#chris pratt imagines
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Flashback scenes? More like a cry your heart out session
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hunnam · 11 months
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Chris Pratt as Peter Quill Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Deleted/Behind the scenes extras
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A Call Home
Summary: Peter went back to see his grandpa, leaving you in Knowhere. Out of a sudden, your intergalactic pager beeps. Earth's in trouble.
Genre: angst, fluff
Pairing: Peter Quill x female reader
Tag: @nix-rose-q
Warning: kissing, cursing
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Peter did stay in touch. For a while.
You caught up with each other every week, and then things got busy.
Once every two weeks.
Once a month.
Then he didn't call back.
Three months after that, he apologized for not staying in touch. Things got busy on his end. You both promised to talk soon.
One year later... radio silence.
You figured he must be enjoying his life back with his grandpa, so you didn't try to reach out to him anymore as to not bother him.
It didn't go unnoticed by the team -- your sudden silence, your absence. You didn't go day drinking like Peter did, but they knew something was bothering you.
"There you are."
You heard Rocket on the rooftop where you were sitting.
"Mind if I join you?"
"By all means."
He sat next to you, joining you in enjoying the view.
Knowhere was doing so well under Nebula's care. She's attentive, caring, no issue you have will go unnoticed by her.
"Are you alright?"
"Fine, Rocket."
"You always say that, but you don't really mean it."
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. "I will be fine."
"Yeah, well," Rocket sighed. "We're here for you. Quill leaving was definitely unexpected, and I know how much he means to you."
You glanced at him.
"Oh come on," He chuckled. "You were so obvious. I'm surprised Quill didn't pick it up himself."
A blush spread across your cheeks. "Are you here just to tease me, or?"
"Relax, relax, no need to get defensive." He smirked. "Just thought you might like some company."
Out of nowhere, your pager beeped. It was the pager Nat gave you before she passed. It hasn't beeped ever since you last visited -- since Thanos.
"Looks like you're going home." Rocket said. "Better take Milano 2.0. Say hi to Quill for me, and tell him to call us. We miss him around here."
You sighed. "This can't be good."
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Milano 2.0 was something you and Peter built together. The original Milano was sort of destroyed after a battle, so 2.0 was a small project you both did -- an attempt to save as much of it as possible.
You and Peter first met when he saved you from an explosion at a nearby planet. It was anything but romantic. You were trying to steal something, and Peter was trying to stop you from stealing it.
Then he realized you were also human -- the only other human he's ever met out in space. So he decided to help you with your job, and you both became friends.
If only Peter knew that was also when you started having a crush on him.
Peter looked out the window to the sky above. For a second there he thought he saw a shooting star, but it must've been in his head.
"4 down. 9 letter word. Starts with G, is a protector or a defender." Jason said, wanting Peter to help him with his crossword.
"Guardians." Peter said, his lips playing a longing smile.
Jason was beyond happy when Peter came home. It felt like his life was finally complete, everything was right again. But he also knew that Peter grew up not on Earth -- it was confusing to him at first, all of this.. space work Peter rambled about, but once he mentioned his friends Rocket, Nebula, Drax, Mantis, Groot, and you? He understood immediately. Albeit the weird names, you were his family just as much as Peter was his. And he knew Peter missed you.
"Peter, talk to me." Jason put his newspaper down.
Peter sighed. "This past.. what, year and a half? Has been amazing. Being home feels so good after all the stress I've been through. But.."
"But you need to go back out there."
Peter looked surprised. "How did you know?"
"Pete," Jason chuckled. "You don't have friends here. And every time you talk about your friends, I can feel how much you miss them. Do you even still talk to them?"
He sighed. "I.. have been avoiding their calls, actually."
"Now why would you do that?"
"I just-" He sighed again. "Every time I hear their voices, see their faces, I want to be there. But I know you need me here-"
"Whoa, whoa, Pete." Jason laughed. "I've been here for 38 years without you, I think I'll do fine."
"So you don't need me here?"
"Don't get me wrong, son, having you here has been amazing for me, too." Jason explained. "It's the best thing that happened to me. But you need to get a move on in your life, kid. Your future isn't here at home, mowing lawns and driving me to the hospital."
Peter chuckled. "Didn't know you still had one last lecture for me."
Jason laughed in return. "Don't tempt me, kid."
"Anyway," Jason continued, "Tell me about this girl you have a crush on."
"It's not a crush." Peter rolled his eyes. "She's just.. she's amazing."
Jason smiled as he listened to Peter talk about you. How you two met, how his world managed to light up whenever you're in the room, how you stood by him when everything crumbled down.. and how he possibly have broken your heart.
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Peter was enjoying the last of his fries when there was a blast nearby. It was big enough to cause an earthquake, and Peter had to call the nurse to pick Jason up so he could check what's going on.
"Stay here, okay?! I need to go help as much as I can!" Peter yelled out before running towards the blast.
If it were any regular explosion, Peter would've ignored it. But he saw what could've been people flying, so it had got to be something serious.
When Peter got to the scene, he saw War Machine, Dr. Strange, and -- is that you??
"Y/n??" Peter yelled.
You diverted your attention for a second, before being hit by the octopus-like thing attacking you.
Peter ran and broke your fall, getting hurt in the process.
"What the fuck are you doing here? Get back!" You said, blasting your gun at the giant octopus.
"What the hell is that?!" Peter asked, taking cover behind you.
"I don't know, I'm just trying to kill it!" You ran behind a car. "Peter, you don't have a gun, get out of here. You're a civilian at this point."
"Then give me a gun!"
Turns out the big-ass octopus was sent by Wanda, who was hunting a girl named America Chavez to help her get her sons back. You didn't even know she had kids.
You were finally left alone with Peter, and decided to visit his house that was nearby.
The walk was absolutely silent. You didn't expect to meet Peter -- though you wanted to. And now that it happened, you don't know what to say to him. It's been a year since you last talked, and you were expecting he'd give some lame excuse to why he stopped calling.
"So," Peter started. "I know you're probably mad at me for going MIA."
You sighed.
"I think I'm ready to go home now."
"You know, I missed you. A lot."
When you didn't reply again, Peter stopped you from walking by standing in front of you. "Remember what you promised me?"
Your eyes shot up to look at him in disbelief. "You shut me out first. You stopped calling. You stopped answering my calls. You were the one who-"
Deep breaths.
"I get it, Peter." You said. "You're with family, you want to spend time with them. I don't blame you -- I know I shouldn't. But I'm just.. still pretty mad at you."
Peter clenched his jaw. He knew it was his fault. He reached to hold your hands and put them on his chest, right on his heart. You could feel his heart racing.
"Look at me." Peter said, lifting your chin. "Please."
Staring at pleading eyes, how could you stay mad at him? He looked like a lost, kicked puppy.
"That day I left," Peter said. "I knew what you wanted to say to me."
"I knew- I know."
Your breath quickened. The day he left was the day you wanted to tell him you've been in love with him.
"I.." He held your waist gently. "I love you. I couldn't say it to you the first time because I was so messed up. I had unfinished inner issues that I had to resolve, and I.. I didn't want to drag you on, not knowing how I'd end up."
It felt like a panic attack, but in the best way possible.
You hadn't realized how long you stayed quiet, just looking at him and listening to his heart.
"Say something, please." Peter broke your trance.
"I.." You gulped. "Why- You- Oh fuck it-" You pulled Peter by his collar and kissed him.
Peter's hands immediately found the back of your neck and pulled you in closer, if that's even possible. You struggled to keep your composure. His hands clawed and grabbed your hips gently, but you knew the desperation was there. The need to be alone in a room and just fuck the shit out of each other -- you felt it too.
You broke the kiss to get some air, but Peter let out a small 'no' before pulling you back in.
It was hungrier, yearning for a taste of everything. It felt very, very hot. Peter's touch burned you and felt like it left marks. Your lips felt bruised and swollen, but fuck you couldn't get enough.
He only hummed, lips still busy leaving kisses down your neck.
It felt like you were drunk, there was a coil in your stomach and it made you want to jump into his arms. If it weren't for his neighbor who yelled "get a room", you probably wouldn't have stopped.
You finally pushed him away before you got too dizzy and passed out. Peter chuckled and still managed to hold you close to him.
"I'll.. I'll go bring in the ship." You panted.
"Good." He smirked. "We can make even more new memories there."
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a/n: I'm so thirsty.
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amasterpieceofmadness · 4 months
How the Marvel men treat you on Valentines Day
pairings Peter Quill x reader warnings none, teeth rotting fluff
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At first you thought he wouldn’t even remember about it. After all you are in a spaceship million and millions of miles away from earth. Does Valentines Day even exist here? Therefore, you were more than surprised to find Quill standing in front of you with a little gift in his hands, wrapped in some simple paper, looking at you with a snug smirk and puppy eyes. “Okay, how did you mess up this time?” You ask a little confused, which makes him only chuckle softly. “I didn’t mess up. In fact, I think I’m doing something right for once” His smirk gets even bigger as he walks over to you and pulls you into a hug, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I love you” he whispers into your year before handing you the little gift. As you open the gift it turns out to be a little cassette – Happy Valentines Day” Mix Vol. 1. You look up surprised, he really remembered that day? Without another word he happily takes the cassette from you again and puts it into a music player. He starts to dance to it, a little out of track, and with a high-pitched voice he sings “I can’t stop this feeling, deep inside of me. Girl you just don’t realize, what you do to me” You can’t help but giggle as he pulls you in and the two of you start to dance together do the songs all night long.
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sonknuxadow · 2 days
people who are worried about the future of the sonic movies and associated content always remember that even if the third movie ends up being really bad it could still be much worse because they were originally considering chris pratt for sonic
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
Do I want to write another Owen Grady book....yes?? Do I have an idea in mind yet no
Any suggestions??
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@annielr @abaker74 @oldmanwithashield
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archieimagines · 2 years
You Don’t Get To | Owen Grady One Shot
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here’s our first new work from the lovely jay, and of course she stays faithful to mr grady! this is the heavily requested part 2 to one of our old imagines, so read that first here! warnings: this is all you need to hit your weekly recommended intake of ANGST. let’s all hope miss jay is ok after banging this one out. love you <3 word count: 1.1k  written by: jay
Rain hammered against the roof with the occasional thunderclap to accompany it, which only added to your bad mood, and your best friend couldn’t help it no matter how hard she tried.
“You hungry?”
No reply.
“Hey... Is anybody in there?”
A flick to the side of your head brought you out of your trance. “Hm?”
“I said, are you hungry?”
You shook your head, earning a sigh in response. “Look, I know you miss him and I know you're worried about him but you need to eat, shower-- You need to do something! It’s been... It’s been god knows how long and all you’ve done is mope around your house, avoid going anywhere near the raptor paddock, and cry.”
“I know,” you agreed. She was right, but you couldn’t shake the dark cloud that was hanging over you. Owen was your best friend, your other half and he’d turned into someone you didn’t know anymore. It had been weeks, he didn’t come to check if you were okay; there had been no texts, no phone calls. It was as though you didn’t even exist to him anymore and filling that person-sized hole inside you was harder than you’d have ever imagined. “He isn’t worth it.”
“That’s the problem, I still think he is.” 
“I’m making you some tea and we are going to put on a horror film and hopefully scare the sad out of you.” You stifled a laugh, curling your legs underneath you on the sofa as you waited for your friend to return. 
The storm had worsened outside, thunder and lightning now occurring at more regular intervals and the rain was becoming almost deafening. 
“Find a movie! Do something useful!”
“Fine!” You sighed, dragging your body off the sofa to look through the shelves of movies that littered shelves around the living room. Within half an hour, you were curled up on the sofa with a mug of hot tea and some toast with some crap horror on TV; You weren't sure what was really happening in the movie because your mind was, as per usual, elsewhere.
A knock at the door pulled you back to reality once more. “Who would be out in weather like this?” You wondered aloud, making your way over to check through the window. You pulled back the curtain and, illuminated by a flash of lightning, was the last person you expected to see.
Owen Grady.
Rain dripped from the ends of his hair, his shirt was sticking to him and he had mud splattered up the front of his legs. You flung the door open, ready to unleash hellfire on the man who had dropped you for someone who he barely knew, but “Wha-” Was all you could muster before the dishevelled raptor trainer collapsed into your arms, sobbing.
Something was tragically wrong. Owen was one of the strongest men you’d ever met, seeing him look so small and fragile pulled at your heartstrings in a way you never thought possible. “Owen, what-?“
“She left me,” he choked out, his face nestled in your neck. “I came home and her stuff was gone, no explanation, nothing. I thought something had happened-” he took a breath. “She went back to her ex, got the earliest flight out this morning.”
You wanted so desperately to feel sorry for him, to welcome him back with open arms as though the whole thing hadn't happened but it was almost as though there was some sort of wall between you. He looked like Owen, he sounded like Owen but he wasn't the Owen you had grown to love. Not anymore. But… you weren’t completely heartless. 
“Come and get dry.”
You piled Owen into the shower, shoved his clothes in the dryer and dug through your drawers from some clothes that he’d left behind what felt like a lifetime ago. “
There’s clothes outside the bathroom,” you called, retreating back into the living room which was now empty. You must’ve missed your friend’s calls of goodbye. It seemed that you had been left alone to deal with the situation without a spectator, which you were thankful for.
You settled on the sofa once more, listening to the sound of the rain hitting the porch, waiting for the shower to switch off. The more you sat there, the more you had time to mull over how Owen had treated you over the past six months and it made you angry. Now everything has gone off the deep end for him, he comes crawling back and expects you to just forget everything.
But you weren't going to let him get away with it. Not without making sure he knew what he’d done to you.
The shower switched off and Owen shuffled about in the background, changing into the fresh clothes you had left for him. He wandered into the lounge, hesitant as he made his way over.
“Hey,” Owen sank into the sofa next to you, sheepish. 
“Save it, Owen. I’m not interested in your apologies.”
“I just-”
You stood up, exasperated. “I said, don’t!” You sighed, running your hands through your hair. “You don't get to come back here and act like you weren’t an absolute asshole to me! All in the name of some whirlwind romance that swept you off your feet and turned you into someone monstrous.”
“You’re right,” he looked at his lap, wringing his hands.
“I know I am. You broke my heart and you didn’t even care, you turned into someone I didn’t recognise, Owen. I had to sit back and watch my best friend, the man I loved, fade away and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I tried. God, I tried so hard- But you just- You stopped listening and-” 
A tear slipped down your face, making you groan in frustration.
“...And you just let me slip away.”
Owen fell silent, any words he had to say evaporated into thin air and the only thing he could manage was “Loved?”
“You said ‘man you loved’. As in, past tense?” He looked up at you, eyes filled with tears once more.
“Don’t. You don’t get to come back here and make me- you just don’t get to do that.”
“Do what?” He was stood now, stepping towards you.
“Do what?” He repeated. He was right in front of you now, lacing his fingers with yours. He was close enough that you could feel his breath against your face and smell the shampoo he had used in the shower… He smelled safe, like home.
“Say it.”
“You don’t get to come back here and make me fall in love with you again, it’s not fair,” you mumbled, barely speaking above a whisper.
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It is only logical to go from here...
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Maybe. Drabble
He's watching you on the train and he remembered one of his favorite memories if not his favorite minus your wedding.
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18+ just incase
Warning just fluffy. There is angst sorry I forgot to mention it I dont think its any smutt But just incase its a married couldpe taking a shower the "he" is a celebrity who lost his wife well sort of you can find part 1 here just pick your own celeb for "he"
He watched you sitting on the train and remembered.
One of his favorite memories was just after you two had gotten married and moved in together. You both needed a shower and both needed to leave quickly.
He had convinced you to take a shower with him "just for times sake."
Its not like he hadn't seen you naked before.
He had convinced you to to take a bath with him. Something you had later admitted you wanted but was just nervous about.
You both had discussed moving in together and the. Getting married just cause your mom said she would have done that. So you wanted her to be happy with you and Chris well why would he object to having yiu around all the time.
But the shower was really for time's sake. His phone had been in the shower before so he knew it was water proof. You both had taken turns under the shower head singing off you had just rinsed conditioner off as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders giving you a kiss on your shoulder. You giggle making him smile. It always made him smile. He brought the camera up for a selfie.
"Say cheese"
Oh my God baby no" he saw on the camera how wide your eyes had gotten
"Only shoulders up I promise.
"Come on," he kissed closer to your neck. "Our first shower."
You roll your eyes
"Please baby I promise"
Another kiss on the neck
"Shoulders up thats all."
He kisses you again.
"Ok okay I need a cold shower now though."
He tells you a joke but he can't remember the joke now it had to be shower related or made rain. He wished to God he could remember the joke. But whatever it was it made you laugh out loud holding on to his arm which was wrapped around you
And he had quickly taken a few pictures one where he was looking down and another where he was looking over at you. You were unaware still laughing out and he had no idea until he took a look at the photo how he was looking at you so adoringly. In love he was in love he knew but he never saw how he looked at you. And the next one was you looking up at him with the same look of adoration and love and joy.
The last one was of both of you looking at the camera. Cheesy smiles but you both were so happy, content.
He'd give almost anything for thay feeling again..give anything but you that is.
Tag list
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja @hawkeyes-queen
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sakurabloom48 · 2 years
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My favorite Marvel memes😂🤣
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
Oh how I miss writing Hybrid Trainer (Owen fic) and just writing for his character in general 😢 ❤️
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kluuter-time · 1 year
Imagine if he was azure lion's eng va
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scyaxe · 2 years
do people even still remember what animated movies were like when there were dedicated voice actors instead of whatever celebrity is hot?
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Hey Stranger
Summary: You're trying to be there for Peter when he's grieving and trying to move on from Gamora, while having feelings for him yourself. Guess what? Gamora's back to help save Rocket, and things get complicated.
pairing: Peter Quill x female reader
a/n: he's so boyfriend I can't explain it. Also, I was listening to Baby Blue when writing this, I think it fits pretty well.
warning: GOTG3 spoilers, cursing
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It started when a Adam Warlock, a Sovereign, came to take Rocket. After that, shit started happening, and a small reunion with Gamora ensued.
You were worried about Quill when you knew he was about to see Gamora -- everyone was.
He was obviously still not over her, and it broke your heart. Particularly because you saw how broken he became, and the fact that you have feelings for him didn't help either.
You were always there for him, though. Whenever he's drunk, crying, or angry, you were always there.
"I know you know, but-"
"I know," Peter said sternly. "Of course I know she's not Gamora -- she is, but she's not.. she's not my Gamora."
"But you want her to be?"
"Yes- No- Fuck, I don't know." He sighed. "I fell in love with this side of Gamora, when she was still brutal and unforgiving. The only difference is that now she doesn't love me back."
"I have a sense of what that feels like.." You muttered quietly.
"What was that?"
"Nothing." You cleared your throat. "I'm.. gonna go check on Rocket."
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The entire time Gamora was trying to help the team save Rocket, Peter was busy trying to either convince her they were in love, or trying to get 'back' with her.
She wasn't interested though. She actually noticed something else.
"You know, if you keep staring at me like that, you might shoot laser from your eyes." She said while you were both alone.
You blinked away and focused on Rocket.
"You're in love with him." She commented. "Don't even try to deny it, I know just from the way you look at me."
"Mind your own business."
You were never really best friends with Gamora -- this one or the old one. You respected her, but you kept your distance.
"There's no point in hating me, I'm not in love with Quill. I'm not the Gamora you knew."
"Do you honestly think we'd all be in this position if that fact is so easy to accept?" You deadpanned.
She pursed her lips. "You have a point."
"It's hard." You sighed. "We all know you're not our Gamora, but acceptance is hard. Especially for Peter right now."
"Why don't you just tell him how you feel?"
You glanced at her, wondering why she's asking so many questions. "What's the point? He's already going through a lot. I know he doesn't feel the same way, so what good could come out of it?"
"You don't think he deserves to know?"
You frowned. "Why are you asking so many questions?"
"I'm new in this romance thing. I'm just curious."
"Then go read a book or something, Jesus."
You head to your quarters, but Gamora followed you.
"You're scared that I might fall in love with Quill." She stated. "You've been in love with him for the longest time, and though you don't want to admit it, there's a side of you that's slightly glad when his Gamora died."
"You don't know what you're talking about." You sent her a warning look.
"That's also why you don't like me -- I remind you of the fact that you were happy when one of your closest friends died. What kind of person does that make you--"
You screamed and pushed her to the wall, threatening her with a dagger to her throat. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!"
Gamora was surprised by the ambush, but she was satisfied that she hit a nerve. "Could he ever love you now?"
Your grip on the dagger tightened.
"Hey, hey!" Quill stepped in, "What the hell is going on?? We can have arguments on my ship but no threats among family, you know this y/n."
"I'm not family." Gamora said as you lowered your weapon and left to your quarters.
As you slammed your door shut, you couldn't help but let out the tears that had been threatening to fall the moment you yelled at Gamora.
She was right about everything. She read you to filth.
How could Peter ever love you now?
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Peter knocked on your door that night. He let himself in when you didn't answer, and saw you standing by the window. Something was clearly bothering you.
"If you're here to lecture me, please don't."
Peter let out a nervous chuckle. "Whaaat, why.. would I do that." He cleared his throat. "I totally wasn't going to do that."
"Look, if it'll make you feel better, I'll apologize to Gamora."
Peter stood next to you. "Ever since she appeared, you've been acting weird. What's wrong?"
"No I haven't. I'm fine."
He gave you a knowing look. The same look you gave him when he refused to talk to you about whatever's going on with him.
"I'm fine, Peter." You repeated. "You don't need to worry about me."
That felt like a "you totally should, but I don't want to tell you why", but Peter decided to let it go. He knew you needed some space.
"I'll still worry, but I'll leave you alone for now." He kissed the top of your head. "Just don't close your doors on me, alright? You've always been there for me, and I'm always here for you."
You didn't answer him as he left your room.
The team was about to face the High Evolutionary, and you were told to babysit Gamora and take care of Rocket. It was obvious that Peter wanted you to make up with Gamora over what happened.
You stayed with Rocket. Holding his hand, hoping that he'd find the strength to squeeze yours.
"I won't tell Quill."
Gamora again.
"When Thanos died, there was a part of me that blamed everyone." She continued, "He was a ruthless monster, but he was still my father. A tiny part of me still loved him. And it makes me hate myself, to think that I could even love a monster that killed my home, but it's true."
You nodded. "Thanks. I appreciate it."
"Anyway, I radioed the Ravagers. They're coming to get me." Gamora said.
"Alright, I'll see you out."
"Oh, and seriously though, you need to tell him." She added. "Get him off my back."
You laughed. "I'll see what I can do."
As you were walking with Gamora, a creature clearly made by the High Evolutionary attacked. Along with Adam Warlock.
"..Just our luck."
"You take the pig?"
Gamora nodded. You both fought well and hard, but when there was an indestructible golden Sovereign, it was difficult to win. The only reason you won was because the pig tried to take Rocket and Adam had to kill him, wanting Rocket for himself.
Soon enough after that, meteors started falling from the sky.
"What the fuck..."
"Looks like the Ravagers aren't picking you up now."
Quill told you to fly the ship, picking him up and Groot so that you could save the rest of the team, who was still stuck in the High Evolutionary's ship.
"Why is there a severed pig head in the back of my ship??" Quill complained. No one answered him.
He called Kraglin for backup, and the five of you flew out to get Nebula, Drax, and Mantis.
A lot of fighting ensued. It was kind of nice, nostalgic, even.
"The old Gamora was better." You commented as you walked past her.
She smirked, enjoying the new bond you two had.
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"So I assume everything went well with Gamora?!"
Your eyebrows furrowed as you were both busy getting the kids to jump over. "You really want to talk about this now?!"
He analyzed the situation. "Okay, yeah, let's talk about it later!"
"Hey Peter?!" You shouted over the loud noises.
"There's also something I need to tell you after this!"
He looked confused. "Okay!"
The High Evolutionary was in custody. Rocket found a bunch of other raccoons, and everyone had jumped over.
Everyone except for Peter.
"Where's Peter??"
You could see him running to get something that had fallen from his pocket before finally jumping, but he had jumped too late and couldn't make it to Knowhere. The effects of space, lack of air, was evident throughout his body.
"PETER!!" You yelled, running and almost jumping to save him yourself, but Gamora stopped you.
She held you back, and you felt like vomiting.
It wasn't until Adam Warlock saved Peter, took him to Knowhere and Nebula put the kit on him.
"Peter, please." You went to his side, placing his head on your lap. "I can't lose you.." you whispered the last part.
It took a moment for Peter to wake up, but when he did, there was a giant group hug. You buried yourself in his chest and he gave you reassuring pats on the head. "I'm okay. I'm okay."
"So," Gamora smiled. "Radio me if there's anything you need."
"I will." You shook her hand. "It's good to have you. This you."
"It's good to be here." You left her to talk with Peter.
Peter smiled. "It's good seeing you two getting along."
"We've got some things in common." Gamora shrugged. "Peter, I.. I can't be your Gamora. I'm not her."
He nodded. "I know you're not. But this Gamora is not so bad."
She chuckled. "One other thing...open your eyes -- that sounded mean," she corrected herself and glanced at you, helping others. And saw how he looked at you too. "I think you know what I'm talking about."
Peter smiled as he looked at you. "Yeah. I know."
"Good luck, Quill. With everything."
"You too."
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You and Peter didn't get a chance to talk. Everyone was so busy getting everything done, helping new people get settled that it just never came up.
But Peter called in for an emergency team meeting. And that's when your world crumbled down again.
"So, you're gonna leave?"
Peter nodded slowly, looking at you, but you avoided his eye contact. "My mother died in front of me when I was 8 years old and I have been running ever since. I'm gonna need to take some time. Learn how to swim."
You had to understand. There'd be a time where the team would have to go their own ways. Today was the day. You just didn't think it'd come so soon.
The team ended things in a good note. Rocket was your new leader, Nebula was going to be in charge of building the new society, and you.. you were sitting on a roof. Tried to get away from heartbreak, though it was already there.
"Hey stranger."
Peter sat next to you. "Got time to talk?"
You didn't even try to hide your tears this time. "I guess now would be a good time as any. Probably the last."
Peter frowned. He could sense how you felt. "I need to go, y/n."
"I know." You sighed. "So just.. just go."
"You said you needed to tell me something."
"It's nothing important." You shook your head. "I already forgot what it was."
Peter nodded sadly. "You know we'll be in touch, right?"
You nodded, not really acknowledging him.
"Radios exist. And there's no timezone, really." He tried to make the situation lighter. You offered him a small smile.
"Oh, here." Peter took out a mixtape from his pocket. "I uh.. almost died because that thing fell out of my pocket. I made you a mixtape. All the songs that I know you love, and hopefully it'll help when you miss me."
You held the mixtape in your hand. "...bold of you to assume I'll miss you."
Peter smiled knowing he cheered you up even just in the slightest bit. "I'm your best friend, of course you will."
"In all seriousness," He added, "Don't close your doors on me, alright? I need you to say it."
"I promise I won't shut you out."
"Good." He sighed in relief. "I'll come back, I promise."
He kissed your temple and gave you a hug. "Goodbye, y/n."
"..Goodbye, Peter."
Peter knew what you wanted to tell him, to be honest he wanted to tell you the same thing. But he's leaving.. so what's the point, right?
Star-Lord will return.
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a/n: I think I just broke my own heart
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lemonsweet · 2 years
Nintendo pulling a similar stunt to what they did when they fixed ugly sonic but they just dub over mario with an actual voice actor
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
I think the main reason everyone's been saying more hollywood-ish names is cause iirc Jeff Fowler himself did say at some panel, they (probably paramount) had a big name in mind for Shadow.
It does suck, especially since I wanted either one of the previous VAs or the guy who does Vergil dmc, but I'm willing since Idris' Knux was great. They did say as well they already know Shadow has the biggest impact of the characters besides sonic and eggman, so they should cast appropriately or else the trailers are gonna get shit talked lol
keanu would suck eggs at it tho, he's great, loved him in uh. spongebob the movie 3?
But he's far too gritty and dark a voice for Shadow. Humphrey was perfect imo, and that's partly because he also sounded fairly young. Stoic and cool, but also young and kinda bratty when coincided with the right lines.
He's far more of a character than tragedy, edge and old vengeance and I hope whoever is casted reflects that.
that all said if fucking christian bale or adam driver is him I will burn down paramount studios. (other popular choices that I actually HATE)
yeah i remember seeing some stuff from the panel youre talking about, i dont think it was jeff fowler though i think it was some other guys? and they said something about how whoever was in charge of casting already had a particular big movie star in mind for shadow but they hadnt confirmed whether or not theyd be voicing him yet. (i think this was over a year ago though so they could have actually officially cast someone by now) but the not so great suggestions for movie shadow's voice had been going around since before that panel happened and im sure most people havent even seen it so it cant be the main reason
and yes david humphrey was such a good voice for shadow, captures the character perfectly and i really hope that his movie voice sounds at least somewhat similar to that one
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