#coffee mousseline
basicallybaking · 10 months
Made a coffee variation on this recipe, which had a very nice texture (both smooth and fluffy). For the coffee flavor, hot infuse 350g milk (use 50 extra grams milk for every 300g in the recipe) with 2 Tbsp espresso for an hour, then strain through cheesecloth and make as directed.
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chic-a-gigot · 3 months
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 25, vol. 16, 24 juin 1894, Paris. 1. Toilettes d'été. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
(1.) Corsage de pongé suède et rouge et mousseline de soie brodée. — Grand empiècement tout bouillonné terminé par un entre-deux dentelle ou une bande brodée. Corsage tout froncé monté après l’empiècement, serré à la taille par une ceinture de ruban nouée de côté, manche globe terminée par un sabot mousseline de soie, jockey assorti sur la manche. Col drapé.
(1.) Suede and red pongee bodice and embroidered silk chiffon. — Large bubbled yoke finished with a lace insert or an embroidered band. Fully gathered bodice fitted after the yoke, tightened at the waist with a ribbon belt tied at the side, globe sleeve finished with a silk chiffon clog, matching jockey on the sleeve. Draped collar.
Matériaux: 5 mètres de pongé, 4 mètres de mousseline brodée, 1m,50 de ruban.
(2.) Toilette en lainage café et galon mohair crème. — Jupe ronde forme cloche avec deux plis derrière très serrés à la taille. Le bas de la jupe est garni d’un galon mohair crème. Corsage rentré dans la jupe, agrafé sur l'épaule et sous le bras, décolleté en rond et garni de galon. Guimpe de toile de soie blanche toute bouillonnée, encadrée par une berthe ronde derrière et en pointe devant, s’arrêtant de chaque côté de la poitrine. Col drapé en toile de soie, haute ceinture en surah, manche gigot étroite du bas et large du haut, garnie d’un revers au bas garni de galon. Chapeau paille ondulé orné de mousseline de soie en volant et d’un nœud de dentelle avec pouf de fleurs des champs.
(2.) Ensemble in coffee wool and cream mohair braid. — Round bell-shaped skirt with two pleats at the back, very tight at the waist. The bottom of the skirt is trimmed with a cream mohair braid. Bodice tucked into the skirt, stapled on the shoulder and under the arm, round neckline and trimmed with braid. Guimp of white silk canvas all bubbled, framed by a round berthe behind and pointed in front, stopping on each side of the chest. Draped silk canvas collar, high surah belt, lamb sleeve narrow at the bottom and wide at the top, trimmed with a lapel at the bottom trimmed with braid. Wavy straw hat decorated with ruffled silk chiffon and a lace bow with wildflower pouf.
Matériaux: 7 mètres tissu, 10 mètres de galon, 1 mètre toile de soie.
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gnossienne · 1 year
May you recommend us some French delicacies!!
All of them, chérie. A few favourites-
Ris/tête de veau
Confit de canard
Bouillabaisse à la Marseillaise
Paris-Brest (yes, praline mousseline is the classic, but I favour pistachio)
Éclairs (any and all flavours except coffee, ugh)
Tarte Tropézienne
Croquembouche (a noticeable running theme of choux puffs...)
Île Flottante
et finalement, lavender and lemon madeleines with tea.
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chicinsilk · 2 years
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US Vogue November 1, 1957 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
The excitement of this year's short black dress-embroidered lace showing its deep pattern against coffee-coloured chiffon satin; sleeved ; with a shorter-than-last-year skirt. A charmer, this dress, with the verve to play a dinner-theatre lead all season. By Countess Alexander.
L'effervescence de la dentelle brodée de la robe courte noire de cette année montrant son motif profond contre le satin de mousseline de couleur café ; à manches ; avec une jupe plus courte que l'année dernière. Charmante, cette robe, qui a la verve de jouer les têtes d'affiche d'un souper-théâtre toute la saison. Par la comtesse Alexander.
Model/Modèle Marie-Hélène Arnaud Photo Karen Radkai vogue archive
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Thursday 5 December 1839
8 ½
fine hard frosty morning F59 ¾ now at 9 ¾ and breakfast – no! could not take anything – returned to my room – sick – brought up a little merely bile – lay down, after drinking a glass of warm water, till count Panin came about 11 – too unwell to go out – he sat with us till after 1 – having had the man for me for the sledge carriage a sort of covered kibitka price 190/. instead of 140 as I understood before – he had paid 20/. in advance which 20/. I repaid to him and paid the hundred and seventy additional! – afterwards came the man who offered himself as travelling servant the one I was to have seen a day or 2 ago – asked 150/. per month 5/. per day – then came down to 100/. per month which count P- said was too much – his eating and drinking would cost him one rouble a day, and his cloak etc. for the voyage winter and summer 150/. en tout – longish talk – has been a soldier – a Russian – native of Moscow, but learnt French in the campaign in the time of Napoleon – asked count P- if I should write to Lord Claurickard for a letter from him to count Woronzow, and to Lord Ponsonby at Constantinople – no! not necessary – this led to some anecdotes of Lord C- not esteemed our 1st rate diplomat and surely not the most elegant of men if I made no mistake as to his se couchait à cheval at a review where he was at the moment within sight of the empress’s carriage she leaning back s’enfonçait dans la voiture pour éviter observing such a gaucherie, for, after all as I remarked, such a thing could only have happened thro’ gaucherie – mauvaite [mauvaise] honte – or anything but mauvaise volonté one of our attachés likewise appeared at Borodino in a singularly mal à propos undress-dress! – How mortifying all this! Fonelmont (Austrian ambassador at St. P-) seemed to be thought the cleverest of the foreign Dipolmates, and next to him the Swedish ambassador – Lord G- at Paris is not thought likely, I should guess, to set the Thames on fine - ......... what a pity our diplomacie est si faible! count P- really good humoured, useful, and agreeable – we must try what we can do for him when he goes to England – he was hardly gone when princess Barbe Ourousoff called – I apologised and left her and her young Russian girl while I went to the woman from chez Mathias who had been waiting 2 hours said Grotza – la robe allait très bien, but, as they afterwards told me, was for summer, not winter, and looked starvation. should have been white gros d’afrique, or silk of some sort much better than muslin si claire it would have done for a ball over satin had it not be brodée with scattered light sprigs – Returned to princess B.O. dressed – she wished to see Grotza – (I called her in to speak to her) – and on leaving us, went as she afterwards said to Mrs. Howard, found her at dinner and ate beefsteak with her! – dressed   I en mousseline claire blanche and coiffée par Larne en fausse matten de Paris that I have not worn almost since leaving there – A-
in her evening, last Paris, pretty brown and pretty little pink-flowery stripe – arrived about 3 20/.. dinner in about ¼ hour – countess Kutaisoff gone – princess Gortchakoff ill in bed – her daughter and sons (children) there and princess B.O. and Miss Delamine and some men, - one a young officer who is obliged to (under obligation to) the old princess O-  dinner over and coffee and had sat some time princess B- O- gone when came away and home about 6 or soon after – princess R- with us the whole time before retiring to her room – has had another consultation – ordered to remain here 6 weeks longer – her 3 rings given set à l’anglaise, one in England by her husband – a little square emerald (emerald) 3 good topazes, and a hoop of 2 or 3 small diamonds and as many rubies – should buy Emeralds at Constantinople – unset – countess Nesselrode bought stones for 2 parures to give to her 2 daughters on their marriage – her uncle gave her her 4 gold bracelets she wore – not exceeding ½ in.? wide – neat – solid – à l’anglaise – given her at Vienna by her uncle Tatischeff Russian ambassador there – old princess O- told me when she was here on Tuesday that her brother said he had never seen a woman of princess R-s’ age ‘plus raisonable [raisonnable]’ – (spirituelle discrète, belle, il voulait dire) – tea before 7 – sat talking – then till 10 read over the last batch of newspaper (St. James’s chronicle) sent us by Mr. Camidge (except the latest from Tuesday 8 to Thursday 10 October read before) i.e. read tonight 5 papers from Thursday 27 to Saturday 28 September and to 1, 3, 5, and 8 October last – nothing very particular – nothing worth noting – our friend this morning said Tatischeff not liked or respected   un homme venal – asked to dine at the O-s’ tomorrow Ste. Catherine – four de Fête of the old princess – Ste. Sophie is 17 September O.S. princess R-s’ day – asked if it was the custom in Russian for all the ladies and all the gentlemen to sit together in Russia – no! not now – this merely a family party, and on these occasions the custom of the house – ‘tis now after 11am F61° on the table in my salon – fine hard frosty day but not cold R -7° or 8° not more – but cold east wind – still bilious headache – bilious all the day – afraid I have not done with it yet
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peashooter85 · 5 years
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Dinner Menu of the RMS Titanic, April 14th, 1912
1st Class
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Hors d’Œuvre Variès
Consommé Olga     Cream of Barley
Salmon, Mousseline Sauce, Cucumber
Filet Mignons Lili
Sauté of Chicken Lyonnaise
Vegetable Marrow Farcie
Lamb, Mint Sauce
Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce
Sirloin of Beef     Chateau Potatoes
Green Peas     Creamed Carrots
Boiled Rice
Parmentier & Boiled New Potatoes
Punch Romaine
Roast Squab & Cress
Cold Asparagus     Vinaigrette
Pâté De Foie Gras
Waldorf Pudding
Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly
Chocolate & Vanilla Eclairs
French Ice Cream
2nd Class
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Consommé with Tapioca
Baked Haddock, Sharp Sauce
Curried Chicken & Rice
Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce
Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce
Green Peas     Purée Turnips
Boiled Rice
Boiled & Roast Potatoes
Plum Pudding
Wine Jelly     Cocoanut Sandwich
American Ice Cream
Nuts Assorted
Fresh Fruit
Cheese     Biscuits
3rd Class
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Rice Soup
Fresh Bread     Cabin Biscuits
Roast Beef, Brown Gravy
Sweet Corn     Boiled Potatoes
Plum Pudding, Sweet Sauce
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montripauquebec · 3 years
Notre boite Coffee Drüp
Notre boite Coffee Drüp
Êtes-vous comme nous? À l’automne, quand la fraîcheur arrive, rien de meilleur qu’un bon café chaud Par conséquent, nous nous sommes offert une belle boîte de @drupcafeboutique afin qu’il soit bon à tout moment et en tout lieux! Ces mousselines deviendront sans contredit un incontournable de nos trips au Québec.Et nous n’étions pas les seuls à être trop contents de recevoir notre belle…
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adorablemarie · 6 years
Chocolate Eclairs
Let’s make chocolate eclairs!
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Mmmm. Look delicious.
Okay we’re starting with the Choux paste because that’s what those outside buns are made of that will be filled with all the delicious.  Get together the ingredients:
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* 4 eggs * 125ml milk * 125ml water * 100g butter chopped up * 1/2 tsp salt * 3/4 tsp sugar * 150g flour
We’ll need a good spatula that has a solid connection too (one of the ones where the head will come off is no good)
Put the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar in that pan and turn on the heat.  Stir it up with the spatula until it boils.
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When it’s all melted together and boiling, wait a minute and then take it off the heat and put the flour in. Keep stirring it the whole time. 
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When it’s smooth, put it back on the heat for like a minute until it’s dry, but be careful to not let it dry up too much. I overdid it a bit here.
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When it’s done, put it in a bowl and now it’s egg time.  Crack an egg into the paste and beat ti in using the spatula.  This is why you need a spatula that won’t come apart, this is difficult. 
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Once it’s smooth, do it again for the next egg, and so on until you’re out of eggs.  You’ll end up with something smooth like this.  It’s choux paste!
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It’s piping time.  Put it into a piping bag, or a plastic sandwich bag if you don’t have a piping bag.  Cut off the corner so you have a decent size hole to pipe it out onto a parchment. Oh, you’ll need some baking trays - grease them with some butter or use parchment paper on them.   Then pipe the stuff onto the paper.  These are kinda small, I found out, so make them bigger if you can. These are messy too. I need to learn how to pipe things better.
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Bake them at 425F for like 15 minutes and then take them out, they should be a bit brown.  Choux buns done! Have some coffee.
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Okay let’s make the cream to go inside.
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We’re gonna make Creme Mousseline. We need:
* 6 eggs (2 yolks and 4 whole eggs) * 220g sugar * 50g flour * 500ml milk * 250g butter (80g in tiny pieces, the rest in whatever) * Some flavoring (I used vanilla but you could use choocolate or coffee syrup)
We need a whisk, a bowl, the saucepan again, another bowl to put the stuff in for a while, and the mixer.
Put all the eggs in a bowl (don’t forget just the yolks for two) and then add like half the sugar and whip it up for a few minutes until it’s all smooth and that sugar has dissolved.  Add the flour which will dry it out a bit and whip it for half a minute more.
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Milk and the rest of the sugar go into the saucepan.  Make it boil and stir to dissolve the sugar.
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Here’s the tricky part: pour some of the hot sweet milk into the egg mix while you stir it.  Stir that up until it’s thoroughly mixed and then put it back into the saucepan and continue making it hot for about 3 or four minutes while you constantly stir it.   It’ll get all thick and you don’t want the bottom burning.
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When it’s thick enough for your satisfaction, take it off the heat and then put the cubed butter in, and mix that stuff up until it’s all melted and mixed in. 
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Then put it in a bowl and let it cool down a lot.  Every five minutes or so come and stir it because physics says that’ll make it cool down faster, and also so it doesn’t develop a gross skin on the top.
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About half an hour later, you should have room temperature pudding like stuff.  Cream the butter in the mixer for a few minutes until it’s pale and stuff, then put the pudding in a bit at a time, and turn up the mixer to medium for a while, like six minutes or so.
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Cream is done!  Put it in a piping thingy with a tip, and pipe it into the choux buns.
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All right. Home stretch. The frosting is mostly just chocolate. You need:
* 2oz chocolate chips * 2tbsp butter * 1 1/4 cups frosting sugar * a bit of hot water
We’ll reuse the whisk and another bowl. 
Melt the chocolate and butter in the microwave, and whisk them together.  Add the powdered sugar a bit at a time and continue whisking.  It’ll start looking all pilly, that’s fine.
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Add just a little hot water and whisk. Repeat until it’s the right texture. Be careful to not over-water.
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Put it in a piping bag and then pipe it on, or just use a knife and spread it onto your eclairs.  Done!
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oumstudies · 7 years
100 Days of French
100 Days of French (6 out of 100):
Colors + Shades
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B :
Beige = Beige 
Black = Noir 
Blue = Bleu :
Azure blue = Bleu azur
Baby blue (or Sky blue) = Bleu ciel
Cadet blue = Cadet bleu
Celeste = Bleu céleste
Deep blue = Bleu profond
Midnight blue = Bleu nuit
Navy blue = Bleu marine
Peacock blue = Bleu canard
Slate blue = Bleu ardoise
Royal blue = Bleu royal
Turquoise = Turquoise
Brown = Brun :
Auburn = Brun roux 
Coffee brown = Brun chocolat 
Light brown = Café au lait 
Light chestnut brown = Marron glacé
C :
Clear = Transparent 
G :
Green = Vert
Apple green = Vert pomme
Bottle-green = Vert bouteille
Bright green = Vert clair
Midnight green = Vert de minuit
Dark green = Vert foncé
Dark moss green = Vert mousse foncé
Dark olive green = Vert olive foncé
Emerald = Émeraude
Forest green = Vert sapin
Grass green = Vert pré or Vert gazon
Harlequin = Arlequin
India green = Vert d’Inde
Lime green = Vert citron
Malachite = Malachite
Mint green = Vert menthe
Neon green = Vert néon
Office green = Bureau vert
Pakistan green = Pakistan vert
Pistachio = Pistache
Gray = Gris
O :
Orange = Orange :
Amber = Amber
Apricot = Abricot
Arylide yellow = Arylide jaune
Dark goldenrod = Verge d’or sombre
Gold = Or
Gold (metallic) = Or métallique
Goldenrod = Verge d’or
Old gold = Vieil or
Saffron = Safran
P :
Pink = Rose :
Brink pink = Rose vif
Deep pink = Rose profond
French rose = Rose française
Fuchsia = Fuchsia
Hot magenta = Magenta vif
Hot pink = Rose vif
Magenta = Magenta
Rose = Rose
Rose pink = Rose
Ultra pink = Ultra rose
Purple = Mauve
R :
Red = Rouge : 
Auburn = Auburn
Blood red = Rouge sang
Burgundy = Bourgogne
Scarlet = Écarlate
Vermillion = Vermillion
W : 
White = Blanc :
Broken white = Blanc cassé
Dirty white = Écru 
Cream = Crème
Old white = Céruse
Spanish white = Blanc d’Espagne 
Y :
Yellow = Jaune :
Aureolin = Aureolin
Canary yellow = Jaune serin
Lemon chiffon = Mousseline de citron
Lemon yellow = J’aune citron 
Maize = Maïs
Mustard = Moutarde
Naples yellow = Naples jaune
Navajo white = Navajo blanc
Golden yellow = Jaune d’or 
Jasmine = Jasmin
Jonquil = Jonquille
Straw = Jaune paille 
Selective yellow = Jaune sélectif
Vanilla = Vanille
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grammery · 3 years
Yeah she's plain-looking, so what? Chocolate genoise sponge soaked with coffee-orange syrup, layered with a vanilla-angostura walnut praline paste, and topped with orange-zested vanilla mousseline and candied orange slices.
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cityroasters-blog · 6 years
THE Cold Brew Blend Recipe!
Holy Cow!! I've been gone for far too long! So far it has been an incredible journey! I did some college, did some moving and most importantly, we launched the company into the local farmers market scene and even managed to secure a handful of wholesale accounts. Honestly, it has been great! A ton of work, but very rewarding. 
During this time, we had the opportunity to develop our product offering. What we've discovered is that cold brew has a huge following. So much so that it has become our best selling cup of coffee. We've even converted those whom traditionally drink iced coffee to drinking cold brew. SO popular that we even mixed up a few batches of beans and bagged them so people can recreate our signature cold brew at home. That being said, here is our recipe!
What you need...
Personally, I believe that if you're going to go ahead and make cold brew, your best interest would be to purchase a Toddy cold brewer... Or, you can do what I started doing 3 years ago, and make cold brew using a mason jar. I like to use a 1 quart mason jar as a starting point. But by all means, the Toddy recipe will suffice.
The best way to convey this brewing method is to do so by weight. Go to your local (serious) coffee shop, and you will notice they are using scales. Ever been to one of our farmers markets and notice that I use a scale to weigh out espresso shots? Yea, most of us use scales. And, so should you! These days their pretty cheap. I like the Hario pourover scale for a mid-level scale. Otherwise, Amazon has a kitchen scale for $15.
When I first started making cold brew I would use 98g. in a 1 quart mason jar and fill it to the top with water. Today, I brew using a commercial toddy system which requires 2kg of course ground coffee to 3 (11.37 kg) gallons of ambient temperature spring water. This is then poured over the coffee and placed into the refrigerator to steep for 18-24 hours. I've just found that 24 hours works best for our purposes...and the concentrate that results is bold and delicious!
What to do...
In a receptacle that it can fit...perhaps a few mason jars... equally divide 1 bag (14 Oz.) of our cold brew blend. Add 79 Oz. (1 1/2 Quarts, approximately) of pure spring water/Ph balanced water to the mason jars, equally. Securely close the lids on the mason jars and invert the mason jars, being sure to completely saturate the grounds. Store the jars (right side up) in the refrigerator for 18-24 hours. After the steeping time has completed, strain the cold brew using a fine mesh sieve, chinois mousseline, or some other fine mesh metallic strainer. I do not recommend using a paper filter as it removes too much of the essence of the coffee. BUT, if you like that outcome then by all means.
Please note, that you WILL NOT likely have 1 1/2 quarts of cold brew. This is because the coffee grounds retain some water.
At this time you will have your concentrate. Which, is perfectly fantastic over ice! However we do mix in a bit of cold pure spring water resulting in the cold brew we serve at the farmers markets. The cold brew concentrate will store (tightly sealed) for about 7 days. Enjoy!
As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to hit the contact button!
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bakelikeapro · 6 years
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#Repost @bubobarcelona with @bakelikeapro ・・・ Un trosset de cel que es fa dir Opera Bordeaux 😇: bescuit Joconde d'ametlles i avellanes, ganache de xocolata al cafè, mousselina de xocolata i avellanes, cruixent de cacau, cafè i avellanes, i macaron de xocolata. ___ Un pedacito de cielo que se hace llamar Opera Bordeaux: bizcocho Joconde de almendras y avellanas, ganache de chocolate al café, mousselina de chocolate y avellanas, crujiente de cacao, café y avellanas, y macaron de chocolate. ___ A piece of sky called Opera Bordeaux: almonds and hazelnuts sponge cake, chocolate and coffee ganache, chocolate and hazelnuts mousseline, crispy cocoa, coffee and hazelnuts, and chocolate macaron. #instagood #bakelikeaproyoutube #chocolate #cake https://ift.tt/2mvRudZ
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thehungrykat1 · 4 years
Canadian Steakhouse Pop-Up at The Test Kitchen
The Test Kitchen by celebrity chef Josh Boutwood recently hosted a Canadian Steakhouse Pop-up from March 9 to 11, 2021 featuring the exquisite flavors of Canadian Beef. For three days, Chef Josh Boutwood masterfully crafted a series of special dishes from mouthwatering appetizers to delectable seafood and awesome steaks.
The Steakhouse Pop-Up at The Test Kitchen was held in partnership with Canadian Beef and the Embassy of Canada in the Philippines which invited me to join the festivities last week. I had just attended one of their events in December (Canadian Roast and Toast Dinner) at Ikomai and Tochi in Makati, but knowing how much I love Canadian beef and their flavorful steaks, this was an invitation I couldn’t refuse.
The Test Kitchen has evolved from being just a tasting room where Chef Josh Boutwood introduces his culinary inventions to a proper restaurant located at the ground floor of One Rockwell’s East Tower in Makati. The restaurant has a spacious al fresco dining area which is very much suited for the times.
If you want to see Chef Boutwood and the other chefs in action, you can choose to sit at the indoor tables with a full view of the open kitchen. The place has a casual yet also sophisticated ambiance, where friends and family can hang out and safely enjoy the food and drinks.
I always make sure that the restaurants where I dine in are following all the necessary health standards and protocols. Social distancing is strictly followed here at The Test Kitchen, with disinfectants readily available on every table. Envelopes are also provided for face masks and utensils are enclosed in their own sanitized pouches as well.
We started with some of their specialty cocktails. The Fireball (P390) is a combination of fireball whiskey, coffee, rosemary, and cucumber. I had the Ungava Tepache (P390) with its blend of ungava gin, tepache, and pineapples. Complimentary breads were also served on the table together with butter.
For our first appetizer course, the Beef Tartar (P560) was definitely a revelation. This beautifully plated starter comes with raw Canadian beef tartare blended with onions and caraway. The maple and soy cured egg sits prettily on top balancing a fennel lavash. Break the egg open and mix it with the beef to create a creamy and colorful dish.
We also had some Mussels (P490) served with garlic bread. These Canadian mussels are sautéed in white wine, garlic, and parsley. I loved dipping my bread inside the bowl to seep up the savoury flavors of the mussels.
I was surprised with the Canadian Scallop Mousseline (P290) which was unlike any scallop dish I had tried before. The mousseline cream is topped with flying fish roe sauce and dill oil. The result is a salty scallop mousse that you can eat by itself or put on some bread for a winning combination.
But the main attraction at the Canadian Steakhouse Pop-Up is, of course, the steak! We ordered the Canadian Angus Ribeye (24oz-P5200) together with truffled mashed potato and creamed spinach as our side dishes.
No matter how many times I have eaten Canadian beef, I still cannot get enough of it. Chef Boutwood’s own version is simply magnificent. The beef is cooked medium with a crusty outer skin but the inner portions are so tender and juicy. Chef Josh Boutwood is really known for serving delicious and meaty steaks, so this collaboration with Canadian Beef is really a gift for foodies.
So what makes Canada Beef exceptional anyway? They say that it is Canada itself - the land where the cattle is raised and its cold climate, rich grasslands, fields, and stunning landscape which makes it highly-suitable for farming. Canada is a sprawling land that stretches over more than seven time zones and is one of the leading beef-producing nations in the world. It is their community of farmers and ranchers who tend to the cattle with values and respect that make Canadian beef truly a cut above the rest.
There’s really no need to add anything else to the steak because Canadian beef is already so flavorful, but all the steaks at The Test Kitchen are served with house mustard, chimichurri and The Test Kitchen steak sauce. So it’s up to you how you want to enjoy your steak.
We also got to taste some of Canada’s seafood as well. The Seabass (P1795) is another exceptional dish served with Tuscan kale and housemade XO sauce. I could not believe how soft and tender this seabass was. Every bite was truly wonderful and I could not have had a better surf and turf combination with the Canadian Angus ribeye steak.
For dessert, we had the Apple Cobler (P390) made with Canadian apples and topped with Vanilla ice cream. We also had the Ice Wine Custard with Blueberries (P220) which was made with wild blueberries harvested from over 10,000 acres in Maine, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. The Ice Wine is also a popular sweet beverage in Canada and I enjoyed having it incorporated in this dessert.
The Embassy of Canada in the Philippines is also participating in the 1st virtual World Food Expo (WOFEX) Spring trade show from March 20 to 29, 2021. As a major participant of the show, they have organized a number of events to showcase the best of Canada’s food and its strengths as an education destination. These are the Philippines-Canada Culinary Cup on March 24-25, the first virtual culinary competition featuring students and faculty of Philippine and Canadian schools; the Canadian Gastronomy Masterclass on March 26 where you can savour the best of Canada’s food industry through a virtual showcase of Canadian beef, pork, seafood, potatoes and wines; and finally the Study Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts in Canada Masterclass on March 27 featuring a series of presentations delivered by 12 Canadian schools that offer programs in hospitality, tourism and culinary arts. You can join these exciting events for free by registering on this link: https://forms.gle/G9S6AyDHQGFSVCaw7.
Thank you Ms. Angel Cachuela and my friends from the Embassy of Canada in the Philippines for another mouthwatering evening with Canadian Beef. I’m glad to see that more and more restaurants are now beginning to offer Canadian beef on their menu so I can easily indulge in my meaty cravings.
Canadian Steakhouse Pop-Up at The Test Kitchen
Ground Floor, One Rockwell East Tower, Makati
(0977) 288-5751
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pingko111 · 4 years
Les mini figures de disney
Tenue à la Basel Musée d'art ancien à Bâle, en Suisse, le musée de l'exposition sera ouvert aux visiteurs de 27 Septembre à Mars 27. Emma WatsonThe Harry Potter l'alun est tous grandi et est rapidement en train de se faire connaître comme un formidable mode et style d'icône. C'est la première incursion dans la mode pour l'actrice qui, parlant de l'usure de femmes quotidiennement, reconnu cela mais a souligné son amour de la mode, son désir de créer des morceaux et insisté sur accessible styliste l'éthique du travail qu'elle apporterait à la marque de dépasser le cadre actuel celebrity tourné designer cliche. Lagos' original a été élaboré esthétique de Caviar il y a près de 40 ans par marque fondateur et directeur créatif Steven Lagos. Mini Disney Figurine Louis, De La Collection Art Of Disney Animation 2017 Nouvelle Collection à dos, disponible sur le Disney a des personnages charmants lié UNIF. Ce look dispose d'un rêveur Nina Ricci robe en mousseline de soie et dentelle couplé avec blanc updo tressé et des talons. Les gros yeux star a l'air divin dans ce bleu, drapé Atelier disney création. Les créent souvent une table à café tomes d'explorer les éléments de style de marque LE ROI LION DISNEY. La Recrue annuel Annuaire est le plus convoité coffee table book pour tous les fashionistas dans votre vie. De même, Brooklyn blonde Helena Glazer couplé Lagos'Black Caviar pijama disney bebe mettant en vedette. Compositeurs américains renommés Philip Glass et Robert Wilson's morceau 'Einstein sur la plage, dont des minimes et répétitif sans effort communiquer un futuristes caractéristique et atmosphère utopique, Disney Bouquet De Ballons Disney Pixar Cars Assurance De l’Authenticitéétait l'inspirational Touchstone pour la collecte. Exigences techniques complexes et soutien aux opérations multi-pays disparaissent grâce à de nouvelles plateformes du commerce. Magazines et imprimer tendent à être capable de faire cela sans effort pour eux. En daim Robe de décalage, disponible à Nordstrom. La saison des fêtes est très occupée pour les consommateurs et une industrie compétitive pour les marques, il est donc essentiel de. Son apparence n'est Disney a sculpté des verres d’eau pas la seule chose qui attire les gens, mais aussi son charisme ainsi. Multi-talent star a conquis tout cela. Montres vu dans la campagne comprennent l'Diamantissima pour les femmes et les Horsebit pour hommes. www.disneystuffs.com
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Wednesday, 24 April 1839
8 10/’’
12 3/4
Fine sunny morning but highish wind – Downstairs at 9 25/’’ – Breakfast immediately and sat over it talking till 12 – In the mean while (about 10) had had Robert Jeffrey, Marian’s gardener – Æt[aetatis] 32 but looking more? Littleish man – Good countenance – Looks steady and trusty, but not as if a 1st rate gardener – The gardener at Cave Castle would speak as to his gardening knowledge – A 2d.[2nd] wife by whom no family – One daughter Æt[aetatis] 9 by the former wife does not live with them – His clerkship makes £6 or £7 per annum but has to walk 300 miles or more for it in the course of the year – Has 3/- a day –
I said that would be about £45 per annum which with his house and all taxes paid would be what I should think of offering him if I thought more about him – Would let Miss Marian know - His wife could wash – He pays £12 a year at present for his house and 2 acres of land – Could manage 1/2 as much in garden single handed – Does not now keep a cow – Has no convenience –
Told Marian she ought not to starve – No! She takes her 2 glasses of wine after dinner and generally a little weak brandy and water at night – This latter part of the story I said I did not much recommend – But she ought to take the best brandy if any – Tasted what she had – Said it was not the best – Said nothing but thought and talked to A-[Ann] afterwards of sending her some – At 12 looked over the house and garden –
Marian very neat in black silk yesterday and a pretty light mousseline de laine this morning – Well made by Mrs. Walker, dress maker, Micklegate York for 11/- all included – Told Marian I did not dare say much about it, but if possible A-[Ann] would pay for Lee Lane before we went – Not to be named but hoped to be off in Easter week – Said I would see Mr. Parker and Holt, and see what could be done about High Royds, and would write as soon as I could give her any good information –
Gave her the little lamp we bought her in Paris – Poor Marian! Evidently pleased at our visit, and at the remembrance – What a pity it is so impossible to influence her, to persuade her to get rid of the troubles, mend her income and her position in Society, and be what she might be –
Off from Mill Cottage North Cave at 12 35/’’ – Sorry the Cave horses could only take us to Market W-[Weighton] - Wanted – Took us the six miles in 3/4 hour – Agreeably surprised to find good horses, and neat good postboy and off in 5 minutes from the Devonshire Arms, Market Weighton –
At Walmgate Bar (York) at 3 35/’’ – Having asked the man to take me into Micklegate to make calls, stopt at the Miss Crompton’s door at 3 3/4 and A-[Ann] and I there 1/2 hour the 3 Misses C-[Crompton] particularly Henrietta (Miss C-[Crompton] in London with her sister Lady Henies, Bolton Street, at the back of Clayes Street) keeping us standing talking the last 10 minutes – A[Ann] acquitted herself very fairly
Off from the C-s[Cromptons] at 4 1/4, and alighted at the Duffins’ – Found Mr. and Mrs. Fairfax of Newton Kyme at luncheon there but they soon went away – Mr. F would I saw have shaken hands but I did not shew any sign of it talked to Mrs. F who sat next me Mrs. Fairfax quite grey, and looking much aged –
Left A-[Ann] with Mrs. D-[Duffin] while rapped at the door of Mrs. Anne and Miss Gage – Not at home – No card – Left compliments – Then admitted for a minute or 2 at Mrs. Yorke’s – Saw her and Miss Y-[Yorke] the latter looking fatter and better than when I saw her last –
Mrs. D-[Duffin] saying I.[Isabella] N.[Norcliffe] had told her we were to dine there today, I thought there must be some mistake (left the D-s[Duffins] at 5 5/’’) and on reaching the George Inn, left A-[Ann] to get out of the carriage by herself, and I ran off to the N-‘s[Norcliffes’s] – Found Isabella – No thought of our dining there – No! we had excused ourselves – All right – Said we would go in the evening if we could –
Home at 5 3/4 – Had Shackleton to dress our hair – Dinner at 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 – A-[Ann] and I out at 7 40/’’ –
Called and sat 1/4 hour with Mrs. Henry Belcombe she as if not knowing how I should receive saluted  kissed her as formerly and all was right      Mrs. H.[Henry] S.[Stephen] B.[Belcombe] gave the same sort of account of her daughter Mariana that Miss Belcombe had done on Monday from which it seems he compliment is all upon the nerves, and with some great exertion or fight on the part of the sufferer (Æt[aetatis] 17) might perhaps be shaken off –
Long talk with Miss Belcombe about it – I said I had the known a very similar case of that wish to continue in bed (thought of Miss Alexander) and were I in charge of the girl, I would carefully arrange all so that no real harm could be done, and then I would contrive to set the bed on fire – Mrs. Lawton would be best person to plan the thing – Dr. and Mrs. B-[Belcombe] should be both away –
Called to inquire after old Mrs. [Belcombe] – Went in for one minute but did not see her, tho’ better today – Ill yesterday – Her stomach out of order – Much changed I suppose – Constantly labours under the idea that she cannot live – has repeatedly and obstinately fancied herself dying –
At the N-‘s[Norcliffes’s] at 8 5/’’ – Tea and coffee – Sat talking till 11 5/’’ and home at 11 1/4 – Talked of travelling &c. &c. advised their by all means going to Munich, and on mentioning A-‘s[Ann’s] wish to see Berlin, C[Charlotte] N.[Norcliffe] owned this was one of her wishes – They will probably sail from Hull to Rotterdam – Take no one but Cooper – Perseveringly avoid saying where they think of going –
Fine day –
[symbols in the left margin of the page:]      ✓       ✓c      ✓c
[in the left margin of the page, near the bottom:]     Mrs. Walker. Dress maker
Page References:  SH:7/ML/E/23/0027 and  SH:7/ML/E/23/0028
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bakingbykristina · 5 years
Paris Brest
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This pastry could be changed in multiple ways similar to like a lot of the other pastries we have made. The filling could be changed to a traditional vanilla as well as adding berries, it could have a matcha filling or a caramel filling topped with actual caramel drizzled on top. You could also probably make it by baking the craquelin dough on top to add extra sweetness and texture. Ways that i could have improved while making the Paris Brest is making the ring a little thicker and more ever so that when filling it would have been more even. I could probably also piped the filling a little higher before topping it off. I have had this pastry before in bakeries and it has always been one of my favorites even not knowing the name of it but always have loved it. Making it was fun and really good with the Praline Mousseline, it tasted like coffee and nutella which is one of my favorite combinations o i was very excited to try it in general. I would defiantly make it again by trying different flavors,and toppings.
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