#city trip Bordeaux
micheltaanman-blog · 2 years
Frankrijk- Bordeaux - Magisch licht theater- waanzin
Frankrijk- Bordeaux – Magisch licht theater- waanzin
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leocadra · 1 year
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Bordeaux, Gironde, France.
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Roadtrip (Part 1/?)
“I’m not going in the back.”
“You’re going in the back.”
“Reggie is up front with me, I need a good guide.”
Regulus smirks at Sirius, tongue out and teasing as he opens the front door. “There you go, Sirius. I’m a good guide,” he says, closing the passenger side door with a snide smile.
Sirius throws hands, opening the back door and climbing in with Remus, who’s already settled in, kindle open. He doesn’t look up as Sirius slides in. “You know you were never getting in front, sweetheart, right?”
Sirius kisses his teeth. “It’s like Reggie’s trying to steal my best friend from me.”
Remus hums, “It’s possible to have several best friends.”
“No. James is one of a kind.”
Remus turns back to his kindle, “Then date him instead,” he shrugs.
Remus’ eyes are back on Sirius, twinkling. “No?”
Turning to his right to grab the top of the security belt, Sirius mutters as he slides it on. “I don’t want to date him, I’m just saying he and Reggie have been chummy with—”
“Aannndd we’re ready to go,” James says as he slides into the driver’s side, smiling with all his teeth. “Take us away, space man,” he says, passing the map to Regulus, who opens it up.
“Tell me again why we aren’t using Google maps?” Sirius asks, and Regulus reaches back to slap the map over Sirius’ head.
“Because Google maps is turning our brains into mush, and we’ll miss all the fun,” Regulus says.
Sirius rubs at his head. “All the fun of…knowing where to go?”
Regulus kisses his teeth. “I have a map, I know where to go.”
“But you could be using Google maps,” Sirius reasons.
“Yes, I could,” Regulus starts, with the tone of someone who is about to launch— “And I could also have chosen a different breakfast, a different degree, I could have decided to wake up and pick another type of shirt, there are so many options around me, all the time, and I am picking a map on purpose.”
“It’s the adventure,” James interrupts again, pulling out of the main house.
The Black summer house is less of a house and more of a mansion, where most of them have been spending a lot of time this summer. To cap it off, the general consensus was that a road trip—wouldn’t it be fun?—would be a great way to end it. In two weeks, Remus and Sirius need to be back in England, where Remus will start teaching. James will head back to England a few days after. He’s got friends to see in Paris, so he’ll make the final leg of the drive up with Regulus before abandoning him to the clutches of City of Love while he goes back to London.
In the meantime?
Two weeks of road tripping the french countryside, from Cassis, where the Black family owns a house, all the way to Bordeaux, where the boys will take a train to Paris, leaving James and Regulus to climb up alone.
The problem Sirius has, is that Regulus and James have become friends.
The problem Sirius has, is that he is no longer the center of attention, the main tool through which everyone communicates. Over the course of the past two weeks, he has seen the blossoming friendship between his brother and his best friend, and he’s not—happy about that.
James has been remote working, and so has Regulus (who technically, is remote working from anywhere), while he and Remus have been on proper holidays. And okay, their schedules have been different. Okay, maybe James and Regulus have been left alone while Sirius took Remus out and about town, kayaking and paddle boarding to nearby islands, and maybe it would make sense for them to bond. And okay, it would have been sad for them not to get on, but they’re just… getting along too well. It’s freaking Sirius out.
“The adventure,” Regulus confirms, opening the map to its maximum before folding it back the way he prefers. “Right, Jamie, you’re going to take a left and follow the signs all the way to A50.”
Sirius is right there, once again, “Why Marseille, Reggie?”
“Because you’re going to have the best ice cream of your life there, that’s why.”
“But I hate Marseille.”
“And so you shall suffer.”
Sirius rears back, turning to look at Remus, who’s sporting a little, barely-there smirk, “He’s already bullying me!”
Remus doesn’t look up, reaching one hand to tangle it in Sirius’. “He’s not bullying you. You agreed to this road trip, you knew Reggie was going to pick the stops.”
“But Marseille?”
Regulus turns around from the passenger seat. “If I give you music rights, will you leave it?”
And that, is that.
Sirius grabs the aux cord and starts fiddling with Spotify. “Oh, there’s so much, I have so many ideas, let’s start with Chappell Roan.”
Regulus is quick to reach for the aux, “No, not Pink—”
“Pink Pony Club,” Sirius nods. “Yep. That’s the one.”
Regulus turns his head to James, please help, but James just shrugs. “I’m happy with all music.”
“No,” Regulus moans, just as Sirius fist pumps the air. “James, turn the car around.”
James doesn’t look up from the windshield. “Nope, we’re in this together now. No one is ruining this for me.”
“For you?” Regulus asks. “How has my road trip become yours?”
James sneaks a look at Regulus, “Since you sat next to me, polluting my work environment and telling me everything you wanted to do and whether everyone else would be on board.”
“That’s not how I remember it.”
James scoffs, “Sure it isn’t, Baby Black.”
“This is actually the worst thing to come out of this adventure,” Regulus says.
And Sirius is there, right away, putting his head in between the seats, pulling on his seatbelt. “Baby Black?”
“I like it,” James says right as Regulus quips, “It’s horrible.”
Sirius squints between the leather seats. “I can’t decide.”
“Sirius, the beauty of it,” James starts, taking a right, “is that there is nothing you have to decide on. It’s been decided on already. I like it, so I will use it.”
Regulus looks out the window, “I’m pretty sure that’s not how democracy works,” he pouts.
“Funny of you to think it’s a democracy. I am driving—”
“It’s my car—”
“I’m in charge of the music,” Sirius cuts in right before Remus grabs his arm and pulls him back to his seat behind Regulus, enough of that.
“Remus, they’re—”
“They are chatting. Leave them alone.”
“They’re flirting.”
“They’re not.”
Sirius turns to James. “James, are you flirting with my brother?”
“Um, not really?”
Remus turns to Sirius, “See?”, just as Regulus turns to James.
“’Um’? What a vote of confidence.”
“Well, do you want me to flirt with you?”
“No,” Sirius says, just as Regulus says nothing.
Regulus says nothing.
Regulus says.
“Sirius, don’t say anything,” Remus says.
“Just. Leave it.”
Sirius does.
For a minute.
“Okay, but—”
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storiesofsvu · 11 months
Solace in Solitude Ch 6
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warnings: language, usual anxiety, minor medical stuff, minor ptsd/hurt that goes with this story and the usual sass/arguing. again, apologies for the length between chapters and there is a chance it'll be another month before the next one, things are calming down at work but i do really want to make sure that this story is written as well as it can be. stay tuned for more one shots in the meantime!
The apartment was quiet, almost too quiet and honestly, it almost always was. Despite sharing the space with Emily over the past two weeks you felt like you’d only seen her once since discharging her. You were sure part of that was thanks to giving her the bedroom with the ensuite, the greedy part of you had wanted to take it as your own, but the doctor in you knew that it would make things a hell of a lot easier for her recovery journey. You went about your regular routine, tv on low for the morning news as you ate a quiet breakfast, made sure you had your things and spent the majority of the day at the hospital. A workout either on the way home, or a run after you’d dropped your things off, dinner on the balcony while you watched the city nightlife come alive. At first you were wrapping up cases, discharging the last of the patients you’d been lead on and helping out wherever you could. It was unclear at this point if you were to remain on hospital staff or not with your VIP patient discharged, but you figured giving her space and leaving the house empty as long as possible was probably a good idea.
You began to wonder if this was your prime time to explore the city, to adventure outside of it, maybe see more of France, Europe as a whole. The responsibility that had been tying you to the hospital was lessened, as long as she stuck with her PT and kept up with instructions of aftercare, she should be fine. You were on the balcony flipping through a travel magazine daydreaming about a trip down to Bordeaux when the coffee machine beeped loudly and your brow furrowed, it was eight p.m. You let out a soft sigh when you heard her door open followed by the sound of emptying the coffee pot before disappearing back into her room and you tossed the magazine to the side. She was never going to be the perfect patient and if you didn’t stick around to babysit, there was no way she was going to heal properly. You were completely unsurprised when you were tidying up the kitchen later and found the decaf still sealed, the regular bag nearly empty.
Yeah, you were stuck here for the foreseeable future.
The first couple of nights at the apartment Emily was still on such a cocktail of drugs that she slept pretty soundly. The room was darker, the bed comfier, there was no constant intrusion of nurses throughout the night, no annoying beeping of machines, codes from down the hall waking her up in a panic. She was just starting to feel the closest she could get to normal again, starting to feel actually human.
She found a note on the kitchen counter one day, reminding her about her scheduled PT appointments and that you had arraigned a car service to pick her up and bring her back as to not tire her out too quickly. Rolling her eyes she wanted to crumple it up and never see it again but she knew she had to get better, peeling it off the counter to stick to the calendar in her room. The PT wasn’t the part that was irking her, it was the ‘Valerie’ scrawled across the top of the note that made her gut churn, she may have been becoming human again but she was still entirely unsure of who she really was, or who she was supposed to be.
Every so often she would catch a glimpse of you in the hospital hallways on her way in or out of an appointment, it was almost strange to her, seeing you working in a different environment than before. You seemed to always be on the move or so deep into research you had no idea what was going on in the room around you and she was honestly thankful you never saw her or mentioned anything more about PT. Her doctor made the call to wean her off the rest of her pain meds which she was fine with, it meant she was moving in the right direction, that she was healing properly. The downside of it being that she was now in actual pain, her body aching, especially on days she had appointments, she’d lay in bed at night unable to get comfortable leaving her utterly exhausted the next morning. After checking the label she figured she could be taking a full pill of the sleeping pills instead of half, hoping that would knock her out enough to not feel any pain anymore.
That worked for approximately two and a half nights until she was plagued with another terrifyingly vivid nightmare, one that she couldn’t seem to break out of until hours later when the sun poured in through the open blinds. She woke up drenched in sweat, her heart rate through the roof as her body fought with its fight or flight response, managing to keep half control of herself until she heard the front door click shut locked when you left for work. Her muffled deep breaths broke out into sobs, tears streaming down her cheeks until she’d fully cried herself out with barely enough strength left to drag herself into the bath. Back on the lower dosage she was stuck with minor pain and weird, terrible dreams, whatever had been working before wasn’t working any longer and she didn’t want to mess around with any new drugs.
That was when she decided to stop sleeping at night.
Every time she napped during the day she had no issues at all, curled up like a cozy cat in a stream of sunlight she felt safe. She knew if she jerked awake she could at least instantly see her surroundings, there was no fumbling around in the dark while she tried to figure out if she was in danger or not. Her nights could be spent double checking that you’d locked the door, that the alarm was actually set before she ate a little bit of food, loaded up on coffee and staying in her room with the light on, thankful for the endless hours of streaming services available.
Hence the eight p.m. coffee.
You had no idea that she had made a one eighty with her sleep schedule, continuing about your life as normal as you could. At the start you had been worried about her not eating, but food would slowly disappear out of the fridge and pantry. You usually made larger portions of what you were making yourself, tucking some containers into the side of the fridge you had decided was hers, noticing when they turned up in the sink empty. She was eating, she was eating healthy meals and going to her PT and follow up appointments, you weren’t going to push the coffee thing. This was your new life; you’d adjust to it eventually.
A summer day rudely interrupted with thunderstorms got you stuck at the hospital a little later than usual, and lead to you skipping your workout. The last thing you wanted was to look like a drowned rat at the end of your run, so back to home it was. What surprised you when you unlocked the door to the apartment was the sound of someone in the kitchen,
“Oh, Valerie, hey.” You greeted, doing your best not to awkwardly stop and gape at the sight of her out of her room for once. She tensed at your greeting, her jaw clenching slightly as she flicked off the burner and began to plate up her food.
“Hey.” She replied, “sorry, I’ll be outta your way in a sec.”
“You know it’s fine to eat out here, you’re allowed to exist outside of your room.”
“It’s fine.” She sighed, “I don’t mind. You just finished work, I’m sure you’d prefer quiet.”
“Val, c’mon, you eating at the dining table doesn’t mean hours of conversation, it’s okay.” You half laughed, stepping around the island.
“Would you stop that!” Her body tensed again and the mug she’d grabbed from the cupboard landed on the counter a little too aggressively.
“What?” You asked quietly, watching for a moment as she took a heavy breath, her reply quiet but curt.
“That’s not my fucking name.”
“It’s the name I was told to call you.” You offered with a shrug and she groaned, “isn’t this about keeping you safe?”
“When we’re out!” She snapped back and it was your turn to roll your eyes.
“It’s not exactly like you leave the house.”
“Exactly!” She finally turned around to you, fire in her eyes but something else hidden behind it “so you could at least drop the act when you’re here, when it’s just us. Please.” Her voice nearly cracked, “just call me Emily.”
“Okay.” You held up your hands in defeat, letting out a small sigh as you leant against the island.
“Thank you.” She replied through gritted teeth, turning back to the counter to pour out a hefty mug of coffee, more than well aware that your eyes were on her. “It’s decaf.” She lied and you snorted.
“The decaf hasn’t been touched. I may not be an FBI agent but I’m not stupid.”
“Would you just spare me the caffeine lecture?”
“It’s not just that.” You replied, eying her plate, the eggs and toast were fine, but bacon and sausage, along with a bag of sugary pastries you hadn’t bought were not ideal. “All that combined together isn’t going to help you. How many times do I have to tell you, you have to limit this. You don’t have a spleen.”
“And whose fault is that?” She snapped, shooting daggers at you before she managed to pick up everything she needed.
“It was that or let you die on the table.” You snipped back as she bolted toward her room.
“Sometimes I wish you’d just let that happen….” She kicked the door, slamming it shut behind her, not missing the frustrated groan you let out in reply.
She didn’t want to admit how much it was fucking her up, how much it was dragging her back down into a pit of despair and trying to figure out if she could ever be the woman she was before. All these covers, these acts, different personas were starting to mesh in her brain, there were memories she wasn’t sure if they were hers or Lauren’s. Stories she’d told while undercover that she was starting to forget if it was something that actually happened to her or something that she knew would get Ian wrapped around her finger faster. Just an hour ago she’d woken up from a nightmare of looking down the barrel of gun before killing whoever was coming after her and she wasn’t sure if she was imagining it, if it was out in the field with the BAU or something she likely shouldn’t have done for Ian. She’d spent years trying to erase Lauren from her psyche, now it was getting all dragged back up again and she hated it.
Most of all she didn’t want to erase Emily.
You spent the weekend with Emily’s parting words replaying through your head, wondering just how much she had actually meant them. You’d seen it before, in patients who survived through a life and death situation while their loved one didn’t, taking the blame, wishing it was them, survivors guilt eating them alive. You knew that in this case it was something similar, but also something different, Emily was no longer living the life she had been before, she was in hiding and likely living in fear. You made a mental note to try and keep an eye on her, and for some higher power to grant you all the patience in the world to be as gentle and forgiving towards her when she no doubt would snap again. While the two of you weren’t exactly getting along, there was a chance she didn’t necessarily hate you, it was everything you represented, the idea of you, what you had done to her, even if it had saved her life.
When they said that sometimes dying was the easier option, they really hadn’t been kidding.
Emily couldn’t sleep. Even with the sun streaming in through the curtains and the fact that she’d managed to successfully reroute her sleep schedule, at least this time she knew exactly why. Today was JJ’s birthday, a day she was meant to be back in Washington celebrating with her best friend and she couldn’t even so much as call her. By mid afternoon she was still tossing and turning, unable to stop her brain from racing so she figured she may as well just get up and start her ‘day’ now. Heading into the bathroom she brushed her teeth, grimacing at the state of her hair when she caught her reflection, she’d been relying on dry shampoo since being discharged and that tactic was holding on by a thread now.
Figuring that was a problem for later she pulled on a hoodie and wandered out into the kitchen, starting the coffee pot before staring into the fridge for something to eat. She fiddled with a few of the containers, finding one that must have been from that morning with a breakfast burrito inside it she decided that was doable and popped it into the air fryer.
“I may have over salted that, sorry.” Your voice broke through her sleepy routine and she jumped, her heart hammering in her chest as she spun around to face the living room, finding you on the couch, a few textbooks spread out around you, ear buds in your ears. You hadn’t even glanced up from what you were doing when you spoke, knowing she’d rather you kept to yourself.
“What are you doing here?”
“I live here…” This time you did glance up at her, raising a brow in her direction as you pulled out a bud.
“It’s the middle of the day. On a Thursday!” She exclaimed, her heart starting to calm, “did you change you schedule?”
“No.” You shrugged, “they just don’t really need me and I feel bad taking hours from people who actually work there and need them.”
“You one of those trust fund kids?” She asked and you snorted.
“Definitely not. But the US government does pay me to make sure I don’t run off and leave you all on your own.”
“I don’t need a babysitter.” She grumbled, “couldn’t you be out with friends or something?”
“Don’t exactly have any of those here.” You sighed, turning back to the notebook in front of you, “and you do need some kind of help, believe it or not.”
“Do not.” She muttered under her breath and you shook your head with an annoyed laugh.
“You can’t change the dressing on your back by yourself, and you’re not strong enough to shower alone.”
“I showered fine the other day without you!” She scoffed, a little offended that you’d even say that and suddenly very paranoid that she stunk.
“Yeah?” You glanced back up at her, “when was the last time you had an everything shower?” She thought for a second and then grimaced, not wanting to admit it, and you smiled, “exactly. And it’s not just the shower, I’ve been doing all the heavy lifting, groceries, taking trash out, cleaning, you need me or a maid. And I’m the one with a medical degree.”
“Whatever.” She huffed, turning back to the coffee pot as it beeped, “keep doing what you’re doing, but I’m fine to shower on my own. Besides, I don’t need you seeing me naked.”
You barked out a laugh, “sweetheart… you were naked on my OR table, it wouldn’t be anything I hadn’t seen before.”
Emily wanted to disappear on the spot, while you were likely right, she didn’t want to think about it like that, and she definitely didn’t appreciate the condescending tone that came along with the pet name. She would accept the help that kept her inside the apartment, made it so she didn’t have to run errands, kept her safer, but the shower was crossing into a territory of vulnerability she never wanted to show.
“I’m fine.” She insisted.
“It’s not like I’m going to get in the shower with you, it’s to help with your hair. I don’t want you blowing a stitch, I’m not fond of doing sutures outside a hospital.”
“I said I’m fine.” She let out a sigh of relief when the air fryer beeped.
“Really? So you just prefer the dry shampoo rats nest look you’ve got going on? The low pony tails every day your go to style? Not because you can’t reach your hand above your head without being in pain?” With a breath you dropped your pen onto your lap, “there’s a detachable showerhead in your bathroom, we can do your hair first and you can be fully clothed then I’ll leave you to shower on your own.”
Her eyes darted your way while she dumped the burrito onto a plate, “well since you’re bumming around here doing nothing else I guess I’ll take advantage of that after breakfast.”
“So glad my medical degree will be put hard to work.”
Had she not been so thrown off by you being home, or grumpy over the circumstances she might even have laughed at that before taking a bite of the burrito, wincing as she swallowed it down, “you weren’t kidding when you said you oversalted this.”
A water droplet hit your foot and you looked up from your book, Emily was tightly wrapped in a robe, shifting on her feet in front of you with a pained expression on her face.
“You’re dripping.” You pointed out dryly and she scowled at you, mumbling something unintelligible at you. “You’re gonna have to speak up.” You chuckled, prodding at her leg with your foot, “just admit I was right and stop leaving puddles around the apartment.”  
She glared at you again, her hair continuing to soak her shoulders, “can those magically skilled surgeon hands of yours braid, or just sew painful sutures?”
You let out a small laugh, “yeah I can braid, there’s a comb and a hair serum in my bathroom.”
You gestured and Emily hesitated briefly before disappearing to grab them, taking a minute as she was unsure of where to look, not wanting to snoop through your personal items. She finally returned to you, handing you the items and you put your book aside, shifting to the edge of the couch.
“Sit.” You gestured to the floor in front of you and with an annoyed sigh, Emily did as you asked, holding the robe tighter to her in an attempt to keep some of her modesty. Your fingers started slowly and gently threading into her locks, shaking them out gently to make sure you weren’t about to rip her hair out of her scalp. “Hmm..”
“I should’ve made you do this earlier, or done it with the conditioner still in, it’s pretty knotted. I’ll do my best not to pull too hard.”
“I’m fine.” She replied, it was curt, but said with a tired sigh. If she was completely honest, she was getting tired of repeating the same mantra, even if it was just to herself.
You didn’t reply, standing from the couch and stepping around her, darting to the bathroom to grab a few more things that would help. You settled behind her once again, gently nudging at her shoulders to move backward and settle between your legs so you could get the best angle. Starting with a detangler spray you worked through her hair, making sure all the bigger knots were out, gentle easing them from her hair with your fingers first before the comb. She surprised herself when she only winced a couple of times, you were incredibly gentle and careful with the task at hand.
“I take it this isn’t your first time doing this.” She muttered and you laughed.
“Nope. Mom had no sense of patience; she’d yank at your hair until it was done. I suffered through it, but my little sister used to scream bloody murder so I started doing it for her instead. She fully believes no mom is actually good at detangling hair, that it’s all an act.” You chuckled, “can you prover her wrong?”
“Uh..” Emily wavered, “my mother wasn’t exactly maternal. Spent more time working than parenting, and work kept her busy, it felt like we never stayed in one place long enough to find a good enough nanny.”
“Army brat?” You asked, smoothing serum over the ends of her hair.
“Ambassador.” She admitted with a small sigh.
“And you asked if I was the fancy pants.” You teased, she let out a mildly offended scoff but before she could reply you were talking again, “one braid or two?”
“Probably two?” –
“Two would hold a nicer wave.”
You both laughed softly before you took the end of the comb parting her hair down the middle, “looks like there’s finally something we can agree on.”
It was with ease that your fingers slid through her hair, keeping sections where they needed to be, tightening the braid when you knew it was about to be too loose but making sure not to pull hard enough to hurt her scalp. You wrapped an elastic around the end of the first one, smoothing it out, fixing a few pieces before moving on to the other side of her head.
“How many places was she stationed?” You asked softly as you began the second braid.
“A handful.” She replied, “spent a good chunk of my childhood in the Middle East.”
“Can you get by on English over there?”
“Not exactly.” She chuckled lightly, “my Arabic’s not as good as it used to be, but I guess I’m still considered fluent.”
“Trilingual? Impressive.”
“Add in Spanish, Italian and some Russian and I think it’s more than tri.”
“Jesus.” You laughed, “here I was thinking I was smart for knowing two languages.”
“I mean…. You did graduate med school.” She offered and you laughed.
“A compliment? Now that is something I never thought I’d hear.” You wrapped an elastic around the second braid, nudging at her shoulders as you sunk back into the couch. “You’re all done.”
With a small groan, Emily pushed herself up from the floor, trying to ignore the cracking of her knee as she did so before turning to you, gesturing to the items on the coffee table, “you want me to put those back?”
“Nah, I’ll do it later, I was gonna shower before bed.”
“Okay.” She fiddled with the tie on her robe, looking anywhere but you for a moment before she finally caught your gaze again, “thank you…”
“You’re welcome.”
You knew you could have replied with something about how that’s what you were there to do, how you were literally brought to France to help her out, but neither of you were biting the other’s head off right now and you didn’t want to risk it. Instead you simply shot her a small smile, shifting on the couch as you got comfortable.
“Can I ask you something?” You looked up at her, figuring you were on a good slate right now.
“You’re up now, and.. I hear you around the apartment sometimes at night. Are you sleeping? Are the pills not working?”
“Uh.. they uh, weaned me off the pills.” It was only half a lie, “kept having bad nightmares. And I sleep better during the day,” she shrugged it off, “just.. couldn’t manage to fall back asleep today is all.”
“Okay.” You surveyed her for a minute before you picked your book back up, “I was thinking of ordering a pizza for dinner, you want in?”
“Am I allowed?” She asked with a near tease.
“Consider it a special occasion.”
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @its-soph-xx xx @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @scorpsik @prentiss-theorem @strongsassysexysloane @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @theclassicgaycousin @regalmilfs4me @kalixxh @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @niyizh @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @tommyriddleobsessed @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @romanoffsho @ratsnestinmyhair @assgardangod @originalbrunettecharacter @elz-artzzz @hopedoesntknow @dj-bynum3718
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sofoulandfairaday · 9 months
Would you be willing to tell is more about Bellatrix and Rodolphus’s honeymoon and how they got banned from Venice? That must’ve been fun to tell people when they got back (“oh, how was the honeymoon?” “It was great, I got these daggers but we’re not allowed to return to Venice ever again, you know how it is”)
guys i'm so sorry for the delay in getting to these asks, i've been submerged with work/study - i'll do as many as i can today (the perfect top-off to christmas lunch) and i'll reply to the others as soon as i can
anon is referring to this post and the bigger headcanon on their honeymoon comes from this post
as you may or may not know i headcanon rodolphus & rabastan to be from the english branch (radolphus' line), the cadet one, of the lestrange family, based in france. when the heir marries, it's customary to bring the bride to the ancestral family home in bordeaux, so all of the old aunties can criticise meet her. so bella and rod embark on a one month honeymoon, between the north of italy and france. they visit florence, venice, maybe milan? (<3), they sip champagne on the côte d'azure and finally head up to see rod's family.
i detailed the most exciting bits of their trip in a story sitting on my laptop. since it may never see the light of day, much less be translated in english, i'll give you the broad strokes.
1972. wizarding venice is ruled by guilds and lodges. the sale of magic mirrors is strictly regulated by the alchemists' lodge, the most powerful in the city, but bellatrix desperately wants one. uncle alphard (and the dark lord himself) have both hinted at a certain antique shop whose owner might be able to procure one. bellatrix harasses the owner - who can spot a dark witch from a mile away and might be harbouring dark secrets of his own - who tells her he'll give her his very own... for a price.
bella recruits her enamoured little husband and the two of them go on a treasure hunt to retrieve certain items the old shop owner needs. some of them have been mysteriously stolen by a contracted cursebreaker, or perhaps some dark wizard, not too long ago. they make themselves known to the entirety of venice in the process, invoking the ire of many powerful people, and getting caught up in double and triple backstabbings. they fight their way out of it, lestrange-style, with kidnappings and dark magic. they do get what they came for in the end-
"There were rumours of a special mirror. That dog Manin insisted he'd done nothing wrong, but he's always been a dirty liar. No man's servant, he said," the wizard spat on the floor, and the edges of skin around his cut dangled grotesquely. "We all knew of his experiments. Even the Alchemists were not happy. He refused to hand it over, so we took it."
-and years later, when their marriage is in a much worse shape, the damned magic mirror is still on their bedroom wall, unhelpfully interfering with their rows-
-but they have to flee the city as fast as they can because people know who they are and are out for their blood. rodolphus still refuses to set foot in it to this day.
highlights include: fights to the death, masked balls, torture and the secret behind the mirror, which in my plans (still unwritten) was supposed to come out much later on.
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burningvelvet · 1 year
Byron and Shelley chronicle their 1816 sailing trip in Lake Geneva — Day 2, June 24th —
Percy Shelley, History of a Six Weeks' Tour:
“The next morning we passed Yvoire, a scattered village with an ancient castle, whose houses are interspersed with trees, and which stands at a little distance from Nerni, on the promontory which bounds a deep bay, some miles in extent. So soon as we arrived at this promontory, the lake began to assume an aspect of wilder magnificence. The mountains of Savoy, whose summits were bright with snow, descended in broken slopes to the lake: on high, the rocks were dark with pine forests, which become deeper and more immense, until the ice and snow mingle with the points of naked rock that pierce the blue air; but below, groves of walnut, chesnut, and oak, with openings of lawny fields, attested the milder climate.
As soon as we had passed the opposite promontory, we saw the river Drance, which descends from between a chasm in the mountains, and makes a plain near the lake, intersected by its divided streams. Thousands of besolets, beautiful water-birds, like sea-gulls, but smaller, with purple on their backs, take their station on the shallows, where its waters mingle with the lake. As we approached Evian, the mountains descended more precipitously to the lake, and masses of intermingled wood and rock overhung its shining spire.
We arrived at this town about seven o'clock, after a day which involved more rapid changes of atmosphere than I ever recollect to have observed before. The morning was cold and wet; then an easterly wind, and the clouds hard and high; then thunder showers, and wind shifting to every quarter; then a warm blast from the south, and summer clouds hanging over the peaks, with bright blue sky between. About half an hour after we had arrived at Evian, a few flashes of lightning came from a dark cloud, directly over head, and continued after the cloud had dispersed. ‘Diespiter, per pura tonantes egit equos:’ a phenomenon which certainly had no influence on me, corresponding with that which it produced on Horace.
The appearance of the inhabitants of Evian is more wretched, diseased and poor, than I ever recollect to have seen. The contrast indeed between the subjects of the King of Sardinia and the citizens of the independent republics of Switzerland, affords a powerful illustration of the blighting mischiefs of despotism, within the space of a few miles. They have mineral waters here, eaux savonneuses, they call them. In the evening we had some difficulty about our passports, but so soon as the syndic heard my companion's rank and name, he apologized for the circumstance. The inn was good. During our voyage, on the distant height of a hill, covered with pine-forests, we saw a ruined castle, which reminded me of those on the Rhine.”
Lord Byron in a letter to Hobhouse:
"Evian—June 23d. 1816
“At the present writing I am on my way on a water-tour round the Lake Leman — and am thus far proceeded in a pretty open boat which I bought & navigate — it is an English one & was brought lately from Bordeaux — I am on shore for the Night — and have just had a row with the Syndic of this town who wanted my passports which I left at Diodati not thinking they would be wanted except in grand route — but it seems this is Savoy and the dominion of his Cagliari Majesty whom we saw at his own Opera — in his own city — in 1809 — however by dint of references to Geneva — & other corroborations — together with being in a very ill humour — Truth has prevailed — wonderful to relate they actually take one's word for a fact - although it is credible and indubitable. — Tomorrow we go to Meillerai - & Clarens - & Vevey - with Rousseau in hand - to see his scenery - according to his delineation in his Heloise now before me. - The views have hitherto been very fine - but I should conceive less so than those of the remainder of the lake.”
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UPDATE: I took my dates from Shelley, but his dates must have been confused and Byron's must be more accurate. Because I'd been confused by Byron's dates in the past, since he often wrote past midnight (thus often referring his prior day as "today"), I had assumed Shelley was more trustworthy. According to Shelley and His Circle vol. 4 pp. 700-701, they left on June 22nd which was a Saturday, and so I believe each day of their trip would be one earlier than I and Shelley stated in these posts.
Taken from Shelley and His Circle:
June 22, Saturday: Sailed from Montalègre, slept at Nernier.
June 23, Sunday: Sailed from Nernier, slept at Evian.
June 24, Monday: Sailed from Evian, encountered storm off Meillerie, slept at St. Gingolph.
June 25, Tuesday: Sailed from St. Gingolph, saw the mouths of the Rhone, visited Chillon Castle, landed at Clarens, visited bosquet de Julie, slept at Mme. Pauly's house (Place Gambetta) at Clarens.
June 26, Wednesday: Visited Le Châtelard, and the bosquet de Julie, sailed from Clarens, visited Vevey, slept at the Hotel de l'Ancre at Ouchy.
June 27, Thursday: Visited Gibbon's house at Lausanne, slept at Ouchy.
June 28, Friday: Remained at Ouchy.
June 29, Saturday: Sailed from Ouchy, slept at [?Rolle].
June 30, Sunday: Sailed from [?Rolle], arrived at Montalègre."
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shalini-yadav45 · 7 months
Discover the Best Time to Visit Brussels for an Unforgettable Experience
Brussels, the capital city of Belgium, is a vibrant metropolis known for its rich history, stunning architecture, delicious cuisine, and diverse cultural attractions. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a foodie, or a lover of art and architecture, Brussels has something to offer for everyone. One of the most common questions among travelers is, "When is the best time to visit Brussels?" In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the various seasons and events to help you plan the perfect trip to this enchanting European destination.
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Springtime Splendor: April to June
Spring is undeniably one of the best times to visit Brussels, as the city bursts into life with blooming flowers and mild temperatures. During April to June, you can witness the iconic Brussels Flower Carpet, a biennial event where the Grand Place is adorned with over 600,000 begonias, creating a stunning floral tapestry. The pleasant weather also makes it ideal for exploring Brussels' outdoor attractions, such as the Royal Greenhouses of Laeken and the picturesque parks like Parc du Cinquantenaire. Additionally, spring marks the beginning of festival season, with events like Brussels Jazz Weekend and Couleur Café Festival, offering visitors a taste of the city's vibrant cultural scene.
Summer Vibes: July to August
Summer brings warm temperatures and longer days, making it another popular time to visit Brussels. While the city may experience higher tourist crowds during this period, it's also when Brussels truly comes alive with outdoor concerts, street festivals, and open-air markets. Visitors can enjoy alfresco dining at the numerous sidewalk cafes and indulge in Belgian specialties like moules-frites (mussels with fries) and Belgian waffles. Don't miss the chance to explore Brussels' iconic landmarks, including the Grand Place, Manneken Pis, and the Atomium, which are even more captivating under the summer sun.
Autumn Delights: September to October
As the summer crowds begin to wane, autumn offers a more tranquil and romantic atmosphere in Brussels. The weather remains pleasant, with cooler temperatures and colorful foliage painting the city in hues of red, orange, and gold. September to October is the perfect time to savor the flavors of the season at Brussels' many food festivals, such as the Brussels Food Truck Festival and Eat! Brussels, Drink! Bordeaux. Art lovers will appreciate the array of exhibitions and cultural events taking place during this time, including Brussels Museums Nocturnes and Art Brussels.
Winter Wonderland: November to March
While Brussels may experience colder temperatures and occasional rainfall during the winter months, it's also a magical time to visit, especially around the festive season. The city is adorned with sparkling Christmas lights, festive markets, and ice skating rinks, creating a charming winter wonderland atmosphere. Don't miss the chance to sample traditional Belgian Christmas treats like speculoos cookies and glühwein (mulled wine) at the Brussels Christmas Market. Plus, winter is the perfect time to explore Brussels' indoor attractions, including world-class museums like the Royal Museums of Fine Arts and the Belgian Comic Strip Center.
Conclusion: Plan Your Perfect Trip to Brussels
In conclusion, Brussels is a year-round destination with something special to offer in every season. Whether you prefer the vibrant energy of spring, the sunny days of summer, the colorful foliage of autumn, or the festive charm of winter, there's never a dull moment in this dynamic city. By considering your interests and preferences, you can plan the perfect itinerary to make the most of your visit to Brussels, creating unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime.
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nightmarist · 9 months
tagged by @argyleheir ! thanks !
Relationship status: Single
Favorite color: Black, Red, Bordeaux, Navy
Song stuck in my head: Los Ageless by St. Vincent
Favorite food: Shrimp fried rice, Shrimp Alfredo, Snowy Mountain Roll, Fresh Bred
Dream trip: I get really nervous on trips, so I can go anywhere as long as someone's with me. I'd like to go to Mexico and Japan, though. Mexico City, Chihuahua, Kyoto, Hokkaido.
Last thing I Googled: My local community center's address.
tagging (if you want to): @grimforks , @drowsy-fantasy , @the-anxious-youth , anyone else !
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fieldofsecretss · 2 years
PT 2
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem!reader
Mentions of y/n
Summary: Draco and reader decide to spend their 3 year marriage anniversary on a cruise. Only issue that their vacation might come to a sudden halt. Possibly due to a murder on the ship…who was it? And what the hell is going on?!
Y/n- your name
Y/n/n- your nickname
Y/l/n- your last name
Princess- your nickname for Draco
Bear- Draco’s nickname for you
“Open your eyes”
I looked at his hand which held an envelope. I took them in my hand and tore the envelope to see two tickets inside with a small note that was handwritten beautifully.
It read:
We cordially invite you on a cruise of your lifetime. Explore France’s famous wine-growing cities along with 7 other destinations.
Duration: 8 days
Route: Bordeaux – Garonne – Bordeaux
Time of Boarding: 10:00 AM
I looked back at him and he looked nervous. All that confidence from before washed away. Even though we both avoided reckless spending this year it seems we both went out of our ways to see the other happier and more in love.
“Dra- “
“Don’t you dare say I didn’t have to I know you have always wanted to explore France, love, even though you stopped mentioning France ever since we got married, not going to lie I thought you were saving money for France”
Ah. I thought he wouldn’t mention it. Draco knew I had a habit every month to treat myself with a massage, shopping for a beautiful dress, or a sweet treat. Even though I was saving money since the start of our relationship it still wasn’t enough to buy the car. It was quite expensive. But my love for this man in front of me trumped my self-desires for two months and obviously when he noticed and asked why I was no longer indulging myself, I simply answered “I’m planning a trip to France for both of us. Consider this as our second honeymoon”. And honestly, it was all worth it knowing Draco was eyeing it for years to finally have it in front of his eyes, smiling, crying happy tears, and kissing me so passionately. I would do it all over again.
“I have my priorities”
“You are saying I am your first priority bear?” he said teasingly with that smug I lovingly hate.
“Not always obviously, but I wanted to do something for you as simple as that”
“I am sorry love,” he said with tears slowly forming in his beautiful gray eyes as he kneeled in front of me disappointment evident on his beautiful features
“I not only failed as a son but I failed as your husband… I couldn’t fulfill all your wishes as much as I wanted to,” he said as he continued to hide the tears and raspy voice.
It broke my heart watching him like this. The war changed him. It took a lot of time for him to openly tell me how he feels and at this moment I can’t help but feel relieved he no longer feels the need to hide his true feelings. I sit on the floor and hold him close to me
“I can’t predict how long your parents will be upset with you but as far as your role as my husband goes has not failed as a husband Draco, let me tell you I am doing this willingly and nothing makes me happier than watching that smile on your face.”
I lean back to hold his face in my palm to make him look into my eyes.
I smile as I say “I love you Draco” I start peppering kisses all over his face. I pull back only when I hear him chuckle.
With a smirk donning on his face he said
“So, you love me huh?”
“I think it is pretty evident by now”
��Nah I’m not convinced,” he said staring deep into my eyes. I knew what he wanted
I nudged my nose on his neck, licking his earlobe slowly as his breath hitches
“Tell me daddy how can I convince you”
He held my hips and sat me on his lap and I start grinding and already feel wetness pooling in my panties. Draco soon starts to rub my clothed clit.
“My, I haven't even touched you yet and you are already dripping”
It even surprises me how easily I fall apart for Draco even after we have been together for 5 years. With a simple touch of his, I start to burn with desire.
“I thought about making love to thank you but I think we will have enough time for that, how about I fuck you today instead would you like that?” I nodded reminiscing the fact that Draco checks what is comfortable with me at the moment even though this is not the first time we were having rough sex.
However, today started as the day I would take the lead it fell apart soon knowing I will have enough time to take Draco apart during our time on the cruise.
I was soon brought back to reality by the sound of ripping, looking down below Draco ripped my panties and looked at my soaked core with a look of hunger.
“Hmm, want you Draco”
“What do you want? M’fingers, my tongue, or my cock” I whined how just moments ago he was talking so sweetly to me, and now he talks so dirty it reminds me of Hogwarts Draco. I love it.
“Anything Draco, please”
“Aw such a needy girl I would have teased and edged you, but the surprise you gave daddy this morning made him happy”. He inserted two fingers into my core and started rubbing it fervently. He softly kissed my lips
“You like it when I ruin you like this don’t you?” He increased the pace of his fingers and I could only whimper and buck my hips when I felt my stomach tightening.
“It’s ok let go, cum on my fingers” shivers ran through my body as I came. I looked up at him and his hair was more disheveled than before.
“Be a good girl and take my cock in your mouth” I whined. I loved how quickly and smoothly the dynamic shifts between us.
As I impatiently started to rip his clothes he chuckles darkly.
“Aw look what a good slut you are for me, so bossy but as soon as my cock comes out you are nothing but a good little slut.”
I start palming his growing member and give kitten licks on the tip and as I slowly take him in my mouth
He hisses
“Just like that good girl”
I moan as I take him fully in my mouth
“oh yes baby just like that”.
As I continue my pace he holds my hair and pulls me apart from his cock. I whimper and he takes hold of my tear-stained face.
“Aw, pretty girl as much as I want to fuck your throat I need to be inside you,” he says as he starts rubbing my core.
“Oh, look how wet you are for me”
“Just for you daddy”
“Uhmm….. Do you want to make me a daddy, angel? Fill you up til’ ur round with my baby, breasts swollen…Is that why you are being such a good girl right now?”
“Yes, please daddy- ah” he slowly inserts his tip into my drooling hole and waits for my confirmation to move. Even when he is in control Draco makes sure I am comfortable all the time.
“Please move Dray I can take it”
“Sure you can, pretty” he starts to thrust harder when he finds my sweet spot
“-Ah just like that Dray please don’t stop” stars covering my eyesight as pure pleasure fills my body.
“Don’t worry baby, by the time I’m done with you both your pussy and you will be crying”.
I could feel the knot in my tummy starting to form, I felt how I was working closer and closer to an earthshaking orgasm…When all of a sudden he stops and slows his movements which makes me whine with need.
“Oh, my little slut was close? Why don’t you make yourself come and start hopping on my cock like a good little bunny you are”
I quickly work myself off his thick cock to straddle him, I position myself over his shaft and slowly sink without any fuss thanks to my slick, as soon as he’s bottomed out I start riding. He starts to meet my thrusts and our room is filled with moans, grunts, and squelching sounds that makes me tight around him again.
“Are you going to come baby? I can feel you tightening around me” I somehow manage to nod
“p- please, please let me come”
“Lay back dear, let daddy take care of you” I lie down on the floor cringing a bit on the cold surface. Draco soon takes his finger and starts rubbing my clit as he puts my leg on his shoulders and starts to thrust again
“Take it, yes baby you want daddy to cum in you, you want me to fill you up with my cum?”
I can’t help but whimper at his words but soon a yelp escaped my lips when he slapped my cunt.
“Words baby I need your consent”
“Yes Dray, please cum inside me”
I frowned when he slowed down a bit only to let out a soft gasp and dropped my legs when he put both my legs on his shoulders again and slapped my clit.
“Ah- Draco please” I feel my cunt tightening around his cock as he thrusts harder.
“Easy babe I will fill you up don’t worry, that is all I am going to do this whole week, I’ll make sure you are full of my seed and by the time we come back from our trip, you will be all swollen and round” I scream his name when he started to thrust hardly his balls smacking against my skin.
I look back at him, he is a sight for sore eyes. Some of his hair fell on his forehead and his face scrunched and jaw slacked letting me know he is close too.
“Yes, baby oh you are so tight around me”. He looks at me smugly
“Aww tell baby, I’m making you feel good? Am I fucking you brain dead? Bet you don’t even remember your name…”
“Y-y-yes so good don’t stop Dray”
“Love your pussy… cum baby, cum now”
He thrusts harder as he closes the distance between us with his hands placed beside my head
“Ugh fuck Y/N! I’m gonna cum now, cum with me”
He moans loudly as we come together. I could feel him release inside me, ropes of hot cum painting my gummy walls. He stayed inside me as we came down from our highs.
He smirked at me
“I am staying in just to make sure you stay full of me” and started peppering kisses on my flushed cheeks.
“But we have to get up, after all, we have to do lots of packing,” I said with a small smile as he gently lays on me and I wrap my arms around him.
“Hmm I’ll help you bear but let us just stay like this for now,” he said with his eyes closed
“Sorry to break your bubble princess but you have to help me pack anyways I am not packing by myself again or you will be whining all trip again telling me I forgot your belongings” I chuckled softly remembering our honeymoon when I accidentally forgot to pack his favorite jacket. In my defense, I was wearing it while packing.
Draco softly smiled at me as I spoke, his eyes scanning my face.
“What?” I asked softly
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turvi · 2 years
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem! reader
Part 2
Mentions of y/n
Summary: Draco and reader decide to spend their 3 year marriage anniversary on a cruise. Only issue that their vacation might come to a sudden halt. Possibly due to a murder on the ship…who was it? And what the hell is going on?!
Y/n- your name
Y/n/n- your nickname
Y/l/n- your last name
Princess- your nickname for Draco
Bear- Draco’s nickname for you
“Open your eyes”
I looked at his hand which held an envelope. I took them in my hand and tore the envelope to see two tickets inside with a small note that was handwritten beautifully.
It read:
We cordially invite you on a cruise of your lifetime. Explore France’s famous wine-growing cities along with 7 other destinations.
Duration: 8 days
Route: Bordeaux – Garonne – Bordeaux
Time of Boarding: 10:00 AM
I looked back at him and he looked nervous. All that confidence from before washed away. Even though we both avoided reckless spending this year it seems we both went out of our ways to see the other happier and more in love.
“Dra- “
“Don’t you dare say I didn’t have to I know you have always wanted to explore France, love, even though you stopped mentioning France ever since we got married, not going to lie I thought you were saving money for France”
Ah. I thought he wouldn’t mention it. Draco knew I had a habit every month to treat myself with a massage, shopping for a beautiful dress, or a sweet treat. Even though I was saving money since the start of our relationship it still wasn’t enough to buy the car. It was quite expensive. But my love for this man in front of me trumped my self-desires for two months and obviously when he noticed and asked why I was no longer indulging myself, I simply answered “I’m planning a trip to France for both of us. Consider this as our second honeymoon”. And honestly, it was all worth it knowing Draco was eyeing it for years to finally have it in front of his eyes, smiling, crying happy tears, and kissing me so passionately. I would do it all over again.
“I have my priorities”
“You are saying I am your first priority bear?” he said teasingly with that smug I lovingly hate.
“Not always obviously, but I wanted to do something for you as simple as that”
“I am sorry love,” he said with tears slowly forming in his beautiful gray eyes as he kneeled in front of me disappointment evident on his beautiful features
“I not only failed as a son but I failed as your husband… I couldn’t fulfill all your wishes as much as I wanted to,” he said as he continued to hide the tears and raspy voice.
It broke my heart watching him like this. The war changed him. It took a lot of time for him to openly tell me how he feels and at this moment I can’t help but feel relieved he no longer feels the need to hide his true feelings. I sit on the floor and hold him close to me
“I can’t predict how long your parents will be upset with you but as far as your role as my husband goes has not failed as a husband Draco, let me tell you I am doing this willingly and nothing makes me happier than watching that smile on your face.”
I lean back to hold his face in my palm to make him look into my eyes.
I smile as I say “I love you Draco” I start peppering kisses all over his face. I pull back only when I hear him chuckle.
With a smirk donning on his face he said
“So, you love me huh?”
“I think it is pretty evident by now”
“Nah I’m not convinced,” he said staring deep into my eyes. I knew what he wanted
I nudged my nose on his neck, licking his earlobe slowly as his breath hitches
“Tell me daddy how can I convince you”
He held my hips and sat me on his lap and I start grinding and already feel wetness pooling in my panties. Draco soon starts to rub my clothed clit.
“My, I haven't even touched you yet and you are already dripping”
It even surprises me how easily I fall apart for Draco even after we have been together for 5 years. With a simple touch of his, I start to burn with desire.
“I thought about making love to thank you but I think we will have enough time for that, how about I fuck you today instead would you like that?” I nodded reminiscing the fact that Draco checks what is comfortable with me at the moment even though this is not the first time we were having rough sex.
However, today started as the day I would take the lead it fell apart soon knowing I will have enough time to take Draco apart during our time on the cruise.
I was soon brought back to reality by the sound of ripping, looking down below Draco ripped my panties and looked at my soaked core with a look of hunger.
“Hmm, want you Draco”
“What do you want? M’fingers, my tongue, or my cock” I whined how just moments ago he was talking so sweetly to me, and now he talks so dirty it reminds me of Hogwarts Draco. I love it.
“Anything Draco, please”
“Aw such a needy girl I would have teased and edged you, but the surprise you gave daddy this morning made him happy”. He inserted two fingers into my core and started rubbing it fervently. He softly kissed my lips
“You like it when I ruin you like this don’t you?” He increased the pace of his fingers and I could only whimper and buck my hips when I felt my stomach tightening.
“It’s ok let go, cum on my fingers” shivers ran through my body as I came. I looked up at him and his hair was more disheveled than before.
“Be a good girl and take my cock in your mouth” I whined. I loved how quickly and smoothly the dynamic shifts between us.
As I impatiently started to rip his clothes he chuckles darkly.
“Aw look what a good slut you are for me, so bossy but as soon as my cock comes out you are nothing but a good little slut.”
I start palming his growing member and give kitten licks on the tip and as I slowly take him in my mouth
He hisses
“Just like that good girl”
I moan as I take him fully in my mouth
“oh yes baby just like that”.
As I continue my pace he holds my hair and pulls me apart from his cock. I whimper and he takes hold of my tear-stained face.
“Aw, pretty girl as much as I want to fuck your throat I need to be inside you,” he says as he starts rubbing my core.
“Oh, look how wet you are for me”
“Just for you daddy”
“Uhmm….. Do you want to make me a daddy, angel? Fill you up til’ ur round with my baby, breasts swollen…Is that why you are being such a good girl right now?”
“Yes, please daddy- ah” he slowly inserts his tip into my drooling hole and waits for my confirmation to move. Even when he is in control Draco makes sure I am comfortable all the time.
“Please move Dray I can take it”
“Sure you can, pretty” he starts to thrust harder when he finds my sweet spot
“-Ah just like that Dray please don’t stop” stars covering my eyesight as pure pleasure fills my body.
“Don’t worry baby, by the time I’m done with you both your pussy and you will be crying”.
I could feel the knot in my tummy starting to form, I felt how I was working closer and closer to an earthshaking orgasm…When all of a sudden he stops and slows his movements which makes me whine with need.
“Oh, my little slut was close? Why don’t you make yourself come and start hopping on my cock like a good little bunny you are”
I quickly work myself off his thick cock to straddle him, I position myself over his shaft and slowly sink without any fuss thanks to my slick, as soon as he’s bottomed out I start riding. He starts to meet my thrusts and our room is filled with moans, grunts, and squelching sounds that makes me tight around him again.
“Are you going to come baby? I can feel you tightening around me” I somehow manage to nod
“p- please, please let me come”
“Lay back dear, let daddy take care of you” I lie down on the floor cringing a bit on the cold surface. Draco soon takes his finger and starts rubbing my clit as he puts my leg on his shoulders and starts to thrust again
“Take it, yes baby you want daddy to cum in you, you want me to fill you up with my cum?”
I can’t help but whimper at his words but soon a yelp escaped my lips when he slapped my cunt.
“Words baby I need your consent”
“Yes Dray, please cum inside me”
I frowned when he slowed down a bit only to let out a soft gasp and dropped my legs when he put both my legs on his shoulders again and slapped my clit.
“Ah- Draco please” I feel my cunt tightening around his cock as he thrusts harder.
“Easy babe I will fill you up don’t worry, that is all I am going to do this whole week, I’ll make sure you are full of my seed and by the time we come back from our trip, you will be all swollen and round” I scream his name when he started to thrust hardly his balls smacking against my skin.
I look back at him, he is a sight for sore eyes. Some of his hair fell on his forehead and his face scrunched and jaw slacked letting me know he is close too.
“Yes, baby oh you are so tight around me”. He looks at me smugly
“Aww tell baby, I’m making you feel good? Am I fucking you brain dead? Bet you don’t even remember your name…”
“Y-y-yes so good don’t stop Dray”
“Love your pussy… cum baby, cum now”
He thrusts harder as he closes the distance between us with his hands placed beside my head
“Ugh fuck Y/N! I’m gonna cum now, cum with me”
He moans loudly as we come together. I could feel him release inside me, ropes of hot cum painting my gummy walls. He stayed inside me as we came down from our highs.
He smirked at me
“I am staying in just to make sure you stay full of me” and started peppering kisses on my flushed cheeks.
“But we have to get up, after all, we have to do lots of packing,” I said with a small smile as he gently lays on me and I wrap my arms around him.
“Hmm I’ll help you bear but let us just stay like this for now,” he said with his eyes closed
“Sorry to break your bubble princess but you have to help me pack anyways I am not packing by myself again or you will be whining all trip again telling me I forgot your belongings” I chuckled softly remembering our honeymoon when I accidentally forgot to pack his favorite jacket. In my defense, I was wearing it while packing.
Draco softly smiled at me as I spoke, his eyes scanning my face.
“What?” I asked softly
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dougrobyngoold · 1 year
Last Morning in France, Late Flight to Porto - Bordeaux, France & Porto, Portugal
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We had a late afternoon flight to Porto, Portugal today and we had to be out of our Airbnb in Bordeaux by 11:00. So we packed up and spent a few hours exploring a bit more of Bordeaux. Click on the ALT to get descriptions of the pictures!
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We finished our time in Bordeaux with a cold beer at a Scottish pub! I think we were "wined out". We would definitely come back for another visit to this beautiful city - there is a lot to see and do. Also, the people we met were very friendly and welcoming.
Our experience flying out of Bordeaux was a bit of an adventure. We arrived at the airport and needed to check in. The check-in board told us to go to check-in desk #59 - we only saw numbers going up to 24 and no signs that told us where the other desks were. We finally got in line at an Iberia desk (not the airline we were flying, but they had the shortest luggage-drop line) and the guy told us that we had to go to the Bilbi building to check in. So we followed the Bilbi signs and finally got to the right location and checked in without any problems. The clerk there told us that we had to go back to the main terminal to get to our gate. We headed back and went through the security point - what a mess that was! You had to take all electronics out of your bags AND they were making EVERYONE re-bag their liquids into a zip-lock bag that they provided. That took a minute! Adding to the confusion and back-up, every other person going through the scanner was setting it off. So they had a line of people that were waiting to be patted down by the security personnel, who had to wait on the non-screened side of the scanner, as well as the line of people waiting to go through the scanner. On top of that, it was extremely hot in the security area - we were very happy to finally make our way through all of that. We then had to walk a ways out to our gate, only to find that area to have no seating area - people were laid out on the floor everywhere! They finally started letting people board, but what they really did was just move us all into another area inside the terminal. After another 15 minutes of waiting, they finally let us get on the airplane. Good grief! It seems that the volume of people flying in and out of Bordeaux has overwhelmed their airport! On to Porto!
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We arrived safely to our Airbnb in Porto, always an adventure to navigate the public transportation when all the information/signs are in another language! We checked in to our Airbnb, dumped off our backpacks, and made a quick trip to the local market for food and wine. We enjoyed a little wine, cheese, and bread on our rooftop terrace. We then watched the sun set over Porto - ready to do a little exploring tomorrow.
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marquisjetset · 1 year
Unveiling Summer Isn't Over yet: The Ultimate European Summer Experience with Marquis
When it comes to luxury travel, Marquis Jetset stands at the pinnacle of opulence and sophistication. With a reputation for delivering unparalleled experiences, Marquis has elevated travel to an art form, particularly when it comes to exploring the captivating destinations of Europe during the summer months. In this article, we will embark on a journey that encapsulates the essence of luxury travel with Marquis Jetset, unveiling the exclusive services, breathtaking destinations, and bespoke experiences that await discerning travelers seeking the crème de la crème of European summer adventures.
Marquis Jetset redefines luxury travel by offering its clients unparalleled service and attention to detail. From the moment you step onboard their private jet, you are immersed in a world of sophistication and elegance. Their fleet of luxurious aircraft ensures that every journey is a seamless and unforgettable experience.
The personalized service provided by Marquis is second to none. The dedicated concierge team meticulously plans every aspect of your trip, from selecting the finest accommodations to curating unique experiences that cater to your individual preferences.
Marquis Jetset offers a range of private jet options, tailored to suit your travel needs. Here are a few examples of the exceptional aircraft available:
a) Gulfstream G650: Known as one of the most advanced business jets in the world, the Gulfstream G650 offers unparalleled comfort and speed. With a range of over 7,000 nautical miles, this jet can effortlessly transport you from major US cities such as New York, Los Angeles, or Miami to any European destination.
b) Bombardier Global 6000: The Bombardier Global 6000 is a superb choice for long-haul flights. With a range of approximately 6,000 nautical miles, it can seamlessly connect cities like Chicago, Atlanta, or Dallas to popular European summer destinations.
c) Cessna Citation X: If you prefer a smaller private jet without compromising on luxury, the Cessna Citation X is an excellent option. With a range of around 3,242 nautical miles, it offers quick and efficient travel from cities like Boston, Washington, D.C., or San Francisco to various European locations.
Whether it's arranging private tours of iconic landmarks or securing reservations at Michelin-starred restaurants, Marquis Jetset goes above and beyond to ensure your every desire is met.
Marquis Jetset offers an exquisite selection of European destinations that embody the essence of luxury travel. From the sun-kissed beaches of the French Riviera to the enchanting streets of Florence, each location promises an unforgettable experience.
French Riviera: Begin your European summer journey in style with a visit to the glamorous French Riviera. Explore the iconic cities of Nice, Cannes, and St. Tropez, where you can soak up the sun on pristine beaches, indulge in world-class shopping, and experience the vibrant nightlife.
Italian Splendor: Italy's rich cultural heritage and unparalleled beauty make it a must-visit destination. Marquis Jetset can whisk you away to iconic cities such as Rome, Florence, and Venice. Explore the ancient ruins of Rome, marvel at the Renaissance art in Florence, and glide along the canals of Venice in a private gondola.
Greek Isles: Immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of the Greek Isles. From the turquoise waters of Santorini to the historical wonders of Athens, the Greek Isles offer a luxurious escape like no other. Explore ancient ruins, indulge in authentic Mediterranean cuisine, and relax on secluded beaches.
Marquis Jetset's commitment to personalized service extends beyond travel logistics. They excel at crafting tailor-made experiences that leave an indelible mark on travelers. Here are a few examples:
Exclusive Wine Tasting: Embark on a journey through the renowned vineyards of Bordeaux or Tuscany, where Marquis Jetset can arrange private wine tastings and tours. Immerse yourself in the world of fine wines and savor the flavors of exceptional vintages while enjoying breathtaking views of the countryside.
Yacht Charter: Discover the Mediterranean coastline in the lap of luxury aboard a private yacht. Marquis Jetset can arrange a bespoke yacht charter experience, allowing you to explore secluded coves, swim in crystal-clear waters, and indulge in gourmet meals prepared by a personal chef.
VIP Access to Cultural Events: Experience Europe's vibrant cultural scene like never before. Marquis Jetset can secure VIP access to prestigious events such as the Cannes Film Festival, Monaco Grand Prix, or the Vienna Opera Ball, providing an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in the glamour and excitement.
Embarking on a luxury travel experience with Marquis Jetset to Europe during the summer is a true testament to the art of refined travel. From the seamless private jet flights aboard aircraft such as the Gulfstream G650, Bombardier Global 6000, or Cessna Citation X to the meticulously curated experiences, every aspect of your journey is designed to surpass your expectations. By combining opulence, exclusivity, and unrivaled service, Marquis Jetset ensures that your European summer adventure will be nothing short of extraordinary. Whether you seek sun-soaked beaches, cultural marvels, or gastronomic delights, Marquis will craft an itinerary that reflects your unique desires, allowing you to revel in the epitome of luxury and sophistication. Prepare to indulge in unforgettable experiences, soak in the beauty of Europe's most alluring destinations, and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. With Marquis Jetset, luxury travel reaches new heights, promising an extraordinary escape into a world of refined indulgence and unparalleled opulence.
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leocadra · 1 year
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Bordeaux, Gironde, France.
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Travel is thinking you've seen everything a city has to offer and then coming across the perfect garden... Just getting up in the morning and walking across town on a winter morning... Finding two old besties taking a trip through the Christmas markets... Traveling is simple moments #europe #europatrip #bordeaux #france🇫🇷 #france #traveleurope #travelphotography #travelgram #europe_vacations #studygram #exchangestudent #exchange (at Bordeaux, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl4VfRmNu5d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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europeincoming-24 · 15 days
Discover Europe with a Leading Tour Operator
Unforgettable Highlights of a Europe Tour
A well-organized European tour, guided by expert tour operators or a dedicated destination management company, includes a range of memorable experiences across various destinations. Here’s a glimpse of what you might encounter:
Italy: Discover the Renaissance splendor of Florence, indulge in Tuscan culinary delights, and explore the ancient ruins of Rome. An expertly planned itinerary might also feature the romantic canals of Venice and the scenic Amalfi Coast.
France: Enjoy the grandeur of Paris, from the Eiffel Tower to the Louvre, and venture into the picturesque French countryside. Your tour may include wine tasting in Bordeaux, lavender fields in Provence, and the chic ambiance of the French Riviera.
Spain: Dive into the lively culture of Barcelona with its stunning architecture and vibrant tapas scene. Explore the historic streets of Seville, the artistic treasures of Madrid, and the picturesque beauty of Costa Brava.
Why Choose Inbound Tour Operators for Student Travel in Europe?
Inbound tour operators are pivotal in creating seamless travel experiences for students. Here’s why collaborating with these experts is a smart choice:
Tailored Itineraries for Students: Inbound tour operators specialize in designing itineraries that cater to the needs and interests of student travelers. Whether it's exploring historical sites, participating in educational workshops, or enjoying cultural exchanges, these operators create bespoke travel plans that enhance the student experience.
Educational Opportunities: A well-rounded student travel europe experience goes beyond sightseeing. Inbound tour operators often integrate educational components into their itineraries, such as museum tours, historical site visits, and interactive learning experiences. This approach not only makes the trip enjoyable but also enriching and academically beneficial.
Group Travel Expertise: Managing travel logistics for groups of students can be complex. Inbound tour operators have extensive experience in coordinating group travel, ensuring smooth arrangements for transportation, accommodations, and activities. They are adept at handling the unique challenges of group dynamics, providing a hassle-free experience for both students and chaperones.
Choosing to embark on a European tour with a reputable European tour operator or destination management company ensures a travel experience that is both exceptional and hassle-free. Their expertise in creating customized itineraries, combined with their local knowledge and comprehensive support, guarantees a journey filled with discovery, comfort, and cultural immersion. Whether you’re exploring iconic cities, indulging in regional cuisines, or uncovering hidden gems, trust these professionals to deliver a European adventure that exceeds your expectations and creates lasting memories.
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mohit0011 · 16 days
Top Things to Do in France
France, with its timeless charm and diversity, is a destination that promises something for every traveler. From the bustling streets of Paris to the serene vineyards of Bordeaux, and the sun-kissed beaches of the French Riviera, the country is a mosaic of unforgettable experiences. If you're planning a trip to France and wondering what to include in your itinerary, you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll explore a variety of activities and sights that make France an enchanting destination. So, buckle up and get ready to discover some of the best things to do in France!
1. Discover the Romance of Paris
Eiffel Tower: No visit to France is complete without a trip to the Eiffel Tower. Whether you take the elevator to the top for panoramic views of Paris or enjoy a picnic in the nearby Champ de Mars, the Eiffel Tower is a must-see.
Louvre Museum: Home to the Mona Lisa and countless other masterpieces, the Louvre Museum is a treasure trove of art and history. Spend a day wandering its vast halls and immerse yourself in culture.
Montmartre: This charming neighborhood is known for its bohemian vibe and artistic history. Visit the Sacré-Cœur Basilica, explore the Place du Tertre where artists display their work, and enjoy a coffee in a local café.
2. Unwind in the French Riviera
Nice: With its stunning Promenade des Anglais, Nice offers beautiful beaches and a vibrant arts scene. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the Marc Chagall National Museum and the Russian Orthodox Cathedral.
Cannes: Famous for its film festival, Cannes also boasts glamorous beaches and high-end shopping. Stroll along the Boulevard de la Croisette and soak in the opulence.
Monaco: Just a short drive from Nice, the tiny principality of Monaco is known for its luxury casinos, the Prince's Palace, and stunning Mediterranean views.
3. Explore the Wine Regions
Bordeaux: Renowned for its vineyards, Bordeaux offers wine tours where you can sample some of the world's finest wines. Visit the Cité du Vin, an interactive museum dedicated to wine, and explore the picturesque vineyards surrounding the city.
Burgundy: This region is another wine lover’s paradise. Discover the charming town of Beaune and enjoy wine tasting in the famous Côte d'Or vineyards.
Champagne: For bubbly enthusiasts, the Champagne region is a must-visit. Tour the prestigious Champagne houses and enjoy tastings of the world-famous sparkling wine.
4. Experience the Charm of the Loire Valley
Châteaux of the Loire: The Loire Valley is dotted with magnificent châteaux. Visit Château de Chambord with its distinctive architecture and Château de Chenonceau, which spans the River Cher.
Amboise: Explore the town of Amboise, known for its Renaissance château and its connection to Leonardo da Vinci, who spent his final years here.
Vineyards and Gardens: Besides châteaux, the Loire Valley is home to beautiful gardens and vineyards. Enjoy a leisurely stroll through the gardens of Château de Villandry and taste local wines.
5. Marvel at the Beauty of Provence
Lavender Fields: The lavender fields of Provence are a sight to behold, especially during the summer months when they are in full bloom. The Valensole Plateau is a popular spot for photographs.
Avignon: Known for its historical significance and stunning architecture, Avignon is home to the Palais des Papes and the famous Pont Saint-Bénézet bridge.
Gordes: This hilltop village offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape and is perfect for exploring quaint streets and local markets.
6. Savor the Flavors of France
French Cuisine: Indulge in classic French dishes such as coq au vin, bouillabaisse, and crème brûlée. Each region has its own specialties, so be sure to sample local cuisine wherever you go.
Cheese and Pastries: France is famous for its cheese and pastries. Try a selection of cheeses at a local fromagerie and enjoy freshly baked croissants and éclairs from a patisserie.
Food Tours: Join a food tour in cities like Paris, Lyon, or Marseille to experience a guided culinary adventure that highlights the best local flavors.
7. Embrace Outdoor Adventures
The Alps: For outdoor enthusiasts, the French Alps offer skiing, snowboarding, and hiking. Chamonix and Annecy are popular destinations for both winter sports and summer activities.
Normandy: Explore the stunning coastline of Normandy, with its dramatic cliffs and historic sites like the D-Day landing beaches and the picturesque town of Honfleur.
Corsica: This island in the Mediterranean Sea is known for its rugged landscapes and beautiful beaches. Enjoy hiking in the GR20 trail or relaxing on the sandy shores.
8. Dive into French History and Culture
Versailles: The Palace of Versailles is a symbol of opulence and French history. Tour the grand palace, the Hall of Mirrors, and the expansive gardens.
Strasbourg: This city offers a unique blend of French and German cultures. Explore the Strasbourg Cathedral and the charming La Petite France district.
Lyon: Known for its rich history and culinary heritage, Lyon is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Wander through its old town, visit the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, and enjoy the local bouchons for traditional Lyonnaise cuisine.
9. Relax in the French Countryside
Alsace: This region is known for its picturesque villages like Colmar and Riquewihr. Enjoy the scenic beauty and the region's unique blend of French and German influences.
Brittany: With its rugged coastline and charming towns like Dinan and Saint-Malo, Brittany offers a relaxing retreat from the bustling cities.
Dordogne: Discover the scenic beauty and prehistoric sites of the Dordogne region. Explore the cave paintings at Lascaux and enjoy the tranquil countryside.
10. Plan Your Trip with Practical Tips
Travel Logistics: France is well-connected by high-speed trains (TGV) and domestic flights. Consider purchasing a rail pass if you plan to travel extensively by train.
Accommodation: From luxury hotels to charming bed and breakfasts, France offers a wide range of accommodation options. Book in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons.
Language: While many people speak English in tourist areas, learning a few basic French phrases can enhance your experience and interactions with locals.
France is a country that truly has something for everyone. Whether you're a history buff, a foodie, an outdoor enthusiast, or simply looking to relax, you'll find countless things to do and see. So, pack your bags, brush up on your French, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure.
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