#classic rumbelle
notonlymice · 1 month
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tattoo artist!Lacey au moodboard
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ihateflyingjellyfish · 6 months
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twisting-echo · 4 months
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Was it necessary for you to violate my rule and make this ask?
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I have my rules for a reason.
I used the Rumbelle tag because, technically, IT IS the proper ship name for them. I used the tag accordingly because, although they may not be Once Upon a Time's Rumpelstiltskin and Belle, they're still Rumpelstiltskin and Belle. They're just different characters with the same names. There is no need to get all bent out of shape over it.
I mean, technically, it's the same Belle because the Belle from the 1991 Disney animated film "Beauty and the Beast" is the same character as Belle from ABC's "Once Upon a Time." She is based on the classic fairytale character and also takes inspiration from Ellie Fredricksen in the Disney/Pixar film "Up." Both versions of Belle share similar traits, including her love for books and her compassionate nature. However, the show adds its own twists and backstory to her character.
So please tell me again that it has nothing to do with it when literally one character is the same. There is a thing called the multiverse, you know.
It was just a crackship post. If you don't want to see my content in the tag, just block me or scroll on. If you read it carefully, you can clearly see that I said that I was poking fun at OUAT's Rumbelle.
In the future, don't hide behind anonymous asks to police people; it's just rude and entitled.
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abovethemists · 1 year
You once mentioned you wanted to write a fic where Belle's husband Gaston died and she claimed to be pregnant etc etc and I would've read the hell out of it
I still want to finish that! I have about 2000 words written. I would probably make it a long one shot. Like 8-10K words? But gee golly it takes an act of God to get me writing these days. Thanks for the encouragement though! I started that fic in like 2015 or something so it feels like old school, classic Rumbelle. I need to get back to that.
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themattress · 2 years
For the Send Meme: Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold/Weaver
1: sexuality headcanon - Not a headcanon so much as an observation of canon: he’s firmly heterosexual and attracted to a very specific kind of woman - a young, lean brunette with a bold attitude and high aspirations. Of course, the key here is that they will ultimately be loving and nurturing and submissive toward him; he gets angered if they end up defying him. Examples of this kind of woman include Milah, Cora, Regina and of course Belle. This also explains why he felt nothing toward Zelena: a needy, clingy redhead just doesn’t do it for him.
2: otp - Rumple/Cora. It’s such a shame this relationship didn’t work out since Cora was the closest any of Rumple’s partners came to being an equal to him. If she hadn’t ripped her own heart out and chosen love, she would have provided Rumple with his healthiest romance.
3: brotp - What’s funny is that I have one for each of his guises. For original Rumple, him and Jefferson. For Mr. Gold, him and Isaac. And for Weaver, him and Rogers / Wish Hook.
4: notp - Rumple/Belle, aka Rumbelle. I was relatively fine with at first, but starting from him lying to her with his wedding proposal and onward, it just became more and more toxic, and when we reach him threatening to take her unborn child away from her unless she submits to letting him stay in her and the child’s lives, it becomes just despicably abusive. The fact that the writers allowed them to get back together as a happy couple after that was unbelievable. 
5: first headcanon that pops into my head - Again, this may very well be canon, but Rumple was psychologically ruined by his parents. The absence of his mother gave him his issues with women and the Freudian sort of attraction to a specific type I mentioned before, and his specific need to have power and not be a coward and assert his masculinity stems from his cowardly manchild of a father abandoning him to remain a literal child forever and little Rumple being powerless to stop it. It doesn’t excuse his evildoing, but it really is tragic.
6: favorite line from this character - The always classic ”All magic comes with a price!”
7: one way in which I relate to this character - I do feel for his anxiety about things going beyond his control. I’m not a coward about it like him, but I can empathize with the sentiment.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character - You’d think it would be his imp self running around with that ridiculous voice, giggle and mannerisms, but I love that. What I don’t love is most of what he did after he woke up from his coma early into Season 5. Precious little of it worked and just ended up making his character less enjoyable.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? - PROBLEMATIC FAVE.
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phoenixwrites · 1 year
🥚plz! <3
🥚 Any easter eggs you put in a fic that you hoped people would notice?
So I leave little easter eggs for C.S. Lewis in EVERYTHING I write. Even the weird shit, yes, I do mean raptor!porn. He’s my favorite author, so I just sprinkle him in everything! It’s much easier for Hellcheer than it was for Swanfire or Rumbelle, because we know Eddie canonically likes Tolkien—it’s not a huge stretch to believe he read the Narnian series (probably didn’t like them as much, though) or at least be tangentially aware of them through Tolkien. Some of them are deep cuts, something only scholars would be aware of—which makes dropping them in my fics all the more fun!
I also make a lot of classical literature Easter eggs. And most of my OCs have names from people I remember from middle school.
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kelyon · 2 years
What are the easiest, and the hardest parts of writing Rumbelle?
(This is a great question. Love seeing you in my inbox!)
I think the hardest part is balancing the darkness that is inherent to Rumple's character. (Or Dark One Belle in the case of Dark Mistress.) It's the classic antihero problem: How bad is too bad?
Compounded with this is the reaction that Belle (or Spinner Rumple) has to the darkness. Most of canon Belle role is acting as Rumple's moral compass, and then feeling betrayed when he looses his way. I found that incredibly tiresome on the show, so in my fics I tend to overcorrect and have Belle be a bit too understanding and forgiving.
I do like having a Belle that is up for anything, who is willing to listen to Rumple's explanations and accept his heartfelt apologies. But at a certain point, she becomes a doormat. In Golden Cuffs, Belle's entire arc is finding the points where she can't just go along with what Rumple does to her. She says No and Rumple has to change his behavior.
So it's not an impossible problem, but it is something inherent to the dynamic that I have to reckon with every time. The Beast has to be beastly so he can be transformed by Beauty's love. (And I hate to overcorrect in the opposite direction where Rumple is completely toothless. Like, we know he has a soft woobie center, but if it's exposed too easily that takes away something from the character.)
And I suppose the easy part is finding roles for them to play. I'm not the first to say that this is an AU-heavy fandom. Our source material is as old as time, so we are not gonna run out of scenarios any time soon.
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notalwayslate · 10 months
Santa's back with an important query! :)
Since you said that you've been missing Rumbelle, I thought why not go for some classic Skin Deep nostalgia? I've got an outline going for a prologue to the episode, going off of Robert Carlyle's headcanon that Rumple knew of Belle before making his deal for her. I just wanted to pop in to get your okay on some content.
a). Canon-level violence. A brief scene of physical violence inflicted on Rumple. Nothing too gratuitous and, seeing as the 'inflictors' are mortals and the 'inflictee' is the dark one, the threat is nonexistent.
b). A brief Gaston appearance, serving as a grumbling asshole for Belle to admonish.
Please let me know if these do not get your okay. Furthermore, do you have any hard "no's" when it comes to topics/content/characters that I should know about? (Not to imply that this fic will be entering dark, upsetting territory in the least. Just thought I'd better be safe than sorry!)
I'm totally good with those Santa. That sounds great. I loved me some Skin Deep. As for no's, not really, I'm pretty open and ready to read just about anything.
Sorry for the delay in my response. Work gets a little crazy this time of year, and when I get home, I'm zoned out. But things are settling now, so I really am excited for this.
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peacehopeandrats · 10 months
Ho Ho Ho! Merry Rumbelle! It's your Santa here checking in to say hello! I've got your prompt and I love how seasonal it is. Are you a big fan of the holidays? And while I'm here I'd also like to ask if there are any elements you specifically want in your fic? Anything you'd love to happen or any characters you'd like to see included? And conversely, anything you really don't want included? I hope you're doing well and I look forward to messaging you again soon!
Going to try and answer this one quickly since I answered a lot in the previous one, which I meant to be this one, but it wasn't. Meaning I meant to do this one first.
I love the holidays, but I'm trapped in time with them. Though I love so much of the modern stuff, I feel like I'm in the classic Coke commercials with jolly Santa shushing a dog or being surprised by kids. That simpler time is more what I feel and expect from the season.
I'm not a religious person, so I tend to avoid that meaning of the holiday and just celebrate togetherness and kindness.
In my fic, maybe not a religious theme, but a winter one would be lovely. I'm happy for you to include any characters you like, but I am partial to Jefferson and Rumple's friendship or David and Rumple’s friendship for pre season 7 and the Rogers and Weaver/Wish Hook and Rumple friendship if you go with season 7. There isn't enough of Belle with Grumpy either.
All that said, you do you. I am grateful for anything you send out to me.
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1jemmagirl22 · 2 years
Okay people, it’s the end of the year, and I’m falling down many rabbit holes again in this week of no productivity or dignity. So, as I slowly fall back down old rabbit holes, and find many new ones, I want to know what everyone’s favorite un-ironic Problematic ships are. These can be old favorites, new favorites, terrifyingly nostalgic classics, any and all ships you adore or once adored that are twisted, toxic, and controversial among the fandom or greater society apply. 
I’ll start us off, mine are Reylo (yes Reylo, doesn’t mean I  like the Star Wars sequels) and Rumbelle (OUAT). Yell at me if you want but I guarantee other people’s are worse than mine. And if any of my KC mutuals put Klaroline I will be very cross, I want creative problematic ships for this experiment please, let’s have fun sharing our toxic tastes.
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itssandgirl · 6 years
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ryik-the-writer · 4 years
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They do not attack people because they want to, but because of their size and strength, mankind has no other choice but to defend himself.
-Ishiro Honda
thanks @dappercat123
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reolf · 2 years
What is your favorite sentence or line from a fic, either one you've read or one you're writing?
I have so many quotes from rumbelle fics that I LOVE, and I have a couple of them written down in my notes on my phone. Most of them are from @emospritelet because she is a damm good quote writer ;-)
My soul is yours,” he whispered.  “My heart, my love, my life. And all the lives to come.” from The Long Game.
"A frightened child, screaming in defiance at the dark, but too stubborn to turn on a light.” from I think Tiger Lilies.
And " The Earth is littered with bones of men who underestimated women" is a classic.
“I can’t tell if I’m Orpheus or Theseus,” Belle remarked. “Descending into the underworld, but following a golden thread so I don’t get lost in the maze.” from @kelyon because I love mythology and this was a brilliant mix of two of them.
I also cannot pick exactly one but the way @deliriumsdelight7 writes Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat and Breaking Cycles and Changing Seasons and many more blows my mind by how beautiful she spins these words together and it gets me every time.
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violetfaust · 3 years
I'm interested in hearing more about why you think Margot should've been Rumbelle's daughter. Sounds interesting, but what would that mean for her enchanted forest life? I think her being Robin Hood's daughter would've been fine if not for Zelena
Okay, Nonny, since you sent this a few days before Mother's Day, I'm gonna finally take the opportunity to try to sum up and speed-run the Belle's Daughter Margot feelings that have haunted me for THREE YEARS. Buckle in; this will be more than you or anyone asked for.
Disclaimer 1: It's been, well, three years, so my memory of Curious Archer and their story is not perfect; could be off on some details here. And Disclaimer 2: I really loved Tiera Skovbye as Robin/Margot; she did a lot with not much screen time, and she and Rose had fabulous chemistry. So although she was well cast as Robin Sr.'s kid, Tiera would be perfectly believable as a Rumbelle daughter, too--maybe give her some low-lights and call it a day. We keep Tiera as Margot in this rewrite. Okay: onward.
(Since one of the few things that would have to change about Robin if she were Rumbelle’s daughter is her name, I’ll just mostly use her Hyperion Heights name “Margot” throughout this post for simplicity.)
First and foremost, the foundation of everything: Margot is so like Belle! She is so like her. They have the same love of adventure, a similar sense of humor. She took Alice on a date to a bookstore. Most of all, she has Belle’s ability to see past “the mask of the monster” to a person’s heart. There was a great scene where Tilly explained that she didn’t want Margot to see her “bad days” because she thought it would be “too much,” and Margot said words to the effect that she was there for the bad as well as the good.
Obviously, people don't have to grow up to be exactly like their parents (Belle and Rumple sure didn't)...BUT. In fiction, one of the fun parts of next-gen stories is for the audience to see how their favorites' personalities are passed down. It's just more fun to see a Henry who has parts of Regina/Emma/Neal than one who doesn't; it's fun to see Lucy resemble little Henry. And it would be fun to see Margot be like her parents (she is very like Robin Sr; not so much Zee). Seeing a character who has so many of Belle's traits becomes just more...fun...when she learned them FROM Belle.
The family feud Rumple/Hook angle turns Alice and Margot’s relationship up another roman tic notch. A classic trope! It’s about reconciliation and love remaking and erasing those old grudges. Which is even more important when we’re supposed to believe that the evidence of Rumple’s final redemption is his saving Rook.
On a more macro level: the entire claim that OUAT is "a show about hope" COLLAPSES because it ends with the annihilation of the Stiltskin family. Rumple, Belle, and Neal are all dead; Henry doesn’t acknowledge them as his family; and Gideon is a friendless and forgotten orphan in another world. I did my rants about this three years ago, but long story short: the show’s not about hope unless it’s hopeful for EVERYONE. And having at least one of Rumbelle’s children alive and happy at the end (with her True Love and friends and acknowledged as part of the family) would fix that. My objection has never been that Rumple (and even Belle) die, but the way it happened.
And of course, Rumbelle needed to have at least one other child because Kitsowitz managed to deny them even one single shared happy moment surrounding Belle’s pregnancy with Gideon and his birth. Even if the audience didn’t get to see it (and we could have gotten a glimpse in Beauty), we deserved to know it happened.
Finally: Zelena did not belong in S7, period. I know it was fun for her fans! (Although apparently there weren't enough of them to positively affect the ratings, meow.) I do know! But it was bad storytelling. She served no point in the larger season arc, and the serial witch killer plot that was invented to serve her was one of the worst and most stupid things Kitsowitz came up with in seven years, and ate up time that could/should have gone to develop other characters. (Driz and Ana come immediately to mind, instead of having them shunted off to another universe, but also Henry/Cinda/Lucy and of course Rumple since his plot was coming to a close.) Zelena didn’t even get any significant growth herself, or develop her relationships with Regina or Robin. She still didn’t express regret for the horrible things she did to characters we love (Rumple, Neal, and Robin Sr.); the only result of all that screentime was to give an unrepentant rapist a love story with a person--we barely see and have zero investment in. And even that was ultimately negated at the end of the season, because in the finale Zee’s back in Storybrooke sans Boo Bear.
So, all that said: what would have to change about Margot’s, and Curious Archer’s, FTL storyline to give us Margot Gold?
Her name—but actually very little else. (And frankly it would have been more respectful to have Belle name her daughter after Robin Sr., who was actually her friend, than for Zee to name her kid after the man she raped, manipulated, and ultimately got killed—but that ship had sailed.)
Belle and Rumple could have given their daughter any number of fairytale names after people they know, aka fresh take on a Disney character. My favorite possibilities are Aurora (and then Curious Archer could have been Curious Beauty, and done a riff on the Sleeping Beauty story as part of their FTL backstory, with a built-in TLK) and Merlin (very pretty for a girl, I’ve always thought).
But the character herself would have been very much the same: she could be Rumbelle’s jock daughter, trained in archery and swordsmanship by family friends (Merida/Mulan/Charming), but always feeling out of place in her family of scholars/sorcerers/nerds.
I am SO sorry for the length of this--there's even more under this cut!
Robin/Margot felt insecure about trying to live up to her father’s name; Rory/Merlin/Margot could have similar anxieties trying to live down her father’s Dark One rep. There could even be a similar story where she was born with magic (like Robin was) but loses it or chooses to give it up—something that would estrange her further from her family. Or, if she was Merlin, she could keep her magic but be reluctant to use it, and part of Curious Archer’s Hyperion Heights arc would be both Margot and Tilly discovering and accepting their magic. (Sapphic sorceresses for the win.)
Now, one of the cutest things about Alice/Robin’s FTL dynamic was Robin being a girl from the Land Without Magic finding her feet in an enchanted forest, with Alice’s help. But it would only take a little finessing of S7 Rumbelle’s story to get that for Rory as well. (Of course, any decent story would have a LOT of finessing of Rumbelle’s plot so that Belle didn’t die and put Rumple on a suicide mission, but again—assuming the ship has sailed…)
Say that Rory is five to six years younger than Gideon. The Rumbelle family spend a dozen years or so traveling the realms, but then Rumbelle decide that they want Gideon and Rory to be comfortable in the LWoM with their extended Charming family, so they settle back into the Pink Palace so the kids can get a LWoM education. They still take occasional journeys, often Rumbelle going to save some hapless souls, but Rory grows up primarily in SB with very few, vague memories of all the fascinating places they visited when she was a small child. This feeds her hunger for adventure along with some envy of Gideon for having so many more fairytale experiences—another thing that makes her feel like a misfit in her family. So, presto, when she moves to FTL she and Alice have pretty much the same meeting/adventures.
One of the key notes of Rumple and Alice/Tilly's relationship, showing his growth and making it so special, was how he chose to set her free of being the Guardian or whatever, allowing her to be free and get what he never had, the chance to grow old with the woman she loves. And that would be weakened if Rumple knew that by choosing Alice's happiness over his own, he was also choosing his own daughter's happiness (because we know Rumple picks his kids over himself ever time). But--he doesn't have to know WHO Alice's True Love is when he makes that choice. He could just know that there is someone, or simply realize that Alice deserves her freedom for her own sake. (Rumple's daughter also getting happiness would be a side benefit that he didn't learn about till later, and have the added perk of Rumple actually getting a narrative reward for doing something good. Which almost NEVER happened! Bonus.)
Finally: I do understand that Robin's presence on the canvas was important to fans of Robin Sr.--getting to know he's remembered and having someone carry on his legacy. Of course I get it--Rumbelle and their family not having that is my biggest complaint (of so so many).
But we don't need a grown-up Robin Jr. to be Robin's legacy. Let her stay a cute background kid with perennially baby Prince Neal. There's already a character, one we're invested in, to carry on for the Hoods: Roland. And again, it would be satisfying for the audience to learn that a five-year-old orphan wasn't shunted off from what family he had left (Regina and Henry) into another universe and never heard from again. If Kitsowitz didn't waste time with Zelena, they wouldn't have needed the idiotic Jack-is-Hansel-the-serial-killer twist, and we could have have had Roland filling the role of Henry's best friend/little brother (and therefore Lucy's fake HH dad--God, that plot was bad all the way back in season 1; why Kitsowitz why?). We'd see Roland onscreen, part of the family, at the end of the show, perhaps with his own True Love (Drizella, maybe, or better yet Gideon) and happy future.
So, that's it: the combination of Margot Stiltskin-Gold and Roland Hood tightens and heightens the storytelling throughout S7, closes some plot holes, and actually fulfills some of the show's stated themes. Who knew!
Anyone else want three years of OUAT theory vomit? 😋 Shoot me an ask!
(I actually have another one, god help us all, but I might save it till Father's Day...)
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thestraggletag · 4 years
The Game, a Rumbelle Chess AU
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Summary: Inspired by The Queen’s Gambit. When Arran Gold first lost a chess game against Belle French, he thought that nothing would feel better than wining against her. But the more he lost, the less he minded, and more eager he was for their next game.
AN: Look, it’s a bad summary but a good fic, I promise. Also both games described in the fic are real games that can be played. Here, for example, is their last game.
Rating: Explicit.
He couldn’t recall exactly when the tradition had begun. Long ago, when he had only owned about half the town and had yet to adopt his more refined image. A tenant, a once-wealthy businessman who had once had “old money” and had wasted it away in reckless business ventures, had challenged him to a game of chess in lieu of the rent. He had likely thought that Mr Gold, a lowborn Scotsman with a thick brogue and brusque manners, was unlikely to even know the rules of chess. He had trounced the fool in less than twenty minutes, and only because he had toyed with him first.
Chess, after all, was something he knew well. His aunties had taught him as a child, but it hadn’t been till university that he had gotten to love the game, after finding out there was a veritable underground circuit of contests and tournaments that could pay his way through law school. He had developed an irreverent yet aggressive style, completely unpolished but completely brutal. In spite of his quickly-gained reputation he had never lacked opponents. There were always posh idiots who were sure their sophisticated gameplay could beat his street smarts. They were never correct. He had developed a nickname, over the years, given to him in honour of his savage style of play and his ruthless approach to the game: Beast. He considered quite a compliment.
He had thought about going pro, entering formal tournaments and acquiring a ranking, but the life of a chess player, and even that of a grandmaster, wasn’t particularly profitable compared to practicing law or going into business and he aimed to accumulate wealth and power as much of it and as fast as possible. He had kept up with his secret hobby, though, sometimes catching televised tournaments or reading about them later, enjoying the process of dissecting a game, sometimes thinking of how he would have won against a particular opponent. But it had never occurred to him to play against anyone in Storybrooke till the challenge came. It had attracted lots of attention at the time and people had turned up at the library that Sunday to watch them play.
Though he won, other people sought to challenge him, to the point where he had decided to establish an event of sorts. A chess day, once a year, in which anyone could challenge him. If they won he would forgive their rent for an entire year. There was no penalty for losing, at least none outright, but the shame of defeat meant most people challenged him only once. Besides it kept everyone from complaining during rent day for the rest of the year. And, he had to admit, he enjoyed it. Enjoyed playing cat and mouse with people, exerting power over them, watching as people’s confidence shrunk down and melted away.
He always looked forward to chess day, though that year perhaps less so. Storybrooke had acquired a new librarian around eight months before and, in spite of all of his efforts, she did not think ill of him. Belle French was, apparently, immune to the gossip of the town about him and his own brusque manner and dark humour. She even seemed to enjoy the later, which made him uneasy and… nervous. A strange, unsettling form of nervous.
It didn’t help that she was insultingly kind, surprisingly sarcastic and delightfully witty. The sort of person that could spar with words and make it look effortless. And smart enough to know that though he pretended to hate it, he loved it. She was also, regrettably, gorgeous. Smaller than him, with reddish brown hair and electric-blue eyes. An accent that wrapped around his name like a lover and an actual sense of fashion, which was almost unheard of in Storybrooke and the only thing most people seemed to hold against her, the town matrons disapproving of her short skirts and high heels. There was also a disarming quirkiness about her, a sense that she was somewhat otherworldly, like she belonged half to the mortal plain and half to the realm of stories and fantasies. He had seen her more than once walk around town lost in a book, dreamy-eyed and clearly miles away from the little town. He was always fascinated by how dreamlike she looked, how otherworldly.
Though he had tried to make her hate him for the first few months of their acquaintance, he had grown used to failing, and admitted to himself that it felt nice to have someone who would smile genuinely at the sight of him, who would treat him with kindness, who would be eager for his company and did not consider talking to him to be a chore. So he wasn’t looking forward to Miss French being exposed to angry tenants who called him names when he beat them, and wasn't really looking forward to her seeing him dash people’s hopes ruthlessly.  
It couldn’t be helped, though. And perhaps it was for the best, to have her see what everyone else saw. There was no point in delaying the inevitable. So he washed and shaved carefully that day and had a hearty breakfast- chess day tended to take up all of his morning and most of the afternoon, and he did not like having to take a break to eat, knowing that his stamina added to the image of him as some larger-than-life monster. He dressed with care, picking his favourite purple striped shirt and matching paisley tie. He added his sleeve garters and square cufflinks, though he was not expecting those to be visible at any point during the day. It still felt nice, empowering, to be impeccably dressed. 
By the time he reached the library there was already a crowd there, as well as the customary barren table, awaiting his chess set. He always played with the same set, an ebony and boxwood one from House of Staunton. It had the classical Staunton look and the hand carved pieces had a nice heft to them. He had bought it years ago, one of his first purchases after beginning to make serious money, costing him well over a thousand pounds back in the day. Not by any means among the more costly of chess sets, but the price spoke of its fine quality. 
He set the board down and opened the box with his pieces, arranging the whites on the side of the board furthest from him and setting the blacks on his side, careful to properly align the knights and position the pawns at the centre of their squares. He took out his clock next, which he had cleaned and serviced the day before, and sat down on his customary, throne-like bergère, the one that usually was the focal point of the Ancient History’s reading nook. In contrast the chair opposite him was one of the plain, serviceable ones that populated the study room at the library. He hoped, for his own amusement, that whoever had set up the place had picked the wobbly one.
It wasn’t long after he settled that a crowd formed around him, but it took almost half an hour for the first challenger to present themselves. It was, surprisingly enough, Dr Whale. The good doctor was one of the few people in town that made a nice, tidy six-figure income, mostly from his private practice. Whale, whoever, did like to live above his means, and it seemed it had finally caught up with him. Though he did not rent a house from him, he did rent his private office from him. It was large and well-located, and likely to detract quite a bit from his overall profit. 
The doctor looked cocky, in spite of Mr Gold’s infamous reputation around town as a chess player. And he didn’t even have to speculate as to why. Victor Whale was the prototypical Ivy-league alumnus, likely played chess for Dartmouth, his undergraduate alma mater, or Brown, where he had acquired his MD. He may perhaps once been ranked, if his smug grin was any indication. He took pains to hide his own savage smile, not willing to give his prey any hint of the carnage to come.
He drew it out, both for the audience and for the sheer pleasure of watching all of the doctor’s confidence and arrogance melt away, leaving an increasingly obfuscated and delightfully sweaty mess behind. And once he knew that he had pushed him as far as he could go he had gone in for the jugular, watching in delight as his opponent toppled his king. The crow murmured, unhappy. When he dragged a game out sometimes people got the idea that he might be struggling, that his challenger might actually have a chance. He enjoyed dashing that hope every single time.
As he rearranged the pieces back to their starting positions he caught a glimpse of a tweed flare skirt swishing about a familiar set of tight-clad legs. Miss French, as always, was impeccably dressed, the black sheer floral blouse a bit daring, perhaps, but carefully hidden by the demure cardigan she had over it. Her hair was in a French braid, the end tied together with a lovely silk ribbon in the same muted plum colour as her cardigan. He wondered at her clothes, which he recognised as high quality, likely expensive as hell. It cemented his idea that she came from money, and likely worked out of a genuine passion for books rather than necessity. Just as he studied her earrings-lovely gold studs in the shape of blooming roses, she turned her head, catching his eyes. He saw interest and curiosity, but no fear or disgust. Perhaps Whale was too unlikeable a victim to elicit sympathy from her.
Frederick Knight was next, playing not for a reprieve from his own rent- his teacher’s salary might not be impressive, but his wife pulled some major money working from home for a law firm in Boston- but for the pet shelter he volunteered out. Briefly he wondered how it all worked, how he could volunteer at the shelter run by his wife’s ex-husband, who had cheated on her with one of Knight’s own colleagues, causing the divorce that would eventually leave her free and available for them to meet and fall in love. Gold thought it was all rather unseemly.
The lad was smart, he would give him that. All that strategizing for baseball clearly carried on to chess, to a certain extent. Mr Knight clearly saw at least a few moves ahead, even if he did not have the skill to plan and anticipate more than that. In the end, because he was a decent enough bloke, Gold put him out of his misery quickly. It felt bad to drag it out unnecessarily. The man was gracious about defeat as well, something that was rare, offering his hand for a quick, firm shake, before leaving the board, no doubt to sink into the welcoming arms of Ms Midas. Though married, she had chosen to keep her last name, after the hassle it had been to change it back after the divorce. And yet there was no doubt that she loved her new husband more than she tolerated her ex, which even the strictest traditionalist in Storybrooke had to acknowledge. 
More people challenged him, as was the norm. Out of all of them only Mr Prentice put much of a fight. Gold could tell he was a man of some talent, and an old hand at the game, but too by-the-book to beat him. He implemented moves and strategies well, but did not have a creative bone in his body. A pity, really. He was the only one after Mr Knight to be mature in defeat, sadly. By the time four o’clock rolled around three people had upended the board after they had lost and at least one had made a move as if to punch him in the face. 
He reset the board with little expectation of playing again. It was late, the crowd was thinning, and people’s enthusiasm had died down considerably. He excused himself to go to the restroom, enjoying the brief walk after hours of sitting down. When he went back to the board, however, he froze up. Sitting on the challenger’s chair was the librarian herself, carefully unbinding her hair as she half-listened to something Miss Lucas was telling her.
He hadn’t foreseen this, the notion that the librarian might wish to challenge him. He had become resigned to having her smiles dimmed when they were directed at him, but nothing more. Certainly not this. 
“Miss French, I didn’t know you played.”
His voice was, by some miracle, even. The librarian smiled, shaking her hair out and wrapping the now unused ribbon around her fingers.
“I used to, some time ago. Still do, sometimes. In my head.”
She said that last part quietly, only for his ears.
“Well, what are the stakes going to be? Rent forgiven from the library for a year?”
“Oh, not, that would be too much. And I’m not sure that would be good for the library. That much money would surely go to what the mayor considers more… lucrative pursuits. But I thought, perhaps, that you could lower the rent of the library by a certain percentage, enough to cover for my apartment. I could use the extra money to refurbish the children’s section, and replace some stock. I could do without another brawl about who gets the last copy of The Polar Express come Christmastime.”
He smiled in spite of the cold spreading across his chest, constricting his lungs. He would be quick, he decided, better to have it over as soon as possible, so that afterwards perhaps Miss Lucas could coax Miss French into a consolatory drink or a slice of apple pie, her favourite. It wouldn’t be too bad, he convinced himself, and it would endear her to the other townspeople, that she braved the beast in pursuit of better reading experiences for their children.
He started her watch, a bit surprised when she moved right away, dragging a pretty white pawn to e4. He counted with his opposing pawn, and in his next move he captured his first piece, another pawn she had likely moved unsuspectingly into the line of his attacking one. She took out her knight then, and later a bishop, but he played more conservatively, using mainly his pawns, waiting for the moment where he could unfurl some of his more devastating attacks. He was startled by her castling her king. It gave him a firm idea that she was no amateur, and he adjusted to this new insight accordingly. He advanced his pawns further, seeing little overall sense and reason to her movements. She had her queen out, as well as a bishop, but had taken her knight back in and her pawns were scattered about, presenting little challenge.
And then she moved her bishop, lightning fast, and suddenly he was in check and the game did not look as it had a second before. He studied the board more carefully, instincts telling him there was danger in there. What once had looked devoid of logic now seemed elegant and strangely coordinated.
Like a dance, he thought. And somehow familiar.
He moved his king, and noticed people suddenly paying attention. She took her bishop away, looking amused, and he pressed on with his queen’s pawn, losing his first piece one move later. Feeling his hackles rising he took one of his bishops out, losing another pawn a second later after she took one of her knights out again. He disposed of it in the next move, thinking he had finally seen her make a mistake, but her rook advanced, threatening his king and bishop. He moved the former, thinking he was sure to lose the other piece, but surprisingly she moved her queen instead. Far from putting him at ease it was that move that made him aware that he was in front of a person that could likely beat him. And, almost against his will, the thought rose the competitive beast in him. 
He went savage, increasing the aggressiveness of his moves to an obscene degree. A chance look at Miss French, however, let him know that she found it amusing. She leaned over the board with interest, head tilted to a side and the fingers of her non-dominant hand tangled in her hair ribbon. Her eyes, barely visible from beneath her thick lashes from the way her face was tilted towards the board, sparkled, letting him know she was enjoying herself. Thoroughly.
He, on the other hand, felt strangely angry. Defensive. Exhilarated. He watched her as she made her bishops dance across the board, forcing him into another check and into a few defensive moves with his rooks, before her queen made her presence known once again, sliding across the board with both elegance and devastation. He took off his jacket, feeling too hot, and looked at the board again.
It was all so familiar. The style of play, he had seen it before. Like a dance, spontaneous yet choreographed, forcing him to respond in a certain way, backing him into a corner. He took one of her bishops and then a rook, when it came sliding into his side of the board, but it only made him feel more anxious, more like a creature trapped. Soon he was without his rooks and both his queen and his one remaining knight were in peril. But as he focused on them he missed the slow advance of a white pawn along the side of the board, flanked by the white queen and the remaining white rook. He sent his own queen out, trying to regain some semblance of control, but there wasn’t much the piece could do. In the end it was the queen, aided by the unassuming pawn, that forced his king into a checkmate. 
“I believe the game is over, Mr Gold.”
The librarian’s accent softened the blow of those words. She looked up at him, happiness and excitement written across her face, as if she had gone through some marvelous experience. But it wasn’t the smile of a winner, but rather the smile of a conspirator.
“I believe the game was over ten moves ago, Miss French.”
He could admit that now, even as people cheered around him, rubbing salt on the newly-opened wound. He watched as Miss Lucas briefly enveloped the librarian in a side-hug before turning her attention to other people celebrating. Miss French, however, didn’t seem to want to join. She simply stared at the board and then at him as if this was their own private thing, their shared, secret joy.
It felt too intimate, and it made him even more angry, that she seemed to think that he had somehow enjoyed getting his arse thoroughly kicked by her. Brusquely he stood up, putting his jacket and coat on quickly before a well-placed snarl opened a way out from the mass of people gathered around the chessboard. He would go home and lick his wounds and figure out a way to repair the damage to his reputation after he reached the bottom of his half-drunk bottle of Balvenie Tun 1509. 
It wasn’t until he was well and truly hungover that he realised, with a shock, that he had left his chess set behind. He left a message in Dove’s phone to have him call him back on Monday, so that he could instruct him to retrieve it for him. No need to go into the library for a few days. Or weeks. Might as well not step foot in it for the rest of the year, really. And no need to ever again think about the game, ever.
But after a couple of Tylenol and a lot of water, he found himself rethinking that last decision. There was something nagging at him about that game, and it would not let go of him. He knew he had seen that style of play before, but he could not recall where. He pulled up his collection of saved games, recreated from tournaments and world cups, and began analysing each of them, trying to find the same dreamlike, flowing style of play, like dancing. It wasn’t in the latest World Cup, or the one before, or in any of the recent tournaments. Not in the London Classic, or the Sinquefield Cup, or the Tata Steel. Not in any of the major American or European tournaments, so he branched out, looking at the Asian championships, the ACF Grand Prix and-
Something about the ACF gave him pause, so he went back through the tournaments he had saved, year after year. It wasn’t until he hit the 2006 Grand Prix that he saw it, a match where the blacks moved like in a ballet. He saw the name of the player, I. Avon, and did not recognise it at first. Then he searched for the recorded video of the match and realised why: I. Avon was Isabelle Avon, and she was usually known in internet circles by her nickname, Beauty. And the 2006 ACF Grand Prix had been her last major tournament. She had disappeared shortly after, and had caused a bit of a stir, specially amongst Australian chess enthusiasts, who thought she had the makings of a Grandmaster and even a top five world player. 
And yet, somehow, she had ended up as a librarian in a small town in the middle of nowhere, Maine, living under a different name, for some fucking reason.
He wouldn’t let it go once he knew, trying to piece the puzzle together. He had never seen pictures of Beauty, there were no headshots to be had, likely because she had been an up-and-coming player at the time and a minor for most of her active years. He had seen videos of her playing, but her hair tended to obscure her face in most of them. She had not won her nickname on account of her looks- though how painfully fitting it was, considering how attractive she was- but because of her playing. People praised her for her beautiful moves, how she built this gorgeous ballet of a strategy that was as effective as it was enchanting.
She had been described, in the few articles that talked about her personality, as quirky. Odd. A calm player, given to the occasional smile and never able to lift her eyes off the board, a dreamy look on her face. Quite unsettling, some people had said. 
She had dropped off the face of the chess world at age twenty, in 2006, and no one had heard from her again. Some people claimed to have played against her in an online tournament, but there was never a way to know for sure. He was sure now that at least some of these people were likely right. He delved more into whatever he could find about Isabelle Avon, but there wasn’t much. Though she had been at the time considered a chess prodigy she had been sheltered from press scrutiny likely by her parents, and had not given many interviews nor posed for many photographs. The few that circulated on the internet were of her as a very young teen, likely fifteen, when she had made her debut. He recognised her electric-blue eyes immediately, but the librarian’s fine bone structure was hidden behind layers of baby fat still not ready to peel off and her hair was a few shades lighter than it was now. Her mother was always with her in the pictures, as good-looking as elegant as her daughter had grown up to be, but her father was only in one of the pictures, a rather portly man that was rendered striking rather than dumpy by his height, which was considerable.
He found nothing to explain her retirement from chess, at least nothing official. He did find, however, a funeral notice in The Australian for a Colette Avon, neé French, dated December 2006. He felt sure that he had stumbled across the reason for Beauty’s fall from the chess circuit, and the origin of her new name. Why she had felt the need to create a completely new identity was, however, still unexplained.
And it bothered him, he found out soon enough. The more games of hers he saw the more he could appreciate her artistry, her craftsmanship. He could not conceive anyone having such talent, such passion for the game, and quitting, even over a personal tragedy like the loss of a beloved parent. He remembered how she had looked when she had played him, alive and excited, her pleasure obvious, and it cemented the idea that there was something he was missing. And he didn’t much care for it.
That’s how he found himself in the library weeks after his defeat, confronting the librarian. She was wearing a pretty burgundy shirtdress, prim and proper if not a wee bit short, and her hair tumbled down her back in a mess of curls, which was to be expected, since the library hours had ended twenty minutes ago. She wasn’t surprised to see him, nor did she appear hostile or otherwise on edge. Quite the contrary.
“Mr Gold, I’ve been expecting you.” She smiled up at him, and it felt a bit different from her previous smiles. Those had been lovely but this one felt more… personal. Intimate, somehow. Like they shared a secret. He supposed, in a way, they did. “You left your lovely chess set here. I’ve been holding onto it for you, keeping it safe. It’s in my office, do you want me to go get it for you?”
“Why did you change your name?”
He didn’t mean to blurt it out. He meant to build up to it. But there was something about her that utterly unsettled him, made him anxious in a way that wasn’t wholly unpleasant. Her smile turned somewhat cautious and sad, and he hated himself for provoking that reaction out of her.
“That’s a rather personal question.” 
“You owe me.” He tried to stop himself, but he found he somehow couldn’t. “You played against me under false pretences. You owe me at least an explanation as to why.”
Miss French raised an eyebrow, looking unimpressed at his emotional outburst or the questionable logic of his assessment. A moment later, however, she tilted her head to a side, biting her lip and narrowing her eyes, as if considering something.
“It’s a rather big secret. Would you play me for it?”
That sounded very much like a deal, and it made him feel more comfortable with the situation, more in control. Deals were his specialty, after all.
“And what would you wish for if you win, Miss French?”
She smiled, the picture of innocence.
“A secret for a secret sounds fair. Let’s say… your name.”
Nobody knew his first name. He appeared in all legal documents as “A. Gold”, which caused all manner of speculation around town. His name would be a high price, indeed.
“Oh, I wouldn’t tell others, just as I trust you would not tell others what I told you if I lost. I just want it for myself.”
Her words sent a frisson of something down his spine, leaving him tingling and on edge.
“That sounds acceptable. Do fetch my set, if you please, and I’ll get the board.”
They had the board set and ready in no time, flipping a coin to decide who would be whites. Miss French, having won, started the game, and from the beginning he read her moves differently from before, knowing they were those of a chess prodigy. He moved aggressively, trying to create too much chaos to allow her to build her beautiful moves, but soon began to second-guess himself, struggling between being too bold and playing it safe. He lasted longer, forcing her to pause and consider her next move once or twice, which she had not done during their first game. He took in those few seconds of uncertain contemplation with eager interest, watching as she bit her lip and furrowed her brow, the apple of her cheeks red with an enticing blush.
In the end, however, her rooks trapped his king too soon, forcing him to topple the piece. She smiled at him, offering her hand for him to shake. He did so, marveling at how delicate it was. And cold. The whole building was cold, he realised. Apparently the mayor demanded the heat be turned off the library the moment it closed, to save on the heating bill. 
“We can do this again sometime, if you still wish to know, Mr Gold.”
He nodded, leaning on his cane in order to rise from the chair, making no move to gather his chess pieces.
“I’ll take you up on that, Miss French. And the name’s Arran.”
He returned a week later, with a tin of oolong tea to keep the cold of the library at bay. Though the librarian seemed to have been expecting him, with the board and chess set already laid out at the customary table, she did not seem to be in the mood to play right away, inviting him instead to her office so she could prepare and pour them both a cup of tea in the adjoining kitchenette. Though she did not seem to want to speak of whatever had happened to her in 2006 she did not seem reluctant to talk about her chess career in general. She told him about learning the game at six from her mother, and playing in the park against adults as a ten-year-old, shortly before entering her first tournament, for children. She would soon outgrow those, reluctantly.
“Children are more creative players, I find, and I missed that in professional adult tournaments. It’s what I like about your playing.”
He told her in turn about his own chess experience, so vastly different from hers. It was a part of his life he had not shared with anyone before, and it felt nice to do so, especially with someone who could understand chess like he did, could see the beauty and the sense of it.
By the time their tea was finished over an hour had passed, and it was getting almost too late for a game. This one lasted a bit longer, and felt more… playful. Though he lost, he enjoyed himself more than he should have. He could make more sense of her playing style now, and it made him respond in kind, to soften his moves a tad, make them less savage and more complimentary to hers. It was the first time in years he altered his playing style, but it gave him more of a fighting chance and it seemed to amuse and thrill her to no end. In the end when he lost she asked about his aunts,  and he told her about how in love they were, even though the times were different and they could not express that love in the open like people could now. As he talked he realised how much he missed them and how nice it felt to share a bit of their memory with someone else.
Though he left the library defeated, it was difficult to conjure any negative feelings about the evening.
At some point, he realised he had stopped playing to win. Well, not necessarily. He still played with the intention of seeing her king toppled and extracting the secret of her retirement from her, but it was about more than that now. Perhaps it was their now customary tea break right before the game, which lasted up to an hour and now included cookies and several cups per person. It was a strangely-relaxing ritual and led them to talking about things that he would usually not discuss with anyone else, things that felt too personal. She shared in kind, with the exception of talking about her father, which he understood tacitly was a no-go subject. To be fair so was his, and she took pains to never ask him anything about him. 
Playing her, he had to admit, had become exhilarating. Once the sour taste of defeat had been taken out of the equation- it didn’t feel like losing anymore, or at least not the way losing usually felt to him, cloying and humiliating- all that was left was the thrill of the game, the excitement of thinking on one’s feet and seeing long strategies come to fruition on the board. He caught her chewing on her bottom lip more and more as he learned to thwart her moves and bring a sort of organised chaos to the board that she found difficult to navigate around.
He got so used to losing, and so comfortable in it, in the notion that losing only meant he got to return to the library, have tea and spend a few pleasant hours with someone who was interesting and treated him with kindness, that he did not consider the fact that he might win at some point. And when it happened, one evening he saw it, checkmate in two moves with his remaining knight and one of his rooks, plain to see. He had been working at leaving her king adrift, too exposed and with her queen distracted enough to not be able to stop the attack. She saw it too, he realised, and there was a bittersweet smile when she toppled her king. The sound the small piece made was deafening in the sudden silence of the library and he stared at the board for the longest time, as if he had been struck dumb by his win. In reality he was trying to process how disappointed he suddenly felt, how utterly unhappy he was about having won. It made no sense.
“As you perhaps know my mother died in 2006.”
“Miss French, please, you don’t have to-”
“Belle, please. I’d like to believe we’ve transcended such formalities. Especially considering what I’m about to do.”
She paused, letting the silence stretch between them. Though she seemed determined to tell her tale, whatever it may entail, she did not seem to know where to start, or even where to look. He thought about getting up and downright refusing to listen to her, anything to take away the sudden air of vulnerability about her, but stopped himself. She was a grown woman who would not appreciate him trying to decide things for her.
“You must know my mother died in 2006. It was very sudden, a stroke, and was very hard to accept. We were very close, especially because my chess career kept me from socialising much with my peers. I was sad for a long time after her passing, kept recreating some of our favourite matches on the chessboard she had given me for my twelfth birthday. I didn’t want to eat, or go out much, and I guess… My dad grew worried. We had always struggled to communicate, never had much in common. He didn’t get chess or me, so he didn’t know how to reach me, or talk to me, or even understand what I was going through.”
She paused, picking up a white pawn and staring intently at it. He itched to reach out to her, though he was not very good at comforting people.
“He thought I needed professional help. And he was right, I did need to speak to someone. But he thought it best to-” Another pause, where Belle looked like she was trying to find the words to explain, or excuse, what came next. “He had me hospitalised.” He did not need to ask what kind of hospital she was referring to. “It was a nice place, on spacious, green grass and under the supervision of an order of nuns. I’ve read that other places can be more… unpleasant, and less safe. Still, I don’t remember much of it. I was drugged most of the time, they were pretty liberal when it came to medication, and I hated it. Took me a while to figure out how to behave in a way that was considered normal, how to grieve within the bounds of acceptable behaviour.”
He was surprised by the white-hot rage that took over him. He tightened his grip around the handle of his cane, eager to hurt someone with it. Belle’s father seemed like a prime candidate, or any of the doctors involved in her care, who could not see that what they had in front of them was a woman trying to grieve in her own way. He ached to do harm, to hurt, in a way that unsettled him, that spoke about primitive instincts he had spent years mastering, or at least trying to. He tried to calm himself, focusing instead intently on her, watching her walk the pawn across the board and exchange it for the white queen after it reached the other side.
“Once I was out I changed my name and applied for university in the US. My chess career and my mother’s care of my finances gave me financial freedom, so I went to school, then did my masters at Columbia, and took on as librarian here when the position opened. And I never participated in a tournament again. At first it was because being active in professional chess circles left me exposed, made it so my father would likely know where I was, but later on I discovered I just did not have the temperament for big tournaments anymore. Crowds of strange people looking at me make me nervous, and playing chess in public makes me feel… unsafe, I suppose.”
Her fingers closed over the white queen, as if testing the strength of the piece.
“I still love it, though. Used to play at Bryant Park when I was a college student, though never in tournaments. And I still play online, sometimes for money, because it’s safe. But it’s been nice, playing face to face against someone again. I’ve enjoyed it immensely.”
She put the white queen back with the rest of the pieces inside its box, closing the lid securely before offering the set to him. Instead of taking it he stood up, taking a few steps backward to make sure she knew he had no intention of taking his chess set home. 
“I thank you for your candor. I will keep what you have told me in confidence, of course. Same time this Saturday?”
She looked up at him, confused for a second before a wide smile spread across her face.
“It’s a date.”
Though he had made the journey to the library dozens of times in the past couple of months it felt different that day. Instead of the customary tea he brought he clutched a tote bag with an unopened bottle of Highland Park 18 and two crystal tumblers. It was a particularly cold afternoon, which he told himself called for something more bracing than a strong cup of tea.
Belle did not seem against the whisky, though she did warn him that she had no affinity for it and would not know good scotch from bad.
“You’re calling it scotch, so that’s a good start.”
She seemed more intrigued about the tumblers, running the pad of her thumb across the designs on the glass.
“I’m nothing if not a walking stereotype.”
She laughed, telling him to pour while she set the board. By the time they sat down to play it was dark out, and Belle had turned off the zooming fluorescent tubes, leaving instead the soft, warm light fixtures in the reading room on. It was a cosy, relaxed setting, and yet the air felt strangely electrified, like something was going to happen, something big. His nerves felt raw, exposed, but the feeling wasn’t exactly unpleasant.
“So, what should we play for tonight?”
He startled, the tumbler halfway to his lips. She was right, there were no preconceived stakes anymore. Before he had wanted to know something about her, something valuable, so they established an arrangement whereby whoever won could ask a question of the other. That arrangement no longer applied. A sudden flare of panic travelled down his spine. What if he couldn’t think of anything? What if they both discovered that, without stakes, there was no sense in playing again at all? What if-
“I have an idea. It’s… a bit unorthodox. Always wanted to try it, but never got the chance to.”
The librarian looked intently at her glass of whisky, running a finger across the edge, but there was a sort of mischievous air about her. Playful.
Flirtatious, almost.
“Do tell.”
“Well, I’ve read about strip chess. Obviously I never actually played strip chess before because for most of my years playing chess in front of people I was a minor. But I always thought it sounded… fun.”
She chanced a look at him from beneath her eyelashes, biting her lower lip the tiniest bit. He must have looked rather stupid to her, sitting ranmrod straight and wide-eyed, with the look of a rabbit that has just spotted a wolf nearby. A man a few years shy of fifty looking stupidly terrified of a woman more than ten years his junior.
“What would be the rules?”
“A piece of clothing for every captured piece. Something small for pawns is allowed, but bigger pieces merit more important sacrifices. Things in pairs are to be removed in pairs. Jewellery and such are considered pieces of clothing. We play until either someone wins, or someone is completely naked.”
He took a gulp of scotch, hiding a grimace as the liquid burned a path down his throat. He took a quick stock of the librarian, taking in her few pieces of jewellery- earrings, a ring, and a simple necklace-, and her clothing. A skirt, no belt, a shirt tucked into it, a cardigan, stockings and a pair of booties. He imagined all of it on the floor at his feet and his blood simmered.
“That sounds… acceptable. You got the coin?”
He was glad he sounded unbothered by the new arrangement they had just entered into, nonchalant. He lost the coin toss, so it was Belle who opened, moving the queen’s pawn two places. He moved more conservatively, a pawn to c6, and a couple of moves later she took her first pawn, leaving the piece to be taken by another pawn of his.
“My earrings for your cufflinks?”
It was a fair exchange, so they paused to relieve themselves of their pieces of jewellery. Belle’s next move gave him a chance to capture another pawn and he discovered that he had to physically restrain himself from making the move, reminding himself that he was supposed to be playing for win. It added something extra to the game, the tension between what the best move was according to whatever strategy he was struggling to make, and what could get him more pieces. It made the game tense, as they both considered their moves and braced themselves for the possible occurrence of another piece taken. 
When it finally happened, a white pawn taking the place of a black one, he surrendered both his shoes, but not before using one of his knights to take the place of the newly-moved white pawn. Belle bent down to unlace her booties, removing them and placing them to the side with care, letting him know that she did have a thing for shoes, as he had always suspected. 
Nothing else happened for the longest time, the game unfolding without much action. They both moved their bishops and castled their king, pretending for a while that there wasn’t a likelihood that one of them would end up naked before the night was out. He kept the scotch nearby, refilling the drinks every now and then to give himself something to do other than think about all the exposed white pieces. Finally, when he thought he was going to crawl out of his skin if he didn’t do it, he took a white pawn with his knight. 
“Wondered when you were going to do that.”
He watched her as she shimmied out of her cardigan, letting him see more of the blouse she was wearing. It was slightly sheer, letting him know she was wearing a black bra. He wondered if he would get to see it.
“It’s a pity about your knight, though.”
She moved one of her own knights to take his, making it the first major piece to be taken. She held it in her hand for a while, studying it.
“I’ll accept your jacket and tie, if you have no objections.”
He reached automatically towards his neck, tugging on the silken knot around his throat. He must have drunk more than he realised, because his fingers felt clumsy, uncoordinated. After a few ineffectual tugs and some choice expletives muttered under his breath Belle rose from her chair, gently pushing his hands away and untying the tie herself. She tugged on it until it was off and tossed it on the back of his chair. She then wordlessly prompted him to remove his jacket, hanging it on the back of his chair as well. 
“That’s a lovely colour on you.”
She ghosted her fingers across the silk of his shirt. It was one of his favourites, a deep navy blue silk jacquard with a contrasting pattern of leaves. He had worn it because he had noticed she tended to favour blue, which had felt stupid at the time. Now it felt inspired. Emboldened by the touch and the compliment he dragged his bishop across the board, knocking her knight off its place.
“I’ll take your necklace and stockings, if you please.”
His voice was rough, with little of the cultured diction he usually employed, but between the alcohol and the simmering sexual tension there was little he could do to change that. She took her necklace off without much protest, making sure to fasten it close before she looked at him right in the eye, smiling innocently and extending a leg till her silk-stockinged foot found his knee. 
“Help me?”
It was embarrassing how fast he dragged a hand across her leg, pausing only to notice the quality of the material, and reached beneath her skirt, till his fingers came across the scratchy lace of the top of the stocking. With slow, steady precision he peeled the stocking off her leg, letting the tips of his fingers slide across the soft underside of her thigh and calf, trying to memorise how soft and warm her skin felt, so he could replay it over and over again each night. He repeated the process with the other stocking, delighting in the goosebumps the dim light of the room revealed in Belle’s skin. After it was done he folded the stockings neatly and presented them to her.
She moved her bishop next in a direct challenge to his castled king, meaning he had no other choice but to take it. He did it with shaky hands, trying not to look as eager as he felt.
“Shirt or skirt, I suppose. May I choose?”
Her voice was soft, playful, undeniably coquettish. He nodded, following her movements as she stood up, unzipped her skirt and let it fall open around her legs. Her shirt was long enough to cover anything but the barest hint of her underwear, something black and lacy and the slightest bit sheer that had him reaching for his glass. A second later she sat down, dragging her queen to take his bishop.
“Quid pro quo?”
With all the grace he could muster he stood up, refusing to show even a hint of apprehension or shyness as he undid his belt and pushed his trousers down, carefully stepping out of them before sitting down and reaching for the scotch bottle, filling up their glasses again. He took a long, fortifying sip and moved his knight to take her remaining one.
“That lovely blouse is gonna have to go, dearie.”
Belle smiled, looking bold and strangely pleased, and made sure to look at him square in the eye as she plucked every little button free of its hole. It was an invitation to watch, and he accepted it greedily, leaning forward and holding tightly onto his cane to keep himself from doing something stupid like try and touch every new bit of soft, pale skin that was slowly revealed to him. When she reached the last button she shimmied out of the shirt and carelessly tossed it at him. He caught it one handed and tried to not notice how the fabric retained the warmth from her body and the scent of her skin. 
“Don’t get too comfortable, we’re about to get even.”
She moved her queen to take his knight and leaned back on her seat, one hand cradling her tumbler of scotch and an expectant look on her face. He reached up and unfastened the buttons of his shirt with practiced nonchalance, trying to keep the shaking in his hands from being too obvious. When that was done he paused for a second, trying to gather up his courage, before shrugging out of the shirt. With a gallant little gesture he handed it to her.
The next few rounds were intense, but no pieces taken. Arran was having a hard time concentrating on the board and not on the way Belle’s fingers caressed the silk of his shirt, tracing the pattern of leaves absentmindedly. It was a safer bet than focusing on her balconette bra, a delicate, impractical little thing made almost entirely out of leavers lace, with dark flowers woven into the pattern to keep him from seeing the rose pink of her nipples. He wondered if she had worn the set with their game in mind, if she had selected it just so he could see it.
At some point he took his queen out, and she did the same with one of her rooks, both of them seemingly in agreement that the status quo was not to be borne. It wasn’t until her rook put pressure on his king, forcing him to set his queen in the middle, that he began to feel cornered. When her bishop got too close he had no other option but to take out her rook. Though from a strategic point of view that was a desperate last-ditch effort, he could not help but feel strangely ecstatic over it.
“Oh, dear.”
Belle moved her hands towards her back, seeming to struggle with the fastenings of her bra. 
“I think one of the hooks is snagged on the lace. Will you help me?”
He narrowly avoided biting his tongue. He managed a croaked, barely-intelligible “aye” before she stood up and turned around. He tried not to look down, but it was almost impossible, taking into account the panties she was wearing were made almost entirely of sheer black lace- leavers as well, clearly she was wearing a matching set-. With hands that felt clumsier than usual he felt around the clasp of the bra, delicately pulling the offending hook from the lace before unclasping the bra altogether. Slowly he lowered the straps from her shoulders, noticing the red indents they left behind on her skin. Then she was turning around, bra safely in her hands and her glorious breasts bared. He hoped that she wasn’t expecting him not to look, because it felt impossible to avert his eyes. As he had imagined- and he had not realised how often until then- her nipples were the perfect shade of dusty pink, framed perfectly by pale skin a shade lighter than the rest of her. 
“I know I’ve lost on the board, but right now I feel like a winner. Like the luckiest bastard on Earth.”
His accent was shot to hell, thick and incomprehensible, as if he had never left the dodgy part of Glasgow. But it did not seem to be a problem for Belle, who kissed his cheek, tugged on his hair a bit, called him a “sweet boy”, and thanked him for the compliment.
“Let’s finish this, Arran.”
Her Australian lilt turned his name, which he always thought rather charmless and rough, into a soft caress. He sat down, something considerably uncomfortable to do all of a sudden, taking into account his painful state of arousal, and struggled to focus in the game. He was done for, he knew it, but he owed it to her to try. To lose with as much dignity as possible. Or so he thought, till her queen took his in one simple move.
“I’m afraid your underwear must go.”
The silk boxers were doing a pisspoor job of hiding his raging erection in any case, but it still felt uncomfortable to peel them off and be naked in front of another human being for the first time in years. Well, nude, technically, since he still had his navy socks on.
“Let’s finish this, then.”
He took his rook out, forcing her queen to retreat and then getting his other rook to cover for his king. For the next few moves they danced around each other on the board, with Belle trying to close her trap and Arran fighting tooth and nail to remain standing. His moves weren’t elegant at all, more like the savage swipes of a cornered beast, but they were effective. He managed to snag a rook, which gave him the pleasure of sitting down and staring intently as Belle shimmied out of her useless little panties. She flashed her watch at him to remind her she was not completely naked as per the rules of the game and continued to press him. She had only her queen and a few pawns, but the board was laid out in her favour all the same. Still he gave her a run for her money, and it took her twelve more moves to checkmate his king. Feeling irrationally expectant he toppled the piece, watching it roll around the board for a few seconds before coming to a stop.
“That was exciting. Though I’m afraid we forgot to agree on what the winner got. Quite an oversight on our part.”
He watched her as she reclined on her chair and stared at the board, a rosy tinge on her skin that he realised travelled past her neck and to the tops of her breasts. She looked at ease, comfortable in her own skin, and surprisingly he noticed that he did not much care about his own nudity either. In the low, almost romantic light of the library his skin acquired a golden colour that he thought rather becoming. He was tanned for a man who spent most of his time indoors, a direct consequence of his propensity to laze about in the sun whenever possible in the privacy of his backyard or his cabin. And in such a light his wrinkles were less obvious, his scars less visible. He felt anxious, yes, tense, but it was not an unpleasant sort of tension.
“What is it you want, Miss French?”
He affected the persona of the devious dealmaker, noticing the spark of heat in the librarian’s eyes when he called her by her last name. She made a show of thinking about it, though he had the distinct feeling she had thought about something ages ago.
“How about a kiss?”
He took her left hand, kissing the back of it.
“Like this?”
When she shook her head he reached further, kidding the underside of her elbow.
“Higher, Arran.”
He tugged her closer, trying to disregard the rapid beating of his heart, and softly kissed her shoulder. Her skin was soft and smelt faintly of something citrusy, something that somehow managed to tug both at his heart and his groin. 
“Higher, please.”
She took his head in her hands, tilting it upwards till their lips met. It was a soft, tentative press of the lips at first, unhurried and unassuming, but it grew firmer and more insistent. When he pressed her she opened her mouth to him readily, letting him curl his tongue around hers with a moan of approval. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders at some point, fingers sinking into his hair to pull him closer till he was flush against her, skin against skin. His hands roamed her back, tracing the ridges of her spine, pleased at the way it made her shiver.
Reluctantly he let go of her lips, pressing his mouth against her sharp jawline, down her long neck until he was tracing her collarbone with his tongue and dipping down further into the swell of her breasts. He felt her fingers dig into his scalp, pressing him closer, tugging on his hair to guide him towards a puckered nipple. He accepted the unspoken invitation gladly, closing his lips around her flesh and sucking with embarrassing enthusiasm. His hands roamed the rest of her, one caressing her back while the other pressed against a soft, round thigh, aching to move just a few inches and cup her sex. 
When she stepped backwards, out of his arms and the reach of his mouth, he felt a flare of panic that she was having second thoughts, or he had done something wrong. It was on the tip of his tongue to apologise- for fucking whatever, he didn’t care- when she tugged on his arm, urging him a little ways across the room to a reading nook next to the folklore session. There was a faded divan in there, usually full of pillows and throw blankets meant for readers to take to their seats if they were uncomfortable or chilly. It was old and likely uncomfortable, the type of couch that looked like it had lost most, if not all, of its padding and most of its support capabilities a long time ago. At the moment, however, it looked to Arran like the most luxurious of beds. He let her push him onto it, glad when the springs beneath him groaned but held steady. A second later she was on top of him and all thoughts of structural stability fled from his mind as he kissed him thoroughly, asserting a dominance he was more than happy to submit to.
He had to struggle to concentrate between the kissing and the groping to understand her when she asked about protection, muttering that she was clean and on the pill but she had condoms just in case, from the sex-ed talks Miss Blanchard gave every now and then. Briefly he contemplated the notion of using one of those condoms, thinking of Miss Blanchard’s absolutely scandalised look if she ever found out, but the idea of being bare inside Belle was too good to pass. He told her he was clean in as clear a voice as he could muster that he was clean too- he recalled his last annual check-up, which he drove to Boston for, since he would rather die than let Dr Whale anywhere near any part of him- before she was straddling him, grabbing his stiff, aching cock with one hand and guiding it to her entrance. He could barely register the sudden wet heat on the tip of him before his entire member was engulfed in it. He sunk his blunt nails on Belle’s back, trying to call forth every last shred of self-control he possessed not to come then and there. Thankfully Belle didn’t move, looking overwhelmed and in need of a moment to adjust.
“You’re big.”
“Fuck, sweetheart, you can’t tell me something like that if you want me to last.”
It was taking everything he had not to come like a fucking schoolboy. Later, much later, he might me in the right frame of mind to replay her involuntary compliment. Over and over. He tried to recall the names of all the subs of the Celtics, in fucking alphabetical order, till he somehow felt more in control. Slowly, lovingly, he captured her lips with his own for a long, lazy kiss, feeling as her own tension melted away, leaving only a simmering sort of excitement. Tentatively she began to rock, trying to find a comfortable angle and motion in the restrictive confined of the divan. He tried to help her as much as possible, holding onto her hips and trying to thrust up as much as he could, given his precarious perch on the furniture and his lame ankle. Slowly but steadily they found something that worked, a rhythm that had him hitting a sport deep inside her that he could tell was, blessedly, the right one, given how Belle sunk her nails on his shoulders and tried to muffle her cries against the side of his neck. He tried to talk, to tell her how gorgeous she was, how wet and warm and perfect she felt around him but it all came out as unintelligible grunts and low, feral moans.
When he felt himself near the edge he gritted his teeth and gathered all of his remaining willpower, dragging his right hand down her stomach to the small nest of curls that framed her dripping cunt, delving inside till he found a spot that made her gasp when he touched it. 
“Come for me, sweet girl.” He didn’t know whether she could understand him over the thick mess of his accent, but he hoped at least the cadence would convene his meaning. She keened in response before he felt her flutter around his cock, the rest of her tensing with the force of her release. When he muffled her scream against the side of his neck he let go, his own orgasm almost uncomfortable at first, too much at once. He clutched her close, hoping against hope he would not send them both toppling to the floor, feeling like he was walking a fine line between pleasure and pain. Pleasure won out in the end, sizzling on his veins before slowly fading into a pleasant simmer. Tiredly he wrapped his arms around a barely-awake Belle, feeling the cooling sweat on her back and grunting in protest. He looked around, spotting a throw on the floor in his reach. He grabbed it quickly, managing to wrap it snug around both of them. Later, much later, when he could remember his name or how to walk, he would insist on them finding some better place to sleep, for her sake. At the moment, however, that seemed beyond him, a faraway concern to be dealt with at a later time. He was loath to give up his queen too soon into the game, in any case.
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eirian-houpe · 3 years
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold Characters: Belle (Once Upon a Time), Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Maurice | Moe French Additional Tags: Memories, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, A Monthly Rumbelling August 2021 Series: Part 5 of The Language of Flowers
Summary: Belle is still in hospital after her accident out by the woods. Rumple catches her bookmark just as it is about to slip onto the bed, and together they reminisce about the first time he gave her flowers.
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Gold sat in the hospital chair, beside the bed in which Belle was still confined. He didn’t want her there, didn’t trust the care she was getting to be what she needed. Now that they’d tended her wounds and given her the blood she needed to replace what was lost, he wanted her home, where he could care for her properly.
It bothered him, too, the way Jefferson had suddenly almost run from the room, on the gods knew what errand. One kindled by the coltsfoot flower that Belle had found on the library doorstep… was it only that morning? It felt like a thousand years ago.
He didn’t speak. He hadn’t for some time. Belle had been reading, and had fallen asleep with her book in her hands, and he didn’t want to disturb her. Only when it seemed the bookmark she held loosely in one hand, and the book that rested on the top of the covers, began to slip, did he reach out and take them gently from her, placing the book face down and open on the tray table beside the bed, while he stared at the bookmark, running his fingers over the pink, heart-shaped flowers that had been pressed and mounted onto the light blue card of the home made bookmark.
“Hydrangea.” Belle’s voice was soft, a little hoarse, and heavy with sleep.
“Sweetheart,” Gold answered, “you should be resting.”
She shook her head, just a little, and persisted, “They were the first flowers you ever gave me. Do you remember?”
Gold closed his eyes, letting his mind slip back into a past, a recent past but one which also felt as though it was hundreds of years ago.
“It wasn’t long after you arrived,” he said - knowing that wasn’t entirely the truth, but knowing also that Belle was still unaware of their previous life, or who they truly were to one another. “You were standing on the street outside of the library with the key in your hand.”
“The library key,” she agreed. “I remember. You wore a red tie. It stood out so much. I thought it was very bold.”
Gold chuckled. “Bold?” he questioned.
“Yes,” Belle said, and blushed. “Dark and broodingly handsome, and this huge statement that I just couldn’t ignore.” She looked down at her fingernails, and played with them until Gold reached out and gently took her hands in his. “I wanted to talk to you, but somehow I couldn’t.”
“It doesn’t matter now,” he reassured her. “In the end we got talking.”
“Thanks to the flowers, and the little game you always played.” She looked up, smiling fondly at him, her blush still not faded. “Do you remember what you said, when you brought them…?”
It was a warm enough day that he could fore go the heavy overcoat, in favor of the fine woolen suit when he made his rounds of the town. There were a few stragglers from whom he still needed to collect rent, and that was his first order of business. Then he’d spotted her from the corner of his eye.
He’d seen her before, though usually she looked distressed. Today, however, she seemed the embodiment of excitement. She stood in front of the library doors, clearly holding the key in her hand, bouncing on her toes as though she couldn’t contain herself. It made him smile.
Few things, and even fewer people brought a smile to his face, and he decided then and there that he would get to know this woman; petite, brown hair half pinned up, half falling around her face, and even across the distance he could see the brightness in the blue of her eyes. 
Beautiful he said to himself, then crossed the street, and walked on his way.
Game of Thorns was a reasonable walk but it gave him time to think, to come up with a strategy. He was  - self confessed - a bit of a coward when it came to women, thanks to Milah he supposed, but for him to think a woman as beautiful as the new librarian might even give him the time of day…?
It was then it hit him. Miss French was the florist’s daughter. Had her beauty so affected him that he could forget a simple fact like that?
“What do you want, Gold?” Mo French, as hospitable as ever, spat the words the moment he set foot inside the shop. No wonder his business was barely solvent if he treated all his potential customers that way. Of course, to be fair, the indebted proprietor most likely thought he was there to collect the rent money owed, rather than to purchase flowers, as was his intention, but it didn’t hurt to ruffle a few feathers every now and then. “I told you I’d bring you the rent by close of business today and—”
“Mister French,” he cut the man off, keeping his voice calm, almost convivial. He held up a hand to forestall any other comment by the boorish, irritating imbecile. “I’m sure you’re a man of your word. No, my purpose is not harassment - though I would be quite within my rights to do so - however, I’m here on business of another kind.”
“Oh?” French’s brows knitted in confusion.
“Flowers,” Gold said, and gestured around them. “And when one wishes for flowers, where else would one go except to a florists?”
“Well, in that case…” The man’s attitude changed as though someone had flipped a switch - not that Gold believed it any more than he believed that Mo French would give him the rent before five that evening, but - for now - he was willing to give the man the benefit of the doubt. “What can I do for you, Mister Gold.”
Gold looked around at the many options he had. Roses were a little too forward, in his opinion, and the lilies that caught his eye were somewhat too somber.
“I’m looking for something to bring a little brightness into what I’m sure is a space that needs it. Nothing too ostentatious, but something that would… break the ice between strangers,” he said.
French thought for a while, looking around at his stock, and asked, “Bouquet, or… perhaps something in a vase?”
“That would be lovely,” Gold answered. “Could you make an arrangement with those?” He pointed toward a bucket in which a number of blooms rested; tight balls of flowers, with heart shaped petals, in various colors. “The pink, if you please.”
And so it was, that several moments later, Gold left Game of Thorns with a classic shaped vase in which an arrangements of hydrangeas, green leaves, and the white of baby’s breath had been made.
Belle rubbed the itching tip of her nose with the back of her dirty hands, and blew the hair out of her face as she straightened up from dusting the circulation desk of the library. Already the room was a hundred times better than before just from having removed the paper from the windows, but now her hands were covered in news print, and the dust was making her want to sneeze and rub her eyes.  She had visions of herself ending up looking like some kind of koala.
She chuckled to herself just as the door opened, and a vase of flowers came in, followed by the determined tread of Mister Gold. Besides the flowers, the thing she most noticed was the bold red of his tie, which stood out against the immaculate darkness of his suit as though some kind of beacon.
She’d heard her father speak of the fearsome Mister Gold many times, and usually in some of the most derogatory tones that she’d ever heard him use, but seeing Gold, standing there in the doorway of the library, looking awkward behind the shield of flowers, she didn’t find him at all fearsome, much less objectionable.
“Mister Gold,” she greeted him with a smile. “I’m afraid I’m not quite ready to open the library just yet. It still needs a little attention.”
“Oh, no rush, Miss French,” he answered, taking an almost hesitant step further into the library, “I just thought…” She watched his throat bob as he swallowed, and then finished sheepishly, “Well, these are for you. I thought they might… help to brighten up the place.”
She came around the circulation desk as he offered the vase, and took it from him. “That’s very kind of you,” she said, and she felt herself lighten as she realized she couldn’t remember the last time anyone had given her flowers. “Very thoughtful.”
“My pleasure,” he told her, and returned her smile. “And please,” he added, “If there’s any way I can help you with anything you might need to reopen the library, my shop is just across the way.”  She glanced in the direction he indicated, though she already knew the location of his shop - everyone did - but somehow, the offer made her feel… warm inside; special.
…Belle smiled, remembering the moment as Rumple described it, and described how he felt. The warmth of it helped to make her feel lighter, happier than anyone lying in a hospital bed had any business feeling.
“For the first time in as long as I could remember, I just didn’t know what to do with myself,” he confessed, taking her hand in his once more.
“But you did know, Rumple,” she corrected him softly. All of the pressed flowers you hid inside the books you borrowed…” she trailed off a small frown crossing her face.
“Sweetheart?” he prompted. “Are you all right? Do you need me to get someo—”
“Did you ever read any of those books?” she asked, her tone teasing. “Or were they just an excuse to keep… coming into the library?”
“Some,” he said. “One or two.”  He crumpled under the weight of her teasing scrutiny. “All right, barely any. I always meant to… and I started one or two, but then…”
“Well… I had to get you to notice me… to fall in love with me somehow,” he said, and she knew that behind his teasing, there was a large degree of truth.
“You thought I hadn’t noticed you?” she frowned again. “Every week for years you gave me a pressed flower, hidden in a book… you truly made love a mystery to uncover, with each and every one of those gifts. How could I not notice you, when I cherished and still cherish you so much?”
“Oh, Belle,” he answered, moving to perch on the side of the hospital bed so that he could lean down to kiss her softly.
“I love you, Rumple,” she said.
“And I love you too.”
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