#citron headcanons
noorionoodles · 3 months
❁Spring Troupe Boys and their (S/O)'s Snuggles (Headcanons) ❁
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Spoilers for Act 2! TW/: swearing cuz i'm passionate lol
❁ Sakuya Sakuma
- blushy boi = happy boi
- i'd imagine he'd be rehersing alone in the wee hours of the morning onstage, and your sleepy ass would surprise him by coming up from behind and wrapping your arms around him.
- he'd definitely be startled!
- after the initial shock, he'd give you one of those gorgeous smiles you adore and be like, "Oh, (S/O)! Where did you come from?"
- and when you give a muffled reply through the fabric of his hoodie, he'd stay still with a shade of pink slowly reaching his ears, letting the warmth of your embrace sink in.
- he'd REFUSE to focus on his script again until you let him go. Rest assured he'll walk into practice with that memory for the rest of the day. (the rest of the troupe would definitely pick up on their leader's giddy attitude, but none of them find it in them to tease him cuz omg he's so precious— )
- would be too flustered to ask for some himself so you're gonna have to take the reigns here—
❁ Masumi Usui
- he'd deny it. Oh he'd def deny how good it feels to have your arms slink around his waist, your face buried in the crook of his neck as you wake yourself up from your drowsy state.
- he'd be all flustered and shit and would snap if any of the guys even go so far as to mention it.
- but when it comes to you? Ohhh boy
- You created a monster
- it's taking every ounce of his self-control to not pull you back to his dorm and nap with you.
- rehersals be damned! (Just kidding, he'd begrudgingly get up after a while. Hard to sleep in when you have Sakuya as your personal alarm clock)
- after that moment he'd crave your cuddles.
- Every
- Single
- Day
- he'll beg if he has to (in the end it's your choice anyway lmao)
- and as much as you're annoyed at him for dragging you away from work, all is forgiven since he gives really good hugs.
❁ Tsuzuru Minagi
- congratulations, Mankai Company has finally found a way to get their script writer to get to fucking bed on time.
- pulling all nighters? Throw you on his desk.
- refusing to sleep cuz of early shifts? Throw you on his bed. The others will take care of work.
- has pulled all nighters anyway and is now passed out on the ground? THROW YOU ON THE GROUND—jk both of you are hogging the couch
- just like how Citron's terrible japanese, Izumi's concerning obsession with curry and Banri and Juza at each other's throats 24/7 has become a staple in our theatre group; You clinging to Tsuzuru in your sleep while he makes coffee for himself has swiftly made its way up there.
- if Tsuzuru has completed a script or the Company has produced yet another successful play; it's a guarantee they will find you guys hibernating in at least 45 different spots—
- this'll keep repeating till Omi and Takato carry you two back to your dorms.
- rinse and Repeat lmao
❁ Itaru Chigasaki
- listen
- Imagine it's the weekend and Itaru is sitting on his gloriously comfy beanbag playing yet another one of those RPGs (god I sound like a boomer lol) and he feels a weight on his back and he realises you're snuggling against him still half asleep wrapped in your blanket?
- bro's in heaven
- like deadass, man would stop BREATHING if it means you won't wake up
- he just thinks you're so snuggly and cute and smol like this and AHHHH—
- outside he calm and all suave but inside he panik (in a good way) (like the 'this is so cute ima explode' panik)
- would tease the absolute bajesus outta you once you wake up tho
- ngl he'll want more
- too bad for you he's making this a routine, if it ain't you snuggling then it's him.
- Bonus points if his (S/O) is a stoic and unfeely type, ESPECIALLY if they're touch starved
- like the contrast is wiiiild honey—
- 10/10 would hug again
❁ Citron
- He'd get so giddy and shit when he sees you asking for a hug
- man would casually just pick you up lmao idk man
- he's not that strong but he'd just see you leaning against him half asleep
- and just
- picks you up like bridal style
- that obv wakes you up so you look at your bf like 👁 👄 👁
- and he suddenly spins you around and does the zoomies till you SCREAM at him to put you down
- happens only once though lol (unless you want him to do it again in which case u're in luck)
- other than that, he'd definitely let you sleep on his lap, his legs tucked on either sides of you with his chin on your head
- like a protective mama bird lol
- would sing to you if you allow him
❁ Chikage Utsuki
- yeah good luck surprising him lmao
- I'm sorry you won't be able to do it without him figuring it out beforeand.
- man's already touch aversed (esp around girls) so he'd be on high alert
- but he trusts you
- so when you swallow your pride and ask him, he'd act all smug and tease you about it for a bit
- like what you on about mr. highlighter man I need my cuddles—
- but he'd finally give in and allow you to snuggle against him while he relaxes on the couch
- def the most calm one out of all of them
- he'd feel a subtle warmth in his chest
- it's foreign to him, but the sight of you wrapped around his arms, so vulnerable and safe in his embrace? It reminds him alot of Hisoka back in the day
- and with that connection, he'd pull you to his chest and make a silent vow to himself to always protect you with his life.
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Old art based on a cute headcanon I saw floating around of Achroma (Colress) being Citron (Clemont)'s uncle.
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
For day 14 of the event, I used #40 from prompt two for the Spring Troupe from A3! I hope you all enjoy the headcanons 😊
Exploring the depths of a mysterious cave:
The Spring Troupe are actually on a bit of a trip to a beachside house. It’s a team-building trip prior to the start of a new production and everyone’s really enjoying themselves. Honestly, the Spring Troupe have always gotten along with each other after the first initial troubles, at least pretty well, and have grown closer the more productions they do together. I do think something had happened with the prior performance though, some hiccup and some drama between the hardcore fans of each of the boys, that had started some internal strife though and this beach trip was meant to get everyone getting along well again.
It’s been working pretty well, until the idea was brought up to go explore this cave system. Citron and Sakuya were really for the idea – Citron brought it up in the first place. Chikage was agreeable to the idea and Tsuzuru went along with it pretty easily too. However, Masumi was cold and really harsh in how against the idea he was, which caused a lot of trouble…considering Masumi’s approach to things, that’s probably not surprising.
Even Itaru, who really isn’t too into outdoors things like that and definitely didn’t want to go, got annoyed with Masumi and changed his mind.
Somehow, everyone ended up going, though Itaru and Masumi complain quite loudly about it. Chikage really isn’t too into it either and just really doesn’t engage too much.
Things aren’t too bad at first. The caves are a lot bigger and more expansive than everyone had thought and, armed with flashlights, it’s something everyone can handle and everyone actually starts to kind of have fun.
It’s only when they start getting deeper into the caves and exploring more that they find the caves drastically narrow and Masumi’s initial insistence starts to make a lot more sense to everyone – the boy is extremely claustrophobic and he starts to freak out.
He actually freaks out badly enough that he does start to have a panic attack.
Everyone’s trying to help him calm down, to find their way out of the narrow tunnels and back into the larger tunnels but Masumi isn’t listening well or really paying a lot of attention and the maze-like tunnels confuse him and he ends up going the wrong way, finding himself in tinier and tighter tunnels.
By this time, they’re also down two flashlights – Itaru’s had died and Sakuya dropped his while trying to calm Masumi down and broke it. Citron’s flashlight seems to be almost ready to die.
It’s Chikage, surprisingly, that manages to get Masumi breathing deep breaths, listening to them, and starting to draw himself out of that panic.
Meanwhile, Tsuzuru goes into that tiny, tight little tunnel to help get Masumi out. He’s actually successful but he ends up stepping the wrong way, badly wrenching his knee and ankle. He limps out, half-carrying Masumi.
Masumi, as hard as it is for him, does apologize for not listening better in the first place. With Tsuzuru hurt, everyone’s kind of feeling horrible and that’s when the boys all start to really band together, putting aside any arguments, any guilt, any drama that had been going on.
After all, they’re kind of in trouble – two of them aren’t in great shape, in all the commotion, they’ve gotten kind of lost.
Itaru actually has a really good sense of direction and helps guide them, while Citron supports Tsuzuru as they walk back.
Sakuya sticks close to Masumi’s side, letting the other boy know silently that he’s there for Masumi, if the other boy needs him at all. I think, at some point, Sakuya is definitely that kind of boy who would reach out and hold and squeeze his friend’s hand, just as a ‘hey, I’m here, you’re okay, we’ll get out of this, I promise.’
Needless to say, they do get out, collapsing onto the beach and enjoying the wide-open spaces.
They’re all breathing heavy, Tsuzuru is in pain, Masumi is gasping in all that fresh air, nobody’s really saying anything. Minutes tick by and then…
Everyone just starts talking all at once. It’s a babble, nothing’s really being understood. They’re all speaking over one another and then it’s ‘no, you go first…nah, you can say what you were saying first’, that kind of thing. It all fades into laughter at the slight ridiculousness of the situation and somehow, it all just starts to feel better.
There’s still the pain, there’s still the insane situation they’d just faced, but there’s none of the tension and unease there had been within the Troupe when everyone first arrived at the beach house and the caves.
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winter-spark · 3 months
The Zafran Princes' Moms
Something I thought of a year ago but (accidentally) posted recently then hid from everyone was what if the Zafran Princes's moms had a part in how they turned out, not like flat out "Orange you should do whatever it takes to be King even if it means leading an attempted murder plot" but like in the sense that how they talked to, about and around them, as well as their overall presence in their lives sorta supported how they turned out. Here's my initial post (if this works) & below I shall share more thoughts on how I see their moms. (Which has sorta been sprinkled in some of my other posts tbh.)
Citron's Mom: 
To me, Citron's mom is a nice enough lady but, she didn't spend much time with him. (And that second part is canon really) Also. She definitely added to the pressure he felt to be the proper, scholarly, next in line. How & why are these things? Well for her absence, I wanted to say that I think she wasn't married to the King. But I double-checked and evidently, in Year 2, Act 8, they do call Citron's mom the King's fourth wife, in the English translation(is that fourth excluding the queen? Or is the king only married to three of his sons' moms?) But like I really feel like she didn't live in the castle tbh. Maybe they divorced? Idk I was so sure for a moment that they were dating at most and had a fling-turned-pregnancy at minimal. But I guess they were legitimately married.
Either way the point is, I felt she did not live in the castle but did visit Citron at times.(Though I guess she can still visit "at times" if she does live there) Not often but, you know, when she made time. And things she'd say in her visits? Apologizing for his background, encouraging him to study hard (so people won't hold him to said background), commenting on how much of a prince he is, the like. So even with her not being around much, she'd have a strong effect on Citron as these are things kids internalize. Especially with the world around him reinforcing this. But yea, I think she works a decent amount and as Citron got older she probably saw less of a need to visit as it's not like there's much she can do for him anyway. He's a prince. Do I think she's right for this? Of course not, but I think all their moms were flawed, so. Moving on!
Orange's Mom: 
This woman. Well she was around a lot more than Citron's mom that's for sure. Not hard but still it was notable I think. And she didn't like Citron I'm sure. I think she has a very, "oh hello :>" proper and elegant demeanor but she agrees with all the meanspirited comments so easily. Think in Loathing from Wicked when Galinda said "Well, these things are sent to try us~🎵"  that's her energy I think. Anywho, she's pretty much besties with Navel's mom, or at least they hang around each other a lot, and had a lot of her "not a commoner as ruler" convos with her right in front of Orange, I do think she was more against Citron, the son of a commoner, being next in line than she thought Orange should lead.
But she definitely took any comments that he should be first in line as personal compliments and thanked whoever said that to her accordingly. But in all honesty as I type this I'm not sure they had much of a dynamic, like she'd get him from the caretaker, walk him to and fro his room, have tea with him, Navel and Navel's mom, etc. But I can't actually imagine them talking much if at all. So I think Orange learned to be more in his head or at least fairly quiet and keeping his opinions mostly to himself through this. Like he's almost basically her display son. [But I do think he might've sorta could tell she was more against Citron than she wanted him to be next in line and thus felt a bit of the having to prove himself bit, but just a bit]
Navel's mom: 
She's much more talkative and expressive I think. Expressive as in where, Orange's mom might give an irritated smile, Navel's mom would frown, but not like super loud about them. Also expressive as in she's more likely to say what her opinion is. I think she would like Navel, her son, to be first in line, but she thinks Orange is a better fit, that he's more of a natural when it comes to being proper and prince-like and whatnot. So she'll list 'em both if/when saying "next in line should be…" but she doesn't really think Navel's quite right for the throne. She does somewhat steer him that way as I'm sure she's scolded him a lot for his "undesirable"[read: energetic/kid] traits and has probably compared him to Orange and possibly even Citron. Yea I think Navel is a character who's kept up in the prince competition to sorta prove himself but I think he definitely wanted to be different than Orange just not in a "be more like Orange he's right your wrong" way. Just a "they're different people" way. I think he does have slight "but is Orange really always right/best?" mentality because of his mom sorta pitting him against him but I do think Orange has always been nice to him and he does want to trust Orange's decisions because of that. And also he feels sorta like he has to but yea.
This started turning into being about Navel more than his mom. Whoops. Anyway, yea she also is out & about with him when he's younger, to and fro his room, from the caretaker, over tea. But she's more critical of him than Orange's mom is to Orange, but she also talks to him more so Idk.
Tangerine's Mom: 
Okay. So remember how I said being around more than Citron's mom wasn't hard? It's not, yet she somehow is around Tangerine less than Citron's mom with Citron. I'm still working out her angle a bit like I know she's still in the palace and Tangerine knows she's his mom. But they've definitely spent almost 0 time together I'm sure. I mean I look at Tangerine and it's so clear the closest thing he's had to a motherly figure is his dear older Citron who adores him very much. Other than that Tangerine's been pretty on his own. But like in my pirates au, Tangerine has something of his mother's so I'm really trying to figure her out here. Like, initially, I was thinking she just does not care, and maybe she doesn't. Like in part it feels like she wasn't a person who saw her baby and was like this is the biggest joy in my life, maybe she tried though. Like in the earliest years then went yea not for me. I don't know though. Like is she uninterested in having a kid in general or is she uninterested in Tangerine in general? Like did Tangerine mean nothing, it wasn't like he had any high standing? But then again she's not shown hide or hair now that he's first in line so it might be the kid thing. Either way it resulted in the most absentee mother any of them have.
And I know I kinda made them sound like bad people but like. Of course they're gonna have negative traits/actions that affected their sons, have you seen the Zafran princes?
(I'm not actually defending them, I'm just saying. )
Also while I'm here, shout out to Citron and Orange because I know they took good care of Tangerine and Navel to help certain needs be met that their own moms weren't fulfilling for them. Citron, being a constant presence in Tangerine's life that Tangerine can go to at differing times of the day and receive comfort from. Orange, taking Navel out of the public eye/palace to be outside and have room to breathe and be himself. (I know I didn't touch on these well in their paragraphs but yes this sums up what I was thinking.) And you see how that correlates to what Citron and Orange needed but didn't get?
And yea. I want to have thoughts on the Queen, but they haven't finalized yet. I initially thought maybe Tangerine was her favorite but again Tangerine feels like someone who spent a lot of time alone kind of because he had to so I just don't think it sits right. But that's still in the works, maybe later I'll have an actual discussion on the Queen. For now, I hope you enjoyed this headcanon share.
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mankailover · 5 months
This is my first time drawing in a laptop, or my first time drawing in general, so be kind with me! I just wanted to post it here to make a kind of art journal, even though it's not the best.
I tried making Banri as the "Fallen Angel", following the original art.
Hope you like it!
ps: (i have no idea how to draw hair on the laptop. it looks terrible)
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omi-my-beloved · 1 year
Can someone tell me where can i read act 12, please? 😭😭😭😔😔😔🌸🌸🌸
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Hiiii shows you guys all of my PvZH sexuality Headcanons because I wanna
Green Shadow- Bi-curious Ciswoman
Solar flare- Panromantic Asexual Polyamorous Ciswoman
Wallknight- Questioning Cisman
Chompzilla- Sapphic Demiromantic Demigirl
Spudow- Pansexual Polyamorous Cisman
Citron- Bisexual Cisman
Grass Knuckles- Cishet Ally Cisman
Nightcap- Questioning (mspec) Demiromantic Polyamorous Demiboy
Rose- Pansexual Ciswoman
Captain Combustible- Het Transman (FTM)
Beta Carrotina- Lesbian Ciswoman
Super Brainz- Questioning Asexual Cisman
The Smash- Bisexual/Neptunic Transman (FTM)
Impfinity- nuh uh (I hc him as a 6 year old)
Rustbolt- Gay Demiboy
Electric Boogaloo- Gay Cisman
Brain Freeze- Unlabeled Agender(?)
Professor Brainstorm- Bisexual Transman (FTM)
Immorticia- Lesbian Trans-Demigirl (MTDG)
Z-Imp- Demi-Aroace Cisman
Neptuna- Omnisexual Ciswoman(?)
Huge Giganticus- nuh uh (Also a kid in my HCs)
ok thanks :3
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silly-shady · 10 months
Who should be the voice actor for Yellow Brick Road? I headcanon Steve S. Burster's voice actor to be Billie West, preferably his Fry voice from Futurama.
Well, let's see, Melton Citron is voiced by the singer he is based off of, Elton John.
I would say a good voice for Yellow Brick Road would have to be a middle between being a melodic, accented voice and the average yet comedic voice of Fry.
With that in mind, I'd say the headcanon voice for Yellow Brick Road would be Jemaine Clement, who voices Nigel from Rio and Fart from Rick and Morty. I feel his general speaking voice definitely fits our hippy and musical fusion, heheh!
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vrnicky · 2 years
Lemon (Sans), he is a dog herd maniac lol. He has a dog, and sometimes cats, shelter! A big one with tons of dogs and even some wolves that got hurt and he healed them. His special ability is making animals sound like they mimic them and it sounds so realistic. He likes to be a menace sometimes lol
He may seem very quiet at first but he is really chatty, jokes around and shares moments with his hundreds of dogs with you! He can often, really often, be seen baby-talking to a big wolf like if it was a puppy. This man knows no fear-
Lime (Papyrus), he is a soil and plant scientist! He studies the soil, its chemical and physical properties and even tests some magic on the soil to try and grow plants faster/stronger/and with some changes. His special ability is a big af memory, full detailed photos, remembering all events within just a day and month. That stuff, he may look crazy but he's really sweet!
Again, he is really sweet but he has a resting bitch face and can seem both crazy and scary since he often talks to himself but he does that to distract his mind, talking about his routine, his brother, his job, etc etc. He will always have something to show you or tell you!
Citron (Gaster), the deceased father of the brothers, that they know of. They don't know who was their mother but the only stuff they know was the diary of Citron, he showed that he truly loved her but never mentioned it.. and they also know that he was a big known farmer between the humans for his wheat and bread.
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intomybubble · 1 year
so i made pokemon teams for a3 like 2 years ago and then i suddenly stopped posting them. tbh i started making teams for ace attorney around the time the great ace attorney released (never ended up posting those) and i burnt out
anyway, i hope to get to posting again this summer and to start i just remembered an addition to chikage’s team with the introduction of gen 9
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i think i would probably toss out magnezone from chikage’s team to fit scovillain. i would imagine that it would be a chance of fate for chikage to have an encounter with a pokemon to meet his preferred spice levels and flavor.
scovillian learns a move called “spicy extract” so i dont imagine chikage having to behead this pokemon to add to his meals.
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grand-line-library · 2 years
MASTERLIST: A3! Act! Addict! Actors!
KAZUNARI - "I just wanted to let you know that I think you're beautiful."
TSUZURU - "I love you."
BANRI - Noticing You
JUZA - "Wow, you look...amazing." "Can I kiss you?" "Is that my shirt?"
SUMMER TROUPE - Daydreaming & Dancing
TSUZURU - 1 2 3
JUZA - 1
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 17 Group 81
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Torchwood Team: Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Owen, Toshiko
MANKAI Company: Izumi Tachibana, Sakuya Sakuma, Sakuya Sakuma, Masumi Usui, Tsuzuru Minagi, Itaru Chigasaki, Citron, Chikage Utsuki, Tenma Sumeragi, Yuki Rurikawa, Muku Sakisaka, Misumi Ikaruga, Kazunari Miyoshi, Kumon Hyodo, Banri Settsu, Juza Hyodo, Taichi Nanao, Omi Fushimi, Sakyo Furuichi, Azami Izumida, Tsumugi Tsukioka, Tasuku Takato, Hisoka Mikage, Homare Arisugawa, Azuma Yukishiro & Guy
Submissions are still open!
Torchwood Team:
they're all absolutely horrible <3
MANKAI Company:
I'm so sorry for submitting 26 characters but it's important and they canonically consider each other family. I'm so sorry. But they're so important to me.
24 gay theater kids came together and found a home
They are a big group of people that range from teenagers to adults and it’s very nice to see their dynamics as they all go through theater with different eyes, between those who have a long life in front of them and are excited to do something new, and those others who feel like they are too old for this but still do it regardless, and like the way friendships are born between those people who seem so different yet have some similarities some past memories they relate to, or also see the adults trying to be there for the younger members it’s very cute I swear. You see even if I ramble here it’s hard to explain because I would explain 6 whole years of lore but yeah overall is just a situation of, people who seem different but find similarities between one another and do their best to help who struggles and are all bond by one single aim which is bloom on stage!
These are 25 individuals that all come from completely different backgrounds, situations, and experiences that all happened to come together by chance, and formed a tight bond and family that cannot be replicated. Sakuya Sakuma, a young orphan boy who found refuge from his troubling homelife through theatre, found himself a home within this small run down theatre company, and found a family through the people in it. This isn’t a Headcanon, A3! Is a found family story. Sakuya views everyone there as a member of his family, and it’s not just him. Misumi Ikaruga, a man kicked out of his home for being “different” (cough Autistic cough), finally found a family that accepts and loves him unconditionally. Taichi Nanao had been taught that you need to always be fighting your way to the top, and whoever gets hurt along the way is nothing but a necessary casualty. So being able to find a place that is willing to work and rise with him, and care for him along the way… and the theres Azuma, a man so heavily affected by the trauma he experienced as a child, and yet has pushed it so far down to the point you wouldn’t even know it by looking at him. But here, this god who knows how old man finally found it, that home he has been searching for, and a place where he can finally break down his walls. Sure, one could argue a3! Is 4 different found families, but you would be wrong. Yes, each troupe is important, however would you then deny the importance of cross troupe relationships? The four leaders, who all encourage one another to do better, Tsuzuru and Kazunari, who allow one another to finally be honest about their feelings, Azami and Kumon who are the definition of “boys being boys”, Sakyo and Azuma, two adults who seem well past the years of found family, who found solace in one another. A3! Is about people of all ages coming together to be a family. It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from. You could be just a random college kid off the road, or a former international spy, that doesn’t matter. Mankai has a spot for you, where you will be loved, accepted, and cherished.
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
I used ‘smelly candles’ from prompt 15 of day 10 of the event for the spring troupe from A3! I love all these boys so much and hope everyone enjoys the headcanons!
Smelly candles: what’s your absolute favourite scent?
Sakuya has a wide variety of different ‘favourite’ smells, from foods smells like frying bacon and freshly baked bread to fresh smells like clothes fresh from the dyer. He’s really particular about the laundry detergent and dryer sheets he uses – he likes things that advertise themselves as ‘fresh april showers’ or things of the like. He also really likes beach smells, particularly if he gets to experience them in person at the actual beach!
Masumi actually really enjoys more floral scents. He loves the smell of lavender, carnations, violets, and gardenia, to be more specific. He’s also a fan of other scents – freshly baked sweets, artificial vanilla, anything with a slightly sweeter base really.
It’s no surprise, given how much he loves writing and reading both, Tsuzuru’s favourite scents tend to be book related. The slightly vanillic scent of aging paper in old books, the smell of fresh pen ink, the heavy wood smell of sturdy bookshelves, aged leather. They’re all really subtle but fragrant and they all are scents that just make him happy.
Itaru really likes odd smells – freshly baked pizza, a slightly overheating computer, a freshly opened game. There are also weird smells he likes simply because they remind him of video games – laundry detergent always reminds him of retro Nintendo gaming because his bedroom, where he played those games, was right beside the laundry, so he really loves that smell. Wet dog reminds him of zombie games for some reason he can never say, but it’s because it reminds him of those that he loves the smell.
Citron, keeping to his name, does actually like citrus smells, particularly oranges mixed with spices. He’s a fan of real strong smells in general – eucalyptus, mint, jasmine, cedar, and things along those lines.
Chikage’s favourite scents tend to be food-based. As such a fan of spicy foods, he’s come to dearly love the smell of certain spices, especially the really aromatic ones. Even when he looks for cologne, he tends to veer more into the men’s fragrances that have spicy elements, such as cinnamon, clove, or cardamom. He’s a fan of the smell of cardamom both in food smells and fragrances, but also saffron, turmeric, chili pepper, and cumin. He’s also a big fan of garlic, though he understands that a lot of other people might not enjoy the smell of it.
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winter-spark · 1 year
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My Citron & Aqua card did better than I expected so here's the other fake collab card I did ft. Sora and Sakuya.
I worked so hard on this, I legit got my own screenshots of Destiny Islands from my copy of the game as well as ones from online before I started to make sure the piece was plausible and framed right. So I hope seeing this you at least like the background.
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voiddaisy · 9 months
The Victors of the Hunger Games
So when I get obsessed with a new thing, I literally need to know everything about it, even if that means making shit up. Thankfully, that means I can produce some decent, accurate content, so here that is! I made a list of all of the “known” Hunger Games victors. The canon ones are bolded, but the rest of them are named based on their district (I got the name inspiration from this naming guide). 
Huge credits to @one-mopeyboi for this idea!
I know that canonically Districts 1 and 2 have the best chance of having a lot of Victors, so I made sure that was represented, as well as when the career programs began (I have a headcanon that after the career programs were implemented, Districts 1 and 2 went on a winning streak for years). This is similar to District 4, though I think that their “career system” is hugely different than the first two districts, so they probably had fewer victors. I included statistics at the end (how many victors came from each district, genders, ages, etc..).
During the first ten games, even though District 2 didn’t have a career program, I think they still had a lot of victors due to them being the defense and masonry district -- possible peacekeepers-in-training could have been reaped, or just kids who grew up around weapons and fighting. That’s why they appear so much in the first ten years, even though the first ten years were so disorganized! 
I also gave some of my favs last names based on my interpretation of their characters, much like Suzanne Collins put a lot of time and effort into naming other characters! I’ll explain their last names when they come up!
A lot of canon victors had a range in which they could have won their games, so take any victor marked with an asterisk (*) is an up for interpretation -- add or subtract five years from their set date in this list and you should still be in the ballpark in which they won their games. Also, the ages at which they won their games are speculated and headcanons mostly, so do with those what you wish!
Ominis Jing / D1 / M18
Indigo Andrews / D8 / M16
Severus Florez / D2 / M17
Hercules Caine / D7 / M15
Atticus Gomez / D2 / M18
Vizio Everest / D3 / M18
Beatrix Regime / D2 / F17 (First female Victor)
Selerate Vega / D6 / M17
Nucleo Lamont / D5 / M18
Lucy Gray Baird / D12 (Covey) / F16 (MEMORY ERASED)
Mags Flannigan (nee Navarro) / D4 / F18 (Possibly implemented the career program in District 4 a few years after her win, and after Districts 1 and 2 implemented theirs. This is a headcanon of mine!)
Mercury Chow / D1 / M17 (Marks the beginning of “Career Districts”)
Remus Prasio / D2 / M18 
Sterling Ryfe / D2 / F18 (First time a district had a Victor two years in a row)
Victoria Argyros / D1 / F17
Cicero Shale / D2 / M16
Woof Damask / D8 / M15 *
Makari Perch / D4 / F17
Pompeii Rhine / D4 / M18
Octavio Pyrite / D2 / M17
Nyx Maelstrom / D4 / F15
Night Raleigh / D7 / F17
Ardor Maron / D1 / M18
Ting Harta / D1 / M16
Celestia Dean / D5 / F17
Seeder Harrow / D11 / F15 *
Aphrodite Penz / D1 / F18
Ceres Tritt / D9 / M16
Parsley Citron / D11 / M18
Aquarius Mokosh / D4 / M17
Spruce Hawthorn / D7 / M17
Willow Elwood / D7 / F15 (First winning streak of a non-Career district)
Olympio Knight / D6 / M16
Elixer Dynamo / D1 / M18
Lazurus Yuki / D2 / M17
Twix Serratos / D10 / M15
Tanzanite Valor / D1 / M18
Porter Millicent Tripp / D6 / F15
Tameo Swift / D5 / M16
Ciabette Pizelle / D9 / F17
Denver Propel / D6 / M16
Phyllite Hatch / D2 / F16
Beetee Latier / D3 / M16 *
Broze Aegis / D2 / M18
Chaff Pitaya / D11 / M17
Marrow Banker / D10 / M18
Wiress Latier (neē Neith) / D3 / F18 * 
Thetis Firth / D4 / M16
Cloque Madder / D8 / M17
Haymitch Abernathy / D12 / M16 (“First” D12 winner)
Brutus Castor / D2 / M18 *
Brasilia Cadillac / D6 / F17
Vestis Thompson / D1 / M18
Lyme Rabe / D2 / F18
Blight Page / D7 / M16 *
Emmer Graham / D9 / M18
Mirabelle Ortega / D11 / F17
Dahlia Celsius / D5 / F17
Eloquence Fleur / D1 / F18
Lennox Rodriguez / D10 / F17
Celia Khampan / D8 / F17 *
Enobaria Calypso / D2 / F15 (Calypso means hidden or concealed -- as an Enobaria lover who definitely sees past the whole “brutal” teeth thing, I definitely think that she has a lot of hidden rage towards the Capitol, even though people in District 2 notoriously side with the Capitol. Not only this, but she was seen running with Finnick during the breaking of the arena in Catching Fire, which I definitely interpret as she was either secretly working with Finnick or had some type of solidarity with him to be able to not attack him while running -- meaning she hid this tolerability from her district and the Capitol. I could make an entire post about Enobaria, but I’ll leave it at that.)
Gloss Mirat / D1 / M18 (Mirat means mirror -- Gloss and Cashmere were mirrors of each other -- two siblings going into the games seperately, then immensly regretting it as soon as they won for the same or different reasons. Then, they had to reenter the game together, knowing that one or both of them would die in the arena, but showing the Capitol excitement, anyway, because that is was District 1 taught them to do. They mirror each other and what their district wants them to be.)
Cashmere Mirat / D1 / F17 ^^
Finnick Odair / D4 / M14
Maze Targaren / D10 / M15
Augustus Braun / D1 / M17
Maida Pondaro / D9 / F18
 Cable Denoir / D3 / M17
Annie Cresta / D4 / F18
Johanna Mason / D7 / F17
Obsidian Trenton / D2 / M17
Lazulia Mace / D2 / F16
Katniss Everdeen / D12 / F16 and Peete Mellark / D12 / M16
Victor Stats
District 1 Total Victors: 13 Male Victors: 9 Female Victors: 4 Average Age: 17 (17.54)
District 2 Total Victors: 15 Male Victors: 9 Female Victors: 6 Average Age: 17 (17.07)
District 3 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 1 Average Age: 17 (17.25)
District 4 Total Victors: 8 Male Victors: 4 Female Victors: 4 Average Age: 16 (16.63)
District 5 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 2 Female Victors: 2 Average Age: 17
District 6 Total Victors: 5 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 2 Average Age: 16 (16.2)
District 7 Total Victors: 6 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 3 Average Age: 16 (16.17)
District 8 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 1 Average Age: 16 (16.25)
District 9 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 2 Female Victors: 2 Average Age: 17 (17.25)
District 10 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 3 Female Victors: 1 Average Age: 16 (16.25)
District 11 Total Victors: 4 Male Victors: 2 Female Victors: 2 Average Age: 16 (16.75)
District 12 Total Victors: 3 (4) Male Victors: 2 Female Victors: 1 (2) Average Age: 16
ALL VICTORS Total Victors: 75 Male Victors: 44 Female Victors: 31 Average Age: 16 (16.7)
let me know if you spot any mistakes and I'll fix them!
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omi-my-beloved · 10 months
Hi, everyone! Do you guys know what am i supposed to do with this? 😅
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