#clive rosfield imagine
qvrcll · 1 year
no smooth roads for us
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Summary: Clive tries to keep his strength at bay. You admonish him for it. Warnings: explicit content / NSFW, rough sex, female reader anatomy, use of the word ‘minx’, dirty talk. A/N: My first time writing for Clive! This was a journey. I want to keep writing for him — reblog’s / comments are always appreciated! :)
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You discover quickly that Clive fucks you like he fights.
It starts with the gentlest of kisses, searing hot like a burn from the sun itself. Shy, but he doesn’t mean for it to be. He remedies that by driving you against him till there is no space to give, only his chest that beats with some gratifying noise when you’re bare and naked for him to witness every inch of it.
You don’t tell him, but you like it when you holds you close and fucks you rough. His fingers, calloused with the fatal semblance of war, prove your excitement as they prod and grope at your skin experimentally. He’d fucked you rough once before and refrained from it again — a fear of breaking you, he thinks. He plays it soft now.
When you moan, shudder against the splay of his fingers against the share of your muscle, the pebbled crest of your nipples, he leads his fingers further. Deeper. He tries to ignore the burning heat curdling at his hip, for you, but the intrusion against your thigh is so hard to miss.
Clive — please, touch me, comes your plea.
The madness in your voice makes the blood rush to his cock. It ruins him, makes him want to consume you whole right here, from the heat of his lap. He fights it, though, still, and his jaw bulges from the effort of it.
He begins again, tries to create and follow a slower acclivity. Maybe he could finger you, eat you out, pleasure you delicately beneath the weight of his hot, heavy fingers.
There — there you go, my love.
He splits you open deliciously slow and his remaining fingers swim against the wetness collecting on your clit. There’s a familiar rhythm amped by the joint effort of his fingers on and in your cunt but you want more of something different. A fuck thoroughly rough that you know he can manage.
It’s you who wrenches his hand from your cunt with a disappointing pop — he thinks he’s upset you in some shape or form, that he’s pleasured you too dully or too hard, but soon comes to learn that you’re acting like brat.
Come, now, my love — don’t be like that, he warns. His voice is addictively firm and set, which in turn fuels your need for more. You attempt to wiggle out his grip, piss him off further, but the flux presses against his throbbing, oozing cock, which has already spilt some of its seed against his stomach with the wait.
Don’t — his resolves works no more. His voice is more shout than reason, as he delivers your arms with a bruising feeling from the steely grip they have on them. He’s lost his patience, and his mind, pushing you into the ground with none of the prior promise of tenuity. You’ve angered him, gotten what you want finally.
Is this what you wanted, you minx? Are you happy?
He drives your ass into the floor, kneads it within the roughness of his palm like dough. On regular days, he would work you open till you were gushing and open to a guaranteed degree. Now, he primes his intrusion of your cunt with an animalistic growl, his cock pushing in till you’ve had your fill.
Rough enough?
He mocks you. Gives you no room to recover. Batters your cunt again and again with the rough slap of his hips. He grins wickedly when you cry hot, fat tears and goes to mock you once more.
Why are you crying? Isn’t this what you wanted? Could’ve sat still while I worked you open but you wanted it rough — I’m giving you rough.
You’d never thought it would be this good, this illusive. He flips you till your back faces him, and ploughs into you like none before, delivers messy and violent shocks across your body. There’s barely any touch to his ministrations, just push, as he drives your head against the floor — in the name of take it, take it, I know you can take it.
He suffocates your senses — you clamp harshly against his cock with a loud cry, unsure of your bearings. Your body spasms underneath the weight of his and when he finished with his business, taken his fill as he shatters inside you, he’s quick to smother the quickness of this violence.
I’m — I’m sorry — are you hurt? I got ahead of myself — I’m sorry, my love.
You hush him with shaking hands, and as much as your fingers reject motion, you cradle his cheeks in your palm. The reflective heat from them comforts Clive, leaves him with the blatant truth that this is what you had wanted — and now that you had it, you weren’t in it to stop.
There’s a strange curl to his lips, with the knowledge that comes to him softly in the after-burn.
He liked playing rough.
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© 2023 qvrcll. Do not repost any of my works on any platform.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Headcanons for Clive Rosfield with gn s/o reassuring him that he's a good man who does his best to help people despite everything he has gone through, they're proud of him, and they love him so much? With hugs and kisses too!
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Clive Rosfield had to be one of, if not the most strongest man you’ve ever met in your life.
Yet you’ve found that the stronger the man, the more broken they seemed to be in due to certain circumstances that happened within their past.
A past that could still be felt to this very day as it clung onto your beloved’s soul, it’s claws digging in deep into him that you worried that you’d deal him more damage if you were to pull them out raw.
You wanted nothing more then to help your exhausted lover and thankfully a time did come where Clive needed your comfort and sweet words and even sweeter reminders the most in the aftermath of a nightmare;
‘What if I’m an omen of death, destined to leave a trail of dead bodies, friends and foes alike in my wake?’ Clive admitted to you under starry skies. Yet despite how ethereal the sight above was…the topic at hand was anything but. ‘What if by the end of this I wouldn’t have had you gravely harmed, whether it’d be by my hand or others because of me.’ He adds sombrely, clutching your hand when he felt it involuntarily twitch.
‘I don’t want to have to watch that day come to pass.’ Clive was whispering now as though if he raised his voice any louder then something awful would take place, and it wouldn’t even matter whether the inherent danger were to take place five minutes from your conversation or even going as far as five weeks.
For as long as Clive could sense danger, he would always on a subconscious have himself somehow incorporated into it one way or another. He truly felt the one to blame for every wrongdoing that was committed no matter the scale of it, he just felt as though all bad things tie back to him in even the most minuscule ways.
‘Clive,’ you gripped his hand tightly, ‘not everything bad is inherently your fault.’ You told him but you weren’t finished yet. ‘You’re a good man, regardless of what the past speaks of your character. You’ve done a whole lot of good since those dark times and done a whole lot of good for the people who felt as though they had no hope to hold onto, Who felt like they too were deserving of the wrongdoings that have happened in their pasts because they felt as though they didn’t deserve better.’ You raised his hand and pressed a dozen kisses against the skin there as you decided to hold his hand close to your chest.
‘You’re a good man Clive Rosfield and I will not stand in hearing you slander yourself on the pretences of lies and falsehoods.’ You said as you tug him closer so you could bring your arms to hold him against you as you began to speak your words against his ebony locks. ‘For the Clive Rosfield I know is a brave, strong man of many talents, and he’s a beautiful man with a gentle, kind and caring heart.’ You felt Clive relax further into you, as though attempting to drown himself in your warmth and your scent with how he noses it’s way from against your collar bone, and upwards until his head is firmly flushed against your neck where he would then find comfort in your pulse point as his eyes began to drift off at the sound of your soothing voice.
A voice Clive would rather die then to never hear again, whispering sweet enchantments that you call encouragement into his ear.
‘And I am proud, so very proud of my Clive that neither words nor any form of expression can begin to accurately convey of the magnitude of how proud I am of him.’ You whispered sweetly, pressed kisses now and then again his hair or any form of exposed warm skin that was within your lips reach to douse in a plethora of kisses, leaving not a spec untouched by your lips, and even as you pulled away, you could feel Clive’s body writhe as it began to desperately miss your lips; considering how determined your beloved seemed to press himself further up against you, you’d think that he was trying to imprint himself onto you in some form of way.
‘His demons may want him to claim otherwise but I wish for him to remember that he isn’t what they say he is, Clive Rosfield isn’t a monster, nor a death omen, but I know my Clive Rosfield and my Clive Rosefield is anything and everything but those words. He’s generous, brave, bold, and yes I do have to admit, a little stubborn and hardheaded.’ You admitted, chuckling as Clive removed his head from your neck to give you a look. ‘But, even though he may often claim that he’s putting me in danger just for loving him.’
You pressed your forehead against his, nudging your nose against his, smiling when he wordlessly reciprocated the action. ‘I’ve never felt more safer then I ever have then within his arms.’ You muttered against his lips before closing the gap and kissing every ounce of love and affection you held for Clive into that kiss in hopes it’d make its way to his soul. Humming in delight as you felt him practically bruise your lips with the force of his kiss that burned with a fierce passion that at some points you felt as though you couldn’t keep up with him.
You knew Clive had a whole lot of love to give to the point where it became overwhelming and consumed every action he did, from the way he protected others, to the way he was currently holding onto you as though you were the last flicker of light in his life; which you might as well be. His grip was firm and strong but while also being gentle and cautious as not to bring you bodily harm, because god knows Clive would never forgive himself if he was the main reason you were hurt, as proven multiple times where you had gotten hurt saving his ass and you’d awaken up with Clive at bedside, holding your hand within his larger and warmer ones; it felt as though your hand was trapped within the depths of a campfire. Comforting and warm.
‘What have I done to deserve you, my love?’ Clive whispered against your lips upon pulling away but consciously choosing to stay within proximity of you in hopes that your words and love would continue to rub off on him like they have for as long as you both been lovers. You smiled, bringing your hands up to his scruffy jaw, enjoying the prickly sensation that kissed the pads of your fingertips deliciously. ‘You were just yourself my star, I was just merely captivated by your beauty and the way you treated others as equals and fell deeply in love ever since.’
‘What about now?’ Clive asked you.
You pecked his lips, ‘I’m still falling my star, I’m still falling.’
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breathinginyoursmoke · 9 months
The Look of Love (ft. The Rosfield brothers)
"The eyes, chico. They never lie."
Clive's gaze could swallow one whole. It's far from timid, yet, at an instant, it's intensity could be yanked as he swiftly pulls his eyes of you. He is a man who is able to control himself, hide in his own thoughts and memories. If complete isolation was the only solution to this problem, he would contemplate it. He's not a naive fool, he knows others could possibly notice the look in his eye whenever it wonders to you voice, to your figure, with absolute passion. You create storms in his heart. It fights with the realistic voice in his head who is screaming to put a stop to this foolishness.
One day, if he finally finds the strength to smite these growing flames, he will. For now, perhaps he's allowed to indulge this once, and find your own gaze.
Joshua's gaze could warm you even on the coldest nights. An almost boyish-like look that appears innocent enough to make even the sturdiest of walls crumble. He finds out a hint of your past, commenting on anything he finds interesting, asking...pondering. He worms his way into your brain and heart with the simplest of words, disguising them as trivial small talk. This isn't malicious, not in the slightest. He's simply aware of how closed off some people in this world are, knows the troubles. It may not look it, but the man's heart is fleeing with joy at the chance to converse with you, his eyes are practically sparkling.
Anyone, especially his elder brother, could tell he's most definitely embraced the arms of love, and wants to spread it to the one who has stolen his heart.
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birthdayboy-ilu · 2 months
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Imagine that.
Imagine being created to kill your brother and to be punished for it. Over and over.
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skyelvl1 · 1 year
Clive Rosfield: I think I should comb my hair.
Everyone who is attracted to him: no. don't. don't you do that, my sweet shaggy wet dog of a man.
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lyssala · 1 year
“My lord, my lady,” the tutor cleared his throat, making both Jill and Clive sit up straight, the inches suddenly growing between them again. “Is something the matter?”
“Not at all,” Jill said with a slight nod of her head.
“Allergies,” Clive supplied, though Jill didn't seem to think he was helping because Joshua saw the way Clive jerked slightly, the result of Jill probably nudging him from under the table. “It is a little dusty in here don't you think, Joshua?” Clive winked at him.
“Oh yes, it is rather dusty, I think,” Joshua agreed quickly.
A collection of one shots to tell the stories in-between canon; the ones hinted at and alluded to but never quite giving the whole story. Of memories that were mentioned briefly while reminiscing, of quiet moments left unseen, of how a relationship can go from two kids with crushes to two adults in love.
Each chapter takes place at a different point in canon; all chapter notes contain the time frame upfront to help those who are still avoiding spoilers.
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keithle · 1 year
someone should draw clive with all the seals and choker(?) he has gotten. i think it would be hilarious.
like is he just wearing all of them at once???
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ignitedshield · 1 year
You are an easy person to get along with (32.14%).
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"Better results than what I was expecting."
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cryptictongues · 1 year
Good Girl
pairing: Clive Rosfield x Fem!Reader rating: Explicit (MINORS DNI; 18+) word count: 9.5k summary: Reader needs the rough side of Clive in bed. High jinks ensue. This takes place after Follow the Morgenbeards, and while there are some contextual things that are referenced from the first one shot, this can be read by itself.
warnings: porn with plot, established relationship, miscommunication, fluff and smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, cunnilingus, blow job, masturbation, hair pulling, rough sex, dom/sub dynamics, possessive behavior, spanking, desk sex, slight degradation, pussy slapping, face-sitting, deepthroating
Spoiler free aside from a vague mention of a side quest and a hunt.
[AO3 link]
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The Backyard has become one of your favorite places. Getting to enjoy the greenery and the fresh oxygen coming from the fruit trees and plants has become a pastime of yours. Your reason for visiting today, however, was a mystery; for Clive wouldn’t tell you.
You had woken up in his bed alone, and assumed he went ahead for an early start and let you sleep in. When you got up later that morning, you saw he left you a note that there was a surprise for you in the Backyard. Your automatic thought was that the Morgenbeards had bloomed. Clive had told you he had to get a special kind of morbol, a Carrot, to help the flowers take root. He had brought a part of it a couple weeks ago, and it’s the only thing that could be waiting for you to unveil. 
So imagine your surprise when you see a whole bed of not just Morgenbeards, but flowers from all over Storm. Pinks, blues, reds, purples, and yellows paint the grass and soil, and you can’t help the smile that spreads across your face. Clive went through all the trouble of finding so many beautiful flowers across Storm, and the gesture makes your heart swell. He is so good to me you thought. You truly couldn’t believe that you were the one to capture Clive Rosfield’s heart.
Lost in thought, it takes you a second to register two armor bound arms wrapping around your middle. “Found you.” Clive whispered, squeezing you tighter and his breath tickling your ear. You laugh and sink further into his arms, embracing the beautiful moment you are experiencing. “I can’t believe they bloomed. They are wonderful.” You sigh, your eyes never straying from the flowers before you. He hums and turns you around to get a good look at you. He can’t help but think how you are as stunning as ever, even more so with the look of pure happiness on your face. 
“I would have stopped at nothing to ensure that they bloom.” Clive stated, bringing a hand to cup your face with his palm. “Even more so now seeing the joy it has brought you.”
You grasp the hand on your cheek and bring a kiss to his palm. “You are too good to me, Clive Rosfield. You have no idea how much I adore you.”
“And I you, my beautiful girl.” Clive smiles and brings you back to him for a kiss. You can feel yourself grinning from ear to ear. Clive wears his heart on his sleeve. Since love has been declared between the two of you, he doesn’t hesitate to show his affections. You could be talking with another person in the Hideaway, and he will come give you a quick peck on the cheek before continuing his rounds. You could be helping Mid in her dungeon, and he would embrace you with ease as you continue to work. Ever since that night, he has not shied away from showing his love for you, letting everyone in the Hideaway know you are his. 
The thought of that night sends a flutter to your stomach. It’s been a mere few months since the incident with the vampire thorns… and the best sex you have ever had. After you had been rid of the poison, you thought the night would end with you going back to your quarters and acting like nothing had happened. By the Founder, were you wrong.
If anyone had walked in and saw what was happening before their eyes that night, they definitely would have thought Clive was the one infected with sex spores. 
Because that man was insatiable.
He had pushed you over the edge so many times, had you moaning his name like he was a God you worship. He had spanked your ass until it was a “gorgeous” red, as he had put it, and fucked you until you left plenty of drool and tears in your wake from the pleasure you received. It was messy, it was intense, it was mindless. And you loved every single second of it.
However, every time you both partake in any sort of sexual activity, he treats you like you are his treasure. He makes love to you with care, mending his heart with yours as he sends you into bliss. It is beautiful, caring, loving, and intimate in all the right ways. As much as you love how he takes care of you, you do wish there were more nights where he took you like he did before.
You don’t know why he holds back. You like to think the first time was a great experience for the both of you, despite the circumstances of getting there. There have been many times you would initiate on the rougher side, but the night would always turn out the same. You understand, and maybe it’s on you for not communicating what you want, but you wish he could read your mind. Saying the filthy words of what you want him to do is too much. Especially to him.
“What’s that pretty head of yours thinking about?”
You are released from your thoughts and look up at him, seeing him looking at you with a look of adoration. You can’t help but blush. “Just thinking how lucky I am right now. Wondering what I did to deserve such happiness.”
He smiles and grabs your shoulders, running his thumbs in circles near your clavicle. “For everything you do and more, you deserve everything that your heart desires. I’d move mountains to make them happen.”
Everything except fuck me like Ifrit has taken hold of your cock.
You inwardly smack yourself.  Oh, by the Founder please shut up.
Clive grabs your hand. “I have a few tasks to finish up today. I’m hoping they won’t take me too long though. I should be back by dinner.”
“Okay, sounds good.” You smile. “I’ll see you later then.”
“That you shall, my love. I love you.” He kisses your hand and goes towards the stairs, heading to his next task for the day.
“I love you too.” 
“Jill, I don't know what to do. I know I could just tell him what I want but it’s embarrassing.”
You and Jill are out on the Boarding Deck, looking out onto the horizon. Earlier in the day, Jill had noticed your unusual demeanor and offered to listen to your quips and worries. To talk about the topic of sex with Jill when it pertains to Clive was the last thing you wanted to do, but you are reaching your whits end and talking to his childhood friend seems to be a great idea. 
Jill listens intently, the cogs turning in her brain as she processes your words. Jill has always viewed Clive as a softy; always wanting to do good on others. She believes Clive would listen to your request of rough sex if you asked, but what she doesn’t understand is why wouldn’t he want to? A man like Clive has so much of the world on his shoulders. It only makes sense that he would want to let off some steam.
“_____, not to get too many details, but about that night. Was there anything later that night or the day after that could have startled him?”
You hum in thought. You think back to that morning. You had woken up in his bed alone. You remember feeling every emotion under the sun because he wasn’t there when you woke up. You didn’t have time to dwell on it though because Clive had come back in with something in his hand. “Morning, love. I’m sorry for not being here when you woke up. I went down to see Charon to buy some potions.” He had said, but he sounded far away. You remember him administering the potion for you, and afterwards he held you close for a long time; no words spoken. It was comfortable, but you knew he wanted to say something. You didn’t understand why he was acting the way he was, not until you had looked in the mirror later that morning. Your neck was covered in hickeys, and you had grip marks on your hips. But you didn’t see yourself as wrecked. You felt you were glowing. The marks on your body served as a reminder of the passionate night you had, and while you wouldn’t recommend taking a hit from sex pollen, you would do it all over again because you crave it. You crave him. He satisfied a hunger that you didn’t know you even had, and you needed to experience that again. 
You groan. “I think I know why. But he never brought it up. He never mentioned his concerns.”
Jill nods and she seems to understand what you were referring to. “Clive has always had a hard time being honest with himself. You know he has no problem sharing how he feels about others, but when it comes to himself, it’s hard. He has never put his wants first, and I’m willing to bet he wants what you want too. However, you need to express that to him. Because if he isn’t reciprocating, it’s because he feels he went too far.”
It makes sense, you thought. And it doesn’t help that Clive is a gentleman. So how do you go about bringing out the depraved man he is hiding under his calm exterior?
And then it hit you; a plan already forming in your head. A slight curl of your mouth as you conjure up all the ideas in your head. You are going to tease him; wind him up so badly that he takes his sexual frustration out on you. Not only will you save face from the embarrassment of saying what you want out loud, but it will be fun. Good heavens it will be so much fun.
Jill sees the look on your face, and chuckles. “Something tells me you are going to do everything but tell him how you feel.”
You laugh. She isn’t wrong. “Oh, I’ll be telling him, just in a more orthodox way.”
You thank Jill for lending her ear before heading to rest a bit before dinner, as well as hashing out all of the things you are going to do to Clive to get him riled up. Maybe he doesn’t take notice of your rough habits in the heat of the moment, but with prolonged “accidents” and no relief, he is going to go mad. You are prepared to turn him into an absolute beast.
Even if he takes you to the slaughter.
It wasn’t often that everyone got to eat together for dinner. People would be out on missions, bring their food to their work stations, or turn in early. Tonight, however, was one of the few nights everyone was eating in the Ale Hall together, and it was lively. Everyone was eating the delicious food Molly had dished out and pints were being passed around in droves. You were sitting at a table with Clive, Jill, Gav, and Tarja, enjoying the night together, laughing about nothing and everything. It truly felt like the world wasn’t going to shit.
What a great time to enact your plan.
Clive is sitting to your right and his chair is right beside yours, your right thigh and his left thigh touching. Everyone else was sitting across from the both of you, with Gav sitting closer to Clive’s right side. You knew you couldn’t get too crazy, as you didn’t want to bring attention to your antics with Clive’s body in view of others. You knew you’d have to be sneaky. Challenge accepted. 
You place your right hand on his thigh while you continue listening to Gav’s story about his experience in the hot spring baths near the Dalimil Inn. You sense Clive glance at you, but he immediately dismisses it, seemingly not thinking much of it. You leave it there for a while, building anticipation, then decide to start rubbing it up and down. You would get near his crotch and then go back down to his knee, repeating the cycle like it was routine. You feel him shift slightly, and he took a deep breath, but his face showed no effect. 
This was going to be more fun than I thought. 
You move your hand away and use it to pick up your spoon, only to “accidentally '' drop it onto the floor by Clive’s boot. “Whoops my spoon.” You shrug and lean down to grab it, making sure your hand grips his thigh as you pick it up. On the way back up, your hand glides over to his crotch to give a quick squeeze. This causes a grunt to leave his lips, following some coughing after which causes everyone to look at him. 
“Are you okay, Clive?” Jill asks concerned, oblivious to what games you were playing. 
Clive nodded, pulling himself together quickly. “Yes, thank you. Must have choked on something.” Jill nods and continues to listen to Gav, while Clive looks at you accusingly. You smile, feigning innocence and decide to do one last thing. 
“I think I’m going to turn in. I have a long day tomorrow and would like to get some rest.” You announce as you stand up. Clive stands up with you. “Would you like me to escort you?”
You push him to sit back down. “You stay and enjoy tonight. It isn’t often you get to eat with everyone. I’ll see you in the morrow.” You act like you are going to kiss his cheek when you decide to “trip” onto him, your chest pressing into his face. You shake them slightly, acting like you are getting your bearings straight before standing up. “Ah my apologies, Clive. A little bit of alcohol and I’m a clumsy little thing.” Clive’s eyes are wide and mouth slightly agape. You wish everyone goodnight, and successfully lean down to kiss his cheek before sauntering away from the table, smirking to yourself at what you feel was a successful night.
Today was laundry day, which was the most tedious job you have in the Hideaway. You didn’t mind per say, however having to clean things in certain ways, wait for things to dry, and deliver laundry to people took up the whole morning, so you like to get up extra early to get started. 
You enjoy this time today particularly because now you have time to think about what your next move will be in riling up Clive. You haven’t seen him this morning, seemingly because he had tasks outside of the Hideaway, which gives you plenty of time to think of a plan. Maybe you’ll get Hortense to make you something that’s a little more revealing to skimp around in. Maybe you’ll grab something phallic from the Backyard Garden and tease him with what your mouth can do. Shit, maybe you’d go wait for him in his chambers and play with yourself. That definitely seemed to work last time. The ideas are endless!
You finish hanging the clothes and linens on the lines in the Rear Stacks, and head down to the pier to dispose of the dirty laundry water. As you get to the main deck, you see Clive walking from the small boat, waving at Obolus as he walks away. You can feel the devil horns growing from your head as you get on the lift. All you have to say is thank the Founder you wore a white bodice today.
The lift reaches the pier, and you walk off, waving at Clive as you continue walking with the bucket of water on your arm. Clive sees you and picks up his pace to meet you halfway. As you walk closer, you see that his uniform is filthy, like he had been rolling around in mud for hours. You couldn’t stifle the laugh that passes your lips as he looked so roughed up. “Thank the Founder you got your uniform dirtied up on laundry day, handsome.”
Clive laughs with you. “I apologize, my lady. Things got out of hand.”
You set the water bucket down and stand so your chests are almost touching. You bring your fingertips to his arm and let them travel slowly up. “Did you have some fun without me?” You pout, your fingertips now at his shoulders. Clive grins, catching on to your playfulness. “If wrestling with a sekhret in the swampy waters of the Greenheaves is your definition of fun, then it was very fun.”
“You are a dirty boy.” You grin, your fingertips now at the opening of his undershirt. “It’s okay though. I like cleaning you up.” You let your finger drag on the skin of his pectoral, collecting some of the muck that was there. Your other hand travels to his hair, gripping it slightly and pulling his head down so his ear is by your mouth. “Just so I can dirty you up again.” As you say that, you run your dirty finger right under his ear. You feel his body twitch, the undersides of his ears always so sensitive. You release him and step away, reaching down to get the water bucket like nothing happened. You hear Clive release a sigh as you are looking away, and you smirk. This is all too fun. 
You go back to look at him. “I’ll pick your uniform up from your chambers. Go ahead and get clean and I’ll catch up with you later, yeah?”
“Y-yeah. I will see you later, my love.” He stutters, face noticeably red even under all the muck. He presses a quick kiss to your cheek before heading to the lift. 
Time to enact the second half of this teasing session.
You pick up the water acting like you were about to dump its contents into the water when you tilt it towards you slightly, letting the water run down your chest and turning your white bodice very see through. You drop the bucket to draw attention to yourself from Clive. “Bloody hell, I’ve made a mess of myself.” You run your hands up your breasts, pinching your nipples every pass so they are peaked through your drenched top. You glance up at Clive, and the sight before you makes your stomach flip.
Clive is staring you down. His eyes are directed to your movements, his pupils growing bigger and his mouth slacking. You can see his brain is working overtime to process what he was witnessing; his innocent little girl turning into a cunning woman right before his eyes. You walk towards him, pulling your bodice down slightly. “I guess I’ll need to change into something more presentable.” 
You stop in your tracks when he walks slowly towards you and takes his cape off. You stare at him, wondering what he is about to do. He takes his cape and wraps it around your shoulders. You grimace slightly. “Darling, I’m fine. You just made me filthier with your cape.”
Clive takes a step closer, mirroring your positions from a few moments ago. He leans his head to your ear, and the words that come out of his mouth make your pussy flutter. “I’d rather have you filthy than go back up with your tits on full display for everyone to see. They are for my eyes only. Don’t you forget that.”
With that said, he steps away and walks back towards the lift, leaving you there in your drenched bodice, his dirty cape, and your now damp knickers. He is so close to snapping. You just need to give him a little more of a push. 
And only then will you be in for it. 
“Clive, please let me cum!”
Clive was fucking you, his hand in your hair and his hand wrapped around your throat, keeping your back to his chest as he continues thrusting into your tight heat. You were whimpering at the fact that he wouldn’t let you cum, pulling out every time he’d feel you clenching on him for too long. 
He is giving you hard thrusts, making your breasts bounce on their own accord. He takes the hand that was in your hair and draws it down to your stomach, keeping his hand on the lower part of your belly. 
“Fuck can you feel that?” Clive growls into your ear, pushing down on your stomach where his cock is bulging. You cry out and grab onto his arm that’s draped around your chest, gripping for dear life as he continues his assault on your pussy. Clive pushes your head back, so your head is on his shoulder, and leans down to kiss you. The kiss is gentle in juxtaposition to the pounding he is giving you. He pulls away slightly, lips grazing each other and breaths heavy. He keeps his eyes on you, and finally grants you what you’ve been needing.
“Cum for me, sweetheart.”
Your eyes shot open, brain processing where you were and why you weren’t cumming. You let your senses take control, and you see you are in Clive’s chambers and note that the morning horizon has yet to break. You can feel a warm, burly body pressed against you, arm draped over your torso and the sound of light breaths passing through the air.
Fuck I had a sex dream…
You inwardly groan. This is getting out of hand. The dream felt so real, and it was one of the hottest things your brain has ever conjured up. You know you are wounded up tight to be having dreams like that right beside the man who could make that a reality.
Soon enough. It will happen soon enough.
You reach down to feel that your knickers are damp. You dip your fingers into your heat and couldn’t believe how wet you were. You bring the essence to your clit and gently rub it, shivering at the contact. Founder you are so sensitive. You must be super on edge to be so sensitive without any prior pleasure. You keep rubbing your clit, wanting some form of release. You want to wake Clive up but it’s too soon. Give in now and your efforts will be for nothing.
As you continue to touch yourself, an idea pops into your head; the ultimate move to drive Clive to madness. You giggle to yourself; this was such a good idea you couldn’t believe you hadn’t thought of it before. 
You are going to put your soiled knickers into Clive’s pants pouch before his trip to Dalimil today. 
You maneuver yourself so your arms aren’t touching Clive, not wanting him to wake up while you are playing with yourself. You alternate between rubbing your clit and fingering yourself, drawing out the fluids so it sets in your underwear. You go back to your dream, filling in the gaps of what happened before and what happened after you woke up. Imagining how after you would come, he would keep fucking you until you came again and again. Imagining how he would pull out and make you suck his cock covered in your juices, ensuring that you consumed every last drop of his spend when he comes in your mouth. How he would make out with you after, wanting to get a taste of himself from your lips. That thought alone sends you over the edge.
You bite onto your arm to prevent the cathartic sounds that want to escape your mouth, and push through it. You let the cum from your pussy seep out onto your knickers and you can’t help the grin that spreads across your face. You have never done something so naughty before and it feels so good to act out, especially knowing what these actions will hopefully lead to. 
You remove your hand and lick your essence to rid yourself of the evidence. You take Clive’s arm and move it off of you so you could get up. You move from the bed and walk to where he keeps his uniform. You slide your knickers from under your gown and fold it neatly so it would fit nicely in the pouch. Right as you stick it in there, you hear movement from the bed. 
“_____, are you okay?”
You turn to see a sleepy Clive, his eyes half-lidded as he looks at you. You turn around, playing off the innocent facade after doing something naughty. “I’m okay. I had to go to the privy chambers to relieve myself.” You walk back over to the bed and Clive sits up to draw you back into his arms. He snuggles his head into your neck as you lay on your back, taking a deep breath before releasing it. “Truthfully, I don’t know how I’m going to survive a night without you beside me. I can’t sleep without you.” 
You turn your body to face him, heart melting at the small confession. “It is only for a night, my love. Besides, you’ll have something to look forward to. So don’t keep me waiting too long.” You run your fingers down his face, Clive turning his head to kiss your palm before pulling you closer, his head resting against your chest. His legs intertwined with yours and he places his arms comfortably around you. You sigh, enjoying the peace of the night with him.
The calm before the storm. 
Clive has been in Dalimil all day, helping L’ubor with some disturbances happening out in the Velkroy, as well as helping a few residents in the area. He had come back from the desert to the Briar’s Kiss to deliver the stolen resources from one of the bandit groups that lurked nearby, and L’ubor looked thrilled.
“Cliiiiive.” He draws out. “I knew you’d get the job done.”
“I’m glad I could be of service.” Clive nods. “Is there anything else that needs to be handled?”
L’ubor shakes his head. “Please, you’ve done enough, and it is almost night. You should rest up for your travels back home tomorrow. Take this gil and mineral deposits for your resourcefulness.” 
Clive takes the gifts from him. “I appreciate it. Till next time, L’ubor.”
Clive turns to walk away, opening his pouch to put the items in when he feels something within it. That’s strange. I swore I emptied them yesterday.
He takes out whatever the item was and inspects it, only to flush a thousand shades of red when he realizes what he’s holding. Your knickers. He is in shock, wondering what your knickers were doing in there. He definitely didn’t take them, he’s not a pervert. He thinks back to this morning when you were standing on the other side of the room… where he sets his uniform.
Curiosity sets in, lifting the underwear to his nose and inhaling briefly. The brief scent traveled up his nose and in that moment a switch flicked in his brain and blood started to rush to his groin. He groans. She smells so fucking good.
With haste, Clive goes to his room in the inn, wanting to take care of the ever-growing problem in his pants. He lies on the bed, still fully clothed, and starts to grope his cock through his trousers. Your underwear is in a death grip, his mind wandering to thoughts of you and how much of a naughty girl you’ve become. 
Looking back at the last couple days, he starts to think about all the incidents that happened with you around. He really did think the groping at dinner was an accident; a reflex to protect yourself from the fall that just happened to land your tits in his face. He grew more suspicious the next day at the pier, when you were talking in euphemisms and “accidentally” spilt water on yourself. He gropes himself harder at the thought that you were going to go back up with your breasts on display through your wet bodice. Fuck, you were really going to do it. 
But this? The knickers in his pouch? He almost couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe you would do something so risqué. This alone makes the other incidents purposeful, and it was now obvious what you were doing, and it worked because his mind has opened the vault of all the filthy things he wants to do to you.
He slides his hand into his trousers and pulls his cock from its confines. He takes the hand that was on his cock to spit in it before returning it there, letting it warm his cock up as he strokes it. He starts to imagine every little thing he has wanted to do to you, fucking his fist as he pictures himself punishing you for all the bad things you did. You were supposed to be his good girl. Not a cunning, little brat.
He brings your underwear up to his face to inhale your scent, sending him into a frenzy. Your smell makes his mouth water and his hand go faster. Clive loves eating your sweet cunt. He loves the sounds that come out of your mouth as he sucks on your clit and licks your tiny hole; breathy wisps of praises that reach his ears. He loves to rub on your clit as you orgasm so his tongue can collect your sweet nectar, consuming it like it is his last supper. He can’t get enough of it, and smelling your essence from the present you left him is sending him into a fit that he can't taste you right now. 
He is jerking his cock off at a lightning pace, imagining himself fucking you on your knees begging for relief. Imagining you with tears and drool on your face as the overwhelming need to cum kicks in. That image alone sends Clive over and as he starts to fall, he brings your used panties back to his nose, inhaling quickly before he descends. He moans loudly, not caring if anyone in the inn hears him because his mind is only focused on one thing: you. 
As his orgasm subsides, he relaxes against the sheets, dirty panties in one hand and his now soft cock in the other. He needed that release, but his release now has him determined. He was going all in on you when he got home.
With a clear head, he thought about the night of the vampire thorn incident. It was that night that made Clive very aware of his primal needs. He had never been so lost in pleasure before, and he loved letting go of his inhibitions. However, seeing you covered in marks, while one of the sexiest things he has seen, woke him up. He had to remember that night was different because you were infected with something that altered your sex drive. Your mind was in chaos, so his rough touch is what you needed to get you out of it. But what about after? He didn’t know if you would like his actions as much in your regular state, so being softer with you seemed the way to go and for a while he believed that is what you wanted. He should have communicated because it is apparent that he was wrong. You wouldn’t do all these things for a sweet, loving session of coitus. It was an invitation for him to bring you to your knees and ruin you. 
He can’t wait to tear you apart.
“Ta-da!” You cheer as you hold up a flower garland you finished. You were teaching some of the Hideaway kids how to make flower garlands, as they had some free time after their lessons with Tomes. They were in awe of your creation, weavings on stems that show off the red blossoms. 
“Can we make one, _____?” One asked, leading the others to chime in agreement. 
“Of course! Just make sure to only use the flowers in this bed. The other bed is a no-no.” You point out the bed full of Morgenbeards being off limits since they are used for a purpose rather than scenery. You watch them pick what flowers they are going to use, helping a few get their garlands started before you hear your name being called. You turn to see it is none other than Gav.
“Hey Gav, what’s going on?” 
Gav gets to you and smiles. “Clive is back! He has requested your presence in his chambers. The big sap seems to have missed ya.”
“Oh okay! Um… do you mind staying with the kids? They are making flower garlands.” 
“Sure! Hey kids!” He says waving at them.
You walk behind Gav and place your garland on his head. “I have to run off for a little bit. Show Gav what I taught the lot of you.” You walk away and laugh as you hear the kids telling Gav how pretty he looked with your garland, hearing him complain and say it made him “handsome, not pretty”.
You take your time getting there, savoring the moment before what’s about to go down. The knickers must have worked. There is no way they didn’t. The anticipation is building as you walk up the steps to his chambers, now standing at his door. You take a deep breath, prepare yourself, and walk in.
You see Clive sitting at his desk, writing something down until he hears the doors open. He looks up and smiles at you. “Hey sweetheart, it’s so good to see you.” 
You observe him. He’s in his white undershirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He is smiling at you, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. His eyes are giving off something more… ominous. You can’t read what they are saying, but you are hoping it’s what you’ve worked so hard to achieve these last couple days. 
“Gav said you wanted to see me.” You say, closing the doors and standing by them.
“Hmm yeah, we just went over some things from my trip to Dalimil. I got him to fetch you for me since he was on the way out.”
You nod. “How was your trip?”
Clive stares at you, lips curling as he places his papers in his drawer and puts his quill to the side. “It kept me busy. Had some surprises along the way, but nothing I couldn’t handle.” He sits up a little and scoots his chair back. He pats his lap. “Come over here.”
You walk over and around his desk, sitting in his lap with your legs dangling over his thighs and wrapping your arms around his neck. Clive wraps his arms around your torso and squeezes you to him, letting his head rest on your shoulder, but not before kissing your cheek. You giggle as he snuggles his head into your shoulder blade. 
“Were you a good girl while I was gone?”
The question catches you off guard, his tone playful yet conniving. “Y-yeah. I’m always good for-“. A gasp escapes you as a resounding smack lands on your thigh. Your eyes go wide as he lifts his head to look at you and the gentleman you’ve grown to love is gone. His eyes are sharp, a gaze that makes you want to curl. He rubs the spot he smacked, keeping eyes on you as his other hand clasps the back of your neck. “_____,” he draws out. “Don’t lie to me. I know what you’ve been doing.”
Your mind is going haywire. You like where this is going. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” 
Clive tightens his grip on your neck, not enough to hurt, but enough to send the message you’ve been desperately wanting. “You are such a minx. Tempting me with your bad behavior.”
“Did it work?” You ask, admitting to your actions with the subtle question. 
“You have no fucking idea.” He practically growls.
Clive stands up with you in his grasp and pushes you on his desk, chest flat on the hardwood. He lifts your dress up past your legs and hips, and he almost loses his control. You are bear for him, no knickers in sight. “Fuck, you really did have it all planned out. Wearing no panties hoping I’d fuck you the minute you walked in.” His hands run up your thighs to the globes of your cheeks. “You are going to have to earn it, sweetheart. Starting by taking accountability for every bad thing you've done.”
Yes, yes, yes! You thought. You were going to get what you’ve been needing. 
Clive rubs your left cheek before bringing his hand back, landing a blow. “For teasing me at dinner.” He lands another one on the same cheek, causing you to whimper as the sensitive skin pulsates. “That’s for shoving your cleavage in my face and groping my cock.” He smacks your right cheek. “And acting like it was an accident when in reality you are just cock hungry whore.”
You moan, the feeling of his rough hands spanking you only making your pussy wet. He keeps going, alternating between each cheek, making sure to rub the supple skin between each hit.
“For your behavior on the pier.”
“For pouring water on your bodice to show off your tits.” He delivers two quick smacks in succession. “And for almost going up to show them off to everyone else. I can’t believe my good little girl would try that.” His possessive nature is sending waves of arousal to your brain, and it commands your legs to spread further, pushing your ass into his rough hands; that only makes him smack your ass harder. “That’s for enjoying this. Fuck, you really are a minx.”
Smack, smack, smack
He delivers three in a row, making your cheeks burn in the best way. He leans over your body, his clothed cock rubbing against your bare slit. He grips your hair in his right hand to bring your ear closer to his mouth. “And those were for your cum stained knickers you left me. Do you know what I did with them?”
He flips you over and lifts you, so your bottom is on the edge of his desk, getting on his knees so his face is lined up with your pussy. You flinch slightly, your butt stinging from his spankings, but you focus away from the burn when he pries your legs open, settling them on his shoulders. He nips at your thighs, running his tongue along the marks he leaves in his wake. Your hands go to trail through his hair when he takes your hands and pins them to the desk. He looks up at you, his face right up on your dripping cunt, his breath hitting your hot folds. “I jerked my cock off to your scent.” He presses a kiss to your clit. “I stroked my cock with your knickers to my nose, imagining I was eating your sweet cunt. I was going crazy not being able to just taste you.” He gives a tiny lick to your folds, stopping right before your clit. “I’ve been thinking about this ever since, so I’m going to indulge, and you are going to sit here and keep your hands to yourself while I enjoy my meal. Do you understand?”
You are at a loss for words; all you can think is how hot this side of him is. He smacks your thigh, springing you back to reality. “Do you understand, _____? I need you to tell me so I know you are listening.”
You nod enthusiastically. “Yes, I understand.”
His arms wrap around each thigh, locking you into position with your hands on the edge of the desk, and his mouth goes straight to your clit. He licks the underside of it, while his mouth suctions around it, causing your legs to spasm at the combination of stimulation. His hands are gripping the inside of your thighs as he continues to enjoy himself, his eyes trained on you as your chest goes up and down and your nails dig into the wood of the desk. He pulls away and uses one hand to spread your lower lips, seeing your hole leak with arousal. All he can think is how this is what he has been craving for hours as his tongue dips into your cunt, lapping at it as your juices collect on his tongue. Watching him eat you like this, like this is all he would want to eat for the rest of his life, makes you throw your head back with a groan. Clive chuckles and goes through the motions of sucking your clit and licking at your tight hole before he feels the oncoming wave of your orgasm. He senses you are about to tumble over, and right as he feels your pussy flutter on his tongue, he pulls away. 
“Fuck Clive I was almost there.” You whine, shaking from the orgasm you were denied. 
Clive stands up, his hand coming to your face to squeeze your jaw as he looms over you. “Oh, you aren’t going to cum until I tell you to. You are being punished, sweetheart. I will only let you come when my good girl has come back to me. You will take what I give you.” He lets go of you to back away, slowly stripping away his clothes, teasing you that he is the one in control. And there is nothing you can do about it. 
He takes his trousers off, and your eyes bulge right from your sockets. He had no braies under his trousers, but what he did have was something wrapped around the base of his cock and his balls.
By the fucking Founder, my knickers are wrapped around his cock.
Clive snickers at you. “You like what I did with them? Now I can have my way with you all day if I want to.” He pulls you to your feet to pull your skirt fully off, letting it pool around your feet. He makes quick work of your corset and bodice, drinking in your naked form. You stand under his intense gaze, waiting for his next set of instructions. 
“I want you on the desk, on your knees, legs spread.” He commands softly. In an instant, you climb on top of his desk, doing exactly as he instructed. You place your arms in front of you so they dangle off the desk, causing your upper body to be flush against the wood. Clive massages your ass, gripping your cheeks and pulling them apart. “Your ass is so pretty, especially now that it's nice and red.” You smirk and shake your ass in his hands, earning you a hard smack. “And here I thought my good girl was coming back.”
He spits on his hand, stroking his cock to get it ready for your ruin. Seeing you like this, with your legs spread out on the desk, not caring that it is uncomfortable on your knees, ready to be mounted and taken by him sent his arousal into a frenzy. He settles behind you, one hand on your hip while the other guides his cock into your tight heat. You groan as he pushes in inch by inch, loving the way your cunt hugs him tightly. Clive lets out a deep breath as he is fully seated inside of you, savoring this moment before it ends. 
“Clive, please move.” You whine. “Ruin me. Turn me into your good girl.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. He pulls his cock out, with the tip settling at the beginning of your entrance, before slamming back in. You jolt forward, arms and hands doing everything they can to hold onto the desk for dear life. He continues these motions; slow, hard thrusts that jolt your body back and forth, each stroke hitting your sweet spot that knocks the breath out of your lungs. Clive is grunting as he continues, loving the way you feel around him. “I love that I get to break you in. Every. Single. Time.” He says attached to a powerful stroke. 
You moan as he picks up the pace, slamming into you as your pussy becomes more wet with each stroke. Your pussy flutters on his cock, signaling that you are on the precipice of cumming, when he pulls out. You whine at the emptiness, your hole clenching around nothing, trying to regain the sensation you had previously. You feel his finger swirl against your hole as it continues to flutter, causing a soft “fuck” to leave Clive’s lips. “Your cunt must love my cock. She’s begging for him.” He quips. He pushes back in and continues where he left off, fucking your cunt with everything he’s got.
You feel yourself clenching on him, the need to cum coming back ten fold. You turn your head to look at him, and seeing him with his chest glistening and his attention directed to where your pussy and his cock meet sends you reeling. You squeeze on his cock, his facial expression shifting as he sees what you are doing. He pulls out again, smacking your pussy this time, which makes your legs spread farther. He wraps his arm around your torso and pulls you up to his chest, shoving his cock back into you. His hand goes to your hair, pulling it back to expose your neck for him. He nips at the flesh between your jaw and your neck, licking the tiny bites to soothe them. He licked behind your ear, causing you to shiver from the sensitivity. “Something tells me that no matter how many times I punish you, you love being naughty. Like it is second nature to you.” You smile at his words.
Because he is absolutely right.
“You may think you can get away with it, but you are wrong. Because for now, you are going to be begging to cum. And I’m not going to give it to you.” He growls, keeping you in place as he sets a fast pace. Clive can read you like the back of his hand, meaning that every time you are about to cum, he knows and he pulls out. He waits a few minutes, kissing under your jaw and running his hand from your torso to your breast, pulling at your nipples and squeezing them. Then he goes right back in and continues the cycle.
You are wailing, wanting to cum so bad, but he is not letting you. Taking his cock away from you, playing with you, then giving it back to only take it away again. Not being able to cum is driving you to madness. Even with your knickers around his cock, you don’t know how his stamina is lasting as long as it is. Granted, he is no ordinary man. 
You try to rub your clit to initiate a quick orgasm before he could pull out, but he catches your hands to bring them behind your back. His left hand is wrapped around both your wrists, preventing you from touching yourself. “I don’t think so, sweetheart. As I said, you will take what you are given.” He wraps his right hand around your throat, not squeezing, but to keep you in place. You can feel yourself going insane, tears from being denied multiple times flowing down your cheeks and moans leaving your lips each time his cock hits home. Your pussy flutters again, and once again Clive pulls out, causing you to wail. “Please put it back! Put it back where it belongs!”
Clive felt feral at your words, the possessive nature taking over his body as he flipped you over once again. He inserts his cock before wrapping his arms around your hips, and lifting you off the desk. Your arms wrap around his neck, and he can feel your body buzzing from denying you relief so many times. He is starting to feel it too, the need to cum possessing his body. He walks up the steps, with you still connected to him, and once at the bed he flops down on it so you are on top. “You want to cum so bad? You have to earn it, so work for it.” He says sternly.
Your legs are tired from holding up your body against the hardwood of the desk, but you are at your limit for being denied and you need to cum. You adjust your legs, place your hands on his chest, and start to rock your hips up and down on his cock. The smacking of your ass against his thighs resound throughout the room as you bounce on his cock, working for that orgasm you desperately need. Clive watches, and you are a sight to behold: everything from your messy hair, to your glowing skin, and your tear stricken face… you are an angel sent to him.
You feel yourself grow frustrated as you are close to cumming but are missing something. You groan as you bounce faster, trying anything to get you there. “I can’t, fuck, I can’t. Clive please make me cum I can’t do it.”
Clive sits up slightly, bringing one hand to your cheek to caress it. “Will you be my good girl from now on?”
“Yes, I’m sorry! I’ll be a good girl just fuck please!”
Clive goes to bring your body down, chests pressed together, and starts rocking his hips up into yours. He keeps one arm around your torso and brings the other one down to your clit to rub tight fast circles. He brings his lips to yours, inhaling your cries and whines as he pummels up into you, holding you so he can give you everything he’s got without you straying away from him. You feel like you are being fucked stupid, and your mind in shambles as he fucks you.
Once again, you feel yourself clench on his cock, your pussy wanting to milk his cock so bad as you cum. 
Clive senses it, and this time he accepts it. “Cum for me, darling. Give me your nectar.”
You wail as your pussy spasms, clinging onto his cock as he fucks you through it. You feel your cunt gush, your cum covering Clive’s thighs and his fingers as he slows the rubs on your clit down. He brings that hand back up and licks his fingers, groaning at the taste of your essence. You are slowly coming down from your orgasm when Clive lifts you off his cock and pulls your body up his, your knees hitting the mattress as he holds onto your thighs to eat your pussy.
Nothing could have prepared for the way Clive devours your cunt. The moans and growls coming from him as he laps at the essence he helped bring on, pushing your body down more like he can’t get enough of what your hole is giving him. The amount of times you were denied, as well as your recent orgasm, has made you so sensitive. The urge to push him away is strong, your clit overstimulated, but he pulls you back to lock you in. You let out a sob as you cum on his tongue, rocking your hips as you whine at how hot this all was. He slows his roll, and removes you from his face, his smile glistening with your arousal. You lay to catch your breath, overwhelmed at what you are feeling. After a moment, you look at him and see his cock looks pitiful; it is practically needing to escape from the confines of your knickers. 
You turn your body to face Clive, running your hand down his chest. “Clive darling, you didn’t cum.”
He lets out a breathy laugh. He sits up, hands on your face as he presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “I know. Where do you want my cum? You’ve been good so you choose.”
You already know where you want it. “I want to swallow it. May I suck your cock please?” You bat your eyelashes. 
“Anything for you.” He kisses your mouth quickly. “Where do you want me?” 
“Can you stand up? I want to be on my knees for you again.”
Clive groans, feeling more blood rush to his cock, if even possible. He stands up, and reaches for the knife on the chest behind his bed to cut off your panties, his cock too hard to remove them intact. He sets them both aside, and turns to see you already on your knees, ready to take his cock. Like his good girl. 
He stands in front of you, and your hands run up his thighs, nails dragging up and down. You admire his cock, pulling his foreskin back to reveal his pretty pink tip. You give little licks to his top, kissing it and running your tongue along it like you’d be kissing him. You then start to run your lips down his shaft, using the same techniques as you did with his tip. You bring your hand to his balls, carefully massaging them in your hands as your mouth continues its ministrations.
Clive groans from above you, his right hand settling on a tight grip in your hair with his left hand resting on your cheek, admiring how you treat his cock. You move back to the tip and insert it into your mouth, gently sucking it as you gaze up at him. “Fuck, if only you could see yourself right now.” He says gravely and needy. He pushes your head further down on his cock, your mouth accepting him as his tip gets to the back of your throat. You take a few deep breaths, preparing yourself as you swallow around his tip, causing Clive’s hips to buck. You choke slightly, regaining yourself as you pull your mouth back to the tip before going back down, sucking hard every time you get to the tip and swallowing when it is in the back of your throat. 
Clive feels himself getting impatient, and tests the waters as he uses the hand in your hair to guide your mouth up and down his cock, slowing fucking it as you suck. You are moaning at how he is using you, loving the idea of him letting you suck his cock whenever he wants.
He sees how much you are loving this, which makes him guide his cock in and out slightly faster; enough to get him off, but not enough to hurt you. “I should let you suck my cock more often, seeing how much of a harlot you are for it.”
You moan, sending the vibrations to the tip and he groans loudly, cumming without warning. You bring one hand to the base and jerk it while sucking the tip, making sure to get all that he has to offer. You let his softened penis fall from your mouth, and you swallow his spend, enjoying the musky taste that is unequivocally him. 
Clive gets on his knees to scoop you up in his arms, settling you on his lap. He holds you close, rocking back and forth as you both come down from the long session you both fulfilled. 
“Hey Clive?”
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“I have to tell you something.”
“Which is?”
“I like when you are rough with me. I always have. I’m sorry I didn’t communicate that earlier. I was embarrassed.”
You feel Clive’s body vibrates as he laughs. He turns your face to him, looking at you with the look he always gives you: one of adoration. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry I didn’t see your needs sooner.” He kisses your cheek and cradles your head into his neck. “Truth be told, I was worried. I was so rough with you for our first time together. And as much as I loved it, I was worried it wasn’t what you wanted.”
You shake your head, lifting your head so you can see him. “Please understand that I love when you make love to me. It makes me feel so loved by you and so wanted. I want to keep those intimate times, but I also want times like these where we let our inhibitions go. I want the calm and I want the storm. I want everything.”
You place your hands upon his cheeks, leaning in to give him the softest of kisses. He returns it, squeezing you closer so you won’t disappear from his hold. He releases your lips and places his forehead against yours. “I love you, _____. I will love you past my dying breath.” 
You laugh, warmth running through your chest. “I love you too, Clive. Nothing will ever stop me from loving you.”
“Let me run us a bath. Let me take care of you.” Clive suggests, even though you know he wouldn’t take no for an answer. You nod in affirmation, letting him get up to carry you to his bathing room.
“Oh, Clive?”
“Yes, darling?”
“Do you think everyone heard us?”
Clive snickers. “Without a doubt.”
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pinkkittysaw · 7 months
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← chapter one
series master-list can be found here!
summary: the night of your brother’s annual birthday ball takes an unexpected turn
paring: knight! clive rosfield x princess! reader
word count: 9,613
content: NSFW (minors + ageless blogs DNI! you will be BLOCKED!) heavy plot, oral (f! receiving), fingering (f! receiving) handjob, power imbalance, dirty talk, spit, slight humiliation kink, parental loss.
disclaimer(s): although this series is inspired by the medieval and regency time periods, they are not 1:1 representations. although i will always do my best to represent both as accurately as possible, there may be some minor changes.
some of the plot points in the original game story have been altered or taken out to fit this au better. there are no eikons
a/n: i want to dedicate this chapter to my AMAZING friend, and fellow writer, jordy (@cryptictongues) who not only let me bounce ideas off her constantly, but also beta read some of this chapter as well. thank you for everything!!!!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
dividers by @/saradika-graphics and art is by edmund blair leighton
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A month or so passed since your last tryst with Clive, leaving the relationship between the two of you to be strained with pent-up tension. In light of the momentary heat of passion, you both agreed that such conduct would be better kept private, in places where no wandering eyes could intrude, so as to not arouse any more suspicion. There were to be absolutely no dubious behaviors in public, which proved to be undoubtedly difficult.
With every promenade you'd take around the castle grounds, you'd see him training, all sweaty and flush in his fit form, and all you'd be able to think about was mounting him then and there, riding him until you were both run ragged.
Your confidants and lady's maid have caught your prolonged glances during your strolls in the sunshine, but you've always met their accusations with a dismissive flap of your hand fan, stating that you were "simply curious about the training regiment that the knights were conducting," even if your eyes always lingered on one knight in particular. Baddies
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There was talk around the palace for a while about the sudden disappearance of a certain scullery maid, but seeing as the crown had more pressing matters to deal with than the loss of a single maid, one who could easily be replaced, any investigation resulted in the conclusion that she had simply "fleed her duties," and it was left at that.
In reality, though, you had visited her late in the night after your passionate affair with Clive many moons ago, offering to pay off her debts and then some if she swore to secrecy that nothing she saw that night would make its way into the ears of the public.
The amount of gil being offered was unlike anything she could have ever imagined. Seeing as your father amassed insurmountable fortunes during his reign, idle gossip wasn't worth the consequences if she were to be found out as the source of the rumor, so she took the small fortune and fled the palace walls that very same night.
Now you find yourself sitting in another store room, one that's presumed to be in less use than the previous one, perched upon an old barrel.
A royal ball was in attendance, and all nobility within the realm were invited. The occasion? Your younger brother and future heir to the throne's birthday. He reached the tender age of one and twenty, which just so happens to be the legal age of marriage in your country, so, of course, your father invited all the reputable debutantes in the realm in hopes that your brother would secure a future queen, though he'd never admit to such schemes out loud.
You were hoping that tonight would be another secret rendezvous with your lover, but you haven't so much as gotten a single word with him all evening.
All you had thought about during the preparation was how you were going to tease him throughout the night. The gown you had selected to wear was chosen with him in mind. The silhouette hugged your figure to perfection, and your cleavage was heavily accentuated in the lavender muslin. The hem was detailed with a layer of tulle tulips, and crystals of various sizes decorated the bustline. Put simply, you looked ravishing—the epitome of the most elegantly cut diamond.
Your father would spare no expense when it came to his son's birthday ball, so you were in luck to some degree, but the only man whose eyes you wanted on you was nowhere to be found.
The ball was supposed to provide perfect cover. All the orderly staff would be at your father's beck and call all evening, and he'd be too busy showing off your brother like a prized chocobo to notice your disappearance, leaving you to your own devices after a certain amount of time.
You and Clive would be able to sneak off without a trace or care in the world, but for some reason, every man of nobility just happened to be extremely insistent upon getting in at least one dance with you, all whilst having meaningless conversations regarding topics you couldn't bother yourself with caring about.
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The ball started off well enough. You knew you couldn't immediately disappear into the shadows; you owed both your father and brother a dance to start the evening, as was tradition for the royal balls in your country.
The three of you walked out into the ballroom together. Your father went first, then you and your brother in succession.
The room was lavish, as it often was whenever such events were hosted in your kingdom. Multiple chandeliers holding long wax candles filled the ceiling, and the light reflecting off the gems on your gown made you shine beautifully. A golden hue encapsulates the entire room, casting wispy shadows and twinkling shapes on the hardwood floor. Your family emblem was painted in stark white chalk at the center of it. Various flowers from the royal gardens hung in sconces around the perimeter of the room, with vines filling out the empty space in between. Fine fabric in your kingdom's colors was draped over the windows in high arch shapes.
Scanning the room, you look for where to make your grand escape. After a few dances and perhaps some intermingling at the refreshments table, you'd be skittering along the ballroom walls, hiding in the shadows, before making your exit.
There was still a short amount of time before the guests started to file in, so after the final touches were made to the decorations, you took your place on the dais next to your family, with your father in the center and your brother to your right.
The royal knights line up in front of the small stage, and though Clive is always the pinnacle of orderliness while on duty—excellent posture and great form—you swear that you catch his eye as he files inside the room. He's not so careless as to let his emotions wear on his face while in the presence of others, especially your father and the Lord Commander, but you're certain that the slightest tinge of pink floods his cheeks at the sight of you.
As the knights continue to get into position, your gaze falls upon Clive's shaggy hair, reminiscing about how the thick yet soft tendrils felt between the length of your fingers as he made his presence known between your legs moons prior.
Your father's voice reels you back from your fantasies as you clear your throat slightly and hope that the bright lights of the chandelier won't give way to your previous thoughts.
Nobles from all across the realm begin to file in and make their greetings, some familiar and some new. A part of you is surprised that all these people traveled from their home countries just to visit your brother, but you supposed that none of the nations wanted bad blood between your kingdom and theirs.
After all the introductions were made, your father began his long-winded speech about your brother, the future of the country, and how proud he is of how far his children have come. The smile plastered on your face feels stiff, and your thighs feel as though they're about to collapse from the amount of curtsying you've been forced to do.
Finally, after what felt like hours, you're granted some relief from the spotlight while the band sets up on the stage where you and your family previously resided.
You make your way over to the refreshment table, nodding and curtseying to the fellow noble ladies as you make your way over to procure yourself a glass of iced lemonade.
It was not even three seconds later that your father was introducing you to some nobleman.
"Dearest daughter," he starts. You take a deep breath and settle your princessly smile on your face once more before turning around.
"I'd be pleased to introduce you to the Archduke of Rosaria and his mother." You gaze upon the both of them; this is the first meeting you've had with the current Archduke of Rosaria. You met the previous archduke, Elwin, when you were still of tender age, before your brother was born. You scantly recall the details of the meeting, only that he gifted both you and your mother bouquets of Rosarian wildflowers and that he had a penchant for making you laugh (as later on confirmed by your mother).
It's clear, though, that the man standing before you bears no resemblance to his father, sharing the same icy eyes and pale hair as his mother.
"His Imperial and Royal Highness, Joshua, the Archduke of Rosaria, and her Imperial and Royal Highness, Annabella, the Dowager Archduchess of Rosaria," your father continues, giving you room to make your formal introductions.
"It is an honor, your Highness," you state, giving a swift curtsey to the both of them, and although Annabella merely nods to you in acknowledgment, her son gives a full bow in return.
"Come now, Joshua. There's no need for that," she chastises, as if her son were still a child and not a grown man.
"But mother, how could I not marvel at the beauty bestowed upon me?" He responds in full. At your astonishment at his bold declaration, he takes your gloved hand into his own and presses a delicate kiss to the back of your knuckles.
"Might I say that your gown looks exquisite tonight, my lady? You shine bright like a diamond." Both you and the Dowager Archduchess share a similar look of shock on your faces, and even though you can't see your father's expression from behind you, you're sure that he mirrors both of yours.
Heat floods your face as your eyes meet Joshua's, then his mother's, and although their eyes bear the same shade of cerulean, her gaze pierces through you like daggers of ice, whereas the strawberry blonde beside her carries a lot more warmth.
Time stands still, and you wonder if such flirtations were a product of his father, seeing as his mother held very little kindness or regard in her heart.
You feel your father's hands on your shoulders and realize you've spent the last minute or so gawking at Joshua and his display.
"Please forgive my daughter; she isn't used to such blatant declarations of affection from esteemed gentlemen." It's at your father's statement that your brain kicks back into gear. Your hand is withdrawn, and an immediate curtsey follows in its place.
"My sincerest apologies, Your Highness." As you raise your head, your eyes meet Clive's just across the way from behind Joshua, but he's quick to refocus and march forward in front of him.
"No apology is necessary," the Archduke smiles, "though if you truly wish to win my forgiveness, you'll allow me your hand in a dance."
Before you even get the chance to respond, Annabella interrupts, "Joshua, you mustn't. Think of your health."
"Mother," a domineering smile plasters itself on Joshua's face, "certainly I have enough energy to last me at least one dance with the most elegant princess in all of Valisthea."
Annabella sends another harsh glance toward her son before muttering, "Of course," and  taking her leave elsewhere.
Joshua heaves a heavy sigh before extending his hand, silently asking for your dance card. You raise your wrist and allow him to pencil himself in before he gives one final bow, and retreats toward his inconsolable mother.
Your father exhales the breath you were unaware he was holding when the band gets in position for their first song. Both you and your father take place in the center of the ballroom as the first dance of the evening.
You couldn't help but notice as you scanned the faces in the surrounding audience that someone was missing. As the starting notes boomed from the instruments, you whisper to your father, "Papa, where's Dion?"
Prince Dion, next in line to be the Emperor of Sanbreque, had grown to be one of your close friends—well, as close of a friend as a princess could have when confined to castle walls for most of her life. You were close in age, and given that there weren't as many young heirs throughout the realm at the time of your childhood, it was only natural that the two of you would become fast friends.
Rumors quickly spread that you and Dion would become betrothed when you were older, securing an indisputable alliance between both nations, but as the years trickled on and both of you came of age, no such proposals were made. After he became leader of the dragoons, it was apparent that one such proposal would never come, but you weren't deterred; if anything, you were relieved.
You held love for Dion in your heart; you'd known each other since you were children, but the love you held wasn't the type of love fostered between two individuals who were passionate about each other romantically.
Your father's face held a quick grimace before lowering his voice as the two of you prepared to take your first steps in tune together. "Dion is busy preparing for a war effort; he sends his regards."
"What?" You mutter, trying to keep the look of shock from developing on your face.
Though you and Dion couldn't frequently meet in person, the two of you penned missives back and forth. In none of your most recent correspondence with each other, had he mentioned anything in regards to an oncoming war.
Your father wasn't a gossip, but being the ruler of an entire kingdom, one must be well knowledgeable about the state of other nations.
He lowers his voice even further: "It seems that the King of Waloed is insistent on reclaiming his territory from Sanbreque."
"Dion never mentioned anything of the sort in his letters."
Your father gives you a lopsided smile in an attempt to reassure you: "He probably didn't want to worry you unnecessarily, especially with the ball coming up."
Your father was more than likely correct in his assumptions, but you couldn't shake the sinking feeling in your stomach.
"I'm sure Dion will be alright," he adds, brushing his thumb over your hand after noticing the newfound stiffness in your movements.
You nod. Dion was and is strong; he turned the tides for Sanbreque in battle many a time before. This was a fact, but something about him having to go against Waloed's army shakes you to your core.
Your father and the king of Waloed, Barnabas Tharmr, were amiable allies for the most part, but you've heard stories, many in particular when he visited your kingdom after the death of your mother. You were still young then, so you couldn't quite grasp the weight and meaning of the whispers your handmaidens had shared in secrecy upon his arrival.
He visited annually for some years after his initial visit before they died down altogether, though you could never ascertain what the meetings were for besides the first one.
Barnabas was kind enough, as one of his nature could be on his trip, but you could never help the feeling that something more sinister lingered beneath the surface when your young eyes met his.
You did your best to quell the unease in your heart and continued to dance with your father. Although he had gotten up there in years, he still moved swiftly across the ballroom floor, even if you had to slow your steps a bit.
It seemed that just as soon as the dance with your father began, it was over, and you were anxiously anticipating the next dance with your brother. You go hand in hand with him while the band begins to play.
"So, Crown Prince," you begin, filling the air in an attempt to quell your nerves. "Future heir to the throne, how does it feel to be Papa's favorite?" You smile, albeit teasingly.
"Surely you jest, dear sister. For without you, I'd be hopeless."
"Now who's jesting?" Your grin graces your face once more as the two of you glide across the ballroom before a somber expression soon replaces your previous jubilant one. "It pains me to think that this ball may be the last time we see each other like this."
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Look at all the people here," you whisper to him, "surely you don't think Father is just merely celebrating your birthday. You're twenty-one years of age now, dear brother; officially legal to be wed."
"You don't truly think he'd see to it that I'd be married right away, do you?
You both twirl around, and your father comes into view, standing next to the royal guard.
"Maybe not right away, but you know how he is. Ever since Mama died, all he's wanted is to see our futures secured, and in your case, our bloodline. If that means marrying us off early, then so be it, I suppose. At least you have the luxury of choices in who you'll marry."
"Then how come you weren't married off as soon as you came of age?"
"Because you still needed me. You had no mother to set an example, so I needed to be in your life to show you how proper noble ladies should act," you snirk as he rolls his eyes. "If I'm speaking honestly, I feel the answer is more sentimental than logical. I don't think Father wanted to lose another member of our family before we were both of breeding age."
"I suppose you're right. It's more than what most fathers would do. Now that I'm able to be wed, do you suppose that'll hasten his plans for your marriage?"
You sigh, the thought has lingered in the back of your mind since your brother grew out of being a child. "I'm not sure, but who knows?"
"Don't look so down," he smirks. "If you reach spinsterdom, you'll always have a place here with me."
You smile kindly. "Thank you."
As the instruments die down, signaling the dance coming to a close, you once again find yourself on the outskirts of the ballroom. You snag a look at your dance card to check where Joshua has penciled himself in. A waltz, of course. He'd undoubtedly use this opportunity of close quarters to flirt with you some more.
His name was listed far enough down the line that you could make a break for the storeroom now, and...
"Your Royal Highness!"
The next hour and a half was filled with nothing but dancing, with only a few minutes of rest provided in between.
You had been skirting along the edges of the ballroom when you just so happened to catch the eyes of an old presiding duke who resides in your kingdom, and it was all downhill from there.
What was supposed to have been a "romantic" evening was turning into a disaster. At every turn, you were swept into the arms of yet another elderly gentleman looking for a younger and more agreeable wife.
As you twirled and spun around the hardwood flooring, you were afforded only mere glances at your lover from afar. Every time you laid your eyes on him, he always appeared to be preoccupied with something else. Not that any of your concurrent dance partners would've noticed your wandering eye, as theirs were doing much of the same.
If there was one thing that all these men had in common, it was the ogling. Some of them "tried" to be more polite about it than others, going for glances at your cleavage in between the minimal required time they had to actually look you in the eye instead of blatantly staring at your chest the whole time.
It was clear, though, that all of them were oblivious to just how obvious they were being with their gaping looks, not realizing that you could tell when people were talking to your chest instead of your face.
Though you're certain that a drink limit was set for this ball, it was becoming quite clear that a majority of the "gentlemen" had imbibed to their pleasure, the smell of port lingering on their breath whenever they'd lean in close. 
After a while, you had managed to escape all your suitors and camouflage yourself in a nearby group of gossiping noble ladies, the majority of them being mothers, who were well-equipped with an onslaught of questions about your brother and the future of the kingdom.
After quelling their curiosity, you nestled yourself in a corner, facing the wall of the ballroom, and let out an exasperated sigh, taking a few moments to collect yourself.
You were beyond frustrated, both sexually and mentally. All you desired was to climb between the sheets with your lover and have him pleasure your body until your thoughts were reduced to a mindless fog. To say you were having intense urges was an understatement.
It'd be easier to deal with if Clive wasn't a member of staff that you saw often, like a cook or a coachman, but being your sworn shield, he was in your presence a majority of the time. So close, yet so far.
His touch was often the source of your fantasies at night. Your mind wanders, flitting between thoughts of his scruff against your neck, his breath on your skin, and how his strong hands would grip your body.
You were never able to help but wonder what your first time together would be like. What does he look like when he comes? What does he sound like? Does he moan, grunt, or whimper? Would he be gentle with you? Similar to how he grasps your hand when helping you step down from a carriage, slow, languid thrusts into your heat as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, both of your bodies clinging onto each other for purchase. Or would he be rough? Similar to how he fights: powerful, unrelenting thrusts into your cunt, overwhelming as he batters into you, stealing the breath from your lungs. You were often unable to decide which scenario you liked better as you reached your climax, whispering his name as you came down.
You know you shouldn't have such intense lust for someone who's working in your service, but knowing that just excites you more.
You release another deep exhale as you turn around. You're really starting to get irritated at the word "princess."
"Your Highness!" you exclaim with a half gasp. Apparently, Joshua was set on keeping his promise of a dance.
"My sincerest apologies," you curtsey.
He gives a dismissive wave of his hand before extending it toward you. "You owe me no such things, my lady. Are you still willing to accept my dance proposal?"
"Of course, Your Highness," you place your gloved hand in his as he walks you to the dance floor, and you can't help the smile that rises on your face as you take your place together.
"I know it's against propriety for you to deny me a dance, but I'm not so cruel to force a lady when she doesn't want to."
"It's a pleasure, Your Highness. I assure you. You're perhaps the most polite man I've danced with thus far, besides my father and brother, of course."
His hand makes its way to the small of your back as more couples fall in toe behind you and the Archduke. Your conversation lulls until the music picks up, your hand delicately resting on his shoulder.
"Although I am most disappointed to hear that these gentlemen would treat a beautiful woman such as yourself with little regard, I can't deny that I'm pleased to be the only one who's seemed to win your affections."
This man.
As much as you try not to fawn over the attention, his words are like silk in your ears, as if they're the most natural sound you've ever heard.
It doesn't register that you're smiling so brightly until he comments on it: "You have one of the most radiant smiles, my lady."
You shake your head from side to side as if trying to regain your composure. Despite all the time you shared with Clive over a month ago, you weren't used to such blatant flirtations in front of so many people at once. Even if they couldn't hear your conversation, the smiles on both your faces single you out from the other couples on the floor. It leaves you feeling exposed, as if a bright light has been shone on both of you.
"Forgive me if I speak out of line, Your Highness," you inhale, "but where on Valisthea did you learn to become so charming?"
He offers a chuckle and a swoop of his strawberry-blonde hair. "I'm quite a fan of the written word. It was often one of the few escapes I truly had as a child, so I may have picked up a few techniques after reading a romance or two."
"Perhaps you could lend your novels to some of the other gentlemen here so they can learn how to properly woo a lady."
"And risk losing being the sole recipient of your affections?"
"Feeling insecure over your abilities?" You cock your head to the side, a small smirk appearing on your lips.
Joshua ponders the question for a moment, putting on a good face of deep thought as if he's truly rolling the question around in his head before responding, "More so like...I don't want to give the poor blokes false hope when I'm sure to come out on top anyway."
"It seems that you're very confident indeed."
The two of you chuckle as he twirls you around, only to be met with the scorn of Annabella's icy gaze after locking eyes with her from the other side of the ballroom. The joy in your expression quickly dies off, and the figurative noose tightens itself around your neck, suffocating the life from your lungs.
With your newfound stillness, Joshua has to guide you back into his arms. He looks off in the direction of your eye line and sighs before speaking once more, "I apologize on behalf of my mother."
"You needn't do so for my sake," you're quick to respond, attempting to reassure him that you were unaffected by Annabella's glare.
"Do you think I can't sense the dread in your eyes?" He smirks, and you offer a strained half-laugh in response while waiting for him to continue.
"I was frequently ill as a child, thus it was very rare to step foot outside the archduchy," he clears his throat, "after my father had passed, it seems that her protective nature only grew."
"I'm sorry about the loss of your father. I've only met him a handful of times, but he was always very kind. My mother once told me that I frequently laughed in his presence." You understood Joshua's pain well, having lost your mother during the birth of your brother years before the former Archduke passed. 
A solemn look graces his features before he relaxes once more. "He was a good man, from what I can recall from my memories of him," he pauses, "I can only hope that I can be half the man he was when it comes to ruling the archduchy."
You take a moment to mull over your words before voicing them. "It seems like you've managed to capture his kind and generous spirit. I'm sure you're already well on your way to living up to his name."
"You're very kind," he nods, and a genuine smile fixes itself on his face, unlike the charming one he's graced you with before.
The music slows to a stop, indicating the end of the waltz, and Joshua walks you back to the fray of the ballroom as slowly as possible. "Perhaps this is inappropriate to say given the present company, but I'd love to call upon you some time."
A part of you is surprised, not expecting a courting proposal from someone you could actually tolerate. Being thoroughly charmed, you agree.
"There's a jousting tournament within the next fortnight. It's always an invigorating time. You should attend if you're able."
He takes your gloved hand in his, raising it until your knuckles graze his lips. "I'd be most delighted to attend. Until then, my lady." He releases your hand and turns off in the direction of his mother, who looks all too unhappy with him, and you, by extension.
You sigh, ready to be completely done with the evening. You move toward your father, ready to meander around where he sits near the dais, hoping that any lingering suitors would see him situated nearby and turn the other direction.
Once you've raised your head and made your way toward your father, Clive comes into view. He's moving toward you at a fast pace, and before you can stop yourself, your feet turn to guide you in his direction instead. Momentarily forgetting your place, you call out his name, though it's difficult to hear over the chatter of the ballroom.
At the same time, two overlapping voices call out to you. One is Clive's; the sound of his voice is more familiar to you, but there's another that cuts through the air.
A gruff "princess" is all you're afforded in terms of a greeting.
Both you and Clive come to a halt and turn in the direction of the unknown voice.
The man has a familiar face, though you can't exactly place from where you know him. He's around your father's age, with wrinkles lining his eyes and forehead as well as dashes of grey in his facial hair, so you conclude that your father must be how you've made his acquaintance before.
The man is decently handsome, more so than the other creeps you've had the displeasure of dancing with. He has stark eyes, almost crystalline in nature, which are a sharp contrast to his raven-colored hair.
These traits prove to be startlingly similar to those of your current lover, but you decide it's best to dissect that later.
Clive is the one who breaks the silence. "My sincerest apologies, Your Majesty."
Your majesty?
You offer the man a curtsey in apology while Clive bows, but the stranger pays you no mind, choosing to focus on the knight instead. 
"Is something the matter?" Though it's merely a question, his voice carries a wealth of command behind it.
"Nothing that can't wait," Clive begins, his eyes flitting between you and the unknown—at least unknown to you. "Please pardon my intrusion." He bows to the both of you before stalking off toward your father.
You suppose you'll be informed later if it's truly so important.
The silence fills between you and the man again before he asks, "May I have this dance?" His mouth quirks up in a smirk.
“It's only a country dance; nothing too intimate,” you think to yourself.
If you were being honest, the last thing you wanted to do was begrudgingly endure a dance with this gentleman after having more than your fair share of imbeciles indulge themselves in your assets, but propriety comes first. So instead of telling this man to kindly fuck off, you put on your best princessly smile and place your hand in his.
"Of course," you reply, and he leads you toward the floor.
You stand next to each other in between other couples before the band begins to pick up once again. The melody starts slow enough, so you take this time to ask the man exactly who he is, keeping your tone light and polite.
"Forgive me, Your Majesty; it seems that I remember the face but not the name.”
He must've made his entrance later on in the evening after the formal introductions, because you certainly would've remembered him during the greetings.
He offers a light chuckle before muttering, "Barnabas, King of Waloed."
King of Waloed. The very same king who's planning to go toe to toe with one of your closest confidants. He's aged quite a bit in the fifteen-odd years it's been since you've seen him last; it's no wonder you didn't recognize him. 
Your body language gives you away despite your best efforts, and his laugh pierces through you. "It seems my reputation proceeds me."
The disdain is thinly veiled in your voice. "Don't you have a battle to prepare for?" you grit, and he laughs again as if the prospect were beneath him.
"I'm not worried," is all he offers in response. His presence must've been what Clive was trying to warn you about.
You take a deep breath, seeing it best not to stir anything up in the public eye.
You get a better look at him when the succession of people in the line with you turns around. He certainly doesn't dress like a king—definitely not one like your father. There are no bells and whistles to his outfit, no ornate capes lined with exotic furs, or gilded crowns.
If anything, it seemed like he'd dressed down for this event, and you can't tell what pisses you off more: his pompous attitude toward heading into battle that may surely send Dion to an all too early grave or his nonchalance in showing up to a royal ball in only a blue tunic and black leathers. It felt like a jab. Though his pompousness in battle may be deserved, this blatant display of disrespect was not.
He gave the impression of a venomous snake, intriguing to look at but ultimately best viewed from a faraway distance.
It takes everything in you not to grind your teeth together and overemphasize the stiffness in your movements.
As if sensing your irritation with him, Barnabas probes, "Are you enjoying yourself?"
No, you're quite simply NOT!
"I've gotten to the age where these sorts of gatherings lose their luster."
It wasn't exactly the truth, but it wasn't a lie either. As you got older and balls became more about finding matches, you started to dread them. You were hoping that it being your brother's birthday would be enough to spare you from marriage prospects, but alas, you were clearly wrong.
"A shame," he mutters, his words lacking enthusiasm.
The group moves along to the beat of the tune when Clive comes into your view, talking to your father.
"Who's that brooding fellow you're staring at?" Barnabas asks, trying to cut off whatever is taking your attention away from him.
The two of you move in succession toward the back of the group when it registers just how much you've been gawking at Clive in Barnabas' presence.
"Him? He's my first shield," you answer nonchalantly, letting no indication of fondness slip into your voice.
Barnabas snickers, "I had no idea noble ladies were so heavily invested in the lives of their shields."
"I know naught of what you mean," you scoff, acting like the princess you are.
His voice rises in volume as he declares, "Why don't you let a real man take care of you?"
Heat floods your body at his words, and you do little to hide your disgust.
"Excuse me?"
"He's nothing but filth," he continues to say, and the rage inside you reaches a boiling point.
"You speak of him as if he's nothing but a lowly street rat."
"He might as well be, compared to us. You could have an entire kingdom of knights protecting you as well as one of the most powerful men in the realm, instead of just one lowly feeble knight."
"Are you always so incorrigible toward those who are beneath you? It's a miracle that your kingdom still stands."
He laughs out loud, beside himself. You were sure he'd have your head. Instead, his volume just gets louder, so those dancing alongside you can hear.
"I've heard rumors that your precious first shield is actually a royal bastard, but from whom he's a descendant, I've no idea. A man of his standing is simply not fit to be in the position of protecting a princess. I'm just looking out for you."
If you were feeling rage before, now you're furious. As much as the people in your dance group tried to be respectful, heads couldn't help but turn at Barnabas' accusations.
Whether Clive being a bastard was true or not didn't matter; you refused for someone who valiantly defended your life to be made a mockery of over such trivial matters in your eyes.
"I was the one who held the sword that knighted Clive!" You start off loud, similar to him, but your voice gets lower as you draw near.
"My father gave him a title under his tutelage. Clive's been protecting me since I was the tender age of twelve years old and is the only man I'd trust with my life outside of my father and brother."
There's a pause before you continue.
"If you wish to win my favor, it'd be wise to watch what you say in regards to him," you grit.
You're not sure when the rest of the group stopped dancing alongside you, but by the time you realize it, all their eyes are on you. Though the people outside of the circle couldn't hear your conversation, the crowd caused those on the fray of the ballroom to turn their attention toward you.
Barnabas only snirks, scanning your face plainly when you turn back to face him. Your glare is prominent as he escorts you back off the dance floor once  the music dies down.
He speaks in a low voice, right in your ear, "You're a feisty one, but don't worry, I enjoy a challenge." He smiles menacingly before releasing you.
All the wandering heads seem to return to their original activities upon the group's dispersal. You don't want to cause any more disturbance, something you're sure you'll get a lecture for later on, so you give a curtsey to Barnabas, lowering your head.
"I shall bid you adieu, Your Majesty." The words are choked out, and not a moment later you're turning on your heels and making your exit out of the ballroom.
Which is how you ended up in an old store room, with nothing but your various frustrations and the ebbs n flows of silence to keep you company.
You're not sure how long you've been sitting there, but by the time you hear the door open, you're convinced that it was a servant sent to escort you back to the ballroom, but instead, it's Clive.
There's no hesitation in his movements as he steps toward you, catching your face in his gloved hands as he reads your expression.
"Are you alright?" He asks. Even if there's no threat of physical danger, that doesn't mean emotional scars weren't left after your interaction with the king.
"I tried to warn you...I tried to-"
You cut him off, "I'm okay, Clive. A little embarrassed, but it's nothing I couldn't handle." You smiled softly at him, which he returned in full.
"What were you two talking about?"
Warmth flows throughout your body once more, and you don't want to admit that the cause of the outburst you had was because of him, so you act nonchalant.
"Nothing of importance."
He raises his eyebrows like he doesn't believe what you're saying at all, but he doesn't press you on it, not now at least, and you won't give him the chance to when you ask, "Jealous?"
He smirks, shaking his head back and forth slightly. "Do you enjoy tormenting me, my lady?"
"I beg your pardon."
"Do you enjoy watching my torment? Does it give you pleasure?"
"I'm afraid I know naught of what you mean. Have you perhaps forgotten your place, knight?" You put extra emphasis on the word as you toss a smirk his way.
He backs up from where you're sitting on the barrel. "All those men, dancing with you, ogling you. All the while, I'm forced to stand by and watch them all make a pass at you."
You offer a faux pout. "Aw, come on. They're not all bad."
"Enough of them are."
"Are you truly so jealous of those who're above your peerage?" You can't help but snirk in amusement. This was the first time you'd seen him act like this.
"Yes, no!" He takes a deep breath to collect his thoughts: "The Archduke and that bastard king."
Your eyebrows rise at his declaration. "You hate them so much that you've forgone proper titles?"
He rolls his eyes at your statement, and you're unable to hold back your giggles. You hop off the barrel and take his face into your hands.
"There is absolutely no affection for that king in my heart, I assure you. As for the Archduke, though he is roguishly charming, I happen to prefer meaner mugs to delicate pretty features like his," you move to press a kiss to his cheek.
His head hangs low in shame. "I cannot deny that jealousy and resentment burn in my heart at the thought of you with another."
"Believe me," you say, stroking his cheek, "I'd much rather spend my time with you than with stiff men who smell of port. I've been looking for an escape practically all evening.“
"They don’t deserve you at all, my lady. Those men don’t deserve to know the softness of your skin,” he lowers his mouth to place delicate kisses on your neck, then moves toward the exposed flesh of your bosom above your gown.
"Clive," you gasp, tangling your fingers in his thick locks.
“They don't deserve to know the sweetness in your voice when you cry out in pleasure," he whispers, pulling away from your skin to trace his thumb along the frame of your face.
“I’ve missed you," he states.
“I’ve missed you too.”
He pulls you into him for a kiss, one full of hunger and desperation, eager to taste each other once more. The kiss is sticky; the clear gloss painted on your lips transfers onto his. He’s licking into your mouth as your lips brush against each other, tongues wrestling each other for dominance.
You're moved backward until you're pressed against the storeroom wall. Clive reaches down, grazing your bum with his palms over the fabric of your skirts before lifting your legs in the air. The back wall holds you steady as he wraps your legs around his waist.
Desperate to get close to him once more, not even wanting to separate for a second, you pull him back into you and kiss him fervently, not wanting to be parted from each other. He angles his hips toward you, teasingly grinding himself into your heat, causing you to whine into the kiss.
“Looks like you did miss me, hm?” He separates from your lips, moving to kiss down your neck once more.
“Let me make it up to you for being so neglectful of your needs.” He continues kissing down your neck, moving over to your décolleté, and then finally down the swell of your breasts.
“Founder, how I wish I could mark these tits,” he murmurs, dropping your legs back down onto the floor so that he can skim your torso and squeeze at your chest through the fabric of your gown.
“You have an intense infatuation with my breasts, don't you?” You giggle, laughing at his awestruck countenance while he continues to knead the fat in his hands.
“You've no idea." He smirks at you, then suddenly kneels before you.
“What are you doing?” You pet his hair softly as he looks up at you.
“I’m just being a good knight, my lady. On my knees for you, like I should be.”
"Oh, really now?"
"Mhm," he mumbles, taking your gloved hand in his. “I truly did miss you, and I plan on showing you just how much.” He reaches towards the hem of your gown, bunching it up over your navel.
"If you'd be so kind as to help hold up your skirts, my lady."
"I suppose I should be so kind." You lift the hem of your dress over your hips as Clive places your leg over his shoulder.
“Now this is how I shall swear fealty to you,” he leans towards your bare mound, planting a few kisses upon your mons before blowing cool air onto your cunt.
“I’ve missed your taste. I dreamt about it for so many nights." His thumbs trace slow circles into the skin near your pelvis as he continues teasing. He trails his tongue where your thigh meets the stark white stocking covering the majority of your leg.
"Fuck." He leans his face into your pussy once more, inhaling the rich scent before finally dipping his tongue into your wetness. He groans into your cunt.
Holding up the skirts of your gown the best you can in one hand, you snake the other into his shaggy locks, taking hold of his roots. Your chest heaves in anticipation.
“Please, please, Clive, don’t tease me," you whine, "it’s been too long.”
“Aw, did my sweet princess miss me?” He goads, sticking his tongue in your entrance and greedily sucking up your arousal on his wet muscle.
“Did her princess pussy miss how good I made her feel?” He kisses up the seam of your cunt until he reaches your clit.
"Did she miss how I made love to her with my mouth?” He spits on your pussy, the glob of saliva sticking to the hairs that cover your mound, some of it dripping to the ground.
He's quick to remove his gloves, tossing them aside before he takes his thumbs and spreads your folds apart, watching as your quivering hole twitches in anticipation.
“She must have missed me, with how much she’s leaking just for me."
All you're able to do is bite your lip and nod, feeling embarrassed as his words generate heat in both your cheeks and core.
He plugs your warm hole with his tongue, not wanting a single morsel of your essence to be wasted.
“It’s alright, princess; I’m right here.” He speaks directly into your cunt, looking at you with a deeply enamored gaze.
"I’ve missed her too, you know," he says, sliding his tongue all around your sopping pussy.
“I’ve missed her wetness, her sweetness, and her warmth. I missed how she clenched around me as I gave her pleasure," he groans.
Making his way to your clit, he gives it sweet kisses and drags the length of his tongue along the entirety of the bundle of nerves before pulling it into his mouth. His teeth graze the nub, causing your hips to jump forward, pressing more of yourself into his face.
Your fingers curl into his shaggy locks, struggling to keep your dress in your hold as you lose yourself in the feeling of pleasure, his pretty face proving to be useful for more than just gazing upon.
His teeth nip at your inner thigh, “getting greedy now, aren’t we princess?” He traces the divots of your thighs with his fingers, enjoying the feeling of your skin.
You don’t say anything, choosing to instead respond with an angry huff and pull his face back into your cunt by his hair.
“Point taken,” he smirks against you before pulling your clit back into his mouth again.
He moves his hand from your thigh and down to your pussy, sliding his middle finger back and forth between your folds, coating it in your slick. He slips to your entrance, circling the quivering hole and waiting, drawing out a whine from you.
“Please,” you exhale, your head rolling back against the wall, desperate to have him deep inside you. Though you’d much prefer squeezing down on his cock, that’d have to wait for another day.
He chuckles, the vibration from his voice moving through you, causing you to keel over slightly. Clive breeches your warm hole, slowly, letting you enjoy the feeling of his thick finger stretching you out.
“Fuck yes,” you whimper.
“That’s it, princess; you’re so wound up. Just take what you need," he coos, murmuring against you, his breath hot on your skin.
He curls his finger into you, the pad of his digit hitting the spongey spot along your walls.
“Looking for another audience? Was the poor maid not enough the first time?” He’s smirking against you now as he begins to pump his finger in and out of your cunt.
“What if your father were to catch you with me, hm? How do you think he’d react to his little girl stuffing her cunt in the face of someone he deigned worthy enough to protect her?"
Your breath is ragged, unable to form words due to the sound of his voice, deep and gravelly as he spews more filth at you.
“Keep moaning like that, and we’ll soon know the answer yet.”
He moves to your clit once more, slurping and sucking at your swollen pussy, desperate to push you over the edge. He fucks his finger into you at a rapid pace now, and his tongue is quick to catch whatever dribbles out onto his fingers, dining on your essence like it’s the finest ambrosia known to man, and to him, it might as well be.
Your head is lulled back against the wall as heat creeps onto your face and into your core. You don’t dare look down at Clive, who's nestling his face further in the hair that covers your cunt, knowing that you’ll surely come undone at the sight.
After the night you’ve had, you more than deserve this a thousand times over, and if it were up to him, he would happily oblige in all your desires.
The tips of your fingers cinch into his scalp, tugging him impossibly closer to your core, your orgasm building rapidly.
Clive pulls no punches, suctioning his lips around your clit and sucking it like a piece of hard candy. His index finger has joined the middle digit, fucking in and out of your cunt.
With practiced strokes, he contorts his fingers until your climax is upon you. Your lips part with a silent scream as your eyes roll into the back of your skull.
Your thighs shake as they try to close around his head, and his steady palms hold them apart as he removes his fingers from your pussy. Every drop of arousal that leaks from your womanhood is lapped up by his tongue til your hands are pushing his face away.
Clive gets the hint, removing your thigh from his shoulder and setting it back down on the floor. You attempt to move away from the wall, but he holds you in position until the jitter in your leg ceases.
He wipes the remnants of your spend from his face onto your inner thighs, and the roughness of his facial hair sends a shiver up your spine.
Once you've settled, he moves to help with fixing the skirts of your gown.
"Do you like it?" You smile brightly. "I wore it with you in mind."
You twirl slowly, your dress billowing slightly, wanting to show off all the detailing. His face warms at the gesture, and he presses a soft kiss on your forehead.
"I think lavender may be my new favorite color."
You allow yourself a moment to indulge in the blissful feeling before Clive speaks up once more.
"We should get moving. The break for supper will be happening soon, and we don't want any whispers of our whereabouts if we're not in attendance."
He moves to make a break for the storeroom door when you grab his forearm.
"Surely you're not going to go out there with your... predisposition," you flit your eyes down to the front of his trousers, where a prominent erection has made itself known.
"I'll take care of it myself, later."
"Let me help you..." There wasn't much time for you to return the favor with your mouth, and any other activities would leave you disheveled in a way that everyone would know of what happened between the two of you, but you could provide relief with your hand.
Despite the time restraint, you wanted to tease Clive a little, putting the tips of your silk gloves into your mouth and pulling them off of each hand slowly with your teeth before setting them aside nearby, so as to not be sullied with bodily fluids.
You wanted to get a good look at what you'd be working with, so you sink to your knees and pull his trousers down to his thighs. You give him a wide-eyed expression as the appendage bobs free, hitting his stomach gently.
His cock looked a lot different than those pictured in the medical texts that you've snuck from the royal library. He had extra skin and hair and garnered a much bigger girth as well.  
As tempted as you are to swallow the whole of him into your mouth, you settle for a simple kiss right on the tip, and his cock twitches back at you cutely in appreciation.
You rise to your feet once more with his aid and grasp him in your hand. His fingers are quick to cover your own, the size of them dwarfing yours.
"Are you positive that you want to go through with this? I truly don't mind taking care of myself," he asks.
"And not return the favor?" You chuckle. "I promise, I am doing this out of my own desire." You move to the column of his throat, placing soft and delicate kisses on the skin before moving toward the junction of his jaw.
"Now just relax," you coo, running your fingers delicately up and down his shaft.
He's so pent-up that it won't take long for him to climax, but you do your best to be as teasing as possible. His head lulls back as muffled sounds are delivered from his throat, and you can't help but admire how pretty he looks like this.
Not only does he have an impressive amount of girth, but his length is nothing to scoff at either, with a protruding vein running along the underside of him. The sheer size of him fills up your entire palm as you continue to pump slowly, the softness of your skin akin to silk upon his cock.
"So tell me, Clive, how many nights have you been fucking your fist to the thought of me?" You whisper in his ear, and his eyes shoot wide open as he takes in a gulp of air.
His hips buck lightly against you in response, giving you all the permission you need to continue your questioning.
"Come on, tell me. It can't be that bad." Your kisses continue on his neck as his hips continue to rock.
He takes in another gulp of air before answering.
"E-every night.”
"Every night? How cute," you tease, speeding up your movements on his cock. He bites his lip in an attempt to hide his noises while the rhythm of his hips meets your hand every time.
"I touch myself thinking of you too. Except my fingers are nowhere near as filling as yours," you chuckle to yourself as he groans out.
"Founder, above."
His cock is fully slick now, and at any moment, he looks like he's ready to burst, taking to wrapping his fist around yours and creating a vice-like grip with your fingers. All his movements are hurried and rushed as he chases his release.
For the final blow, you mutter to him, "Fuck my fist like you would fuck my pussy."
Clive full body shudders, tightening his grip once more before thrusting wildly. It's only a few short moments later that he's removing your hand from himself and laying his seed on the floor below, groaning your name in the process.
Afterward, the two of you take a few moments to collect yourselves and tidy your appearance. Old rags were used to wipe off the remnants of Clive from the floor, and you were just about to make your exit when the melody from one of your favorite songs played through the door.
"Clive, may I have this dance?" You extend your hand toward him, giggling to yourself.
From looking at your dance card earlier, this song was the second-to-last song to be played before the break for supper.
"And don't give me the excuse of not having enough time. We'll make it back to the ballroom before everyone's filed out for the evening."
"Even if that is true, my lady, I assure you that I know nothing of ballroom dancing."
"Did I ask you if you knew how?"
There's a momentary pause, one that he fills with a shake of his head. You nod in return.
"No, I did not. I simply asked you to dance with me. I'd still wish to so even if you had two left feet."
There's another pause as you extend your hand toward him again.
"I even saved you a spot on my dance card," you smile, shaking the parchment in front of his face, where the line for this dance is indeed left blank.
In his indecisiveness, you take his hand in your own and press yourselves close together.
"It's just you and me," you whisper, resting your head against his frame, the sound of the music filling the silence. His opposite hand moves to the small of your back, and the two of you end the evening in each other's arms, swaying to the sound of muffled music. 
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16eggsforxio · 9 months
little cuts and bruises
Joshua x Reader (Joshua with a crush vs incredibly socially unaware reader)
1988 words, fluff
I wanted to write 10 seconds of handholding but this happened instead.
You hadn’t heard the aforementioned stern lady barking at anyone, so when you poked your head into the infirmary, it wasn’t a surprise that she was nowhere to be seen. She would probably return in a matter of minutes, loaded with an onslaught of warranted naggings at the patients there. Your hands were still fully occupied with the herbs you had painstakingly scavenged for, and you didn’t quite feel like sitting around waiting for her, so you shouldered your way through the door and let yourself in.
Helping Tarja collect materials for her medicine was nothing new to you, anyway. For the most part, you knew where she kept what, so you might as well get started on keeping them. She would probably praise you, too, and the thought made you eagerly approach the drawers that were the medicinal treasury.
Pain streaked across your palm momentarily. You winced. A stalk from one of the herbs had dug into an open cut across your hand.
The most recent outing had been successful, but… of course it had been successful. You knew your way around a sword… well, maybe halfway around it? So it wasn’t your fault for running and rolling off a ledge to escape one of those giant monsters and bruising your palms terribly. Bruises were better than being probably dead. And one of the herbs you had been looking for was encased in a thorny bush, but you had been exhausted from running from the monster and just wanted to return to the Hideaway, so you had thrusted your hands through the spikes anyway. Your already worn out gloves failed to persevere and the thorns had sliced through them and right into the skin of your hands.
Injuring yourself was decently normal during scavenging, but you had to admit your hands were quite the bloodied sight this time.
…Tarja would probably scold you, too. Oh, well…
Before you reached the drawers, you caught sight of something rare.
Joshua Rosfield, red scarf and gloves missing as they normally were when he was being treated, sat on the edge of a bed, was staring up at you, eyes wide like sparrow’s when a human approached it.
You clutched the herbs closer to your chest and bowed your head towards him slightly. “Joshua. Hello.”
A smile adorned his rosy lips as he mimicked you and bowed his head. “Hello. You’ve just returned, I take it?”
“Yes. I found all these… stuff.” Herbs, you scolded yourself inwardly. Sometimes you weren’t the best at talking. You lifted your arms slightly to gesture to them.
“Ah.” He nodded. “Thank you for all your hard work.”
He was working way harder than you, though.
You awkwardly nodded in reply and continued shuffling over to the drawer. Gingerly, you placed the herbs on top.
Your interactions with Joshua were limited, as were most people’s, you guessed. He kept to himself to a severe extent and didn’t speak much to the average Hideaway member. Not out of rudeness, you imagined. He never seemed at ease.
Because you reported directly to Clive, sometimes you did see and speak to Joshua. But only briefly, for the most part. You couldn’t quite recall any memorable events between the two of you–on your side, anyway. Maybe Joshua thought of you as an awkward, bumbling mess. Or maybe an incredibly helpful scavenger? Or maybe he thought nothing of you at all. It didn’t matter that much, you supposed. You hardly saw him. You addressed him by his first name since you addressed Clive by his first name, at his insistence, but you weren’t even sure if he knew yours.
A heavy cough snapped you out of your thoughts. Joshua was hunched over, hand shielding his mouth. You blinked, unsure of what to do for a second. (Get Tarja?) When blood dripped from his lips after he moves his crimson-stained hand, you rushed to kneel in front of him and touch his arm.
“Joshua–” What were you supposed to do? You knew the basics of medicine for minor cuts and wounds, but nothing about this deadly cough that plagued him.
Get Tarja. You scrambled to your feet.
Joshua reached out with his clean hand and grabbed your wrist, shaking his head. You paused.
“Tarja will be back soon.” He tilted his head up to lock his gaze onto yours, and for a moment, you noticed a bit too much how delicately his golden locks framed his face. He smiled wryly. “She’s left to retrieve something, but she said she won’t be long. I will be fine, I assure you.”
As you said, you knew nothing about this deadly cough that plagued him.
“Are you sure?” You squinted at him. “...You won’t run away again?” Tarja often complained about that.
“I won’t. As a matter of fact, she has taken my garments with her as hostage temporarily.”
Oh, the scarf and the glove. Not that that meant much. You imagined if someone burst into the infirmary screaming that Clive was in deep trouble, Joshua would leap out of the window and prime and Tarja’s rage later would be unassuageable. You knew that much about him.
But you weren’t a healer, and you probably wouldn’t help by meddling, so you nodded slowly. Maybe you could help wipe the blood off, though.
Looking around, you located a brown rag nearby on one of the tables. Neatly folded, so it should be clean. You stepped towards it, only to feel a tug on your wrist. You looked down. Joshua was still holding onto you.
Uh. “Um, excuse me.” With your free hand, you carefully pried his fingers off of you. Your cuts did not sting against his hands.
Joshua shrunk back, arm held in front of him almost defensively. He was frowning. “Are you in a rush?” Did he sound disappointed? You couldn’t clearly tell.
“Huh?” You furrowed your brows. “...No? I’m just getting…” You pointed at the cloth.
Joshua relaxed. “Oh, I see.”
You felt like it was hard to understand him at times.
You grabbed the cloth, returned, tousled your hand under it, then leaned forward to dab at his mouth softly. You ignored the way he was looking right at you with those vivid blue eyes of his. It was unnerving.
When you moved down to wipe his bloodied hand, he looked down, and suddenly bolted forward. You only had a split second to wonder if you somehow offended him before he grabbed both of your hands and turned them to face your palms upwards.
“What happened here?” he asked softly.
Your cuts and bruises were a nasty sight. And his hands felt so smooth and unblemished. How did he do it? They somehow reminded you of Torgal’s squishy paws.
You shrugged. “Went scavenging.” You tilted your head at the herbs you had deposited.
“And this happens normally?”
It was difficult to answer that, because you kept no track record of small things like these. “I guess so.” The grimace on his face told you he was not satisfied. “Someone has to go out and get them, right? We have a lot of fighters here, and they get hurt.”
“At your own expense?” he pressed, leaning closer to you.
You did not pull away, but you decided to stare at a spectacular corner of the room that didn’t have anything. “These aren’t that bad. Just a few days–and they’ll be all better… Tarja might be upset, but that’s all.” You were unsure why he was so upset over a few cuts and bruises across your hands.
Joshua was quiet. You shifted awkwardly, unsure of what to make of the silence, and glanced back at him.
Then he cocked his head, blinked slowly at you and smiled the same way someone would when reassuring a lost child. “I could help you, if you’d allow me?”
Did he know his way around these medicinal salves, too? Maybe it would be better than suffering a scolding from Tarja.
Joshua began to stand up, and you took a step backwards to give him space. He turned your hands over and up so your palms faced him with his hands pressed against them, and interlocked your fingers with his.
You weren’t very sure what this was, but Joshua’s demeanor was known for sticking out like a sore, princely thumb. Groomed to become Rosaria’s archduke, and all. This could be some pre-treatment gesture they did in Rosarian culture or something. You had heard he had given Mid an awkward but well-meaning greeting, too.
The back of Joshua’s hands glowed, and only now you acutely remembered that he was the Phoenix’s Dominant, who had an uncontested healing prowess.
Flames unfurled from his hands and cozily cocooned around yours; it reminded you of drinking hot tea in a harsh winter. The bruises began to lighten, and your skin began to stitch itself together over the cuts. You stared, awed, watching the fire ripple across in waves of brilliant magic, then blinked up at him.
“Is this okay? I mean, the curse…”
He chuckled. “That price is much too small to deny rewarding the most hardworking and endearing member of our team.”
Your face felt warm. Part of it was because of the fire, you told yourself.
“That’s an overstatement, I think,” you mumbled.
“Is it? I don’t think so.”
You couldn’t think of a reply.
Soon, all the cuts and bruises had vanished and your hands looked like they hadn’t worked a day in the field. You withdrew your hands from his and turned them over and over again in wonder. Joshua leaned over slightly to join you in having a look at them.
Pristine. You could go back to your duties almost immediately, and you wouldn’t have to face the wrath of Tarja. You didn’t know how to express with words how grateful you were.
…Oh, right. Recently, you often saw Clive do this thing when he was thanking Jill. You had thought it was a bit too close, but they were both raised in Rosaria, so maybe it really was a royal Rosarian thing. (When you had asked Clive about it, he had said it was nothing, and then walked away strangely quickly.)
You leaned forward, standing on the tips of your toes just a little, and gently bumped your forehead against Joshua’s. Your eyes met his gaze.
“Thank you.”
…Hm, his face looked a little flushed. You guessed it was an aftereffect of using the Phoenix’s abilities.
The sound of his breathing somehow felt even louder in those few seconds. Then he drew back and dusted the hair out of your face with the back of his fingers.
“–Didn’t I tell you to stay in bed?”
You jumped backwards, swinging towards the door of the infirmary. Tarja was grunting at Joshua, as usual, and oddly empty-handed.
“My apologies.” Joshua made a half-smile, as if to appease her.
Her eyes fell on you, and she nodded, before she caught sight of the spoils you had retrieved earlier.
“Oh, thank the Founder,” she breathed, striding over to the herbs. “We’d just run out of these. I was looking to see if you’d come back. This one here,” she casted a dirty look in Joshua’s direction, “needs it urgently, you see.”
You started. “These were for him?”
“Of course. A guzzler of our medicinal supplies, that’s what he is.” She tipped her head at him. “You should thank your lifesaver.”
Joshua tilted his head, smile full of mirth. “It’s mutual, I suppose.”
“What are you blabbering about this time?” Tarja grumbled from sifting through the leaves.
She soon shooed you out of the infirmary, after letting you know Clive was looking for you again. You idly wandered down the corridor and stopped for a while to stroke a sleepy Torgal.
Maybe you should go get yourself more cuts and bruises on the next assignment, too. Just little ones.
101 notes · View notes
misselysia · 1 year
Clive x Reader (Part 2)
Part 1
pairing: clive rosfield x (female) reader word count: 1658 (much more than originally planned lol)
Part 2, yay! As always, criticism and suggestions for improvement are welcome!✌️ Special shout-out to the dear @drabblesandimagines You can't imagine how much I adore your work and writing-style. I always get so giddy when reading your newest oneshot. No. 1 fan here✧༺♥♥♥༻∞
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On your way out, you immediately felt bad, but your mind told you to forget about it.
He deserved better than you...
A week passed by and luckily the Hideaway's routine became a great distraction, but no matter how hard you tried, thoughts of him crept into your mind like persistent shadows.
You desperately wanted to do something about it, but those words kept replaying in your mind.
He deserves better than me.
He deserves better.
Jill - his best friend since childhood. Like a sister. Oh sure... She was perfect from what you could tell. A fine Lady with the finest manners. As if they were made for each other. It always hurt seeing them together. What a selfish thought to keep him all for myself.
It hurt even more thinking about it. You wanted those thoughts to stop but they kept haunting you. Thinking that a bit of fresh air could do you good at the moment, you strolled down to the pier in the Hideaway. Nighttime always had that calming effect on you. After finding a spot to sit, you allowed yourself to close your eyes and take in the breeze of the sea. Having a moment where you didn't have to worry about anything was really pleasant. But that night still kept replaying in your mind.
The way he pulled you onto him... How close the two of you were... What could possibly have happened if you hadn't run away...
You snapped your eyes back open, a deep sigh escaping your lips. "Not again..." You inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to get rid of the thoughts. Not until you felt something soft nuzzling into your side, accompanied by a gentle yawn. Only then did you realize it was none other than Torgal. A smile tugged at your lips as you began to pat him gently. "Good boy. What are you doing here huh?" You couldn't help but to wonder as to why the wolf would be here out of all places. "Did you decide to take a break from your owner?" Your own question brought a soft chuckle to your lips. You caught a soft, happy noise from him, as he cozied up comfortably beside you, stretching out and relishing the scratches you were giving him. "Ah, Torgal, what should I do? Your owner just won't leave my mind. But it's clear we're not meant for each other." You continued rambling, mostly to Torgal, but also to sort out your thoughts. "I mean, I'm just me, you know? Tarja's apprentice and running errands all over the Hideaway. And then there's Clive... well, he's Clive. By the founder, he's still a Rosfield. A Lord. And on top a Dominant. He's just everything!" Your frustration was evident in your exclamation.
As you were pouring out your thoughts to Torgal, a voice broke through your monologue, interrupting your internal struggle. "Everything, huh? I... didn't expect you to think so highly of me."
Your heart skipped a beat as you turned your head in surprise. There stood Clive, leaning against a nearby post, a half-smile playing on his lips. He looked effortlessly handsome, his dark hair ruffled by the wind, his deep blue eyes fixed on you with an unreadable expression. Your cheeks flushed, caught completely off guard by his sudden appearance. You hadn't expected him to be here. Though that would explain why Torgal was here. Stammering, you managed to find your words. "Clive, I... I didn't expect to see you here." He chuckled softly, pushing himself off the post and taking a step closer. "Well, I figured I'd take a walk down by the pier. And it seems Torgal had the idea before me." Torgal shifted, curiously looking at his owner. Clive smiled before giving the wolf a gentle pat. "Good boy. You keeping Y/N company?"
Your heart raced, torn between wanting to run away and wanting to stay and face the situation. Clive's presence was overwhelming, and the memories of that night kept flooding back. You averted your gaze, trying to gather your thoughts. "I... I mean... yes, seems... he had the same idea before you." Clive's gaze remained fixed on you, his expression softening slightly. It's the first time you've actually spoken to him since that night. "Mind if I join you?" You managed a weak nod, unable to find your voice. Clive settled down beside you, mimicking your position by the pier's edge.
"Beautiful night, isn't it?" He remarked, looking out at the blighted, yet moonlit water.
You finally found the courage to speak, though your words came out in a hushed tone. "Clive, listen... about that night at the infirmary... I'm sorry I ran off like that. It's just that, well, it was all so unexpected, and I didn't know how to..." He turned his gaze towards you, his blue eyes, by the founder you loved his eyes, holding a mix of amusement and understanding. "It's alright, Y/N. I admit I might've caught you off guard. But I've been thinking about that night too." Your heart raced at his words, your feelings in turmoil. "You... have?" He nodded, his gaze unwavering. "I have. And I've been wondering if you've been avoiding me because of it." You shifted uncomfortably, your fingers playing with the fabric of your dress. "It's not that simple, Clive. You're... well, you're you, and I'm just... me." He reached out, gently placing his hand over yours, stilling your restless fingers. "Y/N, you don't have to compare yourself to anyone. You're your own person, and that's what makes you so special." His touch sent shivers down your spine, and you found yourself looking into his eyes, a sincerity that made your heart flutter. "I... I'm just not sure about all of this. It's complicated." He smiled warmly, his thumb caressing the back of your hand. "Life is complicated, but sometimes, it's worth taking a chance." Torgal let out a contented whine, as if sensing a shift in the atmosphere. Clive's presence was reassuring, and a part of you wanted to believe his words. Maybe, just maybe, it was worth taking a chance, even if your heart was still unsure.
As the moonlight danced on the water, you felt a glimmer of hope within you, a small flame of possibility that maybe, just maybe, you could find something meaningful amidst the complexity of it all. But of course your mind had to complicate it even more. "What... what about Jill?" You swallowed hard, feeling a knot form in your throat as you continued. "Jill is wonderful, Clive. You two have history that I can't compete with. She's been by your side for so long." Clive only leaned in closer, his voice soft but resolute. "Jill has always been a dear friend, a sister, but that doesn't mean my heart isn't capable of making its own choices." Before you could reply, his hand cupped your cheek, his touch warm against your skin. And then, in a moment that stole your breath away, his lips met yours in a gentle kiss. It was soft and tender, filled with unspoken emotions you had been struggling to voice.
As he pulled away, his eyes searched yours, searching for a response. "Y/N, I don't want you to doubt yourself. You deserve happiness as much as everyone else. I'm not looking for a shadow of Jill. I'm looking for you." Tears welled up in your eyes, a mix of emotions overwhelming you. His words, his touch, the kiss - all of it was like a balm to your insecurities that had plagued you. You closed your eyes, taking in a deep breath to steady yourself. When you opened them again, you found Clive still looking at you, waiting for your reaction. You let out a shaky laugh, a mixture of relief and vulnerability. "You have your way with words, Clive." He smiled, his thumb brushing away the tear that had escaped. "I just speak from the heart." Your lips formed into a smile of your own, the weight of your doubts beginning to lift. "Clive, I..." He reached out, his fingers gently touching your lips to silence you. "You don't have to say anything if you're not ready, Y/N. I don't want to rush you." You appreciated his understanding, but something in you had shifted. The emotions you had kept locked away for so long were finally finding their voice. You placed your hand on his, holding it against your lips for a moment, before looking back into his deep blue eyes. "No, Clive." Your voice got steadier now. "I want to say this. I need to say this." You took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the words you were about to say. "I love you, Clive Rosfield. I love you for who you are, for how you've helped me see beyond my doubts, for the way you've shown me that happiness is worth pursuing. Just now, I fell even harder for you." Clive's eyes seemed to shimmer with emotion as he looked at you, his thumb gently tracing your lips. The moonlight played on his features, casting a surreal glow around him. And then, a slow, genuine smile spread across his face, his eyes never leaving yours. "I love you too, Y/N.", he said, his voice carrying the weight of his feelings. "I've admired you from the moment we met, but now... my heart is truly yours." In that moment, it felt as if the stars above were shining just for the two of you. Clive leaned in, and this time you met him halfway. Your lips brushed against each other, a sweet and tender kiss that sealed your feelings. As you pulled away, you rested your forehead against his, your breaths intermingling. You felt his arms wrapping around you, holding you close, and you felt the truth of his affection in every touch.
Maybe it wasn't so bad to get some fresh air after all...
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kianaflame23 · 1 year
Forgiveness ☆ Final Fantasy XVI Clive Rosfield x f!reader N*FW
Sequel to "Hidden Feelings"
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You were sitting in a chair, looking at the moon as you wonder to yourself. You felt a chill as you didn't want to wear a sexy silk nightgown. Barnabas ordered you to wear it as he wants to make love with you....
'Why am I still with King Barnabas...?
Then, you remember.... you were only with Barnabas and his army because you don't want Clive and your friends to get killed....
'I hope Clive was able to get his revenge...'
You looked at your ring finger, seeing a dark blue with flower on that wedding ring. You sighed to yourself, then look at the chains on your hands and feets....you could use your magic and leave, however, those chains drains your magic. Not allowing you to protect yourself if you tried to escape.....
'At least, I am his fiancée......'
'Why?! I hate Barnabas! Trying to kiss me or even touch my body!', you thought to yourself as you felt disgusted.
You sighed heavily, getting up from the chair and slowly headed to your bed as you hope that Barnabas will forget you....but you are going to be his wife very soon...he waited for too long....
You pick up the soft blanket as you got yourself comfortable in your bed, closing your eyes. Mentally preparing yourself for the worst as you start to pray one last time before falling asleep....
".....up, my sweet angel..."
'.....why am I hearing Clive....voice...?'
You groans as you tried to awake from your slumber, you couldn't see clearly until you saw him.....Clive Rosfield....the sweet knight who broke your heart.....
"Clive?! Where am I....? Why are you here at Barnabas' castle?!"
"(Y/N), he's dead. I killed him. You don't need to worry about him anymore, my love....", you widened your eyes, barely noticing how different he looks....his hair got more fluffy. His bearer mark isn't there.... You caresses his left cheek, your thumb touches his scar gently. Clive leans on your hand as he sighs in relief. Feeling joy to see you safe...no longer having nightmares of you, being away from him.
"....what happened, Clive...?"
"Jill and Torgal protected you as I fought against Barnabas. It was not an easy battle but I won. We are in Cid's safe hub. You're sa--
"P-please allow me to ex--"
"No! You should be with Jill Warrick, not me! You and Jill are meant to be toge--", You didn't finish your sentence as you felt his hands on your shoulders, pulling you to his chest as he embraces you tightly. Then, you felt small tears dripping down to your hair. Your heart drop, you couldn't believe your eyes....Clive is crying.....
"Forgive me....for making you think that I have feelings for Jill, (Y/N)."
"I always see you with Jill....after I told you my....love confession...."
"It's fine that you like her more than a fri--", you said to Clive, feeling yourself sad but you want him to be happy. He deserves to be with someone....who can always cheer him up, giving him love and affection....
You want to be his lover....his wife but imagining Clive and Jill being together....you were lost in your thoughts, Clive removed his hands from you, his blue eyes look at you for a moment. Hating himself for hurting you...Cidolfus was right....he was a coward for not telling you...that he loves you....
'I am going to prove her that I only want her, no one else....I'll do anything to see her smile again....'
He bends down on one knee, gaining your attention as you gasped. Covering your mouth as you began to panic.
'No...why is he proposing to me? I should tell h--', your thoughts were interrupted as you hear Clive's voice.
"That day, I was a coward and a huge idiot for walking away from your confession. I was stunned....didn't know how to react. Your beauty took my breathe away...Your smile made me flustered and I just don’t know what to say, I wanted to tell you that "I love you". I left you there...alone....I'm sorry for ignoring you....I thought you would come to me so I waited and waited until you talk to me....but you didn't....it should have been me....coming to you....begging you to forgive me....You don't need to worry about my revenge journey. I have something more important than my obsession with revenge. Well, "someone" very important...it's you, my love. I'll be your husband! I can wait for years if I have to! All I want is to see you cute smile and being happy....maybe we can have a family...rebuild our own kingdom! Please...forgive me...."
You want to say something, but words didn't come out from your mouth. You nervously answered to his speech.
"I-I don't know what to say...Clive....I wa--"
"Will you marry me, (F/N) (L/N)?", Clive said to you, showing you a beautiful red rose ring as you can see his whole body shakes in fear. Even you can see his hand shakily as Clive desperately look at you, to see if you still love him....
You sighs as you turned your body away from him, still in the bed as you thought to yourself for a second, then you
"Please tell me your answe--"
"Clive Rosfield! Close your eyes! Do it now!", you barked at poor Clive, making him flinch from your voice and closed his eyes. Feeling confused on what you are going to do, he doesn't want you to leave him....
You felt your cheeks burn, trying not to feel embarrassed as you took off your nightgown. Blushing even more, you shakily spoked to Clive, telling him that he can open his eyes.... covering your body as he stared at you, lust consume his whole body.
"Then, you want to be mi--"
"Prove to me....that you want me. If you truly love me and only me, then we'll get married....Clive.", you smiled nervously at your knight. Your hero.... you told him to take off his clothes, Clive didn’t need you to tell him twice. Exposing his buff chest to your face as your eyes widened in astonished, smiling weakly at Clive.
As you were too distracted with your mind, Clive grabbed your hand, placing the beautiful ring on your delicate finger, your ring finger.....you snapped out of your thoughts and gasped.
"Clive?! I didn't said ye--", Clive didn’t waste time as he kissed your lips with lust and desire, kissing you passionately as you moan. Clive took his chance to deepen his kiss, you felt his tongue touch yours. Small tears appears in your eyes, not believing that you are going to make love with your darling knight. Pushing you gently towards the mattress as you blush, still kissing you as Clive starts to use his fingers on your sweet flower. Fingering you slowly before thrusting more deeper in you. Moaning as you closed your eyes in pleasure, enjoying his fingers as his thumb rubs yor clitoris rapidly. You warned Clive that you were going to climax on him....
"A-ah! I'm going to cum, Clivey!", you stopped kissing him, getting closer to climax until Clive decided to take off his fingers. Pouting to yourself as you whined at him, wanting to release your cum on him.
"Clive! I wanted to cu--", he didn't gave you a chance to talk, opening your legs as he strokes his shaft before inserting it in your pussy. Closing your eyes in pain as you bit your lips, hoping to feel pleasure. As soon his cock is fully in your sweet flower, you felt Clive's tears falling to your face. You knew that Clive is crying again....he hugged you as you allow him to sob in your neck. Hugging him tightly as you decided to give his one last chance. To redeem himself, maybe you can be happy again. Happy with your hero....
"......(Y/N).....forgive me, my love...I'm so--", you stopped him with a soft kiss, surprising Clive as his blue eyes stares at yours. Smiling at him as you started to cry, his thumb wipes your tears. Asking you if you want to stop as you don't feel his cock in you, blaming himself for being selfish.
"We can make love tomorrow. You should re-"
"No, I'm going to ride you. You're mine!", you grinned at him, pushing Clive down as you're now in top of him.
"I want your cum in me. I hope you are ready, Clive Rosfield!"
Clive is so turned on by your bold words. Feeling your sweet flower on him sounds heaven to him. You and Clive continued your hot lovemaking until you're filled up with his cum. After all, he is yours and only yours. You're very happy to be with him. You don't need to worried about Barnabas anymore. You can enjoy your peaceful life with your knight. You snuggled with Clive, kissing him before closing your eyes. Immediately falling to slumber, smiling to yourself. No one can stop you from loving your hero.
The end ❤️‍🔥
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classicanalyzer · 5 months
Final Fantasy 16 - Echoes of the Fallen Thoughts and Reflection
"The same enlightened souls forged great and terrible weapons called the Eikonoklastes—from which Eikons derive their name—and turned them against each other in the Magitek war." Harpocrates II Hyperboreios
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This DLC finally gives a more in-depth look into the Fallen's "accomplishments" and their attempts to become God themselves. The Fallen had created their own artificial Mothercrystal (The shards being called Dusk Crystals) and artificial Eikon cementing their God-like ambitions. I wonder if the Fallen created artificial Eikons based on the summons Alexander and Ark. Thankfully, Clive and his allies were able to shut down the last Echoes of the Fallen by destroying both Omega-1, their artificial Eikon, and their artificial Mothercrystal silencing the Sagespire for good.
The Fallen's music theme fits these wannabe Gods incredibly well also serving as Omega-1's theme. The first couple of levels (The Worm Mounts) have a variant that uses the organs and operatic music to sell the ancient nature of this Magitek tower and its ambitions. The upper levels have a more ominous and urgent variant (The Secret of Its Laboring Heart) as you begin to see more of the horrific experiments conducted to overthrow Ultima.
Eikonoklasm, Omega-1's battle theme, is an epic battle electronic variant of the Fallen theme. It captures the epiphany of the Fallen's attempt to challenge Ultima by creating their own Eikon. It nearly defeated three Dominants, so imagine if the Fallen made more...a bit of a terrifying thought. A bit of a fun easter egg courtesy of Soken is how Eikonklasm also included eScape motif from FF14.
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I love how the Sagespire serves as the final massive dungeon for Clive. Mysidia will serve more as our final explorable area but the Sagespire undoubtedly serve as our final dungeon.
Famiel, the leader of a trio of tribe miners and merchants, plays a thematic role in how the people of this world are tied to the Mothercrystals to survive. In particular, he shows how people who lost their lands to the Deadlands were forced to turn to any means to survive. In this case, they relied on the ambitions of the Fallen (their artificial Mothercrystal). In the end, he saw that a better future for his people would not come if this artificial Mothercrystal were to remain.
"I hope we did the right thing..." Famiel
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A theme I noticed was how we see the difference between becoming free: Cid's and Clive's noble quest to free the world from Ultima by riding off the crystals (and later magic itself) versus the Fallen "freeing" themselves from Ultima by becoming "Gods" themselves.
"We don't want to be gods. We just want to be free." Clive Rosfield
Another theme that shares similarities with the Rising Tide DLC is how the wars for the Mothercrystals driven tribes searching for their own. In doing so, this serves to further Ultima's true goal with the exploitation of other Mothercrystals. However, he considers Leviathan to be a "profaned fragment." Ultima sees Leviathan as a heretic of some kind. To what end and why? There's also the fact that the land in Mysidia isn't affected by the Blight at all despite the lost tribe possessing their own Mothercrystal. Maybe Leviathan had a hand in this Mothercrystal's creation as hinted by the trailer?
With that, we shall travel onward to Mysidia and Leviathan in the Rising Tide DLC!
"If one does not learn from the mistakes of the past, one is doomed to repeat them." Harpocrates II Hyperboreios
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renatogpadilla · 1 year
So... I think that the entire time I played the game, the ONE THING I kept telling myself any time plot happened was "MAN, imagine if this was a book and/or book series and got adapted as a show GoT style!" In some other timeline there's a version of me reading The Valisthea Chronicles and not able to hold his excitement for the adaptation of Book 4... I could see 5 seasons EASY.
And then that last shot hit me. Joshua DID write a book! But other than the meta of it the thing that really gets me is the title.
"Final Fantasy" by Joshua Rosfield.
Now, we KNOW that Josh can wax poetic with the best of them, but...that title isn't his. It's paraphrasing the line Clive says before he kills Ultima. "This is OUR Fantasy, and we are it's Final witnesses."
And you know what that tells me...?
Joshua heard him.
During the last battle, when he put on Phoenix to counter Ultimalius, he HEARD him! And of course he answered on the moment, sure, but that's typical anime bullshit... Except this time it wasn't! It had a payoff!
And if Josh heard him, then... Everyone else did too. Everyone that had a line.
Jill and Gav and Byron... And Elwin...
Everyone heard it. Everyone answered.
At some point, npcs at the Hideaway saw the entire main cast get hyped and scream encouraging words, hyping Clive up through the final push... Because they KNEW. Everyone knew!
And everyone actually fought with him! And then...
Then they didn't hear anything anymore.
That's why it wasn't just Jill who was sure. Gav knew. And Byron knows. And Mid knows...
They felt Clive Rosfield fight... And then they all felt him burn out. They all felt him die...
So imagine their surprise when Joshua Rosfield walks up, the result of the last act of magic in Valisthea, and he tells them Clive heard them too...
So of course he writes a book. But he doesn't write about Cid the Outlaw.
He writes of his Brother. His Shield. He writes of the man who faced God and won a final fantasy for everyone.
And he did it on his own terms.
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robo-writing · 9 months
was reading some pride and prejudice and GOD of clive and joshua aren’t such prime examples of austen male romance leads. in some AU where things didn’t go to shit clive and josh would be unmatched in courting and princely behaviour (with papa elwin teasing them both so much he’s got such a soft spot for his babies!!!!)
like i need them to run after their love and have a kiss in the rain under a willow tree after their mother (derogatory) pulls a stunt like GOOODDDD….. fire dominants who insist that you’ll warm up faster next to them than infront of the fireplace after said rain kiss
Oh be still my heart...they really are Austen coded because I can literally see it now, if Valisthea wasn’t so shit I can imagine the both of them being almost bachelors in a sense, the two handsome Rosfield boys whom every girl is vying for their affection. They’re so gentlemanly too, Clive the definition of honor and Joshua being more boyish, but equally as honorable. Long walks across the meadows, hours spent under the stars just talking, they would truly give you the time of your life.
I can also see their mother not approving of the reader, saying something like “They’re lowborn! They’re not worth your time!” but it doesn’t matter, because you’re the one they’ve decided they love, and nothing will change that.
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