#city maintains
gummi-ships · 27 days
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - Scala ad Caelum
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Cannot Unsee. Cannot Unknow.
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heybiji · 5 months
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double life
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fridayiminlovemp3 · 3 months
cities will literally set up the worst transit system of all time and then be like oh man :/ all these kids wanna do is uber everywhere!!! like girl i hate ubering!!!! im only doing this because the bus was 15 minutes late meaning if i took it i’d miss my connecting bus and then have to wait 50 minutes in a busted up bus stop (that the city also won’t fix!!) in the freezing wind for the next one and be late to work. no one wants to solely rely entirely on stranger’s cars through a weird app but if the only other option is spending 2 hours on transit that isn’t even on time or safe, what are we expected to do? public transit needs to be affordable, safe, on time, and reliable because if it’s not who is it even for?? because it’s clearly not for commuters.
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aspiringhorrorauthor · 3 months
Who are the ultimate ‘gaslight, gatekeep, girl boss’ power triad in media and why is it the Tribunal from Morrowind?
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lil-gae-disaster · 3 months
Freddie was born in the city but grew up on a farm
He's a dorfkind (village kid) and a Stadtkind (city kid)
@hamalicious-soup @spac3agebachelorman
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mayasaura · 2 years
The thing about Nona the Ninth that really blows my tits off is the politics.
Like up until now yeah, we knew our protags lived in an empire, and we got a few tantalizing peeks at how it worked, but it was mostly just a Fantasy Empire In Space
And then wham! Nona opens with our main girl living as a refugee in a badly destabilized modern colonial state recently torn apart by the struggle for independence and controlled by an uneasy coalition of armed militia and it's like. Oh.
So it's an empire empire.
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cometrose · 7 months
Say, what do you think Zhongli struggled with the most after he started full-time cosplaying a mortal?
it’s kind of weird cause i feel like he struggled with everything and nothing at all
Obviously the first is not having unlimited money at his disposal to buy whatever he wanted. Zhongli lives a very elegant lifestyle. He wears outfits created by the adepti, he only takes the finest birds on walks he eats at the finest restaurants and he buys whatever he lays eyes on.
Then there is the fact that “Zhongli” is a permanent human and not a body Morax uses whenever he wants before transforming into another one. It would be funny if he woke up one morning wanting to shapeshift and having to stop himself mid transformation because humans don't normally grow floor length hair or swap genders overnight.
I always imagined Zhongli struggled keeping his Morax knowledge separate from his Zhongli knowledge. Morax knows the day everyone was born in Liyue, Zhongli does not. Morax knows the day each building was built, the day they built a pond in the harbor, he knows every business owner that has ever worked on his land but Zhongli should not.
But the thing about Zhongli I feel like he just learned to work around these problems without changing too much of himself lol. Like he cant buy everything he wants? Just get a wallet or get someone else to buy his things.
Too much knowledge? Great all of Liyue knows him as the all knowledgeable consultant who knows everything but nobody knows where he came from.
he’s too adored by the population for anyone to bother him about it.
Hu Tao mentions that Zhongli knows so much but has no worries so I think he just doesnt care? I think Zhongli just gets to stay the same cause everyone accepts his weirdness.
But seriously I think he struggles with contracts. He doesn't have the same authority to enforce contracts as before but he is still the god of contracts. So I think he has some dissonance in that regard, like he sees someone break a contract and if he were still Rex Lapis he would punish them but Zhongli has no such control. Considering how he worked around those fake archeologists in his first story quest, I think he if still wants to "punish" someone he has to approach the situation very differently.
Its funny to imagine Zhongli sees someone break and contract and chills run down his spine he feels faint but he can't do anything about. But then again Liyuens is pretty particular about contracts, so even if he cannot enforce them there are countless others (the qixing, the millelith, hell even yanfei) who will maintain order in his stead. i think it will work out
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ante--meridiem · 3 months
Answered 2 WhatsApp messages & can feel the weight off my shoulders, now I just need to get to an email from Prof Lastname & a tumblr dm and I can fully stop being haunted by the constant knowledge that I am ignoring people and the longer it goes on the more awkward it gets.
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daturas-are-pretty · 11 months
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Petition for Mori to quit Mafia-ing and drag the entire organization into the culinary industry.
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mariocki · 4 months
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The Aftermath (1982)
"What happens when you die?"
"I don't know, son. No one does."
"It's sad to die."
"No. Death isn't sad. We all have to die. What's sad is having to go on without someone you love. Just as we have to go on now."
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fisheito · 1 month
I really like the idea of just yakumo being able to change to type every snake. he can go from a big python taking up the whole kitchen to a tiny little worm hiding in the library shelves until his sobs give him away
i really like the idea toooooooooooooo if man's gonna have the range, he's GONNA have the RANGE!!!! MORE RANGE! I am bestowing upon him;;; -- further range.
serioslusly what's the fun in having yokai transformation powers if you can't get shapeshifty according to your daily moods and needs
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finally we can doxx potable wizard
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rule-number-3 · 2 years
For all the problems ROTT had with its story and characters, I actually kind of liked Aja’s part in it, however small it was.
She steps in ready to help and, as soon as she realizes what kind of dangers and risks were involved, immediately suggests evacuating earth. Even after being shut down by the others, she has ships readied in case of the worse. She was the only one to even consider the possibility of innocent casualties caused by the titans stomping around or that the plan might fail and doesn’t want to risk lives on any possibility. It really goes to show just how much more mature and responsible she’d become.
She’s a leader, now, with hundreds of thousands of lives (probably more) dependent on her choices and decisions. She had a lot of mess to clean up after the revolution, especially considering her parents very likely burned a lot of bridges with other planets and races with their policy of neutrality. Bridges you know she wanted to fix, personally. Her position’s allowed her to become much more of a practical thinker and I, for one, would love to see so much more of Actual Queen Aja being a diplomat, a negotiator, a delegator, and someone who’s unafraid to make the hard decisions and tough calls while still keeping her compassionate nature.
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 year
I still think CQL yanli was robbed of her novel inner monologue where she doesn't know what to say to WWX because she can't honestly say she forgives him and that she hates and blames him for Zixuan's death and then immediately gives her life for his anyway
One of CQL's cardinal sins is never letting WWX be wrong about anything ever, and this INCLUDES shijie being justifiably unwilling to forgive him for getting her husband killed!
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squid-procrow · 11 months
As Gale's on the mind again, time to bring up BG1 lore about mystra!
For anybody who truly doesn't think Gale was groomed, that a good god would NEVER!
This isn't even the first time she's done something like this, sure it wasn't grooming for Dornar Silverhand but she did take over his love interests body so she could manipulate him into children...
Tldr She takes over a girl (who was enthusiastic to be a goddess's chosen, then unsure once she realized it was for this) to convince a guy (her very loyal follower who was already in love so he said no) for kids.
He watches his wife become a literal shell of herself so that she can have seven children with the energy of both their parents. And he ends up having to kill his wife because she's become a lich shell of a person.
To which after he cuts her head off mystra shows up and goes "yeah sorry, my doing." And he loses it, running from Neverwinter up to the north and disappearing until he dies for 30 years where she continues to protect him.
The worst part? Dornar goes back to her after it all, helping her find more chosen. What Gale could have been.
I feel like a big part of the story that the writers were trying to tell us was that even if you were formally mortal the second you go on to the pedestal of a previous God you inhabit who they were, and mystra is the weave before all.
It fits perfectly with the Durge (and Astarion) storylines, if you don't remove yourself completely from the cycle you will inevitably become what you dislike, even if you intended for the best.
Below is the full txt
History of the Chosen of Mystra:
The reason why Mystra, the Goddess of Magic, invested a portion of her divine might into mortals is not known. One of the popular theories, and one that is gaining more support in light of the other goddess' during that period, is that Mystra foresaw the Time of Troubles (and her own passing at the hands of Helm) and chose to give some of her powers to mortals in order to ensure that her successor (the female mage, Midnight, as it turned out) would have a number of nearly immortal allies in the struggle against the schemes of the gods (the now dead Bane, Myrkul and Bhaal) who precipitated the Time of Troubles by stealing the Tablets of Fate.
The theory goes on to suggest that Mystra informed Azuth at approximately the Year of the Rising Flame (0 DR), more than 1,300 years ago before the Times of Troubles, that some of her power must be put into the hands of mortals who would then become known as Mystra's Chosen. The power would sleep within the bodies of those mortals, allowing Mystra only to call on it only with their permission. It would give the Chosen to innate ability to heal quickly, and would give them life spans far greater than those of ordinary mortals. Mystra speculated that these mortals might be able to call on her power and thereby gain some special abilities, but that these powers would not rival those of a deity. (See "Powers" below.)
The Goddess of All Magic then began to select mortals she thought to be suitable. One of the first was the young mage Elminister, and she also singled out a promising wizard named Khelben Arunsen. Both of them proved to be worthy and capable receptacles of her power, but Mystra's other early attempts to invest her power in living humans were unsuccessful, and she came to realize that only a very few mortals were of stern enough substance to contain such power within themselves without being destroyed or corrupted. Even though some people aside from Elminister and Khelben may have possessed the requisite strength, it is possible that having lived for years prior to being visited by Mystra had set them on a path from which they were not able to deviate. Whatever the reason, the problem needed to be solved. To get around the difficulty, Mystra devised a plan to use herself as a vessel to breed individuals who could be nurtured and acclimated to her power from the very beginnings of their lives.
For the father of these individuals, she picked the best example of human stock she could find: Dornar Silverhand, a nobleman and a former Harper who lived near Neverwinter. Mystra then possessed the body of Elue Shandur, a helf-elven sorceress whom Dornal was already attracted to. Mystra revealed her presence and her plan to Eleu, who happily and eagerly agreed to have the goddess share her body. Eleu had been reluctant, but under the influence of Mystra the woman became a seductress, and Dornal found his advances being suddenly returned with great fervor.
Dornal and Mystra/Eleu were wed in the Year of the Drifting Stars (760 DR). The first of the seven daughters, Anastra Syluné, was born the following winter. Sylune's six sisters emerged at one-year interval thereafter: Endue Alustriel, Ambara Dove, Ethena Astorma (she prefers the name "Storm" these days), Anamanué Laeral, Alassa Shentrantra (known today as the Simbul) and Erésseae Qilué. These siblings have become known in Realmsian lore as the Seven Sisters.
Dornal, who had been kept in the dark about his wife's true nature through the years (presumably because Mystra didn't want to risk losing his services), was disappointed and distraught by the time his sixth child was born; he had always wanted sons as well as daughters. More importantly, he was seeing his wife deteriorate right before his eyes. The strain of coexisting with the goddess all these years had turned Eleu into a withered shell - in essence a lich, clinging to life only because Mystra's power was within her.
When Eleu was carrying the seventh child, Dornal consulted a priest who told him his wife had been possessed by a entity of great magical power. To spare both of them any further agony, he attempted to slay his wife's physical form by severing her head from her body.
As soon he had done this, Mystra was forced to reveal herself to him, and she went on to explain her scheme. Just as she had worried would happen, Dornal was aghast at how he and his wife had been used by the goddess. He turned his back on the corpse of his wife, abandoned his lands and his children, and vanished into the North. Mystra bore him no ill will, and in fact protected him for the final 30 years of his life. When Dornal finally did meet his end he called out to Mystra, and the goddess granted his continued existence as her servant. Now known as the Watcher, Dornal Silverhand travels the world unseen by mortals on a continuing mission to locate candidates to swell the ranks of the Chosen and to identify possible threats to Mystra and her minions
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