#coffee break rambling
fruit-salad-ship · 1 year
Pirate AU, captain Plum getting so angry at Peach, so stupidly furious, maybe she withheld information, maybe she did somethign dangerous and stupid, maybe she chased a ghost and endangered the crew, or just...was so dimissive to her own existence it just finally got to her, maybe she'd spent too long drowning her sorrows and being useless. Whatever caused it, Plum starts to throw her weight around as a leader. Kicks her second in command her sword, Peach doesnt even carry it most days, whats the point? She wont die if she's caught without it. So she sees it being presented, eyeing the captain from where she sits.
"Pick it up." Plums dead serious, Peach ignores her, she says it again, louder, angrier. the second time was not a request at all, so with a sluggish stagger peach gets up, picks her sword up, it is not in the best condition, she'd fix that but cant be bothered. It doesnt matter to her one way or another.
She instinctivley blocks an incoming attack, Plum is so mad, venting her anger at this woman through practice, or...maybe this isnt practice? She's attacking with real intent, perhaps a good fight would knock some sense into Peach. The woman seems only half heartedly bothering to defend, she doesnt fight back in any way, slowly being backed up to a mast, ducking to not get hit in the side, plums blade dinking off the wooden trunk.
This goes on for a while, with each lazy movement Plum becomes more furious, how is she putting so little effort into this and coming out unscathed? It dawns on her that if Peach was to fight back, would she have the clear advantage she thought she originally posessed? Plum thought she was the more refined and skilled fighter but...this womans wasting her potential.
Peach grows bored of the back and forth, instead of dodging, taking the hit. People tended to stop attacking soon after that. In a real fight she'd fake her death and get up after a minute of pretending to get back and protect whoever needs it. Plum however knows this tactic, she cant fake her death, the sword in her shoulder hurts, shes immortal, not immune to pain, grabbign it by the blade and pushing it back out of her, an act that unsettles plum, seeing the womans hand cut as she didnt struggle to remove her sword. No slowing, no time to think, plum takes another quick move to land another hit.
Theyre nose to nose, blade through this womans torso, poking out the other side. Of course Peach cries out from the sting of it, gutteral response, but it subsides, she can ignore it and focus on the captain, glaring up at her with such rage in her eyes.
"You done?" a raised eyebrow and calm demeanour from the old pirate. "Fight back." Plum wanted to see what was lurking on this ship, what she'd hired, irritated still from earlier. "You dont want that, just let me go back to my drink." Peach eyed the bottle stood on a barrel not too far away, just wanting a peaceful watch on deck. "No. You need to care. You need to do more than defend, I need a second in command who'll activley try to live, to survive, not just be a walking pin cushion and hope to die every time you take a hit."
This was stupid, the slight twist of the blade in peach's gut a threat, Plum felt guilt, she shoudlnt have been doing this, knew it hurt her, but would never kill. The irrittion that this idiot, this woman who could do so much, would just simply choose to do nothing instead got to her however.
"I'm not fighting you."
"Why not?!" Plums sword slid out and she took another agile swing, slicing through the womans shoulder, she didn teven try to move away from it.
"Because theres no point. You'll lose, all the skill in the world wont end me, its a fruitless task." And truth be told, Peach wouldnt raise a blade to her, couldnt even, unsure why, just...couldnt bare to fight her properly, fully aware of the horrors she'd enacted on foe in the past, no friend deserves that.
"So you only act when its too late? Only do something when youve already lost." At such close proximity Plum was able to glare at her, and for a brief moment, Peach felt something she'd not had in her for a while. Rage. Not more than four days prior to this she'd mentioned the past, her wife, the way she got revenge for what happened. It felt like...Plum was calling her out for that. For not doing enough then, as if what happened was her fault. While to some degree she agreed, the fact that someone would think she'd not fight tooth and nail to protect what she loved sunk in, a second or two ticking by as the fury started to collect.
Some small fragment of her old self started to surface, instead of pulling her body off the blade, taking one hand and shoving her opponent hard, sword going with her, freeing Peach and giving them a meters grace, space to adjust.
For the first time, Plum felt a little fear because of this woman, watching her straighten up, stop slouching, hold her sword properly, but more than anything, it was her eyes, they looked dark and menacing now, not tired or dismissive like before.
"I need to see that you dont let disaster hit before you do something. The crew need a second in command who cares wether they live or die. I need you to show me you have any real fight in you left, because right now, you look like youve given up." Peach was drunk, her shirt now had some holes in it, a small amount of blood on her person, wounds already healing up, sticthing back together, realising she'd not instilled any faith in anyone here since arriving.
"Fine. Have it your way." That deep seated anger started to rattle around in her, for the first time during this exchange, taking a step forward instead of simply defending. Plum did all she could to stop what happened next. The swing of that chipped old blade was so heavy it broke through her defence, staggering her back quickly, Peach's pace refusing to faulter, closing the gap steadily, as if fully in control, it was daunting, she didnt flinch to block the striked plum threw, eyes set ahead. "This is what you wanted right?" another solid hit had to be dodged, not blocked, there was no way Plum could handle another stagger like that. Their fight was brief. within five hits, the old and in places rusted weapon wrapped itself in such a way around the captains pristeen rapier, a moment where peach flinged the sword across the deck, clattering as she took one strike to threaten.
Plum felt a sting on her cheek, a thin line of red starting to appear, such a controlled strike that it only scratched her, looking up to see the looming threat standing close. "Dont you dare think that I wouldnt act before its too late. Thats...not what happened before."
It was suddenly apparent how this woman gained such a reputation, not once since she'd joined the ship had Plum seen it, never seen her do more than the bare minimum. The sword was sheathed, and Peach turned, grabbing the bottle she'd been forced to leave, leading her way off up the other end of the ship to be alone.
At least the captain knew now just what she was working with, and it frightened her a little.
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echoingbiconfusion · 4 months
Megalodon!Ghost and good ol LemonShark!Soap.
Since it’s still mermay I’m just gonna drop this rq
Think of this, we all know the Megalodons are extinct but what if there was a Mermega? In their universe they don’t know this creature exists since it’s hiding out at the bottom of the sea, far past were human kind have explored. And get this LS!Soap knows the deep depts of the sea are dangerous but like the little gremlin he is he still goes down there only to find MD!Ghost sleeping as a full Mega. But accidentally wakings him up and now has a MASSIVE ass shark that was told to be a myth seeing him as food.
Thoughts anyone? 👀👀👀
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buckera · 5 months
btw if Buck and Tommy start a running joke about all their dates being disastrous, I will throw myself off something very tall /pos
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stupidcanofpeaches · 1 month
you ever get into this sort of ennui state where nothing you write ever seems to be good enough. other people are so good at it and you read it and weep and then you look at your work and it just. isn't. it's trash. it will never be this good.
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crazylittlejester · 7 days
“i just wanna put Edward Elric and Mask in a room together and just see what happens”
- me, five seconds before opening up google docs
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gammija · 3 months
some more 'Zavelverzen' localisations, for fun
Sid Wright - Sid de Wit
High Katabasian Mason - Hoogkatabasein Mulder
Glottage - Voldrecht
The Wither Tide - De Schraalvloed
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caramello-styles · 5 months
I miss lombok
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lesbiangracehanson · 5 months
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marleysfinest · 9 months
pfp now my actual face so if that shatters the illusion I apologise!!!! I just like that piccy bc it shows off my jjk tshirt and also my hair looks good for once!! peace and love!!!
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pekodayz · 1 year
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this is what they would prob wear to work.
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findafight · 2 years
Middle of the clone wars Obi Wan is so funny to me because this guy...this guy's got the shit kicked out of him multiple times in quick succession, he's on the front lines, he's searching for the Sith who's masterminding this who war, his grandpa is trying to get him to join the baddies and making vague threats about the government, his GREAT Grandpa only speaks in riddles, people are dying, and he is a 35year old single father of two teenagers who like to blow stuff up and run around with lightsabers. He is holding on through caf, dramatics, and sass alone.
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doonarose · 4 months
I am finally committing to writing a long fic human AU. All my other fic writing commitments as done. I have an idea and a framework and a few scenes dialogued out.
I am very excite.
But I am having my first work from home day tomorrow in god knows how long. Like months? Because I need to put in a promotion application. Which I should have been drafting for a couple months and I have not started at all and it's due Friday and I really need to do it. Like, challenge them not to give me that, with all the other bullshit they've thrown at me. So tomorrow is a mad full-on writing day and I'm annoyed it's to try to get like a $10k a year promotion, because I'd rather be writing smut.
Oh well.
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echoingbiconfusion · 2 months
Y’all I’m getting weird ass dreams again
Not gonna go into the second one but why the fuck was I teleported into a non existent cod campaign???
I was in the game physically playing as the characters don’t remember who the first one was but I started as apart of soaps unit gave me a rapid fire ak and everything even more ammo
Then i switched to the bad side which was the president.and apparently i shot someone important to soap when i jumped and dipped for cover bc the Mf ran down the steps somehow dodging bullets or they just had bad aim and look PISSED. THEN HIS CRAZY ASS JUST STOPPED ONFE HE SAW ME AND SHOT ME IN THE HEAD! 😭😭 I literally saw his face for a second then I’m back at the checkpoint crying.
I could tell the whole thing from what I remember if you’d like but the funny part is,Is that I was playing hide in seek WHILE PLAYING COD.
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rexcaliburechoes · 2 months
coffee you cruel mistress
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Heading into the polar night, I miss the constant light and warmth of the summer months. And the effortlessness.
But I don't miss the spiders.
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mastersoftheair · 1 year
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while largely a speculative nothingburger as far as MotA info/release date goes (this autumn? doubt.png), i'm posting for two reasons- 1) it's a new article At All (despite basically being an actor profile on fionn o'shea, but at least it isn't a computer generated rehash 'article'), and 2) this hilarious sentence: "But, due to actors' strike rules, Fionn can't talk about [MotA]." bc the cast/crew was Sooooo forthcoming before the strike lol
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