#cm Savannah
spencestiel-michelle · 10 months
*Emily being introduced to Savannah*
Emily: to be honest, i didn’t think you existed with the way Derek described how amazing you were. 
Savannah: aw, thank you. you know, i didn’t think you existed either. 
Emily: oh. well. *blushes and smiles* thank you.
Derek: don’t take that as a compliment. 
Derek: Savannah thought you were some tormenting maniac i made up and was just a figment of my imagination because no person could be that persistently and insufferably annoying and intolerable. 
Emily: oh. well. *blushes and smiles* thank you.
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ropoto · 1 year
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Criminal Minds 11.11 ‘Entropy’
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morganprentiss · 2 years
DOB: June 6, 1973
From Chicago, Illinois
- Mother: Fran Morgan
- Father: Hank Morgan
- Siblings: Sarah Morgan (oldest), Desiree Morgan (youngest)
- Aunt: Yvonne Burns (née Morgan)
- Uncle: Paul Burns
- Cousin: Cindi Burns
- Spouse: Savannah Hayes (me forever sad)
- Child: Hank “the tank” Spencer Morgan
Derek always makes an effort to be in Chicago for his mothers birthday (which is December 13) 🫶
Education: Northwestern University (bachelors) + JD (smart boi)
- had a football scholarship from Northwestern (this is what we call well rounded) (quarterback)
Occupations: Chicago PD officer / BAU SSA / BAU unit chief
Specialties: obsessional crimes & explosives (if only he could see my neurodiverse brain)
Hobbies: house renovations (4 properties in the early seasons, 8 towards the end)
Pets: Clooney 🥹 (the cutest doggo we never did see 😢)
Favorites: Kurt Vonnegut (specifically Mother Night), Scottie Pippen, Michael Jordan, Walter Payton, Nas (specifically “Illimatic”), Emily Prentiss, mojitos, beach vacations, hockey
He DOES NOT like prisons, basketball, or Halloween
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okimargarvez · 1 year
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[Heart to heart, James Blunt]
Music stuff
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Derek Morgan is big man at the FBI, knows just how many ways an Unsub could break into someones house, has kicked down more doors than Reid has IQ points
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I take one of those little stake thingies they sell to girls to break the window of a car and smash that glass in and I am literally robbing your house.
You are always away on a case and your girlfriend is never home so like a criminal could totally clean out your house without either of you home OR THEY COULD EVEN GET INTO YOUR HOUSE AND HURT SAVANNAH WHEN YOU'RE AWAY ON A CASE!!!!
The lack of security here is the most out of character thing that has ever happened in Criminal Minds and that's saying something
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leguin · 2 years
personally i think we need more posts about serif fonts and the chicago manual of style
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uncharismatic-fauna · 4 months
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The Palestine Sunbird Persists
The Palestine sunbird, also known as the orange-tufted sunbird (Cinnyris osea) is the national bird of Palestine, and often seen as a symbol of resistance and hope. This species occurs in dry climates, particularly desert, scrubland, and savannahs, but can also be found in orchards and gardens where flowers are abundant. In addition to the Levant, C. osea occurs throughout the southwest cost of Saudia Arabia and the coasts of Yemen and Oman in the south.
C. osea is a small bird, 8 to 12 cm (3.1-4.7 in) long with a wingspan of only 14 to 16 cm (5.5-6.2 in). Males weigh on average 7.6 g (0.26 oz) and females are slightly smaller, at about 6.8 g (0.24 oz). Males are quite easy to identify due to their striking plumage; their feathers are iridescent, appearing dark until they shimmer glossy blue or green, with orange tufts at the side of the breast. In contrast females are fairly drab; grey-brown with a lighter underside. The beaks of the Palestine sunbird are also noted for their distinctively long and curved, which they have developed to efficiently feed on nectar.
Although not directly part of the hummingbird family, the Palestine sunbird shares many similarities with the group. Its diet consists of nectar, and is supplemented with insects. Their tongues are long, and brush-like, and the shape of their beak allows them to reach down to the base of the flower. For flowers that are , they will use their sharp beaks to pierce the side and access the nectar directly. All this is done at very high speeds, but unlike hummingbirds the Palestine sunbird cannot hover in place, and must land in order to feed. Because of their primary reliance on nectar, the orange-tufted sunbird is an important pollinator in its native region. Adults are rarely predated upon, but eggs and young are often targets for lizards, snakes, and birds of prey.
Reproduction begins in June, and continues through October. Males establish and defend territories, and court females by singing to attract a potential mate, then chasing her until she perches to signal her acceptance. Following the pairing, the two construct a purse-like nest, sometimes with a porch-like structure, that hangs from a branch. In this nest, 1-2 eggs are laid, and are incubated primarily by the female, while the male provides her food. The eggs take 13 to 14 days to hatch, and chicks are taken care of by both parents for an additional 14 to 21 days. Individuals can live up to 5 years in the wild.
Conservation status: The Palestine sunbird has a large range and population, and is thus considered Least Concern by the IUCN. Its primary threat is habitat loss due to agriculture and urban development.
If you send me proof that you’ve made a donation to UNRWA or another organization benefiting Palestinians, I’ll make art of any animal of your choosing.
Remember, the donation can be in any amount– every dollar counts!
Jorrit Vlot
Dula Alhashimi
Rana Hijawi
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
I'm making Tyler x Logan propaganda but for now take another ship ask thingy whatever (shoots my fucking brains out) <3
This is also...long... 🫠
1. How did they first meet?
They knew *of* each other since elementary school, but they met officially when they got grouped together for the Savannah project.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
Tyler: Nerd. Wished he'd stop mumbling all the time, it pisses him of.
Logan: internal crying. Jocks are scary lahdhosjdjd- (thought he was handsome tho)
3. Did any of their friends/family want them to get together?
They had never thought about them like that haha. Logan pretty much periodically told the whole squad except Tyler 💀 so they were all like very subtly encouraging him. Taylor was VERY excited. Aiden would be SO obvious about it but luckily Tyler is kind of oblivious. Ash and Ben are just watching the whole thing go down.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Tyleeeeeer. Dork.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
You know they would 🤡 Whatever let me have my angsty gay pining leave me alone 😭
6. If you had told one of them the other would be their soul mate, what would they think?
Logan: He would combust into flames and melt into a pile of stuttering and blushing.
Tyler: he'd probably punch you.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
No phantom dimension! Tyler would probably get a baseball scholarship to some nice uni and Logan would get a scholarship cuz he's super smart. I think they'd be alright but probably a lot more emotionally stunted
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Tyler because Logan Gen/ thought he was straight so he'd legit never brought it up. Ngl Logan prob got injured and Tyler was just ranting and confessed on accident hihi ❤️
2. Did they have an official first date? What was it like?
I think yes. I think Logan would ask him and they'd do smth very low pressure :) Go out to eat somewhere (not a fancy place) and then walk around the park or smth until night time, so Logan can geek out about the constellations. Normal friend stuff...but they both know it's a date so they're freaking out. Then Tyler holds his hand and- *slams my head into a wall*
3. What was their first kiss like?
Awkward. They bumped their foreheads together since they tried to do it at the same time. Tyler instigated it :)
4. Were they each other's first anything?
Logan: Tyler's first kiss (with a boy) and first relationship
Tyler: Logan's first kiss (In general) and first relationship
5. What's their height and age difference?
Tyler is 187 cm (he did not get those short boy genes lol) and Logan is 164 cm, so I think that's like, 9 inches? Tyler was born in August 2000 and Logan in December 2000, so only 4 months.
6. What's their relationship with each other's families? Do they share a friendgroup?
You know they share a friend group lmao.
Logan gets along very well with Marianna :) she thinks he's super sweet and he doesn't mind her eccentricity. Taylor loooooves having Logan as a "brother in law" ^_^
Tyler's relationship with James and Mary is...testy 💀 they don't mind the fact that he's dating a boy but they HAVE heard Logan venting about how insecure he is in the friendship because he thinks Tyler hated him. Tyler doesn't really appreciate being reminded of all that and the fact that they might antagonize him. They're working on it for Logans sake.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Tyler usually, he's not afraid to call somebody out on their shit :) Logan is better at mediating tho.
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Logan is more insecure than jealous. Tyler is just normal jealous 🤡 he's a little itty bitty bit possessive...👍🏽
9. Who whispers unsuitable things in the others ear?
Technically Tyler does, but not like, on purpose. They might just be out somewhere and some guy will be being mildly irritating or whatever and Tyler will mutter "this fucking clown" to Logan. Logan is always "!!! Ty!" Lmao
1. Who said "I love you" first?
Logan! He definitely cried while saying it too haha. I think Tyler would say it back...after kissing him mwah mwah.
2. What are their primary love languages?
For Tyler absolutely acts of service. It's what he's used to haha. Likes to cook for Logan and help him around the shop (while James and Mary are watching him like a hawk) :) Receiving, tbh, he just likes when Logan wants to spend quality time with him.
Logan...also acts of service; for a long time he valued himself on how useful he was to somebody and its still how he evaluates his relationships. He helps Tyler with homework he doesn't understand, helps him with chores around the house, etc. He really appreciates words of affirmation, makes him feel more secure ^_^
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
In the beginning it was Logan, he bought a book and everything 🤡 he always fumbles the delivery tho help him. After a while Tyler says them cuz he likes messing with Logan and watching him get flustered lol.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
It is 2016 in Georgia, they don't engage in any PDA 🤡 as if Logan needed another reason to get harassed. They like cuddling in the privacy of their houses tho, but just the standard amount ^_^
5. Who initiates kisses?
Tyler will generally ask Logan to kiss him, since he's a little awkward about initiating.
6. Who's the big and little spoon?
Tyler is pretty protective so he likes being the big spoon, but if Logan asks he's also fine with that. He likes rubbing Ty's stomach due to the injury he got there U_U
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
Logan: STARGAZINGGGG. Nothing makes him happier than infodumping :D Ty likes listening to him anyways so. He also likes going to Tyler's games cuz, you know, he wanna be supportive and all that. Plus he thinks he looks sooooo cool while playing.
Tyler: Something chill, he's like, consistently tired lmao. He just likes spending time with him, he doesn't mind if they're just laying down studying or listening to music, or just talking to each other.
8. Who's better at comforting the other?
Tyler is, surprisingly. When Tyler is upset he's just generally mad and needs to cool off alone, plus Logan isn't really good around people who are angry haha ":). When Logan's upset he tends to be more teary eyed, so Tyler just hugging him and reminding him to breathe is enough.
9. Who is more protective?
Tyler 🤡 I don't think I need to elaborate aldhoshd
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Tyler: physical because verbal affection flusters him a lot.
Logan: verbal because physical affection flusters him a lot.
....Help them, lol
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship?
*Points to Red's Spotify playlist*
(This doesn't really make sense but Campus by Vampire Weekend reminds me of them by proxy because I was listening to it while I drew them lmao)
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Logan: Will usually call him Ty. "Babe" if he's up to it haha. When they're older he probably calls him the usual ones like honey or sweetie :)
Tyler: probably something real cringy considering that carrot-top nickname he gave Ash. I mentioned Starboy and Cielo before. I think he'd call him "Bizcochito" (porque le quiere comer a besos jajajajaj)
13. Who remembers the little things?
They're both very detail oriented so they remember all those things.
1. If they get married, who proposes?
Since gay marriage was legalized in June 2015, for most of his life Logan pretty much never thought he would be able to get married. So he proposed to Tyler. Was crying profusely the whole time and dropped his cards haha.
2. What's the wedding like?
They couldn't find a church that would bless their marriage even tho Mary and James had asked for it. So they just got married at city hall. BUT they did have a super big after party with all of Tyler's extended family >:) Logan has no idea what "gringo" means but he's not thinking about it too much.
3. How many kids do they have, if any?
It was really fucking hard to adopt one :") one girl because I said so and this is my list
4. Do they have any pets?
They have a few cats because for a long time they couldn't adopt any kids. It's good for Logan's enrichment, even though the cats don't really like Tyler lol
5. Who's the stricter parent?
Tyler loses his temper easier, but he's also way more likely to indulge their daughter so like, he is stricter, but he's not very consistent about it lmao. Logan is better at disciplining Tho.
6. Who worries the most?
They're both worrywarts kkkkk Tyler a little more tho, it's the ✨️anxiety✨️ kicking in.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Tyler will scream if he sees a bug so 🤡 Logan is very used to bugs because there's usually a few in the plants, so he'll catch them and throw them outside.
8. How do they celebrate the holidays?
Tyler isn't really big on holidays, but he'll help Logan put up decorations and stuff if he wants to. They generally go visit their family and friends U_U
Tyler does celebrate Día de Los Muertos as an adult tho, he spends most of the day at his dad's ofrenda. Logan is there for moral support, and they'll call Taylor and Marianna if they can't come over for any reason.
9. Who's more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Tyler's naturally an early bird and Logans a night owl, so Logan will pull him back into bed haha.
10. Who's the better cook?
Tyler's the better cook and Logan's the better baker.
11. Who likes to dance?
Tyler! He's a bit reluctant to admit it tho, but he's a good dancer and he loves pulling Logan by surprise to dance bachata or cumbia hihi
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takeachillpillshawty · 2 months
Would I beat them in a fight?
I'm just going over each dorm member and see who'd I beat in a fight.
Riddle- yes.
Duece- maybe, this dude was a delinquent. He probably has the meanest right hook.
Ace- it depends... But I'm most definitely winning.
Trey- mans got muscles, but I'm most likely losing.
Cater- yes. I feel like Cater is the type of person to grab hair first in a fight, one body slam and he's out.
Leona- no, this mf might be too lazy to go to class but I see that sleeper built. I'm getting me shit wrecked.
Jack- NO. Next person.
Ruggie- similar to Deuce, this man lived the struggle and probably had to scuffle the get what he wants. Ruggie will use cheap tricks and will bite, but unfortunately this guy is built like a twig.... So a gut punch and he's out.
Azul- he fights like an old man, he'd use his cane to get in a few wacks but besides that? I'm winning for sure.
Jade and Floyd- Nope....NOPE.
Kalim- Kalim wouldn't want to fight to begin with so I'd win by default.
Jamil- now Jamil on the other hand, he's basically Kalim's bodyguard. He's probably trained for these kind of situations... So naw, I'm losing this one.
Vil- losing. His heels are 13 cm, one kick from that and I'm down.
Rook- his in game model does him dirty because I know for someone who's damn good at archery like Rook he'd be jacked. So no, I'm just gonna take the loss.
Epel- most definitely.
Idia- yes, it would be too easy.
Ortho- it's like trying to win a fight when the other person has a gun, no.
Yeah, I'm not going to embarrass myself with this one. Malleus would kill me, Lilia would kill me, Sebek will kill me and Silver would kill me.
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cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Mexican Striped Owl (Asio clamator)
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(Photo by John van Dort)
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Central America; Northern and Central South America
Size (Weight/Length)- 500 g; 35 cm
Diet- Small mammals; Insects; Reptiles; Amphibians; Small birds
Cool Facts- While the tufts on their heads might resemble ears or antenna, the feathers only add to the Mexican striped owl’s charisma. These owls have a massive range that spans the majority of Central and South America’s savannah. Despite living in the rainforest center of the world, the Mexican striped owl prefers open areas where hunting is easier. It is a common sight to spot these owls at dusk sitting on fence posts or utility wires while scanning a farmer’s field for rats. Like many species of true owl, the Mexican striped owl flies silently and uses their facial disc to pinpoint prey through noise rather than sight. 
Rating- 12/10 (The owlest owl who ever owled.)
Requested by @sortiarus-de--naturas--daemonum
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axhellart · 23 days
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Let's welcome the newest member of the Savanaclaw dorm ✨Axeru Noctiluca ✨
 ↓   ↓   ↓  More information below  ↓   ↓   ↓ 
Profile :
Gradee/Class: Sophomore/Class C
Birthday: August 2 (Leo) Age: 18
Height: 1.60 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
From: Coral Sea (to) Sunset Savannah.
Club: Film Research Club
Favorite Subject: Potionology
Best Subject: Potionology and Alchemy.
Likes: Cooking, singing, acting
Dislikes: The ocean/beach, mirrors
Favorite Food: Spaguetti.
Least Favorite Food: Seafood (except tuna)
Talent: Acting.
✨Voice Claim:
(Haha capcut ruining everything but im so lazy, meh) ↓   ↓   ↓ More Info  ↓   ↓   ↓
A rather emotional and meticulous young man. The word “loyalty” means everything to him. Despite that he spends most of his time dissociated wandering in his own world and tends to silently judge people before getting to know them thoroughly. Reckless, stubborn and self-absorbed, he nevertheless watches over and cares for those he considers friends and family.
↓   ↓   ↓ Curious data (Axhell thoughts) ↓   ↓   ↓
At the beginning I thought Axeru was a self insert and… he is, so I want you to understand that it is very funny and at the same time a bit curious how I found similarities with Ariel from the Little Mermaid with myself.
I had my hair like that about a year and a half ago and as I loved the way I looked so I wanted to leave him with that style; clearly I was changing things as I progressed in the design to give him that..."anime essence" I guess ¿?
If you are wondering why I put Coral Sea to Sunset Savanna in its place of origin, everything has its explanation in his lore. Maybe someday I will explain it...
That's all, the image for the cover of the first image I found it on google so I don't know the credits as such, if someone can tell me I would be eternally grateful! All the drawings were made by myself using the original sprites from the game.
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s7ieben · 2 months
aquarelle on paper – painting – 11 x 11 cm
S7IEBEN.art RedBubble
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phoenix-manga · 4 months
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Ru Khan
CV: Nagao Shizune
Biographical Information
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: May 17
Starsign: Taurus
Height: 175 cm
Eye Color: Bilbao
Hair Color: Chalk & Space Grey
Professional Status
Dorm: Dragonstone
School Year: 1st Year
Class: 1-D | Student no. 12
Occupation: Student
Club: Horse Grooming Club
Best Subject: Marathon Run
Fun Facts
Favorite Food: Ramen
Least Favorite Food: Garlic & Onion
Dislikes: Fancy restaurants
Hobby: Running
Talents: Breaking things
Idol Stats
Performance: Rough and wild meant for loud songs
Choreography: Freestyle kicks
Styling Jewel Outfits: Cultural | Cool
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Ru is a rough and tough girl who isn’t afraid to back down from a fight. She tends to be stubborn and doesn’t take back what she said unless someone she is close with tells her to apologize. Ru is a bit of a tsundere.
She is also someone who trusts her gut. She tends to judge people by their looks and vibes because she has encountered unruly people in Afterglow Savannah. It may seem rude but this is how Ru developed this mentality to survive the slums. She does let up reluctantly if she is proven wrong.
Ru is mostly surrounded by street kids growing up. She often climbs trees or plays tag with them, so she’s got a bit of spunk to her. She has this sense of bravery where she will outright fight anyone who dares to mess with her. It was normal around where she lives but her dad always reminds her to just tell an adult, while her uncle and grandmother ask her if she won.
She won’t hold back in what she thinks of people, but she won’t blindly say it to start a fight.
When someone wants to fight, she would always start it with an argument, asking them if they REALLY want to fight, usually the opponent backs off when she dares them.
She can be impatient and easily irritated only because she doesn’t want to face repercussions. It might take a while for her to be convinced to take it easy.
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Hometown: Afterglow Savannah
Family History
Ru lives in Afterglow Savannah where they live in a place with open fields and quite far from the city. But it was a walk away from a slum area, Ru lives with her uncle and grandmother who run a noodle shop. 
Her uncle and her dad used to live in an eastern village. Then they moved to the Village of Harvest where Ru spent her 5-7 years of age there until they had to move somewhere else again, which was Afterglow Savannah where their grandmother lives. They moved from place to place due to business and other circumstances.
Ru is left with the uncle and grandmother while her dad looks for work in the city. He comes home late but Ru understands their circumstances. She is homeschooled and often has to help her uncle run the shop.
Her uncle runs a noodle shop and has a field behind the house to grow the needed ingredients for his recipe. Because Ru often assists him either with farm work or with making noodles, she has developed a natural talent for cooking his specialty noodles.
Although she prefers to make dumplings since they are easier in her opinion. The noodles being served are really cheap but taste really good which attracts a lot of regulars.
Her grandmother owns the house they live in and bakes sweet tofu to sell in the streets. Every single day, she wakes up in the morning to make them by hand and goes around the neighborhood to sell.
Her uncle is a hardworking man and teaches Ru some basic self-defense. His way of training is mostly by focused on kicks.
Most customers are often workers and students but there’s the occasional street kid or homeless man who begs for alms. Ru’s uncle tends to serve noodles even if they couldn’t pay.
Childhood Memories
Ru used to play with the kids in her previous homes, out of all of them she only remembers a farm boy with lilac hair that she rough plays with from time to time.
In her permanent home in Afterglow Savannah, she would be seen playing with the certain hyena. She remembers brawling with the certain hyena when he stole radishes from the fields.
Ru’s grandmother stopped the brawl and scolded the hyena, but gave the radishes anyway.
When the hyena boy came back, Ru was ready to fight. To her shock, the hyena boy apologized because her grandmother reminds him of his own and it made him feel bad. The two made a mutual agreement that Ru could give away a few of their crops if the hyena boy helps out.
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Ru is often a lone wolf when it comes to her school life. If she has to be partnered with someone, she responds when needed and doesn’t make idle chitchat. Mainly because she has no idea how to act in an elite academy, she is under the impression that it was serious business.
So, she tends to get a bit snappy when she is paired by a slacker or a chatterbox. Afraid to get a bad grade that might otherwise get her kicked out of the academy.
Despite being serious about school, she tends to struggle with other subjects due to her homeschooling. Her family had limited access to books and used hand-me-downs, but she tries to shoulder her own burdens to save face.
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She is a silkie hen gifted to Ru when her uncle won a horse during a fair and the hen was won by her grandmother from gambling with mahjong with one of the neighbors. Bailong likes to chill in potted plants and is overall quiet.
At least until she starts clucking and running about because she heard something interesting. Never ever let this hen catch wind of your secrets.
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Her unique magic is called, Bronco Stampede, she gains a strength boost and speed boost for a short period of time. Whenever she uses it her arms and legs glow jade green with markings of hooves. After using this spell, her limbs would be sore for a while. She doesn’t use this a lot unless it was really needed. Prolonged use of the spell causes intense muscle ache that renders her immobile.
Ru doesn’t use magic all that often as she does everything with her own physical capabilities.
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Suan Khan
Ru’s father. He had a girlfriend who perished after childbirth, now he is left to raise his daughter with his family.
He used to be reckless and a bit of a bad boy, but after the passing of his girlfriend, the weight of responsibility weighed down on him. He straightened up and went to look for work to provide for his daughter.
His relationship with Ru tends to be a bit awkward despite being understanding of their circumstance. She hasn’t had a chance to interact with him as much, she feels a bit regretful about how things turned out with no idea how to fix that.
Jiang Khan
He’s the older brother of Suan Khan, he takes the role of Ru’s parent when Suan leaves for work. He is a tough beastman who teaches Ru that she won’t take crap from anyone!
Doufu Khan
She is the grandma of Ru and the mother of Suan and Jiang. She has a stern yet compassionate personality. She tends to scold her sons more than her grandchild.
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The character’s name, “Ru” was made up so it would sound a bit cooler when paired with her last name, “Khan” which is the name of Mulan’s horse.
The names of Ru’s family are based on Chinese ingredients and spices. Suan is Garlic, Jiang is Ginger, and Doufu is Tofu. The reason for these names being based on ingredients is because of how the family runs a noodle shop.
Ru is supposed to have a horse named Cheung for the sake of irony, but the artist decided not to torture themselves by adding another horse for the sake of a joke.
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huariqueje · 11 months
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The Third Time / Savannah, Georgia - R.B. Kitaj , 1992.
American, 1932-2007.
Oil on canvas , 92 x 92 cm. 36.2 x 36.2 in.
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masterwords · 11 months
the shape you take
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Summary: Hotch is sad. Jack is just about to turn 18, Hank is spending the summer with his mom and he's dwelling on the empty nest. Morgan has just the ticket: sea, sand, food and naps. Fun in the sun and the sack. While exploring a nude beach one night they find a little more than they bargained for. (Part of The Chicago Times series)
Pairing: Hotch/Morgan
Words: 8.8k
Warnings: sex (not explicit details, just "hey they're having sex" type thing), food & alcohol, mentions of Foyet’s knife, scars (both of them), murder/corpse/blood, an inappropriate boner situation...
Read on AO3: the shape you take
Notes: This is my first entry for @imagining-in-the-margins CM Summer Sunshine Fic Challenge. I used one of the NSFW prompts but this is basically PG-13 because I don’t really write smut, just some sexy vibes. The prompts I chose were: Character A finally convinces B to go to the beach with them. Turns out it's a nude beach mixed with The sun makes Characters sleepy, so they take a nap. (They take a lot of naps. They're old.) There are a couple more from the list that I hope to write for before the challenge is finished, but we’ll see where the summer takes me! The end here is purposely left open for a special surprise...another collab with @domestikhighway58! Because writing with hwy58 is a dream and I want to do it all the time. To be unveiled soon-ish. (How's that for noncommittal?) (I'm posting the whole thing here, I haven't done that in a while...do you want me to go back to that or keep just linking AO3?)
Win by persuasion, not by force.
All spring Derek had been dropping hints. Little ones at first. He would add feta cheese to salad one night at dinner, or watch Hercules with Hank when he knew Aaron was going to be coming home from work or a run. Nothing big, but he knew Aaron would pick up on it eventually.
As they approached summer, the tactics became a little less subtle. There was a brochure stuck to the freezer, and a bottle of Greek red wine opened after dinner on Derek’s last day of work for the summer. Aaron had been done a week earlier. They waited to celebrate until everyone was finished and on summer break.
“Are you trying to tell me something?” Aaron asks, pouring the wine and watching the boys set the table. Hank likes to fold the napkins while Jack sets out the silverware. Too many years separate them and yet Jack has been drawn closer to him in the last few months as he realizes how close he is to moving out, not seeing his little brother every day. He’d waited years to have one and it feels like it’s over way too soon. He wants to go to college in New York, but Hank makes him want to stay in Chicago instead. The thought of not being here, of missing big milestones, is crushing. Some small part of him thinks he knows how his dad must have felt missing his milestones for work – first words, first steps, first day of school, first everything. He’s going to move to New York and he’s going to miss all sorts of big moments.
“I’m not trying to tell you anything,” Derek replies, scooting between the counter and Aaron, pressing in so close they barely have room to breathe. “I am telling you something.”
“When?” Aaron asks, because he knows better than to ask stupid questions. If Derek has the brochure and he’s laying it on this thick, he’s already booked the trip. And that’s okay, because Aaron spent too many years in complete control of everything and watching it all fall spectacularly to pieces...he’s shockingly willing to go with the flow these days.
At least to some degree.
“Jack leaves for New York on the 19th, Savannah’s picking Hank up on the 22nd, and my mom and sisters leave on the 25th. So, we’re leaving on the 25th. We’ll drive them to the airport and then hop on a plane ourselves.”
“When do we come back?”
“I booked the hotel for two weeks but...let’s just play it by ear huh?”
Play it by ear. That phrase would have struck fear into Aaron’s heart a few years ago. Sometimes he still feels like he’s going to make plans and then get a phone call that pulls him back to the BAU. It’s a hard habit to break even after all of these years.
“Two weeks in Greece. Where?”
“We’ll fly to Athens, spend a few days there, and then take the ferry over to Milos. I booked us an ATV rental so we can go wherever we want. We can do some day trips to other islands, go hang out on Crete and do all your nerdy shit...plus beaches, food, hiking, nightlife. Our room on Milos has its own private saltwater pool.”
“Private?” Aaron likes the sound of private. He’s not very interested in all that nightlife type stuff but a private pool? That he can get behind. Of course, if Derek asked him to dance he could hardly turn him down.
“I’ll show you pictures after dinner.”
Jack’s going to be 18 in a few months. This is his last summer of high school. He’s decided to skip sports and summer camps in lieu of spending two months living with Sean who has done good things with his life in his time since being released from jail. Sean who has earned, in Aaron’s eyes, his shot at redemption. What Aaron learned as a young teenager being packed off to boarding school, Sean had to learn through just over three years in a small cell, stripped of his liberties. Better late than never. Jack is old enough now to handle himself anyway, he’s more than proven his own responsibility in their years living in Chicago. He drives all over the city, he doesn’t break curfew, he’s really a little too good. It scares Aaron sometimes that he’s not out there causing trouble. Giving them hell. Just another way he thinks he’s broken his son.
He knows that isn’t the case though. Since Jack turned twelve, he’s had Derek and Fran and Sarah and Desiree and Savannah. He’s always had Jessica and Roy, he never doubted his mother’s love for an instant. His support system is full of incredible strength. Aaron knows that even if he’s failed, none of them have. But this trip to Greece, he can tell it’s Derek’s way of trying to pull him out of this spiral he’s sauntering into. This deep well of sadness at his son growing up and moving out, this empty feeling that he’s losing the last part of Haley that was never his to keep in the first place.
“What are you hiding?” Jack asks over dinner. He can tell they’re sitting on something. They’re terrible at keeping secrets.
“Not hiding anything,” Derek says, handing Hank his plate full of cut up steak and salad. “I just told your dad where I’m taking him for summer vacation.”
Jack rolls his eyes and huffs, visibly relieved. “Finally. I thought you’d have to take him all the way to the airport for him to get it.”
“I had a lot going on,” Aaron says a little defensively. It isn’t like he didn’t see Derek’s hints, but his mind was simply not present enough to try and guess why Derek was going crazy for Greece. “Final exams, your trip to New York…”
Aaron throws his hands up in exasperation and smiles. “Take it easy on your old man. This is a hard time.”
Jack stops at that, he knows the idea of him moving out is killing his dad slowly. They’ve been on their own together for so long now he’s a little scared himself. “Well, you guys have to send tons of pictures.”
“Of course.”
Aaron cries when he hugs Jack goodbye at the airport. He manages to wait until Jack is far enough away that he doesn’t see it, but Jack knows it’s happening, he knows his dad cries easily so he doesn’t turn around. He saves him the trouble of trying to hide it. And he calls the minute his plane lands at JFK to let his dad know he’s safe and just as planned (and on time), Sean is waiting for him.
Savannah shows up a day early unannounced, her flight was changed due to weather. She sleeps in Jack’s room and spends a little more time in the city with family than expected. It’s a nice surprise for them all, and keeps Aaron from feeling too gutted at Jack’s absence. Having a full house means he’s making coffee and planning meals and making sure everyone is taken care of, it hardly leaves him any time at all to worry about whether Jack is getting into trouble in New York. (He’s not. Nothing too bad anyway. Sean might have encouraged him to live a little...but they’ll keep that to themselves. Sean is reformed, he’s no angel.)
When Savannah takes Hank, and it’s just the two of them for a few days, they spend their time preparing their house to sit empty for weeks. They have people lined up to come check on things, get the mail, mind the yards but for the most part it’ll just sit. They pack their bags and eat off of paper plates in the days leading up to their trip. They empty their cupboards and refrigerator. It feels like working in the BAU, never being able to keep anything perishable on hand just in case. Aaron always joked that it was incredible that none of them ended up with scurvy.
At the airport, they walk Derek’s mom and sisters to their gate. Off to Hawaii, a vacation paid for by he and Aaron. A sort of thank you for taking care of them, for helping with Hank, for everything. “All inclusive means all inclusive, mom,” Derek says as he wraps her in a hug. “You put on the little bracelet and you don’t pay for a damn thing. You want a piña colada? You get one. You want a meal? You get one. Don’t skimp okay?”
“Oh, believe me...I won’t be…” Desiree says with a smirk and Sarah agrees.
“Gonna make sure I drink every drop you paid for.”
Fran still can’t believe she’s going to Hawaii. She’s never been on a plane that’s gone farther than Virginia. She’s never been west. She’s anxious to fly over the ocean, but more than that, she just can’t believe her son is in a place now that he’s married and buying tropical vacations for her and his sisters like it’s nothing. If you asked her where she saw her life going when her husband died and she was thrust into being a single mother struggling to survive on the south side of Chicago, this wouldn’t have ever occurred to her.
“Be safe on your trip,” she says as she hugs Aaron around the neck. “Don’t let him do anything dangerous. I don’t want any pictures of him jumping off of cliffs or swimming in the open ocean.”
“I don’t want any of that either,” Aaron says, knowing with absolute certainty that if Derek wants to do either of those things he won’t be able to stop him. He’d like to say that he wouldn’t be doing those things, but if Derek grabbed him by the hand and asked him to jump off of a cliff into the crystal blue water, or climb down off of a boat and swim in the open sea...he isn’t sure he could say no, even if he wanted to.
“Don’t let him eat too much cheese, it makes him sick,” Fran adds, still holding Aaron’s neck. He nods.
“I know.”
“And you! Don’t you worry about Jack or the house or...anything. Don’t get sunburned. Eat good food. Smile. Have fun. Make memories.”
“You too.”
He’s drunk on sunshine and the sound of waves. On blood red wine and salty, briny cheeses and oil soaked olives. Decadence never appealed to him, but being here on their private patio, his feet dangling in a small private pool and staring out at the Aegean Sea that’s about as lazy and warm as he feels right now he wonders why. Derek is sleeping on the bed just inside the sliding doors, bathing in glorious sunlight. A cat nap, he said over an hour ago. At their age a cat nap tends to turn into an afternoon lost to dreams.
They started the nap together, lazy and lounging, twisted tangled limbs and feather soft kisses as they drifted off. But he was hungry so he got up before he managed to fall completely asleep. Untangled himself from Derek’s sweaty grip and padded barefoot toward the fridge for some food. Cheese and olives left over from their breakfast, an apple sliced with some honey. He’s practically starving by the time he’s sitting on the balcony with a plate on his lap watching the seagulls and the cats battle for scraps that the tide left behind.
He’s never loved the beach. Sand gets everywhere, it smells bad, and people are rude. They rarely stay in their own areas, you have to fight for a space. Too crowded. He wonders how people find it at all relaxing. But this? Overlooking the beach from his own balcony, this is good. No sand, all ocean as far as he can see. Islands in the distance. He counts them off mentally, notes which ones they’ve already traveled to, visualizes his way through them. Storing those memories tight in there. He doesn’t want to forget a moment and he’s afraid he already has.
Beside him is a journal, just a little notebook filled with shorthand and chicken scratch, things he wants to do and things he wants to remember to tell Jack about. It calms the storm in his mind to have it all written down.
Jack is pulling away, naturally, but Aaron got a text the day before with a photo of him eating with Beth and Sean. She insisted on seeing him when she came on a work trip, and Aaron thinks she’s more beautiful than ever. He still loves her a little, he never really falls out of love with anyone. People imprint on him and he can’t let them go. It doesn’t make any difference, he knows Derek still feels the same about Savannah. It just works for them.
“How long did I sleep?” Derek’s voice floats through the room, out onto the patio on the breeze. His words are jumbled and muffled by the pillow his face is still smashed into. Aaron smiles.
“A while,” is his reply. He’s trying to let go of itineraries and timelines. He’s trying not to look at clocks at all, really. Clocks remind him of time passing and he’s better off without that on his mind. “Not too long.”
“Mmmfff…” Derek mumbles and Aaron can hear the sleep smile, the way his eyes are still closed and he’s considering whether to let himself go back to sleep or get up and rummage through the cupboards himself. His shoulders are a mountain of bronze and Aaron glances back into the room, thinks about the way they would taste, the skin salty and warm against his lips. He’s tempted to get out of the pool, and then he decides he might lay a trap instead to get Derek to come to him.
“I have a snack,” He offers. It’s almost too easy. “I might share it with you.”
“What’s the catch?” Derek asks, sitting upright and scrubbing his hands down his face. He’s sweaty, the humidity drenches his skin and he needs a shave again already. Aaron can’t take his eyes off of Derek out here, it’s like the light is in love with him, it paints him in a way that Aaron can’t resist. He’s carved from the cliffs and chiseled by the hands of the gods. Meanwhile, Aaron is pretty sure he just looks like a drowned rat. His hair, a little too long for his taste, hangs limp where it would normally be mussed up and messy against his will. An unruly mop, now tamed by humidity.
“No catch.”
“Alright, then what’s it gonna cost me?”
Aaron smiles and tilts his face to the sky expectantly. He’s waiting for Derek to appear above him. “A kiss.”
A kiss is a dangerous thing and as they slip easily into the still pool water unclothed, Aaron thinks they’re bound to end up back in the bed sooner rather than later. The water is a cool break from the oppressive heat of the afternoon sun. Aaron dunks himself first, goes under like a torpedo and slicks his hair back from his eyes when he surfaces. Derek put a headband on him the other day and on principal he hated it, but he didn’t take it off either, at least not for a while. It kept the hair out of his eyes. Derek said he looked cute. The water works just as well now. Derek stares at him in awe and smiles, thumbs smoothing over the droplets that cling to Aaron’s eyelashes.
“You are gorgeous,” he muses, hands cupping Aaron’s jaw, leaning in for a kiss. They wrap around one another, limbs tangling, turning and bouncing weightless in the aquamarine. “Do you even have any idea?”
Aaron hums. It’s a delighted sound that Derek craves, it means he’s in the mood for a little more than kissing. Moving together in unison, their bodies making ripples across the otherwise calm surface, they can’t seem to keep their hands off of each other. Aaron envisioned historical site visits and hikes, ferry trips between islands, all sorts of excursions and so far the thing he’d explored the most was the expanse of Derek’s body. With two kids at home, they don’t get as much alone time as they’d like and it’s just about all they can think to do now. They’re going to have to stay an extra week just to actually experience more than just the inside of a hotel room.
“Wanna go inside?” Derek asks, nose pressed against Aaron’s shoulder, littering kisses amid saltwater droplets. Aaron moans deep and sonorous.
“Absolutely,” he smiles, head lolling back, adam’s apple bobbing dangerously. Derek licks and bites, lifts Aaron into his arms and turns until he’s floating on his back, Aaron on top of him. He kicks and pushes them toward the steps, dipping below the surface once or twice, turning until he’s on top, acrobatics they’re old pros at a week into this hotel. Dancing in the water has become a sort of specialty. Naughty synchronized swimming. Neither of them wants to get out, the foreplay is just as fun, chilly fingers working at delicate skin, hips rocking and muscles twitching.
Inside, they dry off quickly and leap into the bed before their skin adjusts to the temperature of the room again. The sex is languorous and slow, they have nowhere to be, no one expecting them. Afterward they shower, still touching, still kissing, they almost head back to bed except they’re both starving. They come to an agreement that they need to make their way into town for dinner after discussing the possibility of one more quick fuck. It isn’t in the cards, though. Derek is about to gnaw his own arm off he says, so they dress and start their slow evening walk. The ATV sits in its spot waiting for them to take some interest in something other than sex and a walk to town.
They’ve eaten at the same restaurant the last three nights in a row, it’s never as busy as the others and the owners don’t mind the way that they want to just sit quietly and eat their way through small plates of everything with bottles of wine. They’ve tried a lot of the menu, and now the cooks are just sending the plates on the fly. Testing things out.
The owners, an elderly couple with gnarled hands and twinkling eyes the color of the Aegean, like to listen to their stories (the less terrible ones anyway, they spare them that). They look at these two men, Aaron with his salt and pepper hair that’s definitely got a lot more salt these days lighting up his temples and Derek with his goatee that’s shimmering with silver sparkles and they can’t believe they carried guns and caught serial killers. “It sounds like a movie,” one of them says in a thick accent that makes Aaron melt. “It can’t be real.”
But they have pictures. The two of them in the office, candid shots that remind them of days gone by. Days they miss with every fiber of their beings but wouldn’t repeat for anything. Days when taking a nap seemed as absurd as the sky suddenly turning bright yellow. Now, missing a nap is ludicrous. They get off work in the early afternoon and siesta before they even decide what to make for dinner. Vacation just means more naps, and it does seem crazy that there was a time in Aaron’s life that he needed to carry two weapons or that he was put in the hospital by a serial killer. It’s like a different life, a different person. He can understand why they don’t exactly believe him.
“Baba ganoush,” Derek says as soon as they sit down. It’s become his favorite food in the world since they landed in Athens. Since they made their way from Athens to Milos. He’d eat it with a spoon if that were socially acceptable, he likes it that much. And here, they drench it in olive oil and pine nuts and thick green parsley. Aaron chooses small plates of seafood that make Derek squirm in his seat, prawns with their eyes still staring at him and octopus tentacles purple and swirling and spiraling over the edge of the plate dramatically. Aaron is an adventurous eater now. He always had it in him but his job made him paranoid and sick, ulcers eating away at him from the inside. There are still plenty of days when he walks around with an ache deep in his stomach, but it’s less to do with food and more to do with how his body functions after Foyet played mad surgeon with him.
Aaron’s favorite is the fried anchovies. It’s the only thing Derek has tried that he won’t touch again. “It’s like cat food with extra salt. The bones are like little razors,” he’d said, swallowing it only because he didn’t want to be rude. He really wanted to spit it into his napkin.
Their table is full of tiny plates, dips and seafood and breads. Olive oil and bread is a constant. Derek can’t remember the last time he ate so many carbs so happily. They’ll get full and lean back, sipping their wine contentedly until there’s room and then eat a little more. Whatever doesn’t get eaten is taken back to their little hotel fridge and they’ll snack on it the rest of the night and maybe even for breakfast, though they do like wandering into town to find food for breakfast just after the sun has crested the horizon.
“So, I was thinking,” Derek says as they walk back to the hotel hand in hand. They each have a to-go box in the other hand. “You wanna go check out that ancient theater they got up on that hill? Go drop this off, grab the ATV and explore?”
“You mean leave the hotel room for more than food?” Aaron asks with mock surprise.
Aaron smiles and nods before Derek can respond. He can’t imagine anything better than absorbing more history. They’d made plenty of stops while in Athens but nothing so far here. He’s nowhere near his limit. “Leave the notebook,” Derek tells him when they drop off their food and grab a blanket. “You can write it down later.” It might be hot during the day but it gets chilly at night, the briny wind coming in off of the sea is bound to make Aaron shiver. He used to poke fun at him for how his blood seemed to run like rivers of ice, a blessing in the heat when he wants to wear his suits on a case in Florida but when they’re in Alaska and his lips are nearly blue even in his big puffy coat it’s a little problematic. He’d always run cold, but after Foyet, after his heart stopped and too much of his blood was spilled...he can’t seem to shake a chill when it settles in his bones. Here it’s only a minor inconvenience, nothing a blanket draped around his shoulders won’t fix in a snap.
The ATV ride is nice. Aaron clings to Derek’s back, relaxes against him with his hands on his hips and watches the scenery creep by. They don’t go fast, this is the most new that they’ve seen in days. He’s taking it all in.
They’re the only ones in the carved marble and stone theater for a long time. It’s just before sunset, close enough that all of the tourists have ambled away from the other sights and headed for the higher ground, the places they can get their pictures so everyone they’ve ever (or never) met can see what they see. Selfies are king and everyone wants the shot. They aren’t interested in that, they don’t even have social media. For a variety of reasons, perhaps, not the least of which is simply that they covet their privacy.
That doesn’t stop them from taking hundreds of photos, though. They just keep those photos close.
Derek takes pictures of Aaron, his aquiline profile against the glow of dawn, his feet in the sand, his thick fingers against the delicate stem of a wine glass...all of the little pieces of him that he adores so much. A former bomb tech, Derek obsesses over small details. The way the early morning sun plays with the silver at Aaron’s temples or the band-aids he’s always got over skinned knuckles and broken nails. Aaron favors a wider angle, candid shots from far away, admiring the way Derek seems to fit into the strange lunar landscape, terrain created by ancient gods. He looks crafted from their sunbeams and Aaron can’t get enough of the way the sun plays with his skin. He aims his camera as Derek splashes through waves, as he jumps from the highest rock he can find with slicing precision, as he leaps into the ocean from a small boat. He captures Derek napping on a hammock on a boat in the middle of the sea before he lays his camera down to do the same. He clicks the shutter when Derek is laughing at a story he’s being told or learning how to do something new with that intense look of determination and curiosity.
In their old age, they’re kind of obsessed with each other. And neither of them feels bad about it.
“Let’s take our clothes off and have some fun tonight,” Derek says with a slow grin. He’s not even worried Aaron is going to say no, they’re too far in now. Aaron has scaled rock cliffs for him, climbed down (and then back up) ladders and ropes and through steep canons of red rock to get to a secluded little beach. They’re sitting alone in the center of an ancient Greek theater and Aaron is so wrapped up in the idea of watching a performance or a speech here that he doesn’t even give Derek’s question any thought, he simply agrees. Fun sounds good. Fun with Derek always sounds good.
“What kind of fun?” Aaron asks curiously, already knowing that he’s going to do it regardless of the answer. He’s loosened up but he’s still Aaron Hotchner. He doesn’t like to be kept in the dark. Surprises make him uneasy. And more to the point, the idea of sex on the beach is less than appealing no matter what. It doesn’t matter that his husband is a bronze sun god, he doesn’t want sand in his mouth or his ass and that’s pretty final.
“We’re pretty close to a beach that lets you drop your trousers...go all natural...”
“Nothing too crazy. I don’t want sand inside of me but...maybe just…” he starts, ready to suggest that they start fooling around at the beach and head back to their hotel for the rest. He stops mid-sentence when an elderly couple amble past them, two rows down, hardly seeming to mind the conversation they’d been privy to moments before. They lower their voices anyway.
“Please. I did all those boring castle tours.”
“They weren’t boring,” Aaron mutters a little indignantly. Derek kisses his knuckles and smiles.
“No, they weren’t. They were awesome. I just think you’d have a great time...it’s really freeing taking your clothes off. You could use a little freeing.”
Aaron thinks about Jack going off to spend most of his summer in New York. His last summer at home as a child and he wants to be away for most of it...Aaron can hardly begrudge him that, he saved up money all year in order to do this on his own. He’ll be home next summer and they’ll spend the whole thing together as a family, doing everything and doing nothing, Jack promised him that. It’s a give and take with a grown child. But then he thinks about Jack going to college in a year and it makes his chest ache. Around that kind of tightness he thinks he can’t handle any more freedom. They still have Hank. Sweet little Hank who went from only child to youngest and is about to go back to only in many ways. His grasp of the situation is tentative at best, it’s going to be a big adjustment. Derek sees the darkening in Aaron’s eyes and pulls him close, kisses him on the temple. “I know. You don’t need more freedom. I get it. But I want you so bad I can hardly stand it…I’m your ball and chain, baby...you can’t get free of me.”
“I don’t mean to eavesdrop,” the woman says, startling both of them. The couple is now closer, standing over them from behind. Aaron freezes against Derek’s chest, mortified that these people heard them talking about their rabid libido, but he can’t be bothered for long. Her husband looks mortified. She looks pleased. She’s wearing bright blue pants and a white shirt, she’s clearly gone out of her way to match her surroundings. He can’t quite place her accent. “But I overheard you mentioning finding a...natural...beach? We go every night. You’re right, it is freeing. I’ll show you the beach we like, Harold get the map. It’s busy in the daytime but it empties in the evening. Most families head up to the church to see the sunset, leaving the beach to us.”
Aaron is mortified but Derek is beaming. “What’s your name?”
“Catherine,” she says and Aaron watches the flush in her cheeks when Derek takes her hand and kisses it. “This is my husband Harold.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Aaron says, shaking Harold’s hand.
She hands them her map and Aaron looks at it intently, though he doesn’t bother to tell her he’s already practically memorized the thing. It’s folded in his journal back at their hotel. She points to the beach and to the cove with a smile, her massive collection of gold bracelets crusted with jewels dragging and making the sound of wind chimes. She smells like peonies and roses with a faint underscore of denture cream. He likes her instantly.
“Will you be there tonight?” Derek asks. She smiles bright with her crimson painted lips and nods. Harold, a little more reserved but no less flashy in his brown suit and gold chain, gives a little shrug.
“More than likely. We just can’t stay away. You take a bottle of wine and a blanket, you find yourself a little nook and you enjoy yourself. What more could you want in life?”
Derek nudges Aaron with his elbow. “What more could you want?”
Aaron can think of a few things, perhaps, but he smiles and offers agreement.
The sunset is glorious, and Derek really wants to head down to the beach right away but Aaron looks tired. He didn’t take a nap earlier and it’s catching up to him now. There’s a special little flicker of premonition that comes with knowing a person as well as Derek knows Aaron, and he can see the future: they’ll get to the beach, and Aaron will fall fast asleep if they lay down on the sand. The conditions will be too perfect. He’ll have to practically carry him back to the hotel, and there will be no sex.
That won’t do, so he compromises. “Let’s go take a little nap,” he says, pressing his nose to Aaron’s cheek. “We’ll head down to the beach when it’s almost dark.”
“Set an alarm.” That means he’ll sleep all night if they don’t. Derek heeds the warning and sets his alarm for one hour.
There isn’t anyone on the beach when they show up and make their way around to the little cove their new acquaintances told them about. During the daytime they imagine the place is flooded with people, flesh and kissing and as Harold put it with his wry little smile: “debauchery”. He’d told them about their first time, showing up just after lunch and feeling as though they’d joined an orgy. They enjoyed themselves fine but prefer the solitude of dusk. Derek thinks the daytime hours would be a kick and a half and plans to get around to a trip on his own down that way, but with Aaron he’ll stick to the dark.
“How about right here?” Derek asks, spreading the blanket up next to the cliff wall. They have a perfect view of the sea, the last bursts of sunlight barely cresting the horizon and fighting with the silvery shreds of moonlight filtering through blinking stars. They each have a bag full of provisions, snacks and drinks, flashlights and other beach necessities that they set down on each side of the blanket to pin it in place against the breeze skating in off the sea. Derek wastes no time at all stripping, his shorts are around his ankles immediately and he’s tearing at his shirt before he even steps out of them. Aaron is a little more timid, but he gets there. He’s looking around, over his shoulder, out at the sea for fishing boats, anyone whose eyes might be on him.
He hadn’t been cold before, but now his skin is flush with goosebumps and his nipples could cut diamonds. He folds his arms over his chest and bounces on the balls of his feet a little. Derek wraps his sun-soaked arms around Aaron and shares the warmth from his internal furnace.
“You’re a big baby.”
“I know.”
“I’m aware, thank you.”
Aaron has always been self-conscious, his scars are huge and eye-catching. They look exactly like what they are: knife wounds. They don’t look like they could be anything else. He imagines how he’ll explain them without frightening people, and it inevitably ends up with him leaving his shirt on to save everyone the trouble. It makes people visibly uncomfortable. And his back? Well it’s a little easier to explain away through lies – bicycle wrecks, falling out of tree houses, the kind of stories that indicate an idyllic country childhood spent in the open air getting into all sorts of trouble. He doesn’t feel bad lying about those to strangers. They’re messy. But the scars on his front, there’s no good excuse for those. They’re severe and precise and there’s no palatable explanation for them.
But Derek’s chest is scarred too, a huge track of melted skin all the way down his sternum. Hotch looks at that and sees incredible strength and resilience, he sees triumph over his captors, he sees survival. What Derek accomplished in that cabin on his own makes Aaron swell with pride for him. Derek oozes confidence – the scar is a story that belongs to him, and when people ask he just says it was an on-the-job injury the same as the bullet scars, the same as anything else. And he says it so casually that no one really bothers to ask for more information, they just stare in awe at this miraculous man in front of them. But Aaron can’t seem to gather that same kind of confidence without his suit and tie. An on the job injury that involved nine stab wounds? What kind of thing is that? And all he really had to do to get out of it was stay awake. It’s hardly as impressive.
He doesn’t have much time to consider it because he feels a soft tickle at his ankle and looks down to find a cat. Scruffy and orange, the cat purrs loudly and slides against his shin one direction and then back. Glancing around, he realizes it isn’t the only one. They’re surrounded by curious cats. “I read about this,” Hotch says in awe. “They live in these caves.”
“Just a bunch of cave pussy, huh?”
Aaron gives Derek a disapproving look but cracks a smile anyway, he’s funny, he can’t help it. His crass humor has only gotten worse as he’s gotten older. In mixed company it makes Aaron blush.
“Let’s see where they live,” Aaron says. Derek jumps at a chance to explore a little of the area and honestly the idea of wandering through a cave completely naked is a little thrilling. Aaron digs around in his shoulder bag, past the bottle of wine and plastic cups and to-go container of bread and oil and cheese from dinner earlier until he finds his flashlight. They had headlamps too, but he didn’t think they needed to go that far into the cave. Not at night anyway. He’d heard that some of these caves connected directly to the sea on the other side, more like a tunnel, but he isn’t keen on going that deep tonight.
The follow the trail of cats back into a large cave not far from where they set up their little evening rendezvous. Aaron’s flashlight sends a flood of hazy yellow ahead of them and throws the walls and rock formations into striking shadow figures. “You smell that?” Derek asks. He was prepared for the smell of cats, this cave was probably a natural litter box but this smell...isn’t cat-made. He would know this smell anywhere.
It’s death. More to the point, it’s blood, the sickly metallic tang of fresh blood. It doesn’t immediately call their attention to danger, it could be anything. An animal the cats killed, they have to eat too and these cats are scavengers.
“I might not hear well but I can smell just fine,” Hotch replies, noting that the further in they go the worse the smell gets. He’s picturing another cat, maybe, or a mess of seagull and feathers. He’s anticipating a gory mess...but what they find is worse.
There is no mess. It’s a body, sure, and there is blood...but it’s not cat food. It’s a young man, younger than they are anyway. Probably in his thirties though it’s hard to tell in this light. He’s lying on his back with a stab wound in his chest, a crimson bloodflower spreading slowly over the white linen of his button down shirt. Aaron can’t even help it, he lets out a long, miserable sigh and looks at Derek in the sickly yellow glow of the flashlight. “Damn.”
Aaron instinctively crouches beside the body and reaches out to check for a pulse, knowing with certainty that he won’t find one. Still, if there is any possibility at all of life, he can’t stand and watch it fade without doing anything. There is no pulse, no breath, the skin is cooler than it should be. He hasn’t been dead long but he’s absolutely dead.
“So much for sex on the beach,” Derek mutters, and Aaron shakes his head. All thoughts of wine and picnics and making out in the ocean breeze are dashed from his mind. He hasn’t been with the BAU in years, and yet the change is almost instant. He goes from Aaron enjoying his vacation to Hotch working the case. Derek’s change is immediate as well. Just like putting on a new pair of clothes.
“Did you bring your phone?”
“It’s in my pants. Stay here with him.”
“I’m naked, Derek. Bring me my clothes or the blanket or something to cover up with. Please.”
“We’re both naked. It’s a nude beach, Aaron. If we’re down here in clothes don’t you think they’re going to immediately suspect us? Check out more of the area, see if you can find anything useful.”
“Oh, yeah. Sure. I’m going to wander naked and barefoot alone in this cave. That sounds smart.” He’s biting back with sarcasm and he doesn’t like it. Derek doesn’t deserve that. “I’ll do what I can.”
“Where is SSA Hotchner?” Derek asks, returning the sarcasm in spades. Aaron groans.
“He’s old and retired, trying to avoid dead bodies and killers. He’s tired.”
Derek hums, content in the knowledge that he’s bullied Aaron into at least scoping out the site to see if he can find anything else. That’s a stab wound, he could tell, and the weapon wasn’t in the victim. He hurries back to the blanket, suddenly worried that he left Aaron in the cave unarmed and barefoot – what if he steps on the knife? What if the killer is still in there? He moves faster, rifles through the bag for another flashlight and finds his phone hanging halfway out of the back pocket in his shorts. He thinks about putting them on but remembers what he’d said and doesn’t. He does grab a towel from the bottom of the bag and decides he’ll offer it to Aaron. He’s not worried about being naked in front of the police but he knows Aaron battles with his insecurity and he’s not eager to make it worse. Not right now.
He calls the police and directs them to their location before going back into the cave and offering Aaron the towel to cover himself up. Aaron looks at him with so much love in his eyes, sparking embers in the shadowy cave and once again he mourns the ruined plans for their evening.
It doesn’t take long for police to show up with huge flood lights they set up at the mouth and string along the craggy roof of the cave. The whole place is lit up like daylight and Derek scoots until he’s shielded a little by Aaron and his towel. Maybe he should have grabbed one himself. He’s never been self-conscious but this harsh light makes him feel like he’s been put under a magnifying glass.
While they waited for the police to show up, Aaron managed to find few footprints that don’t belong to he or Derek, some blood on the wall, and a knife half buried in the sand about ten feet from the body. He had nearly stepped on it. Still, potential danger aside, he can’t believe it’s this easy.
The police, three of them, rush toward the body and push Aaron and Derek back while they examine it for themselves. One of them, the man in charge, speaks English.
“You found him? How long ago?”
“About ten minutes. We called right away.”
“What were you doing in the cave?”
“We followed some cats in. We were curious about where they lived and how many there were.” It sounds flimsy even as Derek says it, but it’s the truth. He doesn’t make his pussy joke.
“The body is still warm. The killer can’t be far away.”
“There’s a knife in the sand over there, and footprints leading further into the cave. I don’t know how far in they go.” Aaron stops himself before he goes into everything he’s already figured out about the body. He can’t help it, this is second nature. Derek asked him where SSA Hotchner was, and it turns out, he may be incredibly tired and rusty but he’s right here.
“I don’t think the killer meant to do this.”
Derek shoots him a funny look, eyebrows raised. He recognizes the tone of Aaron’s voice. He’s already got a profile. That fast. He’s naked, wrapped in a terrycloth towel, ready to deliver the damn profile to police officers who barely speak English in a cat filled cave. Aaron has taken control of the entire situation, and even though he’s a naked tourist they’re all listening to him. They’re all looking to him. Derek has to think about baseball statistics being rattled off by his grandmother in order to keep the resulting erection at bay. He uses the flashlight, turned off now because there’s plenty of light in the cave, to hide it. He’s barely successful.
The best part is that as he watches, he realizes that Aaron is standing taller. He’s not trying to hide his scars, his stories. He seems to realize that standing there the way he is, those scars tell a story that is riveting and the officers can’t look away. Maybe there is some power in them and what he’s survived, maybe they’re to his advantage after all. Maybe the way they make these officers uncomfortable is useful.
“What makes you say that?” the lead detective asks, tearing his eyes away from this scarred man in a towel to glance at the body again. Aaron feels bad for him, it’s pretty obvious they don’t deal with things like this here very often and they’re all visibly shaken. Probably petty theft and some vandalism, tourists behaving badly, that sort of thing. Not murder.
Aaron would rather be just about anywhere else in the whole world right now but he’s here, and he’s going to help them out the best he can. At least they seem, so far, to believe that he didn’t have anything to do with it. Either that or they think he’s about the stupidest man they’ve ever come across and eventually he’ll just give himself away. The thought almost makes him smile but he maintains his composure.
“This crime scene is messy. It looks like there was someone here, maybe two people, and my guess is that the victim surprised them while they were otherwise occupied. The victim doesn’t have any defensive wounds but he does have some hair caught between two of his fingers on his right hand and a smudge of what looks like lipstick on his arm.”
Bright red lipstick. Aaron’s stomach fills with a kind of dread that he used to thrive on. The kind that leads him right to the person who held the knife.
The police are all staring at him with their mouths open, incredulous. The detective who speaks English is translating to the other two quietly, at least he hopes he’s translating and not condemning him.
“I think his killer was older, probably a man. Most likely self-defense. The state of the scene makes me think that the person who killed this man was afraid and as soon as the knife went in, they ran away. They most likely didn’t stop to see if the man was dead before they ran. I would look for an older couple who seem rattled, or who check out of their hotel room abruptly and leave the island. They’re afraid of what they’ve done, but I think you’ll find this wasn’t premeditated. This man most likely threatened them in some way. I would expect that the knife probably belonged to him.”
“How do you know all of this if you are not the killer?” the officer asks. Aaron and Derek both expected that question a lot sooner. Aaron had been thinking about telling the police to check the man’s pockets where they would likely find jewelry or something from the woman, perhaps the man. A gold bangle bracelet or a chain. But they’re starting to suspect Aaron knows too much so he keeps that to himself. They’ll find that on their own.
“I’m a retired FBI Agent.”
“We both are,” Derek chimes in, ready to stop being just a naked bump on a log. He’d been enjoying Aaron somehow running the show but he wants in on the action now. He’s kind of an adrenaline junkie. “We worked with the Behavioral Analysis Unit hunting serial killers all over America.”
The police stare at them for a moment and start laughing. “You retired and came here on vacation to relax only you cannot get away, the killers follow you,” the officer says. “It’s amusing, no?”
“Is it?” Derek asks with a laugh. He gives the officers all of their information, including the number to Emily’s desk at the FBI to check their references. Their alibi for the estimated time of death was flimsy, they’d been napping in their room until they came to the beach. No one could vouch for their whereabouts, but they were complying and it didn’t seem like the police suspected them.
Back at their hotel, they ready themselves for bed. Washing up, brushing their teeth, going through the motions. Aaron takes his mess of evening pills and Derek checks that their doors are all secure. When they meet up in the bed, they both lay silent side by side, exhausted yet wide awake. They’re both buzzing with the excitement of a case they don’t get to work and the only way to alleviate that kind of charge is by getting physical. That part is easy. The bed sheets are peeled back and in they slide, ready to settle the score. “Back there,” Derek says between hot breathy kisses. “You were so damn hot I could barely handle it.”
“Yeah?” Aaron asks, a little coy, smiling into the next kiss. “How close did you come?”
“My grandma had to tell me all about Hank Aaron’s stats…” Derek whispers desperately, rocking his hips against Aaron’s thigh. He’s thinking about the cave again, about the way Aaron became Hotch, about the power in the way he stood. About the way he squared his shoulders and didn’t shield his scars from sight but claimed them, claimed his survival, claimed a showdown with a prolific serial killer. Aaron smiles and knows exactly what to do.
“Hank Aaron had 3771 hits in his career,” Aaron whispers hot and slow against the pulse in Derek’s throat. He moves lower, dusting kisses along his collarbone, along the ridges of his scar. “755 home runs…”
Derek moans as Aaron glides down his abs and finds his destination, and with one hand Derek pushes Aaron’s head so he’ll stop ruining the stat trick, so he has something else to do with his mouth. Even that’s turning him on now.
The phone rings as they lay panting in bed, spent and happy, ready for another shower and a dip in the pool. Muscles twitching, chests heaving, neither of them any closer to being ready for sleep. Derek answers, hums a few times, nods and thanks whoever is on the line. Aaron has a guess.
“That was the police, they caught the killers.”
“Harold and Catherine?” Aaron asks and Derek nods, feeling that same pool of warmth spread again in his groin.
“They were in the cave to feed the cats and probably to get busy. You remember all their bling. Catherine and all that gold, I’m not surprised. He grabbed her by the hair and Harold knocked the knife out of his hand and stabbed him. They ran through the cave to the main beach, the police caught them by Catherine’s engraved necklace under the guy half buried in the sand. He ripped it off her neck. Doesn’t sound like the police are gonna do much to them, this guy had a record and is wanted in Athens for the rape and murder of a tourist a few years back. Sounds like a piece of shit that got what was coming to him.”
Aaron smiles and nods before yawning. “Shower?” And just like that he’s turned it off. Case closed. Hotch is back in retirement and Aaron just wants to shower and take a dip in the pool with his husband. He wants to resume vacation mode. They get into the shower and wash the case off of them with ease, soap suds and slick skin and smiles. It doesn’t take them long before they’re dancing slowly in the shower, just small sways and circles, Derek’s hand settled at the curved small of Aaron’s back, Aaron draped over Derek’s shoulder.
“Let’s have a snack” Derek says, always thinking about food. Aaron nods. “I have something I want to run by you...”
“I have a guess,” Aaron replies with a smile, turning his face toward Derek’s and kissing him. He’s been waiting for Derek to bring it up. “You want to extend the vacation. You’re not ready to go home to the empty house either.”
“We’re already all the way over here...what if we just pop over to Italy and spend some time there?”
“Just pop over to Italy huh?” Aaron smiles dreamily and rests his cheek against the mound of Derek’s shoulder, swaying again beneath the shower. The water is lukewarm and feels heavenly against their sandy sticky skin. He’s content to stay here for a bit longer dreaming of more travel. They don’t have kids who will be home for another month, they’ve got plenty of time and resources. There’s no good reason not to. “Okay. Let’s do it. Let’s go to Italy. Why not?”
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 months
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Ringed Caecilian (Siphonops annulatus)
Habitat & Distribution
They can be found in underground in tropical forests, savannah, and wetlands
Ringed caecilians reside throughout tropical South America, east of the Andes; particularly in the Amazon rainforest
Physical Description
Weight: 64.4 g (2.27 oz) on average
Length: 28.6–45 cm (11.3–17.7 in)
Individuals are blue or grey in color, and lined with pale rings called annuli
The eyes are extremely tiny and functionally almost useless
Although they are amphibians, they lack any external limbs
Ringed caecilians spend their life underground, aproximately 20 cm (7.8 in) below the surface
They feed on insect larvae, worms, and other small burrowing insects
Their primary predators are snakes
Key Advantages
Ringed caecilians have special organs in their ears which can detect vibrations through the ground, helping them target prey and avoid predators
Though peg-like, the teeth can deliver a strong bite
See where they stand in the May Mammal Madness Tournament here!
Photo by Carlos Jared
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