#chuuya’s screeching face is killing me
fyodior · 5 months
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i understand this is the appropriate translation but it made me giggle like yes. from one japanese man to another. speak english please
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intheticklecloset · 10 months
Could I maybe get some Lee!chuuya and Lee!dazai
I know how much you love chuuyaaa🩷
Maybe with “there’s no point in hiding” as the sentence starter
PS. Constantly coming back to your account for not just your bsd stuff but a lot of your fics your so crazy talented ❤️
*gasp* Lee Chuuya! I love writing him! I don't do it enough! (Also since I got your ask twice I know the first time you asked for ler!Dazai, so I made this one-sided - hope that's okay!) Thank you for the ask and for your kind words! I appreciate it. 💖
“There’s no point in hiding,” Dazai chuckled.
“Shut the fuck up!”
“You know you want it~”
“Shut up, I said—!” Chuuya growled when his voice broke on the word, covering his dark red face with both hands. “Get that cursed thing away from me!”
“Hmm…” Dazai mock pondered, then brought the tip of the feather down to Chuuya’s tummy and drew an invisible, tickly line. “No.”
“Dazai!” Chuuya screeched, arms flying down to shove him away, but it didn’t stop the slew of giggles that fell out of his mouth at the minute contact. He shivered, his smile wobbly as he looked up at his partner. “Fuhuhucking…don’t do that!”
The detective twirled the feather teasingly between his first two fingers and smirked down at the redhead. “Do what?”
Chuuya was going to kill him. How had he wound up here, lying on the couch with his dumbass boyfriend on top of him, wiggling that wretched torture device at him with a far too happy grin on his face?
“Don’t…don’t tickle me with that thing!”
“Oh?” Dazai looked at the feather as if surprised by its presence, then swiftly brought it down to dip into Chuuya’s belly button.
The redhead screeched again and bucked his hips desperately, loud cackles flying past his lips as he shoved his partner away again. “Dohohohohon’t! You fuhuhuhucking asshole!”
At this point, even Dazai couldn’t hold back his amused giggles. “You’re so feather ticklish, chibi. It’s adorable.”
“Shut up! No it’s not!”
“Oh, but it is! Look,” he teased, wiggling the feather in front of Chuuya’s face, watching his boyfriend shrink back into the couch cushions, eyes wide with a nervous smile. “I’m not even touching you now and you’re still so flustered~”
“It’s fucking embarrassing!” Chuuya groaned, covering his face again. “For the love of god, don’t use that on MEHEHEHEHEHE!! NOHOHOHOHOHO!!”
This time when his hands flew down to stop him, Dazai deftly grabbed his wrists in one hand and held them out of the way while the feather trailed a tickly path down the redhead’s tummy, making Chuuya throw his head back and laugh completely unfiltered.
Dazai took the opportunity to smile fondly at his distracted boyfriend, very slowly and softly dragging the tip of the feather up and down his bouncing belly. “Hmm…no, I don’t think I will, chibi. I like seeing you like this. Besides…”
He dipped the feather into Chuuya’s belly button again, beaming at the loud shriek and subsequent curse his partner let fly at him, his cheeks flushed red and arms trembling in Dazai’s hold.
“…I think we both know you like this just as much as I do~”
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HIIII since its almost Halloween I have a hunted house request🏚🌃 where Dazai and Chuuya with their s/o go on a house of horror but s/o is not terrified ahhahah plus the boy become the third wheel of their date bc atsushi/akutagawa is clinging on s/o and preventing aku from killing an actor
Haha the chaos is amazing!! (I may or may not have written this eating candy corn lol.) Anyway, I've been suuuper low on requests so this was such a treat! (I will see myself out.) This ended up being a weird sort of college AU, but I hope that works. <33333
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This reaally wasn't the way you were expecting to spend your night. Haunted house date? Sure, you were down. Not one to be easily frightened, you were mainly there for laughs. But really, it was Halloween and the chill in the air reinvigorated you; also, whatever was in the cider you'd had earlier totally had you buzzed.
You giggled as a pair of hands wound around your waist, a head burying into your shoulder. The floorboards creaked under your feet as you covered your mouth to stifle your laughter. If Dazai come through, he should be just around here. He hadn't told you exactly where, 'for authenticity's sake' he'd claimed, and even though he annoyed the hell out of you sometimes, you knew he would never miss a chance to pull some shit on your boyfriend.
The door you'd just entered closed with a bang, making Chuuya and the dark haired freshman he's taken a liking to jump. One of them let out a small scream- for the sake of your boyfriend's dignity, you would never tell him you knew who it was. (He was already annoyed at Akutagwa's proximity to you.) Across the room, a worn down door let slivers of light peak through; if he was going to come through for you, it had to be now.
And then a tall, looming figure blocked out all your light. A sudden flash of light revealed the figure, swathed head to toe in black tattered clothes, now standing in the corner before you were all plunged into darkness. A few seconds later, whatever it was had emerged from the shadows a meter away.
Two feet.
Pitch black.
And then he was right in front of you, the arms around you tightening as the figure howled and shrieked, Ryunosuke and Chuuya screaming themselves hoarse on either side of you.
You couldn't hold back. Your faux horror melted into the laughter you were holding in, sending you into peels of laughter as the lights came on reveal one Osamu Dazai and a very disheveled, if satisfied, Edogawa Ranpo. Akutagawa's jaw fell open as you wheezed, Chuuya's face going from shock to annoyance as he scoffed at the three of you.
"Should have known" he spat.
"Oh calm down," you giggled, pressing a swift kiss to his lips. "It was all in good fun. Besides all of this was your idea!"
"Yeah yeah," the redhead muttered. "Great idea- my girlfriend betrays me, my friend steals my girlfriend- spend the whole night third wheeling while he clings to her for dear life and then a literal idiot in a trench coat shows up."
"Hey hey!! Credit where it's due- there were two idiots in said trench coat." Ranpo's eyes glittered mischievously in the dim light, as you led the way back out into the night.
"You're an idiot, y/n l/n." Chuuya slipped his hand into yours as you walked off.
"Oh shut up, you love me. Besides, it was fun!!"
"I suppose but I still- y/n where's Akutagawa?"
Turning back, you couldn't see the boy anywhere; which was odd since despite having a very distinct appearance, people didn't usually gravitate towards him en masse.
"That's odd," you murmured, "I would have thought the shock had gone and he'd be fine by now."
And then Dazai and Ranpo ran past, tripping over themselves as they laughed, and- like a summoned devil, the one and only Akutagawa Ryunosuke went tearing after them screeching curses, bloody murder and everything in between.
"Well," you grinned, "look's like it's time to save the idiots!!"
Chuuya rolled his eyes and groaned.
"Must we?"
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Dazai was beyond annoyed. When he'd told Atsushi he could tag along with the two of you, he really really wasn't expecting the white haired youth to spend the whole night curled into your side, eyes flicking back and forth anxiously.
Sidled up to you was his spot!! That was his whole plan!
Served him right for not seeing it coming, he supposed, thinking grumpily to himself. So he trudged behind you, speakers outside the building blaring, not masking the sudden startled screams that ripped through the massive place.
"You've gotta admit, Atsushi," Dazai grinned, "this is just a wonderful place to have a haunted house. After all, in a building like these, who's to say there aren't ghosts?"
You rolled your eyes, a small smile at forming at the corners of your lips. "I don't have to tell you not to mind him, Atsushi. He's just being a baby because he has to face the consequences of dragging you here in the first place."
Dazai pressed a hand t his chest and fell against a nearby wall, moaning dramatically. "You wound me amore!! How could you."
"You're so whiny," you laughed. "Now can we please hurry up? I do have things to do early in the morning."
"I would love to, my love, however I seem to be caught in quite a situation-"
"Oh what now?"
Turning around, you were met with your boyfriend dangling two feet in the air, legs swinging uselessly as he was lifted up towards a gaping hole in the ceiling, revealing a pitch black opening to the floor above.
Damn, this place has quite the budget.
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crispbeigepages · 11 months
~Cigarettes at Midnight~
CW| Drugs, swearing, suggestive(?)
If you were to ask Chuuya what his desired plans for the night were, it would probably be something involving alcohol. Nowhere on that list, however, would be his current situation. There he was, forced to stand in the same room as the man he hated more than anyone else, his ex-partner Osamu Dazai. The smug look on his face alone made Chuuya's blood boil.
"Well, if it isn't Chuu-chan~!"
His voice had it's usual teasing lilt to it. Chuuya breathed a sigh, walking towards Dazai with a glare.
"Shut up, Mackerel."
The loud screech of metal was heard as Chuuya ripped a nearby pipe from the wall, bending it before slamming it into the wall around Dazai's cuffed wrists, defined cracks forming around where the metal broke through where it was now lodged in the stone. Dazai was unfazed.
"I'm not here because I want to be." Chuuya stated coldly.
It was far from a lie; the only reason Chuuya had agreed to do this in the middle of the night was because Mori ordered him to.
"You clearly want me here though, you did just reinforce my binds~"
Dazai's words made Chuuya want to strangle him.
He tightened his fists before exhaling heavily in attempt to compose himeslf.
"I'm here on the boss's orders. He wants to know what the agency's next move is."
The grin on Dazai's face said everything, he wasn't going to talk.
Chuuya reached into his pocket with a groan, grabbing a cigarette out of his pack and placing it in his mouth, then digging through his pocket for his lighter. He'd started smoking at around the same time Dazai had-back when they were fifteen-when Dazai would occasionally steal packs of cigarettes from Odasaku to share. Chuuya now used it as an occasional stress relief.
Dazai, on the other hand, was recently forced to quit by Kunikida.
Chuuya had finally managed to find his lighter, fiddling with it for a moment before lighting his cigarette. The familiar smell of smoke enveloped the room, making Dazai twitch. Fucking withdrawls.
Chuuya noticed the subtle discomfort from his ex-partner, raising a brow.
"The fuck's your problem, Mackerel?" he snarked, glaring at the other.
Dazai grimaced slightly before his facade quickly returned.
"You know those will kill you, right? bleck!"
His retorts were only a clever disguise to hide the fact that he himself wanted a cigarette. Bad.
Chuuya rolled his eyes, though began putting the pieces together in his head. With a smirk, he chuckled harshly.
"What, are you too much of a goody two-shoes to smoke now?" he taunted, puffing his cigarette before blowing the smoke in Dazai's face. Dazai's eyes glossed slightly as the familiar feeling of nicotine-filled smoke entering his lungs made him shudder.
Chuuya was definitely using this to his advantage.
Kneeling down in front of him, Chuuya made eye contact with Dazai, cigarette still in hand.
"Y'know Dazai.." he started, a wicked grin crossing his features as he inched his face closer.
"If you talk, I'll blow the smoke into your mouth~"
Dazai's eyes widened, his hands twitching as he contemplated his options. On one hand, he could betray the agency and get the sweet nicotine he craved. On the other, he could remain silent and endure the torturous allure that Chuuya was offering.
"You make a hard bargain.. Slug." Dazai muttered.
.... It wouldn't hurt to give one little secret, would it?
With a sigh, Dazai finally relented, unable to stand his withdrawl anymore.
"They're planning to infiltrate and grab some sensitive info about all Port Mafia execs."
In reality, Dazai was only revealing part of the plan, so he wasn't completely betraying the agency. At least, that's how he would justify it to Kunikida once he escaped.
Chuuya smirked, clearly satisfied with the information.
He brought his free hand up to hold Dazai's chin in place.
"Open up, Mackerel."
He muttered, taking a puff of his cigarette before exhaling the smoke into Dazai's now open mouth. Dazai shivered as the smoke made it into his lungs, his head dizzy. He wanted more.
In a desperate attempt to get more of that sweet poison, he leaned forward and quickly captured Chuuya's lips with his own, his tongue exploring the redhead's mouth eagerly. Chuuya was startled, yet couldn't fight the urge to melt into the kiss. They stayed like that for a few minutes, their tongues fighting for dominance as shaky breaths and other sounds escaped them. Their lips only parted once they ran out of breath, Chuuya quickly coming to realize what had just happened. With a red face, he stood up and ripped the pipe out of the wall, leaving Dazai with just the handcuffs keeping him in place.
"Just get the fuck out of here." He muttered coldly as he quickly stormed off, knowing Dazai would just pick the lock on his restraints.
One thing was for certain, Chuuya still loved hated Dazai.
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konstya · 5 months
finally wrote angst
His already bitter expression soured a bit more. “Do you really mean this? That this, all we’ve been through, is ending here. Just because of your goddamned attitude?!” he yelled. He screamed, even. His shrill voice made my ears hurt and ring with pain. I wanted to crawl out of my own skin and die. Feel the wind and soft spring air, something so pleasant and human, hit my skin-less flesh. To feel myself bleed. To hear my own voice for once. But, i was here. In front of Chuuya. A Chuuya on the brink of throwing the broken wine bottle in his hand at me.
“Hello? Answer me! You really want to leave everything we built, together, double black, behind because of some old geezer? He was in the mafia, it was due to happen!”
It was then. Then I decided it was best if I leave. The sentence that gave me a reason to truly leave. A reason to throw everything I worked for, my ‘family’ behind. The part where I wanted to kill the only, barely visible thing in front of me. I wanted all hell to strike down on him.
I stomped over, tears clouding my fucked-up vision, pointing a long, bony finger in his direction. I couldn't tell if I was crying. My whole face was permanently warm and cold, cold were Oda held. My hand was still reddish-brown with his now lukewarm and crusted blood. I screeched like never before, like a siren. It scratched my throat devilishly, but i kept on. Only after a few moments was i able to hear through my own thoughts.
He was speechless. He stepped back, winding his arm down, letting them fall to his side with a stunned expression. He was still angered, of all things, it was more visible now. His blue and brown eyes widened and pupils twitched, lips threatening to split. He was on the verge of tears, eyelids opening and closing at an alarming pace as a single bead of sweat dripped down his temple.
His breathing sped up, he started sweating more and more, tears started forming in his eyes. he swallowed bitterly, still staring into my eyes.
"what-t the fuck, dazai? what THE FUCK?!"
in a few moments, his voice threatened to raise, voice scratchy. the ends of his hair stuck to his sweating face, tears pouring.
I looked at him with a life less expression, yet, on the inside, I was scratching at my face, ripping off and killing every little thing breezing my skin. I clenched my jaw, waiting for him to begin again.
he raised his arm with the wine bottle back up, threatening to throw it at him, tears streaming down his face before he turned around, stomping off and throwing the bottle onto the ground. it shattered into millions of pieces, a few hitting my legs, as well as some maroon liquid. it spilled onto the floor, staining the tip of my shoe. I crouched over to inspect the glass, only to be met with my reflection. my hair was so greasy that the lamplight reflected off it, casting a dull glow on my tear covered face. it had a droplet of wine rolling down my lower jaw. my eyes were lifeless, half lidded with no light in them. I picked up one of the shards, slipping it against the pad of my thumb, leaving a small cut.
I hissed. I threw the glass against the wall at the sight of blood slipping off my hand.
after a few more moments, I accepted it, getting- no, stumbling- back on my feet. I was already in my 'living space', a shipping container, and fell onto the bed. I hadn't even cared to wash Oda's blood off my hand- it was the last trace of him. mori took his body. ango erased his files a long time ago. he hadn't ever existed, even the owner of the ramen shop was gone. the orphans too-
thinking about it left a horrid feeling in my mouth. made me want to puke, peel off my skin, gauge out my eyes...
he kept thinking back and back to his memories of him. him saying goodnight on his first night meeting him, saying his last 'bye', the feeling of his hand still slightly present in the ruffled side of his hair, the small, pained smile that graced him while he passed.
I felt guilt, but I had done the right thing, right...? if I had kept him around, he would have suffered longer. if I stopped him joining this hell, he wouldn't have died.
"goodnight, dazai."
I let his voice echo in my ears as I closed my eyes tightly.
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Intoxication {Soukoku}
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A/N: AAAA DANI HIIII thank you for the request i’m more than happy to write for your parents hehe! I hope you like this one, I had a lot of fun with it (i didn’t proofread though OOP apologies for any errors lmao) and I hope you have a lovely day as well! DRINK YOUR WATER 
Summary: Chuuya drags Dazai home after a night of drinking, and Dazai ends up being a more difficult drunk than Chuuya anticipated.
Word Count: 1.1k (under the cut)
“Chuu-Chuu~ Here comes the Chuu-Chuu train, hehe~” Dazai slurred, Chuuya grumbling as he practically dragged the taller man home. 
They had been out for drinks, but Chuuya had an important mission for the Port Mafia in the morning, so he couldn’t risk being hungover. He also couldn’t cancel on Dazai, he would never hear the end of it. So he had stuck to water that night, and Dazai had decided to take advantage of it and get absolutely shitfaced.
Dazai was normally the one dragging a drunk Chuuya home, and Chuuya was now slightly embarrassed knowing it was this difficult. Although granted, Dazai could normally piggyback Chuuya. Chuuya was shorter than Dazai, so he instead had Dazai’s arm wrapped around his shoulder as he forced him to walk.
“Chuuya~ I love you~” Dazai hummed, giggling before standing up, wobbling a bit as he fell backwards, Chuuya quickly catching him.
“You’re a dumbass, you know that? Don’t try and stand, just… walk, or whatever your legs are doing.”
Dazai chuckled, obeying Chuuya and waddling home with him. Chuuya fumbled with the keys as Dazai whispered suggestive things in his ear, making Chuuya go nearly as red as his hair.
“Shut up! Just get inside!” Chuuya finally got out, opening the door. Dazai had been leaning against it after he had finished flustering his partner, and fell backwards into the entryway, landing with a loud noise. Chuuya grumbled.
He helped Dazai up, but the brunette immediately wrapped his arms around Chuuya’s shoulders, whispering his name before kissing his neck with messy kisses. Chuuya felt his breath catch in his throat as he held onto Dazai, but didn’t push him away. 
Dazai lightly kissed up to the sweet spot right behind Chuuya’s ear, making him melt. He tried to push Dazai away so they could at least get out of the entryway, but Dazai didn’t budge. He kissed all the way down to Chuuya’s collarbone, making him flinch. 
He felt Dazai smirk against his skin, pressing more kisses to Chuuya’s collarbone before he shoved Dazai away.
“Stop kissing me there, it tickles!”
“Ohh~” Dazai said, his tone slightly slurred as he lightly grabbed Chuuya’s hips, directing him away from the entryway and towards the couch. “It tickles~?”
Chuuya tried to back away from Dazai, who had a mischievous grin creeping up his face as he held firmly onto Chuuya’s hips, the sensation causing giggles to bubble in Chuuya’s throat, threatening to burst out.
Chuuya eventually hit the arm of the couch, and Dazai danced his fingers up to Chuuya’s ribs, lightly digging them in and making Chuuya squeak. That single noise was enough to seal Chuuya’s doom, and he felt his stomach flop as Dazai pushed him down onto the couch with a “Wee!” before following him, straddling Chuuya as he yelled.
“Dazai! Get off of me you idiot! Leave me alohohone!”
Chuuya tried to buck Dazai off, but Dazai wasn’t moving. He kneaded Chuuya’s hips lightly, making the redhead positively squeal as he threw his head back, grabbing onto Dazai’s wrists as he squirmed. 
“Fuhuhuck off, Dazai! Stahahap!”
“Is the little Chuu-Chuu train ticklish~? Aww, how cute. Are you gonna give me a Chuu-Chuu?” Dazai teased, his words slurring worse than before as Chuuya whined, kicking his legs behind Dazai as he moved up to Chuuya’s small waist, giving it a firm squeeze as Chuuya wailed.
He let go of Dazai’s wrists and instead pounded his fists into Dazai’s chest, shoving at his face as well, twisting his grin more. Dazai chuckled.
“Chuu-Chuu, your laugh is so intoxicating~ Is that why… I feel so funny?”
“It’s becahahause you’re drunk, dumbahahahass! Now stahahahap!”
“I guess whiskey is pretty intoxicating too, hehe,” Dazai chuckled, scribbling his fingers across Chuuya’s tummy as he squealed, shoving at Dazai’s shoulders as he pinched at his lower tummy.
Chuuya barked out a laugh as his face slowly started to blossom into a shade of pink, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. Dazai was ruthless when he was sober, but from previous experience, he probably wouldn’t let up until he fell asleep or got bored since he was drunk. 
Chuuya whined as Dazai changed spots again, now dancing lightly along his ribs as Chuuya clamped his arms down. 
“Dahahahazai! Dazai, no mohohohore!”
“Chuu-Chuu~” He cooed, hiccuping and giggling as he made kissy lips at Chuuya, who was too distracted laughing to notice. Dazai leaned down and started to kiss Chuuya’s neck again, making him gasp and squeal.
“Chuu!” He teased between kisses, lightly nibbling as Chuuya wailed, moving his arms to shove Dazai’s head away, instantly regretting it.
He felt Dazai grin against his skin, and the next moment Dazai had darted his hands under Chuuya’s arms, making Chuuya screech.
“All aboard!” Dazai chuckled, scribbling his fingers under Chuuya’s arms as he arched his back, nearly yelling out cackles as he shook his head frantically.
“STAHAhahap! I’m seheheherious! I’ll kill yohohou! I swehehehear!”
“Till death do us apart, then,” Dazai hummed, making Chuuya wail.
Dazai went back to kissing Chuuya’s neck, occasionally nibbling to make him squeak, Chuuya squealing and cackling as he couldn’t make up his mind on whether to push away Dazai’s head or keep his arms clamped at his sides. Dazai seemed to know this as well, as he wouldn’t relent on either front as Chuuya could do nothing but laugh.
When he would push at Dazai’s head, the underarm tickles would only get worse, and when Chuuya pulled his arms back, Dazai would switch back to gentle nibbling.
Chuuya’s face felt hot from laughing so hard, but he continued to squirm like his life depended on it, much to Dazai’s surprise.
“I cahahan’t! No mohohore, Dazai!” Chuuya wailed through his frantic laughter, scrunching up his shoulders in an attempt to get Dazai away from his neck. Dazai pouted, whining.
“But Chuu-Chuu,” He whined, then yawned. He pulled his hands away from Chuuya, letting himself stretch as he smiled goofily.
“M’tired,” He said groggily, laying down on top of Chuuya and falling dozing off. Chuuya was too busy collecting his breath to even pay attention to the fact that Dazai had fallen asleep on him. When he finally caught his breath and relaxed a little bit, he heard Dazai snore, and started to try and push him off.
“Dazai, you asshole! Get off of me!” He yelled, shoving at Dazai, who only snored, absentmindedly wrapping his arms around Chuuya and pulling him closer.
“Chuuya~” He hummed, and Chuuya sighed in exhaustion. He didn’t want to sleep on the couch, but it looks like he didn’t have much of a choice. As he closed his eyes, he wrapped his own arms across Dazai, holding him tight.
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djcarnationsblog · 2 years
Starting from here, it’s a headcanon that Tachihara had a crush on and pined for Chuuya for about a year, it’s hilarious-
Be warned, there’s a lot of caps lock in this one, we were screaming with excitement, it was fucking stupid XD
Me: Bold
Sis: Italics
Btw I headcannon that at some point Tachihara developed a crush on Chuuya and pined for like, a year, before seeing that Chuuya doesn't seem interested in him like that, cried about it for three months then did his best to get rid of his feelings, which he succeeded in, and to this day, Chuuya has no clue this entire ordeal went down, cause while he is god at reading people, he has no self esteem so people liking or crushing on him is a fucking fantasy to him. But they're friends now soooo....
I I want this to be revealed in a t or d it would be beautiful Gin straight up exposes him, just "t or d?" "t" "Who was your first crush in the Mafia?" "GIN!" I fully believe this man is a hopeless romantic
LIKE- They all look at Tachihara cause they know that he tends to get crushes often cause Bisexual supremacy. but my guy is so ashamed of that whole ordeal, it was literally the most embarrassing thing he had ever experienced cause he lowkey- VERY LOWKEY- tried to court Chuuya at like, every turn. every day, and Chuuya just could not get the hint. It just got to a point where it was downright sad.
OH LORD IMAGINE GIN WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO KNEW THIS WOULD BE SO RIDICULOUS And they're (Mostly Chuuya, to Tachi) sitting there, patiently waiting and he's having a bi panic to himself-
Cause he still admits to himself that Chuuya is fucking hot. Like- the years did him fucking good my guy.
SPIT HIS FUCKING WINE OUT "EXCUSE ME WHAT?!? With all the disbelief in the fucking world, like, he cannot even comprehend the idea of that. Like my man looked so lost and confused-
"THERE'S A LOT TO LIKE ABOUT YOU!! I STILL LOWKEY THINK YOU'RE HOT-wait no-FUCK NOT WHAT I-NO, NOPE, NEVERMIND, FORGET IT-" Akutagawa butting in like, "Now that I think about it? Yeah, it does make sense why he'd always try to talk to you at every given day. He even gave you roses once."
CHUUYA JUST LETTING OUT THE HIGHEST PITCHED AND EMBARRASED SHRIEK KNOWN TO MAN CAUSE HE CAN'T PROCCESS ANYTHING COMING FROM HIS FUCKING MOUTH AND HE'S SO FUCKING FLUSTERED "THAT'S WHY YOU ALWAYS MANAGED TO FIND ME EVERYDAY!?!?! AND I STILL HAVE THAT ROSE!" Not Chuuya keeping extra good care of the things his friends give him. Like, he got that rose years ago, but it still looks lively and vibrant my dude- Also Chuuya being too dumb to realize that was a romantic gesture has me kicking-
Tachihara lets out a shriek next like, "I THOUGHT YOU THREW THAT SHIT IN THE TRASH OR SOMETHING BY NOW?? WHY DO YOU STILL HAVE IT!?!?!" He's all red from embarrassment and shit and Gin is just getting a kick out of this. And Higuchi's like, "You really like to bully him, don't you?" Gin just nods like the little mx devil they are. Tachihara's on the floor, covering his face and he's just all flustered now like somebody kill him please-
"YOU GAVE IT TO ME OF COURSE I WAS GONNA KEEP IT DUMBASS!!!" CHUUYA IS BASICALLY SCREAMING HIMSELF SILLY AND GIN WOULD BE RECORDING THIS CAUSE IT'S JUST FUCKING HILARIOUS "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU LIKED ME!?!? WHAT EVEN IS THERE TO LIKE ABOUT ME!?!? THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE???? TACHIHARA???" Also not Chuuya accidently admitting his low self esteem issues but they don't realize until later exactly what he said and how honest he was about that question- my guy needs more love my god-
Tachihara just throwing himself at Chuuya and be like "YOU HAVE MORE THAN HALF OF THE LOWER RANKS GROVELLING AT YOUR FEET FOR A DATE, THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN!?!?! YOU'RE PRACTICALLY THE ROLE MODEL FOR HOT BITCHES IN THE PORT MAFIA!!!!" Akutagawa's coughing and wheezing cause he's trying his damndest not to laugh, Higuchi's losing her shit too and Tachihara's practically crying now. This shit derailed within seconds. he's just shaking tf out of Chuuya's shoulders too-
"WHAT!?!?!?!" Literally the highest pitched 'what' Chuuya has ever let come out of his mouth-
Akutagawa's crying with laughter, Tachihara's smackin' Chuuya over the head and Gin is so recording this and just wheezing. They love this, so damn much, the chaos is beautiful. Tachihara's whining and complaining about how hot and perfect Chuuya is, perfect husband material, most beautiful bitch on main street, wailing and shit and just hanging off his arm now like, "SO MANY PEOPLE LIKE YOOOOOOOOOOU!!!!! WHY CAN'T YOU SEE IT YOU DENSE JACKASS-"
Chuuya is standing there, looking at his hands in disbelief and confusion before looking up at Tachihara and just screaming in his face, "IF IT MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER I THOUGHT YOU WERE CUTE FOR LIKE- A WEEK-" BEFORE GOING BACK TO SCREAMING HIS ASS OFF ABOUT THIS REVELATION-
"I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY AT THIS- I'M SORRY I DIDN'T NOTICE BEFORE!?!? I'M GOING TO ASSUME THAT YOU GOT OVER ME, BUT HOW DID THAT GO!?!?!" That's when Gin became an actual fucking hyena, that demonic laugh would literally haunt the two red heads for the next two months- It was such a sad question to ask cause Tachi did not handle it well at all
TACHIHARA JUST FUCKING BLANKS, FALLS BACK AND JUST COVERS HIMSELF, HE'S SO ASHAMED AND GIN JUST STRAIGHT UP EXPOSES HIM LIKE, "He cried for three months-" and just starts wheezing again like a fucking hyena. Higuchi's trying to give Tachi a hug but she's laughing her ass off and my poor boy just cryin' like, "I JUST WANTED A KISS! I WOULD HAVE BEEN SATISFIED WITH A KISS GOD DAMNIT-"
Tachihara fucking ascends to HEAVEN. HIGUCHI'S LIKE "AAAAW" AND TACHIHARA'S SO EMBARRASSED BUT HE'S SO FUCKING HAPPY MAN, HE'S SATISFIED, HE DOESN'T EVEN CARE THAT HE DOESN'T HAVE FEELINGS NO MORE, HE'S JUST SO HAPPY TO GET HIS KISSES. And Akutagawa finally recovers and says, "Kissing your friends should be normalized more often, to be completely fair-"
Chuuya just snaps his attention to fucking Akutagawa like, "EXACTLY! YOU FUCKING KNOW THE SHIT, YOU FUCKING GET IT! ALL OF YOU GET OVER HERE SO I CAN KISS YOUR BEAUTIFUL FUCKING FACES RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR TO GOD-" Imagine Tachi just starts downright crying like "My dreams have come true-"
They all got kisses that day. Best day of Tachi's fucking life. Chuuya was literally the first peak of his bi crisis, Tanizaki the second. And Tachihara's just huggin' him while Chuuya's given them all kisses and somehow this just turned into a whole 'kissin' the homies' session. Man had tears of joy I swear to god-
So. It was chaos-
I generally ship TachiTani and SKK, but this hc right here? That Tachi was pining over Chuuya for a while? I’m taking this with me to the grave. I love it so damn much. Tachihara deserves more damn content, and the idea of this just gives me so much serotonin.
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seeuonadarknite · 4 years
wrath — yandere nakahara chuuya x f. reader
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request: Hii! Can I ask Chuuya who manipulate his s/o and punish her badly almost everytime to show her how much his 'love' towards her? Anyway I'm in love w ur stories
❀ thank u bby 🥺 sorry this took me so long to post! i hope you like it
warnings: toxic relationships, abuse, kidnapping
Saying that you were tired of your boyfriend's hostile antics was an understatement. Lately the two of you have been doing nothing but fighting. Not the cutesy, old couple kind of fighting, but the wrathful, full of hate kind. Your relationship was nothing but a constant battle.
What added insult to injury was that during these fights, Chuuya would often leave you with large, purple bruises and call it his way of "punishing" you. The way he basically dumbed you down to the level of a poorly trained mutt was degrading.
And his reasoning for punishing you was absolutely ridiculous. You could be left with a macabre necklace of hand marks on your throat, and he'd justify it by telling you that he didn't want you on speaking terms with his buddies. They'd probably try and snatch you right from beneath him. Of course they would obviously fail miserably, but that wasn't the point. What mattered was the fact that you deliberately went against his rules and betrayed his trust.
So it was no surprise that Chuuya was pissed when you came home with information regarding your new mission. Maybe pissed was an understatement.
"You're partnering with Dazai?! That fuckhead?" It didn't take Chuuya long to create another large indent in the wall with his fist, cracking the poor drywall as he shrieked at you with fury. Raising an eyebrow, you crossed your arms and sent your boyfriend an unimpressed glare. This was the fourth time this month that he damaged the house you two shared. His recklessness was beyond exhausting.
"It's just for work! Are you seriously gonna get pissed at me for doing as I'm told? Do you want me to lose my position?" You snapped, hoping to knock some sense into the male who seemed to quiver with rage. However, the way Chuuya snapped his head towards you and sent you a piercing glare told you that your words were far from convincing. Here you go again.
Without second thought, Chuuya stomped towards you and grabbed a hold of your hair within a fluid movement, painfully dragging your struggling figure across the living room and towards the door to the basement.
"Gah! Get off of me, you psycho!" Your screeches seem to go unnoticed, as Chuuya slammed the door open and carelessly dragged you down the creaky basement stairs by the hair. The way he overpowered you with his brute strength and threw you around with ease was beyond frustrating. You felt like a damn ragdoll in his presence.
Once you finally reached the bottom of the staircase, Chuuya dragged you over to the very end of the unfinished room, where two chained cuffs dangled from the wall. Ah, shit. You weren't a stranger to these dreadful restraints. Looking up at your seething boyfriend before he could carry on with his plan, you silently plead for mercy with your glossy doe eyes.
The way you looked at him was akin to a the way a child would look at their parents with puppy dog eyes. Only instead of begging for the newest barbie dream house, you were pleading with him not to lock you up inside of a frigid, eerie basement for days on end.
Unfortunately for you, your pleading only sparked Chuuya's primal instincts, as he forcefully grabbed your wrists and cuffed each one to the wall behind you. "If you don't stop fucking squirming, I'll swallow this key whole." Chuuya threatened in a low growl. His threat was all it took to shut you up as you allowed him to tighten the cuffs, the cold metal uncomfortably digging into your skin.
"Good girl. One last thing.." He picked up a hunting knife, and just for a split second, you picked up on an unnerving, murderous glint in his eye. Of course it was gone as soon as it came, but it was hard to miss. "What are you doing with that..?" Your voice was shaky as you focused your gaze on the weapon in his hands. However, instead of using it to hurt you like you presumed he would, he gingerly brought it up under your shirt and began tearing away at the fabric.
Once he successfully managed to cut off all of your clothing, he stared down at your shivering form with a triumphant smirk. Perfect. "Ah, fuck. Don't rile me up, now. I have things I gotta get done." The way you pathetically rubbed your legs together in hopes of even warming yourself up in the slightest sparked his innermost primal desires. God, he could just eat you alive—
"B-Babe.. I'm freezing. It's too cold down here, please.." Your eyes began to brim with tears as you watched a smug expression take over his features. Getting the life beaten out of you would've probably been easier than this. With the cuffs strapped to your wrists scraping your skin and drawing blood, along with the freezing cold air of the basement biting at your body, you were already close to your wits end.
"Sorry, I have business I need to attend to. Don't worry, baby. I won't leave ya down here for too long." With one last smirk, he retreated from your form and made his way back over to the stairs. However, the next thing you say has him stopping in his tracks. "Please.. don't hurt him.."
You didn't even have to say his name; Chuuya knew exactly who you were talking about. Stomping over to you with rage in his steps, he wrapped his gloved hand around your jaw and forcefully jerked your head towards his. "The fuck did you just say? Do you like him better or somethin'?!" Wrong move. If you don't choose your next words correctly, Chuuya will surely have your head.
"No..! No. It's— it's just that you're so strong, and.. if you end up hurting him, boss might not be happy..!" Ugh. It physically pained you to talk to him like this. It felt consoling a petulant toddler having a temper tantrum. To your relief, Chuuya released your face from his death grip with the quirk of his brow. "I don't give a shit. The fucker did it to himself." Chuuya once again stepped away from your form, this time actually making his way back up the creaky stairs without any distractions.
Maybe you were right. Maybe killing the bandaged maniac in cold blood would upset the boss. After all, Dazai was a very crucial piece to the puzzle of the Port Mafia. But that didn't mean he couldn't break a few bones in order to show him not to mess with what was rightfully is.
Plus, the bastard would probably enjoy it.
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 4 years
Hiya Aurelie!! I was reading your Chuuya analyses last night, and I’m amazed at how big your brain is hehe. What do you think about Soukoku’s relationship? Do you think that they genuinely only hate each other? Or do they secretly care about each other and are amicable (since they were partners. I like to hope that they had some semblance of a friendship with e/o)? I’ve heard people say there’s some genuine hate, while others don’t think that’s possible. I’m curious to hear yours :>
My god, I’m so sorry it took me this long to answer. Life, and all...my sincerest apologies. Anyway! Thank you for calling me big brain, it means I’ve successfully faked out at least one person into thinking I’ve got more than two braincells! HEHEHE-
Anyway. Thank you also for giving me an opportunity to screech about soukoku. I have opinions on those two! So, short answer, I don’t think they genuinely hate each other, but I also don’t think they’re amicable. The issue is that soukoku’s relationship has changed over time and we don’t really get to see Dazai and Chuuya in the middle. We see the beginning in Fifteen and we see the end in the current series. There’s a lot to unpack from what we do have, but we don’t have the in-between, for when they had an established friendship/rivalry/working relationship. And that leaves a lot to interpretation. 
Oh, I feel like I gotta mention this--I don’t ship soukoku romantically. Respect to those who do, though, I’m not here to clown on the ship. 
I feel like Chuuya and Dazai aren’t friends, but they aren’t hateful enemies either. They walk the fine line between friends and enemies really, really well, without ever tipping into one category or the other. IMO, they can’t hate each other completely.
Just look at the genuine panic in Chuuya’s face when Dazai gets hurt during boss fights (Rimbaud, Lovecraft). And we know what Dazai hating someone looks like--it looks like Dazai saying “evil expects evil from others” to Mori and getting shot just to dunk on Fyodor. If Dazai hated him, he would never have made Chuuya the lynchpin of his survival in Dead Apple. 
Soukoku’s relationship wasn’t exactly founded on trust and mutual respect. Not since they hate each other’s methods so much--Dazai finds Chuuya’s confidence and brash attitude to be distasteful and Chuuya thinks Dazai’s manipulation is disgusting. But by the nature of their abilities, they have to trust each other--Chuuya since Dazai’s ability is the only thing that can stop him from dying, and Dazai since he needs Chuuya to cover his back with his combat-specialized ability. 
I wouldn’t call Fifteen soukoku friends and I wouldn’t call present time soukoku enemies, but there’s definitely a possibility that they had a friendship when they were both mafia members. We get to see them in action at the beginning of Dead Apple, to be fair. Their interaction certainly isn’t friendly.
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But after? When Chuuya realizes his friends were killed and tells Dazai to step back? Dazai does. He lets Chuuya go apeshit, though I doubt that was really part of the plan. Especially since Dazai says something like “Corruption? Really.” 
There’s still something there. A mutual understanding, maybe. Definitely that trust in each other. 
I really do adore soukoku’s canon frenemies type of relationship, mostly since it’s very well-written and probably one of the best contentious relationships I’ve ever seen. Anyway, that’s my (admittedly lengthy) opinion on soukoku! Sorry it took so long :p
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crow-writes-stuff · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dazai Osamu & Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Whumptober 2020, Power Outage, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Caring Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Even if he doesn't admit it, Chuuya-Typical Swearing Series: Part 7 of Soukoku Whumptober 2020 Summary:
An ability user causes a sudden power outage. Dazai and Kunikida go to investigate and meet Chuuya, who's in a rough shape.
The lights go out. Dazai blinks into the sudden darkness. Huh.
He sighs as he hears Kunikida get up. He really shouldn't have let himself get pulled into an allnighter. After a bit of rustling and some annoyed muttering, he hears the telltale click of a flashlight being turned on. Except there is still no light. "What the-?" That's Kunikida. "I made sure the batteries are at full capacity." Dazai yawns audibly. "Maybe you made a mistake?"
Before his partner can answer, they hear tires screeching on the street outside, followed by a crash. Dazai gets up and hurries to the window, lightly touching the furniture around him to find his way. Kunikida is right behind him.
The street is dark. Completly. No street light, no car lights, no moon. The latter can be explained by it being a new moon this night. And the street lights are also no surprise, considering the power outage. But the car lights are worrying. Because Dazai can still hear the cars moving.
"This isn't natural," Kunikida states and finds Dazai's arm. They make their way out of the office, down the stairs and onto the street. People seem to finally have come to their senses, as most cars have by now at least stopped moving. There are some specks of light. Lighters appear to still be working. Taking this information, Kunikida produces his notebook and soon hands Dazai one. It's of the wind-resistant kind. Smart. Both of them now equipped with their tiny flames they head over to the crash site.
"Is anyone hurt?" Kunikida asks the gathered people. "Nah, we slowed down thankfully," answers a man, waving them off. "Don't get how all the lights turned off though." "We're investigating that." They are? Oh, well. Probably.
Dazai takes another look around. Sure enough, he notices something. "Kunikida." His partner turns around, immediately seeing it too. Far, far down the street, the lights are turning back on. "I think it's moving." "An ability user?" Dazai nods. He starts into the opposite direction of the returning lights.
Kunikida is right behind him. Sometimes, they catch glimpses of light in front of them, but every time it's gone almost immediately.
"Looks like our friend isn't moving much faster than us." "But they are moving. We should hurry up. We don't know if they have a goal in mind or if this is just a random attack." Dazai hums. "At least we have an idea of their ability's radius."
There is a sudden flash of light in tune with the sound of an explosion. Then another one. And another one.
They barely exchange looks before speeding up towards the source. Soon enough, they hear yelling. And laughter. Laughter, that Dazai unfortunately recognizes.
"Stop throwing your bombs around! We're supposed to make light, not ruin the whole place!" "I am making light! Can you not see what my beautiful lemon bombs are accomplishing?" The unmistakable figure of Kajii finally comes into view. He's accompanied by a clearly agitated Tachihara. There is the beginning of a small bonfire near them, but they clearly got... distracted. Tachihara is currently shaking Kajii by the coat lapels, while the other laughs.
Dazai sighs. Another bomb gets thrown. It explodes while still in the air, not doing any damage. Dazai sighs again.
The mafia members finally notice them. Tachihara has one gun trained on each of them without a moment of hesitation. Dazai lifts his arms with a lazy smile. "Don't worry, we're not here for you. We're just trying to find the one responsible for the outage." "Really?" Tachihara looks sceptical but lowers his hands. "We've got some guys on it too. Don't get in their way." He indicates for them to move on. "Of course," Dazai smiles and pulls Kunikida with him. The explosions soon return.
"That went smoother than expected," Dazai says once they've gained some distance. "And we can assume that the Port Mafia isn't responsible for this." Dazai shrugs. "I didn't expect them to be. This endangers the city after all." Kunikida hums thoughtfully.
The lights stop moving away eventually. They're on the outskirts of the city by now. It doesn't take long to find the building that seems to be in the centre of it all.
They duck behind a container, Kunikida pulling out a pistol.
There is a loud crash, and the shooting stops.
Kunikida nods towards the entrance. They have almost reached it, when the door suddenly flies open, followed by three men. They land heavily on the ground and don't get up. Exchanging a quick look, Dazai looks into the building. It's a warehouse. Filled with a distinct red glow. And a lot of bodies.
"Where is the fucker?" Dazai makes a face. If he wasn't sure before, he is now.
Still cautious, Kunikida creeps into the room, Dazai following behind.
Chuuya is standing amidst the bodies, holding one of them up with one hand. The red glow makes it hard to see any details, but whoever the person is, they seem to be shaking their head. Chuuya clicks his tongue and throws them to the side. Directly towards Dazai and Kunikida. They only just manage to jump out of the way.
"Watch it," Dazai complains, causing Chuuya to snap towards them. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Dazai shrugs. Kunikida isn't lowering his gun, he notes. "Same thing as you, I presume."
Chuuya stays silent for a moment before shaking his head. "Fine. But I'm the one that gets their head." "We won't let you kill them if we have another choice," Kunikida interjects. Chuuya stares at him, before pressing out: "We'll see about that."
They have finally stepped close enough to really see Chuuya. The receding glow of his ability helps. Dazai whistles. "Wow, what happened to you?"
Chuuya looks rough. His coat is shredded at multiple points, his pants ripped as well. And he's bleeding. There is blood on his temple, matting some hair to his face. Another wound is on his upper thigh, more are scattered across his arms. Dazai swallows down any possible emotion.
"None of your fucking business." Chuuya turns away. "Let's just find that asshole."
It doesn't take them long. Since Chuuya has already taken out most of the people around, finding the one quivering man hiding in a closet isn't difficult. He falls to his knees immediately when they open it. "I'm so sorry! Please don't kill me, please! I'm sorry!" He continues rambling apologies and pleads for his life as Chuuya steps forward and picks him up by the collar.
"I'll tell you everything you want! Please don't hurt me!"
Kunikida steps towards them, ready to intervene, but Dazai holds him back. For now. "Who hired you?" Chuuya asks through gritted teeth. The man is sobbing at this point. "I don't know their names, but they're based in Yokosuka! I can give you everything I have if you let me live!" Chuuya seems to consider it. Before he can say anything though, the man continues: "I didn't want you dead, I swear! But they said it's the only way and they'd kill me if I didn't cooperate."
That's interesting.
There is a brief flash of disgust on his face before Chuuya literally throws the man into Kunikida's arms. The rambling turns towards thanking him over and over. It's incredibly annoying. Dazai is glad when Kunikida manages to shut the man up.
When they leave the warehouse, the street lights have turned back on. While Kunikida calls someone from the Agency to pick them up, Dazai turns to Chuuya. "So, they were out to get you, huh?", he says in a cheerful voice.
Chuuya sighs, leaning against a wall. "I was driving. Shit turned dark while I was in a curve and they immediately started shooting." Dazai hums. "They must have planned this for quite some time."
Silence stretches between them. Finally, Chuuya pushes away from the wall. "Are you going to tell who he's working for?" Dazai considers it. He should say no. The Port Mafia doesn't take kindly to attacks like this. But this is Chuuya.
He nods. "When we find out." Chuuya stares at him. "You already know, don't you?" "I have my suspicions. But it would be foolish to attack only based on that." Chuuya rolls his eyes. "Whatever. I'm leaving."
Dazai hums. "You should probably get that checked out." He gestures to his own head. "Wouldn't do if you lost the few brain cells you have." "Fuck off." The familiar red glow returns and Chuuya pushes himself off the ground. Dazai watches him until he's out of sight.
With a sigh, he turns towards Kunikida. His partner is watching him. "He'll be fine." Dazai blinks. "I'm not worried about him." Kunikida raises an eyebrow. "Sure." He thankfully changes the topic: "Yosano will be here soon."
Dazai nods and returns to the wall Chuuya was just leaning on. Of course, he's not worried. Chuuya's harder to kill than most people Dazai has met in his life. He still hopes Chuuya gets his head checked out. Just in case.
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animemangasoul · 5 years
I’m Here Now
Summery: Beast AU Oda ends up in the main timeline. Chaos ensues
Characters: Akutagawa & Oda, Akutagawa & Chuuya, Oda & Dazai etc
Chapter: 1/20
The explosion, the deaths, the screams; Akutagawa couldn’t see. This shouldn’t have happened. He should have known. Fuck, he should have known
“Akutagawa-san!” More screams. His men were dying. Their blood had spilled over his shoes and the stink of ripped flesh, burned his nostrils. This shouldn’t have happened.
He coughed.
“Hayato!” He called out; covering his mouth with the palm of his hand. Another cough. “Hayato! Tell me where you are!” He could barely see two steps ahead of him and-
His men. They were dying.
Finally; shaking fingers clasped his wrist. “Akutagawa-san.” A choked breath and terrified eyes. Hayato was older than him, but – It was Ryuunosuke’s job to keep him alive. To keep him standing.  
“Get behind me,” he muttered; struggling to speak each word. “Get as many of them as you can behind me.”
Hayato didn’t need to be told twice, and with a click of his earpiece, he was shouting orders left and right; blood-soaked fingers still clenching around his gun.  
Akutagawa didn’t care whether these no names lived or died, but he’d promised the Jinko not to kill, and if he wasn’t planning to end his enemies for what they were putting him through right now, couldn't he afford the idiots following him the same courtesy?
He coughed. The whole arrangement was more trouble than it was worth. But – His gut twisted painfully at the thought of just letting these morons perish. He didn’t like them, but, he didn’t hate them either. And... “People count on the strong,” Chuuya-san had once said, when he’d taken a bullet in the gut for a nameless mafia remember. “I try not to disappoint those loyal to me Ryuu-chan.”
Men were running past him now. Some of them occasionally even turning around to shoot back into the fray. “Akutgawa-san!” They kept saying as they drew near him. “Akutagawa-san!”
They were counting on him. Like Gin did. Like Jinko had. Like... No one had predicted the ability users, plural... No one had known. ‘Faulty information,’ Ryuunosuke thought bitterly. ‘We were taken of guard.’ Still, it didn’t matter in the end. He wasn’t going to let anyone else take their last breath today. Not on his watch.  
“Rashomon!” he cried; Coat flaring up to devour the space in-between. He had never used his ability as far ranging as he was now, but it couldn’t be helped. His men where behind him; vulnerable, scared. They couldn’t fight these forces alone and reinforcement wouldn’t arrive on time, so he covered as much space as he could, and strained to keep the people behind him, safe.
“Get out of here,” he called back; teeth gritted against the magnitude of bullets raining down on them. Any other day and this would have been child's play, but he’d expended most of his energy on taking down the three ability users, and now he was almost running on empty.
He could have laughed at how pathetic he must have looked right now. Standing there, facing down lowly gunmen and struggling. Humiliating really. Still-
“Are you sure Akutagawa-kun?”
Daichi. He was young. The only reason Akutagawa even knew his name was that Higuichi had taken him under her wing. She’d been very fond of him. And he didn’t seem all that scared of the rabid dog either.  
“Get out of her Daichi, that’s an order.” The kid yelped. Probably surprised that he knew his name, but he was also quick to obey which made Akutagawa’s heart briefly flair up with pride. Idiots who didn’t listen didn’t last very long in the mafia after all.
Retreating stampede of feet rang out behind him at the barked order, and somehow, Ruunosuke found his muscles untensing with the slightest degree. In just a few minutes, he was the only one left; cars screeching out of their parking spots behind him and turning towards the road.
No more distractions. He coughed. Good.
“Rashomon,” he muttered, it was time to end this. The cloth attacked; now only having to cover him, it didn’t have to hold back anymore. Of course the situation was a bit trickier than usual, with him trying not to kill men he couldn’t even see, and them trying not to surround him and instead keeping as far away as possible, but, not long after only few screams and gun shots were ringing out anymore, and Akutagawa was slowly closing in on them.
His sides were burning, his lungs were suffocating and his head was swimming, but he was close-
So close he could taste it. “Just a second more,” he muttered to himself; ducking behind a wall when Rashomon momentarily faltered. “You got this.” Stepping out from his hiding spot again; smoke having cleared somewhat, he lashed out again. This time taking out three of the remaining five gunmen.  
Just two left to go.
Or that’s what he’d thought. He hadn’t heard the silent footsteps that creeped up behind him, hadn’t heard the thin breathing; too occupied in trying to stop himself from coughing out his lungs, so when the bullet dug itself into his left calf. He gasped. “Fuck.”
The skin around his left eye had been burned off by the previous ability user, so Akutagawa hadn’t seen her coming; vision being blurry from the melted skin surrounding it, but it shouldn’t have been that difficult. He should have been more careful, more prepared. “Fuck.”
A gun was directed at his head now, and with his failing ability fending off the two other gunmen, Ryuunosuke was sad to say, he couldn’t do anything but glare up at her; bloody teeth bared and eyes glowering.
She smirked; tongue darting out to lick at the blood caking her lips. He grimaced.  
“Say goodbye rabid dog,” she giggled, and – Akutagawa thought of her... Gin, his sister, the only person who’d always been there, the only person... She would be alone now. Without him – Alone. He gritted his teeth. She was all grown up now, but.. Could she live? Without him? Go on? Maybe, but... Why should she have to? No, fuck no. Gin needed him. Chuuya-san would be there, but... He’d promised, and he would never leave her, ever. But-
Before he would do something, anything – a shot rang out in the dark and in the blink of an eye, the gleeful look on the woman’s face slacked and she crumbled lifelessly onto the ground.  
Akutagawa gaped.
Two more shots after, and the men behind him also found themselves faces planting on the ground. What the hell was going on?
Rapid footsteps where approaching him now. He blinked slowly; body suddenly feeling too heavy and too tired. “Kid are you ok?”
He frowned, tensing up slightly. “Who are you?” Words came out sluggish.
Said person dropped down next to him; face ashen and lips drawn into a worrying line. ‘He looks familiar,’ Ryuunosuke thought. ‘Do I know him?’
“Don’t worry, I didn’t kill them. I know that’s what you were trying to avoid.” Nervous fingers where clapping him on the shoulders now, helping him fully sit down and trying to make him lean against the rock he’d been hiding behind. “Not that I would have done it anyways-”
“Who are you,” he snapped; interrupting the man.
“Oh,” the red head said, ruffling his own hair sheepishly. “I guess we don’t know each other pretty well here huh?” He smiled softly then, and Akutagawa blinked. No one had ever smiled at him like that before. That fondness, it felt foreign. “I’m Oda. I think I’m dead in your universe.”
Akutagawa promptly passed out.
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The Moon Rises
(Continuation of last night’s fic: Before the Blood Moon.)
220/365: The Moon Rises
They’ve thought there was a coven in the area for months. The frequency of vampire attacks has risen, and many of the hunters believe there to be a group of them somewhere in the city.
And when they finally find it, Ryuu has his chance for revenge.
That vampire won’t control his thoughts anymore, he thinks as he loads his gun with silver bullets. He won’t think about him anymore, won’t think about his eyes, his body, or his kiss. He’ll never think about that kiss again, never think about kissing him again, when that disgusting vampire lays dead with a bullet through his skull.
“You look tense,” Chuuya points out, sitting beside Ryuu in the back seat. He grins and lightly jabs Ryuu’s shoulder. “You’ve got more kills than any of us. This raid’s nothing to be nervous about.”
Ryuu only nods as the car rolls to a halt.
The condemned mansion sits silently in the noon sun. No doubt all the vampires inside lay asleep, Ryuu thinks as he pulls his gun from his side once again.
Chuuya leads the group around to the back door. Vines and overgrown grass cover it, but they try to open it as silently as they can. Ryuu’s eyes dart around, searching for one vampire alone, and if the only one he manages to kill is that one, he’ll consider it a day well spent.
Distraction clouds his mind, but a second’s distraction is all their enemies will need, he realizes suddenly. He whips around, pointing his gun at a shadow in the window that he could’ve sworn just moved.
In a flash, a hand lunges from the cracked door and drags Chuuya inside. As their leader shouts in alarm, the silence is broken as if it was a pane of glass that had been hit with a hammer. Roaring battle cries, and the rest of the hunters flood in through the back door, firing at anything that moves.
Ryuu sneaks around them. Other vampires burst from the shadows, hissing and fangs bared, but they shy away from the harsh sunlight streaming through the window. He expects his attacker to be stealthy, planning his moves like he had that night, carefully waiting for Ryuu to get drunk before he seduced him.
But to his surprise, that vampire does no such thing.
Ryuu’s eyes widen as he sees him. Even though his skin breaks out in burns the second he enters the sunlight, the vampire still snarls and leaps on another hunter’s back, one that had their gun pointed at a cornered member of the coven.
“LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE!” Screeches Ryuu’s vampire, tossing the hunter to the side after leaving a fierce bite mark in his shoulder. His eyes glow red for a moment, but when he spots Ryuu, they gain back their ethereal, sunset-like colors.
“I’m afraid now’s not the best time for a date,” he says cheerfully, as if his skin wasn’t smoking, as if he hadn’t just been a monster of pure rage, as if they weren’t surrounded by a fierce battle.
For only the second time in his life, Ryuu’s hand shakes as he raises his gun. If the vampire notices, he doesn’t acknowledge it, merely tilting his head to the side with a strangely friendly smile on his bloodstained lips.
“I never told you my name, did I? It’s Atsushi.”
Ryuu fires.
The floor seems to spin. Everything around Ryuu sways, and his head feeling like it’s swimming through honey.
He groans, but a gentle voice chides him, “Shh, you’re safe now.”
Ryuu’s eyelids flutter. He realizes, slowly, that the swaying is real; someone carries him in their arms.
“They hurt you pretty bad when you tried to shoot me,” the voice says. Ryuu looks up and sees the vampire, Atsushi, holding him as he walks. “Luckily, you missed, and I managed to convince them to spare you. Kunikida took the most convincing,” he chuckles at his own joke, one that Ryuu doesn’t get.
Exhaustion seems to double gravity’s hold on him, leaving Ryuu with barely enough strength to form words.
“... Why…” he breathes, grunting in pain when Atsushi sets him down.
“Shh,” Atsushi says again. He pulls some pills out of his pocket and holds them in front of Ryuu. “Take these. They’ll help with the pain.”
Ryuu looks down to examine himself, only to see that his clothes are full of rips and tears and bite marks cover his body. Shaking with every breath, he looks up at Atsushi, eyes narrow.
“How do I know I can trust you?” he spits. Atsushi gives that smile again, the one that seems to light up the sky like the sun.
“I haven’t killed you yet, have I?” He says, and much to Ryuu’s surprise, he presses a tender kiss to his forehead. “Besides, you’re cute.”
Ryuu’s face breaks out in a blush that almost rivals the red burns on Atsushi’s cheeks. “What does that have to do with-!”
He’s cut off when Atsushi presses their lips together.
For a moment, it’s just like that night in the alley. But Ryuu quickly understands that it isn’t the same; this time, Atsushi kisses him gently, slowly. There’s no hunger or lust in his actions.
Atsushi places his hands on Ryuu’s jaw, stroking his cheeks with his thumbs as Ryuu’s eyelids drift closed. One of his hands moves to Atsushi’s head, where he tangles his fingers in his hair, supporting himself with the other arm.
When Atsushi brings his tongue into the kiss, it glides against Ryuu’s, pushing only softly. The ferocity behind his thrusts and pressing from before has gone, so much so that it’s almost like kissing a different person.
And Ryuu loves it just as much as last time.
Just when Atsushi sucks on his tongue, on his lower lip, just when sensations from their first kiss seem like they might return, they hear voices. Atsushi picks his head up, looking around, sniffing the air.
“Your friends,” he says, then turns back to Ryuu. “Best not let them know who brought you out here, eh?” He smiles.
Ryuu stares up at Atsushi, his eyes matching the colors of the clouds in the sunset, and he picks his head up and kisses Atsushi once more. The vampire grins at him, showing him his sharp fangs, before he stands up from the ground and darts away. Ryuu stares after him, even when Chuuya bursts through the woods, gasping, exclaiming how happy he is to see Ryuu and wondering how he’s still alive.
Ryuu makes up a lie, of course. He has to keep Atsushi safe.
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itbeajen · 7 years
Relief | Nakahara Chuuya
"[F-F/N]?" Chuuya's voice wavered with reluctance as he barely managed to hold his ground in the vortex of wind. The winds were like blades of steel, attempting to shred and rip apart everything in its path. His arms were defensively placed before his face, blocking out as much as he could. Please, answer me. He had never felt so desperate before in his life. His heart beat was rapid, and he swears he thought it would stop in the five minutes it took him to get to you in the center of your wrath. "Chuuya, do you hear me?" "Yes," his voice sounds like cracks over the mic, but Mori narrows his eyes and he muttered, "You need to stop her." No shit. Chuuya gritted his teeth as another blast of wind is aimed in his direction. He squints in the general direction of where you were supposed to be. But god knows if you were actually there or not. The amount of dust and sand that was being generated with each circulation of the winds made it difficult to see through, let alone walk through. A sigh is heard in his ear piece, and Kouyou's voice cuts through, "Be careful. We're not sure if the person controlling [F/N] can control more than one person at a time.." the static breaks the connection momentarily, and all Chuuya can hear is a string of vulgar words being spewed out. If Chuuya was honest with himself, he'd admit that he was actually scared of what he'd find in the middle. He knew from the beginning that this mission was a suicide mission. Because yes, sending in someone whose ability was primarily brute strength to go up against an unknown entity that no one had any information on was a great idea. I'll fucking kill whoever it is that's controlling you. They should know better than to mess with us. He vowed as he broke through the wall of wind that sealed you off from the rest of the world. It was oddly still, and almost devoid of any breezes. Save for the howling of wind that swirled around the clearing, all Chuuya can see was you.. and it. The robed figure had one hand on your shoulder, another one gently caressing your cheeks. But it wasn't that action that sent Chuuya into a fury of anger, it was the lifelessness in your eyes. The previously cheerful and bright hues that lit up his world were empty and devoid of emotions. You were a husk of your former self. "You!" Chuuya hissed, and immediately, his earpiece was sparking with life on the other end as Kouyou and Mori interrogated the situation. But he's deaf. Chuuya can hear nothing except for the maniacal laughter that erupted from the enigma's lips. He can faintly catch a cruel smirk tilt up their lips, and with a roar, Chuuya leaps forward ignoring the shouts of warning in his ears and in the back of his mind. The robed figure disappears, but not without one last whisper in your ear. And Chuuya eyes widen upon seeing you raise your hand towards him. I've seen this too many times to get caught in this. He immediately ducks forward, rolling and dodging the incoming cyclone that erupted from the vortex that encompassed them. His fedora was long gone, and he catches shreds of it fluttering in the aftermath. He notices your hand pointed in his general direction once more, but the trembling in your arm makes him pause from punching you in the gut. But the true surprise comes when he hears your voice, the clear melodic tune that always lulled him to sleep and comforted him through his nightmares. "Stop me, Chuuya." You were desperate, and he can tell you were fighting whatever it was that was trying to control you. He hesitated, and it almost cost him his life. He barely managed to dodge the attack, and he feels a part of him break as tears well up under one eye. One eye that retained the livelihood of your being. "Please." I'm begging you. You were grappling for control over your body. And you can tell that the further the manipulator retreated, the less control they had. But it wasn't enough. They were still within enough range to keep you at bay, to prevent you from hurting the one person you hold dear to you. Chuuya falters, and again, hesitation grabs a hold of him, holding him down and freezing his movements. He can do nothing but watch and contemplate in his head as you suffered from the grips of your current keeper. "Chuuya! What are you doing?!" Kouyou practically screeched into his ear through the ear piece. The ginger head barely dodges yet again, and he knows it as well as everyone else does. There's really no other way around it. Forgive me.
"How.. How is she?" Chuuya hesitated to walk in, but Kouyou does nothing but sigh and shake her head. "No signs of waking up still." Whatever facade and mask he had on slips away, and his composure breaks as he slams the wall not adjacent to the room you were resting in. Kouyou watches with a sympathetic gaze, and the older woman softly rested a hand on his shoulder, effectively stopping his movements. "[F/N] won't blame you." He flinched. "She knew what she signed up for when no one else did. Mori couldn't send you nor I, and she was the next best. Even Akutagawa wasn't suitable for this mission." His hands tightened into a fist. "You know as well as the rest of us that [F/N] was our best option, she's the only one who's been a victim of being brainwashed prior to this-" "I failed." Chuuya hissed. The anger wasn't directed at you. Nor Kouyou. Hell, he doesn't even blame anyone, but only himself. He had swore years ago, when he had first partnered up with you that he would protect you as much as he could as long as the two of you were paired up. And of course, the one time I'm paired up with her after stupid bandage-face leaves, I fail. Kouyou watches as his anger causes him to tense, and then deflates as he internally beats himself up over it. She can only hope that he doesn't beat himself up over it too much.
Chuuya doesn't recall a time he's ever ran this fast through the hallways of the mafia. Nor does he recall throwing aside everything he was working on in such a short notice. But those three words, "she woke up" was all he needed to find you, to see you - to confirm that you were okay. He was out of breath, and his hair was frayed due to the wind. And he stood outside your door. Your voice was weak, but he could hear how relieved you were to be awake. Your voice cracks and he can't help but want to interrupt. To just rush in and hold you in his arms, and reassure you that everything's okay now. But Kouyou's presence was immensely beneficial, for she was your caretaker. You wouldn't have survived this long before meeting Chuuya if it were not for her. As though you knew he was outside waiting, you turn your head towards his direction. He feels his heart shatter upon seeing the bandages that wrapped around your eyes, obscuring those warm orbs that he knew once held the entire world in its gaze. Your hair framed your face, making it look even smaller and delicate than normal. He feels himself forcing down his emotions from bursting, but he can't help but want to cry at the sight of you. A small smile creeps up your lips, and before you even finish saying his name, he's by your side. Your hands are in his and you can feel the warmth of his entire being just from the touch of his fingertips against yours. "I- [F/N], you-" Chuuya struggled with words. Usually they flow like honey - sweet and dripping with his overflowing love for you. But today he stumbles, as though he's struggling to reach you with words, now that you can no longer see him, he knows that his words mean even more than his actions. But you gently press a finger against his lips, and he's stunned into silence. He just wants to apologize, to beg for forgiveness; but he's also scared. So deeply terrified at the thought that you would blame him, but your words were a relief. And your hand gently cups his cheek and all he can hear is, "Thank you, Chuuya."
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Happy Birthday, Chuuya!
Yup, here’s the obligatory birthday post for everyone’s favorite ginger hat-rack. DT Em @goddamnitdazai because she gave me the idea 💜 and major ups to Choco @bungoustray-imagines for reading it at like 4 AM last night and stopping me from just having 1,000 solid words of boring description with no action, you’re the bomb!
Fairy lights, winding like vines curling through the wrought iron of a garden’s gate, spark rings of fire across the patio and catch Chuuya’s eyes ablaze. Flickers swirl and drown, clinging to the tides churning through his gaze, littering waves with specks of gold. Every floating creature in the sea, flashing neon bioluminescence as night fades azure water to ink, can’t compare. For a moment, your lungs transform to whirlpools, churning in his shades of blue, and you forget that it’s his birthday simply because dying and being reborn in the space of those eyes seems like a gift just for you.
“Not bad,” his voice curls around you, tugging you from the sea and back to reality. The bottle clinks a glass melody as it slides against the table in a gentle offer. Lips pull back, a smirk sharp as steel slicing across his face as mischief dives into the pools of his eyes.
“But I’d rather be tasting you.”
Nonplussed, your hand slips out, winding like a noose around the bottle’s neck and tipping enough to fill your cheeks in the wine glass perched next to your plate. Fingers curling around the glass’s body, you raise it to your lips, eyes locked against Chuuya’s, a silent ‘oh, really?’ floating in the air between. A sunset eyebrow rises as your lips press against the glass, marking the dish with a lipstick stain that he surely wishes painted across his adam’s apple, instead.
“Chuuya,” you purr, pulling the wine glass away from your mouth before jealousy starts swirling through his chest and he shatters the dish right then and there. “We’ve only sampled two wines so far. Don’t tell me the alcohol’s already getting to your head.”
A laugh drowns out the piano gently singing inside as Chuuya’s mouth splits into a crescent-moon curve. For a moment he simply savors the flavor of joy, swirling across his tongue in waves sweeter than any burgundy splash of wine. Then his elbows bump the table. Gaze capturing yours, another smirk waltzes with the edge of his carnation lips as his hands float to you. Fingers meet yours before embracing, winding together like moonlight diving through inky clouds.
“No,” his voice rumbles from his throat before tumbling down your back in crashing waves. Goosebumps hike trails up and down your arms as Chuuya stands, bending until your noses brush close as dawn and the sunrise.  “The only thing that’s getting to my head is you, darling.”
Suddenly, Chuuya tugs, sweeping you out of your chair and into a pirouette across the restaurant patio’s rust-tinted bricks.
“May I have this dance?” he grins, one hand, dipped in the ink of his leather glove, slotting against your waist before a response can fall from your lips.
“You’re just assuming I’ll say yes?” a giggle bubbles out from your throat, spilling over you two as a waltz begins flirting with the soles of Chuuya’s oxfords.
“It’s in very bad taste to refuse someone on their birthday,” Chuuya points out, coaxing your body into mirroring his movements.
Inside, the piano commands a leisurely rhythm. Chuuya obeys. Unhurried, he inches you closer until the space between your silhouettes ignites. As the notes lazily trill on, Chuuya steps forward, pushing so that you step (well, more like stumble, but bless his heart, he doesn’t mention it) back.  
Chuuya’s feet sweep to the right, catching you along like a falling leaf abducted by the wind. Your eyes widen, a tiny screech bursting out of your throat as everything you have pours into not stepping on his toes. He chuckles.
“Just follow my lead,” Chuuya’s velvet voice curls like cigar smoke into your ears, coaxing you into obedience; not that you’d deny him, anyway. Slowly, he lets the music command your steps. Right, right, left. Right, right, left. Underneath your shoes the russet patio bricks awaken, spinning and shifting their own waltz as Chuuya eases you, faster and faster, into moving with his body.
His wrists flick, and suddenly your skirt’s spiraling around your knees, cotton dancing around you as your body twirls a circle. A laugh bubbles from your mouth, wrapping around you in a warm embrace. It’s not content to be alone, however, and as Chuuya guides your form in lazy movements across the patio it wrestles laughter from him, too.
Bricks underneath your feet swirl to a stop as his arms wrap around your waist mid-spin, and before words can slip from behind your teeth, Chuuya’s lips attack your own.
Soft curves slot themselves like puzzle pieces. His hands wander up your waist, thumbs splaying dashes of heat as they sketch lazy patterns over your clothes. His mouth pushes, yours pulls. Teeth slip onto your bottom lip, massaging gently as you whine lowly into his mouth. Propping your arms on his shoulders, you lean flush against his chest, killing the electric space between your forms.Teasing, your tongue drags a line where he’s nibbling. For a moment his tongue darts out, the pink sweeping across yours. Chuuya’s flavor, tinted with wine, floods your mouth. Washing over your tastebuds, his taste dances across your tongue like tides massaging the ocean floor. Again, you feel like you’re drowning until Chuuya unwinds from your mouth. He pulls back, satisfied.
“That wine really does taste much better when it’s coming off your lips,” Chuuya rumbles, contented lips curving in a smirk.
Tickling through your ribs, a laugh rushes out of your mouth, flooding the restaurant’s patio. Climbing to his chin, your fingers catch Chuuya’s face. The blazing space between your lips ignites as once again your mouth crushes against his.
Eventually the mold of your lips shatters as Chuuya breaks away to steal another breath. Forehead bumping yours, his sunset hair dancing gently with the breeze and ocean eyes fixed heatedly on your own, he paints a portrait of reckless pulchritude. If there were a thousand words to describe this moment, wrapped in Chuuya’s arms and swaying on his favorite sushi restaurant’s patio, they’d all be synonyms of ‘perfect’. Instantly, the desire floods through you to shout how much you adore him in endless speeches, praising until you’re resting in your grave.
You settle for one sentence, instead.
“Happy birthday, Chuuya.”
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itsclowreedsfault · 8 years
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Bungou Stray Dogs Fanfic: Shatter
Pairing: Soukoku
Rating: T
Other places to read: AO3 | FF.Net
Notes: consider this an AU where they have no abilites.
Chuuya is still young when he joins the Port Mafia. It's a world of shadows, of corruption and blood that takes its toll on the weak. Chuuya prides himself on not being one of those; he climbs the ranks, he fights, and for a while, he wins. But unbeknownst to him, there's an hourglass inside his mind that started running the moment he stepped inside the darkness, the sand falling faster the more Chuuya descends into it. He doesn't know yet, but this hourglass is fragile, and he's running out of time.
Chuuya has a partner. Osamu Dazai, Port Mafia executive, the guy with ruthless eyes and a tendecy to annoy Chuuya whenever he opens his mouth. But together, they're deadly. They go on the most dangerous missions, they take lives, they don't bat an eye when they press the trigger. But each time, more grains of sand fall, filling the bottom of the hourglass until they far surpass the amount that's left on the top. And they're heavy, these grains, too heavy to be held by a glass that's starting to show its cracks. Chuuya begins to notice it. He ignores it all - the nightmares that get more frequent, the hesitancy, the moments of distraction, the foolish mistakes he hadn't comitted ever since his first missions. If Dazai notices there's something wrong with him, he doesn't mention it, and Chuuya pretends everything is fine. But the bottom of the hourglass is almost full, and it can't hold the sand for much longer.
The kids are the last straw, Chuuya thinks. They're the loudest in his head; their high-pitched screams calling for their mom and dad over and over again, clearly audible even with the crackling sound of the fire Chuuya had started. There had been no help, however; no mom to come tell them it was okay, no dad to defeat the big scary monster under the bed. Their parents were far away, gone on a trip from which they would return only to ashes - an accident, the police says, and they nod and pretend to accept it, but when they're alone they coil in fear, agonizing and blaming themselves for the death of their kids and of that poor babysitter who had no real part in all this. After a week, Dazai and Chuuya pay them a visit. Chuuya's hand shakes as he presses the barrel of the gun to the man's forehead, hesitates before pulling the trigger. Mom! Dad! Help us! "Please," says the man. Next to him, Dazai shoots the man's wife, and Chuuya forces himself to do the same. Their boss doesn't forgive those who break. How ironic, isn't it, that Chuuya should be the one to break next.
On his next mission, he can't pull the trigger. His head hurts with all the voices, the screaming, the crying. He can't see the face of the person on the other side of his gun - it keeps blurring, changing into a thousand others who've been in the same place before. Their pleas mix with the noise in Chuuya's head, until he can't take it anymore. The bottom of the hourglass is full, and the glass shatters. So he lowers his weapon, turns around, and runs, and runs, and runs. Away from the smell of fire, from the metallic tang of blood.
Chuuya knows he can't hide forever. A few days later, it's Dazai that finds him. Chuuya tries not to look as pathetic as he feels - calls Dazai every stupid name he can think of, complains that if he is to be disposed of then it shouldn't be done by someone as low as him. Dazai listens, eyes cold as ice, watches as Chuuya's façade crumbles, shatters into a million pieces at his feet. "Just do it already," Chuuya says, falling to his knees. He's tired. Of the screams, of running away. Instead of his gun, however, it's his fist that Dazai uses, and Chuuya's world goes black around him. 
Only Dazai would have a safe house unknown by the Port Mafia. He doesn't say anything about why he's saved Chuuya's life, and Chuuya doesn't ask. During the first few days, he's barely aware of his surroundings - he keeps dozing off and waking up drenched in sweat, choking on invisible smoke, carrying the screams from his dreams in his mind. It's right after one of his nightmares that Dazai comes to his room. He pulls a struggling Chuuya up by his hand, dragging him towards a door at the end of the corridor, pushing it open to reveal a room empty except for a pristine looking piano sitting in the middle of it. "I never thought you could become even more annoying, Chuuya," Dazai says, that mocking tone Chuuya knows so well present on his voice. Before, he would have gotten angry at his teasing. Now, Chuuya just stares straight ahead, eyes fixed on the piano, for the first time focused on something other than what's in his head. Dazai sighs. Pushes Chuuya forward, his hand resting lightly on his lower back. "Play. Like you used to." The weight of the piano lid is familiar on Chuuya's hands, the feel of the keys beneath his fingers an echo of another time, before he started cracking, before the hourglass started running. The first notes are hesitant, but soon Chuuya's hands are flying over the piano, spilling out a melody he can't remember the name of. But it's loud, and if he plays it long enough perhaps it'll become louder. So he plays, and plays, and plays, until his fingers are rubbed raw and his wrists hurt so much they turn numb. He plays, to drown out the voices, to drown out the screams.
The piano room becomes Chuuya's favorite place. He never leaves the house; constantly playing, constantly fighting against his own mind. Dazai comes and goes, but sometimes he stays, leaning on the wall in front of Chuuya and talking for hours on end. On his bad days, Chuuya's unresponsive to everything around him, Dazai's words only a string of noise he doesn't understand. On his good days, just the sound of Dazai's voice makes him react, insults rolling off his tongue with practiced ease, and it's almost as if they are back to when they were partners. Except they aren't. Chuuya is but a ghost of his former self, and he wants to kill Dazai, for being whole while he has shattered. He also wants to kiss him, if only to shut him up.
Only one of Chuuya's wishes comes true, and he finds out there's ways other than the piano to keep the voices at bay. He's drunk the first time it happens, so he can't remember whose idea it was, but it doesn't matter. Dazai's lips are rough and demanding; Chuuya becomes boneless under his touch, can't focus on anything but his mouth. So he lets Dazai play him like he plays the keys of his piano, until his body is on fire and Dazai's name is the only thing on his mind, falling from his lips and echoing as loud as his music in the room. This burning doesn't smell of smoke. These screams don't taste of blood. And for Chuuya, that's enough. 
It's on one of Chuuya's good days that Oda Sakunosuke is killed. That means he notices when Dazai enters the piano room that night. He notices the unusual stretch of silence before he starts talking, and the heavy weight on his voice. "They killed Odasaku," Dazai says, and Chuuya doesn't ask who "they" are, because he doesn't care. He vaguely remembers the guy, and that's it, so he keeps on playing until Dazai speaks again and the music comes to a sudden stop. "I'm leaving the Mafia." Chuuya doesn't raise his eyes from the piano, but his fingers tremble over the keys. The screaming in his head is but a background noise to Dazai's words. "You don't get to run away," he says, his voice low but sharp. "You don't tell me what to do, Chuuya," Dazai answers. It's not teasing, or playful. Chuuya wishes it was. The stool makes a screeching sound as it's dragged across the floor, and suddenly his hands are around Dazai's neck, squeezing. "You don't get to run away," Chuuya repeats, but his voice catches at the end when he sees the challenge in Dazai's eyes. He releases his hold, only to pull Dazai towards him in a kiss. It's forceful, their teeth clashing, but the other doesn't struggle; instead, he kisses Chuuya back with a passiveness that's as unlike him as everything else he's done that night. Chuuya forces Dazai pliant under him, mindless of the cold hard floor beneath them. He traces every inch of skin with his mouth, covers it all in bites; his fingers map Dazai's body, pressing so hard they're bound to leave marks that'll last for weeks. He's not gentle; his kisses taste of anger, of a bittersweet goodbye that has been forced upon him, and hell if he isn't going to punish Dazai for it. So Chuuya takes, and takes, and takes, everything Dazai has to give and more, searching, wishing to hear his voice break, break like Chuuya once had. What he gets is ragged breathing, short nails scratching his skin, a warm body trembling along with his own. But Dazai doesn't make a sound.
Even after Dazai leaves, Chuuya stays. Every few days, he wakes up to find food and new clothes in a pile by the piano. Chuuya knows they're from Dazai, but he's always asleep when he comes - it's not a coincidence, it never is when Dazai is involved - and by the time he wakes up there's no sign of his old partner other than the things he left behind. Alone in the piano room, Chuuya tells himself he'll be glad if he never sees him again. However, it's like the sound of the rain, going thump thump thump until it becomes background noise and you don't notice it anymore. But it's always there, and when the rain stops, you miss the sound. You notice its absence, and there's this strange, sudden feeling of emptiness, an ache for something that's not there. The screams continue, crowding Chuuya's mind, but now there's this tiny string of silence where Dazai's voice used to be, and Chuuya hates it. He hates Dazai, for leaving him with only the voices that are not his. He hates himself, for noticing. For caring.
Once, Chuuya was whole. Once, Chuuya had a partner, who got on his nerves constantly. A partner, who was as ruthless as him. A partner, who saved him when he shattered, and made him into a mess of hastily glued shards with points as sharp as a knife. A partner, who was strong enough not to break. Who was strong enough to leave. Now, Chuuya's only company are the screams, and a piano that isn't enough to keep them away. So he plays, and plays, and plays, until his fingers bleed and his wrists hurt. He plays, to drown out the voices. And to forget the silence.
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chuuyaaf · 8 years
Living to Die - Part 11
The next part for this should be up sometime this weekend~ This arc is mostly for my personal fanservice so...Just bear with me because I’m also incredibly thirsty for this chili pepper. 
~Admin Kat
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Hiding your relationship from the rest of the Port Mafia was hard. It meant that you and Dazai had to sneak around to meet up with each other and keep any type of public interaction "tame". Although you were both masters at lying and putting on facades, it didn't make this any easier.
In fact, you'd argue that it was even harder for you.
Dazai was a known womanizer. If his antics suddenly stopped, people would get suspicious. Or at least that's what he told you. But deep down, you knew that wasn't the case. It was actually the best way for him to get information out of someone. Flirt, let their guard down, extract. It was similar to the method that you used during interrogations or assassinations. You flirted, you made your target get their guard down, and then you killed them.
But that didn't mean either of you were comfortable about it.
Generally, after a mission that involved either of you compromising yourselves, you'd make it up to each other the night after. You two understood each other's position and accepted it.
Until one situation where you felt that Dazai crossed the line.
"Why the hell do you have to take a date in the first place?!"
Dazai looked at you, shrugging. "I've always taken someone, usually the daughter of the boss of another organization. It'd be strange not to."
You looked down, trying to contain your anger. He was right, he always had taken other girls to the Port Mafia's gatherings. But unlike all the other times when he flirted with other females, you couldn't accept this one. This time, it was purely to show them off. And as much as you hated to admit it, you couldn't stand not being the one on Dazai's arm being shown off to the rest of the world. You couldn't stand living in the shadows. You couldn't stand not being able to mark him as yours.
"Hey," Dazai reached out and lifted your chin up so that you were looking at him. "You know she means nothing, right?"
You shook him off and looked away. "Yeah," you said dryly before heading to the door.
"_____, where are you going?"
"To get a drink," you said bluntly before slamming the door behind you.
By the time Chuuya arrived in the bar that you two frequently visited, your face was already beet red and you could barely hold yourself up. You wanted to swallow your frustrations, pretend the fight with Dazai never happened, and get rid of that little voice in your head reminding you that he was going to enter one of the Mafia's most important and biggest gatherings with another girl on his arm. 
The alcohol never quite worked in terms of getting rid of your frustrations, a fact that you seemed to forget quite frequently.
When Chuuya gave the barkeep a confused look, the older man just shrugged. "She came in here about an hour ago and drank nearly half of this bottle." He held up the bottle of special whiskey that was actually able to get you drunk.
You glanced over at Chuuya and started giggling. "You know..." your words were slurred. "If you were a food, you'd be a chili pepper."
"..." Chuuya didn't respond, not sure whether to be annoyed or amused by your current state.
"Because you're red and hot - I mean, angry. Hot as in angry!" You quickly corrected yourself, although it just made you seem like a bumbling mess. "You're too short to be hot as in attractive..." you mumbled.
With that sentence, Chuuya's temper was already set off. A vein bulged out of his head. "Oi...Isn't Dazai rubbing off on you a bit too much?"
"Dazai..." your eyes grayed out and you were suddenly reminded of why you were upset in the first place. "...what about Dazai...?" You sat up for a second, your face scarily calm before you slammed your fists on the table. "FUCK HIM!" you screeched, momentarily losing control of your powers, causing the lights to flicker.
Everyone in the bar except for your fellow executive eyed the lights warily, well aware of the full extents of your powers.
Chuuya sighed and pulled back a stool next to you, his annoyance at you nothing compared to his desire to hear you whine about Dazai. "What'd he do this time?"
"This time??? You say it as if..." you looked away and took a minute to compose yourself after hiccuping. "...as if we're always having problems."
"Hah? It's not that, it's just Dazai. How you even managed to survive being even friends with him is astonishing to me. Hell, if I were in his position, I'd never pull that stunt, what the hell kind of a way is that to treat your girlfriend?! He's such an idiot, why are you even..."
Your eyes lit up and a smirk appeared onto your face as Chuuya was going on one of his rambles about why he hates Dazai again.
Chuuya paused once he saw the mischievous look in your eyes.
You continued to stare at him without wavering.
"No! _____, I won't do it."
"...over my dead body."
"Oh come on, Chuuya!" You threw your hands up in the air, suddenly excited. "What better way is there to get back at him?"
"I'm not being your date to the formal!"
You rolled your eyes. "You won't be my date, you'll just be..." you pursed your lips, trying to find a better way to word the situation. "...there for me to dance with so I can make Dazai jealous?"
You whined at his reluctance. "Oh c'mon, pleeeaaase? It'll be a perfect chance to piss off Dazai and I know how much you wanna do that. What do you have to lose?"
Chuuya looked at you as you gave him an innocent smile. He looked irritated beyond belief, but you were his friend and it was a chance to get one on Dazai since the bastard was always one-upping him.
He sighed heavily. "You owe me."
"Yay!" you jumped up, beaming. "Thanks~"
Chuuya turned away and ordered a drink from the barkeep. "What did I get myself into..." he mumbled to himself as he tried to follow your footsteps and drink his problems away.
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