#clive rosfield fanfic
qvrcll · 1 year
no smooth roads for us
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Summary: Clive tries to keep his strength at bay. You admonish him for it. Warnings: explicit content / NSFW, rough sex, female reader anatomy, use of the word ‘minx’, dirty talk. A/N: My first time writing for Clive! This was a journey. I want to keep writing for him — reblog’s / comments are always appreciated! :)
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You discover quickly that Clive fucks you like he fights.
It starts with the gentlest of kisses, searing hot like a burn from the sun itself. Shy, but he doesn’t mean for it to be. He remedies that by driving you against him till there is no space to give, only his chest that beats with some gratifying noise when you’re bare and naked for him to witness every inch of it.
You don’t tell him, but you like it when you holds you close and fucks you rough. His fingers, calloused with the fatal semblance of war, prove your excitement as they prod and grope at your skin experimentally. He’d fucked you rough once before and refrained from it again — a fear of breaking you, he thinks. He plays it soft now.
When you moan, shudder against the splay of his fingers against the share of your muscle, the pebbled crest of your nipples, he leads his fingers further. Deeper. He tries to ignore the burning heat curdling at his hip, for you, but the intrusion against your thigh is so hard to miss.
Clive — please, touch me, comes your plea.
The madness in your voice makes the blood rush to his cock. It ruins him, makes him want to consume you whole right here, from the heat of his lap. He fights it, though, still, and his jaw bulges from the effort of it.
He begins again, tries to create and follow a slower acclivity. Maybe he could finger you, eat you out, pleasure you delicately beneath the weight of his hot, heavy fingers.
There — there you go, my love.
He splits you open deliciously slow and his remaining fingers swim against the wetness collecting on your clit. There’s a familiar rhythm amped by the joint effort of his fingers on and in your cunt but you want more of something different. A fuck thoroughly rough that you know he can manage.
It’s you who wrenches his hand from your cunt with a disappointing pop — he thinks he’s upset you in some shape or form, that he’s pleasured you too dully or too hard, but soon comes to learn that you’re acting like brat.
Come, now, my love — don’t be like that, he warns. His voice is addictively firm and set, which in turn fuels your need for more. You attempt to wiggle out his grip, piss him off further, but the flux presses against his throbbing, oozing cock, which has already spilt some of its seed against his stomach with the wait.
Don’t — his resolves works no more. His voice is more shout than reason, as he delivers your arms with a bruising feeling from the steely grip they have on them. He’s lost his patience, and his mind, pushing you into the ground with none of the prior promise of tenuity. You’ve angered him, gotten what you want finally.
Is this what you wanted, you minx? Are you happy?
He drives your ass into the floor, kneads it within the roughness of his palm like dough. On regular days, he would work you open till you were gushing and open to a guaranteed degree. Now, he primes his intrusion of your cunt with an animalistic growl, his cock pushing in till you’ve had your fill.
Rough enough?
He mocks you. Gives you no room to recover. Batters your cunt again and again with the rough slap of his hips. He grins wickedly when you cry hot, fat tears and goes to mock you once more.
Why are you crying? Isn’t this what you wanted? Could’ve sat still while I worked you open but you wanted it rough — I’m giving you rough.
You’d never thought it would be this good, this illusive. He flips you till your back faces him, and ploughs into you like none before, delivers messy and violent shocks across your body. There’s barely any touch to his ministrations, just push, as he drives your head against the floor — in the name of take it, take it, I know you can take it.
He suffocates your senses — you clamp harshly against his cock with a loud cry, unsure of your bearings. Your body spasms underneath the weight of his and when he finished with his business, taken his fill as he shatters inside you, he’s quick to smother the quickness of this violence.
I’m — I’m sorry — are you hurt? I got ahead of myself — I’m sorry, my love.
You hush him with shaking hands, and as much as your fingers reject motion, you cradle his cheeks in your palm. The reflective heat from them comforts Clive, leaves him with the blatant truth that this is what you had wanted — and now that you had it, you weren’t in it to stop.
There’s a strange curl to his lips, with the knowledge that comes to him softly in the after-burn.
He liked playing rough.
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© 2023 qvrcll. Do not repost any of my works on any platform.
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Set Fire
Pairing: Clive Rosfield x unspecified female!
Warnings: suggestive language, slightly possessive thoughts, female pronouns, allusions to main character death, spoilers??
I think this is sfw??
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The way Ifrit felt to Clive was like a hot summer day; all-consuming, sweltering to the point of boiling him alive. But the way she felt was like a bed of hot coals; smoldering, ready to set Clive ablaze if he breathed life into the feeling. And breathe life into it he did. How could it be stopped when she is the only thing that keeps him going?
Her honeyed words, whispered so sweetly as they lay pressed together, skin to skin. Or the whispers of reassurance when Clive is on his hands and knees, buckling under the pressure he’s been shouldering. Maybe it was the tender way she held him when Clive was so exhausted he could no longer stand. Or the way she fiercely reminds him of his goodness when all he can see is the monster that lurks beneath the surface.
Whatever the case may be, Clive could never lie and say that he does not love her with every fiber of his being. To him, she is his guiding star in the darkness that surrounds him; his Polaris, his true north. Honestly, Clive doesn’t even remember when he put her up in his sky, but now all he can see is her.
He wants to completely consume her, possess her, become one with her in every possible way. To love and cherish her. To be the kind of person she deserves, as the Gods know she deserves only the best for what she’s endured to stay by his side and fight for what they believe is right.
But he’ll never get the chance. He won’t even get to say goodbye before he closes his eyes for the last time. And this sets a fire in his veins unlike any other.
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11queensupreme11 · 1 year
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artofshiroginko · 1 year
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based on this fic
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junie-junette · 1 year
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"Oh, Starlight". Quiiiiick sketch of my babiiiiies of the moment aka Cid and Clive from ff16 (Yep. I'm still not over it ok ? And I'll probably won't be soon). This quick sketch came to me after reading the very good fic of @/KaedeRavensdale (on twitter) "Holding Fire, Clutching Flame" (take care, spoilers in the resume !)
I'm so thankful to all the all the writers here giving me my dose of Cid and Clive, you can't even imagine !
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flowersbane · 1 year
Blushing All the Way Home
Clive Rosfield x Reader
You’re stuck entertaining guests at your father’s event. It’s miserable and bland, but that’s when you meet Clive.
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Rating: Teen
Tags: Young Clive Rosfield, One Shot, Ballroom Dancing, First Meetings, Nothing Goes Wrong AU, Unedited
AO3 Link ✔️
The lights are blinding. The chatter is headache inducing. For months, you have been forced to entertain guests on your father’s behalf. Your mother has told you time and time again to find a husband, but you’re wholly uninterested in all the suitors that glance your way. They’re too old or too rude or too interested for all the wrong reasons. Your fingers rest around the neck of a champagne glass. If your parents saw, they would scold you. Too young to drink but not too young to sell your life away. You toss your head back as you finish another glass. Damn them and damn this party.
You push off of the table you’d been leaning on. The floor felt like it was tilting beneath your feet. Oh. It is. Because you’re falling. You realize it slowly. You brace yourself for pain that never comes. Instead, a pair of hands catch you mid-fall. You open your eyes one at a time.
The face your gaze lands on belongs to a boy around your age. His dark hair is styled mostly away from his face, save for a swoop of bangs that fall over the right side of his forehead. “Apologies, my lady, although I dare say you’d be far less happy had I allowed you to fall.” He gently restores you to your upright position. “Clive Rosfield,” he introduces himself. “First son of Lord Elwin Rosfield of Rosaria.”
Your momentary enchantment with his face causes your response to take a heartbeat too long to sound. You introduce yourself. He tries out your name, rolling it around his tongue like a cherry. “A lovely name,” he concludes.
“The Rosfields have never attended one of my father’s events before,” you blurt out. “Why are you here now?”
Clive’s expression turns to one of barely concealed amusement. “My father and your father are nearing the end of a negotiation. Should it work out, a new trade route will be established between our two capitals.”
“So you’re here to butter him up?”
He chuckles. The sound makes your heartbeat flutter. “I suppose, if we’re not beating around the bush, yes. We’re here to… butter him up.”
He speaks the expression as though he has never spoken it before. You smile at that thought. A proper lordling, he is. If your suitors were more like him, you most definitely would’ve found a husband already.
“Well, good luck with that. Not that you’ll need it. My father’s a downright sucker for flattery.”
Clive’s eyes widen. “Sucker?”
“Yeah, it’s like…” You trail off. Perhaps sneaking off and pretending to be of common blood has dulled your high class vernacular. Good Greagor, it’s your mother’s worst nightmare. A slow smile spreads across your lips. “He’ll like you, Lord Rosfield.”
The music picks up. You intend to continue your way out of the celebration hall when Clive catches your wrist. “Forgive my boldness, my lady.” He releases you, although his hold was never very firm. “It was just that… I was hoping you might dance with me.”
When was the last time you danced with someone? Probably back when you were small enough to be dragged onto the dance floor.
The music from the orchestra has never sounded so good. “It would be my honor,” you declare, extending your arm to him, “Lord Rosfield.”
“Clive,” he corrects. “Please, call me Clive.”
“Clive.” This time, it’s your turn to try his name out. “A lovely name,” you tease.
“I’m glad you think so, my lady.”
“If you’re going to insist that I call you by your first name, you’re going to have to also address me by mine.”
“As you wish, my lady.”
You try to give him an annoyed look, but the corners of your mouth traitorously portray your amusement.
He guides you to the dance floor. One of his hands holds yours while the other rests on your waist. You may not have danced in a few years, but the movement comes naturally. It’s a rather difficult thing to forget. Especially if you’ve had it ingrained in your memory since childhood. Clive is a gentle lead. He guides your movements with the precision of an arrow and the strength of a warm, summer wind.
“You seem well-practiced,” you comment.
“At least that makes one of us.”
Your mouth falls ajar at his open teasing, but you also can’t help the small spark of excitement that comes from the banter. “Lord Rosfield, are you insinuating that my dancing skills are lacking?”
“I would never, my lady.”
“Well, good. After all, weren’t you meant to be buttering me up?”
“Your father, my lady.”
“Oh, right. I suppose my approval is nothing compared to my father’s.”
Clive chuckles. “I wish it were your favor I was after over your father’s. Something tells me that expedition would be far more enjoyable.”
Your heartbeat flutters. Was Proper Lord Rosfield flirting? “Well, there’s likely some benefit to having my favor.”
“Then perhaps I should try harder to win it.”
You try to keep your smile from becoming too wide as warmth creeps into your cheeks. “I look forward to it.”
He remains by your side for the rest of the evening. You catch a few envious glances hurled his way from scorned suitors or would-be-suitors, but he pays them no mind. That, or he genuinely does not notice them. Somehow, that possibility makes you like him even more.
The lights are dazzling. The chatter has fallen into the background. The night is still young when you hear the shrill voice of your mother calling your name.
You look over your shoulder. She beckons you to her side.
“It seems that duty calls,” Clive comments.
“Yes, someone ought to put a stop to that.” You grit your teeth, but know you can’t leave your mother waiting for too long. You turn your regretful expression his way. “I’m sorry, Clive. I have to see what she wants.”
On queue, your mother calls for you again. You resist the urge to shoot her a glare, but only because you want to keep your eyes on Clive for as long as possible. “It seems your mother is not one to be kept waiting,” he comments.
“No,” you sigh, “she is not.”
Clive takes your hand and raises it to his lips. “You made my time here all the better, my lady.”
You roll your eyes, even as your heart threatens to burst from your chest. “Will you ever call me by name?”
“What can I say, I’m a sucker for the rules.”
“That’s not-”
Another demanding call from your mother cuts you off. You exhale an annoyed breath. Clive allows your hand to slip from his. “Will I see you again?” he asks.
“Once I sort out whatever issues my mother is having, I will gladly return.”
“Then I shall wait with great anticipation.”
You smile. Your mother calls you again.
With a final glance in Clive’s direction, you make your way to your mother’s side.
“What is it?” you demand.
“I should only have to call you once.”
“I was busy.”
“I noticed.”
Your hands curl into fists at your side. “Why did you call me over, mother?”
“Because you’re leaving.”
“What? It’s not even midnight-”
“Your sisters are tired and need to be tucked in. You should be glad, you’re off the hook for the rest of the night.”
Under normal circumstances, you would be glad. But tonight…
“Why can’t you do it? They’re your children.”
“And they’re your sisters.”
“Enough. I will not suffer you to argue with me.”
Your jaw tightens, but you know you can’t make a scene here. With her usual, dismissive manner, your mother shoos you away.
You look to the crowds as you depart. Just as you reach the door, you spot him. And he spots you. You want to mouth your apologizes, but the smile that breaks out over his face at the sight of you steals the wordless words from your mouth. Your feet don’t get the message that you wish to stay. The doorframe cuts him from your vision, but your heart doesn’t get the message that he’s gone. It spins and twirls and dances the whole way home.
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mothonice0 · 1 year
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I have way too many TereDion, Jotua, BeneCid and Warfield fic brainrots AU eating at me right now, so salty I can’t write them all 😭 😭
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delusional-shawty · 1 year
No warnings, just fluff
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Thinkin about how Clive would hold you like he's afraid to lose you. He lost everything once; his home, his people, his family. He refuses to go through that trauma again.
Clive's hugs are like being squished by a big, warm bear. He's a tall guy - not to mention muscled - so no matter what size you are, he practically shallows your whole frame in his embrace. Kisses the top of your head n thanks you for waiting for him, even if he was only gone for a few hours.
Sometimes, when Clive gets back from a long trip away, he'll tug you to bed and just cuddle with you until he eventually falls to sleep. He's the type to allow Torgal onto the bed as well. Just a cuddle pile that gets too warm too quickly for anyone but those two.
Speaking of warm. Clive radiates heat. Maybe it's from the Phoenix blessing, but he's the best heater during the frigid winter. Somehow sleeps with covers on, too....
Please scratch his scalp or play with his hair while he rests his head on your lap. Instant snoring will be heard from the massive man. Clive looks so at ease when he's sleeping; though it's the least he can be when he hunkers you down for his cat naps
Anyways I love this man 🫶
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kianaflame23 · 1 year
Forgiveness ☆ Final Fantasy XVI Clive Rosfield x f!reader N*FW
Sequel to "Hidden Feelings"
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You were sitting in a chair, looking at the moon as you wonder to yourself. You felt a chill as you didn't want to wear a sexy silk nightgown. Barnabas ordered you to wear it as he wants to make love with you....
'Why am I still with King Barnabas...?
Then, you remember.... you were only with Barnabas and his army because you don't want Clive and your friends to get killed....
'I hope Clive was able to get his revenge...'
You looked at your ring finger, seeing a dark blue with flower on that wedding ring. You sighed to yourself, then look at the chains on your hands and feets....you could use your magic and leave, however, those chains drains your magic. Not allowing you to protect yourself if you tried to escape.....
'At least, I am his fiancée......'
'Why?! I hate Barnabas! Trying to kiss me or even touch my body!', you thought to yourself as you felt disgusted.
You sighed heavily, getting up from the chair and slowly headed to your bed as you hope that Barnabas will forget you....but you are going to be his wife very soon...he waited for too long....
You pick up the soft blanket as you got yourself comfortable in your bed, closing your eyes. Mentally preparing yourself for the worst as you start to pray one last time before falling asleep....
".....up, my sweet angel..."
'.....why am I hearing Clive....voice...?'
You groans as you tried to awake from your slumber, you couldn't see clearly until you saw him.....Clive Rosfield....the sweet knight who broke your heart.....
"Clive?! Where am I....? Why are you here at Barnabas' castle?!"
"(Y/N), he's dead. I killed him. You don't need to worry about him anymore, my love....", you widened your eyes, barely noticing how different he looks....his hair got more fluffy. His bearer mark isn't there.... You caresses his left cheek, your thumb touches his scar gently. Clive leans on your hand as he sighs in relief. Feeling joy to see you safe...no longer having nightmares of you, being away from him.
"....what happened, Clive...?"
"Jill and Torgal protected you as I fought against Barnabas. It was not an easy battle but I won. We are in Cid's safe hub. You're sa--
"P-please allow me to ex--"
"No! You should be with Jill Warrick, not me! You and Jill are meant to be toge--", You didn't finish your sentence as you felt his hands on your shoulders, pulling you to his chest as he embraces you tightly. Then, you felt small tears dripping down to your hair. Your heart drop, you couldn't believe your eyes....Clive is crying.....
"Forgive me....for making you think that I have feelings for Jill, (Y/N)."
"I always see you with Jill....after I told you my....love confession...."
"It's fine that you like her more than a fri--", you said to Clive, feeling yourself sad but you want him to be happy. He deserves to be with someone....who can always cheer him up, giving him love and affection....
You want to be his lover....his wife but imagining Clive and Jill being together....you were lost in your thoughts, Clive removed his hands from you, his blue eyes look at you for a moment. Hating himself for hurting you...Cidolfus was right....he was a coward for not telling you...that he loves you....
'I am going to prove her that I only want her, no one else....I'll do anything to see her smile again....'
He bends down on one knee, gaining your attention as you gasped. Covering your mouth as you began to panic.
'No...why is he proposing to me? I should tell h--', your thoughts were interrupted as you hear Clive's voice.
"That day, I was a coward and a huge idiot for walking away from your confession. I was stunned....didn't know how to react. Your beauty took my breathe away...Your smile made me flustered and I just don’t know what to say, I wanted to tell you that "I love you". I left you there...alone....I'm sorry for ignoring you....I thought you would come to me so I waited and waited until you talk to me....but you didn't....it should have been me....coming to you....begging you to forgive me....You don't need to worry about my revenge journey. I have something more important than my obsession with revenge. Well, "someone" very important...it's you, my love. I'll be your husband! I can wait for years if I have to! All I want is to see you cute smile and being happy....maybe we can have a family...rebuild our own kingdom! Please...forgive me...."
You want to say something, but words didn't come out from your mouth. You nervously answered to his speech.
"I-I don't know what to say...Clive....I wa--"
"Will you marry me, (F/N) (L/N)?", Clive said to you, showing you a beautiful red rose ring as you can see his whole body shakes in fear. Even you can see his hand shakily as Clive desperately look at you, to see if you still love him....
You sighs as you turned your body away from him, still in the bed as you thought to yourself for a second, then you
"Please tell me your answe--"
"Clive Rosfield! Close your eyes! Do it now!", you barked at poor Clive, making him flinch from your voice and closed his eyes. Feeling confused on what you are going to do, he doesn't want you to leave him....
You felt your cheeks burn, trying not to feel embarrassed as you took off your nightgown. Blushing even more, you shakily spoked to Clive, telling him that he can open his eyes.... covering your body as he stared at you, lust consume his whole body.
"Then, you want to be mi--"
"Prove to me....that you want me. If you truly love me and only me, then we'll get married....Clive.", you smiled nervously at your knight. Your hero.... you told him to take off his clothes, Clive didn’t need you to tell him twice. Exposing his buff chest to your face as your eyes widened in astonished, smiling weakly at Clive.
As you were too distracted with your mind, Clive grabbed your hand, placing the beautiful ring on your delicate finger, your ring finger.....you snapped out of your thoughts and gasped.
"Clive?! I didn't said ye--", Clive didn’t waste time as he kissed your lips with lust and desire, kissing you passionately as you moan. Clive took his chance to deepen his kiss, you felt his tongue touch yours. Small tears appears in your eyes, not believing that you are going to make love with your darling knight. Pushing you gently towards the mattress as you blush, still kissing you as Clive starts to use his fingers on your sweet flower. Fingering you slowly before thrusting more deeper in you. Moaning as you closed your eyes in pleasure, enjoying his fingers as his thumb rubs yor clitoris rapidly. You warned Clive that you were going to climax on him....
"A-ah! I'm going to cum, Clivey!", you stopped kissing him, getting closer to climax until Clive decided to take off his fingers. Pouting to yourself as you whined at him, wanting to release your cum on him.
"Clive! I wanted to cu--", he didn't gave you a chance to talk, opening your legs as he strokes his shaft before inserting it in your pussy. Closing your eyes in pain as you bit your lips, hoping to feel pleasure. As soon his cock is fully in your sweet flower, you felt Clive's tears falling to your face. You knew that Clive is crying again....he hugged you as you allow him to sob in your neck. Hugging him tightly as you decided to give his one last chance. To redeem himself, maybe you can be happy again. Happy with your hero....
"......(Y/N).....forgive me, my love...I'm so--", you stopped him with a soft kiss, surprising Clive as his blue eyes stares at yours. Smiling at him as you started to cry, his thumb wipes your tears. Asking you if you want to stop as you don't feel his cock in you, blaming himself for being selfish.
"We can make love tomorrow. You should re-"
"No, I'm going to ride you. You're mine!", you grinned at him, pushing Clive down as you're now in top of him.
"I want your cum in me. I hope you are ready, Clive Rosfield!"
Clive is so turned on by your bold words. Feeling your sweet flower on him sounds heaven to him. You and Clive continued your hot lovemaking until you're filled up with his cum. After all, he is yours and only yours. You're very happy to be with him. You don't need to worried about Barnabas anymore. You can enjoy your peaceful life with your knight. You snuggled with Clive, kissing him before closing your eyes. Immediately falling to slumber, smiling to yourself. No one can stop you from loving your hero.
The end ❤️‍🔥
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sevi007 · 5 months
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: F/M but mostly Gen
Fandom: Final Fantasy XVI
Word Count: 9,652
Additional Tags: Jill's POV, Hurt/Comfort, spoilers for game ending, Post-Game, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence,
Her Eikon, the second soul which she has carried around with herself since early childhood, has left her without a trace. And if Shiva is gone, then Clive, who had carried a piece of her as well-…   Jill had really thought that she knows what despair and pain felt like. She had lived it, for fifteen long years. But right here, right now, she learns a new depth of it. It feels as if someone has rammed a dagger in between her ribs, aiming straight for her heart, and aiming true.
As their star Metia vanishes from the sky, Jill is convinced that Clive's life goes with it at first. But just as he has never give up on her, she will not abandon him now, either If he is out there still, she will find him.
(Second part of the series. Could be read as a standalone, theoretically, will have some callbacks to spot if you read the first part.)
@ringnis I saw you commenting you would want to read the Jill fic, so I hope you don't mind if I tag you so you may find it ^^
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lialuvsu1 · 1 year
Clive Rosfield saying “good girl” and “be safe” to Ambrosia is going to send me.
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luneariaa · 2 years
☀︎ 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝
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❥︎ - ; x ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
❥︎ - 𝐭𝐰 : ᴀ ᴍɪxᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴏꜰ ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ ᴀɴᴅ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ, ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʟɪᴠᴇ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴍᴀʀʀɪᴇᴅ. ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏ <33
❥︎ - ᴅᴏ ᴇxᴄᴜꜱᴇ ᴍᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ɢʀᴀᴍᴍᴀʀ ᴇʀʀᴏʀꜱ. ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴜʏꜱ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴇᴅ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪꜱ!! ♡︎
☾︎ - 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
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It appeared as though everything had just happened yesterday. Birds flying and chirping up above, decorating the light blue sky even more breathtakingly. (Y/N) was strolling at the streets of Rosaria in a delicate (F/C) dress, taking in the natural surroundings. However, her mind is not in the present or even anything as such. Her mind is filled with various, wondrous thoughts-- almost about everything that may seem out of the world.
"Good morning, (N/N)."
She blinked, turning around to face the familiar person who have just spoken to her. By the time her are eyes set on the figure, he was already gazing at her with his signature charming smile. The sword was strapped onto his back as per usual, given his position as the First Shield of Rosaria. She couldn't stop the grin that's starting to form upon her delicate features-- embracing him almost right away.
"Clive! I missed you so much!" He smiles broadly at her excitement; lifting her up slightly while returning the hug. He lowers her back down after a short while.
"Do forgive me for not being able to see you as much lately, sweetheart," he apologizes, cupping her cheek with one of his gloved hands. "There are some things that I wanted to take care of before our marriage."
She hummed in response, leaning into his touch contentedly. "It is quite alright... I understand you well." Her simple answer causes Clive to gaze back at her appreciatively, placing a tender kiss on her forehead.
"Well then.." Clive starts, looking down at their hands clasped to each other lovingly. "How about we have a lunch together at our favourite spot to make up for lost time?" He suggested, grinning excitedly at her. With no hesitation, (Y/N) nods enthusiastically in agreement.
The two made their way to the seats that Clive had reserved for them when they entered at the simple, yet cozy eatery. They placed their orders and waited for their meals to arrive before beginning to eat.
While taking a sip of his drink, Clive takes the opportunity to gaze affectionately at his darling fiancée. Of course, there are a few things that he looked forward for in life-- and that includes of his forthcoming marriage with his beloved. To simply put, he was eagerly anticipating for the important day. His heart beats with passion and unending love for her only from the thought that she will be his wife soon.
As though she had taken notice of his silent gaze, her eyes meet up to look directly at him; grabbing one of his free hands and giving it a soft squeeze.
"Something in your mind, Clive? You've been staring at me for quite some time now."
He simply sent her a smile of reassurance while shaking his head. "Oh no, nothing is wrong. I'm merely admiring the sight of you." By his answer, she can barely contain the small giggle from escaping her lips; face turning pink shyly.
"Oh, stop it…"
"But it's true," he tells her earnestly, brushing her knuckles delicately with his thumb. "You are absolutely beautiful in your own ways. Everything about you is perfect to me. And your eyes-- they remind me of the brightest stars that shine through even in the darkest nights. I could go on and on for hours as to why I love you so, my love. You simply make my life a whole lot better, and honestly I couldn't thank the Gods enough for blessing someone like you in my life." He almost whispered at the end of his sentence, causing for her eyes to water. It's truly heartwarming to know that someone loves her in a special way.
(Y/N) could feel her heart fluttering as if butterflies have taken flight in her stomach. He's truly too sweet and sincere to her. It's impossible to deny the feeling of warmth that's beginning to spread throughout her entire being at this exact moment, just by his unassuming stare and the way he spoke about her.
"Thank you so much… I shall cherish your words forever."
He leads her towards a rather secluded location-- yet away from the prying eyes of others that one day, which a bench can be seen under the shade of a large tree. The two sat down there, viewing the crystal-clear pond that's ahead of them.
Clive eventually made the decision to dispel the silence that has been around them. "I want us to get married soon." His sudden statement prompted her head to snap to his direction, her eyes wide with wonder.
She managed to stammer out. "P-Pardon..?" Rather than responding, he stood from the bench and kneel in front of her. She gave a small gasp, but her surprised and bewildered expression didn't leave her face. Then Clive grabbed one of her hands, making sure to kiss it lovingly multiple times.
"My dearest (Y/N), I just wanted to let you know that you mean the whole world to my very being. I knew the moment when I first met you-- you were the one who had won over my heart. I have never once regretted for proposing to you to be my beloved fiancée. You have changed the way of how I ever see the world in my eyes."
His gaze never once faltered from hers, kissing her palm more. "And so, I have decided to make it official. I wish for us to start a life-- as husband and wife together, if that's alright with you. There are no one else that I would rather pick as my beloved wife; only you. No one else has ever captured my heart naturally; except you. Will you marry me and be my wife, darling?"
His voice is a bit shaky as he finishes his small speech. To say that she was stunned was an understatement-- her eyes are immediately filled with precious tears. The words have truly reached within her heart; deeply touched by his proposal. But the mere sight causes for him to be a little panic and worried.
"Oh love, I didn't mean to upset you!" Clive apologizes in advance while wiping her tears away with his thumbs gently. She releases a light laugh at his actions, grasping onto his hands which are still resting on either side of her face.
"Clive, I'm honored that you've asked me to be your wife, truly…" His face lights up with relief by her answer; a soft grin made its' way to his face. "I'm just... beyond happy that you are willing to do so. Your words have indeed touched my heart, and I feel extremely lucky to be appreciated and loved by you." She added, placing a small kiss on one of his palms.
Clive releases a chuckle of his own while pulling his dearest close to his chest, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. "Do believe me that I love you very much so, my dear. My love for you could rival the stars in the darkest nights. I'm merely being true with my words, for you don't deserve any dishonesty from me." He whispers at the end sentence, nuzzling against her soft hair.
"I will do anything that you ask me to; I swear on it. You will always be my greatest priority."
All the while, she couldn't stop the bashful smile on her face, briefly shutting her eyes in contentment. When she's about to speak, however, she was cut off by Clive leaning down to capture her lips with his own. The kiss is chaste and sweet, as if he's afraid that he might break her in some way.
The two pull away after several seconds with a satisfied grin on their faces-- turning their heads slightly to watch the view ahead once more. Their expression is a mixture of complete awe and admiration.
How can nature be this beautiful? It's as if the time has stopped; their surroundings are filled with comforting silence. The water in the pond glistens underneath the sunlight, reflecting the clear blue sky and the seemingly endless fluffy clouds.
Oh, how she wished for the moment to last forever, yet everything seems to fall out of place…
Ever since the war happened.
Everything still feels surreal at times. How could a moment of peace, can be gone in just a matter of seconds? It's been going on for quite a few years that she has lost count of. All they are able to do now is to fight and try to survive every single passing day.
Sighing softly, she closes her eyes momentarily-- attempting to forget all of her worries for now. (Y/N) gasps a bit when she feels Clive took her hand; bringing it up to his lips and give it a delicate kiss.
Even after all these years, he never failed to try and keep her safe; despite her being able to protect herself pretty well, and he admires her for that. He treated her as if she's a valuable and a precious thing in the world, and he'll never stop doing it for sure.
A warm smile adorns his lips when he sees her expression, knowing on how much she loves it. Clive pulls her closer until her back rests against his chest-- drawing her in and tightly engulfs her in his arms.
The forest around them is silent-- the sun slowly sets behind the horizon, casting a mixture of orange and pinkish rays above the hills beautifully.
"Clive?" Her voice calls gently as she feels him planting a light kiss on top of her hair.
She leans her back further onto him. "Will we be able to live peacefully after this war? Lots of innocent lives have lost; I'm scared of our future…" Her question has rendered him speechless; countless of thoughts swirling inside their minds.
"I wish I could find the answer to that as well… I don't know, to be honest." Clive answers sincerely, emitting a small sigh.
"Even so, it seems there will be a long road ahead of us. For whatever challenges may arise, we shall attempt to confront them together. I'm certain of it."
(Y/N) bites her lip nervously. She's indeed aware that her husband has a point; that they can endure everything that might challenge their lives.
Yet at the same time, she could find herself doubting almost everything at once-- including the constant worry over the future, not knowing what's going to happen at all.
What if something terrible befalls over one of them? What if one of them got separated by fate itself? The thoughts would bother her for seemingly endless, long hours. She despises it with her very being.
As if he could sense her thoughts, Clive motions for her to turn around, just so he could gaze upon her features. Cupping her cheeks lovingly, he stares deep into her beautiful eyes, along with a reassuring smile on his lips.
"We will be alright, sweetheart. I promise you that."
And so, she puts all of her trust onto him. For he would keep her safe in his embrace alone; away from any danger that might strike her in any moment.
God will forbid anything from happening to his wife. Not on his sight.
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© 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚜.
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emmanuellececchi · 8 months
Ok, I'm trying something.
I have begun writing this story... yeah the fanfic (sorry LOTR Moots, I'm deep again in my FF16 fics... sorrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy).
The fic will be post Endgame. Joshua is alive, Clive is dead. it's not a spoiler of my story. That's... like.... the first scene.
BUT... What about Dion? He will not appear in the fic but the first scene set how we find Clive and Joshua. And, potentially, Dion.
Explain if you wish!
Thanks for those who will take the time.
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brightwanderer · 1 year
Fandom: Final Fantasy XVI Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dion Lesage/Joshua Rosfield, Clive Rosfield/Jill Warrick Characters: Cidolfus Telamon, Dion Lesage, Clive Rosfield, Joshua Rosfield, Jill Warrick, Torgal (Final Fantasy XVI), Midadol Telamon, Gav (Final Fantasy XVI) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, lighter and softer, still some angst though, Found Family, Cid Adopts Everyone, That's it that's the plot, no gods no masters no chapter count, WIP, Childhood Sweethearts, Canon-Typical Clive Angst, Canon-Typical Violence (in the background), Emotional Hurt/Comfort
The last thing Cid expects to find when he sneaks into Drake's Head after the fall of Phoenix Gate is a crying child.
Let alone this specific crying child: Dion Lesage, Dominant of Bahamut.
Next thing Cid knows, the Mothercrystal has been destroyed (not by him), he's got a grieving 12-year-old prince on his hands, and he's hearing some very odd rumours about the Night of Flames. Rumours about who survived, and what was witnessed, and the reason it happened in the first place.
And Cid has never been someone who can leave well enough alone.
Everyone gets a bit of a breather, p.s. welcome to my Clive & Dion Friendship Agenda.
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junie-junette · 9 months
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"Home" Gift exchange with Cinder in the Firestorm's discord. Inspired by her beautiful fic "To The Man I Knew Before" and more exactly by the sequel of it ! I decided to let Cid enjoys a soft and calm morning, just admiring his family peacefully sleeping... I hope you'll like it ! And if you don't know the fic, please, read it cause it's wonderful. I don't think I'll be able to draw something more until the 31th. So I already wish you a beautiful and happy New Year ! Thanks for sticking with me and supporting me here or somewhere else ! I hope we'll see each others again next year ! Take care of you and your beloved ones !
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horrorlove14 · 2 years
Arranged Royal Love - Final Fantasy XVI
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Pairing: Clive Rosfield x Female! Reader
Warning(s): Suggestive content (?), teenage pregnancy and childbirth
A/N: The reader is the only daughter of a lord from another kingdom. Her kingdom's tradition is that she is not allowed to expose her face until she meets her future husband face to face by wearing a lace veil.
Clive's father and Y/N's father have been friends and allies for a long time and decided to have their oldest child marry each other once they reached 15 years old.
Once both of their children have reached the age of 15, Lord Y/L/N decides to bring Y/N into Rosfield's kingdom to proceed with the arranged marriage to strengthen the bond for their kingdoms for the many years to come.
Clive is quite nervous to be meeting his future bride on his 15th birthday but he has Joshua, his mother and his friends to reassure him that everything will be fine.
He finally meets her when their families have a formal lunch at the dining hall together where they sit across from each other.
Lord Y/L/N gently asks his daughter to remove her veil which she does and boy, Clive and his family are in for a pleasant surprise because Y/N is quite beautiful as if she is an goddess from another world and she has segmental heterochromia where one eye is grey and the other eye is half light brown.
Clive and Y/N fell in love with each other at first sight and look forward to their wedding which is happening tonight.
After the lunch, Clive and Y/N use the opportunity to get to know each other by going for a stroll in the kingdom gardens together.
He is in awe of his bride's sweet and kind personality as she observes the flowers and the creatures living in the garden and admires the surroundings around them with a sweet smile on her face.
Clive has an urge to protect his new bride from the dangers of the world as her protector and husband and he wouldn't hesitate to see the world burn if it means keeping her safe.
Once night falls, the wedding takes place at the royal chapel where Clive and Y/N would become husband and wife after saying their vows, exchanging rings and saying the I-dos before sealing it with a kiss.
On their wedding night, Clive and his new wife would consummate their marriage despite the awkwardness but they do the deed which is done with their newfound passion and love for each other.
Throughout the marriage, Clive would be away from home to master the blade while Y/N supports him in every way she can as she is proud to call him her husband who loves her in every single way.
One fateful night, Y/N shyly tells Clive that she would like to have a child with him but worries about his reaction at the same time.
Before she could say anything, Clive embraces her in his arms which made her feel quite flustered as a result.
"Oh, darling, I would love to have a child with you because I am curious to see if they would have your unique eyes." Clive says as he is leaving kisses on her exposed neck and shoulder before kissing her on the lips before they make love.
A couple of months later, Y/N has collapsed suddenly while doing her chores and Clive being away during one of his blade training sessions. He returns home immediately after hearing that Y/N has collapsed, fearing that something bad has happened to her.
Once he has returned home, he is greeted by the Royal doctor who informs him that she is pregnant and needs to rest up for the unborn child in her womb.
Needless to say, he is stoked on becoming a father to his unborn child and visits Y/N on her bedside to thank her for gifting him a wonderful blessing and kisses her forehead before letting her rest.
During the whole pregnancy, Clive would be such a doting husband towards Y/N by escorting her everywhere she goes, having her being looked after while he is away for training and mostly, he would embrace her baby bump with such loving care during bed time or whenever he's feeling affectionate after a long day of training.
When it was time for Y/N to give birth, panic ensured as poor Clive is very worried for her and praying that she will make it through the whole birth.
After a long time of waiting, a baby's cry is finally heard, making Clive do a sigh of relief before visiting Y/N and the baby. Once he enters the room, the sight of Y/N holding their newborn child in her arms brought him to tears as he walks towards them and embraces them from the side
"Clive, we have a son together now." she said while holding him in her arms with an exhausted look on her face.
"Oh, darling, looks like he has inherited your unique eyes expect that one eye is blue and the other one is half grey," he said as he gently picks his son up from her arms into his own ones.
"You need to rest now, darling and I'll look after our son." he said as he placed a tender kiss on her temple as she lets out a yawn before falling asleep. Clive is gently rocking his newborn son in his arms as his family come into the room to see the baby.
Joshua is in awe after finally meeting his nephew and is surprised to see his eyes as he thought that they were beautiful and his parents were in agreement with him.
Clive has achieved his true happiness by being married to a beautiful and kind-hearted woman and becoming a father to his own son.
He might want to have another child in the future, hoping for a daughter because he would like to have a mini Y/N running around but he'll have to wait and see.
End of story. Likes and reblogs are very much appreciated.
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