#cmon just look at emm
luveline · 1 year
hi baby if you feel up for it i'd love to request some fluffy fluff with sirius. maybe he's usually so reserved and stoic (because, cmon) and they're out with his friends and they're all making fun of him for being so lovey and doting on r
love u sm!
love you!! ♡ fem, 1k
"This is really lovely," Sirius says, your face turned to the light in his hand. "It's bright without looking out of place. Blue is your colour." 
"Thanks, bug," you murmur back, holding still as he cleans the smudged mascara from your lower lash line.
"Every colour is your colour," he amends. "It goes nice with your top." 
You rub your lips together slowly, sticky with gloss. His noticing makes all your make up efforts worth it. 
Sirius wipes his thumb into the tissue you'd given him and tucks it away, stroking your cheek one last time with his other hand before stealing yours to twine your fingers. Your friends have carried on into the pub, but it doesn't take long to catch them. Remus was kind enough to wait at the entrance, eyebrows raised. 
"What?" Sirius asks. 
"Nothing." It's clearly something. "At all." 
You figure it's between them and skirt past Remus with a smile, eager to hide away in the warm wooded walls of The Firestroke. The boys filter in behind you, following you through the entryway and past the bar to the table James has commandeered with Emmeline. 
He's fiddling with her hair, readjusting a bobby pin, another held between his lips. "It looks nice, Emme, you should have it out of your face more often." 
"Marl says that all the time. Hey!" She beams at you. "Come and sit by me." 
You laugh happily and slide onto the seat next to her. You, Emme, and James sit on the booth side while Sirius and Remus set themselves down opposite. A waitress arrives and Sirius doesn't wait for the others, ordering a round of drinks for the entire group, wherever they may be. They'll filter in soon enough. 
"And extra cherries for my girl, please," Sirius says, nodding to you as he does. "Thanks." 
"Ooh, for his girl," James croons. 
"Remember when he'd order stuff for me like that?" Remus asks. 
Sirius rolls his eyes, offering his hands to you from across the table. Honestly, you're slightly surprised at his behaviour today, but you won't look a gift horse in the mouth. You lay your hands in his obligingly and relax as he begins to draw shapes into the fronts of your fingers, tiny stroking lines that feel ridiculously good, even under the eyes of your friends. "He's lying. I'd purposefully get his food wrong when we were teenagers so he'd have to go up to the counter and correct it." 
"Like exposure therapy I never signed up for," Remus sighs. "It worked, too." 
Sirius laughs. He's handsome to begin with, the last burst of a tan from summer's end on his skin, his hair dark and lush in the shimmering light, and when he laughs it's a tenfold effect, the grey of his eyes suddenly mesmerising, the wicked curve of his smile softened into a sweeter thing that begs to be kissed, or admired at the very least. You let him keep one hand but turn the other inward to give him similar treatment, rubbing your fingertips up and down his palm in a ticklish wave. 
"Do that to me, mate, there's a good lad," James says, offering his hand. Emmeline bats it away. 
"Awfully jealous today, aren't they?" Sirius asks you, ignoring their teasing to curl your fingers in and cover them. 
"I…" You're not sure what to say. Does he not realise how sweet he's being? Publicly? He's not usually this open. 
"You okay?" 
"Fine, just…" Words fail you twice. You cringe at your lack of explanation, but Sirius doesn't falter in his nice touches. It shouldn't shock you when he slides his chair tight against the table and pulls your hands ever closer, his top lip scratchy with hair as he leans down to kiss your knuckles. "Siri." 
"Yes, darling?"
"Jesus," Marl says, announcing her presence with a faked gag. "What's your problem, Black?" 
"I'm deeply in love, McKinnon. Not that you'd know what that feels like." 
You melt in your chair as he kisses a short path to your wrist. You could write Marlene a ten thousand word essay on love if she needed it, that's how adored he's got you feeling. 
"Absolutely vile."
"So sweet!" Mary denies, plopping herself down in the chair beside Sirius', all pink tulle and flowery smells. Any other day you'd be jealous of her in a good-natured but undeniably insecure manner, terrified that Sirius was gonna turn to her and see her in all her dewy beauty, but he doesn't so much as look up, your hands now rubbed against his cheek. 
"He's had a bit of catnip or something," Remus says. 
"It's the eyeshadow," you try to explain. 
Sirius lifts his head severely. "It looks perfect, but it's definitely not the eyeshadow. I'd feel just as mad about you if you were covered in soot." 
"Good to know," you say breathlessly. 
"Oh, so you're feeling pathetic today?" Marl asks.
Sirius sighs as though he's been greatly inconvenienced and sits up properly, casting his gaze around the group for a lick of sense between them, if his slack eyebrows are anything to go off of. "You're all wrong. I'm this pathetic for her every day of the week." 
"Then what's with the PDA?" James asks incredulously. 
"Mate, first of all, look at her. And if you must know, it's our anniversary." 
You flinch, your gaze jumping to his. The group erupts with well wishes and 'why didn't you say so's, and James slaps his card on the table, insisting that the round is on him to celebrate. Your heart races as you make the calculations in your head, calming as you realise that nothing falls on today's date, not a half month nor a first date. 
"Sirius?" you ask while everyone's distracted. 
He takes your hand again and begins kissing your knuckles once more. "I'm lying," he says, as you'd figured, scratching your fingers with his stubble. "That's what he gets for prying… You really do look lovely tonight." 
You nearly swallow your tongue. "Thank you. You look lovely, too." 
He smiles, twining your fingers together to rest his face against the back of your hand. "Thanks, angel." 
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recordmcqueen · 4 years
Fang (BoBoiBoy) vs Adrien Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug)
just hear me out here okay
first of all, the hair
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like, okay, fang clearly uses a lot more hair gel, but as @mysteriouslydelightfulkitten​ pointed out, it’s practically the same swooshy style 
black cat fursonas
this one is like the most obvious but 
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shadow tiger fusion and chat noir r just their fursonas send tweet
this pose thing
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idek what it is but they both do it aight you saw it here
circle of ppl around them
kay so this is *kind* of a stretch but hm let’s start with their primary authority figure eh
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they’re both duckbutt-haired over-protective-to-the-point-of-abusive (i mean gabriel has this worse than s3 kaizo even but you get my point) jerks who are nonetheless absurdly popular in-universe (i mean okay i dont blame kaizo simps bc who wouldnt but yKNOW)
and then the guy who helps em out of the helicopter parent/guardian radar is
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lovely soft too-good-for-this-world boi with a cap
im not tryna say fang n adrien r parallel characs but like. look at them!! adrien is commonly dubbed the sunshine boi of miraculous ladybug and fang is very obviously symbolized by night, the moon, darkness, etc. iTs JUST REALLY NEAT HOW THEY’RE ALIKE N DIFFERENT OKAY
also. adrien is like popularity magnet n fang is just starving for recognition ahahaha crossover, anyone? pls im begging i dont show it but im secretly turning into fangdrien trash dont tell anyone tho @secretagentspydetectiveninja​ i blame u for this
fang and adrien are both mirrors n foils to each other (best dressed guy in paris vs fashion tragedy) to a point that i can go no longer without pOINTING IT OUT anyway enjoy both the shows n the characs my sons i will protecc them till my last breath
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gh0styyt0astyy · 3 years
"You can hide from me forever~?" .. emm.. maybe you can do this we hank?(lee hank if it is ok?) No presure
✨ [Run and hide] ✨
( anon. anon *holds ur shoulders* i loved this prompt thank you )
⭐️ [Summary] — If you asked Hank how he got into this situation, he’d much rather die than say anything. (Lee!Hank and Ler!Deimos + Ler!Sanford)
fellas is it gay to platonically cuddle your homies after they absolutely wreck your shit
key: deimos hank sanford
⭐️ [Warnings] — TICKLE FIC; MILD LANGUAGE; AND CUDDLING AT THE END; if you don’t like then please just scroll on T_T
⭐️ [Prompt(s)]: “You can’t hide from me forever!”
✨ Enjoy ! ✨
— — — —
“Haaaaaank!” Deimos’ gruff voice echoed down a hall; a quiet snicker in his tone as he looked for the merc. Hank, who was currently staked out in a dark room (had the rooms always been this dark? How’d he never notice this?), held his breath.
Putting a hand on the doorframe, Hank leaned out slightly and stared into Deimos’ back.
The shorter guy seemed to be too busy with looking in the complete wrong direction that Hank started calculating his options. Hank had been stalking around this shitty “apartment” that he, Dei and Sanford all called home (Temporary home at least. It’s hard to keep a stable base of operation in this shitty, genocidal state okay?) for at least an hour now. Deimos wanted something from Hank; and whatever game Deimos was playing the taller man didn’t want any partake in it.
“Cmon, Haaank. You can’t hide from me forever now!” Deimos called out again, but beginning to turn around now. Shit. Hank quickly darted into a different room, one with a little more light. At least he could see now.
…However he failed to realize that Deimos could see the faint outline of a shadow, which is ironic really; seeing as how Hank; a 6’6 man can fit inside a tiny crate with no one noticing, yet he forgets to cover his tracks of a shadow.
Deimos’ footsteps came closer to the room Hank sheltered in, and Hank started to crawl backwards to the closet. ‘Shit- shit- shit.’ Hank opened the closet door and quickly stepped inside. Deimos suddenly leapt into the room, a sound of vague disappointment rumbling in his throat. “Damn.”
Hank felt a very light breath leave his chest as he slowly slid down the wall. Maybe Deimos had finally given up his chase. As Hank waited for Deimos to leave the room, he listened to the quieting footsteps. The goggled man silently opened the closet door and looked out, spotting no sign of Deimos. He began to slowly step out of it.
His legs were quickly and suddenly swiped out from under him, causing him to land roughly on his chest with a solid “oof” and a wheeze when something plopped heavily onto his back. “There you are!” Hank could hear the grin in Deimos’ voice.
“Uagh- get off of me you lug.” Hank grunted, reaching back and swatting at one of Deimos’ knees. “Hank, you’re good at hiding, know that? Had me in circles for an hour! You ever play hide and seek when you were a kid?”
Hank was having none of it as he continued to swat and push at Deimos. (Sure the man was significantly shorter than him, but damn; bitch could put some weight when he wanted.) Deimos hummed as he put his head in a hand. “Okay well obviously you wanna move on. So let’s do that! While we’re at it…” A different hand went down to between Hank’s shoulder blades, causing the merc to tense. “Let’s chat! You remember how you crushed my cigs a bit ago?”
Hank did remember that.
“Aaand how you spilled water on me for no reason?”
Hank remembered that too. (And, also Deimos, for your information; it was not for no reason you will NOT burn down another temp home.)
“Oooh or- or how about the time you threw that huge ass centipede at me? Remember that one?”
…Hank remembered that one, as well. Very vividly, might he add.
Hank nodded and Deimos did too. “Yeah. I remember all those too. Especially that last one you asshole.” Hank shrugged. “I mean, it was a little amusing.” Deimos feigned hurt as he put a hand to his chest. “You wound me, Wimbleton.”
Hank started to get antsy now, as he shifted underneath Deimos’ weight. “Will you get off me? Or are you just going to keep me here.” Deimos grinned again. “Antsy, Hanky? Daw okay. I guess I can get on with it.”
“It?” What the hell was “it?” Hank narrowed his eyes under his goggles and when he tried to look back at Deimos three fingers suddenly dug into the soft area between Hank’s shoulders. Oh. Oh that was it. Hank felt his eyes suddenly shoot open as he fell completely limp to the floor, electricity running up his back. His body shuddered with repressed… laughter? Noises. “Deimos—“ Hank spoke through gritted teeth, feeling lucky for the mask covering his betraying face. “Hank.” Deimos answered back. Hank felt himself trying to writhe away from Deimos to no avail. “Shihit.” He hissed, mentally cursing himself.
“Ahha! That’s the response I’m looking for!” Deimos said, taking his other hand and tapping against Hank’s ribs. Making the downed man make a strangled noise into the crook of his elbow. “Pihihihiss ohohoff-!” Hank growled, tried to growl. It was hard to be intimidating with fingers wiggling on your ribs and your back. Deimos was slow, methodical for a moment… before the hand on Hank’s back went from slowly moving to clawing at his shoulder blades. “SHIHIHIT! Deihihihimos you sohohon of a—!” Hank suddenly erupted; Deimos letting out a victorious and satisfied laugh. “Right here is bad? Damn, and I’ve only just started!” Hank tried thrashing his shoulders to get away from Deimos’ hands.
Deimos snickered mischievously, repositioning himself on top of Hank and sitting on his waist instead. “Y’know what Hank? This is super interesting,” Deimos said, one hand continuing to torture Hank’s shoulder blades as the other hand trailed back and forth from his ribs and his sides. “You’re, like, Nevada’s most dangerous Mercenary. And yet I haven’t even been thrown into a wall!” Deimos added, grinning at Hank’s misfortune as the man went limp again. “I hahahahate yohohou—“ Hank hissed through gritted laughter. “Have you even tried getting me off?” Deimos ignored Hank’s previous statement. As Hank began to lift himself with his elbows, Deimos’ hand suddenly shot underneath him and started prodding at his stomach. “YOHOHOHOU BIHIHIHIHITCH!” Hank fell back down.
That’s when a quiet *ahem* and knock on the doorframe made both the men look up. Sanford stood there, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed and an amused look. “Dei, what are you doing to Hank?” He asked, and Hank felt Deimos’ hands slow down until they came to stop. Deimos snickered evily and put a knee on Hank’s back to keep him down. Hank didn’t like that, didn’t trust that evil giggle from Deimos�� so he began trying to escape. “San, y’know what I found out?”
Oh shit. He wouldn’t. “What’d you find out, bud?” Deimos you’d better not. “Did you know that Nevada’s most wanted, dangerous Mercenary is ticklish?” That son of a bitch. “Oh, really now?” Goddamnit.
Sanford was waved over by Deimos, and the two started whispering to each other. Hank tried to listen in but to no avail. Suddenly the weight on his back was lifted and Hank tried to shoot away quickly.
But he was grabbed around the waist and pulled back into a heavy chest. Sanford’s arms held onto him tightly as they went back to the floor, except now Hank was sitting up. (Which was better, actually, because being sprawled on the floor like that really isn’t comfortable.) Sanford’s arms were hooked under his, crossed tightly against his chest and keeping him in place.
Deimos was sat at Hank’s legs, grinning at him with a look that could only mean chaos.
“I swear to God.” Hank rumbled, pushing against his captors. Deimos gave an evil chuckle as his hands curled into claws. “Deimos I’m warning you.” Hank pushed at Deimos with his foot, neither of them really acknowledging the now dirty shoe print on Deimos’ jacket. “One.” Deimos said.
…Excuse him?
“Two.” Sanford’s low voice followed.
Hank started wriggling in Sanford’s arms with a little more strength.
“THREE!” Suddenly both the men yelled— and Hank lost his shit. Deimos’ clawed hands tasering into Hank’s ribs and Sanford’s kneading into his hips. “OHOHOHOH MY GOHOHOD! YOU AHAHAHASSHOHOHOHOLES!” Hank suddenly shrieked in laughter. (It was so much louder than his voice, louder than his usual tone. It surprised all of them and Hank wasn’t sure if he liked the volume coming from himself.) Hank writhed in Sanford’s arms as he fought against himself. “Holy shit! Dei, you weren’t joking!”
“I know! Hank, you’re incredibly lucky that it’s just us who know about this!”
Hank thought about the idea of someone else finding out about…this. Whatever “this” was. Hank wanted to say something but all he could get out was that loud, wheezy laughter. And eventually he stopped trying to fight it, he went limp in Sanford’s hold and gave in. “SHIHIHIHIT! I’m gOHOHNNA KIHIHILL YOU TWHOHOHO!” You know, it’s really hard to be threatening when you’re being undone. His nerves felt like they were being electrocuted and were on fire, Hank’s legs kicked slightly. “GOHOHOD DAHAHAHMN IT! MOHOHOHOVE YOUR HAHAHAHANDS!”
Suddenly it stopped— Deimos’ hands stopped at least. Sanford’s were at his ribs now, poking and prodding between each bone. Hank screwed his eyes shut; Sanford’s hands were so slow and methodical it was driving Hank up the wall. Hank’s face was warm, completely undone to giggling. It was embarrassing.
“San, you wanna know something else?” “Deimohohos.” “Hit me, Dei.” “You behehtter nohohot!” “Hank’s scars are way more ticklish than the rest of him.” “You bihihihitch!”
That bastard. “Reaaaally now?” Sanford’s voice was low again, close to Hank’s neck. Deimos nodded. “Yuh uh.” Hank tried to squirm out again. “I hahahate you!” He listened as Deimos drew in a big, deep breath and felt as his shirt was lifted. (He knew today was a bad day to go without his jacket.) “Deheheheimos I swear to Gohohohod!”
Hank had literally no time to process anything before—
“OH SHIHIHIHIT! SHIHIHIHIT SHIHIHIT SHIHIT!” Hank squealed, he squealed. (Hank never wanted to die on the spot more than in that moment. Do you think that he could find Jeb or Tricky or someone to strike him down after this?)
Deimos had raspberried Hank’s stomach— against a huge ass scar that went from his left hip, over top and across his navel and to the right side of his ribs.
And Sanford had started blowing smaller raspberries against Hank’s neck, again, on the scars that went across it.
Hank literally felt like he was about to die in that moment. “OKAHAHAHAY! OKAHAHAHY I YEHEHEHEHILD! I YEHEHILD! I’M GONNAHAHAHA DIHEHEHEHE! STOAHAHAHAHAP!” Hank gasped, writhing and kicking his legs. And it was like that, the sensations just stopped. Phantom feelings buzzing through his body and against his skin. “Ohohoh my gohohd.” Hank breathed, his body somehow going limper against Sanford’s. Deimos grinned and Sanford laughed lightly. Hank felt Deimos press against his chest and a light squeeze of a hug from Sanford.
Hank panted lightly, cursing the two mentally. Deimos just grinned up at Hank. “Sooo. I think San and I win!” Sanford hummed in agreement as he nodded grinning too as he bonked his head against the back of Hank’s. “Somehow that went way better than I had expected it to go.”
“You two better sleep with one eye open tonight.” Hank threatened, feeling his body physically relax against Sanford and Deimos. “Yeah yeah, whatever you say.”
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: Auditions (Chapter 21)
A/N: I hope you know that for all the shows, and all the main characters I devised audition songs so please for the love of all that his holy appreciate my choices. Anyway, this chapter is set up weirdly but hope you enjoy! Also, I might be getting some kind of editor soon so...
summary: Its audition time! Whos gonna get cast?
words: 2,520
warnings: Swearing
Ao3 Link
“I love you” Ted smiles “I love you! I love you” Tommy exclaims as they walk into school early Monday morning.
“Do you love me? Or do you just like saying the phrase?” Ted asks innocently. Tommy giggles smiling wide, baring his teeth.
“Both!” He perks up, kissing Ted lightly on the cheek. Ted flushes, delighted by the fluttery sensation he’s become so familiar with. A feeling he'd come to expect, desire, crave-
“Would you two stop being the cutest for a second so I can freak out about auditions?” Charlotte wonders joining the couple. They chuckle turning their attention to Charlotte.
“How are you freaking out? You're literally so amazing” Tommy gushes, Charlotte giggles as they pair off into their own pair leaving Ted to wander around. He meets up quickly with Paul and Bill who also seem to be talking about auditions. Ted joins their conversation as they all walk towards the auditorium. He yawns tired, wincing at the slight pain caused by the scrunching of his nose. The gang bids farewell to Tommy making their way into the large theatre sitting down in their respective seats. Chad stands happily at the front, a mischievous smile scans the room.
“Well its finally here!” Chad announces, Ted smiles “Its audition day! Who's excited?!” The class grumbles in response. He chuckles “Alright! I'm giving you guys the entire period to work on your songs and get some final critique before this afternoon!” The class nod and split into their groups. Ted, Paul and Bill herd over to a corner, sitting on the floor.
“Ok, who wants to go first,” Paul asks, opening his sheet music. Ted laughs dryly to himself.
“Nopety nope,” He says, silently studying his music. “Someone else, I'm way too nervous”
“You're nervous? I can't reach my notes!” Bill exclaims, flipping exasperated through his own music. “How to apply for a job! How to advance to the mAil room” Bill sings, Ted, listens. Bill groans having trouble with the note. “How to sit down at a desk!” Ted nods.
“It sounds great Bill, seriously” Ted encourages, placing a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. Bill smiles gratefully.
“Ok...ok Ill go first” Paul cuts in, the boys nod ready to listen.
“Bill Dorris?” Chad comes out into the foyer scanning the room. Bill perks up and stands walking over to the doors. Chad nods, taking his audition packet and sending him in.
“Good luck Bill!” Ted shouts across the foyer. He nods gratefully before disappearing behind the doors. Bill enters quietly, making his way to the stage, he tries to stop his shaking, clutching onto his hands.
“Um..um hi…” He starts, shaking his head “I'm Bill, and today I will be singing ‘How to Succeed’ from the musical ‘How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying’, thank you” He takes a deep breath, finally glancing up. He starts…
“Charlotte?” Chad sends Bill out, greeting the eager girl. “Come on in”
“Good luck Lottie” Emma shouts mocking Ted but with a hint of genuineness. She bounces into the theatre, skipping nervously every step. She makes her way up confidently to the stage, smiling at the directors.
“Good afternoon, my name is Charlotte, and today I will be performing ‘No More Fear’ from the musical ‘Freaky Friday’, thank you” She silently praises herself, beginning to sing.
“Tommy Sweet?” Chad says, he tries to stop himself from laughing on the formality. Saying Tommy's last name, while the boy practically lives at his house. Tommy gets up from his position, Ted stands with him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Tommy smiles gratefully, squeezing Ted's hand.
“You're going to do amazing gumdrop” Ted assures, whispering sweetly into his ear. He nods, taking a deep breath making his way to Chad. He ushers him in helping him to the stage.
“Good luck Tommy” The professor whispers quietly before taking his place at the table. Tommy slowly walks up towards the stage and stands ready.
“Hello! I'm Tommy Sweet and I'm going to sing ‘Now it's Just the Gas’ from Little shop of horrors! Thank you!” He smiles at the pianist, excited to begin, the butterflies in his stomach flying away.
“Ted Porker?” Chad yawns, he doesn't mean to but it's getting late and he's quite exhausted. Ted looks to his friends freezing before Tommy and Paul lead him over to Chad. Tommy squeezes his hand gently before returning to his spot on the floor. “You alright kiddo?”
“Yeah...yeah, let's just get this over with” He sighs resigned, Chad chuckles leading him into the theatre. He makes his way up to the stage, he rushes.
“Hi, my name is Ted Porker, my song is ‘Look at the Sky’ from Urinetown” He wastes no time beginning.
“Emma Perkins” Chads not even trying anymore, out of almost 50 students, a few have stuck out and been interesting. Emma chuckles at the professor but stands, Paul nods encouragingly, she gives him finger guns before shaking her head awkwardly.
“You got this Em!” Charlotte calls out, a small group of cheers erupts from her friends. She laughs of them biting her lips thankfully. She turns to the professor.
“Let's do this,” She says walking in front of Chad and taking her place on the stage, Chad sits nodding. “I'm Emma and I'm going to sing ‘Times Are Hard For Dreamers’ from ‘Amelie’” she nods before the piano begins.
“Finally” Chad mutters to himself reaching the end of his list “Paul Matthews… cmon” Paul nods.
“You've got this!
“I believe in you bud!”
“I'm hungry” Surprisingly Paul appreciates Emma's statement the most. She smiles up at him, he nods. He reaches Chad, giving him the packet.
“Alright let's go,” Chad says leading him, as he had done one too many times today, to the stage. Paul gets right into it, wasting no time.
“I'm Paul, and I'm going to perform ‘Oh, What a Beautiful Morning’ from the musical ‘Oklahoma’, thank you!” He takes a sharp inhale, before beginning, summoning Curly.
“I'm going to quit tomorrow” Chad announces as he and Ted return home. Ted chuckles, Henry emerges from his room, kissing Chad. He nestles into Henry, moaning softly clearly exhausted. “I'm sorry, I really am but some people just can't sing love” Chad mumbles into his husband's neck. Henry lets out a soft chuckle rubbing comforting circles on his back. They pull away, Chad turns to Ted. “But not you Ted,” He says mustering up as much affection as he can. Ted smiles, sighing.
“It's fine, I'm just glad it's over” He pounds a victorious fist into the air. “Alright I'm off to bed, I'm tired” He yawns, Chad nods agreeing. Ted bids the pair farewell before heading to his room. Henry turns to his husband, who remains pouting.
“Me tired” Chad gestures pointing at himself, Henry chuckles “Me want bed”
“Ah but alas, you need to work on the cast list love” Henry reminds him “You're the one who did, monologues and songs in one. It needs to be up by tomorrow morning” Chad groans again, once more nestling into his husband. “I know dearest, what a life”
Gucci Gang
Tommy: How does everyone think they did?
Emma: Eh, I mean I got through it….
Charlotte: I don't know how I did, but I sure had a lot of fun
Ted: Of course you did
Bill: Ted be nice
Tommy: Ted! Be nice
Paul: Oh my god…
Ted: Shut it, Paul
Tommy: Hehe, that's funny Bill!
The adventures of Fucking Useless and Sleaze Ball
FU: You're dating Bill
SB: Ok shut up. First of all, I would be honored cause Bill is aMAzing and second I'm not but go off
FU: Whatever you say… how is he by the way? Have you talked to him yet?
SB: No, give it time
Gucci Gang
Tommy: I'm sure you all did amazing
Ted: I'm sure you did the mostest amazing
Tommy: I feel like you know that's grammatically incorrect
Bill: But you're not going to fix it
Ted: What's wrong about it?
Bill: It's just ‘Most amazing’
Tommy: ‘Most amazing’ love
Charlotte: Oh wow…
Paul: *cough*
Ted: Ok yeah, I’m out for the night.
Ted: Night Tommy
Tommy: Night Ted! Make sure you actually get some sleep ok?
Ted: I will, I promise.
Ted: Love you
The absence of a return text was the result of an absolute delighted squeal being released on the other line. Tommy bounces back typing quickly.
Slowly the conversation dies out until everyone had clocked out. Each with settling in for the night with their own level of anxiousness. Each unaware that Chad was currently sat at the table, pulling his hair out over the cast list. Certain of one thing, those six were on it.
“No...way” Charlotte gapes, feeling faint. A squeal pulls her out of her thoughts, a firm feeling clutching onto her. She feels herself pulled into an embrace.
“Lottie! Congrats!” Emma shrieks clearly caffeinated. Emma pulls away pointing to Charlotte's name, Charlotte lets out a nervous laugh. “Char! You're Bea!”
‘What are you guys shouting about?” Paul moans walking up to the pair. Emma bounces pointing to the cast list hanging royally on the auditorium doors. Paul's eyes widen “Emma! Oh my god! Congratulation” Emma's hands drop, her face follows.
“Huh?” She turns, quickly stumbling back. Charlotte stops her finally feeling the flutter in her stomach calm down. “Oh...oh my…” She turns to Charlotte, they resume their squealing. “I'm Portia!” She manages through her excitement, she notices Paul staring at her. She clears her throat and stands idle. “I mean whatever…” Paul raises his eyebrows, nudging her aside. Suddenly the same look befalls Pauls's face.
“I...m...im?” He barely whispers, Emma turns unable to see the list “I'm Nigel?” His voice as doubtful as ever, Emma and Charlotte share a silent gasp. “I'm...Nigel” He tries again, a still uncertain tone remains. Emma hits him. “I'm Nigel” He decides. She claps his back.
“You're Nigel! And I'm Portia! And Char is Bea” Emma squeals, too excited to contain her happiness.
“I believe congratulations are in order then” Bill approaches adjusting his glasses. He nods at each, Paul grins wide. He turns back to the list. “I will do crew, I find sound and lights enthralling” Bill explains.
“Will you have enough time?” Paul asks coyly, Bill tilts his head “Well, I'm asking because you're Brother Jeremiah!” He announces, pushing Bill forward showing him his name. Emma smiles.
“Guess you're my dad huh?” Emma teases, Bill turns a glaze over his eyes. She takes him in, hugging him. “Congrats Bill” Their moment is broken by a sudden clearing of the throat. The group turns, Emma's face drops, she glares. “Sam” She seethes, he stands gallantly before them. Charlotte suppresses a blush but moves aside politely. He winks at her much to Emma's unfortunate disgust.
“Step aside, for it is my turn to see the cast list” He explains. He pushes forward clearing the area. As if a sacred bubble surrounds him that only he can touch. He examines the list gasping suddenly. Charlotte bites her lip excitedly. “If music be the food of love, play on!” He calls out. They all ponder for a moment before Charlotte bounces.
“You got Shakespeare!” She proclaims, the group stifles their collective groan. He nods dropping his act for a moment, something is shared between them. “Oh, Sam! Congratulations!” He shakes hyper, pulling her into an unexpected hug. Emma goes to move forward but is quickly stopped by Paul. She pouts keeping an intent eye on them. Her anger does not disappear as another figure approaches once again surrounded by his entourage.
“Move aside losers” Billy requests, Emma and Bill get ready to pounce fury controlling them. Paul and Charlotte rush to hold them back. He looks over the list for a moment before smirking. “Guess we will be seeing a lot more of each other, say hello to your shylock” He announces, before quickly leaving the foyer continuing on.
“Oh, I could just kill him” Emma seethes once more, Bill nods in agreement.
“Hi, hello, what the fuck was Billy doing here?” Ted approaches annoyed, hand in hand with Tommy.
“Language love” Tommy reminds gently, yawning away. He looks around practically a zombie before setting his eyes on the list. That seeming to be the only energy he needs, he perks up. Tommy pulls carefully on Ted's hand. “Cast list dearest!” Ted smiles encouragingly, not expecting the sudden knot forming in his stomach. He sends Tommy forward, knowing he didn't need to search the list for something that wasn't there, he gives him a kiss of good luck.
“Tell me what you got” He requests, Tommy scoffs playfully as he makes his way forward.
“Don't be certain I'm in it, I know for a fact you don't kno-”  he pauses, the group's full attention falls on him now. “Oh my god” Is all he manages. He turns starry-eyed back to Ted.
“Gumdrop?” Ted asks cautiously, he moves closer to Tommy “What's wrong?” Tommy bites down a laugh, shaking his head.
“Oh Ted, there's nothing wrong” He sighs dreamily, Ted licks his lips raising his brows.
“I'm not following” Ted tries again “Did..did you get a part?” He cautions, the group continues listening.
“Better” Tommy smirks “You got a part” He barely whispers. Paul and Bill gasp softly, Ted doesn't register and goes again.
“Come again?”
“Love! You got a part!” He erupts, Paul and Bill cheer, soon joined by Emma and Charlotte. Ted freezes, a part? No...no… surely “And not just any part, you got Nick Bottom!” He informs. Ted exhales sharply, pursing his lips waiting for the song to end. For someone to pinch him, wake him, pull him out of this perfect dream. Tommy throws himself around Ted, who ground himself returning the embrace. “I'm so proud of you Ted” Tommy whispers gently, just for the two of them. Ted feels something lift off of him, he didn't know words could feel so good. They pull apart, but something hits him.
“Wait what about you?” He says wiping his eyes, returning his focus. The cheers become silent as they watch Tommy intently. He shrugs coyly.
“Well...I'm not the Bea to your Nick,” He says, Charlotte giggles “I am however a certain Nostradamus!” And the cheers return. Ted goes for another hug picking up his smaller boyfriend spinning him around. Through everything, no matter what, this moment right here. It was great, it was perfect.
Chad puts a soft hand to his heart, smiling exhausted but happy. He listens with absolute glee as the student's cheer and rejoices over the cast list and their parts. He nods proud of himself, walking over to his desk. He slumps in his chair revising the scripts and sheet music. He looks over the cast list once more
Nick Bottom: Ted
Nigel Bottom: Paul
Bea Bottom: Charlotte
Shakespeare: Sam
Portia: Emma
Nostradamus: Tommy
Brother Jeremiah: Bill
Shylock: Billy
Now...the show begins...
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kisbunzies · 3 years
Nights in the garden
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It’s always cold in her dad's garden at night . There were cracks in the mountain that let in sunlight and breezes from the outside world so the mountain tended to reflect the weather up there . she sat on her swing , the one she and her brother asriel built together. How late was it like 3am ? everyone else is probably asleep , except dad he somehow manages to work until sunrise. “Welp might as well give up and head in-”
“Heya flower girl. I see your just *hangin around* there”
“Sans! What are you doin up ? “
“My dads working late . you”
“Same . and for once chara’s asleep.”
Sans and lucida had know eachother since day one but they became bestfriends when they were six because he snuck into to the royal garden. they also learned they both were obsessed with earthbound. It was learned too quickly that Lucida loves bad jokes and will laugh for hours at sanses puns and pranks .
Not long after their friendship started they learned something else they had in common . sleep issues
Lucida and sans both got vivid nightmares , alot of the times about the same thing. It was scary but being able to talk to eachother about it was nice , heck asgore even bought luci a dream book so they could figure out what they meant , but the dream lucida had tonight was special
“So yeah i had a dream both my siblings were consumed by ravenous buttercups”
“Thats weird , i uh had a similar dream”
“You dreamed my siblings were eated by buttercups ? kinda s-”
“No its was different but the same”
“Explain ???”
Lucida got down from the swings and onto her elbows onto the ground infront of where sans was , he seemed to be thinking nervously about what he was gonna say . different but the same , thats never happened before
He took a deep breath in before quickly saying
“I dreamed that you ran into the buttercups after some voices and for some reason i tried to stop you but you insisted that you could help them and then and then and then”
“Sans calm down take your time”
“When you reached the buttercups one ,,,, shot through your skull and just dropped you infront of me”
“Oh well then , dont know what to say to that”
“Im joking im joking , but sans”
She put her hand on his shoulder
“Im sure its gonna be fine
It wasn’t fine
Years after the day that came to be know as “the incident” , things had changed so much for the two it sometimes shocked lucida that her life was considerably normal at one point , chara and asriel were gone , her parents were divorced , she spent the majority of her life till that point in the hospital
To be frank , life for lucida dreemurr was a mess
Walking through the garden she’d spent the happiest days of her life felt dull , each things filled with memories of the past
Wow look it a snail , mom loves those things
Yeah and mom also eats emm too
Chara , you know thats not funny
Aww cmon , im just tellin the truth , when she runs outta butters she replaces it with snail slime
Ewww luci stop them
As she walked over to the old swing , her eyes filled with tears , flowers blooming out of the sockets as she sat down on the old contraption . her and azzy used to spend hours pushing eachother on it trying to see how high they could fly while chara recorded with an old camera they found in a pile of trash . she’d have to go back and look at those recording sometime.
“Oh hey luci , didn’t notice you there”
“Sans ?”
She looked around until she found him , sitting in some flowers that never seemed to die no matter how ruined they were . she walked over to sit next to him noticing his demeanor , this was gonna be a rough conversation
“Yup thats me”
“Heh , guess you never broke the habit of breaking into my parents property huh ?”
“Hey su casa mi casa amirite”
“Thats not how the saying goes but sure”
Sans chuckled just a bit before looking down at the ground at something , it was a piece of fabric and a name tag
W.d gaster
“Missing him again”
“Yeah , i know its stupid but-”
“Sans it not stupid ! your going throw the loss of a loved one , thats tough crap to deal with I SHOULD KNOW”
Lucida looked at , Sans who wasn’t smiling . it just didn’t look right for the guy not to smile . He was usually the funny skeleton who could make anyone smile , you knew shit really hit the fan when sans the skeleton didn’t smile
“I remember him , he was a good dad”
“He always treated you like family huh”
“Oh remember when you and me were like 7 and like he somehow taught me and you fucking sign language in one afternoon and my mom thoughts we were throwing up gang signs”
“Yeah and she freaked out and tried to get your pops to put the entire underground on watch because of it”
“JASHGJH and the week before he let us burn veggietales in an incinerator cause he hated it and my mom thought he was spreading anti christian progaganda”
“JSAHJGHJHGhjadghj yeah , he was cool , im gonna miss him”
“Me too , he might have been pretty chaotic and kinda outta order”
“Omg sans he’s your DEAD FATHER”
“But he was just a good person who wanted to help at heart”
Lucida looked at the badge and motioned for sans to let her see it , she noticed that in the corner there was a little black smudge of some unknown material
“You know , we should put his badge in like a monument or something”
“You think they’d let us do that”
“Of course sans , he did save the life of the royal families only surviving child afterall”
“And made the core”
“And just build the basis of monster science in general”
“A monument would be nice , considering we didn’t get to have a funeral”
Luci looked at sans with a purely sympathetic look , tilting her head a to dully smile at him. Putting her arm around his shoulder she spook what she didn’t know were on of the last time she’d remember his name
“W.d gaster , beloved royal scientist and father , inventor of core”
hope you enjoyed this random oc fic i wrote at 1am because sleep is terrifying and i wanted to start actually telling people about lucida's backstory
also im not a sans simp HEY HEY LISTEN IM N-
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hilariousmissy · 7 years
Challenge Accepted
A long time ago........
Gue ditinggal pergi kuliah sama kk kelas gue and finally, what i was afraid of, i had 2 face it. Lost contact.
Selama lost contact, sohib gue coba buat gue nyaman dkt dia but so far gue ga bisa cs' i thought i never love him more than 'this'. Sampe akhirnya gue nyerah, gue capek, but it's too late. Halah. Intinya akhirnya dia juga secapek gue dan milih adek kelas gue krn mikir gue gak akan kasih kesempatan.
Long story short.....
Today, is ur birthday! I dunno how to say that u really mean to me, right now.
Dr pagi gue galau mau ngucapin itu kaya gmn, cuma gak jadi. Yaudahlah yah. Gue ma dia tetep dket even ga sedeket wktu dia ngejar2 gue. Cs we were still sohiban! And i was act like 'stupid girl' . I told them
"love him????? HAHAHA r'u kidding me? No!"
"cmon puhlisss!!! We'r just friend. I never thought i like him. Never"
And finally, i just said
"yeah, im fine"
Damn me!
Our 2nd break at 11.20 a. m ( i still remember, clearly, about the time, day, especially moment)
Bell was ringing, very noisy out there.
Ohhhhhh he got a lil'surprise from his-princess-wanna-be. Camera everywhere. All student (emm not all, but most of them) was singing happy birthday to my sohib. As a friend, we came out, and joined together. She was came out from teacher's room, brought his birthday cake topped with candles. Time for him to make a wish and blow out all candles.
Top of the moment
"Mau gak jadi pacarku"
Everybody was scream out n said 'terimaaaaa, terimaaaaa'
And she said 'gak....... Gak salah lagi'
He was very happy.
And suddenly, he looked into my eyes, smile, like he wanna say 'everything is gonna be alright tha, we'r still sohib no matter what is happening today'
I was stuck. Surprising me. I say nothing. Fake smile.
Damn you tau gak sih.
For what gitu loh lu ngeliat gue disaat lu diterima??? Seakan2 kita akan ttp deket even you guys has a relationship! Ur cutest smile, ur 'sharpest eyes', bukan ngobatin malah ngelukain more deeply that i never thought before!
The lesson is,
Best friend is more than valuable than anything! I would rather loose my boyfriend than loose my bestfriend.
Knp gue blg gitu? Krn gue bayangin coba dulu kita jadian trs ga bertahan.. Jadi apa coba gue sama sohib gue. Cs' dia tipe org yg diem2an kalo udh putus ma cewek WK
Praise God sampe skg gue msh keep in touch sama sohib2 gue including HIM! HAHAHA
Yeah, i accept the challenge to share my 'terrible' moment with you gengs. It's ur turn now ❤
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