#clay and klavier is everyone
caramelmochacrow · 2 years
quick drawings of my aa au ig lol
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ihhfhonao3 · 1 year
Do you ever find an iteration or interpretation of one of your favorite characters but it’s not your personal headcanon and yeah there’s nothing wrong with that but it’s just. Not them to you
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the-bar-sinister · 5 months
There's lots of gay subtext in Ace Attorney. 
But when looking specifically at subtext that might be intentionally put in the narrative by the creators with the intention that the character in question is actually gay, I think the main character with the most evidence behind this is actually Apollo Justice.
Our other main characters, Phoenix Wright and Athena Cykes both have obvious subtextually heteronormative romantic partners. To an adult, straight, culturally normative audience, Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey read normatively as an obvious romantic pairing. This is also the case for Athena Cykes and Simon Blackquill. In Great Ace Attorney the same can be said for Ryuunosuke and Susato. 
I repeat– to an adult, straight culturally normative audience, the romantic subtext between these characters is clear. If you showed these games to an American movie going public, that would be the obvious read by the audience.
Yes, each of these characters, Phoenix, Athena, and Ryuunosuke also have strong queer romantic subtext with another character. (Miles, Juniper, and Kazuma respectively).
However, that's not my point. It's not significant that each of the other three characters has homosexual relationship subtext.
It is significant that Apollo Justice does not have a character with whom he has heteronormative romantic subtext.
The closest thing Apollo Justice has to a "heteronormative romantic subtext" is Trucy Wright– whom we, the audience know is his sister.
And yes, you can make the argument that there is deliberate incestuous subtext between them– a kind of Luke/Leia style relationship with which the audience is teased by the narrative. Dhurke brings it up directly in Spirit of Justice.
However, this is still not a heterenormative subtext, because of its taboo nature. More taboo, culturally at this point, than homosexuality.
On top of the lack of heteronormative romantic subtext, Apollo also is on the receiving end some of the strongest and most overt of the homosexual subtext in the series.
There is of course the famous "meet cute" introduction between Apollo and Klavier– 
“I must say, I'm used to being inspected by the ladies... but this is the first time I've felt this way with another man.”
This is without question overt homosexual subtext.
However, there is another, even more subtextually clearly defined moment in Dual Destinies. Honestly, the subtext is all over Dual Destinies in the way Apollo reacts to Clay Terran's death (basically completely losing it) but there's one particular moment that deliberately draws your attention to the relationship in a queer way.
In one of the last cases of the game, everyone is delicately trying to explain to the judge that Aura Blackquill was in love with Metis Cykes (who was murdered) in a queer way. It's a big “they’re lesbians, harold” moment.
And then the conversation immediately turns to Apollo Justice and how he’s just had someone who was “important to him” murdered, too.
The narrative specifically draws you attention to the relationship that Aura and Metis had, and compares it to the relationship between Apollo and Clay.
You are specifically invited to speculate about what kind of important relationship Clay and Apollo had, and why Apollo has been affected so incredibly deeply.
So yeah. Between Clay, Klavier, and the lack of anything resembling a heteronormative romantic relationship for Apollo in the games, I think he has the strongest narrative evidence that he's actually being written deliberately as gay.
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turnaboutnerd · 3 months
No joke, my dream mainline AA final entry (whether that be AA7 or later) is not one that simply brings back all the beloved living characters from past entries who’ve disappeared (Gumshoe, Franziska, Kay, etc.) I want it to lean hard into the concept of spirit channeling in order to bring back all the former big bads (Dahlia, Manfred, Kristoph, Phantom, etc.) but also the lost loved ones (Gregory, Mia, Clay, Jove, Dhurke, Metis, etc.) for an all-out, true send-off to the mainline series.
It’s Ace Attorney! It can be ridiculous; the stakes get stupidly higher with each game anyway! Let’s say Maya senses there’s havoc being wrecked in the spirit world, and she channels Mia to discover that something has gone terribly awry with Judgment and now everyone who’s ever died in the series is stuck in purgatory, unable to move on into either Heaven or Hell (or whatever equivalent there is in the world of Ace Attorney).
Mia and some other spirits who dealt with justice systems in life (whom we later discover to be the likes of Gregory Edgeworth, Dhurke Sahdmadhi, and Godot) are trying to sort it out, but they simply can’t do it on their own—so Mia is reaching out to the world of the living for help. Now all the main living characters—Phoenix, Apollo, Athena, Maya, Ema, Miles, Gumshoe, Klavier, Simon, Nahyuta, Franziska, everyone—have to team up to help their loved ones find peace and ensure their enemies face justice in the Beyond.
Like, can you imagine what an amazing emotional mess this could be? Miles having to face his father after all the mistakes he made in his life, and them working together to send Manfred to literal hell (and just think about how Franny fits into this dynamic). Apollo and Phoenix needing to unlock Kristoph’s black psychelocks, digging up all the Gavin family skeletons, and requiring Klavier’s help to do it. Simon and Athena and Metis and the actual Bobby Fulbright having to unmask the Phantom for real. The list goes on.
It’s pipe dream, but I’m foaming at the mouth just thinking about it.
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rivalsforlife · 1 year
Ace Attorney 456 Tokyo Game Show Information Masterpost
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Since I haven't seen all the information collected in one place, this post SHOULD be a comprehensive review of everything revealed today - though please let me know if I missed anything important.
New Trailer and Release Date
We got a new trailer for the 456 collection, which covers (most of) what I'm going to say in this post, and a release date of January 25, 2024!
New Features
Language Support: These games are now available in seven languages: Japanese, English, French, German, Korean, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese, along with voice dubs for each of these. These are some of the first times some of the games (in particular 5 and 6) are officially translated to many of these languages.
DLC: The previously DLC-exclusive cases Turnabout Reclaimed and Turnabout Time Traveler will be added to the game for free, along with previously DLC-exclusive costumes. You can dress up Phoenix in the Tigre outfit from the beginning!
QOL: As well, any of the quality of life features from the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles have been added to the 456 collection. This includes an episode/chapter select unlocked from the start, so you can skip straight to your favorite sections, autoplay and story mode, and a backlog/history to review recent text.
Art Gallery: The game will also include an "art gallery" which includes concept art for the games. This will also include special artworks commissioned exclusively for this collection, some of which are unlocked after beating each game and unlocking each trilogy.
Orchestra Hall: There is also an "orchestra hall" where you can listen to what seems to be the full soundtrack for all three games (though I haven't verified this), along with orchestral tracks from the 15th anniversary and 2019 orchestra concerts.
There are also two new "trilogy exclusive" songs: "Apollo Justice - A New Era Begins! 2024", and "Trucy's Theme - Bring It In, Everyone". The new "a new era begins" remix might possibly be what they're playing in the trailer. "Bring It In, Everyone" is distinct from Trucy's main theme, "Child of Magic" (listed earlier in the soundtrack list), so I have no idea what that one will be like.
Animation Studio: This new feature allows you to play around with character models, setting up different backgrounds and sprites and settings, to create whatever scene you want. This doesn't seem to have a text feature, so it just seems kind of like a worse objection.lol but with 3D sprites. (Although I'm sure the objection.lol people will find a way to rip the models in like... five minutes of the game's release)
Preorder Information
It seems we overseas people will only have the collection available digitally, but Japan seems to have physical copies along with a lot of preorder bonuses! You can find the official page here.
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This includes the following:
Game Software: You can order this standalone, or with the other preorder goods, or seemingly just the goods on their own without the software included.
Original Drama CDs: Two new drama CDs are being developed for this collection! As far as I can tell, one involves the Gavinners attempting a one-night-only revival of the band (which goes poorly...), and the second involves Taka fleeing the courtroom.
Evidence and Items Set: This includes ten pieces of evidence available from the games, along with some original illustrations. As can be seen above, this includes things like the photo of Apollo and Clay from Dual Destinies, six ID photos of major characters, and a signed poster of Klavier.
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As well, a new sleeve box drawn by Takuro Fuse, the character designer for 5 and 6.
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That should cover everything, but please let me know if I missed any news!
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box-dwelling · 1 year
This needs to be made. WAA (and extended family, we may get too big for one party but this may get split over a few groups) and who I think everyone would play. Also presuming 5e for the system.
Phoenix: cleric. 1000000% with his obsession with helping people? Absolutely wants to be the healer and the cleric spell list gives a lot of options for chaotic play.
Trucy: a coward would say sorcerer. They are wrong. She is a forever DM. Don't forget she isn't just a performer, she's also a stage director. Plus her desire to constantly cheer up her friends translates perfectly into campaign design. I think he has special effects set up and has Mr Hat come out for scenes with 2 NPCs
Apollo: there are two choices. Either he's never played before and is just a begrudging human fighter, or he and Clay used to play all the time and he comes in with the most insanely fleshed out well constructed min max multiclass you've ever seen. But it's not like an annoying minmax where it take away from the other players, it's min maxed in a way to cover the rest of the parties flaws and actively heighten them all. It is a solid 50/50 he either gives no shits or gives the most shits ever
Athena: barbarian. She is using this to get out her aggression and good for her.
Pearl: she's new at this and kinda nervous but I think she has a cute little elven druid made up. She was going to go cleric but didn't want to step on Phoenix's toes.
Maya: Sorcerer and an absolute powerhouse of one at that.
Ema: Wizard. Fully roleplays the whole scholar of magic vibe too.
Edgeworth: the most paladin paladin player to ever play. His character is mounted because of his knight chess thing and they start off heavily based off a steel samurai character but I think he then uses it to channel some of his feelings about mvk so he may well go oathbreaker somewhere down the line
Klavier: Do I need to say it? Bard. Horniest horny bard you ever saw. But I think he keeps it relatively pg for trucys NPC's and focuses his flirting solely on Apollo.
Simon: samurai fighter. Edgy backstory. Actively causes chaos at all times.
Franziska: is invite but doesn't play.
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phantommarigold · 1 year
gritting my teeth Kristoph Gavin has so much unexplored potential and at the same time it's great! Because it leaves a mystery and a lot of room for thought and analysis. If the franchise ended at AJ:AA/aa4 his narrative would really be perfect. But then AA:DD/aa5 and AA:SoJ/aa6 came out and he never gets metioned again. Like he never existed, like the impact he made on everyone from phoenix through apollo and klavier and even trucy! And it just makes it kind of shallow. He went to jail and we forgot about him?
Like sure Apollo turned on Kristoph with almost no hesitation- but that's because Apollo will do anything to uncover the truth, that's just Who He Is. That doesn't deny the fact that Kristoph was a respected and successful attorney who probably was good teacher and mentor for Apollo, and I ask, where's the inner conflict? And if not that, an explanation on why it's not there?
What about Phoenix who had a strange friendship with suspicion and distrust ingrained at the core of it with Kristoph? That was whole seven years they were playing a game with each other and hell, neither of them planned on ending it during turnabout trump! Phoenix asking Kristoph to defend him wasn't some trick or mindgame, and Kristoph's initial plan wasn't to get Phoenix convicted! He wanted to indict Orly and walk away with it.
And don't get me started on Klavier. We all saw how he acted during turnabout succession and then it's. Never mentioned again. Klavier is kind of like Apollo, he wants to seek the truth no matter how unpleasant it may be, but Apollo barely hesitated. Klavier was clearly trying to not believe it for a long time. For seven years actually. But after AJ:AA? Not a single line spared for him.
And one thing I'll give to Dual Destinies is the parallels between Apollo and Kristoph during the whole plot surrounding Clay Terran:
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This? This is great. Ace Attorney always did a great job portraying similarities between characters through the sprites/body language.
And ynnow it's just, a real fucking shame because of course Kristoph Gavin isn't a morally good character, but he's a damn well written one! But it seems people writing games past AJ:AA didn't care about him.
(....okay so I just want to say I am writing this at 3am and it's kind of hard to find resources on the wiki cuz the internet is shittt at this hour and my brain is only half working so. I might've missed a lot of stuff that actually referenced Kristoph and I might just not remember. If anything I said here was wrong please feel free to correct me in the tags or add onto the post, thanks.)
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nyaagolor · 1 year
I originally was going to make this a comic, but then realized I don't have the skill, time, nor motivation to execute it so it's a textpost now. Anyway.
I was thinking about Dual Destinies (again) and about what would happen if Clay were the defendant rather than the victim-- but the more I started playing around with this tweak the more things got out of hand and now I'm effectively looking at a rewrite
The first change is in the setting: Aura / Simon / Metis / Athena / Clay were all working / living at a rehabilitation center connected to the prison system. Thematically I prefer it to the space theme, it puts a lot more ambiguity on the situation with Metis and Athena (since raising ur child in a correctional facility is. Questionable.), and imo psychologists make more sense working at a prison than like. Nasa.
Clay isn't an astronaut in this AU, but instead some kind of guard / bailiff. This gives us a chance to interact with him in the game itself (he's the one bringing witnesses from the courthouse and he's at the detention center) so we get to actually see him and care about him a little bit more. I'm imagining he gets the job as the guard in the corner of the room in the detention center and if you "examine" that spot as Apollo you'll get some flavor text about him waving to you or smth. Either way, the last case starts with Clay getting a promotion and being responsible for some of their more dangerous / high profile criminals
He calls Apollo shortly after in a complete panic, saying he's been accused of murdering his charge and that he's so so so sorry because he knows how personal this is, but he needs Apollo's help. Apollo immediately agrees to defend him, trying to get him to calm down and just explain. Clay finally admits that the reason he was so nervous about calling Apollo specifically is because the victim of this case is Kristoph Gavin
Apollo decides to set off on his own immediately, because while he does trust Phoenix way more now, the subject of Kristoph is a really sore point for him and he doesn't want Phoenix involved. Klavier, who was banned from prosecuting the case for Conflict of Interest reasons, joins him because he is also extremely invested in this case For Reasons and he has trust issues about it For Reasons. They end up getting Clay declared innocent and in the process of investigating find the lighter, which basically shatters Apollo's already fragile trust in Phoenix because What Do You MEAN the random girl you mysteriously hired is related to the Kristoph case What Are You Hiding Now. The hostage situation with Aura happens in the same way, but this time Klavier forces his way onto the prosecution with Apollo as his co-counsel because the two of them are PISSED
The idea is for Athena to be her own defense, but she's so emotionally rattled that she needs a co-counsel. To Aura's shock and horror, Simon says he'll do it. When she says he's a prosecutor and he can't, he counters that this is a fake trial anyway so the rules don't really apply. The trial is extremely emotionally driven because it's super personal for everyone involved and is just an absolute goddamn disaster. I haven't figured out anything with the phantom yet or how all this ties together, but that's a problem for later
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its-hai-time · 1 year
What's ur opinion on how Capcom keeps forgetting their last Apollo backstory and giving him new ones
the country of Khura'in doesn't exist. I do not see it. Apollo Justice was born and raised in the LA foster care system. Clay is real tho.
But real talk, it's infuriating. There has been absolutely zero evidence in his character about being an immigrant, about having a family of any sort, honestly we don't even hear about him having friends until DD. The story surrounding the Gramaryes and his connection to them was already compelling enough, I don't see why they needed so desperately to drop it entirely.
Not only this but the fact that they drop the backstories for literally every other character. Trucy isn't fleshed out any more, Klavier gets thrown in the vault, Phoenix is back like nothing happened. It's not just an Apollo issue.
This is why my AU exists. Capcom dropped the ball on everyone's character and just let it roll wherever, I want to catch that ball and keep it going on a proper trajectory, paralleling Phoenix's journey as a lawyer but still being different because of how Apollo is as a person. Finishing these characters is so important to me because aa4 is so important to me.
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very-grownup · 2 years
I responded to back-to-back trauma by writing fanfic for the first time in ... 15 years?
Since people are returning to tumblob for Reasons, maybe it is a good time to promote my current creative outlet and maybe we can do it without being self-depreciating!
I’ve been writing Ace Attorney fanfic, specifically focused on Apollo Justice. In chronological order, because all things are linked in my brain:
Camouflage; or A Field Analysis of the Habits and Disposition of the Average American Teenage Boy: Apollo and Clay have a sleepover in high school. About being a teenager and forming friendship bonds and parental loss.
Begonia, Bittersweet: post-Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Apollo visits Vera Misham in the hospital to have a circuitous talk about forgery and victimless crimes.
The Normalacy of Grief: post-Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice, Apollo, Nahyuta, and Rayfa talk about dead dads.
Snatching Closure from the Jaws of Chaos: hey you know how Shu Takumi left the series after Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney and the games that followed it that weren’t by him seemed to drop a lot of things that could have used further exploration?
*Citation Needed: WIP about Klavier visiting Apollo in Khura’in after the above story. There’s kissing. Hypothetically. Eventually. AND dead bodies. Eventually.
Lanugo: formerly amnesiac mother has some complicated feelings about meeting the son she thought was dead and then was amnesiac about with both of them knowing who the other is.
Missing You/Missing Time: some mystical bullshit goes down while Apollo and Klavier are juggling a long-distance relationship and it sucks and everyone hates it.
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ihhfhonao3 · 9 months
Up late at night thinking about klapollo/claypolier sky symbolism. Like obviously Apollo is the sun. Duh. Named after the sun god. The end. So that makes Klavier the moon, right? The opposite- the opposing counsel, the other side, the rival. He’s Apollo’s opposite. Defense attorney and prosecutor. So we have the classic “the sun and the moon love each other” thing. But NOW ADD CLAY. Now we have the sun, the moon, and the stars. Not the opposite of either the moon or the sun, but something else entirely. Works with them both. Comes out with the moon at night but still there in the morning, even if not visible.
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aishutoon · 1 year
You guys ever have that issue where you’ve got a bunch of au ideas and you have no idea which one to start talking about?
Well, I decided to let you guys decide which au to start with using a poll!
Some info about each au:
Sonic generations Linked Au: An au of sonic generations where when the time eater shows up and messes up time, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy have to team up with their classic selves to find both the time stones and the chaos emeralds in order to fix everything. The time stones are used to free Sonic’s friends and create portals into locations from the past, but the catch is that using them attracts the time eater. The chaos emeralds can be used to repel and later fight back against the time eater, but they got scattered throughout time and space when the time eater attacked Sonic’s birthday party.
Ace attorney dual destinies rewrite: a rewrite where Phoenix got his attorney’s badge back, but is reluctant to use it due to a fear of messing things up again. The fact that the legal system has deteriorated to a point where one case caused everyone to start rioting doesn’t help. Clay and pearl show up earlier in the story, Klavier has a bigger role in the Themis case, and overall there’s a little more emotional weight in some scenes.
Ace attorney spirit of justice rewrite: Ok, this one is where things are WAY more different. After Phoenix tells Apollo and Trucy the truth about their heritage, both of them are furious and want to confront Lamiroir for trying to keep that a secret for much longer. There’s just one problem: Lamoroir is taking a break from performing and went to the place where she met the man that she truly loved: Khura’in. With this in mind, and knowing that he can’t really stop them, Phoenix sends Apollo and Trucy to where Maya is staying in Khura’in so that they can find Lamiroir, and they get caught up in what’s going on with the legal system over there. In the meantime, Dhurke comes to the states to look for Apollo and the Orb, and ended up finding Phoenix, who is not very happy to see him. While Trucy and Apollo are investigating in Khura’in, Dhurke and Phoenix investigate in Kurain village, with the help of Pearl.
Sonic forces rewrite: (I know there are so many sonic forces rewrites out there already, but I might as well throw my hat into the ring) A rewrite where classic sonic isn’t there, and the phantom ruby incident happened when sonic and the others were younger. When Eggman digs through his old files and finds some notes on the phantom ruby, he decides to give it another shot, this time with a live host. When Infinite attacks and knocks out sonic, Tails tries to carry him out of there, but gets knocked out in the process. Flash forward a few months, Eggman is in the process of taking over the world, and the resistance is fighting back with three leaders: Knuckles, Amy, and Tails. When Infinite attacks the custom character (Rookie), Tails is the one who saves him and leads him to the resistance. Also, Tails has a little wisp friend with him. When they hear a rumor that Sonic is alive in one of Eggman’s prisons, Tails and the Rookie have to work together in order to find him while also freeing places and people from Eggman’s control. In the meantime, from Sonic’s perspective, he has to find a way to break out of the prison and find out how to stop the phantom ruby in its new form, but infinite’s illusions and a speed limiter they put on him will make things even more difficult.
Balan Wonderworld Rewrite: Less of a rewrite and more of a complete rehaul of the story, but without changing the characters. Their motivations on the other hand… (I know a lot of people hate the game, I’m not the biggest fan of it either, but I liked the idea of it). The main gist of the story is that the protagonist has to go on a journey to patch up their “heart” as Balan calls it, and in order to get there, they have to assist Balan in helping other people first (I know that’s a vague explanation, but I feel like it would be easier to show in comic form than like this…)
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Klapollo isn't for everyone obviously so I won't say that it is, but they actually foil each other really well and I think that's where the shipping aspect comes in. Apollo wears his heart on his sleeve and is super distrusting of pretty much everyone. Klavier hides his true thoughts and feelings away to be the person he thinks others wants to see and throws himself into trusting people, he wants it so desperately. The people closest to Apollo trust him while the people closest to Klavier don't. They're both grieving so many things, running from and fighting them. They have the potential to help each other in a way that no other characters presented can (in aa4 imo. Not out here saying you couldn't possibly ship them with anyone else, I'm a multishipper myself lol). Some people might be looking for wrightworth, but tbh this ship is the opposite of them. I totally understand not liking the ship, it's hard to be as compelling as wrightworth when capcom decided to do ALL THAT to Apollo rip my guy, hope you can reconcile your 8 backstories, and then do absolutely NOTHING with Kalvier rip my guy, hope you're doing something somewhere and didn't like join Clay offscreen or something. Probably moved to Borginia with Apollo's mom /j I could say more but idk the character limit on an ask and you don't want my essay in your ask box.
TLDR; It's not for everyone but it's not baseless.
(so... now that persona 3 is getting a remake, i can't stop thinking about this one time i was on my way home and i passed by this weird family-owned sweetshop i'd never seen before. so on impulse i decided to go in and buy something, and i ended up buying this huge novelty lemon sherbert, because i needed to study and i wanted something that would last a long time. so i get back home, sit on my bed and look for some calming study music to put on, and for whatever reason the first thing i think of is kimi no kioku from persona 3. at this point, i remembered i had the sherbert, so i put the song on loop, went to get it, and then got back onto the bed to eat it. and because i live alone and there was no one around to make fun of me, for fun i decided to eat it all sexy like cleopatra eating grapes (you know, when you lie back, tilt your head towards the ceiling, hold it above your head, and lower it into your mouth). but as i'm holding it over my head, the sherbert slipped out of my fingers, bounced off my tongue and went straight down the collar of my shirt. i immediately forgot where i was, panicked, awkwardly fished it out and just flung it straight into the back of my throat and accidentally swallowed it whole - at which point it immediately got lodged in my oesophagus and completely cut off my airway, and no matter what i did, i just couldn't get it out. so i stumbled out of bed and started frantically clawing at my throat as i tried to find the door, unable to breathe, unable to scream, until my vision began to darken around the edges and i couldn't see - and the next thing i know i'm lying on my back gasping for air, with a dumbell that i had left lying on the floor now lodged between my shoulder blades, and the massive sherbert fused to my eyelid. so what must've happened is i'd blacked out, toppled backward and fell on this dumbell in just the right way that it dislodged the sherbert and launched it out of my throat, sending it arcing through the air and landing it on my face. and ever since that day i've always wondered - what if i had just died there? if i had fallen very slightly differently and missed the dumbell, would i have died alone on that carpet, desperately begging for help that i knew would never come? and if i did, how long would it have been before someone even noticed i was gone, let alone care enough to come check on me? and what would've happened when they did? since i had the song playing on loop, and my laptop was plugged in, there's a chance that when they did finally find me, they'd find me lying on my back, eyes closed, with kimi no kioku playing on repeat in the background)
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beauzos · 8 months
i think part of my issue with the new Ace Attorney trilogy (having not yet played Spirit of Justice) is that it feels like none of the characters give a fuck about each other. i could not get into the dynamic of Apollo and Klavier in AJ because it feels incredibly obvious that they don't care about each other at all. they seem to have 0 interest in knowing each other, even if they hang out in 4-3. there is no growing friendship or respect, they both just exist together and then the game ends. and when they reunite in 5-3, there's still nothing to their interaction. they see each other once, are whatever about it, and then leave it at that.
Apollo doesn't even like Phoenix. Trucy and him have a good dynamic, though, but Trucy is very likable and caring in general
this was fixed more in Dual Destinies, but it still feels like there's missing dynamics that should have been there. Phoenix feels so emotionally distant from everyone, including his own daughter, and even when the game's most caring character, Athena, exists and loves the people around her, she still doesn't care about what happened to Bobby Fulbright even though she logically would have. nobody cares about him, not even Blackquill, really, when it seemed to me early on that Blackquill genuinely did like Bobby deep down in his own way.
the Athena-Blackquill dynamic is endearing, i actually think it works, but that's the strongest bond in the game and we only know it exists in the last fuckin case. her friendship with Apollo feels relatively genuine, but Apollo is such... like... a wall of a character, if you know what i mean. it feels like he doesn't really connect to any of the characters. shit, i genuinely think 5-4 and 5-5 would have been the exact same whether he was friends with that one guy or not, that's how static his relationship to Clay is.
i dunno, it really disappoints me. it really really feels like the new trilogy is missing the heart that the original trilogy had. the way the narrative treats Bobby is the biggest example of that for me right now.
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heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Parents night- ensemble
Return to File
Recovery date: July 8th, 2020
Description: Dead parent meeting
Notes: An entry from my 2020 research project into the universe of Ace Attorney. You can find the next entry here.
Word count: 648
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“Good Evening everyone and welcome to the wonder bar! I’m Trucy Gramarye and I’ll be your magician for tonight!” The crowd erupted into Applause. “Tonight I’m joined by my amazing assistant Apollo Justice,” Apollo blushed a little and waved, making the audience laugh.
“Go Polly!”
“You’re doing great you two!”
“Stand tall horn head!”
“Without further ado, let’s get this show on the road!” The lights went out for a second before the spot light turned on and the show began.
“Shit!” Jove yelled as he ran into the bar through a wall. “Damn it! I missed the opening.”
“Your son looked about ready to die,” Metis chuckled. “ I don’t think the laughing helped.”
The back of the wonder bar was empty except for a bartender, as everyone else wanted a good view of the show. This left it open to be inhabited by a group of spectators who frequented this bar. Dhurke, Metis, Jove, Gregory, Mia, Misty, and Clay sat at the bar with their drinks, watching the show. Although Dhurke was normally in Khura’in, watching over his family, he was here since Rayfa and Nahyuta were visiting with Apollo on business. Trucy had roped Apollo in along with help from her mother, who said she’d love to see them perform together at least once.
Misty and Mia had been last minute additions to tonight's group, as Maya and Pearl surprised the WAA with a visit. The parents always followed their children, and met up when they were all nearby in LA. Usually to catch one of Trucy’s shows at the wonder bar. They once followed their children to one of Klavier Gavin’s shows, only to listen to Jove complain that his ears were bleeding the whole time.
“He’ll be fine,” Dhurke assured, “A dragon never yields!”
“Mr. Shadmadhi’s right, Polly will be fine! I saw him doing his chords of steel practice backstage.”
“Is that what that was?”Mia asked, “I was worried someone was dying or something.”
“It did sound rather worrisome,” Misty added. “Mr.Edgeworth, is everything alright?” She asked, turning to Gregory who hadn’t so much as greeted Jove.
They followed his gaze to see a familiar pink ghost standing on the other side of the room. Jove moved to stand, but Dhurke stopped him.
“Let him watch his daughter,” Dhurke said. “He missed a lot of her childhood, this is his way of making up for it, I’m sure.”
“He had his chance to go back and he didn’t. He ran away like a coward,” Jove spat, he very rarely got angry, but Zak never ceased to infuriate him. “He didn’t come forward when he thought he killed Tessa, and he left his daughter to a man, who at the time, had no way of supporting her.”
“Phoenix was fine though,” Gregory finally said. “But I understand your anger, I wouldn’t let Mr. Von Karma anywhere near his daughter now.” Dhurke went to let Jove stand, Gregory may have been dead the second longest, but he was the oldest. This made him the default leader of the group. Gregory stopped Jove from going anywhere. “However, we both know that’s not the reason you want him gone.”
By now, Clay and Mia had left towards the stage to let the adults talk. While they were both adults, they still understood that there were some things they should stay out of.
“So what if that’s not my whole reasoning, it’s still part of it.”
“Let’s make a compromise,” Metis said, “you can go confront him if he tries to get close to anyone. Other than that, leave him be.”
“Fine,” Jove grumbled, it was arguments like these that reminded everyone just how young he had been when he died.
“Now that that’s been sorted,” Misty said, “I believe we’ve missed a good part of the show. It seems Trucy is about to kill Apollo.”
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franzizka · 1 year
HELLO VYN TODAY I AM CHOOSING VIOLENCE! For the ask game: 1, 7, and 10
1. the character everyone gets wrong
honestly? mia. hear me out. because i feel like we see her through phoenix’s eyes and in moments of crisis so much that people forget what she was really like. she isn’t just like, a wise kind perfect older mentor. she was hotheaded and impulsive, she charged into things, she made less-than-good decisions. she was emotional in both a positive and negative way. she forgot people’s names! i think in fanon a lot of that gets washed away and it makes me sad
7. what character did i begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them?
clay. he’s literally dead i have no reason to hate him but people are literally willing to give more characterization and attention to him than literal main female characters simply bc he’s a man and they can ship him with apollo. which brings me sort of to my next point…
10. worst part of fanon
the larger fandom’s tendency to boil the games down to phoenix and miles and that’s it. or at the very least phoenix and miles and apollo and klavier. or even beyond that, the ultimate focus on mostly male characters. i know this is a problem in all fandoms by and large but it’s especially frustrating to me as someone who came from a fandom with like zero women available to depict in fanworks, to have this game series available with so many amazing female characters and yet people still by and large just. ignore them. -___- and i even have it better than most ppl bc my friends rule and love wlw! but it STILL kills me.
//send me salty asks!!
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