#coda 13.17
ozonecologne · 6 years
@whyjm replied to your post: @whyjm replied to your post: 13.18 codaYay!!! You...
Yeah but you said you had problems with posting/formating and I did not see one for last ep…….
My 13.17 coda went up last week after the episode as usual! Tumblr’s textpost formatting was glitching for the last two weeks so I had to change my usual posting format (one long post instead of under a Read More, which I hated), but I have actually still been posting every week. 
I definitely tagged you in the last one as well! Let me know if that didn’t,,, work for some reason.
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godtrials · 3 years
do you have any fic recs involving sam&gabriel. not in a ship way, im just always wondering if anyone ever wrote fic exploring their dynamic that isn't horrible "pair the spares" nonsense. or like deconstructs the concept of sabriel.
hmm, I have a couple! it's not my favorite dynamic, but some authors I enjoy have written it, so.
To Kill an Archangel An archangel blade is just a knife. Short and sharp. Simple. Coda for 13x17.
I'll Show You It Hurts 13.17 coda. Sam helps Gabriel clean up.
and then there's this, which isn't exactly what you're looking for but might interest you: When the New York Times said "God is dead and the war's begun" Follows immediately after "It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah." Sam shot God. God is pissed. And He's going to do something about it.
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peacewhendone · 2 years
The Winchester Gospels - Chuck’s Deleted Scenes Masterpost
Series Summary: When Chuck disappears after Stull Cemetery, someone leaks all of his unpublished works - including things that didn't make it into the books. -OR- What I do when I need to get out my feels.
Series Notes: A series of codas, mostly one-shots, written and posted in no particular order but will be organized in order. Tags and warnings will be updated as stories are published. I'll be as canonically correct as possible (if you see any errors, please let me know!), and eventually most pieces will flow into each other/the following episodes. Individual works may also reference prior works in the series and episodes (because continuity). You may even come across some Easter eggs in posted works that won't be revealed until other works are added. ;)
Soundtrack: Spotify | Rebloggable
Read on A03:
If ya gotta start sometime, why not now? (Destiel, 04.16 On the Head of a Pin/04.17 It’s a Terrible Life)
Second Chance (Sabriel, 05.08 Changing Channels)
I just don’t want to miss you tonight (Sabriel, 05.19 Hammer of the Gods)
Don’t forget about me and I will always remember you (Castiel&Dean&Sam, 05.22 Swan Song)
When All is Lost (Destiel, 08.07 A Little Slice of Kevin)
I can’t find my way to you (Megstiel, 08.17 Goodbye Stranger)
You Deserve Much Better Than Me (Destiel, 09.06 Heaven Can’t Wait)
I Will Only Let You Down (Sabriel, 13.17 The Thing)
Really Hope You Stay (Sabriel, 13.20 Unfinished Business)
What if you’re making me all that I was meant to be? (Sabriel, 13.20 Unfinished Business/13.21 Beat the Devil)
Show me what it’s like (to be the last one standing) (Sabriel, 13.22 Exodus)
Am I worth the fight? (Sabriel, 13.22 Exodus)
Words That I Left Unspoken (Destiel, 15.18 Despair)
Without You I’m a Disaster (Midam, 15.19 Inherit the Earth)
You Gave Me Looks That I Won’t Forget (Destiel, 15.20 Carry On)
Just a Stranger (Sam & Dean Junior, 15.20 Carry On)
If ya gotta start sometime, why not now? (Destiel, 04.16 On the Head of a Pin/04.17 It’s a Terrible Life)
Second Chance (Sabriel, 05.08 Changing Channels)
I just don’t want to miss you tonight (Sabriel, 05.19 Hammer of the Gods)
Don’t forget about me and I will always remember you (Castiel&Dean&Sam, 05.22 Swan Song)
When All is Lost (Destiel, 08.07 A Little Slice of Kevin)
I can’t find my way to you (Megstiel, 08.17 Goodbye Stranger)
You Deserve Much Better Than Me (Destiel, 09.06 Heaven Can’t Wait)
I Will Only Let You Down (Sabriel, 13.17 The Thing)
Really Hope You Stay (Sabriel, 13.20 Unfinished Business)
What if you’re making me all that I was meant to be? (Sabriel, 13.20 Unfinished Business/13.21 Beat the Devil)
Show me what it’s like (to be the last one standing) (Sabriel, 13.22 Exodus)
Am I worth the fight? (Sabriel, 13.22 Exodus)
Words That I Left Unspoken (Destiel, 15.18 Despair)
Without You I’m a Disaster (Midam, 15.19 Inherit the Earth)
You Gave Me Looks That I Won’t Forget (Destiel, 15.20 Carry On
Just a Stranger (Sam & Dean Junior, 15.20 Carry On)
0 notes
hefellfordean · 6 years
13.17 Coda: Sam Really Shouldn’t Have To Deal With This
Sam is left alone in the bunker to guard the rift and look after Gabriel. When Castiel arrives home he is less than impressed to hear that Sam let Dean go into an alternate dimension - especially since the two of them are still sort of fighting. Sam really isn't paid enough to deal with this shit.
AO3 Link
The righteous anger of an Angel of the Lord was a thing to behold – Sam just really wished he wasn’t the one it was directed at.
Approximately sixteen and a half hours after Dean and Ketch had disappeared through the rift, Castiel had returned to the bunker. He had spent the better part of a week searching for the seal of Solomon and was extremely unimpressed that Sam and Dean had failed to tell him that he could stop looking. Sam blamed Dean – Castiel was Dean’s boyfriend not his, so why was he expected to keep the angel updated?
The minute Castiel sees the rift, flickering in the centre of the room, with no sign of Dean, Sam is cowering in a chair as Castiel yells at him.
“You let him go alone?”, Castiel shouts, his eyes glowing and Sam feels all the hair on his body stand on end as electricity crackles through the air.
Sam decides he can either do the smart thing and tremble before the angel or stand up for himself. He never could understand why everyone thinks he’s the smart one.
“Like I had a choice? You know once he sets his mind to something there’s no stopping him! And he’s not alone, Ketch went with him.”, Sam hisses and Castiel’s face darkens even more – something Sam had previously thought impossible – as the lamp closest to them goes out with a small “pop”.
He takes a menacing step towards where Sam is sitting, so Sam stands and draws himself up to his full height, which for the first time doesn’t feel like it’s much more than Castiel’s.
“So not only did you decide not to accompany him, you sent him with that psychotic man?”
“Well it’s not like you were here to go with him, so I didn’t have much choice!”, Sam retorts and Cas recoils like he’s been physically slapped. The eerie flickering in the angel’s eyes subsides and suddenly he just looks human – and tired.
“If I could have been here, I would have. But Dean and I… we are not on the best terms at the moment.”, the angel says quietly and Sam sighs.
“I know, the whole Scooby-Doo thing was difficult and Dean behaved childishly, but Cas… you have to know he would never have actually done anything with Daphne. He was just fooling around. You’re the one he really wants.”
Castiel gives him a small smile. “I don’t think I’m what anyone really wants, Sam. A broken angel isn’t usually high on the list of people’s dream partners.”
“Cas –“, Sam begins, but he’s interrupted by a whimper from the next room. Cas’ head jerks sharply in the direction of the noise.
“What was that?”, he asks and Sam grimaces.
“I was going to tell you, I swear, but we got wrapped up in the thing with Dean and…”, Sam begins.
Castiel glares. “Tell me what, Sam?”
Sam hangs his head. “Gabriel.”, he whispers. “He’s alive.”
Castiel stiffens. “He can’t be. Lucifer he… he killed him.”
“No, he’s here. Come on, I’ll show you.”, Sam says, leading Castiel into the library and there in the corner, curled into a ball on the floor, still in the bloodstained rags Asmodeus had forced him to wear is:
“Gabriel.”, Castiel breathes and the Archangel’s head jerks up at the sound of his brother’s voice.
Castiel rushes towards Gabriel, and reaches out to touch him, but Gabriel flinches and tries to scoot away from him. Castiel is horrified.
“What happened to him?”, he asks Sam, who shrugs.
“All we know is that Asmodeus had him and was using him for his grace. Then he pissed off Ketch, who decided to free Gabriel and bring him here. He hasn’t spoken. His mouth was sewn shut, I removed the wires, but he hasn’t let me touch him since.”
Castiel crouches down onto the floor beside the Archangel. Gabriel is still several feet from him, but he hasn’t moved any further away. Slowly, ever so slowly, Castiel inches towards him, hand extended. Gabriel watches with the air of a frightened animal, but doesn’t recoil.
“Esiasacahe t i ol, Castiel.”, Cas says quietly in what Sam recognises as Enochian. The angel gets closer and leaves his hand hovering a couple of inches from Gabriel’s shoulder.
It’s a question, Sam realises, Castiel is asking for permission to touch him. Gabriel gives him silent acquiescence by slowly moving closer until Castiel’s fingers are brushing the rough fabric of his tunic.
Sam hears Cas let out a sigh of relief and he can see the pulse of grace that Castiel sends through his hand and into Gabriel. He watches as the wounds on Gabriel’s face, especially around his mouth, are slowly healed and Cas even goes so far as to clean his brother of the dried blood that covers him like a second skin.
Castiel kneels before Gabriel and Sam hears him speak again. “Ol lava lap zomdv rit. Ol gen ge zodonurenusagi elasa. Par gohe elasa zirom a a affa.”
Gabriel looks up at Castiel, he still doesn’t speak, but he gives an approximation of a smile that has Castiel throwing his arms around him. The two of them sit there, huddled together and the moment seems so private that Sam feels compelled to leave. He returns to the war room and watches the rift.
A few hours later, Cas joins him. “I owe you an apology, Sam. Dean clearly wasn’t prepared to listen to you, and it wasn’t your fault that he went through that rift. I am glad you are here to watch over my brother when I could not.”
Sam smiles softly. “You don’t need to apologise Cas, I know what it’s like to lose the person you love and how hard it is to watch them put themselves in danger.”
“Eileen was a very brave woman.”, Castiel says quietly and Sam nods.
“How is Gabriel?”, he asks the angel.
Cas looks at him for a moment, as if struggling to find words. “He is very damaged. I do not know the full extent of what Asmodeus did to him, but his vessel was almost beyond repair, and his grace is... fragile. I do not know if he will ever fully recover.”
“Has he said anything yet?”, Sam asks and Castiel nods.
“One thing: elasa gen ge unig rit.”
Sam frowns. “Yeah, I’m not going to lie, I don’t know what that means. Something with forgiveness?”
Castiel gives a small smile. “Earlier, when I was speaking to him, I begged him for forgiveness. I asked that he forgive me for believing him dead, for not being able to save him. He said I did not need to be forgiven.”
Sam agrees with Gabriel. “He’s right, Cas. We all thought he was dead, we saw Lucifer kill him. There was nothing you – or anyone – could have done.”
Castiel nods, but Sam isn’t sure Cas believes him.
They sit in silence, carefully watching the clock until 25 minutes before the rift is due to close, it begins to flicker.
They jump to their feet, Sam pulling his gun and Castiel producing his angel blade from nowhere.
Sam flicks off the safety and aims at whatever is about to come out of the rift, but immediately lowers the gun when he sees his mother, Jack and finally Dean come stumbling through.
Mary looks slightly shell-shocked as he wraps his arms around her, but Jack seems unphased as though he uses interdimensional portals every day.
Sam catches Dean’s eye. “Ketch?”, he asks and Dean just shakes his head. Sam isn’t all that upset that his brother didn’t bring that psychopath back with him.
Dean turns to head towards the kitchen and Sam can pinpoint the exact moment that his brother sets eyes on Castiel. Dean freezes in his tracks as he and Castiel do that thing that Sam still doesn’t really understand where they just stare at each other. Eventually Dean jerks his head towards the kitchen and Castiel nods, following him out of the room.
Sam really, really shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but he figures that if he had to be yelled at by a scary-ass angel then he should at least have the pleasure of hearing the same thing happen to his brother. He separates himself from Mary who says that she needs to shower and wash off any remnants of that other world, and closes the rift, before sidling out into the hallway. He quietly sneaks down the hall and stops just outside the kitchen door. It is surprisingly quiet, no yelling at all, instead Castiel sounds apologetic.
“I am sorry for leaving again.”, Sam hears a rather contrite sounding Castiel say.
Dean sighs. “It’s okay, I know why you left. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry for going through that rift without telling you.”
Castiel huffs a laugh. “Yes, that was not your finest moment. I am glad that you managed to return safely with Jack and your mother though.”
Sam risks a glance into the kitchen and sees Dean is sitting at the table, across from Castiel who is staring at his hands. Thankfully, neither of them are facing in his direction.
“I really am sorry, Cas. About the whole Daphne thing. It’s just that was always a-“, Dean begins, but Castiel cuts him off.
“A fantasy. Yes, I know Dean. It was a fantasy and I’m sorry you didn’t get to fulfil it.”
Dean scrubs a hand across his face. “Cas we’ve been over this before, I wouldn’t actually have done anything with her. I just got caught up in the rush of things.”
Cas finally looks up from his hands and if Sam didn’t know any better, he’d say the angel was on the verge of tears. He remembers what Cas was saying earlier about how no-one would want a broken angel and his heart aches a little for the man.
“I know, Dean. You’ve said so before, and yet – she represents something which I can never give you. She is female, and innocent and perfect and –“, Cas says, his voice rougher than usual.
“Yeah, she’s also a cartoon, Cas!”, Dean says, loudly interrupting the angel.
The lightbulbs in the kitchen start to flicker and Sam glances around nervously.
For God’s sake Dean, pull your head out of your ass, this is so not about Daphne! Sam thinks to himself.
“That isn’t the point, Dean. You could leave the bunker right now and find any number of beautiful, whole, unscathed women within the hour. Instead you’re stuck with me, some creature that you don’t even trust enough to tell that you’re going into another dimension where anything could have happened to you! Where you could have died!”, Castiel yells, his voice cracking on the last word. The lights have stopped flickering and the angel looks almost deflated.
Sam is seriously considering intervening and giving his brother a good smack on the head, when he sees Dean getting up from his chair and rounding the table to wrap his arms around Cas. He sees the angel sag against his brother and Dean just tightens his grip on him.
“I knew this wasn’t about Daphne.”, Dean mutters and Sam rolls his eyes. “Cas, I’m sorry I went to that place without letting you know. I wasn’t thinking and I swear to you, it’ll never happen again.”
Cas nods against Dean’s chest and Sam sighs in relief. He was honestly worried for a second that his brother was going completely miss the true reason Cas was upset.
“Now, if I promise to stop flirting with cartoon characters and disappearing into alternate dimensions, do you think we’ll be alright?”, Dean asks with a slight grin, but Sam can tell that there’s an undercurrent of genuine worry running through that question. “You know you’re the only one for me, Cas.”, he adds and Cas’ features lift into a genuine smile.
“Of course, en geraa od aoiveae.”, Castiel says, before pulling Dean into a passionate kiss, that leaves Sam feeling slightly nauseated. He decides to stop looking into the kitchen and instead tries to think of a way to enter the room without it looking like he’d been eavesdropping, when he hears them finally break apart.
“Damn Cas, what was that for?” Sam hears Dean ask, sounding slightly out of breath.
“Your brother is outside the door, I thought it would be amusing to see if it would disgust him.”, Cas answers in a monotone voice and Sam groans as he hears Dean yell:
“Goddamnit Sammy!”
He takes a breath and walks into the kitchen with a frown on his face.
“Well excuse me for caring and wanting to make sure you two get your heads out of your asses.”, Sam says indignantly and he can see amusement dancing in Castiel’s eyes.
“We are very grateful for your concern, Sam.”, Cas says and Dean glowers.
Sam glares right back. “Don’t look at me like that, Dean. I was the one who had an angry angel on his hands - because of you, I might add.”
“Whatever.”, Dean says and Sam grins. Dean takes Cas’ hand and starts to tug him out of the room.
“C’mon Cas, let’s go. We have a lot of “us time” to catch up on.”, Dean says, throwing Sam a lascivious wink on his way out. Cas looks mildly disapproving but can’t quite hide the happiness on his face as he follows Dean out of the kitchen and Sam shudders in mock-disgust.
He watches the two of them go, before slowly walking towards the library, where Gabriel is still sat in a corner, although he looks a lot better than before thanks to Castiel.
Sam isn’t quite sure what to say to an archangel that has possibly spent years being tortured, so he just pulls a random book from one the shelves and starts to read out loud:
“Once a term the whole school went for a walk – that is to say the three masters took part as well as all the boys. It was usually a pleasant outing, and everyone looked forward to it…”
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pherryt · 6 years
Okay, so, I lied - I’m not doing this weekly. this is probably about two weeks worth of stuff to tag folks for. Also, this is mixed - things I’ve written and things I’ve drawn:
Picture Perfect World  My Pinefest posted at long last! Supernatural, Destiel, A/B/O Dynamics, Explicit, NSFB
ocean sized love (ART) Collaboration with @profound-boning​ for the 5k Midwinter Tropefest. I saw something that inspired me to draw a thing, and inspired her to write a thing to go with it :D  Supernatural, Destiel, Au, Aquarium Cuteness, SFB
New Traditions Chapter 4 - Easter Eggs - Supernatural, Au, Destiel, SFB
Telepathic Twins - Tumblr prompt: Supernatural, DCJ, NSFW-ish, AU, NSFB
change of plans - (ART) written by @envydean and some art added in by me for the 5k Midwinter Tropefest : Supernatural, Destiel, AU, Bedsharing, SFB
Broken Angel - Season 13 Coda: Supernatural, Canon 13.17, Gabriel, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Hurt/comfort, PTSD, angst, SFB
Previous Compilation (all the tumblr prompts pretty much) 
Tagging ( let me know if you want to be tagged and what kinds of things / fandoms you’d like to be tagged in)
@jdragon122 @trisscar368 @zummar @formidablepassion @dmsilvisart @bookkbaby @thesupernatrologist @rosemoonweaver @destielonfire @madamelibrarian @deadlyangelkay @redhourglass @feathers-and-cigarettes @carrieosity @jhoomwrites @princessjimmynovak @thegrumpykale @braezenkitty @feartheophanim @jupiterjames @winchester-reload @blue-reveries @fpwoper @caseofunderjoy @alexdamnvers @robotsnchicks @mayalaen @captainhaterade @natmoose @skydark
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ozonecologne · 6 years
13.17 coda
Welp tumblr still hasn’t fixed its textpost formatting issues so here’s another long coda post :’)
If you’d like to be added to or removed from the taglist, send me a message! Love you all <3
It reached not for an anchor, not for Solomon’s seal, no. In the moments before its inevitable doom, it reached for its mate.
When Ophelia Avila began the unholy chant that would to banish it back to where it came from, that tentacled god dragged Sandy – well, what was formerly Sandy anyway – back with it through the rift like it was nothing. It wasn’t an attempt to pull itself through to the promised land, but a desperate grab for the familiar, for the beloved and the dearly, deeply missed. It forced her back to a world that has been emptied, and she screamed. At the top of her borrowed lungs, the god trapped inside the fragile body of a human being wailed and cried until her being shook with it. Maybe she knew what she was going back to. Maybe she was aware of what she would lose. This world was a “delicious” one, ripe for their taking, and neither of them would ever see it again. Her hands flexed and splayed as the tentacles wrapped tighter around her body, fingers straining in the sleeves of their skin and muscle and like her very bones were trying to escape, tendons snapping in liberation.
From his position on that cold, flat altar, Dean could see Sandy’s eyes before the rip finally closed again. They were wet with tears, but wide with relief. Love has a way of undoing us all, even the gods.
The two of them were going home together, but they were also going home to starve. There’s nothing for them back there, on their side. Everything is here.
And Dean has always believed in a love that saves, but that just – how could one make the choice for the other? Damn the both of you because you just couldn’t bear to be alone? It seems like a fate worse than –
“We should wait for Cas,” Sam grumbles, dumping their ingredients into a bowl.
Dean’s hands itch. Sam’s not grinding the fruit into the mortar fast enough. He thinks about grabbing the pestle and finishing off the spell himself.
“It’ll be fine,” Dean promises, holding himself back.
Sam huffs and grits his teeth, but he knows better than to disagree with his brother when he’s got his heart set on something.
While Sam works on unraveling the very fabric of time and space, Dean eyes the empty spaces in the bunker. He imagines that preternatural glow cast from the rift blinding through their shelter, the only safe place any of them know, and projecting itself onto the books, the walls, the floors worn down by so many footprints. This is home. They are desanctifying it by doing this here, but there is nowhere else for them to go. Things come through the rift in both directions, and they need to be contained. The sheer amount of danger in this mission is not to be taken lightly, nor does Dean underestimate the severity of his decision to go this alone.
I could go with you.
Dean glances down at his watch, tick tick ticking away.
“Come on, Sam. Daylight’s – ”
“Burning, yeah, I know,” Sam snaps back.
Dean raps his knuckles on the table and nods. He tries to swallow the growing lump in his throat and fails spectacularly.
This is a risk none of them are really willing to take. But if they don’t do this now, while Castiel’s not around, there would be no stopping him. He’d throw himself into yet another celestial war zone where he is a valuable target. He’d kick and scream his way to certain death, all for Dean, always for Dean. Because Dean has to go, he has to do this for his mother and for his family and for himself, and he knows what Castiel would say if he were here. It’s what he always says when Dean gets ready to throw himself in the line of fire.
I could go with you.
Dean chews the inside of his lip until he tastes blood and eyes up Ketch next, lurking at the other end of the table like a poltergeist. Like a shadowy question mark.
They can spare Ketch. Dean doesn’t care if Ketch dies across the rift.
Sam, though. Cas.
There isn’t a chance in hell that he’s going to be the monster here.
He is not going to be the one to decide that they die for him.
Sam’s still taking his time, so Dean takes some initiative. He yanks a couple of hairs out from the back of his head and tosses them into their bowl. “Something that’s been there, right?”
Sam doesn’t look up. He dutifully stirs them into the mix, swirling them together with fruit juice and holy blood.
“Alright,” Sam announces, as the contents of the bowl starts to glow. He still doesn’t meet Dean’s eyes as he mumbles, “Remember: it’s only twenty-four hours.”
Dean looks down at his watch again. Syncs it up and sets a timer. Sam holds the seal over the bowl and begins his chant, and then they’re off.
And Dean, predictably, fights off the tears in his eyes.
The good thing about working with Ketch is that he’s sharp, catches on quick, and adapts. It’s what you do when you don’t have cumbersome things like a personality or attachments to slow you down, probably. 
The bad thing about working with Ketch is that he talks. And he also has a wealth of illegally-obtained information to use against Dean at absolutely any time he wants, no matter how inconvenient.
“Your pet angel will surely be cross about this,” Ketch observes, as they trek through ash-covered hills. “Will I have incurred his wrath as well, then? Shall I seek protection from him when this is over?”
Dean grimaces and spits, the hot dry air turning his tongue into sandpaper. “First off, you shut the fuck up about that. And B, if this world doesn’t waste you, then I sure as shit hope that Cas does.”
Ketch huffs, dragging his feet behind Dean. “Wonderful. Out of the frying pan…”
Dean, agitated, snaps. “Yeah, look. About that. Let’s get something straight, Ketch: I see right through you, ok?”
Ketch freezes for a second, which is interesting, but his tone is clipped and cold when he asks, “What do you mean?”
Dean’s lip curls, but he doesn’t turn around to face him. He doesn’t really want to see how Ketch’s face might change when he says, “You’re not just running from Asmodeus. You’re sweet on Mom.”
At Dean’s back, Ketch says nothing.
“You collapse under the weight of your tactical gear back there or what?” Dean calls back.
“Preparedness is next to godliness,” Ketch recites.
Dean runs a hand through his sweaty hair, scattering the ash that has collected there like newly fallen snow. “If you think I’m letting you within a hundred feet of her after what you did, you’re dead wrong.”
Again, no reply.
Dean nods. Silence is good. Silence is efficient. Better for the both of them.
But Ketch, like with most things, has to ruin it. His voice is quiet and deadly when it finally resurfaces, a mile or so deeper into charred and sparse forests.
“Perhaps it would be best if we simply refrained from judging one another’s hearts.”
Dean scoffs, genuinely amused. “Heart. Like you’ve got one.”
“If it bleeds, it bleeds,” Ketch quips. “Despite my very best efforts and though it pains me to admit it: I am still human. Just like you, Dean.”
Ketch’s hand comes up to grip Dean’s shoulder. Dean spins and knocks it off with a glare that means business, pressed nearly nose to nose and ready to throw down.
Ketch meets his eyes without a problem, with no hesitation. But for the first time, Dean sees a little bit of fear there. Maybe the same kind he saw in Sandy before she got pulled through space – fear of the end. The hopelessness of doom.
Ketch wants him to see it.
“And I still feel,” he admits.
They stand there, in this broken and deserted wasteland, assessing one another. Someone has to break first, and Dean swallows his pride to make sure that it’s him. He doesn’t have time for this bullshit.
Dean shakes his head as he turns back around, hitching his go bag higher up onto his shoulder. “Well, I hope you feel it when one of us finally stabs you through the chest,” he grumbles.
Ketch sighs and follows in Dean’s footsteps. “If your angel is one of mercy, he’ll make sure that I don’t.”
“He’s not really big on that, it turns out.”
“He’s shown you plenty over the years, despite your obvious shortcomings.”
Dean can’t help flashing a dirty smirk over his shoulder. “I’m the exception, buddy. Not the rule,” he explains.
Ketch rolls his eyes, and then they’re back to not talking again. Dean needs to conserve his energy anyway; he can’t be wasting his breath on this bastard who thinks he knows something about the human heart.
If he’s lucky, Dean will slither in through the backdoor of this nightmare, grab Mom and Jack, and then duck through the rift again before Cas even notices he’s gone. Bring home the win. Easy.
(But when has a Winchester ever been lucky, anyway?)
((And especially, that is, in love.))
The rift is still open, so there is a point of contact that still exists between his world and this one. The line, as it were, is still open. And though he tries to avoid praying so as to keep Castiel in the dark for as long as possible, Dean secretly hopes that the angel can hear him when he recalls those famous words uttered as a hostage in an inhospitable bind:
I’m doing this for you. I’m doing this because of you.
Don’t be too mad, he tacks on. Just in case. Please understand.
Being in Apocalypse world is kind of like being in Purgatory again, and it makes Dean a little sentimental. He rags on Castiel a lot for doing stupid things, but he thinks he can understand that impulse a little better now that he’s thinking about it with a clear head (when he has time to think about things here other than survival, that is). This is exactly the kind of thing that Dean would be furious about if Castiel pulled it himself, so he gets it. He really would rather be stupid than selfish.
This is just the way they are, he supposes. He hopes that one day - if both of them can manage to survive long enough - they can get to a point where this stupid self-sacrificing doesn’t sting as freshly as it did the very first time. Because no matter how often they seem to fall into this pattern, it just doesn’t stop eating away at them. It’s only been a few hours, but Dean can already feel a weight settling down on his chest during his time apart from Castiel that he’s sure will stick around for the duration. He misses the easy trust and coordination of his brother in arms, he misses the playful conversation of his best friend, he misses the soft touches in stolen moments of his lover. Separation never gets easier.
In fact, it might just get even worse with time.
He doesn’t really blame “Sandy” for doing what she did. After a hundred years apart, he’d be tempted to kill, too.
They’ve done it before, after all. Kill for one another. Kill to find one another. Kill to bring the other one home.
Dean knows his limits well.
But every choice comes with a price, and missing Cas, missing home to go it alone, is his.
# - C
@7faerielights​ @abbadonttouchme​ @anaturalsuperfan​ @angelwingsandhunterdreams​ @anironundomiel​ @arandomindividual​ @armellin​ @athene-noctua08​ @ayremis​ @bilibiche​ @bold-sartorial-statement​ @boykingdom​ @boysinperil​ @burntblackfeathers​ @cabinboyjackles​ @calliopecookiejar​ @captainhaterade​ @carnilia​ @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you​ @casolantern​ @cassbutt-and-the-righteousbi​ @castielfallenangelwinchester​ @castielsmoon​ @casttielle​ @chevrolangels​ @chill-legilimens​ @cloud-dreamer​ @coldbroke​ @convallariini​ @ctrl-alt-destiel​
D - H
@darthshreydar​ @dauntless-dean​ @deanismypatronass​ @deanmonsandangels​ @deans-top-13-zepp-traxx​ @deanwinchcester-archive​ @dellez​ @destiel-aye​ @destiel73​ @destielrose​ @destielsangel​ @divineinterventioning​ @donttouchmyfrenchtoast​ @dramaqueenrolf​ @dream-and-slash​ @ecbeau​ @eccentricas​ @fandomsfeelsandcrap​ @fandomfeelswithhellagayotps​ @fangirlingtodeath513​ @freedomcraziness​ @fromflametofire​ @gabbymcauliffe​ @gaelicblue​ @geekily-yours​ @gentle-hands19​ @ggonaks​ @godshipsit​ @goodtidingsdean​ @guusana​ @hanooon1997​ @hotpotatosack​
I - Q
@i-lostmy-sammy​ @ialwayscomewhenyoucall​ @iamaqt314​ @ilovelucey​ @imthewarmpenguininthemiddle​ @itsfunnierinenochian​ @iwaslazy​ @jaguarw0lf​ @jamalona​ @jeanjeaniethings​ @jenmdixon​ @lanaserra​ @lapotatoqueen​ @livingonaprayerstiel​ @lmejia13​ @mattory-reylo-shipper-offical​ @meadowsofcas​ @melioristcas​ @melmassacre​ @mistymarvelgirl​ @mnwood​ @natmoose​ @nieveskaia​ @ninamariiee​ @njk13093​ @nubismosher​ @paige-losechester​ @papayastems​ @patrcolvs​ @peacemturner​ @protagonist-influence​
R - T
@randomfandoms153​ @reader-meg​ @reading-greek​ @rollsapple​ @rubbishbin​ @samhyland​ @samikitten​ @sammyzwifi​ @santamadredidios​ @saywhatjessie​ @selahbela​ @sensitivelass33​ @seraphmisha​ @shadowpaintedrose​ @shehungthemoon​ @sherlpotternatural​ @snovolovac​ @spnramen​ @starbentone​ @starcastlesinthesky​ @sunnshine0510​ @sunshine-hunters​ @super-powerful-queen-slayyna​ @supercasifras​ @supernim​ @sup3r-pott3r-lock3d​ @swax​ @tankewinchester​ @tardisheart134​ @teaandjumpers​ @thatcolourfulsomething​ @thatsuperawkwardgirl​ @thedauntlesshufflepuff​ @theruledangel​ @tricja​
U - Z
@venusdebotticelli​ @waiting-for-chapter-33​ @waywardren​ @who-the-fuck-is-bucky​ @whyjm​ @weathergirl83​ @whitmerule​ @wigglebox​ @wingsandimpalas​ @winchesterwithwings​ @withthedemonblood​ @woefulcas​ @wordstothewisereaders​ @write-nerdy-to-me​ @zolaliz​
246 notes · View notes
ozonecologne · 6 years
I really liked doing this last year for my season 12 codas, so here we go again! One year later, metrics for season 13 codas (as of 5/10/18):
Total number of codas: 21       [missed during airing: 13.20, 13.21, 13.22]
Codas with the most notes:
13.01 coda with the most at 1,179 notes
13.06 coda
13.05 coda
13.16 coda
13.03 coda
Codas with the fewest notes*:
13.11 coda with the least at 170 notes**
13.10 coda
13.17 coda
13.12 coda
13.08 coda
Range: 1,009 notes
Average per coda: 596 notes
Total number of words: 45,605 words
Average coda length: 2,247 words       Average with outlier excluded: 2,028 words
Word count:
Shortest: 13.14 coda at 1,227 words (middle of the pack in terms of notes)
Longest: 13.07 coda at 6,516 words (middle of the pack, but on the higher end)
I actually have no idea why this one is so long? Definitely an outlier.
Compared to last year:
Same as last year, engagement began really strong, dipped in the middle of the season, and picked back up by the end. Y’all like the angst, I’ve noticed.
The range in notes shrunk from 2,078 to 1,009, so we’ve got slightly a more consistent grouping. I attribute this to the updated and expanded taglist and the new tracked tag function - same group of people check back week to week?
The average number of notes per coda also shrunk, from 646 notes to 596 notes per coda.
I actually hit a new low in terms of notes. The lowest DeanCas coda for this year only got 170 notes, compared to last year’s 204.
I wrote 1.5 times the amount of words as last year despite writing fewer codas in total, going from ~30k to ~46k.
Just like last year, a fandom artist did a little art piece for the 12th episode coda! How funny! There’s something about that point in the season, I guess. Here’s the beautiful piece by hellosaidthemoonisafangirl.
What I’ve learned:
This year saw a lot of changes! I moved to the West coast and got on a different time table than last year. I usually watch the episodes after they appear on the CW website - usually 10:30pm or 11pm PST - and then post around 1am if I’m on time. I also introduced #colognecoda for easier storage and tracking.
I did see a drop in notes compared to last year, and I think maybe the time change might be to blame. I’m no longer as prompt.
#colognecoda has been immensely helpful, if not for my readers then for me! Definitely keeping it as a permanent feature on my blog.
With regards to the taglist: it’s nice having a core group of people that I know will read my work. Engagement is still largely 1/5 reblogs per likes, though, which I had hoped would increase now that I have a tag system. I found myself getting a little frustrated that people that have asked to be tagged in my work sort of blindly consume my content instead of helping me spread it by reblogging. This is a continued trend from last year.
The correlation between coda popularity and episode popularity is less firm this time around, but still holds. 13.21 was the least watched episode of the season (just like last year’s 12.21), and I guess that shows in my work because I didn’t even post a coda that week. Most watched episode was 13.01, also my most popular coda. The rest of the most popular codas also matched up in terms of ratings, but my least popular coda also did significantly well in terms of viewership. Hm.
My readership is incredibly loving and forgiving. Just generally the best. I am absolutely under no pressure to create content on time, or even at all. The support is absolutely overwhelming and I treasure it. 
Thank you to literally everybody that supported me over the course of the season. I will definitely continue posting codas next season as long as y’all keep reading them, and I’ll be continuing with #colognecoda and the taglist! 
If you’d like to be added to the coda master taglist, please let me know and I’ll put you on the list for next year.
So, so much love <3
* I’m excluding any codas that were not DeanCas focused. The 13.07: Jack coda actually had the fewest, at 124 notes. It was also technically the shortest at 751 words. It is another continued trend that codas not focused on Dean and Cas get the least attention.
** I suspect that this one got the lowest number of notes because it was posted late (I missed a few episodes due to some school things) and at a weird time. 13.10 and 13.12, which also appeared in the bottom, were part of that same series. 
33 notes · View notes
ozonecologne · 6 years
I love your fics so much. The 13.17 coda legit almost made me cry. I hope the show never ends so your codas never end
Aw man this is so sweet, thank you so so much. For real.
(read my 13.17 coda here)
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