#citrus inbox
citruscrisp · 10 months
erm um can u maybe draw dingo plz,,, i lime how you draw him. :0)
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I really really like drawing Dingo for some reason LMAO thank you btw 🥺❤️❤️❤️
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citrusazalea · 8 months
i lovee the angel and devil geneson! could you possibly doodle more of them 🥰
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Fallen angel au heeeeeeheeeeeee thank you anon!!!!!! 🥺💖
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mattodore · 1 month
tagged by @missatan <3 thank you for the excuse to talk about theo
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EMOTIONS and FEELINGS: fear, distress, hurt, agitation, envy, delirium, confusion, loneliness, absence, ache, desire, want, shame
COLORS: burnt orange, plum red, baby blue
SCENTS: soap, iris, wet grass, tree sap, dusty rooms
OBJECTS: dead flowers, empty pill bottles, bedpost etched with tally marks, singed synthetic fibers on a teddy bear, patient wristbands, fire extinguishers
BODY LANGUAGE: peeking through fingers, folded hands, one step back, feet swinging over a ledge, a fleeting glance, eyes squeezed shut, deer-in-headlights stillness
AESTHETICS: vintage bunny art, shadow puppets, bruised skin, dripping honey, dust motes in rays of light, plumes of smoke, empty hallways, doors cracked open enough to peer through, overflowing bathtubs spilling steaming soapy water, deer shedding velvet, dried blood underneath blunt fingernails, spilled milk, rumpled bedding
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Sdfdsfhhdghjjkd I am SO READY for that snippet, where’s she verse 1 snippet anon gone?? 😭😭😭
you can be her.
thanks to @clockworkgraystairs and @fantasyfox10123 for betaing! 🖤
I recall last night with an even warmer flush.
How I'd slipped into his room like the moonlight. Soft and strange. Determination a whisper across my skin. How he'd been sprawled on the bed, just how I wanted him.
He had his phone pressed to his ear, talking to his boss on the other end in clipped words that reminded me of biting. Of teeth. I remember wanting them all over me.
The conversation—about manuscripts and deadlines and someone called Nicasia—was making Cardan’s face all lemon-pinched. I had the sudden urge to smooth down the sour lines with the pad of my thumb.
I closed the door behind me, leaned back against the wood, drinking him in. The drag of something delicious raking through my core. He'd looked up at the soft snick of the door, looked a question across the room at me. I held a finger to my lips.
It was a secret. Me, him. This room. The moon.
He'd swallowed, furrowed expression wiped clean, those inkblot eyes widening a fraction. A spill of dark lashes up to his brow bone.
I remember how I'd walked to the foot of his bed. How his T-shirt, which I wore now, swept soft against my thighs with every pendulum swing of my step. How he tracked the movement from his prone position, pray and predator at once.
How I climbed on the bed, straddling his knees, pinning him in place. Cardan had propped himself up on his elbows and muted the call. 
What are you doing? 
His voice was dark and quiet as night and his boss still whinged on in the background about something or another. Neither of us were paying much mind. 
My lips spread into a smile I hoped was as feral as it felt. 
You can tell me to stop. 
I kept my voice low, tracing the outline of his cock, still half-hard in his jeans, with one fingertip. 
If you want.
His jaw worked for a moment. Of course he wanted. Just not to stop.
“Cardan?” The voice on the other end of the line said.
Cardan fumbled for his phone, unmuted it. “Yeah. I’m here. Sorry.”
I bit my lip to keep from laughing.
Not a sound, he mouthed at me. Which I took as confirmation enough. 
I kept my eyes fixed on his the whole time. If there was even a flit of doubt across his face, I would’ve packed it in for the night. But his gaze remained glazed and heated, glowering. As if to say, You make me this way. You make me want this.
I hate him and I want him. We are equals in this.
I popped the button at his waistband, tugging at the zipper. Cardan put the call on speaker and reclined back into the pillows.
It carried on like that for a while. Me with my hand around him, stroking his length to full mast. His eyes glaring, hands gripping my bare knees out of hatred and something to hold onto.
His boss’s voice droning into the room like a hoarde of cicadas. 
And eventually, me with my mouth around Cardan’s cock, sucking the tip, flicking it with my tongue, taking him deep enough that glorious tears sprung to my eyes.
I remember relishing the twitch his hips gave, like a spark from flame. Licking the sinful beat of that vein on the underside of him, balls to tip. The memory of that filthy thing he’d done to me on the kitchen counter crackling in the air between us. Working up my own desire as if I hadn’t already come enough.
Cardan’s hands threading through my hair, tugging, sending a riot of shivers I could all but quell the quake of. How he’d tried to disguise his soft grunts into words of assent. “Uh-huh.” “Mm-Mhmm.” “Yes—right.”
Then, I did something even more wicked.
read Fine Line 🍓
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mayoiayasep · 3 months
whose ur favorite from horimiya? as a character or as being relatable, mines ishikawa cuz his arc is rlly rlly cool.
whats ur favorite/most consistent headcanon? i rlly like t4t horimiya where hori realizes as a child and miyamura reaizes post-canon (show canon, havent read the manga)
i also rlly like poly friendgroup, not inherently romantically tho, some kinda queerplatonic fuckery lol
for both general liking and relatability my favorite is hori!! she’s my forever girl and i’m her biggest apologist<3
as for headcanons i’m also really fond of t4t horimiya<3 thé polycule friendgroup and back a couple years ago i joked about shindou and miyamura being exes and now it’s like. permanently ingrained in my mental database
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king-and-his-consorts · 5 months
🎀- Sanji from my Zoro
🎀to tie a bow and cat bell around my muse's neck - Still Accepting _____
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Sanji was standing at the kitchen counter plucking the stems from the green beans he was prepping for dinner. It was a nice mindless task that let his mind wander. His mind drifting to various topics and recipes. He had a bit of time to waste. The others wouldn't be back from the island for some time.
It's the touch of silk against his skin that pulls him back. Making a startled noise, he froze. The unease calms immediately though as the familiar smell of alcohol filled his nose. Smiling, he held still as the ribbon was tied into place around his throat. The large bell hanging from the front made him blush. A little moan escaping him as he felt the tightness of the bow at the back of his neck. The weight of having something around his throat caused a familiar hear to blossom in his belly. A shudder of delight passing up his spine as the ribbon was secured in a large bow that he could feel brush his shoulders.
Once it was done, he turned around to face his swordsman. The quick movement caused the bell hanging from the ribbon's front to jingle. Sanji hummed softly as he fluttered his eyelashes. He wiped his hand on a dishtowel before setting it aside and pressing up close to Zoro's chest.
Without missing a beat, he leaned down and rubbed his cheek against Zoro's bare chest. He vibrated his tongue towards the back of his mouth to mimic a purring sound. Smirking before he stuck his tongue out to lick over Zoro's pec. "Meow."
"So, what did I do to deserve such a pretty gift?" With practiced ease, he dropped to his knees. Hands resting on Zoro's thighs, stroking his thumbs up the man's inner thighs towards his prize.. He nuzzled Zoro's stomach before teasingly taking the red sash between his teeth and giving a little tug. "Have I been a good kitty, sir?"
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cherry-bomb-ships · 6 months
I apologize if you've already seen this pic, but I saw your very nice tags on my drawing of giroro and! I felt that you must see the official art that inspired it. I think it's a special merch line for the anime's 20th anniversary?
@citrus-soda Hello! There was no image attached (I'm on mobile so maybe its a glitch on my end) but Im assuming ur talking about this?
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In which case yes I HAVE seen it (only like two days ago) and it made me SO happy, almost as happy as your art did tbh! 💖💖💖 Thank you for sending this in and making me think about it again ehehehehe 💖💖💖💖💖
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nature is healing and cute ^_^
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I kinda do wanna go apesh*t now that you mention it, but the Holy Spirit is holding me back by the scruff of my neck like a feral kitten
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citrusitonit · 2 months
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citriarchive · 8 months
why do i always have a random mysterious ask in my inbox that goes away when i refresh it?? like dang if ghosts are gonna send me questions can they at least let me answer them >_>
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citruscrisp · 8 months
hi, so uh, when will you be posting more Art? You’re the only person I know who ships loualph and I wanna see more Art of it lol
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so sorry been focusing a lot on my classes recently since midterms are approaching but I hope to start posting more soon! Here's this lil thing since it's been about 2 years since I've played Deltarune! GEEHEE ❤️
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citrusazalea · 6 months
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moumjn · 1 year
important q: what is the most romantic fruit?
shoutout to the tenderness of clementines. to sitting next to your beloved person, and gently tugging off the peel: you unwrap it in one long curl, letting it fall into your lap. it delicately takes the form of a little orange bowl.
with the fruit in your hand, you pick off the strings, tucking them neatly into the peel—one by one you hand a piece of clementine to your beloved, who accepts it with quiet appreciation, with warmth on their chest and sweetness on their tongue
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sugrhigh · 4 months
FIRST OF MANY - ( m.s )
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summary- you and matt have been dating for over a month now, and you’ve never had sex. his curiosity gets the best of him while you’re watching a romcom, and you find out he’s actually a virgin.
warnings- swearing, virgin!matt, technically unprotected sex, smut at the end (lmk if i missed shit)
virgin!matt x fem!reader
a/n: this is my first req that i’ve ever done, so THANK U TO THE ANON WHO LEFT IT i hope it lives up to your expectations ❤️ if u have ideas drop them in my inbox ! all da love
there is literally nothing matt likes more than spending the night in with his girlfriend, as corny as it might sound. it’s been well over a month of dating now, and he still can’t get enough of you.
the warmth of your body is comforting as you lay beside him on the sofa, dressed down in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. he has one steady arm wrapped around your shoulder so he can hold you against his chest.
he breathes you in as his fingers skim absentmindedly up and down your exposed bicep, a familiar mixture of laundry detergent and citrus shampoo.
“that feels nice.” you mumble into his shirt, eyes still glued to the tv.
you’re forcing him to watch friends with benefits, since he picked the last movie and you were in dire need of a romcom fix. it’s one of your favorites, mainly because you loved mila kunis so much in that 70s show.
it’s only been on for roughly thirty minutes, but matt’s been enjoying it way more than he expected considering this genre is not his norm. he’s even let out a couple laughs at the scripted jokes.
the main characters are in bed together again, rolling around as they banter back and forth about sleeping with each other. it sparks a fire of curiosity inside of him as he continues to stare at the screen.
“is this really what it’s like?” he asks without thinking, and he immediately regrets his words as you tilt your head to look up at him curiously.
“what, the sex? don’t act like you don’t know.” you say, playfully smacking him with the back of your hand.
matt isn't sure why he brought it up, but he figures now is as good a time as any to have this dreadful conversation.
“how could i know if i’ve never done it?”
he feels you tense up slightly under his arm, which scares him. the last thing he wants you to think is that he’s some sort of loser. he just hadn’t found anyone that he really wanted to be intimate with before he met you.
it’s not like you guys don’t fool around sometimes. he’s perfectly capable of using both his hands and his mouth; this is a fact you’ve been made well aware of.
you two just haven’t gone all the way yet, especially considering you hardly ever get real alone time together.
“you don’t have to lie about the girls you’ve been with just because we’re dating now.” you finally respond, quieter than before.
“oh my god, i’m telling the truth, so please don’t make me say it again.” he can’t look at you anymore, because he’s too embarrassed.
this makes you fully sit up in shock, no longer focused on the premise of the film. he can feel you staring at the side of his beet red face, clearly confused by this revelation.
“wait, are you seriously telling me that you’re a virgin?” you question.
matt glances back at you and crosses his arms defensively, because it suddenly feels like he’s under attack. “you’re making me seem like a freak or something.”
he watches your eyes soften as you put a tentative hand on his shoulder, trying to let him know that you weren’t making fun of him.
“shit, i’m sorry, i swear i didn’t mean it like that. it’s just…really surprising, that’s all.”
“surprising how?”
you pull your lips between your teeth, exhaling through your nose as you try and find the right words.
“well we’ve done stuff before, and you were just naturally good at it, so i assumed you’d learned from hooking up with other people. and i know girls must have liked you with a face like that.”
this boosts his ego, and he’s already in a much better mood knowing he’s at least made you feel good in the past. that doesn’t mean he’s not still terrified, but he’s a little more confident than he was before.
“nope, not really. you’re the only one i’ve ever done that kind of thing with, aside from a little making out.” matt admits with a shrug.
your lips part, and it’s making you feel all fluttery.
he smiles a little bit. “i don’t know what that means.”
“it doesn’t mean anything really. i’ve only had sex a few times, and it doesn’t change anything either way.” you move your hand up and down his arm a little bit.
the tv plays in the background, and your mind flits to his original question.
“are you curious? is that why you asked?” you tilt you head toward the screen, though you keep your focus on him.
his eyes go a little wide, and the feeling of your hand on his arm suddenly becomes overwhelming.
“yeah, i—uh, i guess i am.” matt stumbles over his words, and your fingers travel higher to run through his hair slowly.
“you don’t have to be nervous. you can ask me anything you want, i’m not gonna judge.” you say softly.
your fingernails raking along his scalp makes him shudder slightly, a response that you both enjoy.
“i’m…more of a hands-on learner.” he rasps.
you let your fingers travel to rest on the back of his neck, drawing him in for a soft kiss. it’s short and sweet, and his eyelids flutter a bit as you pull away.
“what do you want to do?”
he pauses for a moment before deciding to give in and say what’s on his mind. “nick and chris aren’t home. maybe we should go to my room?”
you grin, nodding your head like you’re in a trance. you’re both trying to hide your giddiness as you scramble off of the couch, carelessly tossing the blankets aside.
you can feel him staring at your ass as you lead him through the hall, and he gives it a little smack of appreciation.
“matthew sturniolo!” you laugh, turning the doorknob to his bedroom.
it greets you warmly, and you always love it because the whole place smells like him. the overhead light is off; it’s just the singular lamp casting warm rays across the mattress.
“couldn’t help it.” he says, smile prominent in his tone as he locks the door behind you.
you slow to a stop at the foot of his bed, and he stands at your side, hand intertwined in yours. it makes your heart swell as he admires you with those charming eyes.
“are you sure? we really don’t have to, there’s no rush.” you squeeze his palm reassuringly.
matt lets go just so he can hold your head, kissing you hard as an answer. you literally can’t help but beam into his lips, and you put one hand on his chest to push him against his silk sheets.
he falls onto his back, propping himself up on his elbows so he can keep looking at you. you crawl on top of him, slowly settling on his hips.
he sucks in a shaky breath as you shift against him to get comfortable. you can feel matt growing harder beneath you as you lean down to give him another swift kiss, letting his mouth melt against yours.
then you move to his earlobe, pressing your lips to the hollow part of his neck. you swipe your tongue against his skin, biting down just a bit so you can suck on the area slightly.
he groans, laying down now so he can move his hands to grip your ass, pushing you against him harder to feel a little more friction. the thin material of your sweatpants doesn’t hide a whole lot, and he’s straining against you now.
“you’re so cute, baby.” you say against his skin, and his hands go to the bottom of your shirt, pulling it up over your hips.
you lift your hands from his chest so he can fully remove it, leaving you in your stretchy black bralette.
“god, you’re unreal.” he breathes, and you guide his palms to cup each of your breasts, still rocking against him slightly as you straddle him.
you can feel him squeeze your nipples between his middle and pointer fingers, whimpering below you as he starts to get worked up. you’re growing wet by the second, the delicious feeling of his clothed dick rubbing against you sending shocks of satisfaction right to your core.
“do you wanna keep going?” you ask, just to make sure he’s still on board.
“please.” he begs.
you move his shirt up his chest, and matt sits just high enough to rip it over his head. you trace the tattoos on his arm faintly, trailing a finger down the center of his stomach till you hit the waistline of his sweats.
“you’re terrifying.” he smiles as you slip your hand under the band of his boxers, slowly scratching the area gently.
“why?” you ask.
he grabs your waist and flips you so you’re the one on your back, feet hanging over the edge of the bed as he stands.
“because everything you do is perfect.” he says, and this time he’s the one that goes to your pants, grabbing the soft material and looking at you for permission.
“that is so not true.” you grin as you lift yourself up to help him.
he strips them off your legs and tosses them away blindly, so you’re left in your matching thong. the spandex-like material hugs your sides, the last layer standing between what you both truly want.
“i mean look at you.” he sounds dumbfounded as he gazes at your body, and you feel your face flush from the attention.
“trust me, i’m the one who’s punching.” you reply as he strips down to his boxers, dick clearly pressing against the plaid cloth. you’ve seen it before, on two occasions to be exact.
both of those experiences were great, and you didn’t know that was the first time a girl had ever given him head. now you know this is the first time he’s having sex, and even though it’s not the same for you, you’re still a bit nervous.
matt’s a little above average, and the last and only person you’ve ever done it with is your ex, so it’s been a minute. even so, you’re so enthralled with your boyfriend that you can’t help but pulse in excitement.
he pushes your legs apart with his palms, and air rushes across the wet spot that’s already formed over your panties. two fingers press against the fabric covering your heat, which shocks a gasp out of you. he moves them in a little circular pattern, applying more pressure so he can really feel you.
“love your fingers,” you rock with his pace, speaking through a moan, “but i wanna make you feel good too.”
“oh, okay. so i should…” he stops his motions to go for his own underwear, finally sliding them down so his hard length springs free.
you’re already working your own bottoms down your thighs, and he finishes the job for you once his hands are free.
“do you have a condom?”
“uh, shit…” you can tell by the solemn look that crosses his face that he doesn’t, and you let out a short laugh.
“it’s okay, it’s alright, i’m on birth control. we’ll be more prepared next time.”
his eyebrows shoot up before he can help it. next time. just the confirmation that this will happen again makes him disgustingly happy.
you wiggle up on the bed a little bit, so he has enough room to hover on top of you. he leans down a few more inches to give you a kiss, and you can tell he’s unsure what to do next, so you take control.
“don’t put it inside yet, just slide it against me a few times.” you try and instruct, and he follows well, dragging the base of his shaft up and down your wet cunt.
you let out a little noise of pleasure, and he wants to save it as a sound bite in his memory.
“okay, slowly, go ahead.” you say after a few more seconds spent enjoying the feeling, and both of you make sure he’s lined up properly.
matt looks you in the eye as he pushes inside, taking his time as you adjust bit by bit. he lets out a moan when he’s fully filling you up, shocked by how fucking amazing you feel.
you know he’s stretching you out, but the small pinpricks of pain subside as you get situated.
“you can start moving now, just keep it gentle at first.” you guide him, voice all choked up.
he nods, his long hair almost tickling your forehead as he starts to pump in and out at a leisurely pace. you’re both groaning messes, and your hands go to claw at his back as he keeps pace.
“fuck, you’re doing so well matt.” you mutter against his chest, pressing open-mouth kisses to his collarbone.
he’s getting into it now, finding a good rhythm and relaxing his hips slightly so he’s not as stiff. your bodies are molded together as you move back and forth, and matt can feel you clutching against his cock with each stroke.
“m’not gonna last much longer, angel.” he confesses, clumsily stumbling over his words as he tries to calm himself down, to keep it in just a bit longer.
“that’s okay, babe. tonight is all about you.”
he’s growing sloppier, and matt leans in to kiss you passionately as he gets closer and closer. surprisingly enough, you can feel the pressure building in your own stomach, and you’re both whining into each others mouths as your tongues mesh together.
“right there baby, i’m close too.” you breathe, and you can feel his body trembling against yours, one hand slipping underneath your bra so he can run his thumb over your nipple.
matt holds it all back, drilling into you as hard as he possibly can with the energy he has left. he loves the way you’re scratching at his back, pulling him as close as possible as you both reach your peak.
“i’m—fuck, oh my god.” he tenses up, and you feel him twitch inside of you as he comes undone.
his own reaction is what sends you over the edge, and you ease into the high, letting yourself finish all over him as he slows to a stop.
“yes, matt, holy shit.” you sigh, and he pulls out carefully moments later.
matt flops down beside you, rolling to press his lips to your cheek. you turn your head slightly to look at him, capturing his mouth with yours for another real kiss.
“i think i could get used to that.” he says with a small grin as he pulls away, and your ruffle his hair lightheartedly.
“lucky for you that was just the first time of many. so how was it?” you ask him.
he’s just opening his mouth when a loud pounding erupts on the door, and you both nearly jump out of your skin at the disturbance.
“hey! open the fucking door, we brought you guys mcdonald’s!” chris screams through the barrier.
you both look at each other, still grinning, and matt can’t help but roll his eyes.
“well, being alone was nice while it lasted.”
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meowpupp · 4 months
ik it's not smut (and not any of the reqs that are in my inbox) but I cannot stop thinking about price giving pup!reader a bath.
curly hair specific for 2 paragraphs, everything else is generic
hes so gentle, making sure the whole bathroom smells nice. he uses soft vanilla scents so your little nose doesn't get overwhelmed, and turns off any noise or lights to make sure you're calm.
the water is always the perfect temperature, and he lets you pick out one of the bathbombs he bought especially for you. the water turns pink, or purple, or blue, whichever you prefer, with a thick layer of bubbles ontop.
everything is in your favourite scent. whether that's smooth and creamy vanillas, sharp and tangy citrus, or soft pillowy florals, he has it all. he just enjoys seeing the little smile on your face, how your cute little ears droop more and more as you become more relaxed.
he walks you through an entire bath routine, breaking everything down into little steps, guiding you through it all. salts, bar soap, shower gel, oil, moisturiser. he spares no expense, wanting to make sure you smell and feel good.
his favourite part however is helping you with you hair. a thick, pretty mess of wild curls. he knows almost more than you do, buying all types of oils, creams, hair masks, shampoos and conditioner.
he uses a whole concoction of things, making sure everything he uses is designed specifically for your hair type. gentle hands massage the shampoo into your scalp, smiling as you sigh and relax into him. you don't even have to lift a finger. wash day is completely taken care of.
when you come out of the bath, all warm and relaxed, he sweeps you up. dressing you in the fluffiest towel, running through creams, gels, and oils so your hair looks all shiny and pretty. he helps you rub in different oils and moisturisers so your skin is smooth and soft, even runs through some special cream for your fluffy tail.
post-bath is what he always looks forward to. he loves how sleepy you get. he lays you on his chest, both of you shirtless, enjoying the skin to skin contact. your tail slowly wags, a gentle rhythm hittig his thigh as you share warmth. his hands run up and down your back, occasionally squeezing your hips. it's his favourite part of owning you, knowing that you're safe, clean, and comfortable.
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sumiiregarii · 11 days
Smash or Pass Jack-7
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