#city fauna
venus-garden · 2 years
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axololtls · 4 months
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Text: They say there’s a hidden sea under the city, that it reaches upwards and leaks life into the streets. That’s why the cracks between cobblestones glow, ever so faintly bioluminescent.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 3 months
It's toshis birthday yay!! What do you think nana (and gran maybe?? 👀) would gift him??
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they took him camping for a summer break!
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noseysilverfox · 4 days
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September 2024
Big blue lilyturf , lilyturf , border grass, or monkey grass (lat. Liriope muscari) — a perennial herbaceous plant. The flowers bloom in September and delight until the end of October. They also have a light, unobtrusive honey aroma🪻
Лириопа мускари (лат. Liriope muscari) — многолетнее травянистое растение. Цветки распускаются в сентябре и радуют собой до конца октября. Также они обладают лёгким, ненавязчивым медовым ароматом🪻
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
Cybertronians vs kudzu
Who would win. Aliens or very invasive plants?
Cybertronians will win the battle, but they'll lose the war.
It's one thing to comprehend that plants grow fast, it's another thing to witness it.
If Cybertron ever establishes a sister city or university on Earth, then many Cybertronians will flock over to study applied agricultural sciences because someone at some point had managed to successfully crossbreed a potato with a Cybertronian one that feeds on their planet's radiation.
Someone needs to save Cybertron's soul if a well-meaning idiot takes something like kudzu or mint and manages to get viable crossbreeds on the metal planet.
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fentonphoto · 10 months
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Amsterdam sunset with swan. @iamsterdam-blog @travelgraphics @visitheworldNetherlands
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I miss my OCs :(
Anyways, real old doodle of red!
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allastoredeer · 3 months
I want more Hellaverse lore. Characters interactions and everything are fun and all but... lore 🥹
SAAAAME! I've made a lot of my own lore and world building for the Hellaverse, mostly for Pentagram City and the sinners, and it's been a lot of fun, but I want that sweet, sweet canon lore too. Gimme that deep-dive.
A did get an ask a little while ago asking about the world-building I've done for Hell and all it's politics, which I 100% intend to answer! I just need to gather up all my notes and make it legible enough to understand LOL
But very much agreed, Anon! DROP THE LORE VIV! We gotta knooooowwww.
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mountainnamemama · 1 year
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Little pop of purple | Tampa, Florida, United States
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venus-garden · 2 years
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axololtls · 4 months
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rabbitcruiser · 24 days
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International Bat Night 
Find the nearest bat habitat and see if you can spot some of these eco-system-sustaining, adorable, awe-inspiring flying critters on International Bat Night.
Bats have many places in literature and history, and serve roles both dark and hilarious depending on where you find them. Probably the most common association with the bat is with vampires, but there is also the fun-loving bat from Ferngully (Batty Coda) along with a host of other characters from literature and cinema. But bats have an important role to play in our eco-system, and some of them are becoming endangered. International Bat Night serves to raise awareness from our flying rodent friends and why they deserve to be protected.
Learn about International Bat Night
International Bat Night is a date that takes place every year to celebrate these creatures, with a number of different bat events taking place around the world for the public to get involved with. These events give you the opportunity to help bat conservation and to learn more about these creatures. There are talks at dusk and fun bat walks; it is definitely the sort of activity you should experience at least once, as it will give you a unique opportunity to get up close and personal with these incredible animals and to learn more about them.
Incredible facts about bats
When we say that bats are incredible creatures, we do not expect you to simply take our word for it. After all, bats are the only mammals that can fly. They also use echolocation in order to get around during the night. As you probably know, bats do most of their living when it is dark and they cannot see very well. Because of this, they need to depend on other navigational skills, instead of sight. They send out beeps, listening for variations in the echoes that bounce back in order to understand where they are and to get around effectively.
Bats have gotten a bit of a bad reputation over the years. However, most of this is unjustified. A lot of people think that bats, especially those in North America, go around infecting people with rabies and a whole host of other toxins and diseases. This is something that has merely become a rumor because of the television and movies. In fact, bats avoid people, and only 10 people in the last 50 years have contracted rabies from North American bats. If you are one of the incredibly unlucky ones to get bitten by a bat, make sure you go to see your doctor as soon as possible, but don’t panic, bats really aren’t as scary as it is made out in the films! Vampire bats also don’t suck blood, contrary to popular belief. Okay, they do lap it up, but calm down! There are actually only three species of vampire bats across the globe.
History of International Bat Night
International Bat Night was established to help promote the good image of bats, and to help start creating some clarity on the facts about them above and beyond the rumors and Hollywood image. While we often think of bats as nocturnal predators feasting on the blood of the innocent and harboring rabies, the truth is quite different. Yes, there are bats that feed on blood, but they mostly feed on insects and believe us, you want bats to be out there patrolling the night and helping eliminate them.
Bats are one of the major contributors to keeping down obnoxious night insects like mosquitoes, and if you’re a camper, you know how unpleasant mosquitoes can make an otherwise pleasant camping expedition. There are also bats that feed on nectar and fruit, and actually help to pollinate and spread the seed of plants, in many cases they’re the only ones working to help those plants procreate!
These are just the beginnings of the wonders that bats possess, and there is far more just a flicker away, and International Bat Night is a great time to spend learning about them!
How to celebrate International Bat Night
One of the best ways to spend International Bat Night is by enjoying the quiet of night and watching the skies in your nearest bat habitat. Maybe it’s a night out in the woods, or just sitting on your front porch if you’re fortunate enough!
If you’re feeling both generous and adventurous, you can head out to one of your local Bat Conservatories and celebrate the night with them while making a contribution to their work. Really love bats? Volunteer with these conservatories and help keep our flying rodent friends around!
We also recommend spending a bit of time online, reading up about bats, and finding out more about these incredible creatures. Of course, we have given you some information, but there is so much else to learn. You can also help to spread awareness by sharing some of the information you find with your friends and family members on social media.
Another way to celebrate International Bat Night is by watching a Batman movie. You also have the Batman and Batwomen TV series as well. If you are a fan of superhero movies, this is definitely one of the best ways to celebrate this date. There are a lot of other films too, with many vampire-based films incorporating bats, such as Le Vampire and Dracula. So, get the popcorn out and enjoy yourself!
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noseysilverfox · 25 days
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August 2024
Rose moss, Mexican rose, sun rose, rock rose, or moss-rose purslane (lat. Portulaca grandiflora). A perennial or annual creeping plant native to Central and South America, it does not exceed 20 centimeters in height. It likes to grow in direct sunlight and doesn't require frequent watering. It has a pleasant herbal aroma🌿
It is worth noting that the genus Portulaca unites about 200 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants, including succulent ones. Some of these species grow both in Asia and in Europe, but this post is dedicated specifically to the large-flowered purslane.🌱
Портулак крупноцветковый или мексиканская роза, ладанник, моховая роза, дандура (лат. Portulaca grandiflora). Многолетнее или однолетнее стелющееся по земле растение родом из Центральной и Южной Америк, не превышает высотой 20 сантиметров. Любит расти под прямыми солнечными лучами и не требует частого полива. Имеет приятный травяной аромат🌿
Стоит отметит, что род Портулак (Portulaca) объединяет около 200 видов однолетних и многолетних травянистых растений, включая суккулентные. Некоторые из этих видов растут как в Азии, так и в Европе, но данный пост посвящён именно портулаку крупноцветковому. 🌱
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dragoncarrion · 5 months
Who is abyssus?
another main character I've barely developed 😈 what I do have on her is that she's a sort of marine biologist from this underwater Cybertron city (the city which turns out to be some leviathan titan lolz) who has studied hundreds of oceans both on cybertron and on other planets, since I want marine fauna here. The city is like ocean themed obviously so most of it's inhabitants have either sea creature or ocean vessel alt modes (I'm still toying around with this concept but Im thinking the reason for that is that there's like idk spark hotspots FROM the titan itself which gives them these specific alt modes. Because I like little themed stuff 😔 So everyone just pops out like that idk. Some ppl emerge with their alt modes others don't but they pick later it's just random in most places. Again I still need to think about this 😭). Abyssus herself is a triple changer, having a small submarine and a viperfish alt modes. She's fairly volatile and I'll tempered, but still very passionate about sea life, which is why she's this sort of reluctant "decepticon" spy in exchange for like research funds or somethang
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