#city sombre
concretejungle-forum · 2 months
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Une fois de plus, l'incroyable @chaarlyth nous régale avec son talent et on a pas les mots tellement c'est beau 🤌 Venez dès maintenant découvrir la nouvelle version de CONCRETE JUNGLE, nous n'attendons plus que vous, vos idées et vos mauvais tours 🔪
CONCRETE JUNGLE | CITY SOMBRE À LONDRES forum réservé à un public majeur, centré sur les activités nocturnes et illicites mais open à tous les types de personnage, rythme chill, ambiance cosy HRP !
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adrastee-rpg · 3 months
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The way the grass smells at night and you got flames all in your eyes as they reflect the sparkler and you say we'll never die grabbed me by the hands just as callused as I am say you're proud
samara weaving gifs : elyyxiumgifs
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mare-avatars · 5 months
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✧.* when a man is tired of london, he's tired of life
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triumphandloss · 6 months
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bottom of the river;; ouverture.
city-sombre ouest américain ─époque actuelle. ▪ réservé à un public mature et avisé (-16). nous vous mettons en garde quant aux sujets pouvant être aborder.
grisaille assaillante, terre d'asile. au terme de tout, au commencement d'un nouveau souffle. souffrir et s'en creuser les paumes, d'un labeur incertain, aux grandes dames d'un front en sueur. car ils sont les laboureurs de cet enfer. les sabots des chevaux claquent sur le sol sableux, dévalent les pentes sinueuses d'une vallée à bout de souffle, entre pénombre d'un passé qu'on ne veut plus quitter et lumière d'un avenir à la brume si épaisse qu'il en devient vile. (...)
-- j'ai l'immense plaisir de vous annoncer l'ouverture officielle de notre petit bébé. des pépites de personnages déjà, et beaucoup d'autres qui vont arriver, nous en sommes certaines. merci à celles et ceux, encore une fois, qui nous ont soutenu dans ce projet et pour les compliments qui ont suivi. vous êtes du baume au coeur ❤
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walkingthewireforum · 6 months
contexte du forum
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La douceur d'une brise d'été qui glisse dans la chevelure de jais d'une belle femme. Le froid des flocons de neige et de l'hiver qui s'insinue dans les pores du visage fatigué de cet homme chauve, près de la cathédrale. L'odeur des pétales de roses qui illumine la journée d'une petite fille jouant dans la cour de récréation de l'école. Un énorme tas de feuilles mortes, feuilles d'une jolie couleur orangé, couleurs automnales, rassemblés par le jardinier du cimetière, sous son imperméable. Le temps passe dans cette petite ville d'Angleterre, s'écoule à une vitesse folle. Elle déborde autant d'énergie, que de tristesse, que d'envie. Demain sera un autre jour pour chaque habitant. Après-demain arrivera un nouveau, et les vieilles dames du quartier pourront commérer. Dans un mois, il y aura malheureusement la tristesse d'un défunt. Et dans six mois, on annoncera l'heureuse venue au monde d'un nouveau bambin sur terre. Une ville comme les autres, évidemment, cela va de soi. Mais dans les bas-fonds de York, on trouve des organisations secrètes, il se trame des choses louches. On trouve des endroits mal famés. On trouve de quoi vendre des produits illicites. On trouve un club de motards, qui baigne dans divers trafics, drogue et armes. La mélodie de la cathédrale qui résonne, tandis que les gens n'ont aucune idée que demain sera annoncé à la télévision et à la presse, que le vice-président des Blue Angels MC, de York , le club de motards local, est mort. Les raisons sont légères, sans explications. Mais comment dire au public ce qu'il ne faudrait pas divulguer ? Deux trois mots prononcés en sa mémoire, une minute de silence. Le pire, dans cette histoire, c'est que la mort de ce motard respecté et aimé des siens, va provoquer bien des choses.
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lucioledechue · 6 months
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city-sombre, ouest américain ─époque actuelle. (réservé à un public mature et avisé) // thème musical.
contexte -- grisaille assaillante, terre d'asile. au terme de tout, au commencement d'un nouveau souffle. souffrir et s'en creuser les paumes, d'un labeur incertain, aux grandes dames d'un front en sueur. car ils sont les laboureurs de cet enfer. les sabots des chevaux claquent sur le sol sableux, dévalent les pentes sinueuses d'une vallée à bout de souffle, entre pénombre d'un passé qu'on ne veut plus quitter et lumière d'un avenir à la brume si épaisse qu'il en devient vile.  cinglant pugilat, familles en émois. terres arides, jamais vraiment contrôlées, linceul chassant la mauvaise graine, en vain. colchester s'accuse d'exister. au delà des frontières aux limites invisibles, se pavane un monde aride. spectres aux chapeaux abimés foulent sous l'allure de leur horde, l'univers s'étendant à leurs pieds. rivalités familiales, guerre des égos malmenés, secrets enfouis sous une motte de terre. la vallée s'essouffle lentement tandis que les bandits d'outre tombe, renaissent sous la jouissance de la nuit. oscillent les enfants de, à tout faire pour garder les acquisitions du passé. vocifère en nuitée.
KEYWORDS;; vastes plaines, paysages, cowboy, chevaux, ranchs, ville suffoque, nature sauvage, conflits familiaux, illégalité, meurtres, assoiffés, bétails, chevaux, rustique.
inspiré des séries telles que yellowstone (et ses spin-off), hell on wheels, godless.
ville inventée (colchester) dans l'état du wyoming au nord du lac yellowstone ;; un rp par mois ;; pas de minimum de ligne ;; mise en place à venir d'institutions locales (ranchs, fermes, familles) et des forces de l'ordre de la ville.
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hellska · 6 months
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« your lipstick matches my red flag »
— daphne & ren sur concrete jungle
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boekenplank · 1 year
moving out of oslo back to the netherlands this week and im waiting for the emotions to kick in because i always have the hardest time saying goodbye to places and people
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thebarnumeffect-rpg · 1 month
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version 3 par @noxeternam pour the barnum effect 🌙
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concretejungle-forum · 4 months
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T'es à la recherche d'un forum où te poser pour bien commencer l'année 2024 ? T'as besoin d'un endroit où passer l'hiver, loin de la vague de froid qui arrive ? Tu ne sais pas où t'installer parce que tous les forums sont écrit en "font-size: 8px;" ? T'as envie de jouer mais t'as une vie et pas l'temps pour qu'on te foute la pression avec un rpg où deux jours d'absence font que tu ne comprends plus rien ? Ne cherche plus, on est là pour toi 👌
CONCRETE JUNGLE est un city sombre situé à Londres et actif depuis l'automne 2023. Centré sur les activités illégales et la vie nocturne, le forum offre cependant plein d'autres possibilités. Que tu veuilles mêler ton personnage à des affaires peu recommandables ou que tu préfères un personnage goût vanille perdu au milieu de la ville, il y a de la place pour toi. Si nous avons un rating +18, ce n'est pas pour du contenu 🌶️ mais juste parce qu'en tant qu'adultes, nous préférons ne pas jour des thèmes 'dark' avec des mineurs·es.
Avant tout, CJ c'est surtout une petite communauté chill et respectueuse où tout le monde peut s'intégrer, que tu sois là avec un prélien, un inventé, en venant seul·e ou avec des potes, timide ou hypersocial·e, très actif·ve ou juste présent·e les week-ends. Il suffit juste d'essayer et hop, on peut y trouver chaussure à son pied / un endroit où s'poser.
Avec un rp/mois demandé et la possibilité de skip les recensements en faisant un coucou au staff parce que le mois est chargé, CONCRETE JUNGLE est centré sur le plaisir de rp. NB : nous avons un serveur Discord mais il n'est pas central à l'intégration, en plus d'être dénué de drama quel qu'il soit 🔥 Si tu veux en savoir plus, tu peux également lire notre ethos qui est la ligne conductrice pour l'ambiance sur le forum ainsi que l'engagement du staff envers les membres. A très bientôt on espère 🫶
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adrastee-rpg · 3 months
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ryan gosling 1980 
pré-lien très attendu CASH - Younger than the mountains
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ghostbsuter · 6 months
I'm on the writing grind, you can see that I just finished rewatching the Teen Titans (2003).
Edit: Here is some art I did for Titan!Phantom
.・゜-: ✧ :-
(The end is near.)
Gripping the communicator, the bright yellow case with a cartoonish 'T' on top glared back at him.
(The portal was growing.)
He presses the button, the communicator switches on and he calls out.
"Phantom to Titans, do you hear me? Phantom to Titans."
The crackling sound came as a sign of connection, It didn't take any heavy weight off, however.
"Robin here, Phantom? Everything alright?" The soothing voice of Teen Titans leader answers him, and he suppresses a sigh.
"Robin," he bites his lip, the portal only growing.
The ghost zone is eating Amity and all just because fucking Vlad couldn't, for one ancient time, sit still.
"I—" a deep breath. "I'm sorry," he apologises with a wince. "You're gonna be really angry at me when you... find out."
Concern leaks through the voice as Robin speaks. "Phantom? What's going on?"
Thr screen on the communicator switches on and Robins brow knitted expression stares back at him.
It quickly changes, alarmed. "Phantom." The vigilante says. "Is Amity Park okay? Do you need backup?"
Always on the right track, dear leader. Danny shakes his head fondly.
"It's too late for backup," he admits quietly.
"Just tell new members of me, okay?"
Danny doesn't let the other finish, giving a bitter smile before throwing the communicator on the ground, breaking it.
The familiar yet threatening green of the ghost zone welcomes him.
"Titans! Emergency call, Phantom got a situation!"
The bright red lights is enough for the rest of the team to flood to the common room.
"Rob?" Cyborg asks. "What's the situation?"
"We don't know!" The bird answers, stressed. He's pulling the audio and video recording of the call up to the monitor, replaying it for the team.
They don't figure it out until they are at Amity, landing with the jet and jumping from their seats.
Raven and Starfire fly ahead, and they all reach the border of Amity.
Or what of Amity remains.
The entire city is gone—!!
Complete annihilation.
(When robin finds out who did this, he will have words with them.)
"Robin," Raven waves them all over to her side. She's crouching, hand in a sphere of black, her magic. "Amity wasn't destroyed. It was relocated."
Her expression is grim. "Someone abducted a whole city."
All he does is nod, looking at the team before him.
"Someone call Herald, Titans, we got work to do. Our mission is to find Amity Park, Phantom, and save both." With sombre nods, they prepared for take off.
"Titans! Go!"
And they separate.
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walkingthewireforum · 6 months
Bienvenue sur le tumblr de notre projet forum rpg, sur fond de criminalité et de guerre de gangs. Ici seront postés les avancées du projet, les groupes jouables et les rôles disponibles.
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Discord du projet: https://discord.gg/2yguf9Vxr3
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squirmhoney · 2 months
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A/N: Sorry for the warnings but reader has been going through it since the last part. Also I read through this once, it was way too long to read through several times. Enjoy.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader Warning: Dark Smut. Fingering. Oral. Pet names. Praise. Overstimulation. Submissive behaviour. Violence. Kidnapping. Drugging. Angst. Suicide attempt. Mentions of depressive thoughts. Non canon ages. 18+ Context: Timeline is based loosely on the "Batman: Under the Redhood" comic. However, characters are aged up. Jason and reader are 18+.
As always Minors DNI.
Some days were better than others but you hadn’t had a truly low day for at least three years now. 
People grieve in different ways, that’s what you would say. However, every time you talked to Dick, which was an occasional call every month or so, he’d tell you it wasn’t healthy. You’re latching onto a ghost, I really think you should see a therapist. 
You’d always roll your eyes, making up the quickest excuse you could muster up. Normally it was the little money you had, how could you possibly afford therapy while working some shitty receptionist job at the Gotham City’s Police Department. 
Bruce would pay for it.
That name still made your whole body tense, bile rising up in your throat. You never had forgiven him, especially after bumping him into last year and being introduced to Tim Drake, clearly his next prodigy. 
After threatening to cut contact with Dick as well, he stopped nagging and allowed you to live your life. Even if he didn’t see it as a life worth living. 
Today was one of the more sombre days as you walked through the Gotham streets to get to work. 
The streets were too busy for comfort as people constantly bumped into you and you knew you shouldn’t have bothered to answer your phone but you hadn’t been thinking when you saw Dick’s name light up your screen. 
When a heavy shoulder crashed into yours, your phone had gone flying into the crowd of people. Only to find it crumpled on the floor in pieces within seconds. 
Once five o'clock rolled around, you had completely forgotten that Dick had called you this morning and that you had been meaning to call him back. The only thought in your mind was the leftovers you had in the fridge. 
When you stepped through your front door, you realised that the winter breeze had made its way through into your shabby one bedroom apartment. You were quick to turn the heating on before running over to close the window you had managed to leave open. 
That should have been your first sign. 
Unfortunately, out of all Bruce Wayne’s adoptive children, you had always been the last one to catch onto things. 
It was only when you reached your bedroom did you realise something wasn’t right. Your drawers were open and were completely emptied. But you tried to not let that alarm you, carrying on with your routine as usual as you walked back into the kitchen. 
Your pistol was in the kitchen, you thought to yourself as your feet dragged you there. 
In the darkness of your front room you couldn’t see him and you were glad that you hadn’t yet turned on all the lights. You had a chance. 
You were slow in opening the drawer next to the sink, trying to make it seem as seamless as possible. 
But then you could feel him behind you and you found yourself twisting around, gun aiming for the man in front of you. 
You had never seen this man before, the outfit he was wearing too expensive to be some random thug working for someone else. 
His attire was all black, military armour, almost how you remembered the other’s suits when you had last seen them. Then there was his mask, a crimson red, attached mechanically to the rest of his suit, some sort of technology you weren’t familiar with. 
Bullets were sure to be useless against him. They’d probably end up bouncing off, doing more damage to you than him. 
“Don’t come any closer,” you sternly said, trying not to seem as scared as you were. 
You were terrified, this man literally towered over you. The way he tilted his head, mocking you as you aimed the gun directly at his head. 
“I’m warning you,” your voice was shaky, hands trembling as you clutched onto the pistol. 
“I bet you wished you had learnt a bit of self defence,” the robotic voice said, taking a step closer to you. 
“I don’t need it.” You eyed him from head to toe, hoping to see a weak point in his armour, anything to help you out. 
“You and I both know bullets aren’t going to do anything,” He took a step closer, the gun pressing against his chest. 
You were trembling, eyes brimmed with tears as you tried to hold it together. “I won’t go with you,” you spat at him. 
“You don’t have a choice,” he closed the distance between you now, gloved hands covering yours. 
“We always have a choice,” your voice croaked, a sob lodged at the back of your throat as you flipped the gun, holding it against your chest. 
“Y/N,” he demanded, hands moving against yours. 
“I won’t go,” you cried out, finger moving over the trigger. 
But it was too late, the man had swiftly aimed the gun away from you, the bullet flying into the wall. He pried the gun out of your hand then, throwing it across the room and into the darkness. 
You crumbled then, sliding against the cabinets behind you into a heap on the floor. 
“Are you crazy?” The man questioned. 
He wasn’t as close as he was before you realised and before you knew it, you found yourself scrambling for the door. 
But as your hand reached for your door, an arm wrapped around your waist while a cloth was placed over your face. You inhaled what must have been chloroform, leaving you unconscious in seconds. 
Death would have been better than this, you thought. Anything but this. 
You awoke wrapped in silk sheets, head fuzzy still from the drugs you had inhaled and eyes taking their time to fully open. 
It took a little while to remember what had happened, your groggy mind going over the details as you fought to lift your body from the sheets. Once the drugs wore off a bit more, you found yourself scrambling around to find some sort of light source in this dark room, knocking things over in the process. 
“There’s a switch to the right side of the bed,” a voice called out from another room. 
For a moment you froze, before your hand slid against the wall beside you, finding what you had been looking for. 
You blinked at the brightness, taking a moment to adjust before you looked around the room. It wasn’t at all how you expected. Beige walls and duvet set you were draped in to match. An oak bookshelf opposite the bed and a pair of cream bedside tables to either side of you. 
It was almost homely and it made you hesitant to move. 
“It took you a while to wake up,” the voice was back again, coming closer now. “I thought you’d wake up on the journey at least.” 
You didn’t know what to do, searching around the room for something to use as a weapon. 
“I was honestly a bit worried about you there.” 
He walked into the room still dressed head to toe in that suit of his and you were still defenceless as you sat in the middle of what you imagined was his bed.
“You haven’t been out that long. We’ve only been here ten minutes.” 
He didn’t even walk over to you, passing the bed and walking through another door to the side, out of sight. 
At the bottom of the bed was an oversized t-shirt and what looked to be a pair of your pyjama shorts laid out. 
“Are these clothes supposed to be for me?” You asked, your mind struggling to wrap around what was going on. 
“I thought you’d want to change into something a bit more comfortable when you woke up,” his voice was different when he spoke now and you were sure he had taken off his mask. 
You wanted to say you almost recognised it. 
Your fingers touched the material of the t-shirt that clearly belonged to the stranger, realising there was no harm in changing into it. You were probably feeding into some sort of sick fantasy but if it kept you safe, then you’d play into it.
“Why have you brought me here?” You asked. 
“Where did you expect I’d take you?” He retorted.
“A warehouse or something,” you replied. 
“You’ve listened to too many of Dick’s stories.” 
It hit you then, there was no denying it. You could literally feel your heart thudding in your chest as you turned the corner, reaching to where the man was standing. 
You couldn’t even look up, eyes taking in the purple and blue bruises that littered his back and rib cage. His face was ducked down towards the sink, covered by his hands as he seemed to be washing his face. 
But you didn’t need to see his face to know who it was. 
You felt like the air had been knocked out of your lungs, struggling to breathe as your hand reached out to him. But then you felt yourself stumble backwards, hand clutching at your chest. 
“It can’t be,” you said to yourself, eyes closing as you pushed out the thought. 
He was dead. He wasn’t coming back. 
“No, no, no...” You repeated, gasping for air at this point. 
“Y/N,” he pleaded with you and you felt his hand grab yours as he placed it against his chest. “Open your eyes.” 
“No,” You cried. 
“It’s me, Y/N,” his tone was almost as distraught as yours. “Look at me.” 
You did. 
He shared the same dark hair and teal eyes as your Jason. The same chiselled features and sharp nose. He’d lost the roundness of his cheeks, completely dropping the baby weight his body used to hold onto. Then there were the bags underneath his beautiful eyes, showing the tiredness that time had done to him. 
But it still wasn’t fully registering as you took him in. 
“Breathe,” he demanded of you, pressing his free hand against your chest. 
You let in harsh breaths, forcing yourself to calm down as you realised it was him. 
You sat on different ends of his couch, unable to stop staring at each other. 
A part of you wanted to touch him, to reassure yourself that the man across from you was Jason. While another part was still trying to register it all. 
He explained everything from that terrible night he had never returned home to you, to the Joker beating him to death, then to the lazarus pit. Then there was the time after that, unsure of who he was or where he was, wondering about different countries he couldn’t even name. His memory wasn’t all there for the first two years but it eventually came back, along with you. 
“Why didn’t you just take your mask off when you came to my apartment?” You asked, feeling more relaxed now. 
“It’s been years,” Jason reminded you. “I didn’t know how you’d react.” 
“I think it would have been better than me trying to kill myself,” you told him. 
He hummed in agreement at this. “It’s just lucky that you don’t have a boyfriend.” 
“Lucky for who?” Your voice was teasing. 
“For the potential boyfriend,” his lips turned up into a smile at this. “God knows what I would have done to him.” 
There was silence between you as you both stared at each other, unable to find the words to say. You didn’t really have anything left to say, no not really. What you really wanted to do was touch him. To feel his skin against yours until your mind became certain that he was real. 
It’s as if he knew, hand grabbing your leg to yank you towards him as he said, “Come here.” 
Then he was on top of you, arms caging you in as his head rested against yours. 
“Touch me,” he wasn’t begging you, he was commanding, a darkness laced in his tone that you had never heard before. 
“Where?” You gulped, hands fumbling beside you. 
“It’s like you’ve never touched me before,” he chuckled, into your lips. 
“Ja-” his name was lost on a kiss, the breath being stolen from your lungs as he took over your senses. 
You were eager to kiss him back, hands tugging him further down as they wrapped behind his neck. 
There was a sense of urgency between you both, your hands keeping him tied to you while his hands snaked their way under the t-shirt, hissing when he finally got to feel your bare skin. He was quick to strip it from your body, craving to see all the parts of you he had missed so dearly. 
His lips were on you in an instance, leaving a wet trail from your neck as he sucked and nibbled all the way down to your chest. He was desperate to leave his mark in shades of purple and red across your skin, finding his chest ease at the sight of you covered in him. 
He had been obsessive before but never like this. There was a guttural need to claim you now. To know that you were still his as much as he was yours. 
He hadn’t even realised how far down he got, face resting against your lower stomach. But once he realised, there was a different need he had, one that was desperate to please you. 
That was when he found himself swiftly wrapping your plush thighs around his shoulders, letting his thoughts take over. 
You weren’t sure on how you felt about this, you felt like the pair of you were going too fast. You hadn’t seen each other in five years and in a few hours of being together, you were already wrapped up in each other’s limbs. 
Those thoughts were soon buried when you felt his fingers slide against your clothed pussy, wriggling from the unexpected touch. 
“Hold still,” he growled at you. 
But you felt his words on your core, his hot breath fanning against the sensitive skin of your thighs, making it harder for you to not move. 
“I fucking missed this,” he whispered, nose nudging against your clit. He couldn’t help but take a sniff before licking a long stripe across the material. 
It was amusing how squeamish you were, he couldn’t even deny how much it was feeding into his ego. Even years after him being gone you were still wrapped around his finger as much as he was wrapped around yours. 
When his fingers finally slid underneath your pyjama shorts, he almost lost it, being instantly met with your soaked lips. 
“Tell me I’m the only one that can get you wet like this,” he demanded, sliding one finger across your folds. “Tell me.” 
“You’re the only one that gets me wet like this, Jay,” you swore, looking down at him with pleading wet eyes. 
“No one better not have touched this pussy.” 
His eyes changed at the thought, growing darker, cold as he narrowed them at you. 
It almost scared you. 
“No one, Jay.” 
His face softened at that, fingers sinking into the place you needed him most. You couldn’t help it when you squirmed this time, his thick fingers stretching you out. 
He didn’t seem to care though, too focused on how your spongy walls felt around his fingers. Too busy imagining how it would feel around his cock later. 
“You’re so tight,” he commented, entranced in the way your walls squeezed him, basically pushing him out. It was all the confirmation he needed, and at the realisation, his body relaxed. Not all the way of course, not when his fingers were being soaked by your cunt.
You whined at him when his fingers slid out of your cunt, craning your neck awkwardly to try and see what he was doing. But he was swift in his movements, ripping your shorts down until you were bare before him. 
Without warning his mouth was on you, tongue dragging lazy circles into your clit, moaning at the taste of your juices. But he didn’t stop there, his fingers returning to their original position as they slipped into your walls, curling in and out of you as he turned you into a pathetic mess. 
Your mind was reeling at this, not even sure of the noises that were being torn from your throat as his fingers set a brutal pace. All you were sure about was the burning sensation at the bottom of your stomach, growing with each flick of his tongue and push of his fingers. 
He lifted himself from you, mouth detached from your cunt as he watched your form, hips bucking up to reach his face. The way he titled his head, eyebrows raising at you, told you he clearly wasn’t impressed. 
He showed you how unimpressed he was, the palm of his hands slapping against your clit. 
You squealed at the harsh touch, eyes widening at him. 
“Didn’t I tell you to stay still,” he reminded you.
“I’m sorry, Jay,” you told him, although you weren’t sure he was listening. 
His eyes continued to glare at you, nose flaring ever so slightly as if he was contemplating what he was going to do with you. Then his fingers sped up, pounding themselves inside of you as if trying to see how you would react.
But you were desperate to obey him, grounding your hips into the couch underneath you to keep yourself still. 
“Good girl,” Jason cooed, sinking back down again.
He didn’t waste any time, lips wrapping around your clit, sucking at until he could hear your words slurring together as you repeated his name. You were close, he could tell by the way your walls were sucking him in now, thighs squeezing around his head a bit tighter. 
“I forgot how good you taste,” he slurped, breathing harshly through his nose.
You think it was his words that sent you over the edge, the sound of his hoarse voice as he lapped at your pussy. You couldn’t even help but tug on his hair when you finally came, your other hand clawing at the couch underneath you. 
You were shaking from the orgasm he was giving you, your whole body feeling the spasms of pleasure he was pushing you through. When it finally washed over you, your moaning turns into sobs and you can’t help but struggle for breath again. 
Jason was there though, lips pressing against your cheeks and your eyes, hands rubbing up and down your sides as he made you feel safe. 
“I’m here,” His voice is reassuring in your ear. 
Your eyes flutter open to see his face, chest easing at the sight as you deeply inhale. 
“I made a promise, didn’t I?” He asked, reminding you of all those years ago. 
You nodded. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” he swore once again. 
“I need you,” you pleaded with him, hands moving on their own accord as they trailed down his chest. “Really need you, Jay.” 
He stopped your hands once they reached his belly button, not giving you the chance to touch him as he shook his head. 
You pouted your lips at him. “I want to help you, Jay.” 
“Later,” he told you, his hand slipping in his boxers. “I need to be inside you.” 
All you could was watch him, eyes wide as you waited for him to release himself from his boxers. You hadn’t forgotten what he looked like but the sight of his cock still took you by surprise when it was out in the open. 
You swore he was thicker than you remembered, maybe slightly longer too. He looked painfully hard as he stroked himself, veins popping out along his length and a thick string of pre cum leaking from the tip. 
When he finally reached between your thighs, lining himself up with your entrance, you were more than ready for him. It was clear in your shaky breaths as his tip slid across your folds and the way your legs quivered when his tip finally nudged against your entrance. 
Jason’s resolve was crumbling more than yours, he knew it was but he was just better at hiding it. But there was no hiding the hiss that left his lips when he finally entered your walls, fighting against the resistance from how tight you were, forcing himself in. He knew it must be painful for you especially when he noticed you were grinding on your teeth to keep it in. 
“It’s okay,” you told him, hand cupping his cheek before wrapping behind his neck to pull him down. “I’m okay.” 
You both laid like that for a while, his body hovering over yours as you relaxed your body to get used to him. He rocked his hips back and forth a few times, slowly testing the waters and keeping his focus solely on your face to keep some sort of self control. It wasn’t till you were nodding, wrapping your legs around him, did he finally take it further. 
Years may have passed since you had been like this with each other but your bodies clearly hadn’t forgotten. 
Jason showed you that as his hands wandered and his hips picked up their pace. Instantly they found a home on your chest, squeezing your breasts as they bounced.
Jason found himself entranced with the sight, ducking his head downwards to wrap his lips around one of your nipples. While his mouth sucked against one, tongue licking over the sensitive bud, his fingers teased the other, pinching it gently. 
It was muscle memory to Jason and you felt like he was playing you like an instrument, sharply gasping for air at the sensation. You wanted to tell him how good he was making you feel but you weren’t even sure where to begin as the words became scrambled in your mind. 
You were sure he knew when he lifted himself from your chest, resting his head against yours and giving you the softest of kisses. 
Your walls were finally greedily sucking him in, clinging to him like your life depended on it. You could tell it was affecting him as much as it was affecting you, clenching his jaw after he delivered a particularly harsh thrust. 
A certain look came across his face after this, one you had seen before but it was different. His eyes were darker when they looked at you, the pupils completely blown out and there was no amusement laced on his face as his hand dove between your thighs. 
You mewled when you felt his forefinger against your clit, hand grasping at his arm at the suddenness of it. It was shock that took over you as you tried to push him away, eventually settling for grasping onto his arm as he quickened his pace. 
It was too much, his cock bullying your cunt, making you feel fuller than you ever have before. Then his hands nestled in between you, fingers working on your bundle of nerves as if it was some sort of toy to him. You let out a noise that is unholy, feeling yourself teetering towards that edge again. 
But you couldn’t help but try and wriggle free, tears soaking your cheeks at how overstimulated you were feeling. 
It clearly didn’t go unnoticed by Jason and with one hand he’s bruising your hips, holding you in place so he can keep going. 
“Nuh-uh,” he tutted, fingers digging into your side to get your attention. “Don’t you dare fucking move. Understand?” 
You nodded only to whimper pathetically seconds later as you felt your whole body tensing underneath him. 
Jason knew what was happening and on queue he slid out of you, letting his hands do all the work. With each harsh rub of his fingers on your clit, you were gushing onto the couch and squirting over his stomach. 
He was mesmerised by it but most of all he was mesmerised by your fucked out expression. Eyes sinking into the back of your skull, mouth strung open as you screamed his name. Only his name. 
Then he was shoving himself in your walls again, not even giving you a second to recover from your high. Only groaning at the feel of your wet spongy walls enveloping his cock, dripping down onto his balls as they smacked against your skin. 
His body was pressed against yours again, the weight of him holding you down so his free hand could move cup the side of your face. You could feel the wetness on his hands as his thumb flicked against your lips.
“Eyes on me,” his voice was low and sultry as it reached your ears, a deep grumble at the back of his throat threatening to spill. 
You listened, gazing up at him through the thick tears that spilled from your eyes. 
“Good girl,” his toothy grin poked out, rubbing his hand against your cheek in a soothing way. “You’re doing so good for me. Being such a good girl for me.” 
You hummed in appreciation, looking up at him with pure desperation. 
You didn’t care that your body was spent, tired from the way he was thrusting in and out of his walls. Or even the fact that he was basically using your body at this point, enjoying the way you were writhing beneath him. 
You wanted anything he could give you, you wanted all of it. Even if you left you completely numb at the end of the night. 
“I love you,” your voice was barely above a whisper and you were unsure if Jason even heard you. 
“What did you say?” He questioned, eyes widening and eyebrows raised. 
“I-Fuck,” you struggled, finger nails digging into the skin of his bicep as you tried to ground yourself. “I-I love you.” 
“Say it again,” he panted, eyes softening suddenly. His pace was still harsh, hips only rutting faster at the confession. 
“I love you,” you told him again. “I love you.” 
It was all he needed, mind completely reeling as he came inside your walls. He was a mess, riding out his high until he was completely empty. Once he was done, he didn’t even bother to move, keeping himself buried inside your walls.
You couldn’t help but admire him as collapsed on top of you, trying to regain his composure as his head dropped to your chest. He looked beautiful, a thin sheen of sweat coating his skin, chest heaving up and down. 
Your limbs are tangled, unable to move as you both try to regain your breath. But then he’s lifting his head up to get a better look at you. 
“I don’t remember it ever being like that,”  he confessed, fingers tickling your sides. “Do you?” 
“We were teenagers,” you told him, fingers coming up to graze his head. “We also hadn’t been separated for five years.” 
“Is it bad that I want to do it all over again?” He asked, head lifting from your chest as he captured your lips in a bruising kiss. 
Your hands pushed against his chest, giving you space to breathe. “I think that Lazarus pit has given you more strength than I can handle.” 
He’s grinning against, this one’s almost child-like, reminding you of how he used to be. “I’ll let you rest for a bit before we go again.” 
“That sounds perfect, Jay.” 
You kissed him again, something that was only meant to be as a peck but instantly turned into something hot and heavy as he nibbled at your bottom lip.
It was you that had to pull away, lips curving up into a knowing smile. 
“This is going to be harder than I thought,” Jason groaned, finally lifting himself up, letting you see exactly what he was talking about.
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lapinparka · 7 months
One of the things I really love about Neku is how I feel he's written as person first and a playable character second.
This is obviously clear in the beginning, where a lot of his actions or thoughts will end up frustrating the player, or outright making them hate him. But I think it comes back at the end too, during the final duel, at the point where his development has made a lot of people forget the kind of person he was at the start.
There's a lot of cases where people don't understand why Neku lowers the gun, or complain about him doing it. I've actually seen instances of people either mad that he doesn't shoot, try to rationalise it by believing his final entry fee is the bullets in his gun (despite this contradicting the outcome of the scene), or at one point, in the comments of a YouTube video, claim that the scene should've had two choices, which allows the player to pick whether he pulls the trigger or not.
These kind of reactions fundamentally miss the fact that Neku is not the player. He is not a self-insert character. There are points in the game when he is conflicted, where you can choose between two things and he'll do either - but when he's truly set on something, there's nothing you can do to make him stray from that path. He won't abandon Sota. He won't join Megumi. And he won't shoot Joshua. You're not even given a choice in the last situation, because it was never about you.
Many other games would have the option to shoot, and moreover, would have the choice to lower the gun result in the Bad Ending. This is why people are fine with him aiding Sota or turning down Megumi - because those are the classically "heroic" options. Choosing one boy over a city of people - the same boy who just revealed he caused Neku's death - is not generically, universally relatable, or feel good, and the scene itself reflects this too. It's sombre, painful, accompanied by tears. It's Neku making a choice that he believes will result in Shibuya's destruction, a choice the average player absolutely would not make, and that's what causes the confusion or anger. It also really serves to reinforce how Neku understands Joshua in a way both people in Joshua's own life and people watching him through the screen don't.
Neku will connect with people you dislike. Neku will make choices you disapprove of. Neku won't shoot Joshua, ever. The game itself asks you to try and understand why he does this, like Neku himself tries to understand those around him, but some players just won't make that effort.
Neku is such a good character because you can relate to him, you can try to understand him, but he isn't and will never be you.
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