#claptrap deserves better
sweeneydino · 10 months
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I have a condition.
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kitsumidori · 1 year
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Been replaying Pre-Sequal for the past few days (along with Pikmin 4) and decided to do post-BL3 refs for the Pre-Sequal vault hunters, or at least the ones still alive (yes Aurelia is still alive)
Also unrelated, I still need a name for this au. I'm thinking about calling it Siren's Songs but I'm still debating on that.
Her and Sprigs have been able to live well financially so Athena doesn't do as many odd jobs, but still does the occasional bounty. (better than selling kebobs)
She also works alongside Sprigs at her black market. (mainly to go after people who tried to scam them)
Starting to become worse for where, a lot of his new parts for repairs were from old Claptraps units.
Along with that he's starting to rust in some areas. (nothing but a little paint and some stickers would do the trick)
Has been reunited with his stair climbing wheel and became even more of an annoying menace.
Still refers to himself as General Claptrap.
Still doesn't want to do anything involving that casino (or Jack in general) but Moxxi did offer him to work at her bar in Sanctuary lll.
Not as cowardly as before (like because of Jack's DNA) but still kinda pathetic.
(I kinda had fun with this design. Like I was trying to make him look like Jack's doppelganger but not Jack at the same time)
Him and Moxxi are still a thing. It was complicated at first but had gotten better once he started to not look like Jack.
Was finally able to get that bomb disarmed and removed. (thanks to Tannis and Zed)
What Borderlands 3 did to Aurelia should be a crime!!!!!! Like why?!?!?!?!?!?!
Acted as a spy for the Crimson Raiders so she could get intel from the C.O.V.
Troy still has a thing for her, but she's not interested and is creeped out by it. (it's gotten to the point where she straight up told him that she's a lesbian, not sugar coating what's so ever)
After the events of Pre-Sequal, Aurelia doesn't find hunting animals near extinction as fun as it used to be.
Her and Alistair's relationship is........ complicated, but they are starting to tolerate each other, so there's that.......
Still kind of a bitch, but it's mostly for show. (I mean in pre-sequal she says she's evil but even she has standards)
Has suffered frostbite on both fingers and toes, likely due to cryo usage.
Her design (especially the frostbite detail) were inspired by @wainwrightjakobshammerlock post-BL3 Aurelia design.
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handsomemilo · 1 year
So I got a new sketchbook a week or two ago. I have a couple of sketches I want to show off because they're cute.
I also have a cute AU idea that I'm not ready to share just yet I want to see if I can make a couple little comics of it, but just know it has something to do with Angel.
Ignore the fact I haven't cleaned them up, they're just sketches.
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I have way more doodles and such of borderlands characters but I'm just trying to get a feel for drawing them in my style.
Lovin' mini Jack with his lil scar tho
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hxperion · 9 months
//thinking about the claptrap dlc in the pre-sequel how Tassiter hid the H-source code inside of claptrap to prevent people like Jack from getting it. that would give him complete control over hyperion and Helios.(if i recall correctly-) I honestly think Tassiter probably knew he was gonna be targetted one day. considering tassiter himself isn't above hiring people to get rid of those who are causing problems for him. Though I do not think he thought that Jack would actually went through with his threats of killing him till he did. But man he did try everything to make sure some one like Jack wouldn't be able to get ahold of the H-source but yet he did in the end regardless//
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bobbydagen24 · 2 months
just got back from seeing the Borderlands film and Honesty I Really enjoyed it tho it was flawed.
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I played the first 2 games quite a number of years ago so they aren't Really fresh in my memory and I enjoyed them but I wasn't exactly a super fan or anything.
so I just went into this film from a casual point of view and I actually enjoyed it for what it was a fairly basic light hearted adventure film.
it doesn't add anything new to the Genre and it has been Done way better in other films imo like the first Guardians of the Galaxy and Dungeons and Dragons.
but I still enjoyed this for what it was the film did enough to make me like and care about the characters.
there was admittedly some very dodgy CGI at the end of the film and the movie's main villain was very underwhelming due to a lack of screen time and motivation
nothing against the actor I've seen him in other things and I think he's pretty Good but he lacked screen time for most of the movie
and he had no real motive beyond get the magical McGuffin to do unspecified evil things.
so overall I found him a Disappointing villain plus his Rocky Relationship with Tina I feel could have fleshed out a touch more.
and the climax felt a bit Rushed tbh no Real Build Up so yeah I do think this film was Flawed and I understand if other people don't enjoy it.
but I thought it was pretty fun plus Claptrap was kinda Cute lol I never found him annoying in the second game as most other people seemed to.
I think he's pretty lovable tbh makes me sad how Mistreated he is my little guy Deserved better.
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meghansmallrocks · 2 years
Oh the shame!
Yes boys and girls the residents where told to leave as a real threat to life had been issued even the AA+ superstar who lived local bundled his family into the Tesla and announced “ We are leaving” …But what of his infamous big mouthed claptrap Neighbours?
Whilst the Town was getting together and organising people to go out and help and check on others one infamous family was nowhere to be seen nothing! Now the famous people soon started to snipe when they heard the odious wife was refusing to move.The fire service had been going door to door explaining to their rich residents that it was time to leave now! Most of the residents where courteous and polite and made arrangements to move quickly whilst some got together to help others less likely to go.
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Now the odious wife had insisted that they would fly out and when the fire service even offered to help they stunned when the odious wife retorted “Do you know who the hell we are” with that the FS decided to leave and let them get on with it as the wife was already phoning around to helicopter charter companies to fly them out! Not forthcoming and who could blame them as who would want to put themselves at risk when a landslide was imminent the wife resorted to shouting and yelling down the phone telling anyone that would listen that they where British Royalty!.
What is it you don’t understand Rachel Windsor do you think your defunct titles make you better than others? do you think you deserve better treatment than your Uber rich Neighbour who incidentally thinks you are an absolute PooPoo of a person who when in a crisis acted like everyone else and got his family too safety! You where willing to put you mind numbing Prince and moon bumps at risk for the sake of entitlement? Are you surprised that the company’s told you No after you rude brusk calls then yelling at them? Did you forget that in America today Royalty and titles mean nothing and why should they. It remains really strange that you have hid whilst you Poor Me Prince has gone and made a HUGE tit of himself this week and the whispers are you are setting him up for a great fall………….…looks good in the divorce right?.
This is all subject to rumours of course 🤣🤣🤣
By Jus Tiz ( who’s ear is stuck to the Turnip Service).
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renegade0897 · 1 year
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This came from a friend of mine on IG. This came directly from Mick's interview.
To think that this shitstain of an asshole is like this is not surprising to me. The very team he leads has connections to a Russian weapons maker that rains down missiles on innocent Ukrainians on a daily basis and this F1 team is fucking fuelling this useless war with their own money. Isn't this enough evidence to launch a fucking investigation into Haas F1 and into Gene Haas as well? I mean I don't want to involve politics but Haas is a Democratic donor, why in the fucking hell are the Democrats in Congress and Senate completely silent on this?!
And this shitstain has the balls to sue Haas as well? What, he's covering his ass before the shit hits the fan and Haas does get investigated? Sneaky little son of a bitch but no, YOU'RE GOING TO GET YOURS GUENTHER STEINER.
I will make sure you lose every single damn thing you own to the gutter and I won't stop until you're crying blood out of your eyes. (That's a bit too far but, yeah...) You are a gutless, spineless, money-addicted disgraceful and absolutely shameful-ass son of a bitch who shouldn't deserve anything good but negativity until the day you breathe your last.
Regardless of who the drivers are, if they continue to make you money you'll treat them humanely, but once they start to underperform or crash and damage the already shitbox of a car you have, you'll brand them as war criminals, talk shit behind their backs and shame them, even ride on their PR for your own fucking sake.
You're a sorry excuse of a man who doesn't have the balls to say what you want to say to the person who offended you. You resort to sneaky yet disrespectful tactics to drop them. You inadvertently caused some kind of psychological torment on Mick by keeping him guessing, wondering if you were going to drop him or not. That's textbook tactics for terrorists and dictators. Then you reveal it to him in a phone call at a hotel lobby? That is just fucking disrespectful of you.
If there's one or two things I want to happen before I die, it's ONE, HAVE JORDAN PETERSON GET WHACKED IN CRIMEA, and TWO, SEE YOU SUFFER FROM ALL THE EMBARRASSMENT AND SHIT YOU'VE DONE TO ALL THE DRIVERS YOU'VE EMPLOYED because frankly, you don't give a shit about their safety. All you care about is the money they make you and the PR clout.
To all the Shitstainer stans out there, hit me with everything you have because Mick's interview is all the receipts I need to own you. Because this, is clear evidence that the idol you worship like a wholesome god on the American media claptrap known as Netflix and their idiotic shitshow that is Drive to Survive? Is a fucking gutless, spineless and heartless asshole who cares more about how much money was lost due to damage rather than the safety of the driver. This is not professional F1 leadership, this is fucking insanity, hell I think Shitstainer would make a better criminal than anyone else. He'd give none of a fuck if the driver died and worry more about the damage and money lost.
Once again unto the breach Gunether Steiner.
FUCK, YOU... 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
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snappedsky · 2 years
Borderlands: Skies the Bodyguard 5
Tannis has been captured. Skies and the Vault Hunters work to get her back.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Chapter 15
           “Another great Arms Race, right, Ax?”
           “Sure was, Sal. Almost as great as my newest headshot, which you can buy off my ECHOsite right now.”
           “…you seriously plugging yourself right now?”
           “Well, somebody has to.”
           Skies chuckles as the latest ECHOcast of Arms Race wraps up. She closes the app on her ECHO device and starts to set it aside when Lilith’s voice cries through.
           “Skies! Get the bridge now!”
           “Uh, on my way,” Skies replies with surprise and hops out of her bed. She quickly throws on her coat- which is really tattered now- and hurries out of her ship and to the bridge.
           As she enters, she catches Ava saying in panic, “there’s still time!”
           “What’s happened?” Skies asks as she approaches. The Vault Hunters are there too, looking rather guilty.
           “The Calypsos got Tannis,” Moze replies.
           “What?” Skies gasps, “when?”
           “In the Vault,” Zane replies.
           “Troy used Phaselock,” Amara adds, “there was nothing we could do.”
           “I have never been so shamed,” FL4K grumbles.
           “Incoming transmission!” Claptrap announces.
           “Of course,” Lilith groans.
           A hologram comes up overhead showing Tyreen and Troy in Psycho masks.
           “We kidnapped your scientist,” Tyreen says in growly voice.
           “If you wanna see her alive…” Troy adds, also doing a voice, then laughs and switches back to his normal voice. “It’s not gonna happen.”
           “Yeah, cause you eat butts,” Tyreen laughs.
           “Skag butts.”
           “It’s us!” Tyreen sings, “did you guess?”
           “Cool masks, right?” Troy asks, “pre-order bonus. Oh, Ty, pledge drive.”
           “So, spoiler. We are crazy close to opening the Great Vault,” she explains, “we found the key, bee-tee-dubs, and it is HUGE! So we need a crap-ton of Eridium to charge it and you know what that means. Pledge Drive! And since our followers go apeshit every time we maim or murder one of you, we put the next one up to a vote.”
           “Would you believe it? Weird scientist was our most requested murder,” Troy adds, “beat out annoying robot by just a bit.”
           “Damn it!” Claptrap snaps.
           “Speaking of murder, Carnivora’s getting hungry,” Tyreen says, “the show’s starting soon! And it’s gonna be a killer.”
           With that, the transmission ends.
            “Tannis…” Lilith sighs regrettably.
           “They’re gonna kill her if we don’t do something!” Ava cries.
           “Tannis risked everything to keep Tyreen from getting to that Vault monster. She deserves better than dying for the entertainment of two psychopaths. We’re going back to Pandora and we’re going to save her.”
           “The Calypsos mentioned a ‘Carnivora’,” she muses, “Vault Hunters, go find Vaughn. I sent him to an old Crimson Raiders outpost in Devil’s Razor. He’s been monitoring COV movement- he’ll know what’s going on.”
           “Whoa, wait, Lilith, let me go down,” Skies suggests, “I can get there fastest with my ship and set up the fast travel link. Plus, I think the Vault Hunters deserve a break.”
           “Hm, what do you guys think?” Lilith asks them.
           “We don’t mind,” Moze shrugs.
           “Yah, I could use a drink,” Zane adds.
           “Alright,” Lilith nods and turns back to Skies. “Go meet with Vaughn and let me know when the fast travel is up.”
           “No problem,” Skies smiles and heads out. As she heads down the cargo hold, she feels Sanctuary take off. By the time she’s reached her ship, they’re outside Pandora.
           After asking Ellie to open it up, Skies gets into her pilot’s chair. Ellie opens up the cargo hold and the Sky Rider backs out before taking off to the planet’s surface.
           It only takes a couple minutes for Skies to arrive to the Devil’s Razor, and far less time to reach the Crimson Raider’s outpost- Roland’s Rest. She parks in an empty spot in the back of the camp and hops out to meet with Vaughn.
           “Skies!” he cheers, “I knew I’d be seeing you again soon!”
           “Hey, Vaughn,” she smiles, “hang on, I just have to get the fast travel station ready for the Vault Hunters.”
           She activates the station and sends Lilith a quick message that it’s all ready to go. As she waits for the Vault Hunters, she wanders over to the large statue of Roland in the center of the town and stares up at it forlornly.
           “You should write a message,” Vaughn suggests, gesturing to all the messages written on the base of the statue by the other Crimson Raiders.
           “Yeah, that wouldn’t be disrespectful at all,” Skies replies facetiously, “what should I write? ‘Hey, sorry my old boss shot you in the back. No hard feelings, right?’”
           “Well, probably shouldn’t word it like that,” he mutters.
           “I shouldn’t even be feeling guilty,” she scoffs, “I wasn’t there. I never even met the guy.”
           She sighs heavily. “Maybe my feelings towards Angel are just…spilling over into him.”
           “You gotta lotta baggage, bro,” Vaughn comments.
           Skies chuckles drily. “Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.”
           “How about Carnivora?” he suggests as the Vault Hunters approach them.
           “Good timing, kiddos,” Skies says, “so who’s Carnivora and where do I have to go to kill them?”
           “Why do you get to kill them?” FL4K asks.
           “No, it’s not a who, it’s a what,” Vaughn explains, “Carnivora is a giant festival run by two murderstreams named Pain and Terror. You can find them in the Splinterlands, bro.”
           “Oh, shit, Pain and Terror!” Skies cheers, “I used to love their murderstreams before they became COV supporters.
           “Yeah, Carnivora is the most popular Calypso fan-stream in the galaxy, bro,” Vaughn says, “Pain and Terror take kill requests non-stop in the name of the Calypsos- and of course, high viewer counts. Anyway, I can help you get TO Carnivora, but getting in might be a different story.”
           “For them, maybe,” Skies scoffs, nodding at the Vault Hunters. “I can easily sneak into Carnivora. In fact, if you guys go in through the front door, you can keep all the attention on you, making it easier for me to get in undetected.”
           “We’re in,” Moze replies while the other’s nod in agreement.
           “Alright, let’s get back Tannis,” Skies booms.
           “Yeah!” the Vault Hunters cheer. They wave her off as she goes back into her ships and flies to the Splinterlands.
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nat-the-octo · 1 month
hey it’s been a while since I finished a game so I figured I might as well post my thoughts on here. Maybe I’ll do this more or go through a backlog of games idk
anyway here’s my thoughts on Borderlands (the first one)
To start, I got this game and every other game in the franchise for like 30 bucks due to some movie cross promotion ig, so I had no real prior knowledge going in. I also played through solo, so I assume the game is better with friends.
The game was overall fun to play, but it really hasn’t aged well I don’t think. The whole game can really be boiled down to: want place, shoot people, walk back and return quest, repeat. The only real gameplay was the shooting, which was quite good. Each type of weapon has the right feel of weight and damage (except for any rocket launcher, they all sucked), and the looter shooter mechanics of constantly finding new weapons… mostly worked. I ended up getting a combat rifle from the rotating shop that outclassed every other weapon for about 15 levels, until I found a better version of the exact same gun, which lasted until the end of the game.
The story felt really light, and not really in a good way like some modern games. Every character can be placed in the boxes of “Insane” or “Semi-sane” and “Evil” or “Morally light gray.”
In terms of memorability, every area looked the same except for the snowy final area. All of the areas feel very empty and I was often left walking through open fields being no where near a vehicle spawned. I only remember like 3 bosses that weren’t just a regular looking guy with more health, and every npc was boring.
Ultimately, the only thing holding this game up is the gunplay, but it’s doing a really good job, so I can call it a fine game deserving of at least one sequel to improve. Apparently the second one is way better so we’ll see.
On the topic of the DLC, I finished an anticlimactic final boss and end sequence, played through most(?) of the claptrap revolution dlc, mostly just killing the same 3 types of enemies over and over for parts, until they stopped respawning. I closed the game to unload all the loot piled on the floor and rejoined to see my progress erased and the difficulty 5 levels above my own. I promptly uninstalled the game and began downloading the sequel.
anyways let me know if anyone cares for me to continue doing this for other games thanks for reading bye
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postsforposting · 3 months
i really don't see why people think "progressives" are any less prone to conspiracy theories than people like trump. the gop is just incredibly loud. a lack of a central PR arm like FoxNews means it's harder to spread bullshit, but that does not preclude making shit up just as much.
given how easily people believe anything on any social media, or anywhere else, the actual problem is that people don't consider their bullshit to be conspiracy theory claptrap. because they don't question it, and don't tolerate anything but their alternative facts. when you can tar anyone as a bigot, when you can make shit up that everyone will swallow lest they too become your victim, that's....literally conspiracy theory bullshit. same reason people are afraid of trump. same behavior. he also believes he's quite literally above the law, and that rules and morality are for weaklings.
it's not a revolution to believe that people lose their rights when you don't like them. that's the system we've always had. if you treat people like disposable toys that need to constantly please you to avoid destruction......that's not different from bigotry. it's just a different rationale: "i'm not superior because of race or religion, but i am superior because i'm just better than you, and that entitles me to disregard you." that's a belief that everyone has inherent class, and you've cast yourself as god with divine right over their lives. just like abraham killing issac.
at least bigots are honest about their beliefs. lots of "progressives" lack even that moral fortitude, whitewashing their behavior just like the people they claim to be "better than". very fundy cult of people to still believe that anyone can be "better than" someone else, and thus deserve more or less basic consideration. it's all a very seductive idea though, that you can have power over everyone else if only you can justify your ugliness. you know, like people believe trump is justified in anything he does because he's inherently better than everyone else, and to be better means you can do whatever and it's acceptable. he also believes he's making the world better by hurting people. again, he's honest about it.
the only reason i can figure people act like this is because the ability to say you're superior to everyone else is lefty cosplay. lip service to the values that everyone is equal, while acting like a bigot towards everyone because now you have the perfect justification to treat people like shit. again, fundamentalist cult behavior. you weren't just at the devil's sacrament, you're the priest.
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canadian-riddler · 6 years
it’s so interesting how Claptrap goes through so much awful stuff but, because ‘cheerful’ is his default tone of voice, everybody forgets about it and just decides he’s annoying
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galaxydaggers · 7 years
handsome jack apologists are so tiring why do they make up 90% of the fandom
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kitsumidori · 2 years
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Angel's alive, her and Claptrap are siblings now and I WANT THE BEST FOR THOSE TWO DAMNIT!!!!!
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flowisk · 7 years
speaking of bl and LGBT stuff.. the borderlands writers try n tell me claptrap is straight? Fools. hes pan and ace. i dont make the rules. they could literally state hes straight and it still wouldnt be true. (then again i have a fair few Issues with how claptraps handled in certain ways, in bl2 especially) alsoinmyhumanisedhestransaswellbutthatsjustme
Honestly tbqh it makes sense to me that robots are essentially trans in a sense anyway, because like... there is a bit of determining how to present as far as robots go.Humanized Claptrap being trans to me is good imoClaptrap is pan ace to me too and I love him... I feel like Claptrap is one of the characters handled the most unevenly throughout the series. Like, BLTPS tries to revise some sins it’s committed against Claptrap, and put his current actions in context? People disliking Claptrap as much as they do in canon doesn’t make sense, even taking into account most of the characters in BL are kinda jerks.God... I have so many issues with how Claptrap is handled in general, writing wise, I’ve kinda gone into that a lot but... suffice to say, he’s good, the story just don’t take him as seriously as it should considering all the shit he’s gone through
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
I’m tired of people defending me. Like, genuinely saying everything I said was justified. That it was okay.
No, you can appreciate me as a complex character, but I was a madman. I was a traumatized guy with a lot of mental disorders and unhealthy complexes who hurt countless people and had way too much power. Lilith was right to kill me, and Rhys was right to kill me again. I would’ve just caused more horrors if left alive.
If you’re talking about prequel me, I was still pretty fucked up then! Don’t act like I became a Murderous Bastard just because Lilith punched me in the face, I was showing signs before that. I threw people out of air locks for fuck’s sake! I destroyed all Claptraps just because I thought they were annoying!
Maybe I was a bit more redeemable then, but don’t act like I wasn’t warped and deluded. I still was hurting Angel, she deserved a better father than me, she deserved a better life. Lilith was right, she was dead long before they helped her kill herself. And that was my fault. Her blood is on my hands.
Just accept I was a horrible person in canon, okay? I had a victim complex, blamed others, refused to re-evaluate myself, and every hand reached out to me I bit and bled dry and I claimed it was self-defense. Yes, I was very traumatized and wasn’t right in the head, but people went through worse because of me and didn’t end up nearly as bad as me.
I don’t have an excuse for my actions. You don’t have an excuse for my actions. Got it? I hope you did.
From a Handsome Jack with some more goddamn sense than my past life and a good chunk of the fanbase.
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almightyramtha · 3 years
I lost my best friend the other night. My heart was barely in this for a while. I don't think its gonna be in this at all for quite some time.
He was too good, and the world absolutely deserved to have him longer than it did. And it's not just sentimental claptrap. He was honestly one of the nicest people I have ever met. Funny as hell too. Always down to chat and give you his time. He gave too much of himself and not enough to himself. But he was so genuine, honestly the best of humanity all wrapped up in a guy who didn't know when to stop talking. And I dont hate him for that. Even when I was tired and suddenly realized I told him I had to go to bed like 5 hours ago, over and over and over, I cherish and miss every minute. I'm glad he never shut the fuck up because I got to have more time than I ever would have dreamed out of this friendship. I just wish it had lasted even longer.
If what you thought was true, I'll see you again some day. It might be a while but, it'll happen eventually.
Until then, we all love you, Andrew. And I know you knew because you were so open with people you made others be open with you as well. Everyone became a better sap because of you. I'm glad I got to meet you and I will never in my life forget you.
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