#claia fic
fictionalrambles · 2 years
Fic Rec
🌹Waltz of the Flowers
🖋Author: etherealaline
| G | One Shot, 1.8k words | Claia
Maia and Clary are the owners of the best and only flower shops in town and needless to say, they don't like each other very much. One year, however, circumstances drive them to unite forces to manage the holiday rush and this becomes a tradition that brings them just a little bit closer year after year...
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puzzlebean · 2 years
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This masterlist contains all the femslash february things I have posted for the first half of february. I will make a second one for the second half of the month. Fics with a 💗 next to it fill the prompts on the list, the others are bonuses :D
💗 Food [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear 2022, General, 100 words]
Kiko and Alisha talk about the way they used to eat sandwiches.
💗 Family [Carol/Maria, Marvel, General, 100 words]
Carol is so happy she's back with her family.
💗 Fake Dating [Kate/Yelena, Marvel, General, 100 words]
Kate and Yelena have to pretend they are dating for a mission. Kate wishes it was real.
💗 Cute [Wednesday/Enid, Wednesday 2022, General, 100 words]
Wednesday thinks Enid is cute.
💗 Electricity [Darcy/Wanda, Marvel, Explicit, 100 words]
Wanda's magic feels like electricity.
💗 Fluff [Ava/Beatrice, Warrior Nun, General, 100 words]
Ava is like sunshine to Beatrice.
💗 Texting (prompt text message) [Wednesday/Enid, Wednesday 2022, General, 100 words]
The fact that Wednesday is willing to do certain things she normally hates with Enid clearly means something.
💗 Space [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear 2022, General, 282 words]
Even though Alisha misses Buzz, she loves Kiko and is grateful their paths crossed.
💗 Disney [Nakia/Kamala, Marvel, General, 100 words]
Kamala hopes Nakia feels the same about her.
💗 Beach [Ava/Beatrice, Warrior Nun, General, 100 words]
Ava and Beatrice are on the beach together, carefree for once.
💗 Camping [Clary/Rebecca, Shadowhunters, General, 100 words]
Clary and Rebecca go on a camping trip together.
Content [Kate/Yelena, Marvel, General, 100 words]
Kate hopes this lasts forever.
A Peculiar Change [Wednesday/Enid, Wednesday 2022, Teen and Up, 914 words]
Everything has changed since Wednesday met Enid. She actually likes it.
Moonlight [Wednesday/Enid, Wednesday 2022, General, 300 words]
Enid sits in the forest, unable to shift. Wednesday joins her.
💗 Dating Anneliese (prompt dating) [Anneliese/Erika, Barbie as The Princess and the Pauper, General, 100 words]
Erika loves dating Anneliese.
Haunted [Carol/Maria, Marvel, General, 100 words]
It's hard to watch Carol suffer.
Ethereal [Wednesday/Enid, Wednesday 2022, General, 200 words]
Wednesday thinks Enid is the most beautiful thing.
A Valentine's Surprise [Wednesday/Enid, Wednesday 2022, General, 631 words]
Wednesday is convinced Enid is hiding a surprise and decides to investigate. Will the surprise make her happy?
💗 Dating (prompt date night) [Clary/Izzy, Shadowhunters, Teen and Up, 100 words]
Izzy and Clary go on a date.
Tonight is a Miracle [Ava/Beatrice, Warrior Nun, Teen and Up, 1,015 words]
Beatrice is allowing herself to let go. She really wants to kiss Ava.
💗 First Kiss [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear 2022, General, 100 words]
Alisha and Kiko kiss for the first time.
💗 Hot [Clary/Izzy, Shadowhunters, Teen and Up, 200 words]
Clary thinks Izzy is hot and wonders if she should ask her out.
💗 Candy [Darcy/Wanda, Marvel, General, 100 words]
Darcy and Wanda taste test some candy.
💗 Kissing [Izzy/Maia, Shadowhunters, Teen and Up, 100 words]
Izzy's red lipstick draws Maia in.
Cared For [Wednesday/Enid, Wednesday 2022, General, 100 words]
Wednesday introduces Enid to her family. Enid can see where Wednesday gets things from.
Worth Everything [Wednesday/Enid, Wednesday 2022, General, 352 words]
Wednesday and Enid kiss in the rain.
💗 Love Letter [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear 2022, General, 100 words]
Alisha receives a love letter.
Love is Strong [Carol/Maria, Marvel, General, 100 words]
Carol and Maria's love is strong.
It was Love [Wednesday/Enid, Wednesday 2022, General, 491 words]
Wednesday has started to love how colorful Enid is. She became soft for her.
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alecmagnuslwb · 2 years
Final Girl
Read on AO3
Maia stands on one side of a long span of grass the axe that’s become her best friend gripped tightly in both hands. It might be her actual best friend now since she’s fairly certain all her friends are dead.
It was supposed to be a fun, wild weekend at Tito’s uncle’s cabin. She’d swim laps in the lake with Bat, kick Jace and Gretel’s ass at cards deep into the night and have slightly voyeuristic sex in the woods with Clary.
Then the man in the plastic old school Frankenstein’s monster mask showed up seemingly out of nowhere and with no real motive and started hacking her and her friends to pieces. She’s the only one still standing now, Clary’s alive, but barely so slow slumped over at the base of a tree behind Maia. She’s lost a lot of blood and Maia doesn’t know how much longer she can last.
This showdown now will be the life or death of the two of them.
The man in the plastic mask catches up just like she knew he would stepping out of the bushes on the other end of the grass. He stops when he sees her the cutlass sword that’s already taken so much from her tonight hanging loosely in one of his large hands.
She takes a single step her leg that he’d slashed as she crawled her way out the window of the cabin bleeding more at the movement. She thinks she might be starting to get a little woozy, but she’s running on nothing but pure adrenaline so she pushes the wooziness to the back of her mind.
She’s getting out of this. Clary is getting out of this. And this fucker is going to pay for what he’s done to them, for the future’s he’s stolen from four of her favorite people in the world.
“Hey, motherfucker!” Maia shouts across the field stretching out her arms readying herself for a fight. “Let’s finish this!”
Frankenstein mask seems to be welcome to the idea taking his first step forward holding his sword tight and bouncing it on his other hand. He picks up his pace nearly jogging at her. She smirks taking off in a run swinging the axe out.
They collide damn near in the exact center of the field. He swings his weapon out first but Maia ducks it perfectly. She’s seen the way he moves enough this night that she’s got a good read on what moves he might make.
He grunts at her swinging the cutlass from the other side she raises her axe up blocking it just as it’s about to make contact with the skin of her neck. She’s already got a nice gash there that’s going to scar and she’s not about to have another.
She grins at him, a no doubt crazed looking thing as she uses all her force to push him back. He stumbles just a bit as Maia raises up stepping back a few paces.
She screams, a rageful unhinged sound coming from deep in her gut that still aches from where the masked asshole had kicked her in the stomach earlier. She uses the sound as a battle cry running at her assailant with every bit of rage and heartache she’s built up tonight. She pushes into him knocking him back off his feet landing directly on his back. He lets out a strained huff having the wind knocked out of him.
His sword is still gripped in his hand and he swings it forward at her slicing her already battered, cut up arm. Her favorite jacket is long gone tattered and bloodied somewhere back at the cabin. She barely feels it, numb and angry and ready to kill this man for all the grief he’s put them through.
He swings his sword again, but this time she’s ready swinging the axe out and embedding it into his wrist. He screams a gargled thing dropping the cutlass from his tight grip. Maia pushes a knee into his chest hard pressing the axe down until his it goes clean through the killer’s hand completely separated from his arm.
She grabs his dropped cutlass sword and raises it high.
“This is for my friends you piece of shit,” she growls at him as she plummets the sword down into his chest hard. He grunts when she does, so she does it again and again and again until his grunting stops. She pulls it back out of his chest and raises it one last time landing it directly in his throat. He won’t be coming back for one last scare, not on her.
She lets out a shaky breath when she’s done her adrenaline high coming down as her fingers uncurl from the sword. She lifts a shaky hand to the killer’s mask gripping the edge tight. It takes a few tugs the thing tightly wrapped around his head before she can fully remove it.
She tosses it to the side once she has and looks at the man.
He’s no one. Some non-descript man she’s never seen before in her life. It gives her none of the closure she’d hoped for. She wanted it to be the teacher’s aide they all drove insane freshman year coming back for his revenge or maybe that angry guy they’d rear ended on the way to spring break two years back.
But no one he’s just some guy. Some guy who was out here with a need to kill and found them.
Well that just sucks.
She shoves herself up from off the ground and off of him stumbling over to where she left Clary resting.
“Clary,” she says brushing her long red hair that’s matted with blood off of her face. “Come on, baby. Wake up.”
And because she’s going to get one break tonight, she does.
“Maia?” she says groggily her eyes blinking rapidly.
“Yeah, baby it’s me. We’re okay, but we gotta get you up and back to the cabin so we can get the car,” she whispers. She thinks Tito had the keys; she’s not looking forward to picking over his body for them. She pulls Clary up from under her arms; it takes a lot of effort the adrenaline has well and truly worn off this time.
They manage stumbling holding each other up all the way back to the cabin, to Tito’s body and then to the car. Maia finally let’s herself breathe when she’s settled Clary in the passenger seat hopping to the driver’s seat on her good leg aching as she does. She turns onto the road driving away from the forest, from the hell she’s survived tonight.
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half-bakedboy · 4 years
Claia 5
A Real ShowRead on AO3
Maia rested her hands on her hips, tapping them one by one in frustration as she waited for Jace to meet her at the door. He didn’t usually take much longer than Maia getting ready, but for some reason he had been changing in and out of the same ten black shirts he siphoned through on a weekly basis. 
“Can you hurry up and pick one? Clary and Simon are going to be meeting us any minute now!” Maia yelled as she stomped her booted foot to the ground for a little extra oomph. She thought it might have been her downfall, introducing Jace and Simon. Sure, her and Clary knew they were going to be annoyingly compatible, but she didn’t expect Jace to get all teenage boy on her over him. He swung out of his bedroom, his leather jacket hanging from one arm with a frown on his face. 
“Yes, leather jacket?” Jace asked as he raised an eyebrow at Maia. She had to restrain herself from growling. 
“I’ve barely seen you out of the leather jacket, let’s go!” She urged again, grabbing onto the dangling arm and pulling it up over Jace’s shoulder. He scoffed at her as he slid his arm through and rolled his eyes. 
“It’s our third date, Maia. I have to look good for what happens on the third date,” Jace said smoothly, wiggling his eyebrows after he locked the door behind them. Maia crossed her arms in front of her chest and raised an eyebrow at him. 
“What? Longingly staring at each other from across the table because you two refuse to be the first one to make the move? Ooh, or your hands tentatively touching as you reach for the same salt shaker across the table? Or maybe even--” Jace brushed past her, his shoulder bumping into hers, halting her words. 
“I’m gonna kiss him. I swear to you,” Jace said seriously as he pushed out the front door to their building. Maia shook her head and knew that she would only believe it when she saw it. Clary and Simon were waiting for them across the street, the diner’s light blinking imperfectly. They frequented it often, at 8am for a bright and early breakfast and at 1am for some greasy food to prevent the hangover Jace always seemed to get. 
“Maia, hey! Hi, Jace!” Clary’s voice chimed the minute she caught sight of them. Maia liked that about Clary. Maia wasn’t the most outwardly positive and cheery person, but didn’t mind that Clary was. She pulled her into a tight hug and they both watched as Simon waved awkwardly to Jace, Jace grinning wider than Maia thought she had ever seen with a hand rubbing the back of his neck. 
“When are these two going to get their shit together, huh, Fray?” Maia whispered into Clary’s ear before she pulled back. Clary’s giggle was another thing that Maia liked. Huh, she thought to herself, she was noticing a lot of things she liked about Clary. Interesting. 
“Ready to go in? I would die for a chocolate milkshake right about now,” Clary exclaimed as she held open the door. The boys walked through first, both of their eyes searching for a booth. This was the moment of truth, where Jace could prove he wasn’t as much of a wuss as Maia accused him of being. They both gestured the girls forward and Maia sighed. Clary walked to the furthest end of the booth, leaving Maia to wait for her to sit or to take the inside of the other end. She had her choice taken from her, though, when Clary grabbed her hand and pulled her down to sit next to her. 
“Uh, after you,” Jace said lamely to Simon. Maia shook her head and closed her eyes, not wanting to see the disaster that was Jace’s attempt at being gentlemanly. She peaked down at Clary when she heard her stifling her laughter. Clary looked back at her and mimicked the shake of Maia’s head and Maia figured that was an agreement to push these boys in the right direction by the end of the night. 
“So, Simon, you're in a band yet don’t wear a leather jacket, care to expand on that?” Maia teased, motioning back and forth between the two men. Jace blushed, but sent a glare in Maia’s direction. Simon laughed and turned to Jace, explaining why he didn’t wear leather jackets with some elaborate story that Maia couldn’t really bring herself to pay attention to. Her and Clary sat silently, sending glances at each other in quiet judgment toward their friends. When the waitress came over, a petite woman with one side of her head shaved and the other side dyed pink, Maia looked up at her. 
“How are you all doing tonight, I’m Tish. What can I start you off with?” She looked at Maia first and Maia smiled up at her. 
“I’m gonna get a diet, whatever is fine. This one's gonna have a chocolate shake, filled as high as you physically can in one of those impossibly large glasses I know you hide in the back,” Maia said, ordering for Clary. She sent a wink in Clary’s direction and Clary giggled, wrapping her arms around Maia’s and leaning into her shoulder. 
“You know me so well,” Clary flirted, batting her eyelashes up at Maia. Tish grinned as she watched the two of them. 
“Aren’t you two the cutest? You remind me of my wife and I when we were young,” Tish responded with a wink at the two of them. Maia threw her head back in laughter and tried not to notice that neither of them corrected her. Jace sat with his jaw open, Simon in a similar pose with his eyebrows raised up to his forehead. 
“And for the pals over here?” Tish said as she turned toward Jace and Simon. Maia would have laughed out loud of the synchronicity of their jaws snapping shut and the narrowing of their eyes in Tish’s direction. 
“Water.” Maia had to give them credit for ordering together, even if their tones were icy. When Tish walked away, Clary finally let her giggles shine through and Maia had to join her. 
“What was that about?” Jace asked coldy. Simon nodded his head as if he had missed something. Maia felt like maybe she had, too. 
“I don’t know, pals. It seems like a little affection goes a long way to getting the gays on your side,” Maia responded. She turned toward Clary whose face was scrunched with laughter. She couldn’t stop herself from leaning down and pressing their noses together. She was surprised when Clary wiggled her head, their noses brushing together a bit more intimately than Maia was expecting. Clary pulled away and bit down on her lip. She made a move to pull her arm away, but Maia kept them there with a lace of their fingers. 
“You’re telling me all it takes is one date-like activity for you two to get your shit together and it’s been three and Jace still hasn’t kissed me?” Simon asked incredulously. Maia raised her eyebrows as Clary covered her face with her unoccupied hand. Simon looked like he had been drained of all of his blood when he glanced nervously back over at Jace. “I didn’t, I mean, that wasn’t, I just--” Maia wasn’t sure how many more two word sentences Simon could string together, because Jace was surging forward, pressing Simon into the window behind him and connecting their lips in a fiery kiss. Maia looked on with a sense of happiness that her friend had finally come up with the nerve to do what he had sworn to since the first moment he met Simon. She felt Clary looking at her and turned her head, squeezing onto Clary’s hand a little tighter. 
“It’s not gonna take three dates for you to kiss me, right?” Clary asked, both a teasing and shyness to her voice that had Maia’s smile widening. 
“We’ll let these boys finish and then give them a real show.” 
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Claia is confirmed. Jody said so. Jody doesn’t lie.
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kindaresilient · 5 years
the taste of possibility
Being a new business owner and all that, Maia wanted to be around every day to oversee things and help out in whatever capacity she could at Taki’s. Every day was a new surprise, a new experience. Either with handling the cash register or figuring out how to combine everyone’s tastes without clashing—seelies and warlocks weren’t fond of the options for the vampires, after all, and little things like that— every day brought a new surprise, that Maia considered refreshing. A new beginning.
Today’s surprise, though. She wasn’t prepared after all for that.
read more on ao3
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thesunsetshope · 6 years
Maia hadn’t expect for the sun to come and brighten her life once more. She hadn’t expected to see its red glow in the distance of the night, warm and inviting.
She had made peace with the dark. She had made peace with the cold and gray moon. The moon was a beautiful friend to accompany her during the night, but at times, it was dull.
Then Clary Fray walked into her life and changed everything.
Clary Fray, a fierce red-head who was always ready to walk straight into the fire. Clary Fray who found herself in a new world unexpectedly - just like Maia had.
Clary was the sun Maia never saw coming. A sun she’ll love for rest of forever.
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bitimerush · 6 years
Are You Flirting With Me?
Pairing: Clary x Maia
(NOTES: For anon. I have been working on this since March, but mostly neglecting it and I’m sorry.)
“Come on, she is definitely into you.”
“She is not.”
Clary blushed as she angled her head down and covered her face with her arm. She had never been this embarrassed in her entire life, and she could tell that Simon was enjoying watching her squirm.
“You come in here every day, you flirt with her, she flirts back, and then you act like there is no way she could ever like you back,” Simon said, a little too loud for Clary’s liking.
Clary shushed him and pressed her finger to his lips, glancing over to make sure that the cute barista didn’t hear Simon’s big mouth.
“I do not flirt when I talk to her,” Clary whispered, glaring at her best friend. “I just…. appreciate her.” She said the last part in a whisper, angling her head down.
Simon chuckled, shaking his head. “There is a difference between respecting a good worker and being in love with her.”
Clary groaned, covering her face with her hands. She knew it wasn’t love anyway, but she was not willing to discuss her romantic feelings here, possibly in earshot of the girl she… appreciated.
“Let’s not do this here. I will figure it out later,” Clary offered in way of compromise.
Simon raised an eyebrow. “You will?”
Clary took a sip of her coffee, swallowing harder than necessary. “Of course.”
Simon didn’t believe her, and in his defense, neither did she. She was new at this, having crushes and admitting it to herself. Until recently she had convinced herself that she didn’t like girls at all, because how could she? Being gay was so… rare. And for other people, people who were different. Not for her. Being gay didn’t seem like an option until recently.
Now that she had accepted herself for who she was, she was in love with the idea of finding love, but that doesn’t mean she knew what she was doing. At all.
“So what you are saying is, you like this girl but can’t tell if she likes you back.”
Clary groaned and plopped onto Magnus’s couch, Chairman Meow still in her arms. Magnus was making tea for the both of them, and couldn’t see her from the kitchen, but had listened to her account of the previous day’s events with interest.
“You make it sound so… normal,” Clary complained, softly stroking the hair on the top of Chairman Meow’s head.
“That’s because it is.” Magnus entered the room, two tea cups in his hand, and sat on the couch next to Clary.
Clary let out a puff of air and shook her head. “It doesn’t feel normal. Not at all.”
“It wouldn’t.” Magnus carefully sat the tea cups on the glass table in front of them before taking a breath to explain. “Not knowing whether or not your romantic feelings are reciprocated is very common. Almost every person understands how that feels. But if you have never experienced it before yet personally, it can feel quite overwhelming.”
Clary absorbed Magnus’s words carefully. Truthfully, they made her feel better. And of course they did, that’s why she was here. Magnus always made her feel better, no matter what. But feeling better about not knowing how the cute girl feels doesn’t change the fact that she has no idea how the cute girl feels.
“So what do I do?”
Magnus drank his tea slowly, seeming to ignore her. When he pulled the tea cup away from his lips he closed his eyes, swallowing before letting out a satisfied noise.
All of a sudden he was halfway across the apartment, slipping on a jacket. One second later he was almost to the door. “Come on, Biscuit”.
“Wait!” She set Chairman Meow beside her on the couch and grabbed her own jacket, struggling to get her arm through one of the sleeves as she chased after Magnus.
“You have got to be kidding me”
They were at the coffee shop, the one that the cute girl works at. Clary cursed at herself for telling Magnus which coffee shop the girl worked at, and wondered if it was too late to just turn back around and pretend she didn’t even follow him here.
“Relax, Biscuit. She isn’t going to bite.”
“So is this the part where you tell me I can only know for sure by asking her if she likes me?”
Magnus chuckled. “I thought about it, but I thought it would be more fun and less likely of rejection if you just interact with her normally and I tell you if it looks like she is interested to me.”
Clary let out a sigh of relief. “Oh thank god. This is why I love you.”
Magnus grinned and they entered the shop together, joining the line of people waiting to order drinks and baked goods.
“So what do you normally order here?” Magnus asked, but Clary barely heard him because she spotted her. Maia, her name was, it was on her nametag pinned to her apron every day. She looked absolutely gorgeous, her look of concentration when finishing up the drink she was making and her bright smile when she gave the drink to the customer at the serving counter. Her dark curls looked magnificent, and they were so her that Clary couldn’t imagine her without them. The woman turned to look at another receipt to see what she had to make, and Clary couldn’t help but appreciate the graceful way in which Maia moved, every movement purposeful and-
“It’s our turn, Biscuit.”
Somehow they were now at the front of the line, in front of a nice looking man at the register. He was waiting patiently, and thankfully didn’t seem irritated by her brief disconnect from reality.
“Your usual?” He asked.
She nodded, grateful. “Plus a black coffee for my friend.”
She smiled at Magnus as she handed the cashier her card.
Magnus leaned over to speak into her ear as the cashier charged her. “Now it’s time to work your magic on the pretty girl.”
Clary elbowed him in playful retaliation, but became serious as she took her card from the cashier and thanking him. Magnus gently guided her over to where Maia was making drinks, squeezing her shoulder in order to comfort her.
“Heyyy, Clary. What’s up?”
Maia had a big smile on her face, eyes fixed on Clary. Clary tried her hardest not to blush as she got closer to the counter.
“I’m doing fine. I mean good! Everything is great! How are you?” Clary failed at her mission not to blush, but attempted to keep her cool in the way of body language, leisurely leaning against the counter.
Maia laughed, turning her visual attention to the drink she had in her hand, picking up chocolate syrup to drizzle into it. “I’m doing great, too. Well, now that you’re here.” Her voice was sweet, and slightly confident.
At this point, Magnus had begun shaking his head, laughing. Clary swatted at his arm, trying to get him to stop. “What is your problem?” She whispered.
“That is so clearly flirting, I just don’t know how you can possibly misread that.”
Clary just rolled her eyes. “It is not.”
Magnus coughed. “Yes it is.”
Clary turned towards the counter. “Are you flirting with me?” She blurted out.
Maia was standing there, full attention on Clary with both of her ordered drinks in her hand. She looked confused more than anything.
Clary mentally kicked herself for completely ruining this situation. She could never come back here now. She would never have any drink here again, she would never see Maia again, she will just take her shame and shove it into another coffee shop, somewhere free from future embarrassment.
“I thought my flirting was obvious.”
Now Clary was the confused one. Simon was right all along? They had really been flirting the whole time?
“No-- not to me.” Clary said, trying to pull any memories of Maia flirting with her from her brain.
Maia looked kind of concerned now, her eyes becoming somber. “Does that mean you weren’t flirting with me?”
“No! I definitely was,” Clary clarified, smiling.
Maia grinned. “So, do you want to go for dinner tonight? I get off at 5.”
Clary swallowed. “Dinner as in…. A date?”
Magnus audibly groaned, both hands running down his face.
Maia laughed, shaking her head. “YES. A date.”
Clary also laughed at herself, feeling completely clueless. “Well, in that case, I will come by around 5.” She grabbed her drinks and walked away, elbowing Magnus when he started laughing again.
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goldenalec · 6 years
Anonymous asked: Hey, do you take prompts? If yes, would you do some soft/or angsty, or soft AND angsty Claia? Like Maia waiting for Clary to come home after a hunt and she’s late or something
Here you go anon! This is my first time writing Claia, so I hope I did them and your prompt justice :’)
Warning: this is a bit on the angsty side, but there is fluff involved. Chronic injuries/pain are mentioned.
Three hours.
Maia taps her phone screen once, twice, and a few more times, but nothing changes. The blankness of the screen doesn’t change. No ring, no vibration to signal the arrival of a text message. It’s been three hours, and now, it’s starting to feel like the silence is slowly closing in on her.
Clary had been called in on an emergency hunt after a large nest of Ravener demons were found wreaking havoc in SoHo. She’d groaned playfully as the phone call came in from Isabelle, before kissing Maia and heading out, promising that she’d only be gone an hour or so, and that they would have plenty of time to continue their movie night when she got back.
It isn’t uncommon for Shadowhunter missions to run overtime. Something new always pops up, another fire that needs putting out, another burst of demonic activity spurred by the one before. It’s something Maia had grown accustomed to, ever since she found her life and her heart intertwined with Clary’s. It hadn’t mattered as much initially.
And then Maia’s worst nightmare had come true.
It scares her, how quickly images of Clary’s body, battered and bruised, and her face, pale and unmoving as the doctors in the Institute’s infirmary worked around the clock to save her come to the front of her mind. Isabelle’s voice, trembling, stammering about Clary being overpowered during their mission by three rogue ex-Circle members. Then, the feeling of Alec’s arms around her, holding her back as she kicked and screamed and tried with all her might to get to Clary as Magnus stood over her, magic flowing in never-ending streams from his fingers, his face hardened in concentration as he did what the doctors couldn’t do to save her life.
It’ll be okay. She’ll be okay, Alec had whispered, over and over again. Words that Maia held onto like they were a lifeline as the colour slowly returned to Clary’s face.
It took months for Clary to heal from the injuries she sustained that night. Despite Magnus’ best efforts, her shoulder never fully healed. It became an injury she would have to live with, along with the memories that tortured her at times, especially when darkness fell.
Nights of Clary waking up screaming and crying, of Maia holding her with all her might as her sobs evened out, slowly but surely.
Three hours.
Maia pulls the blanket tighter around herself, but nothing she does seems to dull the chill that’s slowly starting to take over. Clary would have called. Or perhaps she just might not have gotten to her phone. Perhaps she’s too busy trying to finish the hunt. There’s no reason for Maia to feel the panic that’s festering inside of her. The deafening silence coming from her phone doesn’t mean that she –
The sound of the front door clicking open echoes through the dark, silent apartment. Then, the shuffling of boots, and the clink of a charm bracelet that Maia distinctly remembers as the one she’d given to Clary for their anniversary last year. That’s all it takes for Maia to fly out of her cocoon of blankets on the sofa and head to the front door.
Relief floods every vein in Maia’s body as she takes in the sight of fiery red hair stooped low as Clary unties her shoelaces, before slipping them off her feet. Her fingers move to her thigh holster, movements slow and tired as she works it open. She raises her head a few moments later, eyes meeting Maia’s for the first time.
“Hey.” Fatigue laces her voice as her lips quirk upwards in a tired smile. Maia finds herself scanning every inch of her lovely face, for cuts, or bruises. For the telltale pull of her left arm that means that her shoulder is giving her pain.
“Why are you still awake?” Clary asks. She turns her attention to the strap holding her dual kindjals to her waist.  
“You’re late.” Maia tries to keep the tightness in her voice at bay, “You didn’t call.”
“The mission took a while.” Clary says, in between the sounds of the kindjals hitting the floor, “I didn’t want you to stay awake, be scared.”
“I was scared, Clary.” Maia blurts out, the words rushing out in a voice she barely recognises as her own, all constricted and heavy with emotion.
Clary’s hair moves with the gentle ferocity of glowing embers as she turns to face Maia.
“I was scared.” Maia repeats, voice considerably softer, “I’ve been scared for a while now. Every time you don’t come home on time, or when you don’t tell me if that hurts, even when I know it does.” She gestures at Clary’s shoulder.
Clary abandons her weapons, and moves closer, eyes burning with something indecipherable, something that tugs at every little thing in Maia’s heart.
“I just can’t – I can’t stomach the fact that one night I’ll wake up to my phone ringing and this voice I don’t know will tell me that you – you…” Maia trails off, voice caught unbearably in her throat as Clary stops right in front of her, so close that Maia could count the long lashes that framed those haunting eyes if she wants to.
Her breath is soft, wisps of warmth playing across Maia’s lips.
“I’m sorry.” Clary whispers hoarsely. She raises her hand to cup Maia’s face gently, the pad of her thumb swiping away tears Maia hadn’t known had fallen, “I’m so sorry. I’m right here.”
Maia swallows hard, raising her own hand to clasp Clary’s wrist. She feels Clary’s pulse against her fingertips, heartbeat strong and sure underneath soft, tender skin. A heartbeat that had almost ceased to exist, on the worst night of Maia’s life.
“I know.” Maia says, voice thick with tears, “I know. I just kept thinking back to that night when –” She tightens her grip on Clary’s wrist, bring her other hand to her waist and pulling her closer.
“Hey.” Clary says gently, “I’m right here.”
She leads them to the sofa, where they sit, limbs tangled together and foreheads pressed close. Maia finds her ground in the rise and fall of Clary’s chest, in the way her breath blooms warm across her collarbones. Clary’s hands hold her face like she’s the most precious thing in the world, her thumb running gently over the curves of her cheekbones. It’s all the little things about her that slowly calm Maia’s breathing.
“I’m sorry. I should have called. I’m sorry.” She murmurs the words softly, continuously, into the space between them where their breaths become one.
Maia raises her head finally to look into the shimmering green of Clary’s eyes. They’re like the forest, beautiful, and alive with a thousand heartbeats.
“I love you.” She whispers, helplessly almost, because she does. She loves this woman so much that sometimes she doesn’t know what to do with it.
Clary presses her lips to hers in a kiss that Maia feels to the tips of her being. She’s here, she’s here, she’s okay, she’s right here.
“I love you too.” Clary says against her mouth, pressing another kiss to it before pulling back and kissing Maia’s forehead.
They fall asleep on the sofa that night, pressed so close that even the air can’t come between them. Maia wakes up to Clary’s hair tickling her chin, and to her arms wrapped tightly around her waist, and the beat of her heart in tandem with hers. She runs her fingers through Clary’s soft hair, and relishes in the blazing warmth of her body against hers. When Clary wakes up, and when the first thing she does is to press a lazy, lingering kiss to the side of Maia’s neck, Maia feels calmer than she’s felt in a long time.
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lewispandawrites · 6 years
An artist and her muse , Claia, 2338 words
Clary’s life had already been stressful. She didn’t need her mother to loom over her head, and remind her every day that when she had been in her second year or art college, she had already had an art exhibition. Or that those exhibitions were crucial, when it came to selling work (Clary didn’t quite believe that one - she was a true millennial, and knew that the Internet could make everybody famous - but it was still painful to hear.). She didn’t need her concerned looks, her pity, or her harsh words to just ‘stop feeling sorry for herself’ and ‘produce some quality work’.
Ever since she could remember she had lived in Jocelyn’s shadow. She didn’t remember the time before drawing classes - years, when she could paint a swan just for fun. No, it  had needed to be anatomically correct. And have shading. And pink crowns on birds had been allowed only when Jocelyn had had a good day, and had played it down as ‘being creative’.
And everywhere she went she was ‘Jocelyn’s daughter’. She had never been ‘Clary’, or even ‘Miss Fairchild’. No. Wherever she went, people already had expectations of her, and compared her to her mother. ‘You have a good eye for details, just like her.’ ‘You always have a smude on the right side of your works. Your mother used to do the same thing - ask her and she will help you with it.’ Even her eyes were never just green. They were Jocelyn’s green.
She was sick of it.
She pulled the cafe door open, with more force than necessary. No one turned around, though, to look at yet another caffeine-addicted, hoodie-wearing college student, that had decided that Starbucks had been too mainstream for them, and had chosen instead to procrastinate in a hole-in-the-world cafe. But even those hipster places had caramel lattes, for which Clary was grateful. At least she could drown her sorrows in sweet madness before her next class. She was in college. She should have fun. Everyone kept telling her that she was now living the best years of her life, yet the constant pressure had her doubt it.
The chair made too much noise as she pulled it out, but she was too tired to give a damn. Clary dumped her bag onto the next seat, then finally sat down herself. Her phone buzzed with a new notification, as she was taking out her notes for the next class. Who would have thought that art college would consist of so many pop quizzes?
She silently hoped that someone had sent another dinosaur video to the group chat, but it wasn’t her lucky day. The message came from Jocelyn. Her mother had sent her yet another article on ‘How to deal with artist’s block’. She probably thought she was being so helpful.
Clary just shoved her phone into her bag, not caring what might happen to it. All she wanted was to have one moment to herself, without a constant worry that she wasn’t good enough.
A decision was made quickly - she wouldn’t think about art at all, for the next 40 minutes. Clary would just relax, and enjoy her coffee. She just abandoned her notebook, and leaned back in her chair. The angle was slightly awkward, but she was too stubborn to admit it.
No phone to look at and no notes to read, meant she had to fill her time somehow. There was oddly no music in the place, so the only thing she could do was people-watch. The place was packed, and no one was paying any attention to her. A perfect opportunity to stare at people, and wonder what was their life like.
Her gaze fell first on the young women sitting in the opposite corner. Two huge windows met behind her, creating an illusion of glass walls, so her figure was surrounded by natural light. She had dark skin, dark curly hair...Clary was almost positive that she had glasses, but the rims were either very thin, or made out of see-through plastic, so it was hard to tell for sure. She was wearing a striped black and white shirt, and light blue overalls, and was hunched over a huge book.
She was taking all the available space, with her book, laptop, notebook and coffee. Every now and then she would mouth something - Clary had no idea what, she couldn’t read lips - then reach for a block of yellow sticky notes, and write something down. The note would then end up either in her notebook, or in the book.
Clary forgot to look at the other people in the cafe, and instead focused on the girl. She would constantly brush her curls from her face, tucking the strands behind her ears, but they always got free. After it had happened for the uptenth time, she rolled her eyes - actually rolled her eyes, with noone there to see it! - and took two hairbands off her wrist. She then split her hair into two sections, and began to braid them. Clary had to remind herself she was in the public space, to keep herself from actually cooing. Doing that while staring at a strange, was surely going to draw attention to her.
Soon, she began to wonder. What was that girl like? What were her dreams? Why did she decide to sit in that cafe, at 1 pm on Thursday? Who showed her that place? What was she studying? Maybe she was a goddess that descended to Earth, wanting to live a mortal life? Blend in with the humans, experience joy and sorrow with them? Maybe her residence was in another dimension. Maybe she had sat at her huge window, every night, and gazed longingly at the little creatures that walked the Earth. She would wish to lead a life like they had. And one night, she would put on her coat, and escape her home, leaving her old life behind.
Clary didn’t even realise when she reached for her pen, and began to sketch.
“Come on, Roberts! It will be fun!” Simon said, as he dragged his best friend towards the art gallery.
“It’s already fun. You look ridiculous in that shirt.” He glanced down at the aforementioned piece of clothing, and frowned. Sure, the blue and green dots on gray shirt were unusual, blue he himself would describe the outfit as ‘quirky’. “You know you love it.”
“I do.” Maia admitted, then smiled widely. “I can’t believe I actually agreed to do this. How did you even get us the tickets?” Two college students, attending the opening night of some famous painter. Not exactly a regular Friday evening.
“I told you already - I booked them online. Apparently, she is a student, just like us, and it’s her first exhibition. But the tickets sold out fast, so it has to be good. I have planned on googling more about her and the event, but it just never happened.” Simon admitted, with a sheepish expression. “But I still think we can blend in with the crowd. Like, we are fancy enough.”
They gave their names at the entrance, then walked inside. Simon was still happily chatting next to Maia, but suddenly, he stopped.
“Si?” Maia, asked concerned, and followed his gaze.
It was her. The woman on the painting. Even with a golden crown decorating woman’s head, Maia could still tell with 100% certainty, that she was looking at her own face, displayed on huge canvas. Her dark curls were blending with the background, and stars seemed to adore her forehead, and clavicle. It was surreal.
She looked at another painting. This time the figure was turned away from the audience, sitting on a huge, stone windowsill. It looked like a part of the palace. But even at that angle, with only half of woman’s face visible, it was still unmistakably, her. She looked like a princess. Like a true goddess. Staring at something with longing.
Maia only realised that she was standing still, when someone bumped into her.
“My apologies…” the man started, but stopped once he looked at her face. “Ah! Miss Fairchild didn’t tell us her muse would be here.” Before Maia could process everything, and answer, the man tangled his arm with hers, and began to lead her somewhere. “We were all thrilled to hear that the daughter of the famous Jocelyn was looking for a place to display her paintings. I want to admit, that I, personally, was slightly worried. You know, she had a famous last name, but we haven’t heard about her work before. ” He leaned close, as if he was letting Maia in on a huge secret. “But she has outdone her mother. The way she captured the yearning of a goddess? A woman that had it all, but wanted to fall for mortals? I don’t even have words to describe it.” He placed his free hand on her arm, to squeeze it. “But I’m sure you already know it all. Aghhh, the greatest love story ever told. And artist falls for her muse.” The man sighed dreamily.
“...love?” It was the only word that Maia managed to utter. Every moment was more confusing than the last. She actually expected to wake up in her bed any second now.
Her companion winked. “It’s obvious. Everyone in this room can tell the story of how young miss Clary Fairchild fell in love with another woman, while painting her portraits. It’s so obvious when you look at those paintings. And I can’t blame her - you are gorgeous. Those paintings really do you justice.” Maia felt the strong urge to free her arm, but man’s enthusiastic grasp was too strong. “An artist-muse relationship is always so intense. And Clary is such a romantic at heart. She should have added a painting of you two at the end. Some might say it would be ‘too much’, but no such thing. I honestly hope she will consider that for her next exhibition.” He stopped for a moment to look at something. “Ahhh, there she is!” He finally let go of Maia, and walked up to a short woman with ginger hair. She greeted him with kisses to his cheeks, then he made her twirl in her black dress. Maia couldn’t help but admire how the tiny gold dots on her tulle skirt shone like stars - focusing on that detail was easier than trying to understand what was happening.
“Look who I found!” The man exclaimed, then gestured towards Maia.
Ginger’s face fell.
“Ohhh, I see.” Their companion said. “Lovers’ quarrel. I will leave you two alone. Just don’t take too long - everybody wants to talk to you.”
Neither of the girls realised when he disappeared.
“Well, this is awkward.” Maia said, while straightening her own skirt. Those words seemed to finally wake up her companion.
“I’m so, soooo sorry. I wanted to reach out to you, but you never came back to the cafe.”
“What cafe?” Maia was even more confused. “Do I know you?”
The redhead blushed furiously, then walked up to stand in front of Maia. “No. I’m Clary.” She raised her hand and waved, then lowered it back, embarrassed. “I saw you once in a cafe - Berko’s - and...” She gestured around, which almost made Maia smile. “I swear, I wanted to change the paintings. To do something less creepy. But I kept coming back to those works, and to you. You, in my head. Obviously.” She shifted her weight from one leg to another, then started to play with her fingers. “I will pay for all the damage?”
“Wow.” Maia replied. “So you saw me somewhere once, then decided to paint me?” Clary clearly wanted to add something, but decided not to, and just nodded with resignation. “Then you turned me into some intergalactic goddess, and hung the paintings for all of New York City to see?” Clary only averted her eyes. “And, apparently, all those folks are talking about how we fell in love.” Maia finished.
“What? No!” Clary said loudly, which attracted some attention. “I told Roberto not to mistake his crazy theories for gossip. I am so, sooooo sorry.” She covered her face with her hands, petrified.
Maia looked at the other girl. She still felt slightly uncomfortable with her own face on display, but it was clear that the whole situation was even more stressful for Clary. Simon had mentioned that it was her first exhibition - she probably was under a lot of pressure already. And now a woman who was her muse - Maia still found it hard to wrap her head around it - was standing in front of her, in a place where Clary had least expected it.
“Hey.” Maia placed her hand on Clary’s shoulder. “I’m not angry. You have nothing to worry about.” The whole situation was bizarre, but Maia truly wasn’t going to make a scene, or sue the other girl.
“You’re not?” Clary lowered her hands, and Maia could see that her sharp purple eyeliner got smudged slightly.
“Well, this situation is unusual. But I’m not angry. Those paintings are very beautiful. Gimme a moment to process, and I will say I’m honoured to have my face here.”
Clary nodded, a small smile finally gracing her lips. ‘She looks so pretty up close.’, Maia thought to herself.
“Thank you. I’m really so…” Clary had started again, but Maia silenced her.
“Stop apologising!” She said, amused. Come to think of it, the whole thing was actually funny and adorable. Like something out of a movie. “If you are still feeling bad, buy me a coffee.”
“It’s a date!” Clary agreed quickly. It didn’t take long for her eyes to widen in realisation, of what she had just said.
Before she could correct herself, Maia chimed in. “It’s a date.” Maia smiled warmly, and Clary had no other choice, but to smile as well.
Becoming a muse wasn’t so bad, if you could a date with a cute girl out of it.
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sky-eyes-castiel · 6 years
Flower crowns and fluff
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fictionalrambles · 2 years
Fic Rec
💔 Though I Have to Say Goodbye
🖊️ Author: gelato
| G | One Shot, 2.2k words | Claia
“Luke says,” Simon starts casually, “that you have a ghost problem.”
Maia pushes her nose deeper into his fridge. “You’re out of eggs,” she says. “And Gretel’s not a problem.”
0 notes
enkelimagnus · 7 years
Take My Hand - Claia
Femslash February : Prompt 8 : Take my Hand, Claia
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Clary hadn’t taken the subway in a while. She was so used to being with the rest of the Shadowhunters now, to living at the Institute. She didn’t have to commute, and she didn’t have time to go out much anymore. Her and her friends stayed in Brooklyn, and she only ever walked to the Hunter’s Moon.
Tonight was different though. Maia and her… were going on a date. Clary had taken hours to get ready, helped by a very willing Izzy. It was just so difficult, to choose. She didn’t want to look… like a lesbian.
It wasn’t something she was going to admit. Izzy had been careful not to choose too- revealing outfits, and respect Clary’s style, but some of the outfits were just… Clary wouldn’t wear that. She didn’t want people to look at her see gay.
It might not  have been their first date. Clary had no idea if the two times she’d gotten a drink at the Hunter’s Moon, sitting at the bar just to be with Maia and talk to her counted as dates. But now they were going to a restaurant. They would walk through Prospect Park on the way back.
Why was she so afraid? She didn’t know. She was now wearing a denim skirt with thick dark red tights, high-heeled boots that were warm and comfy enough for a trek in the snow, and a thick army green coat over her blouse. It was winter, after all.
Maia was sitting across from her in the subway, watching the people around. She took that train every day, because she lived next to the restaurant they were going to eat at. Clary had seen the place’s instagram. It looked delicious.
Food would distract her from this. From Maia’s beautiful face, and her serene expression. From her long legs and the jacket she wore, that seemed way too thin for the weather. Clary had no idea whether werewolves were hotter to the touch or not.
They hadn’t even kissed. Clary wanted potentially to kiss her. She wore only chapstick right now, and it was beautiful. She wanted to kiss her now.
The redhead huffed at her own thoughts and buried herself deeper into her scarf. Maia’s eyes turned to her and the woman smiled. “You seem cold.” She said softly. “Are you going to be okay with walking through the park?” She asked.
She was caring. She was kind. She was so incredibly perfect Clary wanted to kiss her. But there were so many people around. They would think badly of them kissing. They hadn’t held hands either, as they walked from the Hunter’s Moon to the subway station.
Maybe Maia didn’t want to hold hands with her, after all. Maybe Clary should have given in and gotten a date with Jace. No one would care if Jace kissed her. From what she knew, he wasn’t that bad.
They got out of the train and climbed up to the surface. Cold air greeted them when they made it out. Clary still kept a bit of distance between them, distance that said “we’re just friends” to the people around them. People who didn’t care.
“So… how was your day?” Maia asked, voice soft, as if she was trying not to scare Clary into the bushes. Was she really this skittish? Why couldn’t she act normally?
“I… It was okay. I spent hours with Izzy to come up with this outfit. You know her. She wouldn’t let me leave the Institute without a proper look.” Clary chuckled, and started relaxing a little.
“I think you look wonderful. Truly.” Maia complimented, walking a bit closer to Clary as they got deeper into the park.
Snow fell slowly on the trees of Prospect Park. Along the paths couples, families, people alone or in groups walked in the quiet contemplation of the beauty around them. It was soft and, though it didn’t quiet the noise of the city, it still made everyone feel serene.
Clary felt safer now, somehow. She still hadn’t replied to the compliment, but her cheeks were red. She could focus on the weather. And the weather was gorgeous.
Maia fell silent as well. Maybe Clary was fucking up the date. She didn’t want to fuck it up. Maia was amazing. She was so beautiful and so perfect and… She couldn’t fuck up the date. She just couldn’t.
“Wait.” She whispered and took a step closer, slipping her hand into Maia’s.
The other woman looked at her, eyes wide and frozen in place. Shit. It was too early, Clary should have known that. It was only their first date and she was fucking it up, she was fucking it all up and there was no way she was going to finish this evening. She could just leave now and let Maia go home, she just couldn’t stay after…
Maia smiled. A smile like nothing Clary had ever seen before. It was night time already but her smile was like a thousand suns. Maia squeezed Clary’s hand, and the younger woman relaxed almost instantly. It was nice.
They started walking again, still silent. But it was a different kind of silence. This silence didn’t need words. If the one before had been charged with tension, and stress, and things left unsaid, this one was calm. Soft. As soft and serene as the snow still falling, as the snow that caught into Maia’s hair.
Clary knew she was staring, but she couldn’t help herself. Maia’s soft, gentle smile and the way she looked at the ground right now. Clary knew what she was feeling. She didn’t need to look around to see the beauty of this night, of their first date.
They walked way too soon into the restaurant. Clary’s hand didn’t leave Maia as the woman asked for their reservation. A table, in a corner, a candle, in between their plates.
Their hands parted, so they could take off their clothes and receive the menus, but as soon as that was done, Maia’s hand searched for Clary’s.
Clary didn’t hesitate. It was awkward, the entire date, how they kept going back to holding hands every time they had to part. They just looked at each other, and they talked, and they laughed, and Clary felt that warmth growing inside.
The food was good, Maia’s smile was delicious, and Clary knew she would only remember her. The meal was short, to her taste. Maybe it was just because she was having so much fun.
They walked to Maia’s apartment, not hand in hand, but with Maia’s arm around her shoulders, and hers around the werewolf’s waist. Clary didn’t know what to do, but she snuggled closer.
“Are you cold?” Maia asked, laugh in her voice. Clary chuckled and said she wasn’t. She wasn’t. She was warm and soft and happy, full of food, and full of something that seemed like love. Something she’d never felt for Jace or Simon, or any boy before.
Was this what it felt like to be happy? Maybe.
But when Maia kissed her, there on the steps of her building, and then after, in her apartment, soft and gentle and caring, Clary knew that yes, this was what it felt like to be happy.
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alecmagnuslwb · 3 years
Light as a Feather
Read on AO3
“What if we tried light as a feather stiff as a board?” Clary poses as the rest of the girls all fall into the circle beside her. Candles light the room the house so quiet with her parents out for the night all she can hear is the sound of the crickets outside and the light flickering flames of the cluster of tall purple candles beside her.
“What’s that?” Maia, the newest member of their little coven asks. Clary had been the first one to spot her at school, the new girl who didn’t look like she quite knew where to fit in. One look at her and Clary knew she could be their fourth, that she could complete their coven and finally they’d have the chance to tap into something real, into the kind of magic they’d only read about in books and dreamed of.
The fact that she’s beautiful and sharp witted and everything Clary wants to have close is just an added bonus to the situation.
Clary smiles at her and crawls forward on all fours towards her.
“You never played at a sleepover or anything?” she says holding Maia’s deep brown eyes. Maia just shakes her head. Clary smiles at her one more time before swiveling around and lying down back flat on the floor arms pulled tightly across her chest.
“All you have to do,” she explains looking up at each of the girls. “Is take your index finger and middle finger,” she continues raising the two fingers once again meeting Maia’s eyes head on with that simmering smile on her lips. “And place them underneath me not really touching and then just think about me as if I weigh nothing at all and repeat the words of the game.”
“Light as a feather, stiff as a board,” Gretel says being the first to put her fingers in position.
“It’s never worked,” Isabelle sighs moving into position as well.
Maia is the last to move brushing her fingers against Clary’s bare arm before putting them into position. “That’s before you had me,” she says confidently.
They all smile and together in unison begin the words.
“Light as a feather stiff as a board, light as a feather stiff as board,” they all say slowly eyes closed in deep concentration.
Clary feels it the moment she starts to lift from the ground her long red hair slipping off her shoulders and hanging towards the ground.
“Light as a feather stiff as a board,” they all continue to say, Maia is the first one to open her eyes.
“Holy shit,” she whispers going back to the chant immediately. Her words catch the other girl’s attention all of them opening their eyes and smiling at the sight of a floating Clary before them. Clary tilts her head side to side looking happily at the space between her body and the hardwood floor.
She feels invincible, like this small thing is just the start of all that they can make possible.
They all pull their hands away from her staring in awe. Isabelle starts giggling and Gretel joins in, Maia runs a hand under Clary then over her like she’s checking for wires or an invisible base.
“Um, I know this was my idea and all, but how do I get down?” Clary says which just makes Isabelle and Gretel giggle even more.
“Just keep concentrating,” Maia says brushing her bangs from her eyes.
“No, but seriously who’s got the instructions,” Clary says heading turning between the three of them.
“I’m sure you’ll just float back down eventually,” Isabelle smiles wiggling her fingers Clary’s way.
“Concentrate,” Maia says again her voice calm and reassuring. That’s when a quick succession of knocks hit the door, Clary’s mom popping her head in causing all the girls to lose their concentration.
“We’re home and we brought leftovers!” she says happily over Clary’s shriek as she falls to the ground.
Maia moves fast quick to place a hand under her head softening the blow on that one vital part of her body.
“Owww, my butt,” she says as Isabelle rushes up to greet Clary’s mom putting on her most parental pleasing smile.
“What’s going on in here?” she says a look of concern on her face as she tries to peek around Isabelle who’s now blocking her view.
“Nothing at all, Ms. Fray,” Isabelle smiles trying not to laugh too much as she grabs the to go bag of food from her hands.
“Are you girls getting high?” she says her eyes going a little wide as she catches sight of the smoke coming off some of the candles. The question just causes all of them to laugh even more, Isabelle even losing it as she gently nudges Clary’s mom back into the hall reassuring her that they are one hundred percent not getting stoned.
Eventually Clary hears her mom sigh and shuffle away Isabelle shutting the door behind her tightly and falling to the floor in another fit of laughs the bag of food gripped to her chest.
“I can’t believe we did that,” Isabelle says in awe as she digs into the bag, Gretel crawling over next to her to do the same. Maia helps Clary sit up the hand that had caught her head before she smacked it on the floor brushing her hair out a bit and back over her shoulders.
“Thank you,” Clary says quietly and Maia just smiles back at her before turning and snatching a wrapped-up bundle of French fries from Gretel’s hand with a laugh.
The night goes on like that the girls coming up with wild new spells they could try while snacking on the bag of delicious takeout until the hour gets far too late and they all start to drift off. Isabelle snores lightly curled up in the window seat and Gretel breathes so quietly from her spot on the floor that for a moment Clary worries and leans down checking for a pulse.
She’s alive. Thank the goddess.
Clary lays back on her bed mind racing. This is their first real taste of power and she can’t stop thinking about the rush she felt as she floated up off the ground. About the ways they could make that feeling get even stronger and last even longer.
“You think incredibly loud, Fray,” Maia says startling Clary slightly. She flips on her side resting her head on her hand so she can look at Maia where she rests curled up in the chair by the bed. The moonlight spills in catching on Maia’s curls, the silvery scar by her neck that Clary longs to touch and those deep brown eyes.
“I just can’t stop thinking about what we did tonight, about what we could do,” Clary says nothing but eagerness in her voice.
Maia chuckles warm and agreeing as she unfolds from the chair. She steps over to the bed nodding her head down with a question in her eyes that Clary answers immediately lifting the covers as an invitation.
Maia slips in next to her not quite touching but her warmth seeps into Clary all the same.
“Our power could be limitless together,” Maia says her eyes dropping down to Clary’s lips for just a moment. “The four of us I mean,” she tacks on meeting Clary’s eyes again.
Clary licks her lips once before shifting closer to Maia, when she doesn’t protest she clears the final bit of space between them. She reaches up a hand trailing her fingers across Maia’s bottom lip down to her jaw and then lightly along that tantalizing, intriguing scar at her neck.
“The two of us could make some pretty gorgeous magic together too I think,” she says leaving her fingers to slide back and forth against Maia’s collar bone.
Maia smirks grabbing Clary’s hand and guiding it down not quite to all the good bits that Clary wants to explore, but right on the cusp.
“There are two other girls in the room Clary,” Maia says and it’s the first time she’s called her by her first name. A thrill shivers across every inch of Clary’s skin at the way it sounds lilting from Maia’s beautiful pink lips.
“Kinky,” Clary says with a smirk before pushing forward connecting their lips. Maia opens up to her almost immediately their lips and tongues finding a rhythm all their own almost instantly. Clary pushes Maia down into the mattress slipping on top her.
Her fingers slip down tracing the exposed skin just above the waistband of her tiny pajama shorts while Maia’s fingers find purchase in Clary’s long hair tugging and twisting just right.
Moments, hours, days pass and soon Maia uses the grip on Clary’s hair to pull their lips apart. Clary’s fingers still where they’ve just barely skimmed beneath her shorts.
“Not tonight,” Maia says swiping her tongue lightly over Clary’s bottom lip. Clary’s breath quickens at the action but she listens to Maia’s words slipping the hand that had been so close to heaven back up. “Soon,” she says drifting one hand down to rest on the small of Clary’s back.
There’s the magic they pulled off tonight and then there’s the magic of this. Clary’s not quite sure which one she craves more.
She resituates herself still half on top of Maia her head on her chest. She tilts her head placing a kiss to the exposed collar bone just once.
“We’re going to rule the world one day, all of us,” Clary says as her eyes drift shut gently being pulled into a slumber by the feel of Maia’s fingers combing through her hair. “Soon.”
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henryclaremontdiaz · 7 years
3 “you know, that’s not what an apology sounds like” & claia ☺️☺️
#3: “you know, that’s not what an apology sounds like“me: *shows up 12 years late with a ficlet* 🙈i hope you like it
“You know, this wouldn’t have even been an issue in the first place if you had just gotten over it and not let it get this bad,” Clary said, her arms crossed over her chest.
Maia cocked an eyebrow as she looked over at Clary, almost daring her to say more. “You know, that’s not what an apology sounds like.”
Clary looked almost offended at that, she couldn’t believe what she heard. Why did she have to apologize? It wasn’t even her fault Maia was upset. “You knew what you were getting into when you started dating a Shadowhunter. You know I didn’t forget our date, I got sent on a mission last minute.”
“Yeah, but you could’ve at least called! Or text me. ‘Hey, going to go kill some demons, might be home late’,” Maia said back, sighing. “And on top of that you came home hurt. I was already worried sick, Red, and then when you finally do come around you’re all bruised and bloody! How’d you think I’d feel?” she asked as she looked away slightly because she felt herself start to get upset.
Clary took a shaky breath while she took a step towards her. Honestly, she hadn’t thought about that. About how it would hurt Maia and how she would worry while Clary was gone. How heartbroken she’d be when she saw her covered in blood and exhausted. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. There was nothing more that she wanted right then than to get that look off of Maia’s face, to see her smile again.
“You’re what?” Maia asked as she looked over at her. It was rare to hear Clary admit her fault, though lately she had gotten better, but it was still new. “Did Clary Fairchild, the great Shadowhunter, just say she was sorry?”
“It happens sometimes,” she said, glad that at least things were a little less heavy at the moment. “I just… I didn’t think it’d hurt you so much. Seeing me like that.”
Maia sighed again as she reached out and took Clary’s hands in hers. “That’s your problem, you don’t think about anyone but yourself sometimes. But of course it hurt me, baby. You were hurt, you were covered in blood. I know you had already pretty much healed but all I could think was what if it had been worse? I love you, I don’t want to lose you.”
Everything in the room felt still and frozen for a moment while it hit Clary what Maia had just said.
“You love me?”
“Of course I do,” Maia said softly as she squeezed Clary’s hands. “I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.”
“I love you too,” Clary finally said. She leaned in to kiss her slowly, one hand going to rest on Maia’s neck and she felt one of Maia’s arms wrap around her waist to pull her closer. “Love you so damn much.”
Maia smiled against her lips before they kissed again, her hand playing with the hem on Clary’s shirt. “I know.”
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lesbianclaryfray · 3 years
underneath my skin's an intrinsic shrine
Written for @shadowhunterbingo
Square filled: “wing fic”
Rating: E
Pairing: Clary/Maia
Warnings: explicit sexual content
read on ao3
Their bedroom smells like jasmine and vanilla and hairspray. Jasmine from the vase of flowers in the corner, vanilla from the scented candle still burning away, hairspray wafting in through the open door of the bathroom. The blinds are drawn, the only light coming from the hallway — and that candle, burning patiently.
Clary and Maia enter in a haste, hands itching to grab at each other’s clothes. The moment they’re within five feet of the bed, Maia pulls Clary in for a wet, passionate kiss.
“Someone’s eager,” Clary teases.
“Yeah, yeah,” Maia says against her lips. “Says the girl feeling me up under the table all night.”
“Let’s call it even, then,” Clary says before diving back in for another kiss. Her hands gently but insistently pull at the fabric of Maia’s blouse, tugging it out from under her skirt, and she reluctantly breaks the kiss to pull the blouse over Maia’s head and completely off.
“Wow…” Clary whispers, which is what she always does when she sees Maia in any state of undress. She’s seen her naked so many times before — after a fight when Maia is shrugging clothes back on after shifting back, after a shower when Maia is wrapping a towel around herself, while getting dressed in the morning in their shared apartment, and of course, the countless other times they’ve reached for each other desperately before tumbling into bed — but the awe of undressing her never fades. Clary doesn’t just think, but knows, that Maia Roberts is the most beautiful person in the world. And when she bares herself like this to Clary, with warm and trusting eyes and scarred skin seeming to glow in the light, Clary feels like she’s looking at something holy.
( Heaven and the Angels have nothing on your breasts, she wants to say.)
Maia kisses her again, and this time Clary busies herself with unbuttoning Maia’s skirt — until Maia’s lips move to her neck and Clary loses all control of her limbs and can only cling to Maia’s hips for dear life while her love sucks a bruise into her skin.
“Why are we still wearing clothes?” Clary groans when Maia has moved on from the hickey and is instead placing gentle kisses along Clary’s throat and jaw.
“I don’t know,” Maia says. “You should probably do something about that.”
Clary agrees. She returns her attention to Maia’s skirt and undoes the last few buttons before pulling it down. Maia lets it drop to the floor and steps out of it, kicking her shoes off in the process. Clary quickly pulls her hair over her shoulder and turns to present the back of her dress to Maia. Maia unzips it for her, then helps her peel it off completely. Maia pulls her close then, her chest to Clary’s back, and presses her lips to her shoulder while she unhooks Clary’s bra. When the garment is off, she only steps back far enough to be able to trace a finger down the lines of Clary’s back. The touch is just shy of tickling, but Clary doesn’t mind. In fact, she lives for these moments, and she knows that Maia does too.
“Can I…can I see them again?” Maia asks softly.
“Yes,” Clary says. She steps forward, just to be a safe distance away, and closes her eyes. She doesn’t need the rune to summon them anymore, and she’s finally managed to block Raziel’s attempts to push back. They are now hers and hers alone.
And Maia’s. Maybe, mostly, Maia’s.
With a deep breath she summons them. Maia lets out an awed gasp as two great white wings arc above Clary’s shoulders, glowing bright for a moment before settling in place on her back. Clary folds them behind her. Maia gingerly touches one, and Clary feels the heat of her hand as if she’s grabbed her arm, or her face, or her thigh.
“Beautiful,” Maia mutters.
Clary turns to face her, and almost subconsciously wraps her wings around Maia’s frame, pulling her closer until their chests are pressed together. Her lips find Maia’s. “I love you,” she mutters into the kiss. Maia’s mumbled reply is swallowed up by Clary’s eager lips. They hold onto each other, and Clary pulls Maia back with her until they reach the bed. Clary lands on her back on the soft pillows. Her hair spreads like a halo around her head and her wings splay out on the blue sheets. Maia climbs on top of her and kisses her again and again and again. Then her lips trail over to Clary’s jaw, and her finger begins to stroke a single feather on Clary’s left wing.
“Are you sure—?” she begins to ask.
In answer, Clary spreads her legs, wrapping them around Maia’s waist. Maia smiles against her chin and lowers her lips. Her kisses are gentle, feather-like connections with Clary’s skin, lingering for only a moment or two before she moves on. From Clary’s jaw, to her neck, to her collarbone, to the space between her breasts. Finally, she pushes herself up and takes one of Clary’s breasts in her hands and, with one last look up at her from beneath her dark lashes, Maia takes the other breast into her mouth.
The pleasure is instant. The wet warmth of Maia’s mouth combined with the circular motions of her thumb around Clary’s nipple have her throwing her head back and gasping before Maia’s even truly started. If her arousal wasn’t strong before (and from where Maia’s sitting, she can tell that it was), it’s now growing rapidly. When Maia’s teeth gently graze her nipple before she gives it one last lick, Clary has to fight to stay put.
Sensing her tension, Maia smiles. “You’re getting impatient again,” she says, but there is no heat or warning to her tone. She loves how eager Clary gets when they’re in bed together. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t just as impatient herself. But she holds back, because she wants to take her time, to give Clary as much pleasure as possible, and she knows that Clary would do the same for her.
She starts to lick Clary’s other breast while her hands trail slowly down the redhead’s sides. She hooks one finger under the waistband of Clary’s panties and begins to pull.
Clary’s wings flap once, forcefully, in anticipation, sending a gust of wind that flutters the curtains. Maia chuckles as Clary flushes, more in embarrassment than arousal now, and fails to hold back a laugh of her own. She adjusts her legs so it’s easier for Maia to take her underwear off. Maia throws them somewhere over her shoulder and climbs back up the length of Clary’s body. If Clary sees heaven when she looks at Maia, Maia sees everything else when she looks at Clary. The blue sky and the bluer ocean and the unexplored deep and a million galaxies mankind has yet to discover. The woman beneath her is her everything. She’s something deep and unknowable and welcoming. Her undoing and her salvation. And if she wasn't naked and wet and waiting under her right now, Maia would stop everything to say all of that out loud. But it's rude to keep a lady waiting.
When Maia’s fingers first find their way between Clary’s legs, the latter’s eyes flutter closed. They do this routine often, so often they know the steps like a dance: Maia working slowly and tirelessly, her hand everywhere but where Clary needs her the most, and Clary breathing heavily, her hands clutching the sheets and Maia’s shoulders and everything else that’s within reach. But every time, it's just a bit different. And every time, no matter what, it brings about indescribable pleasure.
Maia’s thumb caresses Clary’s clit after what truly feels like forever. Clary’s body reacts instantly. Her back arches off the bed and her wings — those beautiful great wings that fit so perfectly around Maia every time, as if they were made to hold her — lift off the bed and wrap around Maia’s shoulders, holding her close.
Once upon a time, Maia would have felt conflicted about them, these wings that Clary had given herself using Angelic powers. But ever since the Angels cast Clary out, ever since she turned her back on them in turn and reclaimed the power as her own, her wings have felt less like a consequence of an Angelic gift she’d never asked for and more like an extension of her. They are warm and soft and when it comes to Maia, they seem to have a mind of their own. And Maia loves them. She loves the way they sometimes extend over her sleeping form when Clary’s spooning her. She loves the way Clary sometimes brings them out when they’re outside together, watching clouds or stars, so Maia has something soft to lay on. She loves the way Clary holds her close with them when Maia is naked in her lap, keeping her warm and safe no matter how exposed she is.
Maia smiles and leans down to kiss the side of Clary’s mouth as she continues to gently stroke her. Clary chases her lips and earns a kiss on the mouth as well.
“Maia…” she mumbles, nuzzling Maia’s neck and kissing the hollow of her throat. “
“Yeah, baby?”
Clary opens her eyes. “Take off your goddamn bra.”
They both laugh and Maia shifts, as much as the wings will allow her, until she’s unhooked her bra. She leans over again so Clary has a clear view of her cleavage, then lets the bra straps slip from her shoulders. Clary snatches it up and tosses it off the bed as if afraid that Maia will put it back on again.
“Thank you,” she says, pushing herself up to kiss the tattoo under Maia’s left breast. She looks up into Maia’s eyes. “You can go back to doing what you were doing now.”
And Maia does just that. Her fingers continue to circle Clary’s wet folds, her thumb gently and, often, teasingly rubbing her clit, and watching Clary gasp and moan and cling to her with need. Eventually, Maia slips a finger inside her, and Clary’s wings bristle.
Maia kisses her jaw. “You okay?”
Clary nods feverishly. Then, as if her wings aren’t doing a fine enough job of it, she wraps her arms around Maia too and uses them to pull her in for an open-mouthed kiss. Her hands trail over Maia’s bare back, then down to her hips, then up her sides until she’s cupping both of Maia’s breasts. Maia’s breath hitches at the contact, and it takes her more than a moment to be able to focus back on what she’s supposed to be doing.
She thrusts her finger slowly in and out of Clary a few times before adding a second. And then a third. And the whole time Clary grips and kisses and bites various parts of her body — and the sheets beneath them, and Maia kisses every inch of her skin that she can reach from her position. And her wings slowly lose their hold on Maia, instead beginning to flap and flutter in reaction to the intense pleasure.
Before long, Clary's hold on Maia stiffens and she throws her head back in a moan as she climaxes. Then she falls back against the bed, limp and panting, wings fluttering.
“That…was…” she sighs contentedly, ecstasy still on her face. She opens one eye halfway and gives Maia a small smile. “Wow. Give me one minute, okay?”
“‘Course, baby,” Maia says, lying down on top of her and waiting patiently. She loves watching Clary like this: hair sticking to her forehead with sweat, limbs splayed across the bed, and that euphoric look on her face. With a view this beautiful, Maia doesn’t mind waiting her turn one bit.
A few minutes later, Clary starts to sit up, and Maia rolls halfway off of her to allow it. Clary reaches for a water bottle on their bedside table and sips at it. She offers it to Maia, who also takes a sip before putting it back.
“Okay, now,” Maia says, tracing a finger up and down Clary’s stomach as she gives her a teasing look. “Where were we?”
Clary smirks, as if to say, Oh, I’ll remind you, and switches their positions so quickly that Maia is left to wonder whether she’s activated her speed rune.
With Maia on her back, Clary positions herself between her legs and leans down to kiss her. This is another part of their dance:
Maia is attentive and focused and so, so, so good at what she does and in the time they’re together like this, all she cares about is making Clary feel good. It makes her feel good too, of course, especially with Clary’s hands on her breasts and Clary’s wings on her back, but Maia’s own focus is on making certain her girlfriend is getting as much out of the experience as possible. But when Clary starts to kiss her like this — slow and deep, her tongue in Maia’s mouth guiding the kiss — Maia knows what it’s signaling. That it’s Clary’s turn to take care of her now. That Maia just has to sit back and relax and not worry about a thing in the world.
They don’t always do the same dance, but this kiss from Clary is almost always there to remind Maia that all she needs to do now is feel good .
Clary pulls away slowly, looking down at Maia with half-hooded eyes.
“Hey,” she says.
“Hey,” Maia says.
They smile at each other for a long moment. Then Clary places a kiss on Maia’s cheek, then her jaw, then her neck, her shoulder, her collarbone, her chest. Each breast. Down the lengths of her arms. Her stomach and sides. Her thighs. Knees. Ankles. She takes her time kissing every inch of Maia’s body, her hands roaming Maia’s skin all the while. When she finally arrives at the practically-soaked underwear, Maia is breathing heavily and urging her on with her eyes.
Clary sits on her hands and knees, spreads her wings wide, and begins to mouth at Maia’s pussy over the fabric.
Maia makes a noise that is half-squeal, half-groan. “Clary…” she says breathlessly.
Clary knows she doesn’t expect an answer, so she doesn’t bother stopping what she’s doing with her mouth. She alternates between kissing Maia’s thighs and the space between them for what feels to her like barely more than a minute, and to Maia like an eternity. Then Clary uses one hand to carefully push the fabric of Maia’s panties aside, granting her full access to the main event without having to take them off Maia.
Maia moans beautifully when Clary starts to lick her directly, her tongue moving in slow, deep circles. And then, when Clary’s tongue flicks her clit, Maia cries out and buries both hands in Clary’s hair.
Clary giggles and turns her head to kiss the inside of Maia’s palm.
“You doing okay, babe?”
“Yeah,” Maia says, biting her lip. “Just— don’t stop.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Clary says, and dives back in. Maia writhes in pleasure and lifts her hips off the bed, one hand leaving Clary’s tangled locks to grab her own breast. That’s my job , Clary thinks distantly, but doesn’t dwell on it. She lowers one wing to Maia’s face and caresses her cheek with the soft feathers, making Maia smile. Then she continues to lick and tease Maia with her tongue.
Until Maia gasps and shudders and twists her hand in her Clary’s hair as she’s overtaken by waves of pleasure.
Clary doesn’t stop until Maia is gently tugging her up to kiss her deeply, tasting herself on Clary’s tongue. Then she lies back and smiles, playing with the strands of Clary’s hair still in her hands. Clary adjusts herself so she’s lying next to Maia and drapes one wing over their still-naked forms. Maia turns into her arms, facing her, smiling broadly.
“I take it you enjoyed that?” Clary says more than asks.
“Always,” Maia says. “I love you.”
Clary kisses her on the forehead. “I love you too!”
Maia glances at the white feathers on top of her. “Does it take a lot of effort? To keep them out, I mean.”
“No.” Clary shrugs. “I wouldn’t mind if it did, though. You like them.”
“Oh, I more than like them.”
“Oh, I’m aware.”
Maia laughs and wraps her arms around Clary’s middle. Her hair tickles Clary’s chest and nose, but Clary isn’t bothered by it.
“They feel nice,” Maia says after a moment. “They feel like…”
“Yeah,” Clary says. “You feel like that for me.”
“I love you,” Maia says again.
Clary kisses her.
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