#chronic fatigue ✌️
sensacetionalshady · 9 months
the overwhelming urge to do things because I've never learned how to relax is strong
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ennieasys · 22 days
you know you're disabled when you have to do Tetris to fit your pills in the organizer 😅🙃
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whimsical-sonic · 6 months
disabled sonic hcs i owe you my life 💫🌟✨
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paradoxikaa · 1 year
my parents did a bad job raising me. just objectively
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evilwriter37 · 3 months
Forgot to tell y’all I officially got diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome yesterday. ✌️
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afniel · 2 months
I realized I don't have a pinned post, so...here is a pinned post, I guess?
Hi, I'm Nevi, though I won't be mad if you forget and just call me Afniel. I've also gone by Moppy since 1998 and that's still how I sign my art.
I'm an ace+arospec but also pan nonbinary trans man, which is only the short version of it because gender and attraction are a complicated fuck like that. He/him or they/them are both legit.
I'm in my 40s, so if that's something you don't want to interact with, I respect that and won't be mad if you block me. This is generally a safe-for-life blog now, though I do swear a lot.
I'm disabled and have chronic pain and fatigue, mostly from fibromyalgia.
I've also got the ADHDtism so don't be surprised if I'm overly literal, miss the point, or if I'm extremely fucking funny at words (evidently this is a real side effect, lmao).
Less important stuff under the cut!
I've got some kind of Traumatic Dissociative Thing and I'm definitely a system of some type (I don't want it diagnosed on paper for reasons and I've got it pretty well managed) but you can safely refer to me as a singlet. I'm the only one of me who really blogs anyway.
I don't have a DNI, and I don't usually notice others' DNIs. If you don't want to interact, don't. If I don't, I won't. Very simple.
People always want some kind of stance on pro/anti stuff so here's mine: the relationship between fiction, reality, censorship, freedom, responsibility, and harm is far too complex to reduce to two sides and I don't stand with either side.
I'm pagan tho I've gotten so lazy about it. I actually used to blog mostly about that and witchcraft. True story. It's been a while though and I mostly don't now.
I draw and the art mostly goes on @moppy-art.
I write and that goes here under #Nevi Writes, and on AO3 as Afniel.
I'm a nonhuman weirdo and that goes on @astral-actias.
I'm working (slowly) on a whole entire classic Mega Man fangame from the ground up starring Roll, and that goes on @megaman-r.
Vidya james meems go on @moon-lord-big-naturals.
The Mega Man hyperfixation hellscape blog is @being-so-normal-about-reploids.
I think that's it? I'll add/update as needed.
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Title: Navigating Chronic Illness: A Day in the Life 💫✌️
Living with chronic illness is a daily battle, where even simple tasks become monumental challenges. Here's a glimpse into a typical day:
Morning: Struggle against fatigue. Medications. Balancing breakfast with dietary restrictions.
Midday: Carefully planned errands. Conservation of energy. Negotiating with pain.
Afternoon: Self-care amidst chaos. Moments of clarity and connection.
Evening: Exhaustion sets in. Rest and recuperation. Resilience amidst uncertainty.
Closing Thoughts: Each day with chronic illness tests strength and resilience. Through courage and determination, we navigate life's complexities, illuminated by hope.
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Meet the Writer Tag
Thanks for tagging me @druidx!
Rules: Use this picrew to make yourself and answer the questions!
Tumblr media
(My hair isn't dyed but I have a lot of white strands for some reason, I'm only in my late 20s.)
Three fun facts about me:
- I’m ace 🖤🩶🤍💜😎✌️
- I live out in the country, next door to a dairy barn, a fact that never fails to impress me even though I see it every day. XD
- I love taking pictures, especially of flowers and figures of characters. The amount of pictures I've taken of amiibos. XD
Favourite season: Either Spring or Summer, spring has flowers but also allergies, and I have a lot of nostalgia for summer, hm... I'm inclined to say summer. It gets so hot though, then again so does spring around here, but I always get so excited for spring the beginning of each year. *Continuously waffles back and forth*
Continent where I live: North America
How I spend my time: Unfortunately because of chronic fatigue I spend most of my time resting, but I also spend a lot of time walking outside, rambling, and scrolling tumblr, I write or get other things done when I can (but mostly writing), or when I get too stubborn not to. XD
Are you published?: Technically I self published a poetry book on Amazon but I like to forget about it. It’s not that bad, but remembering its existence fills me with dread and I don’t know why. 🙃
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
Favourite Meal: Uh... I don't think I have one.
Tagging: @emeraldhazeart @nerevar-quote-and-star @sylvienerevarine @inkysqueed @mareenavee @nostalgic-breton-girl
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jarchivussy · 1 year
girls will be like no i don't have chronic fatigue 5 minutes later me and the bone-deep exhaustion !!! ✌️😙
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slutcore-starships · 10 months
chronic fatigue has been kicking my butt and i have not had the energy to keep up with tumblr - mutuals can ask for discord, easier to hang out and chat there ✌️✌️
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lavendorium · 1 year
I've started going to the gym again in an effort to combat my chronic fatigue and tired brain. I don't know if it's working, but I am starting to feel better. Take care of yourselves ✌️
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also - you mentioned you were sick! how are you holding up? <3
TL;DR: yesterday was shit, today was better
So yesterday I had a fever, rly bad chills, fatigue (chronic fatigue + acute illness fatigue = SHIT), a sinus headache, sore throat, congestion, the works, and couldn’t really eat anything (basically had chicken soup and that’s it). I was sicker than I’ve been in years unless you count the short periods of feeing that horrible that happened from covid vacc reactions, and I basically just watched movies and/or napped all day.
But my fever broke this morning and I’ve actually been able to do shit! Put on real clothes, did some homework, took a shower, practiced cello, that kinda stuff. No more chills, no more headache, and I’ve eaten some real fucking food ✌️✌️ still feel a bit shitty but all in all I’m a lot better. Best part is that yesterday I deliriously texted my crush and they were so sweet to me abt it 🥺😭🥺😭
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bilbopaggins · 1 year
It's now been 2 years today since I was diagnosed with sagittal sinus thrombosis. There are days I get frustrated and discouraged because living with a chronic illness isn't easy. I don't talk about it much, but the diagnosis rocked my world. I now experience chronic fatigue and nausea, as well as migraines. This causes me to have to cancel plans at the last minute or I'm unable to do the activities I'd like to do. It's preventing me from having children because to do so with my condition could kill me. I have to be very selective about what kinds of jobs I apply for. I can't apply for the things I used to, like CNA positions because heavy lifting puts strain on my head. Any little bonk on my head could cause the blood clots to break free from my brain's sinuses and I could have a stroke. This condition often leads to death or blindness. I say all of this not to get pity because I don't want that, but to educate people a bit on this rather rare condition. It's not laziness or flakiness. I may appear to be perfectly fine but there are days I legitimately feel like garbage. I would love to do the things I used to but some days I just don't have the energy and that's ok. I've learned a lot in the last 2 years. The diagnosis forced me to evaluate my life and I now try to take more chances and go for opportunities. I try to live with gratitude and not take anything for granted. I've learned that I'm tougher than I gave myself credit for and I learned how many wonderful, supportive people I have in my corner. Thank you so much to all of my lovely friends and family. I appreciate your patience, understanding, and support more than I can say. I don't know where I'd be without y'all. ✌️❤️✨️
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itswynsome · 2 years
About me:
Australian 😟 if the nsw variety
trans of gender
chronically ill/fatigued ✌️
current special interests:
elden ring, destiny 2 & the witcher 3
my ocs/wip novel “a long way home”
my dog (he is very cute)
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Also eventually this will be a real headcanon but I am making it so that lex has chronic pain and fatigue, and uses his sage weapons as assistive devices, like magic canes. Adventuring for 15 years in extreme conditions fucks you up 😔✌️ also, especially after the fight with Zenos, his legs can't work as well as they could with the amount of times he used en avant and how that magic essentially fucked up his legs
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afniel · 2 months
God damn I'm tired and extra dizzy today, which I've figured out some of why that happens. Evidently that's my reaction to overstimulation fatigue. Good to know, explains a lot. No idea what to do about it and I did expect to have some sucky days after going to San Francisco anyway so it's whatever, but it's nice to have figured out a specific trigger.
Except that's cool and all but I almost couldn't fold laundry today because it involved a lot of looking up and down and that was unnecessarily rough. This was after sleeping like 11 hours because my shit-ass tired-ass brain demanded a hard reboot more or less, and I'm still kind of gross today even so. Kind of glad they rescheduled the root canal I was gonna have Tuesday for like two weeks out, because I am probably not gonna be quite recovered for another week at least and dental work fucks me up also so that would have been an Everything Hurty Syndrome 2x Combo.
Bleh. At least when I'm writing chronic illness/disability it's some own voices legit type ass shit, but does it have to be, because I could do without this. My whole me hurts and nothing seems to help and also turning my head too fast will knock me the hell over. Good times. ✌️😔
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