#clone captain styles
firewoodwander · 9 months
Today, Someday — Grey/Depa/Styles
Modern au. First/surprise date, requited love, married Depa/Grey, valentines fic (don’t @ me I know it’s summer).
Read on ao3
Some years ago, not long after Depa’s sister died, Caleb had pronounced him the Best Uncle Ever.
“Really?” Styles had asked. “What about Grey, hm? Surely he’s really the best.”
“Grey makes me go to bed at seven o’clock,” Caleb pouts, nose wrinkling very sweetly. “And he doesn’t let me have any biscuits before dinner.”
“That’s because he wants you to eat your dinner. His cooking is very good, it would be a shame to waste any.” Caleb had sat up and flopped back onto the sofa with a huff that made Styles laugh. “And anyway, I’m not a very good cook and I’m not feeding you every day. I’m allowed to give you treats and let you stay up late, yeah? Our secret.”
Caleb seemed to accept this answer, but he’d been insistent. “You’re still the coolest uncle. You love auntie and Grey very much, don’t you?”
“Of course I do,” Styles had assured him despite the knot in his throat. “I love them even more than you do.”
“Not true!” Caleb had protested vehemently. Styles smiled and let him win that argument.
Len’s bingo card from @starwarsrarepairbingo
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ominouspuff · 7 months
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Clone Wars AU: what if’s, featuring “what if everyone lived and outmaneuvered Order 66 and Cody and Rex became, like, space cowboys, among other things”
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aliettali · 7 months
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what if they were happy and nothing bad happened to them
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ivvmell · 8 months
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brush+color test
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yunamiudon · 2 months
◇ Modern AU 2! 👮‍♂️ (Codywan)
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◇ (It was my birthday last month 🥳✌️)
◇ I wonder how I should portray Plo and Ahsoka in Modern AU... What're your thoughts on that??
◇ Same Detectives AU ↓↓
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l0nesome-dreams · 8 months
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Chibis 😌✨
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antianakin · 4 months
I like the idea of Kanan at some point opening up to Rex about the clones he'd known in Depa's battalion. He's mourned Depa and the Jedi, he's learned the truth about the chips, he's started to build a better relationship with Rex, but he's never truly allowed himself to mourn the men he'd considered friends and lost during Order 66.
Rex didn't know them, of course, the clones wouldn't all have known each other or anything, but it doesn't really matter. He listens as Kanan talks about Grey, the commander who took him under his wing, or Styles, the captain who liked to tease him. Kanan talks about how different the four survivors of Depa's original battalion had been from the rest of the men, the way that history with each other had defined a part of their relationship to each other that just wasn't there with the rest of the battalion, but how protective they were of the men who'd joined afterwards (including Kanan himself).
Kanan expresses his regret that he never realized the truth or went back to try to find any of the men, and Rex assures him that this would have been a death sentence and not a single one of those men would've wanted him to make that sacrifice for them any more than Depa would've. His men couldn't tell him to run the way Depa did, but if they could've spoken to him, that's what they'd have told him, to run and not look back. Rex says that while he hadn't known Kanan's battalion, he had met other clones who'd ended up with younger padawan commanders and the one thing all of them (including Rex) were able to agree on was how proud they'd been of the padawans and how lucky they all felt to be able to serve alongside them. So he KNOWS Kanan's men loved him and would've wanted him to be safe, even if it meant leaving them behind.
And Kanan finally allows himself to shed tears for his men, for the loss of the friends he'd only just started to get to know. Rex holds him and stays until Kanan cries himself to sleep on Rex's shoulder and that's how Hera finds them hours later.
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gildeddlily · 9 months
no thoughts, just kanan as a little commander messing with his big brothers (why did i read this it's not like I needed more clone angst)
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bojangos · 2 years
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mand’alor the STANCED
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triscribeaucollection · 4 months
(Working on the next chapter of Gave My All, thought I'd share the latest section and provide zero context):
Thankfully, the rest of the trip passed with relative peace, although Bly couldn’t help but wince when that same cadet kept popping up in his shadow. Apparently young Stance took ‘any brother who wants the same is welcome to join me’ as permission to constantly keep Bly in his sightlines - possibly genuinely due to his commitment to reuniting with his Jedi, but more likely, Bly suspected, as a passive aggressive kriff you to his older brothers.
Styles continued to glower whenever their paths crossed. Grey just seemed to grow more resigned by the hour.
“Either the captain’s going to stuff his shiny in a sack to keep the kid from going anywhere when we get to Yavin, or I’m going to have both him and the commander tagging along with me, I’m not sure which yet.”
Rex snorted at him over the holocall. “You say that like the Jedi aren’t going to find us first.”
Bly eyed the small blue figure of his little brother for a long, suspicion-filled moment. “What do you know that I don’t?”
“Just because we’re keeping a low profile doesn’t mean I haven’t been checking the newsfeeds. Palpatine’s dead.”
“Apparently,” Rex said with visible glee, “Some Jedi operatives did a bit of digging, and Amidala called an emergency session of the Senate to air out his dirty laundry for all to see. Bastard decided to take off, tried to kill her on his way out, but Windu was waiting and got him first.”
A deep, shuddering breath went out of Bly, and he sank back in his seat. “What the kriff?”
“I’m going to take a wild guess, and say several million of our minds getting dumped back in time had an effect on the Force.”
“What, and the Jedi got pulled along too?” But even as he said it, Bly’s mind whirled faster than hyperspeed, considering the implications. The Jedi hadn’t suspected Palpatine the first time around - hadn’t liked him, sure, but distaste for politics and a Chancellor visibly snatching up emergency powers didn’t exactly translate to ‘Sith Lord plotting his total takeover’. But to investigate now- to expose him, to kill him, before the war could even truly get rolling-
Something changed.
The Force is connected to all things, Bly, Aayla told him once. In the same way an atmosphere covers an entire planet, and the slightest flicker in one spot can cause a storm thousands of miles away. Our actions may seem small and inconsequential in this moment, but they can add up, build and grow, until the entire galaxy is changed because of them.
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verndusk · 1 year
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re-drawing a Bad Batch scene a day until season 3 comes out (or i forget): day 24
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clonemedickix · 8 months
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The Dragon Company Commander
Primer, my beloved
@dystopicjumpsuit @theogfulcrum22 @king-chaos-world @sunshinesdaydream @starrylothcat @anxiouspineapple99 @sev-on-kamino @mire-draws-things @the-bad-batch-baroness @cloneloverrrrr @mandos-mind-trick @padawancat97 @dukeoftheblackstar @wolffegirlsunite @isthereanechoinhere96 @jediknightjana @moonlightwarriorqueen @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator
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ominouspuff · 19 days
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POV post-dunking and pre-vengeance, but it’s kinda on you for wearing a uniform to the beach
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chocomars · 2 years
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SW reintroducing Rex like he’s Strider, Ranger of the North in that cantina has me by the jugular, actually.
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whamgram · 9 months
Every week the Ahsoka show chips away a little more of my sanity.
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
i think a lot about the fact that caleb dume was such good friends with the clones he served with. they were his buddies. his brothers, even. his role models, sometimes.
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