#chronic pain go brr..
entropy-sea-system · 11 months
just dropped a shower gel bottle bc the soap stand was shaky and the lid kind of broke... It still closes tho...ugh the amount of panic tho...
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i need to finish this book but unfurtunately reading is hard beclaws audhd
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toxicorum · 2 years
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all the problems decided to flare up at once today so this is how I’m coping
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eyenaku · 2 years
what if I drew super self indulgent doodles of sun and moon putting pain cream on achy joints
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ofsappho · 1 year
Oh my god ohmygodohmyvpd I'm actually in tears thank you for the chronic pain and health issues reader fic ESP THE NOT WALKING IM ACTUALLY ABOUT TO BAWL
I am going through it rn health wise ahaha chronic leg pain brr and this is so what I needed there is literally NO FUCKING FIC??? W THIS SHIT and I will actually sob you are so wonderful for this thank you thankyouthankyou this actually fucking made my day you don't understand
❤️❤️❤️ hi anon!
I’m so happy that you are enjoying the first chapter. I can really relate, I have periods of immobility where I can’t walk or get out of bed because of the pain and it super duper sucks. So I get it. And that will definitely be a plot point in the near future!!!
I have some other stuff going on rn (life stuff and I’m working on the latest chapter for my long form reader fic for the Sandman comics), but I will be posting the next chapter of Heartless as soon as I can!!!
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weafurry · 2 years
For the send me a character thing, Pale King! :3
HEEEM! He. The wyrm man. the blorbo himself.
Sexuality headcanon: Pansexual
Gender headcanon: Pangender go brr (he does feel the most connection to male. But everything is still very much so there.)
A ship I have with said character: We all know, its Pale nightmare. Them <3
A BROTP I have with said character: Him and Ogrim. The best of friends. They are dorks, two dumbasses. /aff
A NOTP I have with said character: Him and The Radiance. Saw it once and that was enough. Never again. No thanks please.
Random headcanon: This kind of falls into headcanons of how void poisoning works as well but, oh well. His hands aren't the only thing that got messed up by void (ALSO. in terms of how exactly his hands are messed up, the nerves got pretty fucking fried so numbness + decrease in fine motor skills, there's also the surface level scarring in the form of stains and grooves) , His bodies temperature regulation also got FUCKED, so severe cold flashes and chills are a thing he has to deal with now. Chronic pain too, There's a lot more, but I'm still working out the specifics of void poisoning, how bad it gets, at what points, and how the symptoms differ between mortal bugs and higher beings. So there's some uncertainty there and I don't wanna say something that could change in the future (especially since the mechanics of void is probably one of if not my most detailed headcanons and I'm SUPER proud of it. Seriously I could talk about void for hours. I have become pk /j)
General Opinion over said character: I love him with every FIBER of my fucking being (thats only a slight exaggeration). The autism REALLY went brrr for this one. I am always rotating him in my head. 24/7 365 days a year. I could go on for HOURS about him. It annoys me SO MUCH how dirty the fandom did him tbh. He's SUCH a good character. I wish people would actually look at him instead of just going "hahaha buzzsaw and infanticide jokes go brrrrrr "
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cydonian-mystery · 2 years
Tagged By: @nonbinary-bosmer
Favorite Color: Black Relationship Status: Single, and I'm fine with that
Song Stuck in my Head: STO combat music, apparently the bug that made it play constantly in-game spread to my brain, please send help Last Thing I Searched For: 'conestoga tarp trailer', because I'm playing ATS and special interests go brr
Time: 1:11 pm, CST Dream Trip: I'd like to visit Alaska. Something I Want: A cure for my chronic pain and liver issues.
Tag 10: @herlossmybanjo, @femme-mothman, @frick-it-all-to-hecc, @mothdaemon, @baronessbamf, @aquietanarchy, @zezelchark, @owlbear33, @ishouldnotbhere, @grimdark
Obviously if any of you don't want to participate in this, no pressure. It's just for fun.
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brunchbitch · 2 years
Hey there. I really have no idea of who I could talk this with but I read a post you wrote about this topic, so if you can't or simply don't want to answer that's fine for me, but please tell me if there's an account I can talk to about this issue.
So, I got scoliosis. Yeah, funny thing. I gotta admit that I have it quite easy (I think? I've been diagnosed recently and so far I haven't taken any medication or used any mobility objects, like canes and such, but I need to speak with more medical professionals before assuming things), and I wondered how other people lived with this. So I looked it up in Tumblr and while I did get answers, I also have some questions regarding the fact that pretty much all of the posts tagged with "scoliosis" where also tagged with "chronic pain".
About once, maybe twice a week if I'm unlucky I experience a strong, sudden pain on my lower back (where my spine went brr), it feels as if someone is stabbing me and I have to sit down. It leaves completely around a minute after. I also feel pain on my feet after walking around 5 blocks on the street, sometimes less. I got used to it and always assumed it was because of my laziness and because I don't tend to be one for physical activity. I also assumed that I got tired from the walking, when, in fact, the pain was the one wearing me out (I think it's because one leg is "higher" than the other bc of scoliosis and so I can't balance the weight of my body properly while walking, I don't know if I explained myself properly). Sometimes when I sit in a certain position I feel as if someone is stabbing me in my leg, close to my thigh, and only two times I felt a huge back pain (to the point it was difficult to walk) for long periods of time.
The question here is; does that count as chronic pain? Do chronic pain and scoliosis have to go hand in hand, or is it just normal yet they're not inherently related? Is it chronic pain if it appears under a certain context (i.e, while walking, like with my feet, or sitting in a specific position) or if it happens about once a week and lasts very little? It's just, I'm very confused and can't find resources to guide me right now. I'll keep researching, but I'd like to know the opinion of someone with both scoliosis and chronic pain. Thank you, sorry for bothering you with this and for my bad english. Feel free to ignore this if you want. Happy new year!
i'm sorry, this took me so long to answer!! yes what you are experiencing is definitely chronic pain! i think it's pretty normal for people who have scoliosis to experience pain here and there, but it's such a spectrum. sometimes i have awful spasms where i can barely move, whereas other times i can go months with just a bit of dull achey-ness at the bottom of my spine at the end of the day. i think of chronic pain not as context-specific but more so longitudinal, so any sort of pain that occurs on a semi-regular basis for a long period of time would constitute chronic pain imo.
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le-boid · 2 years
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“Put that thing back where it came from or so help me---” (so help me!) 
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mariners-death · 3 years
Just finished Deltarune chapters 1 and 2. I have no idea whats going on but I'm happy to be here :)
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iwant-bread · 3 years
I'm at that point of my life where I start seeing yoga for seniors on YouTube
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chronic pain and fatigue go brr
i wanna do artfight attacks and play games but efurrything huuurts
im kinda bitter beclaws like. i have falling outs with furriends and get really emeowtional ofur missing hanging out with my internet furriends irl and my body is like "hmm. ok. time to break down"
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sera-wasnever · 3 years
I might be drinking a slightly bad amount as of late however this does make my own playlists a lot more fun
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m318x2 · 2 years
story about my sweaty ass hands and feet and how that led to me finding out something weird under the cut (it's not triggering or anything it's just long)
ok so i have had chronically sweaty hands and feet my entire life (hyperhidrosis) to the point where it is legitimately debilitating, but i finally mustered up enough self preservation to see a dermatologist about it since i'm really tired of not being able to do 90% of the things i want to because it involves not being able to wipe your hands every ten seconds. for the longest time i felt like i was just overblowing how bad it was, but the fact is i very regularly was sad because i wanted to do a very hands-based activity but it was too frustrating to do it when my hands were always wet and slippery. i used to play guitar. i gave up when i was 11. never picked it up again even though i loved it (on the very few occasions i was dry enough to properly play). i always wanted to play video games. never had dry enough hands to do it regularly enough to enjoy it or make it a hobby. i mean i did sometimes but it was rare. i used to put layers of tissues on top of my mouse and keyboard to play minecraft slightly more efficiently. never was able to get good at pvp though because i couldn't use the controls that well with either slick hands or tons of tissues between me and the controls.
anyways i was on a pill that worked pretty well which was great, but the thing is all it does is just dry your entire body out which means i had wicked cotton mouth all the time which is annoying. nowhere near as annoying as the sweat was, but still not great.
so i weened off the meds as i started doing the plan b treatment which is this machine (called an iontophoresis machine, specifically one for hyperhidrosis) that basically is just two trays of water with electricity running through it that you put your hands/feet in for like 10-20ish minutes and somehow the electricity makes your sweat glands behave properly over time. its pretty old technology and apparently nobody's sure exactly how it stops the sweat, but it does. and it's working for me so far, which is great. only thing is it's annoying as hell to use (its mostly just annoying to dry it off after each use so it doesn't get gross and theres sponges involved too which makes that a pain, and annoying to sit there unable to move for that long, i am allergic to sitting still lmfao), but they say once you've been doing it regularly for long enough you can get to a point where you only have to do it every few weeks to every few months. i'm already noticeably drier like 8 days in though and i haven't even done it as much as i'm supposed to, so i'm hoping i'm one of the lucky people that eventually only needs to use it once every few months.
but the main point of this post was i kinda like the feeling of electricity flowing through my body, apparently 💀💀💀 like it makes my skin kinda itchy and irritated temporarily which isnt nice, but the human body is conductive and i feel noticeably excited/buzzy when i feel the current in my chest and head, like brain go brr. especially when i use a stronger current lmfaooo. deadass its like a very mild nicotine buzz what the fuck is wrong with me
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stellarune · 4 years
chronic pain go brr, so friendly reminder that that fuciign bug thing stabbing fitz probs messed up his spine so i say he gtes achy achy sometimes oop
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peaxhyness · 2 years
also i am indeed working on "how valo agents would comfort u pt 2" 💪chronic pain be going brr lately but i will try to finish it soon :>
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