loquaciousquark · 2 years
I don't know if anyone here cares about Overwatch, but I do, and tonight is the last night the game as I've come to love it exists. Overwatch 2 comes out Tuesday in a free-to-play model with some pretty major gameplay changes built in, and they're combining the player bases in the new game rather than allowing the old base game to persist as a separate entity.
I started playing in 2016, right after the game launched (thanks, @mystery-moose), and one thing the game does is select a few seconds of an impactful play during a match and replays the clip at the end of the match for all to see in the Play of the Game. For some reason, I started recording mine, and then I just...never stopped.
Here's all my Plays of the Game from Overwatch, 2016-2022, with tons of amazing memories playing with @eponymous-rose, @silksieve, @mystery-moose, @annalyia, @bettydice, and even @codenamecynic a time or two, and dozens of others from here and elsewhere.
I've had some amazing times in this game and some crappy ones too, and it definitely made me rage more than once—sometimes even in the same matches where something so hilarious happened I started crying laughing and couldn't see to shoot. But at the end of the day it was fun, and I had an incredible amount of fun playing it, and I'm really, really sad it's going away.
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faejilly · 1 year
@msviolacea tagged me in a music thing awhile back, and I am finally playing! (No pressure tagging: Anyone Who Wants to Blame Me! also @atomicpen, @breadedsinner, @codenamecynic, @evilsapphyre, @foxghost )
Prompt: Shuffle your 'On Repeat' spotify playlist and list the first 10 songs that play! (Feel free to adapt to whatever "liked/played recently" version of things you have on something Not Spotify as needed 😅)
"Hall of the Mountain King" - Apocalyptica
"Talk" - Hozier
"Versatile, Pt 1 with Bass Flute" - Bolling Jazz Trio [Claude Bolling, Max Hédiguer, Marcel Sabiani, w/Jean-Pierre Rampal]
"Beauty Beats" - Beats Antique
"Vendetta" - UNSECRET, Krigarè
"Monsters" - Lucy Daydream
"No Plan" - Hozier
"Once Upon A December" (instrumental) - Kat Glaze
"Persuasion" - Regency Players
"Your Favorite Color is Green" (The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2) - James Newton Howard
(And after that shuffle gave me like three more Hozier songs in a row, wtf spotify, that is Bad Shuffling 😅🤣🎵)
That is uh, probably pretty accurate, even if it's missing a bunch of the usual suspects. Fanmix choices and writing instrumentals and strings, oh my? I am deeply shocked by the lack of 70's/80's rock I tend to play when I'm driving... apparently not as much driving as usual lately!
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bettydice · 4 years
Music for @perahn‘s Astralis.
Taliesin deserves all the happiness in the world and so does @codenamecynic.
I love you so much twin-wife, happy birthday!
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fandom-age · 5 years
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text overlaid atop the dragon age logo that reads "A huge shout-out to incredibly talented fanfiction writers that have inspired me to pick up artwork after a long hiatus again: @pikapeppa @loquaciousquark redhawkerevolver on AO3, @quinnlocke @codenamecynic SnappingQuills and Akidragonwings on AO3."
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perahn · 5 years
jadesabre301 said: who wrote fionavar tapestry         
jadesabre301 said: i know i could google it but it’s more fun if you tell me
Guy Gavriel Kay - he’s a beautiful writer. Tigana is also great. Some of his other books are a bit hit or miss for me, but they’re all worth reading.
bettydice said: Y u so depressing khem’s life
jadesabre301 said: I LOVE THIS FACTOID
To be fair, I’m not sure about those two either, and I forgot to count Khem.
ashara-art said: Wow that’s a lot of projects. I’m in awe o.o
codenamecynic said: he is quite excellent isn’t he, but also THIS IS A RELATABLE NUMBER OF PROJECTS
It’s a lot, but it’s not like many of them have been touched in years
(One day I will finish Chenna for you, Seika!)
oleandersone said: Quinn and Sand? Quinn and Sand! Ohhhhh my goooooosh.                   
With guest appearance from Gann, who is an old hand at this dad thing by now, with a mostly human, slightly elf, slightly hag little girl sitting on his shoulders <3
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thisonelikesaliens · 6 years
For @codenamecynic​ whose birthday is this Wednesday!
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Alternative Princess Bride Ethics
Moon: they'll be bffs yet
Moon: I can see it
Moon: Khem: "Goodnight Harper. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning."
Moon: XD
Dakoyone: Oh no
Dakoyone: We're all Princess Bride characters
Dakoyone: Katy: "You can die too for all I care" *pushes Harper off a hill*
Dakoyone: Harper: "What. The. Fuck. Katy!"
Moon: i think that makes jarnath humperdink
Perahn: Well, I mean, the name alone...
Moon: Thulwar: *leans over dead patron* "With all-dead there's usually only one thing you can do"
Moon: Lurch: *goes through pockets to look for loose change*
Dakoyone: Shay: *in full Long Death monk garb and in "I'll be the distraction" mode* "The Red Wizard Khemuret is here for your souuuul"
Dakoyone: *is set on fire*
Moon: lmaoooooooooooooo
Moon: perfect
Dakoyone: Katy: "Slave boy, carry my bag for me"
Dakoyone: Harper: "*eyes roll forever* As you fuckin' wish"
Moon: Harper: "Hello. My name is Taliesin Harper. I killed my brother. Prepare to die!"
Dakoyone: Random foe: "What? That doesn't even--" *is stabbed*
Dakoyone: Khemuret: "Yess, killed by their own bemusement."
Moon: Khem: "Excellent."
Moon: Harper: "You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."
Dakoyone: Khem: "To the pain means the first hting you will lose will be your feet below the ankles. Then your hands at the wrists. Next your nose."
Dakoyone: Jarnath: "And then my tongue, I suppose. I killed you too quickly the last time. A mistake I don't mean to duplicate tonight!"
Perahn: Shay: "Love cannot stop true death. It can only delay it for a while."
Dakoyone: Shay and Khem, pre-campaign
Khem: "Finish him. Finish him, your way."
Shay: "Oh good, my way. Thank you, Khem... what's my way?"
Khem: "Pick up one of those rocks, get behind a boulder. In a few minutes the man in black will come running around the bend. The minute his head is in view, hit it with the rock."
Shay: "...My way's not very sportsmanlike."
Moon: i love you, nerds
Dakoyone: Harper: "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours."
Moon: Harpy: "Flatterer."
Perahn: Khem: "this spell will be sucking away years of your life... Now do be honest, this is for science. How do you feel?"
Moon: Harper: *waggles eyebrows* "You don't know"
Dakoyone/Perahn: Khem: *overanalyzes the hell out of a problem then tries to cheat anyway* "You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is "Never get involved in a land war in the Underdark", but only slightly less well-known is this! "Never go against a Red Wizard when death is on the line! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA " *dies*
Dakoyone: Harper: "Mushrooms of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist."
Dakoyone: My work here is done
Dakoyone: oh boy I should sheep
Perahn: sleep well, and dream of fresh corpses
Dakoyone: Anyone for more discourses?
Dakoyone: /QUIT
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Apparently I should not pay bills while tired as I managed to send two bunches of moneys to the wrong payees.
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lethendralis-paints · 5 years
A comprehensive list of my favourite Fenris/f!Hawke fanfiction:
(I tried to tag authors who have blogs on Tumblr and also note the abandoned or in-progress fics too) 
 It is time to do this properly (also the one and only @kallielef asked for FenHawke fic recommendations), so here goes:
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‘Lovers in A Dangerous Time’ by @pikapeppa - an ongoing novel-length fanfiction centering on Fenris the Inquisitor and Rynne Hawke; one moment it’s fluffy, romantic and lighthearted and the other it’s taking a deep dive into the readers psyche, crushing our collective hearts. 
‘Invicta, Invictus’ by @loquaciousquark        https://archiveofourown.org/works/5736415/chapters/13218469 (FHawke/Fenris Tevinter magisters AU, friendship to romance, adventure, perfect in every way!).
‘How to happily harbor a viper in your midst’ by Sattar https://archiveofourown.org/works/1015027/chapters/2015647 (FHawke/Fenris friendship to romance, comfort, psychology, humour).  (sadly, unfinished)
‘Damned Spot’ by @pikapeppa https://archiveofourown.org/works/17710157/chapters/41780090 (FHawke/Fenris, friendship to romance of course, modern Thedas AU,). illustrated by wonderful @schoute
‘Flight of a Hawk, Return of a Wolf’ by RedHawkeRevolver https://archiveofourown.org/works/1258807/chapters/2591650  (FHawke/Fenris Tevinter magisters AU, adventure, romance, intrigue, dreams, incredibly sweet romance, Fade, there’s everything there!) I did some illustrations for this one!
‘With You Still’ by @theherocomplex (a part of incredibly touching series called ‘Distant Shores and Voices’ spanning the entirety of Fenris and Hawke romance arc).
‘You Found Me’ by @quinnlocke https://archiveofourown.org/works/5301725/chapters/12239651 A three-part series of incredibly well thought out and sweet fics set in modern AU ( centered around a culinary school of all things!) 
‘October and April’ by Roarkshop https://archiveofourown.org/works/1143666/chapters/2314874 (an interesting twist on FHawke rogue and Fenris’ romance).
‘Undone’ by @codenamecynic​ one of those genius stories born out of a simple kink meme prompt! Features a flustered and insanely hot Fenris finding his way through the pitfalls of friendship slowly turning to love https://archiveofourown.org/works/482156/chapters/838851 
‘Did I hear” by @minionripley  https://archiveofourown.org/works/3881170/chapters/8676322 another one of those fanfiction gems that turns a simple prompt into a whirlwind of emotions and drama. That scene with a bread loaf (no, it’s not what you think it is, ok!) is so sweet and insanely hot at the same time, that it haunts my dreams to this day!
‘Sunrise, Sunset (Or How Do You Say Sod Off In Tevinter?)’ (updated) by AkiDragonwings https://archiveofourown.org/works/2348693/chapters/5180153 (if you like long dialogues, heroes engaging in deep, 2 chapters long,  philosophical discussions, weird humour, layered dream sequences and psychological studies, then this long fic is for you! Ilove it to bits)
‘Six Feet’ by SnappingQuills on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/291323/chapters/466056 - a heartwrenching and masterfully written fanfiction based on a deceptivly simple prompt. Ends on such a sweet note, I very nearly died!
‘Undefeated’ by @fawxdraws  https://archiveofourown.org/works/4395161/chapters/9978923 - a sadly unfinished masterpiece of modern punk and underground fighting ring AU goodness (beautifully illustrated by the author!).
‘Champion’ by Vashoth on FF.net https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10826002/1/Champion an incredibly imaginitive fairytale AU with Hawke being queen Leandra’s daughter forced to offer her hand in marriage to the knight who wins the grand tournament held in her honor. Fenris is a runaway slave who stole a knight’s identity by chance and is taking part in the competition. This fic holds my heart forever by giving Fenris nickname “Goose” and having both Bethany and Carver in it.
‘Love is a farm in Ferelden’ - maybe the sweetest and fluffiest work of fanfiction created by the wonderful  Shinkshinkshink  and JenniferHawke on FF.net (sadly unfinished). https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9161497/1/Love-is-a-Farm-in-Ferelden  An AU set 3 years before the blight chases the Hawke family away from Lothering, with Fenris finding his way to this small town in search of refuge. Hawke family present in full, with the best Malcolm Hawke i’ve seen in fanfiction ever!
I hope I will be able to add more wonderful gems of writing to this list as time goes on!
 These stories had touched my heart, helped me to pull through my depression, cured my soul, made me laugh, cry, provide endless inspiration for artwork and solidify FenHawke as my ultimate OTP until I die! 
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machinequeen4 · 4 years
Fic rec bingo list!
I thought I’d fill out this fic rec bingo card, posted by @lightveils on Twitter!
It sort of turned into the History of MachineQueen in Fanfiction. All you unsung heroes who write and publish fanfic, I love you and remember your names.
Recs for Fire Emblem Fates, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Yu-gi-oh, Doctor Who, RWBY, Ace Attorney, Tales of Graces follow!
1. A fic you love without knowing the source material
Undone - codenamecynic, Dragon Age II, E rated, Fenris/Female Hawke, multichap 135k words
I know nothing about Dragon Age and can’t remember why I decided to read it. TV Tropes maybe?  From what I can tell it’s the events of the game with additional sex scenes. Hawke is witty, Fenris is a tragic broken bird, I was sold.
2. A fic with a premise that shouldn’t work but it does
Trial and Error - undieshogun, Fire Emblem Fates, T rated, Subaki/Takumi, multichap 15k
Not so much a premise but a ship I wasn’t convinced on. But it had Subaki in it so I gave it a try. It’s really cute - Subaki tries to teach Takumi social skills, much to his annoyance. 
This line alone is gold star characterisation:
"I couldn't tell you why Tsubaki has taken such a liking to you, but I do know that any time he wants to befriend someone, it's because he sees in them something he lacks."
3. A fic you’ve reread several times
Gratitude - GoldenThreads, Fire Emblem Three Houses, T rated, Hubert/Ferdinand, multichap 8k
The writing style is so beautifully layered that I find new meaning every time I read it. The scene where Ferdinand offers a hairpin for each story Hubert tells is gorgeous, one of my favourites to reread. 
4. A fic you still remember many years later
A Song I Think I Heard Before - Scribbler, Yu-gi-oh, T rated, Mai/Jounouchi (Joey), multichap 40k
My favourite Mai fic. This gives her a backstory with Dartz based villainy and recontextualises her relationship with Jou (Joey in the dub, most YGO authors used the JP names to distance themselves from 4Kids’ added cheese). I was on tenterhooks waiting for each new chapter. It’s got real emotional depth, capturing Mai’s cynical nature perfectly. Also I still think about/use the phrase bumblefuck in the morning. 
5. A comfort fic
just a little stuck on you (you’ll be on me too) - flowermoons, Fire Emblem Three Houses, T rated, Hubert/Ferdinand, one chap 33k
This brings the cast of FE3H to the modern world and drops them into reality TV show The X Factor. There’s no war or death angst, just a singing contest. I grew up with The X Factor on TV on a Saturday night so this was a delight. Like me, the author is cynical about reality TV which makes the fic even more engaging. Ferdinand mourning his long hair after he cuts it and Hubert running round London looking for him really made my day. 
6. A catharthic fic
Long and Lost - Windian, Tales of Graces, M rated, Richard/Asbel, multichap 36k
Listen game, you can’t spend 40 hours having the protagonist’s motivation as ‘save Richard’ and then pull a no homo on me! In this fic Asbel dutifully marries Cheria only for the whole thing to collapse in on itself when he realises he’s in love with Richard after all. The snow storm scene is something I’ll always remember.
7. A fic you’d like to print and put on your bookshelf
Revival series - MyAibou, Yu-gi-oh,  T rated, multiship, many k
This is split into multiple parts and has another multipart followup. A continuation of Yu-gi-oh Duel Monsters with shipping and very decent original characters including villains. My polarshipping heart is in love with this scene on the clifftop in part 2 chapter 11 - a slow dance to the sound of the waves to help Mai remember she isn’t alone *melts into a puddle*
8. A fic you associate with a song
Who I Am Hates Who I’ve Been - darkrunner, Yu-gi-oh, rated K+, Mai/Jou, multichap 9k
It’s titled after a song. This was one of the first fics I ever found, read and loved. I was way too shy to review but I loved this author dearly. Good old angst & hurt/comfort with a happy ending. A happy ending for Mai was all I wanted haha!
9. A fic that inspires you
Patience, Ponies and Pastries - GoldenThreads, Fire Emblem Three Houses, T rated, Hubert/Ferdinand, multichap, 27k
A shipping fic where the two characters being shipped spend most of the fic apart! This author is so good at characterising the pair, there are treasures hidden throughout. I never thought reading about horses of all things could make me so emotional... 
And this passage from Ferdinand’s point of view:
As long as Hubert did not truly reject such affection, did not throw him in the stocks for his bleeding heart, then he did not require reciprocation. He required that Hubert be cherished, and that was that.
10. A fic that brought you on board a new ship
Marik and Bakura Go To Censored Town - Little Kuriboh, Yu-gi-oh, M rated, multichap, 24k
I spent most of my Yu-gi-oh fandom life wishing there were more fics about Mai and tended to avoid the big slash ships. However, Yu-gi-oh Abridged’s strongest pair were always Marik and Bakura. When I read this fic I realised yes, Marik being an idiot and Bakura being the straight man (not literally) makes this ship sing.
11. A fic you wish could be a movie
Denial & Deception - Bohemienne, Fire Emblem Three Houses, M rated, multichap, 74k (incomplete)
The setting of Derdriu is so lushly described that it would make a wonderful movie setting. Additional points for the masked ball chapters! 
Hubert and Ferdinand infiltrate the Leicester Alliance using a fake relationship. It goes as well as you might expect. There is comedy, there is romance and the whole thing makes you want to smack Hubert round the face with a fish. 
12. A fic that led to you making friends with the author
Past Future Continuous - HermitsUnited, Doctor Who, T rated, multichap 20k
We are not in contact anymore but we shared a love of Donna Noble. This shines through in all her alternate season 5 fics! 
13. A fic you’ve gushed about IRL
Festering Under Your Skin - Bohemienne, Fire Emblem Three Houses, M rated, multichap 52k
My poor gf had to put up with me going on about this one. Lady Edelgard is dead and Ferdinand is a Blue Lion who spares Hubert. All of this is played for maximum dramatic potential. Special marks for the scene where Ferdinand accidentally poisons himself with Hubert’s coffee. So brilliantly in character for both of them. And excellently foreshadowed earlier in the fic where an imprisoned Hubert keeps asking for his coffee... 
14. A fic you associate with a place
Heart of Defiance - battlemage15, RWBY, M rated, multichap 150k
I downloaded this to my phone and read it on the top deck of the number 6 bus as it bumped along the country roads of deepest Devon. I was on my way to job interviews in the city and the trip was 2 hours long. The fic itself is a Yang centric shonen power fantasy that goes to pretty dark places. 
15. A fic that made you gasp out loud
Blood and Ink - ShowMeYourFury, RWBY, M rated, Cinder/Ruby, multichap 45k
This fic is ruthless with Cinder’s villainy. Every time you think she can’t go any further, she does. I love it. 
16. A fic you found at the right time
Forward - Lyricanna, Fire Emblem Fates, not rated, multichap, 34k (incomplete)
I love the concept of this fic so much. Subaki is selected to be a Hoshidan ambassador in Nohr and gets lumped with Niles as a guide. Neither is having a good time. There is a plot going on involving kidnapping and asassination that forces them to work together. 
17. A fic that you would read fic of
The Obligatory Hot Spring Scene - Scribbler, Yu-gi-oh, T rated, oneshot, sub 1k
Written as though the characters are actors and canon is a TV show. I love this concept and would read more in a similar vein
18. A fic that made you laugh out loud
Surrender To Your Peace - spiralpegasus, Fire Emblem Three Houses, M rated, Sylvain/Felix, one chap, 11k
“This is very unfortunate,” Dimitri says with a frown. “As the leader of this mission, I will take full responsibility and use the Swamp Bedroll.”
One does not simply sacrifice themselves to He Who Saw The Bottom Of The Earth And Lived with such a cavalier attitude. “You know your guilt complex doesn’t actually have to extend to sleeping in a gross swamp bag,” Sylvain tells him disbelievingly.
“I agree, Your Highness,” Dedue says, setting He Whose Stench Haunts The Dreams Of Man down on the ground with a delicate sort of distaste. “None of us need use this… bedroll.” He says bedroll the same way he says food when it’s Flayn’s turn to cook.
19. A fic with a line or two you’ve memorised by heart
one sentiment enlightens to another - newamsterdam, Fire Emblem Three Houses, G rated, Hubert/Ferdinand, oneshot 6k
Ferdinand rolls his eyes. “Of course I do, Hubert. I remember very well. I just— well. Perhaps I’ve overestimated you.”
Hubert, who has spent the better part of the past few weeks believing he constantly underestimates Ferdinand, bristles.
Not the exact lines but I always keep this in mind when writing the ship. I think these hit on the fundamental misunderstanding between the two characters. Hubert is only human, not some all powerful hero/villain. And Ferdinand isn’t stupid just because he’s honest and emotional. I think the two of them have trouble getting their heads round these concepts!
20. A fic that gave you butterflies
Ataraxia - Windian, Tales of Graces, T rated, Cheria/Pascal, 13k
"I want you," Cheria tells her, and the night catches like a rubber band. Her hands are in Pascal's hair, Pascal's arms around hers, her mouth on hers. Their kisses are sloppy and messy, noses knocking against one another, but it's everything and it's nothing at all like kissing Asbel.
When they break for air, Pascal tells her, "You don't know how long I've wanted to do this, Cheria."
Cheria asks, "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I dunno Cheria, because you were gonna marry Asbel, maybe?"
It stops her in her tracks. Voice low, she asks, "What am I going to tell him?"
Pascal cups either side of her face. Kisses her, so hot and hard that Cheria's left seeing stars, clinging at the strings of Pascal's swimsuit like a shipwrecked sailor to a spar.
"Screw it. Think about it in the morning. For once in your life, do something you want."
21. A fic that embodies something you value in life
The Truth About Love - MistressAkira, Fire Emblem Fates, T rated, Niles/Subaki, 2k
This fic is experimental in style - the author descrbes it as a soliloquy. The sentiment I take from it is that love is compromising, inconvenient, illogical. Yet it’s still something beautiful and something worth fighting for.
22. A favourite AU
Mobius - SirTeateiMoonlight, Xenoblade Chronicles, T rated, multichap, 17k
Melia finds a copy of Xenoblade, plays it and knows exactly what’s going on in the story. She uses this knowledge to her advantage. It’s a slippery slope. By the end of the story she’s mercilessly torturing Lorothia against her brother’s wishes. 
23. A fic you’ve stayed up late to finish reading
Dirty Sympathy - ideny, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, M rated, Klavier/Apollo, 130k on AO3 not sure on kink meme
I stayed up reading this until 4am and for some reason (probably tiredness) confessed this to my not-yet-gf. She cites this as one of the moments she fell for me!
It’s a dark fic in which Klavier and Apollo are both in abusive relationships with villains. They concoct a plot to implicate the two of them in criminal activities to escape and fall for each other along the way. 
24. A fic that made you feel seen
i knew you were trouble - Magepaw, Fire Emblem Fates, M rated, Niles/Subaki, 8k
First of all the title is one of my favourite songs. Second of all the dialogue is everything I want from the Niles/Subaki ship. Third Subaki’s pegasus makes her presence known. Fourth there is a gory battle scene and hurt/comfort gone wrong. And fifth, a happy ending. 
Niles had to turn away, hand pressed to his mouth, before his own blush betrayed him. This was too good to last. This had to be the most embarrassingly vulnerable moment of his entire life, and of course the entirety of the Nohrian and Hoshidan military combined had to be there to see Niles go soft. 
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 Thanks for the tag @codenamecynic this is my first time being tagged to do one of these
Name/Alias: Carlyne
Birthday: Aug 8 1988
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: idk 5′5?
Hobbies: watching movies, reading fanfic, I used to take tango classes but had to stop because of school but might get back into it since I have the time
Favorite Colour: Blue
Favorite Book: Don’t know if I have a favorite book but anything by maya angelou or toni morrison are my favs
Last Song I Heard: White Mustang by Lana Del Rey
Last Film I Watched: Joker. It was alright, joaquin phoenix was good in it but I don’t think it’s worth all this hype.
Meaning Behind the URL: I did a theatre production and enjoyed the experience and all things theatrical and I’m a black girl so there you have it lol
I don’t really know who to tag so I’ll tag all my followers if they’re interested :)
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bettydice · 4 years
hello I’m cynic
@codenamecynic‘s Get To Know Me Better meme
top three ships: *stares at wall for 3 hours, contemplating how my entire life is dnd now, what is other media, what are ships* Harper/Katy 4ever friendship, Harper/Khem platonic lifepartners, two dicks touching
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick, lipstick looks weird I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU SAY BETTY IT LOOKS WEIRD
last song: Dermot Kennedy - Lost *gross sobbing*
last movie: some trashy movie probably
reading: what’s a book NO WAIT this one romance novel that wasn’t very good and just a lot of drarry fanfic, I don’t even know what wizards are, thanks for that Betty
hey how ya’ll doing, I don’t know how tumblr works anymore
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codenamecynic · 5 years
Chapters: 46/? Fandom: Dungeons & Dragons (Roleplaying Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Relationships: Original D&D Character/Original D&D Character, Taliesin Harper | Taliesin Ferryman/Cort Raghnall Characters: Original D&D Character(s), Taliesin Harper | Taliesin Ferryman, Cort Raghnall, Original Characters Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, Childhood Trauma, Abuse, Mutual Pining, First Love, D&D Backstory, Open Relationships, background M/F, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Reunion Sex, On-Again/Off-Again Relationship, Threesome - F/M/M, Voyeurism Series: Part 1 of The Swordmaster's Son
Born the unnecessary fourth son of a merchant lord, just the spare of the spare of the spare, all Taliesin Ferryman's life was planned for him at birth: serve the kingdom, guard the family legacy, and make his father proud. Unable to meet the cold, ruthless requirements of his father and scapegoated and bullied by his brothers, he finds solace in the one person who has ever made him feel both safe and loved - his best friend, Cort Raghnall, the swordmaster's son.
A story about growth, pain, and being in love with your best friend even when life gets in the way.
Taliesin wakes up the next morning hung over in a strange bed. Not alone either, effectively putting an end to a year of almost-purposeful abstinence in one fell swoop.
He doesn’t quite know what to do with himself, alone again in a city that still feels like a stranger, wandering the street until he ends up like he always does at the harbor. But there’s nothing there for him, no Star Shark to climb aboard, no Marv or Rix to whine at about the results of his own lack of propriety. All he has are his thoughts, the slowly coalescing remembrance of the night before - the dinner, his brothers, Cort - and the way everything hurts in a way that cuts deeper than just his attempt at poisoning himself with low quality liquor on top of too much wine.
The office is near enough to where he ends up, watching the gulls fight each other over scraps and fish guts, and so he goes, still wearing his clothes from the night before. The estate seems too far removed and it isn’t like he has anything to do there anyway except hide. He can do that well enough at his desk.
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perahn · 6 years
bettydice said: MY HEART
bettydice said: Oh khem, you’re so caring and yet so messed up    
Me: *evil grin*
Khem: You take that back immediately.
codenamecynic said: I think you should write our entire game out in retrospect tbh, it makes us sound almost like we make sense   
That would be quite the undertaking, but you know what? I could probably do that and you would still be making Harper sad, you precious monster.
jadesabre301 said: OH NO OH NO OH NO oh wait this is #8 that means there are older ones I should go back and read now that I’m accidentally invested whoops
codenamecynic said: also please masterpost for jade lmao
I think almost everything is under her tag anyway, but I’ll get right on it. :D.
codenamecynic said: @jadesabre301​ you are precious and i love you lol 
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faejilly · 5 years
last line meme
so I got tagged by @theherocomplex, who did more than just a line, and then had to double dare me with this whole “@faejilly ALL OF IT, ALL THE LINES” SO HAVE SOME LINES
this is, oddly enough, not from any of the more active WIPs, i am for you or the Big Bang fic or the weird procedural-ish-thing I just started, but yesterday I popped into the priest!kink thing I started awhile ago (which tends towards theological musing more than smut despite my best efforts) and suddenly wrote in that? IDEK guys. Brains are weird. 
It begins with a prayer.
It's an especially bright one, sharp and powerful in its desperation. It has the weight of Angel-blood behind it, making it louder, making it sing.
It's been a long time since Magnus heard a Nephilim pray.
Most of them don't know how, not really.
The few that might aren't willing to take the risk.
True prayer, the kind that Angels and Demons can hear, the kind that supposedly goes all the way up to God, down to Lucifer, requires the sort of submission the Nephilim are too arrogant to attempt. You have to give yourself up entirely to your question, open yourself up entirely for the answer.
Which means you're vulnerable to whomever, whatever, decides to respond. Very few people can hold tight enough to their own soul when the world comes calling, and true attempts at prayer end in possession more often than not. Not always by Demons, there are all sorts of spirits in the world, but he's never heard of someone actually being answered by an Angel.
Angels seem like dicks. Magnus wonders, sometimes, if his father is as much of an asshole as he is because he's a Fallen Angel, or despite it. Wonders if the Shadowhunters were doomed to be as self-righteous as they are because of the influence of their Angel blood, or their human souls.
He doubts he'll ever get an answer.
I legit have no idea who’s writing atm and who would like to be called out on, so IF YOU WANT, PLS BLAME ME. No pressure example tags? I guess: @glorious-spoon @antivanruffles @codenamecynic @rubyvroom @evilsapphyre
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“Do I get, like, evil points for deflowering the blushing elven virgin?”
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