#clone trooper hopper
ghostedgrim · 6 months
The Avina Mission- Prolouge
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"The chances I'd get thrusted across space weren't high, but people were still convinced that this would happen to my crew and I. I mean, really, what are the chances I'd get thrusted into a galaxy far, far away? Absolutely 0%!"
Those were the last words planet Earth heard from the Avina I space crew.
A year ago, Dr. Duncan had discovered hyperspeed. Six months ago, Progect Avina was created. The name Avina comes from the doctor's cat of all things. Five weeks ago, the Avina I crew were sent on their first mission. The goal- to use hyperspeed for the first time ever to travel to the space station on Jupiter, then back to Earth.
They were supposed to return within two days... people theorize the crew miscalculated the directions and got launched out of the solar system, other's believe they ship exploded.
"Sir, I'm intercepting a signal of sorts?"
"Signal of sorts? CT-4509, please elaborate on "signal of sorts," if I had known you clones were so bad at interpreting signals I would've never allowed the general to assing you to my ship," Lieutenant Cain grumbles something under her breath as she looks over the clone's shoulder.
"The signal is weak, but the source is close, the sound is far too grainy to make out any words, if someone is even speaking ma'am."
"And the source?"
"It's from an unmarked vessel, ma'am. We're not yet close enough for visuals, but so far, the scans show it isn't imperial or even from anywhere in this galaxy." Lieutenant Cain speaks to the captain through her comms. After a few orders are sent out, a shuttle is sent to investigate, and the Star Destoryer shifts course, searching for the signals source.
After what feels like forever, the mysterious vessel comes into view. The vessel itself is quite crude in build. There's something printed in bold on the ship, but the letters are a language no one on board recognizes. Whoever made it was either some stupid engineer or a backwater planet that just discovered space travel.
"Ma'am, the signal has cleared out. It's on repeat," the clone plays the audio, it's still grainy but more clear. "Hustion, this is Avina I do you copy? Huston, do you copy? Jupiter Satellite Omega 5, do you copy?...Caution fuel levels are at, 15%, turning on emerging power... FUCK! Is there anyone out here! Does anyone copy! Mayday! Our fuel is depleted, our navigation isn't working, half my crew is dead! We are unarmed." The signal fades out before repeating itself.
"Well, at least they speak the same language. How old is the signal?"
"At least two days old ma'am."
"Pull up the visual feed of the troopers on the shuttle investigating the vessel"
Five clones total, plus some random pilot the empire hired. Hopper ensures his helmet is secured before walking onto the small vessel. He and his brothers are caught off guard when there's absolutely no gravity on the vessel. For several moments, the men drift, trying to find purchase on the walls to collect their bearings. This vessel lacks any sense of direction aside from forward or backward, implying whoever created this, made it without artificial gravity.
The lights keep flashing red, and an electronic voice repeats that only 2% of the backup fuel remains. The men drift until they find themselves in a small space with ten tube-like pods, and 6 have a red line across the front along with an unfamiliar lettering. Inside those 6 pods are six frozen bodies. However, two have seemed to thawed, leaving grotesque decomposing corpses within. There's almost no heat on this vessel. Looking at the pods, these creatures must be from a frozen over planet, which would explain the need for pods to keep them frozen.
Hopper and his men explore forward until they reach a dead end. For several moments, he looks around, only to realize there was a hole above him that led to the cockpit. Four bodies drift within it. The cockpit is tiny and cramped, two seats, with buttons, and leavers all around. It was a miracle a single person could fit. Now, back to those four bodies. Their suits are thick and bulky, and the helmet was like a fish bowl. Either these creatures are thick or a bit too dramatic with their layers.
"Hopper, my scans show their alive, but their vitals are weak." Hopper looms over the data pad in his brother's hand. Sure enough, the four creatures before them were alive, but they won't stay that way for long. They need medical aid and fast. He drifts to Dive Bomb, who's drowned himself in what Hopper thinks is their data logs.
"What have you found, Dive Bomb?"
"Sir, these creatures have a hyperdrive, a weak and roughly scraped together one, but it's functional. Or it was till they lost fuel. It's a miracle they're alive at all. They've been traveling with hyperspeed for around five weeks! Whatever they are, they're definitely not from this galaxy."
"I'll call the captain." Hopper drifts back onto the imperial shuttle. Moving from zero gravity to artificial graved made his limbs feel like lead. "Captain Rhys, permission to bring the creatures we found on the shuttle on board. From what my men have found, they were a crew of ten, six died, and four are barely alive. They're not from our galaxy, and I don't think they're from any of the neighboring galaxies either, sir. They've been in hyperspeed for around five weeks. It's a miracle they're still alive."
Fortunately, the captain allowed us to bring the strange vessel on board, and the creatures were rushed to the med bay. Hopper now stands guard within the room of one of the creatures. He wasn't present for the first few tests, but apparently, the doctor concluded our air is safe for the creatures. He watches as the nurse removes the helmet from the creature, and for a moment, everyone is shocked. Hopper had expected something more...icy, blue skin, maybe some frost, or fur, but no...the creature before him was human.
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Thanks for reading. The idea for this fic kinda hit me out of the blue. Updates will be inconsistent. Now I do have ideas of that'll happen throughout the fic, and I plan for it to take place during the events of The Bad Batch. I really hope to make a full story of this because I believe that this concept deserves to be written.
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forcesung · 5 months
For a moment he just stood there, unable to think of anything to say-which, for him, was a rarity. Finally, he said, "Let me ask you a question." CT-914 continued to shove the bags into the bin, which ground and hummed as it ate them. "How did you feel about the death of CT-Nine-one-five?" Nine-one-four pushed the last of the bags into the hopper. He looked at Jos. "The loss of a trained soldier is... regrettable." Both his speech and bearing were stiff. Jos knew CT-914 didn’t want to pursue this, but he forged ahead anyway. He had to know. "No. I’m not talking about his value to the Republic. I’m asking you how it made you feel. You, personally." CT-914 stood there for what seemed like a long time without speaking. "Were I a civilian," he said at last, "delivered naturally and not vat-born, I could tell you it’s none of your business-sir. But since I’m bound to obey my superior officers, then the answer to your question is that I-personally-was pained by Nine-one-five’s death. We’re all of the same flesh and design, all equal in basic abilities, but he was my comrade in arms. I knew him all my life. We fought together, ate to-gether, and shared our off-duty times like brothers. I miss him. I expect I’ll miss him until I die. "Does that answer your question, sir? I have more trash to collect." Jos swallowed, his throat suddenly dry. "Yes, that answers it. Thank you." "Just doing my duty, Doctor. No thanks necessary." CT-914 turned and walked away, and Jos watched him go, unable to move. Inside his mind, the tiny voice he was growing to hate piped up again and said, You ought to know by now not to ask questions you don’t really want answered. No kidding. If they were all like CT-914, then clone troopers were much more mentally complex than Jos had thought. They had feelings, inner lives, maybe even dreams and aspirations that reached beyond the art of war. And that shifted things into a realm Jos didn’t want to think about. Blast.
—Medstar I: Battle Surgeons, Michael Reaves
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melissa-kenobi · 4 years
Commander Kiri x Reader
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A/N: heyyy finally got round to writing a Kiri (OC) x Reader yay! I know I've had alot of requests about it so here it is. It still follows the Fallen Premonitions storyline, but reader doesn't end up with Rex, still has her visions of the future and stuff, also they sorta have a thing for each other ahaha, enjoy! x
📷: @pinkiemme (love it so much)
Word Count: 3.4k
The voice of your Commander echoed through the forest as he rushed after you, avoiding the branches that you force threw at him. Your legs ached with pain as you pushed yourself to run faster, not wanting him to catch up with you.
You were on a relief mission, having finished giving the people what they needed, yourself and your two man squadron decided to explore the planet for a while. Neither of you had ever been here before and the shuttle that was supposed to pick you up had been delayed, so there was no point in rushing. You decided that you might as well explore the place with the boys, seeing as they never have a chance to. Which is how you ended up rushing through a forest, having stolen one of your Commanders treats you paced your way through the forest.
Before you knew it, you ran straight into the chest of Hopper, who stood still, glaring at you, all while you gave him a cheeky smile. "Hops, you good?"
"General, what are you doing?" Hopper asked, a hint of sarcasm laced in his tone. You hid the treat behind your back, keeping it out of sight from Hopper and supposedly Kiri.
You rolled your eyes, letting out a small chuckle as you swerved around Hopper, hiding behind him, your head peaking out from the side as you kept an eye out for your commander.
"Nothing!" You innocently smiled, eyes flittering around. Hopper shook his head in annoyance but continued to let you stand behind him, holding onto his arms as protection.
All of a sudden a tap on your shoulder had you flipping around, eyes wide and mouth open as Kiri smiled back at you. "Gotcha..."
"That's not fair, you cheated!" You moaned as you slumped against Hopper who had turned around, watching his General and Commander interact with a curious glint in his eye.
"You're the one who threw branches at me and stole my treat!" Kiri accused as he sent a soft glare your way.
"Wel-" Your words were cut off as you felt a strange presence, no a dark presence embrace your body. You clutched your head in pain as you stumbled, losing your footing. Your head screamed in pain as you felt the darkness embrace your body, you legs weakening as you fell limp. The troopers acted quickly, grabbing you before you could fall to the ground and hurt yourself further.
"General? Are you okay?" Kiri asked, eyes full of concern as he held you in his arms. Hopper checked your pulse only to find a faint beat as he shook you gently trying to wake you up.
"She's not responsive!" Hopper panicked, eyes wide as he looked at Kiri. The Commander picked you up, one hand around your legs and the other around your back as he carried you across to the village. Hopper scurried ahead, looking for the villagers who they had just spoken with, only to find the village completely empty.
"Kiri, there's no-one there! They've all disappeared!"
Kiri furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, eyes flickering around, looking for a safe place to put you. He looked down at you in his arms, your face pale and unconscious as made a split second decision. "Hopper, check that hut over there for supplies, we'll have to make camp here. But be on the lookout, I don't know what's happened but I'll try to contact General Kenobi."
Hopper nodded in understanding, his face stern as he knew your life was on the line.
It had been at least an hour since the three of you had made camp. Hopper had found a bundle of material, wrapping you up warm while you shivered unconsciously. You kept mumbling some words, neither Kiri nor Hopper knew what was going on. They had tried to contact General Kenobi but to their disadvantage they couldn't, the signal had been ripped from the village, almost as if this all débâcle was planned.
The boys took it in turns to stay by the fire at your side while the other kept guard by the entrance of the hut they were staying in. Hopper was currently on door duty while Kiri sat besides you, fiddling with his comms, trying to get a signal or something to someone.
"D-dooku...Kiri....H-hops... careful..."
Kiri instantly dropped his comm, his hands coming to hold you down as you shuffled and fought in your sleep. Kiri eventually calmed your down, his body twisting to face you as he gently cupped your cheek, eyes soft as he watched you mumble words. His name to be specific. The very one you had given him, the one he was oh-so proud of.
Kiri let out a deep sigh, his eyebrows furrowing as he took a quick glance at Hopper who was focuced on the outdoors before he turned back and spoke to you.
"Cyar'ika, c'mon Y/N, I can't have you dying on me, not when we've just begun. We haven't even had time for a proper mission, or even spend time together." Kiri whispered those few words, hoping Hopper didn't hear him. He leaned down and placed a small kiss on your forehead, leaning down to place his own on yours as he whispered.
"Come back to us. Come back to me."
"Kiri! There's some Civ's rolling in!"
Kiri quickly got up, but not before squeezing your hand in comfort, he could have sworn he felt you squeeze back but it could have just been wishful thinking, or he was thinking with his heart.
"They don't look like regular civilians..." Kiri noted as he stood besides Hopper who pulled out his scopes, trying to figure out who the people were.
"That's because they're not! They're clankers! Kriff! Kiri we have to get out of here!"
"We can't!" Kiri instantly turned his head towards your unconscious body in the hut. "She's too weak, we can't move her!"
"Well we have to, otherwise we'll be crushed into pieces and none of us will ever make it out alive!" Hopper retorted, he'd been in a situation like this before with you. But you had been conscious, you had been his saviour, his beacon of hope, but now you were the one who needed the help. That was on of the worst days of his life, but when he saw your face alongside General Plo, he knew it would be alright. You'd taken him into your battalion, practically begged General Plo until he caved and you had been glued to each other since. Hopper wasn't too happy with the way you handled the 265th but you were- no are a good General. He wasn't going to give up on you yet.
"Kiri, you defend! I'll get the General!" Hopper ordered. Kiri panicked, not wanting Hopper to take you, he wanted to be the one, not that he didn't trust Hopper because he did. He just didn't trust himself, would he be able to concentrate when your life was on the line?
He would have to. For his brothers. For you.
Kiri nodded in confirmation as he took out his twin blasters, ready to defend. He started shooting the clankers that came anywhere near the hut, giving Hopper the chance to pick you up and run. Kiri followed suit, but so did the droids, gaining on them as they made their way through the forest, Hopper going as fast as he could, with you slung over his shoulder one hand clutching your back as he shot with the other. Kiri blasting the droids left and right, each one falling down just as quick, but the other behind gaining speed as they soon started to overwhelm the two soldiers.
"Hopper, I can't- I need your help! There are too many of them!" Kiri yelled over the noise of blasters being shot, he narrowly missed a blaster blot being shot into his arm as swooped to te left. Hopper glanced over to Kiri, having taken refuge behind a tree, his back facing Hopper all hope lost from his face, as he breathed heavily. The droids were gaining on them as he took a quick glance. Hopper hid behind a tree, gently placing you on the ground as he placed a small kiss on your forehead whispering a small prayer in mando'a before rushing over to help Kiri.
"What's the plan General?" Hopper asked immediately as he rushed over to Kiri, back to back as they shot the driods that were coming in left and right.
"We need to take out those destroyers!" Kiri stated as he signalled to his right, the two destroyers that were gaining on them. Hopper nodded in confirmation, as he pulled out a grenade, already throwing it in the direction of the destroyers, disabling their shields allowing Kiri to shoot at them, instantly destroying them. But it wasn't enough, they still had droids coming in left and right.
Out of nowhere a force of something threw all the droids back, instantly crushing them to the ground, only leaving the destroyers up, with their shields down, giving the boys a split second to glance back and see you stood there, hands out, a small smile on your face.
"Go..." You whispered, just loud enough for the boys to hear before you gripped onto the tree for support as the troopers quickly looked at each other, eyes filled with fear, not sure whether to go to you or the destroyers. But alas their prayers were answered when several Republic gunships flew in. Generals' Kenobi and Skywalker flying into battle alongside some of thier troopers, giving Kiri and Hopper the chance to rush over to you.
They were too late, Dooku had you in his grip, ready to fly off with you before Kiri blasted his bolts at him, eyes furious as he saw your limp body be dragged away. "Y/N!"
Kiri rushed over to Dooku, blasters held high but never stood a chance against Dooku before he was swept aside like a doll. Dooku regarded this gesture carefully as he watched the young soldier call out your name, leaving his own defenses open. Anakin jumped in at the right time, lightsaber at the ready while he forced pulled your body from Dooku's grip and into his arms. Dooku having already seen your Commander to his left had signalled them to take him instead.
"Kiri! No!" You yelled weakly, tugging on Anakins arms, trying, pleading with him to save Kiri.
"We can't Y/N!" Anakin apologised softly as he watched Dooku fly away, your Commander trapped with the Separatists, all while you stood helpless. You spotted Kiri's helmet, picking it up as you clutched it to your chest, not wanting to let your feelings out in front of Anakin. You caressed the helmet, thumb rubbing over the four arrows marked on it, they represented each of your little squadron, yourself, Hopper, Jester and Luka.
"We'll get you back Kiri. I promise."
Coruscant - Council Chambers
"Master Windu, I sugge-"
"No. I'm sorry Y/N, but the council have decided that this mission is far too risky. We can only put our faith in Commander Kiri's hands and hope that he returns to us." Master Windu spoke sternly, eyes fixated on you.
"Bu- I can't let him die! He's my Commander!" You retorted, eyes furrowed in anger.
"We can always get you another one Y/N."
The look of disbelief that crossed your face was more than enough for you to burst out your thoughts. "Then we are no better than the Separatists! Leaving a man behind because he's a clone, because, what, he is replaceable? So are the Jedi, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't at least try and go after them! That is not what the Jedi stand for and not what I signed up for!"
"Y/N! Control yourself." Master Kenobi spoke, eyes sending a warning look at you, instantly telling you to mind your tongue. Obi-Wan's disapproval only angered you further, you wouldn't leave Kiri by himself, not when he sacrificed himself to save you. Why they had taken him was beyond you, but you promised you would get him back.
And you would. Whatever it took. Whether you had the blessing from the council or not.
You bowed in respect. "My apologies Master. I spoke out of turn.. I am just worried about my Commander. He is one of the finest, most loyal person I have ever worked with, and I do consider Kiri a dear friend."
Master Windu nodded in acknowledgement, your apology accepted. "I understand young one, but this matter is out of your hands, as well as the councils."
You nodded in confirmation, ready to leave the council room before Master Yoda called for you. "Yes Master Yoda?"
"Speak to you I wish, in private." Master Yoda asked as he signalled for the other members to leave the room, Obi-Wan placing a hand on your shoulder in comfort before he followed the others out the room.
"What is it Master Yoda?"
"Y/N, sensed a great disturbance in the force I do. Careful you must be when rescuing your Commander."
Your mouth fell open out of shock. "Master Yoda! I-i er, it has been forbidden by the Council, I cannot go!"
"Matter it does not. Ever Clone matters to us, do they not?" You nodded. "Then you will go. Skywalker will go with you, careful you must be Y/N. Dooku looks for you."
"Yes Master Yoda." You knew not to question Master Yoda, especially when he had just given you permission to get Kiri back.
"Tell me... Commander... why is she so special? Why do you resist telling me about her?"
The low tones of Asajj Ventress' voice echoed through the tunnels of Dooku's fortress. Her longer fingernails traced the Commanders face, running from the tip of his eyebrow, down his cheek to his lip, before she squeezed his chin in her hands, forcing him to look at her.
Kiri was pinned against the wall on a durasteel contraption, hand held above his head and his leg split apart as they were held down by the same material. His helmet was long gone, probably still stuck on that godforsaken planet, he'd have to get a new one when he got back. If he ever got back. All Kiri could think about was if you were safe, if you made it out alive. He prayed that you did, that whatever he tried to do kept you safe, kept you alive. Your life was worth a million of his, and he was glad that it was him here, instead of you.
"I'll never give you what you want!" Kiri rumbled out, taking deep breaths as she squeezed his windpipe with her bare hands, not using the force.
Ventress growled in anger as he slapped his face, Kiri's head slapping the hard metal as he grunted in slight pain.
"Fine. I guess we'll have to do things the old fashioned way." Ventress taunted as she pulled out a flaring hot viroblade, waving it in the air as she approached Kiri. The blade taunting his skin, as she pressed it slowly, into his upper lip, carving it into his skin. Kiri screamed out, the pain that he was experiencing was excruciating, but it was nothing compared to how he felt when he almost lost you.
Kiri prayed to the maker above, for someone to help him, to hear his pleas, but it was useless. Ventress pulled the viroblade from his face, cleaning the blood off it before hovering over his face again. "It would be a shame to mess this pretty little face up, wouldn't it?"
"Then again, there are several of you clones. Who cares if there's one that's a little bit damaged, or even one less?"
"I do."
Kiri's eyes widened in shock as he saw you approch, your robes swaying behind you as Anakin and Ahsoka followed behind, your twin lightsabers out, a fierce grown painted on your face. Kiri could have sworn he was in heaven, an angel had come to save him, one that had taken the form of you, he would die happily, his last thoughts and visions of you. His eyes started to droop slowly to sleep, as the last thing he remembered was the soft tones of your voice calling his name out.
Medical Bay
"Look who's finally awake!"
Luka grinned happily as he hugged his brother, trying his best not to further injure him. Jester copied Luka, giving Kiri a large hug, causing him to slightly wince in pain. Hopper stood on his left as he placed a hand on his shoulder, sending a small smile his way, happy to see his brother alive and well.
"Good to see you back with us Commander."
"Glad to see you too boys." Kiri laughed, although his tone was a little off as Hopper noticed Kiri looking around anxiously.
"She's at a debriefing. Broke a lot of Jedi rules to come get you."
"I-i didn't sa-"
"You didn't have to vod. We already know." Luka smiled, patting Kiri on the arm.
"Already know what?" Your angelic tone echoed through Kiri's room as you entered, a large grin plastered across your face as you saw Kiri wide awake. Kiri's eyes widened in surprise as he wondered if you had overheard their conversation.
The boys quickly looked at each other, before Hopper spoke up, covering up what Kiri had practically confessed to them. "That Ventress got away again."
You rolled your eyes at his statement, taking a seat at the end of Kiri's bed. "She's a coward. She'll always run."
Your boys nodded in agreement, happy to accept whatever it was that you said, moving away from Kiri's confession. "Anyways, I brought some sweets! I bought them from a vendor in Central Coruscant, the twi'lek said they were the sweetest, so I hope they are."
You handed out a packet to each of the boys who looked at them in glee, Jester already stuffing his face with them while Hopper looked sceptical at the sight of them.
"Oh, Hops, they're not gonna harm you! It's just a sweet! Look I'll eat one!" You popped one in your mouth, chewing on the sweet delicacy as you hummed in pleasure. "Here look, Kiri have one!" You took one out, hand coming up to place one in Kiri's mouth when your eyes stopped on the scar that had formed across his upper lip.
It was a deep nasty cut that left a horrible scar, one that you were partially responsible for. "Sorry..." You mumbled, eyes downcast. Hopper could feel the tension a mile away, luckily though before he could intervene, Captain Rex knocked on the door asking for your troopers to report to General Kenobi for their next assignment. The boys said thier goodbyes before leaving you and Kiri alone in the room.
"I am so sorry Kiri! I wish you didn't have to go through all of that, I wish I- we could have done something sooner." Your guilty eyes falling on the scar, and the brusies that scorned his beautiful face.
"Hey, at least we both made it out alive. You saved me, remember? You came back for me."
"I know. But I could have been too late. What would Ventress have done to you if we hadn't arrived on time? If I hadn't gone against the councils wishes? I-i don't know what I would have done." You sighed, feeling the emotions you bottled creep up on you slowly.
"I wish I could take all the pain away for you." You lift a hand, tracing a finger over the scar as Kiri winces slightly, eyes closing in content at your soft fingers tracing his skin.
"You already have."
You look up to Kiri in confusion, eyes caught with his as you leaned in, Kiri simultaneously leaning in too. Your hand moving to trace his cheek as he brought his hand to cup your face his his large hands, bringing your closer as your lips finally met. Eyes closing in content as you felt Kiri's soft lips pressed against yours, the scar brusing your top lip as he pulled away, forehead pressed against you as he smiled happily.
"I would do it all again if it meant keeping you safe."
Taglist: @tobitofunction @pinkiemme @shadowfoxey @yamaktaria @callme-eds @starwarsworld
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vroomian · 2 years
oh my god in the star wars au yrz's clone troopers all take on his last name so yrz can still have his crazy huge family
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el-niphrendil · 7 years
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A few emblems for my clone troopers I desired. These are all for the 796th. The grasshopper is obviously Hopper’s symbol. The seamonster was made for @blackhunter666′s Commander Hunter,and the little fish stands for the whole Battalion as battalion insignia. The battalion belongs to me, Blackhunter and @hopelesskatt
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mayhw · 4 years
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CLONE OCS! ♥ Rover and his boys! I needed to give Saika her own clones to interact with! :v
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shades-studios · 3 years
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My ARC trooper OC, Loki. A member of the 313th Legion, under Commander Hopper and General Kabara. He took to growing his hair out and dying it with encouragement from his former commander. His general encourages clone individuality and Hopper also braids his hair. I need to work on his backstory more, but I’m glad to finally show him and I enjoyed the style experiment.
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Avengers: Multiverse
by Movie_Riggs
The Man in Black successfully destroys the Dark Tower and finds himself able to send his evil minions to wreak havoc in all corners of the multiverse.
One or ten heroes--no more than forty, ish--band together to stop him.
Words: 3679, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, The Dark Tower (2017), Back to the Future (Movies), Ghostbusters (Movies 1984-1989), Justice League - All Media Types, Godzilla (2014), Stranger Things (TV 2016), DCU, X-Men (Movieverse), Friends (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: The Man in Black (Dark Tower), Stephen Strange, Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Peter Parker, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Arthur Curry (DCU), Peter Quill, Ray Stantz, Winston Zeddemore, Tony Stark, Emmett "Doc" Brown, Marty McFly, Clone Captain Rex - Character, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, T'Challa, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Gojira | Godzilla, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers, Kali Prasad | Eight, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Logan (X-Men), Wong (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Valkyrie, Korg, Miek, Shuri, Ahsoka Tano, Clone Trooper Echo, Clone Trooper Fives, Joyce Byers, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Steve Rogers, Gamora, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Matt Murdock, Anakin Skywalker, Morgan Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, The Joker, Kraven the Hunter, Miles Morales, Stan Lee, Stephen King, May Parker, Carol Danvers, Roland Deschain, Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani, Diana Prince, Max Mayfield, Steve Harrington, Phil Coulson
Relationships: Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Thor & Loki, Thor & Bruce Banner, Thor & Arthur Curry, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Peter Quill/Gamora, Ray Stantz & Winston Zeddemore, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Wanda Maximoff & Pietro Maximoff, Emmett "Doc" Brown & Marty McFly, Michelle Jones & Miles Morales, Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter, Drax the Destroyer/Mantis, Peter Quill & Drax the Destroyer, Logan & Wanda Maximoff, Captain Rex & Anakin Skywalker, Mike Wheeler & Dustin Henderson & Lucas Sinclair & Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair/Max Mayfield, Joyce Byers/Jim "Chief" Hopper, Kali Prasad & Mike Wheeler, Peter Parker & Michelle Jones & Shuri
Additional Tags: Crossover, The biggest freaking crossover you ever did see, Canon undone, Cameos and name drops, character interactions, Multiverse, The space-time continuum is in big trouble, Yes you've read these tags right, Some liberties might be taken
from AO3 works tagged 'Wanda Maximoff/Vision' https://ift.tt/2oTqRkm via IFTTT
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Beyond - Star Wars vs. Aliens vs. Stranger Things
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IgxRli
by LN_Dean_FanFiction
A novice mercenary arrives at Johner's Point, a lawless place near the Outer Rim, in the hopes of starting a new life. He instantly regrets it. To avoid certain death, he signs his life away, indebting himself with a contract with an unknown client at an unknown system far, far away....
Words: 3048, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Alien Series, Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Rob Bannon, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Ellen Ripley, Corporal Hicks, Sergeant Apone, Bishop, Private Vasquez, Eleven | Jane Hopper
Additional Tags: Xenomorphs (Alien), Clone Wars, Storm Trooper, The Dark Side of the Force, Facehuggers (Alien) - Freeform, Mercenaries, Humor, Sexual Humor, Action/Adventure, Explosions, Lightsabers, Star Wars References, Strong Female Characters
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IgxRli
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whatanerdgirlsays · 5 years
If you’ve been living under a rock or simply don’t live in California so your entire world doesn’t revolve around the Disneyland Resort, then you may not know that the newest addition to the park – Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge – has officially opened as of this past Friday.
I’ve been excited about this for FOUR years now, since the announcement that there would be a Star Wars themed land. The closer it got though, the more that it just seemed like it wouldn’t be in the cards for me though. I unfortunately haven’t been able to afford an annual pass in quite some time, and a day ticket is a lot for me. I was counting down the days until opening but I had a feeling that I would not be there.
That literally changed about three weeks ago. Let me start with a little backstory. I’ve been to Disneyland a handful of times in the past two years and I took the same picture every single time, starting with one taken in August of 2017. They had started the construction on Galaxy’s Edge and there was a really cool walkway and wall leading to where the land was going to be. I took a picture sitting in front of it, staring wistfully at the picture, and posted it on Instagram, joking about how I was first in line.
I was contacted by someone named Frank, who is now a friend of mine after two years of instagram following, who let me know that my picture caught the eye of Disney and they wanted to know if they could have permission to use the image in promotion stuff. I thought it was kind of crazy, but gave my information and thought nothing of it. Frank and I stayed IG friends though and that was great!
A few weeks ago, Frank reaches out to me, asks for my email, saying that Disney Parks wants to get in contact with me. Hmm, okay. So I passed along my email – which is basically public anyway – and waited. I received an email from someone named Mark, who works for Disney Parks, asking if he could have ten to fifteen minutes to chat on the phone with me. After Googling him frantically and finding that he seemed pretty legit, I okayed the phone call. It basically boiled down to they can’t tell me why, but they want to come film me being surprised with…something. I set it up for a few days later.
Long story short – which you guys know I’m NEVER good at – Mark, one of the Disneyland Ambassadors, Justin, and a full camera crew came to my apartment and surprised me with a trip to Galaxy’s Edge before it opened to the public.
And while I had a *slight* idea that it had to do with SWGE, I had no idea it would be this and I was in awe of this opportunity for the weeks prior to it actually happening. You can watch the video below…its super fun and way way awkward haha!
Fast forward a few weeks to this past Wednesday, the 29th. This was the day I got to go and I found out a few days prior that this was going to be the media day and the day of the official dedication/opening ceremony. I was seriously SO excited. I had a ton of cast member friends that went to their previews, but they weren’t allowed to take pictures and I was just ACHING to have my trip to the land. I was so ready for it.
Daniel and I showed up at the Disneyland Hotel a little after 1 pm, which was the check in. We were given Park Hoppers to get into the parks before the event started 630 pm but we decided to go hang out at Trader Sam’s Enchanted Tiki Bar for a little bit. Its my favorite place and all of my favorite Skippers work during the day so I never see them anymore and I haven’t been in SO long. It felt like the perfect way to start what was sure to be an awesome night.
When it was finally getting close to event time, we headed to the park, rode Winnie the Pooh once because YES, and then headed over to SWGE. I was so excited and ready for it. We were told we were allowed to take as many pictures and videos as we wanted and we could start posting and sharing as soon as the media embargo ended at 6 pm. I had also learned that not only were we going to be in a great spot for the dedication ceremony but that all the food and drinks for the event were complementary. I was already sorting through my head what I could and could not try with my budget and this was SO exciting to me because I wanted to try everything!
Then it was time. At exactly 630 pm, they let the mass of media and media guests come into the land and that is when I saw Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge for the first time.
I cannot even begin to explain how I felt. It felt like experiencing something I never thought I would experience in my life. Its one thing to immerse yourself into a fictional world but its another for it to come to life in front of you and that is exactly how it felt. I spent four and a half hours in SWGE and I felt completely immersed in the Star Wars universe the entire time. I always knew that Disney was capable of transporting you – I worked there for long enough to know that – but this was beyond my expectations. I forgot completely that I was in Disneyland.
It was more than just visiting another land in the park – you were genuinely in Batuu. The cast members are Batuu residents and they are fully committed to their characters and the story of the land. I loved that the First Order Troopers walked around looking for Resistance fighters and that the Resistance fighters would hide. It felt REAL. I loved it. I loved the architecture and the shops and the food places. The Millennium Falcon? ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE. My favorite fictional transportation come to life in front of me, life size? I was in love. I was truly blown away at how much I felt transported to another planet. Truly, it was amazing. I have about a thousand pictures but I tried to share some of my favorite pictures!
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The food and drinks were SO great and they were a big thing that I couldn’t wait to try! Food isn’t really a big thing in the Star Wars universe so I was really excited to see what they came up with! The big thing that I wanted to try, of course, was blue milk. I honestly had NO idea what it was going to be like and I was pleasantly surprised by both the blue milk and the green milk and how good they were! They were sort of these sweet, fruity smoothie like drinks and I seriously enjoyed them. I found out later that they have coconut milk in them and I’m allergic to coconut and that’s why I felt sick at the end of the night but at least I tried them LOL! I didn’t try as much food as I wanted but what I did try was seriously delicious – I loved the cold noodles and alllll of the desserts were DELICIOUS!
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The dedication ceremony was short but incredible. I haven’t done a big event like this in so long and it reminded me how much I truly miss it. It was done in front of the Millennium Falcon, which was the first time I saw it close up and it looked just so amazing! Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, said some words and then he brought out freaking LEGENDS – George Lucas, Billy Dee Williams, Mark Hamill and…Harrison Ford, Han Solo himself, one of the biggest childhood (and adult) crushes of my life. I can’t even explain how much awe I was in to be in the presence of these amazing people that I grew up watching.
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The Millennium Falcon Smuggler’s Run was opened immediately after and we raced – walked, of course – to the entrance. Because it was a small event and there weren’t a ton of people, we were able to go on the ride three times. It has a Star Tours sort of ride, bumpy and fun, and super interactive. There are three options for roles – pilot, who literally uses a toggle to steer, gunner, who basically button mashes and makes sure to take those TIE fighters out and the engineer, who has to push and flip a selection of buttons and switches in your mission. We did all three roles and each one was seriously fun. I think I liked pilot and engineer the most – I was terrible at pilot though but pushing the buttons and flipping the switches while being an engineer felt SO cool. The entire queue walk through was super cool and seeing Hondo – a favorite from Clone Wars and Rebels – before getting on was even better.
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We checked out some of the merchandise but I was a good girl and kept myself from buying anything. A lot of the merch was SERIOUSLY cool and I wish I had taken pictures of it but there were definitely things to covet – Ahsoka dolls, lightsaber and droid building experiences. Maybe someday haha! But there were certain things I wanted that I was happy to get my hands on and those were the thermal detonator soda bottles! They’re so so cool! I am so glad to have the entire collection. I also am proud of my media pass, my ticket for the day and my grand opening pin. These are things I truly will treasure forever – along with my giant SURPRISE SARA poster. This was an amazing experience.
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My nerd girl self was also seriously stoked at seeing the celebrities that kept popping up as I explored Batuu – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Chris Paul, Ty Simpkins, and freaking Brie Larson. You guys know my OBSESSION with Captain Marvel so when I realized she was there, I lost it and I definitely embarrassed myself. I told her she’s amazing and that I absolutely loved Captain Marvel. I asked her for a picture but she was enjoying as a guest so she politely declined but said thank you for saying hi and she was so sweet and nice and I am so stoked at even the small interaction with a lady I look up to so so much. I also met Sam Witwer for the first time, who does the voice for Darth Maul in Clone Wars, Rebels and Solo, and is FANTASTIC.
I even saw Ashley Eckstein, founder of Her Universe and the voice of the EPIC Ahsoka Tano – we are basically friends at this point haha. I was stoked to see her husband, David, as well – he’s my favorite baseball player of all time and I totally was a fool in front of him just like I was a few years ago when I met him the first time. I swear, being 31 does not kill your fangirl tendencies. But its also nice to know that I’m not jaded from meeting so many of my fave celebs – I can still act like a total dweeb!
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I am so insanely grateful to Disney and to Frank and Mark for this experience. It honestly was beyond anything I could have imagined. Not only did I get to experience of my favorite stories come to life in front of me in a brilliant and beautiful way, but I had a one of a kind time doing it. Seeing all these people I look up to like George Lucas and Brie Larson, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill, Ashley Eckstein…it was incredible and being able to say that I was there for the opening ceremony is just an honor and a privilege.
Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge is only accessible via reservations (which are full) until June 24th and then the land is fully open to the public! Right now, I’m genuinely so impressed with the reservation system and how its gone so smoothly, how the lines have been short and manageable and the crowds have been great.  I have a feeling once it opens to the public, it’ll be more crowded but that won’t stop me from recommending that everyone head to Batuu as soon as they can. If you’re a HUGE Star Wars fan, if you’re a casual fan, or even if you just love seeing what Disney and their Imagineers are capable of – you just have to go. You have to. I have loved Disneyland my entire life, ever since I was a young child, and I’ve been lucky enough to go consistently through out my life and they still managed to just blow my mind with this addition. Its just absolutely perfect. I can’t wait to go back.
May the Force be With You!
Adventures in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge for the Dedication Ceremony! ~~~ #starwarsgalaxysedge #swge #disneyland @disneyparks @disneyland @starwars #starwars If you've been living under a rock or simply don't live in California so your entire world doesn't revolve around the Disneyland Resort, then you may not know that the newest addition to the park - Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge - has officially opened as of this past Friday.
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 6 years
Avengers: Multiverse
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2oTqRkm
by Movie_Riggs
The Man in Black successfully destroys the Dark Tower and finds himself able to send his evil minions to wreak havoc in all corners of the multiverse.
One or ten heroes--no more than forty, ish--band together to stop him.
Words: 3679, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, The Dark Tower (2017), Back to the Future (Movies), Ghostbusters (Movies 1984-1989), Justice League - All Media Types, Godzilla (2014), Stranger Things (TV 2016), DCU, X-Men (Movieverse), Friends (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: The Man in Black (Dark Tower), Stephen Strange, Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Peter Parker, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Arthur Curry (DCU), Peter Quill, Ray Stantz, Winston Zeddemore, Tony Stark, Emmett "Doc" Brown, Marty McFly, Clone Captain Rex - Character, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, T'Challa, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Gojira | Godzilla, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers, Kali Prasad | Eight, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Logan (X-Men), Wong (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Valkyrie, Korg, Miek, Shuri, Ahsoka Tano, Clone Trooper Echo, Clone Trooper Fives, Joyce Byers, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Steve Rogers, Gamora, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Matt Murdock, Anakin Skywalker, Morgan Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, The Joker, Kraven the Hunter, Miles Morales, Stan Lee, Stephen King, May Parker, Carol Danvers, Roland Deschain, Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani, Diana Prince, Max Mayfield, Steve Harrington, Phil Coulson
Relationships: Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Thor & Loki, Thor & Bruce Banner, Thor & Arthur Curry, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Peter Quill/Gamora, Ray Stantz & Winston Zeddemore, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Wanda Maximoff & Pietro Maximoff, Emmett "Doc" Brown & Marty McFly, Michelle Jones & Miles Morales, Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter, Drax the Destroyer/Mantis, Peter Quill & Drax the Destroyer, Logan & Wanda Maximoff, Captain Rex & Anakin Skywalker, Mike Wheeler & Dustin Henderson & Lucas Sinclair & Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair/Max Mayfield, Joyce Byers/Jim "Chief" Hopper, Kali Prasad & Mike Wheeler, Peter Parker & Michelle Jones & Shuri
Additional Tags: Crossover, The biggest freaking crossover you ever did see, Canon undone, Cameos and name drops, character interactions, Multiverse, The space-time continuum is in big trouble, Yes you've read these tags right, Some liberties might be taken
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2oTqRkm
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ao3feed-starmora · 6 years
Avengers: Multiverse
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2oTqRkm
by Movie_Riggs
The Man in Black successfully destroys the Dark Tower and finds himself able to send his evil minions to wreak havoc in all corners of the multiverse.
One or ten heroes--no more than forty, ish--band together to stop him.
Words: 3679, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, The Dark Tower (2017), Back to the Future (Movies), Ghostbusters (Movies 1984-1989), Justice League - All Media Types, Godzilla (2014), Stranger Things (TV 2016), DCU, X-Men (Movieverse), Friends (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: The Man in Black (Dark Tower), Stephen Strange, Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Peter Parker, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Arthur Curry (DCU), Peter Quill, Ray Stantz, Winston Zeddemore, Tony Stark, Emmett "Doc" Brown, Marty McFly, Clone Captain Rex - Character, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, T'Challa, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Gojira | Godzilla, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers, Kali Prasad | Eight, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Logan (X-Men), Wong (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Valkyrie, Korg, Miek, Shuri, Ahsoka Tano, Clone Trooper Echo, Clone Trooper Fives, Joyce Byers, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Steve Rogers, Gamora, Bucky Barnes, Pietro Maximoff, Matt Murdock, Anakin Skywalker, Morgan Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, The Joker, Kraven the Hunter, Miles Morales, Stan Lee, Stephen King, May Parker, Carol Danvers, Roland Deschain, Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani, Diana Prince, Max Mayfield, Steve Harrington, Phil Coulson
Relationships: Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Thor & Loki, Thor & Bruce Banner, Thor & Arthur Curry, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Peter Quill/Gamora, Ray Stantz & Winston Zeddemore, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Wanda Maximoff & Pietro Maximoff, Emmett "Doc" Brown & Marty McFly, Michelle Jones & Miles Morales, Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter, Drax the Destroyer/Mantis, Peter Quill & Drax the Destroyer, Logan & Wanda Maximoff, Captain Rex & Anakin Skywalker, Mike Wheeler & Dustin Henderson & Lucas Sinclair & Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair/Max Mayfield, Joyce Byers/Jim "Chief" Hopper, Kali Prasad & Mike Wheeler, Peter Parker & Michelle Jones & Shuri
Additional Tags: Crossover, The biggest freaking crossover you ever did see, Canon undone, Cameos and name drops, character interactions, Multiverse, The space-time continuum is in big trouble, Yes you've read these tags right, Some liberties might be taken
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2oTqRkm
0 notes
melissa-kenobi · 4 years
Attack on Mandalore
A/N: Hiii this chapter was initially going to be alot longer but I've had to split it into two because I realised it was too much information to take in.
Word Count: 2K
“General L/N.” Admiral Yularen greeted you as you approached the room with Kiri by your side. You nodded in response, but as you did so your eyes fell upon the hologram in the middle. A blue figure that you would have recognised in your sleep stood before you.
You sped up to the desk, only to find a ginger haired woman stood besides her, eyes green steely eyes focused on you as you smiled politely. “Master L/N.”
Your eyes narrowed in confusion as to why Ahsoka had greeted you so formally, never in your entire life of knowing her had you ever had her call you Master L/N. Well apart from the first time you met her, but that doesn’t really count does it?
“No need for formalities Ahsoka.” You smiled despite your confusion. “How have you been?”
“I’m afraid we don’t have time for all this…” The ginger lady interrupted, her face angry as you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
“Time for what? Ahsoka, what is going on?”
“This is Lady Bo-Katan Kryze, sister to former Duchess of Mandalore, Satine Kryze. As you know, the renegade Sith Lord Maul has been terrorizing the people of Mandalore with his followers and if we have enough time we can capture him. Bo-Katan has intel that he is currently in the capital of Mandalore.” Ahsoka quickly explained despite Bo-Katan’s frustrations.
“So why do you need our help?” You asked curiously, knowing that Mandalorian’s and Jedi’s had a history, not to mention if the Republic went in all guns blazing that would break several of treaties, that were years old.
Bo-Katan spoke up, her voice pained as she explained. “I don’t have the numbers needed for a siege. Maul is too powerful on his own and without backup, there’s no way we would ever get Mandalore back.”
You sighed as you rubbed your forehead, looking over to Kiri, who seemingly had the same idea as he grimaced at you. “Miss Katan, I’m afraid we’ll have to discuss this with the council. I can’t jus-.”
“I told you this was a waste of time.” Bo-Katan spoke to Ahsoka, before walking away, signalling one of her troops to prepare something. “Charlie, prepare our resources…”
“Ahsoka, listen to me.” You quickly jumped in, now that Bo-Katan was gone, you could explain. “I can talk to Obi-Wan, hopefully he can sway the council to listen and lend you the necessary troops. But I can’t promise much, I’ll inform Obi-Wan and Anakin, prepare to make your way here, I’m certain Obi-Wan will be willing to help.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” Ahsoka smiled. “How… how is Anakin?”
You sighed deeply, before signalling Kiri to contact Obi-Wan and Anakin as soon as possible. “I-i haven’t spoken to him in a while. He’s been taking on missions constantly; I think he just wants this war to end. It’s exhausting all of us.” You admit.
Ahsoka raised an eyebrow at your confession, almost as if she knew the reason why you and Anakin weren’t talking. “We all do Y/N. Anakin definitely.”
You hadn’t heard from Ahsoka since, but Kiri had informed you that Obi-Wan and Anakin had met up with her and Bo-Katan. You walked around the compound in search of Rex, knowing that he would know where Ahsoka was along with Obi-Wan and Anakin.
Your eyes landed on Rex as he stood with Anakin and Ahsoka, you could feel the happiness radiating off Anakin as he spoke to Ahsoka, if his face didn’t show his joyfulness then this force presence certainly did. You sent Rex a small wink as he smiled back at you, the motion catching Anakin’s gaze as he blushed slightly. You walked up to the three of them, happy to see your best friends together once more.
“Ahsoka.” You smiled as you pulled her into a hug. “Gosh, it’s been too long.”
“I know Y/N.” Ahsoka replied as she hugged you back.
“What’s the plan?” You asked Anakin, who in return looked slightly shocked that you had spoken to him. His gaze stayed on you for a while, eyes filled with hope as he sent a small smile your way.
The blazing sounds of the alarm for preparation into hyperspace echoed through the hanger.
“Anakin, Rex! Prepare all forces. We’re jumping to hyperspace immediately.” Obi-Wan rushed in, movements swift as he spoke. Rex nodded in approval, sending you a small look before brushing his hand against yours and leaving. Be careful Rex.
“So, the attack on Mandalore was approved?” Anakin asked Obi-Wan who shook his head in response.
"No. It’s Coruscant. Grievous has attacked the capitol.” Obi-Wan explained as you looked at Ahsoka in concern.
“What about the Chancellor?” Anakin asked in concern, as his eyes flickered over to you, before looking back at Obi-Wan.
“Not to worry Anakin, our fleet can be there within the hour.” Obi-Wan reassured Anakin.
“What about the attack on Mandalore?” You asked while Ahsoka agreed.
Obi-Wan countered your argument, eyes focused on Ahsoka who seemed to take point. You glanced over to Anakin who was already watching you as you subtly swept into his subconscious, talking to him.
“Ani, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know. But this is a crucial point in the Clone Wars. We need to ensure the Chancellor’s safety.”
“Anakin, don-.”
You didn’t get to finish your sentence before Anakin supposedly blocked you out, causing you to hear the end of Obi-Wan and Ahsoka’s argument.
“No. The Chancellor needs you.”
“That’s not fair.”
“I’m not trying to be.”
Before you could suggest anything, Anakin jumped in. “How about I divide the 501ST, create a new division under Ahsoka’s command?”
“Ahsoka’s isn’t part of the Grand Army of the Republic anymore.” You sighed. “How about I take a third of my troops and go with Ahsoka?”
“It won’t be enough.” Ahsoka replied.
“I’ll promote Rex to Commander and have him take half the 501st and go with Y/N to Mandalore.” Anakin excitedly spoke.
“Obi-Wan?” You asked, hopeful.
“Very well, I agree.”
“May the force be with you both.” Obi-Wan spoke, eyes flickering over to you, as you nodded in agreement.
“And with you Obi-Wan.”
Anakin had given Ahsoka her lightsabers, brand new as he had said before he bid goodbye to Ahsoka.
“Anakin?” Ahsoka called out, Anakin turning to face her, as Ahsoka looked to be struggling for words before she finally spoke.
“Good luck.”
Anakin gave her a soft smile before turning to walk towards you, pulling you into a secluded corner. “Y/N… just be careful.”
“I should be telling you that.” You laughed weakly as you pulled him into a hug.
“I…I’ve missed you.” You replied. You really did miss Anakin, missions just weren’t the same without him, his stupid tricks and silly comments.
“Me too Y/N. After this is over, we’ll have Maul and Grievous in our hold, then we’ll be fine.” He replied tucking you into his shoulder.
“I sure hope so Ani. I sure hope so.”
After taking the journey to Mandalore, your dropship and many others were already being attacked by the Mandalorian’s, causing you to pull out your lightsaber, ready to fight. “Hopper, prepare for an emergency landing, we might have to take a different path.”
“Ya don’t say General!” The boys replied as you let out a laugh, jumping out the ship and onto the craft of the opposition, only to see Ahsoka do the same. She sent you a two fingered salute before rushing off to save a pilot.
You landed just after Ahsoka, hearing her speak to Rex before she grinned. “Beat you.”
“Some things never change.” Rex replied, grinning before she ran off. Rex grabbed your hand, stopping you from following her.
“I know Rex. Just take care of yourself.” You replied as Rex placed his forehead on yours. Hopper and Jester popped up from behind, seeing the two of you and your intimate gesture.
“Rex, you’ll have time to do all that later!” Jester called out, as he blasted Mandalorian’s from getting into your ship.
“Let’s go.” You grinned, eager to get back to the action.
The plan had been to split up, Bo-Katan and yourself were to take the throne room while Ahsoka and Rex headed for Maul. Having already over taken the throne room, you awaited Ahsoka and Rex, hoping they had captured Maul.
Bo-Katan introduced you to her right in hand woman, Charlie, whom you realised Kiri had taken a liking to. She was tough, strong and fought extremely well, however you seemed to have an odd suspicion about her, what it was, you had no idea. You had sent Kiri and Charlie off to secure the perimeter as you waited for Ahsoka to arrive. Informing Kiri of your suspicions, he had agreed to keep a wary eye on her, but not wanting Bo-Katan to know. In your sudden judgment, you didn’t realise that you had sent off Kiri with a traitor.
Bo-Katan’s so-called right woman was working with Maul, given the opportunity to leave, she tried to convey a message to Maul, but was apprehended by Kiri and Luka who had followed his Commander after your strange glances at her. Dragging her back, Bo-Katan looked at Charlie in disgust.
Bo-Katan snarled in anger as she brandished a gun, placed at the top of her head. “What did he offer you?”
“Everything you couldn’t. You’re not a leader, and you never will be.” Charlie snarled. “You don’t have the guts for anything, you’re just as spineless as your sister, maybe worse.”
Bo-Katan sneered in anger before signalling her guards to take her away. “You’re lucky I’m keeping you alive Charlie.”
“I would rather be dead.”
After Bo-Katan’s little conundrum, Ahsoka and Rex had returned, empty handed as they discussed what had happened with Maul in the tunnels. In the meantime, you had called Obi-Wan, discussing what had happened on Mandalore along with Obi-Wan explain what had happened on Coruscant.
“He did mention a name. Darth Sidious.” Ahsoka told Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan explained that he did not know much, but he explained the council’s thoughts on this Sith Lord, that he is a crucial person in the clone wars, playing both sides. “Although any chance of leaning about Sidious from Dooku has been lost.”
“Because Count Dooku is dead. Anakin killed him while rescuing the chancellor.”
Your eyes widened in response as you took in what Obi-Wan had said, wanting to question him about it, but Rex placed a hand on your back, signalling that this wasn’t the correct time for any of this.
“If you can capture Maul, maybe he can fill in these missing pieces.”
“Then send us more men.” Ahsoka asked, eager vivid in her voice.
“I’m afraid I can’t. I’m being sent to hunt down General Grievous on Utapau. Y/N, the council have requested you come along too.” Obi-Wan stated, turning to look at you.
“Why not Anakin? He’s already there with you?”
Obi-Wan glanced at Bo-Katan and Rex before asking to speak with you and Ahsoka privately. “Anakin is on a special assignment by order of the council.”
You and Ahsoka looked at each other in confusion. “What kind of assignment?”
“He is to observe the Chancellor and report back to the council about his findings.” Obi-Wan explained to Ahsoka what the councils views were on the Chancellor and his never-ending term as Chancellor. You zoned out for a bit, you knew Anakin wouldn’t be happy about this, the Chancellor was his friend.
“Ahsoka the council isn’t always right. That’s why I’m asking for your help.” Obi-Wan spoke, sadness laced in his tone. Rex burst in, glancing at the scene before explaining that there’s been an attack.
“You had best go. I will see you on Utapau Y/N.”
“Tell Anakin…”
“I will.”
Taglist: @tobitofunction @pinkiemme @shadowfoxey @yamaktaria @callme-eds @starwarsworld @darthmama1618
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melissa-kenobi · 4 years
A/N: hiiii, ahh this wasn't supposed to be here till Friday, but I had to post it after the sad Fives fic I wrote. 🥺
Word Count:
“Hey General!” You head the voice of Fives, an ARC trooper that worked alongside Rex several times. He was a loyal trooper and but also a flirty one.
“Fives, everything alright?” You asked as he caught up to you.
“All good General. Just wondering, a few of the boys and I were heading to 79s, wanted to invite you along too.” Fives smiled, his face turning shy as he rubbed the back of his head, almost ashamed of asking you.
“Oh… Fives, I’m honoured. But I’m afraid I have duties to attend, I can-..” Your heart fell as you saw Fives face fall, his shy smile now replaced with one of embarrassment and rejection.
“Oh, that’s alright General.” Fives nodded as he prepared to leave.
“Although… I should be free after 0700 hours; will you still be there?” You asked. Fives instantly turned around, a flirty grin on his face as he nodded. Just as he was about to reply, Captain Rex walked in.
“What’s going on here? Fives aren’t you supposed to be with Echo?” Rex demanded as he faced Fives who still had that silly grin on his face. Little did you know Rex was outside the entire time and overheard your conversation.
“Rex! I…erm…was just...” Fives stumbled with his words, so you quickly stepped in to help him.
“Not to worry Rex, he was just delivering his report.” You said waving a data pad in the air as you smiled at Fives, who sighed internally at your save. Not that Rex would be angry that he had invited you, but Fives knew that Rex was quite fond of you and that he would have had his head if he knew.
Rex hummed in response, looking at you suspiciously as he eyed both you and Fives. “Alright then. Fives, you’re dismissed, I need to have a word with Y/-, erm General L/N.”
Fives shrugged his shoulders, waving at you before leaving. “Oh, Rex, some of us are heading to 79s, would be nice to see your ugly mug there.”
Rex rolled his eyes before turning to face you. “He does know we share the same face, right?”
The two of you laughed before coming back to reality. Rex’s eyes landed on laughing face, he watched as your eyes crinkle at the side, while you clutched your stomach as you laughed. Your eyes lit up as he admired the way your cheeks accentuated your features. You slowly regained yourself, remembering that Rex was here for something.
“Rex, did you need something?” You softly smiled at him
“Erm… yes. My report.” He rapidly shoved the data pad at you, avoiding your eyes, feeling ashamed that he was nearly caught admiring you.
“Thank you, Captain. Will you be needing anything else?” You said, eager to get these reports over and done with before heading to 79s to meet Fives and your boys for a drink.
“No General.” Rex nodded as he stood still, not leaving.
“Rex… are you alright?” You asked as you noticed that he was still in the room, not yet leaving.
“Would you like to join me for a drink at 79s?” Rex blurted, his nerves getting the better of him as he avoided looking at you. “I mean… if you can’t… it’s fine…” He rambled on as you grinned at him.
“I would love to Rex. Although I did promise Fives I would tag along.” You smiled as you patted his arm.
Rex grinned as he looked up at you. “I’ll see you later then.”
You watched as Rex left the room with a spring in his walk, you were certain he was grinning like a child with candy on Halloween. “See you Rex!”
Rex had arrived at 79s a few hours too early, he was eager that you were coming along, and he wanted it to go well. He was aware that he cared for you, but to what extent he didn’t know. He also knew that this wasn’t a date, but secretly he wished it were. He noticed your Commander and a few members of your battalion walking into the bar and taking a seat at the bar, Rex wandered over to them.
“Kiri.” Rex greeted as he ordered a drink.
“Rex! How you been?” Kiri smiled as he grabbed Rex’s shoulder in recognition.
“Not bad, waiting on a few other people.” Rex smiled at the mention of you as he gulped down his drink.
“You’re not talking about our General, are you?” Hopper asked, his eyes watching Rex wearily
“What? No?” Rex quickly defended himself.
“You sure about that? Because if I find ou-…” Kiri was quickly cut off as he heard your voice along with Fives walking into the bar.
“Rex! Kiri!” You called as you approached the boys, pulling Kiri into a hug, as well as Hopper who patted your shoulder softly. You walked over to Rex pulling him into a hug, watching as his eyes widened in surprise before hugging you back. Over your shoulder Rex saw Kiri and Hopper watching him irritably, their faces watching him jadedly as he pulled away.
“Fives, you want that dance now?” You asked as you grabbed Fives’s hand, pulling him onto the dancefloor before he even had a chance to reply. The music had changed to an upbeat song as you and Fives bopped along to the tune.
Rex watched on furiously as his brother danced closely with you, his hands now wrapped around your waist as the two of you twirled and dipped on the dance floor. Rex could hear your giggles from here, they only infuriated him more as he was supposed to have this time with you. He wanted to be the one who danced with you, who made you laugh, who held you in his arms. He stared at you dreamily, his eyes on you as the rest of the world blew away, he was pulled out of his dreamy state as Echo whispered into his ear.
“You’re staring Captain.”
Rex immediately pulled his eyes away but not before yours spotted him and sent him a flirty smile. “Echo, when did you get here?”
“Don’t try and change the topic Captain!” Hardcase laughed as he shoved Rex.
“Oh, watch out she’s coming!” Rex’s head immediately turned towards the dance floor only to find that you were still dancing with Fives.
Hardcase, Echo, Kiri and Hopper all let out a huge laugh as they snickered at Rex, who blushed red at his own embarrassment. Rex was mortified and all he wanted to do was hide in his bed, sink into the depths of his bed and dream of you.
But no. He was here. Rex was starting to get annoyed at brothers who were taking the piss. He got up before announcing that he was leaving. He gulped down his drink before slamming it down, slightly aggressively on the table and heading out the door, without looking back at you or his brothers.
You were having the time of your life dancing with Fives who twirled you around in his arms before dipping you and pulling you back up to him, you let out a little giggle as you clung onto him.
“Well Fives, who’d have thought you had moves?” You laughed as he swayed with you in his arms.
“Wait till you see my bedroom ones!” He laughed as you slapped his arm playfully. You looked over to the bar hoping to see Rex and grab that drink with him, but he was no where to be found. You spotted Hardcase, Echo, Kiri and Hopper but no Rex, that was strange. You tugged on Fives pulling him back to the bar, hoping to figure out where Rex had gone.
“Hey boys!”
“General!” They greeted, their faces filled with what looked like shame, or so you thought.
“Hey, I want none of that General business here!” They nodded in confirmation before shuffling around awkwardly. “Why are you guys acting so weird?”
“Er, we’re not.” Hardcase muttered. You gave him a strange look before asking them where the captain had disappeared off to.
“We don’t know. He said he had something to do and left in a rush.” You and Fives looked at one another before he eyed his brothers with concern and you walked over to Kiri, ready to interrogate him.
“Kiri. What did you do to Rex?” You ask as you inched closer to him, his face twitching with fear as you leaned on the bar, eyes focused on him.
“Nothing General! We were just having a drink and he said he had to go!” Kiri blurted out.
“Any idea where he went?”
Kiri shook his head before gulping down his drink and rushing off to the dance floor to avoid your wrath. Hopper glanced curiously at you before signalling that Rex had left through the side entrance. You glanced at the boys who were drunk off their heads before getting Hopper to help you get them home, ready for tomorrow. Hopper smiled and gestured that he could do the rest. You nodded before quickly rushing off to find him, to see if you could find out what was so important that he had to leave after he had been the one to invite to have a drink with him.
Rex had sloppily made his way out of 79s, on his way to his bunk, to sink into his bed with the thoughts of you dancing with Fives out of his mind. Well, he actually tried to imagine it was him dancing you instead of his brother. As he waited for an air taxi, his mind was plagued with the thoughts of you, he swore he could have heard your voice call his name, but he wasn’t certain of anything anymore.
The voice called his name once more before he shook his head, and cleared his eyes turning around to see who had called his name, he squinted eyes blurry as he tried to make out the figure who was approaching him.
“Hey Rexy.”
It was you. Why were you here?
“Y/N?” Rex’s eyes were wide open as he stared at you, he reached out slowly, ready to poke you to see if it was actually you. But before he had the chance, you had grabbed his hand and pulled him into the taxi he was waiting for. Rex spluttered as he allowed you pull him into the taxi before telling the driver a destination.
You finally looked back at him only to fine Rex admiring you, his eyes glossy and shocked. “You owe me a drink Rex.” You finally spoke as you patted the hand you were still holding on to.
“I thought you were with the boys?” Rex asked, his voice laced with jealousy as he tried his best to keep it out his tone as he spoke.
“Fives ran off with a twi’lek girl and the rest of them were drunk off their heads. Hopper and I got them on taxis home before they embarrassed themselves.” You rolled your eyes before continuing, “Plus I was waiting on that drink.”
Rex didn’t know it at this point, but his jealousy had faded into admiration and love for you. You had looked after his brothers, while he had gone off sulking, before coming to find him and grab that drink. The feelings that Rex had flowing through him was too much for him to comprehend right now, he was more than contempt with grabbing that drink with you before coming to that problem later. Your hand that had been laced with his, was a comforting gesture that Rex adored, he glanced down at it before squeezing it, watching as your face lit up with the brightest smile he had seen.
“Let’s grab that drink.” Rex said as he helped you out the taxi, throwing some credits at the driver before walking to the café, you right beside him, hand in hand.
Little did either of you know that Fives had set this all up from the start.
Taglist: @tobitofunction @pinkiemme @shadowfoxey @yamaktaria @callme-eds
88 notes · View notes
melissa-kenobi · 4 years
A/N: this wasn't supposed to be so long, but mehhh
Word Count: 2.8k
It was a rescue mission; you and your squadron had gotten stuck in the middle of nowhere once more. You and your squadron were on a mercy mission, drop off the supplies, make sure the people got them, report to the council and head back. It couldn’t have been any easier than that, but what you and your squadron hadn’t expected was to be ambushed by the planets people. Turns out they were working for the Separatists and had been waiting for a Jedi to arrive with their supplies. Little did you know Count Dooku would be awaiting you on the planet.
Seeing as Kiri had managed to check in with the Council and Obi-Wan, they were aware of the situation and had called in Obi-Wan to stage a rescue. How Obi-Wan had got caught was beyond you but that meant only one thing; Anakin was going to be furious that the both of you had got captured.
Unfortunately, Obi-Wan hadn’t managed to get a message to the council, so the two of you had to wait it out, alongside your commanders. Chained up by your hands and legs as your weapons were taken away and you and Obi-Wan were forced into some ridiculous clothing. You were missing your Jedi robes right at this moment, it seemed as if they wanted you to be a slave as the clothing, they had forced you into was very revealing. Obi-Wan on the hand was dressed far more appropriately and had been taken off his chains and was forced to the ground before the people.
“May I introduce, his royal highness Delra the 2nd.” Obi-Wan let out a small cough as his eyes went wide at the sight of you following behind. You glared at him in anger as you tried to cover yourself up but was soon swatted away by some of the other slavers.
“Master Jedi. It would seem you are in quite a predicament.” Delra spoken as he waved a hand over for you to approach him. You rolled your eyes as you stood before him, his sweaty hand placed on your waist as he tugged you towards him. You let out a small growl of disgust at the gesture to which Obi-Wan sent you a small wave of comfort that Anakin and Rex should be here soon.
“So it would seem, your majesty.” Obi-Wan replied, a hint of sarcasm laced in his tone. “Might I ask why have you rejected the Republic’s aid?”
Delra laughed as his grip on you tightened. God this man was getting on your nerves, if it wasn’t for Obi-Wan you would have kicked this man to the ground and forced him to hand over the supplies.
“You joke Master Jedi. Surely you must realise that the Separatists have provided us with something much better.” Delra gestured around the room, hand spread out before he quickly forced you to the ground causing you to growl. “I will give you a choice.”
Obi-Wan’s eyebrow raised in curiosity, wondering what this so-called offer was. “Count Dooku will surely be along soon, wanting you and your fellow Jedi.” He said as he stroked your hair, sweaty palm coming to rest on your face.
“Do hurry up your Majesty, we don’t have all day.” Obi-Wan retorted causing the King to growl and tug on your hair roughly. Obi-Wan sent a look your way, eyes cautiously watching the hand on your face move to the back of your neck, already knowing what he was going to ask for.
Delra let out a chocked laugh, his hand tightening around your neck as he squeezed it tightly, the chains on your wrists rattled as they went up to remove his slimy fingers from your neck. You let out a ragged breath as you struggled to breath, watching as Obi-Wan’s eyes widened in shock, despite his face remaining calm and collected.
“I will NOT be spoken to like that, or else my slave will face the consequences…” He cackled as Obi-Wan sent an apologetic look towards you as he let go loosened his grip on your neck, hand still curved around the back of your neck as you quickly regained your breath. Obi-Wan spoke with the King, trying his best to negotiate something or possibly delay until Anakin arrived with backup. You zoned out, eyes scanning over each area, looking, thinking of an escape plan in case anything went wrong. All of a sudden, a blur of blue and white whipped out from the left side, rushing to the right as they jumped across to the other side.
You would recognise that armour anywhere.
It only meant one thing; Rex was here with the 501st.
Seeing Rex made your heart soar in relief as you smiled, but your happiness was short-lived, Delra has once grabbed you by the throat this time, his grubby fingers digging into your skin as he stood up. Lifting you with him as he yelled some incoherent words before you saw Anakin burst in, lightsaber gleaming in one hand as the other was held out in a force chock. You instantly dropped to the ground, panting harshly while Delra’s hands went up to his throat, trying to remove the invisible choke on his neck.
“You will pay for what you have done.” Anakin growled as he slowly clenched his hands into a fist, ultimately killing the man as Rex and Kiri rushed over to you, blasting away the chains that held you the ground. The rest of the troopers freeing the other slavers and capturing those who worked with Delra.
“General! Y/N? Are you alright?” Kiri asked, instantly hugging you and checking you over, while Rex undid the chains around your ankles, he grabbed a material from one of his brothers before placing it over you as you smiled at him. Rex quickly avoided your gaze as his eyes fell upon your not so clothed body, but you managed to catch a small glimpse of his face. His eyes were filled with absolute worry as he watched you stand up, covering the material around your nearly naked body.
“Thank you, Rex.” You patted his arm. “I’m fine Kiri, just a little shaken up, nothing to worry about.”
“Let’s get you out of here.”
“Yes please.”
Kiri had forced you to stay in the medical tent for a few hours, not allowing you to leave, he had Hopper and Jester stand guard, ensuring that you took the rest needed before having Kix check you over.
“Alright General, you’ll be fine. Just some bruises and a slight concussion but I suggest you have some rest before you head back out.” Kix explains while Hopper gives you his signature look of I told you so.
“Gee thanks Kix, I thought you were meant to be on my side. Not confining me to bed-rest!”
“My patients health always comes first.” Kix smiled as he popped his head outside only to see Captain Rex pacing up and down, alongside Hopper and Jester who were eyeing him cautiously. “Looks like you’ve got a visitor, I don’t think your body guards are letting him in.”
“Rex?” You enquired; eyes happy as you instantly sat up in bed while Kix watched you curiously. “Can you let him in?”
Kix gave you a look.
“Please?” You smiled sweetly. Kix rolled his eyes before telling Hopper that Rex could come in, Hopper grabbed his arm stopping him in place while whispering something in his ear before Rex nodded and walked in, Kix sending you a look before he left to give you privacy.
“10 minutes Captain.”
Rex nodded.
“Hey Rexy!” You smiled as Rex rushed over to you, pulling you into his arms as he hugged you tightly, you head tucked into his shoulder as he squeezed you, almost as if he was trying to make sure you were fine, you were here with him.
“Cyar’ika, you scared me! Don’t ever do that again!” Rex pulled away, forehead on yours as he cuped your cheek, before he quickly pulled away, suddenly realising what he was doing. “Sorry.”
“Rex I-.” You were cut off by the sound of Kiri’s footsteps marching into the room, eyes focused on Rex, who looked like a deer caught in headlights.
“Captain Rex.”
The two men sized each other up before you stepped in, hand on Rex’s forearm as you stood besides him. “Rex was just making I was up-to-date on the mission, and he brought me my datapad.” You smiled at Kiri you suspiciously glanced at your datapad, currently off.
“Hmm…well the General needs rest.” Kiri replied, annoyance hinted in his tone.
“Not to worry Kiri.” You rolled your eyes good-naturedly as you guided Rex outside, pulling him into a hug as you whispered in his ear. “Meet me by the blossom tree, nea-.”
“Near the 212th barracks?”
You smiled. “0800 hours, don’t be late Captain.”
“Yes sir.” He grinned as he walked away, looking back to send you a smile. Behind you Hopper and Jester whispered secretively as they watched you interact with Rex.
“What do you think is going on between them?” Jester asked Hopper who shrugged in response.
“Whatever it is, Kiri won’t be too happy about it.”
Jester let out a deep laugh, catching your attention. “He most definitely will not.”
You were late. Rex was panicking, he paced up and down the path, eyes quickly flickering around the area, on look out for anyone else around. Although, there shouldn’t be, he was pretty sure Cody was on a mission with Kenobi, Skywalker had tagged along taking Echo and Fives with him instead. Rex had to stay back and make sure his paperwork and battalion were ready. What he had forgotten to do was to check if Ahsoka had gone on the mission with them too, and being the mischievous girl she was, she didn’t.
“Ahh, sorry I’m late Rex!”
Rex let out a huge sigh. “I thought you’d been caught!”
“Really Rex? I’m a Jedi, there’s no way I was spotted!” You laughed as you pulled him into a hug, Rex instantly softening as he cuddled into your embrace. Little did you know Ahsoka had followed you and following Ahsoka was Kiri.
“Gen-,” Rex shook his head. He didn’t know how to tell you he had fallen oh-so-deeply in love with you, he watched your face curl up into a grin as he pulled away, watching your reactions, making his heart beat faster. “Y/N… I- I…”
“What’s wrong Rex?” You asked concerned, you cupped his face in your small hands he glanced at you, eyes full of the love he had for you.
“I shouldn’t…” He whispers, turning his head away. “I can’t.” Rex doesn’t expect you to have heard him, but you did, eyes widening with shock as you gently turn him to face you once more.
“I don’t understand…”
“Neither do I cyar’ika…” Rex let out a small chucked, eyes flittering from your eyes to your lips as you stroked his cheek. His eyes focused on your lips, ready to lean down and kiss them, your own eyes flickering to his lips. You could feel your heart beating rapidly as Rex leaned in, your body subconsciously moving closer to him as you gently pulled his face to yours, lips connecting softly as you closed your eyes, savouring the feel of his lips finally against yours. Long have you waited for this moment, and maker was it the best kiss ever.
Rex wrapped a hand around the back of your neck, tugging you closer as yours cupped his face in the palm of you hands, his lips moved slowly as he kissed you. All too quickly Rex pulled away, eyes filled with happiness, but his face, his face was filled with regret.
“I shouldn’t have done that…” He muttered to himself, avoiding your gaze completely.
You smiled, despite Rex’s mumblings, you brought a finger to your lips, touching them gently as you remembered the kiss. You looked to Rex, who was now panicking before marching over to him, grabbing his face and kissing him once more on the lips. Rex immediately responded, kissing you back with as much vigour, pushing you gently against the tree as you let out a soft moan.
Rex came to his sense as he realised what he had done, pulling away he shook his head. “No.. Y/N, you can’t.”
“But I can Rex, and I do.” You replied, smiling up at Rex.
“Y/N, we can’t… you’re a jedi and … -”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence Rex.” You sharply interrupted him, placing your hand on his soft cheeks forcing him to look at you. “I don’t care, I know my duty as a Jedi restricts me from keeping attachments, but I can’t help it. Rex, you make days so much brighter with your mere presence, your smile, your jokes, they’re some of the things that keep me going during this war. I know we may have gotten off on a rocky start, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you as much I do. I only wish I would have told you soon…” You blush, spilling out just how much Rex really means to you.
“Cyar’ika, do you… do you really love me?”
You placed a kiss on his lips before replying. “Of course I do, I don’t know when, but I do, I love you Rex.”
Rex’s eyes widened in surprise at your abrupt confession, the very words he had wanted to tell you were already out in the open and it was up to him what he would do with it. Rex wasn’t a selfish man, he would drop anything and everything for his men at any cost, but this time, he wanted you, he loved you and he wouldn’t allow anyone to stand in his way, not even this wretched war.
“I love you too cyar’ika.” Rex grinned as he pulled you into a deep kiss, arms wrapping around your waist as he passionately kissed you.
Rex pulled away, smiling with glee as he leaned his forehead against yours, eyes filled with joy. He wrapped an arm around you and guided you to the other side of the tree, only to have the smile struck from his face as a fist went straight to his nose.
“REX!” You screamed, rushing over to him as he clutched his nose. Ahsoka popping out of her spot and rushing over to Rex, helping him.
“Just what do you think you’re doing with her?” Kiri demanded; eyes angry as he watched Rex bleed from his nose. Kiri didn’t care.
“KIRI!” You yelled. “What did you do that for?”
He ignored you as he stormed over to Rex, ready to give him another beating before you put yourself in front of him. Hopper, Jester and Luka appeared behind him; eyes angry as they watched Rex bleed on the floor. You placed a hand on his chest, stopping him in his tracks as he turned his angry gaze from Rex to you, his eyes softening as he saw your face.
“Kiri?” You questioned; eyebrows raised in confusion.
“He…- he kissed you! WHAT was he thinking?!” Kiri blurted out; his emotions blatantly displayed across his face.
“Why did you kiss him? Do you like him?” Kiri questioned, voice slowly getting angry, while his brothers placed a hand on his shoulder which he shrugged off in anger. “Does he even like you? Or is this just a plan, so he can turn on you? Kill you, like your visions?”
“KIRI!” You slapped his cheek, eyes teary as you glared at him. “How dare you? Rex would never!”
“You don’t know that!” He yelled back.
“I am not having this conversation with you.” You growled, angry at Kiri’s reaction. “Come talk to me when you’ve finally cooled down.” You sent a pointed look towards Kiri, who rolled his eyes before glaring at Rex.
“You better not hurt her or else I swear, a bloody nose won’t be the only thing you end up with.” Kiri growled at Rex before avoiding your gaze and leaving. Following after him was Jester and Luka, Hopper stayed behind, sending a rough glare Rex’s way.
“Make sure you treat her well, or you don’t want to know what we’ll do.” Hopper threatened, resulting in you sending him a glare before he walked off.
“I’m sorry.”
“Oh, so you’re ready to apologise now?”
“I- I acted on anger. I didn’t mean to. I just- I just care about you, and after what you told me with your visions and Rex, I was worried. I didn’t want you t-.” Kiri trailed off as you pulled him into a hug.
“It’s okay. I understand. Just don’t hurt Rex again.” You laughed. “I think he might be scared of you and Hops.”
That sent a smile across Kiri’s face. “Good. – I mean, not good obviously.”
You rolled your eyes. “Y/N, I promise you, if he breaks your heart or hurts you in anyway, we will come after him, I promise you that.”
“Don’t worry Kiri, he won’t, I trust him with my heart.”
Little did you know, Rex being your lover was only the start of your fate.
Taglist: @tobitofunction @pinkiemme @shadowfoxey @yamaktaria @callme-eds
45 notes · View notes
melissa-kenobi · 4 years
265th Battalion
I know it's been a while, but I've been ever so busy!! Ahh, but here ya go, part 2 of Fallen Premonitions!! Enjoy!! x
Word Count:
10 Years Later
The Clone Wars had begun. Shortly before, you had been knighted and was now a qualified Jedi Knight. A few weeks later, your best friend Anakin Skywalker had also been Knighted. The two of you had been thrown into war being assigned a battalion, yours the 265th and Anakin the 501st.
You had already been out on several missions securing posts for the republic to ensure our victory. Your old Master Plo had assigned you another mission, there had been sightings of a massive surge of a droid army being built on an icy planet in the outer rim, you had been sent out to investigate alongside some of your men from your battalion. Intel had suggested that these droids could be a massive problem for the Republic in the future.
“Hey Y/N!” The sound of your best friends voice echoed through the halls as you headed out to prepare your battalion.
“Ani!” You smiled as he approached you, giving you a small hug before pulling away, but keeping a tight hold on your hand.
“You sure you don’t want me to tag along with you on this one? I can introduce you to my Captain, you haven’t met him yet. Or my whole battalion for that matter.” Anakin laughed as he tried to convince you to stay, you had found Anakin was overly protective of you despite you having more training and having been at the temple since you were a mere youngling.
“I’ll be fine Anakin.” You grinned before slipping your hand out of his. “Anyway if I do need help, I sure know who to call and it won’t be you. I’m pretty sure Obi-Wan would be of more help to me than you.”
Anakin rolled his eyes, you knew that he was more of a run head first into a situation without thinking, whereas his Master Obi-Wan was more of a calm and collected individual, the same as you and your own Master. To be quite frank, you and Anakin were complete opposites, how you managed to get along was far beyond you.
“Just stay safe Y/N. I’d hate to have my best friend left to rot on an icy planet.” Anakin pulled you into a hug before escorting you to your battalion before leaving to find Obi-Wan.
“General.” Commander Kiri saluted you as you approached him. He was your first in command and probably one of your most trusted allies. Kiri had been with you since the beginning of the Clone Wars. He was a bit of a suck up when you first met him, but that soon wore off as he became more comfortable around you. He was probably one of your best friends, you were certain that you could put your life in the hands of Kiri and he would definitely be there for you. Without a doubt.
“At ease Kiri. How many times have I told you not to salute me?” You laughed as you patted his shoulder, causing him to relax and take off his helmet.
“Sorry General.” Kiri smiled before leading you to a small ship where 2 of your troopers stood awaiting orders. You instantly recognised who they were, Kiri had chosen 3 of your best men. They were most definitely devoted to their General, you had been in several battles with these men and you knew you could definitely rely on them.
“Well, I can’t believe Kiri chose you guys again.” You smirked as you entered the ship.
“Hey! We’re some of your finest men General!” Jester spoke, taking a seat by your side, nudging your shoulder. Jester was one of a kind, he was always by your side cracking up jokes with the whole team. Jester had only just joined your battalion quite recently but he was more than capable of handling himself, you and his brothers.
“C'mon General, we all know why you chose us!” Luka flirted, sending a wink your way causing you to laugh. Ah, Luka. The flirt. He was always flirting non-stop with you, his corny jokes were too much for you to handle. Although you knew it was harmless, you had noticed Anakin seeming much more tense around you whenever Luka flirted with you, but you brushed it off and him being overly dramatic.
“Where’s Hopper?” You asked, looking around for your most serious soldier.
“Manning the ship. As usual.” Kiri spoke and he seated himself.
“Hop? You alright?” You asked. Hopper, or as you liked to call him, Hop. Blimey, he was by far the most serious person you had ever met, always followed the rules, always kept his teams and his General safe. One time you cracked a joke with him and the look he gave you, you swore you’d have died of embarrassment right there. But he got used to you, he’s definitely not as serious as he used to be but far more serious than Kiri.
“All good thanks General, ready to take off in 5. Make sure you’ve got your seatbelt on.” Hopper spoke over the comms, always ensuring your safety.
You smiled. You wouldn’t trade your boys for anything.
That’s how you felt. You could have sworn your toes had fallen off and were lying around in your socks. Well to be perfectly honest, you couldn’t tell as you plunged your way through the thick inches of snow.
“General, may I ask what on earth went through your mind when you decided to choose this mission?” Kiri asked as he caught up to you.
“Hey! It wasn’t my idea Kiri! I’d rather suffer in the scorching heat and dry sand of Tatooine than be here!”
“I’ll have to agree to disagree on that General!” Jester laughed. “Everyone knows Tatooine is the worst place to be!”
You scrunched your nose up as you sucked in a breeze of cold air. “Hey! Anakin’s from Tatooine, it can’t be that bad!”
“Blimey General! You must have heard how much General Skywalker hates the sand! It’s all I ever hear from Rex!” Luka let out a slight laugh before coughing up from the cold, resulting in you giving him a concerned look. “I’m alright General, the colds just getting to me a bit.”
The five of you trekked on through the rough breeze and the cold. “General! Look, up ahead!” Hopper pointed out a small cave, that seemed to be abandoned.
“Good eye Hopper. We’ll set up camp for the night before heading east. We should be too far off. Hopefully we’ll find the blasted droids.” You and the 265th made their way to the cave and set up. Each of the boys pulled their helmets off before placing them down next to each other and warming their hands over the fire.
The climate was changing, the sudden breeze of the wind had stopped and nightfall was now approaching. You could sense the danger that lay out ahead, you were certain that creatures were out there, lurking about waiting for their prey. You and the boys weren’t safe here for long, but you were certain that you’d be alright for the night.
“I’ll take first watch. You boys better rest up.” You smiled as you got up and moved closer to the entrance.
All of a sudden the boys stood up too. “General.” They all echoed together before Kiri glared at them and cleared his throat.
“Maybe I should take first watch.” Kiri suggested as he inched closer to you. The boys had huddled together, sharing warmth in the small cave over the fire. You let out a small smile, your battalion was always so over protective over you.
“I’ll be fine Kiri.”
Kiri didn’t move a muscle. He stood next to you waiting for an answer that satisfied him.
The boys all looked over to the two of you. They knew you and Kiri were both as stubborn as a mule and neither of you would budge, unless of course you pulled rank. But, the boys knew you hated doing that and you wouldn’t win against Kiri.
“You’re a pain in my bum, you know that?” You said as you slugged him in the arm causing Kiri to roll his eyes at you antics.
“Learnt from the best, didn’t I?” He smirked before making himself comfortable by the entrance, his eyes focused on anything that came through the doorway, his gun in his hands ready to shoot.
You slipped down and sat on the cold ice, letting out a slight noise at the feeling. The boys watched you as you adjusted your seating position to keep warm.
“Alright General?” Jester asked, eyes curiously watching your movements.
“Yup, just hate the cold. Reminds me of...” You trailed off. What did it remind you of? You had the strangest feeling ever since you landed here on this ridiculous planet. It was almost like you had been here before.
“Reminds you of what General?” Luka asked.
“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
The boys exchanged odd looks with each other. They knew you far too well to know when you were lying, or keeping something from them, but they knew when to push and when not to and this was not the time nor place.
“Right boys, get some shut eye. We’ll be out first thing tomorrow.”
“Sir, yes sir.” Hopper saluted at you before leaning on his backpack and closing his eyes.
Kiri glanced over to you with a huge smile on his face and you couldn’t help it. You let out a small laugh which set of the rest of the boys and before you knew it you were all having a laughing fit.
“Alright, alright settle down boys. Hopper’s trying to sleep.” Kiri managed speak out over the boisterous laughter of Jester and Luka. You all looked over to Hopper and by God he was fast asleep. You smiled as you grabbed a blanket and pulled it over him. You nodded to Jester and Luka to go ahead and sleep. They grabbed their blankets and took their positions on the floor before nodding off.
“Kiri, you need anything and I mean anything, wake me.” Kiri nodded in confirmation as he watched you settle down and slowly drift off to sleep.
A young boy drifted in and out of your dreams. You couldn’t quite picture who it was until you noticed the blonde hair and the padawan braid. It was Anakin. You hadn’t had a dream like this since you last trained with Master Plo. It had been 10 years since that had happened and you had met Anakin.
The scene shifted and it now showed a much older Anakin, the Anakin you could spot anywhere. He was wearing his usual robes and had his lightsaber clung tightly on his belt as he walked into the barracks of the 501st.
You realised you were walking beside him, dressed in your own robes, your lightsaber also hanging on your belt. You had your dark brown cloak on, its hood covering your head before you pulled it down letting your hair out.
“General L/N. There’s someone I’d like you to meet.” Anakin held your hand as he led you to somewhere.
“Who is it Ani?” He didn’t reply, only smiled and kept holding your hand.
You watched as he approached his battalion and it was then you noticed you hadn’t met his battalion at all, although they all seemed excited to meet you.
“I’d like you to meet Captain Rex of the 501st.” You glanced at the man. He had his helmet on, his full armour, full of dirt and scratches, blemishes spattered across it. His armour had royal blue striped painting on his arms and legs which gave him a distinctive look. What stuck out to you was his helmet, he had jaig eyes embellished on the top. You were certain that held a special story behind them.
The soldier took off his helmet and held at his side and your eyes tricked up from his armour to his face. The young soldier had golden honey eyes that contrasted beautifully against his cropped shaven blonde hair. As you admired the soldier, you noticed he had a small scar on his chin, that was surely from a battle he had been in.
“General." Captain Rex saluted you.
“Captain Rex, there’s no need for formalities.” You laughed as he put his hand down beside him.
“I cannot believe you’re only just introducing me to your Captain now.” You told Anakin who shrugged.
“Well, Captain Rex, I hope you have some embarrassing stories to share about Anakin. I sure know I do.” You laughed as Anakin pulled you into a headlock which soon turned into a hug.
“Yes Lord Sidious.”
You pulled away from Anakin only to see Captain Rex pulled out his twin blasters before aiming at Anakin and shooting him straight in the head before turning to you. The look on his face was of nothing as he shot you down.
You gasped as you were pulled out of your dream or vision. Or whatever the heck it was.
“Anakin...” You whispered.
You quickly got up throwing the blanket off you and grabbing your bag. Anakin had given you a comm led directly to him in case of any trouble. It was so he could contact you quickly at anytime or if you had been captured he knew where you were. At first you were sceptical but then you realised it was only his way of protecting you, a way of making sure you’d always be safe, and boy were you happy that you had taken it with you. You glanced around and saw that the boys were still asleep, Kiri had fallen asleep by the entrance, it was a good thing you had woken up, you could take your watch and let Kiri again some hard earned sleep.
You turned on the comm and tried to signal Anakin but you were far too out of range. There was only one way you could try, it was risky but you had to make sure. You slipped past Kiri and went outside, the breeze had calmed and was more like a soft kiss brushing against your face. You tried the comms once more, trying to reach Anakin but alas nothing.
“This is ridiculous.” You mumbled as you fidgeted with the comms, trying to stick it up in the air as if it would work. You paced further from the cave, hoping you would gain something from the comm.
In your moment of distraction, you had failed to notice the droid commander watching you struggle. He waited a few moments, watching your movements before his robotic eye caught a glimpse of your metal from the side of your hip.
“Jedi.” He angrily mumbled. He directed a bunch of droids to head to your spot and eliminate you. He has equipped them with the finest technology of blasters, there was no way he was going to fail at capturing the Jedi or killing them.
You had managed to gain a signal from the comms, now hopefully Anakin was able to receive it. You stood still as you waited, was he dead? Had his Captain really killed him? Surely not, it cant have been possible. The way Anakin spoke about his Captain, you knew there was no way he would ever betray him like that. But that name.. what was the name he had said? Si... Silas... Solore? You couldn’t remember.
But that didn’t matter, your comm flashed green and in came through Anakin’s voice, you let out a sigh of relief.
“Y/N? Are you alright? What’s happened? You never use the comm I gave you unless it’s an emergency.” Anakin’s voice filled with concern.
“I’m fine Ani, it was you I was worried about.”
You didn’t have a chance to reply as you heard blasters aiming at you from behind. Shit you thought, you weren’t paying attention to your surroundings and now you were lost.
“Y/N?” Anakin’s voice came through the comms once more. “What’s going on? I thought this was scout and report mission?”
You quickly picked up the pace and headed in what you thought was back to cave. You didn’t have time to reply to Anakin, your priority was to get out of the view of whatever’s shooting at you. You were dodging the blasters until one had hit the back of your calf causing you to drop down in the snow and yelp out. You had dropped the comms and any hope of talking to Anakin had gone. You cursed and got back up making your way back to the cave, hopefully. You were lost, you had no idea where you were heading.
You heard Kiri's voice merge with Anakin’s as you looked up, Kiri made his way to your side with Jester, Luka and Hopper covering him.
“I’ve got you General! Let’s get into the cave!” He helped you up before holding you in his arms and walking to the cave. You glanced behind you.
“Droids.” You told Kiri. “They know where we are.”
“I know.”
“Kiri, we won’t make it.”
“Stop. We will General.”
You glanced at Luka who had been shot in the arm by a droid, there was no way you were all making out of this alive and you sure as well were not going to let your boys die. You looked behind and used the force to throw the first two lines if droids back, giving you enough time to make it into the cave.
“Jester, Hopper, Luka get in!”
“But General, the clankers!”
“Get in now!”
You had one option. The boys tumbled into the cave backwards still shooting the droids, as soon as they were all safely in you closed your eyes and used the force to bring down a rubble of ice and snow, ultimately blocking your entrance but also killing the droids. You breathed a sigh of relief, you were safe, for now.
Taglist: @pinkiemme @tobitofunction @shadowfoxey
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