conrad and Jere with the towel.
“What happened? Why is John in the water?” You asked throwing the towel onto the pool chair next to you. Steven shrugged his shoulders.
“No idea, they’re weird.” He laughed. 
“Come on, first come first serve on the pizza!” Jere patted Steven on the chest before they bolted back towards the house. You looked back at the two in the pool and furrowed your eyebrows. 
“Let’s go.” Conrad grasped your elbow lightly to get your attention before he too was walking towards the house.
Dinner was good as always. You all sat around the table, talking about the recent events in your life. Jere made varsity baseball, Belly was captain of her volleyball team, Steven was applying to colleges, John just got his license. 
Everybody always had something to say. Except Conrad. He sat in his chair quietly, barely touching his food. He seemed a little weird, even earlier when you greeted him. There was something off.
“What about you, Conrad?” Your mom turned her head to look down the table at him. “How’s football?” She asked.
“I quit.” He said simply. This took everyone aback, especially you. 
Conrad had never mentioned quitting football, but then again he’s hardly texted you within the last 2 months. He was super dry all the time. 
“What? Why?” Belly asked from beside you. Your eyes were locked onto the boy in front of you, silently begging him to look up at you. He shrugged in his seat, still staring at the plate of food in front of him.
“Just didn’t want to play anymore. Would’ve been a bench warmer all season anyways.” He mumbled, you turned to face Susannah who had an unreadable expression on her face. 
You couldn’t tell if she was upset or just defeated with Conrad. 
The rest of dinner was pretty uneventful, small talk and gossip between the moms. Right after dinner all the kids went to the living room to watch a movie, but you stayed back to help the moms tidy up the table and dinner.
“You guys go enjoy yourselves, we’ve got it.” Conrad said to the moms, hushing their protests. “Go.” He shooed them away. It was always you and Conrad that took the lead in helping out the moms. You were the oldest, it was pretty much an unwritten law that you two were the responsible ones.
You stacked the plates up in silence while he picked up the glasses. You watched him in your peripherals.
“Why didn’t you tell me you quit football?” You broke the silence. His hands stopped their actions at your words. He didn’t say anything for a moment before he continued what he was doing.
“Didn’t think it was important.” He mumbled, rinsing the glasses before loading them into the dishwasher. You placed the pile of plates in the sink for him. 
“It’s pretty damn important.” You grumbled, wiping down the dinner table before standing across the island from Conrad as he loaded the dishes. 
“Why does it matter, Y/N?” His head shot up to you.
“Because football was important to you! You love football. You wanted to do football through college and all of a sudden you just aren’t feeling it anymore?” You shook your head. 
“I just don’t want to play anymore, why is that so hard to accept?” He dropped the plate in his hand, letting it fall in the sink, shattering. You both stood in silence, your eyes landing on the broken glass in the sink. 
Before you could say anything, Conrad was out of the kitchen and out the front door. 
What a good start to the summer.
Part 2 soon. 
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kitscutie · 1 year
august (conrad fisher x reader)
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𝗉𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗋𝖺𝖽 𝖿𝗂ꜱ𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀ꜱ: ᖯ𝗂𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗏𝗒 𝗄𝗂ꜱꜱ𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝗆𝖺𝖽 ᖯ𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗒, ꜱ𝖾𝗑𝗒 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗋𝖺𝖽
𝗉.ꜱ: 𝗂'𝗆 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺 𝗐𝖺𝗍𝗍𝗉𝖺𝖽 ꜱ𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒 𝗂𝗇ꜱ𝗉𝗂𝗋𝖾𝖽 ᖯ𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗂ꜱ 𝗈𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝖺𝖼𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍 - 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗅𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗒𝗅𝖺𝗇, 𝗂𝗍'ꜱ 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗃𝗎ꜱ𝗍 𝗒𝖾𝗍 ᖯ𝗎𝗍 ꜱ𝗍𝖺𝗒 𝗍𝗎𝗇𝖾𝖽!
ꜱ𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒: 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗋𝖺𝖽 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 ᖯ𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀 ꜱ𝖾𝖼𝗋𝖾𝗍 ꜱ𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗄-𝗎𝗉ꜱ 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝖺ꜱ𝗍 𝗍𝗐𝗈 𝗒𝖾𝖺𝗋ꜱ, 𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝖺𝗂𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗀𝗈 𝗎𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝖺𝖽𝖺𝗋 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝗈𝗇 𝗂𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗐𝖺𝗒ꜱ, 𝗎𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗅 ᖯ𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗒 ꜱ𝗁𝗈𝗐ꜱ 𝗎𝗉 𝖺𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 ᖯ𝗈𝗇𝖿𝗂𝗋𝖾 𝗎𝗇𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖼𝖾𝖽.
a/n: been wanting to write this for a while so BOOM here it is, sooo excited for season two, also im in a deep dylan obrien depression i need help :p ALSO sorry like all my fics are in different styles at the start i'm experimenting atm!
You and Conrad Fisher had known each other since you had popped out of the womb nineteen years ago in the same hospital, only a floor and two hours keeping you apart.
Your moms had been friends since rooming at college and so your friendship, some might say, had been written in the stars quite literally. Fate.
Things had started to change on your sixteenth birthday. It was just before the annual summer reunion, and of course, you and your mom had gone down just one week earlier in order to have a joint birthday celebration with the Fishers and stayed until the Conklin's arrived.
You had hit puberty and he hadn't seen you since the big change but when he did, his eyes could've fell from his skull. It was almost comedic. Of course at the time his stares meant little to you. He was your best friend after all.
Until last year. It was the start of summer bonfire and all was normal. Belly was at home, Jeremiah was off talking to girls with Steven which left you and Conrad. You found it strange he didn't have the same interest in girls as Steven and Jeremiah but who were you to say anything. You wanted him to stay.
Long story short he finally made a move and a kiss began in the abandoned life-guard tower a couple feet away from the main event, it was all going well, almost too well. And you were proven correct when Steven and Jeremiah came down the beach looking for you and found you in that very compromising position.
Seeing as they weren't exactly in a place to talk they agreed to keep it a secret and so it became the new norm for them, seeing the two of you together while your mom, Susannah, Laurel and Belly were non the wiser.
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The bonfire was in full-swing, Summer had officially begun and what better way to start it than in the lap of Conrad Fisher on Cousins Beach.
He was sat cross legged on the blanket you'd brought from the house, while you sat atop him, legs either side of his own.
"I just think we should be nicer to her, I mean that was us three years ago." You sighed, you'd had a beer or two and were feeling increasingly guilty about the disallowance of Belly to come tonight.
"None of us were allowed out at sixteen, it's only fair." Conrad replied, voice low and relaxed. Something you appreciated about him, he was a very soothing person.
"Yeah, but that's different! We all had each other and now-" You began but he cut you off with a groan.
"Can we please not talk about Belly when your sat on me?" He said, smile gracing his lips.
You began to 'ew' and berate him but were soon cut off by his lips on yours, one of his hands holding your jaw in place while the other sat comfortably on the upper part of your thigh.
It didn't take much for you to open up, his tongue instantly hitting against yours as he deepened the kiss. When your mouths disconnected, it made a sound which made your head go light and airy.
"Do you still feel bad?" He whispered. Hand moving up to put a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
"No." You answered, shooting forward to connect your lips once more. He chuckled into the kiss, teeth clashing together but you didn't care you just wanted him.
His spare hand slowly and nonchalantly drifted to the hem of your shorts, groping your ass gently, you were still in public after all and Conrad wanted to be able to say he had an ounce of class and respect. Even if it was a lie.
A disruption to the left of you and Conrad caught your attention and you went to turn your head, lips still interlocked but he denied that, hand on your jaw tightening and turning your head back to look at him.
The final straw was a resounding 'Ooh' from the crowd and you decided no matter what he did you were going to see what was happening.
Finally turning your head you found Belly. On the floor. And looking directly at you. A lot was wrong with that.
"Shit, Conrad." You said, which finally got his face away from placing delicate kisses across your jaw and to see the same thing as you. His face also dropping.
"Belly?" He said, unable to stop himself in disbelief.
Really this would've been the right time to get out of his lap but you were frozen in fear, forgetting you were sat there in the first place.
"I thought me and Y/N were like your sisters." She said, anger painted on her face. You didn't like confrontation in the first place and so saying something was hard but you couldn't let Belly think badly of you or Conrad.
"Belly look- it's different-" You defended, but she once again cut you off in anger and while your throat tightened in anxiety, you felt Conrad's hand soothe over your back. Reassuring and subtle.
"Different? I know him just as well as you do. It's not different." She seethed. Stepping closer to the two of you.
"Belly, c'mon you know what I mean." You whispered unintentionally. Your eyes were going glassy, feeling looks from all around you. Some in agreeance with you, some with her but none knew the full story.
"We've been together since last year. It was after you left to take Steven to look at Colleges." Conrad stepped in while Belly processed. Preventing another dig at you.
"I thought you weren't ready for a relationship and that, may I remind you again, we're like sisters to you?" Belly replied.
"I didn't-" Conrad started though a hurt look from you cut him off. "Look I said that like two years ago, it isn't even relevant anymore. Clearly." He said. Eyes connecting with you to reassure you, not her.
"You're such a brat." He added, seeing the affect her words had on you.
"Well you're an asshole." Belly yelled back, all while you sat stunned and quiet.
"Belly! You came, great, we can all hang out." Jeremiah said enthusiastically running over. You appreciated his intervention, as obvious as it was that he was trying to distract her.
"I'm about to take her home." Steven cut him off.
"What?" Jeremiah said, confused. Though the situation was bad she was old enough to be out past ten pm. Whether Steven liked it or not.
"Yeah, we're leaving, are you kidding me?" Steven replied as if it was obvious. Grabbing her hand.
"Ok, Steven come on. Go hang out with Shayla or something." Jeremiah answered and you couldn't help but admire the boy and his love for Belly.
You tore your eyes away from the conversation above you as they dispersed, looking back at Conrad who was sighing and pushing hair from his face.
"It'll be okay." You said, knowing what he needed without having to ask.
"I know." He smiled gently, though his eyes didn't fully match. He was worried, and you couldn't blame him.
Belly knew, and worst of all, just five months ago she had confided in you about her crush on Conrad and so it was unclear if she would ever even speak to you again.
Guilt was swallowing you whole.
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myconniebaby · 9 months
Love You More
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Warnings: None really! Kissing, mentions of sex, being intimate, a tiny bit of swearing and talking dirty
Summary: You and Conrad go for a drive, enjoying each others company when you come to the realization that you have to have him right now and can't wait any longer...
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Sitting in the car waiting for my boyfriend, Conrad, to finish pumping gas and I can't help but stare at him through the window. It's dusk, starting to get windy and I can see a storm bubbling on the horizon. It's one of those summer pop-up storms that comes out of no where and will most likely disappear as quickly as it comes. He looks so handsome, his hair perfectly tossled and his cheeks a rosey shade of pink. Sometimes I can't believe he's actually my boyfriend. He catches me staring at him and gives me a smile that makes my heart skip a beat. I smile back and he mouths "love you" to me and gives me a quick wink. I can feel my cheeks heat up as I shyly look away from his gaze. I hear the pump cut off and look up just as he opens his car door to get back inside.
"Miss me," he asks me with a joking tone and a smile.
"Always," I breathe out and answer him as he buckles up and puts the car in drive. He immediately reaches for my hand and laces our fingers together, pulling our clasped hands to his lips for a loving kiss. My cheeks get a flushed pink tint over this tiny gesture and he notices right away and smiles again.
"Love you," he says to me quietly.
"Love you more," I say leaning towards him and snuggling up as close to him as I can get in the car.
We're still holding hands and just enjoying being in each others company and drive around aimlessly for about an hour. When he finally takes a turn down my street my stomach drops a little. I don't want to leave him. I don't want to be apart from him for a single second, let alone minute or hour. I'm craving him in more of a way than I've ever craved being with another person in my entire life. The thought of being alone without him makes me want to weep. I love him so much it actually hurts. Almost as much as the thought of being without him. Instantly I realize that this doesn't need to end here tonight, not if we don't want it to. I gather my thoughts a moment and then clear my throat.
"Con...," I say as he pulls into my driveway. I unbuckle my seatbelt and turn my body towards him, his hand still in mine. He kisses my hand once again before letting go so he can put the car in park and turn off the engine.
"Y/n...," he mimicks me and puts his hand under my chin. He looks into my eyes and holds my gaze. I can't believe I'm staring into the eyes of the most gorgeous man in all of cousins. My boyfriend. My Conrad. Looking into his beautiful eyes and watching him, watch me makes my heart beat so fast, I feel like I can't breathe. He runs his hand through his hair and his bangs fall and frame his face. The way they gently swoops inward, drawing attention to his soft and loving eyes, makes me instantly smile. He smiles back and gives his head a shake, knowing how sexy I think he looks after he tossles his hair. I catch him glancing towards my mouth and then back up to my eyes and he sensuously licks his lips. My eyes go directly to his mouth and stare at those luscious lips of his. Red, full, pouty and begging to be kissed.
"Con...," I say again in a breathy and needy voice. He leans in and rests his forehead gently against mine, out lips dangerously close but not touching. I can feel his breath against my skin and we are both starting to breathe a little heavier even though nothing is really happening between us yet.
"Hmmm...," he manages to answer me. His eyes are closed and I close mine too, trying to control my nervousness and get ready to take this next step. I'm ready. More than ready and I know he is too. We have been waiting for so long. Waiting for the timing to be just right and this is it. It won't be either of our first times but in a sense it kind of will be. For me at least. I've never felt like this about anyone before. I've never been so in love, so over the top, head over heels, crazy for someone and I think it's going to make sex feel like a completely new and exciting experience with him. My boyfriend. My Conrad. I can't help but let a huge grin spread across my face at the thought. He must have been able to feel my smile because he pulls away gives me a slightly confused grin.
"Ok y/n, what's up? What are you thinking about that's got you smiling like that," he asks me.
"You," I state, knowingly.
"Me?," he says, dragging out the "e". "What about me...," he asks leaning in for a kiss.
His lips feel like heaven against mine. They're so smooth and so soft. They envelope my own and I can feel him sucking on my bottom lip, silently begging for me to open them. I revel in the way his lips feel against mine for another minute or so before I grant him access. As soon as I part my lips his tongue slowly melds with mine. He kisses me so passionately I feel like I could cum any moment with just his kiss. I can feel his love throughout my entire body and it's set me on fire. He is breathing life into me with every motion and every touch. I let out a throaty moan and I can feel him smirk into me. He pulls away and rests his head against mine again.
"What are you thinking about now," he asks me, brushing the hair off my cheek and pushing it behind my ear. His hand is cupping my face and his forehead is still pressed against mine and I let out a deep and happy sigh. I pull away and look right back into those beautiful eyes and smile.
"I want you," I say to him with every ounce of courage I can muster.
"I want you too, baby," Conrad says to me, putting his lips on my neck. I can feel him start to suck lightly and I almost get lost in it but force myself to focus.
"Come inside with me Con," I say. "Spend the night with me. Please."
The look on his face tells me he's trying not to get too excited yet as he asks me what I mean.
"Like SPEND the night, spend the night or just hang out? Either one is fine with me y/n, you know that. I'm just not sure what you're asking. No pressure."
I smiled sweetly at him and batted my eyes a few times. "Oh, sorry! Let me be more clear." I quickly got onto my knees and climbed onto his lap so I could straddle him. He pushed the seat back and I plopped high to to his lap, clinging to his body. I ran my hands through his hair and draped my arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him with everything I had in me. His body beneath me started to twitch a little and I could start to feel him getting hard. I lightly grinded over his cock, teasing him until I could start to feel him grinding up in his seat too. I stopped kissing him and let out bodies mash against each other a minute loving the feeling of us almost together. He let out a low and haggard moan and the sound made me instantly wet.
"Fuck me, Con," I whisper. "Take me inside, rip my clothes off and make me scream your name."
He lets out an elated "fuuuuckkkkk" and looks me up and down. "You sure?," he asks me, seriously.
"I've never been more sure of anything," I answer him, matching his serious tone. I start to climb back over to the passenger seat and he helps me swing back over to my side of the car. I start to pick up my purse off the floor and my phone and next think I know, he's out the door and sprinting over to my side. He takes all my stuff in one hand and reaches for me with the other, helping me out if the car.
"Love you," I say to him as he leads me to my door.
"Love you more," he says squeezing my hand, leading us through the door way.
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🩵 Thank you so much for reading 🩵
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conniesanchor · 10 months
connie + shy!reader like she had a hard day at work or something and all she wants is a hug but is too afraid to ask
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you were glad that you and conrad had only planned a movie night and not a big date tonight. you probably would have canceled if you had. today had kicked you in the ass. three people yelled at you at work, your manager being one of them. you just needed conrad.
the ten minute drive from your work to your boyfriends house felt like an hour. the five second walk from the bottom of the driveway to the top, felt like twenty minutes. you had never been more relieved in your life when you finally reached the front door. shooting conrad a quick, 'let me in' text, regardless of the fact that he had told you multiple times you could come in on your own.
it was only a few seconds before the blonde had opened the door, "hi, baby," he smiled, moving out of the way in order to let you in. you smiled back, not saying anything as you made your way to his couch and set your bag down on it. he wasn't far behind you, sitting down on the couch and pulling you with him, "hi," he spoke once more.
"hi," you responded. you moved to dig through your bag, trying to get the pajamas that you swore you had packed. when you came to the conclusion that they were, in fact, not in there. "fuck," you mumbled, leaning back onto the couch with a sigh.
"what's the matter?" conrad asked, placing his hand on your knee.
you took a deep breath, afraid that you might start crying if you hadn't, "i forgot my stupid pajamas," you mumbled, running your fingers through your hair. you had said it like it was the end of the world, and conrad couldn't have been more confused as to why.
he looked at you, tilting his head, "it's alright. we can go upstairs, and you can have one of my tee shirts," he said, moving to stand up and offer you a hand to do the same. you nodded, taking his hand and following him up the stairs. conrad sat you down on his bed, opening his closet, "okay. want a sweater or a t-shirt?" the boy asked, turning around to face you.
you looked up at him, and he felt like he could cry when he realized how sad you looked. "just a t-shirt, please. can i have some sweat pants, too?" you requested, softly.
"anything for you." you got dressed into warm clothes when conrad finally decided to bring up the elephant in the room, "now, pretty. why do you look so sad?" he asked. you shook your head, not wanting to give him an answer. "that's okay. im great at guessing games," your boyfriend smiled, "hmm, are you tired?"
you shook your head.
"okay, okay. do you want a hug?" bingo. you nodded, looking up from your lap to make eye contact with him. he chuckled, immediately wrapping his arms around you. "y/n/n, baby. you never have to ask for a hug, you know that." he told you, the words muffled into your hair. "bad day at work?" he asked, earning a nod.
you pulled away after a few minutes, ready to talk, "im sorry, connie. it was just a really long day. i didn't mean to shut you out."
he looked at you like you had three heads, "it's okay. we all have bad days. let's go watch the movies," the boy suggested standing up and pulling you with him.
you watched five minutes of ten things i hate about you before you fell asleep.
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riordanness · 4 months
pretty things - [c.fisher]
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wordcount: 2.2K
requested: no
warnings: sa mentioned; bad parents; reader has ptsd
I was curled up in the foetal position on my bed, wrapped around my covers. Tears stained my cheeks, and my hair was messy and bedraggled. I hadn’t moved all day, not even to eat or go to the bathroom. I felt like an empty hole of guilt and pain and horror.
There was a knock on my bedroom door. I had no energy to even answer, so I just waited. I was pretty sure who it was, and I knew he’d let himself in. He always did.
My door creaked three times as he slowly pushed it open, trying to be quiet. “y/n?” Conrad whispered. “Are you sleeping?”
My back was to him. I didn’t look at Conrad at all, but I shook my head, not trusting myself to speak yet.
“It’s getting late. My mum and Laurel are getting worried about you. Are you sick?”
Again, I just shook my head.
I heard his footsteps on my floorboards. They creaked too. Conrad came around to the side of the bed I was facing. He gently sat down on the edge of the mattress. I felt it sink slightly with his weight.
“y/n?” His voice was still really quiet and soft. “Are you… okay?”
I wiped my face with my fingers, trying to figure out what to say. Obviously not the truth. Anything but it. “Um, I’m fine. Just really tired from the party last night…”
My voice was croaky from crying all day. I swallowed nervously, wishing I had water to mask the pain in my voice.
“What’s wrong?” Conrad asked, his tone hardening a little.
“Nothing,” I lied. “I’m fine.”
“y/n.” The way he said my name made me shiver with both delight and worried anticipation. “You’re clearly not okay. You never sleep in after eight in the summer. You always go to the beach first thing. It’s nearly four pm. You haven’t been seen since the party last night. What’s wrong?”
The fact that he’d memorised all that about me made me fall even deeper in love with him, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t tell him what had happened. It was all my own fault anyway.
I pushed myself to a sitting position. I tried to drag my fingers through my matted hair, but it was useless. I needed a brush to fix that mess. I wiped my face again, just in case it helped hide the tear stains. I blinked a couple times, then licked my lips, finally meeting Conrad’s eyes.
“Please, y/n,” he begged. He moved his hand to cover mine. I glanced down at it, then back up at him, and his gorgeous blue eyes, pleading with me.
I shook my head. “I… I can’t. I can’t. I’m sorry.”
Conrad looked disappointed, but he didn’t argue. He never did with me. “Okay. If you’re sure you’re alright. Do you want to go swimming with me?”
I hesitated. “Alright.”
“Okay.” He smiled. “Meet you downstairs in ten.”
Conrad was waiting for me at the front door, dressed in his dark blue swimming shorts, with a dark blue towel thrown over his shoulder. His eyes lit up when he saw me.
I’d run a brush through my tangles, changed into my usual white swimsuit with the tiny dark blue stars all over it, and grabbed my matching white towel.
When I reached the bottom of the stairs, Conrad gazed at me for a moment. I felt strangely comfortable with him looking at me. Even with all that had happened last night. I knew I could never feel uncomfortable with Conrad. He wouldn’t ever do anything to make me feel like I wasn’t safe.
I shook my head, wishing those thoughts away. I didn’t want to think of last night. I only wanted to think of now, and of Conrad, and of swimming at the beach. Even though that was where it happened…
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
Conrad’s voice brought me back to the present.
“Mhm,” I said quickly. “Let’s go and swim.”
Conrad smiled. “Yeah, let’s.”
On the way outside, passing the Fisher’s pool, I had second thoughts. “Hey, actually, can we swim in the pool this time?”
Conrad stopped and looked at me, confused. “But you adore the beach. You always have.”
“I know,” I said, feeling fidgety all of a sudden. I shifted my weight from foot to foot. “Just please? Can we?”
He relented. “Course.”
I dropped my towel and instantly dove into the water, letting it surround me in its familiar, comforting embrace. The water was my home, my heart, my special place. I always felt safe in the water. I stayed under for as long as I could hold my breath, before finally bursting back up above the surface.
Conrad was sitting at the edge of the pool, his feet in the water. Watching me.
I pushed my hair back, treading water. Watching him right back. His eyes reminded me of glass. Blue sometimes, but shattered and colourful and reflective too.
“What are you thinking about?” Conrad asked.
I hesitated. “The ocean.”
“So why are we in the pool, then, missy?”
I took a moment to answer. “Well, I’m in the pool. You’re just staring at me.”
“Am I not allowed to stare at pretty things?”
I blushed. I was used to Jeremiah and his flirtatious ways, but Conrad? Compliments and Conrad never went together.
“Don’t answer that,” he decided. “Forget it.” He stood, and dove. For a split second, it was almost like he was suspended in the air, and then, I was sprayed with water. Conrad came up almost right away, not staying under like I always do.
He rose above the water right next to me, breathing through his mouth. Ugh, stop thinking about his mouth, I thought desperately. Stop being so in love with him, it’s getting pathetic.
“Hmm?” I focused on him.
“You aren’t okay,” he said.
I opened my mouth to argue. Conrad held up a hand. “I know, you keep saying you are totally fine. But I know you, y/n, and I know you aren’t okay today. But I know that you will tell me what’s wrong if you want to, so I won’t push you. Just know that I’m here, okay?”
His blue eyes looked very blue right now. They were staring into mine, threatening to pull out all my secrets. I blinked. “I know. Thank you, Con.”
I hadn’t called him Con in a long time. It startled him, I could tell, but he smiled a little, backing away from me in the water. “Come on, let’s race.”
I allowed myself a dry smile. “You and your racing. You boys all just love to win, don’t you?” I rolled my eyes playfully. “Competitive boys.”
Conrad splashed me with water. “Hey, you’re one to talk. You’re the most competitive person I know.”
I pretended like I was offended. “Please. I am not competitive. I just like to win. At everything. All the time.” I hesitated. “Okay, maybe I am a little competitive. But I grew up living as the ‘little girl’ with you and Jere and Steven! Can you blame me?”
Conrad laughed. “Okay. Maybe you’ve got a point.”
“But …” He smirked. “I do remember this one time —”
“Shut up!” I gasped. “You know you weren’t supposed to know that!” I swam over to him, hitting him lightly on the arm.
“Ow!” Conrad rubbed his forearm, frowning at me. Suddenly, all I could think of was how cute he looked when he was faking being mad, his brow creasing.
“Don’t be a baby,” I said, flustered by my own thoughts. “Don’t you even bring that up again.”
“Aww, c’mon, y/n,” he whined, which was also really cute. I hated how much I was in love with this boy. It almost hurt, because I knew he would never be mine.
“It was cute.” Conrad said, tapping my nose.
I swallowed, trying to keep my breathing normal. “You think it was cute?” My voice sounded small and delicate, like glass, like whatever he said in return might shatter it.
“Umm…” Conrad looked embarrassed. “Well, I mean. I guess so, uh, because you were just trying so hard to, umm…” He trailed off, not looking at me.
I rubbed my leg against the other, staring at him while I had the chance, staying quiet. I didn’t know what to say.
“Sorry,” I blurted. “You’re allowed to bring that up. I’m being ridiculous. Ignore me.”
Conrad met my eyes, his blue one piercing into mine. “What? No. You don’t have to apologise for anything, y/n.” Worry flashed in his expression, but he didn’t say anything.
I looked down at the water in front of me, slowly kicking my legs. I chewed my lip. “No. Just — whatever. It’s whatever.” I waved my hand. “It honestly doesn’t even matter. I was just a stupid little kid.”
“Hey,” Conrad reached for my hand, giving it a squeeze. “You have never been stupid.”
I met his gaze again. I felt so incredibly seen and safe with Conrad. How could I not? I love you, I wanted to say, so, so badly, but I just couldn’t make myself. It wasn’t for me to say.
Conrad seemed to understand without me having to say it. “Come here,” he said, and pulled me into a tight hug. I wrapped my legs around his waist, burying my face in his neck, finally letting my tears go. I clung to him and cried out all my emotions.
Fear, horror, pain from last night.
Distress, anxiety, misery from today.
Love, joy, safety from my Conrad.
“y/n, please tell me what’s going on.”
I shook my head. “Con, I can’t. I can’t tell you. It-it’s too bad.”
He gently pulled me off him, looking intently into my face. “y/n. You are not alright. And you’re not alone. I’m right here. I won’t tell a soul what you tell me. But you need to tell someone what’s going on. And… I’d like it to be me.”
I didn’t want to tell anyone. I wanted to bury last night deep inside me and never think about it again. But I knew he was right. Otherwise, it would fester deep in my chest, burning and killing me from my middle to my outside.
I took a deep breath. “Okay. Um.” I had no idea where to start. “Last night, my parents were fighting. With each other, and with-with me. They were blaming me for all their problems, and calling me all these awful names and telling me I was useless to them and that they wished they’d never had me as a daughter, and I, I got really angry, I told them fine. I was gonna leave and never come back if that’s how they felt about me. So they kicked me out.”
I had been trying to keep my emotions in check, but I was sobbing now. “And then, I was walking down the beach on the way to your house when this guy—“ My voice faltered. “He… he grabbed me and tried to kiss me and touch me but I kicked him and ran. I ran all the way to your house.”
“That’s why you turned up so late and flustered.”
I nodded, wiping furiously at my tears. “I—I’m sorry. I didn’t—“
Conrad wrapped me so tightly in his arms I couldn’t even finish my sentence.
“If you ever—“ Conrad’s voice was harsh and angry. “ever say sorry for something like this again, I will kill you. Don’t you dare be sorry.”
I wrapped my arms around him, holding tightly to him. His arms were solid and warm around my waist.
“I’m so sorry this happened to you,” Conrad said roughly into my shoulder, and I realised with a start that he was crying. Not as badly as me, granted, but tears were glistening in his eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me right away?” he begged, his voice ragged. He gripped my shoulders, staring at me.
I couldn’t meet his eyes. “I didn’t want to bother you with my drama.” I traced my fingertip against the top of the water, making a ripple.
“y/n, I will never be bothered by anything you have to say.” Conrad looked more serious than I’d ever seen him. And for Conrad, that was saying something. “I just… I’m so sorry. Are you alright? Did that guy hurt you? Do you know who he was, or what he looked like? And, if you don’t want to go back to your parents, or you can’t, you know you’re welcome here as long as you need.”
I nodded slowly. “He didn’t really do anything. It just terrified me. I think I did more damage to him than he did to me. Especially since he just scared me and I kicked him in his sensitive place.”
Conrad managed to laugh. “That’s my y/n.”
My chest grew uncontrollably warm at his remark. “Um, and yeah. I don’t think I’ll be able to go back home for a while.”
“Well,” Conrad grabbed and squeezed my hand again. “You know you’ve got a home here, with us.”
“Thanks, Con.” I gave him a small smile, which he returned.
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rulesheart · 2 years
Conrad fisher x fem!reader
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A;N : Yes, it’s me again. I know I haven’t posted anything in like 3 months or so. But- I’m on summer break and therefore I’ll be more active. This is a quickish smut that ive had laying around since I watched Tsitp for the first time. This is NOT my best work. There will be more Conrad smuts in the future though. I know I haven’t written any actual intercourse smut. But my next work will most likely be that. I’d appreciate it if you guys gave more ideas and situations. That would be very much appreciated. Anyways, enjoy this because I know y’all have been waiting for it. <3
Summary : Conrad plans more than watching a movie in your bedroom.
Likes, reposts and comments are very welcome!
Warnings ; fingering , cussing and maybe more ?
Your back leaned up against his half covered chest and stomach. His upper arm tightened as your hand squeezed it frantically.
“Conrad-“ you moaned to him with his finger still rubbing against your clit. You wore black panties under the booty shorts you had slid off for him earlier. The sound of his breathing grew heavier into your right ear. He shuddered on and on. Touching you made him feel turned on. He found it so satisfying when you melted under his touch.
Beginning to rub faster against your clit, you let out another moan. And the warmth from his breaths eased closer to your ear.
“Do…” He paused. Attempting to catch his breath.
“Do you like it when I touch you like this?” He whispered shakily.
You gave no response. Nothing to say. Too clouded into your thoughts and pleasure.
First but hesitant at the thought, you suddenly took a slow glance at him. And, there he was. Mouth hanging open, pink lips wetted and strands of hair hanging over his eyes. The messy middle part, he always failed to do. The smell of the salty beach and watermelon radiating off of him. His button up left undone, leaving his warm chest open.
Conrad being the one to pleasure you made you feel hazy. Like your stomach was in a knot and it was impossible to unravel. His eyes gave the impression he was waiting. And he wouldn’t continue til he got some response out of you.
You nodded back at him. Also biting your lower lip, eager for more of him. Although, it wasn’t enough. He just stared back at your mouth. Waiting for some sound to come from it.
“Hmhm.” You mumbled, finally giving him what he wanted.
That’s when his blue eyes flung to yours.
Even tighter your stomach grew.
His eyes always made you feel weak. Tense. Even weaker than you usually felt around him. He knew what it did to you. Eye contact was what he used against you. Every. Time.
It only took a moment for him to slide his fingers inside you. Without giving time for your insides to get used to his large digits. Immediately pumping them at a slow but effective pace. Your head flipped around to where the back of it was against his chest again.
“I- fuck me.” You whimpered from your drooling and hungry mouth. At every pump he made, your back arched more. Your hand flew to his right bicep and your legs closed further together. It felt like ecstasy. Like your blood was buzzing through you.
You shut your eyes due to the pleasure. Skipping breaths every now and then. Whiffing the smell of Conrad every chance you could get to draw you closer to the edge. He’d then move his fingers faster inside you. Making himself cling tight onto your walls and juices. You let out one moan after another one, each getting louder and louder.
Til you felt a grip hold onto your jawline. It surprised you, causing for your eyes to flutter right open. His head tilted to yours and he licked his lips lightly.
“You’re the only girl I’ve touched in the past few weeks. You could at least look at me while I please you.” Conrad said with a slight change of tone in his voice.
“You know I deserve it.” He interrupted. “Say I deserve it, y/n.”
There the silence went again. It’s the pressure that you felt. It made you sound more…pathetic.
“you deserve it- you deserve it all Conrad…” You quietly let out.
He looked down at your lips for a second before he slowly leaned in. Meeting your wet mouth with his. He felt hot and safe. He greedily sucked in your bottom lip against his tongue. Your jawline was kept in the grasp of his hand.
Your tongues collided against one another as he picked up his pace inside you. Your thighs became weaker while he pumped more. That watermelon scent went straight to your senses. His strands of hair brushed against your eyelashes.
You could breathe in each other’s air like you two were connected.
Your legs slowly eased down to the mattress. But only making Conrad notice how much you were unraveling from beneath him. He immediately let go of your jaw and set it onto your thigh. And unexpectedly pulled away from your lips.
“lay them down and I won’t make you cum.” He squeezed at the skin. Making you bite back a moan. So you listened. You slowly struggled to pull them apart while his hand still sat on your thigh.
“That’s right. Now buck those hips for me, yeah?” Conrad breathed close to your ear again. You were ready to explode. He had a way with words and it was so easy to fall under them.
You took the little energy you had left and moved your hips back and forth. His fingers would go deeper as you went forward. And at this point, he was making them again. Conrad’s quiet grunts and moans echoed through your ear. He was getting off on it still. He wanted to make you feel good just like this. All day and all night.
And you wouldn’t mind it one bit.
Your hipbones fought with the air as fireworks started up in you. You had then been picking up the pace. Urging to finish. Fighting for it so badly.
“I’m…Conrad- god.” you struggled to form words.
“Are you gonna cum?” Conrad asked, feeling more needy than ever. You took a glance at him again. His lips were a dark deep red as well as his cheeks flushing a brighter red too.
You returned him a small nod. Then leaning up to kiss him again. He suddenly moaned into your mouth, using his fingers at a faster motion again.
You bucked your hips forcefully a few more times. Til you felt it come over you. Time slowing yet electricity also pulling you into a wave of pleasure.
You pulled away from the kiss then. All too weakened and sensitive. And As you came, Conrad moaned out loud with you. As if he almost felt the fireworks you were facing.
“Sh- shit.” You choked as you came back to reality. Conrad slowly slipped his fingers from you. Lifting them up in front of him, seeing that they were coated in your juices.
Then putting them right into his mouth. Sucking on them and groaning at the taste of you.
“Told you I deserved it.” He teased.
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tatoda · 2 years
Beach House || Chris Briney x fem!reader
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summary: you are chris’s girlfriend and are spending the day with the cast for the release of the show.
warnings: just little overthinking and a lot of fluff 😻
wc: 1k+
just a little chris fic bc i love him <3
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It was the week of the premiere of The Summer I Turned Pretty show to come out. The cast had invited everyone to a beach house that Lola had rented. The people invited were limited. You and Chris have been dating for about 2 years now and he got to invite you as the cast has loved you from the first time you had visited the set. Currently, you all were at the pool in the backyard. Lola started a live with Gavin and immediately it blew up with people. The show was supposed to come out tonight and you all were going to watch it with the fans. You were laying on a lounge chair under an umbrella so you didn’t get burnt by the sun with your eyes closed.
“Hey, beautiful.” Chris walked over to you dripping from just getting out of the pool. you opened your eyes smiling at him “just coming to check on you.” he sat on the edge of the chair and you sat up to come face to face with him
“I'm perfect.” you leaned forward and kissed him softly. Chris smiled at you and rubbed your cheek softly
“yo, Chris! we’re playing volleyball get back here!” Gavin called out to him as the cast was in the pool ready to play against each other
“go rockstar,” you muttered against him
“love you.” he sat up and jumped into the pool
You pulled your phone out to check Instagram and Twitter. All of your mentions or explore pages were of the show and edits of it. Some were thirst traps of Chris as Conrad and you felt amazing that you were dating such an amazing guy. But it hit you. That a lot of girls were going to be obsessed with your boyfriend. They would want you gone, maybe you are going to get hate after the show is out. You glanced up at everyone who was around Lola's phone and gushing about the show. You decided maybe you would sleep just a little while everyone did that. You rested your eyes cuddling on your side against Chris's sweatshirt he had on earlier. Slowly you drifted off to the yelling in the pool.
The feeling of an arm wrapping around you made you stir. The dampness of Chris's shorts hit your back but you relaxed. He laid down behind you on the chair closing his eyes and breathing in your scent.
“hmmm hi.” you cuddled back into him
“shhh go back to sleep.” he kissed your shoulder and you closed your eyes again
What you both didn’t see was how the live stream was facing Sean as he was answering questions. The fans all noticed how Chris cuddled up to you and many of them were freaking out about how cute the two of you were.
Later that day everyone was getting ready for the first episode to come out. You and Chris were currently taking a shower together to “save water”.
“We can’t be in here long.” you hugged Chris from behind as he stood in front of the water
“it’s fine, they won’t miss us.” he turned around and moved some of your hair from your face. “you sure you’re okay?” you sighed and he furrowed his eyebrows “is this about the show coming out?”
“it’s amazing, I know it is. I just feel a little“ you paused
“jealous?” he finished your sentence and smirked
“you’re so attractive in the show and there are gonna be so many girls that will want you Chris.” you anxiously played with the water droplets that were on his chest and his heart exploded at the way you both used physical touch to calm each other down
“First, I’m yours. and only yours.” he leaned down and kissed your neck and you sighed “second,” he looked up “am I only attractive to you in the show?” he said jokingly “I’m not attractive to you now?”
“stop.” you laughed and leaned into his chest and he stroked your hair
“tell me if anything is bothering you, please.” you both stood there under the water and held each other until Gavin yelled at you assuming you were having sex and Chris responded with “fuck off.”
Around thirty minutes later you were in your shared room that you had with Chris. He was already downstairs and this time Gavin started live on his phone. You took your time to get comfortable in shorts and one of Chris's sweatshirts. As you walked downstairs you passed the cast and Chris averted his eyes to follow you as you sat on the couch and got on your phone.
“y/n someone asked if you are team Jeremiah or Conrad?” Lola read off the chat and turned back towards you and as you put down your phone
“I’ve been a Jeremiah girl, but not anymore after the last book. I read the books when they came out and instantly fell in love. but I was team Jeremiah the first two books.” Chris gasped and Gavin laughed and blew you a kiss
“she is living out her Conrad dream.” rain mentioned and you blushed as the chat went crazy saying how lucky you were.
They kept answering questions and Chris kept glancing at you before standing up and coming over to sit next to you. You laid your head down on his shoulder as an instant reaction and he kissed the top of your head.
“The show is premiering in 5 minutes!” Lola screamed and everyone bundled onto the couch leaving the phone resting against the tv so the fans could see your reactions
As you cuddled closer to Chris the show started and everyone enjoyed it just as much as filming it. In one scene you are seen at the beach bonfire party and everyone laughed at you for tripping, which was not scripted. As y’all finished the episode you drifted off on Chris's shoulder and he hugged you to him and rubbed your arm keeping you calm. Again the fans in the comments freaking out over how cute the two of you were, again they only paid attention to the two of you. You moved slightly away from him but he pulled you back into him not wanting you to be away from him.
“wanna go to bed?” he whispered into your ear not wanting you to be overwhelmed with the cast talking
“hm?” you opened your eyes and looked up into his loving eyes
“bed?” you shook your head wanted to be with him and the cast
“you sure?”
“later.” he sighed and kissed your head once again and you snuggled into his side
“okay we are doing a house tour so we are all going to separate to our rooms so get ready to show them.” summer said excitedly
“What time is Larsen coming in tomorrow?” Lola asked Gavin who’s head popping up at his girlfriend's name
“around twelve.”
Chris moved to carry you to your room. His arms felt like home after all these years of longing for him as friends.
“I love you,” you whispered into him
“I love you too, sweetheart.” he smiled down at your body falling in love all over
As he placed you on the bed he took off your pants to get you ready for bed and put you under the covers. He kissed you softly making a small smile come to your face.
“sweatshirt on or off?”
“on please.” you cracked your eyes open to glance at him
“I need to go end the live with them, I will be right back.” he walked away and you smiled at how lucky you were
You drifted off a little and didn’t completely fall asleep as you needed Chris to be there with you. Voices came closer to your room and Chris entered.
“This is where y/n and I are staying.” you covered yourself under the comforter and Chris chuckled at your actions “she’s super tired if y’all couldn’t tell today.” he walked closer to you “she will be okay though.” he moved some of the comforters and moved your hair “I’ll be back soon darling.” he walked away and out of the room.
Chris left for a few minutes and then came back. He took off his shirt and his pants leaving him in his boxers and sliding into bed with you but turning off the lamp next to him leaving y’all in the darkness. He grabbed you and flipped you around so you were cuddled into his side. he hummed into your hair as you both calmed down from the day
“thank you for being here.”
“thank you for letting me come.” you moved your finger up and down his chest “I’m so glad you got this opportunity. it makes me really happy for you.” he smiled down at your figure
“I love you,” he whispered and you knew he was it for you.
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tearsoverfears · 2 years
How to disappear.
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conrad x reader
nothing but pure fucking angst
“you’re not the only one who’s fucking hurting conrad.” the words left your mouth with a sour taste. you knew conrad would blow up in any second, and your sentence just gave you the ultimate death wish.
he stepped away from you as his eyes passed with a second of sadness before the blue in his irises turned black. he balled his once free hands into fists as he carefully chose his words.
yes, you guys were in a pretty heated argument but his worst fear is too ever say something out of anger that he will never get to take back.
“but what about me? don’t i get to hurt? don’t i get to deal with this in my own way? i understand that i’ve been more distant y/n, but i’m fucking hurting. everyday i wake up and smell her perfume within the empty halls just to realize that’s she’s not here. and her perfume is fuck-“ his voice breaks off.
“her perfume is fucking stuck to the walls like super glue and it’s nauseating.” his eyes leave you.
you know he’s hurting, he has been for months. you’ve given him time and space. you just miss the old him, the old us.
he can barely touch you, or look at you anymore. he doesn’t call you late at night when he’s studying anymore. no more late night showing up at your doorstep because he misses you. no more kisses at the red lights when you guys go on cruises. no more kisses in the rain. and no more pulling your hair behind your ears and kissing the tears the touch your cheeks when you have a rough day.
he was no longer the conrad that you knew. he became this ghost of a person on who you once loved. losing someone was hard, but losing someone who was still alive was harder.
everywhere you went; you were surrounded with the reminders of him and everything you guys used to be.
but god, you wish you could tell him that.
“con, i know you lost her. we all lost her. i lost her too, but that doesn’t mean you get to distance yourself for me and expect me be there when you’re ready to come back.” every time you spoke you were afraid that it’ll break him even more than he already is.
he’s been skating on thin ice for months before he has a full blown breakdown.
“i don’t understand what you fucking want me to do. i’m fucking trying. i can’t possibly give you more y/n, so please hop off my fucking dick already. it’s been months. just take the fucking hint already. leave me alone.” conrad stepped away from you and he gripped onto the granite countertop. his free hand pinched the bridge of his nose as his breathing lessened but hardened.
you flinched at his harsh words. they severed through the crumbling shell hitting you write in the chest. you eyes began to water up blurring the view of the boy in front of you.
“i’m tired,” you’re voice cracked. you watched as he stood there, lifeless, emotionless towards you. towards the argument you both just had but most of all to your relationship.
“what can that possibly mean y/n?” conrad questioned with a level of harshness in his tone.
you tried saving and salvaging everything the both of you built together with everything you possibly can. it was as if you were both two candles burning with the same flame. your fire still rapidly burning but Conrad’s was fading away. piece by piece.
you’re share your vibrant and strong flame as his would slowly die down but you’re burning your own flame out by trying to revive his.
a person can only take so much before they burn themselves out. you’re afraid it’s finally your time. the flame finally dying out leaving the room cold no longer kept alive with the heat.
“i can’t keep saving this. i’m tired of trying to pick up your broken pieces conrad. i can’t keep cleaning up your empty beer bottles that surround you as you sleep every night. i can’t keep trying to save you while i’m fucking drowning. it’s over conrad. i’m done.” conrad finally looks at you.
you thought you would break through finally to him. finally crack the wall that’s he’s built up for months now. instead, you received nothing but a blank stare and a slight furrow in him eyebrows.
you slowly begin to grab your things before heading to the front door. you turn the doorknob turning back to glance at him one last and final time.
conrad caught your glimpse. he now sat on a chair holding the same old beer bottle that chilled his hands every night. his stare was empty and cold. it was like you were never there.
you were now another ghost that haunted the house. filling it to the brim with more memories that conrad would later rinse down with the burn of alcohol down his throat.
you leave out the front door, practically spinning to the car. your knees buckling as you open the door and crash down on the seat. your sobs breaking the deafening quiet atmosphere that made your ears pound. your body releasing everything that you’ve kept in for months now.
you wanted to disappear. you wanted nothing more than to slip into the abyss of the unknown and just stay there for awhile. you wish you could forget conrad and everything you’ve been through together but you couldn’t.
conrad made you, you. you’d now have to learn to be without him. you’d have to wake up to cold beds in the morning that was once warm with conrad’s body heat as he lazily slept in while his arm loosely wrapped around your waist.
everything you’ve owned will no longer smell like the salty ocean air mixed with a soft musk of vanilla. no more late night texts from conrad saying how much he missed you and no more early morning muffin runs.
you wanted to learn how to disappear.
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bad religion - conrad fisher x oc!fem!reader
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a/n: this definitely is not loosely based off my first situation-ship, life has been lowkey weird but finally found some to write <3
warnings: angst, neighbors to fwbs to ???, jealousy, mentions of bonrad (i’m sorry for those who love them together, it’s just for the story), brief instance of smut, unrequited love???, drinking, arguing, cheating, confused feelings, more angst :(
summary: vienna alcaraz had been hooking up with her next door neighbor, conrad fisher, for the past two years. it wasn’t until she decided to finally confess how she feels about him but it doesn’t go as well as she thought it would.
disclaimer: i do not own any characters mentioned in this story. this is for fictional purposes only. do not copy or claim my work as your own. comments, reblogs and constructive feedback are appreciated!!
important resources 🍉
masterlist 💕
italics: flashback
word count: 1.2k
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it's a bad religion… to be in love with someone who could never love you
vienna’s pov:
the last place i wanted to be at right now was a fucking house party. but my friends, camilla and lyla, thought it would be the perfect opportunity to cheer me up after what happened a couple of weeks ago. i had been hooking up with conrad fisher, my next door neighbor, on and off for two years.
the more i tried to conceal my feelings, the more complicated hooking up with him became for the both of us. as much as he tried to deny the fact there’s something more going on, he still couldn’t help coming back to me whenever we broke things off. and i couldn’t help letting him back in, letting the cycle continue.
i was pouring back shots of patron like it was water, glaring at him from across the room as he was talking to belly conklin, his new girlfriend. i knew that she was attracted to him but didn’t know the gravity of their relationship. i wasn’t angry or held any resentment towards the girl but i was more upset that conrad was dating someone out of nowhere especially after what happened.
i bit into his shoulder, trying to hide my screams as his thrusts grew sloppier. he groaned, moving one of his hands that were gripping my hips and rubbing my clit to help bring me closer to my third orgasm for the night. my legs shook, my cunt clenching around his length, i moved my face away to look at him, pulling him into a needy kiss.
he groaned, “god, i’m gonna cum!” i whimpered, running my manicured fingers through his hair. i squeaked hoarsely, “cum in me, baby.. need you to fill me up so bad!” my words sent him over the edge as you both reach our peaks, him cumming inside of me while i cum around his cock. he let out a impassioned grunt, burying his face in the crook of my hickey covered neck and leaving soft kisses on the bruises he left.
my legs trembled around him, a strained and pleased whine leaving my lips. he pulled out, laying down next on to me and bringing me into his arms. we both panted and i sat up slightly, kissing him gently. i stared into his celadon eyes and the three dreaded words slipped from your mouth before i had the chance to stop myself: “i love you.”
his eyes widened and slowly let you go out of his grasp. “what did you say?” i gulped nervously, unsure of how he could possibly react or respond. “i love you, connie..” i try to place your hand on his left cheek when he pushes it away. “god, why’d you have to say that, vienna?”
2 hours later
i find conrad sitting by himself and smoking a cigarette outside away from the chaos inside. i stumbled as i walked over to him due to how much i’ve been drinking tonight but i couldn’t care less about falling. i needed to talk to him. my words slurred as i spoke, “connie.. we need to talk.” he sighed, “i really don’t think that’s a good idea right now.”
i sat down on the lawn chair next to him, looking over at the way the moonlight shined onto his features. i asked, “why?” he took a deep drag and inhaled the smoke into his mouth as i watched it exhale through his nose. he shook his head, “you’re drunk, v. i’m not talking about this with you.” i scoffed, pressing my lips together, rolling your eyes. “i don’t fucking care.. i need you.”
he flicked what was remaining of his cigarette to the ground and stepped on it to put it out. “we’re not talking about this.. you need to sober up and then we’ll talk.” he got up from the chair next to me and walked away, back to the party. the next thing i knew, i got up rapidly and shouted, “don’t you fucking dare walk away from me, conrad!” he stopped walking as a few people who were also sitting outside, looking over at the both of you.
he turned over and walked back towards me, “you need to calm down.. you’re making a scene.” i spoke through gritting teeth, “i don’t fucking care! why won’t you talk to me?” my eyes welled up with tears as he tried to calm me down, “like i said.. i’m not talking about this with you when you’re drunk. you need to go home, vienna.” i shook my head, “why? so you can fuck belly without me being here and holding you back?”
lyla ran outside to where you both were at, trying to pull me away from the heated conversation. “come on, v.. let’s get you home.” i cried, hot tears rolling down my face. “this is fucking bullshit!! you can’t love me but get with someone else right after? that is so fucked up and i wouldn’t even think about doing that to you!” he just stands there, watching me fall apart while more people gather near.
i thrashed and sobbed as lyla led me away from the party and to camilla’s car, sitting me down inside. camilla was sitting in the drivers seat, turning on the car’s ignition once lyla buckled you up and got in the car as well. i stared out the window, sniffling as i felt the cool air from the opened passenger seat window in front of me, thinking about conrad. why wasn’t i enough for him? why am i not good enough to be loved by him?
i blinked rapidly as my mouth fell agape, “what do you mean?” he sighed, “you really shouldn’t have said that..” he got of my bed, putting on his boxers then his sweats. i followed him out of bed, “where are you going?” he grabbed his shirt off the floor and threw it on, “i thought we agreed that we’d keep things casual, vienna… no strings attached, remember?”
i stammered over my words, “i can’t help how i feel! i can’t just turn my emotions off like you can.” he scoffed, “you think it’s just easy for me to not feel anything? do you think i’m some emotionless robot?” i shook my head, “that’s not what i’m saying, i-” he quickly cut me off, “then what the fuck are you saying, vienna?” i shakily sighed, “do you love me?”
he tries to not answer by walking to my bedroom door, “i’m not talking about this.” i seethed, “just answer the fucking question, conrad!” he exclaimed, “no, i don’t! i don’t love you, i’m sorry but maybe that’s what you need to hear.”
i feel my eyes become watery as what he just said. i spoke as a few stray tears began to fall down my face, “get the fuck out of my house.” he sighed, “fine then.” with that, he walked out of my bedroom, leaving me alone with everything crumbling down to the surface.
i was fast asleep until i heard a knock on my window. i got up rapidly, thinking someone was breaking into my house when i look over and see conrad outside sitting on the roof and waiting for me to let him in. i walked over and opened it for him, watching him climb into my bedroom. i mentioned, “you know.. you could have just used the front door. my parents aren’t in town.”
he nodded, “i know.. i just had to see you.” i sighed, “conrad.. i-” he cut me off by smashing his lips against mine, cupping my jaw with his hands. my hands wander down his clothed chest while the other ran through his hair.
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fandom-addict404 · 10 months
Anxiety’s One Hell of a Problem
“Oh fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck” Conrad muttered under his breath, shakily. He felt his heart rate beating a mile a minute and his hands shaking profusely has he scrambled to grab his phone from his pocket. However it seemed to keep slipping from his hands.
He finally got his hands to grip hard enough onto his phone where he clicked on Steven’s contact. He held the phone to his ear, the dial tone fading in and out as he felt his body float to and from his body every couple of moments. His hands were shaking and his leg was bouncing uncontrollably under the table.
“Conrad? Conrad? Is everything okay?” Steven’s voice echoes, worriedly over the phone. At first Conrad can’t completely hear him but Steven’s mind quickly pieces together what’s happening from the sounds of Conrad’s rapid breathing and panicked muttering from across the line. “Hey, Conrad, man, it’s okay. You’re having—“
“A panic attack, I fucking know!”
“It’s okay, just breathe with me.” Steven instructs, taking a deep breathe as example. “In…and…out. Just like me.”
“Don’t talk. Just breathe, man. In…and…out…” Steven guides Conrad with his words, keeping a smooth coaxing tone.
Conrad takes a deep breath—though ragged—still a deep breath in and releases hot air through his slightly quivering lips.
“T-thanks, man. That was uh…really helpful.”
“Yeah, of course. You know I hate hearing from you like this every couple of weeks.”
“Sorry, I just don’t know who else to call.”
“I didn’t mean it like that. I just mean—“
“I could always call with a bit more than my ragged breathing and panicked thoughts over the phone.”
“Yeah! I wouldn’t even mind a nice friendly hello and a how are you every now and then. Ya feel me?” Steven smiles and Conrad can feel it, even through his phone’s shitty audio.
There’s an awkward silence for a couple of moments. Steven has so much he wants to say but he can’t have Conrad go back to square one with denied calls and shut off-from-the-rest-of-the-rest-of-the-world mentality.
“So…uh, it’s been getting worse?”
Conrad nods and Steven sighs to himself. He feels this pang of hurt in his stomach. Thinking of his best friend in the whole world (including Jeremiah, of course) going through this—and practically alone he might add.
“I just don’t know what to do. I mean, I’m anxious all the time. Over the stupidest things and sometimes over—her. a lot over her, actually.” he closes his eyes for a moment but when a flash of her appears he quickly snaps back to reality.
“What was this one over? Was it—?”
“No. This one was just stressed about you guys coming for the fourth. There’s a lot to do and my dad’s here and I’m just suffocating in this house, y’know?”
“Yeah. Your dad did tend to do that for you.”
Conrad lets out a dry laugh and takes one last deep breath. I’m gonna..”
“Yeah…” Steven says but quickly grabs the phone with his other hand and says, “Wait. I actually wanted to ask you something.”
“Have you ever thought about…”
“Repainting the walls here? I might go a few shades lighter, I don’t know. Would that be bad? Repainting my mom’s walls like that? I don’t know it was just a thought but—“
And just as Conrad started spiraling about wall colors and whatever else that has crossed Conrad’s still slightly frantic mind, Steven interjected and spat out, “Have you ever thought about therapy?”
The call went silent, the only sounds coming from his dad’s bickering with the movers and the construction outside.
“I, uh…fuck, I-I don’t know, man.” Conrad stutters out fidgeting with the drawstrings on his shorts.
“I-I think—“ Steven clears his throat and adjusts his tone to something more assertive. “I think you’d really benefit from it. It’s really no secret you have anxiety and not in the, ‘sometimes I get anxious. It’s whatever’ sort of way and we BOTH know that. it’s in the ‘I’m having panic attacks almost weekly and I’m always overthinking everything’ sort of way.”
“Steven. I don’t—“
“Need to talk to someone about me feelings?”
“Fine and don’t need some shrink to tell you how you feel?”
“See you get it.” Conrad jokes, his nervousness traveling all the way from Cousins to Philly in the duration of 2 seconds on a phone call.
“Just tell me you’ll think about it, okay?”
“Think about it?”
“Yeah! Think about how you feel about ‘finding your zen’!”
“Are you quoting yourself?”
“I am! it was a very wise thing to say and I think it applies to this situation.”
They finish up the conversation and Conrad hangs up the phone. He closes his eyes and takes a few more deep breaths and puts a smile on his face, almost feeling it. He hates putting on a happy face when he’s not feeling it but right now he’s trying to do the right thing and right now that’s finishing up the house before everyone comes, getting everything together for his mom’s favorite holiday, and resisting the urge to punch his no-good-of-a-father in the face. Easy enough, right?
For the rest of the day, all he could think about was Steven’s comment about therapy. Conrad knows he can get his panic attacks under control. All he has to do it breathe. Easy. Just breathe. We all breathe. In and out, in and out. But then why was it so hard for him all the time? Why was every little thing making him pull his hair out, get a sick feeling to his stomach. He felt on edge all the time. it used to come out in angry bursts but now, he either crumbles and panics or he shuts down and lets these little things ruin his day. What was happening? Was it…anxiety? first off, he hated that word ‘anxiety’. So diagnose-y and real. And second of all, it felt like more. He wasn’t just anxious, he was crumbling, tearing at the seams. Why?
Why fucking him?
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needypisces · 2 years
made a side blog for the summer I turned pretty content - please check it out! @lemon-jellybelly
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stylesxreads · 2 years
Just Friends (part 2)
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Part 1
Pairing: Conrad Fisher x Reader
Summary: Y/N has been in love with Conrad since she could remember. They grew up together, spent every summer of their lives together. Conrad is her sun and she would do anything to bask in him all day. Conrad is confusing to say the least. Y/N decides this is the summer that things change. This is the summer they won’t be just friends.
Warnings: alcohol, drugs, cursing, smut? , cancer, underage drinking
Needless to say Conrad didn’t join the rest of you guys for a movie that night. Even though you were sat in the living room, eyes glued to the screen, your mind was somewhere else.
Conrad has never been so short and irritable. Nobody else seemed to notice, or care at least. They were so engrossed in the movie, Belly and John sat together on the couch, Jere and Steven laid in the floor and you sat in the side chair. The same one that Conrad was sitting in earlier that day.
You glanced at your phone, hoping to see his contact name on the screen. It wasn’t there. You sighed, sinking into your seat knowing Conrad was long gone for the night.
“Y/n.” Your eyes followed the voice behind you. Susannah stood at the hallway, her hand waving you over. You got up immediately, she grabbed onto your hand and pulled you out onto the front porch.
You both sat on the swinging chair in silence, she held your hand tightly. It wasn’t abnormal for you and Susannah to disappear together. You both loved spending time together, she would take you on lunch dates or shopping or you would paint with her for hours.
“What’s going in with Conrad?” You asked quietly, unsure if you should even bring it up. Susannah sighed deeply.
“I’m not too sure, honestly.. he’s been really sad lately. It started when he broke up with Aubrey a few months ago.” She explained.
Aubrey? He was so torn up about Aubrey? Last time you talked about Aubrey he told you he wasn’t all too into her. It just doesn’t make sense.
“Maybe you can talk to him.” She suggested. “He was smiling when he saw you. I saw it. Maybe you can get through to him.”
Highly unlikely after the conversation you just had with him. But you nodded your head anyways, wanting to make Susannah happy. You hoped you would be the one to help Conrad out of his funk. You wanted to be the one to make him smile. You wanted to be the one to make him happy.
“I want this summer to be perfect.” She whispered, there was a hint of sadness in her voice that you heard. You couldn’t understand why but you could tell she meant it.
“It will be.” You smiled, encouraging her but also trying to giving yourself a little hope too.
The next morning you were the first one awake, as usual. You didn’t like sleeping in when you were in Cousins. Sleeping in meant you were wasting precious daylight. Precious time with Conrad.
The sun was starting to rise by the time you finished brushing your teeth and changing. You poured yourself a cup of coffee and made your way towards the beach to watch the sun rise.
Your first sunrise of the summer. You settled in a spot just off the shore, cradling your coffee cup in your hand as the slight breeze ran through your hair. A small shiver shot through your body at the cool air touching your skin.
You sighed happily. There was nothing like watching the sun rise on the beach. It was perfect. Well, almost perfect.
“Hey.” Your head whipped to your left, Conrad stood beside you, coffee mug in hand. You lifted your eyes up to meet his before turning back towards the ocean.
“Good morning.” You said shortly. You felt his eyes on you, feeling incredibly small and uncomfortable next to him. Your free hand ran over your arm softly, warming up the goosebumps that covered it.
“Here.” Conrad shrugged off his jacket and placing it over your shoulders. You were instantly comforted by the warmth of his jacket, taking a deep breath. It smelt like him and you never wanted to take it off.
You muttered a soft thank you as he sat down on the sand next to you, your shoulders touching slightly.
You hated the way you got butterflies from the small contact. Conrad gave you butterflies without even having to do anything.
A comfortable silence settled over the both of you as you watched the sky, the only noise was the sound of the waves crashing and the birds chirping. It was peaceful.
It was almost like a tradition for you and Conrad to watch the sunrise/sunset together. It was never really planned but somehow you both always ended up at the beach at the early hours of the day to witness the sunrise.
It became your thing. And everyone knew if the two of you were out the house at the crack of dawn you’d be at the beach together.
After last night you just assumed it would be just you today, expecting Conrad to stay at home still upset.
“About last night..” Conrad sighed.
“Con.. it’s okay.” You interrupted him. “It’s not a big deal.. just forget it.” You didn’t want to talk about it. You didn’t like having conflicts with Conrad.
“Well I’m sorry for leaving the way I did. I’m sorry for leaving you with that mess.” He apologized, you nodded your head.
“What’s going on with you Con?” You turned your head to look at him. His eyes were fixed forward, not daring to look at you because he knew he’d break.
“I don’t know why everyone keeps saying that.” He huffed, a small frown forming on his face.
“Maybe because something is obviously happening and you’re not letting anyone help you.”
“There is nothing happening!” He raised his voice slightly. “Everyone thinks something crazy is happening just because I quit football. Nothing is happening.” He huffed.
You continued to stare at him, knowing he wasn’t telling the truth. Something was definitely bothering him and this reaction only proved it. But you didn’t push him any further, he would talk to you when he was ready. Hopefully.
“Okay.. sorry.” You whispered softly, ending the topic. It was only your second day here and it was obvious that this summer is going to be different. But you’re not entirely sure if that was a good thing.
“Come on.. let’s go get muffins. My treat.” Conrad stood from his spot holding his hand out for you to grab onto, helping you to your feet. His arm slung around your shoulder as you walked back towards your house to put the cups away.
You didn’t get any new information, you didn’t know what was bothering Conrad but you didn’t want that to ruin the rest of your day or the rest of your summer for that matter.
By the time you guys entered the Fisher’s home with the muffins, everyone was already awake and spread around the kitchen. Jere and Belly were cooking eggs and pancakes at the stove and John and Steven were playing cards at the table while the moms drank their coffee.
Conrad placed the box of muffins on the table, opening it up and grabbing the two biggest muffins with the most sugar crystals sprinkled on top before everyone could snatch up one. He sauntered over to you and handed you the bigger one of the two before settling next to his mom at the table.
Belly bumped hips with you, handing you a plate of pancakes and eggs.
“And where were you two off to so early in the morning?” She wiggled her shoulders playfully at you. You rolled your eyes with a small smile.
“Just watched the sun rise and got muffins. Nothing weird.” You shot back. You and Conrad always watched the sunrise together it was normal.
“Uh huh sure. Are you going to the bonfire tonight?” Belly grinned.
“Of course, when do I not go?” You laughed.
“Do you think I could tag along this year?” She asked with a hopeful smile. You thought about it for a second, Belly’s turning 16 next week…. So why not?
“Sure. But you have to be responsible. Don’t do anything stupid.” You pointed a finger at her. “It’ll be fun though. I get tired of being with the other guys all by myself.” You shrugged.
So later that day when the moms were settled on the couch in your living room you left for the Fisher’s house to meet with Belly. She didn’t know what to wear or how to do her makeup.
The guys had already left, probably already drunk off their asses. Belly was digging through her duffel bag trying to find an outfit.
You laughed, seeing how overly stressed she was.
“Here, let me look.” You pulled out a simple pink dress and threw it at her. “You don’t need to dress up or anything.” You chuckled. Hell you were wearing shorts and a simple tank top.
“You look beautiful Belly.” You smiled at her as she fixed her hair. Clipping it back slightly. She grinned, feeling completely confident in herself.
“Ready.” She smiled one more time before you two snuck downstairs and out the house.
Just as you thought the bonfire was already going, music blared through the air along with the constant chatter of everyone there.
“Hey! You made it!” Your head turned to a guy you were unfamiliar with but he wasn’t looking at you, he was looking at Belly.
“Yup. Here I am.” She chuckled awkwardly.
“Here have a beer.” He smiled offering her the bottle in his hand. Belly was quit to reject his offer, which seemed to have annoyed him pretty badly.
“She’s fine. Thanks though.” You cut in, grabbing Belly’s arm and dragging her away.
“Who the fuck is that?” You furrowed your eyebrows, not liking his vibe at all.
“Some dude I met at the gas station, forget about him. He’s weird.” She grimaced.
“Belly?” Steven’s voice filled your ears and he approached the both of you. “What the hell is she doing here, y/n?” He narrowed his eyes at the both of us.
“Relax. She’s about to turn 16. Let her live a little. Go suck face with that girl.” You rolled your eyes and gestured to the girl he was just making out with.
“Y/n!! Belly!! You’re both here! Now we can really have some fun!” Jeremiah came and slung his arms around the both of you.
“Keep an eye on her.” Steven said to you and Jere before going back to the girl he was with.
You turned to Jere, asking him where Conrad was.
“He’s around here somewhere. I think he’s with Nicole.” Jere shrugged grabbing Belly’s hand and dragging her to the cooler full of drinks.
Nicole? Who the hell is Nicole?
Your eyes searched the dark beach, looking for that mop of brown hair. Your heart dropped when you spotted the all too familiar grey jacket wrapped around a young lady. 
The same jacket that was wrapped around you this morning. 
Then his eyes met yours and you swore that his body stiffened at the sudden eye contact. Your eyes were stuck on him, glancing every so often at the girl basically sitting on his lap. 
You shook your head slightly, feeling your heart become heavy. Your feet began to move before you could even think. You wanted to get out of there. You needed to get out of there.
You picked up your pace, till you felt your feet touch the concrete of the sidewalk.
You felt stupid to think that maybe Conrad would see you differently this summer. You guys are best friends. You’re sure you will always be just friends to Conrad.
Before you could even realize what was happening you felt tears fall from your eyes. It was stupid really, you shouldn’t be crying over a boy that’s not yours. A stupid little crush. 
You sniffled up your snot and wiped your tears, taking a deep breathe. You swore to yourself that that was the last time you’d cry over Conrad. You shook your head, laughing softly to yourself at how ridiculous you were acting. 
“Y/n!” You heard his voice call from behind you, but you didn’t look back, you didn’t stop walking. 
His footsteps became louder, running towards you before you felt his hand wrap around your arm, spinning you to face him.
“Y/n, where are you going?” He panted, his eyes searching your face. 
“Home. I’m not really in the drinking mood.” You said dryly. You couldn’t get the image of Nicole wrapped up in Conrad’s arms. You wanted to get away from him right now.
“Look whatever you think you saw-” 
“It doesn’t matter what I saw. You can do whatever you want.” You furrowed your eyebrows, taking a step back from him. “Who even is she? I’ve never seen her before and you never mentioned a new girlfriend.” 
“She’s not my girlfriend, God Y/n.” He rolled his eyes, running his hand through his hair. “Her names Nicole. I took her to the deb ball last summer after you guys left early. She’s just a friend.” 
“The deb ball? I thought the deb ball was stupid?” You cocked your head to the side. “The only reason I didn’t do the deb ball was because you said it was stupid and you wouldn’t be my escort.” You felt a surge of jealousy and anger fill your body. 
“And she’s just a friend? I don’t think it’s normal for you to be tangled up in each other like that with someone that’s just a friend.” You shot at him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Oh grow up, Y/n.” He rolled his eyes yet again. “I was her last resort and I felt bad. It’s not that big of a deal. And yes just friends. I do the same thing with you don’t I?” His arms flung out wide, in frustration. 
You should’ve saw that one coming. You should’ve known that Conrad only saw you as just a friend. The way he treats you isn’t special. He does it with all his girl friends apparently.
“Well thank you for making that perfectly clear to me.” Your voice cracked as you spoke. 
Conrad’s eyes instantly softened when he realized what he said.
“Hey, that’s not what I meant-” He reached out to grab your hand but you took another step back. 
“I don’t know what’s going on with you Conrad.. but I feel like I don’t even know you anymore.” You shook your head, walking backwards. “I’m sorry you’re going through whatever it is you’re going through. But that doesn’t give you the right to treat people like shit. Especially people that would move mountains for you.” 
Conrad didn’t say anything, just watched you as you walked away. You sighed and turned around, walking towards the house.
This time Conrad didn’t run after you. This time he let you go. This time you didn’t even want him to come after you.
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stylesxreads · 2 years
Just Friends (Part 4)
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Pairing: Conrad Fisher x Reader
It was the day of the deb’s picnic. Everyone was rushing to leave, by everyone you meant the moms and Belly. They were running around the house trying to make sure they had everything.
You and Conrad had just come back from the beach, not realizing how long you guys had been out there. 
“You two need to go change! Just meet us there.” Susannah rushed, grabbing her back. Before we could even answer the four of them were out the door. 
Steven, John and Jere came down the stairs dressed and ready to go. 
“We’ll see you guys there!” Steven called as they left the Fisher’s house. You turned to look at Conrad who had an annoyed expression on his face. 
“I don’t really want to go.” He huffed. He made sure that everyone knew that he didn’t want to do anything that had to do with the debs this whole week. He rolled his eyes when Susannah would talk to Belly about it. He would leave the room whenever my mom said we all had to go to every event for Belly.
You didn’t understand why he was so bothered by it, it’s not like he’s in it this time around.
“I’m going to go get dressed. Meet at my house in 15?” You asked. Conrad scoffed and looked at you amused.
“You think you can get ready in 15 minutes? Yeah right.” He laughed, causing you to shoot a glare into his skin.
“Fine. Make it 10.” You shot back before running out the door, determined to get ready in the 10 minutes.
You did get ready within 10 minutes. 9 minutes to be exact. You hadn’t done much, you threw on your dress, brushed your hair, and packed all your makeup in a bag to do in the car. He never said you had to be completely ready.
Conrad sat in your kitchen waiting for you to be done, smiling down at his phone as he texted. You stopped in your tracks, shoulders slumped seeing him smile stupidly at his phone. The same way I smile at my phone when he’s the one texting me.
You coughed awkwardly letting him know you were ready to go. His head turned to look at you and his eyes widened slightly. 
“You look beautiful.” He said with a very very slight smile. He coughed awkwardly and walked past you towards the door. You pursed your lips and sighed before following him out the door. You didn’t even have time to get flustered at his words.
The drive to the club was short but it was long enough for you to put on some makeup so you wouldn’t look like a troll. Conrad was slam on his breaks every so often to make you mess up, causing you to throw your arm across the console to hit him. 
“Come on, princess. Let’s go.” He mocked you. 
“Shut it, Fisher.” You glared, getting out of the car and following him towards the picnic area. Music was blaring in the air, the chatter of people getting louder and louder as the two of you got closer. 
Your eyes landed on your moms and they waved you over to the table they were sat at. You looked over at Conrad, ready to tug on his arm to drag him along but his eyes were elsewhere. 
A smile was displayed on his face as he waved over to someone, your eyes followed his gaze and saw Nicole standing with the debs, grinning widely at him. You rolled your eyes.
You walked away without saying anything, it’s not like he would even notice your absence. He was too busy eye fucking Nicole.
You made your way to the table that the moms occupied.
“My darling, you look beautiful.” Susannah held her arms out to hold your hands. “This dress does wonders for your body.” She wiggled her eyebrows with a sly grin. 
When they went back to their conversation you slumped in your chair. You looked around the area to see what was happening. You honestly didn’t know what the point of the picnic was.
“I’m going to go get something to drink.” You whispered to your mom who waved her hand, not paying any attention to you. You made your way to the snack bar, pulling the ends of your dress further down your thighs. 
You waited for your drink by the bar when a voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“Hey.” Your eyes landed on a guy further down the bar, he stared at you, his eyes looking up and down your body. 
“Hi.” You smiled back with a blush creeping onto your cheeks. You’d never seen him before, he definitely wasn’t a Cousins regular. 
“I’m Joseph.” He smiled, taking a few steps towards you. You shifted on your feet, fingers tapping on the countertop awkwardly. 
“Y/n.” You nodded, looking back at the worker to see if he was almost done with your drink. “You must be new around here.” 
“Yeah, just visiting. My sister’s a deb.” His finger pointed at the group of debs. “The one with the stupid hat.” He laughed, my eyes landed on a girl with a fancy looking hat that did nothing but add decoration to her hair.
“Ahh, I see. Well, welcome to Cousins.” You chuckled, grabbing the drink from the worker ready to go back to the moms.
“Woah, hey. Wait a second. Where are you scurrying off to so soon.” Joseph smiled weirdly. You started to feel uncomfortable under his stare. 
“I gotta get back to my mom. It was nice to meet you though!” You tried to keep it friendly, giving him a small wave before walking away.
But you couldn’t walk away. You were stopped, Joseph’s hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling you back towards him.
“Why don’t we get out of here?” He smirked down at you. “This place is a bust anyway.” He tugged on your arm causing you to stumble on your feet a little bit.
You wanted to shout. You wanted to scream for help but you didn’t want to cause a scene.
Your eyes searched the area, hoping to find any familiar eyes. Steven, John, Jeremiah, Conrad. Your heart sank even further when you didn’t see them.
You planted your feet and tugged back, trying to free yourself from his grip.
“Joseph, you’re hurting me. Let go please.” You pleaded. “Just leave me alone.”
“Calm down, we’re just having a good time. I promise I’ll show you a good time.” He whispered into your ear causing you to gag. You shoved him hard, causing him to stumble backwards.
“You bitch.” You lunged forward at you and you closed your eyes, ready for any sort of impact but it never came. You opened your eyes to see Conrad stood in front of you.
“Back. Off.” He said through gritted teeth.
One of his arms was behind him, holding you behind him protectively, his other arm in front of him to keep distance from Joseph.
“Oh what are you? Her brother?” Joseph scoffed.
Joseph was taller than Conrad but he was much smaller. Even if he towered over Conrad, Conrad could take him without a doubt.
“She asked you to leave her alone, didn’t she?” Conrad’s voice was deep and slow. You almost wanted to see what his facial expression looked like.
“Chill out bro, just wanted to have some fun with her is all.” Joseph shrugged, taking a step back. He was scared of Conrad.
Joseph was chuckling, trying to play it off.
“You understand that, don’t you? I mean look at her.” Joseph kept egging Conrad on, if he didn’t stop soon, he’d regret it.
You could see Conrad’s body tense at his words, his hands dropped to his sides and clenched his fists.
Conrad lunged forward, his fist colliding with Joseph’s face. They were on the ground in seconds, Joseph tried to fight back but he didn’t have a chance.
“Conrad!” You gasped out loud, trying to grab into Conrad’s arms to make him stop. He was relentless, he just kept swinging.
“Nobody. Touches. My. Girl.” He said between punches.
“Conrad stop! Please. It’s okay.” You grunted. “Let’s just go please.” You begged. You heard what he said.
My girl.
But you didn’t even have time to swoon, you just wanted him to stop before he seriously hurt Joseph. They tumbled on the ground and you reached forward again, grabbing Conrad’s shoulder.
He swung his arm back for another swing but this time his elbow connected with your head. You stumbled back, gripping the side of your head.
“Fuck.” You muttered under your breathe. Conrad stopped immediately, turning to aid you while Joseph crept away.
“Y/n. Fuck. I’m so sorry.” His hands we’re holding your face, inspecting every inch of it. By now there were a few people crowded around, having witnessed the whole thing.
“It- it’s fine. Conrad let’s just go please.” You begged, your head already starting to hurt. Conrad nodded, helping you walk.
Your moms stared at you guys walk out towards the car, their eyes wide. You guess they saw everything too.
Conrad opened the door for you, helping you into the car before getting in too.
The drive was silent. Dead silent.
He didn’t say anything but you also had no idea what to say.
When you got back to your house, Conrad grabbed a bag of frozen peas from the freezer while you laid in your bed.
You felt the bed dip, Conrad scooting close to you, placing the bag on where a small bruise was already forming. You winced at the cold sensation, your hand grabbing the bag landing on top of Conrad’s.
You turned your body to face his, you kept your hand on the frozen bag when he pulled his hand away.
“I’m really sorry y/n.” Conrad sighed. You shook your head, dismissing his apology. You scooted closer to him, letting him wrap his arm around you to bring your body close to his.
“Thank you for coming to help me.” You whispered. Your thoughts were finally catching up with what happened and your heart was racing.
It was beating so loud that you were sure Conrad could hear it.
“I didn’t like the way he was grabbing you. Or talking to you.” He said softly. You didn’t lift your head to look at his face, you knew if he did he’d stop talking.
“You..” you started to say, “when you were punching him-“ you felt incredibly awkward. Unsure if you should say it.
“You said I-“
“I know..” he stopped you, his arm tightened around you ever so slightly. “I know.”
“Con..” You mustered up the courage and looked up at him, moving your head back a little so you could see him clearly. Your hand found his other one, bringing it up to your chest.
You placed it on your chest, letting him feel your heart beat. His eyes never left yours as you did this.
“Do you feel that?” You whispered. He nodded his head.
“That’s how I feel around you all of the time.” You admitted. A small smile settled on Conrad’s face. He pulled your head back to his chest, leaning his on top of yours after placing a tiny kiss to the top of your head.
You weren’t sure what this meant. Conrad had never expressed any type of feelings for you. Sure you always hoped that one day, one day he would tell you that it’s always been you.
Because for you, it’s always been Conrad.
You didn’t want to think about it too hard, because you were cuddled up in your bed with Conrad Fisher.
Was this the start of your relationship with Conrad? Or did this just get even more complicated?
A/N: There will be one more part for this short story! But let me know if you guys would be interested in an actual fanfiction story for Conrad! I have one in mind but I’m not sure if anyone would even be interested. Let me know! :)
@lilygreennn @kaz-fcking-brekker @buckys2thicc @exonct07 @hpboysslut2707 @stayc-a-l-m @outer-bnks @compelledsalvatore @andrewineedswagasap
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stylesxreads · 2 years
Just Friends (part 3)
Part 1  Part 2  Part 4
Pairing: Conrad Fisher x Reader
Summary: After conflict with Conrad you try to go through the summer as normal but you both find it increasingly difficult.
It’s been two weeks since the bonfire. You wish you could say that everything went back to normal the next day but it didn’t. Everything was far from normal. You tried your best to act like nothing happened, to pretend that you didn’t care about what Conrad said.
You two avoided each other like the plague. Everyone noticed. How could they not? You and Conrad used to be attached to the hip whenever you were here at Cousins and now your guys can’t even look at each other.
Nobody asks about it though, sometimes your moms will give you questioning looks or just ask if something’s wrong. You never said anything though, just shook your head no every time.
It was awful, ignoring Conrad. It was awful being apart from Conrad. As much as you loved spending time with everyone else, your heart longed to be next to Conrad all the time.
At dinner you still sat across from each other, having designated seating since forever. It made meals incredibly awkward for you, looking anywhere but straight ahead. Sometimes you’d feel his eyes on you but you would never look back. 
You couldn’t give him the satisfaction.
You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
What made things even worse was Conrad constantly had Nicole over whenever everyone would hang out. You wouldn’t mind normally, besides the fact that they would show an ungodly amount of PDA. You wish it didn’t other you. You wish you didn’t care about Conrad the way that you do.
“Y/n! We’re getting ready to leave, are you ready?” Your mom knocked on your door. 
Belly had deb practice, Jere, Steven and John were all working at the country club and Conrad was who knows where. So you were left to go into town with the moms. 
Spending time with the moms wasn’t too bad. The guys hated going out with the moms because they just sat in chairs waiting for them to be finished shopping. But you didn’t mind, mostly because they would buy you things too if you tagged along
“Oh this is beautiful! I think Belly would like it for the deb picnic?” Your mom pulled a dress off the rack. Laurel scrunched her nose and shook her head. She wasn’t too keen on Belly being a deb this year, you think she just isn’t ready to see Belly grow up.
“I think that would be a great idea!” Susannah smiled, inspecting the dress. 
“You know.. I’m still bummed I didn’t get to see you be a deb.” Susannah whispered to you. 
You tried to disguise your sadness with a smile. 
“Always wanted to see in a big white dress with your hair and make up all done.” She laughed. “I was certain you would go and have Connie as your escort.” She continued to say, making your heart incredibly sad.
“Yeah.. That’s alright though.” You shrugged it off with a small laugh. “Maybe we’ll convince Jere to take Belly.” You smiled but she instantly shook her head no.
“Oh no no, I think she’ll ask John.” She wiggled her eyebrows making your face scrunch.
“John? As in my brother John??” 
“Oh please. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the two of them these past two weeks. They’re bound to happen.” She shrugged with a smirk on her face.
“Kinda like you and Connie.” She whispered mischievously before scurrying off to catch up with the other moms. You were left speechless.
If only she knew.
They ended up getting the dress for Belly along with 4 other dresses for you guys because Susannah insisted that everyone go to the picnic to support Belly.
Your next stop was at the Country Club. You’re not really sure why but Susannah said they had business to take care of. You’re pretty sure they just wanted free drinks.
So the moms wandered off, leaving you to wander the premises by yourself. After about 10 minutes of you walking around aimlessly you settled down on a table outside by the pool, facing the ocean.
The constant chatter of kids and parents surrounded you. You had no idea how long you were going to be here and you wished you would’ve brought a book or something.
Your phone buzzed on the table.
Susannah: Laurel forgot she has a book signing at the shop! We had to leave ASAP. But don’t worry, I told Conrad to go pick you up.. :)
Your eyes widened at the text. You’d rather walk home than have to ride with Conrad. 
You searched the pool area, hoping to see Jeremiah. Maybe you could take his car home and he can catch a ride with Steven home. 
“John!” You shouted, seeing your brother sat on the life guard post. “Where’s Jeremiah?”
“He went to go get the keys to the chemical closet! Pretty sure he’s where the debs are practicing their dance!” He hollered back. 
You stood from your spot, walking to the other side of the facility to the ballroom.
Sure enough, Jeremiah crashed the deb’s dance practice. You giggled as he danced against Belly, the instructors face was very disturbed.
“Alexa off. Jeremiah Fisher, what are you doing here?” 
“Code brown. We lost the keys to the chemical closet.” He shrugged his shoulders, with an innocent smile on his face. She tossed him the keys and pointed to the door.
“Y/n! What are you doing here?” He smiled when he saw you on the other side of the door. 
“The moms left me stranded.” You chuckled with a small eye roll. “Do you think I could take your car home and you ride with Steven later?” You raised an eyebrow with a hopeful smile. Please say yes.
“Oh sure! Keys are in my locker, let’s go.” He linked his arm in yours and you both turned towards the door. 
Only to be met with Conrad himself.
“That’s okay. Mom sent me to come get her.” He gestured towards me, then dropping his hands awkwardly at his sides.
“Alright then.” Jeremiah patted your back. “I better go before I get fired. The poop awaits!” He laughed before running past Conrad and out the door.
“Hey.” Conrad offered you a tight lipped smile. You sighed and walked past him out the door. 
You were silent the whole walk to the car, contemplating getting into his back seat just to avoid having to sit next to him. You didn’t though, Conrad opened the passenger door for you, letting you slide in before closing it and going to the driver’s side. 
Your heart was beating stupidly fast. It’s been 2 weeks since you’ve been alone with Conrad in general. 
He didn’t start the car when he got in, you both just sat in silence for a moment. 
“Y/n..” His voice was soft. It took every bone in your body not to immediately turn to look at him. You stayed still, eyes forward. It wasn’t until his hand reached across the console, resting on your knee that your body jerked alive. 
Your head whipped in his direction, the small physical contact shocking your body. 
“I- I don’t like how things have been..” His eyes were stuck on yours. “I was a jerk to you.. I don’t have any reason or excuses. I’m sorry.” He shook his head. “Summer is supposed to be fun for everyone and I started it off poorly.” 
You nodded your head, agreeing with every single word he was saying. 
“I don’t want us to keep ignoring each other.” He frowned. You were annoyed to say the least, Conrad was the one that gave you the cold shoulder first. The day after the bonfire he wouldn’t look at you, barely said a word to you 
“And who’s fault is that?” You retorted. 
“I know. It’s mine and I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you please.. You’re my best friend y/n.” He pleaded with you, his hand squeezed your knee slightly, sending shivers down your spine. Your body softened and you knew you were done for. You couldn’t stay mad when he was looking at you with those sad eyes.
“Okay..” You gave in too quickly for your liking. He smiled, reaching over the console and wrapping his arms around you in a hug. 
“You know you can talk to me though, Con..” You whispered in his ears. “I’m serious.” He pulled back and nodded slowly. 
“I know.” He nodded with a small smile. “Come on, let’s go home and watch a movie while everyone’s still out.” He smiled mischievously while pulling out of the parking lot. 
Were you completely over what happened the night of the bonfire? No. It still bothered you, but you knew that if you didn’t move on and at least try to fix things with Conrad the summer would be brutally slow and painful. 
The drive back to the house was short but it was probably because the two of you talked the whole way home. Having not talked at all for the past 2 weeks, there seemed to be a lot both of you wanted to say. It felt normal again. 
There were still a lot of things that needed to be resolved between the two of you. But at this moment, you didn’t care. You weren’t thinking about Nicole, you weren’t thinking about your little argument. 
You weren’t thinking about the rest of the summer or what could possibly happen next.
It was just Conrad.
It’ll always be Conrad.
Part 4 soon..
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stylesxreads · 2 years
Just Friends (Final Part)
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Pairing: Conrad Fisher x Reader
Susannah always told you that you were destined for one of her boys.
It was obvious that it was Conrad. The connection that you and Conrad had was like no other, nobody would ever compare.
Conrad knew you like the back of his hand, and you knew him just as well. 
You knew that all the moms secretly prayed that you would end up with Conrad or Steven, they wanted to be related one way or another.
It’s been a week since the incident at the deb picnic. Have you and Conrad talked about it? No.
It was driving you crazy. 
Things have been weird to say the least. You were grateful that Conrad wasn’t ignoring you like he was the week before. 
He was doing the exact opposite actually.
He’s been more present this past week than he had all summer. He wasn’t off by himself for most of the day anymore. He actually wanted to hang out with everyone, wanted to go swimming, wanted to play volleyball. It was like you had the old Conrad back.
There were still times where you could tell that something was bothering him, the same thing that’s been bothering him all summer. You’d be in the middle of a conversation and his eyes would wander, his face would slowly fall into a stoic expression and you’d know that you lost him to his thoughts.
But more often than not, Conrad seemed happier. He actually talked at the dinner table, tell jokes or tease Belly or even you. You’d sneak glances at him whenever you could and your heart would race when he was staring right back. 
You’d decided that tonight would be the night that you would talk to him. You needed to know where you both stood. Did he have feelings for you? He never officially said anything.
Define the Relationship.
DTR- your best friend called it. 
Everyone was settling down for the night. The moms were having a drink in the back patio, Jere, Belly, Steven and John all went to the pier. Conrad was nowhere to be found.
“Have you guys seen Conrad?” You called out to your mom, Laurel and Susannah.
“Not since dinner, sorry!” Laurel called back. 
You huffed and went back into the house, checking his room one last time only to find it empty. You lost even more hope when you saw his phone sitting on his desk. You had no idea where he is and no way to contact him.
You fell onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. Was this a sign that you shouldn’t talk to Conrad about this right now?
You sat up, leaning back onto your hands. Your eye landed on the photo on his dresser. It was from last summer of all of you. John, Belly, Conrad, You, Jeremiah and Steven. You were all making a silly face, Conrad stuck up two fingers behind your head to make bunny ears. It was a cute picture despite how awful you look.
Your hair was all over the place and some strands covered your face. It was a crazy windy day at the beach, no matter how much you fixed it before the photo it would blow right back onto your face.
That’s it. The beach.
You were out the door in seconds. Your flip flops clapped against the concrete as you sprinted towards the beach. Soon the sound of waves crashing filled your ears, the feeling of the grainy sand met your toes and you smiled when you saw him sitting in the sand.
You didn’t stop running, you kept going till you were a few feet away from him.
“Conrad!” You shouted over the waves. 
His head turned to you and even in the darkness you could see him smile. He stood from his spot when you slowed down, standing beside him. You were out of breath and your probably looked crazy but you didn’t care.
“Hey.” He smiled, his hands reaching out to grab yours.
“I’ve been looking for you.” You admitted, smiling timidly at him.
“I’m glad you found me.” His eyes stared into yours, the moonlight hitting his face just right. He looked beautiful.
“I wanted- I wanted to talk to you.” You breathed out, still trying to catch your breath. 
“Yeah. Yeah I want to talk to you too.” A hint of a smile tugged at his lips.
He tugged at your hand, pulling you to sit down onto the sand. You settled beside him but he never let go of your hand. It felt normal to sit here like this on the beach, hand in hand. Like you’ve done it so many times before. But you hadn’t, this is the first time Conrad has held your hand in an intimate way. 
“I think about you.” He broke the silence between you. “A lot.” His voice was so calm and soothing, you could listen to him talk for hours.
“I always have, if we’re being honest.” He chuckled. “Y/n, there’s a lot of stuff going on in my life. Things I can’t really explain right now.” He sighed, his head hung slightly as he looked down at the sand. 
“I want to be with you.” His head turned and his eyes met yours. “But I don’t want you to feel like I only want to be with you because of what I’m dealing with right now.” His face contorted and you could tell he was conflicted with himself. You didn’t really know what to say. You didn’t know what he was going through.
“I think I’ve always wanted to be with you. I just.. I’ve been in denial. We grew up together, our families are so close and I always thought that if we ever became something, it could mess things up for everyone. Not just us.” He frowned. 
“I don’t think it’ll mess anything up.” You shrugged. “I think even if things go south, we’d be mature enough to come out of it alright. At least I’d be mature enough.” You rolled your eyes playfully, trying to lighten the mood. Conrad bumped your shoulder with his, rolling his eyes at you.
“I think we owe to ourselves to at least try though.” You smiled hopefully. “I don’t know what you’re dealing with. I respect you enough not to push you to tell me until you’re ready. And when you’re ready to tell me I’ll be right here.” You squeezed his hand.
“I’ll always be right here.” You leaned your head onto his shoulder. “Always.”
He didn’t say anything. You both sat in each other’s company in silence for a few moments, and that was okay. One thing you loved about being around Conrad was that you didn’t have to do anything, you both just enjoyed being together. Even if no words were said.
“Y/n.” You pulled your head off his shoulder and looked up at him. His eyes were glued to yours, it was an intense stare. His hand slipped out of yours and before you could feel sad about it, his hands were cupping your face and pulling your lips onto his. 
You were taken aback, eyes wide as he pressed his lips onto yours. Were you dreaming?
You definitely were not dreaming.
You melted. You melted against him, letting yourself kiss him back. This was happening. You were kissing Conrad Fisher. 
Your hands settled on the back of his neck, tugging ever so softly at the ends of his hair. His lips were soft and slightly salty, you didn’t mind though.
He pulled away first, his forehead resting against yours. A small chuckle left his mouth. That just happened. 
“Be mine?” He sounded unsure, maybe even nervous. 
“I’ve always been yours, Con.” You whispered. A smile erupted onto his face. 
“Be my girlfriend?” He rephrased his question. You nodded your head. “Say it.. I want to hear you say it.” He said, practically begged.
“I’m yours.” You smiled. “I’m your girlfriend.” This time it was you that erupted in giggles. You felt giddy, you always waited for this day. The day you could finally say you’re Conrad’s girlfriend.
“God, I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that.” With that, he pulled your lips back onto his. Kissing you deeper than the last time.
It’s safe to say you had a good summer that year. The best you’d ever had. 
A/N: A new fanfic is in the works! It’ll be posted on here and also on Wattpad so be sure to follow me here and WP @stylesxreads . If you’re also a twitter user, I post teasers and sneak peaks on my twitter as well with the same handle! 
I’ll also be writing one shots! So if you have any prompts you’d like to read, feel free to send me a message. If you want a personal one shot with your name just specify in the message! Love you guys xx
@lilygreennn @kaz-fcking-brekker @buckys2thicc @exonct07 @hpboysslut2707 @stayc-a-l-m @outer-bnks @compelledsalvatore @andrewineedswagasap @chennyetomlinson 
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conniesanchor · 11 months
Hi, I can request a fic (conrad x fem reader) where she is dealing with too much academic stress and he is there reminding her that she is enough, english is not my first language so sorry if I made any mistakes.
Thank you!
here you go, love! thank you for requesting <3
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you had just gotten your AP exam scores back, and you were far too nervous to open them. you had been stressing out about them ever since you registered to take them. so when you had finally gotten them back, you gave the computer to your lovely boyfriend, conrad. "i can't open them, connie. what if i failed?" you asked, chewing your lips.
conrad had always been there for you ever since you two started hanging out, and when you started dating, the two of you became inseparable. you rarely spent the night away from each other, and when you did, it was because you hadn't spent time with your families one on one, in months.
since the beginning of the exams, conrad was there for all of it. he helped you make flashcards, helped you stay on task, and even took you away from it all when it was too much. so, when you handed him the laptop to check your scores, he happily obliged, confident that you had passed all of them.
he smiled at you before telling you your scores, "alright, baby. for AP lit, you got a four, on AP US, you got a six, and on AP psych, you got-" he cut himself off.
you knew what the pause meant, your eyes filling with tears that you didn't want to fall. "no, connie. i worked so hard." you mumbled, tears finally falling.
he looked at your saddened face, his face falling too. "it's okay, angel. it's just one test." he comforted. conrad took the laptop and placed it on the nightstand next to you, and then pulled you into his chest.
you sniffed, "yeah, but now i won't get the college credit."
the boy placed a kiss on the top of your head, "it's okay. you can just take a class in college. you love psych, anyway." he spoke. you knew he was right, but you hated failing. "it doesn't matter if you passed or not. you worked really hard. i know you did. that's all that matters."
he pushed you away and used his thumbs to gently wipe away the tears on your face. "let's go get some ice cream, yeah?"
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