#claude jay taylor
eugene-emt-roe · 2 years
Johnny Depp as Claude Jay Taylor
Please, let me know if you want to know more about him, though keep in mind he is a work in progress. Though I will gladly keep you guys updated if you would like! And if anyone wants to be updated on this character via the tag list just tell me in the comments and I’ll put you on the tag list!
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“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Cause, whoever did it is a freaking genius!” 
He is determined, brave, and friendly.
Even though he is younger than all the guys he sometimes needs to parent them. Looks out for them when they aren’t looking out for themselves.
Lost his big sister when he was 12 years old and his dad followed the next year.
He wears his fathers ring around his neck and carries a picture his mom took of his father, sister, and him.
Though when he smiles brightly it makes the other boys smile just as bright.
@holdingforgeneralhugs​ @wexhappyxfew​
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hannahhook7744 · 1 month
Ghost, What's Your Name?;
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Summary: Ghost Hannah Hook starts causing mischief at Auradon Prep. Giving Auradon a hard wake up call. Trigger warnings: past child abuse and child death, allergic reactions, fainting, murder, minor violence, swearing, etc. LMK if I need to add to the list.
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
Major Character Death
Descendants (Disney Movies)
The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz
Minor Doug/Evie (Disney: Descendants) - Relationship
Minor Ben/Mal (Disney: Descendants) - Relationship
Past Ben/Audrey Rose (Disney: Descendants) - Relationship
Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Jenkins (Disney: Descendants)
Tourney Team (Disney: Descendants)
Auradon Prep Staff (Disney: Descendants)
Original Children of James Hook
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe - Ghosts
pirate kids
Major Original Character(s)
Past Child Abuse
Past Child Death
Pranks and Practical Jokes
Child Ghosts
Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney)
United States of Auradon is Not Perfect (Disney)
Auradon Prep (Disney)
Judge Claude Frollo Being Terrible (Disney)
Language: English. Series: ← Previous Work Part 3 of Ghost Hannah Hook.
The Dragon Cannon went off. 
Which was weird, because Taylor (Tarzan’s son and their Dragoneer) wasn't anywhere near it. Nor was Herkie (Meg and Hercules's son), who was the reserve Dragoneer. In fact, none of the players were near the thing because the team was having a water and snack break. 
Coach Jenkins squinted at the Cannon. “Did someone set that off?”
“It shouldn't be on.” Genie—who, along with Li Shang Jr, was one of the assistant coaches—frowned. “Nobody's near it… unless Taylor forgot to turn it off.”
“I didn’t!” Taylor insisted. “I turned it off, I swear!”
“Did any of you go near it?” Lil’ Shang asked, crossing his arms—trying not to grin or laugh, even though he was sorely tempted. 
There was a chorus of no coach from the group..
Suddenly, a large cold gust of wind hit them—which was more than a little unusual considering that it was nearly 80°F out—and an eerie childish giggle rang out from around them. 
“ Nope.” Emir (Aladdin and Jasmine's younger son) dropped his stick and started to walk off the field with his brother, Aziz.
Miguel (Isabella Madrigal and Bubo Marquez's son) just looked amused. “Is some little kid playing a prank on us?”
Jay groaned and stood up. Cupping his hands over his mouth. “HOOK! KNOCK IT OFF!”
William Darling (Wendy and Edward's middle child) whirled around. “Hook? Hook who?”
The eerie giggle turned into a full on gleeful laugh—a laugh that sounded like it belonged to a child far too young to be anywhere near Auradon Prep.
“Yeah, I’m with Emir and Z. Fuck this shit, I’m out!” Tyrone (Naveen and Tiana's son) held up his hands in surrender, walking off the field after Emir and Aziz.
“I'm out too!” Brendan (Charlotte La Bouff and Lars Westergaard's son) yelped, quickly running after his god brother.
Carlos sighed. “Guys, don't worry. Hannah's harmless—”
“I SAID, HOOK WHOMST?!” William yelped, swearing he felt someone tap his shoulder.
Jay roller his eyes, using his stick to pock at the space behind William. “Back, Hook! Go bother Evie.”
Carlos, on the other hand, just decided to take pity on their teammates and coaches. “Hannah Hook. Captain Hook’s youngest daughter.” 
William paled. “Shit, shit, shit. NOT TODAY SATAN!”
“Dude calm down, she's seven.” Jay rolled his eyes. “She's just bored. She's not gonna hurt anyone.”
Coach Jenkins, who had been watching the whole encounter amusedly, now decided to step in. “Jay, Carlos. I appreciate your good humor, but you’re clearly scaring your teammates. Let’s turn the noises off, now.”
The boys just gave him blank looks—neither looking amused with the situation. Just bored and, dare he even say, annoyed. 
It hit him then that they weren't joking.
“Oh, so I was right. It is just some kid.” Miguel mused, completely unphased.
“So…more Hooks escaped the Isle, then?” Jenkins rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“Nope.” Jay said, popping the ‘p’ before plopping back down on the bench. 
“You guys aren't making any sense.” Herkie groaned, head in hands. 
“She's a ghost , Herkie. She's been with us in Auradon since we came here.” Carlos rolled his eyes, starting to get frustrated.
“Ghosts aren’t real.” Aiko (son of Tomiko) scowled.
“Tell that to my mama!” Tyrone yelled from beyond the field.
Suddenly, one of the bottles of water lifted into the air and was emptied on Aiko.  The laughter turning into full on cackling.
Jay swatted at the air where the bottle stood, causing it to be thrown at him. Along with the rest of it's contents. He glared at the spot where the ‘ghost’ was. “ Was that really necessary?” 
Aiko glared at Jay, whipping water from his eyes. “How did you do that, VK? Magic?”
“Jay doesn't have magic.” Carlos reminded, exasperated. 
All while Hannah kept laughing. 
The wind picking up. 
Coach Jenkins looked around, fully believing that the Hook child was hidden away in a tree somewhere. “Now, listen! I’m all for fun and games, but this prank has gone on far enough, young lady!”
The laughter stopped. 
And the eerie giggled turned into an eerie, small voice. “Sorry….”
William screamed, running off of the field while flailing his arms.
“Look at him go!” Miguel shielded his eyes from the sun with his hand.
Jenkins was about to ask the Fairy Godmother for a raise. “Can we go back to practice now, or are you all too scared of a second grader to play the damn game?”
The team all muttered except for Carlos and Jay who just said “finally!”
Hannah wandered through the class rooms, staying invisible to the naked eye. 
Once again bored.
Eventually deciding to mess around in the chemistry lab. 
Juggling vials and giggling.
Evie walked in, wanting to be early for class, and groaned. “ Hannah! Don’t you have anything better to do?!”
Hannah jumped, nearly dropping the vials. And, instead of just talking directly to the princess, she decided to write ‘NO’ on the chalkboard. Just as other students and Mr. Deley walked in. 
Mr. Deley, who already had Evie on his shit list, saw the ‘no’ written on the chalkboard, and a red-faced Evie, and connected the two dots. “Miss. Evie. Care to explain this?”
Hannah giggled. 
Mr. Deley didn’t seem to hear the giggle, but Doug did. His face furrowed in confusion as he looked around.
Hannah lit up as she noticed him and appeared next to him. Beaming at him. “Are yous Evie’s boyfriend ?”
Doug shrieked, almost slamming into the person behind him. 
He wasn't the only kid to scream and jump at the sudden appearance of the little GLITCHING girl.
Poor Tyrone, who happened to be in that class, ran out of the room, screaming “The Other Side!!!!”
Hannah giggling, biting her thumb. “Don't worry! I don't have cooties or scurvy!”
Mr. Deley squinted at Hannah. Then his eyes went wide. “Great Scott…” He collapsed, smacking his face on the floor.
Hannah's laughter could be heard echoing throughout the school.
Lonnie had developed somewhat of a night baking habit.
Ever since she caught the VKs making love spell cookies in the middle of the night, she’d realized how nice and quiet the kitchens were at night.
So she’d started sneaking in to make her cookies. Sue her.
….it also made her feel less homesick, too, if she was being honest.
She’d just finished a batch, and left them on the counter to cool off while she grabbed a glass of milk.
When she turned around, three of her chocolate chip-green tea cookies were gone. She's only been away from them for an actual minute, if even that!
“What the fuck.” She said aloud to the empty room.
A loud creepy giggle echoed around the room. 
“...ancestors?” She couldn’t help but ask. Though, why her ancestors would c hoose to show themselves while she was sneak baking cookies in the middle of the night, she didn’t know.
“What's an a-an-cest-er?”
“Gah!” Lonnie jumped, holding up her hands in a defensive position. “Who– what are you?”
“...Hannah.” The voice replied, sounding confused.
Lonnie cocked her head. “Hannah who? Why are you invisible?”
“Hannah Hook! And cause I’s dead! Who are you?”
“...I’m Li Lan-Lei. But you can call me Lonnie.” Was she actually talking to a ghost?
“That's a pretty name!” Hannah complimented, giggling—probably at whatever funny looking expression was currently on Lonnie's face. 
“Thanks?” Lonnie cleared her throat. “Uh, how did you, you know…die, anyway?” Wasn’t that what you were supposed to ask ghosts?
“Frollo!” The lights flickered at her raised voice. “Anyway how old are you?”
Lonnie blanched. Frollo, as in, Judge Claude Frollo, who terrorized Quincy, Emile, and Zephyr’s parents? “Um…I’m sixteen. How old are you?”
“I'm seven!”
“You died at seven?” Oh, joy. Lonnie was gonna cry in front of a ghost. “That’s so sad. I’m sorry.”
“It's okay! I saveded my friend and his sissy!”
“From Frollo?” She managed to compose herself enough to ask.
“Uh huh!” Hannah replied, sounding like she was chewing on something. Probably one of her missing cookies.
“Do you, uh…like the cookies?”
“Uh huh! I likes chocolate!”
“Me too!” Despite the fact that this whole situation was completely insane, Lonnie was starting to get along well with the ghost of Hannah Hook.
“Help! Help!”
Doug heard the calls for help and went running towards the sound. “Hello? Who’s calling?!”
“Over here! Help!”
He kept running, following the oddly child-like voice.
“Here! Here!”
Doug rounded a corner, and saw Chad on the ground, writhing. 
“Oh, shit!” Dough cussed as he ran over. He felt around Chad’s clothes, looking for the epipen he always carried around. “Come on, come on, come on! Where is that damn thing?!”
“His backpack!”
Not bothering to look where the random ass child voice was coming from, Doug dove for Chad’s bag, and snagged the epipen. He uncapped it with his teeth, and jammed the end down into Chad’s thigh as hard as he possibly could.
Chad went lax, choking ever so slowly turning to wheezing and mild coughing. But thanks to his uncle, Doug knew that he needed to still get him to the nurse and call an ambulance.
He dialed Doc’s son quick, making sure that Chad’s head didn’t loll too much. “Raph, it’s me! Medical emergency in the south side of the school! Get the nurse and call A113, asap!” 
He tapped Chad’s cheek. “Dude, what did you eat?!”
“He ate that thingy on the table!”
Now that Chad was out of immediate danger and help was on the way, Doug looked around for the source of the child voice. But found no one and nothing.“Who said that?!”
“I did!” The voice said, beside him this time—right as he was poked with something. A crinkle of a wrapper could be heard. 
Doug jumped back. “Wait–are you that ghost from the chemistry lab?”
“What do you mean maybe?!” 
“If I'm in trouble, then no. If I'm not, yes. Is he dead?”
“No, he’s not dead!” He sputtered. “And—how are you a ghost?!”
“Frollo. Also he ates this!” The ghost poked him with—a candy bar?
“Wha–?” Doug took the candy bar and skimmed the ingredients. “Dude!” He looked at Chad, who wasn’t super conscious. “The first ingredient in this thing is honey!”
Which, along with feathers, Chad was extremely allergic to. 
The blonde just squinted at him, trying and failing to say something but being unable to do to the swelling of his lips and his inability to form/get the words out at the moment. 
Ben had been spelled. 
Ben had been spelled. 
Ben had been spelled. 
And now everyone knew, but no one , including BEN cared. 
No but Audrey, who'd been humiliated in front of two whole schools when her boyfriend had sung a love song to another girl . The girl who'd spelled him and wasn't getting any consequences and who was even telling jokes about it. 
Which was why she found herself sobbing her heart out in the girl’s locker room, while all her fellow cheerleaders were at practice. Her fellow cheerleaders who'd smiled and clapped and laughed while her boyfriend sung to another girl, like everyone else had.  
Something brushed against her cheek. 
Her eyes shot open. 
“H-hello?” Her voice was throaty, and she coughed a few times to clear her throat.
Something poked her cheek again. Something… soft. 
It was a crumpled (but thankfully clean ) tissue. Floating. In midair.
Audrey yelped, scrambling away from the floating object.
“I’m sorry. I didn't means to scares you.”
“Who–what—why–” Audrey stammered, freaked out, sure, but mostly embarrassed that she hadn’t been crying alone after all.
“Are you okay?”
“Are you–are you invisible?” She waved her hand around in the air, trying to find whoever was doing this. “This isn’t funny! You’ll–you’ll be in trouble for pranking me like this!”
“I'm not prankin’ you!” The lights flickered slightly. “I just… you soundeds so sads.”
The lights stopped flickering. “But… I'll go aways if ya wants me to.”
“Wait!” Audrey hadn’t the slightest idea why she called out to this…entity. Maybe it was because this was the first time in a while she didn’t feel so heart-breakenly alone . “Don’t go.”
“I'm sorry about what happened.”
She sniffed. “How do you even know what happened?”
“I heard people talkin’ about it. And I saw what happened.” The voice was becoming clearer—and the more it spoke, the more apparent it became that the voice was a child. “I'm sorry. If I'd known what Mal was gonna do I'd have stopped it. You didn't deserves that.”
At that, Audrey promptly burst into tears again. “Y-y-you’re the only person who’s said that to me! Everybody is on Mal’s s-side, even though she spelled Ben!”
“Do you want a hug? You look like you could use one.”
Audrey had no idea who this weird invisible child was, but honestly? She didn’t really care. “Yeah, sure.” She held out her arms kind of awkwardly, not being able to see her. But she could still feel it. 
Merryweather was grading her students' papers, rather angrily. Her class, Life Skills Without Magic, was a required course for all magical pupils, which meant that she had a lot of…unwilling participants in her midst. The papers got worse and worse as she graded.
She lifted her head up sharply. Someone was writing on her chalkboard. She pushed her seat out, and angrily stomped out of her office. “WHO, I say, WHO IS IN THERE?!”
A piece of red chalk was floating by the chalkboard—which now read ‘Say sorry to Audrey, Maleficent Bertha Fae-Athanasiou II!’
Merryweather paused. Because, well…she agreed with the writing. Audrey was her niece, after all.
But still. Using magic? On the Life Skills Without Magic teacher? Too far.
Also, it was a little disturbing that whoever was doing this knew when exactly Mal would be having her class. 
“Very funny, you little miscreant!” She snapped. “I won’t be reporting this to Fairy Godmother, just because you’re friends with Audrey. But if you pull a stunt like this again, I won’t hesitate, witch!”
The chalk dropped to the floor and the sound of tiny feet running could be heard as the door to her classroom flung open and then shut again. 
What was a child doing at Auradon Prep and how did they know enough magic to turn themselves invisible?
“Tinkerbell flew into a wall, 
Tinkerbell had a great fall!”
The fairy in question heard this nursery rhyme, coming from nowhere, and turned bright red in anger. “Who is that?! How dare you?!”
The singing stopped briefly as the singer took a break to giggle. Before it started up again. 
“Tinkerbell got caught in a trap, 
Tinkerbell is full of crap!”
“Stop that!” Tink demanded and stood up from her desk. “Who is doing that?! I will send you to the headmistress’s office and have you expelled!”
The singer snickered and a loud thud rang out across the room. As if someone was jumping up and down. 
“Tinkerbell can't sing,
Tinkerbell’s lost her wing’s!
Tinkerbell got hooked, 
Tinkerbell's cooked!”
In a rage, Tink stamped her foot. “Who’s spawn are you, huh?! I’ll make sure your parents know about this!”
The only response was a loud, almost never ending laugh.
The pink curtains in the Acapella Music Classroom had been swapped with blue ones. 
Flora tried to breathe in through her nose. Calm, happy thoughts. “Merryweather…”
Before the fairy could say anything else, her pink chair turned blue. 
She whirled around. “Merryweather! I thought you were done with all this magic nonsense!”
The desks turned blue. 
Hannah went on to annoy every single staff member she came across. 
Mostly out of boredom, rather than malice. Mostly.
The class’s eyes widened, staring at something behind her as Fauna droned on about Zarina—the subject of this Bad Fairies lesson. 
“What are you children looking at?” Fauna put her hands on her hips, not liking the idea that her students weren’t paying attention to her.
One of them pointed at the whiteboard, mouth agape. Looking white as a sheet. 
Fauna whirled around and screamed.
The word ‘bollocks’ was written on the white board in big, blocky, bubble letters. In uppercase. 
She spun to face her students. “Who did this?”
No one claimed responsibility.
Mrs. Potts was busy making macaroni salad for the students' lunches.
As head cook, she was insistent that the kids in her care got the four major food groups.
At that noise, Mrs. Potts whirls around to look behind her.
Only to be met with a floating bag of pepperonis that was about knee length in the air. 
“What on earth!” Mrs. Potts shrieked and stepped back.
The bag jumped before falling to the ground and a child glitched into view before scurrying away. 
Mrs. Potts had seen her fair share of wild things. Hell, she’d spent ten years as a teapot. 
But random glitching children stealing her pepperoni? 
Yeah, that was too much.
She dropped her ladle and ran out of the kitchen, screaming.
Hannah rifled through the cabinets of a classroom, looking for something to do. Glitching in and out of view as she struggled to stay visible.
“You looking for something, sweetheart?” A woman’s voice said, right next to her.
She spun around, trying not to look too guilty. “I ain't stealing.”
“I never said you were.” Honeymaren raised an eyebrow. “I just asked if you were looking for something.”
“... I don't know. I'm bored.”
“Well, I’d imagine so. Being a spirit must be awfully tiring.”
Hannah nodded. “There's nothing to do.” 
“My friend Gale, he’s a spirit too. He likes to make people fly.” Honeymaren made a whooshing motion with her hand.
The young spirit’s eyes lit up. “Like a fairy?” 
“Very similar.” A smile played on her lips. “If you want, after I’m done with my classes for today, I can teach you.”
Hannah danced in place, excitedly. “Yes please!”
Honeymaren couldn't help but be reminded of how her own daughter, Nora, was at that age. 
“Alright. Just…try and stay out of trouble until then.”
Homework was stupid.
Chad really didn’t understand the concept of it.
He already had to do work at school, why did he have to bring it home?!
The math problems were swimming around the page, and he’d only completed three…out of thirty.
Suddenly, a ball of paper hit him in the back of the head. 
He whirled around, looking for the culprit. 
There was no one there.
Wondering if he was actually going insane, he cautiously returned to his problems, now double unable to focus.
Only to find the equations to the homework. The ones he's forgotten ages ago.
He glanced up at the sky. “God?!”
A small giggle rang out. “No.”
“Gah!” Chad hit the deck, as if expecting an explosion. “Who are you?!” He asked from the floor.
“Hannah from tourney!”
He blinked. “...You’re the one who shot the canon and made William pee his pants?”
The ghost (?) giggled amused. “Sorry!”
“It’s okay…it was funny.” Chad wanted to smack himself. Why was he talking to a ghost-maybe-not-a-ghost?
“I hope the math helps! I don't likes math either.”
“Yeah. Math sucks.” Chad agreed. “How did you find these things?” He gestured to the previously missing equation notes.
“I don't have anything betters to do than to writes stuff down.” He could almost see her shrugging. 
“I guess that’s fair enough.” He hadn’t really considered what it would be like to be a ghost—and yes, he was acknowledging that she was a ghost now.
It must have been boring. 
And lonely.
Belle couldn't find her book and her book club was set to start in ten minutes.
She’d looked everywhere she normally left her books, then started looking in places she would never leave them. Like the refrigerator.
Where she found one.
“What the–” Belle blinked. Was she going senile? There was no way she could have put this in there!
Ben peaked his head into the room. “Mom? Are you ready for book club?” 
The queen said nothing.
“Mom? Are you alright?”
His statue was missing it's head.
Former King Beast had walked around campus for a solid hour trying to either find the head, or the culprit.
When all the VK’s had solid alibis, he checked with Ben's close friends but found they had alibis as well: Fay had been furious he'd accused Jane at all, Grumpy had been even angrier and had cursed him out for accusing Doug, Coach Jenkins had cleared Lonnie, and Chad and Audrey weren't even on campus. 
He did find it, eventually.
In the downstairs girl’s bathroom. Upside down. In a bidet. With the word ‘BITCH’ painted on it. 
After doing a good amount of angry yelling at nothing, Beast stormed out of the bathrooms, not bothering to touch the statue head. He’d get a janitor to clean it later.
But he would be getting to the bottom of whoever did this, and punish them severely.
Only when he passed his portrait did he realize that his statue wasn't the only thing vandalized.
A crude mustache and glasses were painted on his face, as well as the words ‘scurvy ridden, scabby sea bass’. The words were punctuated by a picture of a sea bass smacking his portrait self in the face.
Beast roared.
The whole school was in chaos. 
FG and Ben were trying to get to the bottom of what was going on. 
But Mal already seemed to have an idea. “HANNAH ARTEMIS HOOK, KNOCK IT OFF!”
“Who’s Hannah Artemis Hook?” Ben asked his girlfriend, looking around cautiously.
Mal allowed some of her anger to drain out of her as she gave him a small smile. “Ghost kid from the isle. Don't worry about it. She won't actually hurt anybody.”
FG gave a condescending laugh. “Ghosts aren’t real. I’m sure this is just an intense prank. Remember how Calista Jane Hook was? I’m sure this is just the same.”
“That'd be news to me if she managed to fake her death that well at only seven.” Mal tried not to roll her eyes or come off as too sarcastic, simply for Ben's sake. “And not be exposed before now.”
Ben inhaled, regretting his life choices. “So let me get this straight: There’s the seven year old ghost of CJ Hook’s sister haunting Auradon?”
“No, she's just following us. She'll probably leave when she realizes we're safe enough here.” Mal waved him off. Before turning to look down the hall “But until then SHE NEEDS TO BEHAVE !”
The locker closest to Mal (coincidentally her own) slammed open. 
Ben jumped and let out a swear. FG jumped as well, but let out a “fiddlesticks!” instead of a normal swear.
“Is that her?” Ben asked, unsure of what exactly proper etiquette was for meeting a ghost.
“Yes. But again she won't hurt her…. Well, as long as you don't hurt any of the isle kids.”
FG huffed, but Ben looked at where he thought the ghost must be. “Uh, hi, Hannah! I’m King Ben. Welcome to Auradon!”
“Hi!” An echoey, eerie voice replied. 
Ben tried not to jump again. Was that disrespectful? “How’re you liking Auradon so far?”
“I likes da books. They ain't missin’ no pages!” The voice replied. “And nobody's died here yets!”
“Yaaaay?” Ben’s voice went flat. 
FG at least had the decency to look ashamed.
“Are yous Mally’s boyfriend?”
Mal hid her face in her hands, fully aware of how red that comment was going to make her.
He grinned widely. “Why, yes I am.” To prove his point, he kissed Mal on the cheek.
Hannah giggled loudly. “Oooo waits till her siblings find out!”
“Siblings?” Ben looked at his girlfriend in surprise. “I thought you just had the one. Treycor, right?”
“Ya! Treycor! But she has more!”
Mal nodded, embarrassed. “From our dad’s side…”
“Dad?” It suddenly occurred to him that he hadn’t heard much about the other parents of the VKs.
Hannah giggled. 
“Will you knock it off?” The purple haired teen snapped at the space where the little girl was supposedly standing. 
“Buuuuuuutttttrt Malllllllly I'm boooooooooooored! BORED, BORED, BORED!”
“You know, Carlos and Jay have video games in their room. You like video games?” Ben tried to placate her (and to get her to stop yelling.)
“Maybe you can watch them play?” Ben was glad he was getting somewhere. “In fact, I can take you there now. I just have to ask you one question, if that’s okay?”
Ben hesitated. He wasn’t sure how this would go. But there was a seven year old dead girl. He had to know. “Can I ask how you…became a ghost, Hannah?”
The lights flashed, all of the lockers flung open, and a water fountain turned on. “Judge Frollo!”
FG screamed, and used her clipboard as a shield against the chaos. “Claude Frollo turned you into a ghost?!”
Mal winced. 
Ben had wrapped his arms around Mal to shield her from the lockers, but after FG said that, he glared at the woman with all his might. “She means that Judge Claude Frollo killed her, Fairy Godmother.”
FG gasped. “Oh.”
“She uh… was trying to protect his last two living children.” Mal added, hesitant for once. “Her mom and Grandma didn't make it in time to help.”
One of the lights exploded as the lockers slammed shut—silence quickly filling the hallway, sans the trickling water of the fountain. 
“Oh my gods.” Ben whispered, breaking the silence.
“Can we play now?” Hannah cut in, ‘breathing’ heavily before the water fountain turned off. 
Ben was not in the mood for playing, but he forced a smile anyway. “You betcha.”
The lights flickered once more before stopping. 
“Race you ta Jay-Jay and ‘los’s room!”
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Descendants OC Masterlist L-Z
( A - K )
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Name: Lani of Atlantica
Story: One Foot In The Sea (And One On The Shore)
Parents: Melody
Face claim: Madelaine Petsch
Love interest: Harry Hook
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Name: Lawson Henry
Story: Impossible Dreams
Parents: Laurence Henry
Face claim: Milo Manheim
Love interest: Evie
Summary: Every VK had the same complaints about the Isle — terrible parents, terrible resources, they’dnever broken the law, every day was a battle for survival, you get the idea.  But Lawson Henry had another complaint.  He was lonely.  He may have been a part of Mal’s crew in the loosest of terms, an insignificant ally whose father was only a henchman. But he was alone, forgotten.  He never expected that to change, until a letter came from Auradon.  Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos would be going to Auradon Prep, the children of the four most feared villains on the Isle — alongside Lawson Henry, son of a bumbling servant who failed his only job.
He’s sure that it’s a mistake.  He’s sure that he’ll get to Auradon and they’ll tell him that they got it wrong, that they wanted a real VK.  Someone smart, someone powerful, someone like Uma or Harry or Celia.  Instead he’s greeted by an overenthusiastic not-princess, whose own mother was once tricked into almost marrying his father.
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Name: Lovetta Garou
Story: Hungry Like The Wolf
Parents: Big Bad Wolf
Face claim: Kaitlyn Dever
Love Interest: Ben
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Name: Lucette LeFou
Story: The Wrong Monster
Parents: LeFou
Face claim: Giorgia Whigham
Love Interest: Harry Hook & Uma
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Name: Mae
Story: More Than A Dream
Parents: Fairy Godmother
Face claim: Danielle Rose Russell
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Name: Maisie
Story: Who Is The Monster (And Who Is The Man)
Parents: Esmerelda & Phoebus
Face claim: Medalion Rahimi
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Name: Maria Frollo
Story: Long Live the Queen
Parents: Claude Frollo
Face claim: Elle Fanning
Love Interest: Harry Hook
Summary:  Maria Frollo hated her father.  It wasn’t an uncommon sentiment on the Isle, but it was still true.  She hated him.  More than she’d ever hated anyone.  Lucky for her, she met Queenie and Helena in the marketplace one day and found herself being taken under their wings.  She knows that she isn’t tough, not like they all, but if there’s one thing she learned from her father, it was how to rain hellfire down on her enemies.
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Name: Marnie Fitzwater-Hood
Story: The Weight Of Living
Parents: Maid Marian & Robin Hood
Face claim:  Ellie Bamber
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Name: Melia
Story: Scorched Earth
Parents: Hades & Maleficent / Hercules & Megara
Face claim: Dove Cameron
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Name: Mireya Madrigal
Story: Waiting On A Miracle
Parents: The Miracle / Candle
Face claim: Isabela Moner
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Name: Myra Frollo
Story: Hellfire
Parents: Claude Frollo
Face claim:  Emma Myers
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Name: Nasira
Story: Running On Raindrops
Parents: Raya & Namaari
Face claim: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
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Name: Natalia Of Maldonia
Story: Dig a Little Deeper
Parents: Tiana & Naveen
Face claim: Sofia Wylie
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Name: Nerina Sparrow
Story: Never Shall We Die
Parents: Jack Sparrow
Face claim: Anya Taylor Joy
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Name: Nerissa
Story: Lost Things
Parents: Pixie Hollow
Face claim: Savannah Lee May
Love interest: Chad Charming
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Name: Nettie Tremaine
Story: Sweet Nightingale
Parents: Anastasia Tremaine & The Baker
Face claim: Peyton Elizabeth Lee
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Name: Niamh
Story: Compass
Face claim: Sydney Sweeney
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Name: Noelle of Arendelle
Story: Only Love, Only Hate
Parents: Elsa
Face claim:  Kiernan Shipka
Love Interest: Ben
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Name:  Queenie Hearts
Story: Long Live the Queen
Parents: The Queen Of Hearts
Face claim: Madison Davenport
Love interest: Helena
Summary: First there was Mal, then there was Uma.  Mal had defected, turned good, abandoned the kids on the isle who desperately needed her help.  Uma’s martyr complex and desperation had long since outweighed her ability to come up with a real plan.  But someone needed to protect the children, needed to keep the major villains in line, needed to run the Isle with an iron first.  And that person is going to be Queenie, no matter the cost.  And if anyone objects to her revolution, well, off with their heads.
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Name: Raina Gold
Story: Deal With The Devil
Parents: Rumplestiltskin 
Face claim: Katie Douglas
Love Interest: Harry Hook ( poly sea three? )
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Name: Raisa Rasputin
Story: Bury A Friend
Parents: Rasputin
Face claim: Sophia Anne Caruso
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Name: Rini
Story: People Are Strangers
Parents: Ringmaster
Face claim: Jenna Ortega
Ship: Carlos De Vil?
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Name: Robin Fitzherbert
Story: Next Stop Anywhere
Parents: Rapunzel, Cassandra, Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Face claim: Natalia Dyer
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Name: Roisin Spriggins
Story: Children Will Listen
Parents: Red Riding Hood & Jack The Giant Slayer
Face claim: Sadie Sink
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Name: Rosabelle Legume
Series: Anti-Hero Series
Story: A Rose By Any Other Name; Kiss With A Fist; You Should See Me In A Crown
Parents: Gaston Legume
Face claim:  Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: Prince Ben; Harry Hook; eventual Ben & Harry
Summary: There were many reasons that Rosabelle Legume didn’t want to go to Auradon: the Beast might have her executed, she didn’t want to leave her big brother, her crew needed her, and she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Harry or to whatever relationship they had.  But there was one very good reason for her to leave: it would get her away from Gaston.  So she packs her bags and goes to Auradon with Mal and her gang - fine, whatever, she’d help them get the wand and everything would be fine.  But she wasn’t expecting to need to get close to Prince Ben to do it, and now Ro has an even bigger choice to make: Ben or Harry, Auradon or the Isle, good or evil?
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Name: Roslyn “Marcie” Hood
Story: Civility
Parents: Robin Hood & Maid Marian
Face claim:  Zoe Colletti
Love Interest: TBD
Summary: Roslyn Hood never wanted to leave Sherwood Forest.  And why would she?  She loved her life there, it was all perfect.  She had her family and she had her freedom, what more could anyone want?  But unfortunately for her, not everyone was as happy about it as she was.  And just before her sixteenth birthday, in one of his last decrees as king, the Beast King made a proclamation.  In exchange for their freedom within the forest, the people of Sherwood Forest would have to send one child — Robin Hood’s own daughter — to Auradon Prep.
Forced out of her home and into a school where no one pretended to want her around, Roslyn had to adapt.  She started going by her middle name, Marcie.  She stopped running around barefoot.  She stopped climbing up to the roofs of the school.  She bided her time, waiting until she could leave.  But when Prince Ben brings over a new group of students, she finds that her time may have come sooner than expected.
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Name: Rylan Fitzherbert
Story: Next Stop Anywhere
Parents: Rapunzel, Cassandra, Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Face claim: Timothee Chalamet
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Name: Saoirse Smee
Story: Awfully Big Adventure
Parents: Smee
Face claim: Millie Bobby Brown
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Name: Savina Stromboli
Story: War Of Hearts
Parents: Stromboli
Face claim:  Diana Silvers
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Name: Sloane White
Story: Ties That Bind
Parents: Snow White
Face claim:  Odeya Rush
Love Interest: Chad Charming
Summary: Sloane White had a plan.  Actually, Sloane White had several plans.  And backup plans, and backup plans for her backup plans.  She had plans for her relationship with Chad.  She had plans for the future of Bavaria, and for how she would hold title of both Queen and High Protector.  She had plans for her Aunt Evie, and for Ben’s dream of Isle reformation.  Sloane White had a plan for everything.  Except for Ben publicly proclaiming his love for one of the VKs.
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Name: Taryn Porter
Story: Strangers Like Me
Parents: Tarzan & Jane Porter
Face claim:  Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Jay
Summary: Let’s make one thing clear, no one wanted Taryn Porter at Auradon Prep.  Well, no one except for Ben, and no one was willing to go against the prince over bringing a civilian to their school.  Her dad grew up in a jungle, raised by apes and her mom was a scientist.  Taryn absolutely, most definitely, did not belong at Auradon Prep alongside children of princes and princesses.  Maybe that’s why, when Ben decides to bring four villain kids to the school, Taryn is the only person who’s genuinely excited about more outcasts joining the student body.
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Name: Topher Charming
Story: The Weight Of Living
Parents: Prince Charming & Cinderella
Face claim: Nicholas Galitzine
Love Interest: Evander Grimhilde
Summary: The problem with founding a kingdom when the ruling family has no children is, of course, figuring out the line of succession.  That wasn’t the first problem with the founding of Auradon, to be fair, but it was the first one that concerned His Majesty the king.  But, in a stroke of great fortune, a royal baby was born soon after.  Christopher Charming II, son of Ella and Kit Charming, prince of Gevaudan.  And, until such time as Adam and Belle have a child of their own, the heir to the United Kingdoms of Auradon.
Fortunately, Belle and Adam have a son the following year, and Topher is bumped down to being the spare.  But unlike the spares of old, there is no room for Topher to be anything less than perfect.  He’s the eldest royal child in Auradon, the blueprint upon which every other child’s future will be mapped.  A modern day Atlas, carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, but a sacrifice that he made willingly so that no other royal child would have to.  Along with being the perfect prince himself, Topher took his responsibility as Ben’s right hand incredibly seriously.  Whether that be coaching him in all of the skills that a prince should have, or tutoring him on matters of policy and protocol, or helping him draft his first official decree as king.  Whatever it may take, Topher would do anything to protect and support Ben, to help him be the best king he could be without having to sacrifice his childhood.  When Ben brings five children from the Isle to Auradon, Topher volunteers himself to help them adapt to their new home.  But his determination to see Ben’s plan succeed is put to the test when he meets Evander Grimhilde, the unfairly attractive son of the Evil Queen.
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Name: Trina Tremaine
Story: Heartless
Parents: Lady Tremaine
Face claim: Lana Condor
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Name: Tristan Of Maldonia
Story: Dig a Little Deeper
Parents: Tiana & Naveen
Face claim:  Jordan Fisher
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Name: Viatrix
Story: Love Struck
Parents: Viatrix
Face claim: Olivia Rodrigo
Love Interest: Griffin
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Name: Violet Kingsleigh
Story: Lavender Haze
Parents: Alice & The Hatter
Face claim: Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Cian Hearts
Summary: Violet Kingsleigh loved growing up in Wonderland, she really did.  She loved spending mornings in her aunt’s - the queen’s - gardens; she loved fighting lessons with her parents and reading with Absolem; she loved playing with the Tweedles and hide and seek with Chess; and, of course, she adored her dad’s infamous tea parties.  Yes, Violet loved everything about Wonderland.  Especially that it wasn’t in Auradon.  It was perfect.  And then the queen is cursed, and all of Wonderland knows that Auradon is to blame.  But they can’t declare war without proof, so suddenly their young princess is being sent to Auradon prep to investigate.  Violet knows her mission.  Violet is absolutely and entirely focused.  Violet is most definitely not prepared for the boy-king to have invited a group of teenagers from the Isle Of The Lost to start school on the same day as her.
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Name: Winnie Pan
Story: Where Dreams Are Born
Parents: Wendy Darling & Peter Pan
Face claim:  Haley Lu Richardson
Love Interest: Harry Hook
Summary: When magic was shut off from Auradon, Neverland was shut away, no one could come or go.  Unfortunately for Peter Pan, he was on the wrong side of that barrier.  Stuck in Auradon with a fully grown Wendy Darling, he had no choice but to grow up, and in fact the vanishing of the magic that had kept him young didn’t just make him age as normal, it pushed him into immediate adulthood.  And with adulthood came children.  A daughter, Winnie Pan.  Winnie was raised on Peter and Wendy’s stories about Neverland and she had long since fallen in love with it.  But it was inaccessible, she’d been told, she could never see it.  And as much as she hated it, she understood.  Until Prince Ben lets four villain children through their barrier into Auradon.  And Winnie has a realization: if one barrier can be taken down, so can the other.  And Winnie Pan will follow the second star to the right to the home she should have had, or she’ll die trying.
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Name: Winona Sykes
Story: Hungry Dogs
Parents: Bill Sykes
Face claim:  Milly Alcock
22 notes · View notes
dreams-of-mutiny · 3 months
Reading list from “How To Read a Book” by Mortimer Adler (1972 edition).
Alexander Pope: Essay on Criticism; Rape of the Lock; Essay on Man
Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu: Persian Letters; Spirit of Laws
Voltaire: Letters on the English; Candide; Philosophical Dictionary
Henry Fielding: Joseph Andrews; Tom Jones
Samuel Johnson: The Vanity of Human Wishes; Dictionary; Rasselas; The Lives of the Poets
David Hume: Treatise on Human Nature; Essays Moral and Political; An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: On the Origin of Inequality; On the Political Economy; Emile, The Social Contract
Laurence Sterne: Tristram Shandy; A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy
Adam Smith: The Theory of Moral Sentiments; The Wealth of Nations
Immanuel Kant: Critique of Pure Reason; Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals; Critique of Practical Reason; The Science of Right; Critique of Judgment; Perpetual Peace
Edward Gibbon: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; Autobiography
James Boswell: Journal; Life of Samuel Johnson, Ll.D.
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier: Traité Élémentaire de Chimie (Elements of Chemistry)
Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison: Federalist Papers
Jeremy Bentham: Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation; Theory of Fictions
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Faust; Poetry and Truth
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier: Analytical Theory of Heat
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Phenomenology of Spirit; Philosophy of Right; Lectures on the Philosophy of History
William Wordsworth: Poems
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Poems; Biographia Literaria
Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice; Emma
Carl von Clausewitz: On War
Stendhal: The Red and the Black; The Charterhouse of Parma; On Love
Lord Byron: Don Juan
Arthur Schopenhauer: Studies in Pessimism
Michael Faraday: Chemical History of a Candle; Experimental Researches in Electricity
Charles Lyell: Principles of Geology
Auguste Comte: The Positive Philosophy
Honore de Balzac: Père Goriot; Eugenie Grandet
Ralph Waldo Emerson: Representative Men; Essays; Journal
Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter
Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy in America
John Stuart Mill: A System of Logic; On Liberty; Representative Government; Utilitarianism; The Subjection of Women; Autobiography
Charles Darwin: The Origin of Species; The Descent of Man; Autobiography
Charles Dickens: Pickwick Papers; David Copperfield; Hard Times
Claude Bernard: Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine
Henry David Thoreau: Civil Disobedience; Walden
Karl Marx: Capital; Communist Manifesto
George Eliot: Adam Bede; Middlemarch
Herman Melville: Moby-Dick; Billy Budd
Fyodor Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment; The Idiot; The Brothers Karamazov
Gustave Flaubert: Madame Bovary; Three Stories
Henrik Ibsen: Plays
Leo Tolstoy: War and Peace; Anna Karenina; What is Art?; Twenty-Three Tales
Mark Twain: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; The Mysterious Stranger
William James: The Principles of Psychology; The Varieties of Religious Experience; Pragmatism; Essays in Radical Empiricism
Henry James: The American; ‘The Ambassadors
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche: Thus Spoke Zarathustra; Beyond Good and Evil; The Genealogy of Morals; The Will to Power
Jules Henri Poincare: Science and Hypothesis; Science and Method
Sigmund Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams; Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis; Civilization and Its Discontents; New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis
George Bernard Shaw: Plays and Prefaces
Max Planck: Origin and Development of the Quantum Theory; Where Is Science Going?; Scientific Autobiography
Henri Bergson: Time and Free Will; Matter and Memory; Creative Evolution;��The Two Sources of Morality and Religion
John Dewey: How We Think; Democracy and Education; Experience and Nature; Logic; the Theory of Inquiry
Alfred North Whitehead: An Introduction to Mathematics; Science and the Modern World; The Aims of Education and Other Essays; Adventures of Ideas
George Santayana: The Life of Reason; Skepticism and Animal Faith; Persons and Places
Lenin: The State and Revolution
Marcel Proust: Remembrance of Things Past
Bertrand Russell: The Problems of Philosophy; The Analysis of Mind; An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth; Human Knowledge, Its Scope and Limits
Thomas Mann: The Magic Mountain; Joseph and His Brothers
Albert Einstein: The Meaning of Relativity; On the Method of Theoretical Physics; The Evolution of Physics
James Joyce: ‘The Dead’ in Dubliners; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man; Ulysses
Jacques Maritain: Art and Scholasticism; The Degrees of Knowledge; The Rights of Man and Natural Law; True Humanism
Franz Kafka: The Trial; The Castle
Arnold J. Toynbee: A Study of History; Civilization on Trial
Jean Paul Sartre: Nausea; No Exit; Being and Nothingness
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: The First Circle; The Cancer Ward
Source: mortimer-adlers-reading-list
3 notes · View notes
23 in 2023
Instructions: Choose 23 books or goals you’d like to read/accomplish in 2023.
Tagging: only the late bloomers like me, starting February and only just now getting to this...sigh
Baker Thief by Claude Arsenault (already done!)
Umbertouched by Livia Blackburne
Tell the Machine Goodnight by Katie Williams
Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor
Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett
Night Watch by Terry Pratchett
The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty
The Return of the Thief by Megan Whalen Turner
A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab
Four Roads Cross by Max Gladstone
Heavenly Tyrant by Xiran Jay Zhao (no longer coming out in 2023 - so I’m giving its spot to System Collapse by Martha Wells) [I just barely didn’t do this in 2023 - it was the second book I read in 2024!]
Alecto the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (no longer coming out in 2023 - so I’m giving its spot to He Who Drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan)
To Shape a Dragon’s Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose
Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh
The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older
Partners in Crime by Alisha Rai (also already done!)
A Restless Truth by Freya Marske
Babel by R.F. Kuang
The World We Make by N.K. Jemisin (done! whoo)
High Times in the Low Parliament by Kelly Robson
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
Bluebird by Ciel Pierlot
9 notes · View notes
OCs [ L-Z]
[ A-K ]
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Name: Lani of Atlantica
Story: One Foot In The Sea (And One On The Shore)
Parents: Melody
Face claim: Madelaine Petsch
Love interest: Harry Hook
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Name: Lawson Henry
Story: Impossible Dreams
Parents: Lawrence
Face claim: Milo Manheim
Love interest: Evie
Summary: Every VK had the same complaints about the Isle — terrible parents, terrible resources, they’d never broken the law, every day was a battle for survival, you get the idea. But Lawson Henry had another complaint. He was lonely. He may have been a part of Mal’s crew in the loosest of terms, an insignificant ally whose father was only a henchman. But he was alone, forgotten. He never expected that to change, until a letter came from Auradon. Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos would be going to Auradon Prep, the children of the four most feared villains on the Isle — alongside Lawson Henry, son of a bumbling servant who failed his only job.
He’s sure that it’s a mistake. He’s sure that he’ll get to Auradon and they’ll tell him that they got it wrong, that they wanted a real VK. Someone smart, someone powerful, someone like Uma or Harry or Celia. Instead he’s greeted by an overenthusiastic not-princess, whose own mother was one tricked into almost marrying his father.
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Name: Lovetta Garou
Story: Untitled
Parents: Big Bad Wolf
Face claim: Kaitlyn Dever
Love Interest: Ben
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Name: Lucette LeFou
Story: The Wrong Monster
Parents: LeFou
Face claim: Giorgia Whigham
Love Interest: Harry Hook & Uma
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Name: Mae
Story: Untitled
Parents: Fairy Godmother
Face claim: Danielle Rose Russell
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Name: Maisie
Story: Who Is The Monster (And Who Is The Man)
Parents: Esmerelda & Phoebus
Face claim: Medalion Rahimi
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Name: Maria Frollo
Story: Long Live the Queen
Parents: Claude Frollo
Face claim: Elle Fanning
Love Interest: Harry Hook
Summary:  Maria Frollo hated her father.  It wasn’t an uncommon sentiment on the Isle, but it was still true.  She hated him.  More than she’d ever hated anyone.  Lucky for her, she met Queenie and Helena in the marketplace one day and found herself being taken under their wings.  She knows that she isn’t tough, not like they all, but if there’s one thing she learned from her father, it was how to rain hellfire down on her enemies.
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Name: Marnie Hood
Story: Civility
Parents: Robin Hood & Maid Marian
Face claim: Abigail Cowen
Summary:  Rowan Hood never wanted to leave Sherwood Forest. And why would she? She loved her life there, it was all perfect. She had her family and she had her freedom, what more could anyone want? But unfortunately for her, not everyone was as happy about it as she was. And just before her sixteenth birthday, in one of his last decrees as king, the Beast King made a proclamation. In exchange for their freedom within the forest, the people of Sherwood Forest would have to send one child — Robin Hood’s own daughter — to Auradon Prep.
Forced out of her home and into a school where no one pretended to want her around, Rowan had to adapt. She started going by her middle name, Marnie. She stopped running around barefoot. She stopped climbing up to the roofs of the school. She bided her time, waiting until she could leave. But when Prince Ben brings over a new group of students, she finds that her time may have come sooner than expected.
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Name: Mireya Madrigal
Story: Waiting On A Miracle
Parents: The Miracle / Candle
Face claim: Isabela Moner
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Name: Myra Frollo
Story: Hellfire
Parents: Claude Frollo & Cinderella
Face claim:  Emma Myers
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Name: Nasira
Story: Untitlted
Parents: Raya & Namaari
Face claim: Natasha Liu Bordizzo
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Name: Natalia Of Maldonia
Story: Untitled
Parents: Tiana & Naveen
Face claim: Sofia Wylie
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Name: Nerina Sparrow
Story: Untitled
Parents: Jack Sparrow
Face claim: Anya Taylor Joy
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Name: Nerissa
Story: Untitled
Parents: Pixie Hollow
Face claim: Savannah Lee May
Love interest: Chad Charming
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Name: Nettie Tremaine
Story: Untitled
Parents: Anastasia Tremaine & The Baker
Face claim: Peyton Elizabeth Lee
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Name: Noelle of Arendelle
Story: Only Love, Only Hate
Parents: Elsa
Face claim:  Kiernan Shipka
Love Interest: Ben
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Name: Ophelia
Story: To Be Or Not To Be
Parents: The Enchantress
Face claim:  Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Ben & Evie
Summary: Before Prince Ben’s proclamation, no one had ever left the Isle Of The Lost. No one, except for Ophelia. The daughter of the Enchantress, a being made of pure magic, she was everything that the Beast-King hated, the very danger that the Isle was meant to contain. But as the only child of the most powerful villain, she was a valuable bargaining chip for Auradon; a way to ensure that the villains never tried to escape.
And so Ophelia grew up in Auradon, always excluded for her parentage, never belonging and always knowing that the Beast-King could have her killed at any moment. Still, there was one silver lining to life as a hostage: Prince Ben of Auradon. Where everyone else looked at her and saw a future villain, Ben saw a girl in need of a friend. Growing up side by side in the castle, the two had always been inseparable, despite his parents’ strong objections.
But when Ben brings four more kids over from the Isle, Ophelia finds herself unsure of who she wants to be. The villain that Auradon expected her to be, or the hero that Ben believed she could be.
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Name:  Queenie Hearts
Story: Long Live the Queen
Parents: The Queen Of Hearts
Face claim: Madison Davenport
Love interest: Helena
Summary: First there was Mal, then there was Uma.  Mal had defected, turned good, abandoned the kids on the isle who desperately needed her help.  Uma’s martyr complex and desperation had long since outweighed her ability to come up with a real plan.  But someone needed to protect the children, needed to keep the major villains in line, needed to run the Isle with an iron first.  And that person is going to be Queenie, no matter the cost.  And if anyone objects to her revolution, well, off with their heads.
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Name: Raina Gold
Story: Deal With The Devil
Parents: Rumplestiltskin
Face claim: Katie Douglas
Love Interest: Harry Hook ( poly sea three? )
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Name: Raisa Rasputin
Story: Bury A Friend
Parents: Rasputin
Face claim: Sophia Anne Caruso
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Name: Rini Bing
Story: Untitled
Parents: Ringmaster
Face claim: Jenna Ortega
Ship: Carlos De Vil
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Name: Robin Fitzherbert
Story: Untitled
Parents: Rapunzel, Cassandra, Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Face claim: Natalia Dyer
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Name: Roisin Spriggins
Story: Untitled
Parents: Red Riding Hood & Jack The Giant Slayer
Face claim: Sadie Sink
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Name: Rosabelle Legume
Series: Anti-Hero Series
Story: A Rose By Any Other Name; Kiss With A Fist; You Should See Me In A Crown
Parents: Gaston Legume
Face claim:  Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: Prince Ben; Harry Hook; eventual Ben & Harry
Summary: There were many reasons that Rosabelle Legume didn’t want to go to Auradon: the Beast might have her executed, she didn’t want to leave her big brother, her crew needed her, and she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Harry or to whatever relationship they had.  But there was one very good reason for her to leave: it would get her away from Gaston.  So she packs her bags and goes to Auradon with Mal and her gang - fine, whatever, she’d help them get the wand and everything would be fine.  But she wasn’t expecting to need to get close to Prince Ben to do it, and now Ro has an even bigger choice to make: Ben or Harry, Auradon or the Isle, good or evil?
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Name: Rylan Fitzherbert
Story: Untitled
Parents: Rapunzel, Cassandra, Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Face claim: Timothee Chalamet
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Name: Savina Stromboli
Story: Untitled
Parents: Stromboli
Face claim:  Diana Silvers
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Name: Sloane White
Story: Ties That Bind
Parents: Snow White
Face claim:  Odeya Rush
Love Interest: Chad Charming
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Name: Taryn Porter
Story: Untitled
Parents: Tarzan & Jane Porter
Face claim:  Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Jay
Summary: Let’s make one thing clear, no one wanted Taryn Porter at Auradon Prep.  Well, no one except for Ben, and no one was willing to go against the prince over bringing a civilian to their school.  Her dad grew up in a jungle, raised by apes and her mom was a scientist.  Taryn absolutely, most definitely, did not belong at Auradon Prep alongside children of princes and princesses.  Maybe that’s why, when Ben decides to bring four villain kids to the school, Taryn is the only person who’s genuinely excited about more outcasts joining the student body.
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Name: Trina Tremaine
Story: Heartless
Parents: Lady Tremaine
Face claim: Lana Condor
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Name: Tristan Of Maldonia
Story: Untitled
Parents: Tiana & Naveen
Face claim:  Jordan Fisher
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Name: Violet Kingsleigh
Story: Lavender Haze
Parents: Alice & The Hatter
Face claim: Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Cian Hearts
Summary: Violet Kingsleigh loved growing up in Wonderland, she really did.  She loved spending mornings in her aunt’s - the queen’s - gardens; she loved fighting lessons with her parents and reading with Absolem; she loved playing with the Tweedles and hide and seek with Chess; and, of course, she adored her dad’s infamous tea parties.  Yes, Violet loved everything about Wonderland.  Especially that it wasn’t in Auradon.  It was perfect.  And then the queen is cursed, and all of Wonderland knows that Auradon is to blame.  But they can’t declare war without proof, so suddenly their young princess is being sent to Auradon prep to investigate.  Violet knows her mission.  Violet is absolutely and entirely focused.  Violet is most definitely not prepared for the boy-king to have invited a group of teenagers from the Isle Of The Lost to start school on the same day as her.
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Name: Winnie Pan
Story: Where Dreams Are Born
Parents: Wendy Darling & Peter Pan
Face claim:  Haley Lu Richardson
Love Interest: Harry Hook
Summary: When magic was shut off from Auradon, Neverland was shut away, no one could come or go.  Unfortunately for Peter Pan, he was on the wrong side of that barrier.  Stuck in Auradon with a fully grown Wendy Darling, he had no choice but to grow up, and in fact the vanishing of the magic that had kept him young didn’t just make him age as normal, it pushed him into immediate adulthood.  And with adulthood came children.  A daughter, Winnie Pan.  Winnie was raised on Peter and Wendy’s stories about Neverland and she had long since fallen in love with it.  But it was inaccessible, she’d been told, she could never see it.  And as much as she hated it, she understood.  Until Prince Ben lets four villain children through their barrier into Auradon.  And Winnie has a realization: if one barrier can be taken down, so can the other.  And Winnie Pan will follow the second star to the right to the home she should have had, or she’ll die trying.
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Name: Winona Sykes
Story: Untitled
Parents: Bill Sykes
Face claim:  Milly Alcock
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A mom and dad who usually say no decide to say yes to their kids’ wildest requests — with a few ground rules — on a whirlwind day of fun and adventure. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Allison Torres: Jennifer Garner Carlos Torres: Edgar Ramírez Katie Torres: Jenna Ortega Nando Torres: Julian Lerner Ellie Torres: Everly Carganilla H.E.R.: H.E.R. Mr. Deacon: Nat Faxon Hiring Executive: Molly Sims Jean the Paramedic: Fortune Feimster Officer Jones: Arturo Castro Billie / Concert Coordinator: Tracie Thoms Layla: Megan Stott Tara: Yimmy Yim Hailey Peterson: Snowden Grey Officer Chang: Hayden Szeto Julie: Alana Baer Brian: Graham Phillips Brent: Wolf Fleetwood-Ross Trevor: Adam Faison Mr. Hwang: James Kyson Counter Gal: Michelle La Mr. Chan: Leonardo Nam Miss Hoffling: Naomi Ekperigin Chase: James Calixte Rob: Alek Cole Jeremy: William Samiri Tony: Ruy Iskandar Teacher Beth: Cloie Wyatt Taylor Nurse Linda: Joanna Strapp Bob: Brent Morin Joan: Cass Buggé Karen: Lynn Andrews Security Guard: Jordan Johnson-Hinds KC: K.C. Clyde Mary: Katie Baker Rosemary: Ava Allan Brad: Cameron Johnson Woman on Something: Taylor Cooper Mom in Car: Faryn Einhorn Kablowey Maroon Team Player: Jeremy Culhane Kablowey Green Team Player: Kristi Lauren Kablowey Blue Team Player: Olivia Norman Korean Customer: Arvin Lee Man from Bathroom: Peter S. Kim Officiant: Ron Yerxa Helium Kid #1: Nicholas Sean Johnny Helium Kid #2: Cameron James Elie Seven Year Old Nando: Romyn Smith Ten Year Old Katie: Aliyah Torres Terrified Kid: Joshua Gallup Stevie: Danielle Jalade Woman in Cheetah Suit: Erin Allin O’Reilly Officer Antonio: Rafael Boza Harry: Tyler Riggin Kablowey Orange Team Player: Mike Lane Kablowey Orange Team Player #2: Sandy Fletcher Sound Mixer: Chase Meyer Party Kid #1: Lola Raie Party Kid #2: Aidan McGraw Maid of Honor: Rachel Amanda Bryant Athletic Kid #1: Coral Coye Athletic Kid #2: Kodiak Lehman Athletic Kid #3: Makea Leonard H.E.R. Band Member: Keithen Foster H.E.R. Band Member: Carrington Brown H.E.R. Band Member: Alonzo Harris H.E.R. Band Member: Ricardo Ramos H.E.R. Band Member: Ajanee Hambrick H.E.R. Band Member: Malik Spence Allah-Las Band Member: Miles Michaud Allah-Las Band Member: Matthew Correia Allah-Las Band Member: Pedrum Siadatian Allah-Las Band Member: Timothy Hill Film Crew: Production Design: Doug J. Meerdink Original Music Composer: Michael Andrews Producer: Jennifer Garner Set Decoration: Rosemary Brandenburg Makeup Artist: Deborah La Mia Denaver Director of Photography: Terry Stacey Executive Producer: Miguel Arteta Assistant Art Director: Mike Piccirillo Editor: Jay Deuby Costume Design: Susie DeSanto Supervising Sound Editor: Darren Sunny Warkentin Supervising Sound Editor: Andrew DeCristofaro Executive Producer: Mark Moran Producer: Daniel Rappaport Costume Supervisor: Mitchell Ray Kenney Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Will Files Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Mark Paterson Visual Effects Supervisor: Jean-François Ferland Executive Producer: Justin Malen Stunts: Kelli Barksdale Makeup Department Head: Cristina Waltz Producer: Lawrence Grey Set Costumer: Natasha Romanow Set Costumer: Cesha Ventre Visual Effects Producer: Marie-Claude Lafontaine Second Unit Director: Shauna Duggins Set Dresser: Fante Zamora Book: Tom Lichtenheld Utility Stunts: Mallory Thompson Set Decoration Buyer: Jennifer Pray Producer: Ben Everard Art Direction: Jason Perrine Production Coordinator: Sally Potters Makeup Artist: Jamie Hess Book: Amy Krouse Rosenthal Producer: Nicole King Executive Producer: Adam Simpson-Marshall Visual Effects Producer: Erin Hewitt Set Dresser: Max Bostic Visual Effects Supervisor: Brandon Nelson VFX Artist: Sébastien Chartier VFX Artist: Jason Evanko VFX Artist: Alyssa Koncelik-Diemer Movie Reviews: r96sk: Rather unoriginal, though the cast make it more likeable than it would otherwise be. ‘Yes Day’ is exactly what it says on the tin, you will not be shocked to find out what the plot is. It plays out in the most predictable way possible, even the hearty moments are a little too sickly at times. With that sai...
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 11.14
American Teddy Bear Day
Children’s Day (India)
Chinggis Khan Day (Mongolia)
Day of the Colombian Woman (Colombia)
Dobruja Day (Romania)
Fappiano (Thanksgiving on Melmac, in “Alf”)
International Day Against Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Property
International Farmers’ Day
National Figure It Out Day
International Girls Day
International Selfie Day
International Street Vendors Day
Inuit Asking Festival (Eskimo)
Leftover Trading Day
Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day
Mobile Brigade Day (Indonesia)
Moby Dick Day
Momentum World Day of Giving
Monet Day
Movie Day (South Korea)
National Block It Out Day
National Education Support Professionals Day
National Family Pajama (or PJ) Day
National Figure It Out Day
National Marie Day
National Metallurgists’ Day (India)
National Pride Day (Mongolia)
National Seat Belt Day
National Survivors’ Day (Australia)
Odd Socks Day (UK)
Operating Room Nurse Day
Orange Day (French Republic)
Readjustment Movement Anniversary (Guinea-Bissau)
Remembrance Day (Cayman Islands)
Spirit of NSA Day (Nat'l Speakers Ass'n)
Streetcar Day (NYC)
World Diabetes Day (UN)
World Sexual Purity Day
World Syphilis Day (India)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coast-to-Coast Toast Day
National Pickle Day (a.k.a. Pickle Appreciation Day)
National Spicy Guacamole Day (a.k.a. Homemade ‘Guac’ Day)
2nd Tuesday in November
International Wear Your Summer Camp T-Shirt Day [2nd Tuesday]
National Young Readers' Day [2nd Tuesday]
Feast Days
Alberic of Utrecht (Christian; Saint)
All Saints of the Carmelites (Christian; Saint)
All Souls of the Benedictine family (Christian)
Bal Diwas (India)
Barlaam of Kiev (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Claude Monet (Artology)
Diwali, Day 3 (Hindu, Jain, Sikh), a.k.a. ... 
Bhai Duj (Parts of India)
Bhau Beej (Parts of India)
Chitragupth Jayanti (Parts of India)
Dawat Puja (Parts of India)
Day of Cows
Deepavali Holiday (Manipur, India)
Deepawali (Sikkim, India)
Festival of Lights, Day 3
Gai Tihar
Laxmi Puja (Sikkim, India)
Ningol Chakkouba (Parts of India)
Tihar Festival (Nepal)
Yam Pancake (Nepal)
Dubricius (a.k.a. Dyfrig or Devereux; Christian; Saint)
Equorum Probatio (Old Roman cavalry parade)
Feronia’s Day (Pagan)
Gustavus Adolphus (Positivist; Saint)
Hypatius of Gangra (Christian; Saint)
John Steuart Curry (Artology)
Josaphat Kuncevyc (Roman Catholic)
Joseph Pignatelli SJ (Christian; Saint)
Justinian I (Eastern Orthodox and Lutheran Church)
Laugh Like a Lunatic Day (Pastafarian)
Laurence O'Toole (Christian; Saint)
Moccas (Celtic Pig Godess Festival)
Nikola Tavelic (Christian; Saint)
Philip the Apostle (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Samuel Seabury (Anglican Communion)
Sappho Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Serapion of Algiers (Christian; Saint)
Sidonius (a.k.a. Saëns; Christian; Saint)
Sonia Delaunay (Artology)
Venera (a.k.a. Veneranda; Christian; Saint)
The Whipley Triplets (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [46 of 53]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 52 of 60)
Anastasia (Animated Film; 1997)
The Art of Skiing (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Bah, Hummock! A Looney Tunes Christmas (WB Animated Film; 2006)
The Black Album, by Jay-Z (Album; 2003)
Black or White, by Michael Jackson (Music Video; 1991)
Bosko’s Soda Fountain (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
Buried Treasure, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 125; 1961)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Film; 1980)
Conspiracy of One, by The Offspring (Album; 2000)
Dumb and Dumber To (Film; 2014)
End Game, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2017)
The Facts of Life (Film; 1960)
Father of the Bird (WB LT Cartoon; 1997)
Future Man (TV Series; 2017)
Hoosiers (Film; 1986)
The Jackal (Film; 1997)
Let’s Talk About Love, by Celine Dion (Album; 1997)
Little Beau Porky (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
Live Rust, by Neil Young (Live Album; 1979)
Looney Tunes: Back in Action (WB Animated Film; 2003)
Love Actually (Film; 2003)
Mail Dog (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
The Man Who Knew Too Little (Film; 1997)
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (Film; 2003)
Mother Pluto (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Murphy Brown (TV Series; 1988)
The Ocean Hop (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Of Rice and Hen (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Quantum of Solace (US Film; 2008) [James Bond #22]
Raging Bull (Film; 1980)
Smooth Criminal, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1988)
Suspicion (Film; 1941)
A Ticket A Casket or The Bury Box (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 126; 1961)
Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson (Novel; 1883)
What to Listen for in Music, by Aaron Copland (Music Book; 1939)
Yellowjackets (TV Series; 2021)
Today’s Name Days
Nikolaus, Sidonia (Austria)
Filio, Filip, Filipa (Bulgaria)
Laurencije, Nikola, Nikolina (Croatia)
Sáva (Czech Republic)
Frederik (Denmark)
Alve, Alvi, Alviine (Estonia)
Iiris (Finland)
Sidoine (France)
Karl, Nikolaus, Sidonia (Germany)
Filippos, Gregory, Philip, Philipia (Greece)
Aliz (Hungary)
Giocondo, Venera (Italy)
Fricis, Fridrichs, Vikentijs (Latvia)
Emilis, Judita, Ramantas, Saulenė (Lithuania)
Fred, Freddy, Fredrik (Norway)
Aga, Agata, Damian, Elżbieta, Emil, Emiliusz, Jozafat, Józef, Judyta, Kosma, Laurenty, Lewin, Ścibor, Ścibora, Serafin, Wszerad (Poland)
Filip, Grigorie (România)
Irma (Slovakia)
José (Spain)
Emil, Emilia (Sweden)
Philip (Ukraine)
Aphrodite, Chrystal, Cristal, Crystal, Kristal, Krystal, Venecia, Venice, Venus (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 318 of 2024; 47 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 46 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 15 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 2 (Bing-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 1 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 1 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 18 Mir; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 1 November 2023
Moon: 2%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 10 Frederic (12th Month) [Gustavus Adolphus]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 52 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 22 of 29)
Calendar Changes
Jumādā al-ʾŪlā (a.k.a. Jumada I) [جُمَادَىٰ ٱلْأُولَىٰ] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 5 of 12] (First of the Parched Land; Pre-Islamic Summer)
Kislēw (a.k.a. Kislev, Marcheshvan, Chisleu & Chislev) [כִּסְלֵו / כסליו] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 9 of 12]
November (Julian Calendar) [Month 11 of 12]
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Holidays 11.14
American Teddy Bear Day
Children’s Day (India)
Chinggis Khan Day (Mongolia)
Day of the Colombian Woman (Colombia)
Dobruja Day (Romania)
Fappiano (Thanksgiving on Melmac, in “Alf”)
International Day Against Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Property
International Farmers’ Day
National Figure It Out Day
International Girls Day
International Selfie Day
International Street Vendors Day
Inuit Asking Festival (Eskimo)
Leftover Trading Day
Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day
Mobile Brigade Day (Indonesia)
Moby Dick Day
Momentum World Day of Giving
Monet Day
Movie Day (South Korea)
National Block It Out Day
National Education Support Professionals Day
National Family Pajama (or PJ) Day
National Figure It Out Day
National Marie Day
National Metallurgists’ Day (India)
National Pride Day (Mongolia)
National Seat Belt Day
National Survivors’ Day (Australia)
Odd Socks Day (UK)
Operating Room Nurse Day
Orange Day (French Republic)
Readjustment Movement Anniversary (Guinea-Bissau)
Remembrance Day (Cayman Islands)
Spirit of NSA Day (Nat'l Speakers Ass'n)
Streetcar Day (NYC)
World Diabetes Day (UN)
World Sexual Purity Day
World Syphilis Day (India)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coast-to-Coast Toast Day
National Pickle Day (a.k.a. Pickle Appreciation Day)
National Spicy Guacamole Day (a.k.a. Homemade ‘Guac’ Day)
2nd Tuesday in November
International Wear Your Summer Camp T-Shirt Day [2nd Tuesday]
National Young Readers' Day [2nd Tuesday]
Feast Days
Alberic of Utrecht (Christian; Saint)
All Saints of the Carmelites (Christian; Saint)
All Souls of the Benedictine family (Christian)
Bal Diwas (India)
Barlaam of Kiev (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Claude Monet (Artology)
Diwali, Day 3 (Hindu, Jain, Sikh), a.k.a. ... 
Bhai Duj (Parts of India)
Bhau Beej (Parts of India)
Chitragupth Jayanti (Parts of India)
Dawat Puja (Parts of India)
Day of Cows
Deepavali Holiday (Manipur, India)
Deepawali (Sikkim, India)
Festival of Lights, Day 3
Gai Tihar
Laxmi Puja (Sikkim, India)
Ningol Chakkouba (Parts of India)
Tihar Festival (Nepal)
Yam Pancake (Nepal)
Dubricius (a.k.a. Dyfrig or Devereux; Christian; Saint)
Equorum Probatio (Old Roman cavalry parade)
Feronia’s Day (Pagan)
Gustavus Adolphus (Positivist; Saint)
Hypatius of Gangra (Christian; Saint)
John Steuart Curry (Artology)
Josaphat Kuncevyc (Roman Catholic)
Joseph Pignatelli SJ (Christian; Saint)
Justinian I (Eastern Orthodox and Lutheran Church)
Laugh Like a Lunatic Day (Pastafarian)
Laurence O'Toole (Christian; Saint)
Moccas (Celtic Pig Godess Festival)
Nikola Tavelic (Christian; Saint)
Philip the Apostle (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Samuel Seabury (Anglican Communion)
Sappho Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Serapion of Algiers (Christian; Saint)
Sidonius (a.k.a. Saëns; Christian; Saint)
Sonia Delaunay (Artology)
Venera (a.k.a. Veneranda; Christian; Saint)
The Whipley Triplets (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [46 of 53]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 52 of 60)
Anastasia (Animated Film; 1997)
The Art of Skiing (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
Bah, Hummock! A Looney Tunes Christmas (WB Animated Film; 2006)
The Black Album, by Jay-Z (Album; 2003)
Black or White, by Michael Jackson (Music Video; 1991)
Bosko’s Soda Fountain (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
Buried Treasure, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 125; 1961)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Film; 1980)
Conspiracy of One, by The Offspring (Album; 2000)
Dumb and Dumber To (Film; 2014)
End Game, by Taylor Swift (Song; 2017)
The Facts of Life (Film; 1960)
Father of the Bird (WB LT Cartoon; 1997)
Future Man (TV Series; 2017)
Hoosiers (Film; 1986)
The Jackal (Film; 1997)
Let’s Talk About Love, by Celine Dion (Album; 1997)
Little Beau Porky (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
Live Rust, by Neil Young (Live Album; 1979)
Looney Tunes: Back in Action (WB Animated Film; 2003)
Love Actually (Film; 2003)
Mail Dog (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
The Man Who Knew Too Little (Film; 1997)
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (Film; 2003)
Mother Pluto (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
Murphy Brown (TV Series; 1988)
The Ocean Hop (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
Of Rice and Hen (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Quantum of Solace (US Film; 2008) [James Bond #22]
Raging Bull (Film; 1980)
Smooth Criminal, by Michael Jackson (Song; 1988)
Suspicion (Film; 1941)
A Ticket A Casket or The Bury Box (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 126; 1961)
Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson (Novel; 1883)
What to Listen for in Music, by Aaron Copland (Music Book; 1939)
Yellowjackets (TV Series; 2021)
Today’s Name Days
Nikolaus, Sidonia (Austria)
Filio, Filip, Filipa (Bulgaria)
Laurencije, Nikola, Nikolina (Croatia)
Sáva (Czech Republic)
Frederik (Denmark)
Alve, Alvi, Alviine (Estonia)
Iiris (Finland)
Sidoine (France)
Karl, Nikolaus, Sidonia (Germany)
Filippos, Gregory, Philip, Philipia (Greece)
Aliz (Hungary)
Giocondo, Venera (Italy)
Fricis, Fridrichs, Vikentijs (Latvia)
Emilis, Judita, Ramantas, Saulenė (Lithuania)
Fred, Freddy, Fredrik (Norway)
Aga, Agata, Damian, Elżbieta, Emil, Emiliusz, Jozafat, Józef, Judyta, Kosma, Laurenty, Lewin, Ścibor, Ścibora, Serafin, Wszerad (Poland)
Filip, Grigorie (România)
Irma (Slovakia)
José (Spain)
Emil, Emilia (Sweden)
Philip (Ukraine)
Aphrodite, Chrystal, Cristal, Crystal, Kristal, Krystal, Venecia, Venice, Venus (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 318 of 2024; 47 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 46 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 15 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 2 (Bing-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 1 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 1 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 18 Mir; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 1 November 2023
Moon: 2%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 10 Frederic (12th Month) [Gustavus Adolphus]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 52 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 22 of 29)
Calendar Changes
Jumādā al-ʾŪlā (a.k.a. Jumada I) [جُمَادَىٰ ٱلْأُولَىٰ] (Islamic Calendar) [Month 5 of 12] (First of the Parched Land; Pre-Islamic Summer)
Kislēw (a.k.a. Kislev, Marcheshvan, Chisleu & Chislev) [כִּסְלֵו / כסליו] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 9 of 12]
November (Julian Calendar) [Month 11 of 12]
0 notes
ao3feed-janeausten · 1 year
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ao3feed-cmbyn · 1 year
Fanfiction challenge
by Trovi03
I shall put my music library on shuffle and pair my top 10 ships with the first 10 songs. Each ship gets a story related to the song with decreasing times: ship #1 gets 10 min., ship #2 gets 9 min., ship #3 gets 8 min., etc. So, ship #10 is a hot mess 1 min. panic attack. Every chapter has a title with the name of the song. TW: they're all depressed
PLAYLIST: 1. Mr. Loverman – Ricky Montgomery Claude Frollo & Esmeralda 2. Visions of Gideon – Sufjan Stevens / / Rhett Butler & Scarlett O' Hara 3. Exile – Taylor Swift, Bon Iver / / Rhett Butler & Melanie Wilkes 4. The story – Conan Gray Fitzwilliam Darcy & Elisabeth Bennet 5. As it was – Harry Styles Elio & Oliver 6. Crutches – Leggs / / Aziraphale & Crowley 7. Old Fashioned – Bruno Major Jay Gatsby & Nick Carraway 8. Would that I – Hozier / / Jo March & Laurie Laurence 9. Ain't no sunshine – Bill Whithers / / Peter pan & Wendy 10. Heroes – Mika / / Remus Lupin & Sirius Black
Words: 1704, Chapters: 7/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Notre-Dame de Paris | The Hunchback of Notre-Dame - Victor Hugo, Gone With the Wind - All Media Types, Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Call Me By Your Name - All Media Types, Good Omens (TV), The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Little Women Series - Louisa May Alcott, Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Esméralda | Agnès Guybertaut, Claude Frollo (Notre-Dame de Paris), Rhett Butler, Scarlett O'Hara, Melanie Wilkes, Elizabeth Bennet, Fitzwilliam Darcy, Oliver (Call Me by Your Name), Elio Perlman, Theodore "Laurie" Laurence, Josephine "Jo" March, Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, Wendy Darling (Peter Pan), Peter Pan (Peter Pan), Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Relationships: Esméralda | Agnès Guybertaut/Claude Frollo, Esméralda | Agnès Guybertaut & Claude Frollo, Rhett Butler/Scarlett O'Hara, Rhett Butler & Scarlett O'Hara, Rhett Butler/Melanie Wilkes, Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy, Oliver/Elio Perlman, Oliver & Elio Perlman, Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens), Theodore "Laurie" Laurence/Josephine "Jo" March, Theodore "Laurie" Laurence & Josephine "Jo" March, Wendy Darling/Peter Pan (Peter Pan), Wendy Darling & Peter Pan (Peter Pan), Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin, Nick Carraway/Jay Gatsby
Additional Tags: Challenges, Inspired by Music, Oneshot Prompts Challenge
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47101984
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Fanfiction challenge
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/BaQJ1e7
by Trovi03
I shall put my music library on shuffle and pair my top 10 ships with the first 10 songs. Each ship gets a story related to the song with decreasing times: ship #1 gets 10 min., ship #2 gets 9 min., ship #3 gets 8 min., etc. So, ship #10 is a hot mess 1 min. panic attack. Every chapter has a title with the name of the song. TW: they're all depressed
PLAYLIST: 1. Mr. Loverman – Ricky Montgomery Claude Frollo & Esmeralda 2. Visions of Gideon – Sufjan Stevens / / Rhett Butler & Scarlett O' Hara 3. Exile – Taylor Swift, Bon Iver / / Rhett Butler & Melanie Wilkes 4. The story – Conan Gray Fitzwilliam Darcy & Elisabeth Bennet 5. As it was – Harry Styles Elio & Oliver 6. Crutches – Leggs / / Aziraphale & Crowley 7. Old Fashioned – Bruno Major Jay Gatsby & Nick Carraway 8. Would that I – Hozier / / Jo March & Laurie Laurence 9. Ain't no sunshine – Bill Whithers / / Peter pan & Wendy 10. Heroes – Mika / / Remus Lupin & Sirius Black
Words: 1704, Chapters: 7/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Notre-Dame de Paris | The Hunchback of Notre-Dame - Victor Hugo, Gone With the Wind - All Media Types, Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Call Me By Your Name - All Media Types, Good Omens (TV), The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Little Women Series - Louisa May Alcott, Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Esméralda | Agnès Guybertaut, Claude Frollo (Notre-Dame de Paris), Rhett Butler, Scarlett O'Hara, Melanie Wilkes, Elizabeth Bennet, Fitzwilliam Darcy, Oliver (Call Me by Your Name), Elio Perlman, Theodore "Laurie" Laurence, Josephine "Jo" March, Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, Wendy Darling (Peter Pan), Peter Pan (Peter Pan), Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Relationships: Esméralda | Agnès Guybertaut/Claude Frollo, Esméralda | Agnès Guybertaut & Claude Frollo, Rhett Butler/Scarlett O'Hara, Rhett Butler & Scarlett O'Hara, Rhett Butler/Melanie Wilkes, Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy, Oliver/Elio Perlman, Oliver & Elio Perlman, Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens), Theodore "Laurie" Laurence/Josephine "Jo" March, Theodore "Laurie" Laurence & Josephine "Jo" March, Wendy Darling/Peter Pan (Peter Pan), Wendy Darling & Peter Pan (Peter Pan), Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin, Nick Carraway/Jay Gatsby
Additional Tags: Challenges, Inspired by Music, Oneshot Prompts Challenge
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/MvqDCJu
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eugene-emt-roe · 2 years
Forever Family (WIP) Master list
Tumblr media
Veterans Day 2023
Ross McCall 2023
Michael Cudlitz 2024
James Madio 2023
Camp Toccoa at Currahee
Original Characters
-Claude Taylor
Joan Taylor
Helen Taylor
-David Taylor
Evelyn Foster
-A little description
-The Before
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newmusickarl · 4 years
Album & EP Recommendations
Album of the Week – TYRON by Slowthai
Since the release of his star-making debut album Nothing Great About Britain in 2019, it has been quite a rollercoaster couple of years for grime superstar Slowthai. From a well-earned Mercury Prize nomination to a career-threatening appearance at the 2020 NME Awards, the time since his big breakthrough has certainly produced both highs and lows for the young star. So here we are then at crunch time, the difficult second album – the moment where ‘Thai either presents himself as one the leading voices in the UK rap scene, or he fades into either mediocrity or obscurity. Thankfully, it is not the latter as his new album TYRON sees Slowthai deliver an album that surpasses even the high bar set by his phenomenal debut.
With the album’s title sharing his first name, you’d be right in thinking this is a more personal and reflective record from ‘Thai, especially when compared with his politically charged first outing. Although there are still moments where ‘Thai aims his microphone outwards squarely at the establishment, there is also plenty of introspective moments where he reflects on his family, his upbringing and the events that have shaped his last couple of years. In addition to this, there’s also a welcome myriad of witty, quintessentially British references throughout, with ‘Thai making nods to everything from Harry Potter to ChuckleVision in a bid to make the listener smile.
This contrast of humour, horror and personal reflection is one of the many reasons TYRON is such a fascinating listen, but there is plenty more on offer here. This is an extremely ambitious record too, with the tracklist split into a double album format - the first half bringing the energetic, harder cuts, and the second half the softer, more melodic moments. There’s also a host of heavyweight guest stars scattered across the tracklisting here, including Skepta, Denzel Curry, Dominic Fike, A$AP Rocky and James Blake, to name just a few.
However, the biggest takeaway from TYRON is just how much ‘Thai has matured as an artist, both in his musicality and his wordplay. The beats and production value are a step above his debut, and his bars are sharper than ever before. There are plenty of career-best moments here too, with aggressive opener 45 SMOKE and the ominous beat and defiant stance of DEAD standing out in the first half. In the second half, it is the one-two combo of push, the acoustic-driven collaboration with Deb Never, and heartfelt single nhs, that hit home the hardest.
All in all, TYRON is a brilliant sophomore effort, one that perfectly showcases Slowthai’s growing maturity as an artist. And although he offers a captivating glimpse into his softer side, he also shows that he’s not lost any of the tongue-in-cheek humour or provocative social commentary that made him such a star in the first place.
Who Am I? by Pale Waves
Also releasing their second album this week is Mancunian outfit, Pale Waves. Unlike Slowthai who had a breakout debut album, Pale Waves’ first record My Mind Makes Noises had a somewhat lukewarm reception. Although I personally enjoyed that album, there was definitely the sense that Pale Waves hadn’t really found their niche yet, with their blend of 80’s inspired synth-pop and indie rock drawing comparisons to The 1975 and some of their other peers with a similar sound. It seems that frontwoman Heather Baron-Gracie shared this sentiment too, as second album Who Am I? sees her and the band go on a journey of self-discovery and meaning, coming out the other side with some of their best songs to date.
This time around the synth-pop is nowhere to be found, replaced instead with the nostalgic flair of 00’s pop punk. Across the album’s 11 tracks, Baron-Gracie channels her inner Avril Lavigne to deliver an album that feels both warmly familiar but also new and refreshing. Similarly to the Slowthai record, the second album from Pale Waves is the sound of a band finding their feet and hitting their artistic maturity, with Who Am I? simply brimming from wall-to-wall with infectious pop punk anthems. From the heartbreak of opener Change, empowering gay anthem She’s My Religion, the upbeat earworm chorus of Easy to the piano-driven reflection of the title track, Pale Waves make it hard to find anything here to which you won’t want to dance around and sing along.
Ultimately, this album is just an awful lot of fun and it is great to see how Pale Waves are evolving and hitting their stride. With this record, Heather Baron-Gracie shows what a special songwriter she is, and in doing so gifts the world a new kind of guitar hero to which they can look for inspiration.
Super Monster by Claud
And finally, also recommended on the album front this week is the debut outing from singer-songwriter Claud. Significantly, this is the first record to be released on Phoebe Bridgers’ record label, Saddest Factory, and what a first release to deliver. A dreamy listen from start to finish, Super Monster sees Claud serve up her own unique brand of laidback, bedroom synth-pop, with standout tracks including Gold, In or In-between and That’s Mr. Bitch To You. An infectious and highly enjoyable listen that firmly sets Claud up as one to watch going forward.
Tracks of the Week
Love Story (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift
Reimagining one of her early breakout hits, this new version of Love Story off her forthcoming Fearless re-release sees Taylor soften the guitar and add some strings, helping to breathe new life into a song that impressively still holds up 13 years later.
What It Feels Like by Jay-Z & Nipsey Hussle
Two bonafide legends, living icon Jay-Z and the late, great Nipsey Hussle, join forces for a new track from the Judas: The Black Messiah original soundtrack. Without a doubt one of the best hip-hop tracks of the year so far – a truly special collaboration that’s both cinematic and powerful.
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theboarsbride · 3 years
Some pieces featuring Claude, the main sussy baka antagonist of TMATB!!! 🌹🦋 Also, there's his horse Gunpowder, his best (and only) friend 😭
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As a meme, I dub him the 'Victorian Brony' because...yes
Also, face claim is Rufus Sewell (and also kinda Robin Lord Taylor??? But like... I use him more as a young!Claude fc), and voice claim is Tony Jay, AKA Judge Claude Frollo.😳👉👈
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Neutral Names
Ainsley  Alex Alexis  Arden Ari Ariel  Arlo Armani Arwen Arwyn  Ash Ashton Aston Aubrey Austin  Avery
Bailey  Basil Blake  Blue Briar Bronte  Brook Brooke Brooklyn 
Caden  Cadence  Caelan Casey  Cash Cassidy Chandler  Channing Charley Charlie Christmas  Claude Courtney 
Dakota  Danni Danny  Dara Darby Darcy Demi  Demy Des Dorian Drew  
Echo  Eden Elliott
Finn  Finnley  Fionn
Gale  Garnet  Gemini Georgie 
Harley  Harlow Harper  Hayden Hollis Hunter
Jade  Jamie Jay  Jayden Jackie  Jean Jewel Jesse  Joaquin Jody Joey  Johnnie Jordan Jordy  Jude Jules Justice 
KC  Kai Kaia  Kalani Karma  Kadence Kayden Kendall  Kieran Kiernan Kit Knox Kobe  Kristen 
Lake  Lane Lani  Lark Lauren  Lauren Laurie Layton  Lori Lorie Lavern Lee  Leighton Leilani Lennon  Lennox Leslie Lex Lindsay London  Loren Lou
Mac  Mack Mackenzie  Mak Manny Max Mckinley  Mel Memphis Meredith Merle Micah  Michi Mick Mickey Moe
Nanook  Naomi Nick  Nicky Nico Niko
Oakley  Ocean Odell  Olive Ollie 
Palmer  Paris Parker  Pat Paulie Phoenix Pippin  Presley Prudence 
Rain  Rainy Raleigh  Ramsey Raven Reagan Red  Reese Reggie Remi Remy Ren  Ridley Riley Rio Ripley River  Robin Rory Rowan  
Sage  Sal Salem  Sam Sammy Sandy  Sasha Sawyer Sean  Sequoia Shane Shannon  Shay Shayne Shelby Shelley Shelly  Shiloh Silver Sinclair Siri Sky Skylar Sloan  Sol Sonny Spencer Sora Stevie Stormy Sunny Sydney 
Tate  Taylor  Teagan Teddie  Teddy Terry Theo  Tierney Tiger Tobi  Toby Toni Tony Tory Tracy  Tristan Tyler
Val  Valentin  Valentine Valery Vivian
Whitney  Winnie Wolf  Wren  
Yale  Yoshi Yuki  Yuri 
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