#clothe redesing
406-blog · 11 months
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Here's smt I alr posted on twitter and going to post there aswell!
He's my fav Boi from the Iris storyline.
I also redesigned the way his clothes fall out lol.. I liked th idea of it so so be it!
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dailyedgeworth · 1 year
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today, chiefs of justice
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maleantee · 10 months
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"¿How would you dress adrien and chloe?" Well.....
Yeah...all of Adrien's clothes are chosen by his father, more than anything to promote his own company
I like the idea of keeping Chloe's blue makeup because I really love it, I also like her ponytail but I feel that since I draw it..... i feel doesn't look good on her so I left her hair down
I feel like Chloe would wear gloves since she doesn't want to touch anyone idk😭
I would also say that Chloe and Adrien are more like siblings in my redesing/au (Chloe does not fall in love with Adrien 🥱)
Would I also remove Sabrina as her "best friend" and would I give her character development🤗
Adrien would leave it as it is because I love it the way it is and I would change several things about Cat Noir. I have a lot of ideas but I don't know how to express them because I don't have good English lwbfowme
If you would like to know them, I will try to say them in some post or fanart :")
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uva124 · 6 months
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¡ Valentino redesing!
We finally have the baby!
(This redesign belongs to the Wish Au "Kingdom of wishes", written by @annymation and illustrated by @emillyverse and me)
This will surely be the redesign where I have the least things to say lol, but I still have some things to comment on so let's go!
At first I hadn't thought much about how I would redesign Valentino, what I was sure of was making him more adorable and cuter so that everyone would want to have a goat as a pet, because if I'm completely honest, Valentino's official design in the Disney movie I didn't find it adorable at all (sorry Disney artists, I know they put effort into drawing and animating but I just didn't like Valentino's design)
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(Do you get my point? He's just not cute or adorable, and the voice they gave him didn't help either, or the face idk ,but I thought the joke about his voice at the beginning of the movie was funny ¯_(ツ)_/¯)
So I made a mental list of things I wanted to do (which aren't many if I'm honest): -Make it fluffier and fluffier -Give him other clothes -Add even one symbol in your redesign
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Anny sent me several references of goats and concept art, among them I found this one, which I based myself on mainly because 1-I have always liked that animals had moles or spots on their fur or skin 2-When I saw that on their clothes You could see the seams that joined the different fabrics, I realized that it coincided with Asha's redesign (on the sleeves) so I was like: "AWWWWW it matches his mom's clothes!"
In the end I only added a part of it with a different fabric because I didn't want to complicate the design too much, but I liked how it turned out, I added some symbols of the tattoos that exist in the Amazigh culture, which is also to protect the person (or animal in this case) of the bad influences that are around them
I also liked adding that little ball of curly hair on our goat's little head, it just looks so cute!
As I said, this is not very long, but I'm satisfied with how the drawing turned out, I wanted to try something new that looks like the lighting was a sunset, I don't know if it's noticeable but at least it turned out nice lmao, as a curious fact, with this drawing I realized how MUCH my sketches change when I paint them in detail
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Well that's all for now, until next time! ✨✨
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proth-blog · 8 months
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Some hazibin hotel redesing because the show desings are not it…especially the angels ;-;
btw in bible lore lucifer might have been a cherub so that’s why he has 4 heads and 4 pair of wings plus goar feet kinda the same for sera since serafim are being of fire i made her hair fire👍👍
Under here is the fisrt i tryed to do keeping the show style
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There are more but yeh its mostly clothes and color changes nothing much
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blossomthepinkbunny · 6 months
Hazbin redesigns
I tried to make their designs more varied in colour and actually resemble what they're supposed to be.
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I gave Charlie more goat features like the nose, hooves and horns (she also has goat ears but they get covered by her hair). I also tried to incorporate the fact that she's supposed to be a doll with her joints and face paint. Her outfit stayed pretty similar to how it is in canon because I don't mind her being red when the rest of the cast isn't and because it looks cute.
Vaggie also looks more like a moth now. She has lot's of scars because of her background (she isn't an ex-exterminator in my version but im still figuring some stuff out there). She wears casual clothes because she desperately needs a rest. I also gave her a more stocky build.
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For Angel I focused on a very pink colour sceme (because I like pink). I didn't have lots of problems with his original design, mostly that he doesn't look like a spider too much. I made him fluffier and gave him different teeth (which look more spidery imo) also gave him a spiderbutt because I genuinely don't know why they didn't do that in the original show.
I made Alastor actually look like a deer because he doesn't look at all like one in his og design. Also no more red since red is typically associated with danger and I wanted him to look like he could manipulate demons into giving him their soul by being charismatic (still wanted to make him look creepy ofc). Blue and gold are typically associated with Angels in this show and I thought that'd be a nice change for his colours. The stitches in his face are were the black tentacle things come out of when he is in his demon form.
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I don't have a lot to say about Nifty. She is a bug now, specifically a fly. She also isn't red anymore because flies are green and because it fit with her wanting to clean stuff (since green is often connected to dirt or garbage). I gave her cleaning gloves and tried to make her look more like she could be from the 50s with her dress and hair. She has golden accents to connect her with Alastor.
Husk's design is all over the place but his redesing is probably my favorite one. I gave him a bigger build because someone who pretty much only consumes alcohol all day wouldn't be that skinny. I also tried to make him look older and more rugged. His colours were really obnoxious so I toned them down as well as the owl aspects of his design. I gave him an actual outfit since the one he has in the show confuses me and looks a bit silly.
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These are designs for my AU of Hazbin Hotel which im currently figuring out. There's a lot more I could say about some of these designs but I kept it shorter here.
I also finished my Pentious and Cherry Bomb redesings, which I'll probably post a little later. I also already have ideas for the Vee's but I havent fully drawn them yet. Feel free to give suggestions/ask questions about my redesings/rewrite.
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arterartthings · 6 months
My Ringu redesing
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I just wanted to put her in more interesting clothes, accurate to time period during which she lived (probably muromachi)
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Can you upload stuff?😠
I Will...
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I just have exams and artblock right now 😭 but hey im getting my grove back so here's me trying to redesing Irakas clothes TvT
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help the chin and mouth autzrgdhfhg !
some give me ideas for his design (keeping the hair)🥺😭😭😭😭
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crof-fwf · 11 months
The joke / take / argument about "The Cishets dudes did it again ahh"
Well hello.
As always I make another appearance since I have inspiration to write about the topic of the day. In this case I want to start with a post that I found a long time ago and a recent one, these posts are for reference so I can talk a little about the topic of this post.
Well let's start with the first case:
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Well in the "deep context" is the same discourse about the "Canonical designs vs Fanon or "Fix" redesigns about the cast, in this case the "individual" aimed about how the "Cishetdudes" have an inclination or "preference" about some archetypes of some "redesigns" of Yang.
... So, me being a "Cishet dude"... should I consider this "archetype" of "redesign" like a pander for me?
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... What the fuck?
No . "Where the fuck i should find these "appeal?"
To continue, i also present this quote:
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"All the men in the replies..."
"Mens" in the post: 4 of the 17 replies
1 Sharing 2 fan arts of "redesing" of Yang (not being similar o anything to the "archetype" presented by the "author"; i have to say what that outfits were fine.)
1 Critizing Blake outfit (ended being blocked by the author)
"This is stil better"
2 of the 4 "mens" said that (I don't even know if it was said for irony, but just in case we'll say "yes.") :
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Bonus: a person drags a "redesign video", to agree with the author of the publication:
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"But F0under, you clearly see what they´re joking hehe, they´re mocking "dumb redesigns"
My dear and honorable reader, I know that people make fun of stupid people, however I would like to point out and ask how these individuals have to think that everything bad about "redesigns" being stupid, poor quality and etc. This fandom necessarily tends to say that "The Cishets Guys ...". Although in the case of those 2 individuals who said "looks better" we can leave it in a statement or make fun of the post by saying it ironically.
But anyway, If you ask me about the designs, I think that any canonical or fanon outfit is fine for me (I don't see myself as very demanding)
With this I want to point out what the Fandom is like; especially with the toxic part of the "female fanbase community" tends to be "toxic and prejudiced" when it comes to Yang's redesigns for pointing out an Oversexualization in those designs ( + the "imaginative addition" of believing that the characters' clothing was equivalent to their sexuality... [taking into account the part where she grabs the flag in that fanart]).
As the "first post/case" makes me think of this tendency of using the same phrase, to say a questionable take or make some "rant".
In the next post that will be presented below:
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The author begins by making a mockery of those who make a “Yang x Self Insert” being a reference to the drama “Ships with Yang x Male”.
Although the author insisted (subsequently) that "her publication is not intended to prevent people from shipping any Yang x Male".
The thing is that you immediately think that this is associated with the "Ships between Yang x Male" (regardless of whether the male characters are OC or Canonical)
And within the context (that I understand) it is about how some Fanfics, Fanarts, etc. have existed. That they have always been accused of being cringe and disrespectful. In fanfics: Because of how "Gary Stue" the character is and how poorly they write the characters (especially Yang). In the Fanarts: If it is OC/Canon character it may be because it is a "generic design", as well as how they are represented in said arts.
Thanks to the amount of this "junk content" in this category of Ships, this is how the community has come to imposingly generalize all material that comes from this category (Yang x Male [OC/Canon Character]).
So this category has already become tainted due to its junk content. With this, prejudices and stereotypes for that category are created by the fandom.
But well, anyway. That drama is already so "marked" and "symbolic" that it was honestly no surprise that people made the kind of comments that one would already be imagining… Oh yes:
"PLEAZ, LeT YIkes AL0ne."
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One thing is that the author makes fun of "Yang x Male" (especially in the trash stories) and that comments automatically appear for her that say: "Keep cishet men away from her (yang).
Which is barely left as "a post making fun of "Yang x Male (due to the issue of poor quality fanfics)" But the question now is that she gived "like" to those comments.
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(Sorry... I have the interface in Spanish)
Which makes the skepticism notable and even more so taking into account that in her words:
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Although, one can agree regarding the need to improve the standards of "M/F Ships fanfics/fanarts and the redesigns of Yang". But the question is when people doubt about the intentions behind "that joke." And this doesn't "help at all" seeing that she gives "likes" those types of comments.
And the problem is that it can be implied that she complements the message of her post with the comments that she liked (taking into account that those comments were written in her same post)
This question and doubt about their intentions arises due to how the fandom is earning this reputation of "Hating Cishet dudes", since it seems its the same about how they called out the "Cishet dudes" who criticize the series but also to the fans of those ships (due to the "profile "from those who make those poor quality Ships)
Coming to imply that any content, criticism, Ship, Fanfic, Au, HeadCanon, and much material that encompasses "FanWork" is destined to be of poor quality, offensive, repetitive, and disgusting, as long as the creator is a "CisHet Dude."
And all this "fame" of prejudice is sustained thanks to a minority of users who end up "favoring" that image of the "CisHet Dude of the fandom" that has been created in the fandom, adding to how they are used so that the fandom can affirm and sustain said prejudices based on the activity of said users.
At this point the jokes or arguments of "Cishet types are like/are like:" are being used noticeably and repetitive way. which regardless of whether they use it as a "phrase", "mockery", "joke", etc. They may unconsciously or discreetly make it clear to the rest of the fandom members about their true mentality.
AND NOT. I am not pointing to narratives of "Male Oppressed" and those mental gymnastics stuff, because it is stupid to reduce the intention of my post to this… so I emphasize: "This topic is about RWBY fans using this phrase and always ending up with questionable comments that make you wonder if they are "/j" or if there is "a double intention."
But hey, at least if you are a "Cishet dude" you will already have the idea that you are not welcome in this fandom almost full of misandrists.
But at least you know that I don't judge you :)
Literally when i see these kinds of posts like: "cYzHeTS SaYiNG / CriTIZNG ...", that makes me think that now they are ironically assuming that my 2 dear (female) friends who watch the series are men... I mean, for them it seems only the "CisStraight Men" criticize:
"Ship of the Golden Eggs"
"The Girl Who let her little sister drink that tea because her sister wasn't her neko girlfriend"
"The character with cat ears who has everything at her favor"
In conclusion:
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"Fucking town (or well, fandom in this context), full of stupid people"
Postscript: Hello, I'm sorry if my activity has been reduced lately, and to tell the truth I haven't forgotten about this account since I love writing posts for you... But hey, the important thing is that I have content to share for you, dear ones.
So I will be (trying to) cooking up more topics that will be presented later. :)
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rosiebunartz · 10 months
Lizzy Williams Redesing (Spooky month oc)
I want to apologize for my inactivity here since I have been busy with many things lately, but in order not to leave the account stiff, I come with a new post. (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠) 🩷✨
After so many redesigns that my spookysona had, this would be its official concept. Some things about Lizzy after her creation did not convince me very much, plus I wanted to make more changes to her to be satisfied.
Lizzy drawing credits: @/whatdegel. (Instagram)
A little context about lizzy:
𝗟izzy Williams. She is a young girl of approximately 22 years of age, recognizable by her distinctive pastel pink hair that gives her a unique and striking appearance. Her clothing style reflects her personality, she always seeks to convey "soft girl" vibes, with delicate garments and soft colors that highlight her inner sweetness.
This girl is distinguished by her kindness and compassionate nature. However, from time to time, her clumsiness and absent-mindedness despite her generally being considered an extrovert, there are times when Lizzy shows the introverted and shy side of her.
In the workplace, Lizzy works as an employee at a dessert shop, where her passion for baking and her creativity combine to create irresistible delights. Her abilities to combine unique flavors and attractive presentations have made her a favorite among dessert lovers.
Additionally, she has a younger sister named Hannah who takes care of her while her parents are busy at work.
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zelda-cooper · 1 year
Friendly Four Redesing
Hey guys! Everything is fine? I hope so! Well, today I wanted to share some of my ideas about the Darkwing Duck universe, some universe concepts I made with my dear friend @anniesilveratl2room and also show my version of the amazing (and extremely underexplored...TnT) Negaverse. Don't get me wrong, I love the episode that this alternate reality is presented in and I love the concept, but... I don't know.. That dimension is kind of vague to me. The fact that their opposites are realities is an amazing idea, so much so that I love the concept of Scourge and Moebius from the Sonic comics (Ian Flynn, I love you for making this idea better explored), but my friend and I wanted to work with something different. Here, in OUR version of the Negaverse, it will not be a reality of "opposites", here it will be a "mirror" reality. I know that many people will say that it is "the same thing", but not in our conception. Personality doesn't change here, MORALS and CHOICES change!
That is, a different choice that the characters made would drastically change an event or something else important. Another note: Annie and I considered what we were shown in the 2017 Ducktales and also OUR alternate universe, so in addition to being different from the original series, it will also have necessary changes. That said... Now it's time to show off the designers I made for our universe's Friendly, all credit for redesigning the Fearsome Four from the original reality goes to my friend Annie (praise her please!).
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Let's start in order and the first one I want to show you is Nega Bushroot.
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This, in fact, was one of the things I most procrastinated to do with Liquidator, not because it was difficult, but because it was VERY SIMPLE! I wanted something in the design that would set him apart from the original but still resemble him, but just changing his hair color wasn't enough for me. So I wanted to give him a more "aggressive" look, with the hair here being more spiky instead of the fluffy one in the original, I put vines with thorns on his arms (which I will LOVE to explain their concept later on) and... I gave him a scarf for his neck because I wanted an extra change (this one I was in doubt about wearing because Nega Dator already had one, but I put one with a different style).
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Next member of the Friendly Four: Megavolt. This is one of the ones that I liked playing with the concept the most and you should already know that it was the inspiration... Static Shocker! I just LOVE this drawing, seriously! But then again... I wanted to do something new but leave the essence of the original, so I left details like the battery on the back, the color palette but being inverted and also the electricity theme. This is one of the ones I liked the most and found it fun to do.
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Now Quackerjack and, man... This one was difficult to make the costume, again following the concept and such... But the most difficult thing was the details of the costume, I wanted to still give the clown look, but keeping the color palette, so I researched clown clothes on the internet and went by instinct. Maybe I overdid the elements, but I liked the end result.
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And lastly (and my favorite Fearsome/Friendly), Liquidator! This one was actually the easiest... But still I procrastinated just because of the painting. Because drawing water is boring and annoying! But in terms of "outfit" design it was simple, I gave him a scarf and gave him bands on his hands (again one that I really want to show how it would look when he changes hands on any weapon). I wanted to give him an aspect of a fighter and give that air of a relaxed person, because I saw a lot of people who would consider the Nega Liquidator version to be "fearful" or someone more "passive", but I prefer to believe that he would not be like that, but that he would be just someone sentimental and who is someone who protects his family both emotionally and physically, but that's a story for another day.
But that's it... I hope you enjoyed it, stay with God and see you next time. BYEEE!!!!
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wunidz · 1 year
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a lil redesing of Amy.EXE (image above context lol) tried to make it a lil more clear on what it is, and also put clothes on it lmao
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When piggy was still alive and swell and well I used to make a plushie it's beary to bad that my love for piggy is fading away I didn't have time to find clothes for him he has the checks cause this was back in 2020 when he has the checks before his redesing and copyright stuff
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lauritanaomystery · 4 years
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Coming soon!❤
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atrixfromice · 4 years
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Sonic may be the fastest thing alive on Mobius, but Antoine is the hottest guy on Mobius!!
So here’s how it looks like the clothes redesing I’ve been working on! I wish the lineart was better but my back hurts, I’ve spent like a week doing this thing and my back hurt and I felt like I was never going to end! XD I think it’s too much for me to sit a week in front of the computer to do a drawing. And for the desing, well I wanted to include the accesories that are special to him that is the gloves and sword. Also I wanted to conserve his uniform because I think it’s very elegant and cool!
Frankly, I think Antoine had nothing to be jealous of from Sonic. I mean think about it; blonde hair and blue eyes, intelligent, good sense of humor, loving and caring, and with such an awesome and sexy voice and French accent on the TV show thanks to Rob Paulsen! And he talks French!!! :D And is one of the few characters who I know whose writters (both in the comic and the series) knew how to use well “Oh mon dieu” and “sacrebleu” to give scenes the emphasis they needed! What else a girl can ask?
I can understand he wanted a bit of Sonic’s fearless and confident actitude, but he doesn’t need it actually! Because his shy and scaredy personality makes him too cute, specially and moslty because he always struggled to face his fears become more brave and more confident! And he succedded so extraordinarily, specially in the comics.
That makes him human I think. I always felt Antoine being much more human and heartfelt as a character than all the other freedom fighters, even more than Amy or Rouge, or even sonic himself, who always seemed to be chill and made all well on the first try.
Because he could feel fear and sadness, be jealous and angry and feel vulnerable, and even if he messed up things sometimes in the missions because of his scaredy nature, he never gave up, and he so was so loyal to protect his friends and his country!
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mey-draws-blog · 5 years
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One of them fancy fluffy pearls,
I decided to digitalize  some fluffy pearls!
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